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Mosaic Mosaic

Magazine of the New West End Synagogue

Rosh Hashanah 5773 / 2012


On Mitzvah day, around the world, thousands of people (of all denominations) give their time - not their money - to support local charities and build stronger communities. Mitzvah day’s mission is reduce hardship and poverty to help our environment and to bring a little joy - all together. The NWES community is embracing Mitzvah day and we will keep you informed of the activities we are planning. In the meantime, save the date - Sunday 18th November - and keep it free in your diaries so you can join us by donating your time and some energy to support the selected charity (or charities) in our neighbourhood. If you are willing to join our Mitzvah day commitee and help with the logistics, please contact the Shul office asap. For more information please visit:



Contents 03 Message from the Editor

04 United Synagogue’s Chief Executive’s Message

05 Social and Personal

06 Chief Rabbi’s Rosh Hashanah Message

07 Message from Rabbi Shisler

08 Skry Dive

09 The Choir

10 Choir Biographies

12 Rosh Hashanah Recipes

16 Jewish Genetic Disorders

18 ‘Traditional Nusach’

20 A Zionist on Campus

22 The AL Fund

27 President of the Board of Deputies


MinisterRabbi Geoffrey Shisler


Chazan Jeremy Lawson

WardensStanley Blum Martin Lewin

Financial RepresentativeHarry Sieratzki

Board of Management

Representatives on the Council of the United Synagogue

Lynn BrownJonathan Matheson

Representative at the Board of Deputies Dori Schmetterling

Under 35 Representative at the Board of Deputies

Josh Morris

AdministratorMichael Wahnon

BeadleEli Ballon

Office hours

Monday to Thursday 8am - 4pm Friday 8am - 12 noon

Sunday 10am - 12 noon

Telephone 020 7229 2631 Fax 020 7229 2355

Email [email protected]

Designed and Produced byCreative Interpartners, London

Lynn Brown Jeff Hammerschlag

Rachel Magrill Jonathan Matheson

Toni Nagel

As you hopefully are aware, I have the honour of being the ba’al tokea for the New West End, the person who blows the Shofar on Rosh Hashana.

When I have finished, there are always a number of people who let me know how long the final tekia gedola lasted. I have no idea how long my longest one has been, but I do know that no two people have ever told me the same time!

The truth of the matter is that although I start to practise my shofar blowing on Rosh Chodesh Elul, at no time during that month do I particularly concentrate on that final blowing – what I do try and perfect is the consistency.

There are various halachot concerned with shofar blowing and one of them is that each note in a set of three notes should be the

same length e.g. the first tekiah should be the same length as the middle shevarim teruah which should be the same as the final tekiah. It’s not about getting the big note at the end, rather regularity throughout.

Rosh Hashana is also Rosh Chodesh, the New Moon. Our Rabbis tell us that we celebrate Rosh Chodesh because just like the moon waxes and wanes but never completely disappears, so too the Jewish people go through troubles in their lives and have ups and downs, but even at the lowest point we are still here and will bounce back to our full glory.

We have both high and low points throughout the year – from the highs of Simchat Torah to the lows of Tisha B’Av, but we should try not to have our Judaism disappear from our lives at other times during the year. Just as I have to be consistent

Message from the editor “Even at the lowest point we are still here and will bounce back to our full glory”

in my shofar blowing, so too should we try and be consistent in our service throughout the year.

Although it is wonderful to see as many people as we do over Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, please remember that we do exist the rest of the year too! Try and come on the occasional random Shabbat during the year, when nothing particular is happening – it will be wonderful to see you!

Together with my wife Shana, I wish you a happy, healthy and sweet New Year. Eli Ballon

Eli Ballon

Michael Sharron Angela Skry

Michael Talalay Trevor Toube Bencie Woll

Partnered with:

Rosh Hashanah Message

30 Coming out in the Media

34 Yom Tov Guide




Miss Cheryl Kirsh and Mr Jonathan Miller

Miss Janine Mann and Mr Daniel Gross

Miss Amy Hall and Mr Jonathan Lightstone

Miss Shelley Portnoy and Mr Elliott Prayer

Miss Sarah Harris and Mr Spencer Marks

Miss Amy Goodman and Mr Alex Graves

Miss Danielle Cohen and Mr Adam Baron

Miss Lauren Wober and Mr Nicholas Stern

Miss Vicki Franks and Mr Bradley Goldenberg

We extend our condolences to: Mrs Marcella Spelman on the loss of her sister. May the Almighty comfort you among the other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem

From the warden’s box

Social and personal

The Board of Management along with the members, as well as visitors to the NWES, wish to thank all those who have sponsored Kiddushim over recent months. The Kiddushim provides a time to make new friends and catch up with old ones. We would like to thank you all!

George Rosenfeld on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah Bobby Jayson on the occasion of his second Bar Mitzvah

Michael Cutler on the occasion of his second Bar Mitzvah

Stanley Blum on the occasion of his 80th birthday

Caryl and John Harris on their daughter Sarah’s wedding

Lynn and Alan Meltzer on their 25th wedding anniversary

Stephaney and Peter Featherman on their 40th wedding anniversary

Michelle Hammerschlag on her engagement to Jonathan Singer and to her parents Pamela and Jeff Hammerschlag Neva and Arnold Temple on their 65th wedding anniversary Bencie Woll in honour of her election as a Fellow of the British Academy Debbie Talalay in honour of her being this year’s Eishet Chayil

Mazeltov to:

Dear Friends, As you probably know, the Executive of the New West End Synagogue currently consists of 2 Wardens and the Financial Representative, with no Chairman or Vice-Chairman. Despite the difficulties of the past few months, this new team feels very positive about the degree of understanding and co-operation within the Executive and is working well together. We look forward to this continuing in the coming year. The past year also brought the transition to a new choir led by Michael Etherton, the conductor of the London Jewish Male Choir. We are looking forward to wonderful choral performances during the Yamim Noraim. Please make an extra effort to attend on all the High Holidays, to fulfil the Mitzvoth, to learn from the instructive sermons of Rabbi Shisler and to participate in the up -lifting services with our Chazan Jeremy Lawson. Since last Pesach our community has had the privilege of participating in a number of memorable occasions. These have included the Barmitzvah of George Rosenfeld; the Second Barmitzvahs of Michael Cutler and Bobby Jayson; and many happy wedding anniversaries and celebrations. We also had the privilege of hosting a Shabbat Lunch in honour of Stephen Pack, the President of the United Synagogue. As always, we are indebted to many members of our community for their untiring efforts in support of so many activities. In particular our thanks are due amongst many others to, (in no particular order!) Patricia Fisher and

her team for running our very successful Friendship Club; Michael Sharon and his team for running a very popular Cheder - in co-operation with Holland Park Synagogue; Toni Rosenfeld and her supporters for looking after and encouraging our young people with Club Sameach, children’s services and TRIBE; Michael Talalay and his team for keeping us safe and Caryl and John Harris for generously giving their talent and time for designing the publications of our synagogue. Finally to our fantastic Rebbetzin, Anne Shisler, and the Guild for all their efforts , for feeding us on all occasions, and organising our functions ranging from our communal seder to a very successful Supper Quiz (presented by Derry and Tony Dinkin). We are also fortunate to have an exceptional and dedicated Baal Keriah in Eli Kohn; an excellent Administrator in Mesod Wahnon; an efficient and friendly Beadle (and editor of our Mosaic magazine and the weekly “Spirit of the Community” and our website) in Eli Ballon; and caring and efficient Caretakers - to all of whom our thanks are due. We wish Rabbi and Rebbetzin Shisler, Chazan Jeremy Lawson, the Members of our Board of Management and all members of the New West End Community and their families Shanah Tova veGmar Chatimah Tova. Stanley Blum and Martin Lewin - Wardens. Harry Sieratzki - Financial Representative

We offer a very warm welcome to the following new Members of the Synagogue:

Mr Glenn and Mrs. Victoria Portnoy

Mr Ron Gelberg

WE WILL REMEMBER THEM We have introduced the practice of reciting Memorial Prayers to recognise the generosity of those who have left legacies to the Synagogue in their Wills, and who will be permanently acknowledged in our Yizkor Book. We are extremely grateful to those congregants who have made bequests, which enable us to maintain and preserve our beautiful Synagogue together with its activities. If you would like to make provision in your Will for the future benefit of the Synagogue please contact the office.

