
Month of Our Lady Solemnity of The Most Holy Trinity

May 27, 2018

Blessed the people the Lord has (chosen), chosen to be his own.

Psalm 33

Saint Catherine of Siena Roman Catholic Church Laguna Beach, CA

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Welcome to Our Parish

SUNDAY EUCHARIST (MASS) Saturday: 5:30 p.m. (Sunday Vigil)

Sundays: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m.,11:00 a.m., 1:30 p.m. Spanish, 5:30 p.m.

Mon - Sat 8:00 a.m.


ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA CHURCH 1042 Temple Terrace Laguna Beach, CA 92651 Phone: (949) 494-9701 Fax: (949) 497-2610

OFFICE HOURS Mon—Thurs 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fri 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Closed Saturday & Sunday


Susan Daley-Ministry Coordinator/Office Manager Ext. 118 or [email protected] Carmela Davidheiser-Parish Bookkeeper Ext. 124 or [email protected] Lisa Marcus-Parish Administrator Ext. 131 or [email protected] Charles Stephenson-Director, Music Ministry Gina Stewart-Director, Youth Religious Education/Informacion en Espanol Ext. 119 or [email protected] RCIA-Ext.113

CLERGY Rev. Kenneth A. Schmit—Pastor Ext. 111 or [email protected]

Rev. Gabriel Stack, O. Praem—Sunday Assistance Rev. Marito Rebamontan (Retired)- Sunday Assistance

MISSION STATEMENT—We, the community of St. Catherine of Siena Parish, located within the larger, diverse and artistic seaside community of Laguna Beach, recognize and celebrate the uniqueness which is grounded in the sacred mysteries and traditions of the Roman Catho-lic Church and in the history and lives of our individuals, families and leaders. Built on these roots, and in order to see the world as God sees it, we commit ourselves to: being a welcoming sanctuary and a place of prayer and worship, nurturing, assisting, encouraging and serving all those in need, offering all generations opportunities for personal and communal growth, and, by these commitments, to honor our call to evangelization.

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION On the First Friday of each month we gather in prayer and praise before the Blessed Sacrament. Following the 8 a.m. Mass and concluding at 8 p.m. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Parents of infants requesting information about Baptism may contact Father Ken in the parish office. Infant baptisms are celebrated on the second Saturday of the month.

CELEBRATION OF CHRISTIAN FUNERALS At the time of death, a family member should contact the parish office, as soon as possible, to arrange the date and time for the Funeral Liturgy.

SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Couples must begin preparation for their Sacrament at least six months prior to their proposed wedding date. Please call the parish office for more information.

SACRAMENT OF THE SICK The third Saturday of each month after the 8:00 a.m. Mass. In the event of serious illness or medical emergency, Anointing of the Sick and Eucharist may be arranged by contacting the parish office

CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) Adults requesting information about full initiation and communion with the Roman Catholic Church (the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirma-tion) may contact the office for more info.—949-494-9701, ext. 113

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) Saturdays: 4:00—5:00 p.m. (or by appointment)

ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA PARISH SCHOOL (Transitional Kindergarten—8th Grade)

30516 So. Coast Hwy w Laguna Beach, CA 92651 Phone: (949) 494-7339 Fax: (949) 376-5752

Mike Letourneau—School Principal

Ext. 211 or [email protected]

Tracy Smith—Office Administrator

Ext. 210 or [email protected]

Jackie Batho—Administrative Asst.

Ext. 213 or [email protected]

Carmela Davidheiser—Bookkeeper

Ext. 212 or [email protected]

The Most Holy Trinity May 27, 2018 Page 3

At Our Parish

Tickets will go on sale Wednesday, May 30

Our annual fundraiser at Pageant of the Masters will be Thursday, July 5th Dinner, 6:00 p.m. at Tivoli Too! (located at 777 Laguna Canyon Road, “Art a Fair”) Performance at 8:30 p.m. at Irvine Bowl Ticket includes admission to Festival of Arts exhibits at Irvine Bowl To purchase tickets, please come in to the Parish Office. Your tickets can be purchased with cash, check or credit card. Due to demand, tickets cannot be held and paid for at a later date. If you have any questions, please call or email Susan Daley: [email protected] 949-494-9701, ext. 118

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Readings, Intentions, Saints & Special Observances

Please pray for the sick:

Mon: Mathelle Piansay-Antenor Cruz (D) Tue: Richard Dietz (D) Wed: Deloris Franklin (D) Thurs: Fri: Sat: Intentions of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Intentions—8:00 a.m. Mass

Erin Bevacqua, Captain, USMC Evan Dineen, Captain., USAF

Pray for those in the Armed Forces:


Sunday: The Most Holy Trinity Monday: Eighth Week in Ordinary Time; Memorial Day Thursday The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Friday: St. Justin; First Friday Saturday: Ss. Marcellinus and Peter; Blessed Virgin Mary; First Saturday


