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Training Report on Access to Information & Customer Care Skills for Judiciary Staff

Tabora Regional Training

March 2-3, 2016

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Contents 1. Part One ........................................................................................................................................... 4

1.1 Executive Summary ............................................................................................................. 4

1.2 Key Recommendations ...................................................................................................... 5

1.3 Resolutions ............................................................................................................................. 6

1.4 General Course objective .................................................................................................. 7

1.5 Specific objectives of the training workshop ................................................................. 7

1.6 Outcomes /benefits of the training .................................................................................. 8

1.7 Mode of the training/Course content ............................................................................. 9

2. Part Two: Day One ....................................................................................................................... 11

2.1 Opening Session ................................................................................................................. 11

2.2 Introducing participants one another ........................................................................... 13

2.3 Setting expectations .......................................................................................................... 13

2.4 Expectations from facilitators .......................................................................................... 14

2.5 Session Two .......................................................................................................................... 15

2.6 Overview of the Training ................................................................................................... 15

2.7 Session Three ....................................................................................................................... 16

3. Part Three: Day Two ..................................................................................................................... 17

3.1 Session One ......................................................................................................................... 17

3.2 Session Two .......................................................................................................................... 18

3.3 Group Discussions ............................................................................................................... 18

3.3.1 Question one for group one ......................................................................................... 18

3.3.2 Question two: group two............................................................................................... 18

3.3.3 Question 3: group three ................................................................................................. 19

3.3.4 Question 4: group four ................................................................................................... 19

3.5 Plenary .................................................................................................................................. 21

4. Part Hour ........................................................................................................................................ 21

4.1 Evaluation ............................................................................................................................ 21

4.2 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 24

5. Appendices ................................................................................................................................... 25

5.1 Registration list ..................................................................................................................... 25

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5.2 Appendix 2: programme .................................................................................................. 29

5.3 Appendix 3: Evaluation form ........................................................................................... 32

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1. Part One

1.1 Executive Summary

57 members of the Judiciary of Tanzania comprised of record management

assistants, telephone operators, office secretaries, primary and Court

Magistrates participated in two-day training on access to information and

customer care skills. The training organised by the Judiciary and MISA Tanzania

took part in Tabora from March 2nd to 3rd, 2016. Participants were drawn from

all courts, representing all districts of Tabora region namely Tabora Urban,

Urambo, Igunga, Nzega and Kaliua.

The aim of the training was and still is to improve Judiciary‟s client/customer

satisfaction and staff accountability through access to information. Better

relations and effective communication among Judiciary staff lay the foundation

for smooth operation and execution of the Judiciary activities which analysts say

is key to accessing information in the court system.

Training them on customer care skills and the importance of sharing information

without jeopardizing the court proceedings was established and admitted by

the participants to be very essential for improving their day to day performance.

Participants were taught how to establish and strengthen Customer Service

Delivery, Communication skills, as well as enhancing the knowledge on various

channels of Information. Also taught were the best practices on providing

Information to requesters and enhancement on the understanding of the legal

framework for freedom of Information.

Above all this training is also part of court reform which intends to realise a quick

and sustainable delivery of services to the court the court customers.

Over the two days the training covered the following topics: The key concepts

and principles of freedom of Information, Customer Service and

Communication Skills for Government Employees, Good freedom of Information

practices in Africa and beyond, the legal framework for freedom of Information,

Public bodies and Access to Information and How to provide and request


The training was participatory in nature and involved presentations and general

discussions where participants had a Question and Answers encounter, as well

as group works in which they worked on several assignments and their leaders

presented the final work.

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To gauge if the two days were worthwhile, an end of the training evaluation was

conducted to find out whether expectations were met and how the workshop

was organized. The workshop was an eye opener to many participants in terms

of what they always do but also the fact that they had the chance to meet their

leaders face to face and share their experience and challenges.

Finally several recommendations and Resolutions were handed down as it can

be seen in the next pages of the report. Participants were also asked to sign

commitment forms of how they are going to make use of the knowledge

acquired. Generally, the training was a success with all members invited

participating from start to finish and they were in the end awarded certificates

for taking part in the training.

Above: Participants in group photo Below: Informal gatherings

1.2 Key Recommendations

The Judiciary reform programme should not only focus on the

improvement and the construction of new buildings and renovation of old

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ones but should go hand in hand with improving remunerations and other


There is a need to link and connect Court Registries to the Information and

Communication technology facilities if they are to be improved.

