Page 1: Monte Vista Church Bulletin February 19th 2012

Sunday: Worship Services at 8:30 and 10:30 am Prayer Life Ministries 9:00 am in the Choir Room

Monday: Office Closed

Tuesday: Choir 6:00 pm Prayer Shawl Ministry 6:30 pm Children’s Ministry 7:00 pm

Wednesday: Staff Meeting 10:00 am Pipeline/ Jr. High 6:00 pm Ash Wednesday Service 7:00 pm

Thursday: Men’s Breakfast 6:30 am Riptide/ Sr. High 7:00 pm Women’s TLC 7:00 pm

Friday: Leadership (Session, Deacons, Staff) Dinner 6:30 pm

Saturday: Session Retreat 9:00 am




Rev. Tom Stephen, Pastor ([email protected])

Carol Benson, Commissioned Lay Pastor ([email protected]) Matt Elam, Director of Youth Ministries ([email protected])

Mary Nelsen, Children’s Ministry ([email protected]) Lori Maier, Director of Music

Rev. John Josselyn, First Service Music Facilitator

Toriann Garner, Choir Director - Kathy Josselyn, Pianist

Jim Lambert, Facilities Director

J.J. Shaules, Preschool Director ([email protected]) (499-6610)

Michelle Chastain, Secretary ([email protected])

Erin Blackburn, Nursery Attendant and Youth Intern
















Page 2: Monte Vista Church Bulletin February 19th 2012

Celebration of Worship

Sunday, February 19, 2012

8:30 am

Jesus called them together and said, “You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them.

Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

- Mark’s gospel

Write down the name of one or two people that you think exemplify the attitude of service that Jesus is talking about on the line below.


PRELUDE OPENING HYMNS Think About His Love #347 All Creatures of our God and King CALL TO WORHSIP & OPENING PRAYER John Graham HYMNS Make Me a Servant #507 Come, All Christians, Be Committed CELEBRATIONS AND CONCERNS Tom Stephen LIFE OF THE CHURCH Tom Stephen

“Waiting For Water” Bible Study sign-ups Serving Jesus Video

During this time, ushers will pass out the friendship pads. Please sign your names and welcome those who are sitting next to you after the service.


Offertory: “When It’s All Been Said and Done” DOXOLOGY AND PRAYER (please stand)

Ushers will bring the offering forward as we commit our gifts to be used to further the Kingdom of God throughout our community and the world.

Next Week

The life of a disciple begins with an initial encounter with Jesus. In that encoun-ter two things happen: Jesus reveals a truth about Himself and He also reveals what is true about our lives. In this first sermon of our Waiting For Water series, you’ll explore Peter’s first encounter with Jesus. Peter moves from over-confident but discouraged fisherman, to broken, fearful sinner, to excited fol-lower of Jesus. Peter is now in a position to wait and see who Jesus is. As you begin this journey toward Easter, are you ready to position yourself to wait and learn about Jesus, yourself, and God’s call in your life? Invite your family and friends to join us for this dynamic study.

SCRIPTURE FOR TODAY James 2:14-26 (Pew Bible page 855) SERMON Tom Stephen

“Cross Training – Seven Characteristics of Abundant Living: Faith That Serves”

Scripture: Matthew 25:31-46 (Pew Bible page 702) CLOSING WORSHIP I Then Shall Live BLESSING AND BENEDICTION

Join us on the patio for coffee and refreshments!




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Monte Vista’s Prayer Shawl Ministry is a group of women/men who knit or crochet Prayer Shawls and Prayer Afghans for a person in need with the intent to shelter, comfort and give solace to the recipient. .

The group meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm. If you cannot attend the meetings, but would like to get involved, we have yarn and instructions for you to use. For more information, please contact Karen Washburn at xxxx email [email protected] or Juanetta Cook xxxx. Please let us know of anyone who could use that extra prayer or moment of TLC. Please visit our website at

Monte Vista Prayer Shawl Ministry Tuesday, February 21st at 6:30 pm

SHELTER MEAL Thursday, March 1st

Call Tess Hoff at xxxx or sign up after Church if you are willing to buy or make part of this meal.







Page 4: Monte Vista Church Bulletin February 19th 2012








February 19, 2012

MV Men’s Breakfast at Parkview Café Every Thursday 6:30AM to 7:30AM

Fresh start for the day with discussion, friendship and fellowship while sharing thoughts on scripture in our daily lives.

Come join us weekly or as often as your routine permits. Oatmeal, Egg Bagels & Coffee to boot!

Join us, as we begin the Lenten Season

Wednesday, February 22 7:00 pm

in the sanctuary










Come join us in fellowship with other women, deepen your walk, and explore what it means to believe God, through studying the lives of Abraham, Moses and others from Hebrews 11 as examples of persons who believed.

This 10-week Beth Moore study Believing God is sure to challenge and draw you closer to God and the community of women at Monte Vista.

Starts Wednesday, Feb. 29th 6:30pm to 8:30pm. We meet in the choir room.

Please see the table outside after service or contact Kristen Holland at xxxx for additional info.

“2012 Mission Sharing (formerly aka Per Capita) – In supporting the mission of the Presbyterian Church we ask each member each year to contribute in addition to your pledge. For 2012 the amount is $80 per member. Please use the blue envelope in the front your offering enve-lopes. Many thanks for your continued support of the missions of our larger Presbyterian Church.”




The family has decided to ask people to NOT send flowers, and to instead make a donation to the Monte Vista Preschool. The preschool was always near and dear to Helen's heart, and the family wants to honor that.

Please make checks payable to Monte Vista Church and write “In Memory of Helen Monroe” in the memo line.

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Let us Know how we can pray for you by filling out a Prayer Card. They are available in the pews & in the Friendship Pads. They can be dropped into the offering plate.

Prayer Requests can be added to the Prayer Chain by emailing Richard Vickers at [email protected] and/or the church office at [email protected]. Please remember to pray for the following needs within our church body:

• Pray that the people of Monte Vista come to know the love of Christ in a deeper way.

• Thanksgiving and prayer for our neighbors at First Christian.

• Sympathy to Helen Monroe’s family. Helen passed away on Tuesday. Prayers for Neal and the family.

• Pray for Pat Roop’s daughter Jill Grider. She has pneumonia. Pray for strength and healing.

• Pray for Pat Bland. For good treatment results for pulmonary fibrosis.

• Pray for Alanna Jacob’s son-in-law Bryan and his family. Bryan’s sister Tanya is having difficulty with chemo and his parents are having some problems.

• Pray for Tyler Patterson, 13 year old grandson of Larry & Ruth Toops. The doc-tors have not been able to determine the cause of constant and severe headaches. Praise that the spinal tap came back normal.

• Pray for Ann Riley’s daughter Kathy. Pray for her recovery after surgery to re-move the cancer.

• Pray for Angela Madgwick.

• Pray for Ken Au, Cal Au’s father. Pray for continued healing.

• Pray for Sally Losey for healing in her legs and feet and less pain.

• Pray for these difficult economic times and for employment.

• Pray for Warren & Gloria Stelzmiller.

• Pray for healing and strength for Steve Medler and family.

• Pray for Dan Guiteras and family for strength and healing.

• Prayers for Larry Augustine.

• Continued prayers for Jazzy Betka for recovery and healing.

• Pray for Rosalia & Paul Lewis.

• Pray for the Winter Bruno family.



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