Page 1: Modern America (HW bush to Obama)

Modern America1989 – 2012

H.W. Bush to Obama

Obama, G.W. Bush, Clinton, H.W. Bush, and Carter from the 70’s

Page 2: Modern America (HW bush to Obama)

- U.S. influenced the Middle East = vast oil resources & U.S. dependence on it.

- 1990: Pres. George H.W. Bush led the world against Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait.

- 1st Persian Gulf War (1991): U.S. led coalition = quick military victory that restored Kuwait’s independence.

The 1990s & the New Millennium

Page 3: Modern America (HW bush to Obama)

The Middle East

Page 4: Modern America (HW bush to Obama)

- U.S. withdrawal from Iraq did not alter the Middle East’s balance of power. - U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia angered religious fanatics.

- Fanatics joined religious fundamentalists groups, (i.e. Taliban = drove Soviets from Afghanistan) & formed terrorist groups (i.e. al Qaeda).

The 1990s & the New Millennium

Page 5: Modern America (HW bush to Obama)

The 1990s & the New Millennium

- Clinton administration: continued to support Israel & working diplomatically to resolve the Middle East’s problems

- Occupied territories & rights of the Palestinian people.

- Some initial success until hardliners in Israel & in the PLO gained power & negotiations stalled.

Yasir ArafatPresident of the


Bill Clinton42nd President

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- U.S. continued to monitor & control Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq, the Taliban in Afghanistan & a growing terrorism.

- Attacks: World Trade Center (1993), USS Cole, & U.S. embassies in Africa signaled the rise of global terrorism.

The 1990s & the New Millennium

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- 9/11/01: al Qaeda attacks = World Trade Center (NYC) & Pentagon (Wash D.C.)

- 3rd attack, Flight 93, was stopped by passengers = crashed in PA.

- U.S. invaded Afghanistan, & overthrew the Taliban government.

- May 2011 = U.S. eliminated al Qaeda’s leader, Osama bin Laden.

The 1990s & the New Millennium

Page 8: Modern America (HW bush to Obama)

- George W. Bush’s administration believed that Saddam Hussein (Iraq) had weapons of mass destruction (WMDs).

- 2003 Iraq invasion (U.S., Great Britain & a others) = overthrew Hussein & brought democracy to that country.

- No WMDs were found.

- Saddam Hussein was captured, tried forcrimes against humanity & executed.

The 1990s & the New Millennium

Page 9: Modern America (HW bush to Obama)

- U.S. intervention = overthrew Hussein’s Sunni-dominated gov’t & election of a new more democratic government.

- Did not result in peace.

- Militias attacked U.S. forces until our withdrawal from Iraq (Dec 2011).

- Middle East continues to be in turmoil.

The 1990s & the New Millennium

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Economics of the 90s & 00s.

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The United States in Today’s World

- 1980s: yearly budget deficits accumulated the national debt.

- Budget deficits & recession = campaign issues in the early 1990s.

Page 12: Modern America (HW bush to Obama)

The United States in Today’s World

- Clinton administration = passed deficit reduction plan:

1.) tax increase 2.) spending cuts 3.) the establishment of the earned income tax credit.

- Welfare reform legislation reversed decades of policy dating back to the New Deal.

- Health care reform did not Pass until the “Patient Protection& Affordable Care Act”(aka “Obamacare”) waspassed (March 2010).

Page 13: Modern America (HW bush to Obama)

The United States in Today’s World

- Clinton & Republican Congress fought over how to balance the budget & stimulate the economy.

- Federal Reserve = kept inflation in check & stimulated the economy by managing interest rates.

- Resulted in economic growth = lowunemployment; but the gap between rich& poor (income polarization) continued towiden.

- Nation’s debt lessened as the worldexperienced the end of the Cold War &the ‘peace dividend.’

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The United States in Today’s World

- George W. Bush administration: tax cuts for the wealthy to stimulate the economy = further increased economic disparity.

- Involvement in Afghanistan & Iraq = defense spending climbed = U.S. experienced deficit spending & escalating debt.

- 1990s = European Union (E.U.) founded to provide political cooperation, promote trade, & the develop Europe’s economy (common currency).

Page 15: Modern America (HW bush to Obama)

The United States in Today’s World

- North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) attempted to increase trade by eliminating trade barriers (political controversy over economic impact).

- 1994: GATT (General Agreement of Tariffs & Trades) lowered tariffs around the world to increase trade = U.S. industries experienced greater competition.

- Some jobs were created by NAFTA, but others were lost.

- Outsourcing resulted in economichardship for some U.S. workers.

- Mechanization & globalization = loss ofU.S. manufacturing jobs & a shift tojobs in service industries.

- Influx of immigrants increased problem= willing to work menial jobs for low wages.

Page 16: Modern America (HW bush to Obama)

The United States in Today’s World

- Labor unions: membership decline & loss of influence = workers faced overseas competition, new immigrants, & manufacturing mechanization.

- Demographic changes affected the economy.

- Industries & retirees moved from the “rustbelt” to the “sunbelt”.

- Big population shift impacted influence of labor unions as well as national politics = move to “right to work” states.

Page 17: Modern America (HW bush to Obama)

The United States in Today’s World

- Medical advances prolonged productivity & life for Americans = added to Social Security’s burden.

- Growing need for services = day care for children & elderly care.

- “Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act” (aka “Obamacare”) was passed by Democratic congress & Pres. Obama (March 2010).

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The United States in Today’s World

- 90s = growth in computer, internet, e-mail, texting, & cell phone use.

- Brought changes to society, privacy laws, & communication networks in the U.S. & around the world.

- Increased globalization raised concerns about our education system.

- “No Child Left Behind” (George W. Bush) = federal law.- Prepared students to compete in a global marketplace.- Mandated state academic ability tests.

Page 19: Modern America (HW bush to Obama)

The United States in Today’s World

2000 & 2004 Elections (George W. Bush)

- Post 9/11 wars = increased defense spending.

- U.S. = deficit spending & increased debt.

- 2008 = Housing Bubble Burst = deficit spending to stop decline.

- 1st Stimulus Package (bank bailout).

- Unemployment = 10%.

- Tax revenues fell & deficit grew = “Great Recession”.

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The United States in Today’s World

2008 & 2012 Elections (Barrack Obama)

- Passed 2nd Stimulus Package to “jump start” the economy.

- Liberals & Conservatives still seem unable to find economic compromise.

Middle East Dealings

- Arab Spring (2011)

- U.S provided diplomatic support for more democratic institutions.

- Gave air support to the Libyan pro-democracy forces.

- Continued presence in Afghanistan & Iraq.

- Continues to mediate issue of the Palestinian State.

- Dealing with Iran’s nuclear threat.

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