Page 1: MSc projects 2014/2015 Induction session Dr Mike Spann M.Sc Project Director

MSc projects 2014/2015

Induction session

Dr Mike Spann

M.Sc Project Director

[email protected]

Page 2: MSc projects 2014/2015 Induction session Dr Mike Spann M.Sc Project Director


• Overview of a research project

• Administration of project

• Key resources

• Key dates and what is required in the early stages

Page 3: MSc projects 2014/2015 Induction session Dr Mike Spann M.Sc Project Director

A research project

• This is an exercise in individual inquiry

• Is driven by the student, and steered by the supervisor – it is YOUR project!

• Address an academically challenging research problem

• May use theoretical or practical based methods

• 60 credits

Page 4: MSc projects 2014/2015 Induction session Dr Mike Spann M.Sc Project Director

What are assessors are looking for?

• Evidence of individual inquiry:– A well thought out research question addressing

something which is academically challenging– Good understanding of the background literature– A sensible scope of work and sensible methodologies– Validation of your work and critical review– Appreciation of the limitations of the approaches


• Tangible deliverables

Page 5: MSc projects 2014/2015 Induction session Dr Mike Spann M.Sc Project Director

What are assessors are looking for?

• A well presented thesis:– A clear and concise structure– Good use of English– Clear diagrams– Clear graphs– Good references (Harvard style)– A good introduction and conclusions– Use of SI units and sensible use of significant


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Some tips

• Go to the library and read through some MSc, PhD and MPhil theses – you can get some of these on the UoB website–– Will give you an idea about the standard expected

• Ask your supervisor to give you examples of good work– Especially if they have supervised previous

projects in a similar area

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Project administration and skills

• Use a log book and meeting forms (available in general office) – submit copies of meeting forms to PGO.

• It is your responsibility to meet with your supervisor and request meetings (remember staff will be away during part of the summer)

• Expect to report on your progress in meetings• Use a work plan or chart to structure your


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Project resources

• Your supervisor’s book shelf!• The library• The on-line library• The web of science• Other sites:•• Canvas page for project info

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Project Assessment

• Conference Style Presentation 5%

• Poster 5%

• Supervisors Assessment 15%

• Dissertation (Final Report) 70%

• Logbook 5%

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Key dates• Week 2 Autumn term – project allocation process begins• Week 3 Autumn Term - project titles/supervisors will be emailed out• Week 4 Autumn term – agree a project title and specification and email to Sam

McCauley• Rest of Autumn term – start preliminary work and background research into your

project• Spring and summer terms – start serious practical work• MSc poster presentation week 1 of summer term• MSc project conference day briefing in June• Final dissertation. Mon. 7th September, 2015

– See handbook for further details 12:00 noon

• MSc project conference day (after project submission)– Short presentations attended by staff and students– Need to have an organising committee

All dates are provisional

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What do I need to do now?

• You need to fill out the project choice form giving me some idea of your interests and the sort of project you wish to do

• Please hand this in to the PG office before the end of week 2 (Friday 10th October)

• Alternatively there will be an electronic version on Canvas which you can fill out and email to Sam McCauley (not to me!)

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