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Chapter 01Fujibayashi had visited Tatsuya's house on a Sunday under the pretense of “advanced employment of students.” She and Tatsuya were exchanging information, with Miyuki unsure of what is going on. Tatsuya gives her a few clues, and she works out that the USNA may have been backing the Chinese Union. The Chinese Union would not have enough power to attack both Japan and the USNA (who are officially allies). The Chinese Union had not attacked for the purpose of invading, but to gain more technology. Because they USNA would delay their mobilization, they took a gamble and attacked Yokohama. Fujibayashi mentions that the USNA's mobilization was unnaturally slow, and that they were most likely secretly backing the Chinese Union so as to weaken their ally, Japan, which was a strong magic power across the ocean. As she leaves, she hands Tatsuya some chocolates for Valentine's day (2 days early).

The next day, in the Student Council Office, Honoka is making many errors in her work. Seeing this, everyone encourages her to go home. As Miyuki and Tatsuya head home, they talk about how Honoka is most likely preparing for Valentine's Day. Lina interrupts them, tired from hearing such talk all day, but Miyuki continues the topic by asking Lina if she would give chocolates to anyone. Lina tries to turn it around and asks Miyuki if Tatsuya was her favorite. Miyuki replies that it would be odd to give proper chocolates to her brother. Lina realizes that she can never win in a verbal argument with either of these siblings.

That night, Mayumi is making chocolates while laughing. Her younger sisters, Izumi and Kasumi are wondering and worrying about what she is doing, since Mayumi has coffee beans and 95% cacao (the strongest type they have in the market in that time period).

At Yakumo temple the next morning, Tatsuya is training to fight against the parasite. Miyuki notices he is unusually tired and worries about any potential side effects. Yakumo says he is tired because he is changing how he perceives things through the Idea and is attacking in a mentally fatiguing way. Instead of aiming directly at the Information Body like he has been, he is introducing the concepts of “movement” and “exclusion” into the Idea (which normally do not exist) and aiming at coordinates just in front of where the Information Body would be in the physical plane. He is doing something he is unaccustomed to at intervals of 1/32 of a second, which is why it is so tiring for him. He comforts Miyuki by saying he would not do anything reckless. After their conversation, Miyuki hands chocolates to Yakumo as she does every year.

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Chapter 02Honoka was waiting at the station that morning. There she meets Mizuki, which she finds to be a bit troublesome. She accepts that Miyuki will always be with Tatsuya, but having someone else there makes it harder for her. When Tatsuya and Miyuki arrive, Miyuki distracts Mizuki, giving Honoka and Tatsuya a chance to be alone. When the two arrive at school, Honoka takes him to a private place and holds out chocolates, standing there frozen. Tatsuya takes the chocolates and places a small bag in her hand, saying it is a gift to her for the chocolates. Honoka's feelings affect something living within a lifeless doll (where the parasite was residing).

When Honoka gets back to her class, she pulls Miyuki and heads to the restroom, where she takes out Tatsuya's present, small elastic hair-bands with a thin metal plate with small gems embedded within. Miyuki says that any gift Tatsuya picked out would be one that suited her.

On his way to class, Tatsuya is feeling self-loathing because he deceived Honoka. Not only did he not choose the present (Miyuki did), he had gotten Miyuki to go along with his make-shift plan. Even if she did not know that, it did not change the fact that he did so. When he arrives at his classroom, Leo greets him from his seat. He and Mikihiko talk for a short time when Mizuki comes in and gives all of them a chocolate (with no signs of embarrassment). Mikihiko looks slightly disappointed, but no one points it out. Leo looks a bit odd, since it is the first chocolate he received from someone outside his family.

Erika comes in and makes fun of him, saying he left the hospital early so he could get chocolates (to which he obviously rejects). She is angry in general, because valentine's day is a nuisance at her household, since there are so many male pupils. She then says Mikihiko is lucky because his household teaches many female students and that he can get chocolates whenever he wants. Mikihiko denies it, but somehow manages to dig his own grave as Erika and Mizuki are looking at him.

After school, in the cafeteria, Mayumi speaks to him. She asks for some of his time, and he accepts, but first asks what is going on. There are many people watching them and Hattori is nearby, apparently unconscious. He knows immediately that Mayumi is the cause. Hattori calls out to him and asks for water. After giving him some, Hattori stands up and thanks Tatsuya (which surprises him, since, while there was no problem between them, their relationship was not exactly great). Hattori asks him to forget what he saw before leaving.

Mayumi is about to continue their conversation when Eimi and Subaru appear. They call out to him and give him chocolates as representatives of the Nine-Schools Competition first year girls team (minus Miyuki and Honoka, of course). Before anyone can say anything, the two run off and go about their business. Mayumi then gives him her own chocolates. He feels that he can't refuse since he just accepted a large amount from Subaru and Eimi. Mayumi asks him to eat them and give her his impressions, but before he does, he asks her if they can speak in private.

The two head to a separate room which was originally locked and talk about the vampire case. Recently, nothing has been happening, but Tatsuya feels the vampires are keeping an eye out because they may have a form of synesthesia (or shared senses). After exchanging information, Tatsuya stands up to leave, but is stopped by Mayumi. She gave him her chocolates again (which he had not taken before he asked to speak to her), and had him open it. He feels dizzy smelling the strong scent of coffee and cacao, but decides to think of it as medicine rather than food, eating them all (it was apparently a large box).

Honoka is going about her Student Council duties happily when she meets with Eimi. Eimi mentions that Mayumi was giving Tatsuya chocolates, but that he had a face that looked like he was being forced to take them. Despite that, Honoka is worried that Mayumi might be her love rival. With Miyuki, there is the hurdle of the two being siblings, but Mayumi did not have such feelings. Her feelings, once again, affect the parasite.

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Chapter 03As Tatsuya is heading to the station from school with Miyuki, Honoka, and Lina, he is carrying a large bag full of chocolates. When they arrive, Honoka rides a cabinet home. Tatsuya, Miyuki, and Lina live in another direction, and the cabinets are currently not present. They spend a few minutes waiting at the station together, somewhat tense, since they had been trying to kill each other just a few days ago. Lina is acting suspiciously, but Tatsuya pays it no heed. He and Miyuki head home on the cabinet that next arrives.

