
Chapter 2 Management Theory Identify 3 principal historical perspectives or viewpoints on management- classical, behavioral, and quantitative

3 contemporary viewpoints- systems, contingency, and quality management

Concept of learning organisations

1. Peter Drucker- creator and inventor of modern management

2. Evidence-based management: translating principles based on best evidence into organizational practice, bringing rationality into the decision-making process

3. As its two principal proponents, Stanford business scholars Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert Sutton, put it, evidence-based management is based on the belief that facing the hard facts about what works and what doesnt, understanding the dangerous half-truths that constitute so much conventional wisdom about management, and rejecting the total nonsense that too often passes for sound advice will help organisations perform better

4. Make managerial decisions based on evidence Two overarching perspectives about management- historical and contemporary Historical: 3 viewpoints: classical, behavioral, quantitative (CBQ) Contemporary: Systems, contingency, quality-management (SCQ) 5 practical reasons for studying chapter 2 1. Understand the present2. Guide to action (make predictions, develop a set of principles to guide actions) 3. Source of new ideas 4. Clues to meaning of your managers decisions 5. Clues to meaning of outside events Example:Cisco systems: maker of telecommunications gear, Chambers was concerned that large companies begin to slow down when they dont move out of their primary markets fast enough. In order to expand into 30 different markets simultaneously, from flip video cameras to multimillion dollar data centres, in 2005, Chambers established an unusual system of 48 interlocking management committees, so managers could make decisions without waiting for approval. The result- bureaucracy, diluted managerial authority and accountability Historical viewpoint

Classical (assumes people are rational) 1) Scientific (Scientific management emphasized the scientific study of work methods to improve the productivity of individual workers) (Proponents: Frederick W Taylor, and the team of Frank and Lillian Gilbreth) Loafing (deliberately working at less than full capacity) 4 principles to prevent loafing: Evaluate a task by scientifically studying each part of the task Carefully select workers with the right abilities for the task Give workers the training and incentives to do the task with the proper work methods Use scientific principles to plan the work methods and ease the way for workers to do their jobs

This system was based on motion studies: Taylor suggested employers institute a differential rate system, in which more efficient workers earned higher wages

Significance of Taylor: Met considerable resistance from employees, feared that harder work would result in lost jobs except for the productive few.

But Taylor believed that raising production both labor and management could increase profits to the point when they no longer had to quarrel over them.

2) Administrative management: Concerned with managing the total organization. Founding theorists: Henri Fayol, Max Weber Henri Fayol (FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT): first to systematize management, identify the major functions of management-planning, organizing, leading and controlling, as well as coordinating.

Max Weber (RATIONALITY OF BUREAUCRACY): To Max Weber, bureaucracy was a rational, efficient, idea organization, based on principles of logic. A better performing organization should have 5 bureaucratic features: 1) A well-defined hierarchy of authority 2) Formal rules and procedures 3) A clear division of labour, with parts of a complex job being handled by specialists 4) Impersonality, without reference or connection to any particular person 5) Careers based on merit Significance of Weber: Came to have an importance influence on the structure of large corporations, such as Coca cola PROBLEM WITH CLASSICAL VIEWPOINT: TOO MECHANISTIC views humans as cogs in a machine, does not take into account the importance of human needsIMPORTANCE work activity was amenable to a rational approach, that through the application of scientific methods, time and motion studies, and job specialization it was possible to boost productivity Classical viewpoint also led ot such innovations as management by objectives and goal setting

Behavioral -emphasized the importance of understanding human behavior and of motivating employees towards achievement - 3 phases: 1) early behaviorism 2) The human relations movement 3) behavioral science

1) Early behaviorism: Pioneered by Munsterberg, Follet, and Mayo -Hugo Munsterberg: study jobs and determine which people are best suited to specific jobs, identify the best psychological conditions under which employees do their best work, devise management strategies to influence employees to follow mangements interests.

Why is Munsterberg important: Let to the field of industrial psychology (the study of human behavior in workplaces) -Mary Parker Follett and Power sharing among employees and managers: instead of the usual hierarchical arrangement of managers as order givers and employees as order takers, Follett thought organisations should become more democratic, manager and employees working cooperatively Ideas: 1) Organisations should be operated as communities, with managers and subordinates working together in harmony 2) Conflicts should be resolved by having managers and workers talk over differences and find solutions that would satisfy both parties- a process she called INTEGRATION 3) The work process should be under the control of workers with the relevant knowledge, rather than manager, who should act as facilitators. Why Follett is important: with these and other ideas, Follett anticipated some of todays concepts of self managed teams, worker empowerment and inter-departmental teams -Elton Mayo and Hawthorne effect : Workers would, supposedly, be more productive if they received special attention. Hawthorne studies: investigation into whether workplace lighting level affected workplace productivity. Other variables were studied, such as wage levels, rest periods, length of workday. *****However, there were flaws in the studies, variations in ventilation and lighting, inadequate follow-through, critics also say it is doubtful that workers improved their productivity merely on the basis of receiving more attention, rather than because of a particular instructional method or social innovation.

