Page 1: Medicare Integral to Canadians’ Shared Values · Dr Yazdani, who is a graduate of the U of S Dental College and has several years private practice experience. The dental clinic,

Spring, 2012 Community Health Services (Saskatoon) Association Ltd. Phone (306) 652-0300Volume 48, Number 1 455 Second Avenue North, Saskatoon, Sask. S7K 2C2 Fax (306) 664-4120

“Your Health

Care Co-op”



Medicare Integral to Canadians’ Shared ValuesBy Tracey Mitchell, CHSA Member

Despite the frigid outdoor temperature of -47C with thewind chill, many Community Clinic members and supportersbraved the cold to come out for a warm potluck anddiscussion of a hot topic on the evening of January 18, 2012at Mayfair United Church. The guest speaker for theCommunity Health Services Association Semi-AnnualGeneral Meeting was the Honourable Roy Romanow, formerPremier of Saskatchewan and Head of the 2001 RoyalCommission on the Future of Health Care in Canada.Romanow was greeted affectionately by the crowd and hebegan his formal remarks by thanking the Clinic for the roleit has played in delivering holistic care in Saskatchewan.

Romanow expressed concern about recent FederalGovernment decisions to change the way that health carefunding is provided to the provinces, which decentralizedecisions over the direction of health care and providefunding on a per capita basis, rather than on the provinces’economic realities. He said that this may lead to two or threedifferent Canadas when it comes to health care, and that lesswell-off provinces may be forced to reduce the care that theyprovide. Romanow stressed that there are two competingvisions for health care in Canada, one in which the marketdetermines who gets care, when and how, and another inwhich health care is a right and part of our shared values

as a nation. Despite 94 to 97% support for medicare innational polls, Romanow noted a “palpable momentumtoward individualism, decentralization, privatization anddependence on markets.”

Five lessons on how to ensure that medicare remains partof our shared values in Canada were shared by Romanow.

Electronic Medical Records Underway!

The Community Clinic is implementing electronicmedical records (EMR) beginning May 2012. Our fulltransition will take a year to complete and will have manylong-term benefits. We humbly request your patience as weknow it will take time for our staff to fully develop theirskills to efficiently use the new EMRs. To help us we ask:where possible, plan ahead regarding your health care needs;in the beginning expect to wait longer for appointment datesand please be patient as this is a big change for ourorganization. For more information see page 6.

Saskatoon Community ClinicEmbracing Medicare

The 50th Anniversary Committee has created some anniversary year

souvenir items for members.

If you would like a pin, pen or post-itnotes please contact the Member

Relations Department at 664-4243.

Continued on page 2...

Members Pat Ollenberger, Joan Spicka and Tracey Mitchell at the

Semi-Annual Meeting

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They are:

1. The advantage of a single-payer public health system:Romanow noted the need to expand this system toinclude prescription drug coverage and other forms ofcare that are currently not covered by medicare.

2. Keeping the focus on total cost: While manygovernments try to reduce their own cost by passingthe burden on to families, attention and focus mustremain on the total cost of care.

3. Tackling wait times: Canada has the longest wait timesof OECD countries. Romanow noted that this is onearea where our good system needs improvement. Hesaid that society needs to invest in advanced diagnosticsystems and more integrative care.

4. Attending to the social determinants of health: TheCanada Health Act’s primary objective is “to protect,promote and restore the physical and mental well-beingof residents of Canada....” The goal is not simply toprevent disease but to establish well-being and we mustdo so by paying attention to preventative care and

social determinants, according to Romanow.

5. Transformative Change: Romanow spoke of the need tomodernize and transform the system and tackle silosbetween GPs and other professionals, breaking downtraditional barriers among health professionals. Henoted that the model of integrative, holistic, communityapproaches to care, as practiced by the CommunityHealth Services Associations in Saskatchewan, arerelatively rare and need to be replicated and expandedupon.

Romanow’s strongest message of the night is that vigilantdefense of medicare is absolutely essential. The trueguardians of Medicare, he said, are the people of Canada. Heargued that we must not think of Medicare as a done dealwithout constant threats, but rather as a program integral toour values as a nation that must be secured and expandedupon by us all, through public action. Judging by the sizeablecrowd who turned out on such a cold night to hearRomanow’s talk and attend the semi-annual meeting, manywithin our Clinic are prepared to commit to such action.

It is with pleasure that I provide you with a report on theFoundation’s activities for 2011. The Foundation receivedgenerous donations that are directed to many programs andservices that add greatly to the well-being of our community.

