  • 4 Motherboards and BIOS

    Motherhood is a necessity for

    all invention.


    In this chapter, you will learnhow to:

    Identify the parts ofa motherboard

    Identify types of motherboards

    Install a motherboard in a system

    Describe the function of thesystem BIOS and access theSystem Setup utility


    Everything in the PC directly or indirectly plugs into the motherboard.A properly configured and functioning motherboard provides a solidfoundation for all the other hardware in the system. The converse of this

    statement is equally true. No PC with a poorly configured or poorly functioning

    motherboard will ever be stable, solid, or dependable. Techs need to know

    motherboards in detail because every PC starts here!

    In this chapter, you will learn how motherboards work to unite all of the

    different system components into one harmonious system. You will learn to

    identify the parts that make up a motherboard and to identify the various

    motherboards you may run into out in the real world. You will also learn how

    to install a motherboard in a system. Finally, youll learn about the function of

    the system BIOS and how to configure the System Setup utility, the tool for

    mastering the BIOS needed by devices that connect to the motherboard. So roll

    up your sleeves and prepare to meet the component that binds the whole

    system together: the motherboard.

  • Common Motherboard FeaturesCompanies that build motherboards follow general guidelines for the place-ment of connectors, CPU sockets, ports, CPU fan connectionseven screwholes. Although companies can make proprietary motherboards that workonly with system units that they make, most use the standard guidelinescalled form factorsfor the motherboard. Using standard form factors enablescompanies to market their motherboards to a wider audience and thusthrive in the intensely competitive PC hardware market.

    The ATX form factor dominates the current PC landscape, so a tour ofthe typical placement of ports, connectors, and so forth on an ATX mother-board will provide you with solid fundamental knowledge. Variations existwithin the ATX form factor, and of course other form factors are on the market;well look at the variations in the second section of this chapter.

    A typical ATX motherboard with nothing connected

    Chapter 4: Motherboards and BIOS 85

    Inside Information

    The MotherboardManualTheres no way that a single booklike this can show you all of theconnections found on the manyvarieties of motherboards avail-able. Luckily for you, motherboardmanufacturers package manualswith their products that usuallydo a great job of showing youwhere everything is located anddescribing what everything does.

    Ill refer to manual sectionsmany times throughout thischapter and subsequent chapters,so you should get yours out andkeep it handy.

    If you dont have a manual, dontfret. Just about every motherboardmanufacturer has a website. Ifyou have access to the Internet,search fordifferent motherboard manufac-turers (such as Gigabyte, ASUS,or ABIT). Each of these manufac-turers should have its manualavailable for downloading. Youcan appreciate the differences andsimilarities in motherboards byreading these manuals.

    SouthbridgeFront panel connections

    DIP switches EIDE ports

    Floppy port


    Power connector

    External ports

    RAMCPU fan powerSystem clock battery

    CPU in socket

    AGP slot

    PCI slotsFlash BIOS chip

  • Your Personal Tour of the MotherboardATX motherboards have many parts working together to keep your computerrunning. Its important to know just what these various parts are, so this sectionwill take you on a visual tour of the motherboard. Strap into the guide boat andprepare for the newest ride in our theme park: Mike Meyers MotherboardWilderness Ride. Please keep your hands inside the boat, and above all,dont panic.

    CPU Socket/SlotAlthough clearly central to any PC, the CPU doesnt sit anywhere near thecenter of an ATX motherboard. The CPU inserts into the motherboard nearone corner, on the opposite end from the expansion slots. Recall from Chapter 2that CPUs come in two flavors: slottedfor the older Athlon, Celeron,and other processorsand socketedfor the current Pentium 4, Athlon XP,and other offerings from Intel and AMD. Figures 4.1 and 4.2 show thecorresponding slots and sockets on motherboards.

    Recent motherboards have one of four socket sizes, three for Intel CPUsand one for AMD CPUs. The number on the socket identifies the type, suchas Socket 423 for Intel Pentium 4 CPUs and Socket 462 for AMD Athlon XPprocessors. When buying a motherboard, make sure that it supports thetype of CPU you want to use.

    CPU Fan Power Connector As you read earlier in this book, a CPU needscooling to work properly. Most CPUs will bake nicely if they are without afan for long. Because it takes at least a special CPU fan to keep a CPU cool,that fan will need to have a power source to run while the computer is on.

    Most motherboards have a small, three- or four-wire power connectornear the CPU for the fan (Figure 4.3). Its often labeled as such, quite conve-niently. The connector has a flimsy plastic tab to help techs avoid pluggingin the fan backward, although its easy to make that mistake if youre notcareful. Plugging in the fan power connector incorrectly will cook the fan orshort the power connector, neither of which is a good thing.

    86 Introduction to PC Hardware and Troubleshooting

    Figure 4.1 A slot for a CPU on a motherboard

    Need to refresh your memoryabout CPU socket types? Jumpback to Chapter 2 and rereadthe information about CPUsocket types.

  • Memory SlotsATX motherboards have two, three, or four black slots near the CPU formemory (Figure 4.4), as you may recall from Chapter 3. These are calledmemory slots generically, although techs know that theyre called DIMMslots for 168-pin SDRAM and 184-pin DDR SDRAM DIMMs, and RIMMslots for 184-pin RDRAM sticks. The slots have latches on each side to keepthe DIMM or RIMM from coming loose.

    Power Connector (P1)A motherboard would be nothing without power going to it. There mustbe a connection between the outlet in your wall and the CPU and othercomponents of your computer. On an ATX motherboard, this connection isthrough the P1 power connector (Figure 4.5).

    Keep in mind that the P1 power connector powers the objects on theboard such as the CPU and memory, but it does not power the hard drives,CD-ROM, or floppy drives. Additional power connectors run from thepower supply in the computer to those devices.

