
Johnson Avenue church of Christ

iglesia de Cristo “Where God’s family builds eternal homes”

523 South Johnson Ave | El Cajon, CA 92020 | 619-444-6106 |

To Our Guests, Thanks for coming today! Stay a while after services, let us get to know you!

Andrew Lemus, Evangelist Oscar Velazquez, Evangelista Derrick Victor, Evangelist

JACOC Prayer List

Be sure to include them in your daily prayers Karen Mendez, Yamileth De La Rosa Solano, Ana Garcia,

Isaac Mendez (all recently baptized) Samael De La Rosa (bone marrow transplant) Joshua Norton (grandson of Stouts, in drug recovery center)

Joe Haynes (pray for success in his new job) Laylie DeGarmo (recovering from seizures)

Aleasha Bell’s parents (recovering from car accident)

Joe Baruffaldi (health concerns)

Lucca Baruffaldi (health and developmental challenges) Melissa Beaver (migraine headaches)

Tony Clark (brother of Natalie Price), issues with drugs Carol Crawford (health issues)

Carla Farrell (issues with Multiple Sclerosis) Betty Jourdan (Carol Crawford's sister), successful heart

procedure, doing better Bev McDowney (friend of Carol Baruffaldi), breast cancer

Archie Morris (Carol Crawford's brother), leukemia Leatrice Nadeau (health, in long-term care)

Carol Reed (loss of her husband Roland) Paula Root, friend of Carol Baruffaldi (health challenges)

Angie & Harry Schirer’s 22-year-old son's physical and emotional challenges

Debbie Stinson (completing radiation treatments) Mark Walsh (health and family)

Tisi Weins (Richard Renteria's daughter-health issues) Make the Prayer List a part of your everyday

Prayer life!

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all

circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."

Do you have someone who needs prayers for

strength, comfort, support, or healing? We can help!

1. You may submit your request to one of

our elders, deacons, or evangelists.

2. Email your request to [email protected]

Also pray for the men we support who are working to spread God’s Word around the world:

Surender Yerra | Mumbai, India

Derrick Victor | El Cajon, California

Dan DeGarmo | Chillicothe, Ohio

Ariel Villa | Tijuana, México

Andrew Lemus | El Cajon, California

Oscar Velazquez | El Cajon, California

Crisis House Food Pantry - next collection is

Sunday October 29. Please place your donations in

the bins in the lobby. Thank you for giving!

October 29, 2017– Youth Devotional at the Tapper’s home. October 27, 2017 - Fall Party - BOOOO! Are you ready to have fun, get spooked, and enjoy some great company? That's right, it's time for the annual Fall Party. This year the

Victor's have opened up their home to host this great event that the whole church is invited to. Don't wander off just yet, they need your help! They are reaching out to the youth & families to help set up and run 5 different games, create & run the haunted house, and to help clean up the day after. Help make this party the best one yet! Call

Amy Victor to tell her how you and your family would like to help. November 18, 2017 – “Let’s Be Thankful” Potluck

It’s never too early to start planning for this year’s potluck. Things to think about:

• Talent – Are you an “artist”? We are ready to hear you perform!

• Tasty Food – What are you planning to bring for the meal to share?

• Tell a Friend – Who can you invite to share food, family, and fun!

SAVE THE DATE! 2017 Youth Holiday Party (12/16/17) - Awesome news, the Pritchard Family is going to be hosting this years’ Youth Holiday Party. Come ready to

goof off, have fun, and build relationships with all your peers. More info to come!



The object of QuoteFalls is to construct a quotation by selecting from available letters in the vertical columns. The letters in each column of the puzzle will go into the squares immediately below them, but not necessarily in the order they appear. A word broken at the end of a line will continue on the next line. A black square indicates the end

of the word. When all letters are in their correct squares, you will be able to read a quotation across the grid from left to right. NOTE: If you need a hint, check the bottom of the BIRTHDAYS section.

October 8, 2017

Church Schedule Programa Español es en Azul

SUNDAY CLASSES 9:00 AM Front of Auditorium

The Apostleship Taught by Ryan Swaim

Rear of Auditorium The Law

Taught by Harry Schirer

Sala 13 - Arriba CLASE DE BIBLIA

Impartido por Oscar Velazquez

SUNDAY 10:00 AM SERVICES The Watchman Watcheth

Derrick Victor

10:00 AM - SERVICIO ESPAÑOL Oscar Velazquez

SUNDAY 5:00 PM SERVICES Comfort in Knowledge:

The Second Coming Andrew Lemus

WEDNESDAY 7PM Midweek Bible Study

Am I My Brother’s Keeper?

Sala 13 - Arriba CLASE DE BIBLIA

Impartido por Oscar Velazquez

The Johnson Avenue Church of Christ Vision Statement “We are growing together as a close, loving, spiritual family; edifying and equipping ourselves

for discipleship, spreading God’s word as faithful soldiers of Christ, while doing everything to the Glory of God”

Morning Messenger

Thank You!

Update on Samael De La Rosa: The bone marrow

transplant was completed on 9/26. Pray that the

procedure was successful, as it can take a few weeks for

new blood cells to be produced and for blood counts to

begin recovering.