The total amount donated to the Foundation in the yearending 2011 was $ 105,500 which is a 20% increase in thetotal amount raised from the previous year. There was also anincrease in the number of donors from previous years.

We receive single donations, monthly contributions aswell as planned gifts, such as bequests from estates. Manydonations are given in memory of our friends, members andcolleagues as a way of recognizing their tremendous capacityto build a strong and viable Community Clinic. Thank youfor keeping these individuals present to those of us whocontinue their efforts!

The Foundation Directors approved funding for a numberof important projects during the year. These includedcontributions towards the renovation and expansion of thenewly relocated Westside Clinic, Meger SeniorsTransportation Fund, the Community Net Access Antennaand 2012 Anniversary Celebrations.

The upcoming year represents a great year for theCommunity Clinics in this province – 50 years of publiclyfunded, primary health care services delivered by multi-disciplinary practitioners who have a vision of healthpromotion and illness prevention. Celebrations will takeplace throughout the year to acknowledge early pioneers ofthis model of care as well as current staff and members whoadvance the cause as envisioned many years ago.Additionally, 2012 is the International Year of Co-operatives,and as a member of that family, we have one more reason tocelebrate.

Thank you to the Board and staff at the Community Clinicfor all their efforts in support of the Foundation. Our currentboard members are Lesley Biggs, Dalton Cameron, EvanCarlson, Kathryn Cousins, Glenda Gartner, Patti Kehrer,Mildred Kerr, Judith Martin, Louise McKinney and EwaOlszynski.

Lastly, thank you for your generous contributions in 2011and in advance for your continued support be it throughpocket change, cheque, cash or an estate bequest! Enjoy thecelebrations in the coming year!

Saskatoon Community Clinic Foundation2011 Year-end ReportBy Nancy Carmichael, Community Clinic Foundation President

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A new dental clinic operated through the University ofSaskatchewan College of Dentistry opened at WestsideClinic in December. The dental clinic provides much neededservices for the inner city community and also provides aclinical training opportunites for fourth year dentistrystudents.

Operating based on the model of a full service privatepractice dental clinic, with seven chairs and several dentistsand hygienists on staff, Director Dr. Parviz Yazdani is excitedto be able to bring services to what he sees as an underservedneighbourhood. “Access to services is very important anddental care is a key component of overall good health,” saidDr. Yazdani.

Westside Clinic Co-ordinator Cheryl Hand sees the dentalclinic as an exciting and innovative addition to the healthcare team at Westside. “We so often see patients who havenot had access to good dental care, so it is wonderful that wecan now send them downstairs to see a dentist. I’m hopingthat we can also begin to do some preventative care andpatient education, as many of our clients have not had accessto this due to lack of income and limited access to services.”

Currently dentistry students in their final year do a fiveday rotation at the dental clinic, once each semester. They areable, under supervision, to provide a comprehensive range ofservices to clients. The dental clinic is equipped with state ofthe art equipment and can do everything from basic dentalcare, fillings, cleanings, root canals, bridges, crowns andimplants. Services are based on the current Saskatchewanfee guide, but there is a break for those who are not coveredby social services, treaty status or private insurance. Clientswho are on a limited income pay 75% of the fee.

A social worker is working with the dental clinic to help

address patient needs and Dr. Yazdani anticipates that therole the clinic plays in the community will grow over time.“As we grow I would like to see junior dental students comeand work with the community doing educational andoutreach work with schools, the Friendship Inn and women’sshelters.”

“We will not turn anyone away who needs services,” saidDr Yazdani, who is a graduate of the U of S Dental Collegeand has several years private practice experience. The dentalclinic, located in the lower level of Westside Clinic, offers adrop in clinic in the mornings and services by appointment inthe afternoon. You can contact Saskatoon West Dental –Community Clinic directly at 384-6363.

As for the clinic’s philosophy of care; “Every patient hasunique needs and preferences and it is our job to cater tothose to the best of our abilities and in a gentle way.”

Westside Clinic Welcomes Dental Clinic to TeamBy Laurie Stone, Member and Public Relations Co-ordinator

Saskatoon West Dental - Community Clinic: University of Saskatchewan Dental

student Dan Truong, Dental Assistant Bobbi-Jo Rempel and patient Nya Ruet

From left:Executive Director Tim Archer, Medical Director Leane Bettin,

the Hon. Roy Romanow, and Board Member Ron Wheeler at the

semi-annual meeting.

Interested in Co-op Camp?