    Chapter 4: Motherboards and BIOS 87

    Figure 4.2 A socket for a CPU on a motherboard Figure 4.3 Power connector for the CPU fan

    Figure 4.4 Memory slots on an ATX motherboard Figure 4.5 P1 power connector

  • EIDE and FDD PortsAlong the edge of the motherboard near theRAM slots, youll see three or five ports withmany wires poking up. These are the En-hanced Integrated Drive Electronic (EIDE)ports (Figure 4.6) and floppy disk drive(FDD) port (Figure 4.7) connections. EIDEprovides a standardized interface for harddrives, CD-media drives, and other EIDE de-vices. Each 40-pin EIDE port can support twoEIDE devices. Each 34-pin FDD port can sup-port two floppy disk drives.

    Many manufacturers use colored ports to denote different EIDE technol-ogies supported. The colors are not standardized in the industry, however,so the same technology might be denoted by red on one motherboard andblue on another. The FDD port usually remains black. Both EIDE and FDDports are keyed, with a notch in the middle of the port. This prevents youfrom inserting the FDD and EIDE cables incorrectly.

    ChipsetThe two chipset chips facilitate communication between the CPU and otherdevices in the system and so are relatively centrally located on the mother-board. The Northbridge chip helps the CPU work with RAM, as mentioned inChapters 2 and 3. Current Northbridge chips do a lot and thus get prettyhot, so they usually get their own heat sinks (Figure 4.8).

    We havent discussed the Southbridge chip yet; it comes into play whenthe expansion bus comes onto the scene, in Chapter 5. The Southbridge han-dles some expansion devices and mass storage drives, such as hard drivesand floppy disk drives. It sits between the expansion slots and the EIDE andFDD controllers on most ATX motherboards and often shows the manufac-turer of the chipset, such as VIA Technologies (Figure 4.9).

    Expansion SlotsYou should have noticed a bank of similar slots sitting near one side ofyour motherboard. Those are part of the expansion bus. One of the earlystrengths of the IBM-compatible PC was its recognition that not everyonewanted the exact same com-puter. Rather than includ-ing every possible option asa part of the motherboard,the PCs designers allowed

    88 Introduction to PC Hardware and Troubleshooting

    Figure 4.6 EIDE ports

    Inside Information

    KeyingKeyed cables and ports are one ofthe great unsung innovations inPCs. They dont create fastercomputers or help transfer data,but they do seriously cut down onbuilding time when it comes topiecing together your PC. Beforekeying, techs had to break out themagnifying glass and search fortiny markings on the mother-board to help them orient the ca-bles properly. Connecting cablescorrectly is much easier now.

    Chapter 8 discusses EIDEcontrollers, cabling, and drivesin great detail.

    Figure 4.7 FDD port Figure 4.8 A VIA Northbridge chip on a motherboard.The tech is holding its heat sink.

  • you to customize your computer by adding componentsthrough the expansion slots (Figure 4.10).

    This turned out to be a wonderful idea, particularly becauseexpansion options such as sound and video tend to change morequickly than CPUs. Expansion slots allow the user to increasethe capabilities of a computer without having to buy an entirenew system every time an innovation appears.

    ATX motherboards have one medium-sized brown slot nextto some number of white slotsusually five, but the numbercan be anywhere from one to sixand possibly a much smallerbrown slot. These are the AGP, PCI, and CNR expansion slots,respectively.

    The Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) slots (Figure 4.11) pro-vide exclusive 32-bit, 66-MHz connections for video cards. AGPslots always sit closer to the Northbridge than any other expan-sion slot.

    Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) slots are general-purpose,32-bit, 33-MHz slotsyou will see a wide variety of expansion cards in theseslots, which are designed to enable quick communication between internalhardware add-ons and the CPU. Communication and Networking Riser(CNR) slots, on the other hand, are not nearly as common as PCI slots and areused only for network cards and modems, devices that enable you to connecta computer to the Internet and to smaller networks. Figure 4.12 shows boththe white PCI slots and the small, brown CNR slot.

    Date and Time BatteryMost ATX motherboards have what appears tobe a watch battery stuck somewhere on them(Figure 4.13). This is not the source of your com-puters power! The battery enables your systemto retain accurate date and time settings in theevent of a complete power outage. Every so of-ten, I run into a system that needs a battery re-placement, but thats exceedingly rare withmodern motherboards.

    Flash ROMEvery motherboard comes with a small set ofcode that enables the CPU to communicateproperly with the devices built into the moth-erboard. This programming is called basic in-put/output system (BIOS) and is stored in asmall chip called the flash ROM chip. Youwill find the flash ROM chip in almost asmany different locations as there are mother-board manufacturers, although it often residesnear the expansion slots. It usually has asmall, silver label with the programmingcompanys name listed, such as AMI orAward BIOS (Figure 4.14). Youll learn aboutthe details of this chip later in this chapter.

    Chapter 4: Motherboards and BIOS 89

    Figure 4.9 A VIA Southbridge chip on a motherboard

    Figure 4.10 Expansion slots on an ATX motherboard

    Chapter 5 covers expansionslots in detail; Chapter 11 revis-its AGP slots and goes into thesubtle varieties of these slotsso stay tuned to this channelfor more.

  • Front Panel ConnectorsEvery motherboard has several connectors for various items on the front ofthe system unit, such as the power and reset buttons, the power and harddrive activity lights, and the tiny PC speaker. These connectors usually ap-pear in a two-wire-wide row of about 8 to 10 wires along the edge of themotherboard opposite the expansion bus (Figure 4.15).

    Although you can sometimes tell which leads plug in where by the tinywriting on the motherboard, it is far easier to consult the motherboard manual.

    Jumpers and DIP SwitchesEvery motherboard comes with one or more configuration switches that enableyou to make certain changes to important motherboard settings. One of themost important switches, for example, enables you to restore all mother-board settings to the factory defaultvery useful when something goeshorribly wrong with a configuration.

