Page 1: Modelling of elastic properties of sintered porous materials by A. V. Manoylov, F. M. Borodich, and H. P. Evans Proceedings A Volume 469(2154):20120689

Modelling of elastic properties of sintered porous materials

by A. V. Manoylov, F. M. Borodich, and H. P. Evans

Proceedings AVolume 469(2154):20120689

June 8, 2013

©2013 by The Royal Society

Page 2: Modelling of elastic properties of sintered porous materials by A. V. Manoylov, F. M. Borodich, and H. P. Evans Proceedings A Volume 469(2154):20120689

The bottom-up iterative approach.

A. V. Manoylov et al. Proc. R. Soc. A 2013;469:20120689

©2013 by The Royal Society

Page 3: Modelling of elastic properties of sintered porous materials by A. V. Manoylov, F. M. Borodich, and H. P. Evans Proceedings A Volume 469(2154):20120689

Distributions of pores by size.

A. V. Manoylov et al. Proc. R. Soc. A 2013;469:20120689

©2013 by The Royal Society

Page 4: Modelling of elastic properties of sintered porous materials by A. V. Manoylov, F. M. Borodich, and H. P. Evans Proceedings A Volume 469(2154):20120689

Variation of calculated elastic modulus for the VS model and the extended VS models corresponding to the different distributions considered.

A. V. Manoylov et al. Proc. R. Soc. A 2013;469:20120689

©2013 by The Royal Society

Page 5: Modelling of elastic properties of sintered porous materials by A. V. Manoylov, F. M. Borodich, and H. P. Evans Proceedings A Volume 469(2154):20120689

The influence of the total porosity on the bulk modulus of porous materials with isolated spherical pores (group (I)): predictions given by the extended VS model (solid line), the

experimental data for the materials given by table 1.

A. V. Manoylov et al. Proc. R. Soc. A 2013;469:20120689

©2013 by The Royal Society

Page 6: Modelling of elastic properties of sintered porous materials by A. V. Manoylov, F. M. Borodich, and H. P. Evans Proceedings A Volume 469(2154):20120689

The influence of the total porosity on the elastic modulus of sintered materials: the predictions given by the extended VS model (solid line) compared with experimental data for various


A. V. Manoylov et al. Proc. R. Soc. A 2013;469:20120689

©2013 by The Royal Society

Page 7: Modelling of elastic properties of sintered porous materials by A. V. Manoylov, F. M. Borodich, and H. P. Evans Proceedings A Volume 469(2154):20120689

The metallographic cross sections of materials with different structure of pores.

A. V. Manoylov et al. Proc. R. Soc. A 2013;469:20120689

©2013 by The Royal Society

Page 8: Modelling of elastic properties of sintered porous materials by A. V. Manoylov, F. M. Borodich, and H. P. Evans Proceedings A Volume 469(2154):20120689

The influence of two merged spherical pores on the elastic properties of the porous material is approximated by that of the prolate spheroid of the same volume.

A. V. Manoylov et al. Proc. R. Soc. A 2013;469:20120689

©2013 by The Royal Society

Page 9: Modelling of elastic properties of sintered porous materials by A. V. Manoylov, F. M. Borodich, and H. P. Evans Proceedings A Volume 469(2154):20120689

The bottom-up iterative approach for merged pores; Ei,0 is the effective modulus of the media, where isolated spherical pores of radius ri are placed into a medium with effective modulus

Ei−1,n; then, the contribution of merged pores of the same radius ri i...

A. V. Manoylov et al. Proc. R. Soc. A 2013;469:20120689

©2013 by The Royal Society

Page 10: Modelling of elastic properties of sintered porous materials by A. V. Manoylov, F. M. Borodich, and H. P. Evans Proceedings A Volume 469(2154):20120689

The influence of the total porosity on the elastic modulus of sintered materials: predictions given by the extended VS model (solid line) and MPM (dashed line) compared with the experimental

data for various materials.

A. V. Manoylov et al. Proc. R. Soc. A 2013;469:20120689

©2013 by The Royal Society

Page 11: Modelling of elastic properties of sintered porous materials by A. V. Manoylov, F. M. Borodich, and H. P. Evans Proceedings A Volume 469(2154):20120689

The mechanical model of the medium with developed open porosity, where all the load is carried by part of the material where no open pores are present.

A. V. Manoylov et al. Proc. R. Soc. A 2013;469:20120689

©2013 by The Royal Society

Page 12: Modelling of elastic properties of sintered porous materials by A. V. Manoylov, F. M. Borodich, and H. P. Evans Proceedings A Volume 469(2154):20120689

Fraction of open pores within the total porous structure plotted against the total porosity value.

A. V. Manoylov et al. Proc. R. Soc. A 2013;469:20120689

©2013 by The Royal Society

Page 13: Modelling of elastic properties of sintered porous materials by A. V. Manoylov, F. M. Borodich, and H. P. Evans Proceedings A Volume 469(2154):20120689

Influence of the total porosity on the elastic modulus of sintered materials: predictions given by the MPM (dashed line), OPM (dotted line) compared with the experimental data for various

sintered materials.

A. V. Manoylov et al. Proc. R. Soc. A 2013;469:20120689

©2013 by The Royal Society

Page 14: Modelling of elastic properties of sintered porous materials by A. V. Manoylov, F. M. Borodich, and H. P. Evans Proceedings A Volume 469(2154):20120689

Influence of the total porosity on the elastic modulus of sintered materials: predictions given by the OPM (dotted line) and OPMPM (dashed dotted line) compared with the experimental data for

various sintered materials.

A. V. Manoylov et al. Proc. R. Soc. A 2013;469:20120689

©2013 by The Royal Society

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