The judiciary should establish a better and easy way to access customer

files (need for improvement of the filing system)

Need for continuous Training Programmes on Customer Care & Access to

Information. Suggestions were 3 to 4 times a year.

Need for provision of uniforms, identities, computers, recorders, camera

and scanners to Judiciary Staff (front desk officers) who deal directly with


Need for improved relationship between judicial officers and employees

of lower cadre within departments and divisions was stressed in order to

promote work related parity.

In order to promote knowledge transfer and experience sharing

participants recommended for the post transfers especially for employees

who have overstayed in duty post.

Improvement of client/customer service system that will be satisfactory to

both internal and external customers.

1.3 Resolutions

Participants agreed (to change the way they communicate, share

information (both within their respective offices and the outside world)

and treat court customers/clients with respect and courtesy for the

betterment of the judicial system.

Participants resolved to put all the skills and knowledge acquired into

practice in order to change public‟s negative perception of the judiciary.

Participants agreed to improve their behaviour and manner with which

they deal with clients/customers, and pledged to change the way they

conduct their everyday activities for the better.

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In order to have a multiplier effect participants pledged to share all the

knowledge and experience attained during the training with colleagues

back in their respective offices.

Mr Simon Berege, MISATAN Chairperson (left) and Hon. Judge in charge Sam

Mpaya Rumanyika during opening session.

1.4 General Course objective

To improve Judiciary‟s client/customer satisfaction and staff

accountability through access to information

1.5 Specific objectives of the training workshop

Increase participants‟ knowledge of freedom of information.

Encourage understanding of the “right to know” as a leverage right.

Explain the meaning and value of freedom of information.

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Identify those groups commonly requesting information and any specific

considerations that may be entailed in handling their requests.

Process requests for information held by their own departments.

Understand the procedures of requesting and providing information.

From the evaluation conducted at the end of the training, it was clear that all

these objectives were met. Knowledge, understanding and skills about the key

concepts and principles of freedom of Information, Customer Service and

Communication Skills as well as the knowledge on the legal framework on the

access of Information were enhanced as a result participants were awarded

certificates of successful attendance.

1.6 Outcomes /benefits of the training

It is also expected that the knowledge and skills acquired, according to

the evaluation conducted will be used to promote openness for the

Judiciary as one of the core value to have a Judiciary that is People-


The Judiciary of Tanzania deals with court clients (internal and external)

who want to pay a fair price for quality service and feel satisfaction; these

clients want judiciary staff to understand their needs and help to answer

them. Participants of this training according to the evaluation conducted,

they say they can fulfil this task.

Participants were able to obtain a strong theoretical command on

customer care and the access to Information which in turn would lead to

the improvement on justice delivery which is the core function. Basing on

the truth that Judiciary as Public Institution it is always believed that there

is only one boss who is the customer.

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Participants will be able to develop a customer friendly approach based

on the cliché that the Customer is always right .It is also expected that the

few participants who had obtained this knowledge will be role models

and will help on impacting this knowledge to other staff and hence

improve service delivery to the public.

1.7 Mode of the training/Course content

The training involved informal and interactive training methods:

Short, straight to the point and well researched presentations were

delivered by Access to Information & Customer Care experts. The training

was participatory in nature, with in-between session discussions.

Participants were allowed to share personal experiences as a way of

learning and motivating one another. This fact can be cited in the filled

evaluation forms.

Brainstorming exercises were given and tackled through group works.

Straight forward Q and A was allowed from both the facilitators and

Judiciary officials present. Interesting energizers were given to make sure

that participants don‟t get bored and thus participate and give their

undivided attention to the workshop.

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Facilitators, James Marenga (top left) and DeodatusBalile (bottom left) speak to


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2. Part Two: Day One

2.1 Opening Session

The opening session was marked with words of wisdom from the MISA Tanzania

Chairperson Mr Simon Berege and the Tabora Judge Incharge Hon. Sam


As a way of kicking the show on Mr SumeraManoti, Tabora Zone Court

Administrator invited the Chief Guest and participants to the training on

customer care and access to information, the first of its kind to be conducted in

the region. He revisited the decisions that led to the said training and how it was

to be conducted.

He then welcomed Mr Simon Berege, Chairperson of the MISA Tanzania

Chapter, who started by thanking the Tabora Judge-in-Charge Hon. Rumanyika

for agreeing to officiate the workshop and participants for taking part in the

programme. He also thanked supporters and facilitators for accepting to take

part in this workshop. He specifically appreciated the efforts done by the

Judiciary to improve the way they communicate and share information with the

rest of the public and Friedrick Ebert Stiftung (FES)Media Africa through FES

Tanzania office for agreeing to support the facilitation of the workshop.