Mazeltov to all who were married at the New West End over the last few months:



Chief Rabbi

“Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are times for stock-taking, individually and collectively”

As we pray for God’s blessings for the future, we reflect on the past: where we have come from, how far we have travelled, and what remains to be done.

As I think back personally to the day 21 years ago when I became Chief Rabbi, my overwhelming feeling is one of thanks and indebtedness to a community that has renewed itself beyond expectation.

Most spectacular has been the growth in education. There have been more new Jewish day schools opened in the past two decades than in any comparable period in the 356-year history of Anglo-Jewry. The percentage of Jewish children at Jewish day schools has moved from some 25 per cent to almost 70 per cent. This is an immense achievement on the part of many people: builders, funders, governors, teachers, parents and children. Together they have given us a future to be proud of.

Nor has the growth in education been confined to schools. There has been an explosion of adult, family and informal education. Never before has there been so much learning taking place in our community. We are better Jewishly educated than we were, and our children and grandchildren will be yet more so.

Then there has been the creativity and exuberance of Jewish life in general. I

think of the new London Jewish Cultural Centre, the London Jewish Community Centre currently being built, and events like Jewish Book Week that attract ever larger crowds. Most of our synagogues are no longer simply houses of prayer. They have become community centres with active and dynamic programmes of all kinds.

Jewish welfare organisations like Jewish Care, JBD, Norwood, Nightingale House, Langdon and others throughout the country have achieved unparalleled standards of excellence. Chessed activities thread through almost all of our organisations and schools, and Mitzvah Day has inspired other faith communities, becoming this year a national project backed by the government.

The Jewish voice has become a significant part of the national conversation on moral and social issues, listened to respectfully by people of all faiths or none. Even the demography of Anglo-Jewry has changed.

Having declined year-on-year for 60 years, in 2005 the tide began to turn, largely thanks to the growth of the Haredi community. We are now growing, albeit slowly.

And yes, there are negatives: the growth of antisemitism and the various campaigns against Israel. But Britain remains, for the most part, a tolerant society. Jews and

Judaism are admired, and in the fight against prejudice we have good and often courageous friends. Were our Victorian predecessors 150 years ago to see us now, they would be frankly astonished at the richness and exuberance of Jewish life.

Lo alecha ha-melakhah ligmor: It is not for us to complete the task, but neither have we desisted from it, and together we have achieved great things. Our children and grandchildren will have new challenges to face, but they will do so with more knowledge and confidence than any Anglo-Jewish generation in the past.

So let us give collective thanks to God shehecheyanu ve-kiyemanu ve-higiyanu lazman hazeh, who has brought us safely to this day. May the shofar of Rosh Hashanah summon us to yet greater achievements. May we remain true to our faith and a blessing to others regardless of their faith. May God write us and our families in the Book of Life.

Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks


One of the greatest pleasures for me of being a Jew is that there’s always something to look forward to. As soon as Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are over, there’s Succot, and after pausing during Marcheshvan to get our breath back, we have Chanukah, then Purim and only one month later it’s Pesach. In my lifetime I’ve been privileged to see the establishment of two new Yom Tov’s, Yom HaAtzmaut - Israel’s Independence Day and Yom Yerushalayim - Jerusalem Day, then it’s into Shavuot and back again to Rosh Hashanah!And as if this isn’t enough, there’s Shabbat every week - a day that’s so different from the other six days of the week, that it’s a holiday all of itself!

One thing’s for sure and that is, you will never be bored if you’re an observant Jew! I can’t help feeling that people who profess no religion at all must lead pretty humdrum lives. Out of the fifty-two weeks of the year they probably go to work five days of every week for about forty-eight of those weeks. On Saturdays they go shopping in the morning and, during the season, to football in the afternoon (what do they do when there’s no football?).

On Sundays they crawl out of bed at 12 noon and spend the rest of the afternoon and/or evening feeding and watering themselves in a pub or restaurant. The only interruptions to their weekly grind are annual holidays, anniversaries, weddings and deaths! And if no-one gets engaged or married, or dies, it must be almost the same routine year in and year out.

For me, this is one of the most wonderful things about Judaism – there’s never a dull moment. Judaism also gives purpose to life. Some years ago I went to talk to a group of sixth-form students at a college. During the course of the discussion we got round to speaking about the meaning of life (no, not the Monty Python film!) and what we’re doing here. One young lady said she believed that the reason she was on earth was to have a good time. She intended to spend her life enjoying herself by doing anything she wanted that didn’t hurt anyone else, but her goals were set firmly on a life of pleasure.

Well, my life’s firmly set on pleasure too. In fact our Rabbis tell us that when we depart this world, one of the first

questions we will be asked is to explain why we denied ourselves any of the legitimate pleasures that God put on this world for our enjoyment. But the main difference between me and that young lady is that I believe that my life is also directed towards a purpose, and that is to serve the Almighty. And I’m confident that I get at least the same amount of pleasure trying to do this as she gets from the passing amusements that whittle away her time.

A life spent as a member of a loving family, and with warm and close friends, making a contribution to the welfare of mankind, and complemented by the varied celebrations and commemorations that fill the cycle of the Jewish year, will be, not just a productive one, but one full of purpose and value and overwhelmingly happy.

And this is exactly what Anne and I sincerely wish for you all in the coming year. Rabbi Shisler

Rosh Hashanah Message 5773

Rabbi Shisler’s “One thing’s for sure and that is, you will never be bored if you’re an observant Jew!”

Rosh Hashanah

Message 5773



for the rest of the day. Rachel and Ilai met up with Simone – the third person jumping for the same charity. They completed umpteen forms waiving liability for all sorts of eventualities and then went for their extensive training. They were back in five minutes, fully trained. After that it was a waiting game, but finally at about 1:15pm, it was their turn. They got dressed in their kit, met the instructor who held their lives in their parachutes and headed off to the twin engine plane that looked at least 100 years old.

As they took off into the sky, I looked forward to seeing Rachel on solid ground. She told us to look out for the blue and gold parachute, Simone green and white and Ilai green. As the little specks left the plane 10,000 feet up, we could just about make out a person. The parachutes started to spin and slowly get closer to earth. When she was about 100 feet up, Rachel gave us a wave and then held up her feet to ensure a safe landing. Although she felt quite nauseous, she did enjoy the freefall and the whole experience. Simone had loved it and Ilai said “never again!”

So a great day out, 3 young Jewish people doing a mad but brave event to raise money for other Jewish youngsters less fortunate than themselves. What could be better or make a parent more proud.

