
ew York Foundling ; m wa Home Children

y J 'y f \ H

f , , i" U i yt ig&k- »**> * ** • * i f *

; ^;;s Two sister from a New torli Feundlling Hom$ arrived in Mlnot

'• laAt Friday night with six little ones n' from that hojne, who were distrib-v-' uted among Catholic families, only,

'"'('i The little boys arid girls averaged >, two years of age and wore very,

pretty and bright, and especially * well trained. The Sisters 'had them

A under perfect control and you didn't •p', £gar any whimpering or crying about

-tfee Leland hotel, where they were "' taken. They were taught to march

. in twos and looked pretty In their little blue ooats and red Tarn 0' Rhanters. The ilittle, ones were

that the Sisters -were not their mothers, but all theiir lives they were told that some day they would see-their real mother. They are us­

age of two years. At a Uttle town dswn the line, a man and his wife pvet the train to take a little girl Into their home, and as the 9ister tended the child over to the lady.

/vlsfffr," the little one exclaLmdfl, "Heire I am, mama." Who could help loving a little child who had been taught In that manner? - 1 iw

In order to secure one of these, children, it is necessary to make a®-, plication a yo&r ^head, giving tip description of 4he child desired, after which the Society will make a clo#e investigation of the family desiring the child. If the family "is in circum­stances that will warrant the placing of a child into its home, a record will be iqade and later the home sup­plied.

The Society sent more thani sixty babes out from New York in the car, all of which had been placed . In homes with the exception of the six tjyit ivere b.rqt t<j Min^t

natty placed itt bom* ffri* W the • The .little ones $row paaskmately "*** v »—j ~r nth«r nivd feel very fond of each other, and feel very

badly "when any are taken away. One little boy had to be hidden every time that any of the children' were taken away. ; . ' i.


The people of Minot and vicinity like good bread and they always get it (when they buy that made at Aus-lander's bakery. Auslandier has a well eguipped bakery, as good as can

found in any of the largest cities, ffffi jie demonstrated his ability to make big loaves of bread, last week, yfhept he made one that Is nearly oigbt feet long, .and weighs 140 pounds. This loaf may be seen in tflA dJsplay window of Smaliwood's groaery store. This is tbe largest loaf of bread that we «ver saw and vre doubt if there was ever a larger Agio made atuyiwhere.

To be accurate the loaf is> eight feet and six inches long, and two and

H half feet wide. Ben Franklin would l^ave fyad a merry tinje carrying that |paf in his pocket.

£ W. Fabrick, county iucjiilor, has aoiiounced his candidacy is a can­didate for the position on the inde­pendent ticket. Mr. Fabrick has fceld the office two terms, wa3 fairly beaten in. the primaries, and is show-fog a gireat big ytellow streak in oomiQg out for the oJlce. He ca,n-fiofc .possibly hope to win—-merely make the regular candidate L. A. Larson spend a little time in coming Before the voters again. Mr. Larson will have absolutely not rouble in *

Eing elected. Air. Larson was ccun-' auditor'before Fabrick .was eleot-the first term, and toe wade a

Very good man for the place.

•(North"*Dakota WH1 bold agemnne corn show in Fargo during the Tri-Statie Grain Growers' association January 19-20. This will be open to North Dakotana who wish to par­ticipate. The fairmers of this vicin­ity aTe warned to be on the lookout for t'en choice ears of corn to be taken or sent to Fargo for this con­vention. There will be no entry changes, and a nice line of premiums will be given . —L

Frank Gallagher and Mr. Getts had a successful hunt at Buffalo Lake Sunday. They brot in a large num­ber of mallards and two geese. They report thousands of the latter flying; but so high that it was impossible to bag many of them. , : t

F. L. Wilson has returned from various Montana points where he at­tended the races. Mr. Wilson pur­chased a valuable running faors® but sold him again at a pTOflt.

Wm. Parker has disposed of all but two of his running horses in Montana. Dixie Lad, one of the best ones, was among the number sold. ' ' • ,

,Mrs. Phillips-'.little SOB, George, is yery.tU of .pneumonia'.

Fred Ward. J. C. S}ntalIi|rood, Earl Woodbury and Mr. Campbell were very successful in bag&iqg ducks fifteen miles south of the city thq first of the week. They brot back fifty largt mallards. The hunters aye killing mostly mallards. -

Mrs. Mark Nelson is quite ill of exhibited a fine Bronze turkey at the Festival last • w^#k, getting first premium. The turkey weighs 40 pounds and is a beauty. :i".i

PC f




October 31st, FREE / !


