Page 1: MMS School Application

Dear Parents,

Thank you for your interest in Millhopper Montessori School (MMS). MMS is accredited by the

Florida Council of Independent Schools and affiliated with the American Montessori Society. The

school was founded in 1977 by Christina Miller, who is Owner/Head of School, oversees

curriculum and one of the teachers on the fourth and fifth grade team. MMS enjoys a spacious

facility for its extensive, developmentally appropriate private educational program, serving

children ages two through eighth grade. True to its Montessori heritage, the staff fosters creative

thinking and problem-solving through the use of manipulatives and other educational tools.

Standing true to our school’s motto, “The Millhopper Way”, we have created a diversified

curriculum embracing 21st century learning skills. We provide our students with opportunities to

explore real-world concepts and issues, challenge assumptions, think critically, and acquire skills

that they will need to apply throughout their educational and future professional journeys. Our 8th

grade graduates are accepted into advance academic programs throughout the county such as,

the International Baccalaureate Program, the Cambridge Program, and various Magnet

Programs at local high schools.

Our low student-teacher ratio, one-to-one and small group instruction, and complete Montessori curriculum enables children to have a more self-paced, individualized program. Intrinsic and individualized learning are at the core of the Montessori method, which strives to develop self-discipline and self-confidence. We all know academics are important, but only focusing on them is like watering one leaf of a plant. This means that we provide opportunities to support our students' social, emotional, and physical needs along with a rigorous academic program. One highly visible example of how we achieve this is through our co-curricular program, which provides students with opportunities to engage in a wide array of after-school classes that extend learning from the core subjects and emphasis on STEAM.

Our Montessori leads are highly credentialed and undergo special training in the use, purpose,

and sequence of the Montessori developmental philosophy; preparing a state-of-the-art learning

environment; and in placing a strong emphasis on objective scientific observation. We believe

learning should continue throughout one’s whole life, and employees are constantly encouraged

to pursue new growth opportunities. Teachers that find joy in the pursuit of their own professional

growth translates into the kind of passion that inspires students to reach for new heights.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Sincerely, Christina Miller Amilda A. Clark President Administrator/Director of Admissions

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MMS School Application

Enrollment Process

To enroll your child at Millhopper Montessori School, this application must be filled out completely. Make sure you attach copies of recent school work, copies of test results, and a copy of your child’s most recent report card, if he/she has been in school previously.

The items below must be turned in to the Director of Admissions before your child begins school. In addition, at teachers’ discretion, an interview or orientation may be requested.

After the application and additional paperwork has been received by the school and your child has had his/her interview/orientation date, you will be contacted and notified of the status of your child’s admission. If your child has been admitted, the Director of Admissions will also inform you of the classroom in which your child will be placed, if he/she did not have an interview with the teacher.

Application Items Check List

Please return the following to MMS:

____ Birth Certificate (copy)

____ Immunization form or exemption (must be a current copy (and updated every year) from child’s FL doctor)

____ Physical form (must be a current copy (and updated every year) from child’s FL doctor)

____ Admissions Brochure

____ Enrollment Fee Check - Due upon handing in the application

____ Copy of child’s insurance card (must be kept updated)

____ Copy of most recent report card

____ Copy of all academic test results i.e. ITBS, FSA, psychological, speech/language ____ Copy of recent school work samples in math and language. Middle School: provide an essay and samples of math work.

