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  • 7/27/2019 Modified Article


    RESONATE Article Modified

    Alex Nelson, the most successful Indie artist of 2013 is putting his Brogues on and hitting his first world tour called The

    uture Is The !ast", after releasing his second al#um called Than$ %ou !epper"& Alex has had two al#ums released

    including his new highl% successful release and his first al#um which was surprisingl% not as good as the audience

    expected' rom (ome"& )e met up with Alex to discuss his new tour and the reasons #ehind his unsuccessful al#um andwh% he #elie*es his recent release has #een so large&

    Soo Alex when does your tour start and what lovely city are you heading off to first? Alright dude, well I"m

    sta%ing in m% home countr% +ngland to $ic$ it off, including the cities anchester, home of m% inspirers -asis .said with a

    louder tone/ then to Birmingham and ondon, with a few others after that& Then I"m finall% off a#road I"ll #e fl%ing to man%

    cities all o*er +urope' including !aris, Barcelona, ome and a few others on that& I"ll also #e attending m% first *enues

    across North America, outh America, Asia and Australia .putting on an Australian accent/& It is going to #e so f44c$ing

    good& An%wa% the first gig will #e at anchester on 5une the 1st and the other 67 gigs are e*er% other da% after that& 8ou

    can chec$ m% #log for other dates though, so %eah&9

    Sounds great where did the na!e "The #uture $s The %ast& for your tour co!e fro!? )ell, .laughs/ it"s a #it sill%

    and emotional reall%& But #asicall% m% mum past awa% last summer and she used to alwa%s #ug me when I was a mid:teen a#out how I will decide m% future& It #asicall% was meaning what I was to do then would affect what I did now& o I

    decided it was m% mum that got me to #e the successful artist I am toda% #% encouraging me to ta$e usic and +nglish

    iterature A:e*els during m% teens and forced me to participate in poetr% classes .laughs/& rom this I thought I could

    dedicate the tour to her, than$ing her for the support and $ic$ing m% ass to college e*er% morning&9

    That&s cool !an what ha''ened to your first al(u!? )hy wasn&t it as successful as your recent release "Than*

    you %e''er&? Arghhh, I $new this ;uestion would #e coming .laughs/ Basicall% I was originall% signed to a small record

    la#el called A tudios" in

  • 7/27/2019 Modified Article


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