He also thanked organizers from both ends for putting together this workshop

before inviting the honourable Judge to officiate the training.

He also briefed about the genesis of these programmes owing them to the 2013

Golden Padlock Award the Judiciary got for being the Most Secretive Public

Institution following an independent study done by MISA Tanzania every year.

He reiterated how the judiciary proactively responded report outcomes by

developing a training programme geared towards creating a more open and

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responsible Judiciary of Tanzania intending to reach a big section of its staff

country wide.

Hon. Judge In charge Rumanyika started by posing a very pertinent question

once asked by a certain King which said, “How would you want your

Magistrates and Judges to be? The answer was; they should be morally upright,

hardworking and if possible possess legal knowledge”.

He retraced the 2014 REPOA report, which like MISATan‟s report showed public‟s

mistrust of the Judiciary on dispensing justice and explained why the authority

has decided to deal with this aiming at „zero complaints‟ by end of 2016. He

also cited some of the complaints from the public being foul language, time

mismanagement, not issuing court rulings on time, sometimes not at all and

asking/receiving bribes.

He clearly highlighted the importance of giving quality services to the public,

but also stressed that this can‟t be done if the Judiciary don‟t have quality staff,

and assured that this was the main basis for the workshop. Judge Rumanyika

acknowledged that there are challenges in accomplishing what they do and

towards achieving the desired goals but the Judiciary is working on addressing

them and some have been resolved already.

He thanked MISA Tanzania for this initiative and stressed the importance of

opening up to the public. He stressed on professionalism and ethical conducts

among Judiciary staff equally urged them to use this opportunity well and share

the knowledge acquired with the rest in their respective districts.

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2.2 Introducing participants one another

At the beginning of the training participants was asked to introduce themselves

by stating their names, their positions at work and the district they came from.

2.3 Setting expectations

After a brief introduction of the content of the training, participants will be asked

to express their expectations from the two days training sessions, with the

intention of motivating them to participate fully throughout the training period.

Some of the expectations put forward by participants were:

To get more knowledge on customer care.

To provide better services to the customers.

To get experience from the other participants on the record keeping and

customer care.

To get experience on how to save customers at the court level.

To increase knowledge on how serve to customer services.

To get knowledge on how to better communicate with clients/customers.

How to serve stubborn and unsatisfied customers/clients.

How to receive customers and treat them with respect.

To acquire knowledge on how to serve client and also to transfer

knowledge to other staff.

To know more on the legal aspects to information sharing.

To get knowledge on how to deal with requests for information.

What information to give out and who to give to.

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Setting expectations of the day

2.4 Expectations from facilitators

Active participation from participants.

Participants to share experience with one another.

Respect and tolerance for one another regardless of ranks at work.

Full cooperation from everyone in the room.

After the expectations it was time to lay down ground rules that will guide

participants throughout the two days. Moderator Simon Berege led the exercise.

Among the norms set were:

1. Respect each other opinions.

2. Active participation from everyone.

3. Mobile Phones in silence or vibration.

4. Punctuality.

5. Flexibility with time.

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2.5 Session Two

The second session comprised of an overview of the training and first presentations.

2.6 Overview of the Training

MISA Tanzania‟s Gasirigwa Sengiyumva MISA TAN Information and Research

Officer gave the overview of the training by explaining the content of the

training, stating the objectives as well and stressed what facilitators expected

from the participants. He also explained how the two days were to be covered

at the same time requesting participants of their full engagement to the

successful training.

This session covered two presentations; one that focused on „What is Freedom of

Information? (Key Concepts and Principles of FOI)‟ and was delivered by an

accomplished Editor and owner of Jamhuri Media, as well as Coalition of Right

to Information (CORI) member Mr Deodatus Balile. The other one was on

„Customer Service & Communication Skills for Government Employees‟

delivered by James Marenga, from the National Organisation for Legal

Assistance (nola), Advocate of High Court/Journalist, also member of CORI. The

session was moderated by Mr Simon Berege, Senior Journalist and Lecturer in

Communication studies at Iringa University.

Balile defined what freedom of information is and reiterated key concepts and

principles of freedom of Information (FOI). Relevant examples were drawn from

both local and international spheres and showed how they could be applied in

Tanzanian context. Being a victim of court related challenges himself, especially

in relation to accessing information, Balile had a lot to share with participants.

