Page 1: Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Animal / Character · You are the drummer for The Electric Mayhem, the Muppet Show’s

Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Animal / Character Sheet


Life is simple:

Drums. Food. Women. (WOMAN!) In whatever order. And *anything* can become a drum. And ... *many* things can be

eaten. Women are either women or not, sadly. (And they get so annoyed when you try to use them as drums.)

You are the drummer for The Electric Mayhem, the Muppet Show’s in-house band. (DRUMS! DRUMS!) Floyd, the bass

player, is one of your best buds. Gonzo, the purple dude, is also great, even though he isn’t in the band. He’s always getting

blown up or whatever. (FUNNY! FUNNY!) Miss Piggy is possiblythe only person who could take you in a fight. (WOMAN.

PIG. ... OW.) The frog is okay.

But food. Hm. Hungry. Is that chili still around? You made some mean chili last night. The Swedish Chef wasn’t around,

but you took his biggest pot and made your own! The kitchen didn’t have enough chili powder, though. (MMM, EIGHTEEN

ALARM CHILI.) Bunsen had lots of powder in his lab, though. You made some mean chili. It was, like, twenty five different

shades of hot, man. And it overflowed the pot so much. And it wasbubbling (BUBBLES! BUBBLES!), and burning, and


You were *so hungry*. But the chili was hungrier. Man, what a drag. Eaten by your own chili.

You’re back in the theater, but everybody’s complaining about being dead. Guess you’re dead too. Party on?

The frog doesn’t seem to be in charge. The old dudes, Statler and Waldorf are talking to everybody. The theater was

destroyed? (GO BOOM.) Everybody’s dead? (ZOMBIES? “No, Animal, just dead.”) Murder? Statler and Waldorf are God and

Satan? (Oooh, Satan. Good music.) And now you get to perform for your souls. (SOUL MUSIC! ROCK ROCK ROCK! BANG


Aaaaaand the old guys tell you all that they are gonna find out who killed everybody, and that person is going straight to


Floyd sees you looking confused, so he explains. “Hell’s real bad, Animal. Not a place for us cool cats. There’s no drums,

and no women, and no food. I’m glad none of us killed everybody.”

Hell bad.

Mmm, chili. Hm. Your chili ate you. It must have gone on to eat everybody else. You’d better not let anybody find out about

the chili. (SECRET? SECRET.) You’ve gotta figure out who remembers being eaten by the chili, and you’ve got to keep them

away from the old dudes. (BACKSTAGE!) And you’ve gotta play the drums. And find women. Aren’t there any women around

here? And man, you are starving.

A Brief Note: Animal rarely talks in full sentences. He usually just shouts whatever he wants or is thinking of. Please do not

deafen the other players, but yes, he is named “Animal” for a reason.

1 Judgment

1.1 Damnation

You cannot let it get out that you were responsible for everybody’s death. If you are, then you will be sent straight to Hellwithout

the possibility of atonement or redemption. Luckily, nobody really knows what caused all the inhabitants of Muppet Theater to


Animal 1 Not Transferable

Page 2: Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Animal / Character · You are the drummer for The Electric Mayhem, the Muppet Show’s

Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Animal / Character Sheet

Unfortunately, there seem to have been a lot of witnesses to your incident. None of them probably know that they were

witnesses but God and Satan will. If too many Muppets that witnessed your incident of death get Judged, God and Satan will be

able to figure out and blame you.

All of the horde characters can remember their last thought.You might be able to piece together which ones were witnesses

of your guilt. If you know who they are, you might be able to delay their Judgement until somebody else gets blamed.

There are probably lots of ways to delay them getting Judged:getting Kermit to change the skit order, getting them eaten,

even disrupting a skit enough may stop them from getting Judged.

1.2 Salvation

If you can get out of being blamed, you will still need to proveyourself worthy of Heaven, lest you be damned anyway for your

personality sin. God and Satan will be setting Atonements for you that you will need to accomplish before you will be Saved.

Oddly, they will only tell you what the Atonements are as witnesses to your guilt are judged.

When you complete an Atonement, you should write a note with your character name and the completed Atonement and

drop it in the Atonement Box located backstage. God and Satanare omniscient so this is kludgite accurate ... you may not lie.

Tokens- There are multiple ways to get tokens. First and foremost, all of the horde characters have certain desires. If you discover

and fulfill these desires they may give you tokens. There are multiple other ways that you might acquire tokens.

- Kermit needs Tokens to manage the show. You will probably beable to get him to do things for you in exchange for Tokens.