Skry Dive Angela Skry

On Thursday 9th August 2012, my siren alarm clock woke me at 4:55am. The start was earlier than usual as Jon and I were heading off to the North London Skydiving Centre in March, Cambridgeshire (surprisingly from its name) to watch my daughter, Rachel jump out of an aeroplane. Although she is 19, you might think I would try to stop her, but I did not. She has wanted to do a sky dive since she was very young. I blame Jon for that, as he did 13 jumps as a mad youth. Anyway, I was delighted when Rachel said she would raise sponsorship for a charity very dear to my heart – the US Chesed Bursary Fund. The charity provides Bursaries for Jewish youngsters to enable them to join Tribe tours to Israel, Poland and Summer camps. This is especially important in times of recession, when many Jewish families are struggling.We set off at 6.30am as we had to be at the centre by 8.30am. The conversation in the car was quite manic, especially as we were giving a lift to another jumper, Ilai, who was afraid of heights. Rachel kept suggesting that if she got seriously injured or worse, she would raise a lot more money. After 2 hours, we found ourselves on a dirt track leading to the centre. The first image we saw were about 8 people dressed in bright pink t-shirts and leg warmers – not very flattering especially on the men. We referred to them as the “pink people”

Skry Dive for the US

Chesed Bursary


Thanks to everyone that sponsored Rachel and if anyone else would like to, her just giving page is open until 8th November:

It is difficult to imagine the grief that a family who have recently suffered bereavement must go through. Just supposing though if the deceased is a young person who is not a member of a Shul and is not covered by the insurance of the Burial Society. This creates many problems not only for the deceased person’s family but also the staff of the Burial Society. Recently I attended the United Synagogue Council and listened to a talk by the head of the society. He explained some of the difficulties of approaching a family in exactly that tragic situation. Firstly it is necessary to confirm Jewish status by asking the family for a birth certificate or other proof that the deceased is halachically Jewish. Then he has to raise the question of costs. This has to be one

Every parent’s nightmare! Lynn Brown

of the most difficult parts of their job especially in the case of a young person – discussing finances with a family who is suffering at such a traumatic time. The costs involved for a burial are substantial and it is not just to cover the cost of the funeral but also the general up-keep of the United Synagogue cemeteries, staffing costs etc.

If you are a member of the United Synagogue you pay your burial fees together with your synagogue membership and become part of the United Synagogue family. Many people are unaware though that children stop being covered by their parents’ membership at the age of 21. This situation can so easily be avoided. Please try to ensure that you are not placed in this position by encouraging your children and other

family members to join a synagogue. Anyone between the ages of 21 and 30 can join TCM (Tribe Community Member) and for £60.00 per year not only will you get lots of benefits you will also be covered for burial.

When our children go on holiday we make sure they have insurance (just in case), when they buy a car they insure it fully comprehensive (just in case) so, go online and join TCM (just in case)

The staff of the Burial Society do their best to show compassion and consideration in helping anyone who has lost a close relative. They do not want to have to sit with another family and discuss money when all that family should be concerned about is burying their loved one.

“As the little specks left the plane 10,000 feet up, we could just about make out a person”



Music has always been an integral part of Jewish life and prayer, and nowhere more so than at New West End. Here is a community where the Rabbi is also a composer, cantor and authority on Jewish music; where the cantor has at the ready a dazzling array of virtuoso music; where the congregants can be heard exchanging pithy critiques on the latest productions at Covent Garden,

No surprise then that New West End treats its choral tradition with the kind of care and respect normally reserved for a newborn child. Choral music links us emotionally as well as intellectually not only with the venerable choral legacy of New West End, but also through the centuries right back to the time of the Temple – the longest choral tradition known to mankind. The Mishnah tells us that the Temple’s regular ensemble comprised twelve male singers and twelve instrumentalists.

We no longer have those instrumentalists but the participation of a chorus of male singers within the luturgy remains central. As you may know, over the last few months a new choir has been engaged by New West End for this important role within the community and it is a task I, as musical director, and the choir, have embarked upon with both great seriousness and enthusiasm. As a conductor with both a classical training and a passion and background in Jewish music, it is so

important for me that New West End can experience ensemble singing of real quality that respects the richness and uniqueness of our unique musical heritage, as well as developing it by exploring new arrangements and music from a new generation of composers and musicians.

At the same time the new choir faces the challenging task of finding a balance between moments when it can inspire the congregants through the excellence of its singing, and moments when it can encourage the particiption of the congregants, leading them to experience the joy of singing and daveing together as a community. Finding this balance is part of the process of integrating the new choir within the community, and over the first few months we have begun on this journey and hugely appreciated your warm support.

The singers that I have brought together for the new choir encourage some continuity with the musical past, with the much appreciated participation of choristers Elliot Berman and Jack Ferro;and also introduce some wonderful and formidable new musicians. I would like to take this opportunity to highlight to you some of these new choristers, with the extraordinary diverse range of talent and experience that they bring:

Experience the joy of singing and davening together as a community

Robert Davis (tenor and occasional conductor, sometimes simultaneously) is a singing teacher and opera singer. Recent roles have included Tito La Clemenza di Tito with Giornata Opera and Ballad Singer and cover Hugh Hugh the Drover with Hampstead Garden Opera as well as Prince Leopold in a concert performance of La Juive with Alyth Choral Society. Robert has also sung a principal role in a new opera at Montepulciano Festival Opera and in the choruses of ENO, Grange Park and Dutch Touring Opera as well as concert appearances from Messiah to Kodaly’s Psalmus Hungaricus.

Born in Leeds to a very non-musical family, Benjamin has been leading synagogue services since age 13. He first took up choral singing in 2006 and joined the NWE choir in January of this year - the first time he has ever sung with a synagogue choir. He was surprised to recently discover in his parents’ house a copy of a first edition “Blue Book” that was owned by his great uncle, Cantor Raymond Ellis.

When he’s not singing, Benjamin works half his week as an NHS rheumatologist and half the week as senior clinical policy advisor for Arthritis Research UK, where he has an interest in health services research and national health policy.

Dickon Gough

Dickon trained at the LIPA, studied Opera at Birkbeck University and is a former member of the National Youth Choir of Great Britain. Credits include: Don Giovanni, Pirates of Penzance, La Boheme, La Traviata, and Jesus Christ Superstar. Film/TV programmes including ‘The Tudors’, ‘The Borgias’ and Ridley Scott’s ‘Robin Hood’.

As well as singing with New West Synagogue choir, Japanese speaking Gabriel sings with the Neimah Singers at St John’s Wood Synagogue under Marc Temerlies and with the Rinah Ensemble under Eliot Alderman. As a professional singer he is a regular member of the extra chorus of the Royal Opera House and sings with The Monteverdi Choir and BBC Singers. Roles include Enrico ‘Lucia di Lammermoor’, Figaro ‘The Barber of Seville ‘and Papageno ‘The Magic Flute’; and solo concert work includes the Requiems of Mozart, Brahms and Fauré.

Born and raised in Liverpool, Marc trained at Arts Educational where he was the first winner of the highly prestigious Andrew Lloyd Webber Scholarship. West End credits include: the UK Premiere of ‘The Fields Of Ambrosia’ (Aldwych Theatre) in which he played the show-stopping leading role of Jimmy Crawford to wide critical acclaim, ‘Les Miserables’ (Palace Theatre), ‘Annie’ (Victoria Palace), and ‘La Cage Aux Folles’ (London Palladium). TV credits include: Carlton in ‘Eastenders’ and a guest appearance on the ‘This Morning’ with Richard and Judy singing songs from ‘Little Shop of Horrors’ with Su Pollard. Marc has also been guest soloist on BBC Radios 2’s ‘Friday Night Is Music Night’.

Toby Young is a composer and singer from London. He studied composition with Robin Holloway at Cambridge whilst also being a choral scholar in the prestigious King’s College Chapel Choir. Since winning numerous competitions, most notably theInternational ABRSM Composition Competition (2009) and the Guardian/BBC Proms Young Composer of the Year (2006), Toby has been much in demand, both in the UK and abroad, with works being performed at numerous prestigious venues such as the Royal Albert Hall and Sadlers Wells by renowned ensembles and orchestras including the London Symphony Orchestra and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra In 2009-10, Toby was composer in residence at the University of Perugia, and a Panufnik scholar with the LSO. Upcoming performances include newly commissioned works for the London Symphony Orchestra, the Choir of Westminster Abbey, and an opera for the Cambridge Festival of Ideas in collaboration with the Fitzwilliam Museum.

Marc Joseph Gabriel Gottlieb

Toby Young

Benjamin Ellis

Robert Davis

Robert began his musical career as a scholar at Eltham College before being offered a choral scholarship at King’s College, Cambridge where he obtained his Honours Degree. He was appointed Senior Choral Scholar and toured extensively both in the UK and abroad. Robert leads a varied career as a singer, conductor and teacher. He is Assistant Conductor of The National Youth Choirs of Great Britain, and Founder and Artistic Director of The Omega Consort.

