
~8 the lut ,..,Q.Qa ot ~n11 I bWo4ue.S S~tn&M

Ite•lu,._ tJ to •• • Speo:lal SU~t-. on a ...

...__,•· thll 1M:~', \bls IPQi.&l. b1•~&1'i4. ... 11\lb\1~'\ftf

-ot \lhlcm :r am Qlat~, "c• •*-' On-e ot th& tinct, tbia&CJ we toua« wt -.. tba:\ tl:u•n wh

*'' leaet ,eJ..wta JAC*Jl0l81• b\mMNt ~•:N.ou aud ~·

of ther, ~cb lawtl'll1fd J.n u ...... -. at.:wr..

Wb7 ~~ •ulA theft &110M a ~to. COfllldtt.M conc•m.C

exol.nd 'fWJ '44 tb till' pmbl• o;t; dl~ent'

OM l>lJ ftU01'1 vu to aalte lllU"ttt that d.ttl4 \t all ~~•

,.~, ac•u•• a4 OCIIJ'Ain1Qf, ~ ••• ..,... latl:1 u ,oa-.

bt.Uty l.a fiiYII~looJEe4. fJtry ~noM- tfo WU the fMJJ.Ag

tblt tbil IUbcCEdt~e ~d tllo-nue tb• llow fit into-I'JIIIatlon

al:Jou~ di~iiJlt a&ttel!'lt f.IOJli tAe , .,. • ._., t.o slU" peoP4e,

1h•• lh!ll al.- w 'M a 4mc• 'M i•'-h•r ,._.fl tooua

ptlbl.ic o,w-. - to OQll.-.t tA•· U•• ct our ~pl;e, ,_ '"

not 11'1 the ,pve.lWie~rt1 'bll~ 'Wt10 ·'fJW:I' h•v• a il:'8t. 4HJ. to cca ...

tnbut. ~ the .aolutlon ot tbJ.• orlUo.l proW.•-.

Another ia~rtant funeU.oa of tb••1 Wo1 it to

4~et:rat.e ~ the 1rorl..d ~e dee.P b.'tehll ot tn• Oonpua ia

4laU1l•eat. l$U kaov1 we *" 10. a ~ol<U'llh ·bowl ben tn

Alllerlca, People ~\Ul<i t.t.t.• wtld wateh u .. th•1 U JJt.en -

~rAr9"07 on. *• we ""· l'!O~~~ ~ ~-. We ~ co.ruatM~ bdq. oYtl'ba.F4. U t,he CoJ11rtd vera ~- ,1j.ti0rt 41•~-t.,

~ to ~t lt c••••ll,-1 t1ut vodr.d would. tut cu-etul n.(t-te.

Then w• el•o 1n ,q Jdlld, And ll\ the lliau of the ~•bert

·o.f the s-.-.w Who voW \o ae\ u.p t»• •tn.o\1.7 W.p-.:rtiam lUbow

~t-.,, . ,..., tba\ the a:eoutlve WM.Ob , •• cettins.

little~ ot aneri.e41 011 the n.bJeOft ot diM.lUPC\t

fa utter• ot - u 111. eYery Q,rM of our toJ!C.p

poliq ...... we need bO·th u OpeJ\ ll1n4 -~ u _,.111••• w uplert

eve~ p4aatb1U t7 'CoQ t.n• l.:ba1 t, Wt llfle4 alM to be •Ql.• to

·'lbti'il geara• llben tbe rofd, chAflP•• Vt ~tetf f'1•J4bl.UV•

Wt ·il\l8t 'be pr-epa-e«, too • to mo"V'tt .evlttQr vhc opponunJ, t7

~1.; to mov• out ahu41 to :le1ae th•'Ua\lv••

X • aot tt.~A••~ that. ve Jua\ ~..... ll.l<Mod-1 l a. ...

plore the F•••' politr fill t.l\e M~nild.•tmt4on to ~~-­

al_tM!.tii...,..W »•-' t qur ll•'fY. boabers u.d 1\Jicied mittU•

pl\lanw., 0\11" ''"••riJl• paana to tall beb1n4 the Buetue.,

l'hie 11 notbbl~. Q&t «l•..-ut WltbCit\lt cont8u, 1\ 1•

Wl•'t;•nl Clll••~·tlt •

.At \he ~aae Ume, th~re 1t tar too muCh big t&lk e.l»\lt

mlltt.q pa.ot•• m1Uul7 &Gai&tance; mUJ.~ neaun. lAAtl

and b\uter a:UWULk tri.IPUJ it td.p~ ac eneml*'t

W• haYe a b.ab1t rHe;t\lf l!)f t~J1~11: lot\ily anti ctt~

·mill" a ...U .stick.