    90 Introduction to PC Hardware and Troubleshooting

    Figure 4.11 Figure 4.12 White PCI slots and brown CNR slot

    Figure 4.13 A watch battery!

    Figure 4.14 AMI and Award flash ROM chips Figure 4.15 Front panel connectors on a motherboard

  • These configuration switches come in two formsjumpersand DIP switchesand a motherboard may have one or both op-tions. A jumper is a pair of wires that you enable (turn on) or dis-able (turn off) by placing a small plastic and metal shunt over bothwires. The metal in the shunt connects the two jumper wires, mak-ing a proper circuit. Youll find jumpers labeled on the mother-board as JP#, where # is any whole number, such as JP1, JP23, andso on. Figure 4.16 shows a three-pin jumper on a motherboard.You can place the shunt in one of two positions: over pins 1 and 2or over pins 2 and 3.

    A DIP switch is a little plastic box, often blue, with tiny whiteswitches (Figure 4.17). Flipping a switch from off to on enables thatswitch. Despite the difference of form, there is no difference in func-tion between jumpers and dip switches.

    External PortsATX motherboards have a series ofexternal port connections attachedto one edge that poke through theback of the PC case when the moth-erboard is installed. These connec-tors enable you to attach externaldevices to the PC, such as a mouseand keyboard. Different mother-boards vary in the number and typeof some of the connectors, but mosthave a fairly standard set. Figure4.18 shows the ports for a Pentium 4motherboard.

    PS/2 Ports The two small round ports on the edge closest to the CPU aremini-DIN ports, more commonly called PS/2 ports. You plug a keyboard intothe one closest to the motherboard surface, colored purple; a mouse plugsinto the green port (Figure 4.19). Although the color coding is nice, its

    Chapter 4: Motherboards and BIOS 91

    Figure 4.16 3-pin jumper on a motherboard, witha shunt over pins 2 and 3

    Figure 4.17 DIP switch on a motherboard

    Try This!What Does Your Motherboard Look Like?

    Motherboard layouts and options vary greatly from one manufacturersmodel to anothers, so try this:

    1. Open your PC case and examine the layout of your motherboard.What connections does it have?

    2. Check the connections against the connections discussed in thissection and note any differences. Then check your neighborsmotherboard for variations.

    Inside Information

    Keyboard and MouseConnectionsIn the real world, you will likelyrun into an older AT-style con-nector for a keyboard. Its round,like a mini-DIN connector, butbigger. You can easily find anAT-PS/2 adapter, which will en-able you to plug an old AT key-board into a PS/2 port.

    Conversely, as more and moremice move from PS/2 to USB,you may need to buy a specialUSB-PS/2 adapter if you dontwant your mouse taking up aUSB port. These, too, are easy tofind. As a technician, you maywant to keep a few lying aroundjust in case.

  • sometimes tough to see the colors when a PC sits below a desk. Just rememberthat the keyboard goes on the bottom, and youll do fine.

    Parallel Port and Serial Ports The parallel port is a 25-pin, D-shaped femaleport used to attach a printer, scanner, or other parallel device. The two 9-pinmale serial ports below enable you to connect older serial devices, such as ex-ternal modems. The serial port used to be the home of the mouse, but mostmice now come as PS/2 or USB devices. Figure 4.20 shows both the paralleland serial ports.

    USB As the use of computers boomed, so did the number of gadgets thatcould be added on to them. It used to be that a mouse, printer, keyboard, andmonitor made a complete computer system; there was nothing extra to add.

    Now there are scanners, web cams, PDAs, and other devices that addfun and function to a system. However, this abundance presented a prob-lem: where to plug in so many devices, especially with no easy way toswitch between devices. With only a single parallel port and two serial portsto plug devices into, what could you do if you needed to use more than threedevices at the same time?

    Enter the Universal Serial Bus (USB). It enables you to plug in up to 127different devices at the same time. Most (if not all) ATX motherboards in-clude two USB plugs just underneath the PS/2 ports. In fact, some computerusers are not even using their PS/2 ports anymore because USB mice andkeyboards are now available.

    Network Port Many modern motherboards comeequipped to connect directly to a local network orto the Internet via a standard RJ-45 port. Youlllearn all about those in Chapter 15. Figure 4.21shows an RJ-45 port directly above two USB ports.

    Sound and Game Ports More and more ATXmotherboards are offering extra goodies. The mostcommon add-on for motherboards is sound. Moth-erboard manufacturers build a sound card into themotherboard that can handle the sound needs ofmost users.

    92 Introduction to PC Hardware and Troubleshooting

    Figure 4.18 Typical external connectors on a motherboard

    PS/2 (mouse)

    PS/2 (keyboard)

    USB ports Serial ports

    Parallel port

    Mini-audio ports(speaker, line-in,and microphone)

    Game port

    Figure 4.19 Green for the mouse, purple forthe keyboardhow easy is that!

    Figure 4.20 Parallel port (top) and serial ports (bottom)

  • As you can see in Figure 4.22, a typical ATX motherboard offers the stan-dard green 1/8-inch jack for speakers, plus two 1/8-inch jacks for a micro-phone (pink) and for a line-in (blue) to connect a stereo system to thecomputer.

    In addition, a game port is available for joysticks and other game con-troller devices. The game port is a 15-pin, two-row, female, D-shaped port.You can even connect a special cable from this port to a MIDI controller toconnect musical devices.

    If you opt to use the built-in sound and have a CD-ROM drive on yoursystem, you will undoubtedly want to play music CDs though your com-puter speakers. To do this, you will need to connect a special thin audio ca-ble to the motherboard from the CD-ROM (Figure 4.23).

    You will see a special port on the motherboard itself labeled CD_IN, asshown in Figure 4.24. All you need to do is plug in the cable from theCD-ROM to this port to be able to enjoy music from your CD-ROM on yourcomputer.

    Now that youre learned a bit about the features of motherboards in gen-eral, lets take a stroll down motherboard lane and learn how to identifytypes of motherboards.