As he leaves, Lina speaks into a terminal to Colonel Balance. She feels anxious, since she thought Tatsuya was looking at the low-attitude satellite surveillance camera. Colonel Balance says that it was rare that anyone had the ability to see the satellite with the naked eye, let alone the camera. She checks the footage over the few minutes Tatsuya was present at the station with Lina and sees his gaze pass directly by the camera, but it moves away immediately, so she does not think anything of it. Rather, she is more worried about Lina's behavior.

As Lina leaves the station (after riding the cabinet) and walks home, she regrets that she could not give chocolates to Tatsuya. While they were fighting each other, they had fought together once, and he had not revealed her identity to anyone. As soon as she arrived home, she noticed a presence in her apartment. She is angry that she only noticed it when she opened the door, but she proceeds inside anyway, only to be surprised by Colonel Balance who had been hiding above her along the ceiling.

As the two have tea, Colonel Balance explains that, while Lina is the High Commander of Stars, she is still a sixteen year old girl, so she understands why Lina is having trouble with her emotions. She also says she believes Lina has too much sympathy for Tatsuya, her target. Lina objects, saying she sees him as a rival since he was the first one to defeat her in one-on-one magic combat since she earned the title of Sirius. Colonel Balance accepts that and says her top priority was to capture the user of the mass-energy conversion magic or kill the caster if capturing is impossible, and to assume that Tatsuya was the user until proven otherwise.

Erika arrived at her house, which is a detached building from the main household in the Chiba grounds. As she lays on her bed, she thinks about how much trouble Valentine's day was. She looks at a picture on her dresser. The picture is of Anna Rosen Katori, her mother. She was Erika's father's lover, and Erika was born while her father's legal wife was ill. She understands that her mother has a responsibility for the affair, but still loves her. She also knows her father has a responsibility as well, but feels an unreasonable contempt for him. While thinking all this, someone enters her “home” (she is the only one living in the detached building) and knocks on her door.

Shuji, her second-eldest brother, comes to talk to her. He tells her that Shiba Tatsuya is being monitored by the Defense Forces and may require a guard. Erika is surprised at this, though she believes it is for a different reason than her brother is. She knows Tatsuya is part of the Defense Forces and surprised that they would monitor their own troops. Shuji was likely hired as a third party to monitor him, not knowing anything about Tatsuya. Shuji warns Erika to stay away from Tatsuya, though being with him at school is fine since it would cause undue suspicion if she suddenly stopped. She takes his warning to heart.

Back at home, Miyuki arrived in the house first and threw the chocolates Tatsuya received in the refrigerator. Tatsuya was relieved because she seemed to be taking it well (since he had always received only one or two chocolates the years before). She forces him to wait in his room until she calls him down for dinner.

When she calls him down, she is wearing a waitress-style outfit and is placing a full course chocolate-menu dinner on the table (every dish has chocolate included, whether it be a sauce or the main ingredient). After dinner, Miyuki is red and slightly tipsy (as the dessert had brandy in it and she had not properly cooked it off). As she is taking the dishes to the kitchen, she trips. Tatsuya quickly catches her and the plates. Miyuki sits on the sofa while he does the dishes for her.

While she is on the sofa, she sighs and asks herself why she is Tatsuya's younger sister. She is happy that she is his sister, since he cares about her and she can be with him, but she is afraid that some day, she will want to be more than his sister, and she won't be able to. She was also afraid that Tatsuya would learn of her desire, though at the same time, she wished that he knew. Turning around and seeing that Tatsuya heard nothing, she feels relieved as well as regret.

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Chapter 04The next day, there was an odd atmosphere about the campus. Tatsuya was called out to by Isora who was accompanied by Azusa and Kanon. Pixie, the 3H robot owned by the robotic engineering club, appeared to have changed facial expressions and used magic. Unsure of what had happened, Isora called for Tatsuya since he was the most knowledgeable about CADs (the 3H was another form of technology which mixed mechanical and magic technologies). While nothing serious had happened, many of the students were anxious. Isora mentions that Tsuzura had looked at it and noticed signs of Psions and Pushions coming from the center of Pixie, which held the electronic brain.

Tatsuya takes Pixie to the maintenance room (accompanied by his usual group of friends as well as Kanon, Isora, and Azusa) and has Isora explain what happened. Upon activating in the morning, Pixie was to begin a self-diagnosis program every morning and would be shut down remotely if there was a problem. This morning, nothing wrong was found, but Pixie accessed the student roster. Though a remote signal was sent to shut it down, it continued to access the student roster until the information was cut off from the server side. When the logs were looked at, Pixie had received the command and had followed it, yet its body still continued to move.

Tatsuya commands Pixie to awaken from standby, and when it identifies Tatsuya, it stands still for a long period of time. While everyone wonders what the strange behavior was about, Pixie jumps at Tatsuya. Tatsuya decides he can't dodge and instead tries to grab it, but Pixie ends up wrapping its arms around him in an embrace. Everyone is surprised and stunned, as they all just stand there for a few seconds, until Kanon returns and says “Tatsuya, you're even popular with robots.” Miyuki is angry that he is letting Pixie hold him even though he could have dodged, but he responds by saying he couldn't because it would have run into Miyuki otherwise (which calms her down). Tatsuya orders Pixie to sit down and has Mizuki look at Pixie with her eyes.

When Mizuki looks at it, she states that it is the parasite, but after looking around, states that its thought patterns are the same as Honoka's, also stating it is more a copy of some of her strong emotions, rather than something under her subconscious control. Honoka covers her face in embarrassment when Pixie begins to speak to them telepathically.

Tatsuya and Pixie talk calmly, with everyone simply “listening” to the two. Tatsuya finds out a few things about the Parasite. The Parasite retains the knowledge of its hosts, but not the personality/desires of the host, so it cannot tell how many hosts it has had or what the hosts intents/emotions were. Its only personal desire is self-preservation. Anything else is something it gains from its host. Because of Honoka's strong emotions of “wanting to be Tatsuya's,” it is completely dependent on him. Though he is troubled by this, he orders Pixie to not use its psychic abilities (i.e. telepathy) without his permission as well as not to change its facial expression. It follows his command, but its face still seems to show some human emotion, despite being mechanical.

