Page 1: Models of the Earth. Earth  Very nearly perfect sphere  No top, bottom or sides  Earth’s axis of rotation can be used to establish reference points

Models of the Earth

Page 2: Models of the Earth. Earth  Very nearly perfect sphere  No top, bottom or sides  Earth’s axis of rotation can be used to establish reference points

Earth Very nearly perfect sphere

No top, bottom or sides Earth’s axis of rotation can be used to

establish reference points Reference points:

North and South poles Equator divides earth into northern and

southern hemisphere

Page 3: Models of the Earth. Earth  Very nearly perfect sphere  No top, bottom or sides  Earth’s axis of rotation can be used to establish reference points

Latitude Parallels-

describes north and south of the equator

Run east-west parallel of the equator

Latitude Angular north or

south of the equator

Page 4: Models of the Earth. Earth  Very nearly perfect sphere  No top, bottom or sides  Earth’s axis of rotation can be used to establish reference points

Degrees of Latitude Measured in degrees Equator is 0° North Pole and South Pole is 90° Each degree consists of 60 equal parts called minutes 1.85 km Symbol is ‘

Each minute is divided into 60 equal parts called seconds Symbol is ‘’

Page 5: Models of the Earth. Earth  Very nearly perfect sphere  No top, bottom or sides  Earth’s axis of rotation can be used to establish reference points

Longitude Meridian

is a semicircle that runs from pole to pole

Prime meridian is 0° Longitude-

is the angular distance east or west of the prime meridian

Page 6: Models of the Earth. Earth  Very nearly perfect sphere  No top, bottom or sides  Earth’s axis of rotation can be used to establish reference points

Degrees of Longitude All locations have a longitude between

0° and 180° east or west of the prime meridian

A degree of longitude equals approximately 111 km Decreases as you move towards the pole

Page 7: Models of the Earth. Earth  Very nearly perfect sphere  No top, bottom or sides  Earth’s axis of rotation can be used to establish reference points

Great Circle Any circle that divides the glove into

halves or marks the circumference of the globe Any circle formed by two meridians of

longitude that are directly across the globe from each other is a great circle

Can run in any direction around the globe Air and sea routes often follow great


Page 8: Models of the Earth. Earth  Very nearly perfect sphere  No top, bottom or sides  Earth’s axis of rotation can be used to establish reference points

Finding Direction Use a magnetic

compass Geomagnetic poles-

areas of earth’s surface above where the poles of the imaginary magnet

Needles of compass points to geomagnetic north pole

Page 9: Models of the Earth. Earth  Very nearly perfect sphere  No top, bottom or sides  Earth’s axis of rotation can be used to establish reference points

Magnetic Declination Angle between the direction of the

geographic pole and the direction in which the compass needle points is called magnetic declination.

Measured in degrees east or west of the geographic north pole

Page 10: Models of the Earth. Earth  Very nearly perfect sphere  No top, bottom or sides  Earth’s axis of rotation can be used to establish reference points

GPS (Global Positioning System) GPS can be used to find their location on

earth Based on a global network of 24

satellites that transmit radio signals to Earth’s surface.

First one was NAVSTAR (launched in 1978)

Can be accurate within 10-15 meters of position

Page 11: Models of the Earth. Earth  Very nearly perfect sphere  No top, bottom or sides  Earth’s axis of rotation can be used to establish reference points

Mapping Earth’s Surface

Page 12: Models of the Earth. Earth  Very nearly perfect sphere  No top, bottom or sides  Earth’s axis of rotation can be used to establish reference points

Mapping Globe- model of earth

Accurately represent locations, relative areas, and relative shapes

Useful for large surface features Too small to show details of earth’s


Page 13: Models of the Earth. Earth  Very nearly perfect sphere  No top, bottom or sides  Earth’s axis of rotation can be used to establish reference points

Making maps Cartography

Scientists who make maps Collect data by a field survey or remote

sensing Remote sensing

The process of gathering and analyzing information about an object without physically being in touch with the object

Page 14: Models of the Earth. Earth  Very nearly perfect sphere  No top, bottom or sides  Earth’s axis of rotation can be used to establish reference points

Map projections Map is a flat representation of Earth’s

curved surface Area may be distorted in size, shape,

distance or direction Map of a city shows slight distortion Map of earth shows greatest distortion

Map projection A flat map that represents a spherical


Page 15: Models of the Earth. Earth  Very nearly perfect sphere  No top, bottom or sides  Earth’s axis of rotation can be used to establish reference points

Cylindrical Projections Meridians appear as

straight, parallel lines that have an equal amount of space between them

Advantage: Parallels and

meridians form a grid (locating positions is easier)

Page 16: Models of the Earth. Earth  Very nearly perfect sphere  No top, bottom or sides  Earth’s axis of rotation can be used to establish reference points

Azimuthal Projections Place a sheet of paper

against a transparent, lighted globe so that paper touches the globe at only one point

Great for air travel and finding great circles

Little distortion at point of contact

Unequal spacing between parallels causes distortion in both direction and distance

Page 17: Models of the Earth. Earth  Very nearly perfect sphere  No top, bottom or sides  Earth’s axis of rotation can be used to establish reference points

Conic Projections Made by placing a paper

cone over a lighted globe so that the axis of the cone aligns with the axis of a globe.