Robert Jacobs: Conductor/ Singer

The choir Michael Etherton

Elliot Berman

Elliot has been singing at New West End since 2008, although he first started singing in Jewish choirs a long time before that; some 30 years ago, in fact, as a pupil at Ilford Jewish Primary School. Today, Elliot also sings with the London Jewish Male and Kol Kehilla choirs and has also been involved in amateur dramatics and operatics, taking roles in productions including Gilbert & Sullivan’s Iolanthe, La Vie Parisienne by Offenbach and that perennial favourite, Fiddler on the Roof. In his professional life, Elliot is a Sales Director for an investment management firm, specialising in emerging markets. He lives in Mill Hill with his wife, Rachelle and their two children, Amelie and Leo.




Quinoa makes an extremely unusual but versatile ingredient. It can be enjoyed hot, cold or warm which makes it perfect during the forthcoming Yom Tovim.

It is the fruit of a leaf plant and classified as a seed. Originating from South America about 5000 years ago, the Incas people used it as their staple food, followed by potatoes and corn. Before cooking, it should be thoroughly rinsed in a strainer under running water and drained to remove ‘saponin’ which has a bitter taste. Requiring barely 15 minutes to cook and using a ratio of approximately one part quinoa to 2-3 parts liquid, this is a very healthy quick fix ingredient. For best results sauté briefly before adding the liquid. To celebrate Rosh Hashanah the culinary way, apple cake has got to be on the menu.


Date Quinoa

Beetroot and Apple Cake


1. Grease and line a 1kg loaf tin with baking parchment paper.

2. Pre-heat the oven to 180C / 350F / Gas mark 4.

3. Whizz the beetroot and apple into a purée and add the eggs, and then the oil.

4. Mix the remaining ingredients in a bowl and add the beetroot purée mixture.

5. Bake in the preheated oven for about an hour or until a skewer is inserted and comes out clean.

6. Leave to cool for 10 minutes before inverting onto a plate.

To serve the stylish way: Dust the plate with icing sugar.

Preparation Time:10 MINS

Cooking Time15 MINS


Ingredients: 360g quinoa1 tablespoon olive oil2 cloves garlic – peeled and crushed900ml Hot vegetable or chicken stock 150g fresh or dried dates – stone removed and roughly chopped1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 tablespoons fresh parsley – leaves only Salt and freshly ground black pepper


1. Place the quinoa in a sieve and rinse well under cold water.

2. Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan and sauté the quinoa and garlic stirring continuously it starts to become translucent. This will take about 5 minutes.

3. Add the stock and dates. Cover and cook for about 10 minutes or until it is soft.

4. Stir in the lemon juice and parsley and season well.

Date Quinoa Beetroot and Apple Cake

Preparation Time: 20 MINS

Cooking Time1 HOUR


Ingredients: 250g cooked beetroot – vacuum packed non vinegar200ml vegetable oil75g cocoa180g plain flour2 teaspoons baking powder250g caster sugar2 eating apples – peeled and cored3 large eggs2 teaspoons vanilla extract Garnish: Dusting of Icing Sugar

Beetroot is also symbolic at this time of year as it represents thoughts of prosperity and a life of good fortune. Combining beetroot and apples subsequently fulfills a meaningful tasty experience. Beetroot is a remarkably healthy and delicious vegetable. Beetroot gets their distinctive colour from betanin antioxidant pigments. Betanin also help the body make carnitine which is a nutrient that helps the body turn fat into energy. These nutrients have been shown to provide good sources of antioxidants and anti- inflammatory and detoxification support. In addition beetroot is high in vitamin C. If you are lucky enough to buy beetroots with their leaves, remove them, keep them and use like spinach – they taste amazing! This cake is an unusual mix of ingredients but they merge well to produce a very moist recipe that is full of goodness. It

slices easily and can be used as a dessert with chocolate custard or ice cream or for tea with thick cream.

NB: If you have a family member who says they don’t like beetroot ~ don’t tell them the ingredients as they will never know! they might change their mind on discovery!! Denise Phillips



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Turkey and Pomegranate Salad With Honey Mayonnaise

Turkey and pomegranate salad with honey mayonnaise

Preparation Time:25 MINS

Cooking Time40 MINS


Ingredients: 900g cubed turkey (white or brown meat)1 lemon – sliced4 garlic cloves peeled and finely chopped 100ml white wine2 eating apples cored and sliced300g frozen garden peas defrosted 2 tablespoons fresh mint roughly chopped

Honey Mayonnaise100ml mayonnaise1 tablespoon honey2 teaspoons Dijon style mustard1 teaspoon lemon juicePinch of salt

Garnish 50g walnuts 75g pomegranate seeds75g dried cranberriesBaby gem lettuce leaves

Method 1. Preheat the oven to 200C / 400F / Gas mark 6.

2. Place the cubed turkey in an ovenware dish. Add the lemon slices, garlic and season well with salt and pepper. Pour over the white wine.

3. Cover with foil and bake for 30 minutes or until the meat is cooked.

4. To toast the walnuts, place on a tray and bake at the same time as the turkey for 10 minutes or until just golden. Remove and set aside.

5. When the turkey is cooked, discard the cooking juices and leave to cool.

6. Make the mayonnaise by combing all the ingredients. Set aside and refrigerate until ready to use.

7. Add the apples, peas, mint to the turkey mixture. 8. Stir the mayonnaise into the salad and mix well.

To serve the stylish way: Arrange the baby gem lettuce around the edge of a large round plate. Transfer the chicken salad to the centre of the plate, top with the toasted walnuts, pomegranate seeds and dried cranberries.

The ingredients in this recipe will appeal to the whole family and make an ideal colourful buffet main course for Yom Tov or Shabbat lunch. Roasting turkey drumsticks is an economical way of making a meal for when extra guests come round. The recipe uses apples, pomegranates and honey which all have symbolic connections for a forthcoming year of good fortune and luck.

Wishing You A Happy & Healthy New Year



Jewish Genetic Disorders

It’s not just tay-sachs

More than just a quirky sense of humour and a fondness for chicken soup, there tends to be a common bond between Jews wherever they meet in the world. Along with the religious and cultural influences on our collective identity, scientists have established a common genetic origin that defines us physically as well.

As a distinct and historically isolated population, the Jewish people have a unique genetic profile. Though there are arguably some great benefits to having ‘Jewish genes’, it also leaves our community, like every ethnic group, at higher risk of certain genetic disorders.

Scientific research has identified a group of genetic disorders that, while among people with Jewish ancestry relative to the general population. Some of these conditions involve mild or even no symptoms, yet others lead to chronic disability and shortened lifespan, and a few - like Tay-Sachs - are tragically fatal in childhood.

Tay-Sachs is widely recognised – but how many of us can name any of the other genetic conditions below that disproportionately affect our community?

It is estimated that 1 in 5 Ashkenazi Jews are carriers of at least one Jewish genetic disorder. However, Tay-Sachs remains the only disorder for which there is any organised community education and for which NHS carrier testing is available to the Jewish population. For all the other disorders, awareness in our community remains very low and testing opportunities are limited.

Jewish Genetic Disorders UK (JGD UK) was established to address the gap between scientific advances and community awareness. Our charity, supported by its expert scientific and medical advisory committee, is dedicated to improving the awareness, prevention and management of Jewish genetic disorders in the UK.

With funding from Jeans for Genes and in consultation with affected families, we have recently developed a service to help people access the best available information, services and support for Jewish genetic disorders. This web-based resource provides details on the disorders, how they are inherited, testing options, and links to further resources and support. It also includes the option of sending individual queries to our specialist genetic counselor who will answer confidentially. Responding to needs highlighted in a study last year involving over 60 community and health organisations, we are also working to help facilitate access to responsible testing services for the Jewish community within a general awareness raising programme.

Too often people find out they are carriers only after they have a child born with a disease. A carrier is unaffected themselves

but at high risk of passing on a disorder if their partner is also a carrier of the same condition. Knowledge about carrier status enables people to make informed decisions and to have the most options for their future family.