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Chapter 05Tatsuya and Miyuki are in a private vehicle Tatsuya purchased. Miyuki is going to attend piano and etiquette lessons, and Tatsuya was accompanying her as her guard. While in the car, Tatsuya and Miyuki talk about Pixie and what will happen to her. Tatsuya says that, while they can believe it is moving based on Honoka's emotions (since it was confirmed with Mizuki's eyes), nothing else the parasite said had proof to back it up. As such, he did not feel it was entirely believable.

Once they reach the place where Miyuki is having lessons, Tatsuya leaves and heads to a family restaurant (since only women were allowed in the building). While Tatsuya is drinking, he is monitoring Miyuki through the Idea. While doing so, he notices five targets aiming for him.

Colonel Balance planned the attack against Tatsuya. After observing him for two weeks, she noticed there were few chances he was alone, and this lesson happened to be a chance for her. She also believed he was a part of the military based on his basic behavior. Her plan was to have her men attack the restaurant as burglars (using non-lethal methods). If he could be captured, they would do so, but if he fought back, he would be guided to a place where Lina could attack him. While she was concerned about Stardust, the troops she was using to attack the restaurant, failed, she believed the chances to be minimal.

Meanwhile, Lina is preparing Brionac, which was a four-foot long rod with a grip in the center, with one tip looking like a cross. She too was not sure of the plan. She thought he would be able to block Stardust, which was the main point of their strategy. While she had thought Miyuki to be the most worrisome initially, she was now worried about Tatsuya more than anything. This is because her magic Dancing Blades had been disintegrated, and he had nullified two magics at the level of her Muspelheim, which required a massive Interference Power that no one in Stars possessed. She was mostly worried because she knew it was her magic that was changed (with his use of Gram Dissolution, which she does not know of) rather than her magic being destroyed by a massive flow of Psions (Gram Dispersion).

While she is thinking such things, five men in ski masks (Stardust) leave their truck in front of the restaurant. Tatsuya immediately pays his bill and stands up, walking out of the restaurant. The five men were stunned that he had left before they could take action. Taking advantage of that, he activates his magic to stop the magic placed on their gun bullets and jumps to attack them. Tatsuya takes this into close-combat because he does not want his magic to be caught on camera too much. However, when attacking, he realizes the men are genetically modified to the point where they are now near death. After taking down one and hitting another, he jumps back to prepare his next attack when he felt another presence approaching him.

Shuji had been in a building nearly a kilometer away and noticed the fight start. He quickly jumped down and used a magic which allowed him to cover the distance quickly. As he approaches, he sees Tatsuya fighting Stardust, which he calls Suicide Soldiers. Thinking it too much for a high school student, he inserts himself between the two groups.

Tatsuya quickly steps back and lets Shuji finish the fight. Shuji uses his speed magic and attacks the four remaining soldier with a kodachi, using his high speed and a rapid stopping-moving action to create afterimages. At the moment of his attacks, he activates High Frequency Blade, cutting their hands off.

Once the enemies are taken down, Tatsuya and Shuji move towards each other to talk. Suddenly, both feel an incoming crisis. Tatsuya jumps down and Shuji attacks with his sword. A large beam of plasma (which Tatsuya notes does not damage the city) directly hits Shuji's blade and is split in half via magic. However, Shuji could not negate the effects of the electromagnetic radiation and collapses. Tatsuya looks at the point of attack and sees a crimson-haired, golden-eyed girl holding a large cross-like weapon.

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Chapter 06Honoka and Shizuku are speaking on the phone, early in the morning for Shizuku. Honoka is complaining that everything about her feelings was exposed, while Shizuku is complaining that Honoka was not paying attention to the time. Shizuku eventually gives Honoka serious advice, saying Honoka needs to be more aggressive (also saying a few dirty things in the meanwhile). Shizuku brings up her conversation with Miyuki at the beach, saying Miyuki told her that she loved Tatsuya as a brother. Shizuku thinks Miyuki loves Tatsuya as a man, but is unaware of it. Because of that, she thinks Honoka should take advantage of the time before Miyuki realizes such feelings and should be more proactive.

Back at the restaurant, Tatsuya is thinking about the magic Lina just used, “Heavy Metal Burst.” It is a magic which takes disperses heavy metals and turns them into plasma. The transformation creates a strong shock wave. This is primarily done, he concludes, by Lina's weapon, which also forms a barrier to contain the shock wave and plasma to prevent extraneous damage (hence why the surroundings were not damaged by the attack). He also understands that its attack can move at an instant, perhaps fast enough that his Regrowth cannot catch up. While he is thinking such things, Lina turns around and runs away, challenging him to follow her. Tatsuya follows after her. Colonel Balance, in the meanwhile, orders for a car to be prepared, since she is worried about Lina's deviation from her plan to fight in the park.

Tatsuya finally catches up to Lina. Lina tells him to give up, because, while she does not know how he neutralized her magic before, he would not be able to neutralize Brionac. While thinking about the meaning of Brionac, he remains silent, which Lina takes as a rejection. She takes her weapon and points it at Tatsuya. The shot quickly fires before Tatsuya can use magic and disintegrates his right arm. He runs to hide behind shrubs, but she moves weapon around while attacking and eventually catches him. While he grasps the right side of his body and is down on one knee, she approaches him and reactivates Brionac, this time in a blade form.

Tatsuya says he is impressed that there was an imitation of the spiritual weapon, Brionac, which was said to be a spear of light which could pierce anything. He then compliments the USNA technology for putting the FAE (Free After Execution) theory to use. The FAE theory states that there is a small gap in time between when magic is invoked and when the laws of physics play a role. Brionac managed to control her magic's output by taking advantage of the theory in the time gap impossible for a human to use. Lina listened as he says this, because the FAE theory was classified research that was supposedly abandoned.

Once he is finished, she says he should surrender. Tatsuya rejects her offer. She moves Brionac to injure his knee to disable his movement so she can capture him, but he attacks her with his now regenerated right arm. Seeing that, she delays use of her magic. Tatsuya uses his decomposition to destroy the heavy metals that act as a base for her plasma. The force causes Trident to fly from his hands, while Lina, who gripped Brionac strongly, flew backwards. He again used Regrowth quickly to restore Trident to full order and place it into his hand, and uses Mist Dispersion to attack her arms and legs. She screams in pain until she passes out.