    Chapter 4: Motherboards and BIOS 93

    Figure 4.21 RJ-45 port above two USB ports Figure 4.22 Standard sound ports below agame port

    Figure 4.23 Special audio cable for a CD-ROM drive Figure 4.24 CD_IN audio port for aCD-ROM drive

  • Types ofMotherboards

    Motherboards come in variations of two stan-dard form factorsAT and ATXas well as ina substantial number of proprietary formats.Different form factors offer different fea-tures and sizes for a computer system, andmost PC cases are designed to work withonly one form factor. To perform moth-erboard upgrades and provide knowl-edgeable recommendations to clients,techs need to know their form factors.

    This section looks at the commonmotherboard variations, starting withthe AT familyFull AT and BabyATand then covering the ATXfamilyFull ATX, microATX, andFlexATX. The section finishes witha discussion of issues related toproprietary motherboards thattechs need to know.

    AT MotherboardsThe old-style computer mother-boards followed a form factor

    called AT. The AT form factor, invented by IBM in the early eighties, was thepredominant form factor for motherboards for a long time. The AT typeof motherboard has a large keyboard plug, called a DIN connector, in thesame relative spot on the motherboard, and it has a split P8/P9 style ofpower socket (Figure 4.25).

    The AT motherboard has a few size variations, ranging from large tovery large. The original AT motherboard was almost as large as two piecesof paper laid side by side. Because the technology was new, a lot of spacewas needed for the various chips that ran the components of the PC, such asthe keyboard.

    Baby ATAs technology improved and the PC flourished, the demand for smaller PCsincreased. After all, an old-style PC with an AT motherboard took up quite abit of desk real estate. Need drives the PC industry, so a smaller mother-board was created, dubbed the Baby AT. The original AT motherboard wasthen called the Full AT, Regular AT, or sometimes just AT. The Baby AT be-came and remained the most popular AT form factor for quite a while.

    Figure 4.26 shows AT and Baby AT motherboards for comparison. Notethat the keyboard connector on each falls in the same spot, and though itshard to see here, the holes for connecting the boards to a system unit also

    94 Introduction to PC Hardware and Troubleshooting

    Figure 4.25 AT-style motherboard

  • line up. This standardization of permanent ele-ments enabled people to swap one motherboardfor another, as long as they stayed within the ATstandard.

    There is also some slight variation in sizeamong Baby ATs. The standardization of the ATand Baby AT motherboards, however, demandedthat the keyboard port and expansion slots stickto the form factor specifications.

    The AT form factor dominated the PC indus-try for many years; however, as technology andneeds changed, a number of problems arosewith the AT motherboards. The single greatestproblem was the lack of external ports.

    When PCs were first invented, the onlydevices plugged into the average PC were amonitor and a keyboard. Thats what the ATwas designed to handlethe only dedicatedconnector on an AT motherboard is the key-board plug (Figure 4.27). Initially, if youwanted to add connectors for anythingelse, you had to do so through the expan-sion slots. This included connections to se-rial and parallel ports.

    Over the years, the number of devicesplugged into the back of the PC has growntremendously. Mice, printers, and otherdevices created a need for a new type ofform factor, one with more dedicated con-nectors for more devices.

    ATX MotherboardsATX has achieved a strong position in motherboard form factors and todayis the standard. Although there are variations among manufacturers, ATXprovides a standard for manufacturers to adhere to. ATXmotherboards are relatively small (particularly compared tothe large, older AT motherboards), meaning that computers,although more powerful, take up less desk space than ever.

    ATX motherboards offer a substantially improved num-ber of external connectors designed to support the increas-ing demands of PC users and their peripherals. Otherimprovements, such as placing the RAM closer to the North-bridge and CPU than on AT boards, offer users enhancedperformance as well. Figure 4.28 shows an AT and an ATXmotherboardnote the radical differences in placement ofinternal connections.

    Chapter 4: Motherboards and BIOS 95

    Figure 4.27 DIN connector for the keyboard on an ATmotherboard

    Figure 4.26 AT motherboard beneath a Baby AT motherboard

  • microATXThe microATX form factor was developed as a natural evolution of the ATXform factor to address new market trends and PC technologies. microATX isto ATX what Baby AT was to AT. While offering the same benefits as the ATXform factor, the microATX was designed to further reduce the price ofmotherboards.

    A microATX motherboard has a smaller physical sizecalled a foot-printthan a full ATX motherboard and usually has three or four expansionslots rather than six to eight. microATX cases require special microATXmotherboards, but most microATX motherboards will fit inside a regularATX case. Not all microATX motherboards have the same physical size.

    Notice how motherboard sizes just get smaller and smaller? Well, getready to meet the smallest ATX motherboard of all: the FlexATX.

    FlexATXIn 1999, Intel created a variant of the microATX called the FlexATX.FlexATX motherboards have maximum dimensions of just 9 by 7.5 inches,which makes them the smallest motherboards in the ATX standard.

    FlexATX was created to reduce the size of the lowest-cost computers. Be-cause FlexATX motherboards greatly limit the expansion of a PC, theFlexATX standard is not terribly popular with PC enthusiasts. FlexATX islimited to use with socketed processors only.

    96 Introduction to PC Hardware and Troubleshooting

    Figure 4.28 ATX and AT motherboards are organized quite differently.

    Motherboards come in a widevariety of form factors. Go to yourlocal computer store and checkout what is on display. Note thedifferent features offered by ATX,microATX, and FlexATX mother-boards. Does the store still stockany AT motherboards?

  • Proprietary MotherboardsSeveral major PC makers, including Hewlett-Packard and Sony, make mother-boards that work only with their cases. These proprietary motherboards enablethese companies to create systems that stand out from the generic ones and,not coincidently, push you to get service and upgrades from their autho-rized dealers. Some of the features youll see in proprietary systems are riserboardspart of a motherboard separate from the main one, but connectedby a cable of some sortand unique power connections. If you work on oneof these systems, keep in mind that all PCs function similarly, regardless ofhow they look. You might not be able to figure out the specific power con-nection right away, for example, but you know that the proprietary systemneeds power!