____ Did your child have an IEP Plan at his/her previous school? Please attach a copy. ____ Scoliosis screening—6th,7th & 8th grade only If enrolling in the 2-4 or 3-5 Year Old Class, specify which program: ___ Half Day 9:00-12:00 or ___ Full Day 9:00-3:00

Little House Requirements (2-4 year old classroom)

____ “The Flu” A Guide to Parents Brochure

_____ “Distracted Driver” Brochure

How did you hear about the Millhopper Montessori School? ( ) Word of mouth - who? ______________________________ ( ) Web site ( ) Drive by ( ) GNV Sun ( ) Facebook ( ) Twitter ( ) Radio - which station? ______________________________ ______________________________ ( ) Magazine - which one(s)? ______________________________ ______________________________

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School Application


Child's Name: _______________________________________________________________________ (Last) (First) (Middle) (Alias)

Birth date: ____/_____/_____ Gender: _______ Enrollment Date: _________________

Child’s Previous School*: ___________________________________________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip Phone *I understand MMS may contact past teachers concerning my child’s abilities. Initial Here: ___________________ Family Status: () Parents together () Parents separated () Parents divorced () Mother re-married () Father re-married () Mother deceased () Father deceased () Adoption/Guardianship

Primary Parent/Guardian’s Name: _______________________________ Relationship to Child: ________________

Address Information: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Address City/State/ Zip

___________________________________________________________________________________________ Work Address City/State/Zip

___________________________________________________________________________________________ Email Address

Phone Information (Please circle which number we should call first):

(______)________________________ (______)_________________________(______)____________________ Home Phone Work Phone Cell Phone Occupation Information:

____________________________________________________________________________________________ (Employer) (Job Title)

Primary Parent/Guardian’s Name: _______________________________ Relationship to Child: ________________

Address Information: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Address City/State/ Zip

___________________________________________________________________________________________ Work Address City/State/Zip

___________________________________________________________________________________________ Email Address

Phone Information (Please circle which number we should call first):

(______)________________________ (______)_________________________(______)____________________ Home Phone Work Phone Cell Phone Occupation Information:

____________________________________________________________________________________________ (Employer) (Job Title)

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Additional Pickup & Emergency Contacts

Please fill out the following information. Please highlight who we should contact in an emergency situation should we not be able to get in contact with the primary or secondary parent. Please note, we call anytime a child should suffer a head injury, even if it appears to be a minor injury/bump.

Name : ____________________________________

Relationship to child: __________________________

Cell Phone : (______)________________________

Home Phone: (______)_________________________

Pickup Permitted Emergency Contact

Name : ____________________________________

Relationship to child: __________________________

Cell Phone : (______)________________________

Home Phone: (______)_________________________

Pickup Permitted Emergency Contact

Name : ____________________________________

Relationship to child: __________________________

Cell Phone : (______)________________________

Home Phone: (______)_________________________

Pickup Permitted Emergency Contact

Name : ____________________________________

Relationship to child: __________________________

Cell Phone : (______)________________________

Home Phone: (______)_________________________

Pickup Permitted Emergency Contact

Name : ____________________________________

Relationship to child: __________________________

Cell Phone : (______)________________________

Home Phone: (______)_________________________

Pickup Permitted Emergency Contact

Name : ____________________________________

Relationship to child: __________________________

Cell Phone : (______)________________________

Home Phone: (______)_________________________

Pickup Permitted Emergency Contact

Name : ____________________________________

Relationship to child: __________________________

Cell Phone : (______)________________________

Home Phone: (______)_________________________

Pickup Permitted Emergency Contact

Name : ____________________________________

Relationship to child: __________________________

Cell Phone : (______)________________________

Home Phone: (______)_________________________

Pickup Permitted Emergency Contact

Name : ____________________________________

Relationship to child: __________________________

Cell Phone : (______)________________________

Home Phone: (______)_________________________

Pickup Permitted Emergency Contact

Name : ____________________________________

Relationship to child: __________________________

Cell Phone : (______)________________________

Home Phone: (______)_________________________

Pickup Permitted Emergency Contact

Name : ____________________________________

Relationship to child: __________________________

Cell Phone : (______)________________________

Home Phone: (______)_________________________

Pickup Permitted Emergency Contact

Name : ____________________________________

Relationship to child: __________________________

Cell Phone : (______)________________________

Home Phone: (______)_________________________

Pickup Permitted Emergency Contact

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Becoming Acquainted

Time child usually goes to bed: _________ Wakes up: _________ Is your child vegetarian, kosher, or does he/she eat only certain foods? Are there any food allergies? If so, please explain: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Appetite: ___ Good __ Poor __ Variable