Marenga touched on the essence of customer care, its basic principles, the Dos

and Don‟ts of the profession. He also explained the most important things one

should consider when developing relevant skills on dealing with

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customers/clients. Relevant examples people‟s encounter with Judiciary staff

were drawn and helped explain some of the key issues put forward.

Then after presentations there was a plenary session where almost everyone

wished to know or share something. Interesting experiences from areas of work

especially on how they dealt with unsatisfied customers were shared and in that

way participants had a lot to learn from each other.

2.7 Session Three

Session three continued with more issues on Customer Care Skills by Marenga

before Balile highlighted on Good FOI practices in Africa and beyond. He

traced successful practices of freedom of information in other countries and

showed how Tanzania and specifically the Judiciary could emulate the good


Later on the Chief Court Administrator, Tabora Zone Mr.Manoti had the chance

to respond to some of the social and technical issues raised during the

discussions. He practically lauded them for being so open and assured them

that this was why the training was organized.

As a way old sharing information and experience, participants had raised a

concern over having even one social gathering a year and Mr Manoti promised

to work on it. He emphasized on the importance of the workshop and also

confessed that he had learnt so much already over the whole day.

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3. Part Three: Day Two

3.1 Session One

The Eye of the Day who was tasked with observing whatever was transpiring the

previous day was invited to the center of the circle. He recounted of everything

from the opening by judge Rumanyika to the closing of the day by Zonal Court


Then the Ear of the day was called in to share what she heard from the

participants. She heard of participants saying that the programme should be

sustainable, she heard side discussions on allowances not being given on time,

and she also talked of remunerations as well as expressing their appreciation for

the Court Administrator to be open and friendlier throughout the workshop.

The idea behind having the Eye and Ear is involve participants in the learning &

sharing of information process, and to keep them active throughout the sessions.

Energisers were crucial part of the training

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3.2 Session Two

In session two James Marenga described the legal framework for Freedom of

Information in Tanzania and traced efforts to establish Access to Information

Law in the country. He also showed why it is important for public servants

especially the Judiciary to know about it. Balile returned with a topic titled

„Public Bodies and Access to Information‟. He showed why public bodies need

to open up to the public and explained to participants which information could

be made public and which couldn‟t be shared. They also discussed on how to

provide and request information. The facilitator took them through processes of

providing information and the means to do so. He also discussed who a

requester is and different forms of requesting information.

3.3 Group Discussions

Participants were then divided into four groups with each group tackling a

single question. Discussions ran parallel with facilitators moving from one group

to another to monitor discussions and offer explanations where necessary.

3.3.1 Question one for group one

1. What request management and tracking mechanisms could be employed in

your public body?

Answers that emanated from this group were;

Opinion boxes.

Open discussions with customers.

To establish information & communication committees..

Court files and fliers.

Placing adverts on office walls.

By embracing new information & communication technologies.

Availing space and time to listen to customers.

3.3.2 Question two: group two

2. Which steps should be taken by the Judiciary to improve access to


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Availability of information.

Having in place mechanisms that enabled access to information.

Information must be available and at an affordable cost or costs should

completely be scrapped.

Departments should employ qualified information people for that


Education information fliers should be provided to the public.

Whistleblowers should be protected.

Laws & regulations that contradict with openness should be repealed.

3.3.3 Question 3: group three

3. How can record management be maintained?


Training to record managers and their assistants.

Procuring facilities that will be used to keep records such as computers,

cabinets, shelves, registers etc.

Improving building infrastructure.

There must be clear and identified work structure.

Quick release of information concerning relevant documents.

3.3.4 Question 4: group four

2. Do you think it is important that freedom of information should be a right

protected in the constitution? Why?


It is important for national security.

The Constitution is the supreme guiding document of our everyday life.

It improves good governance and helps bring about development.

It helps in resolving disputes among citizens and their government.

It brings about social equality.

Openness helps the public in participating in the decision making process

and in realizing their responsibilities.

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Participants were finally awarded certificates of participation before closing

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3.5 Plenary

Group discussions were followed up by a plenary session. Group leaders

presented and general discussion ensued. Q and A session was allowed and

participants had the chance of asking where they didn‟t understand but as well

share their comments and experiences on the topics presented.