    Chapter 4: Motherboards and BIOS 97

    Step-by-Step 4.1

    Removing a Motherboard from a PC CaseWhat form factor is your motherboard? Lets take itout of the case so you can examine it properly and,of course, get some hands-on practice removingmotherboards.

    Removing a motherboard requires only a fewsteps, but you need to take a couple of precautions toavoid damaging any of the components inside thesystem unit, or yourself. First, beware of ESD. Wearyour grounding strap! Second, the insides of manyPC cases have sharp edges that can give you someannoying cuts if youre not careful. Watch where youput your hands, and youll be all right.

    To complete this exercise, you will need thefollowing:

    A PC with a motherboard and common devicesinstalled

    An antistatic wrist strap

    A Phillips-head screwdriver

    A small container, such as a bowl, in which tokeep screws

    An antistatic mat or some antistatic bags

    Step 1 Open the side of the PC case. Usually you will need to unscrew two or three screws onthe left side of the PC case (as you face it). Remove the side of the case and place allscrews inside a bowl or container. Be sure to unplug all of the cables on the back of thecomputer, including the power cable.

    Note: Refer to Chapter 1 to refresh your memory regarding the many ways to open PC cases.

  • 98 Introduction to PC Hardware and Troubleshooting

    Step 2 Lay the PC on its side and attach your antistatic wrist strap to the power supply or to anexposed metal part of the frame. I know this is more a little skip than a full step, but Iwanted to emphasize good practice for avoiding ESD. Ground thyself!

    Step 3 Unplug all of the wires connected to the motherboard. Unplug the cables running fromthe hard drive and CD-ROM. Then unplug the power connector from the P1 connectoron the motherboard. Leave the CPU and fan on for the moment. Document the positionsof the little wires for the speaker, power switch, power LED, hard drive LED, and resetbutton for when you need to reinstall them.

    Step 4 Remove all of the expansion cards in the AGP and PCI slots. Be sure to unscrew themfrom the PC chassis first. Place all of the screws in your screw container. Be sure to

  • Chapter 4: Motherboards and BIOS 99

    handle the cards on the edges only. Place them to the side on the antistatic mat or in anti-static bags.

    Step 5 Unscrew the motherboard from the case and place the screws that secured itoften as manyas 10in your bowl. The motherboard will not simply lift out. You definitely need to unscrew itfrom the case. The motherboard is sometimes also mounted to the case with plastic connectorscalled standouts that slide into keyed slots at the bottom of the box. Use your fingers to pinchthe standouts and then lift the motherboard gently past the standouts. Be sure to handle themotherboard by the edges. The bottom side of a motherboard can sometimes have sharpsolder points that can sting if you grab them with any force.

    Step 6 At this point, you have the motherboard to examine at your leisure. Here are some of theissues you might want to consider:

    What form factor is your motherboard? What internal connections does it have? External? How does your moth-erboard differ from your classmates motherboards?

  • Installing a MotherboardMotherboard installation is one of the fundamental tasks in building a PC.Although quite a few techs enjoy a bare-bones, caseless PC, most clientsseem to need things in a nice, tidy package. With that in mind, lets put yourPC together.

    Installing a motherboard requires four things: research, preparation,common sense, and patience. The research part is pretty straightforwardyou need to make certain that you have the correct case for your motherboardform factor. Once youve determined that the motherboard and case will fittogether, then youre ready for the main event.

    The other things you need are common sense and patience, just as formost other PC installation duties. Using common sense means not forcingsomething if it doesnt seem to want to go in easily. Check and double-checkyour connections to make certain that they line up, that the parts are orientedproperly, and so on. Finally, installation of some motherboards simply takestime to do correctly. Take the timeand have fun.

    100 Introduction to PC Hardware and Troubleshooting

    Inside Information

    MotherboardInstallationA lot of techs install the CPU,CPU fan, and RAM into themotherboard before installing themotherboard into the case. Thishelps in a several ways, especiallywith a new system. First, youwant to make certain that theCPU and RAM work well withthe motherboard and with eachotherwithout that, you have nohope of setting up a stable system.Second, installing these compo-nents first prevents the phenome-non of flexing the motherboard.Some cases dont provide quiteenough support for the mother-board, and pushing in RAM canmake the board bend. Finally, at-taching a CPU fan can be a bearof a task, one thats considerablyeasier to do on a tabletop thanwithin the confines of a case.

    Step-by-Step 4.2

    Installing a New MotherboardWhen you install a new motherboard, do not assumethat you will put the screws and standouts in thesame places as with your old motherboard. Whenit comes to the placement of screws and standouts,there is only one rule: anywhere they fit. Do not beafraid to be a little tough here! Installing motherboardscan be a wiggly, twisty, scraped-knuckle process.

    To complete this exercise, you will need thefollowing:

    A motherboard (CPU and RAM installedis optional)

    A case that matches the form factor of themotherboard

    An antistatic wrist strap

    A Phillips-head screwdriver

    An antistatic mat or some antistatic bags

    Step 1 Lay the empty PC case on its side. Attach your antistatic wrist strap tothe power supply or the case frame. Then look for the bag of bronze-colored standout screws that came with your motherboard. Thesescrews will fit between your motherboard and the metal plate, oftencalled the motherboard plate, onto which you install the motherboard.

    Step 2 Before you mount the screws, you need to figure out where themotherboard will fit. The motherboard plate will seem to have manyscrew holes. This is to accommodate different ATX motherboard

  • Chapter 4: Motherboards and BIOS 101

    designs. Place your motherboard on the motherboard plate, with the external portssticking out of the back of the PC case. Make a note of where the screw holes on themotherboard plate line up with the screw holes on the motherboard. When youvefound the screw holes you want to use, attach the standout screws to the appropriateholes in the motherboard plate.