This is a view held strongly by Ian and Jane Pearl. Following the diagnosis of their son Chanochi with Familial Dysautonomia, they were astounded to find out about the Jewish connection and now feel passionately that Jewish couples should be made aware of carrier testing.

For several years, Guy’s Hospital has been running a weekly drop-in clinic offering free carrier testing for Tay-Sachs.Alongside this, the clinic is now offering a private carrier testing service that covers 9 of the most severe Jewish genetic disorders and involves a simple blood test. These conditions are very rare but absolutely devastating and can occur even when there is no known family history. Thanks to scientific advances, we now have an amazing opportunity to better prevent and manage these genetic conditions. As a community, we invest much in exploring religious and cultural elements of our heritage yet tend to know little about the genetic threads that weave us together – it is time to change that. As a new charity, JGD UK are working with limited human and financial resources – and would welcome contact from anyone interested in helping us progress our activities.

To learn more about Jewish genetic disorders, genetic testing, and the services mentioned in this

article please visit our website:

Jane Pearl and Chanochi

The AL fund memory of Rabbi A.L. Teitelboum killed in the Mumbai terror attack in 2008 The recession of recent years has had an international effect; no community or sector was left untouched. But perhaps harder hit than most are breadwinners of large families in Israel, who have difficulties in making ends meet in the best of times. It is not unusual for children of these large families to go to bed hungry or wear shoes a few sizes too small! Many employers are unable to pay regularly since they are facing financial difficulties themselves, and they optimistically promise weekly that ‘things will soon be better, hopefully’. Meanwhile, fathers unfortunately content with the utility companies’ threats of halting their gas and electric supplies midwinter. They receive politely veiled warning letters from the banks, and live

with the constant stress that accompanies an unstable financial situation. These people do not have the means to pay for basic necessities such as dental care for themselves or their children clothing, shoes, and unbelieveable as it may sound in 2012, many of them constantly live with empty fridges and larders. In an attempt to assist those hit by the recent recession, several community representatives have established the AL Fund to provide for these poor, undernourished families. Rabbi A, the founder of the funds relates what the final catalyst for the establishment of the AL Fund was:

What we do The fund provides basic nutritional staples such as bread, meat and fish on a regular basis. The fund also focuses mainly on providing food in the holiday seasons, specifically before the holidays of Passover and Sukkot, thus easing the financial burden at the time of great expense. Now that the holidays of Rosh Hashana and Sukkot are approaching, we are relying on your support more than ever. Hundred of families in dire need are relying on us to provide them with the basics needed to get them through the holidays. We cannot do it without you! We are in desperate need of funds, in particular now, before these financially stressful times. The needy families view the donations as deliverance from G-d’s angels themselves. We can be those heavenly angels sent to lay their empty tables in their times of greatest need. May those worthy donations bring all supporters protection from all accident and misfortune, bringing them all blessings, with health, tranquillity and long life.

Story It was shortly before the holiday season when this fine man was out shopping for his family at the local supermarket. The store was exceptionally busy, as would be expected at that time of the year. Large numbers of local residents were rushing around, filling their trolleys with seasonal goods for their families. Having collected all the items he needed, he waiting patiently in the line to pay for his purchases. He waited and waited, and soon began to wonder who was holding the queue up. It was a busy day and he had no time to waste. The caring man decided to move over from his place in line to investigate the cause of the delay, and was deeply upset at what he saw. A young local resident was there, his face red with humiliation. He was being ordered to return the items from his trolley back onto the shelves, since his credit card was declined. Assessing the situation, this man rushed over to the cashier, and quietly indicated to him that he would settle the bill. The poor man’s face lit up with gratitude, having

been saved the shame of coming home to his large family empty handed. He assured his anonymous benefactor that he would repay him…one day…when he is able. The two men engaged in conversation until the pitiable situation was clarified. It had been several months already that his wages had been irregular. Some months he received nothing at all, and some months his employer made a token payment, assuring him that the payments would be received soon. The job market was not kind to new workers either, so finding another job was not an option. This incident occurred just a short time after the Mumbai Massacre, in which Rabbi Aryeh Leibish Teitelbaum, a close friend of Rabbi A, was murdered. Rabbi A decided to name the fund in the memory of this pure, kind hearted soul who was renowned for his special understanding of every human being, and generous assistance of those in need of support. And thus, the AL (Aryeh Leibish) Fund was born.

Please make cheques and vouchers payable to:

Ezer V’Hatzlah Ltd

Reg. Charity number 1117140

Send to:

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Ezer V’Hatzalah Ltd. 52 East Bank, London

N16 5PZ



‘Traditional’ Nusach Rabbi Geoffey Shisler

“There’s a clear distinction between what’s traditional and what’s patently incorrect”

At this time of the year, when many congregations have to employ extra Ba’alei Tefillah to lead parallel services, the question of ‘traditional’ melodies becomes of serious concern, not only for people with a specific interest in Synagogue music, but also for the regular Shul-goer who recognises and relies on his familiarity with these melodies, and uses them to aid him in his concentration. That musical traditions vary from one community to another is readily discernable to every visitor, but many people don’t realise that there’s a clear distinction between what’s traditional, and what’s patently incorrect. A Baal Tephilla who begins the repetition of the Amidah on Rosh Hashana in the same way that he would on Shabbat, is not just following the tradition of his community, even if it’s been done there for fifty years. He’s simply wrong!

Many congregations have melodies that have been used in their services for many years, and such tunes are obviously ‘traditional’ in that particular community. Very often, you won’t even hear them in another Shul. There are also tunes that are well-established in London congregations that you might not hear in a provincial community, and vice-versa.

In terms of ‘traditional melodies’, we must distinguish between individual compositions and ‘modes’. The prayer

modes are called ‘Nusach Hatephillah’, and the same ones will be heard, with minor variations, throughout the world. (Those used by the Sephardim are totally different from the ones employed by Ashkenazim.) A thorough explanation of what Nusach Hatephilla is, is outside the scope of this brief article, but it may best be described by drawing your attention to the theme used for the repetition of the Amidah.

You will notice that, whereas Ba’alei Tephillah will sing a variety of melodies for Unetaneh Tokef, they will all use the same basic modes for the paragraphs beginning with Uvechein Tein. They will sing different tunes to Ya’aleh, on Kol Nidrei night, but will use the same basic modes for the Penitential prayers - the Selichot.

A very significant, and instantly recognisable element of these modes is the way that the Beracha and its Amen are sung. In the unlikely event that one had lost track of time, a regular-Shul goer would be able to identify the day of the Jewish calendar by hearing just one Beracha in the Amidah.

These modes are exceedingly important since they help to create the atmosphere of the day, and if the wrong one is used, it can be very disorientating and totally spoil one’s concentration.

Among the fascinating aspects of the Nusach for the Yamim Noraim are the threads which connect it with other occasions of the Jewish year.

In some communities extra prayers are added in the Shacharit service on the Shalosh Regalim. These are called Yotzerot and Kerovot. The modes used for them are very similar to some of those used in the Shacharit service on the Yamim Noraim.

We utilise the Succot themes in the Kedusha, as well as the flavour of Tal and Geshem, the prayers for dew and rain, in the Kaddish of Neilah.

There’s also an association between the Shavuot hymn, Az Sheish Meiot and Kol Nidrei, and Lewandowski, at least, makes an arrangement of Ya’aleh to his themes for Tal.

Although it is difficult to establish why these specific associations were made, it’s not out of chance, or ignorance. It’s as if the Nusach itself is reaching out to us from beyond the Yamim Noraim and saying, ‘Come back and hear me on other occasions too.’

A rather surprising aspect of the melodies for the High Holydays is the preponderance of happy tunes. It’s only because most of us don’t understand what we’re singing, and don’t even take the trouble to glance across at the translation, that we don’t recognise the apparent incongruity of the lustiness with which we sing, ‘Ashamnu, Bagadnu...’ or ‘Veal Chataim.’

There is a variety of reasons for the utilisation of these tunes on the most solemn days of the year, the days on which we are literally begging for our lives.

