Page 1: mosi an^nosd. N,..W hite House c l-w JB Sununu, who said t the report with Presi' al security adviser!

Je ro m e c

_ Middle 'Bonnie,

elude IThe A ssociated Press

BOSTON — An unu: bandits dubbed “Bonnie po licc on a fru stra tin s England, allegedly robbii

^ up c lerks a tk ^ fc p o io t in • But thc d u o ’s age riii

B onnie and C lyde’s pare .. Policc arc seeking Ed and Ellen M. Marks, 50

______ grew to 27 w ith two roone has been injured.

-------------- In-Ae-m ode-of-operaicrimes, a middle-aged cc ycar-old.woman-with a I p ipe M onday before n bookstore cash register o

■ T hat nighty, a Burling robbed and Bonnie and i suspects ogain. Phone 1 m ale clerk w as held at k The pair reportedly csco] and $1,500 worth o f insti

—:----- -— lU h e if-p ic tu rc s -a rc -m aybe they ju st want to throw in th c tow cl,” 'sa

. Loach o f C oventry , R. police detectives .trackii

-— • know is, they ’re moving^ Sincc Dec. 26. when a

store w as robbed o f S6. ' a r ^ ^ ^ ^ 'd l^AVg_T(^

Hampshire and Massachi

V y l I l | # i S I i a

in man’s■ By ANITA D E N N ^

— Times-News wriler

TW IN T a l LS”- A j u ^ .. _ night w hether to award.con

o f a Rupert m an who died connected h is supplem ent: Twin Falls C linic & Hospiti

Thc ju ry hcord closing ar in g . 'in w hich an o ttom ev

^,;-.’issucs.o£.safcty_and accoui ■ tol’s attorney argued there w

___ ___ liWhat they.did..was_wroihim,” said K en Pedersen,j M anning family in 5 th Disti£jutormessage: ‘'P eople shouldn’ Hospitals shouldn’t treat p disregard for safety was tole

— — B u m tto raey S tev e^o lm t pital, said the nurses actei Manning was sure to die so<

•There blame in th hesaid .

“ T h e se p e o p le d o n ’t n Tobnan said. “These peopli

— In u m fa ted 'W iih rT h ir iraS t • toll."

Daryl M anning. 67. died o n A p ril 2 0 , 198 7 , shoi unplugged his supplement!

------ The-M anning-family-is suiremployed there .and five otl

------ prov iders-fo r-ncg ligence^infliction o f em otional distn

--------- M anning^s-wife-and-dauthey had p ro tested the nui Manning w ithout suppleme

'T firo -tfr;lio -d o w n in bed - brcathc. " '

...........T he n u rse s ' uctfonfl wet- •S co T O IA L c

■ ^ ^ R I C - S N D E R S O N “ •— States^eyvrService • .

■ < W a s h i n g t o n :— P iBush’s budget proposal for i

— could b e bod new s forIdab< and hospitals, Rep. Rl9hiird said Tuesday.

The president’s fiscol 199 plan, released M onday, cots severe! v ital farm program:

____ing giihBlftUa ntirf rm p lnmtrRcxburg D em ocrat s ^ T . A lthough som e Idaho sta

= o n i c i a I j r t c a c h c d - T w 5 ^ hod not yet seen the Bush t

____lY ^u^itt.htt^J'tohQ .m aiLhan z T ^ fltm b e n ra r id a h o V c o o g i ' delegation have becff busily

defeats Sh

N f8 5 th ye

^ a n g e i t z z :


inusually elusive pair o f ■ nie and Clyde” have led ing chase a round N ew bbing 27 stores and tying t i n the past f iyc-weeks. .. mitk'es them m ore like

a rcn ts.'Edward M. A ranjo. 46,

, 50, in the spree, which I robberies M onday. N o _

eration-t)9 ical-of-alU hc-------1j couple tluvatened a 68- a knife and.ticd h e r lo.a .

e robbing her F rank linsrofS130. - - .......................lington video sto re was nd Clyde were thc prime le lines were cut, and aIt knifepoint and tied up.........scaped with S160 in cosh nstant lottery tickets.jc-O U Ltherc on.T-V_so------t to go for it before they ' said policc Capt. A lan R .I.. one o f dozens, o f . -

eking thc case. “ A ll wc inftQwfully fast." m a W est W arwick, R.I..S65, Aranjo ond M arks Tobbcd sm all sh o p s .in _ ..

o rk, Rhode isiono. lN cw “ - ichusctts.

----- -------------------------------

5 death

ury was deciding Tuescby • compcnsation-to4hc fam ily - ied shortly after nurses dis- :ntal oxygen supply ot the pital.5 arguments Tuesday m om- le v for the fam ily argued ;ountabilitv. and the hospi-j- X was no wrongdoing. rtongJK baU hcy::di£LkiU £^ :n,jtfhp is representing the iistiict Court. ' i " ' [fors to send th<? hospital a dn’t treat people th is way.It people this way. A total tolerated."Imnn; represcnting-thehDs— cted responsibly, and that soon anyway. '

I this case to be allocated.’’ .

t n eed to b e p u n is h e d ,” ople don’t need to be com- ^a'ienias a lready tak en its

ied at the Twin Falls Clinic h o r tly a f te r tw o n u rse s ;nwl oxygen to m ove him. suing the clinic,-two nuiscf- : oth&r unnamed health-care ice ,'-g ro s s -n e g lig en c e ^ d —istrcss.- --------daughtcr-said4n-court.lhot' nurses ' actions - m oving

imental oxygen ond'forcing . id - :b e c a u s e 'T ie 'o o u r d r r “

were below on occeptab le;.- X o a P a g e A 2

s u ^ f o r l iing the'ram lflc

-----------------pB)p06a l> ' ■ ■ ■S ta llings,6ai

-P m .pnrtia for next year

ird Stallings

I99I budget eatsoms includ 'isuranc c . - t h e - . . ^ ^ ^ J ^ ^ m

sy3aio uicyjh budget to ftrnnors ia arew ' have fared, ■ tere. S t r in g s u

s i ^ ^ S u o t - '. y o U rS ro H e a ^V '

he//ey ^ B

$year, No. 31.

Los A ngeles Times

— WA-SHINGT O N r - R uifiO P residen t M ikhail S. G orb

- s t e p d o w n as-C o m m u n is t rocked the U.S. stock m arket

T h ey a lso p ro m p te d cc warnings that the size o f the get should not d e ; ^ d on “ th' and death o f one m an."' Secretary o f State Jam es

' whose one-day .postponemcr M oscow next-w eck seemed derice i o on in itia l te lev isi G orbachev ’s possib le resij

• missed it as “just a riunor."The secretary o f s ta te 's ii

-chan g ed -o n ly to le t G orba more tim e to o C om m unist.

“ CommittccTneetlngThirrwoi have partially overlapped hisaides sa id .-------- -- ------

A lso contribu ting to thc

Tumbled tr<I W orkers rem o v e a se: ~ ~ T p v e j i i i in iS L T f le 5 a i^

■ ■ n e a r 'Je ro n Je . T he acci l _ .w h e o th e d r iv e r . R a

^Tiirnovei rjudgc tcUi’ Knight-Ridder News Sesryic

W A SH IN G T O N — For ordered Tuesday to tum o

i H ouso 'd iancs foTiis notiCS Poindexter.

: He w ants to use them to I many o fh is actions in the Ira

. U.S.,D istrict Judge Horol( I. p rov id e .-b y Jslo iid ay ..ab o i 1 Reogah in 1985 and 1986. K l_ui^)reccdcnlcdioiL.ajHdgej.o

to .relinquish“ purcly privat t daily.dcUl?crotions and obser ; However, Reagan could sl [ . his o rder by c la im ing exei

e s s ^ scrutiny in Congress'! istiation.could m ake the sam

• SeoR EA G /

Idiho in!flMtions"of th e budget- togetl_______________________ jrou-hsaid ag ricu ltu ra l pro* storm

nre ff>r eral ca m a jo r h i t” in the or

^ ■ j h e budgcft, ................. Sta]Killing the fed- a s te r

p H . e r a l cro p . in s u r^ C o n g i ance p rog ram In- ^ jll, I

C H - fa v o r -o f_ a .n c w _ effect d i s a s te r ' r e n V f '•

■ ■ ■ p ro g ra m .— u J s iort-p ■ ■ - p r o p o s e d in tn e j^eep^

to t hit by. naturtjl disas- oy, ' make

fnrhart~tiineTonymcmg - pica you ou g h r t i r p u t ‘ ' •*

-■ " - -

54 Warm

:TI18-TIni8a:N8WS C lass in m

Sery /ce D irectory

— ....m osi an ^n o sd .

Reuters ne S w ed ish c

irtTOrs‘tharSovict~ A ndcrs-A a o rbachev m ight G orboche ris t P a r ty c h ic f decided b« ket Tuesday. th a t th e C c o n g re s s io n a l • cxpcct to Ii

thc defense bud- ‘ i“Thc loj “ the political life u a tio n is

. w hen G or ies A. Baker 111, from pow ncn t o f a trip, iq was quotec ned to Iflid cre- the R euter / is io tr re p o r t o f Stockholm esigna tion , d is- A dm inis

c ia ls sa id 's timetable was find "n o c rbachcv devo te rdab lo New ist j*arty Central considcrinj wonldTrthcrwise—tion o f gc» his visit, Boker’s Party.---------------- ------------ T h e .C Nhe report w as a wos cxpcct

f c stra ilerse m i- tra ile r t h a t P o r t ia :

y i i ) r lD te n ta te '8 4 ~ c h f ln g b acciden t o cc tirred cauainf R a y S ey m o u r o f o n i ta i

jr diaries, ils^Reagar7 ice..................................

F o rm er P resident^l(^eagan ' tl over excerpts from h is W tiCnm iccurily^W V lrcrrTbhn

to prove that Reagan authori : Iran-Contra affair, xold Greene instructed Reaga] .boui.30_.di8ryj?titii.es_made j. 'Reogan’s lawycrs have callt U.Qj3rfcL.a_former_chief_execu ivate. personal reflections on jservations as p re s id n ir ’ ■ d stillTorce ureene to re-eWm ixecutive priv ilege, a legal i ffrceTjfthe-prwtdcnt-from-uni iss'or thc courts. T he Bush adr am e claim.L G A N ooPageA 2 '

rbodgetgethor a disoster biU-cvciy-J n hnvf» n rfmiight n r or )im,” he said, “B ut w ithout a ll cmp insurance program, .thi ; only altcmotive.’’Stallings siiid.ihat small-scale te rs o f te n go u n n o tic e d mgress which, has to 'd raft a r 11, but they can have a profofeet oh lo^al fahnerB:-------------th addition, .decreases in fo rm : t t prices-—^ w hich pay fannei ci^TB^rginol farm land fallow defctttrflfmBprv e -iap d -an dji; icw-up will-eooQurage-ftn overproduce and overuse lan jk e jip for lost revenue, Stoll


■ - ..........

n dishes }o

J Twin F'alla, Idaho

7 i r n i m <new s story in which^a respc 1 eco n o m ist and- S oviet exf ^ iundrpr<^icied-that-ihc-fot tiev an d h is re fo rm s w oult t>efore Sovict elections in M : C o m m u n ists

:ogic o f the sit- is th a t th iso rbachev falls ■ ^

;ed as saying in ,:cr report from

lis tra tion ofil- r u ^ R R A r i r id th e y could credence at a ll" to a repor

:w6 Network that Gorbachov ing giving up the powerful p«twm»-CiV>rfllatynf th/» T nm m v

NN report said that. G orbac « ted to l«cp his olhcr job as p

la n d , O re .; IoBt“c o n tr6 I"w g in g lan erfo r-o n co m lu g T ri n g th e caa tbound t ru c k to a Bide a n d in to th e m ed ia

’ Edu " sci1 w as By MICHELLE C( W hite Times-News writci 'in V r ~

B O I S E - I f the I orized House and Senate

tainly be a center-r gah to T ha t’s w here It de_tjy state Department o liled It plicated juggling acu tiye___ formula._____ i___on h is Several Magic '

— - Twin’ F alls, &cc.o limine“ ’ efrortsrOthi:rs,-inc I s tep the show, innec-r- --T-The-8tale-©epafi dmih- a bill that will chi

m onej' aimong Idi Magic Volley pchi

[7^ -Metric' . .... ~TBe"AsiociatcJTn

3Lbtvil______ B Q I S E - = ^ c ca fed« hos given prelimi that is . - - could-iroposcTiuu

who causes a pregi Ic d is t - — But despite an a; id b y a t le a s t b e prinit I re lie f a p p ro v a l o f a ’b ifound , Pocatello,'didn’t c(------- :----------E irst-it-had-io-in s u p - ' D ean Haaglers to - Hoagenson low in ^ g a iiist p rin tin g . L k c e p - „ w “ t\lUw» al

: v • '= = ond to ■ statutes ir illingfl' • abottnm ST^hichv I j---------~ S n p re itirC o u m w

or win ter


spcctcd id cn to fth e .Io rg cly i :x p e rt, D eputies, a legislati'■fate-oi'—ed;-------------------------u ld bc “ A ll I can te ll yi Mareh riimor, and thcrcfon

th ink w e should res " Baker told reporters. J , . . W h i t e H ouse c l- w J B Sununu, who said t

the report with Presi' al security adv iser!

| H reporters that Amcrii ing' (6 assess its acci

. J m implications o f such 'H E V - consensus an

S ovic t affa irs has t tort on rem ains politically cv was intcm al^cform s app< :I posi- even regressing. As

B u t they were rel jachcv - com pletely, in-parr! IS pres- opposition is concei

__________ ’


" w h ile paBBCPgc r , ,Da - tra f llc — P o H erv n ieT C aliT to ro l l B e n e d ic t s F am il

lio n . A w faere-ahe w aa t n

I C O t l C ^



le Legislahire w ere o circus, I Ite Education Committees wo T-ring attraction.: lowmokc'rs and officials ft It o fE ducation a re perfonninfi g act w ith the, public school

ic V alleyIcfib 'o l districts, in on,thc-.s idc lincs opplaudir

includrng'D ictrichrnrcn't-am

Mitmeflt-of'&duoation-hae-inl changc th e w ay thc state div Id ah o ’s 115 schoj>l d istrict chools w ould beHefit from tl

W iild ^ a cP ress ' ..........

-com m ittce .oL thG JdahoX c{ im inary app rova l to legislat nanda to ry rp risom erm s on oi egnancy ended b y obortion. a agreem ent tha t a l l abortion I n ted a n d iD tro d u ccd th is s b il l f ro m R e p . M ory Lie

t comc e as ily ;' ‘o-suxvive-o-m ovc-to-rejcct it io g en so n ,-R -C o cu r d ’Alent .two other com m iuce mcmbc ip and in tro d u c tio n , conter I ab o rtio aM I.b u t 0 change m j

f include a so-collcd “trigger h w ould be activated ^ y i f ' T evB rses 'Itn973 deCTsion

-C l

:ly powcriess Congrcss o f 25( lative body ihal he creat- fon- - - - - - - ------------------ leci1 you now is that it’s a T fore it's not something 1 mc< respond to or rcact to .” the

ers. Uni; c h ic f o f s ta f f Jo h n Goi id thal he had"discussed C resident Bush and nation- roil cr B rent Scowcroft. told thal icrican ofTicials wcrc'try- leniiccuracy and the p o ss ib le .....Cich a move. • Lea; among U.S. experts b n w h is been that Gorbachev Oci Ily strong, although h is bcc ippcar to bc sugnating or As a result, ofTicials dis- - in r ’s accuracy. • encreluctan t to 'ru le it out def

irrbccausc Gorbachev’s " d e a icentjate'd 'in thc party 's troi

---------------- '5 .-* —-------------

D a w n P o rflon '" o f Sey iiIir.j^wa9~iAen tom ily M ed ica l C e n te r to: t r e a te d a n d re lea sed . Col

^ p a n e / s

i n S f f i s T i

would ccr- ■

s from the f f l j j I . l l x ' L llin g i^ o m :__30l funding' . , . ..... .... Lottei, m cludmg _

ricw. Mosi “ " in the plan, _ • See

ix ^ b o r t iomost abortions..

I f that happenS: Lcgislaturc_gocs into encct,.i ilation that years on anyjvon n any m alT ”her life is threate I. penalties on physjn bills will - M rs. L loyd’-S-I is s e ss io n ;' males causing pr L loyd , D* abortions, except______________Bill Hoagcnson:t it,}paJ>eca lene. Then wiih ajwomon’s i abcrs voted factm ay oppose i iten d ing it "This is a very in criminal "It’s absurd. Wc<

X T — ■ I “T h i s i a j o t j a jcr Iaw’'"on tion m easure," bc i f the U.S. ”The woman sl

'A ction ing of th lsT ^aH l^In

jDiafiCopTTigM C 1990 fl

W ecT n esd ay .-Jan u afy .;

Luriitc:50*mcmbcr C entral Commili ormally elects — and depose

Thc Ccnlral.Committcc 1s*'«c icct next Monday and Tuesday 1C elhnic and national unrest ih Jnion, but it could also passjud io r b a ^ v ’s stewardship. b n '^ ^ I I Street, thc stock mar

}ilc^ by thc Gorbachev rcpbf wt_onc brokera g e firm stoppi rmporarily unlil'ta lm was rislo O n C ap ito l m i l , Senate R.

cad cr B ob D ole o f Kansas 'h a t he c a llc d . a “ stamp Ic rn o cra ts to c T jn c r e n s c ecaiisc o f G orbachev's policies “Well, the wake-up alarm ju;

t Moscow.” he said. “ If anyom no u g h to g am b le w ilh our c fcnsc based on th c pbliticj c^th“o fJo n c 'm an ,'th en wc ai oublc."

T)mM-N*ws pHo(6MK£ 9

oy m o u r w a s ,c itc d fo r d riv i i ^ o r rQ ad .co n d itio n s, acc > M ito A lo n z o o f th e Ji o u n ty S herifT s D ep artment.

S S i^^orm ula

Idah . Legislatui

199ery looks good_-A7

rpicKihgTTp-'oh a'liditional JT. >91 school year and Minidokalg an extra S666.219.______:r ih a t to T c a b ig step in'ili d K eith T olzin , T w in Palls'

00-SCHOOLS o n P ag c A 2 - '-

onpenaltins, an Idaho law from the same

imposing prison terms o f one oman-undorgoing-an-abortion c ticned. Another law imposes tl ysicians performing abortions. s-b ilL w ould o x te i^ the pens pregnancics which are~ienrun pt if th e woman’s life is thrcale on and Othcra argiicd that was

nn thins decision to .have an obortioac i t , . -------------- ------------:jy jc r io u s measure,” said Hoa c san ’t do thot sort o f thing." in abdo jon meosure. it is an imhT sa ld r, should not have to bear the fa In .X lo y i

.' I..- ■ i■ l£>'

ifV 31. 1 9 9 0

e i h =millec, w hich >oses — party

s*«chcdulcd to sday'to discuss- st ili the Soviet ^Judgement on

market was so cpbrt Tuesday opped-trading I lo rcd ,c R epublican . sas c ritic ized am pede” by ise sp en d in gtcics.n just sounded yonc is foolish our n a tm n a l

itical'life and 'C deep . ;__


riv ing to o ' aecprdm g J J e ro m eunL '

w ~ zJ "aho-l____:ure

wJT. m illio n - •

oka County

‘n iliH ig lu -■ills ' acting

tiesam c period‘.o n .fiy c^ ,_____on except i f —cs thc same)ns.jcnallies tj) - iT una lca 'by " •calened.was blatant- ■ ■jthing-to-do-_______tioa, and in _______


n imprcgna-

le fall brunt


Page 2: mosi an^nosd. N,..W hite House c l-w JB Sununu, who said t the report with Presi' al security adviser!

WorldWaO G D E N , U ta h (A P ) — <

^ - 'P « e f 3 0 R r w h o T ) lu n c a T i i s v— th e A i r F o r c c a n d la te r be

h ig h ly d e c o ra tc d a cc for boi B r i ta in a n d th c U n iicd Stal

- S u n d a y in R iv e r s iile r Calif;-----------------------------------

r e tire d A ir Forcc m a c ra l h a b s».‘S rsfa !:k o a r.r .iU Y e a se fo r th ree y c ^ . a friend f u n c r 'o L .h o f n c .d i r c c to r - J

—— L in d q u ist r s a id T u es d ay .-"

^ T o : d a \' S i i o ^ h w

Twin FtU*. Builey, Rapert,:___ __<3ooding:, .J .________________--------------- TuJjy vailutilc Uumlinnl j

• snow ihowcn. A few morning cs. Highi in lhe mid 3fh. Win from 5 to IS mph. Tonighi pai A few fog patches. Lows a

------------nmndayincreMing-eloutU-Mo f tnow. Ilighs.mll)cinid30s.

Cktnw Prairie and Wood Rh Today variable cloudi and i

snow showers. Highs near 30. ’ able 5 lo 10 mph. Tonight pai Lows zero 10 10 above. Thun wilh a chance o f snow. Highs ihif lowCT 30s.

—.- ............... E jttndcd fo tecaitr Souther“ Friday ihioogh Sunday.' panly i

chance o f showers Friday ai Periods o f rain or snow in v

•" mow in moumains Satanlay.'H Lows in upper leens and 20s.

NaRbBn U ali t a i Nevada:-------- U ub — Snow early today

laler in lhe day. Accumutaii inches possible. Colder. A sligt snow early lonight becoming pi brmiahTghY. Colder. Increas T hunday with south winds i Lows lonighljiear 20. Highs I mid and upper 30t and Thursda

Nevada — Partly cloudy lc--------- -tftlhc-30».-lnercasingcbudjw

of snow after midniglii. Lows and 20s. A chance snow Thur

— in thcM s io-low «h.------------Suonary:The National Weaihcr Ser

frontal systemjBoved accosi s Idaho T o e s ^ ^ aflerooon wl front swept through nonhem was expected to produce scaitei

________ Ihrough today.._________ _During the afternoon, skies

partly cloudy lo cloudy aroun Snow_spread into thc south showers-werc scaticred over th ofthe state.

Gusty winds and snaw spre:

fell U some mountain locatic this freni. a tro u ^ o f lo w p m lo 30 mph winds were com southeast during the aftemooi

________ IO.lo.iO m ptw crc conunOT i------- —west and mostly li^ielsewhct

The warmest temperature___ __Iueadfly_wns_4 8 .degrcej_i

Ketehum reported lhe coldest t Elsewhere in the naiion T

highest temperatun: was 86 de. ' F l i The lowest w s 'l?

at TTiief River Falls. Minn.

------------ I d a h o r o a d - r c p b iBOISE (AP) — The Idaho

ofTransporution Tuesday rep icy conditions on the aisle's hi

____Idaho 21 between G ^ d J ii : — : — and-BaSner^mmlPrBtnaiws

- to avalanche*. Condiiiou:. ■. U.S. 93 — Riggins-Mitcb

- W hitebird Hill. wet. i ■ GriHgevillc-Lewision.-wtt.-t

floor, Lewislon-Moscow. we• W eiser-N cw Meadows, s

--------— Manin0-OreBOiiline».wct.____1 Interstate 90 — Fourth of J• broken snow ilo o r. inowin

ic y ^ w - f l o o r ^ O B «d vised.

U.S. 12 — Lewiit'on.Kc Kooskia-Lowd l. jcy tpois; I Pass, snow floor, chains advis-

Interstate 84 — Oregon le --------------HomcrdorrMountam-Home-

■ N a tio n a l' AUnU 69 31.^.

. {Mon *4'SS?Tii_ L_

- tX n w S1 19....‘ Dm Mom* 3S21...-L D M I ■- .. 40 19...

.Mor«Uu » 7 9 ........ ..r.HousJwi..-...................73.41„7' -itnflangc^ifj i * ------- t

f l f l d e x" B u s i n e s s ; .........................

" C a l e n d a r ! ........... i ............

^ C l a s s i f i e d , .......................

' - C o m i c s ...............................


..____ I C i r c u l a t i o n ju k a W ik a . .----- ;;-CircBiatlon-phtmea uro m a

yoa do no t reeeivo your paj a re a :

_ '2 ' '^Jcromb^WmyoD^OOTdins-I ■ B u r le y -R u j^ P o ta ^ ik lo ;

- B tihl-G oaU dbitl *_.........____ _ I JS Ie tB o « e rB o n i|Io i1L»t«r_

' Tvrin Falla a n d d l other nr

:____ _ r z N e w s x u A m i H i s o i. - I fy o u havo a D«ws tip oT-n

. ^ p a r tm o n t , coU 733-0931____ L ^ < y » - J b j g p o r t . l a t g ^ ^_ _ w M k m d fl.caU 733-0 j5L

A d v e r t i n g 0U]DUk4.>d

. a d s . ca ll 733:0626 M o n d ^ “ ' from fl

A -2 . ■nmos-Nows.Twin Falls. Id

ar 11 flying^ C h c s l c y P e te rso n wa; is-w-iy-inlo—Id ah o .—u n d -a t ' becam c a San taqu in . Uta both G reat Young Univcrsii

stales, d ied and forged a bh lif; He w as into m iliiary pil------------------- cHscuve reiH w tm ajor gcnv-.hW?i^-C'Jli lU 'ttlitflfs- In 1940. mon end, Ogden th e U n ited Sta r - J o h n A . W ar ll^

and jo in e d thc

ly's weatert, JenuM o d------------:--------ThoAccu-WejJld J Ju iiue u f ’ ^ning fog patch- 'Winds, variable,.I partly cloudy. 1vs around 20. • / " J /■t.aml a <-Kini- m -C __I IlOs. ^IRiverValley; / J J \ y \md B chancc of30. W indi vari. 6 0 ^t partly cloudy.hursday cloudyighs mid 20s to l _ _ /

Ithem Idaho — ............... ......... -nly cloudy wi^hy .n il Sui.d.>- fTOMTS..-------in valleys and ' ' ' - ^

f , ® © E>day decreasing n m tow ana ilations o f 1'3 in innr slighi c h w e of ngpanl^ d o w ly"

w e d n e s d .

,hi lo iiy in lho A ccu-W ealh irsday near 40.Iy today. Highsis with a chance— -------------)ws in the teens rhuTMlay. Highs

, . I C o e u r (Servicc says a i

n while a cold . , _ W A S a ____tiem Idaho and altered showers ,

lies vancd (rom . round the state.Dutheast while cr the remainder

spread southeastJ t r heavy siiow-^-----------------------cations. Behind pressure wilh 20 ORE.common ih the Tioon. Winds ofIOT in .tb c .so u th :_ __________ _where. ■ lure in the stateej_at Emmett. _ ’ i . , lest at 9 degrees. , . I Twi jn Tuesday, the 6degree4alFort

M r t ~ = = ^ s i 5 j S i - r . s »laho Depanment ■ v u A u eS S tO ^ t reported wet or Burley-Ulah line, •s highways. Idaho 55 — Hnd Jean Junction broken snow nc U R^clow aUue— NcwrMcatowsrs

• ■- ^ - T d a l i o ‘2r — litcbird Hill, wet; floj,,. jja h o c il t. iey spo ts: chains requited;tt.-broken snow— ---------. wet. Icy spots: u s . 20 — ^

.now floor; ,„owing; F

. of July Conyon'iiwing; Lookout *P® *■m o m n .. .h .in . i - y - J " '------------------------- icy c p o u ,» o \^i-Kooskia. dry; ' U.S. 26 — Ii! )ts; U w ell-Lolo icy spot*. *no«

DlackfooMNEL. in Se-M ouniain IdahoSI — S jtne-Burley.-wet:--------^

KmrtOtyUiV»9M M38-

Oj?cp LofAno^ . M « -a ... MempM ST 33..1_ . UiamlOMtfi 82 72..SiTl9 MMuU. 43 » _f- ...... ..........

9 ^ NewM3>k *«9T,<1.-.- ouahom*cay SO 41..9 ..........Omaha . 250... PI»M« 71 44.

PBabon^ 40 sa j,1— PtfUna.U»_________.^ 29 .1


.................D l 'Food/hoim

...... .........C 6 'j i d a h o . . . ; . . . .

............D 3 - 6 ^ M a g i c V a lk

.........A6 . N a t i o n . . . . . .

: : ~ ; C 7 ' " 0 b i t u a t k s .

li(o.drcuktiffli'dlmtop::. r.______ _m anned betw een 7 and 10 a .m . < paper by 7 a .m .. call tho num bei

Q£-HBgorman’ ■ikloy ’ r ' '

r a r e OBw iaa5"^~— r _ T - . — • v-w iah to ta lk to (omoono in tho )31 betw oon 9:30 a jn . a n d G:30 p w a n d ip o r tJ rw u lte af te r 6:30 aL • ■ '4.adTOtUbxdlAct«ra d v cr< it« n w "V ^ » L 3 aa j» a t-f!i,^ th ro u g h FViday from 8 e .m ,t in 6 a .in . untO h'ooo. laTormaUon ir td a y a omyr:------ ----------— :------

S. Id^ho Wodnosday. January 3'

g a c c d i e swas b o rn in Salm 'on, Eagle -a t le n d c d - s c h o o l . in —v o lu n J tah , and al B righam H u rri rsity. He quit at age 19 Spilfir b ^ h certificate tb get Lufiw pilot tntimog.-but was squadi t w r i m ^ h s - l a l e i ^ n ^ t ^ ^ ' . s^6r t vsaru; — Hc 1 lore than a ycdr bcforc ferrcd S tales en te red W orld fly P- r.son w cnl to Eijgland remaii hc Royal A ir 'F o rcc ‘3 ' cvcrci

t h e r : ------- -e~ p au s^ b c tw i

tfealher* forecast (or noon, Wadm

IRJU STAWNMtY___________

E3 ^ E3 EZl E3gwows r<ra*ia /m M » •xw '

;day, Jan. 31ather* forecast for daytime conditi


jr D'Alene I 2S^

)Wlslcin I

l l B o b e j a y n ^^ [ I

M n Falla I 34-

S o i n ^ f ^ ' Rjuriat'' StK^ J mtP r m a n f in i e $ m .................line, wet, icy spots, snowing. wct. s:- Horseshoe Bend-Donnclly, Carey, ' floor,,spowing: Donnelly- spot^

- Bbiic-Idaho"Cily!Vow broken City-Lowman, snow (TMr, Ida!

ed; Lowman-Banner Summit, . spots;' — ^ — ur:— ^l a u- Mounuin Home-Fairfleld, broken j: Fairfield-Carey, icy spou, Intc Mowiag^-ArcQ-Idaho_EalIj.__Ji!'£lLi lowing, drifts; Idaho Falls- Fall>-» drills: AshtoD-Mooiana lin^ . U.S

lyTrntf r • " — tc r« p- Idaho Fall»--Wyoming line,. • *poU. w w floor, snowing, drifts; w et EL, dry. , U.S- Snow floor. Ida! -JJcv*da.linc.Tw ia-Falls,— floof.-

J«........ Poffl»n<t.Oc»!• 45 M.*36.... SILO* M38....48_... Sdll^COy &0 2B...3J... S*nFmftd»a> 87 48..,.72... , 4J37J:

8pok*f- J 35 2#.J(a.... WMWrwen '________60 41 Ji

S H - T w l n F a l l s ^41.... UuWnPc

... V«t*ri.y - . 42 aSi'IMyMf M20.,..


O p i

A 7 S p c

i l le y .. i ......................B l A lk

................A 3 W k

8abKripU>m»t«............. .............HoBwikU-WTil-ll;

n .o n ly .I f u m per w c k ; Sunib e rfo ry o u r ^ ^ tJ^ D U ftb e p a ld i

■‘ 5 3 8 -2 ^ 5 Suoaajr,»I0.40pwi

: i l r tn r « s s . ’s /• 733-08M -----

---- ;--------- i-month.fcrdBHrai^---- ------ UnMHM-Ju) odltoriid M .ij j^#i,»TMti«i 10 p jn . week- n»Tlm M -N tw s(UO a n d o n T U rdStW ^Tw lBi

jmrtuanttoSoctina-CiMaiflod-------- i»h«n*!yTl«l«n*twn t in Q lE Ugal netlcw will b«ion on di5* Po*toaft«'. plMM i

/3 1 .1 9 9 0

5 at age 61gic Squfldroti, a ^ u p b f.fon luntcera.^— E l y i n g „ J l a w irricanes a n d S u p e rm a i iiflres in battles w iih thc Gen rftwaffc, P e te rs o n advancet iadron com m ondcr a t age 21^

^c kept ihc ran k w hcn he tn red to the U.S. A rm y A ir Fore

P-47 Thunderbolts in 1943, nains thc A jr F o rcc ’s young jrcoloncl. ‘

y y e e n r s t o r m s

adneaday, Jan . 31. > ^ .

10 ' ' y » - r * ^



■3 S t t ^WOW JM auwff w.goMW ctouw

iditions and high innpcra tu rcs



I Idaho Falls I 3 ^


i c a l o l l o | ^ 3 g j ^ ^ ~

t o Su m y P t Ooudy 'Cbuti , oisoOAeeu-WMtnw.ln :t. snow floor, snow ing; Twin Fal irey. wet. snow ing; Carey-Arco. i o t i snowing; Arco-Salmon. icy spc at r a ' tnuw-floor. d iifterL on Ttnll'Pa aken mow floor, snow floor.Idaho 75 — Shoshone-Kctchum. i ots; Galena Summit, snow floor. Tnigniijir Rfi — Rftf River-Pocatel oken snow floor. , , .In lastae 15 — Ulah line-Mahd Pa ;i; Pdcaicllo-ldaho-Falls. dry; Ida il»-Monida Pass, icy spots.U.S. 30 — McCammon-Soda Sprin r«potsi-Soda-Sprin6»«Montpclier, j ou . drifts; ftontpelier-W j^mm g lli rt.U.S.91 — W etIdaho 28 — Icy spots, broken sni

« .J2 . ToOsy^»un»«8« p m .JS.... To>naTWiamtM7:SZ^m.

Id a h o :iS 3 = ~

■ -- - a u y r — ---------

kUhoFtfa 44 281»nPw . LMWcm ■ 47 J4.M i t , • ...............» 2 2» .... P o e « ^ . - , . 44 77.

-SMnon- - S9 24

>pinipn.........................$ p o i t s . . . . . . . . T . . ..................... B 4

ykn Wilson....... ...........i..................................... . . . . J

d ^ and Sundoy. »X «0 daSunday,«1.00 perw odL Mail auh«i

aid in adrtnee and M« •<railabl« oaly aliTsty la oet maintained: daily and :p«r bdntK»31 JO f t r 3 B i c o lU m 13C80 yMH dally oali; l& as p>t- br a M t l ia , MO.IO ibr 6 Buatha, f . Sunday only. K M I par month, 116, UUO «>r« oonth«.-«d4.eo pw y w r.. ' fy J^a h rtiU .-b y tta ll only; *7.60 JW and Buaday.-Sal«i-t»ginctodod la all

io a . 'rs (UPS Q1-080) U pubUab«d dally at r ia ralla, Idaho, SSSOl, by Magie Vall i-Bww»*^h>i p o a t a y p a l d a t l ^

rtina 6C-108 of tbe Idabo Coda. Ttiun MrtwTu t o day uf tUrw H lT D g ^ a i UUpobllabad. ' ; ' —aa* aaod chan«« of addnaa (brtato: FFalla, Idaho a s m .u _ a

— • —•-Continuod fixH 6 ^ d a r d o f c a r c - a n t lig c n t-a n d Ihcir acti

'* j " ~ to - M a n n in g ‘sd e a th ;

furtherm ore, hc an 1 and long-standing p< •rr- gy?yc patl«tnm s- ^cm C Tiaroxygoj cd irec to or cx1remc,“negUgenc 3, He Pedersen asked th ngcst- the nurses and hos]

responsibility in thei r -H caski^ :/ • T h a t th e fam

$ 1 0 ,0 0 0 fo r th e t- d ep rived o f spendi

M anning alive.C * That die iiuiBfcs I

cach paymic'fo'Uuce■ -!as punishment

g cn cc - $346 a w< bir - - « u rae. S182,000-ft- / hospital, y • Thai M anning’s

Jane Heiskell, be av for physical and cmo

^ • T h a t M an n iiM e rg im tirM a n n in SlO.OOOforhcremot

But Tolman to ld ji50 looked a t the facts o

w o u ld f in d no net

- ^ e h o o i* CoolinuQd &o

superintendent, follt■ tation o f th e funding

Islators Tuesday m.oicr I Tw in Falls, Mini

Jerome have jo ined!■ school districts that■ — - law suit-if-tte s to t t t

a funding ftjrrnula tli f c r lo bc d isc rim li— “property poor” schc

T he D epartm ent.............. formula-fix-bill is-b

m cndations from a by Ihe P ortlond-b t

________ Regional Educatiomoims to give ■ ‘prop tricts a bigger share J

T olzin said the p________ go as far as some w.

viaing a m ore cqulti funding, Biit it m a fend oiT a lawsuit,

_________ “Wc’tc willing tosystem, nc s a ia j

Wayne P erron Di tchdcnt, th inks the way too far.

— “1 don’t agree w:— ;------- all,-* 'Pciiuii said:

' In fact, Perron sa funding recommcnd cd, the state moy. fii o f f Q law su it anyv

■ 'from districts who s loscrsirnheiicwT)lii

Department o f Ec__ - are quick-to poinLoi

will losc money by funding fomiulL 01

__however, that somtrc c c iv e os m uch

^ increase, in -the 1.9- .y e a r un d e r tjic ne

- - would under~lhc e— form ula................ ...^alls- Twenty-four IdahI jg" may find their fundi.1^.. - ' rent levels indcfiniti

_V allcy-thosc-distric

■ : ^ e a g a---- ---------— ^Cotttim jcdftcPaw. ' R eag an 's law ye

_01son,_iind_n.spokc Justice D epartm en

rings, reachcd no dccisior

liner-------- Poindexlcr-gocs-on five chargcs thi an d m is le d C o n g

snow Reagan admi.nistniti--------------paign-to-Bcll:weapo

p ro v id e m ilita r j ' Nicaraguan Controi

Congress borrea sue Ju d g e G reene , '

MP<9 ' th an 100 R eag a r51 » _ _ so_ught by Poinde:

- tb a r s o m c .o £ . th m 28ir. the defense b ut that ” " ing m ajority arc not 77-01- " G r e e n e ’s o rd e r

entries in three cate_______ 1. Rcagan ‘9 kno— 7- Contra; The cx-prc

fe re n t d a te s . T . ^ 4 P o index te r’s -“ sue

Central A merica in m ee tin g s th a t sai

. .C 8 P o index te r and 'o i ~Ao d ls c u s r s a le s T jf^

proceeds fiom thos< . i ) 2 2. Efforts to win

for the Contras: Rc Aiirj - ■ quish two d u ^ fei Krip- ' his-succesBfiil-cflc >ly Central A m eiican c

. . f l .s e iz c d .a n n 8 _ s l I Contrail and a pla: Tm litai>raia 'lo ''a 'C

16.20 nation in exohang-------- - t r y ’s-Bnpporro.fnhi

— ■ “ fto th 'tr ia lf th c -c o i — fiSl-a»41ei«iun3—

?, Efforts to w in •at isa , fo r th e C p jitra s

R eagaa 'B en tr ie s

S I5^' a d d l 'dlai— — nJenrprovlded'fiH yt • policy-.typcJpcccJ

......... donoTB);^ aa;distinjspecific request

j f ia l—


h j m P * ^ A l — _ b cc iiA r-t and therefore neg* m uch lc8 ictions contributed c o n d u c t : ithrPederscni told— W hen 'l

ted to tiuargued, the hospi- s ic k w itl ; policy permitting T olm an 's

cncc. The nuiIhc ju iy to make iion o f M

o sp ila l f e d Iheir moving h he ir pocketbooks. ab id ed '&

m ove hilim ily b e g iven- wheelcha e h o u rs i t w as Althoui id in g w ith Daryl po ij^y

M m d .Ihe hospilal S e w E e l c s - i n c o m e - ™ ^ ^■ . t h c r ^ s s n c g f c - w eek from each ®

r’s daughler, Helen aw arded $36,000.-

motional distress. A n d a n in g ’s w idow , death, wjlin g rb e -a w a rd c d -w o u ld -h snotional distress. .nizing,T< i ju rors that i f they “It w oi s o f the base, they the move need fo r rem edy hesaid .

)ls -f r t m P a ^ A lallowing a.prcsen-_____ H o 'ing fonnula lo leg- n.oraing, • ' • T heT i inidoka, Buhl and id a gniup o f Idaho B O ' lat is thrwtcning a estim i :e .d o « ;n o t ic v a ^ — Depari ftfiaf many"consid- propo: n in a to ry ag a in s i /sch o o chool districts. , affcct n t o f E ducation’s tricts. s-bascd-on-recom— - A m

a study produced aren 't -bascd-Jjlorthw est effect onal Laborolory. h next y roperiy poor dis- rco^fstattfm oD ^. Blai! proposal doesn’t Can : wojild>-— :— Ca& u i t^ le approach to Blis may bc enough to —

'to work wilhin the C ounty,------------------------------D ictnch.Dictticfi’s supcrin-'“ A bud

th e p r o p ^ 'g o e s such as tim e giv

w ith this study at increasci------------------------------aiSfhcTdsaid i f the present f ^ l bchii

rndations are adopt- c h ^ g e s , find itself fighting

i y w a y - t h tn lm f i~ “ “ “ "0 sec thchiselycs a s ___ X?®,*!plaip : - . : : : - . ------Education officials sc o® .

Lout.that.nojiistrict by a change in the Oflicials do admit, E c ^ t i o

imc districts_won’t_ T hat c ch o f a fund ing m em bei 1590-1991 school Educatii new p lan a s they 8 ‘v e b s ex is ting funding '

. . bill, laiio school districts nding frozen at cur- nitcly. In the Mogic f - N a r f ricts incl'nl'* Plpin^ —L a borai

a n — ^ B ifio n rP ag cA l yer, T heodore B. ' said, ikeswoman for the “W e : lent sa id they had^ to -fc n c ion yet on whether means >

PS on tr*** —Bnsh-'that hc'obstm cted th a t sei n g re s s abou t th e drawn-c ration’s secret cam* tions p r ipons-to-Iran and to— cdTinlil o ry a id lo th e - Congre: Eras a t 'a time when - proposa such assistance., them.

w ho read m ore F o r c >an d ia ry en tr ie s currentl dex te r, concluded sive for Mn-are-TcleyiuiLio .prnnyJo h a l the overwhelm- tives mj n o t • CutsIc r co v e red d i a r y - - ^ u a l tc ateg9riR ; ' . i s cons ^low le^ge o f Irarr- Tor son prdiidcnt m ust'give." Stiilliiig i^atfi*8-fof-25-diC-;:4Tr:— —

T h e y re la te t o " lu c c c s s f u r tn p - to — ^ ^ H in December I98S.

sam e m on th w i t h _ _ H |H /o th e r o fp c ia ls tq' (uiklS iu Iiiu i,'u iij •losesalcs.—— ^-r-3 — 8 f | v in foreign support R e a ^ must relin-

' en trie s . describing.., -•

n countty to release _sH lpm ent to . . t h e _ - jlao to fumish U.S.i'C entfarA inerlcan— -------inge fo r that c o u n ^ _____the-CCtttrasTAfihe cotmtrv-was-^identi-— — —

in dom w tic support ra » i_ G rccn e -flaid e s o n th is subject* aiT d 'n?n-i^ealitig"~ ~ gest “ that the presi- . J sjUrmg more than a“ - cch_fto_prosRccjive_l . .B W d n ^ 3 ^ from any,

V• " - ' r~

i r 'ih « lw B 3 fio wrongdoing,- Icss-ex trcm e o r o u trageous

m 'D aryl Manning w a^ edmit- tiw clinic, hc w as extrem ely v ith ch ro n ic lu n g diseasCk in 'sa id . His d oc to r n n d even jn U y e x p c c tc d J iira - io -d ic ,

i r ,~ ..............nurses m aJ^a’eSnical cvalua* f M anning’s condition before g him , Tolnmn said, and they d % the fam ily ’s w ish es to b is b e d ,in s te a d o f u s in g a

chair.lOUgh the hospiuil changcd iu ' the day M anning d ied - to administcriDg portable o jygcn m oving patients - th a t is not nission to negligence o r outra- conduct, Tolman'said, pan reminded ju rors that three 3 had testified thal m e lack oi im enlal o xygen d id n o t con- ; to M anning’s death,

d a d o c to r s a id M a n n in g ’s w ith or without that oxygen,

[-have-been,horrible-and-ago: ;, Tolman said.

vould have been no d ifferent II ove had not been iittempted,’ 1

low .changes w o u l: T im es-N ew s...........................

)O IS E - T he fo llo w in g arc im ates provided by the state p artm cn t^ f Education oo.ho.Vi iposcd changcs in -th e public loo l funding fo rm u la w oulc cct M agic V alley school dis- is .^m oun ts-lis ted -a s-n cg a tiv c i n 't cuts. Rather, they ‘show thc ix t the changcs would have or ct year’s budget increases.

31aine C ounty:-$49,682 :am as County; -$54,555 ::assia C ounty:-+$258,476— 31iss:-$59,062

ty, Cam as C ouniy , B liss ant

budget freeze m eans d is tric t a s D ietrich w ill have a tougl giv ing teachers cost*of-livin) ases. Perron said. He fears hi: cTand oUicr small districts wil chind as a rcsull o f thft-fundin] 5CS, ■ •"costs ino rc m oney tb educat

B rural areas,” Penon said, c new fund ing fo rm u la ma;rd'f PI inW n tlv r ff>r ’«imfl1Ir>1 d i^ c t s 't b lo o k at consolida tgain, said Rep. Doug Jones, R V a m em b er o f th c H ous' ation Committee. 'at doesn 't m ean Jones, o r an; b e r o f th e H o u s e o r S cn a t a tion com m ittees, is ready t “ b l a n k e t - a p p r o v a l - t o - t h Itm ent o f Education’s fimdin

’s not a done deal,” said Hoiis a tion Chairwom an Jane l Haj a n ^ a . T h c .. N o rth w e j > ratorv s tu d y o n lv p ro v id e

\u d g e t=-^-Conlinood

/ e m ay be back to fence*pos jn c c -p o s t a g n c u l tu fe whTc u y ou’re going to see surplust 1,” he Said.B h l^ n id g e td s tju s l-a -p ro iw se rv es as th e f l r s t 's te p in

m -out c o n g r^ io n o l appropri; i process not d ue to bc complc n l ir th ls fa ir 'D u rin g that tim gress will study B ush’s fimdii osals.and likely change m any <L •»>r exam ple, s ince C ongrcss :n tly 'co iu idering a comprehe: fann biU for the MXt five ycai y -o O u flh le jig iic u I tu ra n n iliI m ay be am ended .its in federal M e d ic w iimdinII to $5.5 billion w hen mflalli ansidcred, cou ld spe ll d isast som e rural ^ s p i t a l s in Idah liiigs s i i i i '_

$ g W C E

tttSmSimURY ou're in v ite d lo o u r S

th e m o s t p o p u la r ite

■ ■ S t u d e n t s R « c « l y « I


P F A F F - 1

M P W B t lW L W J g M

■ V . \ ,

■j,---------'- S tate of Ul sc messiagefM it-set forth gI f W A S H IN G T O N ( . ' President Bush will presi ' o f the Union address Ih:

’ : j» f ! ^ n g an upbcatassessi nation 's health;-

I®* It wil! alsQ .icl a goal 'r* American smdents first ir cy '^n '.sci?A C C an d m ath bj to 2000, officiittt.'iaid Tuesd a • M uch o f th e s\Ssp6iS

rem arks a t 1 p.m . M SI its jo in t session o f Congres; to dam pened by the unveil cn $ 1,2 trillion budget plan, ,Qt lin ed ncw_initialives;;w,

— w an ts-lo -spend -m orc-nareas where he Wants to a

C om bined w ith th e b .d H rey will set the.slaij

®‘ t i o n - y ^ bottles with a U run Congrcss thar is fimiii spending plan, which pro]

;*s m o n ey fo r e d u ca tio n , ; jn-J-cnvironment and drugs .wl ',rl funds for Medicare, colic ’ loans, mass f ran s iran d 'f

dies.t l f W hile House ofTicials 1,” were no major initiatives

cs remaining for Bush’s's]

lid affect a re a sch. - Buhl;+S13,910

Castleford:-$55,793- tre Dictrich:-546,945 ,Ite F ile r-S 6 1,092 PW - Glenns Ferry: -$54,38!lie___ Gooding; -h$49,722lid H agennan;-575,151 is- Hansen: -52,493

Jcrome: •fS455,741'CS___ K iinbcriyj+1222.324Lhe Minidoka County: +S6( on Murtaugh: $22,378

Richficld: -558,950-------- -ShoBhonc>S40349.:::_

Three C reek :+550,833 Twin Falls:+$1,004,21

----------V allcyr-590;852---------Wendell: t S 153.888

md infonnalidn upon which can basc%eir.discussions

CIS - i‘Out ohB lii I'W ould hi lgh come to some consensus ing do,'” Hay said.

vill Education’s bill will m o ing killed in committee. Instc

.; a rcyisc{Wjill \ ^ l be.jntP ate vrill in the very least allo

of-living adjustments fot lay tric tl«^r-----“ YQU-cfln*T-1ivc-onda- money you had lasf year,’ R- In the meantime, Jone

Bc^IawmoKefSTnayliritfihirn betw een w hat benefits

m y school districts and kecpi a tc " ou t o f a lawsuit that coi ’ to question o f school fundin th i» .. T/»gislntiire *R hands nltoging___ !!I.liwJnJjic.Filcr_.dist

kids attend school there,” useT“ "B uras'a’Icgislalor, I lia \ lay, thc good fo r jn y whole es l ' the stale. The bottom line des w e doing for the kids?” '

S ta llings m ain tained than half o f the roughly

ost-- tha t Idaho hosp ita ls lo w ere due to M edicare m ent ra tes tha t d id no ac tual costs o f hcallh car

continue to lose and w m eans ia th c y -W illJ i

ime, more," he said.Jing Already, rural hospita y o f • burscd by Medicare a t i

that for i ^ a n facilities. IS is But Stallings found : tien- a re a to p ra ise th e Bu MIR, expressing support for itia~ ~in^tpposed:fUndingrfoi

Head Start prcschool prc ling, HcJuJ Start cian'be a v llion in Idaho, particularly fc ister children of-m igrant wo aho, parents may spend all d

" fields, he said ,........ . “

F T i f eE R i > W N E R $ ;

K N T ^ O O W N A S ES erg e 'A S w eatsh irt W orkshi

item in th e c lo th ing in d tu try h n ^ O f w : o i O i m . B a ( o ^

i l X a r g v D i s c o u n t C o u i


E L N A - w h i t e :

m t m i

g o a l s l( A P ) -------- -L

iresent a State ■3 th is evening i £ssm cnt o f t h e !

oal o f m ak in g ; s t‘in jb e world •1 b y th e y e a r ;

pifi's'c 6 r fiis •*1ST b c fo rc a jress hos been v e iling o f his ian, wWch out- s -w h e re B u s h - ;c_morLfiy_ajod^ to c u tle bud g e t; t h e : slage for e le c - ; a Democratic- •

tmiing o ver his 7 proposes m ore - tn, s p a c e , t h e : .S w hile cutting :ollcge student nd"1\irin'subsi=—

ials said there ives o r su ip ris-; ' I’s'spccch,


f . --------- ■ j-

1,380.,^___ _

1 :

’4 _ _________KS666.219 ■ .;

I'.'- - '• !833 . : 1 .2 1 1 _________

8 . ;

tich lawmakers ions, she said.

isu s o n w h a tto . .

lepa rtm en L o C — m ost likely, be ' [nstcad, hc said in troduced that - allow for cbst- i for every dis- '

- o n ~ th e ;s a me ear,” he said;'ones and other thcm sclvcs-toni- fits th e ir local ceping the state could take thc-—

nding out o flh c Itogcther. _______district and^nyTTrne,” Jones said, have to look a t - ' olc d istrict and line is w hat'a it“

V '~ ~ -...........

Ined 'that m ore h ly $90 million sJostllas t.ycatL ._ arc reim bursc- 1 n o t c o v e r thc icare.:q io w n h c .y 3 ian Z ld w hat tins bill l I J a j a ’c i _ l o s c _

ipitals arc reim- a t a rate below

es. . nd a t least one B u sh b u d g e t,

fo r th e increase uforthCTfericiai— 1 program, a vital prograin

y fo r the young w orkers w h o se .

Jl day out in thc

mSERGERk s h b p , . ( .. ,

- P u r c h i f t l n g ______

i o u p o n ' ___




Page 3: mosi an^nosd. N,..W hite House c l-w JB Sununu, who said t the report with Presi' al security adviser!

- 1

'^ j ^ M'

N o b o ^ w a s h u r t afi o f f t h e r u n w a y a t G n

Plane sk after e\

-------------R O rH E ST g R ,-N Y ._ lAn AcroCancun jetliner. 166 passengers aborted ta ter one o f its tw o engim and skidded o ff o runw

^ ------Tuesday, officials said. .No one w as injured in t

a-m. EST incident ot the Rochester Intemational A

________ !iHc.didn!Lg£LaiiboniCivery close to where h

___ have been com m itted." ai

M oynihanDaniel T t t t r ic i rM o ^ S a n i day pitched h is plan W ci

- Security taxes to the Mtion senior citizen group, disputi dent Bush’s c lo im s' that" would lead to benefit cuts.

-The New Yoric Democra financial soundness p f th

.would be protccted_imder.

Moscowrmee- postponed a

WASHINGTON (AP) -- 'tween Secretaiy o f State Jami

er n i and Soviet Foreign Mi• uiird A. Shevardnadze have 1

r r ^ . potied a day bccausc Ot a mcc Communist Porty Ccnlral C

------ the State Departmenf said Tu(Baker and Shevardnadze

Feb. 8-9 ia thc Soviet capital gestioirof t l ^ 'U .S.'.govemi State Department' spOKoawo

. gnret D. Tutwiler. T h ^ had _holdtheirtiilksFeb.7-8. .

Tbe delay was nhhounccc ' News Network reported that

Gorbachev was considenng as chief o f the Communist I retaining his post as Soviet pi

White House spokesmt Fitzwater said o f the 'CNN have no idea. We’ve never

--------before. I haveaoinibnnaiion^ = = Q tfN - <n- a -jcDor t from- - i— mioted a “well-tnformed'and

ing Gorbachev “may tiy‘ to closcst ally, _Alcxando Ya

' chargc o f the Comihimirt I hc follows popular pressure the party from its monopoly political power."

i W IN T iR I C O A TS

i O F F

EXI- I ^ s £ - s w

i M L b o i

= I PROMPT SEI; f F o r t h e b o » t

• ^ s e i l H l n i _ _ 1 0 M M * l n

• U . ’ I t:

a f t e r m A e ro C a n c u n a i r j ^ t e r R o d ie s t e 'r I n te m i

kids off rw engine failL_(AE)_r==....ministrHtor=RQH ier. canying. _“I .w ould.w yjt 1 takeoff af- seconds bjfore gines failed gotten airborne.’ inway early -The DC-9, a c.................. ed for Cancun, Iinthe 12:30 m iiedinm udar the Greater ofthe runway. ilAiiport. . . Federal Avit me. but was tion m apger V ; he would the engme may "airportad- ini^estingsnowi

I p i t c h e s p am on Tub-'sfo^thT govern J cut' Social' plus Social Sec lion's largest for other progni pu'ting Prwi- . ‘‘There wouli iat"the plan fits at any tiine 13. can Associatioiicrat said the “We are havinj

thc“System was'c do.” -

j e t i n g — ^ P ^

a-day- p — <— Talks be- ________ b

l l O a m i

v c b ^ p o s t* ’

II Committee,Tuesday.--------- -P obrua iy :ize will meet _New Colaital ot the sug- • • Februarycrnment, said_ . -V alentliu!ffomairMn= Februarylad planned to H o w p la

nng f«igAing "ist Pony while I w j M Hn president. '3 M M jN sman MarlinNN report, “I j B l M j l/cr heard of it mOJBjation.!!------------ _ ^ K | Hrom Moscow^- F tm d i^ l ly - r e ^ z= E a5

rto~Ieave his .Yakovlev, in *

rt Party while' Wlire to remove- • 1 ^ ^ , W)oly control of ____

MHEMOWTP - ; ----------------a Jp ONE ittCK... J

I V — / _ 4

c p i i r i

l o i - a r r f ^ -

;e r v i c e = ^ 1 P

s t in t h a W e s t, Shi

m m m mInAv*; Soutii .........-TWtnTUa i n S t r x t •


“ against

. cs.ThCT

•• •. APiMMphM ingwi

Birilner sk id d ed m a tio n a l A irp o r t ~ “Yo


lonald -D urand said.'J t_ w as a matter o f . > re;he w ould have

night bead-n, M exico, wound up I* . I and snow a t the end

.viation Administra- r WUIiam Reed said iayTiave failcd'fiftcr . w o r a chunk o f ice. ■

layroU tax ct^ l^ ra t f ro m ^ in ^ ^ ” Seen: Jecurity revenues to pay Moyr gram s. ^ ' o f fo')uld be no risltto -bcne--Bnme,” hc to ld the A m erii_in_thi tion o f R etired Persons, c u n r dng th e system pcrform about is'ori^inaHy intended to A e ^

' Coining in FeSPRlNCreL

1. & 2 pJiL sessions.^ch jy m i te d Seating-

>re-regi8tration is necesr y 3 - ......................... ................o lo n f t Ib x tu rea in Spring F ry lOIne Gift* I b H a k e f t GlVe—iy T T ------p lan t CaroiJCho-EMy Way ry-74lg THow l b ’! F o r Your Yard J ^ _ Y o u - C o u ld .W in A S

E n t e r N o w - D r a ’

iB ^ I TEVE^■ 1 ^ C ^ U K

— .f r e i

AddiM n-Ammua£oflt---------it Eaatlandi, Twin Falla

.734-8518 ,M onday • Satu rday *M O a jn , to 6 :0 0 p jm .

C loaed S u n d a j | ,

h o p a t . . . ;

f t i m — r -rT S a -J T ^ & r : j -

Jarman (VA SH IN tjiU N -(A P) - Wl JSC Budget Director Richard m an on Tuesday defended Pr T~BushT~$l:23~trilllo n - bud inst D em om tic t i c i s m o f g ik ry iiid rosyp '^c tioD S . . n doiiigsoThc'tncd tojiprft-Q! vcm tnrio'raTS'ocfarSccurity 1

'here' arc ' f a r f c w e r '“gimmicl h 'a s shifting payments from X tp another to m ake the del k .^mailer, than in past budg rman told-the Hous.c Budget.C tee.1 think every one o f them (in V budget) is defensible,” hc said ^-for-projections-of-greater-< nic growth and less inflation t

w^nnmisM ore forecast rman“ pointed to thc adminij a’s figures from July as "amaz iccurate."'You are nol dealing with pet ,0 ore totally oul o f boundfe,” d.[Jarman^jKTnrmosr-Df-thc-dny c the committee listening to Dc itic members complain that dget, which Bush sent to Cong Monday, docs not reflect a chi

{world becaiuc it proposes S2' Hon for thc m ilitaty in thc fi ir that begins'Oct. I.‘You’ve blown the opponunity Dnomic growth by spending n military," soid Rep. Barbara t

ire e n sp a n s0 avoid reoW ASHINGTON-(AE)-=-Ett] serve Board Chairman > censpan said Tuesday thc na abably will avoid o recession or bul cautioned, "1 wouldn’t.\ bet the ranch” on i t At the some time, hc lold the i essional Joint Economic' Com i-that-thc current inflotion rat out 4.5 p ew n t, while stable, isccptably high.----------------------^His seemingly mild com n

cut to AARlBut ot the W hite House. TrM r c i^ r y Nicholas b raay - assi nynihon’s proposa! as “thc hi 7 olly.”

_lhe Social Security system in tn tly works. “ People do n 't )OUt it. They think th e moni icre” in thc Social Security

F e b r u a i ^

LASSES!—ch Saturday

lessaiy ' ■g F lo ra l D eaign I ^ - M P y

d •LSilk R o ? e B o u q u e t - r a w in g F e b r a a r y 10

T O P R U N E I1_K e lley 's F o r E E -E s tim f lte _____



fo r

^ ■ L m o i i , - F r l . J -S i O M i O O ^ - ^

rd .G .Presi-


deficit •dgets,Com-

th e . '

r -c c o - ' - Jl3 thnn ' f l

F e w e r ' 91111111101(5 cr,D-Calif.

people' She said the odminl: s,” hc al to save money stan

Demo- might prefer Ic k \ ] i It Ihc fense.ngrcss "Why are somc kin :hang- but other -kinds orc 5292.1 osked. fiscal Darman^was pcppc

tions about Sociol S( ity 'for -cally a bill-by-Sen.-

more Moynihan, D-N.Y^ T I feox- '-has drawn thc interest

s a y s U .S . li : e s s io n t h i s'eriffhil roiled financinl tharke

Alan ' interpreting them as a nation bank will not lower in' in this time soon. In the hour t.want mony, stock and bc

sharply, c con- “What he’s really immit* you want to get inflati rate o f be you have to live wi , IS un- n6mic”grov^»7nor1'ot

----------but' for-a-fcw-years,’-iments Bruce Steinberg of Mi

P [jj i ^■ ^ u r y H B m L * Lssallcd-height ’ D O V

r r a i t l r - -------------~n b n 'u ,I 't talk j 'mcy is Iy trust I . .

r ‘ r ; ; v , -WOMEN

lICOLDW------- L : ; .F A S H p i

- . C i r r —

'■ NOW «|

: = =

\ y / J e e p / E a g l o ,

» teli&ol5a1e5 people ir^i^tyoirdont wie t^ b a c k ^ o =

I f e a L w i th= 4 l o i n e > = £ <


s b u d g i ^ l


finoh'ccOll “ It is m

~ (MnynihnT' . . tb-be - takc

V V has taken ^ that Moyr

' draw atten Social Sc

iJ '. - . J j ^ H other thar _tirees.

Rep. Lcy ' man o f th

get the im rious abou

* s ' i n b u d g e t heighten Bush’s

inlstration propos- ihe fcdcri tarting in 1994 by and predi milimry bases was Social S<itc-lawmakCTS-who—nocded-tc^Bending for de- bc used

n • debt.k in d s \f cuts good Darmar re not?" Darman Slattery. I

ty is thc I3pcrcd with ques*.' American Security, spccifi-'" ation," ca'

:n.-Daniel -Patrick-dy .“anoth , That bill, which . “You'n t s t o f scveriiMaw- debt is

l ik e lys y e a r - ^rkets. with traders 5 a sign the central ■ interest rates any- ours af\er his tesli- Tbond priccs fell

ly saying is ... if 'lation down it may fwith crumtm_cco- fo ra fcw -q u a rtcn ,- —s,’-sa id -cconom ist„ . _ \ Merrill Lynch. L .



N !s—


W e jP R I C E i ^ ^

- - - t :

B, C h iy s le ^ ly m o i i

0 i a ^ e w €

‘ W


)le -wanW-rf -ff • Hi» = o l d = f a s l d (

h o n e p e r s i C a ll - fo iN a ^

^ f a ^ i n s(7bul-opposilion-from-th&-ad- Blipn, would cu t payroll laxcs ly to keep ihe govemment from tirplus Social Security taxes to ro ih s rf td c ra lp ro g r^ s , —•5 my personal,opinion that hc ihan). never- intendcd-<hc- plan

:en it," Darman said, implying oynihan was: simply.trying .to. ttcntion to thc practicc o f using

Security taxes for purposes lhan providing benefits lo re-

, LconPancna.D -C alif.. chair- f the cpmminee, intetjccled: "I : impression lhal he is quite sc- bout the proposal." hc While House. Treasury Sec- Nicholas P. Brady told rc-

rM byh ilianV propofia r" lnhe ' o f folly" and “goofy" h’s budget proposes that oncc deral dcficit is eliminated -tt ■edicts thal will be in 1993 —

Security taxes that arc not i-^to-pay-bcncfitft-immcdiatcly- cd only to retire government

man bristied whcn Rep. James ■y. D-Kan., said “S o^al Securi- hc biggest lie we Kave told the can people in m aybe this gcner- ’ calling Bush’s proposed rcme- lothcr scam, anothCT scam." u ’re saying ... that (fcdcfal) is no g o ^ " t h a i ■ w c" are


».T t

* • Fine'Furniture ■ i ="5/710^/9

/V N & f F '

>0Mf i n f i i j i i

______ ^ ____

a u t h T o o d g e T r u c k

c a r o r tru < p r i ^ b p i n i

W « Dos ' r (Pass tri*e say ings on y y a y th e s a m e invoicfi H ave a la rg e h ew ca^

io n e d E c a itfa s o n , s h o p 1 F h o n e s t ^ p r

W odnosday, Jo n u a ry 3 1 .1'

~ N ^ t io r r 2

^ c r i t i d si— bankruplr^-D annan-said:- ♦s th a t ... U.S. treasuries (scci m no good is a day I think n lo will ever see.------ “O ur-proposai-is n o r si1C mirrors. It will rcally„ge_t in—d o w th -rr-rnm isn^rflWiC"ss__r.ety in thii; prp<fnt.ilir>n ”lg . Rep. Bill-Frcnzcl of Mini 10 nior Republican on ihc Bu( lg mittec.Threw Dnnhan one i cs ,J>ouqucis during thc hearing c- "1 happen lo think it (llie

a pretty good beginning," h( ir- Panctia said he found r "I micks in the budget than D c- knowledged.

- " I f the president c - aboul confronjing the; del c- why should Congress'berte~ P imenanskcih------------------

!‘0 f course the presidei cc ous,” Dorman retorted, "I a -TT ... I wish you had taken that — As for gimmicks, hc Saii ot list o f more lhan 100 that ly . -has uscdin-reduce.llie.defig nt The'new budget anticipai

billion deficit in fiscal 1991 es congressional economists s ri- ure is likely to approach Sl he The budget, would rely or V- reductions, user fees and si e- increases — ' but no genen

income taxes — t^. cut i ll) • f r o m W W O lc v d orabou je~ llo n .'............. ..........................

IS LEATHERSEnjcy the durribiiitv cf Icp

' ’ bcllcr and Fraae ccn»lniA price Uicl Till pJea*c vru

' crdcfs for /ofa^. bvrtca' lionok chair* and c(L:C;irA

S O F A S from H i, TWINFALL5 riddOn 6 733 9666

r e f iG / f t s BURLEY 190B’---- --—678-1603-

" Y N W O O

Two Local to S e rve V

/ j pow n to ' I I & Lynwc

J | ^= fJ = s :H O I

l i o n

P v o u u 3 S S f i ^ ^

n a n g 3 H B P » f e r r : i _ _ -

b u y i r t q : ^ ^f r o mr ic e ! —

.1990 , Tlmos-New*, Twfn Falls, I

i s m

securities) arc nk none o f us

Dt-smoke and get tb c ,.d C b f- :-~ r^

te c 'S fdisfib'nV ' _ j

Minnesota, sc- ,Budgel Com- ' ___ ^

jnc o f lR T ftw " ■ ‘ ring.(llie budget) is .

he said, id more g im - ; m Darman o c - ;

s-..nou scriousJ---------, dcfich issue. I 'b e serious?” ;

sident, is seri- ;"I am serious, that pn faith." •: Said he ha’s a i that Congress .leficit...... . ______;:ipaies a S03.I :1991. olihough ; sts say the fig- • ; h SlOO billion. : y on spending i rid selected lax 1 meml boost in :;ut the deficit ibout S124 b il-;

: Icp q-jiility__________ 18t a ---------

vru i5pcciaP 'r^caU. fcc-

4995kLLS56EY J103—

o D.: ~

lfc ‘


itown — w ood


ills, Idaho "A'3 •

Page 4: mosi an^nosd. N,..W hite House c l-w JB Sununu, who said t the report with Presi' al security adviser!

— Stephen Hartgcn

Letters-■ More wild em ^ th i

I ’m responding toTUl the press I 'v e been i ^ i n g abc

-------- ^ i^ d e m c 88^'^^m tallciogflMai in Tbe Times-News, C Chambers o f Farm Times t Brackett o f thc Idaho CattJi Association.

I 'v e experienced Idaholsthmiigh n»<»n»ntinnnl h

• ing andprofessionnllyrwhi worked m fire control. Anj w ith on ounce o f appreciot: awareness who has spent e w eek in the "animal kingdi got to have more concept c than these three men.

M otorcyclists and snowr have inMtiablc entertainint m andsr and l c a n 't sec givi acrc o f wilderness fo'r somi diction to mechanical fulfil Two-cycle motors should t lawed!

..... - - - i f th t lo g g in g industryd(adopt 0 “don’t cut A cm fas

_____ Jh ey grow" policy, it has ni:anyway. So why sacrifice t

■ world’s most scarce comm (wilderness) for nothing. I could still b« cutting down government gave them 15; i f they hadn’t massacred th sent them all to Japan ns w: Dumb, real durrit...

Grazing on public land v . ally become a thing o f thc ] w ill'Startin areas o f high p and eventually bc non-exis

■;ural splendor is actually co : back in style.

These men jpust not hav------- : oLwhaL’a going on in the r------- ^TvortdrTrccsTircTltoippcnr

W ilderness is being gobble• tire life forms are becotnin

The m ore wilderness tht far as I ’m concemcd. Becj

---------- I tn do i. a ll over again. I think I ’lls- able lo bccause I haven’t j

dieted to the^m otoriied wheelchair." (Edward Abl

- KIRKCH A RLSO N ........Buhl

Commission fortherw o n d crirtJO rc ltizcn r

that the Idaho Fish and Ga mission w as set up by thc

' - an initiative? By the peopl people.

--------- Now, when thousands o-------- -- petilion-thcm to keep o utj• ^ ' '.laws for the general public

^jgno^rcd, we m usfstand up : -som ething about it.

■ ’ I strongly urge that Norand Lou Racinc not be tea in thc commission.

G A R Y R .STO N E . , K im b a iy " "1

——-Birdscarrtc^rcstc: W e h a v c h a d a lo to fp r ■past year on pheasant d ^ -w e have not-HadIriucH on 'restoration that can stand I o r innovative m ethods tha

_ ■ ' w nrlc T nm tntnlly opposei method that takes into acc tat only. I would like a fet

r ___ i r planation to account for ____ j^wc have a declining birxl |

■ , ]

' T h o 'f im e s - N o w s T• ' I-- —4o i l I r e j e o t - t h o s e - i t

V ' E a c h l e t t o r m u s t j: ^ w r i tw ' a m a i l i n 0 .<ii - w o r d s m a y b e e d it

Nothing againrtc

------- ^ -^ to rw ritte n by Mr. Franl' which WB published

- tt:— - ^ . ' F light commcntt tht__ - pose contraception in ftddit- —___.g ^ntfrfj-’unrtihe n quotes tl

: ficfliioh for his commenu.been infltniai

: Iy blocking tbe ?alo o f RU- ....... -S tates..^

• -M r.F llghlhfldjeverel* '!

• tJonlnaourorffinizationbj; : . t t o n o f h i s I ^ i i t ^ i i l j l

. - : : ! i ^ o ?^1b v W g r m root t ; ■ - ^ o n r R i g h t i o L ift o f Idaho

- William C Bbkc AUen -------AdwrUtlng DlMflnr__ Qioi!

th e b e t te r ii=!= * n : '» c---------- - outstandmg nal

thencgauvc - , have spent lan d g am e inl<

■s, Gale {jyjj, es and Bert isolated areas iattieman s ------ from wicsin-to

, . . . w ith som eoftl lo .s wilder- state. It woulda l ia c ^ a c k ^ H c a iM h e a r e aWhen I o iy .Ifw e a re tM y person * long-lasting up :intionand tion, I think w<

lands and privi igdorn has com plishourti pt o fits value enter

for phcasanrpl owmobilers cst in bird hunt nment de-p v m g u p a n - put together. G omeoM s na-- ;;„debyptaBS alfillmcM. ourgunesl^i Mbc out- mclcssforour

, have 10 move \ydocsn_t- v ^ a 4 Q t a s t a t c i ta s te rth an ., ccotlomical.W isno tu tu rc cy does anythii " • Many indiviif l i ^ i t y r is in g phcasai S.TTieseguys jnain reason is

trees our about up15 years ago. good woi

many states Ihi s Whole logs!_„„„„j„plj„ ,. .„ . easy as WC rest

Id will gradu- „„„cy.Wcdn »epM .It In my opinion, ^Publi"™ — WorthSIO-ofa ;xistent.Nat- h„ci,t^isw o ' cormng upland game n . stamp revenue:have any Idea „i||„„Unueti ie rest o fth e imle<

iSultsbbledup.En- We might tr mmgexunel. Mowing: 1.1 : the better as priv„eenteipi lceau»when {isdictions fto do IS hike I t , „pin,^rf p ^IsiHTBc ^ generated I't gotten ad- m ,g^„e3^3-

. do m ost oftheAbbey) •__our young pec

4. Pheasants E to donate 300

, "Z Stall! fui lesca t h e p e o p l e crywherc will ;ns lire aware — with thc state : Game Com- Forest Scrvicc thc people by Reclamations :opIe, fo rthe, forttocnhanci

water on o u rf Iso fc itizens T hestatesh (UtJishing . '.study on pcsti iblic and are -‘tnlntmdTninei1 up and do-------op gamebird f

■ five years hav Morm Guth gamebird issu : reappointed my-opmion, tl■-----------------------aiid-pitipagate

now h a v e -w

NICKROKs to c k e d

d S t H a n g o r sI orTpheasim't ; " i r w e shoul md scientific ■ back so he wc that can pray *cll what

osed to a great white hi account habi- them — great i i feasible ex . fair «s fair.jr e-fiictthat-------ClffiRIBird po'pulalion 2 " “ — .tt-

L e t te r s W elcom e

■8 w cIcom iD S l e t t e r s t o t h & ^ it-« p n 9 id e rs M b e lo u a -o J tj> e s i g n e d a n d s h o u l d |.a d d g 6 i» ^ L a t ta r t ,n C B lf t id l te d f o r l e n g t h .

u T i b o r t i o n r K i r i g '

t contraceptionS l 5 S n e . t e r - ^ V - _ E rank Flight o f Twin _ ihed on Sunday, Jw . 28.I thatpm-life peopio o p -_ .^ ^ ddition to abortion*on>

II “flights of?ancy” tac o r r ^ orfelari.

m i c c m S o C m s r r z i KBby name, tho toiplica-' j ™ ^ lp rp .life people op- ll il limply untnie. As ^

— SWWio, for one,’ takes n a — abortii

w ^ w w ^ r ~ . -

Jen W llson- “ WTnilnttnn M,ifw<]cr________^

wc now and have had an V !habitat.— ------------ — ^:nt 40 years hunting up- 1 Idaho - thc good yearsyeata.-We dk ln ^ o a d -------------- :vays used dogs to hunt in- - IS in the state; w c hunted r-to Malta.’ 1 am familiar (fthe bcstbabitat inthis lid take 40 years to au-’ irea-with lhc-habitat4hc-— re to do a good job o fa ; upland game restore- we have to go to public

rivate enterprise to ac- u-task.itetprisc has done more rpropagation and inter- unting than, all.the. Fish • )epartments in the west vG rcatstridesJiavcbeen • w ' . casant breeders. M ost o f f j lAics are outdated and )ur conditions today. W c . | .:e with the times. It is a W Olate-run gam e farm is not------ Re,.V ^at govem m enragen-—o f cri thing economically? come ividualsKave found th n r ^ — A i isants is expensive. Thc Chile 1 is that we d o not know .catio upland game. However, Yc work is being done in ways that would m ake pheas* Desi] land game restocking as the C ■estock’TisHrWFhaveThe ble fi are not using it wisely. you on, Sl o f research is desigif a habltariheory.-One------ofycworth more.than that for C le restoration.. Pheasant____ is exlucs have declined and" ab'us IC to decline in the com- brocl

t try to accomplish the H< I. L egi^ation that helps childrprise without so many--------- Hfrom game laws. 2. Pro-_ Id d game with advertising B( iei^ntercSl Ifl lUiiiuiiul---------------

the^rcsoircb and involve.people in these projccls. Tl3 Everywhere is willing '• cies00 birds a y earto thc favoscarehr-5.- Pheasants Ev- It/ill share the ir studies - - ing tite frcc-oCchargc_6..T hc-- Und'ice and the Bureau o f the 1in should m ake every c f- . tahc'mce'wildlife, habitat and o u r;ir public lands. Itrshould fund a private anti-sticides, gcnctics, vita- stateineral-intcr-fclationships___ i\djjd prbpagaUon-Thc-past' . bytllavc taught n ic that the Denssuc is not dead; and in Tli, they can be rcstocked bcgip ted tnH he-land^hat-we------fctke- which is loaded with it to

b ia C H cy«................ - ......................... new

~ willir s h o o t t h e h u n te r sccrjuld break the little fox’s won’t cat the pheasant, hat should w e do with the . 5 h un ted H ang o r shoot . „ a tT d t^ lh in k rW h a l-s -------j J 8 ;

! WI LSON— ^ ^ --------- —b e r

" r iD

•------------- -------------------- a g r

m n,___ - T

'7 . pro;t h e e d i t o r b l i t luret- o r in - b a d - t s a r te .—^ —pco; Id i n c l u d o t h e ' Tn o ro ^ h n n 4 fM L ,-------------SSLE

dusi you thci

I irrei

g~lio/iday,-Crafgrs~isitioD on cootraceptioa, per se. W< w aboTtidntinducmg methods whi 3ntifa»destruotion-rfunbonrtab ii fB sm 'e th ^ o t contraccpCdifWhli: iception frotn occuiring, Right to linl neutral. I f people wish to spac ildren or prevent childbirth due to emotional consideralionl. thaf is tl is^^ndR ighlto Life o f Idaho and pnirfltifln, tho N&tional Right to L tteco rW a!l\lfipn irD X :7 ttkw ^ such decisions. It'is only after coi er Ibc creatibii o f new lire -T hat v, p m eeduw oniM caU Q iiiuK bfe^ jniraceplTilu" but wLlvu «iJ, in ffu res which deprive nevdy fonneo h ;s tho right tp cx iit.

i n i o n


Letters—V ork ing t o g e th e r c a n-Recently, we have been readin{ f crime&ihaiinvolve children. C 3me one ofthe nation’s top conc -A tnajor effort to prevent cbild hildren’s Tnist Fund, which fim ltion and inforniational program You may contribute to the fund

'ays when filing your Idaho Incc designate a ponion of your refim le Children’s Tnist Fund, o r (2) Ie for a refuiid, you may contribi ou wish to t h e to d by entering i esignated line and including a cl fyourTdhlribution. .•Child abuse huits Idaho childre

i e m m e ly c o ^ y lo taxpayers. 1 b'usc. Make your'dooations toda; rochures can bc obtained by wri in i^s-T iiu t rund,-3tatehouse M t 3720.

Hopefully,-working together, vi hild abuse in Idaho. -HILDEQARDB MAUZERAL

Idaho Chndren's lYtist Fund Boise

3ame^l-politic8-setti]There is emerging in thc Rcpul

lies a more clearly defined pictui avors the wealthy and more affli

It was, to some degree, succcsj ng the Reagan years by thc “goo Jnderthe.Bush administration, il he hands off policy where oil co: aiice to any lax increase that afTe >ur society, just for openers,

It is not my intent to give the ii inti-Rcpublican orpro-Democral itatcmcnt o f fact. The game o f pc ^dirtv business and R tingdirtic jy the conduct of-t£c Con^ess,.\ Democrats and Republicans.

Thc teaching of moral choractt wgins at home and is carried inti rike-ft-malignantdiwasorit-com: t touchcs^-H o w long is mainstream Amei 7 cs lo the crime and comiption wws medla^said to bexommitte wiihTn'g govemmcnl for which th iccne price?

PAC groups manipulate-officii }f govemment. Through donatio: :lccicd.

A former prominent oflicial, v ingrumung.for.Congrcsfirwhen i lhe commcnt thal our elective sy: with contribuiions, needed to bc “ H is complunt was that noi enc bc raised in Idpho,.which meamj would have'lo go outside ofthe i s p i ia l interest contributors. Idal this problem.

Dm s this nicat) that the oflicia pcrccnt advocate of thc electorati Washington? You arc being naiv

[n return. The Congrcss, with a final sla]

proplc, Biv « iCself a ra se with a lure for a j^ w e ird o n ? to th T ^

^ T ^ e goVcnimcni whines thal o ■10 poorly educated (true) thal y/< dusinanywilh overseas counterj young people think when on eve their leaders being accused ofco irresponsible conduct?

^ r u f - t h e - M o o n r A r

W d o op-’ ' veloping childn which b r i f l^ - cause o f this, Rj ibiesrtniLas— ils4n traduction tuiclrprcvent— RU-486 a “com tto Lifo re . sure,itprevrats pacc thd r__ .^ cep tivcs w hich; i to f in ^ c ia l ring',RU.486~ is their busi*— methods - actui md its parent ' oped humm bei to Life Com- continue'to d iit 8 7 o :p o u u o n — c ^ 6 n < a b o u L 3 conception-— abortioa-induci

at w e object - - .B U L C B ID I i c h j i g t o ' . ' ^...Soctc^ R I rtruth^pro ty ------ T w S n l l i —ii human be* •

.- iK ln g doesW t:dfU ff^«fc±irTlB tnleyou^ llcstrdys d ^ opinion « Man

I ' - - ' -

VI* N t o

^^1 io!