As he looks down at her unconscious body, he says she is not cut out for the military and should leave. It was her naivety which allowed him to win the battle. Her first shot with Heavy Metal Burst disintegrated his right arm and disrupted Gram Dispersion, but if she had not been controlling it, his entire body may have been rendered immobile. If that happened, he would have regenerated immediately, but he would have been unable to catch her by surprise like he did with his right arm. What's more, she did not need to listen to him speak of the FAE theory. Even if it was classified information, she should not have been shaken. Also, she moved Brionac to aim at his knee, which gave up crucial time. He walks away, carrying Lina with him.

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Chapter 07Lina opened her eyes and found herself in the vehicle she had arrived in. Half awake, she realizes that no one is present, which is odd, since, even if personnel had been dispatched, it would not be completely empty. She uses a nearby terminal to try and contact central command, but is unable to. Despite nothing looking wrong upon looking at it, all the communication data had been destroyed. Getting angry, she has a temper tantrum and slams her hands on the panel, only to notice that she was no longer feeling any pain. Checking her body, she finds no injuries or signs of attack, thinking Tatsuya may have used a mental attack on her.

Tatsuya immediately called the Yotsuba household. Instead of reaching Maya, Hayama picks up the phone. Tatsuya explains what happened after he defeated Lina. Lina was incapacitated. While her sense of pain was stopped, her motor nerves were still cut, so she would be unable to move. Before he went to pick her up, he headed back to her trailer and attacked the back-up team, who were unprepared since they did not expect Lina to lose. After destroying all communication equipment with his magic, he engages the backup team with a combination of his hand-to-hand combat skills and flight magic. He also uses the weapons he confiscated from Lina to attack. While fighting, he ensures that he is leaving no signs on the trailer itself, since it would be problematic if someone found a problem with it early. After taking care of all of Lina's back-up, he quickly cleans the trailer up and heads back to pick Lina up. When he arrives at the trailer, though, he finds all corpses and unconscious people he left behind now gone. He healed Lina and left her in the trailer with only Brionac.

Hearing this story, Hayama (Maya's butler), says it may be the workings of Saegusa Koichi, the current head of the Saegusa household, since his influence is strong in Tokyo. He warns Tatsuya that he needs to exercise more discretion for Miyuki's sake, since it is too early for her to be connected to the Yotsuba, though Saegusa Koichi may already have an idea about her identity. Tatsuya decides to leave all the data he obtained from Lina's trailer with Hayama and the clean up to Hayama.

Tatsuya met with Miyuki who immediately “smelled” signs of battle from him. Despite him having no signs of fighting on him, she intuitively perceived it with her “sense of smell.” Tatsuya tells her not to worry, but she states it is only natural she worries about her sibling. Tatsuya thinks it is natural, but also believes she is going beyond what is normal. After finally calming down, Miyuki states no one could defeat Tatsuya. Tatsuya responds to her words, despite knowing that he had won that fight mainly due to Lina's mental immaturity.

Lina had managed to make it back to her apartment, but when she tries to contact central command, she does not reach them and begins to worry. After a few more tries, she gathers her equipment and heads towards where the command center was secretly located. She finds no one there after searching, before heading back home.

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Chapter 08News in the morning showed that a small USNA naval craft had drifted into Japanese Territorial waters After explaining it to Miyuki, Tatsuya thinks about how the response was too fast from when he called the Yotsuba household. He believes they were just waiting for him to call so they could get a favor from him. Either way, Tatsuya feels the situation is better overall. He then leaves for morning training. When he leaves, Miyuki thinks to herself about her actions. She actually knew what happened, despite Tatsuya hiding it from her, since the Yotsuba household called her and gave her the information. Still, she had acted like she did not know when Tatsuya spoke to her because she was feeling conflicted. While she did not want to seem like a stupid girl in front of Tatsuya (out of fear he would dislike her), she did not want to seem too smart, either (out of fear he would deem his presence not necessary and would avoid her after that). She continued to think about her future, since Magicians, especially women, were “obligated” by society to marry and have children early on, since the new generations on average were more powerful than the old generations of Magicians. All she wanted was to remain by his side.

At school, Tatsuya enters the classroom where he notices Erika is in a poor mood. This mood does not change throughout the day until the end of the day. When he is questioning Pixie (he finds out the blood draining was an act of the parasites for the purpose of replenishing Pushions, and that there were 6 other parasites in the country but Pixie cannot tell how many are present since entering the robot's body. Communication between the parasites as well was blocked once it entered Pixie's body. When he takes a break from talking to Pixie, Erika enters the room he was using.

Erika asks who the enemy is, and Tatsuya answers honestly (USNA military). He also warns her to stop, since it will come to no good. She picks up on his hints and thinks the Ten Families are involved, specifically, the Saegusa, Juumonji, or Yotsuba, given the location. At that point, She is reasoning her way through this while Tatsuya is warning her in the background. Once she reaches this point, though, Tatsuya firmly tells her to not go any further for the good of both of them. Erika, understanding this is actually a very dangerous situation for her, apologizes. Tatsuya, returning his tone to normal, tells her she should stop hunting for Sirius, since Sirius will no longer appear. After the two promise to reveal anything they might learn to each other, Erika leaves. On her way out, Tatsuya tells her to thank her brother for him.

Erika quickly walks away until she is in a place by herself. Leaning up against the wall, she blames herself for stepping into territory she should not have stepped in, especially since it was not like her to pry into others' business. Thinking about Tatsuya's words with regards to her brother, she begins to get very fearful. Eventually, she forces herself to laugh it off.

While she was thinking that, Tatsuya was thinking it was inevitable that Erika find out, since she had seen his abilities, Miyuki's Cocytus, and had a strong intuition. He also felt it might not be so bad, since outside help is always useful when protecting a secret. He continues speaking to Pixie, finding out that, while Pixie cannot locate the other parasites as they were now, she could locate them if they became more active or were in proximity. After ending the conversation, Tatsuya heads to the Student Council Office to pick up Miyuki.

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Chapter 09Tatsuya, Miyuki, and Honoka were on campus at night, having received permission beforehand. Tatsuya and Miyuki are in more casual clothes, while Honoka is wearing her school uniform. Tatsuya mentions it might be inconvenient for their purposes, so they decide to stop by Honoka's place nearby afterward so she can change. The three head to the garage where Tatsuya pulls out some clothes from a bag. He has Pixie change into them, with Miyuki and Honoka forcing him not to look, despite the fact that the body is a mechanical one. The three leave with Pixie.