Firstly, singing them joyfully demonstrates our confidence that the Almighty has indeed forgiven our sins. The trial through which we go on these awesome days is unlike a trial by a human court. We know that, if we have prayed with devotion, if we have made a sincere commitment to try to improve our ways, then with absolute certainty, we shall be forgiven.

Also, I believe the rabbis did not object to them because they inspire communal participation much more readily than sombre tunes would. And the notion that, being very attractive, they may encourage people to return next year, should not be too readily dismissed.

The importance of utilising the ‘traditional’ Nusach cannot be overstated. The Chachamim were insistent on the correct melodies being used, and it’s incumbent on a congregation to do everything in its power to employ as Baalei Tephillah, only those who can demonstrate their total familiarity with it, before allowing them to officiate!





A Zionist on campus

Jack Mayorcas

“I share just as much compassion and concern

for the suffering of people on all sides as the next person regardless of ther stance”

The word Zionist is perhaps the most troublesome word when it comes to discussions and arguments between those who see themselves as pro-Palestine and those who strive to defend Israel from scathing and often untrue attacks and slander. The main problem with it being that not many people who aren’t Zionists actually truly understand what it means, or the varying nature of Zionism and the various different forms which it comes in. Until I explained what it meant to a somewhat close friend of mine mid-way through my first term at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, he genuinely thought that it simply described the violent religious settlers that one often comes across in the news. These images which we see often are taken as the ‘true’ face of Zionism by many who have little understanding of the topic and this is what leads to much of the negative sentiment when it comes to Israel.

It is difficult to know as a proud Zionist what the best approach is, particularly when moving into halls in a University with a minimal Jewish population. On the one hand one wants to simply slip into university life with minimal conflict,

or at least with minimal risk of causing it by bringing up the fact that you are a proud advocate of a country which, put simply and harshly, is hated by many around campuses in the UK. Made more problematic is the fact that I work for a Zionist Youth Movement and so there is little hiding that fact when you are constantly around people. I decided ultimately that all things considered, particularly the fact I had just returned from a gap year in Israel, I could only be completely honest about my views. After all what do I have to be ashamed of? My Zionism is that of the old fashioned kind, hoping for a home for the Jewish people that doesn’t compromise on democratic and social values. I share just as much compassion and concern for the suffering of people on all sides as the next person regardless of their stance. With this attitude I decided to be completely open. It turned out that the girl in the room next to me was very anti-Israel and was on the first night out went round the other people living in our flat saying ‘can you believe we have a Zionist living with us? How disgusting! How terrible etc’. Through conversation with her it turns out that she actually knew relatively little and

had only been told what to believe by her parents who were involved in the PSC movement. After a number of positive discussions she turned round and said that she was so thankful that I was able to share my views with her as she had never come across someone on the ‘the other side’, particularly someone who didn’t seem to come across as the ‘raving violent Zionist’ she presumed that we must all be. Despite this being positive, by the end of the year I came to the conclusion that, unfortunately, I felt her family was simply anti-Semitic, due to some of the things they had reportedly said about me and Jews in general. Having made some close friends within the flat I was able to explain to them broadly the situation with as little bias as I could manage, they either took the view that they didn’t know enough, or didn’t care enough to form an opinion. The safest option I would say overall. To discuss more broadly, it is important to talk about the Palestinian society which exists at my University, and all round the country with growing numbers and influence. The one at UEA now numbers around 100 people and holds regular

meetings, most alarmingly they are often run by local adult members of the PSC (an organisation that in the past has got into trouble for posting videos made by a well known holocaust denier). Along with some friends from the Jewish society, I went along to a talk that was supposed to be a factual explanation of the conflict, we found there to be so many purely historical mistakes it was astounding, and staged a walk out when one person compared the IDF to the Nazis. I then did have a more productive discussion with some people outside the meeting who said they also had never had the chance to find out views from the other side and were glad that I had gone. Another major thing to mention is an attempt by members of the PalSoc to politicise the Union by putting forward a motion that called on the Union to stock Palestinian goods and to essentially support the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign in general, although not a member of the Union I went along to the meeting and spoke against the bill. Luckily most people seemed to realise the true nature of the bill and the implications that passing it would have and so it was voted against quite heavily. It is difficult to know whether it is best to engage constantly with people, thus igniting perhaps bigger arguments and drawing in more people who will most likely be drawn in by the larger and more fashionable Palestinian cause, or to just leave it and accept that there will always be a small group. It is a decision I have not yet reached, however there are ways in which one doesn’t have to engage and can still have an impact. For example, towards the end of term I noticed a large Palestinian flag hanging on the Union high-street, I duly emailed estates and asked what the rules were regarding flags, to which the response was that flags aren’t allowed. I then emailed them to say there was such a flag hanging, and they went to take it down, no arguments, no conflict. Of course it will not always be this easy, and I need to think about how much I will be involved next year and how worthwhile any effort expended is.

As President of the Jewish society next year, it will be important to ensure that the Jewish society remains purely one for Jewish activities and not necessarily Israel related ones. Of course the two are closely related but it is important for people to feel that they can attend JSoc events without the fear that they will be political or always Israel-related. In a way I feel quite lucky that, although at a University with minimal Jewish population, the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign is not as big and successful as it is at other Universities around the UK. One hears horror stories of PSC groups creating ‘checkpoints’ which students have to walk through to get to lectures and staging huge ‘apartheid’ weeks which are packed with vitriolic speech and blatant hatred. I am coming round to the idea that is going to become increasingly important to stage events and put out statements that highlight the peaceful nature of most modern day Zionists and try and expose the hatred and xenophobia which exists within many Palestinian groups. A way to do this is to be aware of events they are running and ensure that one knows the rules of Campaigning on Campus to make sure they are not taking advantage or breaking those rules.

In conclusion, it is fair to say that it is not easy to be an open Zionist on Campus in the UK, this is of course only from my personal experience and I am sure that at Universities with bigger Jewish activities it is a different story. However from conversations with people and following things in the news it is safe to say that here are many problems and this is something that has to be deal with. Jewish students and those who are involved in Israel actives need to be less afraid of saying when something goes beyond arguments and discussion becomes offensive. It is also the role of the UJS and other Jewish organisations to provide more support for Zionists on Campus. There are plenty of ways in which Jewish students can get guidance and advice on being Jewish on campus, but not enough on how to deal with anti-Israel sentiment. No-one should be afraid to stand up and say that they are proud of Israel. Although it is a country that faces many problems and sometimes makes mistakes, it should be a country that all Jewish students in the UK have an affiliation to and are not ashamed often any way. They should especially never be made to feel so by aggressive and intense opposition.

Jack Mayorcas and other members of University of East Anglia JSOC



HAPPY NEW YEAR! New Year Greetings

Shanah tovah to all our dear friends! Arnold and Dora Boom Best wishes for a peaceful, healthy and happy New Year - Zara Brickman Wishing you all a very happy, healthy and peaceful New Year – Jane and Cyril Hodes We wish Rabbi and Anne Shisler, Chazan Jeremy Lawson, Eli and Shana Ballon and all members of the NWES a healthy, happy and peaceful New Year – Marcia and Perry Goodman Geoffrey and Valerie Green wish all the community a happy and healthy New Year Wishing Rabbi & Mrs. Shisler, Honorary Officers and the entire New West End Community a happy and healthy New Year - the Hammerschlag Family Bobby Jayson wishes all his friends a very happy and healthy New Year Happy New Year to Rabbi, Anne, Jeremy and the Congregation - Roy and Barbara Levin

With our best wishes for a healthy and happy New Year to all our community - Linda and Martin Lewin Denise and Melvyn Lux wish all our friends and relatives at the New West End Synagogue a good New Year and well over the Fast Maxine & Michael Margolis and Family wish Rabbi & Mrs. Shisler, the Honorary Officers and the entire Community a happy and peaceful New Year Hilde and Jonathan Matheson wish Rabbi and Mrs. Shisler and all their friends a happy and healthy New Year David and Sandy Montague wish everyone health and peace in the New Year Wishing health and happiness to the whole community – Collette, David, Jordana and Keely Price Happy New Year to all - Renee and Valerie Richman