6 o T r K 6 i T M 6 r » I m ^

H t i U ) ? J g

n e n d a b u ^ ;ing abou tthe number- ^ ° r r iChild abuse has be-------

ncems.Id abuse is thfr Idaho ^ jnds prevention, edu- V iU ll uns across the state. In an nd in one o f two - Timcs- come Tax form: (1) ItoU jnd ns a donation to nothins I) I f you are not eligi- ■ who rai ibute any amount When j g thc amount on tbe hand th check in the amount i you wil

----------------------------------- PriceIren and families, h need ai i. Help stop child . can't n li^ .in fo rm ation and— then ge iTiting; Idaho Chil- blind aVfaiirBoi9erldaho~-~4)uit4)e

Ever,vve can put an end to totalk.

come ilI L - ______ .That

lownN ' '90s,n

— --------^ ^ ^ ____ 1 2 ^

)ublican p a ^ poli* Twii ture which irrefutablyfluent. - E le c lKsfully m asked dur- ^ ood old boy” image. . , i t i 8 more.bold;.ic.. _ companies and rcsis- fleets that s c l e n t of

; impression ofbcing rat. 1‘ is s im p ly a - - politics a p p ^ to be tier as is cvidcnccd . . j®r .w tu c n in c lu d iS l f D th - :^

ctcr, o r thc lack of, -nto every w alk o f life. .Buptfc*vciythingthal

lerica going to shut ils »n appearing in our 3c i b y _ o u t l e a d c « - ^ f £ ^ th ep c o p lc p a y a n o b :^ ^ ^ j^ ^

cials in every branch— ions thcy control thc

,y sg n .w h en d ea lin g

aibugh money could 'n that the candidate “e state. wHIch m ^ laho is n o t alone in •

:ial is no longer a 100ate who sent him louve ify o u t h i n k s u c h ^it^Muttlng u u e ih lits

lap in the face oftbe ^ . . 1 a “kill my —*’ ges-- ~Gutlpeople, no t forThe_______ [n r

-------------- andGlouryoungpcop leare . pclled yve can’t compete in- i f I srparts. W hat must our the cii very hand they scc ing ca comipt, unmoral, and - would


indrus spark respidren in their mother’s womb. B Right to Life ofldahonpposes )o b to the United States. Tq M mtraceptive ismisleading? toa Its childbirth; but, unlike contn ih preventconceptioo from oca - l ik e other aboition'indudng tually destroy! a ncwly-dovd* - l)eing. Right to Life does and w iidnguish betw ^ tniecontrfl-

icing procedui8»or-medic«(iou DIOiEM O,M SW . p i g t r t t n T .W ib f ld ih o B S r '•

' _ i , isn’t desenre hofid^artin

C £T M . "

W .A H P I 'U - S G N

m u )'

I ' W h

n E 4 |l- ' R' 1W

be in t? I fyou are immoral, edi that much m ore dangerous,t M A R i u r ------------------------Dpeit --------

lU b i tin g h a n d t h a t fei1 answer to Ila Burgess's letter ir es-News: ■totally agree with what she has v ling wrong with the big dairies, ( I raises cattle or w s food. Bot m you start picking on them, yoi d that feeds youl When you all si will leam to keep your mouth sl rices in thtstores-arrhigh enouj 1 any more goofy people making t run a city govemment like it's I get out o f there. All you do is si d anyway. Put the blame where i

veryone needs a job a i^ this stai ilk. Twin Falls is just a? bad. Ind le in and they hm them right out hat is why t ^ don’t have anyth n Mall proves it. Think'about it. 5, now how are all o f you going I } mean "Get moving and start g r o f your rut. llic pasi is gone.lAURie& & W HHM ORE------’winFalls

ic tro m a g n e tic poUutio:omes now sciencc withthencw: be .hearing. Electroma'gncliCpoi: h; an abundance o f scientificjw : great potqitial for harm. '• Icntioning a few laboraiory itud licsof how brain canccrand new occur in the population at large ! varied the cffects are and how i nagnetic pollution works in o u r ' tlihoiiyh much more work n e e ^ : out conditions and kinds ot d e c ing these health disasters—cano s -^ it is amply plain that bolh vc igdyeiy high frequency electric etic materiaf during cell division isftu-backas 1974, the OfTicc oi an cblli^ihg'Krcntific materia] *ts ofnon-ionizing radiation.’’ P 1 a thousand scientilic papers pc tributed to this collection. There :.»cictic3 dcdicalcd to studying tinucs to grow.low to control this wire cage wc itrol thc electromagnetic jungle ny i> pay for il? rtnn’t nr;riven i f we resolved to go live in mon River, we would be cxchan cfoiTi larger onerThc seething,- ismissions would continue lo rw und us.— — __________

cd to the fields o f the wiring eve liumming in the 60 cycle one noi I mounlain cavern, still we share cd world science has constructs ANHT OCRiOWT FY_________

ath h a s a b e t t e r p e rs in irresponsible 1 1 Game Comraissioner-Nqrm G led to respond.,-, f l had not becpme ^ u a in ie d > circumstanccs requiring him to

; c a m i^ e had oti the Salmon Ri uld be naive enough to sign a p missal.* _ _ :

i p o n ^ — - — -

I. Be- ' holiday. 1 am agahist it. ses die heroes o f our past ol label womanizing causer o f d

t ^ — deeply offimds me......' l i e simplistic poll cc

>ccur>-ch8noe!-ll-hBd interest ng ' phone calls supporting 1 J**;-’ against I t seemi likely.' i w i l l - i f a d e n t t were voting r ' t hey w f l t f t jw .# p t , t^

equipment nccessaiy to OM— voteW llboul this i f c i t

.^ p ro b a b ly would have b<

w iy^ciilT B eidiK rstat m ^OQ Dumber 1>334*2

l y ; islative'diitrict numberSSIIW—countyxled(!i.DfflMjM

.T h e lady who took ffi

■ ' V .

:ii6 T ■H £iw ?

f p

, education makes .. As it ha erman, I v

------ ■;--------- ^ — ing" camp.. ------------------ had been I

miles dow

fe e ^ y o u sM -f;I m th e Jan. 26. fora livin,

. on his orij i s w n tM Ih e ie is c o n =s, o r ,the t o n oP ' Both crcate jobs. After 2 ' you’re b iting the__ ._ lo^ ,l„„^ ill starve to death, c |,o ice_v

, .. Ihesitcto:ongh.-We don t-------- joTBouglting It worse IfyouI t s supposed t o k , yIS steal the F o p le __ „gai„.vhirrc it belongs and " iw illa i

■' , “ ' Commi ssi state has no room „ „ u ,5 Poi Industry mes to

spectiveaiy thm g;thcD ow n^ drens’ hcf li t .W c a rc in lh e .— ng to k e e p u p p e I growing-and get n .n ild o r

. , noted. Thi-------------------------- ::----- je r r y

P w l -

Bon c o v e r s S s ^ H ^icwsTvc’d all raiijcr • . pollution covets the J ? d ‘=sno»und..

'” '* 'kiinabm rm alirge will g ive™ idea . „ S 'n i n 'JW insiiouslyelce-

ancerandbitthde- 1 very low ftcquen- Iric fields innuence

Jerom ee o f Naval R c » ,« h J ™ ” ' la l on-biological „

:L ^ .? L “ » ." '.”I '._ a n d n < i - liperyeararelK ulg

i n g Z s i ^ f a 'w S radio ^I rush through and „ 5 ju , t l i

c^rirwhweabouT* ™ToI i» note song. But CTCn

larc the inescapable cted for us. ,

has caus<

r s p c < A i v e .............- 'd u s i^ n :^ attacks on Fish the Jcron1 Gifth, I om com - tb«n knc

, r - ” " ■■ spccial ucd w ith N omi and Who 1n to m ove the fish-; three-mil1 River, I probably sivetmcla petition for his KARE^ Jeromi

t it. Recognition among knc rt o f this loud-mouthed,-— opi 9fdissention and ill will she

.......... - ...........HoJ conducted by KMVT-TV di*resting-results: 677-tele------- ofjng R e s ta te holiday, 729 tly.tbe more conservative ^ g “no.” It also seems likely *he ihavfllh^BUlsw one ’/ tb d i^ and cast a s tra w .^ r i? ° imtatlon,tho:*no’’voio — e been considerably larger, thi

sS-fceiSB lBture*! Infot^. — wa 14-2000. Know your leg - , ber boforexalling. Your >canflim lsh ittoyou; ' H>. i m y calTiiUUttd sbei must .

"wSS5!?5!!!I?Slit 1080 -pm e5-Nm«.TWInF«J^B

/ '/ r f f l T If \ l T & l

U . e i '

happens, last year as an avid ste [ visited his so-called ihillion dc np.-which through m uch persev n f o rc ^ to relocate iivl 988, a c jwn stream in Smith Gulch, a m Falls.

1 is an outfitter, that is what his ing. Norm had a 33-year renew, riginal camp, 25 m iles below th Dm Creek. It is accessible by on r-smart men" by je t boat, even t 25 years, the Forest Service dct 1 was iinsuitable and f o r c ^ Nor -which was to destrb /the 'cam i to its natural environment at his iglTKnicndousfcd tape^and'CH' camp at their sile, m eeling their hich he and,his sons chose to di. 'h is^pcnse .-------------------------admit that Norm has vested int

i>sluij;but so dues m y brother, v >otato Commission, because ind

But, I submit he also has a I 5 and desire to promote and prbiicritage...........•ssues o f the Commission arc co itdation and funding problems i lon’l like to scc a person’s chart l ^ r c are-two sides to most issuit r o iL L E T r e -----------------------

s belong in ih d u ^ a l

County Planning and Zoning B( use pemiit to build an-80,000-sq irig plant on the comcr o f G olf C ) South in Jerome.; again, it seems our county comi ling boardmcmbers arc willing I id homeowners' cpnccms when changes for industries, ff fnrmlnnd isJ)cing consumcd_fe mt to make huge profits.-A fine-1 nown as Callcn's C om cr^w ll b usually in-“so-callcd” progress il citiacns don’t wake upl

ne County'has a fine industrialp ICW four-lanc highway complete lanc. There are other large paici

irthis industrial park-wherc-thcn ine, curbs and gutters, ably this land costs more bccaus cmenls, but that’s exactly my po ■ants cheaper land and ihol’s wlij »:ial zoning permit!:klin Seed wants to locate in Jcn eybclonfflnanlndustrial parkrr if familand and private residence intent o f biiilriinp nn inrlintrinl p re o f industries such as Jacklin S : let coinpanies come in and pclil fcr-they-wanl.whilcour-industria empty?

[Kate the plant three miles south be a ucmendous uaffic hazard a to all those.whodriveHhe-“old J

ly. The boltlcneck crcatcd by the i ng-of tlic nmd fnjin the inicreui jsed many accidents and damage ;e all citizens o f Jerome who agr il^lanls belong in industrial part: ome Counly Planning and Zonin now you arc not in .faypr o f Jack 1 u se ^ rm it on the CaTlen's Cori ) knows7 Perhaps thc next accidi nilc comer may bc yours - caus< uck traffic from this processing t RENJAMES me

mow m j^ s tr ic t number in ordci jpinion to ray tcprtsentative. Shi lhe could not translate the fbcttb iollister precinCt ofTw in'Falls ( listrict number. Then she gave n >fjia Ada.County.of&ceto.colL u 'cstdied in two wasted toll calls i

we n ^ a more captible pers< he telephone in Boise? O r do ou ives-f a re prefer to kee t> it ard H libleforustoOTprMS anq)inlon

Several good reaions fo rn o te his holiday have already been e? liciy. To me. another oneinSHD

.Ceitainiy, the treatment o f blai tion has o t o been shfflneflil. I f i isToel we ihould make a conces

: L E T T E M j j u JF

mdW T I



1 Steelhead fish- nd o ll^"h u n t- rsevermice he - . _, a couple of a mile above -

his family does newable lease w the end ofthe /o n ly a handful 'cn today.; decided this ’N onn to make a yimp.and^rcstorc th is expense, orI'cnergyind-----------heir specifica- 10 do, and oncc

1 interest on the

: indeed it is his s a better pcr- p rbtcctnty.chil-.- -

c complcx wilh ms etc., but by haracier assassi- issues.

rial, p a rk s

g Board fora0-square-foot--------alf Coursc Road

rommissioncrs ing to ignore citi- hcn it comcs to

;d bv dev'elopcni. _

illbecoinclhc .v ss i f Jerome

ial park ona ilctc wilhaccnUT, laicclsofland in ihcre’s alrcadj^a.

:ause o f these y point-Jacklin why tl^cy want

Jerome County.rk rn o tim h e------------enccs.iU.paric.was.to______lin Seed. So do pelition to build strial park sits. .

lUth o f Jerome, . rd and extreme )ld Jerome-Twin"('the immediateireuitc ovTTpass---------nage'to property.I agrec'lhat “in­parks" lo contact oning Board. Lci Jacklin Seed's •Cloriicr Ranch.:cidcnl on the aused by exces- ingplantl

)rder to pass'my .She also Insisted nThBrlTmtrin Jls County Into a ■ i/e me thenumber iHlogeLil,.which ills instead o f one.

a our representa* rdi!Bcult:BJ:P<«?^=:T= oioa to them? ' ' lot establishing m expressed pub-

'blacks in this na- . I f a ninority o f icession to feel-

n_P a g e A 5 •

FaJl#. Idaho 'A-4

Page 5: mosi an^nosd. N,..W hite House c l-w JB Sununu, who said t the report with Presi' al security adviser!

l e t t e r s / wMai’s assertion flat w

‘ -: Stan~t^flF5xiaponse to m ycc mcntarj^opinion about^wj !<Jotc

- .. w ^ t Lw-Tiating aboul livcslock g raz ing •my opinion or prefcrcncc, ralhe the law.

C o n ^ ss io n a l interpretation i — WUdemcss Act,-not my own ini . 'tation,'is thafdomcsHcHvesibcl - ing is allowed in designated wil

. ness, that'maintenaoce o f exist!) port facilities for grazing is alio and that moto^ d equipment c used inside wilderne^ in certaii tions. . ...

For instance-within Utah’s M Nnbrni Wilderness,helicopters used to hunt coyotes for predau trol in a sheep allotment. In emi

'" c y situations,*tise o f motofiredi ment is also allowed.

' Mining occurs in some wilde areas where a valid claim exist! (0 establishment o f the wildemi

Wilderness there is an active m mine, and Idaho’s Frank Churc:

Letters —~ • C o p t i n u e d f r o m P a g

ings o f guil^ let’s eliminate one-.'existing holidays_________________ .Then comcs the qucstionrlf.’

thorize a holiday to recognize c black people, where do we stop about our American Indians? V iheir land by superior force, po: their stream? and killed o ff the and vegetation on which they d

— cd-foT'ftiodrlhrAinijrlBffdHii onto reservations and our gove often did not keep its written pi to iumish them, food and blank Here in Idabo, ncious, abomin men shot them for amusement sat along tbe stage and freight i begging for food. Should we al establishing a Native Americar holiday? Similar coses can be I for the Chinese,.the Japanese a crs.• More wrong actions cannot I the wrongs which have been di

___the.past.Xach o f us s h o u W ^conscience and resolve u ft

pie. ^ e n dealing wi^^Tn'em minority, rccognize^i'ot^w n]dices and allow for thenn^Lctt ognizc they are fellow h u i ^ 1 that each bas rights which i nor no more, thw thc rights^of bcr o fth e majority.

1 ms d6£S not mean that w r

- M

V . V

125% offplaywear .Sale 5.25 to 10.50 Re

_______ Save on'easy-care pa

120% offQDcaVseats,highchairsarC arseats, strollers, h

-d a s lo n B d ^ lth y p u rc :

1^0% Off^ infants' an

' S a v e o n th e r ^ u la r icasual shoes and sn

------- TiSuISrwW jJtiipW W r*^

W i l d e r n e s s , t a x c u

w r o n g ofN o Retum Wild<

K com -^.!■ j

• ___ lowed m vnldemes!a w i l d i : ^ a «

ilheritwas guish a valid existti Acccss to that mine

ono fthc '} intenirc- Mark Twain ono tbck griiz three typcso f lies:"' wilder- lies, and statistics. I isting sup- Ihe thiril variety in allowed, tion o f recreationaln u a n be___ tw th National Reortain situa* Accordingto tbe

Service figurM, the s Mount itors to the^awtooi e isare IS75; 20.313 in 19 datorcon* 19S9.Itdoesnotta emergen- . recognize the.trend arf equip - tween-1975^iid-W

__ ' M r .M aiis fla t^ildemess tion that wildemesi cists prior decreased. emess. For The rest o f Mr.?

e marble for wilderness, ratt lurch River light on the issue. (

'a g e A 4 clasp each m emba oneofthe oiir Keast and acce ___________protesting their fau

stop? How Let's refuse to b i?W ctook cial engineers who polluted to express and deft

the piTTiF • Identify and dcfen< sy depend- Then vote. Then aciedThcni-------an-honestpoptilar-'Dvcmment crcated by and is S' n promises •aiie ts. liO N R IC B m in ab le - ' K l® ent as they!hin>.di Let’s not los■e atone by •ican state Let’s not losc ot be made I think it is a go< scandoth- Craters ofth e Mo( ] but' why do they mlot erase than the 53,545 ac n done in ■ now? Mr. Stalling •iwrchour more acres o f land

fair' and totalof500;000 ac■Other peo-------- Bert ir is-onrC ilem bcrofa year. Why should Arn preju- land to a particula

rec- - Development, Inc lan beings; people to back hir sje no less, doesn’t seem to ct s)ofamem- ofldahothink.A l ' bis Blue Ribbon C

■ ■ ■


R eg; $7 to $14; sfyles shown p a i^ups for boys

T ~ ~ ^s, strollers, and play yardsI, h lg h c h a lrsa n d fn o re - iTcfiildTsafety In m ind.

Iand toddlers' shpeia r p rices of all d r e s s shoes,- sn e a k a rs for b o y s a n d glds,

f S S HUM tttMj « Iiwy n« W*

—•: 7 I ^


iut'draw reader conildcmess.has an active -opinion.

■ for p?opli*

less, t h e j^ T ^ i io n mg. t?oali uttdcw sTionnain-~~flriiT inspi isting right to mine. It is av line must also bc , 1 enter,'wh

— ■ icd, and)mce said that there are thepionc jsrdanuicd lies, whitc^;'"^*^®**®' a . Mr. Mai chooscs ■ ago- in his ralsri^rescnta- ‘Wildn nal use in the S_aw- wild wes lecrcatidn A re t- enough t tbc most reccnt Forest - place. W thcrewere 14,565vis- mainsto a» th Wilderness in m K E 19867ond27,320in PubHc t take a math wizard to imd in.visitotioD be- - - Ketdn49894M<HDcrease.--------- —It wrong in h lf assCT- ■ _ less recreation use has l -C « v e

- I p oh M ai's “facts” Docs thc

rather than to shed still hasi e. Contrary to his ness.

bcro f'an rao rity to _ Idaho ccept them without ^toin our ] faults. Let them rise o r "theyaffcsocial, interaction______ j f newVd l. between0 bc cowed by the ^ then mai ?ho tell us il is wrong wal govi IcfendourW icfs. fM n o n fend your poskion.--------- from? J1 accept the relults o fiar-vote.-GovenunenUs— ccssA)ris subject to th^ will o f So citi

phant on . that is u<

ing, citti peopla f

ose our land. •. ■ Let'V

: our land. _______ PIcasjgood idea to make the Richardlloon a nationa] park; Buildin{/n ced lo take ihd rc Scnaloni acres that they have , Symms.ings wants 443,280 D.C. 20and that is ours, for a MILI) a ^ . RuperGcnttm ual-eelebnnion--------------lid we lose good desert A n d n ular corporation (Park • inc.)?Jhey are the only ' Forsi him. Mr. Stallings as to.wl ) care what the people Andrus All he cares about is for expi n Committee (Park Dc- in advai

......... ..... - ■ InsigI


“ | | 2 5 % o f f----------

matching set• ^ t e - 12..0 0 0 rlg.$16.2

pants. Cotton/polyestei ___ . :Dot*_re^inciu«t*JCP«»)*)

" 1 12 5 % OffB infants' sleSale 9.75 Reg. $13. girts. Save on s wKs toys, too. .

3 1 GIFTWITf. - R e c e l y e a S a f

ri8. w l t h f p u r c h a s

f r o m p u r . l n f a h l

• - ; ^ H duw :-------


\ ' ■■

. . . ■ \

_______ , V - '

oraraenton. wilderness is — by law — ;oplc to use (for hanlln^. nature ■;±^^i::;5;;Aiitrig,'nqrSC0ilCK fftj:’waling, scientific study..sccncryrnjpimtlnn }' ___s available to nr.y who choose tc ; whether disabled or oble-bod- nd provides a glimpse o f what- ionecrs saw whcn they first ci^n

a hundred y ears-

ildOTcssis all thal is left o f the' west. A s a society, we are rich jh to protcct wha^wc cannot rc- . Whether we are wise enough i s to be seen.KEMHDBERRY-------------------blic Land Director . -----------iho C o n s g v a t ic m L e ^ itcbom'

ive W lld e m e s s^ p n eiho has plenty o f wilderness?I the Fat Cat l^ve to get fatter?'

las the true beauty o f real w ild t

iho can’l seem to alTord to i ^ i r 3ur present toad sy'stera.'How ct afford to feuild a 73-mile stretch Inroad .aq o ss jh ^ d e s^ a ia .c o i een S50 million and $75 millior maintain it all year long. The fc govemment has no money, Idah to money; where will it comc I? The Park Scrvice does n ot bui s. Tl)e new road would be an ac-

I citizcns, why create a w hite cle It and lose 443,280 acres o f land is used now by sheepmen for tra cittlcmen for grazing and local lla for various types o f recreatio hinting and uapping.: f i stop Bill #HR 3782. c o « write or call: C oh '^ssm an lard Swllings, 1221 Longwonh ding, Washingion. D.C. 20515^ ilor57amTs“McClilrc'o'r Sieve ims, Han Building, Washington .20515.OLT DAVIDSON, j _______

drus puts on good shoor somc time,J have been puzzl ^why a man as intelligent os Ce Irus would bc continually callini ncpcnditurcs way beyond ond w dvancc o f Idaho’s economic bas isight; A-brillianCpoliticnl plfiy.



f ~^od-toddler-s;— ;ets6 . Z ip-lfont ja ck e t w ilh m a tch ir ister c a n v a s . Infant g irls ' s ty le s tmvy SiMft V*lg* • •

fgleepwear ' <13. Great looHs for boys am iRs'Tonasiwearand plush -

fflPURCHASiafety First® travel s a se of $35 or rno Ihts department.

— Wf-MagtoVS

— " ' ' My family and myself rc since b irthlM vc eniovp*^

••wiWdWcssforKTy'care a become

____.‘sclf.havc enjoyed irfor^. Jo , and hope for more. 1 woi

son and his ch ild ren lo di It- Leave Idaho's w ildcm ^ c som cplacc.clsc.iQ -do.yoi

- PATKH2FER ^ ,e............TwinFallshre- Gilbert’s work a[

To Sen. Rachel Gilbei— — I read in yesterday's 1 _ with much interest cono

whicb q w are sponsorin Uuces andTelum some ol

,, . - — Ihc tM payp iaS pJiave jcoffers o f our great state

^ May 1; for one, tell )5i much appreciate seeingl

?• such as yourself w fio 'is' that— dertake-such-welcomeir dcr- behalf ofiheplebcians.^

On thc other hand, I ci

lin^__worthy ofM M havelli h ican the R e p u b l ic tnajority

:ch _ n o * ^ jitu a tio n . He can :ost_l_th'e.m6on,for:,eyeiy_wort ion - is, and what good cause fed- more monisy? Ifthey go aho get recommendations, tl

nomic disaster. Ifthey d mild the risk is political dcmi ttc-' perhaps-ofdem agoguj ______sflflism and a broad sash

n i u s . ~ ' ' nd Andrus is far and awa trail, operator in Boise since I ll Frank Gooding; not a p< Ion as to whal taxes have to

fund bis largess.You cost us money, C

------ you sute'gUArantcc a g o?" OROVERNEWMAI

, ■

on, U A S I N Q M AY A N t W i n FO:— .imMiu

2 lgd . 4Smonthfl«r-c il C«!l Ehrin Bn

ing,, THEISEN Mwell fo rc fe ttl■as'- 733-7700-Homi

SI f i ^_____ ■ M atcli JCF

T iio se m al b e g in n in g

• B ring i h a "T o ld). TWO \

1. J u d g e s2. P eo p le !

(/. ‘ In fan t D yc-.: . w in n e r s .vy &? ' . R e g is te r p ^ - -.-V otlng-w lll

n 25All Lee®£


i r i smd Alljac




£ lf (all residents the conccrns

fs and have seen peal ofthe sime ofit. 1, my-------would causeb r40 plus ye a n nightmare in vould likcrny non-food'sal 3 do the some. and a corresj cmewalonel GO - r«ord-kccpi >/Qur mining nnd At its mcc iey .d o n 'L care_ y P _ lS J.O -th |

tent upon thi tax crcdit WJ sales tax on


n S g S l l s

g j j id j. in ! , lh c

^ > th M lv ; r v sales tax a ti

f e £ , rmeasures-on-----------is! .. 'I can appreciate f f j ^

1 himself. Ccc has ity lock i^ ih'a can recommendorthy.cause.lhere_ll — Z -ise doesn’t needgo with his bud-;, the risk is eco-y don't go along,anise. A dash.Tguery, a toucb o fash of sheer ee- '

iviTiy thc smartest :e Ben Ross and I peep out of him : tobe raised to

iT, Governor, but ______Jdbdshow .' ” D,( Y B I T H B'O R Y O U O u r

IMAHQUiS- - l S S ® G ----------------- T C

per DIO. , . , M1*tl«#M — ■■ «B rownM V

MOTORS JLr t lllt > r iime734-M33 ^ W

m .lY PHO; P e n n e v A s s o c i a t e

a t c i i l n g t h e m o s t p

i g F e b r u a r y 3 .

a p h o t o o f y o u r f a v

) w a y g t o w i n : ---------

) s c h o i c e a n d

e s c h o l c e b v v o t e -

D e p a r t m e n t .

.vyill re c e iv e JC P en p h o to s .ln InfarirO


5% Off’ and Chic"; jearis s e s a n d J r. s iz e s . ' -

5% offadies, d ress e s

le 14.99•azy Kat®_shirts^

o n g . $ 2 4

:-nR04""~EiH i

WO<}n(j«)ay. Jonuary 31.199


;ms o f Mr. Swcnscn and oth- rcizExttL-indicatc that arc- JC sales tax on ffiW •• cluse them an unconscionable•c in trying to separate the - .....I'sales from thc food items - T cspondingly gwganluan scping burden. ' inception in thc early‘70s. I rthink that th f Icgislutivc in- 1 the enactment o f the groccfy t was to moke a refund o f thc on groceries - presumably' d by applying a 3 pcrccnt tax ic deemed annual per capita roceries (S500). not take long for thc Legisla- iise the sales tax to its current- — t level, once again lulling the vith thc shibboleth‘•tempo- -

lin^o-the-p«oefltag«HJw----- --at its current 5 pereent level y that fact alone generate a 5 tax credit. Yet since its in*

. got m y g l a ^

m - ^

B r in g y o u r eyew ear presi p tica l. W e s ta r t u/orking M U . ^ h t t i o u i l — 1— M p u n ta m W e s t 's m -5tor< i4r < o rn m itm e n t to qualit', W f K rtoui t h c m w li ty is h

^ i i i f t a i n


)T0 COIIte B aby P h o to s wil r p h o to s co rrec tly v

a v o rite b ab y (a g e r

B—1 y p t n o r ev erys -

en n ey Gift C ertifica D e p a r tm S t-F e b ru iy 3 - : -------------

ans '' ■ , \ Pro-1

“i r s a iHunt Cli

— - i :-:l:yS-s

r i [ ~ 2 i8 ’ ^Acrylic

'O r i g ' . $18-$ :

ception, ihc sales tax credit ha spkuojwlyrcinaincd_a^M5.

y.--:;l.$^pnd aspcct worthy_oXi merjtion isA'rti fact which I wc

• Ifcve the mctchdnts coiiU con ■* us, ihatlhepriiic ofgroccrrcS^l

crcased m 20 years - both for well as for the consumers.

Thc only apparcnl onus to t — posal which I can dcscry is tbi

would ncccssitalc a change in amount o f thc grocery tax crei appropriate line o f the state in form.

f cannot speak nn behalf o f o f my profession, but I can sa;

._jne. subtraction o f S40 orS50 grocery tax credit would n ot b more onerous than subtracting rent $15 amount.' _ .

__ CQuld.somethjng possibly tin this respect?-


M o u n ta in W lg g lo s s e s

tre L ib n u ^ ^ l t p o is ih le i i t y l n a f c e n t r ig h t . . in t h c " E )O iN Q ‘'h o t i h

^ 52^6LUEiAKEi>m,VU

t " ; . 7 3 4 ' E Y E !J ............. .TW W FALLS .

L. ’■ Houns;

. K j V-.r>

NTEST!flth current pho tos, vvili win a prize

new born to 4 yean

y ^ .O O pu rch ase il

:a te s . ' -------uary 1 and F ebruar

5% off"Wrangler!® ' -Rodeo® jean s

16^579?lub® Madras pl<sportshirfB5fl:s36

5% offtherm al bjank«

$34. Assorted colors - all sh

990” Tlmos-Nows, Twin Falls. Id

Opinion ^

il h as co'n-.5.LoXcunwry,I w ould be- co n fim i _fur_^^,

in-'' -------------forthcm-jis

to this pro-s l b a t i t - -------------e in the c red it un llic

:e incom e tax

f o f a ll those tl say that fo r S 5 0 f o r a lo t b e vastly, n in g A c cur-

jly b c done -



W est : r ^ h f

u f

ihSBDTn ::------------------


i ]} S .

a rs

I - - - -

iary 2~

3 I ~

¥ ]D ia id

5 3 6 - ---------------- ^

L k e t s _ : _______

I s i z e s . ..................

s. Idaho A-C

W :

Page 6: mosi an^nosd. N,..W hite House c l-w JB Sununu, who said t the report with Presi' al security adviser!

■ f ^ C o ^T H E F A R S I D E ^ '^ ^

..............To h i t horror, IrVIng’w di

• .• to chBcK h l i ow n boot J u tt mil

m /s « r fw .■ C C N S ftM S H B tS fU S n _ i 6arpaN<xm£HsPs

D _SfTm 6M AiY0fPa..

NE 1 ^S ^ 1 .

------- ' Bu -W I T f i U

' R a P ^ ^ N lJ

„ _T M I5 P R E S S A—^ “ WILL M e v e R /C i^ ^ <50 O U T '" / r - '


B ~

l O T 'E N 3 i _ 7 T ^ |Y T

V IH Ib lb w B W ^ I X - Y 1

— # b Md H

^ H E W k f lId M — '" *

I 1 ~A -• c l o e f : /

K • T i m e p i ' e e i

iR ' - -

--------^ - N - ----------------------E -;s _______________t |

, ACROSS_______ n Z P--------------^ rP o h ta c io — L

!5 Army o f lic o t M*10 Ruo su r fa c e k y - j-

_ :._____ 1 4 -T p J 3 ^ e h _ [ _ | .15 E ocapo by [ 3 ^: tfocelt ___ 1

-------------1 6 'A d d lc t--------- ■ ■17 S a u c o r- ■ ■

--------------1— 8tinpocJ-bo»— j» - |Ji a T ransm its • U -4 .19 S ign of p rie f P20 F a s t h o rso s [5 ^ + 22 S p o a k s ) 1 24 O rderly

-,' ^ O no-heltJ to r ' r a n so m '

' ^ B oars w itn e ss54 C hopping ' tool ■

________ a s .P o n lto n c o . .... .....37 T im e po rlod 5 - 36 A uction a c tio n55 S a d d io ty p e ~ iO N o U h o r's _I _ pa rtn e r » ,41 M ra. Cffnl6 r L _

' i z Froo of g e rm s e>i» . 46 H arbo r b o a t “ .* " i

47 S tre tc h in g________ | , (fomoytofta---------? J•• -------- ig - T o it— r ------- : t :

61 W arm lh • 7 , > 6 2 U b vosso l fl I

. f3 Got tM;Ol------- ,8 !, w oapono iQ t

----------- - r - M o s o s -------- ------- — iW P ro a s 12 161 D ish ‘ 3 fB5 O id King - f 66 P oitO ;{ loctor -21 I

- - .........B7 A f a n o th e r ------- 23 (; t im e » \

V 06 S lo c k tr a d in g ^ \ ‘ p ia c o ^

-----------6 9 - ^ - f l n f lfatlfl6 -,,26 .C: j __ _ 70 B a r b y a a n d

71 F o r ^ r - t h a t — 3 i->

. . . . . . — ..3 2 <' D roops ' , . . “

• • ; 2 Biow_« h o m — M f. 3 — .b f C le v e s —

------------r4 U n iv o rB lly ’'- , - * 3 '■j ■ / . bo a rd m e m b e f 44 t

Tlnio»-NewB, TWin Falls,alls,-Idaho Wodnosday. Januaiy

m ic s

luddanly retlU ed h s had - w o tt b«lora putting them on I minutes ago.

(KO- ’' I I neS^W X A H SC K C F ijsm . s ffO in o m D o iM iePS MPTTHJfKMOlSOP


g i i m

— . • I ( REAL

i f er ' 'U 9 I r Hu te

M m a p t w u p / i

i l r a o T P i r m r ^ T a u t - . . -

i J W I i

— WHY po

■«-------------">ie»Tr16un«M»4l*8«vlc«t,lnc. '

- Y M ttn5 B asle th e m o I t l a W t l s r i 6 — M arla : £ n u M7 Mo. n n B c l8 P o cu lla r ' . U H ii i l c B9 End p ro d u c ts ^ 1 2 1 ^ 1 1 ^ 0 L ^ w rapping I H H u J f l

— u n d o n ta n d ln g i i l E l o l i l l 12 TV 's N orm an t r t A M l l f l !3 M akes

m is ta k e s [S i c l M p l l tl L otlor openo r. L A l ^ ^ l a i i >3 C arry— ^ H H E Q 5 S lorm l l l W lTlHiU!6 Sm all flah 1 1 r I e I I 57 A ddiction , n ►6 Certain : . - .T c o r f lW u n a . •, l i l l i H i a a_F am riv flflr . : : - — - —11-AcUfis a :_____ — ■ :•■■___B arget_______ i_45_Sfla_flag12 O a m o -f ls h - i4 6 E xpressi13 .N o n -c f im ,' approcie ts P a d d la . : : r . - : - - 5 0 S cam p12-p jtiphet _ _ .5 3 PiBtter13 W a lir» li o v o r - 6 4 - i ;o i 5 r :^14 M ^ e s s u d s ; 55 Lone

B L X >N D E-------tMgrT~>WH~^ t - 5 u g 5 r

- -





W /ARgtf

) V / A N T TV V tf

I p p !

p = | « ln « M M 'l i i M '

01I31IGQ si P ug laS oIva ii;

■ C |H |E |8 | T M C 1 0 j S | t | tj

?lnl5MM! lBT n f l ^ S f

— . ■......— - • - a .w w - c

« F ^ i K S r r ^Wiation ' 69 Foiiowlnfl IP 62 Chap . ‘,r • 63 Corroded • IL-—r " ~ : " 6 4 KnocKoutj^____I

. ' ■"■■ 'ooufll - ................ '




0WV7O Itu .y ,0= K W iM o wxAm? cM eeepRW tk)yewr- KiKUHO/Vjp pussj s e e .. . Bc/miivnH cfr


c *

w i

f!T j H V i H S

w A t A F M C i o c f t .

G e r T i N G u p l S

?AP N f W a n p : VVANTA ----------o p T T i / i o N i —

T H A vaj- I

■ SVDl -O M A


IF JAMUAKY 31 IS YOUK —DA¥t-Gunenl-cyolMnipl!«iM

lifestyle, possible chnnge o f rcsic lention also rtvolves ftrotu^ poisible addilion to famiiy. Y

— from tradiiion, could have-bccn. ^ fro tn 'o n e or both '"S co ip io people play 'im ponanl

yourOilc.; ARIES (Mjiich 21-A pril. 19 say. “1 finally got it right!" Moc sign co incide with inventivene iivcness,B5nity to hear sound of

- voice.M eaniyoudiscoverstyle,• tives,dcdicalioii------ - - - - -

. TAURUS (April 20-M«y : c ou ld 'bc part o f "pow er pta; moves up, j^ U l be at righTpIac

" s ta o ce s ^ g ia 'lo 'm o v < in your ( ; _ could discover "secret pancL” (

cate wilh ooo<oafined to bo'me, 1 — 3 IEM IN ItM ay21:JniMr29)rL

lion accenls fulfillment, specul appeal; Populari^ zooms upwa

■ win (Heads; osd^fluence .peo ] . for universal'oppcol. You might

iag ,"lam love< irCANCER (June 21-July 22):

carccr. business, prestige, retoi

'"dence,'wUlbgDesi to g ^ to bet _ te n _ A 0 S J .J t« L p w c i« -p u y _ fl

LEO (Julr23-An4;-22): Favo aspecr cobcides m th ksowlodj

• p b n ib iliy o f Journey. Yon'U « _ m i^ * "l_im j^ tina .fo t.nv>L JC . . YouTI..demomtrale s U ^ - i o j

___ ■ '

■ . -

■ ■ . ,( p 0 6

i i>C ‘ " "G

I ™| \ , ° L i! i^ Z 2 :

tm 'fM o M P H PINMEP

iw>; i£7S H m i m A =» ® B v r o = ^■■pvefoo G = I J C O f .^ A = . \

- J

} ^ - B Btf " f iTfe W 0 R QD O l S l ' t E P p / M E '

. . a ^ A t i a p s = = * 7 e x ' p R g ^ i--------- n * p A C T ifio m

) - / A Y e r u p f

^ ^ P O U U S PC

^ '^w M

/ / yi c Iwqj.hoh.'w( ^ i r * A ttJKTHEEDTO

, V fm MOUT'__________ y, KEGETOMSW■ r i m V T W »£ W i

H i n f j — ro - s F ^ H

S I Y ou’v e fill s d iv o r c e gli

tU k '

E ■ f i r !?■


^ * — ] D E N N IS TV

iJ I " 1- ^

' M p — ,^ .

i - V ______________

>NEV „ARR— ---------— - - 'iT H lN K iH


A A f with analysis, sstrol L A L , VIRGO (Aug. r s ------- seemed like a “itrol

JR BIRTH- i j j ; , “ S S ° ° w h g f - m o ve*,! mpctHlsr lndudingi aidence. A t- 'e ight weeks ago wil d. m a rm ^ . L B R A (S c p f 2: You broke {jjj, connection

- :T to e - i r " « c r e t opt :jiunis_Leo._po,tpoo<mc&tHlclA' in fro le s W ; ^ on nuriti

YOU'Dloon in attentptt to twist fi n ^ , scdu^ for principle*. You’ o f your own (onporaiy coi

J i^ ts ym ety, spe«

’ 20): Y<^. ‘"SA O nT A R IU S llay. Cycic position,cli™n- ^ , 1 W h a jor favor. You " honjo, could Ktui■Commimi. Pmlly o tno , h o ^ to n lo o t ia u o d e ru m a r p o s i- . • 22-JaHn9}rY5QTI ailation, soc checking n

^ 0 “ ' “ o f automobile whc “ T ^-S tn v o appm iai coo ldbc Jht bc Insist- f e d u a l d e d a i t s ,

AQUARIUS (Jl 2 ):F o c u so o - week* ago you mil

w ith i t . i , dcj# vu — M m ^ « n _ »ti5icc*::tatorpt»e«

tlr iu i ih 'i jb w A of- 3 m i t o d l n g - , 5 ^ ^ ^ 5 H a i

^ge. la i t^ ^

j0UL,mitnl liJSESilfig^EU!Koplonnuiowom

6 BREAK 0 ----------] / ^ ■ W^

h ) ‘ ^

. . . ■*' . ' ----^ '

AcrrH0 2 * lM - l .A W ie V l^ * r CtofJT. WAMMA (SC? WOfA I g g - g U T l ^ U g ^ X

y J y \ ^ i

f p H o i v ' j i i i = H “ P i JB \/e R “S Ip s H is < ------s i o N . i h J ; • s m o p y r ^

XI-Vc«t!EttLlPl m SEE. i ro WPLIOTCSr m v a r > cIH YimfERE .

Filed ftr'\Y e5.butl5 already?^ s l a g w ith TIM - n f y o u i while

T H E M E N A C E __________

♦*— te


IiA60r4MA 6E IN A L0T<3f:trduc ■RourefiavcuTE.*'

trology. r-~-slg. 23-ScpL 22): Whal ^ troke o f luck” was actual-. a o f skill, patience, forti- who ofl” makes

will pay dividends.■J 23-Oct. 22): Check do- V ion with' leg^ egrecmcDL J M option" lu j¥ in g .lo ^ .? ith _ W B

uital status. Taunis, Scor- " K i^ i i ^ t l y . T o)ct 23-Nov. 21): Someone m igb It facts, figures. Stand tall g lass ou’r e ^ i a g right thing de- like a confbsion. Scenario, high- way.

speculsiioo, possibility o f. , -' • ■ .............................. '■ 'Ifi

US (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): j u g i stresses advcnt»«. m - (Ucti(

j 'o u requlrc_b -close to, mialiy be ia n x n a {song netnber says, *1t’s tim e lo o d e ir CAPRICORN (Dec. q iOTrNnvorfcing wilh you r J recipes, mending, aware P wheel alignroeot? Property 8 < w ■be p v t o f scenario. Older ^ ies, “enough is e sw g b ." ,

(Jan. 20-Feb. I8> Four ^ missed mi^or opportunity, ounc — sirnilar of cinatm -. I»ee .-V oi? lirw ia^ jnaIjily . JBLY I of i«t«ui»idn. Short trip ,' Q-

------------------- -maafc -1 9 .M « h -2 0 )i-y o u :U ^ -1961 n ifg cn in g ln v o lT ed in iiir A. a n nothing to n io r Focus tbov.W D aT possSW oh^ w syi J iiv . a U m o w r l w A q t a r i i n - t=t z 'Qtwipi^tly. ' ' ■ . . *•

YES,MAAM..A'K)6 BREAK' WHEN YOU 6ET TO S O HOME 5 66 IF V o u r P 0 6 MISSES Y Ofl N6E M YOU FOU a n y th in

r T E ^ r l M f l i\ j M h t VOU LOOK T H ^

g iT ir J e -^ 1 = r I 7 A ^ e . f i s B _ g ^ = , , 1 y J ii .i- .E | g ___M r O P ^ ^ESPECT E S f l ,s i z ' t a o g m = iW l F S f ^

^ ■ - H i

e r i u . A U - P A Y , S W R iN S IM T B S B 4 C 6 b

I HA0E1HS6 llB IT M W U s OF W3Q3’-=- UKK'-I t ' VCR£ T V C O ^ tW tSIM - k

m_____ _ THEFAliO

— . . r (

______I — fra m ............ :___________

— What's

^ u f r i o W f - ^ - '^ -------------- -------T o s t i r t ^ a littlfi discussion, you

Jgh t to ss ou t tbe ex p em ' claim thi lass is no t a solid, bu t a liquid. Loc ke a solid , d o ^ ' t it? Behaves tba ay. S o i f it*» no t a solid, why isn’t

I f i t 's a dw elling w ith ils first fIo< ug in to t h e ^ i ^ it’# a "hovel." ic tiotuuy and mine probably won*! .nf ^ itt ?fg lho technical truth. Lot s live in ^ v e ls .

Q ,_W hst'8 “cantharidin.- the alle phrodisiac called S ^ l S h F ly ;rra l ood for? ■ :

A. Rem oving waits, say tbo med

> ^ c a n Busbm eo store w itter in u ried ostricb eggshells.

[L V S ^ 'Q . H ow com e Elvis Presley didn

u^easy:piihliiLA ppearanceijK tK !96l-and-19687--------------------^

A. W ord w as h isb a o d le n didnU lio w ay ho looked. T^iey. w w ted to crve th e c ^ c f ihim jer image.

P i r i ( NICE TRVA6 T0 — . r -YOU H

lINe.;. '

___ ( c J

..“ T . o T ^ r y ^ l

“ i - U j L —


A M P i W E P I ^ P I E

^ ----

m r r - < 1 y o u

i ®_ I

Q H C A L V W .n h Q L T i ^ pOKT-OW Cf- - -lo j O T L « . M I k S 'iX a M

* 5 O l £ .m L Y c m c u s


6trsuronm o"aait«iri»tt8rto (rom lho (irst lime I met you

T rue, you can have a « know it, say the medicoi

TWs 1990 is going to J for snow sboe rabbits. M

, . thot hare peaks every 10 T bis and 1991 are the yt

— ; Q^WboL'a^cyberpon] — A A type o f science I

ya w b o c in people bove coi that b o o s te n in ^ U n te d ia tb ^ ] ( } moko thetn smarter, bat , - - • n 't it? TARZAN

E dgar R ice Burrough loor ■ Bl<i‘T ar2a n , t b e ^ M j ." Y o u r heavily in L os Angeles ■ntM y ta te ..U p o n w h ic b w asa ^ o f o f Tarzan. Calif. •

\ In the original soiq) alieged “8oupo"w B sno ttheso

b o w lo fs o i^ .edicos.

^Iftypical, you touch [n your eyes a t least qnco 1

- hours, according to tbe ----- -.•Tescarchcrs,

dn>] . " 'l i n d u o d e r th a tM o s

h u x n = ± i « 3 S i ^- - th e m o o n d o e s i t

(ri9w n7W H r»i5- ........... in o ^ e tick et when Iw s

■ : ■A .40ccnts._______

reRAil'LON ^# ^ 3 -

: g | i

r F O B § ■iM P U M ^ = P I E - _ =

'oO e e e n . J T P M E ? y .


. j l y "_

p -

irtookin*----------------------you .'

re a cold bu t never ■• licos. ______

g to b e a g r e a ty q t r s .M a k e th a tfor . ,

y lO y e a n o r s o . ;10 years. J

T m K 3 = r -----nee Action fantasy > ecom puterized . . . I . in tbeir brains to ' [

' '

jughsdTdn’t ju s tc ro - ' e Man.” He invested , eles suburban riad e s ' ras created tho l o w n ' j ^ ^ "

iiq) o f France, tbe *1 e soup but the chunk* I the bottom o f th e « {

w h y o u r n o s e o r r u b : ) - oco every th ree ' itbehiddim -cam eni • ! - •

MAtrmi/jf> ■! ~K hes a d a v .-F u U .- o l^ g l^

■ ^ l E e F r i c e o r i i ' - 4 ^ ^Iw asbo ra? - . ’- -

Page 7: mosi an^nosd. N,..W hite House c l-w JB Sununu, who said t the report with Presi' al security adviser!

i h t k ^ =BQJSE (AP)' — State L

Direc«uL.Wolly_H;cdrick..pIc ’• to-maintuin-public-cothusias

the state lotteiy^ says Idabi have its own lotto jackpot ga line by this fall. * •

— }^Wc are committed;-to co ' to make the lottery fiih and

ing,” Hedrick told legislative gel writfers on Tuesday.

The state is ^ s e d to mo' - yond • just • tbe instant-w

scratch-off tickct games o f tl tciy’s f in tf t4 ,m o n th s to th e

: state, multimillion-dollar-Ji Lotto Amcrica on Thu Hedrick said the IdahcKinl) fiame will begin in Septembc w'cck^'T^iikpois—tanging- S25,000toS50,000.

In the lotto gomes, player

Acting INE ikgislators^

BOISE (AP) — The acting n ler o f thc Idaho National Engin Laboratory has asked legislatoi othere'to judge the U.S. Depai of Energy by its behavior toda its sins ofthe p o s t

j_,“Wc want to be rccognizcd nbw breed — people who are

i^g Up the site," Phil Hamrit Monday during the INEL’s i

‘luncheon with members o f the Legislature. “Wc want to be a : to r, and a good neighbor i

^ Slate.” ----------- :-------------------------In past visits to thc -Lcgis

former managers have used th cheon as a fonmi for promotinj

LegislativeBy Tlw Ajjodaied Press

• S d t to OoVCTDQf' ____: HB423 (Blsck) — Clarifies the i

mjuircmenU for (he ConuniuionBlind. ------- -----. Caafinasd^ScDstD ' Cail B ny; Etbise, U; (he Judicial Co . iQtmJacalinSeutB ~

SBr41S (Coaanctcc and U bor) -

'- SB1416(E<iucB(ion) — T odefioei a'work exp^cnca tw e n t under tbe V cm pensatkm law ..

------- SBU17 (Educ«tlnn) — .ftovidesdures for eoatrolllog tchool district aftinds,- ___.'.i:____

>SB1418 (Education) — Removes requireniCTt ll only one pdson is no for a scbool board ofTicc.

‘ SB1419 (Education) — Clarines (ions under which a school district r acccpt a transfer student.

SBJ420 (Education) — Provji tchool days lost because of etnergea bcmiuleup.

SBI42I (Education) — Revamp p f o ^ u jg for school board dvstees.

SB1422 (Education) — Revise* posi( procedures for caxnings {nm sileases. ...................

SB1423 (Education) - r Creates i enrollment prognm ii> public schools.

SB1424 (Education) — Allows r lifcment community school districti

- nRjvemultl'yearplant facilities levlfi jority votes of the patrons,

• SP1425 (Judiciary and Rul«) — 1 persons senieticWlO^COunty^is-lo the cost of their incarceration.

SB1426 ( J u d l ^ and Rules) — 1 olTenscs excluded from tbo Youth_^

"b'on'A ct’and reqiures nolincotion of Ihat they are also responsible for th drea and (he ofTenses alleged

SB I42r(rudtciaf)randR nlo)-—■'■b6Unrr«5'Juspcnd-«-minof-*-<tnvei’j

for 90 days to two yean for convictic_coholic bevmgelaW-Violaiions,------

SB1428 (Judiciary and Rules) — penaltiia for vioUtion of stale alcoh( crage laws by minors to those aged I 20, ,

SB1429 (Judiciaiyana Rilles) — --convteted-felons-to-wginer-and-bj

printed wilhin 48 bow w if cplering i county.

lotrodncaliaKoaM I0M16 (Suie Affairs) — Men

mayort, county c o m ^ o n c n and c

SSSSKSSra tio s p ro s ra n is now 81

P.Q .13-

; " ^ ~ ~ ^ F j e s l t l ( : J u W

l^ ^ - - - 'a d m l l l e d _

) ^ e p t e mi L o t t ^ six n um ber for a \ . pIcdgiDg_wcckly_drawing.-S R iasm-for-that arc drawn-win iaho will a share o f i|. Picki :gom cpn pays o ff in lesser

minimum Lotto An continuc-S i-in illion^cvcry-’

md cxcit- Saturday.

Sales o f i e one m A w lv ^ winner tickets throi

t tlo i o m ly 36.5 i ^ r ,h ,. |n (’ Financc

m Conunitttc, and b.«

highest estimate y inly lotto y rarofoperation : nber wilh • “How h i ^ that v ng—from—idea," he-saiA-” We

o f lottery retailers a lyers pick astic and a buying [

Et manage 5 for cleang manag- ous'projects, suchgineering lated Special Isotoiators and je c t apartment- But this time. Hioday, not :. :lut the SIS proji

■iicluded in the Bi«d ns the funding request toire clean- day. Instead, be duric said mitment o f INEL a's annual o f Energy to envithe Idaho at the eastern Idaho5 a neigh- Environment anir in the ment take up nearl---------- .INEL’s budget,"!igislature, while not all activI the lun- currrat cnvironm oIting vari- said,* “w e arc closir

^eldg—. volvedw th Idabo.Ca

_________ ing (hem thal Amcrici------------------ ffanrof m y pa iide —he roecting ' HB539 (Business) • on for (be don from Tcquiremeni

.be in writing-if.«gre(

I Council ” m S 4 0 (H c a l* 1 J Board and Care Act, I

r) — Clari- those wbo provide ba

ioe status o f ■ HB541 ( R e s o i ^ heworica's Allows processor* of

-bused for actual cost] idea-lprace-— pdLQtpottion.ot»ildl Ict activities cotain coiidilioiu.'

^ rr-77-t-r::HB542.(RcvennC:i ves election vide* (hat 3 percent of rnominaled be dcposlted 'la 'lbe '^

Account. , ifies condi- - HB543 (Revenue j ict need not 50 cenu for cach cm

ftinds to be deposited rovide* for cue Account -gencies can HB544' (Slate AfD

cn^loyees working le amp* recall live mon(hs shall not I *». ■■ ■ . hc’SmploytesRetireo ise* tbe de- five consecuuve montl m state land HB54S (Stotf AfH

beallh care coverage f (CS an open ces shall parallel cova jols. ‘ ployees to tbe extent 0 r t reson-re- HB546 (State AfTai lict* to sp- n a c tw a l stud id t rvleionma^'^Tour y c m ’ ln s t ^ 'o l

cities maintaining sq — Requires (iioncnt funds. ' s-lo-pajt-foc— - ............... ................

-In e r ia se s ~ 1 Rehabilita-^rS fp ire n t i ' ^>r their chil- ■ ^

)-— -Allow*-------->rer.’s.Iicen5e_ iciions of al-

I — Extends coholic bev- led 18. 19 or

— Jlequlrcs------- K ^ « * "t-be-flnger- I V Ming a city or

^icmorial to ‘''llfJWt V nd otheiT in-

tttmof CHEE ^BUFJW M

mceIDS ^ ■ J X L jlolbe ■ ■ ■


. .^ceb.BaladSphdlerlal . ______________

_ _ “ 7

m p — - -------- ^ . - | T »Of-------- - 1- . . ^ - ^ , ^ *

_____ •;

:----- JACOC


---nounceh .......... ’ ' Byl on

a weekly or semi- . .S c lK ting .alL jix_rin j the jackpot or-eking f o V r ^ csc r amounis. The un .,i« r,America jackpot is ctnnni r>iy - W c d n i d a y 'i n d - . i ! " ” ; ^ ;

------- — ---------becn’klniooe^ollor, instant- Stallmgs,irough Monday to ” ' ence'w hi5 million, he told raccs.-Tloce-Appropriations - news cor

by ^tme 30 sales cd ,hesa i$50 million, th e . Forme

! yet for thc first BurleyJ. f r .would b<

w c ^ a n c t ^ - --- Stallings rs who are enthusi- lg public." . .--------f o r th e S ---------------------------- 1 still a p<

e fa s k s -S« , the posit

l s ] a t e . . B o ich as thc defense-rc-jtope Separation pro- beHamnc said no thuig.' ' ,

rojcct, which w m not ' BOISE Bush administration Health a

to Congress on Mori- n^vv rule ! discussed thc com- Idaho Lc L and the Department mivironmental cleanup chairman iho nuclear facility. _D avid and waste tnanagc-- b„ 5 „pp

Mrij' one-third o f the House E r S am riC -sa ld .-A n d ~ ^ { tc^ K ctjviues comply with gct-acqu: neatal regulations, be ^15 . )sing(iuickly.” T hccc-------- — -— _ . — — rulcs-adc___________________ partmcnt

touched led to ti:

.Couennial parades advi>- .rican (lag ihould be at the A

is) — Pwvida'an exemi>-wit that agreeraenls must .BOISIgreeaent ta exlend-credit n.irunn nouDl under $50,000. -

and Weir*«) — Idaho mcmbCT:t, setting to^urements for rescntivcbome-like living Birange- Gov.

ill, tteyel- n a m ed (

ce* and c S rv a t io n ) - H o u s e jof wildlife (0 be reim- R cp . D<

«sts wben a carcass, hide, d i s t i c t :,^dlifcjtuael»im«4ja«l«_ci)verB-fK:ind;TaMiion) — Pn>- tofsala tax revenue shall that will e'Waief Polluiion Coflttol • clcctioni

le ^ Taxation) — Adds cnminal conviction, wiih

led u Ihe Search andjles-

AfTain) —. Prq.vides Ihat ■; less'lhsn seven consecu- I H lot be included in thc Pub- .[remenl System, instead of Conihs. ^AfTain) — Provides thal ^56 for retired itaie employ- •, _____jvemge for active stale em- atoecessary. ‘(Tain)—Allowtmandato- T U ■s to be conducted evejy . * *' I'or'evoyTwoyean-fw— sepaiale policaaan’s rfl-


IHERN FRIED"::keN-,'^- v vboans, raneti potatoes, com on tho . . hot com bfead and spare ttt».....

t a l l i i i g j s t<IS E -(A E )--------Rcp.-Richarsngs, D-Idaho, plans a new: te n rr in.btabo-othFridayttrair X his 1990 election plans, fon Tuesday,1ic woidd w l Mj ier he w ill run for^tne.DemO' nomination for'thc U.S.' Sen

atbcing-yacatcd by~Rcpublicai James McClure, or seek -re on to a - fourth term in ihi : from Idaho 's 2nd Congres I District.r a T o u g l r d c c i s i o n r b n r i r h a ; k lnd 'oif-B xriting-B S-w ell;” sjlij ngs, o n .a m o v e tha t w ill influ w h o w il l n in - in sc v e ra l.o th c

Tbi* tirr»» nnH plaCC-for~thl c o n fc rc n c e h a s no l been dccid js a ld■mer'governor John Evans, thi y banker who -most likch 1 be the Democratic nominee j ngs decidcs to run again in thi D isM cW .jaiO ic_lalkcd_iK it] ngs M onday night, ans said h is possible second bii le Senate was still activc. “I’r 1 possible candidate, absoluteIC said . ___________veiything hinges on wha ird Stallings docs, because 0 osition he holds. A thrcc-tcm

aard^haifi I adopted''ISE (AP) — The state Board 0 h and .Welfare doesn't adop rules and regulations u^lcss.Ai I Legislature or federal gbte'rri

m andate. them, the board’: ram says. —vid M ^ and other board mem a p p c a ^ Tuesday befoit, thi e Environmental Affairs Com ^TMead’sa id la tc rit-w asm ore ; :quairiled meeting than anythlnj

e committee last session rcjectei odopted-by a district hcalih-dc lent on sew er Installations. The led ofT a dispute that eventuoll 3 the state Hcallh and Wclfar

idrus fills lasi>'ISE (A P) — Emmett farme dn J. O lbcrding is thc ncwc; bCT o f thc Idaho House o f R q itives.IV. Cecil Andrus on Tuesda 'A O lbcrding to ,lhc Dislrict 1 le seat vacated last week ti 'D onna Jones, R-Payette. TI; ct is a “ floating" district thi rs-fiix-w estcm -I<^o~countic is one o f seven such distric will l« ^ im r i ia ie ‘d 'in ~ !h r l9 9 io n / Z:


«198SP™____ 4a month nftJM M .

- C aU E M n Brown ci

FHEISeN MOTORSto rd s t i l l*


m mis



f l

~ ----------

^ n n p t i

ws' gress

-tun it

m - said,: a n - ^ ^ ^ S t ^ 3 0 ^ -his-si rc- - heihe fo rcs- tioi'J ' R IC H A R D - '*°° f

lu - to inform thc D cm ocn her. Senate Campaign Comi the dec is io a jh u rad ay , ther id - tu m to Idaho Thursday 1

O n the Republican si the Rcp. Larty Craig and A cly’ cral Jini Jones arc bal c j f G O P nomination, thc - Idaho Falls busines: nth hng tmnniTnf p d fr

cratic nomination, b u t bid cal Qnknown.I’m Stallings and Evans Itc- they w ere awaiting the 1____tiorui polling before d

hat should 'i i^ fc the race, o f last-.week Jbe poll iii

tm could w in. and Stalline

rmanjsays without 1<

[ o f Board’ filing a lawsuit opt Legislamre over lawmx the to t^ c c t agency rules wi rn-"^ legislation subject to th d ’s veto.

Aficr the meeting, N rm- and other committcc r the nothing to say about last im- jection o f agcncy rule? •e a —S u p rem e-C o u rt-l^n o t ing Hcallh and Welfare law5

Thc Republican maj ;ted Legislature this session i do— rie ty -o f-ap p rb ich csto l "hat ers more conlrol over 1 illy by agcncies. Sponsors fare that agcncies of\cn pas:

st House vacTier It w as thc fourtl /cst changc triggered by th .cp- from thc Idaho Sena

Fairchild o f Fruitland, day ning for the Rcpublicaj

13 al nomination.

The - s igned h iy Housc s c a t ' that appointed to thc Sem ues,—Jones-m oved .■.from_C icts District 10 to succeed h 992------------------------------------


' # 1 IJOG

A P ^ i h ^ L a w I - I -•M rurew A

tssopiitsnc I - .. . . .r J_ D o tra n o n o j( K W EDNESDAY •^ ,,S H Q W n M E X -0

1 • ■* Two:xival cops... *I— tuTutu imiiii— T 7 “ -mt iisiiii— =” TanggaCasli


| g f ^ R A D tO I

f W iiALk m u ii x f M ( P C ) 7 ;0

W B LOOK W H O— - •(P Q T iO

^ t s l TANGOIn n (R) 7:2« U l -TR

t s H o w s T m l7 :15 -9 :15 I r t t t

---------------------(kF ^ — n f 7


SHOWS n i f f

■ syws'7iir

L i n c ^ i e l e ccur^ & t« c dayOtC^^j-1 csshion should w hen aski.un-itiA nppnr^-pleaning. hg-Sin i ty to ru n - to r - tre m e n da UT“ e Senate if.hc_ jium bers hav. isires,” Evans bccausc they, id, repeating _ . “I thought s-stfltem entthflt-casy-to decid t w ill not run ed m atters. II r the- nomina- siORTahd‘th( 3n if S talling^ nice, I woul )c^^ ' said.•Stallings - said----- "The—pot<j-h as -prom ised-there," he sai tcralic'Nalional Stallings a )mmiltc^^f_his_ would be n icn-pliuis to re--am ong-po te i ly n ig h t. ' decision Frid ; side, five-term “I think w< I Attorney Gen- , Legislature battling for ^ e thcir own," h

-S cn a teP rc lessman David Crapo," R-I I for the Demo- Stallings giv It he is a politi- a bid for die

thc GOP noi ins said earlier dalch, R-!da le results o f na- the Commcr ; deciding «vho tee, said she ce . Evahi said District”GOI ^ o w c d cither o f what Stall ings said Tues- Boise busi

s neirnrie legidativeTiit^against tH c have the cfTc m akers’ ability Legislature, withoui passing Mead outi: thc governor’s and Welfare

underthc 19' , Mead said he dures A c t H : members had fonned o f e\ :ast session’s re- proposed ml< lies. Thc Idaho Mead said lotruled-on-thc—to-adopt-a ru iwsuit. . ^ basis; On Tiajority in (he it can take 9 ) in s t^ in g ava-— c a lio n ,-h ^ i o"^tvc lawmak- ,nal adoption :r rules adopted Considcrir irs have argued can take m lass rules which adopt new ru

i c a n c y _ |H |irth legislative

thc resignation ' o f Roger

id , 'who is n m - ' can gubcnialori- -

g7R ^aycU e, rc- ' a t when she was enate, and Mrs._ D is tr ic l_ l l_ to _ ._________d her.

LDNT r “


kSADOCrnCATQraX E T U B .---------- -----------r • JAN 31W)0-DNLY__________________

- —


WEDNESDAY-----------^ ---------I 9 :30 ‘ e ONLY

- I

"K llX a r Z - I O J - l - ----------------: iA l TUESDAY D PROMO

THE FUTURE 2 r :0 0 - 9:00

HO 'ST A IK IN C "___________

:0& CA SH . •': 2 G .9 :2 0

EMORS-7 ----------------T l-) y ;2 Q v ^ ;2 0 " ' '


L TODAYI I 9i1S___________________3 ONLY

ICMdRSV/._____ 7n s - - ^

'H P iv a " ■ - —


, ■ rt .

ction plafavorable. -ai

Thf. .pnll -R have bccn.alm ost shocking R le y ^ s o g o o d . . thght the poll would make it Kide, has complicat— S: 5. If 1 wcrc at a 50-50 dcci- 'm -th rp o ll 'w o u ld make the s< ^ould bc in the race,” hc . le

6;potential—for—success—is—li.ja id ------------------ a|;s acknowledged that therc : much interest in Idaho s< otcntial-candidates in h i s - "riday. • ft: we have a few folks in the C re who have ambitions o f m .-h e sa id . VPresident Pro Tcm Michael tr R -Idaho '’ Falls, said if gives j ip j i i s House seat in c< die Senate, he will run tor pi nomination. Sen; Ann Ry- S •Idaho ra ils, chainnan o f P. uerce and Labor Commit- rt she will nm for the 2nd

jOP nomination r e g a rd !^ la tailings docs. s<)usinessman Ron T w ilegar,' w

es won-t=l ? action ^;frcct o f law, but bypass the S re. (Jlutlined the process Health e iut uses to adopt new rules 1976 Administrative Proce-

L He Mid legislators arc in- f every public hearing on a mie change.aid it can take 30 to 90 days E 1 rule, even on-an emergen- On a non-emergency basis,;e 90 to 373 days for publi- :aringsraroendmcnts and-fi— t ion o f new mics. tering appeals. Mead said, it i

more than two years to i V rulM.' . J

l m


— EEBBH'• T h is p o p tila r v a r ie ty ac

I rish fo lk t u n e s to Elviis 1 _ - T h ey !re .a w ild ly e n te r

A e y ’v e p a c k e d ’e m in ai C o m e s e e w h y . .

A h 'd 'i a n e m b e r o u r gr ' spec ia ls . W e d n e sd a y ni^

S te a k & S h rim p D in n e t $4.95 P r im e R ib D in n e r S te a k f i lb r iy a k i C h ick e fo rg e t o u r p o p u la r cockiSeating at 6.-00 pm . DinnCT shov show s^aHno a? lOrOO ttwo i

- also available at m e cockousHo leqidied). For reservations, call t •ususnorat'bfKCPnip»nitilb)f»dulacccctalk«ho.

r a C s

.W odnosday, Jonuary 31.1090

Id a h o

ms Fridaanottiei''f£rararl5sislti=c;i-ar.:i

-toerestcd in the Democratic nomination if Stallings does n

race.jfia t might not stog hin thc campaign.

In the Ist-Oistrict.-state-Sci -Smyser,-R-Partna,_is the on 'nounced Republican m im ing seat Craig is sunendering. i legislator L y n m Gene Wim o f Kuna, who is A da C ounty I

-Hcah-chaifmanrsai'd he-m ig against Smyser.

But therc m ay bc m any Den seeking thenomination.

Jeanne Givens, a form er leg from Coeur d ’Alene, ran i Craig i n - 1988 and '-p lans i nounccment o f her 1 9 ^ pit Wednesday. She is cxpectcd ti tfifrace.

Boise stock broker L a r ^ 1 CO. who ron against C i^ g in 1

State Insurance Fund m anager Parsley said he plans 'to cni race, on an anti-abortion platfc

Parsley, 53, is a form er stat< la to r’ from ' Bonner’ ’Count] scrvwl on the s ta ffo f Evans w was governor.

FederalsheU grant availab

BOISE ( A P ) - A federal g 5183,000 will be available ti (jnits o f government to p emergency shelter for thc h on

Grants are available to loct o f government such as citl< countics and private nonprofi nizalions. The grants rcquii percent matching fimds b y sp< Thc_DepartmcnLof-Hcalth an fare will administer the p rogn

Gov. Cecil Andrus saifl T -the-grant w ill-hclp-fim d'reh

tion or conversion o f buildii use as emcrgcncy shelters an nance homeless preventioi

yRY 2 9 -

M U l —a c t d o e s e v e ry & in g f ro m s P resley’s a t t s t h it& e rta in in g g ioup . A n d - - . a ro u n d t h e w o rld . - •

g rea t d in n e r - s h o w ' 'lights, enjoy our $4.95--------»t Fridays, enjoypur it Sundays, it’s our $4.95 cen’ p.innec And d o n 't . - ktailshowat_ll;OOp.m.B3W sta re at flflO pm , Cocknll’ o drink Dinner ishow (advajiCB nscrviiions UtoU'&etM l-fiOOUl-llO).iify onal A l M an; OTC Minan miat ton


90 Tlm**-Now8, Tv^n FoUs. Idah

wayitic Senate es n o t run.

him from '

-Sen. Skip .only an-'.— 1_ .

ing for'thft g. Fonner Vinchcster Ity Repub- might r u n -----------


r legislator in against IS a s an*

plans on ed to e n te r .

ry LaRoc- ' !in 1982, i s ------Ignr-Idabo-------------Iger M erle • ..

en ter tbe latfcirm. state l c £ ^ unty and IS w hen he

sltcr — jbic■al grant o f le to local 3 provide homeless,

local units cities and irofit orga- <juire IOO ff el..------------ogram.(i Tuesdaytrehabilita----------ildings for s and to fi- ition pro-




s =

Idaho A -r ._ '

Page 8: mosi an^nosd. N,..W hite House c l-w JB Sununu, who said t the report with Presi' al security adviser!

Id a h— ^

S n a g

^ ^ e h a mCOEUR d ’ALENE (AJ

family has a hoppy cndinj Father and son were w

_ North Idaho Tuesday w Korean officials.

U.S. Air fo rce enlisted t : - Korean red tape when a s

obtain exil clcarancc for - ! J o h n , from Korean officia

First lold he could no becausc Jerem y 's birth i p ro p er 'p ap erw o rk . Fall passport, he faccd a S3 m onth delay obtain ing leave the counlry with his

Additional snags scerr family camc to thc time Korea. Ofiicials question

-----------childfenT-ilom andcd-lht

Grant, AlBOISE (AP) — An eastc

legislator says G ov. Cccil a p p a re n tly d o cs no t reappoint .state Board o f E

""m em bers C harles "T iny“ R cxburg and G eo rg e AI Boise when their term s e>spring,. •. .. ___

Sen. Mark Ricks, R-Rcxl he was lold o f the decision by M ike Mitchell, Andrus’

; .staff. H e sa id he rcsp o , w r it in g to th c g

re c o m m e n d in g G ran reappoiotmcnt.•, ^ l i s te rm e x p ire s Apri

, A lvarez's term ends Marcl -------mcn-were Bppointed-to thc-

.^ConstructKPOCATELLO (AI?) —

. H om e A ir F o rce B ase, ^ .~ 4 a jj?e s i^ i l i t a r y fac ility

/ A rm y R e se rv e 's Gowcn ) Boise would get S8.6 millit

construction under thc fi budget sent to Congrcss by

---------Bush:-----------------------------O ther military installatic

the country w ould not fa un d e r th c new budge facilities face elosurc or n

' e r a


- 3 0 9 ^ .

- 4 ; k g s W i

_____T H E R A PY -B A Y E F------RSpmiN---------

9 3 9 50ct.C <m k ’ SI Raba

[ iC T

: — a 02. Q([giri»t

-:l ■• ' J - ' ^

P A N T E N E * _ _ ' : 'S H A M P O O O R g


- j . ,

A-a - Timos-Nows. Twiri Fall^


h o /W e s t

JS i n Ko(AP) — The saga o f the Fall Jing. - ': w ingingT ^m c on schedule / w ith thc su d d en blessing

ted man A lan Fallis ran afoul a suddcn-transfer-forccd him for his* I-year-o ld son, Jeretiicials........... .............not get^a passport fo r his s<

th not been recorded w ith t 'a llis fou n d th a t, ev en with S350 fine a n d a thrce-to-s

ng an ex it v isa for Jerem y his father.

:em cd to appear thc closcr t me o f Iheir a irline flight frt ioncd thc visas o f thc other h - th f p fq 'i is i t io n o f nriHitior

Ivarez mailastern Idaho Educaiion by I ceil A ndrris E v a n s , w ho t p la n to Democrat, if Educati_o^n Andrus spok y “ G nin t o f --would-not con A lv a re z o f the governor h ! expire th is A lv a re z and

an n o u n c c m e i •cxburg, said c lo s c r to the on last w eek—lemis; rus’ ch ie f o f Both A lvare ip o n d cd by had heard run

g o v e rn o r n o t bc rcappa r a n t , fo r w o u ld rc sp o

decision.•pril I . a n d “ I t’s thc go arch 1. Both and w hatever thc-Board oC_G nm t.said------

ionm oney p— M ounlain o f m iss io n s ,sc, I d a h o ’s Department cc ity , a n d th e Thcbase*cl( k'cn F ie ld i n ^ i ^ ce rta in t( illion for new controversial { : fiscal 199T m ilita ry bud ; by President S295;t billion--------------------------I h e spen tations around M ountain Ho ; fare as w ell rc c e iv c abo dgc t. M an y constnict an c ir realignment new tactieal_fi

H H r S O F T S E t Sm OR EDGE

.S H A V rO I rENSiVE ^ 5 9

______ Dtyor Sensi. A sjt. ftrm ulaa Aw t. C

_____________ — LEN8-F~ -------------------- -SALINE

■ A'ainbl 3 ^ '

^ | H K ' !!l44D P i

1 2 v ^ : '

f a — ^ j t O iT m n n B fl i w i .

S S o i -

:a U . E 5 T A B I ^ D <

oll^. Idaho ' W odnosday; Januar

■ . uary31,1gS0 ._______________

TTj^Q^mdit r i d a h i i r^allis Korean documents, threj

_ a n d said there woiUJ beilet'ij v isasr- - '-----------------lg o f . But family members c

o f Idaho Schalor Jamcs >ul o f Congressman Larry Crai im l o - o f Korcan ofticinls. ‘M ki remy worked,” said AIan!s.mo______ S h e so id th e re w ei3 son C o n g r^ io ria l dclegaiioi h the Korean auihorities that ith a the* exit documents, Stai0-six th ro u g h th e w eek en d ly to primarily with U .S. Stale

She said there is als( :r the from other quarters, sin' f ro m -h a d se n t A lan th e phi r two Korean businessm en at io'nal exerted influence on his

iy not rcturly former govenior John * " R i'10 lik e A n d ru s i s a Andr

. . devcw kesman M are Johnson p roc :onfirm or-dcny-whelECT—Educ r has dccidcd to r^ la c e . w oul id G ra n t. H e said a n playi le n t w o u ld be m ad e A lv^ he e x p ira tio n o f th e ir Sei

saidirez and Gnml said they abou iim ors that they w ould that 1 )pointed, and that they the p pon d th e g o v e rn o r ’s boan

govem or’s p rerogative outsl ICT he decides is fin e ." and ' _________ _______________foLai

proposed-forns as p a rt o f D efen se Fieli: cost-cutting efforts. milli•closing recommendations newI to be one o f the m o st facil11 pans of,thc fiscal 1991' "H u d g e t,’w hich ca lls fo r M ot on in spending. losii in d in g p la n ca lls fo r y iV Horne Air Forcc Bose to R -li bo u t S1.4 m illio n ’n o assu n operations facility fo r a Chc .jfi^ tffrsf[” " '^'"" flnwen—Hotl

CHOICEI insillve Sofl Sense or iTfiel'— :- ^

1 - P L U S » - p f | i - - i i

4 0 t . . f


• ............

ii r*rpcP<fCT


id s n fy z :

hreatcned the family with fini be a long wait for passport ai

rs credit pressure from thc stai Ties M cClure and Firsl Disiri "raig with changing thc attituJJu iow jQ L aJactJiQ w .hard jhjnothcT.JaniceJolli?,_______w ere c a b le s from th e Idal iion on the desks o f the U.S. a hat urged 'prom pt processing S taff members said ihcy-work n d on Ihc p ro b le tn arid dei tale Department persoiiiiel. also a possibility o f assislan sincc conccmcd north Idahoa p h o n e .n u m b c rs .o f num ero 1 and on ic ia ls who could ha his behalf.__________________

irn to boarR icks said he w ro te a le tu ndrus praising G rant’s role ir jv e lo p m c n t o f p o lic ie s ro ced u res on ih c B oard diicaiion..He also.soid;ihe^oy< o u ld be lo s in g a n o th e r ' lay e r” i f he d id n o t rcapp Ivarez.Sen. John HanseriTR-Idaho I

lid he has heard the same rui )Out thc two board members, lat he was especially bolhcre le possibility o f G rant Icavini aard. i '“ I have fe lt G ran t has don

Qtstanding job as a board me: nd would like lo see him con iLanothcr term.*: Hansen said..

)rIdaJiO-bas<lelcKin Boise w ould rcceivc lillion to finance consiructior icw reserve centcr and mainte acilily.' r -

"B ased on w hat w c know ■fountain Home is in no dan{ osing funding," said H.D. Pj pokcsman for Seri.'James M e ( : id a h o . "W e uli.u h a v e issurance o f Defense Sccrctao 'h e n e y th c m issio n o f M oi Hom e^vilhw lbe-altCTcd:^


KER1» . „ ^ S

as-oi, OfijiMi. ®»y

1I raper-towels-....

2 / 1 « »■Print Of-Tto P r t 'y jg td j t jg ^

D m


W E D ^ i ^ E B . 1 4

1 3 1 . 8 3 2 3 — ^

ILLS''■ fb/

Judge------------ R E X B U R G (A}

D iiln c r;ad ee ..(jro .iacain has ruled th a t-

= = : : : 6 a £ H B iL $ M G a------------ S teed and A sso c ii

in te r e s t a n d a tto r " “ j three-year legal battl

StciwI said he andr-^^r------th e ld a h o FaU srfa

b u s in e s s , C la rc n H o lm , w il l p a y

“ settlem ent. B ut he !------ far from over.---------

i- .— - — " M y -p a r tn c f s -c -Snd -abso lu te ly ap p e a U

S u p re m e C d u r t,r ^ _ I n e s d a y . _______I It ■’ H e said Y oung ho

promise he. m ade la trial, and that has h

- . ’W c - ^ - a - j u r y ’ sI rous whatever

- leas t w e-vo had our S teed, a professi

-------------fro m -Id a h o -F a lls r----- r r i_ D e m o c r a t ic J io m i

t U .S . Senate seat b< I f f ! Republican Jam es

end o f th e year.I t c r to A divided Idaho

n th e in 1988 ruled that S . was entitled 10 haverri o f legal issues in thc-c^vem o r-M itf-T u csd ay -th a l

"k c v JUtJpicn^ he issuedin o in t w a s m a d e w ith o iP because there-w as

. Pniic • for.ajury^to decidc.’ That Steed owed^ a n j n o t d isp u ted b y ci red bving the Steed asked Youi

anc an ^ 1 icm ber »— I Dntinue ,d......... ............ - • ..........

w now,

l i l u r e !

ti^D Ickouptoin ____________


3= . Allj

^ : A I


■0- BOYS 3 MEN'i5 ■ M j^ ~ M F . N ' !

MEN'I 3 - - - 4 V I E W 8 . ...Y oap y r^ tO G C

iss : ALLf. . . A

t e ; . INVEf

4 i rOPEN 7 A

F a l l s :! 5 m E I z E S S p a i w a

- “ behlnO T W ir

J-and Buriey- ” - ■■sioWs:’ -

! orders S1A ? ) — S e v e n th his. deci Iront Y o ung o o c e _ F r id a y ’s mt W est O ne barUc - response 3 :4 7 r r rt5m =nayld— Wesr< e la te s f o r lgaaV,<-!National to rn e y f e e s in a 'atilc. '■ ■■ in J a n u md Bis partners in . b u s in e s ■ fa n n 'im p Ie m e n t-S 6 I0 ,1 ^ •n o n d D e l R a y 1983.,y c o s h fo r th e The bi le said th c case is m ore th-------- :___---------------- $ 3 -U ,8 (9 -a n d I p l a n - to ----- —ll h " to th c Idaho H f e r t . S te e d s a id I F

; has n o t h o n p r ^ a ' B r : lo conduct os harm ed his c a se ^ j M V’'s h o u ld T ie a r o u rver they decide, atlur-fair s h o t ’’ . . . ^ f lssional nego tia to rI s r t ^ s c o k in g - ^ e—m in a t io n fo r th e y being vacatcd by

es M cC lu rc a t the

ho S uprem e C ourt g f -it S teed’s com panyave a ju ry consider W re-case. B u t Youngh a t- th e s ium noxy—ie d la s rS c p (« n b c rtiou t a j u r y t r ia l/as n o leg a l issu e Jfk

________'cd the m oney ' c ith e r p a rty , thc

oung to reconsider



fg 4. ^ P R E V I O U S L Y M

L L D E l



AJ)LTnX6PJiLTmiiill" jjjS fc .jjwinFalls— ' J W m ' may— Jg^im


)teed to ple c ls io n n rN b V c ir ib e r ro n < ly’s ru lin g .w as th e ju d g e ';n s e . --------------- --------i-. *is rO n e , fonnerly^d flho -F Irs «al'B ank , f i l c d i f o i f d ix ^ s w

StSia a n d A ssociate in u a ry 1 9 8 7 , ' a l l e g in g th ' le s s h a d d e f a u l t e d >Di 1,142 in lo a n s - m a d e .s in c

e bank sough t a-ju d g m eat-o : th a n SI m iil io n , includin j , 8 0 6 - - in p r in c ip a l— p lu

f DfrKick^__will be I

. / wit^Addison I hr^ , ,.Pr. Patri'

8.2285-Add %r 733


f tid o fn m d

2 SM A R K ED -D O W I


pbice : -

:rs ; 42““:OATS 64“ :oATS no8°°S 65°°

»260°° DATS m sf IHIRTS-W 5HIRT5- 28


n ^ Y — .../VILL BE 5 05.5FOR “ _ JIES WILL- EXCDAY. • — y V -

BlIBSDAY'Beg. Houn

mmmi» BURLEY •R

)ay West (n d " $ 7 0 2 ;6 6 8 in t ru s t- rc c ' c ’s b an k w an ted perm issii

___p o s s e s s io n o f t h e cirst—orocicrtv-anH '-scliriOol'

Ites ■ W est O ne c loscd do> the 'f a r m im p le m e n t dea l ^ n F e b ru a ry 1987 a n d icc_ j ’n v c n ld ry on J h e au th

cou rt o rder issued b y ’! . -o f - . J u d g e . es _ Hern< ing p ro c e e d s fro m th e i lu s -- applied to the d e b t.

la'rd BoOTcll a^ociated th the . Mlal'Cteto' ida Saras is welcome him

dison Ave. iE. 30657 —

S ~ ~

S Ma^aturm^^

1 - 0 ]/ H - M E R G H A M D i :


■ 8 0 4 5 0

0 $21“ ' S i i

) S 5 4 o o 7 $ 4 (

E z E i F ^»........'

“ ■ . 587“«1____ :.S|,0M___i | -

114“ - -®~1-

”Z Z ! 1 3 4 l i M


) i o r 7 0 1 ^■ NO LAYAWAYS.

.CHANGES'WltHRECi: — RECEIRT.ONLY.,r s " . ' f t « . 9 d ( W « 0 , S # t .


Onere c e ip ts . T h e iss io n to tak e ; c o m p a n y 's

A h d Z I

dow n S teed ’s ' - ie a lc r s h ip in — n d >sold . th e lu th o rity o f a jy '7 tfi’D is tr ic f . ’ s rn d o n .^ T h c le s a le w e re

r | i i


LI' f 'J -E * — ^


IFF-3 IS E .~ -----

r s -■NDQf

1 5 '®24®®4 0 5 0

2 4 ^ = =

6 5 ® ^ —


^ z r

W T ^ ■ tt


y ..;» t . 9 i 3 ( w a 0

»jmufj1iiper‘-s-r = lon^artfe-pr-^ — )Vour ■ikcard.— ^

Page 9: mosi an^nosd. N,..W hite House c l-w JB Sununu, who said t the report with Presi' al security adviser!

jA e o t

3 y o u t i ^ ^ v a d u

for Burley butB U R L E Y — T h re e i

o n & ^ u l t w e re a f r e s ' on ch n n cs o f

b u r ^ f o ^ , a C ass ia C o i d q ju ty said.

A bouse on N ancy D: was brokeo into T u e ^ y 14 guns and a V C R w ere Scott W ard said.

A iTC5tcd'Bt^c~labor'0 about 5 p.m . w ere J r ish a M inidoka C ounty, tw o from M in idoka C o from C assia C oun ty , w e re c h a rg e d w ith sc b u rg la ry , a n d o o e j u v e c h o k e d with grand e f l ,

^ —Twin Falls m a n ^ to 6 months in Cc

T W IN FA L L S — A T w ho pleaded guilty in B abuse o f a m inor w ill spe

----------a l.lh c iW e corTectionalCottonwood, a 4 th D istn M onday.