Any eating problems? _____________________________________________________________________________

Child prefers to work: Alone _____ with one other ____ in a group _____ with adults _____

Interests: About how many hours of TV does your child watch a day? ________________________________________________ Does your child enjoy reading? ______________________________________________________________________ Favorite hobbies: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

Extracurricular Activities: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ How does your child deal with frustration? __________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ List your child's strengths and needs as you see them: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Is there anything else we should know about your child as we work with him/her: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Other children in the family: Name ______________________________________________________ Age _______ Name ______________________________________________________ Age _______

How does your child interact with other children? _____________________________________________________

How does your child respond to authority figures?_____________________________________________________

What type of discipline do you use at home? _________________________________________________________

What are your child’s responsibilities at home? Making bed _____ Helping clean _____ Setting table _____ Emptying trash cans _____ Other: ________________________________________________________________

Does your child have any special needs or diagnosed learning differences? _______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Did your child, at his/her last school, have an IEP or 504 plan (Individual Education Plan)? If so, tell us about it: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

If you decide to accept the School's future recommendations of testing your child, will you now provide express and complete authorization for the results of such testing to be shared with the school so that it can best meet the individual educational needs of your child? ___ Yes ___ No

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Were there any problems during the pregnancy or birth of this child? _____________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Did your child have any problems as a newborn or as a younger child? ___________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Any medication allergies? If so, please describe the reaction: __________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Is your child taking any type of medication? – please list: _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Any hospitalizations or surgeries? __________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Does your child have: Asthma ____ Hay Fever ____ Hives ____ Diabetes____ Has your child had: Chicken Pox ____ Scarlet Fever ____ Diabetes ____ Tonsillitis ___ Measles ____ Hepatitis ____ Mumps ____

History of ear infections: Yes ____ No ____

Does your child have any health or other problems? - please describe such as heart, liver, kidney, bladder, frequent infections, behavior or developmental: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ List Any Other Pertinent Information: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please explain any behavioral, emotional, or health issues that you feel the teachers need to know in order to work effectively with your child. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Medical Release

In case of emergency, MILLHOPPER MONTESSORI SCHOOL, or its staff, has my permission to have my child ___________________________________________________________ (child’s name), transported to the closest hospital at the time. I understand that MMS will make every effort to contact me and my child's physician in an emergency. If it is necessary for my child to be transferred to a hospital, I would prefer he/she be taken to ____________________________________. (Name of Hospital) In the event that I cannot be reached by MMS in an emergency, I give my permission to _____________________________________, (CHILD'S PHYSICIAN) to render any medical service that may, in the sole discretion of the doctor, be necessary.

The tuition contract is a binding contract that states your responsibility for tuition payments for the entire school year. Once you sign this contract you will be held responsible for three months of tuition if you have to leave the school before the end of the school year. You should be 100 percent confident that you understand your payment responsibilities before signing the contract.

Children at MMS are typically afforded a six-week adjustment period in their classrooms, unless they display aggressive behavior in which case the school reserves the right to counsel any child out of the school immediately. If that pertains to your child or if your child’s teacher has determined through daily observations at school that your child has not adjusted to the classroom environment, you will not be required to pay the remaining installments of the year’s tuition. As stated in the Tuition Contract, the enrollment fee is non-refundable.

When you enroll you must pay the enrollment fee. If you enroll before the school year begins, the first monthly payment is due August 1st. If you enroll after August 1st, the enrollment fee is due at the same time the current month’s tuition is due before your child may start at Millhopper Montessori School. The enrollment fee does not constitute a monthly tuition payment.

Admission Policy

Admissions are based upon placement and space available.

I attest that I have submitted all of the completed documents to Millhopper Montessori School and that I have read the above information and understand the enrollment terms before submitting them to Millhopper Montessori School.