    Step 3 You are now ready to mount the motherboard in the case. Place the motherboard overthe standout screws you secured earlier. Those standout screws have screw holes ontheir tops that will enable you to secure the motherboard.

    Make sure again that the external ports are sticking out of the back of the case. Use theproper-sized screws to secure the motherboard to the standouts. Just tighten the screwsloosely at first, until you get all of the screws in place. Then tighten the screws snuglytheres no need to torque down too tightly, though.

    Step 4 Plug the power lead from the power supply into the P1 power connector; then connect thefront panel plugs to the motherboard. These usually include the connectors for the powerbutton, reset button, speaker, power LED, and hard drive activity LED. Often the functionof each set of front panel wires is printed on the connectors. If not, track each wire to thelight or switch to determine its function, or break out the motherboard manual and findthe diagram that shows which connectors fit on which pins.

  • 102 Introduction to PC Hardware and Troubleshooting

    There are a few rules to follow when installing these wires. The first rule is: The connectorshave a positive and negative side; if they dont work one way, turn the connector aroundand try it the other. The second rule is: When in doubt, guess. More often than not, orientingthe printed side of the connector toward the front of the case is the correct orientation.

    At this point, youve installed the motherboard, and youre ready to test your system. To do that, you need to installthree more items: the video card, a monitor, and power for the system. (This assumes that you had the CPU, CPUfan, and RAM installed already, of course.) Refer to Chapter 5 for instructions on installing expansion cards such asthe video card, and to Chapter 11 for specifics on the monitor.

    The System BIOSA motherboard enables the different parts of a computer to communicatewith one another, but not all motherboards are alike, and more importantly,the devices built into and attached to motherboards differ. You need to havesome way to configure a system so that it understands all of its componentsand yet allows you to change that configuration to accommodate new and re-placed devices. Thats where the system BIOS comes into play. Lets look atinput/output issues first and then turn to motherboard programming; wellfinish up by acessing the System Setup utility.

    Why Do We Need BIOS in the First Place?Heres the question: Whats the process of going from input to output?Youre working away in Microsoft Word and press the letter Jwhat hap-pens? You know that the letter J will appear on the screen (unless you need anew keyboard), but how does that happen?

    Inside Information

    A Tale of TwoCompaniesTwo companiesAward Softwareand Phoenix Technologieswritethe vast majority of BIOS pro-grams for motherboards. They cus-tomize the system BIOS programsfor each model of motherboard.

  • First, you must have connectivity.Without a connection, there will be no J inthe first place. When you press the J key,the keyboard sends data over the exter-nal data bus. The keyboard connects tothe external data bus via the keyboardcontroller, called the 8042 chip.

    The keyboard constantly scans itskeys, so when you press the J key, the key-board translates that letter into a scan codeand hands that code to the 8042. The 8042puts the data into its registers, just like aCPU. Then, at some point, the CPU com-municates with the 8042 and gets the data.

    But wait! How does the CPU knowhow to talk to the 8042? Just like a CPU,the 8042 chip has a built-in code book.Just place those codes in the CPUs instruction set, and away we go!

    Alas, there is another problem. There are many varieties of 8042 chips. Itwould be completely impractical to program all of those varieties into the CPU.The ideal solution would be to load some small program to teach the CPU howto talk to this particular 8042. This program concerns how the CPU handlesinput and output, and its part of the basic input/output system, or BIOS.

    Motherboards have quite a few built-in devices, all of which need BIOS.To make it practical for users and motherboard manufacturers, all of the im-portant services are gathered together and collectively called the system BIOS.

    The question now is where to put the system BIOS. This collection has toload every time the PC turns on; otherwise, the PC wont recognize any key-strokes from the keyboard or work properly with other devices.

    We cannot store these programs in RAM. If RAM loses power, the sys-tem loses everything stored there. What kind of convenience would a PCgive if you had to reprogram the system BIOS every time you started yourcomputer?

    We need updateable, nonvolatile memory to store this information. Thismeans memory that stores data even when the power is off. Usually, non-volatile memory is a lot more expensive than volatile memory, but becausethe BIOS is very small, we dont need very much. We could use read-onlymemory (ROM), which works just like RAM but does not lose its data whenthe electricity goes away. But storing the system BIOS on a true ROM chipwould make that data permanent and not easily upgradeable. Thats not thegoal, right?

    Modern motherboards use a special kind of upgradeable nonvolatilememory called flash ROM to store the system BIOS. Most folks tend to lumpthe system BIOS (the programs stored in the flash ROM) together with thechip that holds the system BIOS under the term flash BIOS. Figure 4.29shows an example of a BIOS chip of the sort you see on newer motherboards(compare this to the older oblong chips in Figure 4.14).

    Chapter 4: Motherboards and BIOS 103

    How does the CPU talk to the keyboard controller?

    Figure 4.29 Flash BIOS chip on amotherboard

  • 104 Introduction to PC Hardware and Troubleshooting

    Every Device Needs BIOSThree types of devices need BIOS:

    Unchanging system devices, such as the keyboard controller andsupport chips on the motherboard. These are also called core devicesbecause they form the core of your system. These get their BIOSprograms from the system BIOS.

    Changeable system devices, such as the hard drive and floppydrive. These also get their BIOS programs from the system BIOS.

    Other devices, such as the sound card, network card, and so on.These devices require drivers or ROM chips built into the expansioncard to bring their BIOS programs to the system. Chapter 5 discussesexpansion devices and drivers in gory detail; this chapter concentrateson the core and changeable groups of BIOS programs.