A fter tha t period, 4 th ; ■ - -D e b o ra h -A .-B a il .w ill .

’ Ralph B . H illman, 39, 35 > eligible for probation. I f :

probation, Bail w ill impi r 'lO -year sentence, so H il ; to 10 y e a rs in p r iso n i

' p ro b a t io n , s a id h is a

I f Bail decides to send sta te pen iten tia ry , sb e '

; tw o- to f ive-year sen te ! Mid, a s the prosecution n

H illm an p le a d e d ,g u i . a b u se o f a m in o r u n d

; ‘ County in D ecOTbcr. Aa : plea, Tw in Falls County

■y------- P ro se e u to f -R o c k n c -L i' w eeks ago filed a m otio

r e la te d c h a rg e a g a in t D istric t Ju d g e D aniel'C granted tbe m otion. .. ..

: Iri Twirt Falls, H iilm a ,L.. possession o f 5 « u a :

m a tm a l - lew d photogi year-o ld Boise girl. Tbe stem s fro m a n incldem

■. w ith a 13-ycar-old g irl. -

Estes enters plea — - avoiding conduct

R U P E R T — A H cy l -p lead ed g u i l ty to

. k id n a p p in g , in ‘ bx p ro se c u to rs d ro p p in g c h a ^ o f lew d co n d u c t

H ow arf L ee Estes, 4 2 ,

before his trial w as sche In the kidnapping and m< year-old H eybum boy in

Ju d g e J . W U liam {la in vestiga tion in to E^tei before he sentences the Easbeen selTor sttJieach

.T h e first-degree k idn c ^ e s a m axim um sentp riso n ........ - -v

The boy w as Sbducted______ to sch o o l-o n O c t r 4 . 1

fb u n a iw ^ hours” later, 2--------- “A 'physica! cnm iination-

' b ^ " sexually abused.- Estes has b een held in

since h is arrest in Octob<

^ State tax ponin^ office for h ^ p on

TW IN F A L L S — T hi : be the first o f four Satui ; T ax C om m ission w ill 1• open in Tw in F alls thd m

- 4 - --to aeco m m o d a tcp eo p le: , the office o n weekdays.,

-X— - T h e J w in F alls o f l ia ; fiom 10 p .m . Sab

-1-------A pril-7 -andA priL l4 ..; - — lo c a ln l.a t 1038 .B Iub;L ; Suite C.

-; In addition, th e o ffid fiom 8 o.m. to 7 p.m[. o

J " I f i^ tb e la s ttw o w e e k d m fUing'period. R eturns li

\ 16 are lato unless taxpa) \ ' jtime extension before thi : . O ffice 'b o u rs 'w illb eS 1 d l o ther w e e k d a y durio : period.: - - “W ejsfllizc tha t m anj ; ... h ard tim e, g e tting awoy• ‘ " pick u p 'on m com e tax fl• w ith their incom c tax q

J . . Tax Commissioner. Rbb<

i = = T l^ p 8on-t<iiw ^ ;i4«m-wi^-advisoi

• . .B O IS E -K ur^ Thom p .~Jha8~bSett~f*appointed '

: .. A ndrus to thtf M anufac Advisory B oard. Thomp

■ ;p m J a n :V ,\9 9 3 r : --------


M p

lult held l i r g l a r y

«_juvenil_es_and— :z: x s t is d T u e sd a y o f second-degree :o u h ty s h e r i f r s . . '


D riv e in Burley Jay morning, and . r® ere taken, I% m ty

r-camp-in-PauI-at------------ ^sha Tellez , 18, o f ' f ree juveniles, ‘C o u n ty and o n e ^. W ard sa id . A ll . ' s e c o n d -d e g re e

iv e n ile W is a lso f . .: f t ,h e s a id " J

sentenced ^ i CottonwoodI T w in Falls m an • proi B oise to sexual glospend s ix m onths “nal institu tion in coi smc* ju a g c ruiea

Ith D istrict Judge ,__ilL d e te rm in e i f , 359 T yler S t , is I f sho g rants him

n p o se a three- to H illm an, faces m i f b e v io la te s ' 'I a t to r n e y . G a r

n d H illm an to the le w ill im pose a a te n c e , H ackney D recom m ended, g u i l ty to sex u a ln d e r 16 in A d a ---------A s a result o f his n ty C h ie f D m uty ; T .am m ers th re e

)tion to dism iss aT n s T h l iU r F l f th ----------------il C . H urlbuU Jr.

m an w as c h ^ e dlually CTploitative....................^ g ra p h s o f .a 13- ' rb e -B o is^ chargclen t la s t sum m pr____I . - , -

ea of guilty, { let charge Ve y b u m m an h as :o f ir s t-d e g re © ' _ b x c h a n g e fo r

l g a n ad d itio n a l c t4 2 , pleaded guilty L _t M onday , a d a v ' j cheduled to begm “ I I 1 m olesting o fa . 5- ' in O ctobcr 1989. p a r t o rd e red a n 'Stes’ background the m an. N o dateacing:-------------------------- 1 =idn'apping charge _ c n ten ce o f life in |

te d w hile w alkingi. T h e ch ild w as______r, 20 m iles away.- - : j - L . o n sh o w e d h e had ~

'■ B(I in the Rupert ja il f^(]e ober. truw' v :.:. — :— 1 — h e ^

lission operis ^ Ml Saturdays . - aiThis S a t u ^ y w ill Jirei iturdays .the Idaho ^ ill have on office d nex t few months )lc w h o c an’t v is it -. — m,,lic e 'w ilL b e .o p cQ __________Saturday, Feb. 10, 1 _ L4.. T h c o ff ic e is ■ ■ » ,L o k M :B M ::N .;;i

■fice w ill be open - t. on A pril 13 an d d i ^ o f th is year’s - - s f iled after A pfil --

« 8 a.m . to 5 p.m . m n g th c tax filing .

any people have o/o y . fro™, w ork .to__ _____«jX form o r get help • j i r e X questions,” said - b b c rtF ry . • -j-]

■ misi

ioryJioatd— _ _!!flm pson, o f Jcrom e, “ wh: d b y :Q o v r G e d ! ~ ------ Moiifactured H ousing . Soir m p so n 's term w ill In------------ ------------ -------- -and.


M a g

A r^aiProject rais

an polluticB yN .S.N O K K E N T V E D Times-News writer -------------

TW IN FA LLS — The envii impact o f N evada’s largest co p ro jec t s in c e H oover D am c Colorado R iver m ay or m ay noi its benefits.

At a hearing tonight, people c their opinions on that question, n i^ im f tn ta r i f f ip a c n s s e s s m ^ huge coal-fired power plant, p r construction 5 6 miles south o f Ji

The com plcx, consisting o f < megawatt p lants about 90 mile Twin Falls, w ould help meet tl fo r e lec trica l po w er w ell inte cen tury , and it w ould b rin g ' benefits to the region, projert ba . RiM thff m nl-hnming plftVit n c o n tr ib u te c a rb o n d io x id e , dioxide, oxides of.nitrogen and products o f combustion that co: global warm ing and acid rain.

“There are n o feasible techn control (carbon dioxide) emiss

, - I

Hoitghspoi—, A M io u ^ th a e w u p leo t

fo f i le d d in g , lO -year-c sec tio n o f pavemoQt on

Legislatuiy .M lC H E L L E .C O L E _ ;.r : i .-im esJto ra -im teT -— --------- —

BOISE — Rep. Steve Antone :deral go v ern m en t to call a ti uce w i£ barley growers, and oi e ^ e £ su a d e d .th e_ H o u a c _ A g r ffairs C om m ittee to go alonglea. ---------Antone, R -R upeit, proposed a

irccting C ongres^ 'and U.S. A; Bcre'tary “ C la y to n —Y e u tte r- e m an d in g th a t fa rm ers re p a Jvanced to them under the 19 ibsidy-program,-untU th&iormu a lc u la te b a r l e y 's u p p o r t f

wer A r F(yN .S .'I^O K K E N T V E D - ■inJCS-News;writer

T W IN F A L L S — C ontrary i ress release, th e Idaho Nature la d e .n p 'B g re e m e n t to p resc nvironm ental resources on a p ombing range.“Il’s PR a t b u r expense,” said

ire c to r o f th e Id ah o cb ap te itonscTYan^r..ThB_ . .p r e s s _ ’ re leo se .w

lis rep re sen ta tib n ,'” w h ich “ g fTony Im preaaion .” B onnlviei ; s » t having them us« our name. ■The-Air Force, however, was w h a te v e r w e c a n do.^to he 4QuntBin-^ -gorc c .B i ty .^ k e aolmonwn. .........In DecembCT 1988, Ihe Depari

n i the N ature C onsovancy-slgi ie conservancy w o i3 "m v en to

weigh■' ^ rb s s fp fu e l^

IS6S '___ the “greenhou—1: _ p V : Z 3 7 in : th e ratm os * ) C -. increascd*con

raise g lobal te , - ' f B iitth e s tau1 / ^ n — T h o u san d Sp ^ global tem per

. . prcdict accura T h c le ig h t.i

--------------------- w ould-em it-1dioxide annui

nvironm ental the to ta l U.S construction- b u rn in g , occi

n co rked th e statemenL not outweigh The suitcm<

su lp h u r diox le can express e m is s io n s )n, and on th e . . increase acid sm e n ffo r th e su rro u n d in g ' proposed for T h a t c o u ld

)fJackpot. so i l , p la n ts o f eight 250- b o d ie s o fw a niles south o f says.:t the demand .T h e p lan t into lhe nex t w o u ld em it Dg econom ic a sh . B u t bor t backets say. o f f ic ia ls sa) It also would p n lliH inn r i d e , su lp h u r sy s te m s i and other by- capture 99;8 p contribute to the p lw t’s smi

I- • Headed by Ichnologies to T h o u san d Sp itissioQs fro m . • S e e F II

. -

o f snow T u esd ^ oftemc ir>o!d Joseph-Steen-hita a < on Eldridge Avo^ae in Tv

ire to heime wants the a tem poraryJ o n Tuesday. j lp u M I r y iJLgricultiiraV ' ------- Z:3ng w ith t h e ' revam ped.____ _ ..... T h e m em oid a memorial A g ric u ltu re 1

’ ^ ^ 'c ^ r n m mi;p a y m oney m e m o r ia l be

1988 barley ^p ro p o sa l sho TTiiiin iiiw t to _ b e fo rc Jh c end t p r ic c s is • “This m ttn i


•; ' . . . a n d env m o re th

. T hery to en A ir Force organizre Conservancy has coordioese rv e . o r p ro te c t ^ond ma proposed tactical on defei

T T hemid Guy Bonnjvicr, opportiJ te r o f th e .N atu re -environ

, ____ o r lost,'.w o s a “ to ta l T h e i “ g av e p eo p le th e betweei

tfier sold. “ I re a lly thatdocm i? ’ ' . U tIK as only trying to do h e lp th e m ,” s a id idcntifj

............ range,”-partment Of Defense signed a memo-tha t— ^ P ” n to ^ p la n t , anim al -


M l e i

IS itnpi■ c o m b u s t io n ," ^ h e “im p ac lys. Carbon dioxide is one o 3use gases” lhat trap solar hea a sp h e rc ra n d s c ic n t is ts - fe a onccntraUons-worldwide-wi]

itahC Tt p e s on to say that th 5p rings/p ro ject.'s .im pacL o : >crature iwould be too sm all t la te ly . /-t. u n its /o f.thc:p r0p 06cd plan-1.7_3!tnniinn-tnnq n f c.nrhn mallyj o r about .4 percent o .S. ethission from fossil fuj :co r^ in g to the d raf) impac

ment also says that the plant’ o x id e and n itro g en d io x id

c o u ldd rain in ____g a re a s . r t € u n n \ i a f f c c t T onigbt'a hear

' t h c C o f c - O f S i # a te r , it Building, R o o t :

. , . W ritten com n n t a lso t b e B u r t s n o f l a

C ootdiM tor,P .O

w o u ld ,I pcrcent o fthe ash particles ii moke.y Sierra Pacific R esources, th Springs G enerating C o . is P R O JE C T o n P a g e B 2 .



n o o n F a llsJ T he yo u n g st I d iy ^ I 4 > y e ^ I d J bsq&-I F w in bike outside h is homi

;ar barleyId a E

Legislature1 9 9 0

lo ria l a lso a sk s fo r th e U.S J D ep a rtm en t to ho ld o f f c 1989 nnd 1990 repayments,

nittcff ngrpfri tn .in tm duce tl b e fo re thb fu l l H o u se . T l tiou ld be heard o n th e floind o f th e week, f _ '____'m o rid -is ft rw ult o f n o t bcii

fgrSdp i aiiiOfsCinvironmcntaL;csou££cs.onJh than 25 million acrcs. e A i r , F o rce re le a s e si lizations'“signed a policy o f c lination” between thcmselve

e m ili ta ry la n d “ p ro v id rtu n ity fo r the p reserva tio r dhnients that otherwise would It,” jihe A ir Force release said. e r6leasfi. how ever, im plies wn t ^ A tf^ o rc c -a n d ^ th ^ d a toes norcxisC Bonnivier sai^. t i c ia l s have c o m m iiie a nating w ilh the I d ^ o N ature' ifying and protectihg l i h i ^ t :tit range and any fu tu re cxI,”-the release said.-,, : ..... .........t BOonivier fuvt heard about t jerntion” oftcr the A ir I^orce i

• B e e C L A tM D n 'P a i


■ O b

— — --------

■ Sp

TWportl' ^Falls-cj'£ swelibil a n t - B y CRAIG LINCOLN-io n __ Timet.Newsjm tcr ...t o ffuel T W IN F A L L S - pact S p rin g s P o w e r Ploni

N W d a could mean 7C mt’s T w in Falls b y the y e a r : :ide A’ U .S . B u reau .o f I ---------------------:----------------1 re

n g - t m l g h t — -®

earing starts a t 7 p.m . at rSouthem Idaho Shieldsm l l S . ■ -------- {"om enta m ay .b e sen t to “ ! Land Management, E lko P' f f ic e , A ttn : T S P P ^ '.O . Box 831, Elko, N cv. “ ch 12.1990. .

pf3 in • “I t ccrtainly would b

M c A lin d in , T w in I , the developm ent d irector, is a em ploym ent,'W orkers 5 _ .c o l la r , h igh -incom c p

J ,

SSter w as be ing tow ed b y ai H cttich. w ho w as driviiiB '

repayi— 1 - ' -able to tm st the govern J _ In T qRR-FlQt Q rfa r a th e govem m ent b aric - • f a i th , h e s a id . Thi

)' D ep a rtm en t o f A gric

farmers approxim ately — ^ in a dvance ofLsDrinfl,

expectcd ycar-cnd croj J .S . ,— I n th c - f in a l -analy T on d e p a r tm e n t 's p re d ic s. p r ic e s f e l l fa r sh o r ‘ the determ ined w as th e n

T h e The department soys tl f loor w ^ t was originally ad

' B arley grow ers ari Jcing" soy the U SD A arrivcc

snW^FSccord '; Jhe , dcpartm M t’a g y cR .■ - . Times- sd id th e tw o

>f cooperation andIves-to-inventory gen tcality o f ecosysicms y n „ j

, . . , dclaycii^idcs 0 u n iq u e p .ion and s tudy o f p .j- ijdbc-cndangcrcd

ies an ag reem en t, m[dahn.c0n3ciynncyid. ■« a tho b a « c - l o = ^ - ^ ^ * ^tre'Conservancy in agre“ re resources on the expansion o f thc

ut the extent o fth e 9 * ^ :e issued the press o f firsi

^ o f hil * a g o B 2 - —-----------1-

Wodnosday, Januao

D b i t u a r i e s / h o s p i t a l s

d a h o / W e s t - B 3 —

S p o r t s B 4 - 5

i Twin ’ 3----- ------ 1 - j ------------ conscCOU /d— “T/i

Elko,:N — — --------------------- Tho

a c c c s'!“ H igh )

— T h e T h o u san d Jackp< a n t in n o rth eas te rn site ., 700 new residents in impac :ar2010. i f t tif Land M anagement acccs:

r e p o r t po in ts a t south Tw in Fnlls. 98 miles be ie f from the plant under Spring thejproposed dcve- a l it lopment plan, as thc consti m o s t a ttra c tiv e plant'; ho m e to w n to th e Unc p la n t ’s w o rk e rs , p la n t About 55 pcrccnt o f popult them w ould choosc by 19! to commute to Twin 2 0 10,

-F a lU ,_ th e re p o r t- ‘-W1 p rc d ic a due to

d be nicc,” said Dave consii 1 F a l ls ’ e co n o m ic Palls, tor. “O n that kind o f “ an d s( crs tend to be white- probU e people. T hcy ’i! be •


ofBy K IRK TimeS‘Ne

K S i : . TW IN I•' 7 approved

.v„ at the YF-■ that thc Y

“ W e a:^ L arry L c \

:— ^Thcrcii gnm ted t th e c o m

'. ’.i. .. - . s id e w a llrequired color as tl

The Y i a building

^ ---------- stxucture.

— courtrtw i day-care i

Y Direc would fil!

^ Leon' Si thc indooi

______________I city.hotoWXE aUJBUHY “FOt 10

indoor co-----------------------------on lyw ny

But o t l/ a friend, especiallyag 'a m ini- _ L ew is

“ begihnin j

/ment deem ment,” Antone said, p riccTnniiefs signed up to r D ar iirley program in good varicT h a t y e a r th c U .S . "Fjricu ltu re pa id b arley ac tii;ely 30 cenls per bushel calc ' Q g j5 la w in g jg a in s u t t_ 5 e r i 'T o p subsidy. ineqa ly s is , h o w ev e r, th c prodd ie te d m ark e t b a r le y Sc lo r t o f w h a t it l a te r b i l lle actual m arket p rice, fo m /s the fanners now ow e S ’’ advanced to them. * McC arc crying foul. They help

v c d 'a f th c final maricct barli

ficirbonedi recessed i

CRAIG LINCOLN ; ‘ ' ies^T'Jcw^ wrifcf -

B R O M E — T he seco n c tencing hearing fo r convictcc er Jaimi Charboheau has bccilycd until A p r i l . ---------- 1::—i-Iharboncau’.s 'a tto rn ey , G rc j fer, asked foe the delay to fmt iro x im a te ly 20 c h a ra d e : hcssc5-“ located all ovc r-th i c and some in other stBtcsT*'— kfter a short-heanng Tuesday -D is ti i t t Jiidgc-PhiHrp-Bccta; eed to ^ s ^ n e the sentcncini r ing but delayed decisions' oi

— FeqUests— fo r— aicstiffitor-ond a ncw trial._____;:harbo'neau.,30. was convlctci rirst-degrcc m uider in the deatl h is fo rm er, w ife , M arily i

i i^plaaljn g lW rty^o^T tioncy .” “

im c n t on Ihc environi sequences o f th e projccli,whi adjiraiscd objections in some q s thc cighl-plont complcx is pi Thousand Springs G cneratir in F a l ls p robably w ould shj It's social and economtc impa >, Wells and Jackpot in N evada tiousand-Springs-projwsesbulli e s s r o ^ cd n n c c tin g with h w ^ about 41 m iles so :pot and a construction camp r . Tw o altcrno tives would al aci on Twin Falls, thc company cancels the' High

:ss road in favor o f building h to Interstate 80, Twin Falls c f\ out in thc cold. And if Th ng rd o esn 'tb u lld aco n siru c tio i ts rem ote N ev ad a ' loc

s tn ic tion w orkers could dou' .t's impact on Twin-Falls’ popu nd e r thc company’s proposal. I t h ire s w o rk e rs . Twin- jiation would increase by 269 993, 652 people by 2000 and ), thc BLM predicts.Y hilc the influx o f licw popi to the proposed action is ver} s id e rin g the large s iz e o f ... s, the prescnl constraints on li school capacities could pos(

)lem s in 2000 i f housing sto • S e e R E P O R T o n P a g e 1

>ning pan ows pha; YFCApl

K MITCHELL Vews wn'fer

>1 FALLS — Thc zoning comm :d the first phase o f a proposed i it’FC A after several people coY has been an eyesore.are very .concerncd about tl

,cwis, who lives near the Y. city'a-Planning-and-Zoning-C*I thc request for a specia\-usc n d i t io n th a t th e Y 'landsca i lk s a n d .p a v e its park ing I< d the Y to paiot Ihe addilion i the rest o f Ihc building. .f is p la n n in g to bu ild two Icnni J ig that w ill be c o nnec ted fo tlie . _ . ___________ ,•_________n g m em bers p o s tp o n ed , ho n on the second phase - a b w o vollfeyball-courts.-a water 5 facilities.•cctor John. Eschcnburg said the il! gaps in city services.Smith, an avid tennis player, aj )or tennis courts would be a b<

10 or 15 years we’ve been tryi courts,” he said.-“This seemsV to f?ct them."ithcr7ncigiibinii were uriticnb ly considering the second phast s sa id th e Y h as .b een infai ng projccts'bcforclhaV m s'the

^ S e e Y F C A o n P a g o B 2

»lay requ(cc by calculating thc^costlici rTcT~wIth~Thc lc^s_c')Tpei>?S rictics.‘Feed barley producers havt D te jy aw are that thc formuli Icu late the barley deferral pi rio .uslx iIa .\v£dJlA aiQ iifiL sa jquitable calculation placcs fc oducers a l a unique disadvanta] Sen . Jam es M cClure has intiII in -th c U .S . Senate to ren rm ula in thc 1990 farm bill. A n to n e sa id h tfT n i^ iri s>j)u cClure, but his memorial is an :lp th e s e n a to r 's e ffo rts on xlcy growers.----------------


■ A rbaugh . B ecker- in - sentenced Charboncaii.lCLi

■ / the Idaho Supreme Court n d overturned it nnd ordc're cd sentencing.;cn ■ F u lle r , w ho ' has I___ C h arb p n cau !s app ea ls .gg trying to win a new trial, nd In fron t_of a Jerom e [p , courtroom audience, inch

o f Arbaug h 's family am------- s i t t i n g a c r o s s t h e a i s

Chn’rboneau 's m other on il j4 f llc r -a rg u o d - th a t- f l-p ro [^z -w itn 'esF^hT ry— been- Q® unreliable. -

------Carl Taylor, a Gooding— sh e r i f r s d e p u ty , test

C h a rb o n e a u 's 1985 it jjjjj Charboncau “adm itted 1 y n • S e e R E C E S S o n P

3 B 2

ia l i l ic d to ro n m c n ta l..which-has-------------ne quarters, is proposed •ating C o .; sh a re th e •

mpact w ith 'ada. * ' bu lld in g n a-------------# ith u . s ;s so u th o f np near ih6 d a lte r th e

lighway 93 ling a road 'a lls would r Thousandiciion'camp-------------

lo c a t io n , double theopulalion. _____3sal, as the in F a l l s '269 people md 722 by

p o p u la tio n . . U- vcry sm all i f ... T w in 3n housing pose so m e- • — stock an d

g e B 2

nelase)lanimmission has sed expansion c com plaincd

ut th is ,* ''sa id

g-Com m is^oa---------•use p e rm ifo n Iscapc , b u ild g lo t. I t a lso lion the sam e

ennis courts in10 thc existing

, h o w ev e r, a a baskctbttl!

3 tcrslidc-and - --

I thc additions

rr, agreed that a bron to ^ e

: trying to get ' rms to be th c |

cnhrf-thc^h^^----------ihase. - n fam ous fo r tlieTunds to

>B2 _____ ' ____

uesttlicr brew ing TiT^ive-fired - '

nave becom e Tiula u scd to11 paj'Tncnt is ■L^aid._l‘.T liis_____:s feed b a r ic y • im age.”introduced a ' rem edy th a t

T p rrk cT n n tti > an attempt to on b e h a lf o f

i n g _ _ z ^

-in 1986

..iCLdcath b u t lurt last year Ic'red a ncw

s h a n d le d a ls .. is .n o w - -— al. *_ imc C o u n ty including 10and friends_______a is le .fro m r ond sis te r, ■-prosecution-----------m- - p r o v e n ----------

iding County te s t i f ie d ^ i 5’ triiil th a t .'~ ed he k ille d

n P a g c M . -

■win Falla. Idaho

Page 10: mosi an^nosd. N,..W hite House c l-w JB Sununu, who said t the report with Presi' al security adviser!

R ^ k te r• ONTARIO. O re. (A P) — m an ag e r says a federa l r cable te lev ision has creaii

------ bliickout-or>-OMg0n-<»llWi-

i^^cQ m 'm 'um ti«S7:to ::.appeQ govcnuiienf to restore servi

" I t 's c rea ted a situatic -O ntario virtually is disenf

------- fromrthfr-statfr-of-OregonrC ity '. M a n a g e r A l’ B ro Tuesday., Service from Portland i sta tions KOIN,. K G W . K. K PT V w as d ro p p e d Ja

___ rep laced on c a b ic w ithprogramming scrviccs..

_ j?e.sidents o f Ontario , h V a le n o w re c e iv e on television news from Idahi has 9 .758 residents: Nys; and Vale. 1,615.

T o re s to re s e rv ic e . C C able o f O regon Inc. ha a p p e a l w ith the C o m m u n ic a tio n s C or Tcqucsting thc agency war “ sy n d ex r u l in g s ." saii S y cam o re , v ic e p reside cable com pany.............

r— Obiti' GlcnTrSJmmons. . TWIN FALLS r -G le n n J

o f Twio Falls, died Mood 1990. Bt Ihe M agic V>1lc McdicaJ CetiKT. •

He w ai bom March 3 .19 Wyo.. and s l age 7 moveC where he graduated from hig

- then moved lo Sslt Lakc C

yean. He mairied Ireiia Coi He later moved lo Twin F> end w as s tjperv iio r for I s to res in S outhern Idahc

______ ...w orked for.twQ.yc«n.,Heih(Youngs D airy as businc:

• retiringB fter25ye«»of*er.Mr. Simmons was aefiv

^ ^ c o u l i^ th e E lks C lub a Association.

SurviVulg-BT-hii-wifc-o one son. E>r. Gary Simmor C a lif.; th ree b ro thers . J Simmons of Hurst. T e w , Brent Simmoni. bolh o f Si two sisters, Rosoiiii Ulhin o and Bort>ara Van Veen o f R and three grandchildren.

Cremation was under lh R ^ o l d s Funeral Chapel 1 No services arc planned suggests memorial contnbi made to the American Ca Contributions may t a le ft«

~ ' Ave. E.. Twin Falls. Idaho.

I r e n e K . W e g n e r. '. . .B U R L E Y '^ - lf ta e K iB

OfBurley, died Sunday. Jl Ontario, Ore.. at tbe home i

Sbe w u bom Aug. 7, I'................... Idaho. Ihe d iu g h te r o f t

. Anna Frtmien Hansen. Sht Kunz on April 13. 1926. i

. City LDS Temple. Hc die- • Ihen m arried Dr. W illii

. . Montpelier on Sept. 9. 15 moved to Burley, where i chiropraelic practice for Wegner died in 1987.

Sbe w u an active mem■ Chureh, where ihe held u

overthe yean.Surviving are one son, I

o f Twin Falls; two dau|■ Crane of Layton, Utah, ai

o f Onurio, Ore.; 10 grsndi grea t-grandchildren. S

___________ preceded In death by Kaisiera and'one greot-grana

T ie ftmeral v,rtll be at 1 Ibe Burley SecondV<ardL E 16ih St.. w jth-aishc^ . ofllciating. Burial irill be In the Bern Cemetery I

- F riends m ay ca ll froc Thursday al McCuiloch’i In Buriey and one hour b

' a ithechm h .

Servic________ ______SH O SH O N E.-i-nttft

Reese Thome, 73. of Sho SatunUy.,wilI b« »t iO _i

. ...J b o s h o n e LDS Churcl___^ _______ W ayae-Waddoup* ofnc

may call one hour before 1 church. The family sug

- eontributioas may be mat Y um a, P.O . Box 42M 8S36€. A nugem enti In A the direc iion o f lohn it

directJoti of U» Bergin F ShOShOT**, r - '

r:!--------- — - JEROME— TU-ftiniSm itb.-62.orJetonie.wh w i l l t a a i l l a .m , . t o ^ y Chri« in Jerotae, w d i M ofn iU tlng rB oriaL -w ll Jerotne Cemetery-Frien hour befbre the fuoeral

--------- " ArriogenienU are under_________(be H ove-RobertionFu


.FILER -r- The grave ,!E»iher H. Brodine. 76, ol

Friday, w ill be At- Memorial Park In Twin

"r-R ev. Keith K uiperoffi* may ctU from 9 a.m. un

Reynol(ta_Puneral Qiapel

*■ F I L E R T b o fttncrai ( te d ) S ierer, 83t o^T Suoday; WiU beat 1p.m. MethodlB Onirch, wilh I

• H an v D a v U _ Jr..|E tto F...........— L e e . T M M r a i r a T ^ f '

: M t » . ^ v t o ^ ll

" T T to - F r e d ^ 't J o iu i le r *!------------- M n r R o to t MarpUT*»?

- ■ ' F*1U; RuomH O alUughw.' daughter iixJIH ib* Ann Slo

- . . o f F l ig . ' •_____

____ B-£-T lm earN ow a Jw < n PallB. I

------------ ^ — *7

fits4ighi) — The city The-rulca wc ll ru ling on protect the cxc eatcd a near te levision proj

.n r a m n _ tm o ..^ lu W a jn thP,M rea M o - th a - ^ ^ ^ f o w n '^ ' t M ^ce.” ■ cx em p tio iiT ^ a tion w here thc a ffec ted t£ enfranchised local school di;on,lU )ntario------H c_ sa id . thiJ ro w n sa id cxccp tion o f :

O rcg o a to b u il id television , O o tn r io , the , K ATU and telev ision ' nev Jan . 1 and topic o f conve th fiv e new .fo rw ccks.

_ . Sycam ore st ). N yssa an d ' ru les, th e co r ■ohly“ lO tn i l~ c h o ic c -b o t- laho. Ontario P o rtla n d s ta t fyssa..2,820; o p tio n w a s t«

s ta t io n s b,u , C ham lic rs program m ing hns filed an to .p ro te c t Bo

: F ed era l their^advertisc m ission i h a t o p tio i waive its hew Baid ' S y c a m sa id S y lv ia stations w ere id en t o f the m ic ro w a v e r

C able h a d to

luaries^nn Simmons, 77. TWIN FALl onday, Jan. 29, 76‘ o f Tw in Fa: a lley Regional 1990. t t to h o n

AnahgcmniJ , 1912, in Bvron, announced by )ved to O a k l^ , Falls.

c 2 d e y in l9 3 3 . T '* '"; 'n Falls in 1948.' Tvrtn FalU. dje»or IOA gtoccry his home, laho , where he A no^cm ene then worted for • anijounced byiness manager. Falls.

etive in the Doy C li f fo r d f I’ ■»'* KIOTEW-V

mons o r iallnas. AnanHemen

tf Salt Lake City;inofO renvU iali, „ _ tj f Ramona, Calif.; B c m t c e I

W ENDEL!:r the direction of W eadcll, died?el In TwicFSIli. the Oiven Acnned, Thc family Arrangcmettributions may be a n n ounced II Canccr Society. ChowL eft at or mailed tox l . 2^ A d ^ M a r ia i4

. .r- ^ m ;P E R T -of Rupert. die< theL D SH oip

AnwJgemeK ubs Wegner. 82, .u a o « a e « d i) y. Jin. 28. 1990, in ju rp e t (neofhcrdiughier.7. 1907, in Shelley, i t fo f Hans Peter and - f r e a . A I . - She married Lorta _KETCHin»

!6, b the' Salt Lake Pabrum prNe r died in 1938. She 1990. a t Mor illiam Wegner o f Sun Valley ol I. 1960. They Uter th e b o m e o f i a t they operated a Kcichum. for 20 years. Mr. He wss boi

Waicr, K jil , t nember o f the LDS tn d C la ra N Id several posiiions Colorado'fori

to Pahnim p i >n, RiehanJ L. Kunz ciaricson on C laugblers, Bonnie colo. H e wori 1, and Betty Bishop Canon City indchildren; and 23 Surviving I. SKe was also N ev .; th ree y 10 brothcfs and Sorir tS c S n i o f C a n o n aat 10 a.m. Friday i t Ketchum; tw

I be at 3-p.m. Fnday Cltrenci ry in Bern. Idaho, g .c . ; f o u r i from 6-8:30 p.m. Summerville wh’s Funeral Home c ity C o la , > nr before 1 f lo m l . tn d M arie i

g randcb ild r

ces—aLflincrriJstJsTtOTi_lrelta offlcla Shothone, wbo died . the F i l ^ . O 10 t.m . lodiy It tb c _ luggcsu mei iircb, w ith Bishop m ade to the im d a iin g . F rie o d j_ 4 6 2 0 O vcrl 'ore tbe ftmeral at the Id aho , 837( suggeits memorial M ethod ist ■nada to Hoipln of 'C o n tr ib u tlo

211, Yuma, A rU., Mottuaiy in ' In Arizona are under underthed lr liaioa Mortuary In 'meoiMr«madaMl»_____OOODIKin Funeral O upel in Sean, 76, ol

w ill bo at * Demar«y?i C

, wbo died Saturday, tho E lm w o Jay 01 tho Church o f ' Frieodi may h MTuBronsoo Ostlc Oemar*y'sCw lH-fonow-at tho—---------------

riendi may call one RXJPERT leral at the church. O ertld Mill ider ihe dlttctloQ of S«unl«y, w L Fuoeral Chapel In __iho_Hon»ea

9 t. l n Ru| o fnclating.

raveslde service for Cem etery « 6, of Filer, wbo died F r ie n d i mi p jn . loday at Sunset .e v e n in g » win Falls, wllh the T hunday atom cliliog ; Friends _____ _ ^. uniil noon today at T W IN P tpel io Twin Falls. Melva C nt

, — : ■ and ronncti]« n i for Theodore M. 26, w il l beo r m M ; wha ’drea— M sn m iy itr).m. loday It the F ila R u m u ite o ilh tho Rev. Rebecc* follow *t.S»


■A&nbtsd' a Ftihm^Mrs. Paul Sullivan i n d / HToIUrMrf mjaocnd-ABpelTof Eli M n, William Vinbeek, both o f Ot

p>l«iwl 'srond lO^'Casey Lolik, ClaiiaJrfc I Mti.-DaTidRo*t aad<t«u ^ t t f .-alh< le r.o f Kimberly: M n. T im othy Sii Slouder, both o f Wendell: «nd Leslie

JlB WaHo_ WodpOKlay, J a n j a r y :

w ent into effect Jan. 1 to m ost:xclustvity o f syndicated o u t rogramming. They also “Ii-duplication-oC-DetwoA hna (iw m eare? :.-____________iia iu it e a m e ^ m p M y r i s i w jr^ e s t - w a s cndorscd b y —syste I tow ns and at least one Fd district. re s ii

th a t.w ith - th e p o ss ib le discr >f p lans by the s ta te o f Oreg luild a prison J u s t outside T h c the lo ss o t_ P o « la n d dista iew s has jic'en the m ain nortl ivci^tio 'n around O ntario fact

•I- Onta• sa ld u n d e rih e n c w F e C - ;om pany almost h ad no it-t< h -d i8c0 n t in u c _ th e _ ^ “®* ta tio n s. The only o th e r5 to re ta in the P o rtland b.ut b lack 'o u t a ll

lig exccpt for stat^ n ew s S( B oise-area stations and also iscrs.' • agai;ion w a r t o r cxpg f f i i w r ^ h i a m o re .“ T h c - P o H lan d TC beamed to the area by S: e re la y , aod C h am b ers n a d to pay full pricc even i f - requ

ALLS — Phyllis L Rigney, ThiFalls, died Tuesday, Jan. 30, the V>

home. City,jents are peadiag and will be - direcby While Mortuary In Twin rh.p>

V enOSS __ ___________ - R Ua l l s - h m i Koss. » / , 0( ufRo] died Tuesday, Jm. 30.1990, at , * e ^ ^

nentJ are pending and will be by White Mortuary in Tw in - Myrtl

i F a l l l s ^ K ;U,Y.— aifford Fallis. 80, o f wher fed Tuejday,-J»n.-30, l990.-al_.M eul•-tn extended illnea.------------------Boisenents are pending and will b6 View by White Monuary la Twin herdi

Su' Hora

e U e '■ ' •E L L -B e rn ic e Lee, 86, o f ied Tuesday, Jan. 30. 1990, at ^ Kcres Core Cenier in Gooding. menta are pending ind will be . j - d by Demaray’s W endell

T"—-Maritt-AIicia-OocKari*.— ^ died Tuesday. Jan. 30, 1990, at


l W e a v e r _ .....................IUM — Fred M. Weaver, 71, o f . ■Nev.; died Monday; Jan. 29,>toritz Communiiy Hospital in Ky of an appsrcnt heart inaek at o f Io f his son, Leonard Weaver la Kin M anh9.1918,iaSballow inLIL, tbe soo ofJayOolie Weaver s a N utt Weaver. He lived ioror over 50 years, before fttiring ^ .cip in 1988. Ko married Hazel wU]>a O a 29,1938, ia Canon City, whevoriied for tbe Idea] Cement Co. Twi:ity fo r38yeaa_^__ : •. _-._.acoing are h it wife o f Pahrump, Quiree io n s . Marvin W eaver o f in (gprinyt. rolo.. K en n ^ Weaver h «tCity and Leonard Weaver ol d Ktwo daugbicn. Jinie Fish and 197

King, bom of Canon City; two « Robert Weaver o f Canon Citysnce Weaver o f Summerville, qim ur sisters. Laura Shlveri o f me. Olive Adams of Colorado'> .,M i* to ll«>korM li«I.O kIi. . 11. F t .« k o rS llld i,C o 1 o .; 14 Lo;ildren; M d , ^ 0 grflit- Fill

ifiirina. Intennem will follow at Fall i;oiOJrCOTc(HyrThe-ftmIly— lto memorial contibuilotu m iy bo the A ltheliner'ii A iso c ia t^ n ,"e rlandR oadN o . 2 1 1 ,B p lie . m13706 or to tbe Filer Uriited Ho:I t Church Memorial Fund. Faljtlo as msy be lefl a t W hite PtiiIn Twin Falls. A mngeoxoti are p .tdirection of White Mortuary. M(

3M Q ^JT hfl-f tinen l for R oy_ '.Ho I, o f Oooding, who died Suoday. ccc a t 10:30 a.m. T h u n d ay a t of

(I Oooding Cbapel, with the Rcrv. Ce B a 3 « S ^ u r i i l . i i r f l l b c jn _ 8 3 : wood C eSeleryln-O cedlB g.— Ha aaycoU ftom l to 7 pjn . today OJ his •s Oooding r h a p d _ .........................

iRT ^ S io f ia a i l for a if f o r d ' Lo .mier. 70, o f Rupes, who died die .w i U b e i t l l a A n o n d a y a t . Sai « a Mortuary Chapel, 710 SUih Fa Ruperl.'w H b ArvJn H aoipR . cd lg. Burial will be in tha Rupert - Fri y wiih'fflllltiry gnveslde rlies. F r m ay-call th is afternoon and . Th and before Ihe funeral- o'n

- at the Hansea M otuiry C U p e l- ',1 J .Fn

< PALLS — The fu ae ra l-fo r — Th W «lov .B i,o rSpokiJio ,W uli.. Ol icrlyofTwlaFiUi. who died Jan.- Cr be a t I p.m. F r ld » a t W hile mi

> It r r whi M fT W hirashotrtT ig c r i f aten om olitingrln ttinben t w ill i r I Siiaset Monorial Park In Twio Mi


dAmand* CABO----------------------

qooding; .

. . . . ,..i , ■kin‘rm,'Uimiif(^akWTt

McOehee, • Retu :Nyne aod Cell ilh©f-TWiB=FaInUkl*fHeyb»Biu.Bi Sites and baby ind VeoettiBgbett.

slie Slattern................................. , •A ^ to M r.o n d M n

-C------— !.----------------------------

ry31 .1990

l i r c a WlOSt o f th c -s ig n a ls w crc b la J t“I w ould say ccrtainly th is

[in given Hbc to m orc-phone l e ^ i f r s ih u i i w b ,‘ J«

[h« r w l 'V d ' be'cn ‘o ^ c v l f ^ j>8t ^ ” ahe said. . .F o r ■ d e c a d e s , O n ta r io ’

s s id en ts havC ' c o m p la in c iscnfranchiym ent from thc r iregon and from neigh'bortngn h e re a s o n s in c lu d e th c istance from thc niain cities i orthwest corncr o ftbc-s ta tcn i ic t that the Trcasurc-'Valley a: )ntario is tbe only placc in O rithin tbe M ountain T imc Zooi

The rem ainder o f Oregon is •acific T im e Zone, and peoj )n ia r io , - N y s s a - .a n d —Valj vc ry th in g o n e h o u r e a r lie r :veryone else in the ^ t e r

S o u th easte rn O regon rcsi ilso have a-longstanding com Igainst Idoho te lev is io n -sta v h ich - th ey -say -n © v er-b o lI icknowlcdgc.tfaat.they_exist__

Sycamore said the FCC is l a deadline to respond t6 the> •eq u csts .................. - ............ .

mndchndfStlTHe-wu p recede In ''^irhiTpirento: ...................The memorial services will be Frida

le W ilion Almont Mortuary in f a : ity. Local arrangemenu are under ircclion o f th c Wood Riv*r-Euni hapel in Hailey. •

fera / . MeulemanRUPERT.— _Vera looe Meuletnan.

F-Rnpert.-di«i-M <»day,Jin:^12» >e Valley View Care Ccnter ia Boise.

Sbe w ts bom O cl 31. l906,mEugi Te., the daughter o f Joseph Allen lyrtle Vinceat Mayo. She moved v er parents in 19U and settled on a ( o n W o f Rupert She attended scb J Rupert and m arried H arry Jos ieulemaa oa April 25; 1926. in Ruj fhere they liv ed for 61 years. Iculcmon-died in 1987. She movcik»ise'in-1988-and'retii«r*i:tho:Va^iew Retirement Center until the tim er death.

Surviving are one daughier, Glorii lome o f Botsr. one son, Guy Meule ,f Rupert; one daughter-ih-Uw. Don .leuleman of Boiiei ,10 g a n ^ ld r e n ; 2 g rea t-grandchildrenrShe w aa- ,receded m dealh by her parents, tl■istera. one broiber and one grandsoa

Rosary will be iw iied at 7 p jn . Fr a St. NicboUs Catholic Church. 802 F n Rupert. M a n o f the Resurre^on >e celebnled a t I I a.m. Saturday a girhntK Catholic Church, wilh the ^ Krit o u w l^ t . Buriai^wittJ ihe Rupen CemcteiyrFrlendr'Tuay Friday afternoon until 5|30 p.m. a: Hansen Mortuary Chapel, 710 Sixth S Rupert, prior to ibe reciting o f the Ri FriSy evening ina-hefote M a i n church. The family seggesu mem coatribuiioni may be made to lh Nicholas Catholic School in R i^ e i t ..

M afjiJ.H ard/nKIMBERLY — Mary Jaae Hardii

o f Loveland, Colo., t a d former! Kimberly, died Sunday. Jan. 7, 195 the Oood S am ariiu Retirement Vi in Lovdand.

She w as b o m Sept. 9 . 189( Rockwell C ity , Iowa, the daught A.C. and Martha Buricbalter. She ir wllh her fam ily to Kimberly in I where they farmed. Sbe graduated Twin Falls High School in 1914. Shi a cook at Stanford Univcnity. Allied Guild and Palot Alto M i l i i^ Aca< in C alifom if .Sh£.mairied John Ro HaitUn'on Jan. 11.1917, in’Kimberl died In 1539. !>be moved U U iveti 1976 ftom Roseburg. Ore.

Surviving axe one daughter. Ca John o f Roseburg, Ore.; and two Blit Hardia o f San Rafael. CallC. aai;U rdlnofLoveUnd.Colo. ............

Tho memorial service w u Jan. Loveland. Interm ent was la tho Fills Cemetery.- .............

Filti. Frieads may call oao bour befc TUlWirirWUtB-Mimniry;-----------r

' TWIN- FA LLS----- -The- ttienservice for M ark D . G olay, 3 Honolulu, Hawaii, u d fonnerly of Falls, wbo died J ia . 7, will be a t : Piidiy, followed by la ooea house i p.m. l l tbe T w in F a lls F in l L Methodist C hureh. Fellow th ie

.d o w a tu lr i . C ren tition look pli H oaol^^ccntributions may be mads lo uw C o f Soutbem !'<«*'« Foundatioa, Fin Ceator, Box 1238, T w ia F a lli , 1 83303, or to tho Magio Vallw Fell<

^Hall.% rS«oba-A -ve7N rbrrw toT hismetDocyi

' t w in F ^ -L S — The ftmeral M 'Leonel At«mbula,''4S,'ofTWin Fall 'd ied Stfurday, will be celebnted a Saturday at t t e Ooadahipe Center il Fa lli, w ith tb e Rev. Juan O arri

. celehnu n Rowry wiU be w ite d tf

. Friday at White Monuaiy in Twia Frieads m ay call from ' 4 lo 8

. Thursday and Friday at While Mort

' OAKLEY — The nim orial ier> ■FrtnsG. RosUfli 65. o f Oikley, wl -Thunday, w U lboat2pjn.SM Jrda;

Oakley LDS Church, with Blsho Ci^mBy-offlrfittng:Tbe ftonlly r memorial contribntloai ^ be n

* ir raa g em e o ti imder the direct McCuUocb’a Funeral Hotse In B|uil

BMb---------------------ilM uirofBuhL


le^ N id H o S e o fT iu l; Inne Judd i

Celia P^tiroo aixi bilw . both o f Bui

bert,bothoffo^ - ___

1 Mra. J>eaU Kowitz of Rupert.

m linig H n e iJa c k e d , ^ -

is issue t o l l 6 le calls' . . .

ID A h u f a ij .^ h y s ^ c is b - « .^ e

E h g in o e rin g lo -a rea devcloped-a syst te d o f and ije n ti

L i) ik e iL jm l« a X J f ld f lK s r o v e rc o m in g r : la rg e w c a k tjc sse s o i

detection methodjTind t h p r-T T u n d e iT b F lW

- A nns Control,"U O regon- . Tomography Sysi 1“ ^ -, EG & G Idaho In is in th c . -aid-jn-vcrificatioi lopre m ifjEL o f “I® -d o could help i rn n i e r-th an -. qj w c a p o r

handling nuclear isiden ts E G & G Id a h o implaint p rivato co n trac t ta tio n s , Idaho U.S. Depa. ih e r - to - -s itf t------ :-----------___ “W e have to his tiiider • .'and c o u n t a rm R w aiver L _ —

Boise-----------1 ST. PAUL (AP)

- • Corp. ogreed o n 'T 'deaih” ^ F e b rS n h e $145,-5:

thcTJiinnesota Oci

the hundreds o f safetyineral....... companv’s Interna

mill.According to an j

„ • with thc M inneso- Labor'and Industr

e. also agreed to eliriiugene.mood . ■

1= Repotoseph • C o n tin u ed 1

school capacitiM 0 ved to thc rcportjays. Valley— i iu -T h c : - ,e p o r t— ime of res id en tia l c o n s t ^ M . F a lls s h o u ld i jiemsn residential dem an oris L Sp rings a s p ro p t

' ■-'aitrecd.“ Wc can assim

a economy fairly-cajFriday But i f a ,.co iistr

i Y F C ^tnsem---------------------------------iy-caii— — ■“ • 'C o n tin tie d

complete them . H Rojary ran out for com j l i t the room , th e fac ili ' smorial partially pain ted I

Bccause o f frc< th c ’backside o f hodgepodge o f <

d ift93, so m e tim e s goc: iw oM nm is brown, h e s Village Bennie K node

is ncxt to thc'V ,i J196. in

S ' ReeesShe*^^ • C o n tin u e d

th e v ic t im .” B Taylor's credibiU

erly. He under q u estio n iEtmdin------- true charaoter-T--

1989 conviction I Caraiea f ro m a m a n h e w i ;^ « o b Fuller request©--------------- look for ev iden t

^ ,0 la Becker’s reasona 10 Twin - the deaUi senteno

Becker h a d lu l deserved to d ie have changed hit

_ fiiB t and second— ----------- finldlnio-Aifeaufi

efore Ibe , •

emorial.........— .

It 3 p.m. release, b ; said, le untlt 7 **We have n o t

‘S -‘ Programs stic

rtcdlrge-------betw een T h e N? i i M ^ and the D cpartm

j i i J S -*ToiU,-4a= - b c t e ^ apecial

the m ilitaiy can o f all, including

m T m S release s t ^ . - 1 u no<m T ie A ir Fore r in Twin o ff ic e b y p h o t rritea bi iilv e p to ry o l

' 'resou rces o n thi . 'that hardly c ons

jrtioy. . BonnlviCT said. “ T h e re ’s

^ r f ! i ?2 ' en v iro n m e n ta l w hat’s 'o i i f th c r

hop Kim biir only Interest •loggefta— — T h ea ifb aso i!

the state.” and^ iction of"~ c o n se rv a n c y j uriey. in terest in n llti —1 . .. survey o f the ba.

T a g '

t e

elp with rA L L S CA P) ~ n m t t ^ ilie Idaho N ational disasser

h a v e " J e r n J ^/s tem ‘scJentisntify-'warheflds and th a t ce r m a te r ia ls w h ile destro>

m any_, o f th e p r o v e " o f c o n v e n tio n a l destroyt

ods. b y radioth 'c y iS ; Office o f ^ - T h ^ i ." t te Flssibn 'A sM y -wi&rcv ystcm developed b y ' a labor Inc . is designed to demons tiotr-of amis control -EG& officials said it oUo d e t ^ o m on itoring 'nuolear. is base io n s m a te r ia l a n d com po a r waste.-. a p a r th o itftH e p rim ary fission, ic to r a t the eastern types o jpartment o f Energy d e te rn--------------------------------radiatio:> be able to identify Besii ■ m am cnts th a t a r e th e n

I CascadcP) — Boise Cascade health v fTuesday-tb’pay by In adi > ,-554-finc-lcvied-by-inatitui Dccupationai Safety aw aren adm inistra tion - fo r airalysi e ty violalions at the em plo j mational Falls paper s a fe ty «

. - Petcrso in agreement reached Industi :sota Department o f staicmc istryrB oise Cascade - Boisi iniinate all safety and - pUn_of

>rt —d t u r n P ago B l b u i l t . ]s are not increased,"

n s trac tio n -in T w in C o n s^ m ee t in c reased

iand from Thousand jp o se d . M cA lind in ;^ is a co

im ilate that into the jncludi easily,” hesaid. ^ “ 0“ s truction camp isn ’t • projevi

\ —

sd from Page Bl — '.H e said whcn fiincis " « g h tm pleting the w eight “ It >ility 're m a in e d on ly w ith 't:d for a year. properTcqucnt new projects „ ■ , o f .the bu ild ing i s a - ,, f c o lo rs . The SCO,, J “ o e s un w a te red a n de s a id E sc(del, w hose property neighi

said the w ater slide fully f

isse d f r o m P a g e B l t o l l B u t F u lle r argued ,

Jility would have been , j n i f ju ro rs knew h ls '- 'o '^ J ^

m for accepHng a loan, w as investigating. sted an investigator to cncc to rebut part o f - f )ns for handing down tice.' • . I,ru led that Cnuubo'ncau lie because ho could h is mind bftwecn the n d -y o U ^-o |jih o ta J iei\iafi‘f w a y a n d s s v td ~ F u llc i

f in d_________________witne

f H Jer- - - “ _ Horgi1 t e m P a g e B l - 1 f* • lot talked about doing | «• le expansion ared,” be ^ |

m ch as the partnership ' • ^ -N a tu r « - G o a s t r v « u ^ t J l |_ tm e n to fD c fe is e a ie a | I on y that jo in t e ffo rts I M -inierest sroup ^aiid— in woHc for the beneitt | - 1 ng-the-Iand itself,” the

irce has contacted h is • ^ lotae ab o u t d o in g a n . 11 o f e n v iro n m en ta l' I I th e existing base, b u t - I - mstitutes a p a rtn e r^ p , ' I

a s ig n if ic a n t I ta l n eed to x a t a l o g . icre," he said. ‘T h a t’8 ■’| * J e s t ” •e is " the biggest void in — n d jjinnnivier naid thfl-i— - y h a s 'e x p r e s s e d a n lltn g that void w ith a b a w . ................. ........

i n r j u u u u £ I

ff j r ......

MkaiM ahji9xt f o - i a L - - sens *734^954 .

ists devek nuclear V(

led ~ h y - a - t r c s ty - w i tb o u t - iseipWing the weapons,*^ said

a t i s t .M f th e tre a ty requires c e r ta in w e a p o n s m u s t be

ro y e d , w c '^ u s t be ab le to ^ l K a « b ] f y - h a v c - b c c n ■ o y e d - ' f t ^ s y ^ can do this idiation detection.” re-project-ts in its sccond icn tista-now w T lcvcloping boratory sy s tem to u se as a onstrution m odel.3& G -Id ah o sa id lik e o th e r ction m e th o d , the new s y s t o asVd on ih e fa c t th a t som e iponents o f a w arh ead ,sp lit r t sp o n ta n e o u s ly th ro u g h on, releasing several different !S o f radiation. Scientists can srm ine I h c p re se n c e ofation.with a d etectnr.----------^esides detecting radioactivity,

new . s y s tc m i- a lso _ can

le will pa^lh violations by March 12. odditioo," the company agreed I

i t u l c - a -n in e -p o in t - s a fc t reness p lan th a t includes jo ly s rs r^ t tf e ty - tr a w if lB - fo t^ iloyees and su p erv iso rs , an ty cnforccmcnt procedures, K« ;rson, Department o f L ibor at iistry co m m issio n er, said in

oise miist provide OSHA witb I o f action and timetable for U

It, p opu la tion increoscs wou k at be tw een 1,000 and 1,4! pie j n 2000 and drop back to 7; »n c o n s tru c tio n is com plet istruction o f J h e S8 billion pla nticipated to continue through t r2009.housand Springs GcnOTting C ; consortium o f eight investoi ilding Rcno-bascd Sierra Pacil ources. Sierra Pacific is acting jcct manager.

u ld invndc-ihc-privacy_in .t]ghboAood:--------^ ^It w ould b e j i is t like som co ;h a S tcp laddcr s taring a t yo (pcrty all day long,” hc said.**" {e sard no ise keeps W nU w a ; nt night and the gravel causes a dust problem, js c h e n b u rg a s su re d t ghbors that the tennis projcct ly funded.

r life. B eck er sa id the lapse le was about two minutes.- rhe Idaho Suprem e Court saic :Ud find no evidence in the reo su p p o rt B e c k e r ’s contcn tii c k o ^ c a t e d 4 i & w o u l d n ^ w investiga to r to look into t estion."That’s in th e tr ia l transcrip ckcr said. “I ddh’t'think you n inv estig a to r to go through

m scrip t I f th e sta te needs to yond thc transcript, I w on’t all

B ecker did n ’t ind icate w het iHer co u ld -g o t-M ^v esiig e to i id C h 'a rb o n e a u 's cha ra itnesses._____________ .Jerom e C oun ty Prosecutor X jrganiargued P u ller d idn 't iieet

7 o ^ a u a s o B i

• S o u t h S i d e o f t h e S

The C hapel b~ 3 , 3 f r 4 t h a \ v e ^ E i --T W InF aliS /ldahb

lerificatip]j t - d i s t i n g u i s b - j p l n to n iu m . iid used i a m ost v ^ w l ^ f r

;s -detetm ine the num ber o f^ >e a n d t h e i r lo c a tio n to re v e a lin g any d e ta ils al m -d e s ig n -o f - th c -w e a p o n s ,is • Idaho sa id .........

“T h ese advantages ar< if. for a in u ^ ^ l C

. o f inform ation. I f it doesi e r enough, it can easily b e fc an _ i f it-r«veals too m uch,-nc nc will a g n » to its use.” lit Cole said tbe system ’s jh p in p o in t 'th e 'lo c a tio n ol ^it m W eria lsm akcsitap ro in an for m onitoring fissionable o f in c o m m erc ia l reac to rs

t r a c k in g th e m o v en ty, m a te r ia ls d u rin g p ro d t an sh ipm en t

y OSHAIprogram by June 30,

d to '"m uBt be in-place by th«fcty—year, Peterson said--------jo b

g-Prpjectand • C o n tin u ed fro m 1in a group o f eight private ii

plan to build thc S4 billi th a . one p lan t at a tim e ove the period.

' T h e 'c o m p le x ’s 'c i g h fb u m a to ta l o f a b o u t 6

------ o f coal anniwlly, o r 2 24over tbc life o fthe p ro jc

3u ld T h e p ro je c t a lso .w c |413 32,000 acre f e e t p f w i 722 w h ic h w 'o iild -b e pui e tc . neflibv w ells. The j i ^ t i )lant w ere purchased with tEe ^the -T h e e ig h t p la n ts , '

w o u ld p ro d u c e ab Co. m egaw atts o f electrical

tors, com pany has not s ign cific co n trac ts fo r the powc >S OS hopes to market it in tl

and California.

. . th e . l n _ o i h c r _ b u s i — :— c o m m is s io ~ n " v Q te d J i

-v ac a tio n o f a n a lle y ne: . . to . o l l o w j h c _ S 2 m i l l

L :“ „ e x p a n s io n ,

vake c o m m iss io n als«- l i b r a r y a s p e c i a l - u s

th e T h e C ity C ou n c il ic t'is a p p ro v e th e v aca tio i

, expansion can take p la

se o f in v e s tig a to r .“I ju s t haven’t seen

aid it th is court hasn’t seen : ecord p roves an investigate tio n . Horgan said.

> that

ript,”.'need • -v

S low

‘' “ ' '1 JfO U JU S tC A I S w o -------- A - P E E S H E f r F

1409 K im berl.T 5S5----------- T W irF a lls-* -? :^ a n f t S S S S S S S S S

nd m ayltnum QOBlfOTt, 7t)U OUTba good loo lu tf t n alt-leathi pport ^ e iu r f ir r« tu rn from

______ IBO „

D ” f t r Team'tJBA.

S q u a r e • R u p e r t • 4 3

' ' .0 ' 1 ' tvcncHomK

^ re m a tp ry ■- by the Park 73^

i o " - " 7 ; J e H T ^

o p k ys terro n Ij.-K lilsb i i . 'J. frmnrtKf-T.-*-f t - a t s o x a n ^ - o f v i ^ c a d s ' n w ith o u t s a b o u t tbe in s» -£G & Q ___

. a re critical C o le said. ■

nuc_im istj>e-v - rfg jrt-am ount^oesn’td e tK t • w fooled, bu t' ^ neither Ade­

n ’s a b i l i^ to 1 o f nuclefir rom ising l i^ I e material to rs , th e for v e m e n t o f _ o d u c tio n or

finepad tbe prognun ' t h e ' f n d c f th e ~

t—im P a g iB l . . . - te investors w ho b illion complex,' ovct.a_16T-ycar_

g h fu n its w o u ld '"It 6 m illion tons 224. million tons rojecL.w o u ld require w tc r .a n n u a lly . ■ - p u m p e d from

ght^ to the waterI th e land.— ;---------:s, w h e n b u ilt,

a b o u t . 2 ,000 ic a l power. Thc lig iied any firm o w er yet, but it in th e SoutbwMt

u s iu e s s , ih c— i iD , f & v o r : o f j i ^I n e a r the library n i l l i o n 'l i b r a r y

a lso granted the - u s e p e rm it .to.

c i l w i l l h a v c t o t io n b e fo re th e p lace:

icn anything, and xn anything, that ^a to r'is needed,”

lo w c r s ^ c , '

3AN!tPICK. __----------

>erlyR oad r-733'--8322— —

H P ' ' j | '

:4 3 6 - 9 8 5 .6


, i '_______ _ .1


jffibliitaif ~

m I

Page 11: mosi an^nosd. N,..W hite House c l-w JB Sununu, who said t the report with Presi' al security adviser!


BO ISE (A P) ~ .In jW j.Sp0n30f3~88id~W83~B~ni0>

~ 'tn e d e b a te g o in g , the Hiinuin Resources Comin in tro d u c e d co m p etin g '

— —raise ldaho-5 minimum w— - are In a position

lecipi'OOile UHHV-people - at the bottom o f the woge •they-re the one’s who n e c o n o m y ru n ,” Sen, Donesley, D-Boise, told 1

■‘ on T u e sd a y as i t v introduce.both his venio a lte rn a tiv e propos<

. —R e p u b lic a n R o g e r Ms—Boiic.----------------- ------

But w hile the b ills —_____tp_^_ o ffertd tWs s ^ i o i

the S2.30-an-liouf state'] to th e new fe d e ra l 1e> approach the issue difTen

In h is State o f th e Stau Gov, Cecil A ndnis calli

-------- ^increase in -lh o -^ te miniin 197.7. B u t w hile he > tying’the state'W agelo’ tl o n e ,-h e h as d ec lin ed t

---------posltion-on-flny-othcrJ(specifics, beyond criticis c d led tip c r ^ t

T h e re h a v e b e e n i estim ates on exactly_hi Idaho workers would b<

.... - b y achange.ia .tbe .m in i . s ta te .A F L -C IO Prcsji

Kerns said the best gue be 2 5 ,0 0 0 in a w ork nearly 500,000.• E)oncsley’8 plan wouli

thc m inimum to $4.25 a

h A u to s la m j! S T . G E O R G E , U tah ' / . Tw o S m ith’s Food K in g «

w ere ity u red w h en a ca t b r o ^ h <1 w in d o w in t d e p ^ tm e n t o f th e St. grocery store. - _

;i s . Burnham toldI w as b ack in g o u t .o f a 'st 1 c ro w d ed p a rk in g lo t al

p .m . M o n d a y w h e n he accelciPtttLout-of.conOTl

" f .~ ih e " c a r 's la i^ c d bacfcwo the w indoy/, ju s t north q:

h U y i T i p

I T wI B yI W il

I A d

' i B


ttelmnehi tmq fninin increase-Bijvha t bothn ^ t o - g e t — --------lhe~5cnate“ 'E B I W l Z ^ minittee Has,n g 'b i l ls to --!].gggg-_..r-.::July 1, nine mon lion now to new fed era l i Iilc.wbo.«n; in c rea« n o Ih a tl age scale— and make no otl0 make A is state l a w . -------en . B rian Madsen’s pro )ld the panel fedeml law that

v o te d to fe d e ra l m in im rsion and a^ $3.80 on April o sed by year later. S u t M adsen o f provisions fo r a---------- ------ to-rSO-doyrfbi; — the first under and a tip < sion — hike in__a n y m in i

tj rhihimum c o m p en sa te f( eve i, thcy restauran t em p Tererttly. staunchfy oppo itate address, labor, railed for an T h e Jrainij:

nimmum, set—jo b m in i im m nhe endorsed M adsen^ b iU v10 the'federal hour after A p r •d to take a ^ p r i l 1. 1991 3 -Jc g U la U v ^ _ ^ tI .b e -u p -to dcizing a year, push

h o u r ly ra te ti n no., so lid , p e rcen t a f te r >r_how m any adjusted1 be affected Madsen ffdir'linimum, but^ f e d e ra l__ p lae s id e n t J im complicated.ani guess would to adm in iste r, irk fo rc e o f industrial Serv;

Gould estimate ould in c re a s e _ ^ a itm e n t SIO 15 an hour on training-wage f

tis-into-Ulali•ah (A ? ) — entrance.' . , lg e n ^ o y e e s Store direcU ca r crashed 29, suffered b

n th e v id eo and was admit S t. G eo rg e Center. Anotht

o ld M elina G )ld police she and released ,! i s f a l l i n t h e _ _ A police sp. I a b o u t 3 :5 5 w orkers w ere h e r v e h ic le ca r o r hit by

w nrx H h ro u g h -p a th .-D am a j11 o f thc main estimated a t $:

/a s Tal Surfiri

th My nes-N c Ivertisi

M e w s A d v e r t i s i n g

a 5 u s i H g S S ; t o r b : : £ i i

les ■ ■BOII

murrx■ ....— “Thi

- DagM iSire ■ - -rne.d‘l O O O i cerem

LonihaihsTftritonthe:.!I m ln im u m ’iw age « level w ould occur, other changes in t h e -

jropdsal m irrors thc la t raises the current im u m -5 f $ 3 .3 5 to ril 1 and to $4.25 a -. lu t it a lso in c lu d es- ' r a training wage up " “ P for w o tk er r -2 (H m d - Ip credit o r reduction in im u ra w ag e to ; fo r t ip s p ro v id e d ' ’ m ployees. B oth are iposed by organized

l in g o r so -c a lle d n -w age inc luded in - il w ould be $3.35 an .prii.T a n d S 3 .6 l on '9 1 . T h e t ip c red it -to4S ^> ercenL in .tfe : •jsh in g tbe m in im um --------^: to $ 2 .0 9 .. and 50• r th a t , le av in g the r ”im um atS 2 .13 .knitted following the)lan__ w o u ld be "Jarid po tro tially costly • - - -e r . S ta te L abor and5Tviccs D irector Garyated i t w ould cost h is I5100,000 to policc theleproviSons.

[ u h a r k e t« tb r H arvey Woodyatt,1 bru ises and abrasions m itt^ " to Dixie Medical >ther em ployee, 18-year- G tm raiow , w as treated

1, po lice said, spokesm an said thc two •re e ith e r stnyck by the ly fly ing glass or debris |

la g e - to - th e s to re . wa_s_ [ 7 tS 8 ,0 0 0 .; ' i

ILk e n ■«*® i

e w s — =


. ' T A D V E R



I simply p lace si in T h e lim es-

h o m e p h o n e n u ^ sev era lta lls a t i

_______w b en -n o Jia r iS '— - = r — ----averageith

■ -a'dvertise.............. . . T h a t

limes-l ^ ____ Uke

g c a n h e l p i n c r e a ;

z i n d i q u t a o ^ ^

tOlSE (A P) — U rging criUa k beyond, th e con troversy « r k e r ^ i ts ’ p ro p o sa l , i ^elo pm en t. G ov . C ecil And

fiion T e c h n o lo g y B uild in{ [ie Stfite U n iversiy .T h is4 s a s ign ifican t step in, fancement o f h igher educatioi L j t a t c j f J d a h o ^ n d i T i u e sd ay ', a t a r ib b o n -c u tl rem ony fo r th e th re e -s ti OOOiquare-foot fh c llity .^ -^^ riie.'govemor.was jo inM b y B lie m s i d e ^ t Jo h n K eiser, I undatioitT* P re s id e n t 1 i c ^ g o r , a num ber o f local ite o f f ic ia ls a n d such .busii iders a s J.R . Sim plot and Mi' c h n o lo ^ Inc. founders -Joe ardParidnson.A ndrus’ p riva te agreSB R nf' icron in eariy 1988, assuring m puter c h ip ^ a n u fa c tu re r tl ■rh tiftlngy f l ^ d i n g_WQuli nstructed a t Boise State, was the reason w hy thc project gcsuch a rocky s ta r t--------------T h e s ta te B o a rd o f E d u ca ip ro v ed c o n s tru c t io n o f xhnology.B uildiD g in Septei '88 am id criticism from lawmi 'e r th e g o v e m o r’s agrcem ei ish fo r th e b iiild in g a s part ckagc o f- incen tivcsfo rM icn cate its 1,000-cmployce expai oject in Boise.___; _ .


o f W E S T 0 >

B A N K . . .

------------ . . . H O N O R


■..................... t l


! n r i s E “ s i S o a a i


N E & H A I L E Y !

i s i n a l l c l a s s i f i e d a d !

j f N e w s T l l n s e m ^

l u m b e r a n d r e c e i v c

I t h o m e o n S u n d a y

; c p II I l e a r n e d o r

: t h a t - 2 = o u t o £ 3 - e a R

i s e d e a c r i - w e e l c s ^

l a t ^ . a d i r e c t r e s u l t q

; s - N e w s a d v e r t i s i n g

I k e t h a ^ t p e r c e n t a g e

;ase sales i n your ykailingL::- Z Z

eiSaEBiics to . expansion to O rego th a t elsewhere. But the c< a n d agreed to keep.all-itj

n d ro ? ^ o .ise _ a fte i: .re c « y io

n g a t reported ly included - — : - t b a t engineeting pf0{ In the State would-be imprp' ion in Som e leg isla tors L s a id _ Andrus overstepped-l I t t in g ’ s t r ik in g 'th e agreci j to ry , consultiog the L epslt iii.. - ..-,ob jected -to the poss Boise growth o f engineerii

r B S U ' B o tgg~State~m ight T o m University o f Idaho’s

al and state’s lead insdtutlbr siness O n Tuesday, And ^ ic rsn since bccom e d e a r > e^^d g ro w in g p u b lic

e x p a n d e d co u rse t w ith eng ineering and ot ng the m ust be m et In thethat a city. ------- '

itri hf> put the hisas part and move on,” he sai got o ff ' K e isc r sa id the------------Building was the fuc a tio n B oise S tate hopes ' i f (he b u ild in g C o llege ( tem ber plex on th e ca makers p r o g r ^ so far shov ten t to re sp o n d in g fo a r t o f a technology educati eroTTto-ldaho;“-and -the-gn )ansion skilled w orkers in 1

and manufacturing.


CHARLES E .nF o r h is accom plish th irty -five years o f

II ^—1 - -i—1


H ■r r Hj s . V ' - .

, / e H

ly l ■

3 0 ® Z — - ~ —

& ■ = i t :

5 I I L H -—c 'Price bsiiKl


) e I S e e 0 1

j r I r ^

■ / O A T O

I m


toiseStig o n , A rizona o r w in n e r ft ; com pany fm ally s a id . “ It -iU -opcrations in .decision 1

cd h is guaran tee classroOfT ^ g ro m s 'a t Bolse—for progn irpved. - • *rs g ru m b led o h a t r = s sd-his.authority by ■■]-------e e m e n t w ith o u t m | islature. ThejF also I * Jjss ib ilitv tha t th e ........n in g program s at ;ht u n d e rc u t 'th e _o 's m ission as the . J :l6n in that field. -.ndrus said it has ___•:ar thiit there is a c d e m a t i i . fo r se o ffe r ir tg s In o th e r fie ld s tha t he s ta te ’s largest

tii«;tftry behind u s _ said.lh e T ec h n o lo g yfirst-step in .w h a t.. _____

JS w ill be a four- e o f T ech n o lo g y cam p u s . Htf sa id low s the school is

a “vacuum in n tio n in sou them g ro w in g n e c d " fo r~ ■ n h i ^ technology .

thrcx _ moft


shm ehts in 3f b a n k i n g . - --------

\ -

onlyS^ : o n M.S.R.P. 6fyi2.7fl5'Indi I addiuonal. You m ust laRo rota

o n e o f I d a h o ’ s

____ stan d ard P e a c e s ;1$ Sloek now so d ah sti » Famllv-slzo room foi

; « AM/FM S le re o . i^ D u a l sp o rt mirrors’ « Pow er rack-and-plnl

_______ ASK A Poi

O ' S B E S T K I m H

p S |™ F fD S ^

- — L e aSlERS I

Eate f^j]r for him (Andrus),” Keiscr “It was a difficult political 3n for the governor to . s u ^ r t

-1'<Sft~moUy/flTilj;r.yscr.C3Cg>oms,"laboraton«'anfoffice3}granu in electronics, dmfliiigi

M ark F. Hcl“— ^ — a B r e n t M . 1

A i e p l l

a n n i

t b e i r a s s c


A C C O U: 0 f f i c e s a t : 4 0 u

S u i t e 2 0 3 • ] — T m n - E a l l s , l d a h

STRE!S om etim es ttie stress of IH

tiolmlng a n d p eo p le require ?

We p ro ^ d e th e c o ^ a n d iro ugk im m ed la le problem s. < x x e effective w o y so t c o p in g '

II stress is affecting your tv3 all our 24-hour Helpline for m onfidential consultation.


__ Toll FfOO 1


r ~ T H O !

t t a gInduding dooJor prep oh'd dosUno fotaa doUvory out ol doalor otock.

s B e s t C j t i e y y D

e s : • . ' -.styling.n o r six. ^ inleroillti

_ ^ S c p lc h j

pinion e t o o r ! n g _ L $ ^ M ° !

nm IT oun n n S T tim f nPY Ens-p

Hansen C hevroletB U R l i Y

3 Munroe Chevrolet: - T B U H t ^ - r

loB lce M ototCo^._GOO DINQ

W ottfwsday*January 31.

Idal1.1990 Tlmes-NeOT.TwinFalls^

ho/W est L

i l i t F o p ecr a n In s t i tu te o f T ra f f ic al cn v lro n m ^ta t health, m an irt_ tc c T in ^ o g y ' afid ' co n

■ m anogem cm nralsg j£»cli pre-chgin<

C3 - U niversiiy o f Idaho uppe g. and graduate levtl courses

> l m s t e a d , C IE m d----------- ^H y a l i / C P J

J e a s e d t o

a o u n c e _________ -

j o c i a i i o n a s :

n p & H Y A ' E D P U B L K F N T A N T Sl ^ n d - S l r e e t N o r t h ‘ J u s t a m e r e I n n ' h o - 8 3 3 0 U r ? 3 4 - 2 0 7 7 .


SSED?life's ch a lle n g e s co n t^econ


x l 'o tte n tlo n -p e o p le require 5. conflicts a n d dlierrws wtille g v^th life circum stances.

vappiness. or som eone you or m ore Information or to arran?

I Us TodayS) 734-6760 1-800-247-318?

m N-VlEW—

rS a m e \

noUon c ^ a r g o « . - t a ^ i ^ o


d e a l e r s f o r d e t e

4 * w h o e l< Ilso b ra k o s .-- iltonl w lndshlold wipers wilh

w ashers.--------------- --------------h g a r d « F obrlp ProloctoK •

I0 r0 7 .. . .

rp R P O B A ^-- --------

a t - S u t t o r e & i S o j ^

____ C i i i R a u i o s u r-JE R O M E

B n s =rfic S tu d ie s , i [Tuinufactunng co n s tru c tio n * -------

,S neering andippcr d iv is io p T r rm = :rscs^


H T TI CI - —. ------- ------------


17-7— —

c o n ^ cver-

jlre t0 “W0flt— : ~ ■llie leam ing

u o re abou t, a n g e a free

r \

►.and opttonal.i=:—---------

t a i l s . — i —


r. ■ . ' '

; “i r

1 C hev ro le t .t o — v -

s-Ghevrolet—= y

cn e v ro ieiM E '


alls. W a h o - M ..

Page 12: mosi an^nosd. N,..W hite House c l-w JB Sununu, who said t the report with Presi' al security adviser!

' O N T A R JO * .Q « . (A P ) -___ j n a n f l f f e r - j a y j t ^ T c ^ P ^ .— =^’‘ca$f<i'‘tc fe v is io n h a s crca:

b la c k o u t o n O re g o n jxcws• J d a h o l — b o r d e r . ------- p

c d n i m u n i t i e s t o - n p p c j g o v c m iw m t tf f Test.oTC serv

“ I t ’ s c r e a l e d . a s i t u a t i O n ta r io v ir tu a l ly is d isc n f ro m th c s ta te o f O re g o n C i t y , M a n a g e r A l B n T u esd ay .

Service- from Portland______ sm tio n s _ K 0 1 N . K Q W .J«

K .PT V . w o s d r o p p ^ Jl r e p l a c e d o n c a b l e w i th p ro g ra m m in g se rv ic e s .

J l e s i d c n f r o r O h l a r i o r V a l e n o w r e c e i v e ,o : tc ic v is io n n e w s fro m Idal h a s ' 9 .7 5 8 re s id e n ts ; N y: a n d V a le . 1 ,6 1 5 .-

T o r e s t o r e s e r v i c c , i--------- C ab lc -o f Orcgon-lDC J l l

a p p e a l - w i th th e C o m m u n i c a t i o n s ' C o re q u e s tin g th e a g e n c y w a “ s y n d e x r u l i n g s , ” s a S y c a m o r e , v i c c p r e s i d

. c a b le co m p an y .

^ O b itC len n S im m o n s

______ • TWIN FALLS — •OlCTno fT w in FBlli. dieoTviQni

- 1990. a r th e M agie Vall Medical Cenier.

He w#i bom March 3.1* Wyo.. and el age 7 move where he gr^uated from hi

- th en moved lo Salt U ke'< i_ . wotlced ftt Safeway Grocer

vean. He married Irelia Q- - : He tater moyed lo Twm 1

''a n d wa* lu p e rv i io r for f to re s in Sou thern Ida^woriced for two yean. He a

....................Y oungt-D airy-ft* .bualni---------reiiringalU r25yc4H or$a

Mr. SlmmonJ was aeti S couts, the E lk s C lub ;

__________ oncjoD . Dr- Gary SimmcC a lif .; th ree bro thers ,Simmons o f H un t. Texas

• Brent Simmons, both o f S two sisters, Rosalin Ulhin nnd Barbara Van Veen o f 1

: aod three grandchildren. Cremation was under t

Reynolds Funeral Chapel N o serv ices are planne suggests memorial contril made to the American C Contributions nwy-beleft

- Reynolds Funei»l Chapel, ___________ Ave. E ..TwinFall5. Idaho

= Jre n e K. Hfegnei\ 'BtJRLBY —

of Burley, died Sunday,, Ontario, Ore.. at tbe home

Sbe was bom Aug. 7,■ ' - — Idabo rtbe -daughte r o f

Anna ftta seo Hansen. SlKures 00 April 13, 1926, City LDS Temple. He di then m arried Dr. WjUi

------------------M ontp«lier-on-5«pi^rJmoved to Burtey, where chiropractic practice fo W egnerdiedinl9S7.

Sbe was an active m a Church, where she held : over lhe yean.

Surviving'areoneioti, O fT w in Falls ; two dai Crane of Layton. Utah, i

-------------o f Ontario, Ore.; 10 gran.grea t-grandcbild ten . p reeeaed in death by Isisten and one great-grin

Tha ftmer»l wiil t j a t- • -------- ^0«Bi51«SJc5n<rWara

■ ■ 'E .'ie th S t-w ti iB ti io p- — ofncUilflg::Bnriil will b.

------ In the Bern Cemetery............... -■ F riends m ay call fro

Thunday at MeCulloch------------ in Builey and one hour 1

at the church.

______ ■_ .. ^ mam ■■ MF=^ei^vu- - -

S»tnrd»yrwiil bc a tlO Shoshone LDS Chure W ayne W addou p i ofti

church. The family lU contribution* may be la

- Y um a, E .O . Bo* 421 83366. ArTiogtcnenU in Ibe d irec tion o f Johni Yuma. Local

.Shoshone. ,

------------------JEROM E — H e ftic_ _ ._______ .S tn ith ,J^ o f Jerotne. w

■ - Christ in Jerome, w llFr 'o fn c la r in g T B u r lit wi

________ ; J c n m C m ete^ ^ Frie

A ^ g m i m u are unde the Hove-Robertson F

FILER — Tho grav- - - Eatber H. Brodine, 76, ( Friday, wiU be at Ip .n

Memorial Park In Twi R av . »U ilh.K uipcr ofl n u y cal] from 9 a.m. u Reynold* Funenl Chap<

........... — ~FIEER-‘T -Ilt f- f iae n• '* ‘ { 'fed) S iorer, 83, o f

Sunday; will b eat I p.B Methodist Church, with

IH d s^— r ~ — s n ^ v A u s Y

:M r»..Alvin Oorrall «nd M - . , .Cam i MuirofB uhl: and En

7 r J ______ M n. Robert M w phyK ktN

;F alU ; RuHoIl Q tlUugber -----------; < U ^ ie r io 4 Trisha Ann St

-nmes-NowB. TWln Falls,

>) — The cily Th© rules w ':pJyuling on-, proicct the ex re a ie ^ i n y r tcicvision fz: n v s ^ j t ^ g ^ e prtjvcnl non-c _ p rc rm p lip g » shows in the s p e a l t o - t h e Brown saiclervice.-------- - ,~ c x ^ p l io n rcila tib n w h e re thc affected I scnfranchised local school d gon,” O ntario H c sa id tJ B ro w n sa id exception of______________O rcgon-tobu

md telev ision O n ta r io , th ^ K A TU and te levision ne I Ja n . 1 a n d topic o i conv i t h H v c n c w for weeks. .

Sycam ore: io rN yssa-jm d—ru le s r th e -c o

o n ly lo c a l c h o ic e b u t Idaho.: O ntario PoH land sla N yssa; 2 ,820; o p tio n was

' sta tions^ b c . C h a m b e rs program m i^

C o m m iss io n T h a t opli( w aive its new sa id S y c a i s a id S y fv ia - stations-wert

s id e n t o f th e m ic ro w av e Cable had K

tu a rie s-s P hyllis Lenn Stmmons, 77, TWIN FAl iQ n d 4 y r» H r2 9 ;—/a lte y 'R e g io n a l— 1990,-Bberhc

Arrangemc}, 1912, in Byron, announced bj loved to Oakley. Falls.

» Conley in 1933. ' TWIN FAfin Falls in 1948. TwmFalls.diifor IOA grocery hishome..Idaho, w here he A rran g ^ele then worked for w nounced b; a lncia .m anaB «r..