4. Part Hour

4.1 Evaluation

After the final presentation participants had the chance to fill in the evaluation

forms where they had to assess the whole training activity but also be assessed

to see whether there were some changes after the two day marathon. They

also had a general discussion where they came up with resolutions of the


Evaluation matrix

No Question Answer



Agree Disagree

1 The objectives of the training were clearly defined.

36 16 1

Percentage 67.9% 30.1% 1.8%

2 Participation and interaction were encouraged.

36 16 1

Percentage 67.9%

30.1% 1.8%

3 The topics covered were relevant

to me.

36 16 1

Percentage 67.9% 30.1% 1.8%

4 The content was organized and easy to follow.

35 19 1

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Percentage 66.04% 35.8% 1.8%

5 The materials distributed were


36 16 1

Percentage 67.9%

30.1% 1.8%

6 This training experience will be

useful in my work.

34 18 1

Percentage 64.1% 33.9% 1.8%

7 The trainers were knowledgeable

about the training topics.

36 16 1

Percentage 67.9%

30.1% 1.8%

8 The trainers were well prepared.

36 16 1

Percentage 67.9%

30.1% 1.8%

9 The training objectives were met.

30 22 1

Percentage 56.6% 41.5% 1.8%

10 The time allotted for the training

was sufficient.

36 16 1

Percentage 67.9%

30.1% 1.8%

11 The meeting room and facilities

were adequate and comfortable.

36 16 1

Percentage 67.9%

30.1% 1.8%

12 What did you like most about this


1. How to render services to both

internal and external customers.

2. Facilitators were knowledgeable

on what they were presenting

3. Involvement of both facilitators

and participants in the learning


4. Best services to customers/clients

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13 What aspects of the training could

be improved?

1. More time for training needs to be


2. Facilitators should consider

gender balance

3. Training should be given more


14 How do you hope to change your

practice as a result of this training?

1. Delivering quality services to


2. Change the way we approach

customers and maintain a

friendlier attitude.

15 What additional trainings would

you like to have in the future?

1. Need for (ICT) computer training

to keep pace with changing


2. OPRAS training

3. Leadership training

16 Please share other comments or

expand on previous responses


1. We need to put into practice all

that we have learned

2. Working tools/facilities need to be


3. Training should be sustainable

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4.2 Conclusion

Concluding remarks were given by MISATAN Chair Mr Berege, the Zonal Court

Admin Mr Manoti, A participant and the Registrar.

Mr Berege lauded participants from Tabora for their active and participatory

engagement to the workshop, and then thanked facilitators for a job well done

and most importantly the Judiciary through Tabora Court Administrator for a

workshop well planned. He also urged participants to put the knowledge

acquired to work if the training had to have a meaning at all.

Mr Manoti appreciated the Judiciary Administration at national level, and

specifically Chief Court Administrator Mr Hussein Kattanga for making the

workshop a reality. He also instructed the IT person to establish a WhatsApp

group for those whose mobile phones enable the application in order to ease

communication and be able to share information in a more transparent

manner. The group has been created already. He promised that those who

didn‟t get a chance to train this time will do so when new workshop is planned.

It was then time for the participants to share a word of thanks. The person

selected thanked the Authorities for the opportunity, which, he said to many

was an eye opener and was also a chance to travel for the first time since they

were employed. He also expressed participants‟ appreciation for the openness

that shown by the Court Administrator by giving them a platform to air their


The Zonal Court Registrar had the chance to hand over certificates of

participation to all 57 staff members who took part in the workshop before

officially closing the proceedings. She took time to thank everybody involved in

the successful execution of the workshop, from the authority to the ordinary staff

and from the facilitators to sponsors (FES Tanzania).

She acknowledged that change had already began she walked in the office

the second day of the training and confessed that she won‟t regret having her

staff taking part in that workshop. She promised that the authority is already

working towards improving remunerations and other working conditions though

she clearly stated that it goes in phases and is a gradual process. She closed

that workshop by stressing that, “Any person who comes to the Judiciary with or

without a problem is a customer, and thus must be treated with respect so that

they don‟t lose hope”.