Monday: 1 Pt 1:3-9; Ps 111:1-2, 5-6, 9-10c; Mk 10:17-27 Tuesday: 1 Pt 1:10-16; Ps 98:1-4; Mk 10:28-31 Wednesday: 1 Pt 1:18-25; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Mk 10:32-45 Thursday: Zep 3:14-18a or Rom 12:9-16; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 1:39-56 Friday: 1 Pt 4:7-13; Ps 96:10-13; Mk 11:11-26 Saturday: Jude 17, 20b-25; Ps 63:2-6; Mk 11:27-33 Sunday: Ex 24:3-8; Ps 116:12-13, 15-18; Heb 9:11-15; Mk 14:12-16, 22-26

Harry Allen Jim Kollenda Andrea Burns Lauriann Meyer Charles Cambruzzi Melinda Munoz Jakie Canali Jared Nelson Rick Ciaccio Hiroko Nishimaya Myrla Clark Steve Pfeffer Conor Davis Billie Quam Therese Davis Richard Robertson Sarah Delacruz Eleanor Schmidt Renee DiVicino Gary Seddon Laura Ewing Halina Stanaland Paul Freeman Regine Stanaland Al Gambale Francis Szeibert Ruby Garcia Aria Tremblay Patricia Gonzalez Sam Vasquez Steven Handwerk Troy Wagner Ed Johnson Ghinka Wilson Teresa Johnston


We will be making one change to our weekend Mass schedule for the summer NO 5:30 p.m. Sunday Mass beginning

June 3rd.

Sunday, 5:30 p.m. Mass will resume on Sunday, September 9th.

Parish Office will be closed: Monday, May 28th

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Altar Servers Susan Daley 494-9701, x118 Art & Environment Virginia Atherton 497-1904 Extraordinary Ministers Susan Daley 494-9701, x118 Extraordinary Ministers To Sick & Homebound Susan Daley 494-9701, x118 Homeless Shelter Dinners Lisa Staight 949-852-4442 Jovenes Para Cristo Felix Cruz 949-202-9412 Evaristo Reyes 949-616-0733 Lectors Susan Daley 494-9701, x118 Men’s Fellowship Joe Bevacqua 714-747-3122 Music Charles Stephenson [email protected] Orange Diocesan Council Catholic Women Judy MacPherson Prayer Line Parish Office 494-9701 Religious Education Gina Stewart 494-9701, x119 RCIA please leave message 494-9701, x113 Respect Life Susan Daley 494-9701, x118 Sacristans Susan Daley 494-9701, x118 Sick & Homebound Visits Parish Office 494-9701 Ushers Susan Daley 494-9701, x118 Women’s Council Stephanie Andrews [email protected] Ministry Coordinator: Susan Daley, 494-9701, x118 or [email protected]


Please complete a parish regis-

tration form!!

This is a way for us to welcome you to the parish, invite you to consider serving in a minis-try and the best way to insure you receive parish communications. PARISH REGISTRATION FORM

is on the homepage of our web-site:

May 7 - 13, 2018 Envelope $ 3,011 Loose $ 8,008 Credit Card $ 1,765 Total $12,784

May 14 - 20, 2018 Envelope $ 3,929 Loose $ 6,406 Credit Card $ 3,370 Total $13,705 Parishes in Collaboration $ 2,065

The Most Holy Trinity May 27, 2018 Page 6

Volunteer Opportunities

MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Lectors, Altar Servers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for Mass, Altar Angels, Sacristans, Ushers—we need you. COME celebrate Mass with family and friends, SERVE and be an example of Christ’s love and witness to our community. Contact Susan Daley in the parish office at 494-9701, ext. 118 or email her at: [email protected]

“They knew Him in the breaking of the bread.”

The Laguna Beach homeless shelter chef program needs your help. Could you join a team of St. Catherine parishioners in making and serving dinners at the Laguna Beach homeless shelter twice per year? Our dedicated volunteers serve on the 1st and 4th Tuesdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. Since the shelter dinner program began (in 2009), our parish has joyfully served more than 12,000 meals to our broth-ers and sisters in need. Please stand with us in continuing this important ministry. For information and to volunteer please contact Lisa Staight: 949-852-4442 [email protected]


Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?

– Martin Luther King Jr.

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St. Michael’s Abbey

The Most Holy Trinity May 27, 2018 Page 8

School News

Saint Catherine Of Siena Parish School

Educating The Next Generation Of Decision Makers Saint Catherine School is rooted in a rich 58-year history based on unparalleled academic excellence for grades K-8, as well as a Transitional Kindergarten program for students turning four years old by September 1, 2018.

