
    Rawatbhata Road, Kota


    1. RSCIT 2013 OMR

    2. 35 | !" # |

    3. $ 02 " 70

    4. $ + |

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    6. (3 5 ) 5 | ! 8 3

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    Model Question Paper of RSCIT Examination

    Time :1 Hour Maximum Marks :70

    All Questions are Compulsory and carry equal marks 1. Keeping email addresses in mind, the correct option is:

    A. they must always contain @ symbol

    B. they can never contain blank spaces

    C. both a and b

    D. none of the above

    1- : , :

    A. @ >+ 5

    B. 8

    C. a b

    D. "C

    2. When saving a document, a difference between Save and Save As is:

    A. No difference

    B. 'Save' will save a file that has already been assigned a name and saved location

    C. 'Save As...' allows one to change the name and saved location for the file

    D. Both b & c

    2- 8 , :


    B. 8 3 I 8 3

    C. 8 !

    D. b c

    3. Which of the following is not the font-style in MS Word:

    A. Subscript

    B. Bold

    C. Regular

    D. Italics

  • 3- O 8 " :

    A. 8ST



    D. UC

    4. Ctrl + P is used for:

    A. Closing the word file

    B. Closing the computer system

    C. Printing a document

    D. Copy paste a document

    4- Ctrl + P 8 I :

    A. " U

    B. T U

    C. 8 U

    D. 8 8 U

    5. While drawing a table, shape of the mouse pointer (in MS Word ) appears to be like_________. A. Pencil

    B. Remains the same

    C. Straight Line

    D. Square shape

    5- ( " ), _________ 5 -

    A. U



    D. "

    6. Which of the following file format cannot be added to a PowerPoint presentation:

    A. .jpeg

    B. .htm

    C. .gif

    D. .wav

    6- " ^ :

    A. .jpeg

    B. .htm

    C. .gif

    D. .wav

    7. Which keys combination is used to insert a new slide in a PowerPoint presentation:

    A. Ctrl + X

    B. Ctrl + N

    C. Ctrl + M

    D. Ctrl + Z

  • 7- 8 8 : A. Ctrl + X

    B. Ctrl + N

    C. Ctrl + M

    D. Ctrl + Z

    8. The expanded form of the abbreviation ASCII is:

    A. American Social Code for Information Interchange

    B. American Standard Code for Information Interchange

    C. Australian Social Code for Information Interchange

    D. Apple Standard Code for Information Interchange

    8- ASCII 8k ^ -

    A. k +l

    B. k 8" +l

    C. 8nU +l

    D. T 8" +l

    9. In a modern keyboard the number of function keys are:

    A. 8

    B. 10

    C. 11

    D. 12

    9- ! ( ") C q -

    A. 8

    B. 10

    C. 11

    D. 12

    10. GUI stands for:

    A. General User Input

    B. General Unused Input

    C. Graphical User Interface

    D. General User Interface

    10- vT ^ GUI 8k ^ :


    B. -8

    C. 3I


    11. Internet Explorer is:

    A. Web Browser

    B. Calculator

    C. Music Player

    D. Chat Room

  • 11- + C8T :

    A. {


    C. | T

    D. ^

    12. The abbreviation DIMM stands for:

    A. Dual Inline Multimedia Model

    B. Dual Interchange Memory Model

    C. Dual Inline Memory Module

    D. Divided Inline Multimedia Model

    12- vT ^ DIMM 8k ^ :

    A. - }


    C. - ~

    D. } - }

    13. In computer images BMP stands for: A. Bitmap

    B. Bit magnified Pixels

    C. British Made Pixels

    D. Biaxial Magnified Pixels

    13- T BMP (images) $" :


    B. C

    C. {5 C

    D. C C

    14. Which of the following does not represent an I/O device:

    A. Speaker

    B. Plotter

    C. Monitor

    D. ALU

    14- / C :

    A. 8

    B. T

    C. !


    15. HDMI port stands for

    A. High Definition Multimedia Interface

    B. High Definition Memory Interface

    C. High Definition Memory Interchange

    D. High Definition Markup Interface

  • 15- HDMI " 8k ^ .

    A. I! }

    B. I!

    C. I!

    D. I! "

    16. TCP/IP stands for-

    A. Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol

    B. Transfer Control Protocol / Intranet Protocol

    C. Transmission Commission Protocol / Internet Protocol

    D. Transfer Control Protocol / Internet Permission

    16- TCP/IP 8k ^ .