WHY IS HAWTHORNE STUDIES IMPORTANT? poorly designed not enough empirical data to support the conclusions But, drew attention to the importance of social man/social beings, manager should have good social relations to improve social productivity (LED TO HUMAN RELATIONS MOVEMENT) Human relations movement: (Maslow and Mcgregor): Human relations can improve worker productivity! Maslow and hierarchy of needs: hierarchy of human needs: physiological, safety, love, esteem and self-actualisation Mc Gregor and Theory X vs Theory Y: Not enough for managers to try to be liked, they also needed to be aware of their attitudes towards employees (theory X or Y) Theory X: pessimistic, negative view of workers, considered irresponsible, resistant to change, lack ambition, hate work, to want to be led rather than to lead Theory Y: Outlook of human relations proponents: Optimistic, positive view of workers- considered to be capable of accepting responsibility, self-direction, self-control and of being imaginative and creative. Why theory X/Y is important: Helps managers understand how their beliefs affect their behavior. Theory X managers are more likely to micromanage, leading to employee dissatisfaction, because they believe that their employees are innately lazy. Managers can be more effective by considering how their behavior is shaped by their expectations about human nature. Underlying their theories is the notion that more job satisfaction leads to greater worker performanceBehavioral science approach: Optimism with the human relations movement was too simplistic Behavioral science relies on scientific research for developing theories about human behavior that can be used to provide practical tools for managers : psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics.

Quantitative (application to management of quantitative techniques such as statistics and computer simulations)1) Operations research: focuses on using mathematics to aid in problem solving and decision making. Why management science is important: stresses the use of rational, science-based techniques and strategic planning. 2) Operations management: being more effective, managing production and delivery of an organizations products and services more effectively: work scheduling, production planning, facilities location and design, optimum inventory levels. Important: Ensure business operations are efficient and effective

Contemporary viewpoints

Systems A set of interrelated parts that operate together to achieve a common purpose. Systems viewpoint: regards the organization as a system of interrelated parts, look at the organization both as 1) A collection of subsystems (parts making up the whole system) 2) A part of the larger environment Four parts of a system: 1) Inputs are the people, money, information, equipment, and materials required to produce an organisations goods or services2) Transformation processes: organisations capabilities in management, internal processes, and technology that are applied to converting inputs into outputs. 3) Outputs are the product, services, profits, losses, employee satisfaction or discontent, and the like that are produced by the organization 4) Feed back: information about the reaction of the environment to the outputs that affects the inputs. Open and closed systems: Nearly all organisations, are, to some degree, open systems rather than closed systems. Open system: Continually interacts with its environment Closed system: Little interaction with its environment Any organization that ignores feedback from the environment opens itself up to possibly spectacular failures Complexity theory: The study of how order and pattern arise from very complicated, apparently chaotic systems. Used in strategic management and organizational studies, the discipline seeks to understand how organisations, considered relatively simple and partly connected structures, adapt to their environment - Open systems stress multiple feedback from both inside and outside the organisation, resulting in a continuous learning process to try to correct old mistakes and avoid new ones

Contingency (began to develop when managers discovered that under some circumstances, better results could be achieved by breaking the one-best-way rule) Emphasizes that a managers approach should vary according to, that is, be contingent on- the individual and the environmental situation A manager following the contingency viewpoint would simply ask what method is the best to use under these particular circumstances? Gary Hamel: Management ideas are not fixed, theyre a process over time, every great invention, management included, travels a road that leads from birth to maturity, and occasionally to senescence Much of management theory is dated and doesnt fit the current realities of organizational life and that management innovation is essential to future organizational success Management is a process, make improvements, and innovation ongoing and systematic

1) Is this a belief worth challenging? Is it debilitating? Does it get in the way of an important organizational attribute that wed like to strengthen? 2) Is this belief universally valid? Are there counterexamples? If so, what do we learn from those cases? 3) How does this belief serve the interests of its adherents? Are there people who draw reassurance or comfort from this belief? 4) Have our choices and assumptions conspired to make this belief self-fulfilling? Is this belief true simply because of we have made it true-and, if so, can we imagine alternatives? Why contingency viewpoint is important: MOST PRACTICAL of the viewpoints discussed so far, it addresses problems on a case-by-case basis, varies the solution accordingly.

Quality-management (includes quality control, quality assurance, and total quality management) Quality: refers to the total ability of a product or service to meet customer needs. Quality control: Defined as the strategy for minimizing errors by managing each stage of production developed by Walter Shewart Quality assurance: focuses on the performance of workers, urging employees to strive for zero defects Total quality management: Comprehensive approach- led by top management and supported throughout the organization- dedicated to continuous quality improvement, training and customer satisfaction4 components of total quality management: 1) Make continuous improvement a priority 2) Get every employee involved 3) Listen to and learn from customers and employees 4) Use accurate standards to identify and eliminate problems Why total quality management is important: Emphasizes infusing concepts of quality throughout the total organization in a way that will deliver products and services to customers. The adoption of TQM helped American companies deal with global competition

The learning organization: handling knowledge and modifying behavior -A learning organization is an organization that actively creates, acquires and transfers knowledge within itself and is able to modify its behavior to reflect new knowledge 1. Creating and acquiring knowledgea. Managers try to actively infuse their organizations with new ideas and information, which are the prerequisites for learning b. They scan their external environments, hire new talent, devote significant resources to train and develop employees 2. Transferring knowledge a. Reduce barriers to sharing information, ideas, among employees 3. Modifying behaviora. Learning organizations need to be results oriented b. Managers encourage employees to use new knowledge to change their behavior, to further the organizations goals How to build a learning organization: 3 roles managers play To create a learning organization: managers must perform 3 key functions: 1) Build a commitment to learning - Invest in it, publicly promote it, create rewards and symbols of it 2) Work to generate ideas with impact -Ideas that add value for customers, employees, shareholders -Do so by increasing employee competence through training, experimenting with new ideas, engaging in other leadership activities3) Work to generalize ideas with impact -Generalize ideas, reduce the barriers to learning among employees and within your organization Create a climate that reduces conflict, promotes teamwork, risk taking, reduces the fear of failure, and increases cooperation

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