• 58 Years of Spiritual and Academic Excellence • Fully Accredited by WCEA/WASC

• Small Class Size for Student Centered Learning • Full Day Transitional Kindergarten

• Full Day Kindergarten • First—Eight Grades

• New State-of-the-Art Building • Technology-Driven Environment

• Core Curriculum is Enhanced with Music, Art, Foreign Language, Technology and Physical Education • Computer, Science and Art Labs

• Before and After School Day Care Program • After School Sports Program

Call the school office for information: 949-494-7339 or visit

Transitional Kindergarten through Eight Grade

30516 South Coast Hwy, Laguna Beach, CA

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Lecturas y Noticias


La mayoría de los cristianos fuimos bautizados en nuestra infancia o niñez en nombre de la Santísima Trinidad; es por eso que continuamente hay que recordar y aceptar nuestro bautismo y el reto de vivir según el Espíritu de Jesús como hijos e hijas de Dios. Esto se hace cada vez que nos persignamos o santiguamos con la señal de la santa cruz. Así mismo, nuestra fe y religión cristiana esta fundamentada en la Santísima Trinidad y cada persona que entra en nuestra familia tiene que pasar por la cruz y la resurrección. La señal de la cruz la trazamos en nuestro cuerpo desde la frente hasta nuestro vientre; del hombro dere-cho al hombro izquierdo— poniendo nuestro corazón casi al centro de este misterio. Muchos latinos termi-nan la señal poniendo el pulgar sobre el índice en forma de cruz y besándola confirmando el amor que noso-tros tenemos por la cruz de Jesús y el hecho que cargamos en nuestros cuerpos el efecto de esa cruz, la re-conciliación con Dios. Recordamos con esta señal nuestro bautismo muriendo a una vida de pecado y rena-ciendo por el Espíritu a una vida nueva en Cristo, para la gloria de Dios Padre. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

LA RESPONSABILIDAD DE NUESTRA FE Hoy es un día para reflexionar sobre el hecho de que en el Bautismo, Dios Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo nos hizo hijos suyos. La primera lectura del Deuteronomio nos insta a anclar en nuestro corazón la verdad de que Dios es el Señor del cielo y de la tierra y que no hay otro dios. San Pablo nos recuerda que, al haber recibido el Espíritu de adopción en el Bautismo, ahora somos hijos de Dios. En el Evangelio Jesús nos encomienda la res-ponsabilidad de encontrar más discípulos. Estas realida-des hacen de la solemnidad de hoy un día de alabanza, adoración y responsabilidad. Es un día apropiado para agradecerle a Dios el generoso regalo de la fe que recibi-mos en el Bautismo. También es un día para pedirle a Dios fortaleza para asumir la responsabilidad de com-partir esa fe con los demás. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.


¿De qué sirve la riqueza en la eternidad? —San Luis Gonzaga

Lecturas y Noticias


Primera lectura — El Señor es Dios en los cielos y en la tierra, y no hay otro (Deuteronomio 4:32-34, 39-40). Salmo — Dichoso el pueblo que el Señor se escogió como heredad (Salmo 33 [32]). Segunda lectura — Somos hijos de Dios, herederos también; herederos de Dios herederos de Cristo si sufrimos con él (Romanos 8:14-17). Evangelio — Jesús les dice a sus discípulos que vayan y hagan discípulos de todas las naciones, bautizándolos y enseñándolos (Mateo 28:16-20).


Domingo: La Santísima Trinidad Lunes: Octava Semana del Tiempo Ordinario; Día de los Caídos Jueves: La visitación de la Santísima Virgen María Viernes: San Justino; Primer viernes Sábado: Santos Pedro y Marcelino; Santa María Virgen; Primer sábado

LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: 1 Pe 1:3-9; Sal 111 (110):1-2, 5-6, 9-10c; Mc 10:17-27 Martes: 1 Pe 1:10-16; Sal 98 (97):1-4; Mc 10:28-31 Miércoles: 1 Pe 1:18-25; Sal 147 (146):12-15, 19-20; Mc 10:32-45 Jueves: Sof 3:14-18a o Rom 12:9-16; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lc 1:39-56 Viernes: 1 Pe 4:7-13; Sal 96 (95):10-13; Mc 11:11-26 Sábado: Jds 17, 20b-25; Sal 63 (62):2-6; Mc 11:27-33 Domingo: Ex 24:3-8; Sal 116 (115):12-13, 15-18; Heb 9:11-15; Mc 14:12-16, 22-26


Nuestros bautizos de infantiles en español están programados contactando Gina Stewart en la ofici-na parroquial. (949)494-9701 Ext. 119 Los padres deben ser miembros de la parroquia de Santa Catalina y los padres necesitan venir a la oficina de la parroquia para la aplicación Bautismal. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta o necesita información adicional, por favor contáctenos al (949) 494-9701 ext. 119 o también puede contactar Gina Stewart en [email protected].

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