Page 1: Multispectral Imaging of Heritage Artefacts with VideometerLab 3

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VideometerLab 3 Multi-Spectral Imaging

Rapid Non-destructive Surface Analysis

Adrian Waltho, Analytik Ltd (Cambridge, UK)

[email protected]

• Light reflectance at separate colours

• Statistical image processing

• Chemical, physical and spatial properties

• Differentiate | Quantify | Report

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Traditional colour imaging uses three broad bands of colour:

Red, Green and Blue

Normal Colour Imaging

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Normal Colour Imaging

• RGB photographs have limited spectral resolution

• Chlorophyll a and b give almost the same RGB signal and are not spectrally separated

Chloro-a High Low High

Chloro-b High Low High

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Multispectral Imaging

Chloro-a High Low Low High

Chloro-b Med High Med Low

• Using just 4 wavelength bands with tightly defined ranges, Chlorophyll a and b can easily be distinguished

• VideometerLab 3 uses 19 wavelength bands

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Multispectral Imaging

• Many images obtained at selective wavelength bands

• Each image pixel contains spectral data points

• Spectral signature reveals chemo-specific information

• See spatial location of surface chemical variation

Ultraviolet Near-Infrared

Infra-Red Red Yellow Green Blue Ultra-Violet

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VideometerLab 3 Schematic

• Narrowband illumination provided by 19 LEDs between 375nm-970nm (UV-Vis-VNIR)

• Integrating sphere diffuses light onto sample

• 2056x2056 CCD camera captures reflectance at each LED wavelength for each pixel

• Emission filter wheel for longpass/bandpass filtering

• Bright-field or dark-field lighting for translucency or diffuse scatter imaging



Integrating sphere

Emission filter wheel


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VideometerLab 3 Schematic

• Precise lighting control for optimal illumination of each sample across whole spectrum

• Diffuse light on sample ensures even lighting from all directions

• Broadband camera spectrally and spatially calibrated (NIST)

• Emission filters enable multispectral reflectance and fluorescence imaging abilities

• Powerful, user-friendly image analysis and quantification software for data and modelling



Integrating sphere

Emission filter wheel


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VideometerLab 3 Schematic

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Zoom area for next slide

Bodleian Library – Papyrus Hieroglyphics

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Bodleian Library – Papyrus Hieroglyphics

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Same area at 850nm (infrared) illumination (false

coloured) – note smudge (fingerprint?) just above tear

in paper, invisible in RGB image

Bodleian Library – Papyrus Hieroglyphics

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nCDA transformation of same area

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Palimpsest sRGB image

Zoom area for next slide

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Close-up of zoomed area

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nCDA transform highlights original text

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Historic Scotland – Pigment analysis

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• Circled are cadmium red and lead white pigment samples

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• Circled is a mix of cadmium red and lead white

Historic Scotland – Pigment analysis

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• The VideometerLab can build up a library of the spectral responses of each pigment

Historic Scotland – Pigment analysis

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• The VideometerLab can then recognise this spectrum in unknown samples. We see that the pure cadmium red and the cadmium red mix are both ‘hits’ for the cadmium spectrum

Historic Scotland – Pigment analysis

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• We can also see that the more pure spectrum registers as a closer fit than the cadmium-lead mix. We see this because the pure cadmium is much more orangey in the false-colour image

Historic Scotland – Pigment analysis

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• This technique can be applied to paintings, for example this portrait of a captain from Leith

Historic Scotland – Pigment analysis

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• By using false-colouration, we can see that the yellow pigment used on the captain’s hatband is the same (or very similar) to the yellow on his buttons, but different from the yellow on his braiding

Historic Scotland – Pigment analysis

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Royal Armouries Fencing Manual

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Royal Armouries Fencing Manual

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This image shows the redness on the left fighter’s cheek is spectrally the same as the scribbling in the middle of the picture and the spot in the bottom left

Perhaps more importantly, it shows there is nothing else of a similar pigmentation in the whole image

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Royal Armouries Fencing Manual

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This image shows the redness on the left fighter’s cheek is spectrally the same as the scribbling in the middle of the picture and the spot in the bottom left

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Royal Armouries Fencing Manual

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The Videometer can prove this quantitatively as well – the next slide shows the spectral properties of the points in the center of the small crosses below

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Royal Armouries Fencing Manual

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You can see that 3 and 4 (teal and brown, page and sword) are significantly different from 1 and 2 in terms of their spectral profile.