Do you know a young person aged12 – 18 who would enjoy spending a

week at Saskatchewan Co-operative Youth

Program summer camp?For more information call

Member Relations at 652-0300 or visit

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In Memory of Sandy HageleBy Joanne Schenn, Director of Counselling and Community Services

Sandy Hagele, long-time valued employee andSeniors Counsellor at the Saskatoon CommunityClinic, passed away after a short illness on Thursday,Jan. 26th, 2012. Many friends and co-workersattended a celebration of her life on Feb. 2, 2012 atWindsor Chapel in Saskatoon.

Sandy was a social worker with a truecommitment to her senior clients that went wellbeyond the requirements of her position. She foundgreat satisfaction in her work. Sandy recruitedvolunteers for the senior’s activity programs, didone-on-one visits to frail and aging seniors, and

advocated for senior’s issues. She had a strong beliefin health promotion and prevention; she wrotearticles for Focus on seniors’ health issues andcreated information displays for our waiting rooms.She provided support to our Seniors AdvisoryCouncil and participated in the Saskatoon Council onAging. She worked tirelessly as an advocate forseniors on issues such as Elder abuse and safety. Shecould often be found hard at work long after mostother staff had left for the day.

Sandy always had a smile for everyone andtouched the lives of many. She is greatly missed.

C o m m u n i t yClinic membersand guests enjoy-ed a potlucksupper and athought provok-ing and inform-ative presentationon Medicare bythe Hon. RoyRomanow, at thes e m i - a n n u a lmeeting heldJanuary 18th at

Mayfair United Church. Seventy five members braved a coldJanuary day to kick off the first of what will be several eventscelebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Community Clinicand the 50th Anniversary of Medicare.

CHSA President Anne Doucette updated members withher report on behalf of the board of directors. The board isbusy working on 50th Anniversary Celebration events to takeplace throughout the 2012 year. She also reported on anumber of other initiatives: an Aboriginal and Low IncomeEngagement Project underway at Westside Clinic, theclinic’s preparations for the upcoming implementation ofElectronic Medical Records in 2012 and the re-introductionof the Foot Care Program at Downtown Clinic in January asa fee-for-service program.

Members elected two new board members, Twila Leflarand Carla Smith and said farewell and thank you to retiringboard members Pat Wall and Alex Brooks for their many andvalued contributions. Welcome also to new Focus EditorialCommittee member Julia Quigley.

A very special presentation was made to member,volunteer and former employee Louise McKinney for heroutstanding work and volunteer contributions at WestsideClinic. Louise received the “Smokey” Award, established inrecognition of the late C.A Robson. Louise is involved inmany programs at Westside Clinic as an elder and can oftenbe found in the Westside Clinic waiting room handing outbannock that she makes herself.

In other business, the membership voted that the annualmember service fee remain at $30 for a family and $15 for anindividual. The membership also discussed and passed aresolution expressing concern about current waiting times forappointments and asking that the clinic reinstate advancedaccess appointment services. Please see the story by Dr.Leane Bettin on page 5 for more details regarding this issue.

Thank you to the many members and staff who assisted atthe meeting with planning, registration, set up and clean up,and many other tasks. The potluck and social aspect wereenjoyed by all. Congratulations also to the members whowon the door prizes, Graham Dove – a reflexology treatment,Dan Danaher – a massage, and Bill Carnell – the grand prizeof two tickets to Persephone Theatre.

Members Celebrate and Look to the Future atSemi-Annual MeetingBy Laurie Stone, Member and Public Relations Co-ordinator

Louise McKinney received the Volunteer Appreciation

Award from CHSA President Anne Doucette

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Board and

Staff News

Board and

Staff News

Welcome to...Maureen Desjarlais, Cleaner, Maintenance Department

Nicole Allan, Certified Laboratory and X-ray Technician

Irish Sun Juan, Pharmacy Technician

Dr. Reem Abdulhadi, Locum Family Physician

Farewell to...Lynn Davey, Certified Laboratory and X-ray Technician

Kristin Holfeuer, Cleaner, MaintenanceDepartment

Sarah Dovell, Receptionist

Retirement wishes to...

Linda Main, Health Information Co-ordinator,following after eighteen years of service. Thankyou Linda for your many contributions topromoting healthy living, supporting chronicdisease management and for providing healthinformation to our patients.

Joanne Wilde, Nursing. Thank you Joanne foreleven years of excellent nursing care to ourpatients.