(Cgpy tta•nel"1 ve tlb0Ul4 .,..., eoi~.J we ~Ul.d neptU'MJ

..,. lhou14 dl•w••··

And W .0, •1"17 a ~ •Ucll. V• .lllf1 uin-tain OlW

at••••- J\Uft u ~-. 1~ tat•• to 4ft'N.9P .. ·-~·

•111t• of eoct"l• l.l.t.,.._'t. vi ~t ~t.zo.U., of Qa.\U"a•1

ia tintgly • 1AY!te.t1oa to u.t••t.r.

Z haTe only al»\l~ tout' air~utee to dtaoua .u. ....... t .

todq. W. haYe ·been ae, Vita the Raltltu:a oa taw

utter tor ten ,.ePa,

£et ... Jut ~ br'¥ • •~ 1• ~~ 1n4t'Mtfnal.7

Clear - t.bat M ait ..... t, .. ia fJTeq Otbel' _,... rOl t~p

:P4Ucy1 tbe ftQtliU.J ue fiO•AD& etfeotl:v.:l¥ UICl n.p!d.ll -••• the Ub.a.d.t\414 p~•• of tttl• lf!Od.4. flUJf ..-..

talktaa pea.oe,. t.U7 .an. ·~ PllQref· ·•* M

their rue\ atmO\IIlo--t or cute to tad~- uv1 \!1., *" dla~abg poalUve; C~IVUCt.i.,e lUU\lft•- auoh &I p ....

Yldirlg lqw.oo•t ....... ,. •• r-.o ... n ro~ pow ... tarM4

OOUJJ.'hi••• !hey .~ upc.tUna thet.- •ttQn.t w ~elcr,p w.-wl. th tbe V.1tt 1\hf¥ ue plvd.U, 4l_..Wtli HG"-ou· ot

tbeU• ll'Gil 0\U'\d.a.

Now 1\ _,uld \Mt tolq to take a.U tbLJ a.t . t .... 'Yil\lt -

u.d to cut t.u ov ~ r•ne• ttarthw.

Jlllt it u al- t~lk ·to f.4hont What the lllldtu _,..

• lf \1$ b&•• the IPttli.&b' of wod.d 4:Piut.oa ou lUf -


!\ !


\ '

... u.. JUn .... ~ ~f~~--· tlld-..

~ Rhlltn Une 11 s-~1 not o~ the un~tt.« ~p.l.t•

Of the Dtt, bat -.110 OUI' alliol 1fl JW'YJill.t that th•· ftl.lldUJ

a\ l .aet a.-. reuoaabl.e ad peeotM _. _.. \bt.\ J!l aa \be in-

tuxl'bl•• ~-·, rtald, ftl"lli• na.t:ton.

Ve auet. preaa to:rvard in tbe. an. of adeqate ocmtn1

G! &l'lllQ_t.... Jad -a~ impor\lllt,, we :IINI' COD'f'iJlOe tb•

W$l'l.d ot ou~ eince:rit7 @4 our pert•••hna•11, V• b.aft ..S•

•• 4nlutlo aea\un ...... \be •ope¥~ *'••' pi'Qpol&l of'"

Preeidtlit. •~ are w p1Jla \o reat. .U our •a• 1n one ._..,,.

Ute M gol~ to r•t\Ju to nooplH thlit Ul'lal b~eoUon la

01117 a. Ye:ry part4a1 f&lliWet ~ the O<».l'W'Ol J)J'Ob\•7

·w, ~••4 to ft611M tMt d.t.eai'Uil•t aunot a 001).•

st••I"M b. va.-a. ,. aust NOoF!•• ~t tl'.feotl•· a ...