At that time, Erika was in the main Chiba household in front of her brother's room. When she enters, she clear sees he has other things on his mind and was not truly in the mood to talk. However, she mentions the Independent Magic Battalion, which piques his interest. Shuji asks how she knows of it, and she mentions that Major Kazama she met Major Kazama during the Yokohama Incident and warned them that Tatsuya's activity in the Battalion was a state secret. Shuji is greatly interested in this because Major Kazama is famous due to his military exploits and the fact that he is a well known master of Ancient Magic in the world, the Independent Magic Battalion was an urban legend, and that Tatsuya was in fact a member of it (hence explaining his abilities that Shuji felt were far too abnormal for a high school student). Erika, without going into too many details, mentions that it would be best for Shuji not to go any further into Tatsuya's private circumstances for his own good. He takes it to heart, despite still having a duty to guard Tatsuya.

In Honoka's apartment, Tatsuya and Miyuki are drinking tea while Honoka is changing her outfit. She comes out dressed similarly to Miyuki (conservative, but somewhat suggestive), and the three of them leave with Pixie and head to a cemetery in Aoyama. Tatsuya and Miyuki do not seem to care, and Honoka is afraid (though, due to her conversation with Shizuku days before, she does not run away). Tatsuya states the parasites, which lack numbers, would want to try and retrieve the parasite within Pixie, which has abandoned all sense of self-preservation. He wishes to take advantage of that to lure out the parasite located in the area.

In an underground branch of the Intelligence Bureau for the Ministry of Defense, there is a group monitoring Tatsuya and his actions. This group, which has strong ties to the Saegusa household, orders staff to disguise himself as a police officer and arrest Tatsuya.

Back in her apartment, Colonel Balance is stressed due to the recent events. Not only did her plans fail, the USNA naval ship was discovered in Japanese waters. It was a large blow to her pride. As she is feeling down, one of her guards enters and says someone is here to see Colonel Balance, despite this place being a safe house whose location should have been undisclosed. The person who wishes to speak to Balance is Kurobane Ayako, who is acting as a representative for Yotsuba Maya. Ayako states that she would like Balance to withdraw her activities from Japan, and insinuates that the Yotsuba were behind the attack on the naval ship which was discovered by the Japanese forces. Ayako then states that if Colonel Balance withdraws her troops, the Yotsuba family would not forget to thank Balance as a person (not the USNA or the military, but the individual). Balance feels the aid of the Yotsuba would more than make up for her mistakes made before. She accepts the conditions.

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Chapter 10As soon as Tatsuya steps onto the pavement near the cemetery, he perceives many gazes, both human and non-human. The officers monitoring Tatsuya and his group consisted of 10 skilled people who always acted in a group of 10, no matter how difficult the task. Since it was a simple task, they were somewhat off guard. One was carrying a sensor which would alert him to any use of magic by Tatsuya and those with him. However, as soon as the alarm sounds, he is knocked out by a flash of light. Honoka had used Evil Eye, far more effectively than the leader of Blanche, and against four people at the same time. Tatsuya was impressed, but worried since it was a mental interference magic which was normally restricted. If they were caught by the real police, it would become a much larger problem.

Elsewhere, Fujibayashi was monitoring the group (she was doing so legally, having been asked for help by Mayumi, who she was an acquaintance with). Behind her, Kudou Retsu is watching with interest. The two briefly discuss Tatsuya and the people around him.

Tatsuya and the others, now free of their observers, walk outside the cemetery and are encountered by 4 people. Tatsuya understands they are not humans but humans possessed by the parasites. They speak to him, saying they will take no hostile actions. Tatsuya asks for more clarification, and they say they will not harm Magicians, so long as he hands over Pixie to them. While in a robot, the parasite retains its self-preservation instinct and strongly rejects the other parasites, since they would free the parasite within her by destroying Pixie's body. The parasite-human, Marte, also states they will not harm Magicians, but they will remain hostile towards humans because Magicians are used as tools by humans. Tatsuya notes that, while the parasite possesses the human, the parasite is ruled by the host's own desires (which means this host had something against the humans who ruled over him).

With the negotiations broken down, the parasite begins to cast magic without any signs of deploying it. Tatsuya reacts faster and destroys the magic, then attacks Marte's limbs with Mist Dispersion. He then gathers Psions in his left hand and shoots them at Marte's body, with the intent to “reject” the parasite. Marte's body begins to writhe in pain as it rejects the parasite within it. While this is happening, Miyuki calls out to Tatsuya because she was in danger (he knew, though, since he had kept his focus on her). He turned around and sees Honoka being attacked by one of the parasite-humans, but she was protected by Pixie. Miyuki's clothes were frozen (I don't know if it was frozen as in frozen with ice, or frozen as in unable to move) by Zone Interference, limiting her mobility. Tatsuya quickly looks to Honoka, who shows no signs of needing help. A strong Psion energy gathers in her hairpin, and Pixie shoots off a large psychic attack.

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Chapter 11Fujibayashi and Kudou noticed Pixie using its attack and discuss it, since no technology currently available would allow a machine to use Magic. At the same time, elsewhere, Maya was also watching. She calls for Hayama and asks him to bring Aoki. When Aoki arrives, Maya asks him to obtain Pixie at any expense by any means. Once Aoki leaves, Hayama says Maya should not rely too much on Hlidskjalf (I am unsure what this is, but I believe it to be the system she was using to watch Tatsuya's fight). Though it is reliable, she is one of only 7 people with the authority to use it, so there were disadvantages to it as well. Hayama says she should use Tatsuya to find it, since his eyes could not be deceived, then she would be the sole user of it. Maya simply responds that it is too early.

Back at the cemetery, Erika, Leo, and Mikihiko arrive, apologizing for being late. They tell Tatsuya to leave early and they will take care of this area. On the way back, when in a four-seat cabinet, Tatsuya asks if Honoka had any intent to send Psions to Pixie, since he noticed signs of Psions flowing from her to Pixie. Honoka was surprised, since she neither intended to do anything nor felt anything. He then said that, while he does not understand the mechanism, the gems in her hair ornaments (that he got for her) were acting as a medium.

