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Mobile Web StressUnderstanding the neurological impact of poor performance

Tammy EvertsVelocity Europe – November 2013

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Why neuroscientific mobile testing?

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• 2010 EEG study of desktop users

• Throttled connection from 5MB to 2MB

• Found that participants had to concentrate up to 50% harder

• Afterward, participants reported negative brand associations

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It’s a mobile-first world.

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55% of all time spent on retail sites takes place on a mobile device. / comScore, October 2013

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Stuart McMillan, Schuh’s Journey to RWD (Conversion Conference 2013)

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Three all-too-common mobile assumptions

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Assumption #1

Mobile users expect pages to be slow.

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Keynote, 2012 Mobile User Survey

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Radware, 2013 State of the Union: Mobile Ecommerce Performance

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Radware, 2013 State of the Union: Mobile Ecommerce Performance

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Assumption #2

Mobile users want to browse, not buy.

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By 2017, retail mcommerce is expected to hit $113 billion –26% of total ecommerce sales.

eMarketer, September 2013

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Mobile shopping cart abandonment rate is 39% greater than desktop rate.

2013 Google I/O

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Assumption #3

Users will stick around, even if pages are slow, if they really

want to buy.

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Skava/Harris Interactive, 2013

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What is emotional engagement


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“95% of the consumer’s decisions are made at the

subconscious level.”

Dr. Gerald Zaltman, Harvard UniversityExecutive Committee of Harvard University’s

Mind, Brain and Behavior Interfaculty Initiative

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Patients with damage to emotional parts of the brain cannot make decisions, despite having no change in IQ.

Antonio Damasio, Descartes’ Error

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The problem with surveys…Traditional research relies on eliciting post-cognitive responses.But thinking and talking about emotions changes and distorts them.

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Five benefits of neuro-scientific testing1 Evaluates think/feel (not say) 2 Quantified data, at deeper-than-Qual levels 3 Moment-by-moment interaction4 Cause-and-effect triggers5 Fresh, deeper insights

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Simplified cognitive timeline

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EEG Emotional Engagement Study

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Our research team• Seren – leaders in customer experience & service


• Neurosense – global leader in implicit methodologies

• NeuroStrata – expert consultants in blending neuromarketing applications

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The brands we tested

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Our testers• 20 testers (male and female)

• Pre-screened to ensure normal cognitive functioning

• Mobile device users

• Did not know they were part of a performance study

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Jakob Nielsen, Why You Only Need to Test with 5 Users, 2000

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Methodology• Standardized set of shopping tasks (browsing and

checkout)• Testers served sites over one of two speeds:

– normal Wifi – artificial 500ms delay

• Using EEG headset and eyetracker, measured moment-by-moment responses

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Why test a 500ms delay?

Case study: The impact of HTML delay on mobile business metrics

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We focused on the metrics most affected by the 500ms delay.

FrustrationEmotional engagement

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Normal speed

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2.66s 2.92s 2.83s 4.24s

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Frustration levels across sites (normal speed)

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Engagement levels across sites (normal speed)

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500ms delay: Peak frustration results

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500ms delay: Average engagement results

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Impact of site speed on post-test brand association

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EEG summary• A mere 500ms delay results in significant increase

in frustration levels.

• Faster pages result in higher levels of engagement.

• Different sites trigger emotional shifts at different phases of the experience (browsing vs. checkout).

• Important: These tests happened under ideal browsing conditions.

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Erin Kissane, November 2013

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Bonus Study: Implicit Response Test The effect of loading speed

on brand perception

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We react faster to congruent stimuli than incongruent stimuli.

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Methodology: Pre-testTwo brands – Easyjet and Ryanair – were measured against 24 attributes.

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Implicit pre-test: Brand mapping

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Implicit pre-test: Purchase intent

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Methodology: Test1 Participants then viewed one of two videos

depicting a flight selection/booking process: • Normal • Slow (500ms delay per page)

2 Each brand is measured again against the same 24 attributes.

3 Difference between normal and slow indicates effect of speed on brand perception.

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EasyJet: Impact of 500ms slowdown on each dimension

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EasyJet: Impact of 500ms slowdown on each attribute

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Ryanair: Impact of 500ms slowdown on each dimension

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Ryanair: Impact of 500ms slowdown on each attribute

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Brand perception summary• Overall, EasyJet enjoys a more positive brand perception.

• 500ms delay triggers downward shift in perception for both companies.

• Impact on EasyJet was greater than on Ryanair.

• Impact varies across attributes for each brand:– Slow EasyJet site suffers more in Purchase Intent and Functional

attributes.– Ryanair suffers more in Warmth/Friendliness dimensions.

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1 Mobile users are significantly affected by slow performance: up to 26% increase in peak frustration and up to 8% decrease in engagement.

2 Slow sites can seriously undermine overall brand health – across both desktop and mobile platforms.

3 The nature and scale of impact varies, depending on a number of factors (e.g. inherent strength/weakness of brand).

4 Brands with already-fragile consumer affinity are at higher risk.

5 Greatest risk is to purchase intent.6 Great opportunities exist to strengthen overall brand by

investing in performance optimization.

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SourcesWeb Stress: A Wake-Up Call for European Business (Foviance, 2010)

2013 Social & Mobile Commerce Consumer Report ( / comScore)

2012 Mobile User Survey (Keynote)

2013 State of the Union: Mobile Ecommerce Performance (Radware)

The Danger of a Poor Mobile Shopping Experience [INFOGRAPHIC]

Case study: The impact of HTML delay on mobile business metrics (Web Performance Today, November 2011)

I was a mobile-only user for six weeks (Erin Kissane)

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Velocity Office Hour – Today @ 16:15

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