Let’s Be Thankful Potluck – COMING SOON

Time to start planning!. Also, we are now accepting

donations toward the payment for the facility. You may

give them to Lisa Kenyon or Marjorie Kelly.

JACOC Corporate Meeting – Sunday October 22

All members! We will have our Corporate Meeting after

morning services. Please be prepared to stay a while for

this important meeting. Thank you!

Prayers Needed

Lee Gregoire passed away on Saturday night (9/23/17).

Lee visited here often for the last year or so on Sunday

evenings with his daughter Gail.

Bob Pharr, former member at Johnson Avenue, and

father of Debbie Morris (Debbie Morris is Richard and

Rose Morris’ daughter-in-law) passed away Monday,

Sept. 18, 2017 in Allen, Texas. Bob leaves his wife,

Virginia, his daughter Debbie, & sons Steve & Mark. He

was 86 years old and in failing health for some time.

Please pray for the Pharr and Morris families.

We Want You! -. Would you like to help as a greeter or in

KBT? Get your parents approval and reach out to Randy

Johnson (greeter) or Julie McConnaughy (Kids Bible

Time) and let them know you are ready to serve. Are you

a Christian young man looking to serve in our Sunday or

Wednesday worship services? Reach out to Randy

Johnson and let him know that you want to put your

talents to use. We Need You!



New Testament


WEEK 40 | Oct 8 - 14

MON: Jer 11-13; 2 Cor 12 TUE: Jer 14-16; Psalm 76;

2 Cor 13 WED: Jer 17-20; James 1 THU: Jer 22, 23, 26; Psalm 77;

James 2 FRI: Jer 25, 35, 36, 45;

Ps 133; James 3

Acts 17:11 Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with

great eagerness and examined the Scriptures

every day to see if what Paul said was true.

The LET’S BE THANKFUL Potluck is coming…the date is November 18th…more to come…

MEMBER INFORMATION The JACOC financial statements are always available to our members upon request. Please ask one of the elders and we will make sure to get a copy to you.


If we are faithful, we can look forward to Jesus coming again by Gary Henry,

OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS 10/1 Billy Perkins 10/3 Anderson Lemus 10/5 Antonia Sapon 10/5 Jessica Velazquez 10/6 Angela Sapon 10/6 Susie Heavilin 10/8 Bill Gove 10/9 Ron Betsworth 10/9 Derrick Ramsey 10/10 Micah Raymer 10/11 Nikki Delgado 10/12 Linda Vail 10/14 Abigale Walsh 10/15 Mildred Fox 10/15 Jack Howell 10/16 Cierra Kelly 10/16 Ariana Rodriguez 10/17 John (JP) Price 10/19 Dillard Harwell 10/21 Julie Simpson 10/23 Harry Schirer 10/23 Hayden Pritchard 10/25 Severiana Mendez 10/25 Mackenzie Price 10/25 Willow Swaim 10/26 Luz Echevarria 10/26 Mario Arevalo 10/27 Halston Pritchard 10/28 Ariana Lemus


10/6 Lew & Donna Smith 10/8 Oscar & Jessica

Velazquez 10/11 Michael Sr. & Donnetta

Roberts 10/30 Jose & Blanca


Looking for a great way to grow spiritually in 2017?

Why not put your FAITH

INTO ACTION by joining us on the next SERVICE

PROJECT workday.

See Andrew Lemus for


Quotefalls Hint:

Proverbs 3 (NIV)

Warning Signs by Kyle Pope, Focus Online

The longer something goes on, the more we tend to think it will always go on. But it would be a great mistake to think the world in which we live will always continue just because it has gone on so long already. The Bible teaches that the day is coming when Christ will return for His faithful followers, this world will be destroyed, and those who are lost will be consigned to their punishment. Truly, the coming of the day of judgment is a thought full of awe. But for the Christian, the thought of Christ’s return ought to be a comfort. If we are faithful, we can look forward to Jesus coming again. The prospect of being with the Lord and the saints of all ages before the very throne of God ought to be a thrilling hope. And there need not be any doubt about our place in heaven. John wrote, “And now, little children, abide in him, so that when he appears we may have confidence and not shrink from him in shame at his coming” (1 Jn. 2:28). We need to be careful about the hope of our salvation. “Therefore, while the promise of entering his rest still stands, let us fear lest any of you should seem to have failed to reach it” (Hb. 4:1). But to the extent that we faithfully love the Lord, the hope of one day getting to be with Him is a very positive thought. “By this is love perfected with us, so that we may have confidence for the day of judgment, because as he is so also are we in this world” (1 Jn. 4:17). And Peter said, “In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith — more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire — may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. Though you have not seen him, you love him. Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory, obtaining the outcome of your faith, the salvation of your souls” (1 Pt. 1:6-9). This week, may our aim be to strengthen our hope and be more appreciative of it. Living in a difficult world, it makes a big difference to be a faithful Christian and be able to look forward to being forever with a Lord whom we love. Let’s consider the meaning of this blessing. Monday: John 14:1-7 Key Idea: Jesus Christ has gone away to prepare a place for us in heaven. Questions for Family Growth: In v.1, why did Jesus say His disciples’ hearts should not be troubled? Where did Jesus say He was going? What did He say He was going to do when He returned? What did Jesus say, in v.6, about the way to the Father? Wisdom for the Day: Proverbs 15:10. Tuesday: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Key Idea: Christ will gather all His faithful people together when He returns. Questions for Family Growth: When Christ returns, will the faithful who are still alive have any advantage over those who have already died? Where will all of God’s faithful people go? Whom will we be with forever? In v.18, what did Paul say we should do? Wisdom for the Day: Proverbs 15:11. Wednesday: 1 John 4:17,18 Key Idea: If we love and obey God, there is no need for us to fear the judgment day. Questions for Family Growth: Why might somebody be afraid to think about God’s judgment? In v.17, what does it mean to have “boldness” (NKJV) in the day of judgment? What is the difference that love makes? What is said in 1 Pt. 1:8,9? Wisdom for the Day: Proverbs 15:12. Thursday: 1 John 2:28-3:3 Key Idea: When Christ comes, we shall be made like Him. Questions for Family Growth: What does it mean that we may “have confidence and not shrink from him in shame at his coming”? What change in us will God bring about when Christ returns? What did Paul say in Phil. 3:20,21? Wisdom for the Day: Proverbs 15:13. Friday: 2 Peter 3:1-13 Key Idea: We should be looking forward to Christ’s return. Questions for Family Growth: What will happen to this world when Christ returns? Does God desire that anyone should be lost? What does it mean that we should be “waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God” (v.12)? Wisdom for the Day: Proverbs 15:14.

Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore hear a word from My mouth, and give them warning from Me (Ezek. 3:17, NKJV).

We have all seen them—those flashing signs that tell you your speed in relation to the posted speed limit. If you are going too fast they give you a gentle warning that helps you change your speed before getting a ticket. These familiar street

signs parallel some powerful principles that we should realize about spiritual things.

Why Point Out When Others are Doing Wrong?

When I say to the wicked, “You shall surely die,” and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, that same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand.(Ezek. 3:18).

Christians often struggle with having to tell people around us that something they are doing is wrong. It seems unkind, judgmental, and mean-spirited. What if we thought of this like the warning signs we see on the street? Do we resent that those signs prevent us from facing a penalty? No. We appreciate that it keeps us from getting a ticket. Efforts to teach

others, spread the gospel, or turn souls from error and sin are the same way. They are more than just an effort “to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life”—they are loving words that flash a warning aimed at saving the souls of those who will head them.

What If There is no Warning Sign?

Yet, if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall

die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul(Ezek. 3:19). Sometimes we make the false assumption that if we tell someone they are doing something wrong we are the ones defining their behavior as wrong. That is not true. If a street doesn’t have a warning sign it doesn’t mean there is no speed

limit. Whether we see a posted speed limit or not, if we violate the limit a municipality has set we will be penalized. The flashing warning sign helps a driver see what the speed is, but whether a warning is provided or not the speed limit is still in place. God’s law stands. It stands whether we warn others or not. It stands whether people ignore it or not. The wicked man “shall die in his iniquity.” Warning people what God’s word says does not set God’s law—it informs those who

may be unaware of its demands.

Warning Signs Irritate Some People

Again, when a righteous man turns from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and I lay a stumbling block before him, he shall die; because you did not give him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered; but his blood I will require at your hand.

Nevertheless if you warn the righteous man that the righteous should not sin, and he does not sin, he shall surely live because he took warning; also you will have delivered your soul (Ezek. 3:20-21).

If we are in a hurry to get somewhere and unexpectedly encounter a warning sign it might irritate us. Perhaps we thought

we were driving at an acceptable speed. The inconvenience of slowing down can be annoying but it is far less annoying that getting a $100.00 ticket for speeding! For some people, however, the irritation is more than just frustration over the inconvenience—it is a rejection of authority. They say to themselves, “No one is going to tell me how fast to drive!” So they choose to deliberately ignore the warning sign and drive as fast as they wish. Does their irritation shield them from

penalty? No. If a policeman sees them they will be stopped and they will suffer the consequences. Is the warning sign to blame for their irritation? No. They had a mindset bent on doing what they wanted to do and had already set a course toward rebellion even before they saw the warning sign. So it is when we proclaim the truth to those around us. Some will rejoice—we have spared them a penalty they didn’t

realize they faced. Some may be annoyed that their life must change, but ultimately they realize that the stakes involved make any change worth it in the end. Others, however, will be angry and resent the fact that we dared to warn them. Sometimes this may even be “a righteous man” who “turns from his righteousness and commits iniquity.” If we warn such a person and he or she becomes angry is it because we are unkind, judgmental, or “think we are the only ones

going to heaven”? No. It may reflect hearts that want to do what they want to do and resent anyone and anything that would dare urge them to change. Their problem isn’t with us-their problem is with God. We can try to help them change their attitude, but we must never allow their resentment to cause us to stop proclaiming the truth as a warning sign to those who will heed it.

So you, son of man: I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore you shall hear a word from My mouth and warn them for Me (Ezek. 33:7).

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