Touches the globe at a parallel

Where the cone and globe are in contact have the slightest distortion

Page 18: Models of the Earth. Earth  Very nearly perfect sphere  No top, bottom or sides  Earth’s axis of rotation can be used to establish reference points

Reading a Map North on top, east on the right, south on

the bottom, west on the left Never Eat Soggy Waffles

Parallels run from side to side Meridians run from top to bottom Legend- a list of map symbols and their


Page 19: Models of the Earth. Earth  Very nearly perfect sphere  No top, bottom or sides  Earth’s axis of rotation can be used to establish reference points

Map Scales Scale- the relationship between the distance

shown on a map and the actual distance Graphic Scale- Printed line that has markings

on it that are similar to those on a ruler Fractional Scale- 1:25,000 (one unit of

distance represents 25,000 of the same unit on earth

Verbal Scale- Sentence form (One cm is equal to one km)

Page 20: Models of the Earth. Earth  Very nearly perfect sphere  No top, bottom or sides  Earth’s axis of rotation can be used to establish reference points

Isograms A line on a map

that represents a constant or equal value of a given quantity

Meteorologists use to show atmospheric pressure

Page 21: Models of the Earth. Earth  Very nearly perfect sphere  No top, bottom or sides  Earth’s axis of rotation can be used to establish reference points

Types of Maps

Page 22: Models of the Earth. Earth  Very nearly perfect sphere  No top, bottom or sides  Earth’s axis of rotation can be used to establish reference points

Topographic Maps The size and shape

of the land surface features of a region including its relief

Natural features Shows elevation

The height of an object above sea level

Page 23: Models of the Earth. Earth  Very nearly perfect sphere  No top, bottom or sides  Earth’s axis of rotation can be used to establish reference points

Topographic Maps More detailed information about the

surface Shows size, shape and elevation Contour lines- a line that connects

points of equal elevation on a map (is an isogram)

Relief- the difference between the highest and lowest elevations in a given area

Page 24: Models of the Earth. Earth  Very nearly perfect sphere  No top, bottom or sides  Earth’s axis of rotation can be used to establish reference points

Topographic Maps Widely spaced contour lines indicate

gradual change in elevation Closely spaced contour lines is a rapid

change in elevation Contour lines that bend to form a V is a

valley Closed loop contour lines indicate a


Page 25: Models of the Earth. Earth  Very nearly perfect sphere  No top, bottom or sides  Earth’s axis of rotation can be used to establish reference points

Topographic Maps Buildings, boundaries, roads, and

railroads- normally in black Major highways-red Bodies of water-blue Forest-green Contour lines- brown and black

Page 26: Models of the Earth. Earth  Very nearly perfect sphere  No top, bottom or sides  Earth’s axis of rotation can be used to establish reference points

Geologic Maps Show distribution

of geologic features

Types of rocks, locations of faults, folds, etc.

Page 27: Models of the Earth. Earth  Very nearly perfect sphere  No top, bottom or sides  Earth’s axis of rotation can be used to establish reference points

Geologic Maps Geologic unit- volume of rock of a given

age range and rock type Assigned by color Letters represent age

One capital letter- symbolizes age of rock Lowercase letters- represent the name of

the unit or type of rock

Page 28: Models of the Earth. Earth  Very nearly perfect sphere  No top, bottom or sides  Earth’s axis of rotation can be used to establish reference points

Geologic Maps Contact lines-indicates places at which two

geologic meet Strikes-indicates direction in which beds run Dips- Indicates the angle at which the beds

tilt Two types of contacts

Faults- cracks where rocks can move past each other

Depositional contacts-show where one rock layer formed above another

Page 29: Models of the Earth. Earth  Very nearly perfect sphere  No top, bottom or sides  Earth’s axis of rotation can be used to establish reference points

Soil Maps Classify, map and

describe soils Based on soil

surveys NRCS (Natural

Resources Conservation Service maps soil

Page 30: Models of the Earth. Earth  Very nearly perfect sphere  No top, bottom or sides  Earth’s axis of rotation can be used to establish reference points

Soil Maps Soil Survey

Text- general information about the geology, topography and climate of area being mapped

Tables- describes and volumes of soils in the area

Maps- General map shows the approximate location of

different types of soil within the area Detailed information about soils

Uses- agricultural and land management

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