Meanwhile, Erika, Leo, and Mikihiko are keeping an eye out on the parasites (which were now tied up) and were waiting for a vehicle to pick everyone up. While waiting, two policemen call out to the three and attempt to apprehend them. Erika calls their bluff, since she knew no policemen would be in the area. While they were talking, someone jumped over the cemetery wall and attacked the three. Leo caught the attack with his hands while pushing Mikihiko away. A man across the street uses magic to attack Leo, but Mikihiko stops him. Erika, meanwhile, is fighting the two “policemen” who were attempting to arrest the three. Mikihiko quickly defeats his opponent and jumps on the cemetery wall. Leo is slowly overtaking his own opponent. Erika is having trouble with her two opponents, since she is not using her normal weapon, and every time she hits them, a powder flies out, forcing her to use a hit-and-away tactic. While Mikihiko is observing the entire scene, he notices three people approaching the bound parasite-hosts. Mikihiko

Mikihiko decides to stop the three, but before he does, a smoke grenade is launched from a ship in the sky. It was a jet-black ship which had little sound, so no one noticed it. Once Mikihiko clears up the smoke with magic, the parasite-hosts were retrieved. Erika begins to take a stance as if to cut down the ship with magic, but Mikihiko stops her since it would be devastating if it fell in the area. Once the ship disappears, the three notice all their assailants are gone as well. They are left standing there, wondering what to tell Tatsuya.

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Chapter 12Pixie had returned to Honoka's apartment, and Tatsuya and Miyuki returned home. Since they had just fought the parasites, they were both wide awake. Miyuki visited Tatsuya in his room in a thin, slightly see-through nightdress with nothing beneath it. While Tatsuya is thinking that she needs to have more self-awareness, Miyuki sits on his bed. She begins to speak after he sits next to her. She is concerned about what exactly magic was, since she saw Pixie use Psychokinesis which was no different from magic. She wonders if her powers came from the Parasites (which referred to themselves as Demons, during their negotiations before).

While she was speaking to Tatsuya, she had turned her body and was slowly approaching him. Right before she gets too close, Tatsuya stands up and kneels in front of her, explaining that not much is known about magic, so there was no need for her to worry. Once she shows no signs of anxiety, Tatsuya asked her if she was so worried about it that she could not sleep. Though he did not intend it, Miyuki thought he was teasing her, and so turned away and refused to move. Tatsuya whispers in her ear, asking if she wants him to remain by her side until she falls asleep (this time, he was teasing her). She asks him timidly if he will hold her hand the whole time. He agrees, no longer able to back out of it. He holds her hand until she falls asleep (which was very quickly) before returning to his room.

The next morning, Erika, Leo, and Mikihiko drag Tatsuya to the roof. They were clearly nervous, so Tatsuya preempts the conversation and asks if the parasites escaped (since he wanted to escape from the cold rooftop). They respond quickly by saying they were attacked by a third party, which interests Tatsuya since he evaluated their combat abilities to be close to the average soldier in the Independent Magic Battalion (He states they could give a good fight to anyone but Kazama and Yanagi, who would also win against him if he were not to use Trident). They explain what happened the night before, and Tatsuya immediately identifies them as the Third Division Counterintelligence Militia due to their unique equipment. After the conversation, they return to the classroom.

Tatsuya knew the Counterintelligence Militia was heavily influenced by the Saegusa household, but he could not narrow their purposes down. However, he believes their goal as a part of the military was always to seek power. Realizing they may want to use the Parasites for military purposes, Tatsuya decides something must be done to prevent this, since it was this very reason that the Magic Boycott had spread beyond the USNA. He knew the consequences would be dire if the military used the Parasites and the public learned of it. Because of this, he emails Mayumi to talk to her and receives a response immediately.

As per her email, Tatsuya heads to the Student Council Office and explains his rationale. Rather than having the Parasites returned to Erika, he wants Mayumi to speak to her father to find out what the Parasites would be used for. If they would be used for military purposes, he wanted her to try and put a stop to it. Mayumi states she will speak to her father, but she could not guarantee results. Tatsuya remarks that their family is close, since he cannot even speak to his own father on a normal basis (since he was always living with his second wife).

The next morning, Tatsuya receives an email saying the Detainment Facility was attacked and that all the Parasites were killed.

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Chapter 13Tatsuya thought about whether to tell Miyuki or not but decided against hiding the information from her. Down in his laboratory before school, Tatsuya was searching for data using a hacking program given to him by Fujibayashi. He hacked into the data for the Third Division of the Counterintelligence Militia and retrieves a video image. In it, he sees a crimson-haired, golden-eyed girl attacking the detainment facility and killing all the parasites. As soon as he sees this, a new image appears on the screen, which surprises Tatsuya, since there were no microphones or cameras to reveal him. On the screen is a blonde haired, blue-eyed boy roughly his own age.

The boy introduces himself as Raymond Sage Clark, one of the Seven Sages, and that he heard about Tatsuya from Shizuku. Tatsuya knew instinctively that the boy was showing his true image, and that he was Shizuku's source of information. He tells Tatsuya that the boycott against Magicians was something one of the other Seven Sages was doing, and it was against his own wishes. The other Sage inciting these events was Jide Heig (also known as Ju Gie). He was the leader of the international terrorist organization, Blanche, which had its Japanese branch destroyed by Tatsuya, and the older brother of Richard Sun, the current leader of No Head Dragon. With the Japanese branch of both Blanche and No Head Dragon gone, he had no influence over Japan. He had manipulated the movements of the Parasites in such a way that they would appear in Japan. Using the commotion, he planned to rebuild his network in Japan. Raymond wants Tatsuya to stop him and provides Tatsuya with information regarding the parasite, saying it would appear in First High School that evening. The same information was provided to Angie Sirius.

Raymond also claims that the Seven Sages were not an organization or affiliated with any of those criminal syndicates, rather, it referred to seven people who had access to Hlidskjalf. None of the operators know where the main body of Hlidskjalf, nor are there any specific similarities between those chosen to have access to it. The only commonality is the financial ability to control such advanced technology, though that could be done even by a middle-class worker in the States or Japan.