Primary Parent/Guardian’s signature: ____________________________________________ Date ______________

Primary Parent/Guardian’s signature: ____________________________________________ Date ______________

Tuition Information & Admission Policy

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Sickness Guidelines


Please call us whenever your child is ill and will not be attending school for more than two days. Students

with infectious diseases, such as gastroenteritis, bronchitis, pneumonia, influenza, chicken pox, pink eye or

strep throat, must stay out of school until the contagious stage has passed.

Children must be 24-hour fever-free, vomit free and diarrhea-free before returning to school after an illness. If your child has a green mucus discharge coming from his/her nose, please keep him/her at home and do not send him/

her to school. Children with pink eye need to be on medication 24 hours before returning to school.

For the sake of the other children’s health, it is vital that you notify the office of your child’s medical diagnosis as soon as possible.


FEVER: Any child with a fever cannot attend school. Any child who has had a fever within the past 24 hours cannot attend school. A child must be without fever, and have been fever-free for the proceeding 24 hours, to attend school. A fever is defined as a temperature over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Please do not medicate your child and bring him/her back to school the same day – a child must be fever-free for 24 hours. LICE: If a child has been found to have lice, s/he must receive treatment for it and be completely lice free before returning to school. Parents must notify the school if their child has lice. A child returning from being treated will need to present a doctor’s note showing that s/he is lice free.

COLD SYMPTOMS Children will have many colds every year. It is not our intent to exclude children from school attendance if they have a minor upper respiratory viral infection (a common cold), but we must differentiate between mild and moderate to severe symptoms. A child who has minor stuffiness, minimal clear nasal secretions, an infrequent cough, and no fever may attend school. This child should feel well and energetic, and be able to participate in the daily activities of the school day. A child who has more severe symptoms than the aforementioned should remain at home. This includes a child who is coughing, sneezing frequently, has moderate to more copious nasal secretions, has thick green nasal secretions, feels sick or tired, or has a fever as described above.

OTHER INFECTIOUS DISEASES There are many other illnesses that are contagious to others, but the following is a list of the more common illnesses in children. If your child has been diagnosed with any of the following, s/he will need a doctor’s note specifying when your child is no longer contagious to be re-admitted to school. These illnesses include the following: Strep throat, impetigo, bronchitis, pneumonia, conjunctivitis (eye infection, “pink eye”), influenza, chicken pox, sinusitis and any undiagnosed skin rash. If a child is contaminating hands-on materials with mucus they will be sent home.

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Sickness Guidelines Continued

IF YOUR CHILD GETS SICK AT SCHOOL If your child becomes ill at school, and meets any of the ill child criteria, you will be asked to pick him/her up from school right away. While our intent is not to put undue stress on working parents, we have a duty to other students and teachers to keep those students and teachers as healthy as possible. Allowing a child with a contagious illness to remain at school is not acceptable, as it is not in the best interest of the sick child or his/her classmates. A child will occasionally be sick at school, yet active at home – the above guidelines must be followed even in these instances. The school reserves the right to send a child home if any of the above mentioned symptoms are reported. Please be sure the school has your current telephone numbers, or you may designate another person to be contacted to pick your child up during school hours if needed. We want children to attend school healthy and ready to learn, and for healthy children to remain healthy. Full cooperation from parents and teachers will help us accomplish that goal. _______________________________________ _______________________________________

Primary Parent/Guardian’s signature Please print _______________________________________ _______________________________________