The issue of wait times for patients to see their family doctorwas raised at the semi-annual meeting in January, when memberspassed a resolution to re-introduce Advanced Access. Severalyears ago the clinic introduced Advanced Access, a bookingsystem which, among other features, allowed for a certainnumber of same day appointments for patients who neededimmediate access to care. When supply and demand were equal,this system worked well, however for the past year and a half thenumber of patient appointments required have exceeded thenumber of available appointments.

We share and sympathize with members’ concerns abouthaving to wait longer than they would like to for appointments.Here are some of the actions we have been taking to improve thesituation:

• We continue to recruit physicians to fill shortages• We have introduced clinical office assistants, and continue to

optimize the roles our nurses, nurse practitioners, andpharmacists play in an effort to free up doctor appointmenttimes.

• We continue to take scheduling initiatives such as: havingmore physicians available at peak times; scheduling completephysicals and chronic disease appointments at times whenthere is less demand; addressing multiple patient concerns atone appointment, and attempting whenever possible to retainsome “same day” appointments for urgent concerns.

• We are engaging in Clinical Practice RedesignTM, an initiativethrough the SK Health Quality Council, which includesimproving office efficiencies and access using a patient -centred approach.

We are also doing the best we can to help patients stay healthy,(thereby decreasing the need for urgent care), through regularchronic disease management appointments; improved healthpromotion and disease prevention (Integrative Medicineeducational sessions); increased self-management strategies withgroups such as LiveWellTM, and group medical appointmentsthrough the CenteringPregnancy® and CenteringParenting®


Your board of directors and clinic staff are actively working ondeveloping a plan to shorten patient wait times and will bereporting further on this in Focus and at the Annual Meeting inJune. Information will also be posted on our website as it becomes available and the complete text of the members’ resolution is posted on our website at Pleasefeel free to contact Member and Public Relations at 652-0300 ifyou have any questions or concerns.

Clinic Working to Improve

Timely Access to CareBy Dr. Leane Bettin, Head of the Medical Group

CHSA Member Harold Chapman and Victoria Morris Executive

Director, Saskatchewan Co-operative Association at the “What is

a Co-operative” Session held January 26th as part of the Community

Cinic 101 Series.

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(April to October, 2012)

Page 6: Medicare Integral to Canadians’ Shared Values · Dr Yazdani, who is a graduate of the U of S Dental College and has several years private practice experience. The dental clinic,

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Electronic Medical Records Transition UnderwayBy Tim Archer, Executive Director

The Saskatoon Community Clinic is moving full speedahead with our planned transition to electronic medicalrecords (EMR). Beginning in May 2012 when you see aCommunity Clinic health care provider, for example, adoctor, nurse or physical therapist, they will be record yourvisit on the computer rather than in a paper chart. There aresome areas where we will continue to use paper charts.However, over the next few years most of our medicalrecords will be kept in an electronic or computer basedformat.

Some of the benefits we will realize from our transition toEMR include:

• Improved individual provider productivity• Improved overall office efficiency• Improved sharing of patient information with other

providers• Improved provider-patient collaboration and sharing

of information• Enhanced ability to coordinate continuity of care for

patients• Improved availability of clinical decision-support tools• Enhanced efficiency in ordering prescriptions,

referrals, lab tests, X-rays, etc.• Improved management of chronic diseases

We have received funding from the Primary Health -Department of Health for this initiative. We are using theirapproved EMR program called Med Access. They areimplementing this program at the Community Clinic as well

as some other primary health care practices in the province.This includes supporting us and the other groups in planningand training of staff.

Our implementation plan has already begun with upgradesto our computer system. We have also started training staffto prepare them for the transition to EMR. Depending on jobresponsibilities there will be different levels of trainingneeded.

Although everyone will be working hard to make thetransition as seamless as possible, there will be impacts onour clients’ access to services. We know it will take time todevelop the skills to efficiently use the new EMR. This willmean a decrease in normal flow-through of patients. Thiscould reflect in increased waiting times for appointments.We are planning several strategies to minimize the negativeimpact on your access to services. We humbly request yourpatience as we make this transition over the next severalmonths. Here are some ways you can make our transition tothe EMR system as seamless as possible:

• Where possible, plan ahead regarding your health care needs.

• Expect to wait longer for appointment dates.• Please be patient.

Implementation of electronic medical records representsbig changes for staff and clients. However, once we make thetransition, it will allow us to better serve clients in ourprovision of excellent primary care.