    The core group contains hardware that is essential for all PCs. Thus, weknow that the list of core components wont change. One example of a coredevice is the 8042 keyboard controller chip. Other examples of core devicesare parallel ports, serial ports, the PC speaker, and support chips on themotherboard. The flash BIOS, as mentioned earlier, provides a nonvolatilesource for the CPU to access the BIOS for core devices. For the most part,technicians need never mess with the flash BIOS because it almost neverfails without human intervention. Well discuss making changes to the flashBIOS later in this chapter.

    Changeable System DevicesSome devices in a PC are necessary and common, but have certain parametersthat are changeable. Every PC, for example, must have RAM to operate, butthe type, speed, and size of that RAM vary according to what is installed.The basic BIOS needed for assumed and necessary hardwareRAM, harddrives, floppy drives, video, and so onis stored in the flash BIOS. However,if you change one of these itemsfor instance, upgrading a hard drive oradding a second hard driveyou must be able to change certain parametersto reflect those modifications to the hardware.

    The flash BIOS programmers have provided a good interface that en-ables you to make changes to the setup and configuration of variouschangeable hardware devices without disturbing the underlying structurethat keeps the core hardware working properly. This interface is called theSystem Setup utility.

    Accessing the System Setup UtilityThere are many ways to start the system setuputilitythe method you use depends mainly onthe brand of BIOS you have on your computer.Let me explain. When you fire up your computerin the morning, the first thing you see is the BIOSinformation.

    This information shows you which brand ofBIOS you are usingnormally Award or Phoe-nixas well as the hard drives and amount of

    Certain devices fall into morethan one category. Fancy key-boards with lots of extra keysand abilities, for example, belongin both the core group and theother devices group. The systemBIOS handles the core functions,such as the typing of letters andnumbers; the other, nonstandardfeatures require device drivers.Youll learn more about thesetypes of devices in Chapter 12.

    Inside Information

    System Setup Utility(CMOS)A lot of techs call the System Setuputility CMOS, short for Compli-mentary Metal-Oxide Semiconduc-tor. Early motherboards storedsome of the system BIOS informa-tion in CMOS chipsvolatilememory that used a battery on themotherboard to retain information.No modern systems use a CMOSchip, but the name has stuck. Techslove their jargon!

    A boot screen showing BIOS information

  • memory you have installed,among other things. BIOS manu-facturers customize BIOS pro-grams for motherboard models, asmentioned earlier, and they cus-tomize the means by which a techcan access the System Setup util-ity. This can cause problems, asseemingly identical System Setuputilities can be quite different fromone another. Options that showup on one computer may be miss-ing from another. Worst of all, itsnot always clear how to access theutility in the first place.

    Flashing the BIOSMost motherboards have smallprograms called BIOS updaters.These programs give you the op-tion of installing BIOS updatesyou download from the mother-board makers website, as well asthe ability to back up the currentBIOS information.

    Always be sure to make a backup copy of your current BIOS informationbefore you update. You never know what can happen during a BIOS update,so its best to be careful.

    The name of the BIOS backup file can be anything you want, though itshould be something that describes the computer whose BIOS is being backedup. The BIOS information for many computers can be placed on one diskette.

    Chapter 4: Motherboards and BIOS 105

    Try This!Accessing the System Setup Utility

    AMI, Award, and Phoenix each provide different ways to access theSystem Setup utility. Usually, you press the DEL key, but sometimes youneed to press a function key. Try this:

    1. Boot your system and turn on your monitor. Watch the informationthat scrolls by on the screen as your computer boots. Most BIOSmakers include a line indicating what key to press to access theSystem Setup utility. Make a note of this useful information! Youcan also read your motherboard book to determine the process foraccessing the System Setup program.

    2. Reboot the system, and this time watch for information on theBIOS manufacturer. If you dont see it, and if its okay to do so,open the system case and check the name printed on the systemROM chip. Make a note of this useful information.

    3. Reboot one more time, and this time use the key you foundto access the System Setup utility. Locate and make a note ofthe manufacturer, date, and version number of your PCscurrent BIOS.

    BIOS updater program

  • Chapter 4 Review Chapter SummaryAfter reading this chapter and completing theexercises, you should understand the followingfacts about motherboards and the BIOS.

    Identify the parts of a motherboard

    Motherboards connect the diverse elements ofa PC, enabling them to communicate with oneanother and work together.

    Motherboards have easily identifiable slots designedto fit the various PC components that need tocommunicate, including the CPU, memory, harddrive, and video card. Each component slot is easilyidentifiable.

    Motherboards have external ports that enable inputdevices such as mice and keyboards to communicatewith the system.

    Identify types of motherboards

    The ATX motherboard is the most commonmotherboard form factor.

    The ATX form factor was developed from theearlier AT form factor. AT motherboards werethe original motherboards for PC systems.

    Baby AT motherboards were smaller, but did notsolve the problematic issues with the AT design.

    Install a motherboard in a system

    Installing a motherboard requires four things:research, preparation, common sense, andpatience.

    Make certain that you have the proper casefor your motherboard form factor, antistaticprotection, and the standout screws and standardscrews ready and waiting.

    Use common sense: dont force something if itdoesnt seem to want to go in easily. Be patientand thorough; check and double-check yourconnections to make certain that they line up,and that you have the parts oriented properly.

    It is often easier on the tech and the motherboardto install the CPU, CPU fan, and RAM on amotherboard before installing the motherboardin the case.

    Describe the function of the system BIOS and accessthe System Setup utility

    The BIOS determines how the various devicesin the PC and the CPU communicate.

    The system BIOS is saved on a special chip onthe motherboard called the flash BIOS chip.

    BIOS stored in the flash ROM can be updated.Updating enables a motherboard to access newtechnologies that it was not originally designedto support.

    You can use the System Setup utility to changevariable BIOS information, such as the type ofhard drive you have installed on your system.

    You can access the System Setup utility whenyou boot the computer. Just follow the on-screeninstructions when you first power up.