Secondary Parent/Guardian’s signature Please print Date: ______________________

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Children with severe allergic reactions to common items (including air borne allergens such as perfumes and peanut oil) cannot be guaranteed an environment free of allergens at Millhopper Montessori School for the following reasons: MMS has over two hundred students, forty-four staff members, parent volunteers, substitute teachers, and an open observation policy. MMS incorporates food preparation in the Montessori curriculum area of Practical Life. MMS does not control the food selections that are in each child's individual lunch box. The cost of tuition for student-to-teacher ratio was not designed to accommodate the care and supervision of a child with a life-threatening allergy. **MMS does not have a nurse on staff. The teachers and assistant teachers are all certified in first aid and CPR. MMS can give medication orally or assist with an Epi-Pen if the parent has filled out the appropriate form for the dispensing of medicine. **If a child is allergic to an ingested substance (such as red food coloring or chocolate) and is old enough to monitor himself or herself, there should not be any difficulty in the MMS environment. It is the parent's responsibility to have alternate food available for birthday parties or the child can be proactive and abstain from special snacks, etc. It will not be the responsibility of the school or the teachers to notify parents in advance of an in-class event such as a special snack or a practical life activity containing food preparation. List all allergies and the reaction if exposed to each allergen. Allergen Reaction Medical protocol if exposed

_______________ __________________ _______________________________________ _______________ __________________ _______________________________________ _______________ __________________ _______________________________________ _______________ __________________ _______________________________________ I have read and agree to the allergy policy at MMS. ___________________________________ Primary Parent’s signature ___________________________________

Secondary Parent’s signature

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Picture Release

Name of Child ____________________________________ Primary Parent/Guardian’s Name ____________________________________ Primary Parent/Guardian’s Name ____________________________________ I hereby give permission for Millhopper Montessori School to use photographs and/or video footage of my child as needed on the school’s website, in the school’s newsletter, and in local magazines, social networks and newspapers. I understand compensation will not be awarded for the use of my child’s photographs and/or video footage. I hereby release any and all claims to said photograph(s) and/or video footage both present and future. Please select the appropriate disclaimer. I, _____________________________________________________, authorize Millhopper Montessori School to use pictures and/or video footage of my child/ren on the school’s website, in the school’s newsletter, and yearbook, and in local magazines, social networks and newspapers.

OR I, _____________________________________________________, authorize Millhopper Montessori School to use pictures and/or video footage of my child/ren on the school’s website, in the school’s newsletter,

and yearbook, and in local magazines, social networks and newspapers, and I request that surnames not be used in print to protect my child’s identity.

OR I, _____________________________________________________, do not authorize the Millhopper Mon-tessori School to use pictures and/or video footage of my child/ren on the school’s website, in the school’s newsletter, and yearbook, magazines, social networks and newspapers. (Please note, this may result in your child not being photographed during school performances, group photos, etc.)

Guarantee of Insurance

Children attending Millhopper Montessori School, LLC. must have health & accident insurance through their families. MMS’ insurance works alongside a family’s policy and the Administrator needs proof of insurance.

Please provide the following information:

Primary Parent/Guardian’s name _________________________________________

Secondary Parent/Guardian’s name _________________________________________

Child or children’s name(s) ________________________________



Name and address of insurance company ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Phone Number of insurance company ____________________________________

Policy Number ____________________________________

I guarantee that the above information is correct and I understand that it is my responsibility to inform Millhopper Montessori School, LLC. of any changes in insurance coverage for my child.

________________________________________ ________________________________________ Primary Parent/Guardian’s signature Secondary Parent/Guardian’s signature

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Dear Parents, We have had a couple of very serious incidents where during car pick up and drop off times, parents on cell phones have nearly caused an accident. This is a very dangerous situation, especially when driving through the parking lot, often a child will dart between cars while entering or exiting the school - an accident can happen so quickly. We are asking that when approaching the school parking lot, you hang up your cell phone - all attention needs to be on the road whether parking, driving through (entering or exiting) the school parking lot, using the drive thru, or walking your child into or out of the building. Thank you for helping us keep our children safe.

I have read and understand the Cell Phone Policy and agree to abide by it.