Hlidskjalf is an information network stronger than any other in the world. To be more precise, it was a backdoor entrance that allowed the operators to use Echelon III, a global information interception network developed by the USNA. Those who use it can find any information, however, there are disadvantages. The data cannot be stored internally to keep the data transmission from being discovered, and there were measures taken to prevent the data from being stored externally. Also, the search history was stored “publicly.” all the other Sages could openly see what the others had been searching for (Raymond had seen what Jide Heig was searching for, hence why he had a theory regarding what Heig planned to do, and Maya in turn can also see what the others were searching for). He asks Tatsuya, as a strategic-class magician (“God of Destruction”) to help him stop the Parasite. Tatsuya simply frowns at the cheap video-game nickname he was just given.

At school, during second period, Tatsuya was called out by Aoki. Aoki openly stated that Maya wanted to purchase the 3H P94 (Pixie) from him, and would pay double what he paid for. Tatsuya quickly checks to see if anyone is eavesdropping, then takes out his terminal to send a message. He scolds Aoki for speaking openly about the Yotsuba business when it was clear that he and Miyuki were not supposed to have their relation with the family exposed. Aoki immediately realizes his mistake, but responds that he was just trying to complete his task as quickly as possible. He demands Tatsuya, who had bought Pixie, hand Pixie over. Tatsuya simply states he bought it so a third party would not and that he could not have it moved, since the contract with the high school was still in effect. After yelling at Tatsuya, Aoki leaves.

As Tatsuya is returning to the class, he meets with Lina, who now looks fatigued. After confirming they each received the same information from Raymond (Unlike Tatsuya, Lina never saw his image), Lina declares that she will not work with him. Tatsuya responds by saying “we live in different worlds,” reminiscent of the scene of separation in a romance novel. He had done that on purpose in case there was someone eavesdropping. Lina gets mad, though realizes why he said that after a short moment. She turns around and runs off, her face red (either in anger or in embarrassment).

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Chapter 14Tatsuya, Miyuki, Erika, and Leo had appeared at the forest training area of the high school as per the information from Raymond. Honoka and Mizuki were on the school rooftop looking for signs of the Parasite using Mizuki's eyes and confirmed with Honoka's optical magic. Mikihiko was present there to protect them.

As they advance, Mizuki and Honoka confirm the presence of three Parasites. As well as Lina chasing after them. The three forces head for each other. Tatsuya was confident that neither the Saegusa nor the Yotsuba would interfere with this fight due to other reasons, however, there were two unexpected forces that intruded. One was a group of ten soldiers dispatched by the Kudou family, and the other was a single person who had an unknown affiliation. There were five separate forces acting in this forest that night.

Tatsuya and Erika run ahead and see Lina fighting the three Parasites. Mikihiko sets up a makeshift barrier to isolate the Parasites, though he is unable to contain them at their full strength. Tatsuya takes care of this by using his Psion attacks to wipe away the Parasite's Psions, which weakens its magic defenses. He does this while Erika is engaging the enemy. Once he has weakened the Parasites, Mikihiko kills them by using his own magic.

They manage to kill two Parasites, but Lina killed the host of the last Parasite, allowing it to escape. Tatsuya tells her to wait until the barrier is set up so the Parasite won't escape, but she ignores him, saying it is her duty to kill the deserters. After she leaves, Erika asks if that was Lina (though Parade was active, she could tell based on Lina's language and how she carried her body). Tatsuya is surprised and tells Erika the same thing he told Lina. Erika refuses to hold back, though, because it pertains to her resolution to kill.

Leo and Miyuki were behind Tatsuya and Erika and stopped when they notice the presence of people surrounding them. Leo asks what Miyuki wants to do and she says she will fight. She immediately makes an area within 100 meters frost up (not an attack, simply the area she deemed her territory). Leo felt sorry for the enemy, since for him, a fight was a way to “talk” with the enemy, and having Miyuki fight would be overkill. He asks her simply to support him.

The soldiers begin to fight him one-on-one, but after Leo defeats one, two come at him. Erika eventually arrives and backs him up. Erika tells Miyuki to go to Tatsuya, which she does (after confirming that Pixie can use its psychic powers and will stay behind). Before the fight begins, the fifth force, Chiba Shuji, steps out.

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Chapter 15Shuji walked towards Erika. The soldiers (known as the Sword Corps) freeze, since Shuji had taught many of them. Ignoring them, Shuji continued to walk towards Erika and attacks her with the intent to test her skill. Though unexpected, Erika manages to respond to every one. After all is said and done, Shuji states his name, rank, and affiliation, stating he will perform his duty to protect citizens who are currently the target of terrorist attacks (from the Sword Corps). With Erika and Shuji facing off against the Sword Corps, they are all in a face off.

Miyuki arrived to find Tatsuya and Lina having trouble. Lina was fighting against the Parasite-hosts, but because her main advantage was speed, and she was in a firefight against six Parasites who could cast magic almost immediately. Tatsuya had seen that and was supporting her. Since it was 2 against 6 (there was something about the combat ability being proportional to the square of the number of people. In this case, 4:36), the two were forced to defend (to be accurate, Tatsuya was using one hand to decompose the attacks coming at Lina while he defended himself with the other hand while Lina continued to attack). As soon as Miyuki arrived, she activated a wide area of interference (magic which did not cause an event modification). The Parasites did not have the strength to use magic while that was in effect, but Tatsuya and Lina had Interference Powers comparable to Miyuki, so they could. Lina kills three of the hosts and Tatsuya uses his magic to attack the other three. Before they can be sealed, the hosts self-destruct. Immediately after that, Tatsuya tells Honoka to keep an eye on Pixie.

The 9 Parasites (called “souls” at this point. 2 came from the two people Lina killed at the Information Bureau the night before, 4 came from the people Lina killed during battle during the recent course of events, and 3 came from the bodies that self-destructed when Tatsuya attacked them just a moment before) had combined into one large body, which Tatsuya feels resembles the nine-headed snake and attack Pixie's body, trying to free the Parasite within. Pixie manages to withstand it due to Honoka's influence (Honoka is a descendent of the “Elements,” which were Magicians present in Japan before the 4-systems/8-magic classification was formed. They were based off the traditional Japanese elements, which were earth, water, fire, wind, light, and lightning. When the magicians were being developed, there was another question held by geneticists and psychologists regarding whether personality was inherited. They had introduced a factor of “absolute obedience” within the genes of the Elements. Though the Elements were no longer developed, their descendents still remained and had this factor within them, making them excessively loyal, often to a person of the opposite gender. It is unknown whether this was a result of the experiment or simply an excuse the descendents used for their dependency).