I ^ * 1 n thc Boy C liffordu V an d the G o lf - ' j^ m BERI

-ifeorTw m M l.;nmons o f Salinas, Ammffemtrs, J o h n '^ o b e n b;m s , and Ray and -o f Salt Lake City;hin o f Orem, Utah, r j ,o f Ramona. Calif.; O C m lC C

n. WENDEIler the direclion o f Wendell, die»pel in Twin Falls. ij^ Gttai Acnned. T he fam ily Amngem<ntribuffons may be nnnouncedin Canccr Society. _ Chanel.___left at or mailed u>tpcl. 2466 Addison M n r / f l A1^0,83301. nUTCIlT

7 ofRupert. di------------------------- m rcD S T ifl

ay,7an. 28. 1990, In ^yjpen; ome ofher daughter.• 7. IW 7. f t v d M.L She inarried.Loren . KETCHU >26, in the Salt Lake Pahrump, ^ !e died in 1958. She 1990. at M< ^'illiam W egner o f Sua VaUey ■ -9,496Q-Jliey.lalci— the.bowe-ol lere they operated a Ketehum. • e for 20 years. Mr. He was b

Water, Kan. member o f the LDS #nd Clara eld several positions Colorado foi

—to Pahrump w a, Richard L. Kuni Clarkson oo daughtera, Bonnie Colo.Hewc

ih. and' B ^ B i ^ in Canon Cii

n. She w as a lio N ev.; ihre< by U Lbrotheri and - Colorado Sf grandchild. o f Canon Ce at 10 Fnday at _K etclam i;j: I ^ X D S C h u r^ -S lS ' Mariorie Ki ihop Jack R: H oU «ad- b rothen, R ill be at 3 p.m,-Friday- tn d Claren ery In Bern, Idaho. g .C .; four 'rrom ‘'5 i8 : ip 'i ) ;m . Summervlll locb 'i Funeral Home city. Colo., BUT before the ftineral— tn d Marie

I c e s ^rhoftm erifo rB unon IralancJnd rS h « h « je .-* * d dIed— ih-B-FirttT' l O ' i m today at the • tugiesU m lu rch , w itb B ishop made to tt ofHcialing. Friends 4620 Ovei

t lu g g e iti memorial ' M ethodiste inado to HoiplM o f Contribui:4211, Y um a. A fii., Moituaiylis in Arixema ere under underthedih n io n M ortuary in • •xmenU a n under tho GOODIrin Funeral Chaw l in Sean. 76. <

‘ w lirbo"as D cn an y 'i

iftm cral-forA nlilo 'j..- Doo Ma»oi 0. who died Saturday, th e Elmw

H the Cbuich of— Friend* ma B r o ^ O i a i r -■ -Demaray'*

I w ill-fo llow ac t h e __________

u n m irtH B cnurcn. u e ia iu m i mdcr the direclion of Saturday, i in Funeral Chapel in . lhe Han*ei

S i : in rRt ofnciating

rraveslde service for Cemetery 76, o f FUcr.-wbo died ..Frletid»:o p.m. loday at Sunset even ing i

Twin Falls, with the n junday* ’ o fn c tn liu i . . f tleBtl* '" J ■'a. until aoon toclay a i“ , TWIN liapel in Tvrfn Fall*. Melva Cro

andfoimeioeral for T heodore-M r-26rw j«-b o f F iler, wbo died Mortuaiy I p.m. today at the Filer Rasmusse with the Rev. Rebecca fo llo w u !


d M n . Wiltiam Vanbeek, b ith -o K lE m eitP in tbe ro fR ^ w i

td Mrt. David R o n aod daughter, tU {her o f Kimberly; M n. Timothy ! a SlQOder, boih of Wendell; « n d ^

alls, Idaho Wodnosday, January

_____________i l - ----------:__ !------

ivifcnt into elTccl Jan. 1 to moi exclusivity o f syndicated o u t p ——n-duplication-of netw ork has le same area.— ^ a nd laid the cable company s s in request was. endorsed, b y _ sysi

:d towns ond at leo sro n e ,F )1 district. . ’ . ' r e s ; th a l w ith th e p o s s ib le disc o f p lans by-thc sla te o f Ore build a prison just o u ts id c ..-Jh ' th c lo ss o f P o r tla n d disi new s has been the m ain not

invcrsation around O ntano !5c V . On

te said under the new F C C - -com panyralm ost-had-no--— -J u l to d is c o n t in u e - th e P®' s ta tio n s. The only o ih c r IS to re ta in thc P o rtlan d cvi

b u t b lock o u t a l l cvc ling except for state new s 5 [ B oise-area stations a n d als

)lioD w as too expensive , :a m o re . T he P o r tla d d ero beamed to ihc .areaj3y ! ve re la y , and C h a m b e rs no 1 to pay full pricc cvcn i f rcc

IL R'flney KFALLS — P ^ l l i i L. Rigney, ‘ t irFiJt*nlW-Tt««layri».-40<— ihc'rhotne.--^----------- ---- ---------- Citjments are pending and will bc ^irc I by While Mortuary in Twin Q a

■ • \ f e{05S RFALLS — Ftnli R oil. 87. o f of**.diedTuesdsy, Jsa 30,1990. at the^

«»enu are pending and will be Ore i by White Mortuary in Twin

-• _____ ^ -__ non

t l FaJlis "iREY-'— Cliliort fau u , 80. o f wh(died Tuesday, Jan. 30, 1.990, at Mei

)fan extended illness. Boinncnts are pending and will be Vied b y ^ i t e Mortuary ln T w in her

Hoix L e e S5ELL — Bcraice L ee..86. o f . j died Tueiday, Jan. 30.1990, at 1 Acres Care Center in Gooding ;emcnt* are peivling and will be , ed by D eraaray'a W endell ------------------- ■-------- In :

A Gomez nicIO ---M aB a.A li£ iaJiam a,_2B ^_5£

s« p iu n 5 ? fl.i t i£ ^ _ tt . ^ {cmenu are pending .and^wjll be ~ «d by the Manaea Mortuary in -

' ■ ch

M. Hfeai>er:HUM — Frtd M. Weaver, 71, o f J, Nev., died Monday. Ja a .-2 9 ,— M oritt Community H ospiul la ey ofan apparent heart , ofi.ofhl*.*oa,JxoaanUVcavc£-in___Ki

_ ih. isbom M areh9,19lH;mShallow in in . . tbe soo of Jay Oatie We»vet ra N utt W eaver. He lived in r , I for over 50 yean, befoco retiring * imp in-1988. He married Hazel yf . 00 OcL 29,1938, in Canon O ly . w! , woiked for lhe Ideal Cemeot Co. t I City for 38 yean. - . * 'ving are h ii wife o f Pahrump, irce sons, Marvin W eaver o f ' in > Spring*. Colo, Kenneth We*vcr H <n City and Leonard W eaver o f di

Wft-Hwiphtgt*. l n i«I King, 'boib of Canon C % two , Robert Weaver e f Canon C ity ; ren te -WetVtr o f SummBrvlUe.. . . p our * iiie r* ^ u r» - .S h iv e r* o f _ u rviil^ Olive Adam* o f Coloirijio . llo., Mabie H c^'orM iam l;O kla., - jie -Freok o f S a l ld a ,-C o lo .; -1 4 _ t lilldrea: and two great* F

^gUHng. intennent will follow at FrTO;O.FrCemBtwyrTb»'<kmUy-rr*I memorial contribution* may be a tbe A lzbetm er'i A tioeiatloo , iverland Road No. 211, B o lte , *

]{st Church Memorial F und . F iu lio n i m ayii'e Iqfl at W hite F y in Twin Falls. Arrrageoent* ara p ledirectionofWhiteMortuaiy. 5

d)DINO V The fUneral fo r R o y ■ I '6. ofOooding. who died Suaday, c r i n O!3Crt.m . TliuriU iy » i ‘ u y-*OoodlngCh*pd.withthoRev. ( lion ofneiadoiTBuria] will be in 8 nw ood Cemeiery in 'G ood ing . - Imay call flnm LiQ 7 :p ii . today a t . ._bly'a Ooodlng Chapd.------------

ERT - Tho ltoeJii far Clifrcrtd- -1 • M il le r r ^ ^ M » i^ rw l» - d i* d — i ;y, will b e a t 11 a-m.Thunday t t J u en Mortuary Chapel, 710 Sixth I rRuperl, w ith Arvin H ansen <

ing. Burial will be in the Rupert I :ry with military'graVo*ide r i « * ~ l i may call this afternoon an d . 1 g 'a n d ’ before-lhe tU neril on ly al the Kaaicn Mortuaiy ChapeL

IN FALLS — The ftineral fo r ' Crossley, 85Tof Spokane. W **h .~ - < merly tfT w in Falli, who d M Jul' -i it-b o rrE T fflT F rra y T rw iittr- i ly in Twin Falls, with Btibop Lyno I

K ° S u ^ t l ^ ^ ° n S c In^Twin 1

'” ^ '^ = :^ - A d « i4 h t i r to C im t l

'^ ^ .c A sn o a f i e i a ; --------- ;----------------------- :

jfG ood inp ■ Odell Bird.ofBurloj . Vltrh«.,hnthflfOaklffi

,aU OfTwin Fairchild ofH eybum ; 1ly S tie ian d baby and V e a e ta E a ^ > t Up Slatter

, A baby to Mr. and K

. . . ^

a ry31 ,1990

• ‘- ■’

i lo s t o f th e s igna ls w ere bli3Ut • ______ ______

S ^ i e r t e i n i y t h i s has given rise lo m ore phonc an d jn o rc J e t tc r s .tK a a w e ’-y s in c e we''ve b een d p e ra tin system,” she said.

F o r decades,T O n tario re s id e n ts h av e c o m p la im discnfraiichisement from ^ c i Oregon ond from neighboring J h e reasons in c lu d c th e distance from thc m ain cilics northwest corncr o f the state a fact Uifll 'ihe Tiiaisuie Valley-i Ontario is the only place in C within thc.Mountain Tim e Zor _i..Thc remainder o td rc g o o is Pacific Time Z one, and peo O n ta rio , N y ssa a n d Val every th ing one h o u r ca'rlie everyone d se in the slate.

Southeastern O reg o n res also havi; a longstanding cod

-n g n in<t Itiaho te le v is io n sti w h ich they say n e v e r b o t acknowledge thot th’cy e x ist

Sycamore said th c FC C is no deadline to respond to th e requests.

' tf—

grandehildrefl. He was preceded in 6 by his parent*. • . •■ The memorlil icrvice* will be rrid thcWilsoB-Almont-Mortuary-in-O City.-Loeal arTang«ment*.*rc-undci direclion o f th e W ood R iver Fut C ^ Je l In Hailey.

tfera I, Meuleman■ RUPERT — Vera lone Meuleman

o f Rupen, died Monday. Jan. 29.199 the Valley View Care Center in Boise. ' Sbe was bora-OcL 31,1906. in Eu] Ore., tbo daughler o f Joseph Allen Myrtle Vincent Mayo, She moved ber parents b 1911 and settled on a nottb-east ofRupert. She attended scl i n RupVrt and m arried-H arry Jo; y w ilwnin tM ApriL25-1926-inJjJ w h e re lh e jr liv e d 'fo r 61 yean.- Meuleman died in 1987. She move Boise ia 1988 and resided at tbe V View Retirement Center until the tir •her-denh.— ^ ^

Surviving are one daughter. Glon Home ofBoise; one son, Guy Meuli o f Rupert; one daughter-in-law, Doi

■WeBloiiBrDfBoiicriO'Sraadehildrer 12 great-grandchildren. Sbe was preceded in death by her parenls, listen, one brother and one grandson.

Rosaiy will be recited at 7 pjn . F at St. Nicholas Caibolic.0&ircb..802 in Rupeh. M au of lhe Resuirectiol be cefebnted at 11 a.m. Saturday NicboUs a tho lic Church, with'the Robb faUer u cel<*rant. Burial will

~th~ R u k r r Cemei« y . Piteuds ma;- Friday-iftemoon until 3:30 p.m.: 1

Hansen MtfttnarrGhapel, 710 Sixth. -Rimcrt. prior W, tbo reciting o f the J

T ^ y evtnlBg and before M u* chiircV.The family inggen» mcr contributioni may be made to tl MlrKpl.t rjihnlie .«;dioQl in RupqL

^JHaryJ.JHIardln------- -KIMBERLY — Mary Jane Hard

; o f Lovelaod, CoId.*; and formei- Kimberiy,,died Sunday. Ja n . 7 ^

Ihe Oood Samaritan Retirement > in Loveland.-

Sbe was bom S ep l. 9 , 18S Rockwell.Cily, Iowa, the daugh A .C and Muiha Burichalter. She 1 w ith ber family to K lm berl^ In w hen they farmed. She graduatec Twin FalU High School in 1914. Sl

. a cook at Stanford Univenity; Alli* -G u ild and-Palot'Alto Military Aci ' in Caliromia^ Shb married John R

Haniinod J u . 1 1 .19I7,inK im ba ' died In 1939. She moved to Lovel

— 1976 ftom Ro»eburg.-Otc------------. Surviving-aro one daughter, C John of Roieburg, Ore.; and two

-: BUI Hardin erf San BTaeirCanf., ai- Hardin of L ov tlan d ,-C o lo .~ ^ r-

• Tbo memorial aervlco w u Jan. L'ovolind. Interment wa* in the Falls Cewtery-.---------------------- --

' " Fall*.'Friend* may caU ono hour bel -rrfeaoij-ttW hlte M o t t u u y r ^ iz ^

TW IN ’FALLS — The me lervice for Mark D . Q olay. Hnnnlulu, Hawaii, aad fonnerly c Fait*, who died Jaa^ ,7w m be » Friday, followed by aa opea house p.m. at Ihe T w ia 'F a lts F in t M eihodlit-Church, Fellow tb ti dow nitairs. Crem atioa took p

' Honolulu. The famlty fu g g e ^ m cootiibutioot may b« made to the'

' o f Southern Idaw'foufldatlfln, 'Pi Cenier, Box 1238, T w ia Falli, 83303, ot to lhe M*«Ic Valley Fel HaU,-80r Second Ave; N. in.Tvirin 1

, _ h i * r o e t ^ _______

TWIN FA U S — The llinei«H;- -Leooel Aiaabula, 43, o f Twin FaJ — died.SalunlaV^tl bc cdctatcA .

Saturday at the Guadalime Center Falli, with thc Rev. Juan G an celdnint Rotary will be recited a Friday al White Mortuary in Tvi

— F rie n d n n a y call from -4 to '■' Thunday and Friday at White Mof

''OAKLEY ~ The memorial lei q . RwUafc65. a f f ^ k lcyr?

Thunday, will be al 2 p jn . Sanadi- Oakley LDS-Chu«brWitb-Bi»h

'Cnmiey omciadog. Tbo fkmily 1

^ - t h e charity o fih ed o a o r’a choici- arraogemeoli under the direc . M c ^ o c b 'i Fuaenl Homo in Bm


jHey: N e d J t o ^ ^ s u U Ittoe Judd tklev: aad L i^ e Koviitt o f Rupert

Jn; Ralph Schneider of fau l; and Car ! g fe « t ,b o th o f f t^

jdMnlDeaUKowlBofRuperU ,


ne calls_ 4 D A H 0 - F A

m g th c P h y s ic is ts a t tbi , • _E h £ in e_ c rin g lL lo -a re a develope'd a sys

lo ca te and ident e n s t o f o th e r n u c le a r : lg Idaho, o v e rc o m in g ; e la rg e . ..w e a k n e s s e s - 0 :s in the detection method ; and the F u n d ed by th

~ A nttS C on tro lrt ‘ Orcsoa Tom ography Sys O'I®!- E G & G Idaho Ir ■is in .th e— aid-iirverific ido eople in trw tie s : INEL ol a le do c o u ld help in m ie r th an q , w eapo

handling nuclear es id en ts E G & G Idabi omplaint . p r iv a te contrac s ta tions, Idaho U.S. Depi o m e r to " s i te . ^

"W.e have to 1 is under a n d c o u n t a m

le waiver _

— Boise--------1— ST.-PAUL-<AP)

_______ _ ^Corp._ogrced p n ja death F eb . 8 the Sl4S7i

lh e M innesota 0« a n d -H e a lth . Ad

dcr the.-f 7-.hunclrc^ onaTet; ■uneral' com pany s intcmi

m ill. 'According to an

'w ith the Minncsc - L abor _apd.Indu^

se. also agreed to eliiiEugene,

i .Repoiioieph------------- • C ontiiiued7 ^ ^ “ “ •' scHool c o ^ t i e T jved to the report says. Valley T h e repo rt ume of re s id e n tia l , cons loria M. “ F a l l s — s h o u ld - wleman residentia l dcmai Jori* L. S p r in g s as prop

« a S 's, Ihree “ W c can assinon. econom y fairly eaL Friday ' B u t i f # consti

1 - YFCAn U b e ta^ ■ Ca u t in ed

t i s u S - com prctc tKera.l eJio**iy_ rM _ o u t ^ com isa ithe ■■ T obm , th e fabil:

jjartia lly painted B ccausc o f fn

- th c T ja c k s id S 'o l-----------------h o d g c p o d g c 'o fudin.93, . s o m e tim e s got

tUtn9.brow n. ho I , yjiijge “ ■ -'beim ie tCnodi

i s n ex t to the Y, 896, in - - . .

In 1908, J l m | p C 'W « ted from ^ ■ Shewu • C d n tin u w

1“^ , ™ th e .v ic tim .” E 'S l t o d Toytor-rcrcdibil beriy. He . u o d c r question veiand in t iu c character - ------------- “ 1989 convictiwCarmen- , - f ro m a n ia n -h e w

Fuller rcqucju______ lo o k fdr'evlden, 0.10 In B ecker’s reason :he Twin the death senten(----------------------B ^ e r T ia a rii

d e se rv ed to dii have changed hi


beforethe ,

aV3 p.m. icl6<llt4, M SilO. j*ountil7 "W e h a v e no

f f l

m ^ r i S ~ • “Programs w le College be tw een The ^

in FaiMn-------betw ecn-q)eaal_ ' th e im lita y can

" ^ ' o O T t c j . ’ - J Th e - ^ r Fort

«1nTwin- TIoTfic'e b y pfto amtea a* in v e n to ry 0

resources o a t t . J i l t M y COJ.

lonuary, B onnivier sold.— -------------“ T h e re ’s.

environm enlD w h a i‘8 oui;iliB

i*hopJCim_^ -o u r only interc8 l y w g i ^ TheaiTDasoi

Sera. , . .survey o fth e bl

■ . n r ndd and TamnQ'_^_

i | n p Jonsi

^ e i e n tii€lp:WitkrFALLS (A P ) — l im itetb e 'I d ^ o N ational oisasse

^ L a b o ra to ry h a v e J e r ry jystem they say can "sc ien lientify warheads and t h a t ci r m a te r ia ls -w h ile d e s tro

m any o f th e p ro v e- o f c o n v e n tio n a l dcstrojhods. b y rad i the U .S . O ffice o f T he

iT ^ e 'F iw io n ' A ssay nnri s rSyslcm developed b y a labo) Inc. is, designee! to . droO T

.offic ia ls said it also - detectiI m onitoring nuclcar is baap o n s m a te r ia l and com piear waste. a p a r tabo is th e p r im a ry fissiorractor a t the eastern ty p es>epartment o f E nergy d e te r i

to bc able to identify B es irm am en ts th a t a rc th c

e Cascad<— Boise C ascade-hea lih

m Tuesday lo pay by In m i57554’ fm ric v le d b y - i n s t i t i OccupaUonal Safety aw are

A dm in istra tion fo r ana ly : Tcty^loliitiuns'at.'tbe cm pl< :fnational Falls paper safety

Peters■ an agreement rcached In d u s icsota D epartment o f statem ust ^ , Boise Cascade Boii • tbm rfe all safcty’and ’ p lan c

yrt—— —ed from P ag e Bl b u ilt ,cs arc “ ot'incieascd,"” ^ ^ *

rt p re d ic te d th a t )n struc tion in T w in S’® .. J - m e e t - i n c r e a s e d J i f n ^ nand from Thousand •oposed. M cA lind in

d i l a t e that into the r'casily,” hesaid: istruction cam p isn 't

A— — -led-from ____ w o u lD. H e said w hen funds 2 ^ o m p le ^ g .A e w dgH i ' 1 “ It ciliiy rem am ed o n ly ’ w ith tc d fo ray ca r. ,prop<frcqucnt.'A c^ ro jccts

r o H h e J u i ^ i s ^ > o f c o lo rsr T h e j r a s s -

jo e s u n w a te re d V n d hesaid. \ f S

Y, SMd the w aler slideV fu lly

is s ---- \ “ued from P ag e B l '’ B u t F u lle r a rg u e d ibility-would have been— —,, o n i f ju r o r s k n c w h i s r - as evidenced by a on to r accepting a i o a n ~ " ~ ewas'ihvestigating.- — esled an investigator to lence to rebut-part o f : ..! ,-^ , !ons for banding down lence..I n i lc a m t 'C h a r b o n e a u - ™ ’ die bccause he could 1 h is mind between tbeond-voll^-ofshots-he^— -Bl ?auBh’s b ^ and wved

lued from Page BlJJ . •not talked aboul doing | «> the expansioA area," he ^ f

such as the partnerBhip | ^ e-Natur'e C onservancy | ttfajenhof^efcasMie^i— I — nony that jo in t effo'rts . I ciaLinterest groups and • • can work for the benefit - « UnfffiS’Iafld'ilMlf.’tTlie— ^

'orce has contacted h is - | ^ ibone a b -o sn ie ln g Bn' • I

o 'f e n v iro tim e n ta t f I the existing base, -but Mnstimtes a partnership,

a----- fligm f ic a n t - In ta l n eed to c a ta lo g ■ | tfaergf- h q-Mid .-“That *8-^ ; |’* jcst*^----------se j8 ’‘ffiel>igge8l void in ' and-Boanivier. «iid.~th e= :y h a s e x p re s s e d -a n — filling tha t void w ith a ebase.

Ii It s u n w i , Nm i T S ' j a S b0990$ • 734-8dS4

isWdemiiMuBedr^'i t e d ■ b y 'a t r e a ty w ith o u

ry C o le , an E O & G p ro je s sn lisi: “ i r t h e tre a ty require t c e r t a in w eap o n s mu^st bi tr o y e d , w e m u st b e ab le ii v e th a t th ey h a v e beei troyed. This system can do tm ladiation d e le tio n .”Tie projcct is in ils sccond yeai : grieritists now are developm ib o ra to ry syslcm to use as fionstration model. £ O & O -Id ah o -sa id Jik c_ 0 th eection methods, the new sy s ta t jascd o n lh e fa c t th a t sorn n p o n c n ts .o f a w a rh ead s p i i r t sp o n ta n e o u s ly th ro u glion, releasing several diffcrct e s o f radiation. Scientists ca te rm in e the p re se n c e c:iatk>n-with a dctcctor.-------^Jesides detecting radioactivit; 5 n cw sy stem a lso ca

lc will p a|Ilh violations by-March 12. n addition, the company ag re ^ t i t u t c —a —n in e -p o in t—safe a re n e s s p lan th a t inc ludes j ily s e s , sa fe ty tra in in g fo rp lo y e e s -a n d -s u p e rA tiw r i^e ty cnforccment-proccduics,.K e rson , Department o f Labor e lu s try com m issioner, sa id ii tement.3oise must provide OSHA wit .n oTaction and'tim ctablc for

i l l , population in creases wo ak-at-bctw een-l,O O O .and.I,^ jp le in 2000 ond drop back t o ' te n c o n s tru c tio n is com plc instruction o f the $8 billion pl inticipatcd to continue through5 r 2 0 0 9 r - ^ ----------------rhousand Springs Generating a consortium o f e ight invcstt jluding Reno-based Sierra Pac isourccs. Siena Pacific i?jigtin{ ajcct manager. — t " —

o u ld invade th e p riv acy .in U ^borhood. '•_‘It_w w ild be ju s t like ith a s tcp ladder s taring a t y o pcrty a ll day long,” hc said.' H e said noise keeps him aw te ia t n ig h t"an 'aT h e^ « I_ p M l I causcs a diist broblem. E s c h c n b u rg ^ a s su re d ngjibors-thaH he-tcnnis projg J ly funded.

. •*

■r life . B ccker said, the laps tne w as aboul two minutes. T h e Idaho Supreme Court sa ju ld 'find 'ho cvidcnce'in the re > su p p o r t B eck e r’s co n ten t ecker.indicatcd he w onldnTgn BW -investigator to lo o k jn to , uestion. . .“ T h a t’s in the tr ia l tran sc r

fecker said. “I don’t think you n investig a to r to go Ihrougt: ■anscript.-If the sta te needs t eyond the transcript, I won’t c

_B ecker_dldn’t ind ica te wh( u lle r could get-an Investigati in d — C h a rb o n e a u ^ a -^ c h a r i■ritnesses. _________•Jerom e C cfSty^Prosecutor

lo rgan argued Fuller didn’t n©

' rI ,I * 1*1111 mfaJmum

| - ! - S o u t h - § i d e ^ t t h e - i


- - T h e C h a p e l J

i w i n h a l l s ; i d a h i


j u t d is tin g u ish plutoniuffl,

e s t n u c le a r m a te r ia ls . It re s determ ine tb e num ber of b e a n d th e i r lo c a t io n to , re v e a lin g a n y d e ta ils 1

!cn d e s ig n o f th e w eapon this Idaho said.

-•T hese advan tages a MT, for a rm s control work,” ine "A vcrificatjon tcchmqu 8 I able tO l^ ve-just th e n g

o f inform ation. I f it doe h e r e n o u g h , i t can easily be 1 tc m -J f iFrevcairtoO -m acbrn m e will agree to its use.” p iit Cole said ih e systCT 1 lg h p in p o in t th e locati<)n c rent materials m akes it a proi can for m onitoring fissionab

o f u i;^ o m m erc ia l reacto i t h e m ove

'ity, m a te r ia ls d u r in g prod can sh ipm ent

HjQSHA^program by June 30, an

ed to - m u s t be-in-p lace by.ll jf^ ty _ y ea r, Peterson said.— » } jo b

4 ^ ro jectr and • C o n tin u e d fromin a group o f eight private i

plan to build the $4 bil rith a one p lan t a t a tim e o\»r th e -p e r io d .-----------— ; ”

T h e com plex 's eigh bum a total o f about <

-------- -ofcoalonnually , o r22over the life o f the proj

■lould - X he p ro je c t a lso w 1.413-. 4 2 ,0 0 0 .acrc.fcct_of_w:0 722 w h ic h w o u ld b e pi >letc. n c ^ y w ells. The rif^i plant w ete purchased w ith th

jh th c T h e e ig h t-p la n ts ,-----------w o u td -T ) ro d u c e — ag Co.. m egaw atts o f e lectria stors, com pany h as n o t sig acific con trac ts fd r th c pow ing 03 hopes to" maricct it in - - — - and California------------

n th e ' i n - o ltie r___bus-----------ffbm finlssloii'voitT l-i^ .vacation o f an a l l ^ n

lo -o ! Io w - th e -$2-m i__expansion..

...m t,- T be com m ission al

------- 5 - c x p a n d -----------------------

th e T h e C i ty C ouncil icct is a p p ro v e th e v a c a tic

expansion can.lflkBpl


pse o f investigator.“I ju s t haven’t scci

said it th is court hasn’t seec record prove?, a n invcstigat n t ion . - Harpan sa id .- ..........--

to th a t O B S S S S S S S S ^ S

c r ip tj" ................ ....................lii heed gh th e1 to -g o - — U H M - X f t - t allow

_ y O U -JU S T -C i^ a to r-to - ” A " F R E 8 H E R ']

' 1409 K im b eifToHn---------- T w i n F a l l s - ^3ced an I f c ^ S ^ S S S S i l

J” ' 'C K* Con**■ B X P S I ^

^ u a c e : * - R u p e r M L 4

' ' V# ' ^ ■ ' wcnaMM.n

l i l e ^

C re m a tp r yLby the Park 73;

tio . jerry iJ;

uffl, w h ic h is ds. ftom other ■, I t a l s o can it o f w atbeads— on 'w i th o u t ils a b o u t tbe. pons, EO & G

;s are c ritica l rk,” C ole said.- • ni^ue m ust be r nght"8m ount~- doesn’t dctect be fooled, but h rn c ith w s id e '-

em’s a b i l i^ to bn o f n uc lea r ' prom ising tool inable material c to rs , th e fo r PXejncDt - o f - - } roductiori o r

I fine), and tbe program )y-lh5_cnd_qf_the__

romPkgeBlate investors who J b illion complcx, e over a 16-ycar

sight units would )ut 6 m illion tons r 224 ^ l l i o n tons p r o j^ .iO w o u ld require i fw a le r annually, i p u m p e d .from r ij^ ts to .the water Ch the land.I ts , w h e n biiili, — a b o u t—2 ,0 0 0 — itrical pow er. Thc signed any firm

pow er yet, but it ; in thc Southwest

b u s in e s s , . , t h e __td - m - f tv o r - o f-a— : eyn ea r the.libniiy - riT iinoh -lib ra ry

n also granted the iW u se -p e rm it to

n c il w ill h av e to :a tio n b e fo re theII jiliii ( I

seen anything, ond seen an jih ihg , thal ig a to r IS needed,"

; : : : : .....i r

; f I a w S s ^ c 7 - “

L C A n m p i c ? . ___® F C q w E i u

? ^ - 7 ^ - - 8 3 :a _ — '

iSa* 1;

f f tS T o o n a ^ * | .

• ■ ; - i 'I

■■ • f—

I - ■ '■ ■

3 3 - 6 6 0 b i ;

D . H o i m s i n " i:

Page 13: mosi an^nosd. N,..W hite House c l-w JB Sununu, who said t the report with Presi' al security adviser!

"- Senate

wage in• BO ISE ( A P ) I n who

sponsors said w as a ipovc tb e d e b a te g o in g , th e S Human R esources Commiit

~ in tro d u c e d co m p e tin g bi __ raise Idaho’s m inim um wag

“W e a re in a position u rccipfocate to ou r people w

^ a t the bottom of.the.wage.s( they’re th e o n e’s who mal e c o n o m y ru n ;” Sen . Donesley, D^Boise, told th< o n T u e s d a y 'as i t y o t introduce bdth his -version a l te rn a t iv e I p ro p o sed Repi]b_Ucan R o g er-M ad

But w hile the b ills — t] to be ofTercd this session -

■ thcS 2 .30^ain ibu i'’8tate''mi to th e n e w fe d e ra l Ieve! approach the issue difTereni

__ Inh fs S tate o f th e StatenGov. CeciI~Andnis callcd

Hncrcase in the state minim— - in d 9 I 7 r : I j u tT w l i i l c J i e ^

' tying thc sta te wage to theo n e . he h a s d ec lin ed to

_ _ position o n any other leg— T pccifics, beyond ciiticiziii -called tip c r ^ L ..........

T h e re h a v e b e e n no estim ates o n exacUy-hov Idaho w orkers would be { by a change in (be minimi s ta te A F L -C IO P reside K em s sa id th e best guess b e 2 5 ,0 0 0 in a w ork f< nearly 500.000.

1 Donesley’s plan would i L <he m inim um to $4.25 an.

! ^ ^

I A u to s la m s■f:, -S T . G E O R G E . U tah (,

Tw o Sm ith’s Food King cra w e re in ju re d w h e n a ca r i

' '- th r o i ig h a w in d o w in th« d e p a r tm e n t o f th e S t. ' grocery store.

I Stella S . B urnham told pc i w as b a c k in g o u t o f a stai 1 c ro w d e d p a rk in g lo t abo

p .m . M o n d a y v /h e n her : • flt?celerated o u t o f contro lr;

the car slam m ed backward the w in d q ^ , j u s t north o f I


I By "I W it

I A d i

■ .Times-Ne\


e4auncheingrfiihmncrease Bi

ivhat both ^>ve lo get --------re Sena te ---------niitee Has t | | ^ l u M J b ills to -*^ge. Julv I . n ine monUi 5 ^ 1 ^ 1 6 n ew t e d c f i l tni ew b o arc increase to that le\ p jca Ie^= _ o n d - m ake no-otho make to s state law.1. B rian M adsen’s prop< I the panel federal law that n v o ted to fe d e ra l m in im u on and an $3.go on April I jed by y e a r la te r . B ut i ladscn o f provisions for a t

------------ !o~180-d a y s-fo r’- the firsv under and a tip cr 5n — hike fn a n y m inimminimum c o m p e n s a t e 'f o r

5vel, th e y r e s t a u r a n t em p lc ren tly . s ta u n c h ly oppos<•te address, u b o r............. 'lied for an T h e t ra in in g aimum, set' subm in im um wi I n d o r s e d . MadseQ’«ibill.iWg the federal h ou r a f ic r April to take a A p r il 1, 1991.

legislative ^m ,lH hg itp l o J izing a so- Hrgt year; pushir

................... h o u r ly r a te tono so lid p e rc e n t a fte r,th

how many - adjusted minimui l>e a f le c t^ M adsen admitt smtim, ^ L . f c d e r a l ._ :p , l a n iden t J in i com plicated ond i jcss would to ad m in is te r. S c fo rc e io f industrial Servic

G ould estimated lid increase departm ent $100, aah o ilto n .. training-vrage pn

s i n t o U ta h ]l i ( A P ) '— entrance, employees Sibire director

a r crashcd 2 9 , su ffered b n tb e v id eo and w as admitte

t. G eo rg e C enter. Another o ld M elina Gui

Ip o lic c jh c —an d re lea sed rp o stall in th e A police spol ib o u t 3 :5 5 w o rk e rs w ere t e r v e h ic le ca r o r h it by fl; ol. Shesaid- a s th ey tried to a r i through p a th . D am age o f the T"nin estim ated at S8,

jteiEall Slirpri th Wly


lews advertising.( business too. Fin

Tai- -a d v e r t isii

\ ___

___________ _.L. B O lS i

-------l ^ r o ”/ l l l o B o iseS ti - - : . j r -------------iJIT his:

----------- j - j - j — advancei1 ----- th»-sfa(

L e g i s l a t u r e ] T uesda; I A Q A i ce rem o

.. . .63,000^n U w fiS e f than ihe

a ,e r c h a . ^ B - U > l lK - - M « f »

oposal m irro rs the. ■t raises the currcnt num o f $ 3 .3 5 to

credit o r reduction ^imum w a g e to For t ip s p ro v id e d " ' r r p loyees. B o th are osed by organized

ng o r so -c a l le dw age in c lu d e d in ,_ w i ^ 3 J 5 . a n _ril 1 and $3761 on1. T h e t ip c re d itO u iS jpaccn tJnJhc____hing the m inim um to $ 2 .0 9 , a n d 5 0 - .,th a t, le a v in g the a u m a t$ 2 .I3 .[litted follow ing thean___w o u ld___ be___ / p jad potentialfy costly - r. State L a b o r and rices D irector Gary ed it w ould cost his Q 00.000 to police the p r o v i s i o n s . ________

i m a r k e t _tor H arvey W oodyatt, bruises and abrasionsitted to D ix ie Medical— -----je r em ployee, 18-year- ju inm ow , w as treated

>okesman said the two e e ither s tru ck by the

flying glass o r debris to get o u t o f the car’s - —

Ige to th e s to r e w as S8,0dp.



~ I A D v e m

S H C S H d N I

^ 1 sim ply p lacesrr--------- I^ rn ^e-Tlmes=^

h o m e p h o n e nu n ^ several calls a t hi

w h e n no cars se av erag e the

; ' ' " ,advertise< ............That's

^ - . 5 ! ^

J can help increas( ind out more bye

i a - o a ^ lSING DEPARTMENT

© H t r o v eilSE .f.^;* — y r^ n R ^ a jtic s . t B cy6n3 the controversy ' fhti :ed i ts p ro p o s a l—^ a a lopment.- p o v rC e c il-A n d ru d offieially-open-thc-ncw $4. o n T echn o lo g y -B u ild in g -6 5 S tate University. " ' his is a s ig n i f i e d step in th icem ent o f higher educalion i ifat«rOf-Idaho,*^ A ndrus sa i id a y . a t • a rih b o n -c u ttir i m o n y fo r th e ' th r e e - s to n )0-8quare-foot facility. e Kovemor was jo ined by Boij ; ^ s i d e n t John K e ls e ^ 3 S n d a tio n . P re s id e n t Toi 5 w g ‘ir.-a_numfc5lJj£JQcaLai : o ff ic ia ls and such busine: n s as J.R . Simplot ahd Micrc inology Inc. foundera Joe ar i Parkinson.adrus’ p rivate ag reem en tw i ron in early 1988. assuring tl pu te r chip m anufacturer thot h n o lo g y Build in g w o u ld 1 tructed ot B oiSd'^latB rw asyi le Treason why the project g o t c ich a rocky s tart he s ta te B o a rd o f E duca tit ro v e d c o n s tru c tio n o f t; hnology Building in Septcm t i am id criticism from lawmak< r th e governo r’s agreeroeni il fo r the bu ild ing as part ol clTgrM f ifi<^t»ves for Micron te its 1.000-ctnployee expansi ect i n c i s e .H eron—w a s r e o n s id c r in g r


o f W E S T O N I

_ B A N K . . .

— ^ H O N O R S


Fot U

—fjB jfy ^ 1


I T i S E S M A L L r J

r o p c r f R O N H « r E " & ~ H A I i : E Y ! I

small classified ads f=Nev'7srl;insert“my~ jm b e r a n d receive h o m e o n Sundayl

s e l l ... I le a m e d o n h a t 2 o u t o f 3 cars Kd-jeach w e e k selll' It's a d irect resu lt o f ;=Newsttclveftisin§T- ;e th a t pe i-cen tage.'

3se s a le s in youriu c a l l i n g : - ^ ^ ! - ;—

r r ‘

»rsi^ BeI'tp expansion to .O regon.n 'a t” « T s e « ^ c ind agreed to keep, all i ts ^ rus—B oise a fle r-rece iv ing - 4 ^ - r a a 3 u n m c e 3 ^ ^ ro m ,:A

the State w ould be m ^ v o 1 in • Som e leg is la to rs gr laid Andrus overstepped his irig s tr ik in g th e agreem i >ry, consulting the L e ^ lo tu

objected to th e possib oise growth o f engineering IS U ::-B o ia c -S u te mighty u

and gtotff’s tw rt {nstitution iiless O n T uesday , Andru:ron since becom e c lear tli a n d g ro w in g p u b lic d

e x p a n d e d c o u rsc owith en g ineering ao d othe; the m ust be m et in the sllat a city.I b e “L e t’s put the histoy a r t—and m ovox)n^bfc£aid-T o ff K e ise r s a id the

Huilding w as the.first t io n J p i s e S ta te hopes wi th e b u ild in g C o lle g e o f

nbcr com plex on th e cam ikers progress so faf showsII to r e sp o n d in g to a * o f a technology educatior m to Idaho,” and th e grow is io iT lk in « J w d rk c r r in hiE

and m anufacturing.


C H A R L E S E . HU

'o r h is a c c o m p lis h iir ty -five y e a rs of b



• - .

•P rk» baaed 0( - ' - - -o()idpfn0ntad(l

s i ie T ) B

I g j ^ ^ "

oise Sta)n. A riz o n a o r w inner for w .ftpX y^^afU y^.said. **It wi a-Operations in'* ’dt 'A^'pn-forig_undiaclDScd_(fiis,!!______A n d ru s th a t TheTechi

I tiln gim rflntee • e laasrooms, grams a t Boise for program wed. - - ♦ — ,gm m b lcd th a t

his authority by f W " :m ent w i th o u t l U f - o tu rc .T he^ a lso f * l % sibility th a t the mg program s at I u n d e rc u t t h e - TTTiissluii as the ' “ “ “ j J "n ih tha t field----- — -drus sa id i t has • that th e rc is a

d e m a n d fo r o f fo r in g s in

ther f ie ld s th a t 5 s ta te ’s la rg est ^

Btory b eh in d usid __________________ ___ me T e c h n o lo g y i w hat I .w ill b e a fou r- Io f T e c h n o lo g y Iam pus. H e sa id | ws thc school is ■ ~I " v a c u u m inion in so u th e m tow ing n c e d 'fo r [_---------h i g h t p c h n o l o g y - l * ^ ^ ^

la v e -n im ^ o u t-a -------------—



_ wheRril

We througi

" ~ “7T>ore:0

Ifs collcx

J __conflcJ.


i m e n t s i n F b a n k i n g .

s t o m :..... -BANK

l e v y t u m i n a - S e d a n — !

ionM .S.aP.o(S12.7851ndo(iI

iddltloML' You must tako rouia c

n e ^ I d f l h o ’ s B

’ S tandard Features;i$i Sleek now sodan stylir

-_ * -E a m Ily -5 lz b ’ r6om‘for s

$1 AM/FM Steroo * Dual sport mirrors ■ * P ow er rack-antl-pInj.or

i ^ B E S r - k l m H a i

H i i * ^ E i a v e M t

--------- b e e f l

S e r s H : i t : ^

~ ~ W ^nesday;January3irt9^

I d a h

atc=feeilo r him (A ndrus).” K eiser j w as a d if f ic u lt p o lit ica l i

fo r th e g o v e rt 'm riO -a u j/^ i" '

whnology Buiitung corhams : ns. laboral6ri«‘ aQd"ofncC3~' urns m d M tronicsT draftingrn

la r k F. Holi a i

B r e n i r M ^

A re p le c a n n o i

their a sso c



— O ffic e s at: 401 2: Suite 203 •Ju

-TWin Falls,.Idoho

STRESS o m etlrn es th e stress of life' ilrfiing ar>d p w ' e requ 're

W e pfcw cte th e c o re ond c u g h i m r ^ j^ o te p robtem s. co BB tfectfve-w ayrof c o p in g w)

If stress Is offecrtlng your hopf I our 24-hour Helpllr^e for rrvx iflcJentlal-consultcrtloa— —

Call U------------- -------------- ^ 2 o a>-7.

Toll Roo 1-8

" ^ ^ “ ^ C A N Y C

HOSI w I ■

fV nten

jfv ' im ...

-idaho-s-Bcstfam ily-

A J .3Juding doalor prep and dostlnatlc M doUvo7 oul of dealer alocK.

B e s t - G h e v y - D e

iillng. 0 Pow er3f Six. ■- -------^ Inlormitler

*'■■■■ ■ " w e l - o r m ^ i$i S c o tc h g a

^ o n s le c lo g . ^ 'A ndM ore ,

la n s e n C h e v r o l e t— B U RLEY ;■ —

M ufifo»C hevro le t_-■ B U H L --------^ ---------,

1 - IU tiA J U Io tO C .C O .— I m w o w —•' G O O D IN G ------ —

......... —

IW O-rniw-NiiM .TKin Falls. Mi

' to /W e s t [fi_

lity opera n In s titu te o f T ra f f ic S environmental health, m anuf


~ t]n iv e r5 ity o f~ Idaho 'U pper | —tinri gradiaieJevcl co u rse s . '

Im s le a d tC P i: n d

E f y o t t n C F I !

=ased t o . ■

o u n c e

iciafion a s : .

LD & H Y A T I D P U m r l C N T A N T S2 n d S t r e e t N o i t h f u s t a m e r e I n n o 8 3 3 0 1 • 7 3 4 - 2 0 7 7

SSED?fe's challenges c a n b e c o m e Dfofes^onal h e lp :------------------

I a ttention p e o p le requlre tc conflicts a n d dl!err>as wtiile le< wjlh life circufTwtoncos----------

ipplness. or som eorve.yoi/are < o re Infocmotlon or to a rran g e

Us today^734^760 ------------------------------- .





itlon chiuBfls. Tax, ilcenso and <

e a l e r s - f o F ^ d e t a l

-whool disc b rakes, enl windshield w ipers wilh..

flshgrs.-...................... -ja rd l-F a b r ic P ro to c to r .

r e .“ , . ' ' __________

“ R andy H a n s e n c tlz j w i N . g m s

t S u tto n & S o n s Cji— ----------- :JH A IL £ Y —

----- ;------- :_ .JE R Q M E

S. Waho B-3

M . ^

s n s ™c S tu d ie s , mufacturing •

ilu d esro o m ;

w ry iv is io in - —— ^ ?s. • . :

p a ] — .

•A- ^


c — ^

7 .... ..;_______

)m e over-

0 to work :9 learn ing ' '

are a b o u t. , tg e a free

1 .

P i

ae ._______ ______

md optional

ails. — ------


C h e v r o le t —■LS —

C h e v ro le t

h e y r q l g ^

Page 14: mosi an^nosd. N,..W hite House c l-w JB Sununu, who said t the report with Presi' al security adviser!

- X M E r-m om ing . 1

J a n u a ry 31.

___: ■ T u e s d a y 's j c o r e s

P r e p b o y s ; -niiutii. n»hiJv>4SWoBdlU«fM.Ulnie»JVtM!!UhDpKfllr<B-C.“ »"“«C.CDM Co, Iff. GoodlM^U C CiuUifiird n . UurUu«hU Uirlrtch7I.C«r«]r00rnilUnd11.P«r*U<U

J.n.rd.rfi.Shtll*jrS3M.nln*n,Hlior«kM N»mp«Chfl.lUnTI.Cr*«rf*»l N<nmflCl.liUr»n»lh«M I’lrina M. MrCallTSOT ShoaluiM <D. IUmM) 40 WlIdrrOO.Miltxia)

P re p .g ir ls_______A) m


............C o lle g e _____ -..... ..Cokin>doMu»«T9.R»f'»^3 Oral R<.b.nii« . Or.ndC.oyoi a. Colonido tc. Colorado Ch i

' T tui-E lI’MofaN«i>U*>iec W,Ortton W.NWChri.ll.n7C lbuU soim .Telun

•A)»b«ffli57.Klefidj»4*- ... ConnrcUcut«.Gtont.townTO.9.tonIUn«

• • HlrncUUU«im.a.Bcn»Tenti--------- VilUnb»n9S.Tfo.lJ.«;*8S.'0

Wwt Vlrflftl. 7B. D-111.M. 77N a tio n a l B a s k e tb ;

OrUfido 12), Inii>n> H I' ’CUTBUnd10a.UUBlM IMnltm.All<Maie MII».ukM«ni«ao H

----- -- Ph».niimN««*r»*»“AanUi aipp*« 121. u -PaftlaalI22.Uul>9S .



-:-=T-- - • - MlrtcgjitEisWlaijJ:"— . PBEPOI&L0BASKTTBAZJ

Diitrict 4 CUaa A4 M n o .D«ls <r*. GUnM P*rr7. a p.« DUtrtct 4 Oms A4 tDannu

PREPWBESItINO MiBico at Burtor. 7 !>-“ ■

'p.m. - 0»a«> U. CUk

- Q - « - l U. Coll. ' . b ff I t PitUbunh.

R e p o r t s a y s

, . S m i t h u n l l t i

............. NEW 'YORK-{AP)~ lh c University 6rFl<iH<

rusher, will skip his s< professional, accordinjport. ------

Smilh has c&Iled a i , J ” ~ 9 T m rM S T Wedncsda: J__ ing sources close to th

■ -sity, icpOTted in WcdiSmith planned to ann enter the NFL draft in.

Several other, top eluding Keith McConi and R eg^e Cobb, air

V _ would pass u p their fil fortEeNFCdraRTHct

: Andre W are ofHoustc- .J__ considering the same r

_____ T h c .N F L ;d ( ^ o t -” - ~ tm riw rln«m en;—but--'

" Tflgliabue is rewriting “ ^ ^ Ic s rR c p tie s e ir ta t i

meet Friday with N O ...tor.Dick Schultz and I

-------r - —American-FootballGodiscuss the issue.

Grant’s 1st trip!, .jl .JCOppasiftui^

'T*-'::-, ■ LOS ANGELES (, scored 22 ppints en ro

_ triple-double w d the ] gotBscason*lii^‘ 7 1 i as they snapped a foil with a 121-104 victor

------- -les Lakers Tuesday ni,-------T-: T b c^ Q M ere lgarti

third time in 2 0 Triesr-------‘i*' — tnisscdjnegH ine bcc

: * cd fo r the Lakere, wl - thcir.last lLQycnJll._

■ i t ......: . ; . 6■; - If Arizona

„ ' i they’r e a l to im rlfU C I

Z 3 J " z ^ t h e y ^ » ' e - a l

— ; t : team.1- _ ^^Bave'a Hdnii

r . y • . 9

_ = ^ C a v a I i n S 3 a E

r(Q yy|

It's Wednesday,



nJ..T58;. '■

< 1 ........... . ~

jj • 'la^ntO}irCi<na>tiiMBD.OT

« ti.7 S " '. ........ ..I4STcntureTa __ ________ _0.77,tb a ll A sso c ia tio n

Blo 103 gg

KUX_ __________


o ; , „ . " T . ■ --------------

Dglk(« buk«U»U; VlrfiaU . t | l

CoU>(« bukMtall: Deitoo Cbl> H

s Florida’s turn pro ^

^ ) — Emmitt Smith,

s senior scajon lo turn 7 ; ding lo”a published re­

ft news conferencc for «day. '11 6 NiUftttfll; Cll- xi ) A c player M d univer- — ^edn»day editions that announce his intent to i gj in April. . ‘ " T

)p college players, in- g,:onts, Rodney Hampton-------«already have stud they b,

r final year o f eliffbiliv_. _tIcSman Trtjphy w inder-- “ g; uston recently said he is si ne move. h[ io t,a llQ » J« m J i)_ ^ fL _ i i t t jtH ^p m m issip o ^ P au l— — ing th e k a g u c :V il i^ i l - l - -i-j, tetive«»Mie4>IPL-«rtll—•iCAA ExecutivrDirec-------- rid rqaresentatives o fth e 1 •Goaches A s^latioo-to--,- ^

iple-double leads ^ over Lakers

S (AP) — Gaiy Grant ^a route to his fust career .he Los Angeles Clippers . 71po in lsin thefir8 thaIf four-game losing streak

:tory o v « thc Los Ange- “

bccause o f the flu, s t a i t ' — ■; , w ho have lost thnje m j

- r ^naliad him, ja Final Four - , fCLA had him. - - a E ina tE pU i:^ - i j le l ia d ^ T w e !n n i n g g p a f i n n — =

5 5 - ^ dSCcM ch George i w O > g g n i r 8 t tfB * g ~ ~

Gary Payton ^ ‘

Bmins G



■ —---------. ■ ■ y"v<

T u rin F o ils ’ C In d v S c h c d

Jerome €Hy LARKY HOVEY Times-News writer

JEROME — th c Jerome Tij cd their fiuht into Class A-2 Tuesday m ^ t the nght way — No.'T r a n k ^ team. __ •• Matt Williams’ two free thi seconds' showing on. thc. clo< Tigers inlo a 55-53 lead and th sive foul call of the closing m

"secon '^ from the end preclude back for the Shelley Russets.

- . - I h e J l usscta, who ju s t s l i p ^ 62-59^tn m id-i)c<^1)c^;; ntu straight rood games untir.Jerom hammer and ran the T iger recoi

-thc-tcasoa-T. ---------- --------------cz;SbeUey!s::cariy.*fuU.-court::;j -Je rom e some problems imd led -R ttsseM ead-at-ZO -lfr^ly^n-tb

^oed=Ri\“ ?nic Tm cs^N cw s.

H A IL E Y — Not until Bill n K if l23= pbam tx lim inu iiiu ii i

bu t it was all Wolverines in tl to a 42 -2 4 D isbict 4 Class A -

. Jcroniq. . “ ..The m atch w as an early sea

pccted to Contend for the distri

te M n s in D iJT he Times-News ' ..........-

-MURTAUGH — History. “ c ieh t, ' w iir strongly favor j ‘ Subdistrict teamsiWhcn Ihey

NolUiside Subdistrict cour ' tonight in the D btrict 4 girli - j j a ^ e ib a l t playoffs. ‘ '^ u i l J o r S p f l t lu ld e f ^ b d ^

—I^ M T h o S 'd o m im rtcd -th 'e - 1979. That was-thc- year-1

^ear^ ffN o rth sld cS u b d istric tc the. District '4, dUc andvcvent .A -^ ch a jp p lo n ^ p."- ■

Northside Cotifercnce, w ill ti —in g l> i s t r f c t r 4 ^ h ^ O akley ~ o t 8:30“p ^ i n ^ c M tntmiff • g y ta .'T hc w inner w ill advnn ' A-~4 toumament in Lewiston,


I m

e e l l o s e s t h e b a l l a s M ich

earns re----------- ---------------odr-BuuJen- . thc game ai

until t h e ^ Tigers culm inat-' Matt Ftfms' l-2 respectability Jerome was f — bctillrtg'lJW. WUaiicUuii

... - w ith40sK ( throws .with 125—IL-We'thiiii3

c lock . lifted thc.._^us,” . said Jei d the third offcn- jng Ac wet 5 minutes just 11 tion. He saii Iiidednny'-come- ‘-No. 1 ~ b u

. . “I think tlp p ^ past Jerome handle the 1 had won sevM ~B nK 'W c w

rome d roppc the sure {rom 1 ccord to 1 ()-5 fo r us u p t h « ,

trouble imd rt pnasure -gave- _rcaawn-was led to a 10-point--tain-Qfpe)-c D4hfrtccoad with'long.[

iver-beatsBill McCarthy recorded a pin jm iid-W oodR ive rw i a a m ab in thc next six Tuesday en roi A -2 dual w restling victbry on

season test.o f the two team s c Istrict A-2 championship.

ors-Soutbsk (istrict 4 girk— _ ____..J '.-B e fo rc

-. Bliss, 13- ry, rccent and an- Hagerman jr r tK e -S o u th i id e - th a t-g * ^ hey take on their gnme Thu ounterparts here tn c t s s e a girls'-high-school -■ The'-los

. .n a la itjlc jtric^ w h ich -in “— tlie'thirfti

h'^'playbfls -since if'R ichfield , this. Oakley' xtxhaoq«on»wiOn_g ^cnmally *e -* ‘«‘ -:iiortliB ide

l e y r 2 o S ^ n i g h t - ^ ragh-H igh& hSol t t ; N o d *v i m c f to lh t - M te - - lo n o « aIdii nexi week. •— itichfleld

S l i

dicU c B ad g w . ^ j

;spect%/»mme hit the next Doic and stayed hot on Shelley's

^ I m a ^ o f the third q u a ^ ' tisworth gave the Tigers thc 'as able lo stay ahead'Bfter thi oirHadley-FostcrlaJifljclineju xonds remainmg.'Ink this demands a little respe< Jim Stauffer con weekly rank ing a i^ S helly ’s aid he wouldn’t immediately e but something in the top five. - c the difference was wc were al c pressure a lot befter in the s< v ^ expecting-some kind o f \ them because they used it aj re,” Stouffer said. “We were h od itfm a lly daw nedon me th: aTSKIIevjvas-playingira g tt ' ^.defense.and.we.were ntocK L i ia m a lM a te Y:wm:iiiclOT,

s-J omieTrailing 18r0 throu]

got pins from McCaitl in in Kyle Rushtoo at 140 a atobrrPa^M fl^-wd-T-add^Ui -oute /-won their decisions.' ovA-' The ligcTB' David >

- -ning track with a 7 - r sex* but th e W olvcnnes r e

three M tch'es.'

ideiMjMIs’ priatcfiup;e that ram e,'Northsidfc m t hrll, will m eet Southside tu i ari, 1 ^ , ‘al 7 p jo - The vria nfl_wiU;:playihLlofleciof th« hursday a t -7-to dclennlne tt scorid representative to state.'

oser of-Tfiursday‘8 game ca to (he Btate.lbunuunent by h

}^(aceT ul^W rflfem .D l8tnct gfltiirrtay-'liftW wivin -^ ih -M o

syV 'Aie champion o f the Soi ri« ^« fld :ih S M y ^ id id -J io t:] de-Confereticfl t ^ this y «

4 ^ 11 the north, i

wholcj-'^ - l ^ C - w a s S -I «

a p lib tn v a s r u i i e ^ m t ^ t Id ovCT.HansCT in Ndvetalw..:


d J a n a CulDey o f M b U m c

vergingb in t r d f When we went wit^ W heels -startea watkmg i m er when problem.", ',[le lead. A l one point in t thati>ut came up with four i iumoer them into-scven-po

Onctf iliD 20- 104ca< ipect fo r-board ,'T racy Dixons xncem - two-point goals and '’s V osi-■ pointer. —yexi>ect 'Jerome closed t a 2;.................thrce-pointcr. J a le . ins able to closed it with three : sccond deficit to two. o fp re s- Jerome took the lc I against- pair o f Farnsworth f B having maining in the thin that the minutes it pp<;ar^^

rtt:CcoiF r acom fortablfrlead.-i a ^ i T T - T a i n s v O T r ^

off.^ - three-point-plav- that

yneai^ough the lower Weights, W a aithy, Bitid Toothman a t 130 D and Justin Laisen nt 145, wl Uflhtoo, at I3S 'nnd n ? .. res

d Vining g o t Jerome bacic on -I decision over Jim CaipenU r c s p o n ^ - w i ^ wins-in_lo.of

n c t . i . ^ f ^

3S t o D i .ncT im es-N cw s

ru n n eru p ' ---------------------' W E N D E L L -

—inu^o-cham plo 4 ClSM A-3 BitI®- tournament witlcan s till Wendell in the ti

/ .b ea tin g___ here.Ttcsday. :k X i n j C ZrZGifia.'BcllcgiiD Vloubtain.- ^ .M ey ttc^b ln c* ;

.• • l^^qiiirterta&reafci 25-20 at halftim

K luS!

1 against - The .victory. <

ic tory liy-;. _ gning »«!

■ ■ H B yJE F F H O S K IS _T /m K -V ew s wn'fc

^ ^ ■ “ " T w i r r a i x s -w hat’s OD the scor

^ ^ ^ ■ — T hc T w inF alls tors o f exaclly~Q) 4 2 -3 2 in the opei girls* basketball tc

“W e 'll take the ^ ^ ^ ^ L . w h o s e team.was S'

L i ^ g tounuunent. ^ ^ ^ ■ j ^ T h e win movec

toum am ent Thurs take on the No. seeded fifth, will ]

' a t the ^ e hour: a new sea

proved to ^ t O o: Highland. W eill 1 w e 'c a n d o .l t 's a g

— T h e Bm ins had :to Thursdoy’s g( ‘tum overs 'on then

‘ We had too r ^ ^ H ^ H ~ * sa id 'K o h r in g r—

T he Bmins jun fixim T ina Martin

U K ^ H l t o n s ran o ff six ur fu s t quarter.

| ^ B |C T _ C i n d y - S c hecl.ti

g> V ^ 4 ^ ^ ^

s S

ib d e f e i ^ ■

gipp-ran(v ith - th ^ ballhandlcrs and a

win the first quarter Shelley 0 bur straight steals, turning ti -pointe-and an 11-4 lead, f UnH anrwinvl nn thfi .<ax)rc- on and-Matt Farnsworth had-U md Brel W alter hit a three- tl-■ 4toi 24-22 'on a Shone Burton N J in the half and W illiam3-.r r e c ^ i n t s ’thal trimmcd the' i

c lcadTor.ihe first time on q_i i th free throws will# 3;52 re- liird quarter and for a few

Jerome might u ll out to j

«riea' the" last' period ' with a - that-crbted-ihe-Jerom e lead .. t

ji^easoEWood R iver JeffPe^row ,. 130 pounds, s ion 10 W olvcri , w hile John h e r this month, jtypcctivcly , L-.^.T

7 WoodRM42,J«R. V . 103—Ceek.J,iW«i

■on the w in- » £ S 2 L J i ^ E enter a t 160. ton. wr. pmwd w u

___ ___ WR.elnfii0Ott»m»j»

ews" 7 ” "'

L*— Glenns Ferry, moved tplonship gome o f lhe District ^ r l s ' . h i ^ school basketball- with a 5 6 -4 3 'v ic to ry over le tourney's consolation final -

t ^ t e ; ^ I r z i b i f e i m d : G c n ^ incd.for 14 p o ln ttin the third aiKepcnn"ganw,th5^}u.— tim e.. -will take bn 'O eclo at 8 p.m. F W enae ll« igh rS cboo l -gym - ct,4 C l ^ A-3 eham pion^jp.

ty,; earned Glenns Ferry, the .chaiiipion. ai least a 'sho t at e slate - A -J lumumiic n t- tn -

W ednesday, January 31. H

IS S O N - .............i f c f ____________ __

S “ lt“ w a s n n - p r ^ b m - i oreboard in the end is all that c Is-Bruins Tuesday night w ere ■Qial~asThejrgot by-the-M iit )cning round o f the Region 1 tournament here,

ic win,” said Bruins coach KiiI s e c d ^ fourth in thc-fivc*tcair U. ‘T h e scoreboard is what cou 'cd thc .B m |ns t o ^ c ^ o n d ; tfgrfny nigt^i in Pocatclld \vlic , 1 seed M id land Rams at S 1II play B urley in Burley in a lo

eason,” said Koliring, whose on the year. ‘•We.look forwii

I look at the tapes t o m ( ^ w 1 1 good place to beat them." - K»opuli-oul-all4hc.8tops to rii{ game. The tw o teams com l ; n i ^ t in a sloppilyplaycd gan I many m ental mistakes in ili

lunped out to a J t i r l y lead b< linte’ and Christy Mueller b e r unanswered points ip takc_ a 6-

.tiedJhg-gnm,alLwith-i b r u i n s o n P a |{ ^ S

M B en

ritif t'fadum 5i& ^^ B fe 'f4 ^frol

iked Shenl 44- 37. In the closing two ni

within two.-Jerome then missc o f tw^ ohc-one fiec. throw situ to Foster’s tying bucket and s« for Williams’ heroics. .

“I told the guys right after -th is WilS fl lUii will, u u iu ihir

the No. I team but it doesn’t g -From-this^momentzo a w s ’re Wood lUver-Saturday nighi

«means conference staftdings ar ‘ings.”

Thcioss-was justtheJh ird ft ] games.

BlMOay 1427370 . <Jmxm 62941 SS ^. SMAay — DKkamort ftVo 110. UuMo

{M) 0 8. Saxien 4 0 4 3 9. Dutw 0 IM) 10. 0 i a 0 1. SdnM13 0-0 0 e. H«ni 0 0-0

• > e « » O t o o f l «M 2 i i ttltam O . 2. D«vW»ft 1 0-0 2 1 Uo>« 2 M 0 4. Wa(

■ ■0-QQ6.Fim>wpnh43-C2l.'Ttim«23»r.

^ 2 mat/, Jerom e’s 189-pounder w ho 1 n ine Torn Sluder in the Uulil 1 tl, reversed that for a 4 -3 victoi

DuKicklO^. 1U-PMGO*.WR.dM;EobM U m t. art. 149 - u r m WR. C*mod Prt » docWon mw Vrtlto. 190 - VWno. J, d«:

1M.'t89~.<-PMmr. J, dw Sudor 4 W 1»l

ir S H tl^ g cLewiston next week. Tlie C nerop will play the secon

i' from DisWct 5 in oninter-d 1 'in American F^ITobSalunla 1- ’ The game was close llirou] r hnlf, with the Pilots Inking I ^uarter-lead.-But-afteroutsc<

jans l&^7 in.the third_quortc r^-|y;puljcd a \w y in the second 1 ' M indy .Smith had'T7 jwif

‘ FlM ninglcdW endcUvJiihl* The Trojans ended the

j -1 4 -1 0 ._________ ____

) Vn2.WhU<wd2.Rutt«e.lMM: IS 1 ‘ ' TtvMiXin getiK obm F«ny. I



int counts, crc thc bciicfuc- '^im co^Spahans— l m 111 Class A-1

K aren Kohrin^. cam . state-^unli- coiinls.**, 1 nd round y f lhe w iicrc Uiey wil) —I S p.m. Minico, a.loscr:OUlB!m)C ...

use ballclub iin- rwiird lo playing )W and sec.w lial -

o a i^ j i i a U o ;e c t___ombiriCd for 39 game.1 tlic first half,”

J behind b:uskcts before thc Spur- a 6 -4 lead in tiic

ith jm .c ig h l i fo o t_ _~B5" --

USah —leyl ^ h t o t t e R c - __B to ffio S o b o iff"i j . ; : - - ’ . . i ! - atd la !a i(ii« Jlfc_ _

th e f foul - g m K H l'w llh a

- k c ^ 'i i e e d l t i .

bo 'W ^'cU M tt^ '-

i g f t r a O ^ t , . .

elley0 minutc.H, Dwi^it

lissed the front end siluatioa<;, leading

id selling the stage

iftcr thc game that ^h ing•lo •k l»c lM > f^- I ’l get us anjftiiing. c’r e : z c T ^ in .o n — light :bceause. .that UL ^ a n d diiitrictsecd-

n ifo r S iic llu7 in l5

i4tfiK>d<OI-«213.Wrw2 OIO.r<nlM4l-14n.Em 10-0 10. Totsa>24)-1012

z'i 5. LoaT'M‘o--yr;t.Waltw10JJ03.D«ncn2 n»r»0S6 ........... ..... ^

L S Iho dropped a deci- lill Invilnlional, ear- iciory. I '

[)int>odCuWals.2nd.11# — rad Stul4berg. 3rd. 130 — Egbwl7-0. 140-K.Ru»v d Potof»oa 2nd. IS2—T., d«:Cafponl«f7-l. « 1 —Idor 4-0. I<WT—rawTiam.

f a m ele Districl 4 m n - • - cond-placc team er-di^incl playofTimloy................- ‘ ■iTougliuul tlie first' ciiiy n 12-7 first -

artcr, Uiey slcadi- i o i i d h a l f ^ — - iwints for tlie Pi- id d H tt i rW e iB ijc : z i : h 17 points.Ihcir seaiori ot

41 u

3. 2. Miaon II.'


Page 15: mosi an^nosd. N,..W hite House c l-w JB Sununu, who said t the report with Presi' al security adviser!

The Timcs^Ncws

its second straight Northsid -.boyaI-baakelball_cbttnpion3h ‘'day night with a 6 7 -4 2 victo:ing SBlE------------------------- ,

:— rh e"M ushere ,'l 1 -5 -ovcn i ^letfgoe gamesrwill g c tth c top

round 1 ^ in the D istrict 4 Cli _ s id e S u b d i^ c t tournament, w

-G ooding on Feb.-12.-------------Eddie Hamess scorcd a <

points for the Mushers.Scott Spinale had 15 poinl

State, now I'-S overal and in I ■ ; ....... #j ,5

:__aMdno’8taM-8p»M**1S.HomMX{8«w #. Thon«b*Ty 1 RtdfbrfTTTOaK-t*'■ESESJEp:

"k Hkiwu.

Valley meBy The Associated Press

Boise, S h e lly , Fruitkhd Craigmont remained atop thi Press high school boys’ basi by Idaho's sportswritcrs and 1

And once-beaten V alley, v tcd from the prq> ranJdngs si voted in tbe top five in Clitime. . . ^ __ f '- '

— In-A^l’r i l-B b isc -w a T tl - c h o ic e - fo r th e ^ th ird -^ g h t-

fust-placc votes cast. Skyi 11-3, stayed in the sccond s replaced Pocatello in the I b a tin g the Indians last week

;P 6 ca te l!o ri(M , dropped “ w nilc^B ordrof Boise. L M ■ in'the fifth'posidon.

. In A -2, Shelley, 12-2, g( place votes cast a n i 54 o f i followed again by Preston, Kelly High School, 9 -3 , nio for the first time this season

—rep lac in g ^ n n e rs F c n y .w h with a 10-3 record. Wallace

~ top"five‘fo rih e 'scco n d tim (

MiamiTTii!“ ^ ^ t - R i d d c r News Service

MIAMI — Thc Universitj 1 m i. 'w h o scw eay 989 scbedi I—to u ree -o f-d e^ a te nntinnv* i— boredom -in-the-O rangc-B ; tried to schedule all b u t tw< •A sso c ia tc d _ & e ss ’ . top 25— teams— but- m oro-tbaoTt

said no.M ost say they don’t: wai

- —b e a t— ---------------------- — .Miami’s ‘89 opponents

- -San Jose State, East Carc *T7rSatfcDieyQ^tate.-- w hich tl -1- canes.will play_cach yeai ui

PublisheriLos Angeles Tim es

Book pub /she ts and basi ' lectors hav? scorcc a m aior '• about who can publish phot

New Yoric fcdetBl appea! that, although the Babe’;

' ' they do not ow n h is image. -!_rrrThir-Ttiling s tem m ed .! ' against Macmillan Inc. 1 . Dorothy Ruth P.irone and

I' claiming that M acm illan h photographs o f h im in a H

— endar.--------- -------------- -—Judge Irving R. Kaufinai

“Ruth w as one o f tbe mosi- his gcnetBtion.'a-Ia^ge^th^

, and a h istoric^ figure-in v

'• ^ ^ l i T R u i h lived, the jm f^l?y!-Ym6'Urmanufeotutw^|=

ture oT'Oame in promotic — p ro d u p tsL A fte riR o ^* ::^“ tCTs'rcglsteredtbe w o rd s"

marie for “paper article#,___ writingpapcLfln.dcnvcl02«

That tradem ark has i

Bruins -• C o n tln a e d fr o m F

jum per w ith just under thn remainingi

Nina Bftir’s six-foot j» ■ the Spartans up -8 -6 -to cc

• quarter.- ^ T h o Spartans increase^

to four points on. aiio’ *~‘jHITTptr hi upeu ILc

Mueller and M a r ^ » jumpers to-4ie the gam e f< ins at 10 -10 . '' The R^ m a ^ o t 'the lea<

- tho first t o e sm ce t h e ^ ' utes o f the gam e, on ba

: Stacey Bqtler and Scheel

Pofcv "^ • C o n t in t i ^ t

r —gional standings but-lost a -{-^ tH e'BobcaMr - — — r —T------ * u r i « m i i U Q . s t r »

ing tw o m inutes after o u r . 2m inutes»,48« .i

“Down tha s t r ^ h wegirl.’; said Burley coach G

•T—-■■TT^Bobcat3»-progtcnstripe where they w ere i

1 ~ More Importantly,. Bw lc:^:=hQniia.aituations-aiid-didi

thc third quarter. ■ ^ “ ‘‘WiTwcfD ddwnTTy-^-------^ n ^ : t ^ e " o n e - a n d <

6 a m a s (............... B

iside Conference . U /« ifp r r nship here Tuea- ictory_pv_er G oodi U g M Q )

OAKLEcm ll-nnd -9=) "in—inis-flndtop scf d and first- d w “n id it Class A-4 N orth- g ^ 5 8 i n i

It, w hich begins in basketball------------------------------- .jbe -viea career-high _32 recoid to

6-3.oints for Gooding Todd I in league games, while Davt o ' ......... Thelosj

J n l e a ^ e j-----------------

w»10.T«cpw3.D»w3iWpM*. Snea: C«nu Coun- Htginnio .

ibves itiloahd and Highland o f t E ' this week s Associatedjaskctball poll in voting 1 nd b ro^caste rs . . L- y, w hich had been omit-s so fa r this season, was ; LClass A-3 for the fust ( ■

iTthc'- unanimous J^D .J — jht-w cckrgcttihg-aU -l ;i^iine o f Idaho Falls. « _ id spot, but 10-5 Rigby le N o. 3 position after eekend. ’ ^ o vped"io ■ th e 'N 6 r4 -s lo t, • jy-^ M .-ret> laced Blackfo o t' Rivi

‘ t o l, got 10 o f the I I first- Ie o f a possible 55 poinls,. cigt an, V -2. Boise’s Bishop :55.i moved into the rankings .lulv son in the No'. 3 position, wee which dropped to fouith_fo ll ace, movcaThlt)'lbc~mn( dme-thi3-year,-replttcing-ingj

insintotr<N o pn f is between the Hur

rsity o f M ia- The national c led u lew asa also played Mi m w id e-an d —burgh^Florida- uBowL -has . Dame, but the two o f The the only top 25 25 football ange Bowl.n -h a lL h av e___ .’T hejsuccess

helped us in sot w ant to get ..others," -athlei ____ Jankovich said.Bts included' that is among I ^nmlinn w d television and i 1 the Hurri- anyone who is i r until 2002. iafe~to1»g5rtick

rs, colledc' ■ .Rc

th(baseball memorabilia col- soi ijOf Vlcmiy U iu tu m tc a 9fr-4^ ihotOgraphs o f Babe Ruth.- ex peals court ruled Monday e’9 heirs ow n his name, ~in

lawsuit filed -.en by R uth 's daugnters,

and Julia Ruth Stevens, a i n had fllegally used three da a 1988 baseball trivia cal- Jo____________1 . .___ _______grhian w rote in his opmion:nost photographed men of lil-than-Ufe hero to millions la'il whom interest still runs tic

i judge wrote.-ho was paid Ri w^=for-the-use of.h ig .n ic .. fo oting tbe sale o f various pi ^ & -in :I9 4 8;^B -d au g h .-su Is "Babe-Ruth'-J-^ a i t i a d e . ^ es, namely , p laying I cards, v£ opes," K aufman wrote. . bt s been iu e f tU v c ^ M a rk -to

a P a g e B 4 1 ^1 2 . three m inutes tew

that to make it t jum per put Tlie third qu . i d t h e f i r s j age o f the firs

■ fensive-play « s cJ 'the ir lead continually tur another Bair

lez again h it g e t t l u n g s ^ e for the Bru- fensive end.

After theliim bade, forf»piT<ing m in- Brums 6 - 0 -li

jeel making it . vAftcr the t\

' ..

d f r o m P e g i i i sIsta ticb rea ldngco ln to ssto •

ght free throws’ih th jrc lo s r^

tn piny,.________ — T------------w e ju st'fo tiled the 'wrong j hG ordon.K erbs., _ . j ,[cm-<airte z m 7lh ei&liMit3a re outscorcd by 11 pomts. j jrley m issed front ends In tirfn’t net B free throw unlil <

)y~fiVC7poInt3 At hiilf^and— id-oncs! Those were big I

€ o u n ty 3B o v s ’ b a s k e t b a l lr r i n t ; a ” ^ T ~

irmaiiSS-ev58 ---- -- -------- --LEY . Ryan Pharis scorei ind Jason W arr added 15 h e re ' j l i f a s “ H agernian"tlcfcBted~v in a M agic'Valley.Confcrcncc 1 all g am e.. -victoiy - boosted -Hagerman! to 4 2 -4 and its conference m

Hnle had 15 points., fo r .Ol )avid M iller chipp«iti?i 14. - loss dropped to ^ 1 2 overall an> le g a m e s .-- , -w ----- -------------------------------- r—

12 29 M H

) Class A-l

□: poir:una, w hich dropped,a pair o f gn -ta -jip3H ^N > ^ru itl4nd rtho«n eaten-boys’ baskettiall-teaci m im ly o n top o f the ratings with lace votes and 53 o f 8 possi.bli )wcd again 1)y M abd, 15-1. i'ovcd up fit)m fourth to third, n /,-w hlch slipP?Ki-to fifth-after Liver thai;*opped*thc-B ulldog 514^2.

In A -4 , Highland o f Craigi ight o f 11 first-place votes and S.poihts to finish ahead o f M m dvanccd-from - third to second v ^ ' s N o. 2 team; 13-2 D ^ , bllowed by Castleford, 13-2. nadc-its-fiTSt-showing-ofUhe-se ngs in fifth place, tiedwith,W ilc

foublctr^iiream ing a hol rivnlry "Bu lurricanes-and Aztecs, play b ll champion Hurricanes ficult M ichigan State, Pitts'^ add a! ida—State and Notre Nex lie Fighting Iri^h_were.__provc! 25 team to visit thc jO t-. State,

. lege,ess .w e’v e e n io y ^ has n e x tf some circlcs and hurt in also u iletics director . Sam Color id. "W e can o ffer a te im Gcori g"the“most-WBtched on r O hio d Is h i ^ l y attractive to presei is in a s ituation o f want- Jan ickersalcj:—:?— =--------L'Tnjlesj

fors sco r- f

Roesler, president o f C urtis Mi the B abe’s Indianapolis-based said last December that fees pai 4lvj«cic.cstim alcd at S400.000 expected to grow to i i im iiion i

Thc photographs’at issue m in the 1988 Macmillan Basebal; endar. T he words “Babe Ruth”. .cndaT'COver, the judge noted.^ ■“T T iecalendar coverinsTrpho a small b oy w ith his batting grij dar, there is.aLphoto o f the B John Pershing and a photo o

' ^ u t h * B ^ i ^ ^ o b j e c t e d to likeness. T lieir suit alleged fed law tnidem ark infnngemeiit ai tion, jn fH ngm ent o f the con: publicity ana violation o f thc R ights Law . The New Y ork li fn r nriycTtiaipg or trade purpose picturc w ithout the consent oi

-subjectia iiy ing ._____________■ tCflufiwan ttcknow ledtvaluable commodity in a pub but he said that Ruth’s daughU

cam s tn id r f baskets after spell5 i t I6 -a U a tth e h a If . ■ “Mquarter w as a mirror im - four

first two, w ith tough de- RonY causm g both-team thin]turn the b all over. ingUiis'were' ab le to take adT* . hurt 4tto-Diuiiis-UU1iavtot uutJ^jlHff^or a tim e on ll^ ' of- ,Spai

le Bruins went ahead ingi Spartans outscored the t e r «

I . t o ^ _ o 2 W ^ ^ i _ ^

! two .traded baskets, the sco‘r

shots,” said Kerbs.B uriey-lcd :ihe:first quarte

fllip aw av eariv in th e se tamdy

first lead and four points by " T ln r l ^ n n s a'4=fx>int tuuftimc------M e g a n ^ W illi^ '-o a s iu i pi

a sw en-po in t lead in the third next-six miniitesT the B obcats

W atterson."Stephanie Jensen broko a tl

quarter for B u r ^ b u t the 1 - whgti tooRl)ver.

: r B i^ m o s t-in^ r tan t gam e ; right here,” said C otant, >

S d in e h e si ” “SSisn

Dietrich ^ ^ 20 t a r e j ; 6 6 .TC Tues- CAREY — Diet -O ak iey -iead m eh to ju st tht cc boys' to-record a 71-6(

• - boys’ basketball vies.scason_thcT8,--------------------mark to f h e loss droppe<

conference play w l P ^ e y , placed.aU.six_8.cort

mained-in'the-chase and 2 -6 • o f pacesetting Cara

.Carey won thi - 62=59___________

S5255I1Krri-94,T^..... ;« 2 9 « ea

>3 basket!H ager

to Castle

KtiMboy*'o a s s aTMm

I ' I.BoMIr — ■— -----------■

. 5.Per»• . .-.J’. •.■•iV-V-.-T. , M(0 no

.......... .— 'fgiyn'es last week.

Jl -in -!d^O (-stayed------/ith n ine o f 11 first-si,ble 55 points, fol- bIwhk- 1 . Lapwai. 1 2 ^ ,

dQg3’-sea3on :rcco rd=rl-S lfii. ILapm

oigmont 1 2 - 2 , 'got J i S S m d 50 of.a possible larsing, 15 ri, w hich cuas> ond this weeK Last TImSmk iry, dropped to third,^1-2. Worley; 14-2, useasonin-ihCLnm k:__fl^jS5 V ildCTj,2-5... ______ AJ«-o

ingtoupg‘But some coaches don’t wan' ly B^kusTihcy alrrady have'u' ult schedule. They don’t wan; d a Miami.”Next year, the home schedule ives with marquee rival Flo Ite, plus low oTPittrB oston;^ 56, Syracuse a ^ Kansas. But x t five seasonsln the Orange B ioThclude" M iainr& fO W orTol )lorado State, Long Bcach S sorgia Southetn,',Louislaim T tlio University (twice) — and ecsenfSan D iegaState;------------Jankovich defends M iami’s scl es_and says they would bc bett

. Management Group, tsed licensing agent, paid to the Ruth fam- H

100 for 1989 and w ere M L

in the case appeared ;ball Engagement Cal-

are not on th e ~ ^ - H H ■ l i

p h o to ^ R u th ^ lp in g — grip. Inside the calen- e B a te saluting Gen.3 o f a baseball a u t o - ~ '^ ^ P

d to the use o f Ruth’sfederal and common- ‘

,t and unfair couipeU- * :6mmon law right d fthe Ncw Y ork’Civil k

-k law forbids the use I

t o f the subjcct it Uie

ledged that th o e - i s - a - p u b lic figure’s linage, ghters had made much

pell thc end for the Spartans. “We ou^layed them until

burth quarter,” said Spartans ( Ion Jones. "We ju st d idn 't di hings we were supj>osed to do ng the fourth" q u a r to rT u mlu r tu s a lo t" .......-Thf- trmff^Ttoor advflfltflge^ > p a r ta i r ^ 6 v e r 8 '. to - n m ol inans'w crri points In a span c ng the last m inute o f thc third c r and the fust two, minutes (‘ourthquflrtgr. ....■’-B y -^ e - tim e - th e 'S p a r ta n s - sco’re 'again the Bruins held i

-------------------------— r-^ h o n wortcr, but-saw the 1 ^ scasc

' ' " Itm ^ s ^ a v e T o c a tc l l r a t t^ l io ' by Biule Johns'dn ^ v e toldima cyshtntr c-r! rp s f ia % iF 5 a ib f r4 o - t{ t ta rliird quarter but oye rih e— -pj Mts outscorcd Pocatello gyjj]

a tic early in the fourth _ . bS le lead w m short-lived — --- ja-ftim e ~ fo r~ ~ ja W g th li^ o n e n ^ t, whose Indian s -sp lit *^4

s iS id ic o

- - . - *

ietrich-watched-a-2(H)oint—• iirce'Tuc»diy,.lJUt hung o n - ! ■66 N orthside Confcrcnce ' victory over the C a i^ P o n -

>ed the Panthers to ,3-6 in while the B lue Etevils, who irers in double figures, re- isc a t-7 -2 , tw o gam es back - m as County.— the jun io r varsity prelim

ia ......

tball rankerman slipped fitim thc top fi' tieford last weekend._______ _

T*'bMkMMi M*m INi WMk (fttttflic*

w I Si"’ . !f J 1S " i? 1 !.

SM ^ ^^ W - ' . ---------hopK»*,(i) ?„ J i l •VMCiFtny 10 3 20 be* B 4. 19 raeaMna voim: Kum (B-fl). Mmt (9-8). i(9-»).K«»OTCNA>.................... -

.....' rt ' 'S —

9«i IJ . iaSS' ” 5 ”VMM; 3ug.rjUl.m(12.3|. Ftkta (1.

w ;II ■ ;

S ' ® ' . ” Jg r " - !i I -

jrade schcant to schools quit dubking ti ■Qdif-— “ W hcn-you-lookrat ant to over the years, you

w c’rc not dodgir le im - Jankovich said. “W el lorida pctitivc schedule this rC o l— c o n tin u e -to -h av e -E ut thc dow n the road. And v iBowl tolkm g and visitinj W edoT-about p laang.— — Stale. “ 1 w rote Notre Da Tcch, recentl;^ so I have r

lever- .th a t situation,-and-w _ ing with Florida,” w l schcd- Steve Spurrier, has in etter i f to p lay the Hurricane;

- BABERU TH' I n t e i ^ i n h im s tf l l 'r t

A strong Bruin d Itil the .sh o t selection on 5 coach Spartans saw they do the tim es in the quarter

do dur- o f pulling out the wi jhovcrs*-: In th e preliminary

Falls sophomores di e~of^l l ~ c o sophs 43-29.-.— H F 1 3 • ’i T i e 'm -wasThj I covcr- w in this season for 1 rd q u a r- ' ' . s o l t h e S i

fi-COUlOr— ^ -F M > — SchMl.lCl a n l l Kr>hn4.U«-«».Tcttl '14

m e ^ - b o m e with Burley d1S0IL_ _______"It’s a long way to come biio^a9^d«iiedrm »^ i00th^vic d t S r girls they b^ to be icalcllo.J¥?^n»ratiilly rcudy artet8^>rii6dMfeair ~ v ' T he 'lo ss ' was: ju s t the fifth ihl, while Pocatello improved

PoeMis-DISm 0 0-1-B a Dur<hM'41 .F f»w 10-12 2.t^20-114.W ilyr

£li!|~OnnaKt 0 jw w rrp :£ncn S 6-» S OokKMChM 0 0-0 3 0, K S 4 «, PuMy 00-020. TMM It »>ta 29 M

... , . _

m s e c ti tiattW - Untrr^ W.