I, _____________________________________________________ _____________ Primary Parent/Guardian’s signature Date I, _____________________________________________________ _____________ Primary Parent/Guardian’s signature Date

Cell Phone Policy

Email Correspondence

In order to conserve paper, most Front Office correspondence will be e-mailed. This includes monthly billing, reminders of upcoming events, updates to the school calendar, etc. Please provide your office and home email addresses and circle the one where you would like your MMS correspondence sent. Primary Parent/Guardian’s Home E-mail Address: _____________________________________________________ Primary Parent/Guardian’s Office E-mail Address: _____________________________________________________ Primary Parent/Guardian’s Home E-mail Address: _____________________________________________________ Primary Parent/Guardian’s Office E-mail Address: _____________________________________________________

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Entry Level Prerequisites MMS has established high standards for student behavior. The teaching staff expects to occasionally remind children of appropriate behavior but cannot allow frequent disruptions, which compromise the learning process in the classrooms. Even though we strive to meet the needs of many different learning styles, MMS is not designed to accommodate students with emotional, behavioral, and/or social disorders.

The lead teachers follow a rubric to determine if a currently attending student is successful in the Montessori environment. Teacher recommendation is one of the most important listings in the rubric.

The teachers have helped develop, and review on a yearly basis the prerequisite list for children of all ages. Sometimes it is not known that a child’s learning style or behavior will be a problem for the child or the other students. The school ’s six-week adjustment period is built in to help determine if a child will be successful in a Montessori environment. This determination may be assessed in less than or more than the six-week period depending on the severity of a child’s behavior or steady progress which has been observed. If it is determined that a child’s learning needs cannot be accommodated or his/her behavior continues to be disruptive to the class or compromises the safety of the other students, the family will be required to withdraw their child from the program.

Beginner’s Class (2-4)

• The child need not be toilet-trained

• The child is able to function in the Beginner’s Class without the presence of a parent

• The child is open to gentle, teacher direction or redirection

• The child can follow a one-step direction the first time it is given, such as responding appropriately when asked to come to line, putting work away, lining up to go outside, coming to a teacher when asked, etc.

• The child can use kind words and soft hands with friends and respect other’s own personal space.

• The child can keep objects out of mouth including hands and fingers.

• The child is comfortable separating from parent and parent is ready to encourage child to be independent.

• If a child stays for lunch, he/she must be able to feed himself/herself.

• Parents may not remain in the class with their child at the beginning of the year.

• If a child stays full day, she/he must be able to lie quietly on her/his mat during nap time.

• Pacifiers and baby bottles are not allowed due to independence, speech development and sanitation requirements.

• Use understandable words and be verbal enough to communicate needs to teacher, such as when she/he is hurt, hungry, tired, etc.

Preschool (3-5):

• The child is comfortable separating from parent and parent is ready to encourage child to be independent.

• Child is able to use toilet independently and be able to wipe him/herself. If an accident does occur, the child should be able to un-dress and dress him/herself with minimal assistance. He/she should not be wearing diapers or pull-ups.

• Wipes cannot be used since they clog the toilets – child must be able to use toilet paper.

• Child is able to communicate his/her needs to teachers such as when they are hurt, hungry, tired, etc.

• Demonstrates body control: shows respect for others’ personal space and walking inside the school building.

• Child is able to go to his/her cubby to retrieve or return lunch box independently.

Showing Progress During First Six Weeks of School:

• Child can keep objects out of his/her mouth.

• During group time the child is able to demonstrate the ability to sit quietly with their legs crisscrossed and hands in their lap without interrupting those around him/her.

• Child can follow a one-step direction the first time it is given such as responding appropriately when asked to come to line, putting work away, lining up to go outside, coming to a teacher when asked, etc.

• Child uses a quiet voice in the classroom.

• Handles classroom materials carefully.

• Demonstrates use of manners and shows respect for others.

• Working on choosing work independently.

• Child is able to work independently with minimal need of repeated adult direction.

• Working on the ability to complete a cycle of work: chooses work, takes work to workspace, engages in the material, and puts work back in order so it is ready for the next student, returns work to its proper place on the shelf.

Preschool/Kindergarten (4 ½-6)

• The child is comfortable separating from parent and parent is ready to encourage child to be independent.