&ffJiOet d.4l.P'Q41 lal1el7 on the s•tU•ea~ <>t QJOF 9QUU04.

ie~JU•• 2heHton1 wt .aet. bt prc;pu84 M cU.•ou•• to,

W· coaproai .. , b ftfe'f!T wq to b7 \o COlle to ,peaceful let~

aent:e ot apecitie ltauea, !h-.e ·dt•cntellon• Nil bttoc.t e»­

hautbg ud dtecou~s. Blat t.My de et 1•t hi' 10\lni ••

Jd.Ue41 and our attiee. bMDN.- oo :ton.c ... w MbW. o\U"

etawgth at tbe Qae t.lme.

lfoy in the fo lllOIIlenta ,_..,.,niog, le~ m• jut. t.u 70\l

ot oUJO plana to l:>J1Jlg 1he ~bcOmJUt'*"' on.,....., w MimtQ.POU.•

·• S.tur4q, Jun• 3-6.

'Jbla 1• part ~ ~~ li;T ........ tlw JIUbo.

QOrJIII!.tt.• no·pee io 4rat~ u~ the "1Kturo•• of e«uca\lonal

ln•tttutlOAit aobo_l~ an4 otber 1nfom.ed t4tt••• to ad4

to ·the aoCUIIUlaUn.g store of 14eaa tor 41a~et. Too 1 the

a·eetlng1 aa vtth all meet4agl of tdle kbOolll&l~'-·• vUl btl

qpfll• lt 11 ()U.J' ho;p,q that Mb.tlf#M\anl f~ *'"" li'IIJ.JCl of Ut•

v.tU ~t.ten41 aad taat 'bbrotqh tnt· BOlllllitta• • trip to

Mtnne-.poU., \hey vUl be08• IIOJ"e &ware of tAl d.lft1eul.'

p~bl•• fe.dna aur sov•ft'lllflll't an4 QUI' ,PIIOp.l.-• S4 4•-.llQ wltb


\ '\


\ ~

\ \



nato_ -· H. Huirf.p'hrey


ro na.tora, I feel · ( :t one Of nry most

ir~t - i to act for n o"'tA, to be its .,friend

e.t court", to

t, the . tter wiU

ility to @lit

t . lt f'uoteot With mostest ' , o.s Gene

• consequently, I · :t h:f'ul for opportunitieo to

why I llaVe

Vhioh crtr

to r·u.:· ll!- 1e~r;n;a., 1

:~ a bat"d to

channels of the Great

Jeeto don' t j

Fl control

try is

s ...... the one



to make ,

o r


d - forest PI uct.s

~ ,.. ~tory :e Grand Rapids, aa1 a ~losieal l.a'bo~atorv

des:\gnecl to otudy tht:J Wll!lter sit · t~cm in our· ~ areas.

In a&lition, l Wll~ for spaci ·. tt.v:¥ts to Stl.¥\1 aueh pro~s as

the in;f'ea ;bicm 01: ttm. gypr;.y m~, 'Wll1cb iG doit!g eo utu'Jh ~

~ t~ ~ · 'd.vlaot . Asa1n, I an glM.. to~ t.l'.lat tunds

es~ proJect 'YI.lto incl.~ by the ~ttoo.

r~sota. bS4 gooa tleva this ~k. \!hen 'the Senate pe.aliJed a

record·b~ . . ·na ~;t;a:'ic.tione bUJ. tor~~- of Health,

ata.ntial in<;:re a 1n tl1e .A&n1n~ stration' a ~t · uea·t

fQr Fe~Iml. ~ :tn hoGPital ccmstruotion, and 'I® mcdieal re~h.

The biG ~a.aes in evary ~t~awy mee.n ~t it the :Hou · of

R senta.tives asceea., M:ltlne~ Vill re~tve .about ~ :rce.nt

lQilG f


ca:.L1 .t. ....

Yo 1 I' l to teU

I rtF! ·:en ~ot t :tat

0 ate th w: eo s nt t

a.c wdiC 1 ore

~· o· ... · or



t Univ-er tty of ~sota

1 M • Sin

every cQt'lfl:tder :ti !n the

7 neither I nor

to big

iv Co...()p

' 4o'lf-­. ~

v-lth t Ata.nie ~ c ·aston

to over

je •

oro- J

Minnesota Historical Society

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