Lina finally arrives and notices a massive presence attacking Pixie. She asks Tatsuya what it is, but Miyuki is the one to answer, saying it was a result of Lina's actions since she had ignored Tatsuya's repeated warnings not to kill the hosts until the seal was erected. Lina responds by saying she will take care of it on her own and she begins attacking with her magic (which has no effect). Noticing that, the Parasites turn to Lina and attempt to attack her. Tatsuya manages to hold it back, but struggles to do so (he had trouble dealing with a single Information Body, and now he is defending against nine all at once). Unable to do anything, he asks Mikihiko to hold it for 10 seconds (which surprises everyone, since Tatsuya was asking for help for the first time), since Mikihiko's full seal would not necessarily keep it contained and would not be ready for a time. Mikihiko agrees and gives him a signal.

Mikihiko and Honoka hold the Parasites back through Mikihiko's typical magic and Pixie. Tatsuya turned around and grabbed Miyuki and brought his face close to hers. After a quick kiss, he sent an image to her (as he did in Arc 3), unsealed her powers, and tells her to attack it. Miyuki remains in his chest and uses Cocytus, destroying the Parasites.

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Chapter 16Lina was surprised seeing Miyuki's magic, referring to it as Lunar Magic (An English term referring to mind-interference magic. Lina had experienced it many times to prevent its effects as a member of Stars, but she did not quite understand Miyuki's use of Cocytus. All she knew is that it destroyed the Parasite). She realized that things would be completely different in her fight against Miyuki if Miyuki had used that magic. While Lina is sitting there thinking in a daze (and Miyuki was being carried because she was half-drunk from being held by Tatsuya and half-drunk from the overload of information when she saw through his vision and could not stand properly), Tatsuya takes advantage of her and promises not to say anything about her identity (everyone involved as well) if she says nothing about what she saw that evening. Lina accepts the conditions and Tatsuya turns away.

Before leaving, Tatsuya tells Lina she can leave the military if she wants, and he will help her do it. She responds by saying that, while she wants to leave the military, she does not want to give up the title of Sirius. Tatsuya leaves, carrying Miyuki in his arms. The two (and Pixie) head towards where the two Parasites remaining were sealed. On the way, Miyuki asks if Tatsuya has special feelings for Lina. Tatsuya responds that he held no specific feelings for Lina, but felt it would be more convenient if she was no longer a part of the military. He also felt sympathy since she was forced into her role like he was forced into his own. As a friend, he would help her, though he felt he may have been meddlesome. Miyuki wraps her arms around his neck and tells him she is sure Lina will think about his words will reach Lina eventually, since she definitely has the same thoughts and feelings he does. Tatsuya (on reflex) puts Miyuki down and the two head towards the Parasite.

While they are conversing, Kudou and his Sword Corps went to retrieve the Parasites. Kurobane Ayako meets him halfway as a representative of the Yotsuba (an act of hostility, since a young girl had been sent as an equal representative to the head of one of the Ten Families) and proposes that they each take one. Kudou laughs and allows it, and the two groups withdraw.

Once Tatsuya and Miyuki see the Parasites gone, Mizuki, Honoka, and Mikihiko apologize for letting it happen. They had seen nor felt any sign of it happening, even though they were keeping watch over the area. Tatsuya calms them down saying he did not have a particular plan for the Parasites once they were caught (he did not say this out of sympathy but because he really didn't have a plan for them). Afterward, the seven meet up and leave the school grounds through the front gate.

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Chapter 17There was a graduation party being held, held in two gyms to separate the Course 1 and Course 2 students. Tatsuya was in the nearly-empty cafeteria. He had offered to help the Student Council, but was rejected by Miyuki, who did not want to trouble him (much to Azusa's dismay, since she wanted help). Just before the party starts, Kobayakawa thanks him for his advice, which helped her pick herself up after her accident in the Nine-Schools Competition. He had apparently told Mari a story when Mari confronted him about not discovering the problem with the CAD (despite her knowing it was not his fault. She was just complaining, apparently), and Mari had told Kobayakawa, which helped her recover. To her words, Tatsuya stands up and salutes her, sitting down only after she leaves to go to the party.

After the party, Miyuki comes running up to him, followed by Mari and Mayumi (and soon after, Katsuto). Mayumi was pouting because he had not gone to the party, but as he gives an excuse (that he isn't a student council officer), Lina comes in and complains. She seems adamant about him not having attended the party. Miyuki points that out, which makes Lina go red. Miyuki begins to say something, while Lina tries to stop her. Lina is stopped, however, by Mari and Mayumi who are now interested by Lina's oddly new behavior. For the party, it seems Lina was in charge of entertainment. Though she could have just recruited other students and graduates, she had misunderstood what she needed to do, and ended up leading a band and singing songs on stage. Everyone was praising her for her singing, but she just stood there embarrassed.

After the graduation party, Lina never appeared at school again. The day after school ended, Tatsuya and the others are all waiting at the airport for Shizuku. While waiting, Tatsuya and Miyuki notice gold hair in the lobby and quickly walk over to it, their friends staying behind. After some light banter between Tatsuya and Lina, Lina says she will unlikely be able to leave her country so easily. Miyuki tells her it is not the end and that she will not say goodbye. Miyuki states that Lina will eventually accept Tatsuya's help and will become a companion. Lina says she has a feeling that Miyuki is right, and the three say their final pieces.

An hour later, Shizuku arrives, the same as always, though with a more mature atmosphere. She states that she has information to tell Tatsuya, but there is some that could not be said before their friends, so she invites him to her house. When he returns home, he thinks about what to do when the doorbell rings. Miyuki anxiously brings the guest, Sakurai Minami, in. Minami hands them a letter and Tatsuya reads it before handing it over to Miyuki. The letter states that Minami will attend First High School and will live as a live-in maid for them. As a second year and as a more experienced Guardian, Maya hopes Tatsuya will teach Minami well. Tatsuya can do nothing but think the next year will become even more eventful than the last.

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