
Module1 Using my five senses Unit2 Use your ears I can listen and hear with my ears. I use my ears for listening to music. I use my ears for... Bens new bicycle Ben has a new bicycle. It is a red one. It has a bell. Ben rides his bicycle to the shop. Excuse me! Im sorry. I cant hear your bell. Its too quiet. Whos that boy? What has the boy got? Where does the boy go? Can the woman hear the bell? Why? He is Ben. He has got a new bicycle.. He goes to the shop. No, she cant. Because the bell is too quite.. Ben rides his bicycle to the park. A man walks in front of his bicycle. Excuse me! Be careful! Your bell is too quiet. Does Ben ride his bicycle to the shop? Where is the man? Can the man hear Bens bell? Is the bell loud or quiet? No, he doesnt. He is in front of Bens bicycle. No, he cant. It is quiet. Ben can see two old ladies. They are both asleep. Sam walks in front of Bens bicycle. Where is Ben? Where is Sam? Are the old ladies awake or asleep? He is in the park. Sam is in front of Bens bicycle. They are asleep. The two old ladies are awake. They are angry. They do not like Bens bell. Ssh Be quiet! Your bell is too loud. Im sorry. Are the two old ladies asleep? How do the two old ladies feel? Do the ladies like Bells bell? Why No, they are awake. They are angry. No, they dont. Because its too loud. 1. bicycle 2. quiet (be quiet) 3. be careful 4. lady ( :ladies) 5. both 6. asleep 7. walk 8. awake 9. angry 10. loud Picture 1 a Bens new bicycle is blue. ( ) b Bens new bicycle has a bell. ( ) T F Picture 2 a Ben is riding his bicycle to the park. ( ) b Sam walks in front of Bens bicycle. ( ) T F Picture 3 a Two old ladies are awake. ( ) b Sam walks in front of Bens bicycle. ( ) Picture 4 a The two old ladies are asleep. ( ) b Bens bell is too loud. ( ) F F T T

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