    106 Introduction to PC Hardware and Troubleshooting

    Key TermsAccelerated Graphics Port

    (AGP) (89)AT (94)ATX (95)Baby AT (94)basic input/output system

    (BIOS) (89)BIOS updater (105)

    DIN (94)flash BIOS (103)flash ROM (103)form factor (85)jumper (91)memory slot (87)motherboard (84)P1 power connector (87)

    parallel port (92)Peripheral Component

    Interconnect (PCI) (89)PS/2 port (91)serial port (92)System Setup utility (104)Universal Serial Bus (USB) (92)

  • Key Term QuizUse terms from the Key Terms list to complete thefollowing sentences follow. Not all terms will be used.

    1. An ATX motherboard connects to the powersupply via the __________.

    2. The __________ expansion slot is madespecifically for video cards.

    3. The flash ROM and the system BIOS are oftenreferred to collectively as the __________.

    4. The mouse and keyboard connections on anATX motherboard are called __________ ports.

    5. __________ are small programs that themotherboard uses to install new BIOSinformation downloaded from the motherboardmakers website.

    6. Before IBM came out with the PS/2 connector,the standard connection for a PC mouse wasthe __________.

    7. __________ is currently the dominantmotherboard form factor.

    8. __________ controls the way that the CPUhandles input and output.

    9. You can use the __________ to change settingssuch as the types of hard drives your system uses.

    10. The chip that stores the system BIOS is calledthe __________.

    Multiple-Choice Quiz1. The original form factor for a PC motherboard

    was the ____________.

    a. AT

    b. Baby AT

    c. ATX

    d. LBX

    2. What component, when added to the motherboard,protects the CPU from overheating?

    a. CPU fan

    b. CPU cooling unit

    c. Central cooling fan

    d. Central cooling unit

    3. Which external port is usually used for printers?

    a. Serial

    b. Parallel

    c. Game

    d. Print

    4. Which port allows simultaneous connection ofup to 127 devices?

    a. USB

    b. Parallel

    c. Serial

    d. Game

    5. Which port allows a CD-ROM to play musicfrom a CD through a computer?

    a. Serial

    b. AUX_IN

    c. Parallel

    d. CD_IN

    6. Which port on the motherboard providesa standardized interface for hard drives?

    a. FFD

    b. AGP

    c. PCI

    d. EIDE

    7. Which expansion slot was designed to enablequick communication between internal hardwareadd-ons and the CPU?

    a. AGP

    b. Parallel

    c. PCI

    d. EIDE

    8. When installing a motherboard, you first attach__________ to the motherboard plate so they lineup with the holes on the motherboard.

    a. Standout screws

    b. Motherboard jacks

    Chapter 4: Motherboards and BIOS 107

  • c. Plate connectors

    d. Mounting risers

    9. What portion of the motherboard connects to thepower supply?

    a. P8/P9 power connector

    b. P1 power connector

    c. P4 power connector

    d. P1/P2 power connector

    10. What portions of a motherboard can enable ordisable some built-in devices?

    a. Jump switches

    b. Serial switches

    c. Jumpers

    d. Parallel switches

    11. Which motherboard form factor was created tomaintain all of the same connectors as the AT,but with a smaller size?

    a. LBX

    b. ATS

    c. ATX

    d. Baby AT

    12. What is the generic name for DIMM slots andRIMM slots?

    a. Memory slots

    b. AGP slots

    c. PCI slots

    d. P8/P9 slots

    13. What is the name of the keyboard connector onan AT motherboard?

    a. Flex

    b. PS/2

    c. P8

    d. DIN

    14. What would you use to change the variable BIOSinformation in the system BIOS?

    a. BIOS updater

    b. System Setup utility

    c. CMOS

    d. System ROM

    15. You want to access your System Setup utility.You hold down the DEL key during bootup, butthat doesnt work. What should you do next?

    a. Pressing DEL is the correct way to accessSystem Setup. Try again and hold the keydown longer.

    b. You need to press a different key. You mustwatch your screen during bootup to find theinformation.

    c. You need to press a different key. You mustcheck your motherboard book to find theinformation.

    d. You need to press a different key. Bothanswers b and c are valid ways to find theinformation you need.

    Essay Quiz1. Write a paragraph outlining the differences and

    similarities among the AT, Baby AT, and ATXtypes of motherboards. Why did motherboardsevolve as they did?

    2. Describe the location of each component of themotherboard and how each component pertainsto your ability to use the PC.

    3. Using your knowledge of CPUs and memorygained in previous chapters, write a brief essayabout how these communicate with each other.

    Be sure to incorporate a brief description of thepurpose of the Northbridge chip.

    4. Write a brief essay describing why system BIOSis necessary and how its information is stored onthe motherboard.

    5. Create a two-column list: on the left list all thetypes of external connectors on a motherboard,and opposite each type of connector, list thedevice(s) it serves.

    108 Introduction to PC Hardware and Troubleshooting

  • Chapter 4: Motherboards and BIOS 109

    Lab Projects

    Lab Project 4.1Your class has recently won a grant, and yourteacher has decided to upgrade the motherboardsof your PCs. Safely remove your motherboard,

    exchange it for that of one of your classmates, andinstall the new motherboard in your system.

    Lab Project 4.2When you are considering upgrading or replacingmotherboard components, its critical that you beable to identify key features and specifications of themotherboard itself. In this lab you will determine thevarious specifications and features of a motherboard.If possible, do this exercise using several differentmotherboards. When you can, determine the answersboth through direct inspection of the motherboardand by looking in the motherboard book.

    Layout Is the motherboard ATX or AT? Canyou determine what variation of AT or ATX?

    Does it have any special features advertisedby the maker?

    Make and model Who made the motherboardand what is the model number?

    RAM Does it use SDRAM? DDR SDRAM?RDRAM? How many slots does it have? What isthe maximum amount of RAM it will support?

    CPU What is the socket/slot type? Whattype(s) of CPUs will it support?

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