Castlelford79 - Murtaugh 56

^ M U R T A U O H .rT L .E t^ _ .p/>;nt< Tin»«Hay_ifl_pace-fc

. double figures and fourth-i 1 to a 79 -56 Magic Valley _ u m p h QverJvIurtaugh_— J It w as the ] Oth w in in as J outings for the W olves' and . Castleford o f a bye in the f , months Southside sub-distr

-The R ed Devils’ JV capt

____ »gaw w •Ummrt4. LoO 13. CMkw 12. Hahn II

kings 5I five after losing


‘ ■ NEWCork-fil pitchers thing s

_______________ _ —Yale ph------- - a sc ie n t— :---------- ;-------- ;------voritc-p:

"The1 ), Print RS* (ICM),' n e ss 'o f

and the: . ~~..... ...........ofliballi________________ provinc

cists,” "The P

lt(14.J).K»ml*h{12-3). lished ■ Row.

2 M1 40 ^ importaI 15 ■ “ ' hubris 12 - 4 • thc a ^

— — ' ■ ca^ula '

ledule- ?!!g the Hurricanes. -rrat-our schedules------ b'OU can se e .th a t they m Iging anybody,” reason 'e Had a very com- ihis year and will valid.

d we will continue ‘I'B o f in g with ^ o p le who. j —_ . :;:rr_ :. r , . Lcagu Dame a letter ju st friend c not given up on ,®Uwc’rc-S tiU -w ork^ “whose new coach, Adair 5 indicated a desire the tit jies. Lcagu


- ™ a --------- ^ ^ by drilcork c

n Loui ter

tba^ ------ throuj

it ligh . rubbei


U fH ' _ - 'r u n s h i g h " I

^defense and poor ^ ain the part o f the w g lcy scorc only fo u r ' dicr to end any hopes ^win. ^ ^

lary game,the Tw in p |I defeated the Mini-

The lle t^ w ith o u trn h - S or M inico. * 0 0 i

• 102432 D I

^ X C ^ 1 0 ^ S )l« b < * i7 . - ( \Z — .OI—

I .'1414-ai04l .

" 0 0

' during the r c ^ l a r 6 |

■ bbic^” s ^ d K e rb s .^ g ^

t e ^ ^ i t a l y ^ r M d y ~ J dy-and~ pU ycd-fbu i_Q f l J

\h in 21 games for cd to 9-12 . ^

1 Ii g . ^ : 5 , ? i . ° a a s a ^

;CW >W'KaWr2.*-T 1 B. ' O lQ ~ 0, Kr«*o« > *>-0 0 *■83#

iv e JS Ib rtM4 10, 80Jir»t<* ie, SB*W 2:*atr» t tail-19l6T1, 1 » »«, 14. CTmM 4, TTlf— ItrirC C U 'ttC ^M . Ijpp Uurta(2),Kfl«om(J). . ''^ iu r c z f I—- .


th-nmked CasUeford “ 'J l ™ Iley Conf m n c < U l k _ ^ ° ' | ;

1 as many confcrcncc and virtually assured T«c 1 le first round o f next fi> t istrict playoffs. and Ug; apturcd'tlie openert----------------

T , ’ . ^

holO.T«J»t 2ai2-102070 ^4.Cun<mniZE.A/KMien q.lmS.Di

Scientist \ n AmerieoEW HAVEN. Conn. (AP) - :-fillcd bats arc nothing for icrs'to .fear, there is no such as a 'r is in g fastball, and

nd ba llfdo not pick up speed icing over artificial tuW. says a^ physicist iri a-bbok that gives-

entisl’s spin on America’s fa-e-pastimc:-------- ---------- = =Tic flight o f balls, the livcli: o f balls, the structure o f bats the character o f the collision a lls , and bats are a-natu raL •incc-of-physics-jm d-physi--

says Robcrt 'K . Adair in ; Physics o f Baseball.” pub- :d this month by Harper & r. •u t'“in all sports analyses, it is ortont for a scientist to avoid ris and pay careful attention, to athletes," writes Adair before ping up to the plate w ith,bis ulations, worked-out mos"tl7 1 personal computer using sim-BASlCprograms:------------------If players think they hit belter r-illcgally_drilling_a hole in r bat and fillingJLw ith.cork. f must bc lakcn seriously. Thc 5on they give for their 'im* vemcnt,' however, may not be id.” 'krtnir wrnie the book at the urg- o fth e latc A. Bartlett Giamatti,

0. as president o f thc National iguc, had asked his old Yale md in 1987 to advise him on t V elcmcnU o f baseball physics ■dining to be a paid consultant iair instead was bestowed witl : title "Physicist lo thc Nationa ague!”\m ong the findings he reportec Giamalti. who- laler, ~bdcam{

igally modifying a baseball bai drilling a hole in it and sniffing ■k or rubber inside is. in cffccl, rime widioul a victim. •\da ir , . who compared • the ight and'othcr characteristics ol .ouisville Slugger before and af­

ii had bccn -tiiicfl wiih coik" icluded that the illegal modifi- ion provides the hitter no bene- that he cannot generally obtair on^re-legaHy-oonstructed bni. , [n fact, hc found. that whilt llihg a holc'in the bat will make ighter, the energy e f the cork oi )ber uscd-as a fillcT-cannot bi 'ectively transferred to thc ball crefore, the extra material wil

1 ¥ E ^


" ~ g iJ E

■ ^ n g V= E = d C h d i i

J . • Wodneaday. J anuary 3 1 .19S

^ s i d e ^ ijoysltitld. 6, U»nffJfn 5, 2B. W«tW 2. TIpWk-OoM goil*-CnM*y<9 tumuy. AM ,jnMjfcXS^

S f i& iw j . f iP , . . . .

i s e n 4 0 " ' ‘ ',NSEN — The Shoshone ced down 11 thrt.e-poim-goals fm by Joe M essick and A l e ^ i It the Hansen Huskies 6 9-40 ir llcy^C on tonce boys basket^ lay night.: Indians Jum ped in front 25-^ quarter hen M cssick was at hi: Jgaldc look over in thc m iddle (

M w 2B41STflBMn B.1B2740Ihon. -Oi«K<i 4. 110)9^18. HiDfT-n <, K«*r 0, Swtinocn e. leuM 2210-Z

_ vio* ». <>b«5 ,, D«m.S e, AMn 2, Totf • 13 1>34 17 40

puts spin afrpastim- only slow the bat down a r slightly reducing thc distan h bat hits the ball, d th e book was written witi i ball fans, not physicists, in

Adair said Friday. He said h 3—rowed-extensively-fiDm-thc ,- -ofolhcrs, and also relijd on ^ f r i ends more'

versed in thc finer points ol s ball to make sure his modcl n a good resemblance to th >r thing._________________: - =i-___ Eor-fanswho.takc their.stin seriously,- th c - i0 6 -p a g e H ‘ places a whole ncw realm k triguing facts and figures s

disposal, is ' For instance, did you kno' d ■ Thc "muzzle velocity' :o ball as it leaves a pitcher’s 1 re about 8 niphgrcaicr tban.iu is across the plate. In other l^ th T b a l l loses speed at th e 1- about 1 mph every 7 feet. ^--------«-There is no-such ihing acr ing faslball. Backspin on in will only make il fall less k._would otherwise as ii cros he plate. As far as the hitter n- cemed; however, " it's r e a l ; be an illusion” bccausc it is sc

higher pitch, Adair said.•g. . Ground balls cannot p tti.~ s iw d lip 'a s they bounce ac lal tifialjjirf.inficlds. Long hoi lie are typically hit so thc initi ra^spin'lS'ncart^.OOO Tpm,-aod ics. balls have similar rates ( ml, spin: Ground balls wo ith~ ^)ccd up evem vith an ove nal great as 4,000 rpm,

• From the pcrepeciivc led batter or pitcher, a widc-l me;:curveball thrown at 7 0 mpl fint-r^untereloclcwise spin i bat 1.600 ^ m and a im ^ tow ng ~inside"'corncr has curve :cl. inches to pass over the

comer. But the largest d Jic from a smiight line from of ning lo end is only 3.4 inch

af- • Large hands and stron rkT - do-nom long-balHtiiieMne ifi- coiitribution o f the han le- wrists to the energy o f th lin ' almost negligible. t « Jh e collision of a bai ile bat lasts only about IM,00 ike second. B ut the force on a or for a long home run reachi be ue of nearly 8,000 pound

all. pressing thc ball to about vill of its original diameter.

mV I E ll

PPLEWELrREHI^EIN Y O ins sT ip y -I T p


990 Tlmw-Nowa. TWIn Foil#, Idi

Tbtt» 21 1 « 8 • M . Bren«‘{2). ,

ne Indians o ls — m ost j i r u g a i a r = ^ lO in a Mpg-- -■ctball game

25 -6 in thc , t his hottest i lc quarters. ;

lo-zzao# •0


f l

n a little. I stance the i

w ith base- !, in mind,j d he bor- i- the-w orfc- —- — —I o n sever-—ore', well- J _s o f base^ - -odels bore , ") the real

iFstatisticsH — Ige b o o l^ - - - aim o f in- es at their

know that:' city” o f a - r ’s hand isn its.speed__________her words.__________t h c r a t e - o f - -----■*- [n g a s a n s . ---------------on a .ball

less than it • crosses the ttcr is con- eal and not is seen as a

o t possibly e across tir- 5 homc m ns initial back-:aodground-----:--------;cs of ovcr- would not overspin ns

:livc o f thc de-b.reakingmph with a --------------n rate o f“ toward Uie

urved- 14.4 ‘ ■*' the outside ;t deviation rom begin- inches. irong wristsf-mak6c-Thc--------------hands and if thc bat is •.

ball on theI^OUtft pt-a— ------on a ball hit aches a val- lunds, com- out one half

i| [ j [ | | e

1, Idaho B-5


Page 16: mosi an^nosd. N,..W hite House c l-w JB Sununu, who said t the report with Presi' al security adviser!

VinccntORLANDO. Fla. (AP)

'•Callcdgc-scored 31 point- ' VjncciH - bccame tho - fin

=--------— as'tbc'cxpansion Mngic h

diana Paccre 129-111 T ur- Vinccnt. had 21 poim

--------- bouiidi and 17 aMista-aa^bounded f ro n rji 16-potn dcficit for its bigge^khor

---------He had-12T»lnts in-m rftrwhen Orlando used a 14- ouLscorc Indiann 44-25.

Thc Magic won for just 'time in its last 19 games. 1 lost fjvc o f six.

Thc Magic w crc ranked NBA in scoring defense, almost 117 points a game,

- - -dohe ld th cP iicc rs to 'S O spoints and forced 17 tuino

Otis Smith, nnd Nick cach added 22 points for C

Reggie M iller scorcd 3 ana and shot 7*for*10 fn

--------- rungc,-He-had-l«-points-and helped the Pacers ta]

■ Icad.Miller hnd a^3-pomt be

three-point play in a 14-i w ay in thc sccond quarter (ook a 51-37 lead. Tl biggest edge was at 60-4^

- left before halftim ^ but C


returned to normal for No lownon.Tucsday-m ghl as

— rediK ovcrcd-thcir:-;fayori — a suffocating defense Seton-Hall-and cam a sl Big East Icad.

Mark Tillmon scorcd 2i — the Hoyas limited Setoti

field goals in a 7(W 8 vict abled Georgetown to m first-place tic in the conf

---------C o»\nec}icut.^i^i-^---------1_____ T he .Hoyas- (16-2, (

trailed in bouncing back______ day^i_Jl9?poiiit_-loss_lo

Georgetown, which enten- having lost two o f its last

C S I r e m a' C O L O R E D SPRfN

(AP) — The College (_______Idaho’s m en 's ^ k e t b a

m aincd atop th e “ Natii Collcgc Athletic Associa the eighth i g h t w cei.

* r he E aglej, 2 2-0 . BOtflm -plact;vot«s.c& st

...N JC A A regional-dircct< _ points, R iihnerupConno

lege o f OKiahoma got tw

D ^ e ^ t a n o i n ^TWIN FALLS-'T«n Fill e»y r»ak«Mi nougn B«T<M 0

--------------JTCERJOE---------------------TaM W I.SurwVlCenL - fi 0SMdcmK'i S 0 -FNOJV/tkfvOtwxMlfl 5 0BvdfyMMttftlcal S Q

______ i J -

Wchw fw ija-.:.----------« -

2 'DMDvyOkM ,

— • •- AUJvnsfUi-------- 3lUnwiTV 2WMlOnte«Mi 2RWOFvma 2o!o5ito53o«*nart 2

- .M aaM O m -------—- ..l -— '----------Ct»OUB---------------------_________ TMO-------------- * -_____ _ Ny n a n w ________________ *


PodASpa •• ■ 2S J 5 5 5 U IiMQuil*-! 3Oemlna'tPtBi 0


........... '^ C o I U ^ s c b r »BAST

I AB«wnwMe)r60.8.Vwmgnl

I " S S 2 i ! S S S . a w < » . issfsasT'’"'FrmOk^ 83. W. »oS mo f t M^nldSM « . S1

------------- S S S f S - f i S S ^ ”'___ JeMJa^l.UttninSl--------

tOntf (. N.Y. 64 NYU 7S

_____ TTMU.OMM74

yiitfnit« . Du9u«n» n • ....... ............. OOLTTHi —

T i f S S iu in ^ ^

Wo ot*wi'7 ; • ...--------- --______ _ U~«>w<«[W ---------

- • LJ, ____1..

B-6 71mos-Now#, iW n Folli

itlead^B/VP) - T cny • ■-« , )ints nnd Snm r T Ofirst O riando- . . I

ruesday n igh t ■-lU f t M iiwauk

home victory. M ILW AUlrfou rth -perioarn“ -“» i B » d14-0 spree to fourtlw iuaita

and Jay Hum just thc fourth in th e final p :s. Indiana has theM ilw aukt

m e n to K in ^ ked last in thc Lohaus’ 3- ise, giving up n jade it 94-8 ' me, but Orlan— fourth 3j>oin 50 sec o n d -h a ir 'i t 97-88 w ith iiTiovcrs. : .T h e B u d uick Anderson- loss in their or Orlando. ’U tah on Sf d 35 for Indi- third-quarter• from 3-point sending the I

at InM in 19g«r1 take a 61-60

I bhikc|-mid r14-0 run mid- n t l C n t a .rter as Indiana A TLA N T/

The. Pacers' and Islah T!M 4 with 3:41 q u a r w surg<tit Orlando cut P ^ n s a n Ti

AP) — ThingsNo. 6 George- C o U C f l it as- the-Hoyas - .vorite-_weapon--a 36-18A iial ise — to'stifle 'c rth rea ten eda shflTC..of the___ ^T he.H ow

poihls to Sy d 25 points and defense scvei ton Hall to 15. the Pirates ( victory thnt cn- m issed its fir r move into a and shot only onference with . “ W c want<________________ 3 S iiard-as-Vi:, 6-2 ) -n e v c r - causew eknc ick from Satur- fense again -lO '-Syracusc, saidT'Tnnch Itered the game have to tell last three,'built . against

l a in s N o . 1SfNGS. Colo, vo tes and 18 'c o f Southem CSI and C :tball team re- lege o lC a n lational“ Jtm ior -im beaten tea Kiation poll for Cam den, 14-

. . . cocompos m l 8 'o f th r2 4 —w«i» V b y lh o p im c lo f . .£ ;3 :% % ’3; ectors, and 214 , gouewnw nnors State C ol-— rcamer*si;t llwofinit-plocc

m i ^ l l '4 .B A s l

igs ________ _im«4m.2B: HtmYoik_________________ PM «d|y*_

EaibnI. Pa oe WMhkignn0- 1000 - S S r t* ^0 1.000 XQ 1.000 »■ . OMoSj . g - ; s s s m

3 - .’600 - 3-- - ----- ASMl___(MndO

w L Pd oe____________ Wl0 - iJ o a _ — -----------

a . 2 .718 2)1 .4 2 .eez 3 UM* 3 _.«71___W__ 8«iArtBrto_.

r i S 3 a s r2 4 J33 e Houttn 2 4 .333 . 8 . CMIOM2 J S . 5 •(

_W--- OB----------------- «MIW-------,780 - - ___OOBgaMM.

~4 3* !s71 1)1 Im S S Io -4— J— .m — w------------------

3 3 JOO 3 UniMetilM. 3 9 JOO 3 ‘ CM a^12tr^ 3 3 .500 2 ’ MMlOe.M<

-3— J — .600 — 2— a i i u M * ee• 3 S .378 3

2 4 J33 3 O r t^ ia . l r2 S .2H 3X CMWldlM .2 5 ..see . 3» MraCIIZASi2- - S .290 SX SMTMMia2 8 ..290 ax NnrJafMjrMI0 e .000 4XS 5 ’SSS 'UMi«>OfBin

. . . . , w y * y » *i

— ---- - 8««»*«Mkn

K ’----------- - N 3 A . I

3 T S wifroaiukwn

trr ______ a i i 7.Vkwfl

R.83 ' OrtndD '

.........................) \ (M47(Pmrm«70 AwlW Mm

ITiTbMfcrt*r “ s s t s st d a i i e » .....................A-1B.077.TT ■ ______

■ — .DCmO(T^12

. s n s “ "« : IgariilB

171 ' /m mButtonoe S4>onoo*-

-oils, tdaho W od im day , Jan u ar

Magic ov<3 b a sk e tl> a ll I

l | f l

ikee l0 9[ I B H I B j p g — r f.UKEE (API — Jack Sik- k i a d - t o h a u s s p u ^ i - l W 'l - i i J rter burst with; 3-poln£er8 ■ umphries scored 13 pomts I f l J period Tuesday n ig h t js M uke« Bucks beat the S a a a ~ l 1 ^ 1 0 9 -1 0 2 . ' m3-poihter w ith 6:12 to ^ ■

-87 and 0 q i Sikma hit h i i ' ■ r.intw nf'Ae game (0 ith_5:27 remaining. • ■ .•^ comiog o ff the w c m ^ V S icir history, 48 points Saturday, squandered '

* r lead o f 11 points beforcr u « Kings to their J7th.road ;^

a 95 iiiiITA (AP) — Joc Dumnij ; . J Thomas sparked a first- ton

irge that gave the D e tro it ' bas , 18-point lead en route to . Det

ai&MetSsge Ira sk c tb a U ^h p |if»im>» Iwirf imt< w ns a B V - J ~ 0icd h e reafter.-; ..................... '-SniITOS, who surrendered 95 Q » S^B ais4 ,-lu ined 'iip t h n r - ^ vend notches to dispose o f ' day3 (lO -8,'3-5). Seton Hal) > first 12 field goal attempts

nly26percenLmted to come out and play . . J-wc_sould on.defcase-bb>- foew we played terrible de- ^ ainst. Syracuse,” TillmonidUJohn)JlioiiipsQiuJidnlt___ 1tell us wc played poorly, wit

w eknew ." . .th e

1 f o r 'S t h s l i182 points. ' i

i Camden Community Col- t. im d e n , N J ., are thc only «. teams in the poll this w ecl^_ }° 14-0,.is ranked ninth. t i


I pd • » fc« W J , ' " I ?pjm . rn) '***^R,cort Ptt \ i

r u n (3) '. .21-0 18t ' O'* L • , i n #8

standings » fMTtanUST «.*• ' ^

eASTBWCONFSSNCe ' - SJ AMfclfTTMll ** ------AD«B»«Dn . ..p

27 15 ■ .M3 - « ■ » 16 .619 1- __ ^, 18 3S J49 12X~ ' ■ «, 12 30 .2H m a

. 9 30 ,200 IM X . « - - i

I S» 15 .BSI. IX n 24- 19 js e U “

■ ■■

W L PCt OB f^ _ . r —

~ 23 1 9 - J «23 20 J38 7X J

8 33 ,1M 2 X t

JL'.— 2 4 ~ ir:jn o ax >«• iI'*5~!4W~12* I

—ia-aa-r«» -w - < ” ------- 1

Is ih tf J IS v 1106.MMIH I I'.KtHMUD«UtaW*M.IMML^nMlstAnoMMCIMmWi I


1S £ £ m. V ^ IlCMw.&30pm 1■a«nArta«,«JOpjn. - . •MOtopwiMMvTdOpm TJ iO d ^ sa tt.e :« p A - '

u-box scores !

19. Smdtn 1-3 M 4, WIMn M t««l M M S. CMnp M) M 0, McCHud &iWi4M«iyiei1f.

rMtfrllM2}yjyw*T»17 5-819, AflW

m 2 (ittfid ).ln d M « % c rg M a . .

O-t a .R e«iM M M 10, I jM m t 11 Dun»«»12»a ie. Thcnui —

4 frO 2. VMM 14 2<2 4. Vmt 4*11 e-10

" " . ” 1

uary 31,1090

i cr Pacci

' V


M i K v a t i k e « V . . G r ^. ( 3 4 ) d e f e n d s a g i ^

“ - ~ S a c r a m e n t D ' r < 3 f ^ H

th e ir fo u rth v ic to ry in a rbw^ H v eT tfiT A tla h ta - m w k s W J n ig h t ■ ' ; V '

J a m e s E d w ard s, w h o led t to n s w ith 2 0 p o in ts , s c o re d t b a sk e t o f th e ga m e o n a dunk, D e tro it a l e ^ it n e v e r re l in q u i

S^pfHiConnecticut 94 Massflchusetts.75..^ -A M H E R S T , M a s s .- (A P ) - S m ith ' s c o re d -22 p o in ts an G ^ e a i W 16 a s N o . 13 C(c o t b e a H v ta s sa c h u Bc t t t 94 ^ d a y > iig h t .. . , • '

c i & c i i i ' ( 1 8 -3 ) . le d 3 ' h a lft iii ie , th e n p u lle d aw ay , a: s c o r e d 'l j f 'p o ifils. T h e H uskii a h ( ^ b y ‘a s m a n y a s .17 .po in l w o o d h a l f o n a i» f a 8 M c l iu ^ n e v e r g « c lo sc r A a n e ig h t. :, r

__ T h e M inutem en* g o t ^withiw i th 3 :5 l le ft, 6 u tC o n n e c tjc ii th e g a m e yvith 11. s t ^ ^ t p o ii

i r a l p i t w e<

f S " " ’ IauW M ipiiC aM .------------------ i»- g.C«ndw.NJ.------------------------ 1;

10.8«lJK«o.T«x»».------------------I f ------I f12. 80uaiiMlT'.l0«in 16-13.euMrao..Kan. 16-14.w>odtHttod. , 1*15.PM»CDlt.Fl». 1 21;

'IB. Hutewtnon.TOn................ ..........20i7.Aiwiyy.w -19 N%MnvM^8.C. 1»

-3o.-n»**nw>«8.----------------J— 20. ■ .17

Bfo«n843.312. N « a 6-13 2.3 IB. Ra A M M 3 3-« 13. Prte* T-1B M 21. J.V •■14 24. Mrr 24 (M) S. OtuQhwty >-71-2 OOa-mM41-«421.32 10lC

• f tS ! ? ? 2 i8 . Rtoi B.13 M ig.8Wi«i t8 ,D « M M 4 0.11ZEdMrt(6H31-

. w 3 y ^ B . 1 ^ 1 - 4 ^ 4~ 14.23 94.

° * * * ^ m Ij M»PoM aculi rWviJtnd 3-13 fPric* 2.7,

- ENaO-1).Mt(nl2-4(no»1-1.aunMd‘ om Won«. R«tiauna» 0>v«t»<<8ejPi BO (Srtuty 16). AM>li-ar««land 2$ {P r tt4 (D y jtwB).TiwJtoU»-0«vit«nd

^ . B l A T s S t l s d c r " ^

~ r r .. -FT— '42-819 312 140 VWoM.Uari 40 460 342 124E»«)0.kY 42 446 349 114

i j s s i s

B(t*>Kr. a A ■^ 40 318^)01 #3

On4«r.Port . . 3B.334 187 «BM.BOL 37 336 147. «Haw.LAC 3S3011S2.nuSri« l.8M . ~ 39 3SS 1B2 6(RUvncnd.0.S. 30 310 221 BtTtaM«,Sw. 40 aas 182 6(C im i«gt.8A 40 a4» IM 61

F M tO s iiP m fM

H S ' i i— I S T S

w a m P o n . .210 ses

E ST oS^ U ! S

\ . ■”o ’‘ a r ^___O U k ^H o u .-------42-1M -41U

.. 19 3K 23?M U ^ . ^ l43 1ST 2B3E«^N.Y. I ; 42 116 300

___S J 3 » » . 0 - . ^ - 37 M »1, ____ « ’’*

SiocUon.UWi U

..... PortKPort---------------- :.-...41,5 3 & a ------------------S -


LML XJ.■ ^ I fL i ^ r z l z l

; 43 ■ 4412

5rs rt—, Strawberry

-L O S A N G E l

I .tric ta tto rD ey X“W c n m d t l

____s n y J ^ M ^-.-Pakcr, a n asSii

Q f L os Ar^ ih i is T t ic r re d tt

consideration') .1 ‘ ^ .w u committed

’ .} .‘H ic re was-D S - ' S ’ r ' d l ^ m i g h t m T ' . * ' ''■ . ■ .■ S je 2 7 -y to -

- F r id a y a t th e L .Valley S ^ o n

.u .-^ p p u .fo llo w 'tfeatby Encino,

Montana,!;r.-;HONdLmii^irecord-actting '



I the Pis-^

.M eckl«t>urg:i Taylor'of-'.the

* spokesm an sail........ ■:........ T - 'M o n ta n a 'w i:— Chris. ;-"\VQ8bington-Rj and-T ale - ~ .fe rence .tea ia (. C o n n ii^ -- ' . ■to'DenYCTi* t 7 i ,Tmc3:, i ^ u r e d i l ^ n g h t

in ju iy sw .n o t 3 W 3 ^-at, ■•>:D8w 'K n e g n a S m th ' -> A m cncan Foo

".V fe^y, w ill be t h i n 'e i ^ V-Renibcrt:<ffthi cut clffaSl.TJ i n t s . : ; v ' . f a . B a y . ' -

19-1 74 ened to skip t H him o f f the Sl

I t J ^ Conference re 19-3 42 rookie D avid 1IM ------38 ” — r A ls o a d d i^18-3 3s bers and K evt J t i 25 Portland, Fat

- G o ld e n State.- 19.3 - .17 F illing o ut i i w 1J_ ■ Dennis Rodn ’ •5 . « Robert P a r i^

RallniMM SwrmMO J.WBM6-11 OtfM

K L s - —CMrtos*

M*y7-lOM__N«>J*rt*y............d M 4 i< r ~ I

M 3»-10eM 17- »4 l*nMOU2.7 .K *(t1^ LA. UkMMlOV+eCSd UW(EMo12).M1«t4 OMhi{Prtc*12),Uf OMlwidndlB.IAim SwAnenle .

““ " S S o l r ^ . . -------------------

..... _________~PU*09~ - •?»«>*» - - • 1402 3J4 .

;^,:^ 7 r r ^ i r r ~ ' —

B4«22J ' eOISe(AP). H««il6 i ..7aa2Z£... men>beeWhil«*Wle w a e WooghJ«.27. ^

662 22.1 W n 0 f i671 21J kWn 20 e<

UotMSH* 16 7iEotwnVMih. 19 T

POA Pd Nm H 17 Ttet J19 < MonUn* 20 »«7T.B00 UMStM 16' ffm .w • 'II ®« - : mo“ b3 2 S 2 " ^ 1S S # " • acoH710 J45 Tk«n 0 A> 413 J42 • Monuna.........20 «

• S S S r 'S .: \ l l

f L S a ^ .jg \r« 440 I IJ kMfnStM 1B 1I2-467-1U------- >lp<dt------ t-.f7—7W 444 lt.1 -------- . ’-6 432 10J Btoa 480 10J - ten 0 M10 427 102 Utfia 20 *1If 3T4 10.1 MonUM ' 30 <n '404 10.1 UM M Sttt* 16' •

1 628 u l UuSMli 19~ » 467 11,7. hMMaMM.- 16 ,*2 341 1D.7 >

n y ESS-”* s.;J 772 7A CM nW M l. 19 . ............................No.ArtttM. . 16 ..

. : - - : y S 5 A £ i t c i i ^?? lli? • K U _ S . ^so---- 1H.0--------- ! « :* « * » IB .

.......... ........■n ; s 5 S S n . ^ " ;ro lo u idthoBtM* ia .

§ . iSis.................. .. -

R - ^ io S — ^ S ± f f i " i 9 -96 10M Wi» ^ 1^ts 10U ~ '.I ’ W M S tt 17, « . 102J : - - 2 9 -

\ ,

rry won’t face felony tJELES (AP) — NeW Y otkM e

Teatemng his ^ f e sa could still b e filed agaln^hi ('.’^^ ffT ^ ’i^d T tiesd ay . , d that t h m 'wais i n ^ ^ d e n t ev Isolation w as co**""*k«^ "-saii iS is t^ tC b e a c l-d e p u ^ .in l^ a A ri^ Ie s D i^ c t^ t t o r a e y 's c I 'th fr'ca^ io^ the.w ty a tto iiio^ n a s to whethn* of not a mi ted." > .s .no indication;when the.cityin iakeadM isiotL__ -iar^bld ’StrawbiKiy oodke- e l ^ s M g e l u Police Departn: o n 'o n .s tm ic io n o f a^u lt^w ii owing a aoinestic'dispute a t I n o ,L tB lU G aid asa id .

I, Ehiray to tniss iS'o 1JLU (A P) — Joe M o o ti^ ’ ft lg SupCT Bow l perfoimsnce i 9 ^ w ill m iss Sunaay*s Prc ;«bdW Iitijtiry7W M llM ing1 pjr,{teI3|pnvF^Broncci ,

r i t o ^ ^ T H e V f i ^ r a r ^ - i l } l e o f y ^ a ^ o n the t u i t ^ lod& rrow 'and other tha] r te u i r i^ 'im b le m and to

threw’f iw fouchdowp passes -sri±i3tdtyiis:andjcl.-<)thacjw) ro tg b f th e Broncos.- - - - - iT S uper B dw l"playcrs, ' l i ^ ig^bf.the B roncos a nd . n he"49OT,’'will.-miss; the ^ said. " >/,•■ • ; • • w ill'be rep laced 'by lv la rk -R y i-Redskins-oo-the-National-Fo 0.-1--.’ . ,f.'K O A ntdio reported that Eh ^ t j d t ^ in the Super l^^v l, I lo l '^ o u s 'r a o u g b to reqidro'si eg o f Seattle w ill replace El' •ootball Conference team.-Eh , replacement-for Cincinnati’s 1 wimdrew eariier. ')urg, who iiguredrliis-lefUcBtt u l w arsch ed u led for artbroscc be replaced o n the AFC team ;the N ew Englimd Patrio;^. Ta ^ ^ O T C T p r t ^ b y Mark-Can

lam pH tn A11»Sfar TftjW DRK (A P) — Kari Malone, p the N BA AUrStar Game af ; starting team , was named a: ; reserve T uesday along with S id Robinson. ;

to the'W estern sqiiad v/cce rvin Johnson o f Phoenix, Clyd ‘a t Lever o f Denver and Chrite .--------- ----------------------ut the E astem roster were Joe >dman . o f Detroit, Kevin , N i ^ ' o f B bto ii'.'R eggie Miller

■ 40 40S0 1013 .kWwSi 43 4277 101J Botoa

__*4..'__ 4337— #ej____ H iM

. - s - . i i__40-....3788____B3J_____VM«e

. 40 3SS0 esj40 403S 100.9 BolM$

. -ta-.««4047 10U NO.AIIZ43 4372 101.7 Nmd*

- 41 4163 • 1BJ.0 --- i—40 4091 101341___ 4211 102.7 Tmtti •

—^41~^4221‘‘ ‘-m o • CMMm -:-142___4333__ 101242 4336 103,2 .NaArtl.... 41-----4262- -104.0 ----- Merttn...41 4317" 1013 , Boms

43 4448 IOM . HMd*__39_ „4136__ 106.1___.--Uonan. 40 4282 . 106J UthoS40 42M 106J VMmtI••'40-'.-.- 4288 106J 1-

. 43 4801 106J40 426S 107.1 Tkaii42 '4303 107,2 ' W«b«ri43 ^ 1063 MlflO e

^ • ***** ii6Me(B)oBkrCor«nne« 'sI e?i Wtfwc

’ n ilI MA BotottI-B7.0. . - .;_ S Ih ___ — _____ = » « «r ‘84i " "

. ? 3 5, ^ , ..............Brtft.» 610 ......... ^

M«. - *y>y-

j ’t - . - : IJ_ 2 *__________________9 >'>«<»

1 ! W• - • trot

H s ‘ 2S5 ; S ■ K K ! : g ~ ^ - ' g

S--:S— ------ — »a;£*■

t A& Oairi:6 ^ UoOo fl .471 I- H«m

7 g 7 .6789 .8Sl.-;£,-.-------------- J — — Bon

'y c h a r g e sM i ^ o ^ ld- - ^ c W est®

f f l i U y n c f l- A te p j^ fc l^ q g w in g.o fB u to n an d

P« Riley 0

city attorney’s Brisft’s es

irtment s w est w on tw ith a.deadlyat hw home m . - . ^ f ^ ^ g h t

' V i m ^ ’t heard

P “f ’ftiutt '•7I^^eSday in th

; to b e d n M ' ; , / ^ ^ »«i30i

ea the 'm o^'..-\-'-v ' •’______ |l ie c o r a s . f a l hg ^ ^ j^pji s i l B o

E lw ayvl. b u t .said th.e:'2 ^ ^ S f "

E lw n y o -

^ylorwIUlK.'. Ex-Utah I

__ . , \ ' -o f-U tah footl

s e i y e . t e a m l £ L Sle, w ho threat- Scan Hen< ! after fans left ftom Clovis, i as a WestOT fines and w a th San A ntonio day b y U.S. I

H e n d e i ^ T eT om CBam- ' Frcnch, liilcl ly deD rex lc ro f C edric Riles, nm s M ullm o f on universit

m onth to 24 b e D um ars and Riles has pie 1 M cHale and tribution and lier- o f'lnd iana,—notentered .a

hoStM* 18 .636 iMSttt* 19 JIS.Atone___J#_.W_____________^ R«beundU«r^

--------- O Mir.- - -

-------------nwM8a » te -0.2ho SUM '1 6 -0 2Im SIM 19 >3.7.Aitam 16'-44n d ^ 17-6.0

r " * 5! asCAltttIM--- ie; ♦ 1 4 -------------------;

M M a w t J b J ; o _AaSMi IB -2J rtMrSIM 17 -3J)

■n 0 PetM rSW .17 .418is"* a -ji!--------------

-----1.-JM---------------------s s r - i r i s — :--------

- .• . -n«*»ftMPIMOail*S - . » ~ ?. * & -fcAScfS*''' -IB 6J•hoBttI* 16 s*Ja^ i i iSo 20 SJ)jtoiStM fl 2J WwStM 7 2.6DOflOLAUlMBTKaL_____________

iwScfHKL-- 5 ^ 3 F 0 ■FT-P?

S S S Jw u l e ’S S M s

i f » J s

WOehod ^ . 0 .Ps

M m UN IT 66 -128 J16S S aU M 20— 61 ia»--J09

- ^ 0 i f f i

W d .S v A l.^ ; ^ 7 ^ 8 3 75 .T2S

g y IB IW « »

------- S r~ !iS i f

»en o f Chicago and Dominique

: starters arfc guards M a d e Joh s Lakers and John S tocno 'n of Ji55C=3;n5iIouSiyaGi3:RV«i A.C . Green of the Lakers. ■

br the East w ill b e guards Micl I -and Isiah Thom as o f Deti ng^ClicviLYorlCflnd-.forwards od Charles Baricley o f PffiG3eT j 3f the Lakers w ill c o a ^ th ’ o f the Pistons w l i coach tE e l

■f> g o h u r t ; m i g h t a s k fc

IE,-Wash, (AP) — F i i a ta s a i le w ill asK «Lbe traded i f the 1 I’t supplement o r renegotiate t i J 9 8 4 . .^ ; .....It it to their attention in Nove rd back from them,” B rett said ray ego is h u rt” - - ^ s_S1.5 million in c a c h 'o f th« ns an'd the Royals haveioptioi t S1.S million each. In addtilc for him to receive about $300 e fceflrlfiiftresrtn 'irreal^stB tn , a .310 lifetime hiner, made 1 eek w hile negotiating with^his be Spokane Chiefs fioctey < x k iv L e a g u e . H is rem arks w< the S ^ k a n e Spokesm an Revit ion, Brett hit .282 w ith 12 hor - , f

<>- i

e d s - h u n t i n g m e e t i n gViAN------Perfiaps-,lh©-last-chirtsmen will have to fight for I Its in the Fossil B eds N ational OTd a t 7;30 to n i ^ f i n Room them -Idaho's-A ^cn Building.- egislntive p r o p o ^ w ould prob st side o f tbe Low er .Salmon ids area) from dam ' to dam .c oreline. In 1976, w ben legislati : I d ^ o Department o f Fisb JOO y ^ ' f r o m the river be set ne migratory waterfowl huhtin, m , there is some question whd road, a difficult passage at b


1 football player senteA K E - C r r V l( A E ) = - ^ o n n o

m h a s ^ b ^ s ^ ^ c e d to. a g hfn f rfirtr ih iiting r /w i in p ' ’

mderson, 2 0 , a form er-offei s , Calif., also w as ordered to pi vas p l a ^ on three years prot i .D is tic t Judge D avid Sam. , on w as c h a rg ^ along w ith tigl icbacker Errol M artin .and..w rs. French, charged w ith distrii i i ^ grounds, w as sentenced M m o n ih a .in ttjn in im um .sec i )leaded guilty to at least one'c n d faces sentencing Feb. 16. U p le ^ . . ,_

___ S k . . _ s IS S J?5 ” 20 72

■ ^ : r ° K A u - 5

----------- tw .a c h a ------- -S * * n oMdStovEWU 19 91lM«<)ori.UI 20 46SoSSTw 17 33ftedwL'UU 20 34P*.d,EWU 19 33WBWS.UN 17 2flUnn,UI 19 - 30^te»w.W _____ » __31

l j „ S!Sl!ui 26


. 5 S « ......5S

______ - t i r « c I~p55?uflLi IB 11

MortKMSU ..16.-21- - . p«ek.EWU .. 16 X

- \ l JiB%U . 20 ' 2)

OMunekW^. 17f-21 17i«»4>oMFW«Oe

. S r 1! ?—

^ 2 1 0 U(Mhen.EWU 19 2138 Ufl OttntWBC J7 J99 16J Doyd.UI . 30 292 U,6 MMSnOV.lSU ' , 13 . 1aa 13J •• • _________ ___

SRCKSffiSM WAtlS o S f S

-. P M M

" ' ' HTMrnhii

g l “ * ^C M * T O rco « iTs - ^

a g s? ■« _____ • at ________a 21

Edmorfcn . » 16 lS S S i—

f LmaS m '2123|1 W 5 T ■ W ^



}* , -IbrartoJvWrtp«»a:MtKm..

ique W i l j ^ 'o f " ..........

Johnsoh o f th e n o f Utah, ccn- — roVtft^ds Jam es

Michael Jordan Detroit, c en te r . ards Larry B irdadeip toa.^------- -- —I the W est and \ h e E a ^ ‘ ■ “ *“ ■■■:

< for tradeaseman G eqrgc— he Kansas C i ^ . . ute the contrart

Ilovember a n d I - f said. “M y pride

rth e -1 9 9 0 and - - ptions for 1992 dWon, h is con- 300,000 B year ate piutuei ship: tde his rem arks I his brothers to ^ club o f the s were reported leview.homers an d 80

jg tonight— —-chancc-M apc-------—for bunting and onalM onim ient.Dm 108 o f Col- ingi—prohibit hun ting [non Falls poo l _ m io r-ab b u t s ix slation w as first •ish and G am e ; set aside to e l­ating, ivhetner the ai best, tha t al- cU¥Ould_be l e j ^ ,___

ntencedi m e r J J m v n s i a _ ____year w itlH hree - e i ^ t m onths o f ^icl;_______ _____ :_____>ffdisive tackle to pay $2 ,0 0 0 in probation Tues- i. , ■ tight end C lyde

i-w ide rece iv er., istributing d f u ^ ced earlier th is securiiy.-j>rison,,. Dc’count o f dis*16. M artin has

*ea s i 13 96 4.9 e60 4.3 S— ----3^,--- J -------------------

. S - i S ? - - - - -39 3J 7

46 2 J e

S !5 5,33 1,7 -4

_________24 I J '4 •

-“ V

IB U i - -- S i ? 0° ' _- '2 S " '1 J - ' ' 4 ......... ...............

•23 14 3?, K i20. 1.1 312 . .T 2_____________

11 - -fl -2_____________

. -2 i_ S r4 » ~ ’''. ■s s ai36 B6 -.407

l a f s s

86 143 3.1 44 134 XOM n ^ ____

741*118 2.1 38 66 ia

__ aO_lC3_,1.9____________26 62 lA . • - •

■ -28 • •■ i?

I 5” !S____ : _r j r '8 “ BS'!i8"i8B-- ; - -r4 t-» -« - irM rr-------------"Ss 6 24.4*1 248S S S ^ —

L r n i CF m .I 19 4 60 207 167 ^

! 5 ” j g - '■Ir293 ',.fili.l7a^B4^^^.. . — ■Tt7-=flT40-artraoarzrr- — lie 10 «2 207 173 “1.18 lJ..61Jt13. 73___ _____I 23r r 82 160 B2 ;• l 23 fl 46 219 20«.I 2» 9, 37 183 93 ijTtOBMi— -------;—; ----



pjn- ,. •. . . -i'-

Page 17: mosi an^nosd. N,..W hite House c l-w JB Sununu, who said t the report with Presi' al security adviser!

m i____________ ________ ^ .


numbe■ The why and how o f thingj much more interest to m e Aa and whats^ Even though my^ are limited to usin'g a~vcry sn -tor-and only a couple o f A c k

■ tbaim irfflim bw srphysic6*ii fa sc in a te m e .^ _ - . - -

N ancu

- . , V a l l e y c c

Since high school w here I o f theorems but few actualiti physicsclofs still rings j2 bell

: T T H nth iT c in ^ irp flrex aw p tri rcach forp^>cr tow els to wip<thtJaw.o£capillary-actiQflaber correqtly).

. -W hen a reader asks wby-i:■ this particular ingredient in ti

lar*reci^ a t t ^ tim e; 1 like t' ih ew h y lo iid p assito n . ••

It m ^ e s for some interest!

th ro u g regular cook ing bool■ J’m deep in the m ysteries o f

bolted butter and w hy ^o saui One o fm y newest s o i im s w get nty local knowledge netv

■ phone is a paperback entitled- Scren ce'' by H oward H illmai- updated this from the OJi^na

done nine years ago. Ti’s a w ume i f you spend any length tJie kitchen.

_____^For example I I c ^ e d thatwhole milK iTreally d n ly ^ 5

-S o 2 percent m ilk is a reduct------percent fat. Now-tbal!s a big

saturated fat, bu t w hen skim■ pcrcenl fat free, thcy want y<

that regular Whole m ilk is IC fat, - • .

"Okay,'why do w e use unsi■ (also reCerred to os sw eet bu<

recipcs)? Well, the am ount c ter varies from brand to bror

- t y o d k n c w th eo m o u n u o ex p I 1 to 3 pcrcent salt) i f would l

cult and time consum ing to I tim e you used it.. According

- " : r r w lp « fro'm virtually all S€ b<x).k3_are,b(B.cd6hJhe_useji

101*180 thKaddition o f salt in could really throw a recipe c

----------Anothef4w^fuHHat-iMorwhen chilTy but w hip thc egi while at room temperature. 1

____ your-bowland-bcalcrs arc.otwithout any fot on them ,or e egg yoUc (bttsic^ly fat) mix< whites, because they w on’t

— hTgh’srv B lu n n rY esrco p p ei m ake the w hipping o f egg v, and more voluminous, bccai

" Unie just take m y w ord (or I for it.. . •. Other things to do include

------up righ is 'm am rA elo rgc- - ova! on top: i f you sec pool

the uoy packagc o f chicken other meat often it-m eo w th

r r was-pttviously. meot is not unusual, b ut i f y

‘ you ’re dealing w ith a fresh i throw you off.

- — From my own-!Wtes in th«------- recommend-you-frurehasc-a-------- iKdTrionRtenjrcheclrYouri-------double ovens cook-«ntirely^<- — fromefloh oUicr;-The-lltUM

ing thc temperature gougesj difference o f over 70 degre<

. , teraal readings.Actually the ovens ore ok

thc gouges are off. N ow I hi rate reading before putting i the oven, i

I f you’re not fam iliar witl- - ^ owanl H lilmuii, p u t him-o

H e's written over 20 books,- — cooking imd not on ly the wl

defmitive worics on w ines, 1 - favorite book, G raU Pheasa

the W orld."Here are a coupio o frccif

------- bouk, t^ tfec t-fui a co ld WTBTry,this With'fl'Crispsaloc

our famous boked potatoes. COTE D B PO R C NORM 4 liS-inch thick medium*

- = g h o p s = :" ' r_ 7^nhlMpftAn< nnsn l t r fb l

3 toblespoons choppedjlicould use lorge green omon

------- lots are unavailable)"T ~ l-M K I^Q nC alvadO S (a- • :brandy), ify o u m ust substit ■■ ^ iiiirg b b a tn in d y b u tih M

. recipc is in' using tho real thSi teaspoon “ 8®

~ ” K'"ieafipobnrBnlr(ortotasi W teaspoon freshly groun

“ ~ p c r ....... - -‘ .W cup heavy cream

- To make this Nonnandy-by removing the poricchop!

~ T raR 5flW hourbdore-9 ta rt■ M cU thebu ttc rina la rgc .-h

bottomed soute pan over lo heat: As soon'as thc foam c

;v — - : T » B e e ' j 6 ^

F q e ic

■ings are of Aon thc who nym oth skills rsin^rcatcu la- ' le keys other d m a ijy n y s '



V I learned lots . ilities, my bell when I 'mi le lrw lr e r l--------wipe up spills - n. i f l r e m e n i - ______

y.i haveio.use________in this particu- ke to fm ^out

csting ^ e

>ooks, while o f why use un-

sauces clump. s when I can’t letwork on the tied “Kitchenm an.JIcjust ------pnal w hich was - - a worthy vol- gth o f time in

Lhat typical•3;5‘percentfat— ;— luction o f IHbig savings i n milk soys 99 •It you to think ■5100 percent ^

insalted butter „butter in some . “

n to fsa lt in b u t- 7J,nm d .E vcn if

to figure every ing to Hillman,11 serious, cook- seo fsw eetbu t- It in the b u tte r .______

egg whilesre.M nkesurc "c.nbsolmcly_________ “ j "or even Speck o f ChJcira nixed ih'with the I ’t whip to their

fw S S T “ WOArcause well, this P°'o r H i l t a ’s) «

ude store egg! j ]“ ! irg eren d o fih e- — - ‘sol o f juices i n : . . j - - -----ccn pieces br_ ' »s the product .WviAiisly frb w itT : -I —~ ~ jifyou think:sh producf it can B yJ

KniiI the last-ycar, I---------------------w e p a ia t e --------------- ——WjuruvenrM y---------------------- Tt’jly-differently------------ — poneiM licks-in-tuni--::- ^ ::^ ^ h v ;es often make a ) w o t grees in lhe in- mon

• A(I okay, it’s just everI hove on occu* • chipn g a dish inside But

thertivith the name . thin{Ti 'ou your list - - - ^jks, mostly obSiif •jw h y sb u tso m e------------- -—5S, beers and mytasant Dishes o f ^

w ipes from tha t -winter da y --------------- ,olodTindonc'of-— — / V v

RMANDB - mi*8ized p o rk . •

— — ••~0 V 1djhollots o uiion bulbs i f s h a l - g y jo f

s f a n a p p l e r - --------^ ^ ig b t»8titute use a - ■ ,

8' . _ Nevt

jundblAc k p e i .- .. sj^hiisi

idy^ipeiMlytops from refng-______t^ n g - i o o Q o k ; - ^ cialty ie,-heavy— — . ---------r low to moderate ■ * ° |* m o fth e butter ^ i 5 l

E ^ Q l

ilu lin wJt and hearty, full-flavored a n d ; - - th a t’s-w hat w inter fare shoi ther sirnmered slowly o r ser I order, it should o k delicio. ^ e n ^ t t e r . - — -----------y this new collection o f chilln »es to brighten all your w inter ute Pork Stew slow-simmers p< rfiil vegetables to -ze s ty f lav o r ' with-little attention from th e coo Tex-M ex'M eat-L-oirf.-gronnd-!

^ uw uru wiiii buuu;, ^luuiii, Imer sthte seasonings, for a lively ; warm from the oven d r chill y sliced fo r sandwiches. And fo ken Cocciatore. a zesty version tional Italian favorite, picante ich” adds new flavor excitement

CANTE PO RK STEW pounds boneless pork shouldei med and cut into 1-H-inch piece: tablespoon olive oil large onion, coarsely choppcd teaspoon sal t w __ ____________

AmeriayJO H N TA N A SY CH U K jiighl-Ridder News Setvice~

-WhaUs-Aroerican food? ' >

radere^-for'ycars.-and-one-tha bhulz-ThOughUhc-could-jmswe -rote “As American As A pple 1 ion & Schuster, S19.95). According to Schulz, America]

verything from apple pie and c liip cookies to potato salad and | ut unlike French or Chinese lere ore few i f any ground rule! ling called American. -*X>n r -cookm g B -b aa tcttlly-ir

iourm^tjnericans ■ aisiries, in(lO H N TA N A SY CH U K / ^t-Ridder News Service

ill open your fridge door and se< And u ju i'o fp la in 'o ld mustaraj-v used to p ut on a ham sandwich, ever mind Dijon. Now, there’s i»~ fin d 7 hoTBeradiBhrwu?tani;- r o r garlic-flavored; cTMmy or- tnd; rnustard . ^ d e ir> F ^ c e iiisetts and, Michigan. .T h m ’s ■ tord aiifl i s .9 9 n iustarf. “ ‘ is iust one o f the thousands \

t t - ^ t - no w-q w li^ -as^ OHrmct-

k -^ s e d miirkeVreswrch'compiu es the specialty food tnarkrt ij ■S b illion tt year, and ^ _ w in g a ■PWCDt annuoHy.

■ ' .1


n c a n te

^ f ie a ind satisfy* ii teaspoon fit! should b e . r 1 can (2 8 'oun served In \c o a ise ly choppcd

icious ‘and '^1 cup picante s------------------- 2 bccf bouillonlill-chasing 1-^ teaspoons ter menus. 2 bay leaves s pork ond 1 pound potat< /or'perfeC- inch chunks (2 ctcook.-7----------pound catro

-------------: sauce and Cook pork in i ely loaf to saucepan until n ihilled and onion;'cook 2 m i for Spicy, and pepper. Add jion o f t h e - b e e f bouillon-out mte sauce Bring to a boil;lent. --------over low h eat'fi___________ npft opfff-ts:

so to 60 minutes Ider, well- b k s are tender, eces Makes 6 servin

d SPICY CHICK2 pounds chil

ran m aiand much impi

' , ' hands that stim

_____________dreds o f varini

-that-Phillip----- A s-Jan -L o n jWCT- So hV nwn«»r nf-<lw-V lie Pie” {Si- Ann Arbor, K!

m a k n it Ameriiican food isid chocolate Unlike Franc nd pot roast. e r> "Le Guide s e cuisine^, ble for 10 difle ules for this wilh the quintcj

ular dish, no su >-4mprcoi,^ft^}he^nitoAStal<

t: From;^xplore( icitiaing If.............. V “I think the cor

crcasingly sophi! - bon^ines^ across

I sec ify o u rope have opene

ch. thc Gourmet Relrc’s'chom* magazine w ith i l ; -h o n ^ r~ ? *They*ve-loamw o r cooree-- things iiTinS, aS

ncc; Mas- n ^ d . People in :’s -59-cenrr the dcmimd and a

• ; M embership it ds o f food for the Special^ act or B p c^ fa n v J lK ) mfliuii B n r* -N c w -a fia Q 2 la _ 2 Jm !ipony, esti- ‘ -inembcrship was rt is worth c rs ,a n d 8 0 0 h a v t lg at a rate Many re ta il.mi _ _ « 8 e e G 0 l

te pork stew, spicy d ik k e n c

it w anrtshly ground block pepper imces) tomatoes, undraincd, cd: saucc -on cubes __ ________is thyme leaves, crushcd ■ .

atoes, peeled and cut into 1- cups)Tots,-sliccd K-inch lhick-(2-

1 oil in Dutch oven or large no longer pink; drain. Add minutes. Sprinkle with salt

dd tomatoes, picanle sauce, ubcs.-thym ^-ahdiay Icoves.- 1; c Q x c f^ ^ tly and simmer iTm inutes. Stir in potatoes

c s or until pork ond vegeta-

'ings, obflul 9 cups stew .. ■ •

3CENCACCIAT0RB hicken breasts and thighs,

Bng: Loiproviscd b y the immigrant rrcd each pot,” he writes in rm nre literally hun* ^iations o f every American

m goncf-food-historion-and- :iVineiflndrEQodJ-ibnuyJii.‘i. Mich, soys; 'T h o t's what

jricoil. We neverliad a codi-

nce, where Auguste EscofFi- le Culinairc” makes it possi- ffcrent chefs all to come up tesscntial version o f a partic- such culinary bible ewsts in

[1 highbicultures,f e r e w n ^OMurner Base has grown iJ - - histicoted and communica- iS tho Uoited_States and Eu-' hed up in terms o f speed,” ' >»Hmnn. executive ^ i t o r o f Letailcr; a ^ -y ea r-o ld trade 1 a ciKiilotion o f 2 5 ^ 0 . . ied.-to. oppieciotc the Tm er iwitTra-n-ig5n1 -T^ ere *!m -de-— in busineis.havc. rccognizcd1 arc'Jiylng to f^iffill i t . " ' ' thc National-Association

I ^ , Food Trade has grown ufacturefs and importers- Irt in 1990. Three years oro,~

u opened to gounnet rctaii*' ive signed on..members aren’t basket-filled OURMCT'onPagoC2 •

. ■ Club ( ■ Valley ■ - Hom(

n c a c d a to re and Tex-Mex m e

d ^ o f fskinned

i, K cup flour 1 teaspoon soil Vl teaspoon freshly groui

___2 uiblespopnspHyc o i l j)i cup picante sauce1 can {8 ounces) tomato

1- cup d ry red wine8 ounces mushrooms,

2 - tcrcd as desired— r ^ , —2 cloves gariic; mlnccd

;e 1' teaspoon basil leaves', < :d 1 teaspoon o rc g u o leave It 1 small green bell peppi

thin stripss.----- Coat chickcn-^in combini;r pepper. Cook chicken in c :s •skillet or Dutch oven until

1- remaining ingredients excc C over and simmer 20 mini

• per strips; simmer uncoven utes o r until chickcn is tenc thickened. Serve with ac

s, sauce. -

It “ We never had one cool n the cookbook,” says Longc t . est to it in this cenMry won n ^ny F arm er’Cookbook’ on Cooking’ ond me magazt

d—cn's-magazineST"-------------Marian -Gore, a . book

It 'G abriel, Calif., who. speci; i- cry opd gastronomy, says

over creamy vs. tomoto-boj i-, der is ju st one b f the d i- makes American food diffi' p “ 1 think you can get end

on this kind o f thing as (b v in w hat’s wrong," soys Gore. -------Schulz-isn’t-Qut to be j

>row toSome KB y JEANNE SARNA

p ZlJ^dght^dderl^ews Sen

\ , Ifgou rm etm don jqud i : _ c s ; then you m ight wont 1

at home,- Pommes dc - ' {Potato/Snftin from the " ' Y raichc'-'lnd Creme O f “Bistro C ooking” by Potrc------m an, S 12 .95).'^G ull(rt}., ‘'P ieric Fniney’s Low-( T by Pierre Franey (Times 1

------eREM B-FRA IG H B-d 1 cup heavy cream ‘- - -1 tablespoon buttcrmill n Thoroiighly*mix-the-< n m ilk in a medium-sizc i _ _ s lM lic WITRI*'''! lel.snmd), ture overnight. Cover tij

~ u ie ul letut-4-hoursHo-thii The cream m ay be storei

d as lhe tangy flavor con ------- M o k « 1-cup;----------------

Wodnosday. January 31,

b c a l e n d a r C 6

t e y j i ^ p e n i n g s C T ^

m e / g a r d e n C 8

m u t loaf

^ w n teMake:

'' TEX-:lOund block pepper 1-Si p lilj I-ca r

pinto b<ato.sauce.................... l->4c

I metIS, halved or quar- 1 clo\

------ ----------------- -14.cuprd • ' . - 2 egg; w, crushed 1-M te:oves, crashed >5 teas^p ce mto short, 2 loblt

J / y ______ ■ CombbincdJloiir, salt and cante .sa in oil in large, deep eggs, cu mil lightly browned. 9x5-jncl

accp t pepper strips, b ine rcr ninutes. Stir in p c p ^ ' brown si vcr«d about lO ^ in * o f meat tender and sauce lias le t stand

additional picantc picante'5 Make:

c p m l q r tlookbbok lhat was nary codiimgone! "The clos- som,e o f tiypuld be lhe 'Fan- dow n theand“ 'The Jo y ot • bosics: ap

■gzln-e sn h ti- wom- !,uuccs; bi-------------- --------------icsrchllis;ookseller in San cookies,iccializes in cook- chicKeri; •a y s the brouhaha potato sal•based clam chow- and wafflic differences thot "1 woulifricurt todefine.-- Schulz soendless arguments Long Islaitb w hat's right and The idcirc. ry oiKbosl)c America’s culi- ,

rtiighly•eeipes foi

POWyervjcc 2 cu{

iicnudity in small batch- ragon,mt io:try-thcse.diishcs:___2.bojlc T enc Solognotes 5w h the Solognc), C rem e 2 po

Caramel are from sets, pc Patricia Wells (W ork- Soil c~ Cromon r i s ~ f r oTn— ijBtiic w-Caloric Gourm et" 1 gaiICS Book, S 10.9i)._^___« ctI - --------------^----------- or-U>a>

_1 te: [nilk - • .................\ dried -

zc bowl. Covcr w ith Gniyci land at roon^ te m p e ra - - I n a r tightly and refriger- h ^ sZ -th ick ac irc sc iijn Q rc^an d .sc oretK or several days, from 1 :ontinucs to develop, minute

-------------- ^

i '

, , I_________ •

it chill<es 4 servings.

I I -<-MHX M EAT LOAF j- - pounds lean ground bccf or tuj

Bn (16 ounccs^ red kidney bt beans, rinsed and drained cups picantc souce

ledium onion, choppcd ovc garlic, minced u p J iy bread crumbs . .. .— :ISS ■ ' ■■ ■ .teospoons ground cumin

:aspoon salt . ■blespoons brown sugar nbinc meat, beans, 1 cup o f t .sauce, onion, gorljc. bread ci cumin and salt; mix well. Prc: ich loaf pa i^B akc ot 350 dcgrc

•cmoi’ning cup. picantc sauc I sugar; mix. well. Spread J^ ^ r s at loaf. Continue baking 15’mi nd 10 minulcs. Serve wilh add e'sauce. ces 6 servings.

foods'dificr. He just wanted to prov r the best variations. He narrov le choiccs to 12 variations oq_ ap ^c“pTM7 boked-beans, barbo

isT'chocdliifc'cakcsrch'ocolQfe^ . chowders, cole slaws, 7 'tiash, njcat~ loavcs, pafiMJ salads, pot pies, pot roosts, ste Hes.ould call them comfort fooc said by phona-from hVs home land. ; • dea for lhe book stortc'd with a ; ash that the food w riter and aui jfio AMERICAN o n PnffeC2

' populair gQurmel)\f tIE S D B TERRE SOLOGNt:ups milk .cup minced fresh herbs, includ 1. t l ^ e , parsley, and-chivcs- ^ayfeaves ' vhole black pcppcrcoms, , pounds baking potatoes, such , peeled and thinly sliccd It to tasteack p tppti lu lubtc I" jorlic clove.'peeled and halved cup creme fraichc (scc recipe,

teaspoon fresh thyme or K t<1--------------------------------- .......

/ere cheesea large saucerwLCOmhinc mil

s. baylenvcs. and.Dcnnercoms scold over m ed iu m -h i^ heat. 1 1 heat ond let steep, covered, ales. Using sieve, strain lhe niii

— • S ee R E C IP E S o n P ago p

FoR ^ ^ '


r tuckey-. |y beans or

o f the pi- d crumbs,Press into Icgrccs for.n£c Cnm.' __ Lsaucc and./er surface 5’minutes; additional

iroviderrowcd j, o ^ aO Ii rb e c u e - : —

r f e ^ h i ^ "-'..".i-r

ncakcs,., stews

foods.” Iame on ~

h a s to- I author

C2_________ ^ ____;

wGNOTES . ’ _

:luding tar-;3----- -- .

uch ,as nW-

k'cd:ipc, above)

K teaspoon......---

shly grated

millf ffY»g>ioms, Cover______:at. Remove red, for 10 ; miUcinto a

j o p s - - : - ;

■*" '- if

Page 18: mosi an^nosd. N,..W hite House c l-w JB Sununu, who said t the report with Presi' al security adviser!

Gourme]• C o n tin u ed fro m Pfl{

gounnct food shops that fc bon-ticd ja rs and hand-lci bcls. t f c "food museums"

_ Ncaxly hn lf thc nation 's s now offer specialty..

....... lions, according toP rog rcsecr’s 56th A nnual' Rcpoi Grocety Industiy. And moi

■ ■■ pcrccflt-ofvsupcnnarkctsrl gourmet products for m or ytfarer^'ftcm slilcrThocolat

% 'ants never really caught' c an NASFT advertising su ‘‘bu t o th c ^ s u c h 'a y R o quC ing and m annatcd artTcRo have bccom e supctm a rk e t;

Just w hen gounnct foot popular is hard to pin{ m any-believe it w as wht

. 'cans, in the 1960srstartcd ^ to Europe cn masse.

_______ A ri_W p|nzw eiR . an ^Z ingcm ian’s Delicatcsscr Arbor, M ich., says many gourm et foods arc Europe foods. ,

“They*re just h igher qua and thc whole gounnct i sen ts thc feeling that it 's th is tiny select group o f p

- ; - in-som c way spccial aiprcciatc it,"- says --Wcii\ don ’t think that’s tnic.” ,

So why arc these food;

■i High quality preserves, Me, have a - h i^ f r u i t con

/low er sugar contcnt than n V- '-/-mHrket jam s and jellies. \

- / 'sa y s . The fruit used by :

/ Jones—T C o ritin u ea fro m IK^ ^(arts to subside, add the p

ahd brown'them for 2 mini cach side. T ransfer to a w i

-------- tCL— _________________

- Add thb shallots to thc p saute for m inute, stirring ly. Rem ove pan from hcai scconds, then quickly stir vados, sage, nutmeg, salt i per. Thoroughly stir in the and rctum the pan to thc h

' Return thc chops to the ■ coat them oh all sides witl saucc.

i ; Cover the pan and brais chops over low heat for 2: turning the chops over hal

“ - through thc cooking procc fer thc chops lo a warm sc te r (or individual pla tes).'

. heat to m oderate, cook sai minutes, stirring constantl

. Pour sauce over thc cho . ’ serve immediately. The ni - from F in lahdis awariotioi

------- 1----------^When-youbwany

- i v ’- ! . F ik B c Ik c Io f — --------- SHUfcrfllHm ,

; / ' ' C-2 •nmos-Nows, Twin Falls,ills, Idaho Wodnosday. Ja n u ary :

-------P a § e C r duccrs would t feature rib- fresh m arket, I l-lcttcrcd la- might use fro; is" o f thc in- wouldn’t pass i


I's supcrmar- fee iisea rcbust ty-fQQd_s(R:- that ^ I c s s fpcssiyc Gro- fciric.. ------:port o f thcmorc than 30 S im ilar co: tsrhavc jso ldz im as^m ar^e t-: nore than 30 says.-Small ch3latc<ovcfed—m ilk-froro-oniI f on ," reads traincJ cheese

supplement: ity by appcan ^ucfort drc39-^ “if« t^ w to ry s :RokcTiMrts, ally goes in or cct staples.’-’ - c r and som cot----------------------cl'likcTirTTiebods became watches thc di linpoint, butwhen. Am eri- Many_ peopl rted traveling ness-say Am

few lessons ; arc uscd to ^

n owner o f cent o f their it m Ann

any so-called “W e've a l' jpcan peasant tliat the Mcrci

sive,” says Ei three gourme

quality foods, ingharo, T roy :t image pre- gan. “But c it's meant fo r walk up to a j ) f people that S44 an hour. 1 and g-in np- you to come ’c it« w cig .- ' T ' shopping;”" ■

G ourm et foK)ds so much docs have snc

7- - Lcvcnstein, a-' M aster Univci

es, for exam- /contcnt and a “O ne o fth ein most super- food, o f hav.s. Weinzwcig like it, 'is thatjy pro- sophistication

fP a g e 01““ ^ u lti^ in tc m a f le pork’ chops cvciy culture ninuteson In thisonc.1 ; warm plat- use o ther seas

_________ ccpt those g ivgo g reat wiQT

^c pan and-ring frequent- KAPbeat, wait 30 1 ^ pounds itir in thc Cal- 1 pounds lit and pep- - 1 Epimd bo the crcam cup wateic heal. 2 tablespoo

; 2 teaspoon;ihe pan andMth the Preheat ov<

.. ' all excess fat some cxtcrioi

raise thc pork. Cut thcir 25 minutes. ■ cubes, halfway Place die w

•ocess; Trans- - - p o t w ith a i id n serving plat-"“ blend in tH ra s). T um the A dd the m< : saucc for 1 oughly coat tl antly. ...‘•'Soncd water.

in oven.'Bakc chops and m ca ta th a lf-\ e next dish ing process, i Ition b n (he — s a i^ s c p a r a t

"ree^up toJ t 4 9 - a i -

s s s J H S o _ 0Seed l

A i n e r i

| H F : and B

eM eat ' | ,M products, t t c 3 « 8 oz. of i " 1 ^ oLOsttLM ntr* Bflw n ^ 5Ckout up to $1.49. • ■ • \ a - p r i x ± = ± = - ^ ----------

;it«Oc.Mi<laOKtrM(r«foodiCarji, -S i s r a s s j i s i s K s s s -i<ogPOiiP*R««euaE__^____ s_m wmim» im^m

lid, ^ suitable for the; • havii t, but the b ig com panies in tl ro2cn fruit o r fruit that abro; ss muster i f so ld fresh. . “R o

foraf^zr-f.y r ^ canned cof- (0x1 usta beans, a" ftjw3c.gsv*^:rc;f s flavor and_Mgher. caf-——fa

thatcost-cutting goes ■ into Amt It c h c c so -m alq ngf—b e — chcese niakcrs iisc ' Amt

one or tw o fanns and a food s c maker w ho tests qtial- pcoj arancc, touch and smell, rity y situation, the m ilk liter- tsk i one end and o u t the o th- very

MDC sits at a control pan-, „orig lie-€hina-Syndrom e'-and—win] I dials,” says W einzwcig.

•i ' ■ Tlople in thc gourm et b u s i-_ fron ijncrlcans cou ld lcam -a_ .p lor s from Europeans, w ho sor t spending 30 o r 40 per- ven r incomes on food. / ”Ap------------------------------(-----—Cotlalways had th e stigma dusi mihant o f V ino is'expcn- S24

Ed Jonna, ownCT o f th e n e t emporiums-^in Birm- A o y and Southfield, M ichi-.^pco|

cotnparativcly, i f yoii thoi a guy to repair a car, it’s outi

ur.-W c’rc M t meant for ch6 me and_d^yo iu - w eek ly .

food,-by its v e iy naturci-pcr? s n o b - a p ^ , says Harvey pic , a%social h istpnan at M e- flau ivCTsitv in H amilton, Ont. sayi / .d enthe attractions o f gourmet 1 laving-pcoplc know you liihi: la t it traditidnally denotes ;. ion^ w h ich . oftA i m e ^ -A

Safibnan fo lpo isrlth ink ; Itre has a t least one. . to hie.thc cook is urged not to malcasoning such as .salt cx- keqgiven. A gain th is would p ith or on a-daJccd potato..

A R JA L A N P A lsn ids boned b e e f shoulder • ids boned p ork shoulder boned lamb shoulder . p " ater ■ • ■ '>oons choppcd fresh dillpns ^ o u n d a llsplcc - - —

ovcn to 275 degrees. T rim fat off ihe lamb,- buLleavc - - i o r fat on the b e e f and thc meat into 1 Vi-inch

c water in an ovcnTproof Iid .A ddand,thoroughly _ _ F 3 in anTallspicc. — >s __ meat to the p o t and thor- it the pieccs.w^th the ?ca- :r. Cover thc p o t and placc akc for 3 hours. Tum thc 1 f-way through the cook- s. Serve the m ea t and'ls.,-— __ _


= =

"W itliptiof" of purchase.

! details on coupon bdow

i d e a ’s F a v o r i t e

D o ^ , B a c o n , ,

B o l o g n a r

- — I

iry 31,1990

'I Iaving oh awareness and.cxpct a thc outside world or the ’ broad,” says Lcvcnstcin, auth Revolution at thc Tabic: Thc 1 brmation o f the American Oxford U mvcrsity P r ^ ^ 4 . ?

^ In the 1 9 ^ . that m eant F

hat evciyonc‘3 been to P rova ^ c r ic a n s have turned inv a y s ^ r a s t c i a - ^ ^ e y j c d i s c o ^ e t f c a n food. i ^ t i v c ' ’Ami bods lend themselves vcty mi Kople who aro.conccm ed aboi ity and food free o f additives s kind o f tho r i w gourm et foo /ety much in ^ iccd by wha; jriginolly. countcrcliltwre, thi

The evolution o f gourmet from highbtvw. to Jiighly puw^lo^ed by W M r e i i .B e l^ . a jjor o f American sttidics a t th« vereity;of M aryland, :in his ^Appetite for Change: Ho\ eountereulturc-Tookon-tbe-Fo dustry 1966-1988" (Pan S24.95).

A n d 'g o o d health is som people can justify paying for. though some o f these foods outrageously expensive, it’s so rfiiap thrill,” B clasco says.

- B clasi»”als6bdievcs-thc“pd ity o f gounnct food coincide: personal politics. “In th e .‘70a ple were som ew hat' asham flaunt wealth o r seem elitis says. “W e.wcrc still reeling frt democratic notions o f the latt ;.; The RMgfltt era is one-that iihized status, flaunting status.’

-A nd status f e ^ o"®

lo have w aim plates tmd bowls makes a winter m eal m ore 'cor keeps-thc food best Ib r the tabl

Nancy Joy Jones we/comes i menC on recipes. H c ^ d i f s s 10201 S t, Rupert,

■l a m j

‘- H - 1 w


' Z _ _ i > 1 i

T ell u s a fe c ie a n f r - w a

- --------- ^Sorne-sim]T h e re ’s the i s ick w ith tui

- —------ -and-entertaiiI t ’s b M n r

' aa y th in p f f l ra d io ’s legs.

' " le l l u s ab( as to a ftien!

-------- ^ T i r th f e - s r a r

' S h a re y o u r

Bring thi

1 " o r mail t ‘‘eEN TI

_ . Thft'Tim P.O. Boj

: z z = $ s a a £ a

>crience oldest mariceting ss world there’s an inherentI th o r o f sumcr-- culture to• T rans- searching for new1 D iet” variations, l a tbei.9S). ■ ■ there’s been so mai

■Frei)^ alism, acquiring the

fence ... Quality is what nv/ard,” president and co-fo coyeicd__ can Spoon i W s in merican ^ ' inuch to A * ' «

T sirA ntenM d .I f s - - .C o n l i m i e d *tiat was— — -------- -J---------the left o f four

done for Cook’s tni - -—' Inmaissancc .o ij-w

ict food ftk)d, Schulz had vS is c x - 'b o o k calledipnsfes- he says, but he had ilw U n P ' tie when someone c is bookow the " G a l h e ^ the r Foo<Hit- »^ongh hrfninft.thi MthM n, SchulzVfirstlove. •

. «My mothcr-waiinietliing fashioned‘tfook so r “Evendi seem g re w .i^ - in Colorsort o f a li“ ‘J»«ro '™ spec


t a

list.” , he iKjod m d now wc Ih im ih t -oui; n lo jicr 's cook I t t '60s. . l i e good oWMys- ml legit food-i

' food Schulz likes tj e o f the prcciatc other cuis1

' - gourmet cuisines. 1 J really want to cat

----------- ,1 meat lo^f — I lik' Vcah have leftovers i

•-‘discovered some d iffci^'^ .T>e6pI<

tole- ■ FA«a.1ika-thgtrroli . r dnnaisc. In the. Mi

—— decidcd prefereni rscofiJ- based dressings. sris:— — sweetened with m 350. . N ortheast,'and as

M ut th e day you got 'a sh in g m ach ine - rai nplc*ousehold-obje< j rad io th a t cam e all ubercu losis and dadlin-her.— — p - ------ -resto red now . H ad ti

P feE im bm S li^rE yen

bout the l i t t l r th in g s ' n d and w e ’ll use it ii mmei^---------------------

f s to r ie s arid phb tog

l i e m - t o _______1 :

j h e h L t o z l I -

E K N I A L ” - "

n e s - N e w s ' '

)X 5 4 ^ : , : . , a t i s ^ J d a h e ^

~ ~ >. ' I

5 secrct^. think his prod 1,1 dynm Jc invco^ to c o ^ U y bc ^ ^

;w thnlls and ncw h e a w , 'O f . , food, „

the culhire

hat Justin Rashid, The N-founder o f A m eri-' lieves ftI i i P etoskev.thinlis ° u r | ^

i c a n ^ —Urom P a g e C l------- rnuta aii<us” cookbooics~had — tmgazine. W ith thc ^ " 3

« o r P " a h d '- d i r f e f - 5 » y f ,- “ d w write a- " town Down Home," lad to changc the ti- le else uscd that one. ,

; r c c i ^ - w a s easy j—— ; th i i kinri n f foodJs------

vas a real good.old- so I .think w c Jwd

1,” says Schulz, who ilorado. “Everybody pecial Tccipc for ev-

u rto f th is fb o d ’r a p ^ -------7aninds“ m any people ~ -lhood.-r-Evcrybpdy • £:j-I a miscrable child- wc all look back a t . joking and think o f _ . , i rs.”

d-is also the.ldnd o f ' s to cook, f l can a p - ■ iiisincs and so-caHcd I H 3. But th lr is whal I - - _ !at in life. Pot roast; " like things that you . g TS and use up.”

g U ieljoo ltrS cH S E " ic peculiar regional^, ^ iole' whorljvc’ in - th e ^ ^“ O w le^ law wim may- Midwtet, he found a ■■ence for vinegar^;S. Apple pics arc--. ^

maple syrup in the i as you move w cst^ I_____

o^ , cH i ^

or y o u r firs t - refrige i radio. _jects-khow -a-w holMII the w ay from back d w an ted som eth ing

l to . T h a t b ro th e r nev en-when h e tngppedJ

>s'thaf m a d e u p yo u c in th e spec ia l G entei

o graphs m t h u s arid

roducts'offcrl .......................

^ d belieyes his preserves ani • homespun treats replace thi ! iDVolvcment w e all.once ha<

g row iog’W 'harvesting food By of-u»-Iive in .alw orld that i Lrv" »vy*aq»bu8|y satisfying,” h<

le M erchant o f ,Vino’s Jonna bc s few things are as.importanl a talateiL-— _ _

Bi{d raisins areihtroduccd..--

iends 'from a c t ^ ' t h e countr :-alreBdyrQskeid::Sdjulz-why-h ’r include s u ^ otber-all-Ameri favorites as rice pudding, cor dandrnuffins.,- -:

Jiulz says might b


A c c u r a t e r e s u l

n t h r e e e a s y :

■ l i i s e r t t e s t

■ P r e s s p o w e

J A p j u l y - s a m i

l o T l m l H t t J i - W e V

smnimmMTIKIUU . & I

144 IU aA V E .t. ^ i l


l i i r wxflifeib s n ilaytt)[«£rig

• - 1 ; ; • - — -

>erator - ca r - vacuum

^tofy-aH -by-them seh ck ea st w hen m o th e r ' lg to keep h e r com par

e v e r to o k ca re o f _ dJi& iica iredJiipJhep l

rdaily ;life .-W rite a le tenn ia l section com in

S M ag ic Y ^ l e y . ' ; -

;= r^ " rh a n d le d w ith ,c

“W e ca t th ree times shpiild bc parnpcred’ahd bc-cating food that mpk good," says Jonna. "You

^ to do it a ll th c time. You o f help along tb e way, tc ■ “ more com fortable. . . .

who arc in th c food bui andpriesti

be . e ts and ?ifeiH5if^‘-'-rtfet:i , as really d o n 't ge t paid fo

c o n t^ u te to th e commui

possible, bu t n o t until h few o ther projects: anoU

itiy - Simon & S chustccoo At-he—idays-and-fcstivals-and- eri- 'o fc o lu m n sb y h is lo n g tii om Bert G reene, cookbook

columnist, w ho died in J and to w hom “ Apple Pie

bc cd. — -

M O N I T O m N G S Y


I l t s a r e o b t a l

s t e p s ^ j ^ | | y |

t s t r l p ^ l ^ / r

i p l e — —

w i p i n a - « - N o - B i )



S e d tble ire i^eratG

m tfB C r ; ;

. . .r w as yany j£—

le tte r ;ing_____ ' ■ff’ ■ ^Ip S B

~ j . ____

w ^ u r e F s h a r e d ’Will c ^ e an d r e tu m e d pi

nes a day. W c ;’and we shou ld ; mpkes you fe e l;You don’t have •^ou just do it to !', to make l i f e !. . The p eo p le ; business to d a y ;

iests and teach - '

i for what they . imunity."

til he fmishes a i mother book Tori D American h o l- : and-ft-collcction’; ngtlme associate ook author a n d ' in June o f 1988'

: Pie" is dedicat- i

M ~S Y S T E M :

B t o t t l n p

: ‘ ■ I

■ ; /


K r ' - ®

1 progip tly .

Page 19: mosi an^nosd. N,..W hite House c l-w JB Sununu, who said t the report with Presi' al security adviser!

G inge\ back c

- A whiff o f thc swcci* ■spicy aroma o f gingcr- b r c ^ con. bring back wnnn, tasty

7-cc. u.-ohil^Dod. G in w T o r^ WafTIc^ arc n o n ic^ tio n . As they bake,, thcir fra-

^_____ p a n t iw m a Jurc3 t^ te---------- buds—into -- anticipation.

One bite and you 'll feci young ai hcail!

This homc-stylc rccipc . ,r. . uscs.bcatehjcgg whites to

. hclp^le8xen_lh(L^batt?r, _ _ ^ i d overmixing, which

moy prevent the waffles from rising properly. Ad-

• . just the amount o f batter and cooking tim e,to siiit the size and tempemment o f your waffle baker. •• Gingerbread Waffles arc best served hot, with

_______ vour favorite to p o m (in«. duding such indulgences

as’ flavored, butter, whipped cream , o r ice crcam). If you must kccj: waffles warm, plocc in j single layer on a tack in c 2 5 0 .degree oven. Don’i stacl^ OS they will ■b^

___ ‘ __ r n m«» ^ ggy. -W>>fri£i»nitfJeftover_wafIlcLbaUci_Dj

bake and freeze individu­al waffles.


. IK -cups olI-purpos< flo u r '

11 /3 tablespoons bak' . : ing p o w d e r- . --

" 1 teaspoon ground ciitnnriinn ___ _____ *

1 teaspoon ground gin ger.

a teaspoon grounc_____ cloves----------L— •--------

4 eggs, separated____ H__tca5P00a_cream,0

taitar '•__________IV} cups low-fat milk

” cup browh sugar V, cupm olasjes ' ) Fresh fruit slices, coh

—fcctioncr.’s-su g ar,. butti preserves,. applesauce, crcam or cream, optic

In large bowl, s tir toge . . . baking powder, cinnami

--------- -and doves. Set aside.In large mixing bowl

whites with cream o f tar •-speed until stiff but no

RecipesC o n tin u ed firom Fail

large saucepan, discarding and peppercorns. Add the to . th e s tra ined . milk. O m ^ iu m heat until th e pqi tender, about IS minutes

• with salt and pqjpcr. Set as- Preheat oven to 375. Ri side o f an oval porcelain g {about 14-by-9-by-2-inch ] 3-inch) with the garlic. S

' potato mixture into the i with thc crcme fraiche.

_C R E M ? CA RA M EL. _2 cups sugar4 vanilla beans split le

........ seeds removed, divided,seeds from 2 o fthe vanilla

cup water 4 cups icc water

— 3 cups w hole m ilk • -3 large w hole eggs 6 large egg.yolks

- 1--------- Boiling-walcr__________------—Ih-a^asfr-jar-w ith-o-ti]

lid, piacc 2'vanillrbcansTT-------- !sugar^Q vcr_sccurcljLani

vors to be absorbed -2 longer. — .

To prepare thc coramel: cups vanilla sugar a n d !

. ter in a heavy saucepan. I high heat and stir until the

' solves. Bring thc syrup to i Cook, without stimnR. synip caramelizes to a mC'

i aiiibCT color, about 4 mil mediately immerse the bot

-— pnn in,ica.wateriO stop thn . Divide the caramel amoi cup custard cups or mmck

intermounti, Jam es" Is p i s s e d tc

.......- o f their new-r — Pro

496 Shu. 1 . ^ _____ . . . ^ O u L n a



, J ' j _______ ^



ack '

o ofra-


:«P« ' v\ l /

l i c ^fles^d-ittcrsuitlent

Hesvith(in-icestter, / ' ice

:ecpin a -in a on’t b ^ '








Ik ^

• .) ••coh- until whites rlutter,. -syrupy- bowl is tilted., ce, w h ip p y Iq mediumiptional : egg yolks, miogether flour, m o lu se s untilamon. ginger . M ake- a well-------------- P o u r ln yolk i}wl, beat egg ti! .moistened‘tartar at high lum py). Gent not dry^ just , fold inixturc ii

\ J^ ..... ....................... . ______

Paige C l ing (quickly so ing the herbs - splidify and s the potatoes evenly coat th Cook over Preheat thc ove

nqtatocs-are------T o prcparo l)utes. Season saucepan, coi t aside,— vanilla bean p< . Rub the in- vanilla bcafl p< n gratin dish * boil over hig ch or 9-by- thc heat, covcr, c. Spoon the for 15 minutes ic dish. Dot vanilla pods.