Mrs. Phyllis Shapro and Stuart wish the community a contented and peaceful year and well over the Fast Wishing everyone a happy New Year and well over the Fast from Eric and Sharon Shapshak Happy New Year and best wishes to family and friends from Marcella Spelman

Happy New Year to all the community from the Steinfield Family A very happy New Year to all at NWES from Jeremy, Sally, Rosalind and Nicholas Stone May the New Year bring you good health and happiness – Morris Weintroub

Best wishes for a sweet and happy New Year

Sandra Blackman

Derry and Tony Dinkin wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year and well over the Fast

Norma and Thelma Epstein wish the Rabbi and Mrs Shisler, The Honorary Officers and the whole congregation a happy New Year and a good fast

David B. Frank and

Emilie Szasz-Frank

wish Rabbi and

Mrs. Shisler and

New West End

Community a

happy and

peaceful 5773

Rabbi and Mrs. Shisler and family wish the community a healthy and peaceful New Year




From your Texas amigos Pat

Kalmans and Mike Ozer

Wishing Rabbi and Mrs Shisler, Chazan Jeremy Lawson and all family and friends a healthy, happy and peaceful New Year

The Miller Family wishes Rabbi and Mrs Shisler, Chazan Lawson,

the Board of Management and all the Community a very happy and sweet new year

Susan and Harvey Katz wish Rabbi and Mrs Shisler, family and friends and all the Congregation a healthy and happy New Year

The Miller Family Wishes Rabbi and Mrs Shisler, Chazan Lawson,the Board of Management

and all the community a very happy and sweet new year


Carol and Laurence Lando together with Jessica wish all the community a healthy, happy and peaceful New Year and well over the Fast

L’Shana Tova to all our friends at the New West End Synagogue

Jacquie and Stuart Katz



A sweet and peaceful New Year to all the NWES community from Gaby and Howard, Lucy and Joshua Morris

President of the Board of Deputies

challenges and the Board’s mission is also to lead the defence of the community on these. Living as we do in a pluralistic and tolerant democracy, our rights to carry out our religious practices should never be in doubt. In fact, however, in the last few years threats have emerged both in this country and in Europe against some of our practices; principally Shechita and Brit Milah. It would not be fair to attribute these to antisemitism, but nevertheless their effect could seriously jeopardise our way of life. The latest attack at the time of writing, of course, comes from Germany on Brit Milah. The Board is at the heart of a cross-continental initiative approaching German ambassadors and lobbying parliamentarians whilst trying to ensure that, here in the UK, the community speaks with one voice which is both cogent and rational. I am pleased to say our representations have been well received and we have been able to punch beyond our weight. At some future date we may need a grass roots campaign and here the Board will look to the community to play its part, whether in lobbying MPs or in engaging in the media debate generally. Above all we have to face the continual attacks on Israel which are now coming from the media, the unions, academia and the churches - the latest being the decision of the Church of England Synod to endorse EAPPI, a grossly unbalanced programme taking people to the West Bank without showing them the Israeli

Dear Friends, I am delighted that, at the beginning of the New Year and the start of the new triennium, we have a new team of Honorary Officers all of whom are enthusiastic about their portfolios and have hit the ground running. I look forward to working with them during the next three years to face the challenges and opportunities confronting us. One can also only be enormously heartened by the unprecedented interest that the community has shown in the Board during the election period. In addition to having a host of new synagogues and organisations represented on the Board, we had more Deputies standing for Divisional elections than ever before and we are privileged to have elected Deputies of an extremely high calibre to the Divisional Committees. All this is good for the Board and good for the community that it represents. The Board’s mission to promote the welfare and vitality of the community of which we have good reason to be proud. Our increasing dynamism over the last few decades has confounded the prophets of gloom. With record numbers of pupils at Jewish schools, with institutions such as Limmud, the Jewish Film Festival, Book Week and the Jewish Music Institute to name but a few, the community is an example to others in the Diaspora of how to integrate into one’s host community while retaining one’s own identity and vitality. At the same time we face increasing

side of the conflict. We must not fall into the trap, however, of branding all critics of Israel as anti-Semites. On the contrary, I see from conversations with senior churchmen that many of them regard themselves as firm friends albeit critical ones of both Jewry and of Israel. Often they are unaware of the unfortunate antisemitic overtones of the debate instigated. Our task is therefore to confront the antisemites, expose them and ensure that Israel’s case is made effectively to the moderates. Again this is something which must be done in a calm and rational manner, and it falls to all of us to engage with our Christian neighbours to form relationships through which we can express our views. With the support of the community the Board will be ideally equipped to do this in the year ahead. How successful we will be one cannot say at this point but it will not be for want of trying. Wishing you all a very happy and healthy New Year.

Warm wishes,

Vivian Wineman


Rosh Hashanah Message September 2012 Tishrei 5773

Victor, Esther, Rudi, Theo and Nathalie Fieldgrass wish all our families and friend a happy, healthy and joyous New Year



Jess’s Story In February 2010, 7 year old Jess was diagnosed with a brain tumour. She has endured surgery and years of chemotherapy. Her parents, Jane and Mark, watched their daughter change from a bundle of energy into a shadow of her former self. Jane and Mark contacted Camp Simcha and our Big brother and Sister volunteers quickly became part of Jess’s life and that of her sister Mia. They visited Jessie regularly and took her to parties and outings, providing respite for Jane and Mark, whilst their dedicated Family Liaison officer provided them with 24/7 practical and emotional support. The whole family came on special Camp Simcha retreat where they met many other families who really could understand and the children had the time of their lives. One evening straight after chemotherapy, Jess and Mia went with Camp Simcha to the X Factor concert at Wembley where she met all the stars. When we spoke to her a few weeks later, Jess didn’t even remember the treatment she had that day – all she could think of was meeting her heroes. Camp Simcha helps all members of the family feel better, stronger and more able to cope. All Camp Simcha’s services are provided free of charge to families from all sectors of the Jewish community. We receive no government funding and rely on the generous support of the community.

Will it be a sweet New Year for all Jewish families? In most of our communities there are families who have a child with a life

threatening illness. From cancer to Muscular Dystrophy, these families face high levels of stress and anxiety and its our Camp Simcha, our vision is that no Jewish child, wherever they are in the UK, should have to suffer serious illness without our support. We believe that the best way to improve quality of life for the sick child is to change the life of the whole family including siblings, often the forgotten sufferers.

Help us make tomorrow’s treat more important than todays treatment

Donations To support our services please visit: Or send a donation to: “Camp Simcha” The house 12 Queens Road London NW4 2TH Or contact us at: [email protected] Charity no. 1044685

Contact If you know of a child or family that could benefit from Camp Simcha’s helps, please do not hesitate to contact us on: 020 8202 9272

Or for further information visit our website

For fifteen years, Siddur Shevet Asher has been the standard siddur for children in our schools, shuls and chedarim. Now, following extensive research, Tribe has published a completely new edition, building on original material from Jewish Continuity and its successor, UJIA.

How to order A special offer to US members we are able to offer the siddur at £11.99 inc. p+p, saving you £3 per copy. To order: 0208 343 5656 This offer ends 31 October 2012

Easy to use

Bigger, better Aimed mainly at children age 8-12, each service and section of prayer in the new 280 page siddur is now colour coded. Symbols throughout guide readers, both children and their families, to information, instructions and brief translations. Links to ‘JOG’, the Jewish Online Guides on the United Synagogue website and a QR code take you straight to the instructional video clips – another innovation. The siddur, with an introduction by Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks, has also expanded to include all the additional prayers for yamim tovim for which teachers and children’s service leaders asked, avoiding the need for an additional machzor. Also included are additional tehillim, psalms, said at time of difficulty in Israel and for the healing of a sick person etc. With a special offer price for US members, the new Siddur Shevet Asher is certain to become the new ‘must have’ siddur for all children and families, as a stepping stone to the, now familiar, ‘Sacks’ Singer’s Prayer Book.

