Page 1: Model, Analyze and Optimize the End-to-End Supply Chain

LLamasoft Enables Companies to:Visualize and Optimize the end-tO-end supply ChainSupply Chain Guru® design software offers multiple options for finding hidden inefficiencies in the supply chain. Models contain SKU-level detail, run across multiple time periods and incorporate transportation and sourcing costs and policies, network structure, inventory, service level and operational details.

Right-size inVentORy leVelsAnalyze and properly categorize demand, factor all aspects of inventory for both existing and new supply chain structures and simulate real-world behavior to enable true “what-if” capabilities. The result is a prescription for the right levels of working capital across your business.

Optimize pROduCt FlOwAnalyze how SKU-level products flow along transportation lanes, through distribution centers and on to customers. Determine which products should be shipped via air, rail or truck and the appropriate distribution path to meet service levels while minimizing transportation costs.

CReate Optimal tRanspORtatiOn netwORksTransportation Guru® gives designers the tools to integrate network design and transportation routing, enabling identification of optimal DC-to-customer assignments, mode mix and multi-stop delivery or pick-up routes.

stReamline sales and OpeRatiOns (s&Op) planningUsing Supply Chain Guru as the planning and optimization engine, S&OP can become a key driver for optimizing resource utilization and maximizing return on assets.

analyze COst-tO-seRVe Model all supply chain activities and costs incurred to fulfill customer demand for cost-to-serve and margin-to-serve insight at the customer SKU level for both existing and alternative networks.

ReduCe RiskIdentify alternate sources, routes, transportation modes or production processes that may be required due to planned or unplanned supply chain disruptions. Integrated simulation identifies physical and financial risks or rewards of various network scenarios.

Model, Analyze & Optimize the End-to-End Supply Chain LLamasoft provides the technology and expertise to help companies visualize, optimize and simulate the supply chain for major improvements in cost, service, sustainability and risk mitigation. Design alternatives and explore the trade-offs associated with change. Test results under real-world conditions using simulation. With LLamasoft you can do it all in a single, integrated software platform.

More than 70 experienced solutions consultants

available worldwide

Majority of 2013 Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 have designed with LLamasoft.

Source: Gartner, Inc., The Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 for 2013, Debra Hofman, Stan Aronow, Kimberly Nilles, May 22, 2013

Page 2: Model, Analyze and Optimize the End-to-End Supply Chain

Model, Analyze and Optimize the End-to-End Supply Chain

The LLamasoft Design Platform Whether you’re starting your first design project or building a global initiative, LLamasoft provides the technology and expertise to support the design of better supply chains.

hOw Can the llamasOFt design platFORm suppORt yOuR business?

model, optimize and simulate supply chain and transportation networks

access model reference and benchmark data

Organize, combine, and cleanse model data

solve models in the cloud

share new supply chain designs on your ipad

enable enterprise-wide design collaboration

About LLamasoft LLamasoft, Inc. provides software and expertise to help large organizations design and improve their supply chain network operations. Founded in 1998 and based in Ann Arbor, Mich., LLamasoft is dedicated to advancing technology focused on the continuous improvement of enterprise supply chains. Our customers include many of the world’s largest organizations across a wide range of industries.

© 2013 LLamasoft, Inc. All rights reserved. LLamasoft, Supply Chain Guru, Transportation Guru and Supply Chain Sherpa are trademarks or registered trademarks of LLamasoft, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.

LLamasoft, Inc.

201 South Main Street, Suite 400 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104, USA

Phone: +1 734.418.3119 Fax: +1 734.418.3138 [email protected]

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LLamasoft invests great-er than 30% of annual revenue in research and development, enabling continuous technology innovation.

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