Page 1: Minimum criteria of gcdp projects 12.3.2014

MINIMUM CRITERIA of GCDP IC internships in the Czech Republic

1. General1.1. Budget is planned in profit.1.2. Similar issue of projects in the Czech Republic has to have the same brand.1.3. Each project has to fulfill national minimum criteria and minimum standards for GCDP IC Projects.1.4. LC needs to get all information about interns needed for accreditation.

2. GCDP IC project tools 2.1. Final form of GCDP IC P-tool will be checked by VP FINANCE, VP GCDP IC 2 weeks before starting of

preparation part of project, where you just actualize information from previous realizations.2.2. The most important part which needs to be filled in P-tool:: Info (statistics, SWOT, fuck-ups), Budget.2.3. Check Account management_City spreadsheet, that every partner has fresh information (plus CRM actualization)

3. National project3.1. Project is considered to be national if 3 LCs have taking this project.3.2. LC has to keep national concept of project.3.3. All changes in national concept have to be approved by MC VP GCDP IC.3.4. More than 2 trainees from the same country cannot work in the same institution.

4. Promotion channels and materials of national project4.1. Promotional materials (leaflets, posters, proposals) are provided from national level in electronic form.4.2. Promotional materials created by LC have to be approved by MC VP GCDP IC.

5. Realization conditions of national projects per LC

5.1. EDISON5.1.1. LC is authorized form a group of max.12 interns which is working at one place at 1 time and if LC plans

more interns, they have to be divided into several groups with maximum 12 people in each group.5.1.2. Max 5 months before realization is possible to open 2 TN forms if LC has at least 2 agreements with schools

or organizations.5.1.3. If LC has signed 50 % of planned contracts, there can be opened other 50% of planned TN forms.5.1.4. If LC has signed 90 % of planned contracts, there can be opened last part of planned TN forms.5.1.5. If raising plan is not fulfilled on 90 % 3 weeks before realization, available TN forms are put on hold.

5.2. SPEAK5.2.1. LC has to find at least 20 people for 1 intern.5.2.2. LC has to fulfill min 50% of planned participants 2 weeks before realization, if not, LC has to create

program for internship which will fulfill minimal criteria for working hours.5.2.3. Promotion has to run min 1 month virtually and 3 weeks physically before realization of project.

6. Finalization of the project:6.1. Final state of finance of the project one month after project filled in GCDP IC tracking.6.2. Final report consist of its parts

6.2.1. Two weeks after realization: Internal and external evaluation, budget closed, account management filled including CRM

6.2.2. One month after realization: NPS check, Final report uploaded to every partner in CRM (as an attachement)6.3. Results of Internal analysis must be agreed by all members during last team meeting.6.4. Results of External analysis must be agreed on personal meeting/by call with TN taker.

7. Sustainability of the project7.1. Project results must be the same for VP F and VP GCDP IC.7.2. Every project team member is supposed to give all bills and travel order to his/her project team leader every week.

In that case is compulsory for project team-leader to give it VP F. 7.3. If project will be in loss for two consecutive additions (peaks of realizations), MC VP GCPD IC will pauses the

project.7.4. Project can start after finding proper financial model or changing the project concept after approval of MC VP


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