A siddur doesn’t have to be justblack and white




Sunday 16th September Light the Yom Tov candles before 6.59p.m. and recite the following two blessings: “Barooch atah Adonye Eloheinoo melech ha’olam, asher kiddshanoo b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu l’hadlik neir shel Yom Tov.” “Barooch atah Adonye Eloheinoo melech ha’olam she’hecheyanoo, vekiyemanoo, vehigianoo lazman hazeh.” Prior to lighting the candles, it is important to light a twenty-five hour candle e.g. a Yahrzeit candle, so that one can transfer the flame from the twenty-five hour candle to a new candle in order to light the Yom Tov candles on the second night of Yom Tov. Sevices in the synagogue commence at 6.45pm

Following services, and your return home, make Yom Tov Kiddush, then wash hands ritually and make the blessing over the challah. The challot for Rosh Hashanah are traditionally round and represent continuity and wholeness. After eating some challah, dipped in honey, we take an apple and dip a piece in honey and say the following prior to eating it: “Barooch atah Adonye Eloheinoo melech ha’olam, Borei Peri Haeitz” After eating it recite the following: “Yehi ratzon milfanecha Adonye Eloheinoo veilohei avoteinoo, she’techadesh aleinoo Shana Tova oometooko” “May it be your will. O Lord our Gd and Gd of our forefathers that this year will be a happy and sweet year for us.”

Yom Tov Guide

Monday 17th September

Shacharit services begin at 8.00am

It is important for every man, woman and child to hear the blowing of the Shofar which commences at approximately 10.00am It is important to hear the blessings recited by the Ba’al Tekiah (the one who actually blows) and to answer “Amein” to each of the three blessings. Then, during the course of the morning, we are obliged to hear one hundred blasts of the Shofar. It is forbidden to talk from the time one hears the first note of the 100, right up until the last one. In the afternoon of the first day of Rosh Hashanah, we will return to the Synagogue at 4.45pm to walk together towards the Serpentine for the traditional Tashlich Service at 5.15pm at the Peter Pan Statue. This is performed by reciting several prayers at a source of water. Afterwards, the pockets are symbolically emptied as if a person is shaking off his sins and casting them into the water. As a source for this ceremony the verses in Michah are often quoted: “He will again have compassion upon us; He will subdue our iniquities; and Thou will cast all our sins into the depth of the sea ....” We then return to the Synagogue for Mincha and Ma’ariv at 6.30pm Monday night 18th september

We usher in the second day of Rosh Hashanah by lighting the Yom Tov candles as soon as possible after 7.58pm We do this by transferring the flame from the existing flame which was lit before the first night Rosh Hashanah began (see above) and then reciting the two blessings. Since there is a doubt about whether we should recite the She’hecheyanu Beracha on the second night, it is traditional to have on the table a new fruit that one has not eaten yet that year, while one makes the blessings over

Tuesday 25th September On Erev Yom Kippur, Wednesday 8th October, at 1.30pm, we will conduct the pre-Yom Kippur Mincha (afternoon) service, in the Synagogue. Included in this service is the first of the ten times that we recite “Al-cheit” prayer (confession) throughout Yom Kippur. A festival meal on Erev Yom Kippur is a mitzvah (obligation) because one thereby reveals joy over the approach of his or her time of forgiveness. This meal is called the “seudat hamafseket” (meal of cessation). There is no Kiddush prior to this meal, but we do wash our hands ritually, make the “Hamotzi” (usually over a Challah) and say Grace after Meals... The meal should be concluded well before 6.38pm, allowing enough time to light candles and to get to the Synagogue in time. The following Berachot are said over the candles: “Barooch atah Adonye Eloheinoo melech ha’olam, asher kiddshanoo b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu l’hadlik neir shel Yom HaKippoorim.”

“Barooch atah Adonye Eloheinoo melech ha’olam she’hecheyanoo, vekiyemanoo, vehigianoo lazman hazeh.

Wearing non-leather shoes. It is forbidden for men, women and children to wear leather shoes on Yom Kippur.

join us for a festive dinner in our Shul Succah following services on Sunday evening 30th September. Please make reservations at the Synagogue Office on 020 7229 2631. Kindling of lights.

Lights are kindled on the first Yom Tov night in the Succah (if you have one - or else indoors) and two Berachot are said:

“Barooch atah Adonye Eloheinoo melech ha’olam, asher kiddshanoo b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu l’hadlik neir shel Yom Tov.”

“Barooch atah Adonye Eloheinoo melech ha’olam she’hecheyanoo, vekiyemanoo, vehigianoo lazman hazeh.”

Note that the same requirements regarding the 25-hour candle apply as they did for Rosh Hashanah. Four Species - The lulavThe four species are taken hold of each of the seven festival days (except Shabbat) and a Berachah is said over them daily. Anyone who wishes to have a set of lulav and etrog, please contact our Shammash Eli Ballon in the Shul Office. Even if you do not have your own Lulav and Etrog there will be several sets in the Synagogue for your use.

Rosh Hashanah

the candles. Alternatively one can wear a new item of clothing. However, if one does not have a new fruit or a new item of clothing, one still makes both blessings including “She’hecheyanu”. Tuesday 19th september Shacharit services begin at 8.00am Mincha and Ma’ariv will be read at 7.00pm Yom Tov ends at 7.55pm

Wednesday 20th October

The day after Rosh Hashanah is observed as a fast day, in memory of Gedaliah ben Achikam. Gedaliah had been appointed Governor of Judea by Nebuchadnezzar, after the destruction of the first Temple in 586 BCE. He had been charged with the responsibility of rebuilding Jewish life among the remnant of the Jews still in the Holy Land. As a result of internal strife among the people, Gedaliah was assassinated and, many of those Jews who had remained in Judea, fled to Egypt. Since this represented the final stage of the destruction of Jerusalem, it is observed as a fast day, when we recite special Selichot prayers. Shacharit will be at 6.45am Fast ends at 7.47pm.

The Fast Of Gedaliah

Shabbat ShuvaFriday 21st September Shabbat commences 6.47pm Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat will be read at 6.45pm.

Saturday 22nd September Shacharit will be at 9.15 am and will be followed by Rabbi Shisler’s Shabbat Shuva Lilmod. Mincha followed by Seudah will be held at 6.30pm and Ma’ariv will be held when Shabbat ends at 7.46pm.

Yom Kippur

Kol NidreiServices in the Synagogue commence at 7.00pm. The Yom Kippur prayers begin with the chanting of Kol Nidrei. We have to commence before sunset since this prayer is a form of the repealing of vows, and we are not permitted to repeal vows on Yom Tov.

Thursday 26th September

Shacharit commences at 9.30 Yizkor on Yom Kippur Day will be at approximately 1.15pm.

If one’s parents are still alive, it is permissible, but not essential, to leave the Synagogue during Yizkor. However, it is our custom that we commence with a public Yizkor, which includes Memorial Prayers for the victims of the Holocaust and for Israel’s fallen soldiers, for which everyone should remain in the Synagogue. There will then be a short break to allow those who wish to leave to go out before we commence the private Yizkor. The Fast ends at 7.37pm.

The building of Succah

If you haven’t built a Succah before and intend to do so this year, the Rabbi will be very happy to advise on the requirements to ensure that it is Kosher. It is a Mitzvah to decorate the Succah. If you are able to assist with the Shul’s Succah, please contact the Synagogue office for details of when it will be done. Also please let us know if you are able to donate laurel branches, fruit, etc.

Dwelling in SuccahSunday 30th September

It is a great Mitzvah to eat in the Succah. The congregation is invited to


Please note that our annual Simchat Torah party will take place this year on Monday 8th October following the evening service which commences at 7.30pm. Please bring your children both on the Thursday night and Friday morning for Hakafot - there will also be a special Kiddush after the service on the Friday morning.

Simchat Torah

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