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5. Appendices

5.1 Registration list

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5.2 Appendix 2: programme


March 2nd – 3rd, 2016

Tabora Municipal Council

Day One, Tuesday March 2nd

Time Activity Person Responsible


Arrival and Registration


Judiciary/MISA Tanzania/All

Session One

08:45 – 09:15

Introductions by all

RemarksbyTabora Judge In charge

Expectations from participants


Mr Simon Berege, Lecturer in

Communications Studies, Iringa


09:15– 09:30


Gasirigwa GS -

Information/Programme Officer –

MISA Tanzania

9:30–10:00 Tea All

Session Two




Managing Editor Jamhuri Media

Limited & Member of the

Coalition for the Right to

Information (CORI)

10:45–12:00 Brain storming session

How do you think freedom of information

impacts on your life

Can you think of a problem you have


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faced because you lack access to



Customer Service & Communication Skills

for Government Employees

Advocate/Journalist James

Marenga from NOLA

13:00–14:00 Lunch All

Session Three


Customer Service & Communication Skills

for Government Employees

(Brainstorming session and experience



14:30-15:10 Group work and presentations Group leaders


Good FOI practices in Africa and


Deodatus Balile, Managing Editor

Jamhuri Media Limited &

Member of the Coalition for the

Right to Information (CORI)

15:50–16:30 Q & A Session Presenter/Moderator

16:30 – 17:00

Overview of the day and closure Moderator


Day Two: Wednesday, March 3rd



Person Responsible

Session One

09:00 – 09:30

Recap of Day One


Session Two



Advocate/Journalist James


10:45-11:15 Tea break


Brainstorming session & discussions

- Do you think it is important that

freedom of information should be

a right protected in the

constitution? Why?


11:45 – 12:30 PublicBodiesandAccess to Information Deodatus Balile, Managing Editor

Jamhuri Media Limited & Member

of the Coalition for the Right to

Information (CORI)

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Brainstorming session

- What steps should the public body

take to promote access to


Discussion point:

- How can record management be

improved at your work place?

What request management and tracking

mechanisms could be employed in your

public body?




Session Three


HowtoProvideInformation and request


Gasirigwa GS

15:00-16:00 Brainstorming Question: who might

come to your public body with a

request for information? Why might this

information be important for them?

Discussion point: Think of examples of

difficult requesters and discuss how the

situation could be handled in a

professional manner.



Resolutions, Recommendations and

Awarding of Certificates and Official



Page 32: MISA TANZANIA - Judiciary · MISA TANZANIA Training Report on Access ... clients want judiciary staff to understand their needs and ... responsible Judiciary of Tanzania intending



5.3 Appendix 3: Evaluation form




Tarehe: 03/03/2016

Maelekezo: Tafadhali onesha hali ya ukubali wako kwa kutia Vema (V) kwa jibu

lililosahihi katika sentensi zilizoorodheshwa hapa chini, kuanzia #1-11.

1. Malengo makuu ya mafunzo yalieleweka. Nakubaliana sana Nakubaliana


2. Ushirikishwaji na Mwingiliano ulihamasishwa. Nakubaliana sana Nakubaliana


3. Mada zilizotolewa zilikuwa na umuhimu kwangu. Nakubaliana sana Nakubaliana


4. Maudhui yalikuwa rahisi na yenye mpangilio mzuri. Nakubaliana sana Nakubaliana


5. Vifaa vilivyogawiwa kwa ajili ya mafunzo vilikuwa na msaada. Nakubaliana sana

Nakubaliana Sikubaliani

6. Maarifa yaliyopatikana katika mafunzo haya yatakuwa na umuhimu katika kazi zangu.

Nakubali sana Nakubaliana Sikubaliani

7. Mkufunzi alikuwa mwenye ujuzi na mada alizozitoa katika mafunzo. Nakubaliana

sana Nakubaliana Sikubaliani.

8. Mkufunzi alikuwa amejiandaa vizuri. Nakubaliana sana Nakubaliana Sikubaliani

9. Malengo makuu ya Mafunzo yalifikiwa. Nakubaliana sana Nakubaliana Sikubaliani

10. Muda uliochaguliwa kwa ajili ya mafunzo ulikuwa wa kutosha. Nakubaliana sana

Nakubaliana Sikubaliani

11. Ukumbi na vifaa vya mkutano vilikuwa vizuri na vilikidhi haja. Nakubaliana sana

Nakubaliana Sikubaliani

Page 33: MISA TANZANIA - Judiciary · MISA TANZANIA Training Report on Access ... clients want judiciary staff to understand their needs and ... responsible Judiciary of Tanzania intending



12. Nini kilikuvutia zaidi katika mafunzo haya?






13. Ni vipengele vipi katika Mafunzo haya viboreshwe?






14. Jinsi gani unategemea kubadili kazi zako kama sehemu ya matokeo ya mafunzo






15. Ni mafunzo gani ya ziada ungependa uyapate wakati ujao?





16. Tadhari , toa maoni yako mengine au fafanua kwa upana majibu yako ya awali hapa:





Asante sana kwa maoni yako!

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