
MRAMNovember 8, 2012

Financial Systems Update

Jeanne Marie Isola, UW-IT Information Management


FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19


Procure to Pay

My FDAutomated JVs


Plan Implement

Plan Implement

Replacement Options Analysis Initiate

Production Support/ /Incremental improvements

Plan ImplementPlan

Stabilize or replace “at risk” products (e.g. Vitcos, Oasis etc.)

Finance Program Roadmap

Jeanne Marie

Plan Implement

eFECS Phase 4-6 Roadmap Planning

SeptemberPermanent Cost Share


October Cost Share

Intersections on Research

Management Lifecycle

November • Architecture• Prioritization• Estimates

DecemberRoadmap Proposal

Articulate improvements as ways to reduce:1) Administrative Burden2) Compliance Risk


High Level Cost Share Life Cycle

• Department• OSP• GCA

Project/Award Launch

Opportunities:• Reduce administrative effort & Improve Usability across

business process• Increase compliance

Essential Collaborators: Grant Contract & Accounting, Management Accounting & Analysis, Academic Units, Office of Research, Decision Support Center, and UW-IT

Components of Procurement Costs as a Percentage of Spending

University o fW ashington

Cam pus UnitsPurchasing TechnologyC entra l P rocurem ent

Hackett Peer G roupUniversity o f M ich igan

• UW em ployees in cam pus units spend m ore tim e on procurem ent than peer institu tions w ith m ore m odern, m ore centralized procurem ent system s.

.32% 2.99%.15%

.31% .45%.16%


Procure to Pay Roadmap Business Value Proposition

Comparison to U of Michigan: University of Michigan has larger spend ($2B vs. $1B) yet fewer non-central FTE involved in procurement function

3.5 %

> 1 %

Goal: Utilize eProcurement to manage all procurement functions creating a streamlined, single point of entry for all purchases. This should standardize the process and reduce costs.




Contract Compliance

Vendor Management

Accounts PayablePayment Scheduling, Accruals, Payment Processing,APE Interface, 1099, etc.

Contract Management



Payments to individuals



eProcurement Strategy Overview


* Modules are Implemented


Non-Catalog Ordering and Non-PO Invoices will allow campus users to order good and services taking advantage of the eProcurement features like approval flow, electronic order routing, and

electronic invoicing

Procure to Pay: To the future

History of My Financial Desktop

2005 - 2008• Reporting• Queries &

Templates• Salary and

Expense Transactions

2010 -2012• Automated

Budget Search• Budget

Worksheet• Reconciliation• Source

Document Drill Down

2013- 2014• Automated

Journal Vouchers

Accomplishments!• $400,000 to $600,000 in annual savings from

in FM staff time; more savings throughout.• 50% reduction in printing BAR/BSR reports• Eliminates time-consuming manual process

used by over 3000 PIs and UW fiscal staff• 75 percent time reduction to generate

individual transactions in over 40,000 budgets

Coming Soon!My Financial Desktop Automated Journal Vouchers


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