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Royal Armouries Fencing Manual

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Visually, the Sten gun looks scratched arbitrarily. In fact, it is known there is an engraving on the side

Royal Armouries Sten Gun

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The Videometer can isolate an blow up this engraving

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Royal Armouries Sten Gun

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The Videometer can also spectrally enhance the contrast

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Royal Armouries Sten Gun

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Ordinary RGB imaging cannot do this - it is only possible to get the clarity of the enhanced image at 850 nanometers where the scratches start to respond differently to the metal under illumination, and RGB cameras only go up to around 700nm

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Royal Armouries Sten Gun

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The Videometer can false-colour images to aid understanding

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Royal Armouries Sten Gun

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It can also focus tightly on specific sections of the image to contrast them better – it is possible to improve signal to noise almost without limit at the expense of spending more time on the analysis

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Royal Armouries Sten Gun

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“Christofis Elias”

Royal Armouries Sten Gun

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“Sixth Company”

Royal Armouries Sten Gun

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Royal Armouries Sten Gun

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• The gun belonged to a Greek Cypriot named Elias Christofis who fought in World War II. (Lefkosia is the capital of Cyprus)

• Some of the decisions between similar looking letters might appear odd, but make a lot of sense when looked at multi-spectrally:

– For example, this letter looks like it could easily be a lambda or an aleph, but when viewed at 920 rather than 850nm, the line in the middle disappears

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Royal Armouries Sten Gun

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• The translations were done by a Greek-speaker, who said that the transliteration of the third line that was given to her didn’t make sense. Its unclear if that means what Mr Christofis wrote was literally nonsense or if I transliterated it badly, but I would guess the latter

• This could be solved by a more guided transformation process – for example taking a more careful image of the third section of writing, finding out more about the sample so you can ‘guess’ letters and have the Videometer fill in the blanks or by a more complicated transformation calibration

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Royal Armouries Sten Gun

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Museum Conservation Service

• Faded ‘Elizabeth R’ signature on official declaration of war communication document to overseas UK forces (sRGB image)

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• Faded ‘Elizabeth R’ signature on official declaration of war communication document to overseas UK forces (sRGB image)

• Highlight training set of pixels to teach the software the spectral pattern of interest

Museum Conservation Service



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• Faded ‘Elizabeth R’ signature on official declaration of war communication document to overseas UK forces

• Highlight training set of pixels to teach the software the spectral pattern of interest

• Software scores every pixel in the image using the trained nCDA algorithm

• nCDA score determines pixel false colour value

• Signature’s spectrum is highlighted against all other dis-similar spectra on the page

Museum Conservation Service

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Museum Conservation Service

• Faded Officer’s co-signature on official declaration of war communication document to overseas UK forces (sRGB image)

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Museum Conservation Service

• Faded Officer’s co-signature on official declaration of war communication document to overseas UK forces (sRGB image)

• Highlight training set of pixels to teach the software the spectral pattern of interest



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Museum Conservation Service

• Faded Officer’s co-signature on official declaration of war communication document to overseas UK forces

• Highlight training set of pixels to teach the software the spectral pattern of interest

• Software scores every pixel in the image using the trained nCDA algorithm

• nCDA score determines pixel false colour value

• Signature’s spectrum is highlighted against all other dis-similar spectra on the page

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Museum Conservation Service

• Faded pencil inscription on the rear of a photograph of unknown British officer in 1858 (sRGB image, date circled)

• Highlight training set of pixels to teach the software the spectral pattern of interest

‘1858’ written in pencil

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Museum Conservation Service

• Faded pencil inscription on the rear of a photograph of unknown British officer in 1858

• Highlight training set of pixels to teach the software the spectral pattern of interest

• Software scores every pixel in the image using the trained nCDA algorithm

• nCDA score determines pixel false colour value

• Pencil spectrum is highlighted against all other dis-similar spectra on the page

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Museum Conservation Service

• Suspected signature painted over in final composition

• Almost invisible in sRGB image

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Museum Conservation Service

• Suspected signature painted over in final composition

• Almost invisible in sRGB image

• Highlight training set of pixels to teach the software the spectral pattern of interest

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Museum Conservation Service

• Suspected signature painted over in final composition

• Almost invisible in sRGB image

• Highlight training set of pixels to teach the software the spectral pattern of interest

• Software scores every pixel in the image using the trained nCDA algorithm

• nCDA score determines pixel false colour value

• Signature’s spectrum is highlighted against all other dis-similar spectra on the page

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Multispectral Image Analysis

• A variety of image processing tools are available in VideometerLab’s analysis software

• Analysis protocols and models can be saved and applied to new samples for routine analysis

• Multiple analysis models can be run on the same image data to quantify separate parameters

• Analysis can be batch-run to aid in high-throughput data acquisition

• Image archiving provides a record of samples for future data mining and regulatory compliance

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• Nuanced, human-like analysis of heterogeneous samples

• Objective, accurate, repeatable measurements

• Non-destructive analysis allows further sample assay work

• No sample preparation is required

• Rapid data acquisition and analysis enables high throughput screening

Why use Multispectral Imaging?

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• Hardware options

• Emission filter wheel (4 x 25mm Ø) for fluorescence macro-imaging

• Dark- or Bright-field backlighting for scattering or translucency analysis

• Bespoke solutions available

• Software options

• Image Processing Toolbox for filtering and segmentation of image data in individual spectral bands

• Multispectral Imaging Toolbox for multivariate image analysis and modelling

• Blob Toolbox for granular object separation, analysis and data output reporting

• Matlab multispectral imaging toolbox integration

Hardware and Software Options

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• Nuanced, human-like analysis of heterogeneous samples

• Sophisticated data analysis tools for the novice and power user

• Objective, repeatable data collection with easy export

• Rapid, non-destructive testing with no sample preparation

VL3 Multispectral Imaging

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VL3 Datasheet PDF

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