I In a large n---------------------the-rcm aining-

eggs, and c{....... .. w hisk in thc he

M cngljipisc, a lim e fo r tho I Jcilr“ resefvc“ cgff,-thcn whi! illabsans - Carefully poui

. I into the 8 can■ the cups in a '

- ....... .......... enough--boiliihalfSvay up tl Plac.e^'thc pan oven.

utighl-fiiting___________BTirccaterof— ^ B a lc jm n n i nd allow fln- in the centcr b, -2 wceka o F H ig H ily move,__• - —R em ove thc ind; Combine bath and let bb nd a cup wa- Carefully run n. Place over the edge o f ea the sugar dis- unm old onto'a to a Iilll boil, m ediately. A

Ig. until the room te m p ^ medium-dark • ciisiards whllS minutes. Im- refrigerate for tMttom o f the serving. Serve Jhexook ing -.mong eight 1- d X R U C Q 2 tablespooi

Itain Oi;thopae38 M. fe tm ier,to a n n o u n c e tRc w^faclllty In t h e ' ■ rofessionaLPIa iBup Ave. WurSlavsCQfflC-etJi/JllloplflayrJanuanr3' 3 ^ 2 9

waffles?6dmenw h '■ /.f

• - ■ ^ ■ ...■■JC-

G in g erb rea d w affles

s no longer slip when For•A_____________ :-----------c u p s -im bowl, beat together grease milk, brow n sugar and rected Itil thoroughly blended, lifts v ell io dry ingredients, minute Ifrm xture. S tir^ jiis ru n ^ ^ ice s , ned. (Batter w ill be as dcsi ently, but thoroughly, Mal c into whites. waffle

so the caramel docs not 3 g i swirling the cups to 2 < the bottoms. Set aside, comn

3vento325. breado-tho custard; In a h eavy -firm - combine -remaining 2 crust 1 pods and seeds- from 2,I pods aiid-milk, bring to • high heat. Remove from /cr, and se t aside to steep tes. Remove and discard;-J

: mixing bowl, combine ' n g -^ -cup -van illa -sugarr-

egg yolks. Gradually : hot m ilk 1 tablespoon at: ic first cup, to temper thc ?hisk-invremaining:milk.— our tbe mixmro equally . aramel-lined cups. Place " a ' roasting pan and odd i

) i lin g -w a te r - to comc - I t h e j id e s o f the pan.)on in the ccnter o f tbe

r but S 'hivea,~50“ iO~60*rainulcs. c cups from the water set for about 15 minutes.,

im a knife blade around - ' cach cammcl c rw ^ 'a n d o'fl smoll plate. Serve im- Altematively, cool -to , .

icrature, then covcr the • t inrsTnnroifcireaTOTaHi— 1 for several hours W fore i rves 8. ...................... t jf

c R o t j r o N S ..... ' (

" 1 -1

ledicClinic 1ir, M.D. 3 j

' .... 1

a z a ; - - - y 7 .... -

Suitep e n . o n l - ^ - = . l 7

3 1 ^1 9 9 0 ^ - T

— ~ i r hT .



nea ...............................

•or cach w affle, pour abo.ut3s__.batter__ onto _ p re h c a tcased w a ^ c baker. Bake as c ted until steiuniiig stops and 1 s without resistance, about Dutes. Serve hot with fresh fti ;cs, confcctioncr’s sugar, cti desired.Vlakes abom A (9-inch squai ■ffles, “ ■ ' '

3 garlic cloves, cu t in h a lf ..2 cups (approximately 5 s

)mmcreially available sliced read (it should bc high-91 rm -tcxturcd_ bread),—trim m c u s t and cut into ^ -inch cubcs.

JLAlLcouficsJaughlbyJi^pfai ♦NIfw month evening program.* Deferred payment plw s^vaJIa• FinanclalaulM ancc available. Slaof Continuing Educalion.

> E veningclouct held In Pocalc


| E | 5 ^ £ ^IAT1 0 ^

• f f i i m i - f t O r B o x - 8!

I n s t o r e

Y p u T r u s

A nyone To“\ ^ n Y o u r Rin

1 . - M o s t j o b s i n 4 t o

“ 2 r V H y c o i n p e t i t i v <

3 . 2 8 y e a r s i n b u s i )

4 . F R E E T i n g c T e a

T 3 4 ^ «

; C H #■7 — T g b o d TdrTfirsrroTT I - — l im i t j .p e rfa m lly -

-« .r - h eavier cKai[)s w'lll

7 Tvaiid. lanuan

PoflrWhcn w c think stc

think beef - but tha anymore. Todoy n Americans arc rec versatility, nutrition

“ “ ofpork:------------------- -.^Jljc-rcaLdiffOTTi.C!

.and in thc name Chinese red cooking al method is so cal meat acquires a red slow cooking in a :

■ liquid.As -the stew slow

richpcss o f the A; combine w ith thc

. wine and tarragon t I trate the pork for a

Colorful carrots, r green onions arc adc

- ing to com plete the tAnd. for those •

lime during the wi stew can bc made al then reheated ot a lai

Jt 2 R ED COOK ,tcd_____________

i lid " ' 2 u b lespoons con It 5 2 tablespoonsvcg ftu it 2 teaspoon.-! mim

2/3 cup bottled sli larc) ^---------------- 1— teaspoon— t

' crushed - I , 3 carrots, cut into

- Heat thc oi! in a slices) pan over medium

d white and jau tc for 5 mii -quality cubes. Cook, slirri pgH n f- the pan, until ihe rs. . brown. Rem ove thc

(a c t ld n g .a u « n c y i_ ^ ^ ^ ^ n

Ibble. .

Stale U nlvcf} ll/..b fncc.^H jm

udlo. Twin’FalU, and Idaho Falli.

IRE CALL: 1 -8 0 0 -9 2 2

iNAL ACADEMY FOR :EGAL STUDIES. INC.•839.-MohwahrNewlef8«y

e J e w e l ^ R e p a i

s t J u s t

i i n e s s -

f f i s i i i g (5olii«mllli

; e b u p o i r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

FREE:=MN REPAIR^ e d lu r i i ^ a in - r e p a i r b f l 4

III be srhall fee

17 - F e b f u ^ - March,

la n . E u ro p e a ira c c e n ts cc

TtcwTnstew, w c generally !■; pou that's not thc ease quartcrec

more and' more ' I .bum rediscovering thc cui into on and good taste whites fr

hot coimce in the flavor - _- comcs fronT thc" 'C ufpo ing. This tradition- with cor callcd jbccausc ,thc o.ycn br reddish color ftom and ging a soy saucc based in hot oi

___ , , stir-fry sowly sim m ^rsi'thc cup watt Asian seasonings' duce hct

,e European white, m inutes, n accents to penc- .carrots; r a sCicculent tasle. utes. A< , mushrooms and parts o f added during cook- ered, 10 le entree.e who have little week, this hearty F p

; ahead, frozen and X later date.

------------------------------— FE!OKED PORK JGETABLES :css pork sh'ouldci-" romstarch . ,/cgctablc oil T /l in c e r frcsjijiSlCevV .

I slir-fry sauce e winc-ta rra g o n — leaves,

nW 1-inch lengths C l i l ••• U ni

m heat.\A dd garlic minutes. Add bread irring and shaking he bread 'is golden- ■ ' p ih c g a rU c .- - ..............


-2 -0 7 7 1 . ^ g "

I n„ 3o — --------^ - » a i

_ M in y

■I ' > V - G in • . . B eigi

T 7 - lli;,?

iourin jstoro ^Ith, Miko Nlolidn ' '

2vm 's - ■IWB ' . ---------- ^

.___..________ I _ j H 8

t / ' “ I . InsU k l.-g o ld - I- -

= ~ i l h , 1 9 9 0 ) “ ,

■ . '. Wednesday. January 31'. ■


c o m b in e in r e d c o o k e d p

linglH^Ejound large fresh mushrooms ;redmnch grccn onions and tops lto 1-inch lengths, separating s from tops■cookctmooaies----------^ -

:~porfcinttrh>^ -inchcubes;-coai cornstarch. Heat o iL in Dutcl: b r large saucepan; add pork

inger. Brown pork on all side; ! oil. Drain o f f c x c ^ fat. Adc y sauce, winc, tarragon and I k-atcr 10 pan; bring to boil. RC' heat and simmer, covcred, 4f ICS, stirring occasionally. Adc Is; simmer, -eovcred, 30 min^

Add mushrooms and white o f green onions. Simmer, cov 10 minutes, or until pork anc

S t . N i c h c S ^Vn n u a l R aFEBR(!ARY-3r-1990-«-5PM

F & 9 T H S T t

M Ii 'A n tip a s to t R R is o t tf f e c e + H a

G<.D U LT....................:t-IlLDREN 6 » 1 2 ......................

Jn d e r 6 ................................. F rozen rav io li anci s a u c e so

4 0 t o ; M a n y R o l l s 1

H n * tB » iig J |r tw J -6 ;n Speckled Eoloc Reg. 75

r o w n C o r lo n V liiya e Floral Tile Vinyfc-Reg-I

r m s t r o n g C o r lo n ^ig e Tile Wny" Reg. 189 .8f

r a c e r y P i le l Z ‘x 9 'iny-<^rp p n - W / i t a l n m a s t e r

I n g e r b r e a d - S c u lp t i; i g e C o lo r . H e g . 3 4 3 . 9 6

r e a n i i a r t e r F o r C a i ' R e c R o o m s 1 2 'Xu eC o lo r. Reg. 21 9 .8 0

h i c k F r e l i e s I Z 'x)se Cbior, Reg. 6 0 9 .3 6

I g h t W e a v e C o m m T X 9 '6 ■■l i e a n - B l u e C o lo f r J ^ e g . 1-3?

:u b b e r b a c k K ltc h e i 2 ' x 2 1 ' "old Color P attera -R eg : 33

'h i c k P l i i s h C a r p e )loney B row n Color Reg. 4

l e r b e r C a r p e t 1 2 'lu ldcolor Reg. 175.84 ,

I n s u n t C red it ■ 9 0 Day:

s i ^

tv 1990 Tlmos-NO^tif Twin Falls.

fI pork and vegetables

East7W<£ns, .vegetables arc tender. St

' onion tops and simmer ps, loogcr. Serve over noodle■ng

, Makes 6 servings.


i" *150Call Elvln Browr

fn- THEISEN MOIjtc ------ - fordelfllisJV- 733-771)0- H o m e 7 :md


f 5 > . V I O L I r > l N ^M-TO 8 m -*-ST.-NlCHOLAS

,TREET, R u pe r t , ID

E N UR avio li tE n s a l : ard-RGlls-t-Iee-QO S T

so ld sepa ra te ly d u r in g the.d

o 5 0 % O ff T o C h o o s e F r o m

SSxS Z M H I Hs ; x 9 '6 " 9’5: 54 :--------------

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f x i s - " q

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l e s t ^. S tir in green ner 5 minuics idles.

-EASE? ^

leaao ow n e t

OTORSlla8 734-4433

f = ^ —

J I S E RLAS-HAU__ _______

aladaGream----- l

..t; $ 1 0 .0 0 “ —

........... $ 3 . 5 0 ______

..........$ 1 . 0 0

l e d i n n c i ^ ^

g j s s

3 5> ® ® -1

8 7 ’ ® V

8 8 ® "

5 - 4 8 ®

S iree .D e llve ry

■alls. Idaho C-3 .

Page 20: mosi an^nosd. N,..W hite House c l-w JB Sununu, who said t the report with Presi' al security adviser!


i Porferhouti------ — forruytoer— ——


r______________ F a m ily P ack^

A l b e r t s o n s ^ ______________ S u p r e m e B a

' !

_______ ____ -\r* ,-P o rkL o inOuoftwloln ■

n ; J

AS; Perk

I FamllyPack EndCuts. __

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I Fre$MKln S a lm on S ta

— - -:[ i F ^

C-4 T1m«8-Now». Twin Fel

" ■ W

u i o ^ t e a k

T-Bone,o k________________________s -.. . - -

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s s p i f e d^l& O hops

^ S l z z l e nHormelUnks

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h u m b ^j g ^ : ; g : 2 5 c / ^ ^ * Brei

____ • • - y • -

FellB. Idaho W ixltysday. Jant


— - |^ ~ f fy « rB re o j , j7 acynnu ^

in u R i juMMi ^

r / ^ .

...........: t : : i v : : is - - - O m

oTTh’lghs^ \ M _ _ _ Counfrv Pride M ftj/n /V P ocS “

~ lb. A

K in g 1 i lm o nVholeorHalf^lb'.Averdg&

3 ^ :fallpps ""revibusly frozen

P ig y w t& =revio u si^ fro zen — - . , ;

Ianua/y31.1990 _ '

i C:ii-’ S ? « S S

[ : ^ E ^ A * T l n -g o n e /<

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r 'B f e S B i e


m^ S l i c e d ^ Bacon

m M ib t p k g r m - ^ —

" I B a n a n a H ui K ■ • : £ o o f V-----------

- ^

------------- ---------

? ibE yeS^lessB eef_________

I u lK .

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W W i______f o r M ^SweetWl


FOR ' i f c

^ a r d J l o: A a n n e r tm o r iu

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f f ? : c c - ^ " ' " ■— "

d r e r i b ^ fr j 4 9 /

ajnyangR aw feti"

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MM o iB e p p t\C h e e s e r

C a c h e Valley

^ - M f 8 i

z e d J l l m ts ' Sl orite---- W j | ^

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QJIS^rite _ ; ”





V -^ ^ m s » Frozen -

~ ^ lb7f

H - Bi l HW : .- Fi= , — cm a g I t AUto Drip or H ' _ Regular/ ■ . EleclrlcPerk

i ~ ~ 3 9 o z 7

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i r k e y ^

mW horefryeie n Farms

■ ■ .7 6

’O l g e r s ^O o f f e e —

m - M eat m Pies

Swanipn's^ • Bee P m . Ct)lckenorTurke

w m

- ^ ^ ie diC h ic k e n-A W hole ChlckerrCQt 8 Wa

ic s r ^ k t --------

k e y B re d s tfr Farms ♦ Fresh S liced

> . 3 ”

ked:B aconTtl-M m r‘ S l l c ^ ~ -

m j ^


K i t i h W i T B a ^ ‘ D e te r ^ e ^ ^ -^ « iK O a tL « e to o Z - - . - T B , - — . —

t : : : c n S tC - - - r - ^ _ g g L : = = = .

f t ;’( - ~ ^ E E v - - —i4?or.^l#4-— ' ' 'B a fU r d ^ Tissue^ .^ X i \ - - ..... . | . . I ^ I I ^ | J | _ — I • r ^ ^ s o d ' e d ^ ^ : - — ^ ^ ^ | j i | L

Ydaurt^\^\CdmDbell’s Soup- w o / f . d o z i p i l c m e n m m m k - , ■ ■

j _ ,p ■ :_ ' '"^^ isp;'-'' '■

- S a u c e ^ u O b c a C o l a J ^ L e t t u c e _ ^ ^ P o la ta e s ^ _____C ontad ina A I M Famt P ack A t K U.S. No. I

IF] , J-99e ^ C r a c k e r s ^gj^^itidiioke& Qrdpes

I B I scD ff^uc4r;4l® kA lbei1so^’ |

i : - 5 4 V T p ^ N r K i w w s ; ^ . -

D i a p e r s S O * - ■ ' :IVaW!, M M B B S S . Laroe ^ 2 ^ a i i r : M i i . - - - J ' " " ^ s s o r f e d -------------------^ A A "

.. or S m a ll- 6 0 cl. \ f f i . m a i l | ' ' 5 g r . ^ s i s . s ; 5 i ^ s ; ; i s : . ‘r ! ; ! c o / o r s

^ A O ......... , - —^ y ° ! .____ - - - - -

;/_= S-Orain . VHcmln ^ ^ ^ ,,——— ^^^—,^^^ f-hpRicEs:EFncnvETVan-3irrhruFeir6[i^ t i z 1 ^ Asprin w -C a ^ r r y q .m.jmifTTTT^^m ■---------^ ^ i

A ■: ' I I Aibenw'ns --------- .. C o r iv e h l e n t l y L o c a t e d A l: ________r - I ■™ 'S'ite’ ^ m , s « j- to f t ) c .s 2 0 ( > j : _ _ _ -----------_ _ _ ------------------.

^ 1 ^ 9 g - | j g = f f l g ’ ^ . * s 2 r S 9 \.. .\C o lB c le ^ .J > m < p .,- -^ c r i^ ^ ^ ............. . TWI N- FALLS— ^ ■■

- \ — r ' - ’ ^mw ' " r aOOtMyfUStl&S . . .• tfP. g - ■■■ K ., J _ _ AMrui/(iry.-foo/mo>0ofvmuod 1 MINCW/C*f:W'o»(rfwfoftov«onnof«^ : \ ^ » ^ l , . A s s t C o n c i m n e r o , ■ ~ 7 - ; ' / ~— -. ' ^ ^ « . : Z ^ _ - = r - = ------------------- ---------------------- ; ____________________________ .N . ' ^ / „ • . ................... . . . . _ , - ronal<talorboiQKih9a^ls<^price aHAiNOtCKv.nb«Hiu«dorM)iinoYO<j; , ShOmDOO ............ Boz. ' -' -— 'J ' '\i'l~ ' „ -:v.. — -KxjHftoi'uiiianwg«*in<iiitf«iiiOBnt — —— J ’ , L y ..................... ^ ------- 1 _ ----------------------_- ------- .# ■•r;|~f~V ' - " . • e n co n r fW d m im io d . . . | soonatiibocom«savaiiabio. \ ___ ____ ____


Page 21: mosi an^nosd. N,..W hite House c l-w JB Sununu, who said t the report with Presi' al security adviser!

m .. _________________

C-6 Tlmos-Nowa, Twin Foils.

'/m : v a fi

C lu b Ci............- - -WEDNESDAY

- /idullChildnMAjwoynwu* —' • •llpijcoiuI Chufch Annex in Ru

_____ .Maiiit: V alle^ F d lo ^ ip H a lliiAlM holia.ftBflnymw .-..-,- -

p .m :^ in i« h jpcakinfi) 6 p.m.; ( I . 4T W W )’ '^ 0P " '- ■------::_ A ^ A lx a -------------------------

Maiiic Valley Fellowjhip Hall« _ D oh lK iw u ia u b

It- .H-'nic Plate R^eKsurant at Boon. Duhl S«nlort:itteni '

_____ L_Diiircr.*t nootuieniofcenicT.. Burley Kii«H3ntib---------

--------- JfB T O frw w v :^ --------Cocaicc AbbnyiDOUJ M.i^ic Villcy FellowUiip HUI t F i I« S e o I « a a im Ouil'ing. hanJicrafU and a ^<li

niwn,iilcrSeniorHaven.__ I

Walker Cenier ot 6:30 p.m. I- G oodingS«iorC HteM '"7 ■

Dinner at noon, leniorccniyr. .I .Gooding TOPS No. 251-''' <.r-';nrfMi?fnt Building

K agasitt Scniof Citizou PinncT at noon, senior center. Jsotne Optimin OubRijlio Inn al 6:30 p.m.

----- --Jenjit>cTOPSQi»pwNo.48_Public Library «i 6:30 p.m.Motbcn t : Wotk Support Qtw! MembcM’ homej. For more

t a i r v n ^ r 6 r7 3 3 - 6 7 l4 . ' Shothone OoIAo: Yecn S«aiar 1 Illicit at senior cenier at noon.

■ "Twia Fall! Al-Anop Step Mwtl VtJgic Valley Fellowihip HalL

,\ve. N.ainoon.T vinF tllj U octQ ob Wejton Plaza Hotel at noon. Twin Fall* Rotaiy Qub Turf Club at noon. Lunch i> S5

memben of olhcr club*.----------- =Twta Fall* TOPS ID 309-----______ Vallcy Vista Village. 653 Roi

TWJRSDAY A*ilrChil(te-AnoBymota— i:piscopal Church jn Burley a l '

Letters <— = ^ R e s p o n s e ; b y - f i r e f i

w a s g r e a t l y a p p r e

----------LOut-thanks.tO-91 l.T w itCounty Sherifi's Dcpartm Twin Falls County Mutua from Filer.

• - — W ithout their quick rcsjj_____ wcck!s-flrc could have bci

much worse. A special thi fire crcw for their "specia:

/■ W c lhank you all so muAN D JANET OLS

^ w i Q Falls

: A c a d e i r r s i i r w o n

t h o s e w h o c a m e t

' ’ On Dcc. 8 ,1989 , m y w were involved in a hcad*c ncarjTimmcrman Hill. W by 3 drunk driver. Some I thc accidcnt in their rear-’ tore, turned around, radiO'

_____ npd nssistet} |is until polic

Honor rolTWIN FALLS — Tlic

Lutheran School announi-------^orroll-forthc sccoM ‘< l'^

. SECOND g r a c e Aimee Clayton. _Nai

Dane Martens. M ao ' F Sievcrs, Kristen Stevens Woltcrs.

_______ L TfflR D GRADE _'■ ■' ’ Simon Aviilos, Brenda

J '-V K ristrn-H eidem ann-jm d Houtcn.i FOURTH GRADE „. Louis Bokma. Rcbcc Lisa Chase Detweilcr, C morc, Lonl Fisher, Jodi {

:— — Ashley Preccc.------ --------FIFTH GRADE

— :---------Jed3-Van-Houten,-Uucrs nnd Matthew Turbcr\

J _____ irS D C IH G R A D E -- ..' Alan Church. Chrislal Adam Martens, C raig H Gladfclter nnd Stncie Hci

> SEVENTH G R A D E .,; Dusty Edwards and Su ; EIGHTH GRADE ; John Fisher, Knsie 5

. lettc Stammeijohn, Aj -- - Krista R o g e rs ,- Rile; •— - Mandy Schwarz, Courtn

Brian M alone, Eric Hct Brott and Brian Bolt.

F i l e r t M c h e r s

i n - s e r v i c e p r o: . F l L t R . ^ A numb teachcrs have taken part

----------- Txmy-iit-mfcrinrserYJC^signed t o j i c l p t h e m l ^

" ^ c s for in tdncting w ith : I Known as' Tcachcr 1

. .and -S t^co t.'A ch ievem e (iTttm w n^led by V ic K(

f .... M iddle School pnncTpal j ' The following educatc

• Filer Elementary prihcii OOger, M arilyn Rasmu Huddleston, Sharofl .W

• Tctniult,-Aftoii Patrick;- . • D ec~;Bcrgm anj j MarC'

Sucllen Lam m eii; Ceci Binkley, A l Miller >Vubkcf;I A lso'takiBg part w c t

. - School principal Bob M i R ichtfr^Jan-_D renm m .j ' Arlene SflffllHc r iT J g S

Shelley Christensen, V c C hico ■ SIntter. Evic Si

---------- |C oshuta,--^boui6C— f_ _ _ C o p d n n ,A rlflig liI)o d so

aCSftchfteld. - — : -

/ey life:a len d mY . . 1 - ' _A A O tC h iJ* tt,

Valley Fellowihip ' AloohoUesAw

ill ainoon.- . Magic Vallcy F

iflir Brxp:m:;'S“ teia?toTtifrr»'|'8 p m.; (doted Km< Altlaea

— Magio Vallcy F_ . - ;atlai7:30p.m. : Dinner at »enioi

• BuhJTtotnyCh x)n. . ' Raniooa Rciia'u

-* BmieyOvBTtt T, - Law enforeciw — ------------------ ^ 3 0 E. Uth;

■' Senior center'inU lat6p.m : FQcrSeslorCit~ - -DiflflCf at Filer:boiluck dinner ki - G lcinFcR ySi[ - J -------- ; Dianer at Thrmdui ■ • noon:--------------I Oooding Secia■>................... ............. DlnnerBtKnlo

. , H agm ntn Soai’A ru a n d cn n i

6 J 0 p jn L - ___Dooa.__________Hailey Rooiy.l

y . ......................... Deacon Bltiea II---------- ImaairiociilTi

W o tflU m lU ...-^O iV call'L buite K

5--------------- 1 , ; eromaKiwtai4 8 _ . , j#>. , ; O i n i V n ^ l

bw p • Dinoeratacniclore inform atic MoDBch U odi----------------- j----------Wok n*-CriU RniorGtizm* 1 __ NtroodesAaoi>on. • Magic Valley {te tfng O p3t^C lub<Hall. 801 Sccottd Mandarin Houi

0«w «tB»A ni ■ M a ^ Valley IV StapLiChi

A diet club, ttjS S forguejta d eeaies ia Hagermi

TwiaFalfiAl-.— --------Mape ValleyRo»«Sl. N. a l7 Ave. N., Twin Fi

--------- ^TWioFallaia*,Y Turf Club aimt ------------- - TWtaPtUiUayal7;30p.m. Valley Vista

of thanky o u T “ ('

i r e c i a t e d Jo c y sa n c h c z ■win F a lls c o m fo r tc d ijs ,r t m a T i f dtu a l f ire crew A ls o , I h o r t

and hospital { response, last , S c ^ l t s d been so '

‘thanks to the------- IwiiLFalla,cial" care. __much. H u m a n e

.......... f o r S c o u tPeople for

o n T f t ^ -

B to h e l p niai^ for his 1 y w ife a n d l D rive during td-qp accident O m s Asm W c w ere hit for hiq Eagle

le fellows saw thcmanM pec ar-view mir- • .diocd for help > olice arrived. I - _ #

«lun cesitsh o n - q u a r te r .- - - - - --

N o v ^ '■ens and Pann g e t SO

_ C a n \ enda Gladfclter, s h o O D a n d -Ja K e V dn

becca’ Chufch'i”Christa Whit-

di Hcttinga lu d '

C H rS lin a lS ic V -d w rv illc . .

istalyn'Dctmcr,J Hubach, Kim Hcttinga.

........... - --------------- --- .I Susan Rciiike'.'■

e Shousc, Co- ■April Moore, i T A e # C

jlcy -H ubach ,- . j i X . . . . m ney Heilman;-- ^ ; H c t t in ^ H eidiy ' o _ " ~ r -

§ 1 ^ TS jo in I ro jcc t ” Lm b e r 'o f Filer ?-}art during Jan* . SSc ^ r o jo f l - < k i? = r E M = |m = cam new^tJUtC' ' ith '^ d e n ts .

Expectations g •ment, thc-oro-— 5 - —^ = : K oshutfl/filer ® pal.— - - - T - - 8 - M M :a to rs to o k p a rt:" | ° l i i i l i U n c i j^ Bev Lor- g - \., mussan^- Susan .Wells, M orris’

:k jJu d y S n ider," 5 Q f Q a r e e t i '‘C ro o b , -: « i r N i « ; ^ i n i - T and Sheila

• •. «> ' VW Filer High *5 [ - t ^ - > M cOrew, S tan ' o 0^ 0,-R an Jenkins, - S B lOlll L a w i t i n ^ ~ r s ^V aius"D 0dS0n“ o T

Slatter, Paula “!

ills. Idaho Wodnosdoy. Ja n u ary :

t rreo Apccymow (ACA) — •—7 J 0 t rmm.for.aduli thiWrcn of «lco-_ _ T« o n J families meeu ai Magic Fel hip Hall i t noon. ......... p.m.-

Vpm.” ’ ' P .»J

ryFellowihipHallal7J0pJJU_._.. Mi' Cttiffm I - ,mitiior center at noon. • i - . Tb'O ub . - Twinita'utanl *1,12:05 p.m.^* BlreiWiAnooyzDOUi ^ Di'cmcnt cenier confemcc room Fil^ jO - p o a ------------------- Ditoo Senior Citiyta, ______________ &jrinEdenatr.jon..,, Li•G tte a JJilcr Seniw Haven at noon, DiySeolorO tiia* JcThree Iiland Senior Cenier at Di— ---------------........................ Nl.wWrtriTmi I . ' 1 OlBlorcenterat,noon.- • S<SaaiorCitiznitCaittT' Cladi 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and luocb at p.m.

ny.Oub ’ i;!ieaReiUunntatnoon.- •• • T<

ilUieiuur^t. a.m,l I S t o ! t7 3 J - 7 I I J . - VJr t a U O u ^ _ . ____ . . . L.ipeRestaumniatnoon. ',■■ p.m,w G tiz cs i " ................. —enior cenier at noon. AJoDiOub Mill Re«auiaol aLnoo^ ^ • P.t^,

^ F E h jn i i > l la iB p .m : ' D

louse Reitaumit at noon. DAnonynoua ' Fellowship Hall at 7 [vm. - CQub W1>, this group meet* at the tenlor N


ley Fellowthip Hall, SOI Second H iFalljai7;30p.m. - • TwiimwaniaOub— , ^

t i ^ O o b - fj'Ita Village, 653 Roac St.' N. at A

ks---------lilcff tn sny a Special thank pet Tl (whoever they are) and ' nea lez ofTw in Falls, w ho ani;us; kept us warm and-------- r —^cd my lifoi V ----------------------cialanks to all ttie em ergency spa al people who helped. Lyi ts did save our live^. SwJ ® LOIS HANSEN • ;• Smils____ i «nt

7" ------------- ^ o f «l e S p d p t y g t a t e f i f f J

lu it’s , s t o r e s ’ he lp soOT Pels Magic V olley H u- , ictywould like to thank ; ~n, a compassionate young I cis Pet Food D onation • j _ing the Christmas holidays. ~ stin chose this a s a project . ■ (gle Scout badgp. He and thcpeople who donated the coi

l a t i o n p f f e r s Y o i

R B II/, w h en y o u b u y C a m som ethung g r e a t f i e e nation P i q u e t s th e ni pping, a n d we?ll g ive yi

“1 ^ 1

• l<

i m t m i‘ -71 o n a n i/alM "C

7 ] OT variety Of pj r n r r M j ^ C a rn u lo n '

H otC ocoa MWL

S A V E S K z .. . . ^ . , , ^ ->-oBOM,biat.«nv— , S

d*« .«nyv«ri* ty o£ S S f ^ \ s

--------- oBm U acL ^ g

i i - ' ' ®

• ' “ [ a n o n « b « t j ;

i m p i ■ s S ? a—

iS a l S B B —■ ----------5

tf ilS o i8 5 a ^ ^ 'fc ^ u S 3 ^

. ____ :_______________ ^


JO p.m. .. '. Twin FiUa OveettrsAnonymoui“ Fillowship Halt,,«OI 5^o*.Av«;'l

i^ a i ic 'v i l le 7 * F e ito ^ P Hall at r .m. and miilni^l

Al-AaoaMatic.Vallcy Fellowihip I M t t nooiA t^ C A C A ) '------------ --------Tbe vSiker Center, 444 Main. A «

■win Fall* at 7 p,m ' BuhlSA igC itim a DinnCT at letiior ccnter ai noon.FUff Sccior GtiztBa •Dinner at Filer Senior Haven at 6 p,m Oooding RotityChib -

-Lmc5TiiIifn-aM2;15p,m.HagBiBBi Senior Odxtna Dinner at i o r ten ta ai nooiL

■ Jeromo SealorOtlttBj Dinner al »enior center al noon.

.. N&tstie»Apoeyiaoai OGd Fellowi Hall in Hagcrman al7{!SemhySeebnAl-Aloo-----------Clear l^ e * Agency, 1114 Main, Di

_ yvMh^OoldaYeanS«aiofCto

. TwiaFilUChibnCr--:^^^^-^^^^ ; ^ ^ o n3fflntatiiurmrftmu-«J 0-t

' WeadcUAl-Anon Lutheran Q iw K 175 Second Ave.^-SATURDAY.

Alcoholic* AaonySMU*Magic Valley Fellowship Hall at no-

H p.m. and midnigbl^ u h lS c m o fa it a B i-------------------

Dinneraticnlorcenieratnoon. - Buriey Senior C i t ia o r- j— • Dince at senior centcr from 8:30

;i,m, '

Msgic Valley Fellowship HaD at'6 p.

Magic Valley Fellowship Hall at 7 p. Ovencta* Anonynoua ifCA Walker.Ccnter.-444-Main.>

TwinFallsai]Oa.m. ■SUNDAY

■ AAihaiil*enAnocyiaott* . • Magic Valley Fellowship Hall «t 4:3 A lc t^U a Aaonysm t, -

pet food have a spcdall placc'ii liHHsofOicshclRrworJcerrn] animals at thc shelter.—Th^ Humaaft Society owes t ciaLth'anks to trie stores w ho d space for the donation boxes. Lynwood IGA, Pets and Plnnt Swpnsen’s, D & B Supply and Sm ith 's Fo(Jd King all donatec in thcif-storcs, One h u n d i^p < o f cat and|c


SOCICTY- Twin Falls ••

T o u r n a m e n t , j o n c e s !

d r a w t h a n k s Y o m fa i.‘ Our fnmily.woula like lo thi thc people at thirJcromc Soflb concession w d all the people


M illm a t i o n p r o d u c t s , y o i

3 6 m i l k J u s t p i d <

i n e x t t i m e y o i i i e ‘ *

i y o u r n % f e f e ^ i ^

H o m e a n d S a ^

[“ ’ officia l M allln C o tU lca tt

r H S E M t

. Jrd Mm_2»»*o«l«n^«<C»wi»lbiCoeD.»•V.XCMi>aiiiCc<Wn*l»«tii>«l>*>a>( Um M a 1 CvMOoi hOM BwUm. n «■ iCwMK (M U

M «*ee>«»« o tw ^ ^ n ^ Mxk a tsn

b. NM»d voo w msBrTtDCRRUTnap .


--------— = n s r —

~Cllv>i S i a t ^ p ------• ' , I I

Phonc— , r l ' s

4 _ p i ^ S S

| - H^ . w > a a

S £ 9

" - ' ’ V V ' ■r ' ‘

\ _ -

I ''________ ___

■' ’ ' Magic Villej- Fellows . 5:30 p,ni:: (Spanish ipeak

v N . a t ? ' B ohlSesioratlzaa jPoUuck dinaef aod IOC

t noon. 5 228 Sboun Aye. W. at- MON

Adolw oatfSdwtMW000.. . Cmyob V iew H o^lu

— L_,j— at 7:30 p.m.----------------^vc. S. to AiloleHCBtNimXkij

228 Show Ave. AdnhCWdiaiAoaojr

M y Z K C f M>m. Magic Valley Fellowsh

AVC.N.^kohbUca AaooytDov Magic Valley FeUowi

5J0p.m .• ^ .l .A fA n o o -

— Magic Valley Fellows Bohl a m b e r o f Cce

7p,m.----- ' - Thc Home Plate aino<BuUSedorCSttaa*

Duhl at B Lunch al noon and e . center.

t W i Cot o m t o aA aooyW alta ’CianeT;

/e. W. aiB Breakfast at tbe lenio

. ‘" I L m CoB am a^T w atEcB..............

noon. 5;30 H«a*en Commimiv Ave. W. at7;30p,m..Tb

------------------ K » a n T O ra N o .i4l03FimE.,Han*«o* JcnaoAl*Ano&

IOp.m.-ll Catbolie Cburcb W l at 8 p.m.

- ;e n n o S e n k r a t l» Sp.m. Dinner at DOoa.*entoi

KimbetlyAl-Aaoo 7 p.m. • Senior citiienabcdldii

• JjatcoticaAsabyimu

UncbaH «)oaatthe( ■ Sboahooit'Al-Awo

(;30p.m. - '’SeniorccniaatSpA . ShoahooeAl-Atetti

•'in the • played in the J a c k ' TiniThc— metJtthiS'Summcr.*

ciate the money. It s a sp e - nancial burden ofi* I donated ; is really n ice jo kni r r h T cn6■ugh^o donate ti nts, our beautifiil baby, nd lucky family thankted space - spccia! people, pounds . T hank you, llccted. B R tlC E A N D R

T ------E R - t ---------- -------MAN - I — W e n d e l l_ _ _ _

' Thc Times-New . .J c r s .o f th a ^ q fL

W easc send lettas 77ianAs,TheT;mc

a m i l y S4S, Twin Failslhank all .___________ftball le who

I po t f i i

I■’ I

E B Z 3

owship H*U at DOOO and SaJo fljcatiog) 6 p ,ta-' ^ r b Fi

Social hour«t»ealotcei>-_ A v t! ^ « t

’.a t 7JO p jn ............. enuea^rt*lONDAY a t l p f tmAbttteOtODp . ' ' TwtnFipital, 228 Shoup Ave. W. ^ 5 ^

kiA acBym oia-' 'Dinner'.al7:30p,«Q.■wymrttu LB.lXt

'or adult children of aleo- CUatC imilic* at meeu at 6 pja. jwsbip Hall. 801 Second Aleobd

Magic'[Boui pjn. aod 8lowship Hall at Doon aod BuhlD

■ - -..... ............m b lp Hall at 8 p.m. BoitayCcmntree Burteyinoon.............— - --------B* Twin 1>d card* at 6 pjn..' tenlor—S i * * ^

>nyn»oiCcbDA)_L . ., DianerWT444"Mala-Ave. S.-’a ----- Boetio

A *uppfn<Fw>nit f .... ........... «tw«» nr It-N .at 7:30 P-m. Soulhem 1C U n a r a « Asio r center from 9 a-m. to Peace 1---------- ----------------------------FIkr.XQbT l i t a i y Bc«d of FilerU

• : ------ ra e rSliv Ubrtry, 120 Maple ,- Diiuier .Thepublieioinviud. Olemti.84______________________ DiaacrcnaiS p jn . - —

Hall, 216 Second Avd. E. , Walka

‘ Uac«U^ c e n te r .

ilding at 8 p.m. OoodltM tf Dinnerow*hipHallat8p,m. K ag «

' BreakfJte Community Building. noon.'D Istadcp m .................................,.WoBiai.M Wok t

more info 4455.

:k ‘N JiU Toum aT . . e f .-W e f^ !y ”appre-— - . I t takes a lot o ffi- V i j f fo fo u r family. It know people care ^;c tim c and money to by. W e are a very .inks to all o f you


'ews welcomes let- n S O w o ^ o r l ^ . _CIS to Letters oF — —mcs-News, Box \tjdabo. 83301. ■

H ab!ALEL,

ps k —

. _ p o W '

l - i -

Joreenteru8p.nx. . , bF illsA M B aa

fi Vtlley Fellowahip Hall, 801 Seen It8p.m . _ •

^nu_ ftOT Ibe College of Soutbem Ida!

faFalhO m w rnA aonym oB i '

S ^ ^ S ^ w ^ ^ c a t e r o i i W e i t A

.ftariaoT oH tm utenO ub iat Oardem. Twin FalU at 7 p jttj . TUESDAY

^ ^ l ^ F e S o w S i p Hall at noon. 5:

U D tv & a B iid c e a a l l n pUy begiBi at tb ^ Lincoln Cou ^ ^ ^ ^ i ^ I 3 i q - M i I n SCal7 p js

rleylnnatl2.-05pjn.rtntfDettb S19M 0 io(9'in Fallt C b u iu of tbe Nazarene. 4A vc.N .a t7p jn . -

oner at te n io rra tc r in Eden at noon.

•upport group fpf people wilh emotioi

em tdaho D eten Building at 7 pjn. erAl-Asco•ce Lutheran Cbuich at 8 p.m- ' ■

er Uniied Metbodial a u rc h at noon.'e rS cs ia rC ite s foner'at noon. FilerSenlor Haven.etmi Fcny Senior O tim aaacr at Three bland Senior Center

ndtegAloofabUctAaoq)mooa ' .ilker Ccnicr «tSp.(n.N dbsO pdtttb tO ib :xoln Inn at nooalodiag OvereMcn AnotQiaooaIlker Centa « 7 JO p.m.lodlBg Senior O tiB Uancr i t aenior eeoter at Dooa.i^ o a S e d o rC i t iB o atakfajt a: aenior center.from 9 ajn.

B d c a c Q to k s il Pr t « Meetlsf atok n' Gnii Reftaurmt at 7:45-a.m. 1 inforitiatlOD, call Bevedy Rboda at 7

y v f r W i i iV V e d n e s d a ^

F o r I n

Watch for our ad in t i


i t S n n

S nH I


— > ■

t a m o B iifi ifc fa b• W iwl’* Family RaataatMt*

c o ^ jo o n S o io r a t t a e nDiaser e r tn lv o n it f « DM

YFC A «7:30pjn.Uiyie VaUey diotlM ^

............. A iJvw ed iqnae '‘“ “ tog alIA V ■ glfloen »r 8:30 p.m. Catbolk 1

Second Ave. E. In Jerome.M a d d n d i Bsbenbop Cbo

. Tw& FalU F in t BaptUl C Street aad Sbotbooe Strert Eail

!S£ ''Ss,K;Jr?Seeood Ave. E Advanced at 7a en a tS JO p ja . '

Twin FalU Mental Health

, . 0. - " * S . ’ £ S - v » s -Lunch at aenioc center upo«

. ? S f t r ”c W r ° S

**T5rtoFiIIiRo(ayatibThe Bhje Lake* Qjtpier al

ter a t’ a t7 a jn . • _---------- ,-T w taF tn iT O P S -^ --------

Chapter No. 3, a v Hill «1 W s ^ K h n o i t a a b av aa M Reitttmnt atnoM.

■ '■ 7Wi pobBe aerviw eoJuiBt . BUMUDCC Matffc VtOey e h k

doomcetiasi. timettodpUee mectibg lifted o r-» upcbto y

m.'to fum iao tU K odoo tice 'f^ ti* DiosUon, dty tad wedtfiA •

I fcr tDe*iiBgwjUJte/ejA»<OM

. F „ I T w C T fX Mt734- aubC^eodMr.ThtdcmSlioei


I B e C l o s e c

y r j a n u a i y " :

i v e n t o r y -Thursday's paper with c


■ £ ■ f t

■ ..............I

W -

. ♦'antatnoon. ^


n g a t7 p J tt .ia d b e - - oik PtrjSTHall. 216

iCbonuUt Church at Ninth: lE a ita tS p jn . Q om D eM C lub ' .

P tritb Hall, 216. Iat7pjri.andbegin-

igHall a tB p J i.___________

S m i f f i g . 823

iS ed o rC itisa t...........

r the N aarene, 401 'or more, iafohnaiion. irO iird 'ta ^ U T in p -------r

J— '-^r^------------- ----------

j ^ ^ j ^ O n b i Center on FiOli Av- [ . E p ifSorateirtdaho-5--------

a at the Holiday Inn |

l l a t l p m . -


iJunia ii daigoed U | dubs Mod orsittia- ' pUea. Tobtvtywr ,iteyoarmcetiBgin--' -.ftb name oTtbeorp*’t), Mod tiiae ef tbe 1 ■BomberModatnicof jJ Tfoa-New*. P.O. ,ifio. 83303,-B xndoa | ------liaeitoooaoaMce- j

i d /| lj r J I s f I

H o u T B I g I lANCEl I

h ' B .-

1 S - : ; | | :

23b ?

V- ' ‘

Page 22: mosi an^nosd. N,..W hite House c l-w JB Sununu, who said t the report with Presi' al security adviser!

Classes inc o m p u t eclasses start soon th ro u g th icgc”ofSoulhem Idaho:

• A ;-bcg inn ing -.w ond . pi ingW ordPerfecI - class zsfarts: day a t Shoshone High Schtk class w ill meet from 6 to ' Tuesdays through March 6 a cost is $30. Linda Payne will instructor. For more inforr call 734-0373, e x t 426.

• A smoll-cnginc repair c 'Slated-to-fitait-Fcbn-T-and-wil

- V a l l e y I_ Christian Sing]

TW IN FALLS — The N nounce a new day, tim e ar

- . g t 6:30 p.m. Thursday a t Sc

N o r t h s i d e t - o o <

JEROME — The Nort school cooks, will hold its

------ flt-jeflcrson b l c m w t a ^

and m ilk. Cost is S2 pcfpc 1 and cinnamon rolls also w

help send thc schc^I cooks

free scoliosis iTW IN FALIS — In coi

M ontli, Dr. Spencer Willi . . m onth o f February for-scc

takes about five m inutes ai 734-0500.

, I Magic Vajley-^, ; JE R O M E --T h e M agic

— -f-SaturdayaLtheJeroinC:£u] ; lie is invited to attend and I

j ’ The Times-News welcoi terial to 'fbe. Times-News

r l~FE}IKTD'83303=0548rPIei I and include opbonenamb<

^ H o M m

k e y t o -

j b e d i t i m ^^ y th e Hartford C o uran t........

! They stay up until 11 o r 11 eiy nighL_Thcv coUopse^JInt

— the couch when they can’lTcci anymore. Put them to bed carl tjiey scrcam, cry and . break

• the bedroom i f they can — o’ . over.

- Yo u can understand-wlivii d its o f these sleep-fighting t

% ate desp<^te.; M any young childrcn have

^ m in g lo bed peacefully, V aughn I. Rickert, a pcdiatr chologiist. A* many as 25 per

_ t - 't o ^ y w - o l d s do, estiriia "R ichafd Fcrbcr, a specialist i

^ r d c r s at Boston Childrcn intal. . . • •

— -RickcrtBaysparents-usuall; . ^ v c in to the child to avoid tantrum mara'thons or ignc child’s tantrums, which can tpr an hour. '

•‘W e wnnled.tQ show_therc tcm atiyes,” says R ickcrt, >j(hd

—oo4ifisistant-profcssoc-9^pcdu thcO m versity oflW cansas'fo ical Sciences.

R ickert and a colleague, ] A dam s, recently published i in th e jou rna l’Pecuatncs on >

' r ^ u c e tantrums at bedtimi . roethod, callcd “positive roi ' ' ^ t especially high marks. - . l ;T h is ;m e th p d has ~n-tw of(

proach: establishing a bcdtin t(hc o P several quiet activii s lc h as taking a boili, brushin rtad in g a story, getting a kiss changing the child’s bedtime.

■ ~ ^*T ou take infbrnJalTon to i when the cl}ili is falling aile

j i e n m ake me: bedtime oc -m inutes-bflforc- that,’U lic k c ' ‘ ^ou capitalize on w hen thc

d e ^ y M ^ a y ." Every thre r t i c ,c liild !s^ d lim e is movc( -7 $ m rte g p “By jnoviog il 0 - j j j y j c a n get-the"b«nlmByto-Reasonable h o iir ." ......... —. I Parents were told to sp« iflorc than 20 minutes w ith tl ^ y )ft-th ro u g h 'th c bedtime ^ d to praise thc child afler e

• ^ t y . T h^n the.parcnt w as to ^ i l d to g o jo ^ l{^ .‘

I j t b c researchers tested tw wpn}'achcs. The second gi Ibren is >vas told not to chang cj'c r they had been doing. Tl m u p .w as-to ld -to ignore th( m e n ’s .crying a t bedtime fot

-k)t4-»fwtgg determitfieir ability to ignore the scr

-& m e parents, - fbr-.exainple, f f instructed to ignore the cr:

- h i miniitra,.juid_jjiCTijQjS^ w e e k :o n the ch ild ,, spend more tjjan 10 seconds there.

n e n ^ e 1x Jcg iiT “&'

•following flfu iii-7 - to " 1 0 p. I thc Col- - Wednesdays thrqi

■ class will include'

process- o f optm siT u e j- .:! ’! ! ' . '™ ? '™ '* '- ■hdol Till! “ 8 'O ' fo

6 and the i t a w w 'w p u m i * „il1 h.. , L .S n o w machines

I*! covenronrnhon,

dents. For more r class is 734-0373 o r pre-r -will-meflt—lo rf ltr iW m g -R ^

J i a p p e n iigles reschedule-le Magic Valiev Over-SQ fjlri? 5 and placc o f meeting. The ® t Sodbuster’s, 598 Blue Lakes

Chapter holdlorthside Food Chapter, h gi its g ^ u a l c h ili diimer fham 5

in , caffot-sticks;j i ^ e s a u c e . r-pawror ir riMlJj™ 5 will be available for t a k e ^ 3ks to workshops.

5 checkups to beconjuiicUon with the observa

/illiom s will offer free ch ed scoliosis, a spinal d isorder.-1

s smd is painless. For further i

Astronomers gagic Valley Akronom ers w ill n :£ublic.LibrBiy^;iiorthcns> ent nd leam about the winter sky.

Icomes news o f community ev iws Valley Happcaings, PO 1 P I ^ ' 5Ubmimews:atleast r a mba-wheityoacanbereachet

tei . 3 o e ; g l i d e

Tcecp jfup n * ^earlfer and U .a k out o f v \ - f-o v e ra n d , -------

ly the pnr- ■ --------- L .tffjralg toddlers ' U w

ivc trouble p l jilly, says .iatric psy* p w e n t o f iriiatcs Dr. /st insl^- ----;ren’s H o s - ^ ' A s l O W i

lolly-either _ m i | — nightly '

gnore-the,.:an go on

c rc . arc. qIt— also

ediatrics-at—5 for

A.^ a study m ways time. One routmes,"

ap- ^dtime rou- tivities^—hing l £ c l h , - ^ > . H |^ H | | | ^ | tjss — and —™ - to fmd qut . •:

DISIthechi^ldis 't e c days . flo-Tlim Jijtflyed ui) 15 _ _ j _ _______t (earlier), :"toTrveiy —.......spend no ^

h thfrxhild— ------------- :—nc routine,— .........—er cach ac- ' s to tell the -

two 'O ther' ■B™“P o L ' ' \

ange what- - M:. Thc third ■thcir chil:for longei*- J

im im id,4 iy = ------ -screaming. ■ pie,- would - — --------! c»yin8 '•

ending no '


repaii Tp.m . Mondays nnd

rough M arch 14! The' younger de-jnistniclion in fun-' jpera tion 'ahd every-. thathdp r f tmri TTOHhleahpot-- ground «• four-stroke g a so lin V ^ c

} Iflwnmowers, wheel wonderf nps and compressors, column; M and motorcycle^' Call who ered. F ee is $83. and asarcsu t>e lim ited to '15 stu- W orldv ire informalion, cpll 1 m m e-reg is tc rin lh cT ay - ;fcw luicicdrdrOfficc:-------- -— “A n ^


' IfyoQB - H l C C t i n g _ring j(M

: group w ill gather :es B lv f N.__________ '

Ids dinner ggroup o f Jerome

I 5 to '8 p .m . Friday . B i ^ -S t r T lic ,u iL!lli r u > H • • ;e, cinnam on ro ils K — EUfd'Chiii, fiuitpics ^ L 'P to c g eds w ill ^ | H

> e o f f e r e d M

Trtincc o f Scoliosis Y A eckups during ^ e W

-The examination .. — E!3 n- information, calj U

( a t h e r 0 -

I m c « a t 7:30 p.m. entTBnce.--The pub— — y. g

■ events. Send ma- • n l 0 B ox 548, Twin Hrw ee fr in advance------- H —bed. g

---------—1 —E R R O C K E R S

^ 9 m

tchen i'A 'l« l*~

IHWASHERtbMulll*Levclwa:hlfig.-.».’Load-as-Yoih i>loading •TflOufa’ pcrcelaininlerlof Irying ■_Autor^Icrinse^ntdispenscr


Thetewitn ir colum n ever sinctf I w as o gh to j i a d a ocwspaper. M y ger brother has just jo ined - - «$ty International, the ^ u p lelps to free politiea! prisoners id w o rld W h c ^ to ld me id ^ i ie d .T to ld bigi about a ~ lerful piece 1 iu d read in your, n n several years rdbn~*t r< ivho w rote it, but it cam e aboui result o f Hiller’s reign during IdW arU . > .n n o t sure, biit I Ihink the last lines w en t somcthihg'IIkc (his: i w hetnhgy came fOf m e, then nobody left lo s p i ^ o u l ” It H hom e thc principle (hat cach I has an obligation to s p e a k s know the piece I ’m rcfer- lQ 4 J lc a s t ic if f in i i iJ C a ^ J l_ h seeing again, and I ’d like to.-

■ c o l o r IE------ , Grajjtilrtontrot luTtmi

tola! channel capabilil PrograrMlcscan-lunini

^ ^ ■ = ^ c m i;< B $ ^ d E s p la y s

I ■

\rM Smnscr.'

" S ' ■ ■'

a s M ^ t

- ^TROBTFTMSMli r__________________ B E /ire --")Ut .D E A R ROBIN: T h o g. piccc you refer to was ti

Didn’t Speak U p.” h w: It Manin Nicmocllcr, a G( is: L u tto an pastor who wz crc— tfi^C est^o ^ w d sent to

' lion cam p in D achau in' ch - was freed by thc,.Atf ed Jot— 1945rAnd-heTtHt-isr-,-

I ■ _ 1 D ID N 'T S P E r- “In Germany. Ihc ^_____ forthe communists/6ndo- •. speak up bccau5c_^.wasi

------nist.-Thcn thcy cam e foi


" J rn c .

( - 1 9 " D i a g o n a l -

elev isio n :linjsystffn • Total Remote (■ iility-»-CwlrastS2picluteiute- ilng • Mute • Mulll-colof otj- ays=HDDaBX424fflUL-l_

F U R Nk M A G N A V '

" ------- 4 ■ -

m e le f t i\biQail wasn’t a Jev

WJ the trade uniU l D l i r C n speak up be<

)earAbby '*?*' ' " - "TTT.. c a i i s e l ^ ,

EA C H .C A IilF . w asnooncl

1C w onderful DEARAIistitlcd.“I lie note 10 111was written by grandirioiho

; German for ihcir grajw asan cs icd b y years?

lo aco jiccn ifjF H iavelJ"in T 938 .H e thcy wcrc gied fo itcs in ficial s iucr,;

_________ lo.lhc Olhcr.'PEAK UP 100. 1 never:)fdzis first c a m c ' i» id .no rw cand I didn’t thing had ill'a sn liaco m m u - All these ]fo r the Jew s,....... now. Some.i

liEUliCHr ------------—

. C . ■


iL s- C U R I O S ^

N o m a t t e r w t i a t y o u c o lle .c t , -a ll y o u r

f a v o r i t e i t e m s will

J a o l t t t i e I r _ b e s t j n j i n 0 _

o f t h e s e c la s s y ,v y o o d

a n d g l a s s c u n o '

o a b i f i 'e t s .

WHIRLP^^W---------- ~"iroOBiUB$0~IKI6ai

Direct DrtvaWtsber lUtDoal; 'U i ^ ^ c ^ i i y 'buelc

_ _ * E a 5 S S l l i L i S


J IT U R E .V ^ O X H O M E E ]

5 5 3 M aifv A W - Z l Q p e i i M o n :

. Wodnosday. Janua/yJI, 19

--- Valto speal

p 'la p c a t t ip becauscl

unionists, and I d idn 't because 1 w asn’t a trade Then they camc for thc ,;, and I d id n ’t speak u p be- ^ sa P ro te s ta n t. TRc t ui^ ^ me, and by that tim e Ih'crc nc left to sp^U oiL m c.!L ____

; ABBY: M ay I add one lil-0 the subject o f paying ihers w ho have b c w sitters grandchildren for many

IJ-gnm dd iiia rcn rW hilc— — c growing up, I w as the of- cr, going from one familyicr.-<Jays and evenings......../a. refused. I was never would I have accepted any-

1 it been grandchildren arc grow n „ ne.are m arried and others

78 total tl U n l r ^ M •Conlra:

l/DRYERPiUR I .naiBTO—-------oaBticDtrer ■ - -4toe load opacity . ■ ... - 1 cmpcfaime selections ■ ■ rfrngtidcs . H Mteswinodoof ifaiafgeMscfeen” '.« 6 4 -OTCon.v '

. & A P P IE N TE R IA D ^ w S t E T - 7 3 3 ^

h -F r i 9 -6 S a t <


: , _ I _______•_ • -

1900 'Hmot-NewB. TWtil Fall*, Id

Hey life 3 ik for rm' only l i r a have ever called ti

m e to dinner or ask i f they a something for me ihat I can’i m ysdf. W hy have the others

— ten fiienow that they d o n 't n anymore77iIl1)ut two live w

_m inu te3 o f m cl____________I would love 10 share a boi

soup or ch ilio r be taken oul som dim es - if only to some pensive fast-food p 1 ^ . I wo enjoy being with them. O h. v love them all anyway.

----------------------------- - ^ CGRANDM'

DEAR.GRANDMOTHBR priniing.your letter. T heguili know who they are - so to th say. “If the shoe fits, p ut i t 01

-rU R rpnoncrcaltyoar^randm c and invite her to dinner.”

A V E 2 5 ^ I I I I■ on your - ....... | ^ H

wtlpurchouol------ I j f f l raENDEflCACHET*



i A V E 2 5 * I Ion your IM

A N Y s n ^ P E ^ ';S S 2 ? R S S

I -------- OISAAK

aVE30»“ I Inext purchaso ol . Ill IIH|

STICK UPS* ' M y-FR A Q R A N C Eir^^ |>^ '^^

» J A V D X - 2 5 ' '^ D I a g o

LOR TELEVISKhie Conliol lunins syslem- ■.SIrco sound; Bdill-in MlSitcieo decod^* Total remo' ll ctameicaoebiliV^fCflQiiwjail^ Irasl 52 lOff picture lube UOOELKU9

H{Ir[G.<72!)» III J l SALE W I• p i l l :W T ! ■


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a t w ith. - ed to invite - ly c a h d oa n ’t d o fo r -----------—hers forgot* ■* r t need m e 'e w i t h l n 2 0 T

I bow l o fo u i to e a tim cinex-Iw o u ld ju s t)h ,w cU ,I


ffiR : I ’m — “ -ju iliy o n e s ---------—o them Ii t o n .g o io ■ 1 dm othcr------------------

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;iONxjnd syslcflt— ------------remole -..i [fscan-turlnB'BM916W ~

e s F ^rER ;_ _

Page 23: mosi an^nosd. N,..W hite House c l-w JB Sununu, who said t the report with Presi' al security adviser!


JMakeJi' ■ Now H; a good lime lo m:

! ; for imprdving.lhc Iandscap< : ; Ings around your home. Evi

. ._ .; l l ish cd lanilscapcs need rcmi ; ■ as family nccds_change ond■ r)ut|>rov.' Ihcir usefulness.

— . ■ Even tlioueb-it-mav-bc-tumomhs or longer bcforc oui planting lime, professional.

. tancc is more available nou Landscape arcliitccts. des

: contractors and nurserymen ; ugcd y ith requests in thc sf■ They have more time now t

— visit.s and make I^ sketches.

I-vcn if you do all thc pla yourself, you will have a m

: tractive landscape if you nu oiTpapcr bcforcTJIanting.-T: time now to browse througl magazines and books on lai

- ing to fonnulate idca^Most public libraries sub;

: .several home magazines su ^■~r SuHyJiaridncilcr Homes ai

ih'cy also have back issues may contain some useful id will usually-find several boi landscaping In most fibraric


Cireula “ saws ai

versatil' By GENE AUSTIN .

, Do-il*yourselfca.,gearin Jiom e-im provcm i^ projcc plan 10 ’take fu'll ^ a

— ; -po rtab lec inn ila r saws. ' A circular saw ‘is often (

first power tools to',go ii (pol kit, and is invaluable projects os building decks walls, making shelves ar plywbod panels. Howcv

' ” saw o’wn’cTS ncvcr.gel fiey . ■ thc steel combination blade

j rallv is furnished w ithjhc Thc tool’s value can be {

. ; .panded by selecting from'i o f blades Ujal makcM

’y T ic ic n t 'f o r ’.sawing most ; - 'wood, and everi masonry a

• ■ '■ Here aro some'tins:-.i* Wood-cu}ing bladt’61- nation 'blade — ■'he basil

wood either across the ^ cutting) or with the grain A high-quality, shatp co blade will do a 'gooo job ir

: work, but faster iuid bette ; .be made by using a spccii ! -6 r ripping blade when ll : :c a lIs fo r it. . \

' For example, most : crosscutting whcn you are dcck or framing a wall; A

_ ;__a_spcciol,,crosscui.‘ or-cu^• w hich generally has more

: ;c r teeth than-a rip or'cc 7 -blade, will give smoother

“ ■“ I’- 'lc s s s ^ in lc n n g r ’—• ■■■•piywood,--\^ll-paneling

-_ j^ m ,-b o a rd aiC- best saw • t '^ e o i a l plywood blade, wh

______has more and smallirr.tD- crosscut, combination or r

------- ;— Sa\sM)Wdcs-diffcr-wid■ sign, and it’s difficult to r

• steel rip blade might have combination'’ blade 44,

' b lade 100 and a plywood 1 Another spccial blade,

V ^ . u s u a l l y ground to 0 thir , ? ^ r o f i le to m ake extra-jn li^tThis ty p c 'o f blade reduce

needed-for fme-fmis- ■p iind-can-be-used-foE-CU

“ brittle material such as pl- • ~TOt_e. •______•

' . Steel bWdes, which an , -inexpensive {less than S8

Cial 7>4-jBchJ>lade). are Tic • . JtuoriiJ' use &hiniH glterpi

; d.O'it'yourselfers planning — ^ - o f • circular saws ’ shouli

> -Buying one o rm o re c S l r -Iblwlcs. These blades cost

■ ^ r Steel— S20:or more for^• • h y 7«-inch blade — but

m uch ,ionger and frcqu : sm oother cuts. Car

-r-::T-p-h!adea.-flre~By^|bJe:in ^—-^-^<ame-vBrifltio;Dg-y-<tccl-

; "generally have fewer tpetl

" ; ” r“ A 'H r6fd?trppcd.Ha3c:• - roust for-extensive cuttir

/ !.<Cleboard, which manyi- s c if c r s use for shelving ! . flooring. Parti,cleboard w■ dull a steel b l^ e . •■ ^ A carbide-iippedjblade ' for'C u t C n ^ 'e p r M ^ - t f

. '.a s decks. Pressure-trea ri«iiinIly-_soiithef^V^l<W

. - * ^ - d o i s i a n d i i ^ u ^ l G i ^ tough (o saw w ith u

1*. sharpest steel b fades. t .,

C-a ■nmos-Novw. TWin Falls,


landscm■:cx-)'malcirplaiis—rape plant-___ IE v e n c ^ b - » j f ' ^ ■ T i

•emodcling' and plants ' I !l. _____ I

outsidenal assis- Sunset Gardennow. ful. They conldesignere, , w hich are gcKx

Tien arc del-“ Both Readers Ie spring. Homes and Ga

iic^ lans or They not only by-step guides

planning - needs and gctti a morc at- . iry o u f in d a p i I make plans "bopfc^ i i m a y j .T ak c th c copy.)ugh home ' O ne popular ilandscap- . m ent proicc^ is

the front yard I subscribe lo Part o f the yan5 such as ____be s c r e e d w:s and Gar- froce.

ies w hich ' ground for a fli il ideas. You , f; books on r ' l ------------nries.k^ericslikc - ____ _ -

arirelie ATvicc---------------------

ar ing 'up for ejects sh o u ld .dvantage - o f ___H j ^ H

cn one o f the , home

ible fo r such:cks, framing .........: and cutting .#ever, som e ' . ^ fieyorid iising lade that gcn-Jb ff,..________^__________be greatly c x ^ _)m 'aw idcva- kc-Umorc.ef- • , , lost t y ^ s 'o f - • . ry and m c ta f ^ '

ffti-A-combi--::^- V -------- ——lasic circular-r'l f r r n iTTinp_ •: grain (cross* nin (ripping),

combihation bin-ill-rourid etter cuts can «cial crosscut n the p ro jec t.....................

It sawing isare building a . ' 1;'a sw itch to■ CuWff b ladfi_________ore and sm all- r'com'bination thcr ciils w ith

Hng-and-gyp-----------------------sawed w ith 0 - , which, again,• jcc th - ib a o -j_______ •bfrip;bla:de.w id tly-in-de-— ^to mVke accu-butTh-QTitcttj.r- j . ___ ■ave 30 teeth, a 4, a crosicut o d b la d e l4 6 . de, the planer, thin o r hollow . i-jmooth cuts. ■, .,:uces the sand-in ish -p ro jec ts ,, ---------- -.cutting som e . \\ s plastic lami-

“are 're la tivc ly"$8 fo r a typi-

j fine for bcca-r p ro jc c is T b u r" : ---------------ling heavy, use ou ld .'consider^ i d i s t i p p c d - - ■— ^ :ost m ore t h a ^b r < l u g h ^ i ^ - T ------- ;—but stay sharp ■equently giveCaibidc-tipped ' "n-many-of-th«-T- |— :;;-A— scf-bT aaSpbufi: l - r r - ' - -jseth. - ........ : '• ' •_■■■aScnoTtnost a f Itting o f parti- ny do-itryour-;/ing and sub^ d will quickly

^ e also i 3 _ ^ t _ ■e -tfe a ^ 'w o b d , -------------------r projccts^iMjh^™tr e a t i w ood, ^l l o w - p i n e , ------------ -;—gBm p rand-can"" — = ------h 'an y b u t th e (

alls, Idoho W odnosday, Ja n u a ^ .


•ping plaAllen T stead

■ WilsSn

I' . I n t e ^ b u n t a i n o fsh

: g a r d e n i n g , , . = - - | f ^ |

b emIcn Books arc very usc^ and \ sntain a lot o f pictures Ar ctod idea generators. vert 1 rs Digest and B etter ' onef Gardens have excellent grow lope.planning books. • - - set it ily have ideas, b ut stcpr hot ti les for inventorying your ' T r citing them onto paper. the li 1 particulariy helpful j two 1 lay want to p u re h i^ '’a ' !. ,and,<

alsaija r landscape improve- th ep t is to recapmre som e o f land; rd for private family use. nicht fard near the house can — ■ with shrubs or a small AI----------------------- --------------

iflow C Tbcdtobe Timt


Cominq 1

---------- — ^

1^ 31 ,1990

d n s n o uiew «O fbm t iic .iro n n v m ilo ^ cad o fth e typical s treet and tn Icw. ln-decp front yards there 1 c jo o m enough between the sci f shrubs and house for a sm all; )'r barbecues or private relaxati ,t thc same time'ihe front cnay e made m ore inviting by rclocind widening the.front walk__1Another popular pipject is t o '

ert a child-oriented back yard j ne for adults aflcr tho children rown. A large* lawn area and s :t m ay be replaced w ith a deck ot tub o r perhaps a solarium. , Try to visualize how a ihangc

ic londscape^wilUook from a t i vo vantage points; inside the h nd,<jutside.- Landscape phjfesst Is available to help w ith bo le planning and construction ol uidscape changes and improve iehts.

Allen WHson tcachesJiorticui iTbcks College. Uis cd7umji a; ears-eveiy-Wodncsday-iaJhe- 'imes-Ncws

a— r -----------------^ f

•_______ ^ —---------------- ■

— 1 ■

• I.' - ,

r in ', -— B y-G E N E -A U S I^ trafnc Knight-Ridder Newe m ay -- ‘--------screen , , Q. I!m going to ll p atio , iostelled on n v hoi Ition. p im to rip ' o f f the ry c a n fihnatlitng gT fae s i JcAting tween tbe s tu d T w l_______ ^ i n s u l a t i o n (R-1ocon* ' fo am ’iosulstton bc d jn to , tng.‘''cbD9idaii m are Biding* almiiinu^D, swing ed haidboard. Whii

c k a n d . think I ahpuld uflo?j A. Thc extra exf

Ige in latcd siding probabl It least i fy o u use a high-1 : home tion-board sheathi alpn--— fibcrglnsrbctw cen- xith thick layer o f polyii o f sheathing should gi

vc- value o f at least 19, ■” ~ “ ~ ~ onnncndcd‘Standflrc - '■ construction.;u/fure Keep in mind ll ap^ ' ■' ihches-of'ifisu tatic .• vnlunble in terms 1

loss and returning <

-I -

. ______

■' i l ' , ' ■


■ ' I ” "

7..... 1 // --------------------------- — —

i ® “s i d i n c

OH'S Servicc ' Ifthe" ed ,Q lltf

to have new «W ing-tioned-l house this m io g . I vantage: the old s idbg 'ffiu l -b ly bo r

nl'w iff i 'f ib ^ lB rT D ll~ sh o u ld ‘fl M 1) and add r ig id - ' boards fbr a h e a th - _ ^ 0 . Wi

eiring thrM t j ^ ' o f w i i v o 3. vioyl ^ Insulat> related t rhich siding do you system. B?— R. C urdo. twice in expense of an insu- cess. W ably isn 't ncccssary filters ii h-R- tyjK o f insula- tate to ix thing ' as well as a ir clear em n id s .—A n -in c h - - in g systi lyisocyanuratc-foam replaced give the w alls an R C. firigi

I9 ,w h lc h is th e re c - A. So ard-for-walls in new—fibrous-

■ : conditioI lhaj_^A^fir^ f w _ p c re c ^ ition a rc~ lhc"m 6st^nan ts in IS o f reducing heat ing the lg cost th r o u ^ f u e l" helpTcci

• ' i •________________


■ .J-_____________________

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1 .................... ' .

■ ■ . r -



lg not reaig s .^ 'ihe'^izisuldtiomfiKtof i^cl^mina] ll three types o f insulation m er d -h av e advantages a n d ^ s i^ Iges. Viiiyl siding'would proK » my-choiccibfcause the colc -a li_ ih e_ w ay througb-.and": ld‘needless-m nim cnancc?^>^

W e have an annoying problet very fine dust t h ^ .seems to b k I to the central hectihg-coolin m . W e've bad the ducts clesne 9 in ooe year without much sue W e’ve al«o;trledtisfaig doobl

1 in the re tu n -a ir doc t Ih e s i a an expensive electrooi leaner the heating-cool y stem v o i d and need to b

soML A ny suggestioM f’-

Some swdies show t h a l - ^ i a 1IK filtrrg in fiim accs and a: itioners collect oriiy about I ; n to f the particles and contam: j in f tc 'a ir o f a house. Vacuun' the y a l outlats' regul^ ly wi ~Re^\ p m e diis^;&OT>;j:ircula:

i/•— ^

-------------- :

, -L.


S r w « m ' t ! * ® W l

•i--......... I

........ .........L J . ..........................

• ~ " 1:

J I ' ' 1 '

i l | ^ e e d eing but w on’t*effmnii«c r

ia ti^» - Q ne.oi:inoreroom -si3 cn— air cleaners rxiay be-a-gi ad- tive to an expeiuive ba-‘“ cldm ing systdni. A tai )lor said to be capable o f de t P i t in a 900-square-foot an ^ - ^ 3 0 by 30 feet — can bt

-'^ 'hbout SlOO. Scara is ( lem Such'cleaocre use a far I b e ionizer and"iiltcrs to in g dust, pollen, smoke .pi ned other contaminants. X u c - and fumance-mounted c! i j te —even-more capacity are £ esi- less than S2S0.n io ................ 'Ml- Q. W e Ead a w ater pr »be-® olw d ,-tha t le ft m i t o "— pets. How to w e /g e t

m ildew and o d o t? - r B.': ical A. Loose mildew sh air m oved by brushing and

IF T lH rca jT K t-th O T u u g h ly r m i- the cleaner bag ou tdoor un-—ih e 'cv p e tisT th o ro u ^ ly w il electric heate!r as a dryer lal“ ana'Vcntilate tfic room w

I....... I, J-


■ ■

~v . .. ..................... ■

i tc f t ' ' '^ * '^ ' ' ' ■ ^i-size electronic ___a-good.alteiiioi£., vc centra! air-

table-top' unit ■ " cleaning the a ir

t area — th a t’s n be bought for - is one source. .

, fan, electronic to collect fmc ; .particles and , X o n sp l^ s ty lc :d cleaners w iih ire available for

T prtAlem, n o w . d e w ja .th e .e a r^ get rid o f the ‘ '• B 'F ricker.■ should bc rc- ond vacuuming

bora. Moke sureihly d iy.-U se an--------rycr i f necessary m w ell;— *----------------

I____; • ■ \

V -


<r* “

______ _________________

Page 24: mosi an^nosd. N,..W hite House c l-w JB Sununu, who said t the report with Presi' al security adviser!

I i i i i j . u . i . . U L iL i;^^ .

f-Soifey;The A ssociated Press

J . j f f iW :Y O R K — Thc stocl dosed-broadly lower, Tues< being jo lted by an unconfu

. p o r t that President Mikhail bachev m ight resign as Sov

Iniunist party chief. T h e Dow Jones a v e n g e «

.dustiials finished thc sessic /p o in t t low er s t 2 ^ 3 .2 4 ‘ flopping throughout the day

r -- Eteclinfajg issues outpa■ vancers b y nearly 3 to 1 ii

-w ido m ding-dfJJew -Y oitSchange-listed stocks, with sues dow n, 399 u p \ ^ d changed. \

V olum e on the floor o f "■“ B o a W c a m c H to - 'lB C T r

__ shares._up-from 150.T7.nithe previous session..

. . ..A n a ly sis s ^ d thc repo ' G orbachev’s ^ i b l e resigt

U ndanlM K M lua.alSatt PM MmoM M v *41107. dl 16.1 •. n«MMMr«:»4iaj7.flaia/a '

: . ' artftMiMMimK$4iaoo.t9iaM.^ ■ MIMOmM .

Mf HMy A HmR:S41S1>. 00 laso. Hrfrv*«r«:S4tMi.c«iaaa _

(> tn a iQ * in tiwc—i, >M0.4». c* fcMY Odom gtM o»«i dsM Tm. »ti.m

> Mrni|puMaNiMM4pA.T>M.Iia.10.________■

B n S i S S S S B S f S B SL ea _ _ ' _

nMtf On*! 0» fl( OMdhg NporM ioa 1 M wy: SMI«« OM iwtMRi wMMty. aaji. OjadtA^UMnMn H

- r - wi* i aI* iCM.MCiDBa» . --------RMd On*) « d Bm In BuN wd H m loiMlflognlktprfBM:FM. Boa «NH a M 140. M

1 BomSJft ______________

!' ’ iS S o S f iS a S w S f f• ' fcifceajo>mo,iMMiHMwn;Too

■TM - S7 JO; BOO • MO fei. MM • a tJ »1 J f t OMr 000 fe«.7US. CholM htiic ta . Bl JO • M it t MO-JW M. TMO • WTVMM. sTOCicrAnoa. a (AP) ~ h J»40ikMMMJUgHr;Mj»2»l

- - - - »4BJ»47Je;H I?M e0ft44.7M «. Mr BOO (b JfrIJO Mw; e w SOQ b IJ B o W M ^ undv 300 b 4

Mn«Ml*ciaMeMn>41.iao-1^ V njattacNMMtoKtfaiMMOOD

M m M B8»1.1 t t b 72J0-74J0; M- - (BB»4B0J»««J0;euB»Mmnoi

KOO; Im M awioi OOM I-a 61 ilM

: S H S s E Eno« BnMW mM kl tN BMM CUM.'beanpoMi OUM nk* st CMn 1.9 w 184.71: BrtM 1-I MO-TOO fe o n a n i

■lM ltfi»awa««]|i»undWoni.d«

t flOMOO fea 11SXO; OMlM 4 a0040S aoofWfcdioyJOiBMMii^aafty

potad on SSJ BMi ol pok « ■ «td aj SHnmd h m tM w . 1 7 « fe* 1 JO M M 1J0 4 J 0 toMT. dMWd « d aoMt MMnr. UB. No. I pok H RM euiogl < Mn 11 BJO. M m d t m 17-tt fe* 71. 4UB; IMB fee40JS. uw eok w mMifkSOJOO.

H e M ^ B d i S w i Il i (Jd 0*- I

- I- jm . I

. ..■ MB _____ _____■. JQl, » - l IMA .. k . . m i H k l l ' ' IM t* i« i r a i M i - » ' iM U U l l a n ' t b f t IMM \ n U10S « - i I

------ mMf'jo---------T mMan* I.U ’ I M n * I . I

' tu td 'M - lI 'Di tl - 1 II M H M b t In t f t l i t . -.'It B» M-R I

_____Magtfui ------« « n - ia - . . iWM m m H

, < itav j» i m m aiMdM m i i i r r 4BI-s ciM M tn ttim.M m eit tw t a ' « » • < » - » e

. tSm ' t n IHI7 » cJ l t i n ? w - i - c

wS am ' I i n i i c s . i v cMM Ltl ti m i Mk I cm t M 1t <M « - n cMMIIM . t . t t t - « . . C

•— t tm - 1— -* -m » - » <iOlT IJD ll« e B 8 » -tt -c■fmm M II in tfUL. cwim ItM 17MH B «tk <

; N# t s ' I7riM W -l C - 1|M7 B»l <

: .MBk JB. m ~« • e_ ..'IMm M ..... H W ; n . , . t

M R 14* I 71 lO - l 0- * S i M-------l ijm ' i r v i ” e

---------WJdH— -------t i - » _ « 4 a > ic

Tmm* I Bt » - s c. Mfl 1 B IM » S (

------------------------------- n«».IU — C•m% <7 a t s - i (I t m ' * ' u n u .1 (ImWU m 14 B I.B I-I (. itaT J l' •. - m l i w - i • t

z p - ^ L J V . - ■

--------in-------------------- HO* lB -» . <S 5 i « . . . , - 1 1 4 * 1 1 * 5

'f t i tk a lM to im W - 1— (-------- n m u ------- i» K re e » i—4

, BMto M - t tm H i-a (- -BMdi.tii___ -Tni«■ — m i- '- m '- - H im a t n .(

; b m i4« .irnn M t-i ( u t... ■.U401 (

.bXo» ub r h « • - » ‘


Cable News Ni..._______ tions Ihroughou

tock tna ike t_ke ts. S tp ck p ria lesday after shortly, after th« -nfumed re- that tradcis at > lail S. G o r- . kerage. stopped Soviet com- until th e market

The D o w ,. > ge o f 30 in- lower, during ssion 10.14 in tensified its 9I i jjfter flip- p o r tO ff ro o rd i Jay. p.m ., thc avera]tp a c e d ^ a d ;. the plus columi 1 in nation- ishing lower at 1 ^ S t o c k J E s i z ^ ^ H i th 1.1S6 is-


r f f t e B ' i gm ~ friillion P o iS E T K ^ W ’ - m illion in _ J j S i !


"P”" - S B S S J i t Ssignationon imeocmM fyaz.

« eM raio o .im a moM rllSM O Jata 1BJ0-17J0.lM>Ntfw Rwa17JO-1UO.ietn M eto .t»n to tl1JC

■ ■ ■ ■ OB. a 100 b 1*1*0: a I

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H a o o B io c e i . Mkf% • B w lW diM fM S tN .B 4 tl il« ir ' IM ia .i»dw g«4 •.W .d r MfO»B«»l«opo«i

■ TtMday.) ' - AkrtrunJITBiarp

»»■O enNr-Si.ltseipo

One *<6 OMI opanOM^ovior Tto-siBeeacuMit rtfUi^VMqr OoW«»4111BHMriy-------- :-------------aad -#4 inopw w ilooB«M iaM l Uon.Rlwrt«P*. BMr-l&210HMdy NnHorMby eBMr<SB.218p«*«)i----------------- - l*K— :--------- —m «inpo rtifN Unw ySaiO »«3C

PMun-S4M4»S6 ,B>W4Ja.onS PWkwn-lsaJON.'i

: 700 fei. « s ja Ctaka* m w SOO - 400 t a aajo ; aoo •700 t a SITS • Bl JO; 700 • K> ttiOCK 100 • 400 fe*. B4J0 • SOJO; 400 • 10 JO • BtJO; m 700 t a 7100 - TSA.I—HogK 2J 00 M i modonM; *i csnv«« ao b oMdly. 1^ b 47J0!47,78: *r M«>7S|-1.a 830430 b4U ft47J0 ;24 SOC b 1J0 4 J0 feMH t-s SOMOO b «Uft4U I b 41 JO b iBo*or4i JO. c m tnd criMK w o n Bm b JO itBtw. « n c « m m m JO aM ^tw n :c (io lo* fr4 t.tt8 .i.27B b : mWBBffTaBO»TaJfrT8JO; ill iWM I b BtSMBJO: c o m M oei<« PMt I IBOO-1 JOOb74JOW»; cMbi 24B »I. K adKt M I00-1.16O b B7J0.72Ja Oom lno UMV r s S4J&SBJ0: Mtft^WSng dA GMBJO-BUkYQ I41j00>1j00fe6100 .C«>idiW TMdM)R . M } OMU 08 . bOMd b**l npon: BMd

4 680-700 fe e*e**o* dew JB «1 KM. m * JS d 12&aa. 70MBO fe < m m liotWnmf c ^ o m o m t n d h i y c m

«ponod on SI lotdi ol oH*r and hdferooRa XOOta107.00:hiBi f cm * * IO.CIWlO»S

i d m . mgndidl nwdinM onlgltdW l* itMy 14 400 up t a B2J04100; CuBor 14 Id BJ fe*M IW pr«0M* peik. Pndi p o t IM 00 S04B t a m d y U 1 JO bMf ■«

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- Sm* ' MO I -h . . >0o h u . . « . . t i i a < i K - i So MMIB V m SHX— KhalgilJB 17 IM I Mb I Ol

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M l tSI t » 17V1 n’ « I 0 7 I1S-I Dd

- - W 4 J * . - - --------- IIKB* P-'DO» m JB IB M n - i Db twfi M ■ t iv n w - r Do tmk M m t t t - l OiM »tJB IBtOM tm~l ■ «

- BfM Jli _ .4 tm < 0 -1 Dm-C -« -

CM ua - I t « tt74 «u Ea QOHUI I1KI.4B-I BlGMb«B» B K M itS - l '' EoCfC 1J».......... 1111* t« M - ' EoCMSl .Q ......... 11 a in Bl

V e « i» I m w 481-1 -&C*CB JB >1 MH7S-U EnOaf* U -H IM ffl B

-...Oofte . . . . W B l- l 6- :<MOk - • II IMI M M I------v .o m m ' 11 tiM to - 1 m

. C M l IJI ' 4 n » 4 ft.« -» ftCodil . t » ho a c o m ■•m 1 0 -1 Nc m i / tn M i- i NO M 1C l i e n ' s -X fk 'e w b i'Jb - , : '- : ;ii-w « iB i- i CMftlUl _ l»M7 M t-I K

_lC ta*_ M ______SM7 KB.I nO aM tn UMOM-k nc m M l - - — MWi.-.Mtei— n CMttijB u m * s -u m OM IS I MH ia« I , j \

- CMW-------- , -.-«lB.*.IS^l“ ftt t ( k | A ^ U1W l » - l n o m i i i ' ~ 't t1M 44B *l fl OaM - tl *44 l» > l ftOrnm 1SI)' ' tS tM MMI - n C td H l« r IISBB S - l caaa IJI' M tBrnM M 9 Oil# IJI II I t s M H ' 01

- C m .V tJB' II Ml 48i;-i®

~ o m .......... I ftOM I g

— <M I»-I«------- 11. ItMCMMtSt, ■ H 711 4M41 .ft CMl i « ' , 1 1

“ t t f c ............... ........I W BI-a— f-O a M U IJ '. ' l4 J f l i r » - ‘- l > 3 . . OdOl P i : . r a

Mj^i ggie s iiNctworic caused’Tcac-— ;Asid

lOUt the flnancial mar- interes rices nnneln the 2 j» jn , EST -repon-m aH rfl at one investment-bro^ Ani^ «d trading tem potjril:^ ' terpret ieet calmed down. Oreeni, . which was h ^ i n g bank v Ing the aflemoon.> 9lide afler the news re-. rd than 27 points U-2:30srage jumped back into cnuo^ jm n briefly before fm- at the close, h*

f I fe l **|! S s ! ! P ^

o ? l m i u ? i ^ a o ^ ^« ;i0fe*Riuo-isJO:6bi»D f r ;«mamr7fl*tSJ»«4JO.nieMr ' ' ^r22J04UO;SOo2U044JO.iaioom o:»M iioM O JO , .>.«o«hV»indbi«;tOO*ltfior«riloMr.10-12nnM -•otniM ^MttoMr.lOOfelJ0 .im «0M )rliJ0 .11Jacacaimunioo-iojainoiay


viBwaorldki London m dm

si4S.un;Mnoid;hMmd i m ,

“ m„ .Usn.