In celebration of the Saskatoon Community Clinics 50thAnniversary we want to recognize that we have very specialvolunteers that attend Seniors’ Groups every two weeks, helpwith special events, teas, Christmas parties, our twice-a-yearfundraisers (which are bake sales and raffles) and are alwayspleasant, supportive, and patient with our many seniors.

We welcome new volunteers, donations and any questionsregarding services for our seniors. Contact the Seniors AdvisoryCouncil at 664-4283.

Seniors’ CornerBy Norine Shewchuk,

Seniors’ Counsellor

Members of the Seniors’ Advisory Council, from left:

Katherine Waehrer, Gilliosa Loftus, Jean Hopkins, Kay Howsam,

Jean Thompson, Myrtle Pennock and Seniors’ Counsellor

Norine Shewchuk

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Integrative Medicine: Health and Healing Series

Dr. Louise Gagné , a Saskatoon Community Clinicfamily physician, will be offering a series of presenta­tions on integrative medicine approaches to health andhealing. Please note that the spring presentations willbe held Monday evenings and Tuesday afternoons.

Healthy Weight Loss Strategies

(back by popular demand!)

Monday, April 2 7:00 p.m. ­ 8:30pm

Tuesday, April 32:00 p.m. ­3:30 pm

Cancer: Reducing the Risk

Monday, May 147:00 p.m. – 8:30pm

Tuesday, May 152:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance:

How to Stay Happy and Healthy

Monday, June 4 7:00 p.m – 8:30 p.m.

Tuesday, June 52:00 p.m – 3:30 p.m

All sessions will be held at the Saskatoon Community Clinic,

Mel Langer Building at 424 1st Avenue North.

Everyone is welcome to attend.

Please visit the Integrative Medicine page on our website at

for more information on a variety of integrative medicine topics. You are also invited to e­mail any suggestions you have about new topics, or

topics you would like to see repeated, to our electronic message box at

[email protected]

Did you know that 2012 is a very special year atyour Community Clinic? We are celebrating the 50thanniversary of our association, the 50th Anniversaryof Medicare, and if that weren’t enough, it is also theInternational Year of the Co-operative.

We invite your contributions be they memories,thoughts or wishes about those early days ofmedicare and community clinics, happenings sincethen and ideas for the future.

Bring the completed form to the clinic on yournext visit or mail it to us at Member and PublicRelations, Saskatoon Community Clinic, 455 2ndAve. N. Saskatoon, SK S7K 2C2. We would love tohear from you!

Happy Anniversary Community Clinic! – Mythoughts are:

Name and phone number (we will verify yourcontribution before printing or displaying):

Share your Memories andWishes for the Future!


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Donations from November 1, 2011 - February 9, 2012

We gratefully received donations to theSaskatoon Community Clinic Foundationfrom the following individuals:

Bruce Adams, Jack Adams, Jack E. Adams, Janet Anderson, Woodsworth andMarie Baker, Cathy Lesley Biggs, Jone Barry and Phil Bryant, Karen Booth, Tomand Pat Bowman, Randy Chapman, Linda A. Charlton, Marie Colbert, Vivian &Angelo Coppola, Paul and Viola Coutu, Eileen Dalke, Ed Decker, Wilfred Denis,Stanislau Dimnik, Leona Domshy, Graham Dove and Kathleen Slavin, AlexDzubin, Anne R. Evans, Bernice Fallas, Gordon Fletcher, Lynne and LarryFowke, Norma Gill, Brent Goff, June Hagerman, Dennis and Teresa Harley,Agnes Helmink, Lorraine Heron, Lily Hilderman, Felix Hoehn and CarolRiekman, Diane W. Holroyd, K. Howsam, Mary Janzen, Nayyar S. Javed, JeanJunor, Margaret Keith, Tannys Last, Helen Kowlyk, Lillian Laing, M. MarianLane, John and M. Carolyn Leach, Margaret Leaker, Norma Linwood, Noel andMargaret Lowry, G. Allan McGuire, Allan McHarg, Margaret Monks, Robin andBarbara Morrall,Vera Parkes, Rosemary Peet, Peter and Jean Rens, MarjaleenaRepo, William Richards and Sandra Beardsall, Faith E. Rohrbough, Richard andPatricia Santo, Matthew Schatz, Juliana Sherbot, Phyllis Siemens, Sisters of theAssumption, Donna Spratt, Joan Stephens, Ivor and Orca Thokle, LaurenceThompsom, Doreen Walmsley, Lilly Wiebe, Alvin and Helen Wiklun, KayWilliams, Beverly Wilson, Blair and Linda Wollms, William and Helen Woykin,Nellie Woznica; Nels and Margaret Yalte.