: if you hold the lucky number. Have yea entered this centeetT A ticket aad

, a obance goes with every 50c purchase. It Is tbe siost magnifeeat, neetMnaift-<St*t premium ferbasiaees enr offend. Ion can well afford to take a chance— nehopeTuU wia.-; ***' 'V'


& y -tf-r

K }. V v

r l

|l f,THIS.:, PIANO is a marvel of tope, beauty and darabil- " ~K- "ji

itL..'vH!|Strl!S;t if Just such a piaaa as will sell contia-

t #o YQU WANT IT? « with ^ a 50c. j«r-CrfWlLLTAK»


a chanca

Stwto j. aeoa

Qat ia—it's a fraad draaiia. Dm't Viit





OUR NIHE-SIPS A fMstory-Makiaf Move Ml neat by th« United iStatas.

AMlle flkssaa fr I

^psan Saved to America by Policy ot ^hapublloaa

'Party. i SSl«ir,,

Hu pnaimt world cruiaa of Ameri-• camwaraklKM ^is doe oaoslr. inters

1 and Q|r rubbing per r adnifAlattmiiodr sincc

tba Civil War. History rides upon th«

this - fleet, p^ople have foi

, - ---.-.Trr--1?! to interpret <it aovaMot amPsolVe the

fttvaraBttat ifc attempting to prop-«rly flfait tblk blreuin^ication ol

When PrMidenlt B6oseveH m ** * battle

SW te "WM t^e lov Journey

prqph*j£ of evil i n^ny dfsastr6ui tiling

wauia fw«r i cona^i^ehm of this imprAcsdeAted -move. '': r'

Avaiiiaa Mm* Woria CralM. The arnadu took its departure from

p^mpton Hoads, Dec. 16, 1907, and <|fter a i^bplly sjiccessful Toya^e around %g H^n, <^f ^nt twelve thousand miles, it drrapf^l anchor in S^n Fran etfco Harbor; May 6, 1906. The ships tiat form the four divisions of the fleet In this rscord-maklng cruise are: The Canucctlcut, J^ulslana, Maine, Mis sourl, Georgia, New Jersey," Rhode Isl­and, Virginia, Alabama, llll£0||, Kear-sarge, Kentucky, Ohio,* Kan

~ > i^Ich were add-the WTlscoBgin, al-

thui' making a fl«et< of eighteen - first-claw modern battleships u> perfect condition.

-There ' Wire already In 'the Pacific aad Orlentgl if^ten the Upe ^rmored cruisers West Virginia, Colorado, Ma­ryland and Pennsylvania. Their two sister ships, the California and South Dakota, vjv» *)(• up tJ|f PfcWc, and tM P^|f«rft»l Wap$Jniton ^

tkna making eight armored to% ad|& to%a &i>\een

banrasilrik. % a^dltH<» tlMra w^re in rt&s #i$Mc M^eral' protadyi ctaisers. gaafeeata 'and other lessor craft. All bid ib«a «»ra tta hundrsd wd fifty «**r» a# nJW^tf^i t|ouswd H*# hun-

'•in fa ^ ^r: aim mtpmd l.b| western eonrse and ml tppch aV the leading ports oif* China sad Australia, ba'ssing oh east by way 'mlbs'wast', and cbnalng finally to Mal-ta ' Gibraltar, where It will coal aad ttithaately return to Its starting galat at HamptQa Bo|ds, some tin# flily. %nt f^raary.

»•** lWr

' Iat9 9tuff, but it. is an entire bm of 'the whole scheme

^mr'tt' Is almed 'aarrowfy ai any Alagle power. 11 U

rabuai' ceaatructire poll-world li*«s.

n il *ar««r a jnmwMv» tbaa j ttaiat, t* jp Himaa, mwrnm*

wthe «or«KU'^•leUae aad' close acquaintance which it has evoked froia Hi* govemsMnts tad peoples of (be chlaf rtputailKlP ft Latin America. To tbe Brasllians, the Argentines, the Chi-lTans"an8tfce'Peruffans,the*micbtTT«-

dim ffgure, powerful «nd honored perhaps, but not actnaljy kiiawn. For y«fra there bad been lit-fU|t or |ia TljrtUe evtdeapie of the wealth, fir paw»rlty Qf t^e tJ^'ited States, In nf 'chief South American ports'. ' But tt^>w«N'all--Vlditedby swift and stately linen, flying the fags of Uk •MiiitlsM p6wert of Europe.