-BpdnerdmuiinoMlpritM UM£AC42JOOO

wpound,KyCenwiipe4met« . Fob

0 pound. U&dooafioaora. Mr*oporp8und.WCm«ipo«

P-m ; / • ironLdm M . ' *uoabWidioempmptlcapwb.) s<p ndySHimon(onrdil|r9Mi>. Oar»o»auMCfiBnio^ge»eion»i___ tte»

OnndylHn>n(ert|rdMrv«M). j« , •>irofc.NTOoniiya«mcwd> Uen.

^«300Mp«7SfcM. Ndf York. *** >SBIUO»)romit.le««™cg. ]N.Y.UMvapwnyoLUon. _ _a s Pa .i m m iB7J0-76J0.------ •itaMJO>t01JO;400>eOOta , y ** •B00tat4je;aao-ooota 1- • BOOtaCUO-tUttBOO'SOO- '

W odbUnjiyiwioaanl'^ k«Oinl2»M4100;2aM70 ISOOaOll4UIH4JO.SaK.Wt _ J“ - n j f t e»»t BOO fe <a.o»4a,oo, m: IM>a*g iwdofdotr «H»*: lJ0-1«hW w;jl«W »rhdbr» . t Jb7«0-7180:eftdOi»»1J75. “ * 2 ‘> f rs to n jw b a jo - a . t o i hoi- * y r partloadilJBO-IJOObTOJO- * » i . i n b ^ 7 m —i w r t

dflorondter*«i*y1-a6SJO^~ ' 100«U O ;Y 01M M al04ja ™ J“

o ^ b io lim m n lM td o n m

ovmninddiniarAEtarnmJS .7 Q » 4 e o b cm m w X « ti y * * m i9^d iia 2 S :b * * M io n i7 s * 2 1 ^*.epaiiH0fe.w; 6 ^ n d » ^ ^iT iiM i.T rn n n n n ^ ^ ^ OeUPi3tS8S»«Q taltl0O ;Cnd»4 i J ; * , inpdM&.UMydXOiaortv- ^ ViNondoBNfegktnddnauair • ~ J L ’t^asouptaioisaBmro- » ” t £ MBta14-iltan«idmhid. ra«>luldom M i.»«jm w. Mil4-1llolniOlNJOFdi.1744 rpdklohit4-lSta104J0.14»iih ? • ” ?!

Odpai 1 tttT K 'n* !' 0m o»* a i t i g t i 41 - » • . a ^

_ e rc a ________14 M a » -x obftic m t£~ ----------- i«-OTTJ— ofcd -C W -1* - I —4 - 1 0 -» Cb* I

1_____- • - - . = a » B -cn. u« « n m-% anf* n IJI 11 M M - l Odtfi Da*(»1« - I 40 » » - l OMll 1i s m . ___ IU . BKX ...ftwo o in iJ i t i t w - M i - x - a v t .

_iMo_ i l im r f S k t i _otM .. OoMIA . 79 n 7 « i-X QdTn MCI t« IMM » lto|« 1

- C«H H IM 77b I (hoaDhW M «r47B7tBCI-1 COU DtiA Ui 1I1M 4 » .X . ■

'Daor— 31“'07-M U X — N *B -DooaoH 7 M MUt NrtdDoiu J l iiM d m -ix wiqr Daa 1 ’ 17tSB 4»«X Hrti * M l .• ' I111ITICT.X H m i Ddtf l i t ’ 101H4 ta«X H « i

- i'E_£-_' - . i : - . w o * - ; t a b i « 11 901 »ti* 1 - tw*r BW* 1 ' II t e n » ( - X • Hion Eda I . I d ll 1 ^ 1 .M l*

• • •« * -JB— -------IIIIII?.!* ..tod*BU):----------— — Wa di6m61J|_____

- & W W B HI m .a

B «« t ITB Illi W W iBry Jb tl i in X m n :Em t« 11189 47

----------- ----- J r -K T l- ln c •• , I W171UX BTCSm .c*ui' ’ tiiTiB a t - x , B irf 1MB )| IB 4 « X MNM M tl 4H W «X Mo«M ill Jl i i M i a x - n mrFMB* IBB 7-B-14 D *

• 'f M i- B tm 1»>K »■ ■■ t m * u - i -HO

tv«Min td I iM «aB -« MBi .

" M l -----------------i i a t i - i i — «»*i--nM titJi — u . m j f c l — e i —

R M btJI- I I4t t s M r I_PV*[» H m O-IX ■ MBI

t o I J I (74tn 17 «Xnag j b . a ' - 1 4t' 81-M i I 44BB 4SI-X j m

- F ^ l S h ' . ti n i K - X Aor- 0 - 0 - Jdnhi

OnOH K 7 « l - I JM lI- o n Ui .1IICT BM -. JMM: :Q m i a - i iB i iH U X '. --a*C*-JB-------41 IB ltU U -S— laM -l

OaM «aBM tt i I M

S n ’ IB ’ * ’t f iw i rn !% '14 M -BI-X Xilh.1

“ ft* rf-a -------im ir -w s n — WMir-M M U - l7.IBl . MI'»-«“- =«— ~

- i m i z t - . — -I IBM4M-.S-- c m i y i i t i r ' ' I 4 t a 4BI-I B M I * c n ) t w I i n 4 1 - « R i^ - ttB l l t tJ . . . '. . ■ . . I J . lJ I 'm -_6o^' _ j _ ' ............. / ' ,, :

e s ^ o wisjde-from JbC'Gprfaachev rep se s t rates and conccm about icing for takeovers remained

chief w om es.-------- -_^ y s t s said the' i h ^ e t also jreted remarks by A xnspon as a sign that the cen ik would not l o i ^ i n t e n t rati

iObtl;dotM pdttL - ’22.70 22.78 32JB 22M •S1J0 tio o »1 .» ' 21.77 ■ -

r 21JB 2IJ7 SIJ7 S lJ t •, _____ 2 t . l t . a U 7 _ l l J 0 _ 2 tJ 4 - . .•

SOJO 20JB U.70 20.72 •) 2 0 ^ 20JS 20J7 204) •> SOJO 20J0 20J0 2020 •

aa i9 20.13 20.0S 20J) •» 20JO SOJO 1BJ7 1BJ2 •g--------- H J7 = l* J* -1 B jr—IfJB T-:I --------1BJ0 -tIJB 1BJ0 117S • •> 1 9 J0„ t|JS _ l# .7S _ ll7a •r 10.73 11.78 1173 I l t s - • n .■ . ,11» •r 1«J8 11.68 4B.MI ifijo lijo \ 0.dB ■

Mon.-oim«.»4«. ’VitoL^(Ci*At>37tj4a. \41*400*. • . \XX)od;cmpdgd ~ \

BOJO tOJO 8OJI V r SOJO U.7D *«ltO S l t t A

-------88.70 -87J0 eilO SB.10—■» : ' • 84.78 MJO -84.40-84J S - - I «9JS S9JS S3.08 SSJS -

, . J l l O « .4 0 - 6 « 0 8118 J S9J0 m o SX40. S3J7 .9 84.4S S4J0 S4J0 8447

8107.....» 8«JS, U J9 812S S5J7"9 StJO 17.10 MM 61271 . ( BdJ73 81S2r ,8112 Men.<t*m27JS7. - ' dsn.'o ep«i M74J34, dlS43. l£AD€DaiA8afC n o e d co m p d o dI B2J9 n.10 et.7S 6173 •r . 63J0 BUS 0120 62J0 •r B3J0 S4J0 6130 63M ..’•y______B9J8 . ,M J 0 _ 6 1 8 0 c * -« _ jI S4J0 84.70 eltO 8 4 .2 8 ^

M99n 82.00B 6BJB •» 87J6 87J8 57.70 S7J8 • t 60J0 6100. (ISO 6120 . •» * 8180 •6---------B3S0 ■ 8lB0-5i2S-B2.7»— •1 812S .*lM20JM. . 1 ' Udv’t epdi M MjatroB 1 jia.^—'--------

» «n •>* Spdon* suck E m n p i n m o r .Ud«SSdEld

BU/M S m r .12

2 S r ^ ' -----------qvn ~ 1.00 ’> « rl*» i 23JO :*Co»i J9 --iHnoionw • .70MnmouKm 100A • - ............... • - ■ 14J0—m a n -----------------------------23.00Mpandirt ^a*6qu*w .20m^edan';---------------------------- J* •M b 1 -•.06

M t a S a ^ 100r a m - ■ ...................... 338-■nIdliBn .18d d P m r 29J0 :.OoU .. . - .- .O d -ddU ntat M

Onr-Vi»CounioratUUm ' ~ J SnodcanSKar 1.10

:1SddPbom . M ' ..................Il»«rBuM* JOM rSid ■ J8LBMutao -02LBKtA* M■ U ^ JO

las 7 87 0 ' -^ IJO i Rl 0 - 1 Ltta .M«-JI--------- -----------------------------tfn Bl M4 Uert .• —J l --------W -B d-iB -J___• IBb I7SB tOr-X IjftWlJlI t , ------- ■■.. iM i- ia - n i- .MFi .11 I Ml X . U<cW UM l I IB i7l U »dp tJS 1 *447 » UdM 1J0 l;4a IS n il a ^ x i m* t' ,70 ........ H B JI'IH ^ll " l l* t ' ,M IB i i m i i u t i iico#n'JO ........ tt«40 IB IMjrti|k IJ2 tl toil Bft- X Liftcm l I TM l a UMM 1.w ' ; b b IIX-X

- I M I - . ' ' UUM ----1--------44Bff-41-.l — KW-14M ; 14 TB 1 MMn i.(Mr ‘ , 1« Bl ITX-X M r*A J l w lia m -X wkoMlJh - BT .ia.1 MM JMl Al ITtJTT'W-X kbM I.

ta -W -X -Ita# - .Mr A 17 B14. IB - 1 HnalA « u u n 4CkX IMOS t,u * ITB«t!{7t-IX Ua«|J0d a a . tB » M |!.^ x

S - T —iM lttb_______ 7 .0 H7X.X IWd IiU U i----------- iriHTTB— tad—w . IM ■ M1TJ7 BX-1 m . I

- M - I: M it .4i “ t i l ------- r .~ u r , t i 9 j a _ n d « L J•cs IJB ,IB I1 IR-X- - m 1, u t ^a I t , 74 IB-X ■ IMint s. 1ir JS-------- I 4 « 4I',-X UtrflU

UM---------I 7t* n I - X IUI i K-------------------Bt m itM l . M Odt 30 I---------I IOI 0 - X t t* l I pMIJD----------tll tB 4BI-I' UoMri I « 1« ---------- 'II 4d m -X U M

----------- I L » — -----------------t _ * * ________I i i ta r f m — HCM-. Irte I I I ------------ 17 JlliMI — WB —Mt 1 , 'iri4B)B;^X MCOI

m - ^ 4 m ( '4 M .i h m* o n j i “ ' “ is‘w

- * - j - ~ t t : . M oiijM II lli » . X Wtm JB ' ‘U m B ^ x Mdl M - pl«»4 q.= .» ,-IM W tMlI JB It 7l«tl -X HMf* 1 Ml J t tl II4B t a - l Hbl^tj

- K - K - NM

■ak' ^ io b '< X -»-7IMSl“ i. .*.!*!. 5 : ” ; . !S i„

nM JB • It 471 IS . X .IBarot ■ e r r - d i — ^ i-7 7 - « n n i— hmthM .tf l ' LJ,__ 1U4«,MXt S ^ jb ta . . .h m iji-------- m m -47»..x-fiM«»-M tlB - I»lt1l-B - X H i M ‘

l a •• 11-741 M t-----------. .1417 to - x 'I ObMU

PQimM). CM. (AP) — Bta I efxirt d iT b rffm «*addP B riU

r S - s f i S T i r r * ”d t h c i ____

^ l l i - H».2 b d b« irm ndbo i A i„„ H aSbdbydm radbW ont Alan ihvd iadM oarm dertba

entral lOpetptadi

“ v:i 5SS3S1 ^ ^ tapctpnMi

llpdprouh itpapcMki IBpdpnMi . POmUNO. Ora. (AP) - UofT

—J4 KiMngdPerMndTiawbyta . —M rol nck er e m p * 'W id .

-^17 No.l*0(taMbat«d...-.14, _ N ti,im *4>«t<*d.____

-.12 He.1h*rdr»i»*aorat»oM -.11 M paddkKofrtreehid - .10 POCATevLO[AP)-khhoF« —J t HbenlnrimTtMdnr;

WCA TglO - WM* t l*d S r-=.07 4.75|dM0f).1«l*l*»n*H . _ x » porwrtwMorlt8<do«i4>._

-.08 OQOEN-WM*>ti*d3J8|C —iM {do«iS];l4poro«diprtrioU - J Q aMdtJadlOidr).

. - J B P0mlAND-WMiariMt4.l -.OB I10JO-II100* ion (dg«n 1); -JO (dnm1);11p«oonl«lrMr44 - J 6 CMCWBl-VIT«*«tii*I81

toy no quett; LA. i m r ne

dtalSncMKMNiBrYatk .JS m .e a d ln j" i8 e ^ d m o n

- * S Nun* Vdura*^ TtT ________ 4 ^

....,.06' NdK»«moyn 3.4*. J J FM M^o . 164...M UcMo 2 J?Im ■ 2-»«J8; * • — -- ‘ IWCna 1.n

OonEkxMoM 1.74SouMRiCe IJO:UALCorp l.4St,7

- S Ewn .noc T tm n ij«

-A S ' "- J S-M- 8 8- 8 8 p H H M M H I H i i

- OdOAOO(AP)—OrakitMw - J S cmdmodwtairbMrTUMe

. Bsddd Trado totoorlrta a tape------------ iBMiadt)*en*vin«*iak»--------- 1 ehtkman.............

Th* fflld lomoon nipcrt on fft

a M fi*dtand*dano*kib*

eU»o b w p u S e e o e d bn CHCAOO (AP) - FMJro* n e

w n- B addoiT m T iw iir:V - . - - . Opdi .Hgh.-Upi

WCAT I1 A iM 5,000 bumMfnt(n;detinp« : - .18 kite 3J(» 9JQXI IJO Ltov 3je> 3.68)ir-1180- - JU ------------ ^jioJTSioirI IJO . Sip X 3J5X lU t 24.00 Doc 3.87H 3J7* !I '- .08. - ' 3.71K 3,73I to . Man.lo«ta1SJ01 ) «J0 l«n,-oqMnlnl83Jl2.i«r -1800 comt-23J0 - S.OOabu<rMm<n;dol*n-p«

JO Ite i s n 3J0X) JS Ibky 14SX 2MH• —AO J U - - 148K-Z4B I B*p Z M iA tH i i_ .10 _ cte_______1401 Z4e»a am uat 2.U isdr - 1 8 8 - Hbn.'»M>o*6fl.108. -•I J2 Uon.'oc9onbit1BIJ24.dlI 20J0 OATSI-* .10 ' 1.000 tximMnum; d e m por> .10 Ite IJ6X 1J«I

litor 1.4831JO JU IJ3X 1J3X

I IJO S^i IJO IJO.JO Uen,-oiiln881..16 Usn.-ooponH1l.440.upi

I .08 SOYBEANS> .18 iooobur»Miwn:delw*por |-‘ -.12 ' Ite -■ -1 - -6 J4 8.64J I .10 IMy 177 ' 177I J8 JU ."~6J8*-6JBK II. J8 A « SJtR 183t J8 Bop , 8.8I> 182t J8 Ne<r ' 6.97X IM I> .88 J«i < 6J7 107 I JO Ite 117 117I___ JB . Mv 120 120X

• : itel*«lM»lJ6t.Man.-»epi

- A - l - , (jucu m,14 w IB. X__ OMaeui

,41 11 II t s - x OCCK1J3 _ n _____ « t l B -X OirgCBIJM --- OjT— 1»

'~uo to .ja w - x odw «■1^'nr 781-X - I

I IJO 14 til CT- X pm ,11 1 I I ta iC6i-t m t s

I H4 IB fS -----*i1 i n tl - X Pa£tt 141

t 1 B Kt ill PaOE \a1 H id M - X > taTtf IB

I 1J6 ■ -7 'H J7 * - -1 - P*»p t?»- IMI ~ PKbai J t - II S»7 II -1 Ponte

-1 4 3 ----- t( -1ff7 J» -X — P a e — JI U l ll4 IH fin -X P»Q» JO I isa n pnn5 t IJ UB n - X Pwrar : a ItBTIiaX-IX PiA. Ul

IB- ' 7 T4 4S-X PVrad i- .« : - - _ - t i o t i » - x - p»6»r .11

IW 1 0 '.X " PipiCe—1MX> tilO l 4B-X Pais B|J b I tilB 17X-X Ptor L«I 1 *■) I B _ 4 I B 7 I dWHX PMtllJTl~ f i--------- RUa~l7)C»-' Pt**i JO. Ii4 II M B • X PtM t— M------- - Htap—

l « 7 B« Kb-X. PtMli t « itioii 40.X- •m a*tM I g -I S7-B - —X- -P ta i—JD't jo ---------i rn ir jn = T (— J W |- *I I i t t m B»-x p m t JO

114 I m tlX- PaflC IBUB 14 n 4 7n .x— nw i s

IIB I jn » e -x PnaiiiJ] UO 19 tlWTI MbX PBiCd I

niio 10 074 101- a ' POD u I U4 11 n BX.X -Pi« ir-iJitl 'lB ' ■ iB ra n - 'x ' OM*I J l 14 BB7 M-1X OdK) \*_ - I M I - * ~ ___________ aoMO_J-, I * : ^ „ I D t t . .4 « r J I ---- O d lB _—4JJ_,__ U B » .»« -U J t m r t BSIM . . V to IM8 17*I JS ■ 7 Ml tlX -l MPwlB- W — II 41l-4«ix - TtagrO —• IM II B -W -X n^M Ul

1IU7B to - x ntBn i lit? I ItaitM IJOI l i n s a iBMid JCI IB tl a t» -X M M Jl aiM llltB B B -X HdMoljg g « . B ta i IB-X IW>'-------- :---------II *17I-I«— « d » -J»i-rx4'— —i9 B 4 i - * t - x - 'i t a t ■»I..,;!!■ota ------ - ^ ' x B|d* J

**4B i ' ^ - « t ! l ~ S I p 5 - »-----0 - a - B « tl 4tu o 1 a n a t n ~ x ' t e w u

> /

• , / -

' . J I

pgtpSidbrW Bm rBlvrol oood.OBoib9 o>n( onjflrdtaU

anMAAJ7-J ________ 4 ^ | l^ B J 6 - J 7

^ t f ' - f i r a, 4 J t CHICAOO (Af

4J6 Uonam Cd 4J7 Op

Ml CATTU4JI 40.000ta;oo4J1 Foo

- ' ' -4 J3 Ap-----------*rwgewidltorgr*0 Jun^ o n a d d i^ in w x h r A j

4JD Doe ' "______ _ 4J0 Itei.'tidii--------- “ " ~ 4 J 0 - . Uoh.' opa1 -•4 J8 FEEOERCAT iFMinButaailrMnneun- «4J00ta;oi

iibr« 3 J 2 ( i t o |^ : i m y _ Apr_____

«>.---------_T!--- !------ - * u g _ _ _ . |H|do«n7);bir{iy4JO ' ' 8op“ )U0(dBM2];11pdMnl CO

tt4.IB(daan18);bd1^r lisa-iodr>1|;l4pdOMop>Mo4Jt lion.-oop*r440(doan2). HOOSa 6.10 CM (dMH 37): bdf 30.000 ta : co

:!!!:.:_____ SJunJui

m U i J t W s — ;. 0ml. . , ^ 4

r S ^ E m n o i b . ■m V N n ll. IteO cpa


1.410,100—' Six — u Ite - g L644J00 2M -^IK Ufv t U27JOO 3U - t » , JU t2.1M.W3 37K 1 A i" a

2.181,700. I7X u ' t 1.B7BJOO 4« « X Ite

t.e33JOO etK U n'oulM 2 1.743.800 sax * K IJO7JO0 2IUI - X - »,7oo 121 -ISX ^mm mrn

IJS3.BOO 47 IJS0.000 17X VX 1J49,eOQ B8X «S |J41.60P__ 4 « - «

_______________ Abertsof

HIHRifliC o n A o ra

- C g r e - iaportffwBcMdtom D u rr& p f ■ ^ - C o n .m « * .P - tr -nff>*CttMH*iMHd-acli U J U e |»iVia8ertdUt*nmrdnd loao tardgn Bad*, kf k&thO PM

' S S S t l a w ' IjO n tfF l

- ' - S t,ipMbUd)d. -IQX 3.7S34 3,78 -J2X \ . * SBX 3JZX 3.83 —J 3 & o o :4 7 ^ 9 :4 » ~ jM '3JS)| 3J3X 389X - J 2 7X 3J5 3M -ta n 3.7ZX 171K 3.72X - J l

M onth <, . . m . ^ IipdbutM a n r IJ « 2J8X 2J6X -J1X -AtH 143S 2M% - J 1X Mar.L40X-2.48 - 2 .4 a X -Jl e - l . - - : - , Bl 2.47 2.47 -J1 X ™ X I I6X 2.4S 24SX -JOX . 1 ^ i

Sd 2^ 2J s x - p o a M ar.__ <

4 .d iiB i ' 1 M ar. - «

ijtx -^ ook '(.44X 146X I.46I ^-JCK *JSX IJIX IJ2X —J(B m ur. < 3 . 1J6X IJO —OOX I

,up84. '_' ■ M ar. iiportMhd Mar.-L64X-8J7 -BJ8X|—08 MoT---- '7 170X 871 -i-.04» ,n 183 184 7 - j » M ar. iBJZX i s n SJSX —04 . . ,2 - 6J7X 6.M J-jiK M ar. •

6.03 •8.94- - J S X M a r-- y B.CO t.&4 t - a s 7 113 ' 118 1,-02 F e b . (20X 120' 8J0 V—JH >efMl«MJ81.l9lO»4,

l i t H tja 'T IX -l 8d>f\}1JS Ld tl B7 MX-X BMS IJB- I - -----— BxS— B _IB It iss a .X b i ^ i«

. t l 7 .X h*» ii » ------- B-«n.4i.».x._.aKfK ta________ U W .flB -U__ M rr» :h ~

JO ,l4t n t - x ' Bnt> JO, .- M - . ’ »J*0 41.11 . i : i w 7V-X Bdft.lTl t a l |4 I O » - X BM«17|—

-»>--------7-1P 7 -1B -»~ lad iin ■ It, M 4S. X lB<|(» 31% t a ' I1'4ID«X.X BxMotU IB 1110K7 4 0 - X t r f d US

171 111110 4« . X m U B } a BoarOUBi

a u » -X M n IJOji. . _ l .......- a i . n i a n . x ..JW H .;i* r.

JO tlBOl 4S-X 8|«DI JD .t in I - X -

U l to a ii B i - i - VUl to lilt « s - x TOO i a

3 ' 11 M II - X TTM 1.71,11 li B7 IQX-X -TkB------ —

r-1 - 17inO-BX-X_.,T*,. JQ„m 1117 B >X TMaai« u m I7V-I Tr4 JO% 7 ISI KS-X Trdfd

- uo: — T«B| «------117 14 t i n 17 ' Tton J9JO ’ 10 » u n a - 1 TMia - 41 .- (7 Tin MUI T«(CBl

------------- ^I-I0. . i» .u u —I«=e.afl4-' . T n in Tmt*

tM U SB 4B-X T m . b

- » T ~ ' ; '■ .T w -i» r» ^T JM r.w ^ I JO ' BIBI 4S-X TMM Ul 'IB - - 10 m tITVHI T m I

a liTMBX-X I M 1HB 11 7474 ta .X TUB- IB

I 10 n M bx T m B Ul t o m Ml Tdfaa a

-IJI.......... I i n E».X-_To«ll » -.............I im-1-14 TivM tti

t « B140I 4 I I - I TMcolBl_ jg ___a n t s TMT u sa_______ll_IU -niTJCU ilCM U M -’IB II a M - X' .-nun J |.• - • I l -B - - - - ............ .Taa* BIB ^t4ll1trB(•x mcpI-— . - P B l » - X --------UB 11411 Mb X ' UX.OI

1D Bl UDI ' t a IB ltB 7 4BI-X UCIaJB 11 411 I1X.X um IB Jl II7B »> K UBl

IIJI 11 440 n u x un i4o a iM « iix -x uen i

-J» .. — t- a t - T x - g — u iM -ia - ■M - - a n # Mi-1 tw d t a

f ■ M l IOU X tM|* I

b ', B i s t ( t a - X UBM 171- »U - UiTMi tJB

I I B - , - -II - -T -ii i-x - '- im i'- J# -p.1b.......... BBM7S-X UNcM II J i tIB B P LMR1BI t * - 11 tB l a - i -V.

W o r i d ^ - /

m. LdQ* AA .77-,71 modum AA .74.,7S. J7.JB.te9* A .78-,n, A .73-74. 8-J7.__________________________

oemng*TkMMbrOpM HWI Loa S«M 0 »

l.;oondp«b.74j 8 60.10 7SJ2 TIM .88

----7 8 .» -77J7_7«J7 - 77J07___.22-72.40 72.70 7240 72.82 *J0

71J0 71J7 71.1S 71.17 7IJ0 72.07 71J6 71B2 *02

•• 7JJS 7ZB6 ,7288 72J0 »J0 iidn14J02 .iopdihiOTjBl'm & ai;..............~ .CATTlf*.:oonbpirb.

■ B3J7-S3.SS ts.20 S3.27 B2J2 B2J0 82.1S «2JS >08

— OaTD-SOJt H,80 -t0,72- —OS ■ ' ■ 80,1J

70.70 78JS 7#,T0 7I8S 420 7DJS SOJO 7S8S H.OO

IOdM61l. ’iep*nMIOJO2.dllJ03.

o.:oonbp*rb.40JS 48.80 4BJt 4942 *.2747J0 47.87 47.12 4732 .,1262J7 83.02 8156 S175 .,11

62J8 - 6140 62J7 82.70 -.IS6IJ 0 - 8M r 81.10- 8TT • »

48J0 40.00 48.46. 46.47 . —1}^47.tO-jl7JO_4fl,eS_4«M -0 8

oodMll.TW. . ^icp«lM31J7B.o<l771,l i e s(.ioonapMb.

6IJ0 BIJO SOJO SOM -IJO - SIJS 'SISO 6088 61.17 -1.23

82J8 83J0 SlJO U.17-—IJO 62J8 83.7S S1J0 6280 - J S 6IJ0 81.80 60.10 8085 -5 7 66J0 66.00 64J6 6i.08 -JO

88 80Jm 2.706. Uen.-* cp«i M12J73. on 78.

H d S B BCtoGeOig.

io ra ---------------51Jr-"-J5fpV alFnd 6 5 4 . -J4‘ ' gra ZSi, ------- -----------------

.Phelps ' sa ■%S ^ B a n k -------- 2f3K- ^ —ieira 29K -KPwr.Co. m . ->4 Ftoer 51 -iy«

If QY* -Jin T ^ ' -X

1 CommodBy HigtSvecattte _ eo.ic

" B v 0 c ^ ' ................... '772ifeedercattle 835£

•five hogs--------" — 49:8Cwheat • 3 m

,_ co m :. soybeans 5.64M

sSver • _____^^52Br p d ' ; 421.50

copper - 97.3Cplatinum 522.5Gsugar , 15.0£Trsssifry Dills . ‘ 9253

-Trea8.;Bond8-^ .......9124I>marit' • .— 59.77 S-tramjr 6728

' -------69.84'c n J d e d l ' - 22.76

0 II MB 71 -IX Vm a s a iJ i7 40.U . y«r^______ _

M II 144] '70- x’~, t t l l l t n s k t iMdtt B

a 1 1038>3» M*1 22it----------12.:BaLl7X.X-IBmllMJO,. t: tcM 31^1 utm I* - 41 t3 40 t s M tf uo .> a s 40- X WMnri------------ ll10-4tx--l— A■ i ■ - 17 -IB -44X. X Hqatl IB - ' n 27 s L . n - a

JS . 14 44« s a - 1 1 1JB - 11 4W s - - H A 1 Uj »<- 11 m to . I

a7oam..iiar.J..t7<«M .41JD. tl 1101 tn - i

_ M - ' 'l a II t72i 17X.X • 'a ,1.71 II tw-------- w a w 'ir-M.i-a >f" ^s i ta Bfr-x ^

' a u « " a n -x — « * •» —a ■ io»4i » , X -w*

4 IS tMMXtlX

b 1 i i S j^ ^ x...ItTM JIUU— VT>_ai.. .-

-----4|-1B-J!XrX— M « |'- —a . _ M 1 1 I » -= ,» ._S25L‘- ' i ' •-1 7 ta ta i* - i ^ »1 , iiteat<M x-o- .

IM 14 141i M - « -a 14 U4 a t - xa 11 m ttx-x B

— UttlB tB-X » * * « » . .

5 ■■ * ^ 4 ^ 1 ~

I t — T*f 7 i ^ i ~ 2 ? - r « - -J t a Mt 14 . X

■ • 'J04.1O.X -H .- -----------1.M a t------

I t4t7l UCi-ll .7J_t a -II a w . I tdMjf a • n 4 1 7 tJ « » - X ,W S US a tiM I7X.X- w »

4 4M «bX ErBtl140 10I7B a t-X Ffc«Pt1Mi

ru . ' . .

,ja ■ . ,1.-11 ffi-X a ___171 11400 BX.X tJB l i r a B - X

____ w w m «iu.n JM r.. I . .- a - - -----------7 » r x

I 17 77W « - X r ^ 1 •« • l« . 10 B114IX-X- Hibe ,tl -y_V - ■

..--iW pdrw sday .Januw y:

roai■ indOf*dM0id>em».Pln«30:C<ito*d0,

ono ftm 38.00 tor d.ltr«) porndl Qn 2SOO.

. I----------------- -------- . 4 r r

iPRWQFIELO. ■-(*?) —Tfu« ond m MMTod 09 CMb^o. Otoiasor* Inni I rM«r« m bom Hflntnd dMero, ;ro< end n eelw ilew m w 130 p m,"twt

Ne,26an«rfw«i 3KB8 No.lY*low»Oy«Mnt- 6.60H

a Na2Ve*e«Com * 2J8Xi

2 •-Mrmlr^aKvalerbldi.0 n.4.-naiquoW(L

* S 3 ? iS r « a 1“' IdonapkM: S3Q. - Smalwr«M:S24

OutMSon* tr* hMhe prloM cellKtod • IMAM Nm . U.S. DoparttnM of Aflrn va nd to vowari. 10O peundi. UJ. I4t

, lmld>nob*«nUxandi)sng«dwB(2 rMonJinSO. PreducMtdoMlngmen

S. . ~

s r A W l »1 -— - Op*o - Hijn law c

IOM25S9J3 2S78.I3 2S130d 2!

5 20Tm} ■ io ft5 .* » -io ttw .io n » u i3 t6Ut • 21183 210.M 2t6,n : ] 8S8B< »S4,S6-08»ja tl2J2 0 r mdu* 24,911.7005 Trtn 8.12B.100} UHt Z717.000

eS6» 33.790.800

M4< , 48H'■pacificorp - 4 ,

Premark - 28JiS ara L ee Z

— Td Intemattonal:-------22)1Untvereal Foods 2f

— Valhi----------- ---------- 1®.VVest O ne Bancorp 2 S

Quotations from EdwaidD. Jones &

• ’i- .j -

igh . Lew ' Ciose - 10 79.32 - 79.95 .27 76.77 77.'07“ '^ '-8 3 .2 0 83578b"-— -49:32------ 49.42”0)4 ' a75y« 3.76K ■ Z38'A' : - 2.38)54)4 5 5 7 5.58)428_ . 523 52450 416.80 418.1030 --9550 - 95.6550 5 1 750 519.6005 14.43 ■■14.4453 ^ 4 ^ £^4924 .. ^ 1 8 93,07 .77 58.05 58£028 65.95 66.38 84 68.40 69.09 .78 22.36 2246 tom Sinclair 8> Co:_________

14 o* a s - x' wiw 110 I73(J a - x tUrr i a 1—~ . - _ . .iftsiii..

:« •- " -W3?n«— —•. II tl a .tMb in

J4 n o « - » I»rrtB a- . i t a a itd au B ______1- tl. 1M 2JV- K Wrm CO

t t t t Bl-tk-1411 IMJ

s 11 SM r n - x » « ] 'I - . l a t i a t - X . >«ft ..._ .-if e*M IM «■» ,15j 3 r a i » - x . I«*|ice4a. .I 't l Ztll XB MxaSb' I I t t ) tsx- X ►««■-I I s t a t i ^ g iB I 11 » - »

II 14 » - X JrM ~ jI ,ltj ll 4»-x W» lOl I la X a •

i 11 ; IX usfl! 771 a -% iMrC.I I « i a . X__ It o ___

j t 111 t t t - x M « a—_. 11 iiza t ^ i ’U ______- ■

■ t i t w , rx . X - WT*. u --------- -— It t a -N C ff lj -a - - -

. Ill 11 - X - Hnc a tx - x - cu

B 410 ia« X OOMplTk13' HI II - t PtC# B, . , 1177 . S P«H ,10a

------------- « i- - a p««fl: aM7 1X-X PtU ,1Sl tM 2»-X PMor>vBi , 1107 B. X ' Pan"* -75

-------14 I i i c s v - I — PirOn-11-. -ae« IIX-X 8 » a - i

. . 4H I - t TE \........... a -HI- T ttb - ^ j i .—

10 1 IIX-X TM l 41*74 a u x . T»«

I o - x T»n t ll7 « a Tctfa B 141 IX- X T<v • ■

- TM i ' Iim 11-1I.1-1I Uranp

.. I . .7..«X^K_UF»W^-----T7 1IM-t»— U— UftoB------------

------ 1 I- i l '- 1 J ~ K ----USCd---- ------I 4M l a - X Unrt

----------- 1» t x - s ” \ * 5 - 'x ' 7 .. in in . X mrvi

........... Ii. n.40» .-w ^ ....4 ....... .

41 t a W A 44 • 113X1 IB -X - wcw 1 IM -JX- X *»CT t«

y 31 .1990 « pm gs-N ew s. Twin i

_ D

nd».M J»,OrodNot«Mmo!

ind ta im org tdn Inni M USOA r w

Mon Prt-_______3 1 0 — 3 J® ----------6.60X 'IBSX

________!.38X* 23731----------------

MJiMMIrl>r8**n ,- Agnaibira. Pncao*M»'(WBM-Oumcu-3 mero rocM pdoo

Od 2S*1J*-10,14 ,

Tf ttn t ITW-*7fT______S,n 2 tl8» . OJS J2 042.88-12.87

48)4 -/4-4 4 — +H-------------28X -1

27 — ' -22)4— -y.---------- —

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lie* « r « » -x

19 m <x- »--------- ____________

:i JW 17 -X

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n a 1 a t 4X. X

____ S l a 37I.IX

31 a i IB.X ...11.736 IX-X -I

— .— a - 1-— r-^- —iB-itxi--2 n

1MS4 1»-X

a d i i s U x ' ' ' 14 IIB , ISX . . . •

I M li -X

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U - » - B -X ,. ua i n i ... .

314 » -XWl I - X ' .

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Page 25: mosi an^nosd. N,..W hite House c l-w JB Sununu, who said t the report with Presi' al security adviser!

D-2 Tlmos-Nwsr.TWIn Falls.

BriefI:= - - A l b a n ia n s 'd e i

:“n» R lS T IN A ; Yuiosiavii chanting “ E>cmocnicy!" (

______ of:Podujevorand-i;wo-pe«----------protests spraid. ncross Ko

Thc deaths b r o u ^ t to - since clashes began'JanV*

A bout 30,000 people funeral o f one o f

— G bm tnunisfs <_ • EA ST B ERLIN (AP)

bo o st-th c ir p o pu larity - eventual reunification wi

An E ast B c r i in cou---------- governm ent’s rc q u w tt i

behind, bars un til his tn . bccause o f his ailing hca • he w as taken to a nursing

_________H n n cck e r’fi successo. launched thcir uphill car ' by acknowledging a nati<

Gregor Gysi conceded th

I G r e e k s h i p mLONDON (A P) — A

J___ (liirinB ft-Storm in thcEn^• feared dcat^ the coast guj

r Two liodiw . one idditi ashore on the south cos

’’ sh ip 's namcTTlagThcofii ~^~ -T hc-coa6 t-g iia rd siiii

Egyptian w ere o n board.

Bulgarian chilS O n A . Bulgaria (APj

fiercely attacked the ousi for change as he tried avoid a party split.

. . A s thc p a r ty began i splitting the post o f partj when Todor Zhivkov wa

^South^Africaii................JO H A N N ESB U R G .

_______ rubbcL bullets j n d tearmarching on a stadium team 's m atch against a S

— — The soccer-tcam |s-toi ----- visiting'cricketers h a v e :

employees refuse to ser* baa o n sports contact wi

, ~

T' :

«__ _ ; ______________ :

i E =

aU s^ a J j^ ^ ^ ^ K ln e sd a ^ ^

fly Jl e m o n s t r a t e f o ra v ia (A P )= 1 v lo rc than 6.00C !" clashed w ith riot policc

KosoTOprovincc, _ , __ ^to 10 thc num ber o f officinll

inV24in the ctKnictJly trouWe 3le gathered iQ ,the lown o f :k il l ,e d e a r iie ^ , r ' .

5 e n d o r s e p l e m t

>tP)' — /E a s t G erm an Com m ty -b e fc re parliam en ta ry e l w ith W est G om any o n Tues*

:o u rt re je c te d th e C b tn m i ; t t o keep J t s ou sted Jeader^ i treason trial in M arch. H o health, ood the ofTicial news ling home.sso rs In t l ^ o n c e -m ig h ty C M m ^ p T r u H a a T W l H e ^ lational fever for rcunificatioi J that tt^e ^ v e m e n t is u n ^ p

m i s s i n g i n ( ^ a n- A G reek-reg istered cargo English Channel and all 19 ci guard sa id ju c sd a y .

cntified as a G reek m em ber ol coast o f England w ith a life »fiuio;- — - sn id 11 G reek s , s e v e n Mal irf!

I i i e f f i g h t s w i t h - i

AP) — Communist Party chii justcd leadership Tuesday cd to p lease refo rm ers u t i i

in a th ree-day congress , "Ml arty c h ie f and state president, was removed from 35 years ti

a n ^ c r i o c e t p r o t e sG , Sou th A frica (A P ) — Pc ear ga3 Tuesday to p iw c n l j im to' protest a 6oyi:6tt-busii: a South African university tej

-tour^has.caused.coD&i}ntatio ve a p p e a l including their f serve them . T hc team is dcfyi ; w ith South Africa.

B oy m e e ts girl. GM li

,-E very fam ily s t a r t e d ' — ^ o u r s , - a n d g iv e .o u r.

iri t h e g o o d o ld d a y '3 0 s , th e 'S O s , o r^ h e

w n e r e d id y o u m e e d o o n y o u r first; da te d a t e t j e f o r e h e "p o p

S o m e o f u s g a th e re t — S h o s h o n e Falls fb r p ‘ w a lk e d m iles t o w o (

o th e rs d a n c e d t h e r fo rg o tte n lo n g a g o .

VMite u s a le t te r tha l ^ s n d ^ e n d ^ . p i a u r e j

■ In h o n o r o f M a h o S ! p u tt in g re a d e r s ' re ir w e e k ly c o lu m n . "Lo

^ - n i r a sp ec ia l s e c tio n '

B ring y o u r s to rie s a t ■ office.' o r m a il th e m

- T im es-N ew s, R O . Bc 8 3 3 0 3 : ,

AlllieiauasJharec. wtth care-and retun

uajy 31,1900 • ’'V •

■- . . . ; V

>r freedom — r t ,)00 cthm cA lbanians— T uesday in the city BL

d'in"8nothertown"83- ,N ico__________ _________ mini;

inlly reported d e a t^ b ^ iy r f regroiC toTold f U rosevac fo r the demc ' rev o

T ues

I to r e u n i te ^jm u n ists angling to aRaij e le c tio n s e n d o rse d - . - u p ruiesday. • ____. rule..m u n is t-d o m in a te d At e t .E r ic h . H onecker, a sso H onccker w as freed pircj vs agency ADN said ^iske

------ -- ■ chil</ C om m unist P arty__ .

don,-and party leader pirct oppable.

jnnelsjtorm Wgo sh ip d is a p p e a re d > c re w m e m b f f l w ere . ^

ro f th e c rc w .w a sh e d * " ! I L life boat bearing the j ^

ila ld iv ian s and one I H p

-party split— - Iih ief Petar M ladckov- ■ but o ffered few ideas iti conservatives and

M ladenov proposed Qt, w hich be assumed -s in pow er Nov. 10.

e s ta r re s te d - ■-Police u sed b a to r ^It 1.000 blacks f @ g f I H i ^ g English cncket | team.

,tions e y a y ,p la c c jl!c ,____Hir hotels, where black H fying on international

1 likes tx3y B oy pro fesses to ry -is -b e g u n r----------

d w ith a lo v e story. Tell u j r . r e a d e r s a g lim pse .pM if a y s - w h e th e r it w a s th e he^^70s. .

s e t? W h a t, d id y o u find tc S e ? T lb w lo n g d ld -y o u -^ D p p e d th e question ."?

re d w i th fin'ends a t r p icn ics . S o m e o f us fOO o u r s w e e tie s . Stiil 5 n ig h t a w a y to tu n e s o.

l a t tells y o u r lo v e stoiy, & o t th o s e g o o d ; t im e s ,=

iS C e n te n n ia l , v i / f a r e O T in iscen ces in a n e w L ooking Back." A ndyw e'll n w ith t h f im n e x r July.

a n d p h o to g r a p h s to o u r m to C E N I E N N W - T h e - B ox 5-4fl. T w iaF a lls , Idah

red 'wiOi Us will be handU mted to youpwrnptly.

: j

J . t - ' ; ~

____________ .

/ .1 •

i i l i n i s t e r s t

haiirobey-B UCHAREST, Rom ania (AI .ico lae C e a u s e s c u ’s defi ia is te r . shot, h im se lf in A e J ^ u s e he cou ld not bring hir I o b e y th e d ic ta to r a n d 'f i r Hnoiistrators during la s t moi ;v o l t . a c c o rd in g to testim uesday at a m ilitary tribunal. J h c . dcath_oLthc,dcfcn5c_c asie Milea, helped turn army gainst C causescu in th e poj ^ m g ended hiSJ b iu lu h 2 4 'lie.................. ... . . . .A t the trial o f four top Ceau!

ssQ ciates,____C.ol.____ C o rrirca labescu te s tif ie d th a t N sk ed h im to te l l h is w ife h ild re n th a t h e c o u ld n 't o efenseless d em o n s tra to rs k i iinutes later, he shoTbimsclf, ircalabescu, h e a d .o f the civ

— ____ :j _ jero m eco ns!i. adverti:





- ' ADVBITI __________ H m i


-------------------------- ADVEHTIUASTB

II1 s t


l u sMife___________________ ^le

J to _____ :___^ ^ ______r ~ ----------------------


)u r ‘ )e --------- - ' V •—la h o , ____ __ : ,

t^ I 'ed ■

, 1 \

f ■

I '

■ > ■ , ■

r ( : - , •

hotTself ra ^ r d c t d x t iAP) — reserve force, • fe n s e ' Pircalabestiu is nc• h e ^ the trial. >___ ^ __lim self " l^ s testim ony, sc I re o h ' m o v in g i n ' t h e ’ t l lon th 's contradicted an occi im ony d e fe n d a n t E m il 1 I. d ic ta to r o rd e re d _chlefj__assassination.for.op ly units to s h o o t . .B o b u > lopular o fT ic ia l . i t ) - th 14-year—govem m cnt._^_ ;:i;

; A lso Tuesday: lusescu ' • T he n ew govei irne liu d ra f t o f its p ropo : M ile i ' 'g uarjin lee ing free

fe a n d for Parliam ent and ] o rd e r a s a c c e s s to th e

r f r S d ' T h e c h ie f spc av ilian F ront resigned.



'■ ' : , L i ;

' i '

N i e

_____ J I

' 'i


dshoot 5ssc o iv o d u: FobruaiV

: n o t a d e fe n d a n t in - ofneo o l -i naoco in

so m e o r t h e ^ o s l 't h r e e v d a y t r i a l r S . T s

£COunt M o n d a y b y T w in F a l il B o b u . t h a t th e Pub' : d t h e g e n e r a l ’s .0j)p p .? in g jh e p id c r_ ;-w i l i_ b < 1 w a s t h e N o . 3 floor a t h e C e a u s e s c u

a n d a 'v e m m e i it is su c d a th a t r p o se d v o t in g la w , s e direcrt e le c t io n s — —r is tT i id p re s id e n t a s w ell o r roll h e m e d i a , a k e y uph o l

_________b a ^

i p o k e s m a o o f th e f o a t l _____________ ................ - s o U - t

• which

oppoac a to d

E f f e c t i v e

d a t e

I * - " ' - ' t h r u t t :

Feb.J0,1990 .proposaJin fo rm a l

[9 9 ( 1 c a llin g (

. p a rtm o n E d u c a t l

a o n • -S o u tfio mJ itU - ,238. T*:S-TVflNFALLS 83303-12

* reeotvos any o r ol

_ , c o p tth o l

1990 '1^‘,R. .

Doan o l I_ - . r - - - - r - - P U B L I S

January - 7 .1990 .

1990------- — '‘°™(3) 1984

_____________ OS/90 .S

Road Nl

M M Trobar,■■ right to I

! b b s & I- -------- - t J d . - V r f

S p o c to i0 2 ^ 9

s - ______________ PUBLIS

F r id a yFobruan


On the______________ _____ — IM O a t

o ’d o c k , a t tho < I n c . . 1 North. •

.....................LAWYEPANYC to tho I

------ --- c ash 01ta w M tr Statos, timo o l lowing 1 wit:

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i i A U J < Q T |Q R i .A 5 e A l ;

ITATIOM-TOaO - b n M u y l . l TINQ UNIT TELE-, . to mako tl« WMUNICATIONS on tha firsl StASSftO O M — — month ttioro d bk ls j d I I bo ,ro - By roason d u n t lM :00 p .m .. tho Bonofic uV 13, 1990, In tho e l s o d Its 1 o l- t f » O o an .c L F k _ D o o d of.Tf in tho Taylor Ad- th o ontJfo

a tiw -B oild ingnfthn and afi<mg D of Southom Id a - ' c h a rg o i, 01 }S F a l l s A v o n u o . t r u s to a ’s t' F a l la . Id a h o , a n d costs .or ox jubUdy o p o t ^ for itod with this ling tho lofowbg: ' bo'(*Jo anc is 7 3 - s o a t s y s io m p r in d p d b a

boll to a »lopit« of th b dato ^ a n d 'S T o fW o k M plus-accfij ol Iramo# with swing tho rato d ay and swivitf to a ts . por annum lid c o ro tab lo lo p s 1989rplus i a sholl design s o a t - S10.28-por i! r o t a t e s lo ft a n d n o / s foos, h t o f c o n to r. T h is and any off iX will provido back- p o n s o s a s ir s u p p o ir in - t/p ito h t- iljis lo ro d relax posWons vflih v ld o d by h o ls to ro d so a l a n d Tnist^tho P ^ s t p a d a r o r o , .^ r i y ^ ^ U

la t ln g w ill In c lu d d ; 1 9 8 9 _ , U -r o tu r n . . lo a tu r o . TRUSTEE: lich win pormit o a so LAWYEi^S. ontry and an ordoriy poaninco whon vo- ? o d . A d d it io n a l ly )do8ty panels win bo PUBLISH. )vidod thal are a n - o ro d to th o u n d o r- 31.1990., b of tho con&iuous NOTIOE >te-top and_to_tho . ,-:5 m o. ' • ’T ’ACCAR Fotails of tho bM pro* holdor of c •O rJac iu d in 8 .p la n a ,^ « tJ lf tr th o sa l forms and olhor trucks, will n a t io n m ay b e ob> rights df du

! g 7 M 8 ) ~ % ^ 5 Z f w ^ h t o ' & - 0T b ^ t l n g T0 " d o r 'a t Mat blowing addross: Do- w o rth l o n t o l C on tin u in g Joromo, ID :a t lo n . C o lle g e o f 1990 a t 1C ,om Idaho, P.O. Box tnicks aro '

Twin- Falls. Idaho, spoction al M 238 . Tho Collogo dross. ' ros the right to r e } ^ (1) 1982 h ir all bids and to a o - S e r ia l h o bid doomed .In thp_ iXKWDBS] Interest o f tho col- ( 1) 1982 I'

S e r ia l. Black 1XKW0B9:of Rnanco '- ( n - 1 9 8 2 - f

LISHi .W .adnasday , S e r i a l - u y 31 and February tXKWDS9:W- __________ _ (1) 1884 \3T lC E O £ P U B U C _ ^ S .o r ia I_ _

SALE ■ 1XKWD29)984 Kenworth, Modol PACCAR : OB. 1 0 0 0 a m .. 02 / resoives fl >.® 62 E Frontaoe copi or r^ I Kodh. Jorome. f c . b ids. PAC Mt c a ^ bid. SOLD C orp . alsi i w r m ALL FAULTS. righl to bid tr , Inc, resonros tho PUBLISH to roject any and all J a n u a r y : & to submit its ow n F r id a y , a V ehidos r m b e -in : -Fobnw Y ; : t e d Iro m 0 1 /3 1 - - • S 9 ^ » v e address. f l n n o c n LISH : W e d n is d a y , StSf— a iy .-3 t-& -T hursday , la y a n d S a i u r d a y , _ _ _ lu ? v 1 .2 & 3 .1 9 9 0 . “

NOTICE OF 002 LoitmUSTEE-S SALE --------—h o 18ih day ol May, Found: lo k-at-iha.hour-of-i0:00- yDvng.mal ck AM.--0 I f l ^ - d s v m nr5 f o t & o l T iB oS i: B02M. 1 6 3 4 th A v o n u o Ftto«l:Muft. -Twin Fails, idaho. downtown./Y E R S -T rT L EC O M - So-A-14.eY .O F IDAHO wai son. ------- ^10 highost b id ^ r for u n n f I o r c ash equtvalont.. id monoy ot tho Unitodss , all payaWe .a l th e BUY 4

of tho salo, the foi- TIMEig doscribod roal 'os- 'situatod a s lollows. to ^ ^ JJ{

jo m H 'n sF E E rS F

? i i T “o ¥ \ o ’r 7 ° HILOCK 5 , HJRNER S ID O m O t/, T«in F o U '“ I’'

W - t i S J t e g ;h j r u o l , r o c o r d id In ’ • S J , "

W S S L 4. S u:rfption o l ^ above-- _ j j - . roncod roal proporty. 5

0 Codo. tho T rustoo ; b o o n Info rm ed t h a t ,

i d d ts a s :2 a a £ r a y lo c io l, Wmborty, Idaho is ;l o t i m o a .a s s o c ia t o d .

Bion, o r encum branc- to .s a lisV tho obliga-.

JE KATZeJBERGER,W and Wilo aB of K " t to right. Iiao and inter- h a s boon assum od by T H U R G . 0 . HALL D s . SU S A N H A LL,K«>v4 nnH Witn ’ng tf i . ”p thw gr*nlo™ ,toL aw - a T I lfo C o m p ar iy o f h o a s ’ th o p r o s e n t {Kq J I b stoo for tho bw «fit nnd WOUU) urity of SHERWOOD & AHOUE e iw T S ,iN C .,A W o sh .

Iw ^ i^ as^ L DiHTQAGE CORPORA- * ’'2 IN, A Washington Cor- " a tio n a s B e n e llc ia ry .:o r d e d J a n u a r y 2 3 ,ro. a s - ln sW n e n t-N o .- ,1801 . A ssignm en t ro -

J S S 2 m J f o ! 7 i ^ J [ * ro «

o n b m a d o w h e th o r o r

i H E s*nrt nf rtnfwiH ^

llf lt t lo n is s o c u ro tJ b r t s s f i s d1 T r u s i wrtstWBt' b ^ O u f T c b n i l i l in g 01' 7 » ^ 4 ; lure to mako ihq rpgiK- Reward; fy s c h e d u le d n v n tn ly bisdi ku yn w rt o l * 2 5 6 /> A < e ig g .u v k

. r s Q 0 2 - t

1989 ond toltam e J J l ' i i f t , *

)rooftor............. ............H ------------ r

T m S l'S rM ™ b a n k r i0 In d o b fo d n o f t S top . forodosiuod intorost late so tc lo n s , su ia tlo rn o y s l o e s . ' mdnl4T « -o th (

» too . o n d o ih e r a c i io n . F ro ooxponsos assoo-- c o n s u lta t io nthis forodosuro to monts sch o d j md payablo. Thebalance owing a s : •tte is S 2 2 .3 2 * 7 . Attorn^ifijffdlnioroBT-nt-------rrP.o.-Borf 9;S00 p o r cont .im'Slnco April/1. - ISOO-S*IS lalo charges ol . F « t S)or-month. attof-. - 'T A X I , 7 3

a , . 'T S S “. , ra s s o c ia te d w llh

ly th e O o o d o f ^ ~. Promiscory Nolo VVookJ Bw 2 Law. ogo f.D B ? f f m b o r ^ 7 ^ s n p p o a rB n d

Road and V. E-' B uhU daho foIS.TITLE OF10A - - slaBod blocWn

iSocrotary ' T 7 3 3 ^ 0 4 « H: W e d n e s d a y ; O ceuronca or 10. 17. 24. and 6^ 1989 a t 2 ^

;Je ^ p u b u c ~ P05 Mamoril

l' Finnndal Corp.. T h e familylfl' f a socofity .ln to r- A lsh e a lM ite fie-following-four- t h a n ^ l S bBI will foroctoso tho Iriondsand rw Ihe debtor and o l; p r a m s . d e |l

to the highost bid- - lh a lw 'f l f e w t teoic v3 l6 y Ken- ,ol w00 R o a d S o u th h o r,.h u sb a)i ID on Fobmary 5 „ hrolhor.: ;— |- 10:00 am . rThoso A ttoddthanfc

•o-avaDnblo for in- P a ^ L y m a

! Konworth W 900 M M o n p r t^N u m b o r D r .Q l^ H S S

39X5CS195184 . Dr.A C .Enw r; » Kenworth W900

• N u m b e r R e g k in a l l i^ MX4CS196175

’ - .'" !*N um bor. ______ ' J «39X2CS196174 -------T—1 Kenworth W 900 . J

N u m b o r 006 Psrsona 29X4ES318658—^ n n a n d a l Corp. A L C O H

Iso r e s e rv e s th o A w jw m a n aboutsj o l’ Ine

JH: W e d n e s d a y ,V 31 . T h u r s d a y ,- 73:M217. [ a n d S a tu r d a y , . HOTUNE ^ ;1. i 3 .1 9 9 0 .^ _ A preWem Is

' lom wheri shu n w m w t t l • Hoalth A ssod

'—I t & Found . f M d 'a T o e ^

■ I— and 1200 Eas eboul 6:15 •

nilo.k«m.^Tl«j«li pV ,u .-o«T l ,1 5 4 5 ? “^ ™ - “ Iiir»«i733-7i '33-0506. — n V P R Pvluny mountain biko. m. {46 Addison W. - A N W I, ia l733 .7 lg2 . .—


l S ® A U F E - ,H EUC ENSE . , p s Y c m c R i ™ „ F A L L 3 • ' ■ « < - C A a 7 = MAL SHELTER . - I ■■------- —r-------------- 2 2 ! 2 2 S i

-— ■ ■ ■ n mman Shophord X. k 4 brown, maki. ,;kor j(, b u n m a lo

S a m r b l a o K S

.rS ? ic M o ™ ..o

h 'uahua X . b ro w n . K X

t S f g ’ b ^ w n . I l - a ,10 fomale pup. ’ S f c J S *la h sottOT.

_______ l f e a » .

EO dogs aro brought • .Et iT hbo r 'a h d s o l o ^ iSTHOYED a lter 48 Arrd o a se caB o r visit Temfiarary

lu i^ daOy to d )o d ( W oneed: - ir your pot has been • B o o M c ^ up. T>^ is no t an EOE.

ia n Esl M xod dogs No foes a rd to d o B c r lb e . *1)0 l o r Tr

f f i . J o r « t

row n d o g . ? ^ E Y J ^ U ) V E fa H A V E Q m !

inierviow a


ADOPTKW gfti c ?' . W B bew od

:30 pm-2:30 pm i^jGshed at business-si

r locatod din' 1 m lo tion reoulra r o a d , u s o th o e n - priie 't o S o w e r p la n t porionce. n IS th e ro ftd - l io m ^ -«n j ■Radio.. - Good;Contfr

. C « y ^ t o n » .-on ft«oonbor__ai, houlynscia n d m u a t b e r e - Ml eon«an

i prior to Manh 1. tw e s ie a ? F

B c M fleA v Q lJo a l. - T h e T

c t m g 4 a « i r — ^ — fQ> answ er 3 2 4 4 3 1 3 . Twin f t3 tack lem a> ecat,> 4 - O a l rv o e i il e e i . ^ w ily . Locust milking on'iH i73M D W Coffl^eUMIsdas s J iw artd ^ andexperieratdt. REWARD. Call a>w 4p.m .,

' ..............— {»etaiyaid<-d; ^50 lor return ol a iW ss tM ileather l ^ . k a t 1/ 640R ler/ /M a l7 3 4 S o M - ,

^ 007S ® g 2 2 * r " '

a n a ty le b la n k e r .n a v /b lu e .a n d . pos, lam bs wool 5. CaB 736-9984.

lal'NoUcai- ’ -

C R U P T C Ydosuros.- ropos- 's u its .-g a rn lsh - ___

'otfjor”coBoctJorrf ro e te le p h o n e t io n . A p p o in t- xidukKi in'Twin

H l# y /6 e n y ’ , . ,. nwM tU w.1-B0X-IB8.-------------

ifstSilvof ' •, 7 3 6 ^ 1 0 0■2 pld( up: $l/m i


) 2 ladkts In cyil J ie -^ - ^ ttia th -

j 1200 E as t in“10 for a som i thot ickbg oestbound— iso c o n ta c t: . iiw onoco M o r 324-4288 a on Soptombor l2:Q0_am:

lOdil NotlCM

iy i< i t- ro r r r f f ro H n-exbresriincara

d e lic io u s food .” ’ w ori, and o la n t« ' rQcoived'duritig ’

If £ r beloved i l iba |nd, s o n , and

hankyouto : _____in Sdiaa) - Amaz- Felkw sh^ sy Brothers, Sun- ial ParkHBggie-'Oncoiosy

Good Family.Bonnie------------------


w nals •

O H O U C S )NYMOUS '0 733-8300 nowing the where- .

the d w g h lm 'o l^ , tdA da G f o a n c a l . .

N E -7 3 3 ^ )i2 2m Is n o t a p ro b -.- ri sh a ro d ; »*fttal W Kiallon^j^S^to

Involving a Iruck stuck across tho

S eep C ro e k road E ad near Buhl a t .

15 am on BW89. iS-Jaoiie-at-Fami - 0 -721Z : — EflEATERS OMYMOUS 733-9113 WT-NEEDHaP? e g n a n ^ testing - >. Call Pregnancy & O risii Center^ _

C READINGS: lor J .736-9985. '


ba c f h ta ra s t

Sj f^ U a la ta n t. rV Iilordovalcpingandentlng^m a^ iln^g

M M u r s a ^ a s Ong ae(vfcos,“ «om-— jy and billing. A f ^ . u*t-hai«-sttongJn-— ondi and communl- u ls .wte aome mar-

o r < iq > e rIo n o e 'a n ? ~ aeoe desirifclo. Sat-

r H ^ . .2 0 ta«spor___ bUtm aervlcaa, com-

fGco oi^orienca pro-

o n s .m a y b o p id a ^

51 Easttand Dr, •

Amertcan 1 jrary Senric^a, Inc. -d:-’— j ooporwlhCYMA. , EOE.M/FAW.

It Tnieking. Incorpo- ' orcme. has an Ifflmo- ' l ^ e postbn m ac- :

p o d ^ In w ^ g ' luros and computor igo. C4D Bonnfe f o r / p w ap ^ o ln lm o n lo L ^ .

•ATIVE GRAPlflC ; LESASSISTANT w « ^ wfth. an e$- ;

d B tcount.and neW' s -aa te s-tea rh ; Posi- ■

90^ cpocopt ', p rn t production ox-

ommunk«tion. typing riling sk3s are essen- ilMlmo position wilh r ag e p t e bonus and -- npany b e n e S l ' M - Id , p le a s e send ro- m d samplo ol yoor r January 31. io:

h oT Jm ee^ irW /-

in 1 ^ 1 0 8 3 3 0 3 - — ■— p e ia o n n e ed o d lo r . .] and ou ts id e woiK.

perienc* needed. Calg " m - .3 2 6 « 0 8 . :L -a i d e : A ( ^ i i j i t W '

U r / K e .W a s l . ^ ' Fals.


. - , r-' '

^ ------- ^

Page 26: mosi an^nosd. N,..W hite House c l-w JB Sununu, who said t the report with Presi' al security adviser!

/ ^ S e l e c

~ v ! F = 3 m ^ m ^ ~ ^ im


11 you lito chalOfiQOS, and lion. .would tiko to dovom d ca- WU

rw r riuhor than ju a ‘got o Rdir f c b T O r o 'B 'lh o - ^ l to n lor soh

you l T h it oxco llon l Tw inKiUs company is beginning Da/iIho mosLAXciting'OipQnsion' -ttor;^ in tho aroa and wo c a n i 8 ^d o i i w ilhout a th o ro u g h . EWbright, assorllvo odmlnlara- is 1(or wilh (trom tochnicol ond houanoMlca} skilb. In Ihis pos- kootion. you »flrb<jcoHI<ra IUiV“ inKd a m o n ta l port o l o u r Mid•constnieliQn lonm* hobinQ .by.l

—lo-«oordinoio Iho lo a m 's ooo worit now. This postion ro-quiros slrong organizationa] | nnd'taaJytical sM is-as woll-

I os iho'abinty lo handio d . i i numbor-of projocis simulta-

i n o o u ^ Tho succosslul op- « t1 plicant will bo InvolvodTn tJ ;'■ ^ fd ia sin g . ojrpoditmg. and ^■ wil iundkw) a s a Sason bo- ESII twoon tho construction and MigI tho Dccouruing doponmonts. opp

.:_.lrt-*adrfW»-tiJ- wuikiiiM-TtHir - wI grosl pooplo and hsvtng a PT

I_ * l.o liirL k -y o u u w > fK .-y o u 0 “ ,i w a havo JW-.opportunity (o

dovolop your caroor in this ^ muW-toettod company. So! 1-®

■ —GorDun)f7ourrunui(J-6ur 'OS!yoursoii in a position with o 'Exc^EALIuturol ^Ploaso being your rosumo lo: doi

_ N o l l 8 o n S C o . , 5 5 0 B l u o tiort ii to s BW. N. in tho Lyn- phi;wood Shopping Contor oo- lo:twoon S a.m. & 5 p.m .. Moiv, No<davlhru FrWay. Fa?

. B osi W ostorn C o n y o n Ex Springs Inn is accopting jp : . . JfuiDficolms lor on oxpononco Aat S S ^ p coolC opply In por- t ason mon-lii 9om to 5 pm no Ex

Cno c a lls p lo a so '.IS S ? ^alakos Nonh- wo

" BuigefKirtirolTwinFoIlsrls Snow hiring lor. an asslsiam ^managof, m taiof.roanijrafiL ton

! nianagmonl oxporionco pro- po,. (orrod. Hours roquiro day & K

n ig h U b x i^ . Salaiy basod,upon oxpotionco, lull bono-. dc

' ■ Ots Indudod. Sond rosumo ^to: 360 Bluo Lakds Blvd N.. ^ TwinFalls.Coa Roy Slolton (733-2009) pa lor a good losumo to landthat droom lob of caroof. jmC an you w o rk ,w ith pro* onloundly rolordod [children? PiPart-lim o early m orn ings ty,

!’■ 530-9:30 and S-2 wkonds. uj ~T— 9 w in g - i r a g e r 4 4 - a n d ^ ^ -

I altor Conlact Unda a t O re en A cro s-T ra ln in g nii

. Contar. G oodna 934«S603. i : - — : CNAmA _ -V

N oodod inunodatoly p, pa rt timo doy Of night shilL ,

' K S t t i T X J i v S f : ~; lev Manor. 536-6623. ih ; L iconsod c o sm o to lo g lM « I noodod 10 w ork In Burloy ^r shop. Afik id 1 ^ 5 7 f eI 7314 days, 67fl-9700 aftor 6. Ti

1 LPWs como loin ou r lMn;5 i

■ j d ilto S h iig h O T sa J im 'to

j 007-Jol»ollntm»t , I

s T rac to r d ie s e : 5 needed by Magj

>! D eere-dealer. T i ,;; and a good bas

' " - of d iesels requli _ you learTLthej^

s s e n d resurna,lo i - f tO ^ B o x -1 4 9 ,

~ I iaglTo-83303=et

J _ -M ectian lc wllH’.:i b ra k e s a n d extii Knowledge o t ba helpful. M ust ha tools-G ood-W ork equipment, and b<


! ly iE C H1 _ C a r e e r O p p o i

- t — — m ach lr^e ry -n iG ln N a r h p d . ID

A. I r r ig a te d c o m m ? I -' A p p l ic a n ts m u s t ! IfS r r ^ e c h a n lc o l . ( ' ' h y d ib u l ic s v s te r r : f a c l lH le s a r e n w c i e q u i p p e d . D a rr

. . ' m o n o o e m e n t . i 7 " y q u i e f h l g l ^ o i

• ■ Younseff! E ^ a l (, E m p lo y e r h ir in g '

to a g e . sex . relic orig in .;

. . P i e o s e s e f i P.O.B

C o t t o q e i

■ V L '

C t e d a f f e r


N o^ed Ior Iho Foaturo S o c - ecpiin lions o l Tho Timos-Nows.Wl] writo lor Valloy Uto and,R dach S o c lio n s . P loaso oppra so itd 'covof lo n o c ro s u m r tion-c and any wrhing s ^ o s lo: systs Da/lono Hunor. SoOions Ed-- oxpor ftorrBo)r54rYwin Fans, ID catlor83303................ .................. picko.Elkhom Resort in Sun Vanoy s«8C Is looking lo t a lull lim o G w houso ponon In our house- C2!2!I kooping doponmont lor moro Qrev in lo rm a ilo n -p lo a so -c aU - poJIs- MicheOo a l 622-4511 or stop onco by lho-RoscttandJlLouLan. acocacoliention.-------- --Ermloyment Opportunity odgo

in Filer,- oxporieneo in sur- ofiu f0M & spfinWe/ kriflaiton-&- Sond o l lypos ol machinory. Sond T £ , ro su m o to : Box 7 7 2 6 , HAII %rimos-Nows, PO Box S49. Bus) Twin Fans. ID 83303. BlueESL insin idor: T hoJdaho for Migrant Counca b'oocopting into: ofplicBilons lor EngDsh a s a g ,o»

PT candidoJo musl bo biDt*- * Pjj|

• p SGahJn«;-Twln-Falls or caD.. ’ Ca 1-600-523^16, in CaWwolL

-Q o o d im o a -0 4 - 1 9 9 0 .^ :^ txpoifeflcod financo 4 insur- is^lL anco porson lor local cor dealorship. Full-tlmo posi- Wou tion: ExcoOonl pay schodulo gfoi plus bonofits. So«J rosumo whik lo: Box 9436 , % T lm os- Nows. PO Bex 548, TwinFalb. 1DB3303.___________Experioncod/rM j)onjlbJo ^

« n iExporienced semi-diivor.b>- you ca t m ilkihaut, yoar round tonl work. Call 733-2733. bn .Expor manogof noodod lor \ ^ in g -T O ta V haK^ ^ V Hav

Farmhand: REFERENCES .. >

:a l phasos ol tow crop larm- ..g 1no. Sam-8 pm 734-S053Farmhand wantod: oxpoii- Un oneod in open dhch imgationand gonoral larm work. Rol- ___!oroncos roauirod, 326-4818. • IForm hond w ontod: M usl. CoJhavo oxporionco in tho opor- i"}!olion ol o l typos ol lorm m»- p i i thinoryr6<i^-«kll»Jtuwald--ing and maehino repair rd- *«lqw od. Yoar-round employ Momort. houso pnwktod. 5ond androsumo lo: Randcon Inc., Rt «■?' T B m r9 8 M :0 0 d p n 0 « 3 2 3 rFarro workor noodod, full- ^ limo, roquiro Bxporkjnco Iff

» !Iho Joromo aroa..non-dtrk- - er. wogo delotmlned accord-;ing to oxporioij®. Sond ro- (« ,ply to: Box 5373. c/o Tho cioTirnos-Nows. PO Box 548, ^p.Twh Falls. 10 83303. tt»

• Part-iimo evonlng waliro&s 141noodod . Apply m po rson 83:

•____________ Id!

O T -jo ta o f ln te m t ox°I mo


s e l m e c h a n ic | s ;Sfflir, s $laslc knowledge | as ulred, we'll h ^ p j Jres?.-._J. ■

'£ ^ w lh iH a l lS r - 1 - G

3 1 4 9 : -------- ----------- — r "

h~~exp e rle n c e In ^<haust sy stem s . ■;basic lire service i: have basic hand- -jrklng. condilions, [benefits. r ;

) SYSTEMSA vD .W esi

e T o m

: H A N i c ~ ~Mrtiinlty'lnfarm ^ o ln te n a n c e a t ■ v 2 6 8 8 o o r e ^ r r : r r ^ = r m erolo ltarm . ust b e com iS eten t ll. e le g tr lc o lro n d : :a r ta . S hop_________ _ .iBafaiaweH am a n d in g -t. A pply only «..........lo n d o rd s fo f - ........... - -al'O jspartunlty ,ig w ittiout f e a a t d notional'

' . j - >■ ;

landR osum e;.I .B O X 650 , ■^eGrovKOS '-.I

rsrR^al es

(7 .:;^“ollrfletMl------- (W-JoiKjding.Co. Assessor b ac- Nood (»ppling-jtppncalion; lor-lho Inalellor,■sition o t’oppraisor trainoo, knowlodg<» l and porsonal property talion a (oraisal oxporionco.'e^a-- loLPflrsfn -o t-d-36^A S ^00T B M - ta k e s Btv's tem s and bookl|Mplng NoodluSporioiko p ro lo rro d rS p ^ cal warohitions ond rosumos lo bo ElminBu:kod-up ond loll al Iho Al- ------ u p itssors Oinco. 624 Main Si. c !7e" joding^lMdrvtows by, ap--.intmenlonlY.. •------------- Tho Timrowing^ co m pany in Twin Falls, ID.dlls socks Individualexpoti- in g 'o n 'rKod In occounls payabki, Ropresercoounle-foooW oblo-ond- F a l l t a njle t lax.-Aceounling knowl- u J o s podgo holpluL ExcoDont bon- ye a rs olRu 01 compolitivo sahry. w ith a itondrosum oto;:PO Box4«r markettnF. ID 83303 ottn: Ron. _ {orrod.

lAIR STYUST* This ifi*u sy ostabDshod salon in spontWoiluo L akos M all looking onuebyi)r ho tiva tod prolossional. aislgnodito r o s to d In a d v an c in g counts oilo ir caro o r. G uaranlood projocts,A J5 h r ------- - j r .- ' T h ap c «p a id v o ca tio rr have go Profit sharing ' niunteouPaid Hdidoya plus hawC aroor advancom pnt o ^ o o leB og in m a k in g m onoy T n s pos

HAm STYLISTSVwldm you liko 10 fflcoivo "S n ?0 ( Itoot c o m p an y bonoliis

. Paid vacaiion Credit UrPaWhondoys . •. P»oom6

; ■■ g '

<our y o a r o u r r ig h l . Call t ^ S Z SronkJC Ponnoy Styi«g,Sa- Now inlan. 734-0833. oncod W

^ r tg i r w * to finding a job? , ^ o o n ■______________ JounQ i

Wfiynolwork'6 houtsoctay, R«< ott al noon, • North. E

... with all wookonds oil? Nursos• baneflli

Join America's tostost Wo aim. gtowing industry «olIing - ol GAC(

•A oHico supples. Interest U n S m ito .d ir ^ ( « o ^ _ ._

C a llE s r i^ l7 3 4 .1 7 S ._ .’ KITCHENMANAGER m q o /w

CaJoOloiscorTenUy.aea^. ing rosumos lor tho posAion Hoahh C

s s ll-s ta r to r wiin p fo ^ rcn r M oxican food oxporienco O®

S S C S m o Z t S g jS a H rS o ta y .-b o ra jt.^ bort- oas.-S«nd.«»ouma.lo:.Calo O o, 12B8 Blue Lokos-BW; Parf-Hr N .-twirrFatls;'ID 83301.At- c a l io r loffllon: Davo Lamb. F J o ^ ,

L unch room superv iso r: - pon-timNoods to havo oxporionco in ,rood sorvico mtuiagernor^. w agraC l o ^ dato Feb. porso tApplicaiions ovailablo Irom,»B uhlJoJrtSchoolD isuto W ea.T 1412. 216 N. 7lh. BuN. 10 fla31fioTeanS436436/E0EM anagom ont position now ^ a l ^

Id ah o c o rp o ra tio n . P r i o r ___ ^

?x‘s § n r o ' r S «

S l 3 S Frl,b<;twoon

Mature persons noodod lor; 435.0, 'A limo and hjMmo pjn. ,0; aido posiitons. App^ In por- pi^j so n a t: H arro ?s N ursing Homo. 820 S ^ o . B u h L - g r -

Modicalion Nurso Poshbn ovailablo. 24-32 h w r s w ^ wook. Day.or ovoning shin. •


- g ' ^ * A c S a S y o

“ o o w o t ^ i n t f l r e s t — ” j r o w -

’ r Magic Valley John D r 1 s seeking the sen • Agricultural Salesp --w T li— pro m o te— - rfigrieultura^equipme ' In c lu d ed p lu s ' s ‘-^.comml^ion.-Send.i

" salaiy background tl P.O. Bok 149, Twin I

. . | 83303-0149. ' '

A R E Y O U I N T l

I N E V E N I N G ^

" ^ ^ ^ N e e d exira m oney? Do you h p leasan t personal:

. _ p b o n a monners l-wlfh'others? __W e a re te a ic h in g

, to lom ark0 llng sah rep resan la tlve» fo subscription ralas. In te re s la d ,ia n d n

i -----t ' ■.. .Tlrt»***li«wi

i P .O .B o x 5 4 <TwJn F a n n ie

s t a t e ^ R e t

- ^ o l l n t e r e s t ' 0 0 7 * ^

exporioncod car audio lloT lu ll- tim e .S o m o , .N E E p ^ W go ol sal^ISte mstal- Wotk in Ll a plus. Sond rosumo ^-^B ocor

fltsoniiol,.1246.BluB famlW tpdi iBtvd N ( ^ . Twift Fanft- .petilhfOJira

ruj.1iraopactor.ai5 iSSfc v5arehouso.-Apiilr 10 903 5 j f Can :

NEWACmUNTS/ LoofcooM PECIALPROJECTS ^ S U■aAl£9PERS0N------Sun_V dUTImos-NOWS ih Twin" }ui|.tim o , ID. b prosendy sopk- abio in res in -A dw tlising-S elea- w a i rs ta l t osentotfve tor tho Twin lou ran la , raroaT-This-lull-iim o- \v a sh o rs r » posilkxi roquiros 1-3 .ja nnd p, 8 ol so los oxpor lonco o b lo . In t a m odia advortising/ hold on ' iWtng background p te- tuy-e-m -l d. , , olC nnyorhdividual would be ro- to 4:00 i sWolorgoftoratlng.rpv- mont: call ibysoiingandsorvKsng t „ ^ u inod acwunts, new ac- ^

X ' . S ' S S 'K E j ;have a working knowl- -5

p o lo r r tS ^ the’ mid t® TRUCK D 20’s. Othor bonefiis in- Exponoiw

d:'paid vacaiion. modical i ' *,,piHd holidays, 401K,fltiC lubm om borshlp.lit Unton.and sond covorletlor and «ipjoto rosum o 10: Bill

Twirr FaJlt ’iD 03303; record,.!-

r inlorvltfwlnflr Expori- porvision yd w ai porsons-lor nighi iF aroa;J rA pp t/ln iM rson on lyr D id^rknroon 2 find 4 p,m., osk Box 96K m Q n a g o r;S o ^ u _ s id r 7 6 i6 i.’ taurar^ 598 Blue Lakos V o lu n u ih-EOE - • ‘ ftghlorsi SOS Wdos • Tired of r » tomeys, leflte ond Jow w ages? to ro sloc aim high and tty hardor build a 1

iACCinQoo(£ng, ' program restod? Coll 934-5601 ■■ c e n ts 1

i-iimo Incoma-wiih.eiassL ^ 2 ? ^ ll fof tho busy person 1 oxtra $200- )0/wook: Sol your own irs .C a lllta ln lno^dop l.. ihh Contor. 733-2300, ■

K s, no wknds, no exp noc- W onted lary, carnoedod .,S ond workor, in o Y a wotk history w: sm okor !M 340. 3 Univorsrty Pla- Sond ro| irs^t.TiV'tnri. NJ Q 7 6 0 rr~ Tlmos^N rr-lim Vm ofChandUdrtb.-1 2 2 2 1 ^ I on reta il a c c o u n ts . Wanted: ftsd coll Cheryl McMahon ployoo 1 >06-566-93:^. I work, gi t-timoRN-s noedod, iflier-

rsonnel. Canyon View Wanlspltol, 228 Shoup Avo. Anc Ktf Twin Falls. 734-6760- jlioo opened lor a cos-tologlst, manicurist, ond -----------csporson. Guamntood a y o a r ar aiv. Can 733-4942.- _ - hand. &

i S ' ^ S f f n ' ^ T T ,IT, or rogtttry oligWo. 12 Duilos Iur sh ills available p lu s R o ts 're-call. Excollonl bonolits. avail. Rirtact: Shofiio Malonoy at cto Tim6-0481 or sond resum o 540. TF.MinkJotca Memorial ^os-

ol. 1224 8lh SUool, flu - nm Sirt: IP 83350..___________ ^IN waniod lor nighi shift.” J coBortcompolilivowagca,--

a W n W S

------- wil>rra

O T - s W » o l i n t e = =

1 Deere dealer : noss * ervices of an -)Sperson who ®conoi— a n d - se ll - comim m en^B enefits-.

s a la ry an d ' Brodo dre_sum e_.and„,ffi“

in Falls, Idaho

f f E R l S T E i r

3 W Q R K ? _ ^

ipending -■J h a v e a )ollty and aJuyoikJ«ell_l .

ig to ralestoras . 11-------- ^I retum e to;

■8-25— .....:-------- V ■ ■ ■-------------- -

5 4 8i , | p U i O S . L m

• a le s ia te .

ibeofM arest^-----------oo&-Sai8»

RNt & LPN* ' II you an)ED IMMEDIATELYl highest pakJLTC SNF Is toward- Iho towosl. 1w m e-a port ol our and a caroo?day. Wo oflor com- ishod, toputvagos.-good.worklng company. W'o n s , a n d bono lits ,. sovgraltran^aDey:Manof;-Wcn-: Sales AssocR 536-6623, osk lor fidonlial inloy Kathv.. Paliotson. 7:

lun Valley nng Adullilloy-C o. Is-.hiring:0 p o s it io n s avaif- Room and I rosU urants, Cooks, pofson_ln tr alf, m ounta iri'T ov- lanuTTiansа , c ash le ra , d ish- ablo. Call 73 B T E x c o n o n rb o n o - 1. poy. housing a y m l- - ”o n J , '2 i ^

. " f f i X f i ' b Svlho-W illow-Rown-ron SHngs, 9 3 0 am ^wHn « m1 pm. for appoint- •fliTfi??.7f)fil, wofk. roomHdmoa .1 A m Jto

Dwnor/oporalors who S ^ m 7 4Q(can purchaso a lalo ------—Iruck-lhal-m ooualL jQL“LpioyKio,~ i(m u iii/m u iuu iu~o r rm o b ilo hom os Z 3 ir^ J .g [ oul'tho Intormountain • • • •.ocal work wilh oxcd- 010 Profoi y and bonolits. Call Sorvliб.3944 Monday-Fti-’ . i j _____^[ lor d i s i M l c h . __________ M" d r iv e r s ; . -------tncod llal truck dnv-dfiV e-lor D avo R. .SovpnoIRc

Trucking in Ogdoo,n-businoss 20 yoart. |Twn Falls.s to rn s t a l e s , la to , .....OQOlpmont, oxcoDoni " “^pa-v '-& toiiromonl bonoliis, £(“" 1 ^ , ■■■

.1-800-453-2227. •Konnowick

I to work. wahQut su- on ter Toxos oa CO. in “ a;W olra»i.W iiloP.B. t yout bli sdiirPracfSWEPCO."5,005. F,, W 0«h.TX M ™ j B I

ite o r s N ee d d d l lito '

« »ed c itizen s: lo holp «' a-|iro ligh ling-basod mtow o’fk ^h o d o lo s - X o x « t o

re c o v e r ng ' rom fllcohol/or other trou- id-to-hoip-provide lire B:*ysl«lnp nonl lor ^ l y fundod yoors. Fi iro'dopartmonts. Non- o p o p ^ i-^ projbcl. Contact Wii- C hild car iS Schools, 734-9920. molhor o l; id eawrioneod milkor. Child Can I BuhTs43-8977. _ MafiynGa od: Expononk'dd farm Ei^rionc< jr, y ear a round, non- horno, CaH or/d rinker prolorrod.- jua-[iKo reply lo: oi agos. k

■alls, ID a iV I3 _ - tw in FA >d: FuB-timo lami om- We'n v ) lo do gimoral larm. ehlldnn\ graviiy irrigalion. row Prosthool and maehino oporat- caro nvnilf an 734-5123. -------- ---

- ■ 016 imfm tT o L o u Weight -------------ind Earn Monoy M ' Housokoo

Samo Tlmol • ihorouoh, CalMarglo . 734-6a33i 324-4372.

a round gonoroHorm Experiei^w/sprkiWor- -O pf

>n ditch Irrtaalton, Ma- _ , . . . .