In Honour of Dr. E. Olszynski: Hazel G. Kelly

Donations Received in Memory:In Memory of Walter and Alice Allen: Deanna Gruending, John &

Bonnie Lawrence

In Memory of Allan Blakeney: Cheryl Hand and Frank Quennell, Jack Newman

In Memory of Harold E. Bronson: Lillian Dodds, Beverly L. Falkeid

In Memory of Rena Margaret Carman: Kenneth Carman

In Memory of Mary V. Chapman: Harold E. Chapman

In Memory of Joseph Cooper: Margaret A. Cooper

In Memory of Irene Driedger: Jacob M. Driedger

In Memory of Dr. Carla Eisenhauer: Margaret Cloak, Cheryl Hand andFrank Quennell, Clint Hilliard, Mary McGarry, Grace Shewchuck

In Memory of John Eliason: Ida Eliason

Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to:Community Health Services (Saskatoon) Association455–2 nd Avenue North Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K

In Memory of Darcy John and Tommy Fink: Robert Fink

In Memory of Jim Fergusson: Angie Fergusson

In Memory of Charles Gastel: Lisa Gastel

In Memory of Laurie Goff: Terry Goff

In Memory of Sandy Hagele: Bob and Cheryl Bellamy, Council Staff andFriends, Arden and Darlene Gibb

In Memory of Jim Holtslander: Mrs. P. Holtslander

In Memory of J.W Hopkins: Doris Jean Hopkins

In Memory of Lillian Hromek: Joe Hromek

In Memory of J. Gren Jones: Isobel Jones

In Memory of Joan Jones: Mary Richiger

In Memory of Margaret and Michael Kopko: Douglas Kopko

In Memory of Allan William Krahn: June Krahn

In Memory of Margaret McNulty: Elizabeth McNulty

In Memory of Isabelle Scobie Mills: Isabelle M. Mills

In Memory of James Mitchell: Laura I. Mitchell

In Memory of Jean Newman: Jack Newman

In Memory of Tena May Osachoff: Laurence E. Osachoff

In Memory of Stener Rasmussen: Mildred E. Gibson, Cheryl Handand Frank Quennell

In Memory of Smokey Robson: Donald and Mildred Kerr

In Memory of Kathy and Chester Rutherford: Ethel Rutherford

In Memory of Howard Schoeler: Shirley Schoeler

In Memory of Clarence Schulte: Genevieve Schulte

In Memory of Carl Sedgwick: Reta Sedgwick

In Memory of Elsie Senko: Terry Senko

In Memory of Elinor Chelsom Stinson: Godfrey and Morag Cooper,Catherine and Joe Fry, Stan and Yvonne Green, Linda and Stephen Hoskin,Elizabeth and Howard Klein, T. Lohela and Kathy Muttart, Dave Link, DavidMatthews, Rick McCormick and Laurel Chelsom, M Beryl McLeod, Carol and Joe Monahan, Kay and John Mowbray, Robert and Sylvia Regnier, Fay E. Richardson, Gwen E. Russell, Margaret K. Shearer, Kathleen Slavin

In Memory of Dr. Brenda Thiesson: Stuart and Marie Thiesson

In Memory of Marie Thiesson: Janice Gillespie; Lewis and Lydia Heibein,Shirley and Lloyd Windenmaier

In Memory of Jessie Weightman: Melvin H. Weightman

In Memory of Richard West: E. Joan West

In Memory of William Zazelenchuk: Alice Zazelenchuk

Focus is published by Community Health Services

(Saskatoon) Association, Ltd., 455 – 2 nd Avenue North,

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 2C2. Material may be

reproduced with appropriate recognition of the source.

For useful information about your clinic please visit our

website at:

Editor: Ingrid Larson Assistant Editor: Laurie Stone

Editorial Committee: Michael Finley, Tracey Mitchell,

Julia Quigley

CHSA Board of Directors: Dalton Cameron, Anne Doucette

(President), Glen Kovatch, Twila Leflar, Melanie Medlicott,

Michelle Robson, Sheena Rowan, Elizabeth Scott, Carla

Smith, Ron Wheeler, Lisa White, Derek Wilkinson

Executive Director: Tim Archer

Board Secretary: Coreen Usselman

Member concerns and comments are welcomed by the

Member and Pubic Relations Department.

Please call 664-4243.

ISSN 0015-5195

Canadian Publications Mail Product Sales Agreement 40052408

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