At afe'ry South American port the fast, otir aary, our gprermnent, our in •tttatlms, oar Mepla, for ai^pa, oar l«4uftr|f», our tra4a—^ffry «p^v«bl9 {blag ^hat |s oura, bfve.lMf m iiff wm . -.

^—;don af aar Mllflcal ^Bd itentloBS. Ons business

li- Ms^r''' iork statea tllaf l^i ieatb lawliia 'earrsspoadence' has la-l^kaii'faarrold slnca the lodt vialted Bis Jaaalrs. Ia tbls cass It seeps that toads may WIqw t£e battleship. Fwrilwii. BiinwM JiiWs*

•ml. Ia a statemearin'a speech he mad#

•MS Hsbsa bs.falA: "California, Ore-W» a*d Usahlngtoa ^ave a coaft line. w%kh jm oyr cofBt IJjv?, Just |S ein^i^t W* 9»m #3P*«

mms tboiltee. ~th*'tbsi"iHi«e iiir lia'fn' blfe dMlss ia se

Mi.: b^'Wlonalac mtta, aad ofti* hy, actually pnttiasvArpai^ a of> IMR wtwt. % .Vwr .% ^y

OOft lift«!§<#* forwi&

n^w.ju to oof nirhl needs and prac-act stir attests and enlisted men if tSm hlgbeiA duties' of their profession. '' '' VAwdH*al«« ml the' Oftoat.

•The MdU Oeean is recognized by •I far tSelag statesawa as the theatfr «f the world's coming grsat struggles"

tH PbtUi»pl

fsr military aad commercial aastsry. When China awakens, to tba degree that Japan is now awake, events pass-' lag the power of the lmsglnatloa to conceive will take place.

As to the palliative a-id beneficent ( affect this cruise may Im> e on Chins and Japan, thert> can tie but one opin­ion. WhUf Uncle Sajji was little con­cerned about the ruuiorS to the effect that Japan was abo^t to descend upon

or j^psslbl/ to make a our PiiciAc coast, tnd p^lfaps Is in :av

it m Open Dopji In China. Jap^n

quite recon­ciled to this policy, sad ia asld to have arorked to esfiibllih in China the poll-cy of' "spheiW ^iiafluem*:*'' 4merica, with Kurogean nations, streu-

world, monument In diplomacy to tne frpctlie gei|lus of the Republican

, ' r ty . ' Wniisni l iow'ard f l i t is in ful l npsthy with thls^ l^nstr^ljMlicy.

flM,pT*ft On iiik last 'trip" t& th« Orient whs gfven kucb''an enthusiastic recetitloB at iMuii^ghal, Chl^, all ^i aever before ^of^jed to <l«»y vlflUinJ at«te«nill> bjr oJUfillals Csl^ai l&mfim 99 .*?• w Mm • ^h, i$ «#

$*? ^t onc^. recognised as of the Jighesl Ih^rn^tional imi^rtahce: Said h*e: ' %K wbtrS jftftB Tl^E' RtGH I TO PftOl-lSST AT BEING EXCLUD ED ^KOM ' r i lK TKADB OF CHINA BY REASON OF OUR lNj8ISTENCK UPON THE POLICY OF SfHB O^EN DOOR. 1'he acquiescence in this poli­cy of all the nations Interested hac been so unhesitatii^i and ensphatlc that It Is hardly worth while to speculate as to how far the United States would go In the protection of its Chinese trade. .• • * This feeling is likely to

expression lp the action,- of the jUierl^tn goy^^ent. States and the onter powers favor the Open Door, and If they are wise they will encourage the empire to take long, steps in administrative and# govern- j mental refbrm." j

9o > have ijot far to ^eek for an-9fher „Te,ryJ po^rafiil' r»io» for this,: ijrdrld cruise of our rfeet. Mr. Taft simply announced In diplomatic lan­guage that this cruise i s intendsd to ,

r policy will be

^ r,s'} Cents

pap r, the kind you

% * V ' , c f

If For on$ .pound of bulk

\1 • v - » AM. A mi

«a fine piece oj[ imported Italian statuary/ We hav large assbrtment of tnem angi yoil wdl beTplea^d witl e'mr*. !&ifc*Me a|j a cortiar pje^e pr pi^no piece.