• Child is able to use toilet independently and be able to undress, wipe and dress him/herself. If an accident does occur, the child should be able to undress and dress him/herself with minimal assistance. Wipes cannot be used since they clog the toilets – child must be able to use toilet paper.

• Demonstrates awareness for personal hygiene (uses tissue, napkin, wash hands, etc.).

• Child can follow a one-step direction the first time it is given; such as responding appropriately when asked to come to line, putting work away, lining up to go outside, coming to a teacher when asked, etc.

• Child is able to communicate his/her needs to teachers; such as when they are hurt, hungry, tired, etc.

• Demonstrates body control: shows respect for others’ personal space (i.e., hands to ourselves) and walking inside the school building.

• Handles classroom materials carefully.

• Child is able to go to his/her cubbie to retrieve or return lunch box independently.

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Entry Level Prerequisites Continued

school’s First Grade program. Please see Enrollment Rubric in the Parent Handbook.

Showing Progress During First Six Weeks of School:

• During group time the child is able to demonstrate the ability to sit quietly with their legs crisscrossed and hands in their lap without interrupting those around him/her.

• Child uses a quiet voice in the classroom.

• Demonstrates use of manners and shows respect for others.

• Demonstrates the ability to choose work independently.

• Child is able to work independently without the need of repeated adult direction.

• Can complete a cycle of work: chooses work, takes work to workspace, engages in the material, and puts it back in order so it is ready for the next student, returns work to its proper place on the shelf.

Lower Elementary (Grades 1

st – 3


• Has mastered the prerequisites listed under the preschool/kindergarten list.

• The child exhibits indications of age appropriate development or exhibits continued developmental growth.

• The child is capable of exacting fine and gross motor control.

• The child is able to initiate and complete a work cycle independently.

• The child can concentrate in the midst of moderate distraction.

• The child engages cooperatively in peer group work.

• The child is showing signs of abstraction, regularly using reason and understanding consequence.

• The child demonstrates self-control and patience.

• The child shows respect for the classroom environment and for the classroom rules.

Upper Elementary (Grades 4th – 5


• The child's academic abilities are at or above grade level.

• The child demonstrates readiness for large project work (i.e., work that lasts anywhere from a few days to several weeks).

• The child is able to accept personal responsibility for meeting deadlines set for work completion.

• The child is able to plan, initiate, and complete work within the parameters of a weekly work plan.

• The child can participate in-group discussions using appropriate social skills of listening and verbal exchange.

• The child cooperates with peers and adults.

• The child is able to organize daily work, materials, and work space.

• The child shows enthusiasm for learning.

Middle School (Grades 6th – 8th


• The child demonstrates a level of academic proficiency consistent with grade level expectations.

• The child demonstrates readiness for large project work (i.e., work that lasts anywhere from a few days to several weeks).

• The child is able to accept responsibility for meeting deadlines set for work completion.

• The child is able to plan, initiate, and complete work within the parameters of a weekly work plan.

• The child is able to participate in group discussions.

• The child cooperates with peers and adults.

• The child is able to organize daily work, materials, and work space.

• The child shows enthusiasm for learning.

By signing off on these prerequisites I affirm that my child, to the best of my knowledge, is capable of meeting these expectations for his/her age group and class placement. I am aware that these are prerequisites and that if my child is not meeting these expectations that he/she may not be a positive match for this classroom at this time.

_______________________________________ _______________________________________ Primary Parent’s signature Secondary Parent’s signature Date __________________

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Non-Discrimination Policy Millhopper Montessori School, LLC admits students of any race, color, creed, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or with any disability which can be reasonably accommodated by the school, to all rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at Millhopper Montessori School, LLC. The School does not discriminate on the basis of such factors in the administration of its educational policies, employment policies, admissions policies, athletics or other school administered programs.

Celebrating Academic Excellence since 1977

Accredited by:

The Florida Council of Independent Schools

Affiliated with:

The American Montessori Society

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