
You’re Rich, Important, and InvitedTo Make Art with Janine Antoni & John Maeda

— Followed by Dinner and Mingling —

Hosted by Janine Antoni & John Maeda

Attended by their friends, colleagues, and Linkedin connections™

A Taste of Fine Art— presented by —

Janine Antoni & John Maeda

You are coordially invited to participate in Ms. Antoni’s lateest artistic endeavour– a continuation of her piece “Umbilical”

— at the —

Rhode Island School of Design Museum.

Saturday, the 14th of July, at eight in the evening. Black tie attire.

Dinner will be served.


Mr. Jeff Koons21 Silver Spoon Ave.New York, New York



— Red Carpet—Guests will arrive to a swarm of paparrazi and screaming

fans as they enter the exclusive dinner.

— “Umbilical” —By Janine Antoni


Cast Silver

— Exhibit —Guests will be seated around the original

piece which will be elevated in the center ofthe room in a clear glass box.

— Table Setting —Formal Dinner Placesetting with a maleable

silver spoon (the medium) on the plate. Guests will be invited to preform their

interpretation of “Umbilical” withthe guest seated to their left.

— Gallery—Participants will then hand their finished

piece to this man who will then hang it on the gallery wall along with the

rest of the guests’ spoons. Janine Antoniwill then sign each individual one

and John Maeda will shake your hand.

“Umbilical II” By Janine Antoni and Friends


Mr. West Mr. Smith Mr. Koons Ms. Abrovomic Ms. Jolie-Pitt

Ms. Kardashian Mr. Sera Mr. Reas Ms. Swinton Ms. Swift

Ms. Ono Mr. Ruscha Mr. Eames Mr. Gore Ms. Wintour

Possible Pairing #1

Possible Pairing #2

Possible Pairing #3

Possible Pairing #4

Possible Pairing #5

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