    A. nU n /

    B. nU n /n

    C. nU /

    D. n n / U

    17. To permanently delete a file/folder in windows environment, one uses:

    A. Shift + Del

    B. Alt + Del

    C. Ctrl + Del

    D. None of the above

    17- I U U , 8 #: A. Shift + Del

    B. Alt + Del

    C. Ctrl + Del

    D. None of the above

    18. To rename a file, the function key________ is used- A. F1

    B. F2

    C. F3

    D. None of the above

    18- I U, ____C 8 #:

    A. F1

    B. F2

    C. F3

    D. "C

    19. Which is/are the function/s of Operating System:

    A. Memory Management

    B. Process Management

    C. File Management

    D. All of the above

  • 19- 5 U8 / " /#:


    B. IS


    D. C

    20. In Binary System _____will represent the equivalent of 8 A. 0100

    B. 0010

    C. 1000

    D. 0001

    20- 8 ......... C I : A. 0100

    B. 0010

    C. 1000

    D. 0001

    21. Pendrive is used for:

    A. Storage purposes

    B. Computation Purposes

    C. Power Backup

    D. None of the above

    21- 8 :

    A. O



    D. "C

    22. Bar Code Reader is a: A. Input Device

    B. Output Device

    C. Processing Device

    D. Storage Device

    22- :

    A. C

    B. C

    C. 8 C

    D. O C

    23. HTML stands for:

    a. Hyper Text Markup Language

    b. Hyper Text Management Language

    c. Hyper Textual Management Language

    d. Hyper Transactions Markup Language

  • 23- HTML 8 :

    a. C8 " #

    b. C8 #

    c. C8 #

    d. n " #

    24. Tim Berners Lee gave the concept of : A. WWW

    B. HTML

    C. Semantic Web

    D. All of the above

    24- 5 l" 5 :

    A. WWW

    B. HTML

    C. U5

    D. "C

    25. Which one of the following is not an example of Indian Supercomputer:

    A. Param

    B. Anurag

    C. AS 400

    D. None of the above

    25. !|U T :



    C. AS400

    D. "C

    26. The Abbreviation SATA stands for

    A. Serial Advancement Technology Attachment

    B. Simple Advanced Technology Attachment

    C. Serial Advanced Technology Attachment

    D. Serial Advanced Terminology Attachment

    26 SATA 8k ^

    A. k C

    B. U 8 C

    C. k 8 C

    D. k 8 U"

    27. The expanded form of MODEM is -

    A. Modulation Demodulation

    B. Modulation Deactivation

    C. Modulation Decomposition

    D. Modulation Disintegration

  • 27- MODEM 8 :

    A. ~ ~

    B. ~ C

    C. ~ }

    D. ~ }3

    28. The expanded form of MICR is -

    A. Magnetic Ink Character Recognition

    B. Magnetic Inset Character Recognition

    C. Magnetic Input Character Recognition

    D. Magnetic Innovative Character Recognition

    28. MICR 8 -

    A. C

    B. C

    C. C

    D. C

    29- Which key deletes the character (s) to the left side of the cursor- A. End

    B. Backspace

    C. Delete

    D. Home

    29. U #:


    B. 8

    C. }


    30. In Ms Excel programme the width of Column and the height of row are measured in:

    a. Inches

    b. Pixels

    c. Centimeters

    d. Percentage

    30- C 3 C | :


    B. C


    D. 31. To select the complete content of a document, we use:

    A. Ctrl + A

    B. Ctrl + Z

    C. Ctrl + C

    D. Ctrl + U

  • 31- 8 3 ! U # : A. Ctrl + A

    B. Ctrl + Z

    C. Ctrl + C

    D. Ctrl + U

    32. Which is not the valid version of MS Office:

    A. MS Office 97

    B. MS Office 2003

    C. MS office 2005

    D. MS Office 2007

    32. I 8 #:

    A. I 97

    B. I 2003

    C. I 2005

    D. I 2007

    33. Which of the following function keys activates the spelling and grammar check:

    A. F5

    B. F7

    C. F2

    D. Shift + F7

    33. " IS :

    A. F5

    B. F7

    C. F2

    D. Shift + F7

    34. QWERTY is associated with

    A. Light Pen

    B. Mouse

    C. Key board

    D. Scanner

  • 34. QWERTY (C) |> :



    C. "

    D. 8 35. The expansion of PCI is .

    A. Peripheral Component Interconnect

    B. Para Component Interconnect

    C. Personal Component Interconnect

    D. Personnel Component Interconnect

    35. PCI 8k ^ .

    A. k C

    B. C

    C. " C

    D. C

  • Answer Key

    Q. No Answer Q.No Answer

    1 C 19 D

    2 D 20 C

    3 A 21 A

    4 C 22 A

    5 A 23 A

    6 B 24 A

    7 C 25 C

    8 B 26 C

    9 D 27 A

    10 C 28 A

    11 A 29 B

    12 C 30 A

    13 A 31 A

    14 D 32 C

    15 A 33 B

    16 A 34 C

    17 A 35 A

    18 B

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