.IP ' We have a lot of framed piatuges that are now on sale

at the low price of 19c, You would regnlm?ly pay 40c for the same picture. The picture $? on ji mat hacked by heavy jsa*d Jward and the with glass and framed with a gojd moulding! QiMeuqugh for any room and only 19c. • ( . ,^7

Cr«po R^per « roll?i|||| The kind you generally buy at 10c a roll. We have a

large supply that we are selling at «ca roll. Now is the HS» to 6uy a app$r of t§ia.g«^er forfte holiday


w Remember the 1400 piano will be given away the 31st

You get a chancs with every 50c purchase. p' >"t ^> -r


MIWOT, M ipursii r«t tioimi PAKQTA

public ef |b^ name or » 4

W % 9f>?a ??0?r p®?J^ msUitain^ st uy price. He ii In fnoit^otig^ iytnpaniy witli the alert can- j

iivti pofldy of tte 1 .Bepptylcto psrir W is we <*ltf WtW-dais.

^ Jn/Vs b^lijg, MncUd with a precision worthy' of tbe fine traditions OT An&rican sesmsnshlp—rWblcb spealis the hlghfat' praise- per* J^ajp adlcer & op>^ i{or, te ftlt tbpt tile ey«l flf the .n»««n jm

est Ws sltiwtlon. he must bear blmself worthily ss an Amerlcaa sailor, in 'Sis •touwst squadron that ever flew die l^a'aad^ltripai. :' "'tfceie is B<r+qaestlonv.hut >tb«* tbif

crolie wjll be «eted %f all coimfu^-

1* h«|)Mfin|S of sjg|y Sge. e American people have

understood 'w' slgnlficsncc. T ttte* jbiSnira llhoWk,'It will

_ 'onld to hais beta oba 'ef the dla ^BaebH% acta vt. atataso»«Bi|U» -M liibs^BspflHIcwi ^iplnHtWltei *r.

r* m " • rySPffWrt

i f f There 1s a remarkable unanls^

Ity of opialon of Judge Taft In all psruesr atkl ln ul ssctioasT rJlen' pfy . trih^fs: to amck-

espoualng ft* rival prealdsntlal caadldato'a cause'. " As '"im IlluabraliMi W. Bourke Cockima 4n!«b latscrle^ at ftoston the ot^er da^ SfUd: -tk* I w*& mw>

Is the b*t c^MWf 99nW D?t jgp. T^ft,

W' J! t«|na!|0ed tumwff ever .offered In ^r^biWin tfeafofc jgs'is

and when surrounded fey the iame envlroiiineii^s that made Beosevelt great win prava a- big­ger msa. Taft is a woqdsrfal sd-•llalatrator, tie gccfte*

f?er,as^p,. a^l U a


Mrs. Montgomery, Dead

Mrs. Montgomery, who conducted the Montgomery bouse in this city five or six years of age died in Idaho about 40 miles from Spokane, Wash., where she had been living for the past year .or two. Mrs. 'Montgomery, as she' is known here, bad married a Mr.. Carmen sometime ago, and the couple bad been employed in a hos­pital in Idaho. About three weeks ago, she poured water into a glass containing poison, not knowing that there was anything of the nature in the glass, and drank the contents. She soon became very ill, and for a time It was "thot that she would re. cover. However, she took a change for the worse suddenly and expired.

Mrs. Carmen hail been employed steadily for the' ' past two or three years and was doing wcilL

She leaves two children, Charles Frank, the Sawyer druggist and! Miss Letha Frank, who brother at Sawyer.'

NOTICB Unless all delinquent personal prop-

j erty taxes in niy. hands for collic-! tlon are paid by October 15, 1908, 1 shall immediately proceed to collect till such taxes, and if they are not immediately paid' on demand ahalt destrain »ufflclent goods and chat* tels, belonging to the person, firm or corporation, charged with such taxes, if found within the county to pay the same, in accordance with section 1554 of the code. " ' ^

z~, John J. Lee, Sheriff tf 3 " ' " -,35#^,^

R. L. 8tewart, the projector of the ^American Briquettlng Ptant at Wlllston says that even tho that oompiaky may have failed, we V[ill soon 'see the manofacturere of brul-ttea at TiTillistoii and that be will be In the deal. " !s

tft'TO *er< laVe


steps la all this


. jAi i -v t . v<:: , ;U1 . i f i i ! f»rs of Editor's Do«

lpr%mer Record: Wbile out with a niijOBber of sportsman last Sunday some of our transient .loafer* crimp* ed our office dog's ears, making a rather yiclpus 'looking animal out of him. We are not weeping over the fact t&at He job done by Mr. Tramp is a poor one, but lire guar­antee that if we over meet him he will chew off all the odd "tips" he neglected to Qnd last Sundt^r,

The Walih County Kocord spoke. of a new standard for land values in Walsh and Pembina counties, a full section of land lying partly In oqe cpjMitr and partly in the otiber coun­ty'selling for $32^000—or. $5Q an acre

laoid that ia assessed on a .valua­tion gf. $4.$0 to. 15.75 an acre, which wotfl indicate the rallijoad ass^s-mest is not so slow atfer all. --

Practically every Depu>llca.n n<§ifs-Daper in the state coxicg<ies C. JL-4«AnaoA's election for gpye?jior. The only questkw remains is few 9>,*ich bis majority wtH be Qjer 12;^90—It will be ti#t, much. aaywv.