10, . Ho<)om boosino Rosumo to Box 3907,Imos Nows, PO Box LADIES , FF. 1083303, - F- Local lad

Sales People

4 'S r iS f f iX K S™"'!sing. P ast oxporionco

E M irand^fiV -«^w ir»-

S i i ? u M o f f i b » £ i l s re * ," "

S , - S , ? f - o S ;inuous training, salary- * P ! ^ 'c o m m i88lon ,Jam lly Vending

ti'pUui. CviilAil Oiuui OC- tionsitriOoy In porson ot Dick cash rolOIclsmobllo-BuIck-lsu- imor mo<1E MalnAve.South------- owchast

B WA T i m e s - N i

C l a s s i f i e d W

- — E v ^ r y N e i



.8»P*opIa_____ -017.--Busina.

.ro kjoklng Jo r thg tfikJ ha rdJtfoorand . .Own you r 0 St. paid easy work markoiing the iroor with an ostab- blo hair and 1 putable, roal estalo uds ovor olli ;w ow illl»j> locing musljw convi consed RoaTIstdlo iho mo9 tihb soclaios. For 0 con- uds' to ovor 1 inlotviow. coll Ook) boloro you pa 1.733-5336- eont. Oonl it

lunity. Salos ult Care Seiy lc o s . . jng workLwidi

« boarf IM pidort/ 'o , j 1 my homo. Lovinp ^

173!H)658. bdrm hous_Jicensod homo, por^ *taif»drC aI a ro . fam ily a lm o- o r423-64111 :all 734-3M7.WANTED ■ 023 InVBStl

iompanfa'n lor older' —dy, very llllo houso^ ® hom and board, and "Uary. Prolor sonlor coupio. For dolaJs. , t^ re n PiteC •49^ o v o s . CASH BUYE^ o _ ^ [ b J ^ okig t^ ' _Morlgag^Tr

r o r T ^ ^ L — — Ed Mollon....

olBSBlonal 026 Musicirvlcas f , Guitar, Ban}

AMERICAN i n e l i lom p6«fV “

o 'tS to S w o y o u ' R tra l Eit<

r . “ “ A'.”S452 C T JT S322-0155 —

";;;"I!!r"!467-5627d- ........452-5575 ^ 0 Home!V . . - . .7M-73^159S g story. 3 tx

g - 5 0 » 7 3 6 - 0 7 3 5 W o r S t eWork: All Wnds- 4 Rainbow Ro;lauUng, 734-1624. - -to3P .M . • A BSCtxtsinoss loo small ADO

iB-titno bookkoopOr?1-6148 for computer- jj uijg j bcokkooping by o p o r- ,homo-Nov,lAccounlmoBA.-------

. , la n d s c a p ihlidcaro Sendees lo m iiio s

ngs in my homo. W S n o ^ ' t ^lA 4 snacks includ- homo. 1 onont ralos & lots olr onlv. 734^5432. ^ r - B i ltiM In’my homo. <M U b m

fMjII-limo on ly . 1 RE1, Call 733-6707.------

. n ' c J i i S S S " ' ° ” TCol 3. Coll 324 -B ia . i.g o o .345,l^are. slalo cortiliod,, ---------------Garov326-3226.

tn c e < r d a ^ < r } n - L r —C an 324-fao^ '<0 homo babysatrg, 2 ^b;s. locaiod noar Subar jnflsojflig^r e a l 734-2432. k i tc h o n ,iFALLS-EUNCLUB^ foom.largirow iJirn ffforyour. garogo wii•n to loin In Iht tun. 125.000 B00) and luU-tlmo d&y with 2 '/a I>nnnble. 736-3991, er. cystoffl:--------- 2557 9 lh ;^ to y m a n lW S n ttd ^

kooping: -dopondoblo" ^

GEMT5u8lno88 i 7 3

Dpportiinllkts q R T (

ishod v'onding routo,rwin Falls . Ideal lor Assumo Vjotirod/housowilo; Min,w homo wrthtSOOO. 734-4655. in Iho com:S' APPAREL STORE ‘ m!l« I

FORSALE-ladles; appafpl Iran- g r ic ik .2 bividobk) in Twin Foils, HniJn do'

No metchandiso in- only $43.0 snt. Inventory on con-Bnt. Compony pays all M o u n ta i, absorts morkdowna, ^advortising c o s ts & _________

in a growing businoss. • -PARIloro Inlotmatlon con- j ( j£ P .D aorZ 301^T W lftFID 63303, ^ --------- 1 6 B 7 C aiW N E fl:R ^ !R IN G ~ .Suncot,:i£lum., oppl. o n tlq u o T bedroombusiness; succosslully [ont comtod 26 yrs in oxcoloni n a n c in gIoca tion r5600 sq It. m eane oc: oood c liontolo and C lo s in gp&onlial: invertoty ro- $ 6 0 0 . II)atlsflool8. Coll (208) F a rm ers265 otter 6 pm. ' * tmtion lin

return. Will consldor H oss.73^

0 R 1

■ r n ^ m 'm .........................ITt■ m m t ■ do soc c■ S c h o o l ■ - ■ — I — - P o o t r im■ . M |_ . .- ro tu n ,.2 .-■ ■ . , lu ll b a s t

Q e w s " ' ’ S S

w i i i F i i r

e e d - - . S “?

B26 I I IT! -i

I ^ P I W E ST~ 1 --------- '3B B J •. indopo i

■ ^ S ^ S S S S l ' f o r ^lomilyWo

' placo, la ^ ■ ^ ■ ^ ^ ■ ■ ' - F a l l s - k x :

' 03fr-HomMF<

1” ' ^ " ' “" ' D E ST IN Ijr own b u s in o s s DELIC I Iho most inaodi-

" J i i S 'K i f 'S ' u I b o m o n ld loollorod, Firsl you h u v o r 4 bdr onvineodihosoara

/or touch your skin ontortairup o ifo iljv o flm o i. 1

o n » Pioporty B R IC K ELI

3 ‘5 ''o / l ^ m S i^ 2000 sq, fL ot[ s r : ! a « i 5 5 - a a p - In j-m oaT H ^ilH ovos’ ................. p lu ra largo bo

" Iho basom on 'astments lo rgo s iin lilk

----------------- - m a c u la to m t....„R oal Eslato s c o p in a . $85 6. morlgagos, and Jann,#M -69,I Trust. •

alp. ^ e a i

n......Jpfr622:0g34 7 3 4 .3

^ o g fe n fn g '^ a d - ' 'M J 3 3 - a s i __________ ~ D R E

S lto t. ro t Sate B>»". “ k ™S n » "S ^ ;

' 75. Brick hon II. 4 bodroom

imss For Sale lirop locos, Ic——-------— -------- a n d liv in q 'rc3 bdrm, all e 'y . . Kl m nm nmpln fnSiSO O X ilS^via This t^orthsidintermolon, a ONE OF fRoaliy733-2273 S lovo fdr mc

5S0LUTELYD O RA BLE COLD'> bodroom, 1 both BAN N o^y rodocorotod W E S T E R hyl.£idingot»dn!.co]y_ a p o d . S o g in n o r ts a r o - w o n to d .), Just give'Woit o r oooralod.

M STATE- ---------5 u A

T O L L F R E E345-4665 ext E t1 5 L O C ^

■ OSTNEW ! S i a s ;

i n U i b i s s b o d . a r K ™

iargo-oodrDQt7ia..ODL FEREQ-ai-O

0 " ^ V g « V r ^ion ^ r condition-

toffl is very olfidonL 1 th Avo. E. S 7 r ,0 0 0 r . ^ is’onot Coll Jano or _COLDi _ BANM STATER E A L T Y Indopondon734-0400 - oporalod.

1 T O L L F R E E --------------^J45-466S B x re iiS9 VA loan, on largo ^ ,mih largo :comor lot, contor.’ol Albion, 10 omPofliorolo. - SELCtll 873-5377. ' PROP

2 bodroom s u p , 2 fa^,|Wow!l°^ ^ d j |o c h . d o . , o . . .

’’f e " " ”"''YOU PAINT

ARM B U Y ERS 2 bodroom he JU ST LISTED ____room b j^ m '

C a sc a d e . TF. 105 P^nt- 557.6c it,:iBublzBelti:ntp.23, 7334895 or-, om homos in oxcol- lond ilion . 100% li- Ing avnllnbto-(lh 'aT - « > - n 0(n8, 80 o -d o v m -p ay n )o n l} J--^ _ i,^ HIng c o s ts a p p ro x . -------------. II you q u a lity fo r - o rs H om o A dminis- t finoncing. For moro • ‘ '0 sdo il you Qualify rj™ !,’.- i c t W alt o r A n n a J y :*..v 7344!>400.

: K r . S . t A . T E - 0R E A L T Y ' | 5 H 734-0400 - B B S

R T O L L F R E E>-345-4665 0x1 E 115- .........

F IR S T T IM E - O F F E R E D L -

ct homo fdnhoglow -” “ T h i r l simily • Located ir> ciJ 1 h o m eIC doso 10 Sawloolh «hp )ol a n d S w im m ingrim poccablo 3*boo*— -reTOO d i,.2 -ba;h hom o w ilhiQsOmonl I n c lu d in g - . n .^ re o m 'n tx J -2 - ro o m B ------------ 1,toblo for Z moro bod- , 4 '18 by a d d in g c lo s o t „01 Numorous o x tro s . , w Jing woodslovo, con- .air, Triple-pano-vnn------------

doublo carport ond ,i 16-v « ji lu h o p ..A l............ - A l}00 this hom o-w on’t "n th o m a rk e t lo n g . ”Q udrun now , 7 3 4 - • Fc

____ __________ • . fai. ' or

OLDWELU "lr BANKERS T E R N R E A L T Y w:U 33 ;2365—rpon^dontly ow n o d & '

^ E : 5 bdmt, 3 bath, **• y room with largo. l»o- 3, landscapod. NE Twin .-kwaiOft,-$86,900, Call. Z 20U H ot6 :00^._ ; _ l i — * 1

'" '■ ■ ■ V i ■■

V .


.vWodnosdoy, Jonuo>y 31.199

_ 007-0

ForSila 030 tfomesFor

NED TO ~JG H T ■ $ L - B O N

' s f r i r a p a i d d ir e c t

S S S ! ; - Y O U F O R - n s ainmont sized;i»“ J f " “ 5 YOUR HOUSI


? „ T ? t? r m i i '! I e N G W O F I k itc h en , im-

M S o . 'c a U -O U R SA LES



^ ^ - r = T R A T W E . R 6



------------W P U S : •room, corrals.

& W E 1 L H E L

m s ° '3 M s ” i L IST WITH Ulorm al diningro o m , fam ily YOU WILL Bl

o jiio rago-oninz» _ _____________

GUARANTEEn o ro in lo rm a------------- . ■ QUICK AND

D lW E L L fapO F E S S IO

N K E R e c Q v i r c M IN REALTY SERV ICE. M

^ n 'J l^ ^ T o d T M EN TIO N Tt


. RECEIVE BCot 1232 S. Bluo“ >11733-3173- _ S A B A L A RlALITY 7 3 3 -4 3IR D A B L E --------------- -------:A T I 0 N LOVEl

location, quality 3 bodroom, V i flrOak-irim,.Ei,i.- .hou6o4ft.g foa. tchon . vou liod 845 Monroo Sl. rnial AND infor- ond well mainta ig, m a in lovo l roal ovo towarc bodfoom e, 2.2 5 . .(k>nr-L>gh;-oak-' LL NEWI O F - k itc h o n 4 ba t. -ONLY-$96.000> - d o s o ts with-oi M sq, ll. homo, $72,500, To coi O 'H allow s lo r or Wanda,^ 1 showing,

DWELLNKER ¥&-oaR N R E A L T Y O R T O L L 3 - 2 3 6 5 1-800-345-4665onlly ow nod &___________ ___ A T T EN T IC

,hA-&-FHA!'1/ — ^ ' 0 0 2 bedroom, lull

basomont. lOx:

S “E .r£ l." i!o T ,™ ?b o m . f S l S r v V t ill advoniso your 506’

° s r S d S , " “io d r o d g o a t 7 3 :

r T ^ " 'S t T Y - “ :»:“ t _

GEM S'homo with 2 b e d - --•---.R E A L imonl ly y im ^ l..

600 Plooso call O R 't O L C ; ^ 718 _ ,1.aOQ:34S-4661

iMforSaJe^-;--------- MiJ-HomeaFc

5 B e d ro o m Z u sto m H orrIs pro lidb ly th e f in e s t ex ecu e to b e io u n d w ith o u t m ovi le c o n v fen ien ceo f th e city.j»i jd e led 'lasL y ear.-th ls h o m e f

Oak hardwood floors throughoiTstfloor,— ------------------ }--------4 inch Plantation shutters all

/^ s ie r suite with fircplacc, offii walk-in closet, and extra large Iwilh skyllRhta:------ ..JZ ZAll new kitchen and appliances ■ including Sub-zero refrfgerator frecaer. > -Formal living room, dining rooi family room and den with : entertainment center.3 t i e r ^ red w o o d d e ck w ilh hoi a n d t r e l l i ^ d in in g area,

b l K W I N - R E A T ]

_____7 3 4 j B 5 0 0 : i

990 Tlmos-Naws. Twin Falls, k

' V . '

Q 3 P

s sF prS alo


:C T L Y T O ~ ; -

O S T I N G :^ : r —


JM . ~ ' "

5 ^ f i M e , - “ — ^

E S ----------“ ------------


3 0 U S





- B E



5I0N A L :-------

l 'm u s t ^

JT H IS ---------- --------

: B O N U S.

^R E A L T Y . ^4321


.V b a th .to w n -|fnnl' Iftf nlififi) St. Vory cloan . lintalnoo with 0 ' — ward organiza-

b a th s . G ro o l ,. ;h -o fg o n « o f0 r“ — =— } soo .call, Jano

S T A T E - :A L T Y . - . i 1 -0 4 0 0ILL F R E E ,4G650XIE11S '


1 : lull unlinishod. • .

10x36' bldg for ' • rage, oil on ex- t. E as l ol Twin .) w ll qualify fbr K . l in o n c in g . .500} CALL TO.i-1

s t a t e :A L T Y -l - 0 4 0 a _ J -------—IL tT F R E E — ------ -46650 )ft E 115 ...........

ja F o fS ^ — :ir—

^ 8 n, ; j __

m ' ' i _ _

imee c u tiv eov in g o u ty .j»^n tire lytie fea iu re sL _____

g h o u t th e --------


oflicfe•g e b a th -------- --- -------

nces 1a to r

ro o m . ;

I h o t tu b '

J L T - Y . . W . ^

ns, Idaho.D -3


Page 27: mosi an^nosd. N,..W hite House c l-w JB Sununu, who said t the report with Presi' al security adviser!

-'i m K e a i

______ .

030 Horngi For Saia 03


__ lo ts oLci^lortaW cr-spaco bulor 0*130111/111 iTio oxccIlonT' suineigtibofhood '1165 Calo- na. 2280 sq ft.. 4 bed- 12 ro o m . 2 t a t h s . fam ily for room. Iifoplnco with wood stovo, oxcollont carp o ts .

--------o v c n a biino (ilcfl-foncciryard. $78,900. Call Jano or Wanda. * 5 2 ^ ^ .

= G E I V I ^ T A T E : t j--------------tREALTY— ^ ^

7 3 4 * 0 4 0 0 . - OR TOLL-FREE— .a

i.flQQ.345^G6S oxt E tl5 _ -N oth in g do w n . 3 b d rm . _l

' good locaiion, closing costsonly. 535,000. CaD Sylv.a f.lor morv intormsiion. _

. Rainbow Roatlv 733'2273 —

031 ^OiJt-:or*TowirHonws-' -~

LEASE OPTION thb 2 b o ^ clroom homo on 'com cf lot. Sdoio to schools, church w d C

• shoopinq. Laigo aMumabio Ti---------toon A ^ 'n r5 2 4 3 t» : 1(


Sa3-B806/543-6339.___ "

032 Buhl/Filer Homos q'

. ECONOMICAL! 7 Low $127/mo'ilh plus taxos- >

-------- aha*i(i5tranc(rior2*t3omTr «Call Moflo 543-5075 now! « Barker Realtor* 543-4371.; ^

- “ W T^Farms & Ranchos 0

_3W* tlfifif'g pormit for salo. L■ ' ■ Can drill irtmodiately. North- [i

y.ido only. Cnil 825-5617. _ ,___7a a a o Paul a r c a ^

MIO waior. tPhono 673.052B. fATTENTION [

. r a n c h e r s ;

. • 5 3 3 A c r o t O n o o f ! C w o /s best ranchosl Cat- ; Do a shoop. AUM-S. p lus I d o u b lo 4 d a iry b a r n . Gfavilty Ilow to wnool a n d .

• hnnd Imos. homii. corrals.■ 302 A cros • Small ranch

V noar Wondoll. 2 hom os. ^• 375 Aero* Small ranch

---------- Idoatlo r livoctockr2 'P ^ ® ‘& 2 whool linos for hoy, grass & pasture. 2 homos,;

_______ hnrn. corrals. QOOd foncos.

— r o b e r t -j o n k REALTY .7 3 3 - 0 4 0 4

Of_______ l.eOO-252-5001• EXT. 1211

Grade A dairy, by cwnof.1 Hvorylhing buM ho ?ow s.

' • leody lot work, Modom barn.. ho rringbono s ta l ls , froo

' • s ta lls , cindor block sh o d .• •M odorn Z b d t m h om o . 7 : aao s . all for $65,000. Moro• ground il wamod. S54-2370.


• 1 2 7 'o a o dairy larm with - on oxccllont dbublo 3 hor-

ringbono. This facility con- tains a modorn'3 bdrm. 1 Va

' bath homo and sovoral out ^ b u i ld in g s . A r o a l g o o d• dairy or Ir/ostdck opomuon I for Iho p r lc o t$ 1 1 9 .5 0 0 .• Can Bill Qt 734-3373 U>- : day. 8035-89.

j A l ^ Ev : . '7 3 4 - 3 3 7 3

. - . 'C A L L T O L L hH bb

____i:_TfOdo.(0t.60|l),.Largo.j;>qaiK: • tiful oxoc. homo in Loo^on UT

---------- rtortenn-ln-TF-nnjarOotBHr-•■ RQ«gS76. E lto.NV89S01.’

— -i-Wont to buy of tmcta-Utnh r-d t ijj ifc p o n y fo r tarm^g^rw^

-------- ? ~ ^ - A c r o 8 g 9 i U l»

: ; 1 acfo. counts lot. d « » l o . ; TP. $6500. 0^ 733 -7532

.. 5 0 x 1 5 0 ’ lo ts in S ou th-------..-1 pa ,K ow nof will f inance,

I • paymonta choapor thofi ronl_____b tS 734-0586, V - •

- : 8 ’A ocros, 4 milos N. 'A milfl• • E ohJofomo. gated pipo in- . , dudod. -8 shorre of watof,• $12.000/olforEr lako ovor

' • :■ Sflits. Cal 324-^157. ■

W - H o o m R if S i la

^ c O T t r l o l . 4 tediooms.-31)JI

- r , . oaraoe,.CalHodayIqfaviowln!

i : r a 'iw il i iH D ii i^ i™

- • : plijfnbrflorextr»taU)down, I ; bNLY$69,900.

• ' '


-T . ; - J C J t t t O | y i H O n g

D-4 Timos Nows. Twin Falls. Ido

I e s t a t e - R

038 A cfaage & lo ts 051

B U 1 L D IN G - S I T E ~

B riaw ood Lano. Excollonl ^ buirdihg-slloifoolabllflh'ffd- SsS aubdivbton-with-flood’p f o - Z-b icctive covonantL Lot si» ) $27 129x303 .79 . C all Shlrfoy 905; lor doiails. , 2 b

- C o l x i w e l l : ^ !


-----------7 f l3 :« 6 5 — — SIndopendaniry-O w nodT S- t -t opofalod. • ---------------- ^

-O39_Btis!n03S Propflrty. __ ^

Historic Lem on Hardvw ro Tyi.e idg in R ichfield. H etall/ «]« shop/2 bdrm opt, suitable lorBflht manufactumg or what- on

£27500 487-2390. ^

10' & 12 ' w ides for c a lo ' ^ ! | c h o a p i L argo se lo c l io n . S c h m ld f * M obile H orne ^ Ccntof, Wondovof, Nevada. 702-664-2294.10x55'. $2500. Ownor will B-'Mflco. 734-0586._________1974 Rootwood. 24 x 60, ho

-oloctric hoBl. AC, carport, polio, plush caipoi, cusiom i drapes, replaced appliances.

S M z i S ^ l ^ S1974 G ovornor. 14x52. 2 kj,

■bdrmSr4-taihf-ACi-opptt.- -ju Soi-up w /s lo ra g e sh o d &. ^

-cnmon.$6800.7 3 ^ 1 4 . - . Lj -1974-Sihrofocsl 2 4 - r '6 0 7 otoa hool. AC, dock, sJor- 5 ; ago & carport, oxcol cond,L uy J . $36,500 of bost ol- ^ Inf. Can 734^969 ovos--------^

- 1931 Kit Royal Oaks _28 by ik _ .70,.jiU -ekK aiic...4 .bdm i..l J

baih, wood stove, buJl-n ap- _ . p lia n c o s , to ts o l S lorago Q

p la ce , $27 ,000 . Call 423- 4473 ovos. b(24 X 7 0 .4 bdfm, 2 balh. fto- to

< p la c e . Call 543-61B 8 or 8.343-89120V0S.___________ Sl

s ByOwnort-14 w1do.3bdfm, 5 $9 0 0 0 . Will f inance . C all c

d 734-0586._____________ __ 0»• By ow neR l979 Fleetwood, j? h 3 b ^ fo o m .2ba th .28 -x64 -, a

on doodod kN, AC, foncod-' s h landscaped, sptinWofs, adul . B - W l ^ e n e w . UO-fiOQh - f. tarm s. Call 734-8943.*■; OouWe-wWo mobilo home, \h . fiKrwt ____ tK- MoWlo nomtf^bdrm, l ? x l ? . i 3 ' c lo so trca fpo t. pnnolod.-2 :

doorways. Easy 10 add on.exc cond. Soo to ewrocialo. tAsking $ 1 6 0 0 -7 3 3 ? ^ - ,Must teni Silvorctest In Laiy \J t43BOO.CaH.733«Ot. |

IT - "


7re . . .^ 1990 N ashua, )A,X 66, all. ' ^ o loctric. rnnoo . reW tfera* |

tor, d shw ashor. all carpot- - od. This is probably iho I

linoGt mob'ilo homo sold.

Va ' —

s d B r o c k m a n ’s ^ ;°o" M o b i l © H o m e s

% I i c t ' ! - 3 ? W 2 0 3 ' '. ______WWrERSPEClAL__1__ id ab o ls .U rpct l.dealj ij J ill,

li'ol'bb u n o o rso Ii 'iJn a n y ,— nM tw flQ ■

bio bwi’os-' \ . - 3 , 4 & 5 bodfoom models

c ovailablo. Best finandng In ^ ih a .iad iif iify .ln n d .Iiam fl-au--' packagw a v y i o .

i h r -SO IS& H O IteC EH TER— V > 48lhaCW nden f e - • ~ g » -376-46B1^ _ : _

^ 050- F u m lsh B trilo u w >

mile 051 UnfurrriBhed Houm #r in - ' .............. -ilof. 1 b d rm .e tu K 'm w o . wdof ivor^ & sankatlon furnishod J1 9 5 , ____Cat! 734-3540 afl0f3pnT.

o a M to m M F ofSiite ■

• ' T . 'u l t lR t J k i r t t e s l jw l t l - J e i t l J i n - .bJte.-TM s Is »V9iy-nlM.-»clHi«il- T O tB - te d ia m rJ J t a f to s J I im ,- Mln^. 989.000.

iiiillik 'ntira 'rptfiparrili^^ .10.4 bedrooms, 2 b a K e i l r a lain;

u 'rto iM ’i i K i S ' m i l ' l ! ^ U lM S -

ouWo g^ragi, lool.Super shaip and

R ] ^ T V i k = . . « 1 .

I- ■

Idoho W ednesday. Jw uary 3

351 Unfum lshad Ho u se s J j

1 bedroom, utility room, in- « dudos waiof and sanitaiion. — 258-N rW ashlnm on.-5225.- n > rfl7 a ^ a 6 9 3 o rm S 4 56 . . - 2-bdtm . gna -h o o t. w aio r._$270 m o% $150 C M !f i i Call 734.4709- ofyt2 bdrm homo, all utiiilios in­dudod for managing smoll

^ d ro o m 7 2 'b a lh with gar- don tub, largo Wichen. din- M. ho. family aroa. utility room, ncss c a m o n ^ 7 £ -p lu s j lc p o s iL . .n ,e r i CflU J34-7527 ._____________3 b o d r d o m s - w i th - la m i lr " f i n ^

^roa. Mot. 324.2734. _3 bodroom wilK'safagd. 4 2 3 ' coal Tylcr.,$350^ T O ir^ + -$ 1 5 0 . , ,y

i^rr>. 2 balh 2700 sq tt Rondi-styfo, OW, firoplaco.' konnol, Jonsmo on canyon WCS rim. $650/monlh plus depos- trun it n«ffS3& 6igi. .......... ■ - c n t tAttraclivo, 2-bdtmJiQUSO^with loncod yard , c a rp o ri . “ and 000 car garago. water 4 saniiation fum. 418 Diamond two.

B 1 14 .'N «w orK im borly 3 bdrm. ga rago . opp is W/D hook-up. fenced backyard, w al w albf&sonitpd, 5325/t o . Sou

hook-up. loncod yard, Irnga* iru i T lo r t - w a to r r< ^ ^ -^ M » f ^ - tb f r »od ,5 l5W ostA vonueD , _ so n- E tw o o d -E v a n tP f o p ^ t -^ ------,

■734-1401 - ^8135. Nowor homo, Hanson flfoa. largo 3 bdrm, carpol- bc l od. W/0 hook-up. nico largo thit ytJd,kj5sA-pblokraVallab1o K w $300/month.

EIwood-Evnni Prop.M flti-734.1401_________ his

B uh l: Y ou c a n ow n you r clu own hom ol E conom ica l 2, w e bodn»m wilh molol siding tofonV $1B0/monlhwiailHA8.19% loan. Call Morlo 543- Tb5075. tn jBarker Realtor*, 543-4371: jjjjC leo n i bodroom in Jeromo. cliloxlras. £185.324.7352. ____In Buhl, small 2 bdrm, appli­ances. paniallv loncod yard. ------

' siorogo aroa, SIBO/monin. (154^ e Management • ^

, in Jeromo: doan, small.’ 3 ' cnen'_ bedn»m..$2SO..a,monlh..+. apoT, $200 dqposh,-no pe ls;-------- oblo; ..........C 0I1324 .3715-............. ST?;. Joromo: 3 bdrm, slovo and owS

rolrig, now paint, available CH£. Jnn”20.$25(i?mo.324-8572_ dou:' JE R O M E , c le a n 3 b d rm . 2 ^

bamt. £325Mio'324-3g32-- Cl««JO N ES WE HAUL »«'

' , t Win movo you , ilS :a n y w h e r e lor lo ss than CtoJ

renting a truck. Noodloads to Calil A Ariz. excf r e e e s t im a t e s . DW

Coll 324-3490, pr|v; I O lder-3 bod room h o u so . ups

small but co!ry, IfWgo. siovo. 734 d lsh w o sh o r lu tn l6 h o d .n o — :

» pols,-444 4lh Avo. E. $340/-

5*' ■Sman 2 bdrm. siovo. n o ^ bdri

listod lor sale. 5250/mo.Tho M anagement Mo<

{ fo fm e^ Foster Mgt) taki

Vorv cloan ^ bdrm, lo c a te•' In South Park. No. pole. $250 W t

month+ $ l W d ^ a . SK

Wondonr'em a l l X t K i ^ Tic ~

r . ■ - =

5 . » •L 1 bdfm. CMPOlod. somo VUi-

— fanfin-T:PrCal-543S631r—. Furnishod. 1 bodroom opart-: q j— m oiitrulil'lIes-paid,:$195/-

m o n lK :C a H 7 3 4 ^ 5 r~ _ - rM Looking lor a h6uso o r j i p t l _ j ■ CalloaiLlCI, 733-2940. _ _ ? B - Im 9bdrm .$200 7 3 4 4 0 ^ ,

S iudioopL$lSO-rm ow !m ti— ^ uliliiIos'pald;'Bhare ballT. Call . -

- 934-4216 OvenlMS, •

0 5 4 'UnfurnlshKl A pts. —In : — -4 T ).[T p le x e r^ ----------M

»■ i& 2 t « f m ‘opt8' , • w[J QUIETLUXU BY r sf(5, Lg wolk-in c iqso tsiA C (01

• Laurol Park Aportmonts th--------^ 7® 4A 8urico-S t.N ..— x-r- , , A pt 304, manOQOf :- -V— 734-4195.- Oi

- '- i: b o d ro o m u a a ^ * J fW fl9 .7

& V d « o s | t . IW .H arr^ rn 3 n _ s 6 n . ^ y Q 4 4 M o f e _ 5 a

bdrm, 1 bathfn Kimbony t i “ S v a llo b tff - lrm n o d ia io ly .. ■»]

$205.00 ♦ $ l S 0 'd e p o ^ . , £

•S 'A 1 bdrni apt, ctoso to,down-

SS c

M A . i l» d io S i tM h ln F B o t , C

f ..■jiliracUvo ’ » 7

p | - S S . a , W i m d o l L 5 3 & & J l

' ,1 .

V 31 ,1990


- T H E A C E S ^ j

Yoa canaot make yviuseU i ometbih'g you do aot /ee7, bu t . smaakB-yoaTselldo-rigbtinsi <f your (ecUngi’

- Pearl S.,Bi

M any w ill se e otUy one w a y U icsse In to d a y 's d iam ond s ^ t 01 h e re ’s -p io re - to -co o s ld e iL tban- n c re -D ro b a b lU ty -o I -w iD ii In t)qftW> _ ....... .. . . '

W est leads th r e e ro u n d s o f h e m a ^ t b r t i f f ^ 'H o w sho u ld S a a l l n d e ? - —y-

M any w ould le a d a t n i i n p to d n / s king a n d t r y th e d iam oni aesse. I t lo ses to W est’s k ing , EVcst eziCs w ith a d iam ond . In im p nine faU s to d e ro lo p in tftHtri/ tjHfl SiHlIn iiiWHtJi ryV W tZe 'd B c a r t - o t J ^ e - ^ d l a i n o ^ j South then tw o c lu b s fo r d two.

to b e tte r .tin d e rs tan d w by rou tine p la y b a p o o r b e t r l e t ' j am ine w h at hap p en s If E a s t ba: diam ond k ing and c o v e rs th e q t South w&is, c ash e s one m o re m ond. and th e n p la y s a c c , king an o th er club . E a s t w ins ? n d le: fo u rth c lu b .,a n d W e s f s c o r c j t ru m p 10. ,W bat th is p ro v es is t h e n o rm ^l-f lB fts e -^w in a -o n l S ou th finds lu c k in o th e r su its . “T f S b u i r i 5 i 2 n S “ tf ia t 'W S I tb e d i ^ o n d k ing , h e v e s him : b e l te r chance . A fte r ru ff in g tW rd h e a r^ South ^ b e s th e ti a ce and Ibe d iam ond a c e a n d le d iam ond to dum m y. If W est 1 'h is king, S o u U T la te r d i s c a t ^ clubs on d u m m y 's d iam ond W est ducks, dummy" w ins a n d ! counters w ith th re e ro u n d s o f < T he fou rth c lub is ru ffe d w ith m y 's tru m p k ing , a n d S outh h is I t e c s to on ly tw o h e a r ts an club . — ------------

aS4 Unfurnished Apis. 058 fcP uplaxM ___

Brick2 bdrm,. 1 baih opart- Fbrra monl- Ctaan. drapes, carpet, t» buiV

ST25/sbcurttyTJoprRoaltor-----------ownod, Cal 7 ^ 5 6 2 , •CHEAP HEAT. Nowor spa- dous2bdrm.Groalk>catx)n.733-1359 orB25-5200. 22:=^ Clean 1 bdrm. now carpot, ogg aovo, frClgo. waier indudod;SIflS 734:5483034.431^Clean 2 bdrm duplox, oppls;. 20^$250 por monlh. 733-1221. Lokoi EXCEPTIONAL. 2 bodfoom.DW. rolrig. tango ^ s a l . p^r jprivato ulj1ityrm,W/D hook. 5- f, ups. AC. no pels. $335*110.734-6360 oves or wknds- jjoon— ....... - . M ---------- :--------fico.i“ FALLSAPARTMENTS , J«AC

Nowly rom odolod 1 & 2 bdnnopts. ...... o63.

Moot our new managoislind ^ o T tako advantage ol our Janu- p igr a7 spocial, o rR

Wdh Ihis'-ad we vrill take.; .’= 5; $100oil our movo-in foo.-

r - - ’-734.661«:— :____ _____-fl61Q ulncvJ*anJE fllll___“

NORTHVIEW MANOR ^ CInnn. 1-2-3 bdrm . $225- :t m - W J ; S o . W s , -^31

f g

Call 934-4il6 evenings,

“7 T H ^ A l; t& ~ m -APARTMENTS- SJS^:r~7-.664-Q uincy-------- ^-------- 1 - a n c t - 2 ^ ^ ^ - g

■ • r .

tJm irhom e-lo-8han»-% ih* -= rMrt?734-631l0lt0fSpm. TwS ln g le ^ ^ a n looking for a — fomale-roommoie to sharo tho ront. Ptoaso^col .326-'. ■ • 3371ntlof4om. g

057' R m W iJbbili H dniev *>“1

• 2 voiynk»r2 bd»m»rln-oitfei- Wi F>lorlocailofl.$l75& $ltea Jac mb. no oofs. 326-5887. SU

■ 'N icorbdfTn.noaf,eoHpoo8,. ^

. 056 o if lc e & B u tin e ii . ^• ?: Rental ; '. ■* fJ,"

2 btocka from,Moln Si. to- p . calod flt'122 3fd-Avo..N. Mu

■ - ' ' ~ ^ a and storage.' Parking' 01

. J ^ ^ O < p « ^ r ^ l e f ^



' f e e l . — NOBTHityoa ♦ K 9 6

. . . . WEST W: 4 1 0 3 2 -----------

- t o f i - V A - K J 9 4 O fte n ♦ K I O 4 i n - t h e . t _ ^ X 6 . mg n_______________ .SO U T H- -,T.------------b M r t s - — . ‘I ! V

jn p W •’* "j n d f l - * Vulnerable: Bo^h 0, a n d / D ea le r South r - T b e Thehlddlng:

n to a n soo th W cit N( a n in y — 1-4 -—_iack----- --------- Pass—- ar d o w n

Opening leadG I ly th e 'it 's H I- ------- BID WITH Tlla s t h e ' q u e e a South hofds: re d la -n g a n d . .l e a d s a { " 3 .

I k ?o'is t h a t i j BM jly_ il--------------------- -------------

--------- N orth—Sonth---------esrEas i fm s e l f a 1 4 . ' ? --------- ^n g tb e* tn im p ANSWER: Tw o no-tleadsa— thVIdrcIhrhld-oft t a k e s ffo iirth _Milt fo rc in ■ds tw o th re e n a rd h e a r t s t nds. I f and South do n o t I d S o u th m e n t. th e jum p t o t if c lu b s , descrip tive m ove, th d u m - - - -I -

and O D e ... , ,u ^ M n lo p a to r rtpi&»7fyKW.tWt»«

) OJHce & Business 070 Vi Rental -

ront in Wondoll, 1925 sa W ^ 4uikfinfl, 12 n.eoifiriawol C<ill73<iH rrtrK lC an e S S ^ . I Hospita „ T R Y iT H E

BCO W o hove several « m/nllab lo . 733-2282- mojals::------r -------------------Tralloi0 W arehousa - £2!!S£

4 ‘Storag# B s n l a l - :_ ^ _ U

' by 50' storago, 171 Blue .drive. 0Kes Blvd South. ' 324^15Ji73»3a36.____________ Wantecr salo Of ront: Two 3000- beet b . ft. adjacent cindor blockiro h o u so s . 3 overhead call42ors. re ta i spoco wiih' ot- W anteo. Call 734-5681. / _ short 1AOIC VALLEY STORAGE Itoo- CjNoafMVMtin.73&00S3. Wantoi

i3 ;.y /a n ty lto R e n U . . ' ^

or 2 bodroom house Of du- used 1 ox, etodric hoalod in Buhl Please •Filof.CoU32M210,

37 ' Mscelteneoui^— ^

■. SSi;pugi ty w wheel chair.

kiOl luund m k tabfa7 o5^’~ ^ - ^«^kw-room.-lr .-Mllwau.— ----00 & ^r'adu ll''do (hesr:flH |

,roB6 . 886 -2576 or 733- 1 '500. a s k f o r O ^ — r ~ f - orgo bifch d i^ y .c f t s e & I ,loftp n r n T r m h i - z ^ 'o i f f l r - ^

;3 0 0 . '< S t7 ? Z ^ .”4USrr s a i l 6 person, La. >rotlgo SM /het lub. Used tn^vear. te000.731S003r:‘ - l m■ 8ava25% to40K ■ ■

■ ;TB0YrBn.TJUiai3,

SU PPL Y , 306 S hQ shoni ■sim rtSouih'Tw in, • ■ ■

manuals. • «sk , and ;.mflro.. « - yfifiTT ^**‘ °^ * ^ 021:8V9S.- ■IB M -X T ^ (M n g r« 0 >or«<>=|b:i c r o o n .J o / j i ic h , m ouse, - dual* f l ^ . - a f e o n ’ ■ t3 io o ^ V s e 4 & 4 7 .- .

T to f f a n W T a B u y - '; ,

Approximately 2»ons ol f^ h • | , q u w y v a a a n a y o r p ta t ta h .» -

Cta^ool-dfffM ar. C ^ 7 3 4 - " i .

m e

- ' 070 Want

- fortablorpe condKion. C

r a ' - - Wanted to ) S -of-fiiotion- , 5 ■ ■ . condilion

----------------------: ... 7 7 i 2 j ^ n-----------------------------W an le d tt

............. . - b M .w allbE A S T , ers. Cad S4 5 _____ .1201 In Bui

V Q 1 0 2 . W anledte ♦ 9 8 3 2 oak tablo,4 Q 1 0 9 5 ' - »so‘i<S£S

_ 'I w a n to d r '*“ ------ -— • hardwafo tQ - J 8 7 — C a i r S S ^ J . - ■ ...'W aniod;5 . ■ ' cov».<g J - 4 ______ — =Wanl.toJ)t

1978 or no dltten. CallS293.___Want to b dorfofbab

N o r p - a . . - ;

l l f i r l l d n g .__________________ 072 Andi ™ E A C E S , - -

- Mi-B G ranny'sBroadway da v -S a l,

- Dopi. 56. 3 2 ( • ExlfomolyK J 9 4 lio n . NorV j Cheslerlc" < inquiries <

6 _______________ „ 0 7 4 ^ f Bg

____ ________r ^ ' : _ -073 J H

■T-W* 'C ro s s Sli-------- --- — -wNt o-Ai d

;(>-trump. So m friiie d k f& i^ i ' o f ' tw o -d ia m o n d s - -Twin Fallic iM )_ lo _ cb e ck _ o n ________ _ _t s u p p o r t I f N o rth . 0 7 4 'MuIt h a v e th a t a g re e- ^ 2 0 b a «o tw o n o - t r u r n p ls a wiih casee . • ' • '5 pioco c- • • - ■ a n d h l-h

I to Tfct Ae**. EO, Bm fl34-SB8J^ • - . ‘“ “ * ' - 4 ^ B »


------- ------------------- — ovonings■ Lowroy i

W anled To Buy

:& ao8ft=6fea«y ,S - i p . < « ^ 'V l . . w a h s h o -734-7806.___________^ oonsolflpiiai bod wfth fafl6...Can■S322.. : -------- 'oHor.Caou h 'a V O d a m ao u d jo p qua lo r h o u so o r m obilo I n ^ . n i

llor a p p rox im ate 2 0 '. oyg 01gmtatnod: 733-1927 _ '----------.U SED SKI BOAT , 6 lool 1or nowor. inboard p f » w ith «B. 351 Ford engine; Ca# s ^ l m.4512 davs. .734 ntod; 16*. motal groin or- Diazit bt bod vAhoot holso.ln rikonowd to oxcolloni con^ion ; u s e d e1423-4395 or 423-5778. chinos,n tod : 1967 -69 Chovy Z22^5i rt wido box.:ony condi-I Call 536-2172. .077 _H mod: 444,M aiBn^ofl^r

r ted : Boar, daw ,-iff do"xJ to mako a nocUaco. Iaso c a l 734-7752. y]5 0 1|in fe d : C oin o p e ra te d needed

a s t r o . ® ; .M eyes. - ■ _ i,---------- COs.romted; OP. or similar qual-, CaliB2: ■conblhation'■ homorgymr- "^j^wOi

S .^ oondilkin. not- irppofr r a s

tow dol- ^Caln

S = H 1

Jo^n 'aShi^ ^ ^ ^ l c e ; .

I HANDYMAN:'Ughloleclrl-

■ l l l j K

! - D elivered l« rfd rlypw ay« ;l I ' ■-parking W s."ttc,'-You con,. I ___ h a u l too . C a l l I h w e ^ -p - c .* m « a H fg s in a : 7 3 ^ 3 3 1 ^

j W K M S S K M '

I - c p ^ l c t l |o , . l a y b r I c k ‘o r - w ek")roo

---------------------- ^ 1 7 ,

/anlodT oB uy ' 077’ Homal

j.jobuy-r Largo J»m ^. -You.Cfln 'em i.rocSer ln reS g o o d TV lor$S:W w: Can 734-5637. C a ln tS « J to buy: Oldef sedan ------------

m nlnns;______________ Pavfa

Z o V i K Smoot Cal 543-4782. qqIuxo Me' id rT rack rT o llo rs-a- -cryer.“ whitcr; ifo lof.OYorhead door. _dnfor._S14S.

ilod; Used duek de- a io r, S250y>.Can3a44SS8V " 734-195rbio iu y rA ff l« o th « n o .; .FrigidaifO-WiIf nowof, in flood coo- eol. whUo.-Call altof 6 pm, 733- tion, K W - 3

• g e W ashelo buy: Hom de-bud- whiio, $ goals. Kenmofo ro> ^ 7 1 , doaning ov<. ii«vi 950 to 1,000 ranty. $ y 0 ‘

iflnlcWnio:" 'or7^-jt^W )rw fio r447 rK im ber '- -upright Iro M341. loot, $150. f

ator. goodAntiques GE washer.

ioT en d -co m im nfS T S^corTdHi ly 's Drawers. 219 N.,- Can 734-06:way. Buhl. OponTues- w hlioK onSai. 10-5-545:6736-_ <j;yof, $17556. Qieken's Villago, mornings or

noly rare limitod odi- you can roiNorman Church and y^Qghor tlorlon M anor.^rjo tT s wO-OOWoo'« only. Call 509.326-. _ c o in 'iS inltor6Dm, Sookano. _ -j-

Baraars 4 Crafls • You can ro~ • ~ " • • - loliigorator

s slilchofs. 14 count. Coin's S-Aldi-doihreo^-wido.- ■ ■ r0/ydJWfiio: Steel N o o - --------------;itch0fY ,417 7thAvoN, o80 HealiFalls lb 83301. ---------^

■ M w I c o r W rn e n ls - - ^ 1

Dose -Hohnor accordian Cfodrtch w: ^o.-SifiO . 934-5853: -^1 son for co drum sol plus a o sh - hl-hal; like new . Coll ofti,.Ciirn ^ 2 D tio r5 p .m - -uli)ul lop-ol-tho>lino gpiecosoi iuorpiano.-m ustsooio color, ov t oc iabT call 736-3915 $250 or-fc .Inos & wookonds • 73362011 'ey 89 koy digital piano, Banfina ch olccs. 32 orchestrations, eaJol $39.9 10, Call 324-5604. . ' ^Joln'e Jllor and Sons piano.. 2 ________7old, liko nW cdiraniSiT -Boautifun y lacquor ovor w ood, ing table, ( sole with upright b a b y condition.: d h D Ip .,;$ 3 w j^ f::* ^ . Fomtajfo-j■■ Can 324.8400.____ :^T e a lo jC ^QuaJiiy rocondilionod'pl-' K]na.sizod 3.--.mus> 10 b e l io ^ i f a ^ g h

, ' . . w ^ c o m. Oifice Equipment ..

lOt g lass d isp lay coso V ad o f l io b lo - g la s s ” '5 ! '?^ ^ ; los, i & l a > n d .W.6033 Of 324-7207. - -------------:STbluoonnlino machino Oak onto noW .^0 .M 3 .S 924 ,}d cop iers & FAX m a: .

a . g t e . s . r

M lom o Enlerialnmenl

.9“ .?u l

0 l in o additional pa rts

w M agnavox la se rd isc

Director823-4526. -

Od Panhsonlc-sloro w'lth - _ jBkbfS, $49.95. BOlWwc:aln*s Second A v erse any ofx

D T D i i l E

w r n im m ^

>'H. ' ' ProfesstonalInstaRal

l l


w • . I . t/ - , - - w e h a u l c o ,s l .. F u rn itu re , a pp lianc

.-.anythmfll-Call 734-601

I * / 'B — B —PO . I W ^ m S S S lS I S s> f ^ l — k etlor spoclabtTTow


............... \ -

laEnlellplnmanl 062 BuH dngl

am to own a n w Posts, r t ^ b lui)OFmoZ-------------- t>oam8ne»-gt9lecond Avenue'33-7111 ijM Tool?

imunlcaUon. ~ .lo Inch ai^, i: fees 6™

a M o to f o ia . 'i i '^ Portable Cham In- na tion \0’ bt

Hances Rockwell com

iO for bo th . Coll q i . u i q sp a s^ b n jn q g -- - - - a e J 1 0 0 j 4 3 .wasl)«r andJfyoL • _ ,),- oxceilom condh ogg H m rooc. 324-7175, ovos, ^ --- -----------------

00. Cal 831-6479 4581 Of 324^85 «>. ■ ----- - TTTSWrcrtFT

d n ^ ilto n , $150, TREE REMO'Of, oxcoDont condi- SAW WORK. 'i0, WE'VEOOT

3670^' ' — '------ ^ ^o n m o fo w o sh o ra 088 Varletyl75. Call 543-5945 ______ LOf ovos. ■- Organlo .red ront to own a now f

Socond Avenue Rod potatoes^ 733-7111 ,rom'to own a now 0^ P9ls~> •orlor$ll.OOA«K»k. 2 Shih Tru. rt1 Second Avenue tomato, li-T33>7111 — - V cT C an734-

, AKC RottwoiVating & io $600 C ^ s r CondlUonIng---------934-8312,—

eo fn sortw ith-lan .- 14-6482 aftor S p,m. ■

f s , f r a■O,t400.643-5924.f.1 -5 4 8 .2 ^ .

Tnlture & Carpets Boston Toni

Eociionol couch, .rust 4 ^ 5 7 5 3

c h ^ L T h o rage on

• i ^ J ^ v e n u e D o ^ K ^ J

ook p e d e s ta l ta b le F . '^ PUPP'« diafrs. Ftoor model.,

ly $999.95. 2126ollor.5j’•S econdA venue Gorman Shi

733-7111 • ' 1-6 month d iloftainmont contor.( 56* h. $200 or bost “ I c ^ a r taii7a3-7Qga. Prico rodua I 460 exorcise bike,»x springs, maltross. mls3k>n.,Cal!uno, $50; T couch. ParakeeU)nd and colloo tabto, Localh raiseL All in good condi- nuo Easl on»ll733.2lg3. PurobrodC

lu ll in g MalsTlSla S2^ ‘'R uwii

U faborS Palnl ^ S l f f i i S ”

; a « c o : -TSill 543-6455.

oty . dolly in T ta o s . T m iF n l t an.^.slliodi. ________' -

i t f fB O .E v i^ k i in d s .

n n o ^ B r i c k s - ^ ; ^

P i E 5

8 9 .. I ' B B B- • - C A R P C T I

lallon - ■ c T n s ifwrs. ■ •• ' 438-53 M592.— - - - 5 .;::-.. V ■ —

■ : .- .JA jC R■ • Comploto hwne

■ B i ” " ! ” 'S H • C01I733-

0. M -.-ncos. o r— ■ - r —■ R H i m

- • " 'J ttrS T flE E & l ■ ( ' C . Treo and shxu

I lo n d s c a ;^ . Or

IP- I .3W wlnlor I froo ft siiiuOJi

0 3 0 - (. V '

Ing Mete'tbls

lh lum&of. fpugh :gi9ir-:=----------- —

I ' ' '

kJ 12 inch ra d ^Very good condi-

g o ^ .• b r ick /ce iam k ^ -— 110220, $1,000.

»viw............. -.........

d e s _____ _________ _

spo»d m ountain 543:6968, ovos.


;iOO 0 cord, evt & 734-8371.(60 0 pkki^ toad. - p « lo ofdor. 324- >^8534. ■ •


;m o v a u c h a in - . . RK.734-4776- •SOT FIREWOOD

ety Foods

red potstoet, 50 X $5X«. WJI do- Fans or Wost End.^ 5 0 0*537-6513 i,DM. 536-2022.

j - j Supplies

ai. roglslotDd, m alo ......lto. in coloiod pup-734-23097----------twoAor pups. $400 :ol] anytimo.

Itkis. oWor puppies. - B34:5B6t-evQS.— — ingor SpankHs. livor hurting dog stock, ^bitofostedbuycrs.

Toriior puppios. 6 Jld , $ l f S . Phono>. ________Shar Poi cupptos.

J lomolo, snow and alily .w lll doiivor. ra , 601-782-2011.

Sa lvaiiizud■ ,$ m c a u .

Basset'M Jnd $ 5 0 ~ '

1; Puro-bfod^Boniof- ) u p ^ s . CaII la lo -—

brtSofman Slioplioid e sreK «nort wiich— “ 1I82&-5021. - jpples, mixod, mo- - zo dogs, can 734-. . or5:30pm. — ,I Shoitiiaiis. 1-pup. ilhokJ. 1-1 yoar oW. - .T opol tho liter. Ex- e a ^ & hunlois. ducod. 324-S0B2.- t waniod. 75% com- ■ Can 733-1812.» e ts & Cockailele raised. 253 7tb Avo- a or can 733 6954. od Cockor Spanlol _. $75 oa:-CaIl 532-—uPoit.lD, . ___A l^ Gennan Shop-

black and tan.I b lack av a ila b lo .an 554^101.:----------------re 25% to 40%I your pot food---------------^alls Gfocoiy Outlot

734-0294 , onco Diot Cahino I .

IS. PanfO-DistBmpor18 $S, FiiMsnrvCT ______L Now doluxo boards_____diltori, Stofford Vet- S n te r .U m L E .o l Clncmx734-797P.'

ilEi: : :

m m m m ■m iB m IET Laying . ■iBStm o — g- - , -

^ o ^ n ^ a l l o ^ Jdefing. 733^747 ■

W m m . i ,

caipot doanorsj ihe host system. ■ 7 3 3 - 1 3 0 4 ;_____ _ J

E&LAWNCARE I I shxub trimming i ^

g.Call734-57l8. :. - ■ !-

Uo VcppUW a’ f lK i i .® ».'fisl. J r fn Mo- ■ ' 0Sa3J:34.-4365---------j l —

- 5 5 5

Page 28: mosi an^nosd. N,..W hite House c l-w JB Sununu, who said t the report with Presi' al security adviser!

'[/^Merch9094 Thrifty AdsV 097

10, l l - l i 13 -H V07 ^ co n d itio n . $25.$50/bost ol- stnek

tof. Call 324-5510._________•A d m ira lT re lrlg T ^ jn i ira r lAchon cabinots. $45 oa; 90 J —

boxos. J.35-$.50oa. 70o<_________ Jo ro

For S a lo ^ C rlb .'C h o st o l £!!S! d ra « o rs , lull s i io b o d & War)

. cprinos. (100. 733.1201-ai- « tw c lorSom . BuhlKorocono hoaior. good corv £ 2 2 i

U g h t f ix lu rss 4 ', 4 tubo ,. wTfsf wylons.&.tubos.WS.- ^

__30x58 (too(B_w/hafdwiiro 4 -be ta $25.734.2347. ^ LiQ toosior/convoclion ovon.$4V B & D 2 to circ. saw. 102i25. N w -fw w 2 bufnor hol ____otolo.t2S. 734-7167 2 2 ,MUSICAL KEYBOARD, Ca- calve

. do MT-68. r s , 734-71oa. catvc- N sw .BttfloncrulM ieScRi 2 vo

—'inow bos td : S200,-orbos«“! otfoe .Can 3 2 4 - ^ boioro 5 br

12:30 at>dflHof 5 3 0 pm, cow!' Rowing n»ehln«^wHh borwh oftor

cross, curls. Poc-doe attach- Bull <. m o n t8 ..t7 b 'o rb o s lo llo r. " - c a r

Csll 736-0011. •“ o r aTool box to &t.wido box PU. CuS'

. Good condiiion. t s o . Grillfluafd. «8 V4 ton Ford 4x4 ^PU.J76. Can 734-2527____— asi s


8am, 097;-Hiy, G « ln& F*«d— ^

— ta rz fid T ra A rc u ttif ta T ay r -szii. hoavy 2 string baJos. CaH

- -3244135 - ^ .1s t culling a l l a i l s . u n ^ ^ un

shad , oxcoliont dairy hoy. -.011— Coil 7 6 4 .2 5 1 8 ^ ________ g

2.000 baies ol cloon straw.80 afnt&/baIo.'20 Ion ol now

. soodina hay. }60non. .Call ^ ___________:------- 103

- 400 io n 'd a iry hBy: a lso ___strow, dofivor Joromo oroo, h

• Cali324-5167.or324-5182, 100 - - 500fA «tonsorist.-2nd.& .324 '

: -- '500 ion big balo straw, can 104

* : doDvor onywhoro. 436-4701 - r r>. -Maglo Vallov Straw

- 1 - 9 1 0 batos-ol-ctearv-«traWr- vm . hoavy'balo«r$1.00*a-.bal(»,- ^

HorbortPiul.B2S-S283,____ gBaJod. hay lofsaJo. 350 tons .'t J

------2nd-aittIna...25Q Jo fU zS rd . r =- c u t t^ /8 7 6 / lo ^ i^ P h o n o

1--Cam24.131fl Of S36-2689- shoStraw lor solo, noar Kazol- Jnfl.ion . oroa. Call 43S-5234 or ausloavo messoQO.-........ - / l i l l - $70WantKl to buy: Allala hoy. $5Cdo not nood good quality, tm$65.00 por to n .m 5 9 0 8 .- For

. WhosJ straw, storod insido. irail., . .$ 1 .2 5 por ba lo . Call 734= Iloo

7606 ovonings. . ih<

i i - — -------------------^ 4 o

? ...... - - -

'i '

m ' - v ' . r , .

' i '■.........P - - ------------^

far-! ■ ■ buE . -----------'rUiJ. 1: . : , lS

p m

h a n d lse - l

97 K «y,G nIn& F » ^ 105 H

Ul buv loo. bonom 4 bro- ^or sal 9n balos to.cloan up.VflW 1106505 [> » ^ f d ,7 ? ? - 4 ^ 7 , ,____ ^

g f f -^ ^ f f f liE o r . 'R f ln tn rr iK ^ ja

0 ocros'ol larm land, W ol ^ o rom o. cosh ron l. rolor- noKlmaulniO, 324:2103./o n lo d to ron l. c a sh or |r h<tfo^<rop-40^C0-B0fw w- i i i rnn ;uhl/F IIororoo .C oll'543- K u i, 004oftof6pm __________

99 Pastures ^ R l n l

ifl-sharos ol Salmon Rivor Jraiihg’Assii'eiSTOjrsiockr Lflfcfi i250r>er share. 543-4049. -----

02 Cattlo ” l ^ L !

!2 p a ir ol m ixes cow s: alvos ltom'SSp lbs 10 smali alvos. 536-S1W allor4pm.

1 brod rogtslorod Longhorn hai »W8. good brooding. Col >ltomoon&/ovos 324-fe26.Bull calvos lor salo. ~~~ .rw »^ :an324-34aU. apm ( 3f 324-7256 atlofSpm.Custom hool* Irim m ing, C to dd ^ r C a n 7 ^ S 795,------------sido o;)oho rn o d longhorn bu ll, cam doal (or hoilors; iflehmonl-. truckk isis & blood tostod. oxcol- ^andij ont bloodllno. 324-6526. [jjog , -o r s a lo : 2 b lack A ngus .IrrtQoll Julb,-CaH-535-2085 boforo .t» IM 5 |» i i.__________r^ogistbred Herotord b u lls , ._____wRrQdhflllofg.324-200S..- - ^ 1 Rogistorod or »ad o Jorsoy »w s. up 10 100 hoad. Cur- rom mak Pfico i1 0 lo $19/ , , C m .-V o l« in i^a fm 8,-& n - -L m imotl. ID. Call 564-3383.___________Stmmonlal-purobfod-hoilefs- -’A mil ond bulls. WO-900 b s. Coll 4 Mr 3g4-8606. ________ _ • tra jol

103 Dalty Equlpmant— — B37-4

Hovo Oilriss A vtllabli ' -(er 6j 100-700 cow ;.C allM arvar u^ao324-5441.- J - ............ r r s ^

Li.ndmsrkR»Bltv ^

104 Horses ^ 1 4


flflflvor.mto............................1HORSES, wo buy, soli, bod< trodo on Ivpos. 324-7675 • -ghonl................... ........ . tjraul.105..H on«Equlpm 8nt Efto i


Australian saddio, liko now, ^$<mvinghamoss, r " ? $500. Tnnguo ond doublotroo8.£1S0.734.5003,-____OnhFor Sola: 1985 WW 2 horso "I®!;irailor, in good cond'itien wilh 2 2 iifloor mols.Fir8l $1200 tokos MF'I homo. 324-3066. ovos. bladi

rimes-Nfcws.( : N ow Offeii

M B^ u r “daily gara located«undeK«n<

_classifitat S e e ' G l a i


«odoiiW hether'J

,uyingo% |llirtg^ ifem s, T ht^yr.A c

— isT:heiri&K»' - ■' s

B 1 1 1 L <



K on* Equlpipent . - 114 Farm

j^ o :^ S r to lJ io a v |'J a f - 375 IH J k

IM3-W5-._________^8»4ri>vostoc<i-lronfi(>onft- -537^05 .^ ;:jacalrt:lot)g-tfstB ncc.- CANC ELL SOS, bOy, soil Of trado. • Immodlatol

Call g0S-26»9031 M lroclo I ta tiu lU M -B T O ia rc B nm > and stock traitors.I trad o d , wo lin a n c o . F y m al Sc

k trfnhn 733-3961. front, doar-------------------------------- ------------ CollU Shaep/QoaU ------------- NosYrKoiia

h»adw hl»hc««»«i,1 J z W ra .”

1 ktlgallon

hofsopoworAmariDogoor All plant!.vo. 4:7 ra tio irrigotlon groundwimp. somo column, & ftandyW>|^B ^ogO T E rC al oflor, HayroUio

i r a a sl o o n V .C o l ie 2 S ^ 1 7 ^ ..L loyd's; JLL. N O ^l lor special tow cModdiprtcfs on r . x 40- _ ndlino and >oid sols, 21 M por tru c lT s il^ Crook D Z D S S collon. 324^184-oc 7 8 ^

OATED PIPE • 121 Boai3taS"oili*pV— —-Custom labricatMfl ~ r t7 7 o 3


.mil*,-5 inch wheol tih o sp r Wanlod s M movers, big whools. ox- call 726-9 I joints avaJoblo.

Call 324-3140. 122- Spoanted: 2 whool linos. Call - 17-4420 boloro 8am or at- 17 lool Cc

-hool lino tor salo. $4000. . U-4448. loflvo a mossoQO, 123 GUf

14 Farm-lmplemanto ^ ^ iS m iti

>8a JD « 5 0 MFWD, 1 » 0sura. 16 monlhs now -w ar- fO H -6 Ai

o d d o r, hydoiiUc. f«,so( flominglTanks. $12,500. IH 145 hy-' gloss b«raul«-ro$ol-4-tttlom;ptow;- m itorSp<0 now. $8000. Coil 676- 6x18x40.

0 ft U-Houl^llorago v a n /iar ovorhoad door, oxcol-,lilt,-Call 324-2669, 124 Smord 7701? tracton Now Hot-. TtflT-TSmd 910 swalhor. 543-5313train mills, now ond usod, ;:;(o $55iany m okes and m odols adoHo $vailablo. Can 436-8397. 3iowni(54F 50 tractor, toador ond ploco srkdo.$3000.75S-3876. -|$37S,C a

■Gkssifig d s .

rage’ia le ’.’^now “ n& conven ien t ation -

^ dat;LLESSI

r ; v-i •

y o i r a r e - ------------

f i b a ^ t o - p r i c e i a


':— T—

* m a r k e t "I

arm Implamonla 124 i s n o r

I dneol swalhor. ro- 1965 P h «

^ K C 5 l 5 4 3 ^ 9 o r lion,$2200,95. ------■-— ^ -i967-¥8mdELUTK>N,Hnus<-6«» ■odrPped,,5laiolyl Ono 42x36 ft. tras..&fc. eglo s p a n b u ild in g , igeS Indyin Twin Fons.-l-SOO- i,029m iloi

OOoxf.896,’ Indy 400.I Suoor MTA, re^S l $226o,.CalIi

3 fwHi'^THtU^linglQ 1989 YamalJoan. $1050. ' • Yahama PhCall 543-4655. wosaki 44( toBond-1032-pulWM- 340. Call 54w agon. $5,000. Call -81,Ski-Doo176------------ - - - runs nood, (I Fsrm Tractor Parts • .'62 Yamahsing Salvago T radon . *82 YamahaIty Tractor Salvago Excolleni riflul. ID . 438-5420 $t500,Can »d: Any IHC trac tor.aWnttirpricod roalistl- 125 ‘Tfaveccording lo condillons. __________C«1lflg9.51S4. IQ M iaC a

Fam W orkW antw i—

Jarning. rock picking. for salo o id work, manure hau l comjprtlof. IvW em rrS C P S S S qr- V rgV lW 6 ijtrioving..2or3wido. whool. 35 Call734-3554. W/D, conl

jro hauling and banv

r a q t l o n o l - Tjtmr

= = s ^ = ^ = ^ . .lully-lnsul . • »od,$400.

Boats fi . Camottfshi Marina Itam a________

1990 Socswiii boats I OMC Cobra motor*

arolnstock.1 Marino « -S p o r tO d s^ SbdoOn-lda K .rn^uriov.67a.7473^od small bool trailor. 733-3817 0

-- ------------ 127 MotoSporting G oods .

i i ? s . T = s r j S -■l7-<a7&of733-3896,^- • 3 2 4 -3 f^- - 1978 22- Guns & Rifles ' chassis. 4_____________ ______ ; lrlg;oralormith & W ossorx. al> . $9500. Plht m odol. $250 , Coll Hagorman.f ll7 o r 734-4745, ■

» + i w i .iHor noon, 7 3 4 - 0 4 8 1 , iiSFw ant inotonM DL TOO-BDL, anywhoro . tJoddod, 22-250. Var- ‘ orid make rSpocioi. w/Simmons tho umi ol x40 MDL.1016 adjust- Seo ati*I*iivo'$400,----------------Motorl-«>£7^3‘; ^ - ' — doll. Cal

Snow Vehlcias S3&

2 JO 4 4 0 Liquid Firo. 128 Utlli1: 1983 JD 440 Sport • 1. :____ _$855:1I 79 Polaris 340 1984 Goolo. $455:4 ploco bucWo lalbod wrrmcbilo traiw , $1100; 2 ablo sides0 snow m obllo trailer, dom duali, Call 736-3909. 324-3290

423-5516 ' Hoavy dl

trailor. r 7736-8680.

132 'Aull

: V------ ,_.THA

W ■ ' low mi.


onglrio, $400 or

______________ 636-6637— -. -------------- -------- 1984-Yaj

collont CO Call 536-:

' - 1985 KX U colloni ct

fllnoJSS 1986 YZ'

Exe cond. - , _ ■. „ J . - ] a 9 - p i c

■ ' - ......... ............ 7-ito4Chi, cho. no?

.. — ---------- — — Call allot'1969 F& Runs g»

. - 6479 Of; • '1976 Foi

; ' ' w ilh8l«

--------- ----------------------19761 ■ — oyllndoi

$1800/0 o r T ^

■ 1978 Ch------------------------------ o fb o tU. - -1 9 8 2 C h» odo,-59.i

---------------r - '- jh o ltr® -• 6752. afl

■ 1982 To

— ------------ •- TmTe5--------------------

' 324-272.... .................................... 1886 FC___________ u : . .J .:_____


j f c J , ..................1996 ^

oxc. aii — -------- - takolrat

4 ^ - K -------------- .1587:?;' ~ ----------f ; -dually.)

•• ■ ’ motor. C


’R e c r e a t i

e V ah lc iaa . 13? PIck-Uj

ozor w ilh c o v o r, 1984 C hovy'

0. Call 886-2476. $ 3 W ? t^ l 7; ra lfu Pltta u rp o i r -> 1 0 k it.Jw 9 eX:. IgM F o rd 1! cond. B86?677. . 351, f SpOOi

r . . “ ? 4 i o » s g b - ' a j

naho Exdlot: 1987 ' ’1985 Fotd. 4 Phazer: 1981 Ka- oxcoDont con [40; 1077 S n o Jo l injoctod. AT. M3.Sfl74 carpoi kft. Co00 Blizzard 7500«, 1987 SIO w/i1 Cal 678-0977, 43.000 milos lha SS 440. *700r- dHlon.Goll 7c lho ET 340, $1000. 1989 Ford R(

running, boih lor cob. 678-2429. $10,395.734

■63 Ford FICfvel Trallora tiros, radialor

_________ _motor.AmonCalav 5ih whool 21 -bq^ r . iJiloM. 6o6 d condT 15050 ColiCall 5 3 ^ 2 9 66 o r ^ 4.2724

or trado: ultimolo 140 Haavy Of RV ofjtw -round86 Kouniry-Alrb~5(h 1969 2 loh <35 It. w /slido o u t, 700 Holmosinlral a ir , c o n tro l a u to b rak oIcro-wavo. doluxo 438-5598 Of'owning.many many 1979 ih noroluxo coach. . ovor. slnalo (43&4680.— m !ns:9 s)d .

. Co. 436J 13;mpara & Shells 2- 1959 21’/

f u U u d V « o « l t e - In 'ornoll.ontw Cnll733-2811. 7 x 1 4 x6 Ci

ilt?33-3545, • i98J_Chovy

7 0f 7S44745 . co nd lllon------------- $4000. CalKjtor Homes ' ' i9 8 4 Winn(

' dtosol luiboMC. 66 p a sso n g o r oxc cond . 1lUS. excollont shapo, mros, $13,5(o i n . .$ j : 5 0 0 .o « i l l a a j ^ o h i ;L — . --------------- ^ cond .43 .0a2- Kil. w ith D odgo Callt440 motor, largo ro- ;

3 l : S « S 6 S ; ™cnjam with

• • - • • • • trim. 318 0:,V rU 9 E in iO T O R - ■EZ25E5STWS 51 Lflls-of-lhem . II for. Phono 7 mt lho b o s t doois iro; como 00 o v o f 142 Impotiko us and ollor on ___________1 o^youT choice. 1968-Volksi Bt Intorm ountaln rocondillor rHom ®*:in W en-7^ 934-8266,- :all 536 2301 days 197a porsc

or milos, axe. < 36-2666 a v ^ ----- -- ,,9 7 0 Volk

tllityTrallora S ' $ t o

loosonoeit. trailor. 20" with 3- a o i a ^ o v - 1980Umrto los 4 ond gatos. lan- TronsAm.^ oloxlos. lO longvw , p w o r ^a> ?0 ahor6om .~ _ l6 .Now/usodlfailog. H | 2 2 ^ dul y ta n d o m a d o ,

— mini condil t n o t l y g : CoU326-_59

1983 RX7 ■- s h o p o . '0 :

" = = ^ = $34& . Col n . j , onswor, 53<

IC M iw rle , „ LX 03 000

: a a.489aofJ3:

n<; w.hii]» C all678-i; b , good 'condilT on.’ 1 9 8 7 Mo; or moko o llo r . Coll sp o o d . Al37;_________________ 3 0 .0 0 0 _ ;^«mah«..iT 490,-m -.

y . l J J .a l" '

condition, robullt on- 84 Toyol SSO. Can 643^140. wMon Sl fZ490 Yamaha, oxtra bittra sprockets, oxtm lovMs, c a r s i ^ B b a - «da^X L350R.^100a: ind 438-8245 aftOf 5, 1974 Cho

Plek-Up-Trockr^------- - S l ' j l 'g i affl b£ K m M .4

Ford Crow Cob, 1 ton. <iovsor73

* S f n ^ 9 2 7 4 . C f l i i la i?% -ton-Cjwvy- PU.-6 Jor, g ood con d ilo n .)/ol<ol Call 733-6359

S y 1/2 too. $1295

Chovrolot % ton SifVor-

■ ■mem.


rado:-43e-S700«vM. --:. - * C - W s -Foni F3SO .-aow .cah- J r a l l o U1. XLT pkg. 4-spd. 460 whoots, 0 ; : c o i 3 » k 7 2 9 2 r 324-3127


>Up Trucks 1 4 6 '4 x 4 ‘s & .

vy 'h Ion, AT. AC. t9 8 3 G M C ^lO od condlllon . f,ham. moM Mlr733557T j tD jf S S S o I I i>-aitdS. — nftorSpm.I 150. am or Cab, 1903 GMC 'A Iwod.'bfan3y wiho "6.2'dio«ti;‘o)tcV oood .condition. 734-9815 or 73JI324-5110. _ ,584 Broncolcda. Nicol $2650, tiros, mpg, $5£or 734-9033. 2137 otiof 4omJ. 4x4, XLT LflilaJ 1984 Ford Bioicondition, 302 fuol milos. oxcolleVT. toadod. sholi 4 bosi ollor. CallCalf 734-4721. _324-3954.otk.w/covor. 4 spood, t984 JoopS cj

ilos. oxcoliont con- 6 cylindor. 5 s17.^W(V^9. c a s s o l to . cui iR i» K o > ta ; ;MDO. AC. 3900 mi, 1985 Chovy Si734-9429._______ 1 fully kjadod, oiFIOO, $2500. n ^ tion, low miloac ilOf. shocks, robuilt 1985 DodgenpfO-733-4193 R oyal 4x4 , I

a ° 3 ; a p " ? ,

. 1985 F250 4X4ivyToicks/Semla Call 324-8333.________________ _J985 Milsubisljh Chbw v^Tibr. - ^ * 0 diosol, lonos, 350. 5 + 2. aod. $4500,

CEKTRALA Of 438-8123. 734.Jnon-sloopor, cab .llo dfivo. 350 Cum- 1987 Bfonc(3d. $7000. Ast Hay A M /^^ cassi,135,6 a m - ^ . stondard -lrd ■ IW R o lg y o ^ h y

lo^^a lb fO advan ; ’ SS^Ford.FlJ

,=------------------mik>6.-$e2S0.• _________ -886-2244 01101

4 whKo. voiy good ion 4x4. 4 spm insido 4 out . gnilo guard,all 366-2337. lono paint, $nnobagoConta^riIbe. 45.000 milos.d . num orous loa- 1990 Fotd f-13.500.733-8603, bost olfor. XL, W A g o ..< = s l .-

all 868-2457. 7 ^ \ 2 7 .—m 250 Dodge m A-/an. avorago miles. C M . bluo. /o n lil io n , doso rlfith charcoal brown F o r so lo : l} ongino.'all powor Jimmy SierraIc5r$900a p05t-cr- -num-whoetor10 73^6201 losoo. collont condrti“ !! Must solll 191port/Sportt Cara 4x 4 . XLT I1___- L -------------- spood. AC,iIkswagon:Bus.’ rod.. .m ak« .« llo r-ilono^ $4400, Call 5,or543-50fl5.------------- - • ■ -------irscho. 911 SC. low ie.cond, 532-4514, olksw agon Rabbii > 3 l l 5.000 mtos on ovor- roo/otlor. CaB 825- 324-3234, A l Jnitod Addition Turbo . l a | _ J m. powor slooring,wakos. T-Top. now ------------------- -xcolloni condition.' i f y n i j ^nll 934-5620. "iOZX. toadod. good , .O f f lC B , 1100,734-8669.. , - 19-3111 28. 350. now painl. ' • C » » S ” > nditton. $5000/ol(or, 'W lth O li l -5930 aflor 5 pm. ' tX7 M ozda. g ro a l • . - o x c o lio n t p fico ;Coa 536-290^ il no (536-6757. :>nda Accord, 4 door.>00 milos, piimocon- lust Soil! 324-7t49'.1axdaR X 7,-ro‘d , 5 r ' _______-now tiros. AM/I^mL >. cruiso. AC. excol-. 1 D l xlition.^adull-ownod— |— :- * - l lintoinod. Coll 734- i ..J34J1503^ --------^jyunda i Ex'corGi;^ •ml.-$3195.----------------- { -(P r in t>-1577.______________ _I________*<a2d a RX7. a ir,-5 1 _. AM/ FM c a s so t to . j --------) m llos, custom i _ _____jrA du lfow nod 'and— --------------jinod- sports- c a r r 1 — — — or bosi olfor. Call

17oftor6p.m, i~ !.— *“votaTorcol station- | _ ^ _

SR-5, 4 wd.-oir. 5 ji rack, oroat in snow. | — — 733-2162a t lo r S p m ,-

x4: b . v a t v : b _ . , ^ M a m a

:hovrolol Blazor. ro- robullL350 ongino— - :C lly /S^ 47.------------------ P h o n iD odgo 4x4, sh o r t _30S0. comptoio|y ciis- Q Q |||J .4 ^ ,V ^ ,- $ & 0 0 ,mAL-AUTO SALES □ M y

n t - m t . -------------□ BillsMC Suburban, good » 500 . Can 7 3 3 j4 6 3 _ r733-4664oVos.Chovy 4x4, $2700 . h : = z

Chovrolot Choyonno _____I. 4x4, AC/AT. cruiso.46a» » tS om „ -------------------- "■*Jim m y, runs g o o d . 1 1 - 3 <C a ll4 2 3 ^ 0 t8 ._ j j

loop CJ-5 Larodo. ox- , S ' l ccondition, LOApEDI • , 'B - l b

!3-6377. ^ 1 6 - 3C hovy 1/2 ion 4x4 , —» g jg i.y ^ Jv F M COS; n i n e

C R Q v y " ^ 4 ^ 5 p c r o ^ • F o f ' eh u b s , now llrO_8 & Qr IgcI, rosl nico Insido and '

7 3 6 ^ 6 4 : - ----------- - - -Ford FI50, ix4“ ---------30. rod ond whio. 302— ------------Jocted.-auto-transfflls- L , ,r/0V0rdriV0,"000d ■ cort* ~ “• W iZ fioo .: ---------------

____ =____EfirdJilBO.oaTJ.arlat,— ------------cob. 4 .x 4.351 H.O.0, aulo transmission, — njisorAM/FMcttMOtt*,-^- — T-* lU fiW .pK fl.custo .rn ..B.OXC0L condlllon. CaB127 or 324-1352. -

i to m o t iv e

i& A TV 'c 146 4x4 's& A '

C S-15 Jim m y . 1966 Rarigor XL ,1 ^^toyjroo^

<A ton4X 4,4sp . 148 -AntIqua A ‘oitcol cond.' CanJ '939 Chovrolot

I lillo, $800, pall=2 733-7148.

'®56 S ludoboieHL__________ __ K)oor-V-6-AT—Bronco II. M ,000 fjORtHSIDI:ollonl conaltton . nnn Main WeiCall 324-8268 or 354^380 oMadfcJwDoUQ.------------------------------ScramWor. CJ-8, 1969 Road Rui5 spood, A M ^ 383.AT.-POS1-

. euclom l ir o s - 4 ' Chovrolot-panol500. 324-3263. ovos 543-6938.Y Subuibon 4 x 4 , Anllqus firs e ri. oxcollonl condi- m ust so o lo o.iloaoo. 734-2312, complolofv roslodgo % to n SE Call 837-4513.4. PS, AT. AC. ^ ,now lirw . mags, 152 Autos-Bul

0. Call 438-5457. 1973 Biiislu£si

" . '" ’ " • e ' s ™ . -

- - .S « '* u t0..Ch,

)OCO II. P 3 . PSa s s o lto .S sp o o d on ,$300.Call7>H rf ln s r iu g g o g o 1976 Chovoao.window, 49,000 l>24-4552or324

132 j-6040. 19B2 Monlo CarlF150. Supor Cab. fuUy loadod.' boi

,'-AOD, o x tra a . . 352-4266. _ •i87-7477 ovos. _ 1983 Caprico c}go-D50-4r<f-ox- od! T3t. cnjiso..|lb. 2-tono. 37,000 AM/FM cassoRoJSO. Of bost jailor. shao> car. $375alior 60m . 3830 ovos andv

^ 1963 S10 Chw

1. ; . n ; g . r p i . > o p

j F150, Musi sol., XLT Larial, supor 324-4552 of 32^

■ ■ 1 ^ ^ s r n .’s ° >orra Classic, aluml- o jio ^ O m p g . tt\5rrwr\imx-m- ta il / i - '/u J s ."indilion. 678-8074, .11966 Ford, F 25^. leo.T L aria t,. 460 4iC. a u iso -&-moro.' 1977 T-Bird, alof_543-6Z39_oHor. ,Va„immncyLai-5065 onylimo. -nol.$1300fIrTn

LASSIFIED (IU a r e u n a b l e t o c a l l o

c e . s i m p l y c l i p a n d m

s l f l e d d e p a r t m e n t s o t h a

o u t d e l a y .• Pleasa print clearly 1

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• Please pay accsidin printed below.

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t n a . _______________________d rf ts s» /S ta t e / n p := . r — 1 . one Number__________BtirmeT(Maglc Valloy ares My c h e c k o r m oney ort^er Blit m y.VISA o rM a s le r Cl

C re d it C ard Number. - Expiration D ata '

— i^if-ScHumber or Days -3 d a y s .....................................7 - d a y s . — .............................1 5 d a y s .........................M O d a y s . . . . , . y . , . i - ! - -

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f e a c l r S n n d a W n s e r t l o r l e s s l i n e s ; a d o $ 2 1 1 a d

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■ W odnosday. J a n u a i ;31 .199

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i 0 94 -1

I. -

ATV’a • 162 Aulos-Ford

XL, 4x4. V6. T 1966 F o f d ’A ton ow rango. ox- V-8 , 4 spood. good-• 500-04 10--------ilybed7«69&----------------------------- ’ JO R T O sioE A, Autos ........ -300 Main W bst..

_ a a :7 3 8 0 o r .8 3 ! 197S M Ihundoi

>11 733.5026 « AT.AC.S895._____________ n o b t h s id e ;&akor L ark, 4 300 Main W est,.---------------------— 924-7380 o r W:IDE AUTO 1985 Ford LTD, \rest. Jerom o g-, J3000.>r 837-6510 Canvon M otort.7

=lunnor. rofaoilt E S T A T E 'Ssi-roof. 1954 1985 F o rd LTDnol-truck.-Call londod, $3400, 73

engine, 1930~ 166 Autos- I o p p ro c ia lo . Morcury & Laorod. -------------------------I. 1967 Cougar, robui

onofno, c asso t toJuick------- Call733-4193.

■ iQfl*; Uorcry Jrm -tiato-W ngnn.; _ehrimi n,U 54-ongno,- -CEffTflAL-AUTO >•7421. 734-6776' loadod, Irom '

C o i r ^55 Aulos-Oldsn

" ~ * X ~ 1979 O ld s 98 R /hevfblat^ powor ovofythingl' 01 station wag- c a r . ^ M —

- 172 Autoa-Pont):10. S450-.-*Coll _____________ __24-2724, 1977 Pohtiac Pho

• 1982 Pontiao J20I classic load- » o o d . Iront whij..powor «oau. C a W K J ^ d j ;Itio,' otc. Cloan, tar 6 . call733-694(1750, Coll 733- '1987 Ponliac 600dw w tendsr— :whito,-auto"alr. S5rtovy B l a z o r ^ Canvon Motors.}^-condilk>n.- I9e7-Pontiac-600(24-5388. auto. oir. $6000.1. AC. sioroo. 5 Canyon M oteri,'

cond. $4500. 19B8 6 0 0 0 . $4{n 733-8154. . 324-4552 or.324-2ty. $4950. Can -------------------------

---------173 Aul08-Plyn>

Dodge— - i9 8 rP ly m o u ttr l— — _ ------ cylinder, 4 spooc1 88 ,-H oyaio . so .m pg .

$1100. Call 734-2( r ^ i ~ 1687 Plymouth Ro

Olds C u llass . amo a i/ 41 000 rr Canvon Motors. ?q. $1200/ollor. -

-----------r— 'i74 Aulos-OlhaFord— ^ -TByrg n r^ , all povrtr. 351 spood, oxcoliont

ORDER FOFor come'by the Times mall th is order torm t lat We can get your ad s

f with dark pencil orpenlately 26 characters acasi.porllhe.Ing to rate schedule whic

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Uf order fofm to: . ’ :

0 ; B o x 5 4 8 -------------------Ills , I d a h o 8 33 0 3 ~ -

990 Tirrws^Jows. Twin Falls, 1<

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I ton pickup.|00d Slool util- •

DE AUTQ;__________»st.Jerom e' . r.637:;6S1A.- . . . . mdorbitd. V-8. -

DE AUTO i est, Jerome r 837-6510 D. V-6. auto,

ira. 734-8660.E-SAL-E-^--------------.TD W agon. y 733.8&12------ . -

r& U ncoIni

robuit trons. &^ofto. $1600. •

i m m i E $ = =6776


)8 Rogoncy. ingl Vory nico, 0 0 ^ ^ 3 9 1

'ontiac ■

Phoonlx. V-6. - indHion, $995,

J2000, air. 4w hooldrivo ,......

I. dovS'and'al- -6949,-

-----------art. 734-6860.'6000LErV-€.------- r . .» .ort, 734-6860.$4950 . Call



uth'Rol)ant74------------ -pood, air and

:h Rolant, 4 dr.00 ml. $5,000. , Ofs.734-S860.


ni OaiBfr, f -llont conoltlon. .) a||5^fDeJalo.

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• ip-6 Tlmos-Nowa. Twin Foils.'

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