C. A. Ji|iUM)n says: b« will not ap-polbt Bbn«|er p«nit«st!ary irarden.. Noa« of ^ friends thought he had such arf; Intention. Some of |fr.. Johnson's enemies bare been cir­culating tbe report in the bopes of Injur ingcandidacy.

lives if

with bar

airrying oat lUNMmS M

piiictlcii'' the'* pffiid{p)ii iMSi'A sup«if(b rrt^ teaUT'covwa* ** m

Moet^lc ptttwt-fl^W^m it fliisfensb^e. yiy^ •

<*b&£ utii MtMxm to" %s ««kskM|at oft

ibe^bilc cossri-MMdfc ***** tm Ib^ noledy ol a|m* tb* o» tgw^tb <rf •his prosperity, for a bigger sto* lard of bueinMS lotanrlty. ^very .Iqjrer

and viwwi in this e^liiesce at fw e»W lf «tlll soani af'tM

' True their attorney, Mark Chat-|eld, the Mlnot Implement Ca. Will mak. an' eftifrt to 'bare tbe' oo«aty pajrr th^m damages fl# tba loos sua-taine^i' by t&elir fceairy #agine falWwt jth^ tb'e biiiga ot¥r tbo'iouso rbror •Mt.of towa a'tew weirtto a«d. .-Tba cOaaty on' tbo ather band, will no* %W""'to' pay^'th^'damaitas, but wUl bring an action agaiha^ tbe Min<»t Im­plement cb. ^or di^aaginii the brid«p Th^lbridge'was erected three years ago; ihf ii oetfAinr fMiNt •ot have broken It that went tfirji I thowemr, was oae

IttfS sartbil'"6eV Uio *#«onl^win ha«a W3 bttU (fecial Mttm ejaji ^ Mwtty'iriM baf*; ,te„ 01 tn bet^

ed with renting bouses

The case of the state: rs. H. T. Dolloff #blflli was to have been trifjd in county court this week, was dis-mlsaed by Judge Davis owing to tbo fact that &0re was insufficient .evi-d^ice agai^t Mr. DollqS .••to;,,warrant prbaecutlon. (Mr. Dolkrit was. ckarg-

Aoetlon aale I will o'er for sale at public auc-

tloa at ayt bome four milea south of Norwich, the following deferib^d praperty on Jdbnday, Oct. 42, 1>®8.

WftQ span of geldings,' eight aad elerew *sai* old. one span of mu^eta wl«MkA l^Of, one Jeipey CfiB, ft^fih, aiUr top ba«y, oae awolHP^y. eu^ter, ^Ae'bob <M one .waant; #n<i b^7 niik. eae A»Kl« harass, one l^At^r, oii'e 'raaae/llok "tove, • oae Ne^.Hiver-Me b^sb hamer, ene aw aow folding bad, eae eoV, Jdiibie aoCa, oae bgo\ e^f, oae IMiUt«fe; oct*a. «W»* dlilUMi an ew»t day MX iMs. one center talfje, biMNs, tw« tpblw, ^S%t. efte% 4i<*-wbfe, two wwWMf bMe wringer, on* ltti s»aelHae, fttty wgplvft|r^a mum, stblr caryot, - % tftiiltts,": dMHea« llvf Ufa**,

#tber ^rU«A ^

Tbe Mlnot OpUc jraa granted contract of jprinUnf the ballot* for Ward county for the ext general elec­tion,- their bid bain* or tea cents >oweii tb«ri:Aat tff WtilkorBM*


^idt . t fUa at l e^k,*. «f ml*'- All save ffjgl «<

ubior oiMbf Over that ia^nt a ylb's tine till be given, yitb ln-Wrbst 4.V lt per cent. Fire »er cent

for" caA. •> >1: lc: H. Whistler, £. ,WvStuV

|^jp, Clffk, A. -W. Templeman, Qwn?

Mi il

Top Related