Memory/Event Packets- none

Bluesheets- Main Character

Greensheets- none

Abilities- Clobber

- Assist

- Go Onstage

- Summon Monster

Items- none

Stats- Combat Rating: 3

Animal 2 Not Transferable

Page 3: Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Animal / Character · You are the drummer for The Electric Mayhem, the Muppet Show’s

Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Beaker / Character Sheet


Your life is simple. You wake up, shower, eat breakfast, and head over to Muppet Labs. Then you “help” Professor Bunsen

Honeydew with his experiments, where “help” includes fighting off dangerous animals, having experiments fall on you, being

the “accidental” target of any of his new artillery devices,drinking “harmless” substances which inevitably cause your nose to

fall off, or any of a variety of other horrible things.

You really hate Bunsen Honeydew.

The worst part is, you don’t even think he’s doing it on purpose! At least if he really were a sadistic jerk, you could hate each

other and settle into some kind of routine. But you think he just doesn’t understand that you’re a person instead of a, a coat-rack,

or some other object that is utterly irrelevant and can’t feel pain. You can’t even tell him off, because he just says, “That’s nice,

Beaky. I think you’re right; we should put more TNT in the nextversion.” (Grumble grumble inability to speak normal English


But you really, really hate Bunsen Honeydew. And you don’t quit because you can’t. The very first thing you helped him

with, your very first lab rat job right out of college, and he’smaking a Royalty Virus. Turns people into kings. Gold crownsand

everything. Awesome idea. Except that Bunsen Honeydew is a complete MEEPing incompetent and you end up infected with

a loyalty virus. Loyalty?! To the greatest moron science hasever produced?! It doesn’t make you like him. It just drags you to

work everyday! You can’t even enjoy your vacations! You get all sick and twitchy! WHAT KIND OF JOB DOESN’T ALLOW


You really hate Bunsen Honeydew.

You can’t get away from him. Oh, if only. You’ve dreamed aboutother jobs, other people, other lives. Even the thought of

serving burgers and fries at McDonald’s would be heaven, because Bunsen wouldn’t be there. But no, no, you get to work with

his horrible round green head every single day until death doyou part. Why?

BECAUSE YOU WERE A FLIPPING IDIOT. Why, why, why did you take this job in the first place? You were young, and

a million other Muppets probably wouldn’t have known any better, but you have never gotten over this. How could you? Every

day you go into that lab, waiting to be sliced, diced, or shredded, folded, spindled, or mutilated, eaten, beaten, or pureed. With

no end in sight. God, you seriously hate Bunsen.

You suppose it’s not fair to claim that your life has been wholly terrible for the past N years. You always get to go home

and reattach your legs or whatever. (After you clean up whatever mess Bunsen’s made, of course.) And at least the Labs are a

wholly owned subsidiary of The Muppet Show, so you get to perform your experiments on stage - okay, maybe it’s not great that

a generation of children is growing up laughing at you. But you’ve been investing the royalties against the hope that Bunsen gets

hit by a bus or something.

But Bunsen seems to be blessed in that way that crushing idiots often are. He never gets hurt by his ridiculous inventions.

He doesn’t even catch colds! He doesn’t even get papercuts! Why can’t something just HAPPEN to him?! Why can’t something

just happen to his stupid. green. head. Every freakin’ day you hope and pray that something will happen to him, and nothing

ever does! And meanwhile, you keep having to suffer through his ridiculous experiments! Why would nothing save you from

this horrible quack scientist?!

So last night you had enough. You always considered yourselfa kind person - given the amount of suffering imposed on

you, you had no desire to impose it on anyone else. But Bunsen is your nemesis. He doesn’t bring anything good into the world.

(Sharpened bananas? Who wants sharpened bananas?!) He has nopurpose except making your life miserable! So you went

into the lab, and you took Bunsen’s latest project, the Proton-Electrical Ice Cream Scoop and Featherdusting Robot. Then you

modified it from an ice cream scoop to a melon-baller. And thenyou found the “Kill Everyone (Y/N)?” switch, and turned it to

Beaker 1 Not Transferable

Page 4: Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Animal / Character · You are the drummer for The Electric Mayhem, the Muppet Show’s

Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Beaker / Character Sheet


In retrospect, you probably should have made it so that it wasa “Kill Bunsen” switch, since the first thing it did was scoop

your brains out. But, but - and this is the good part - Bunsen isalso here in the afterlife, which means you DID manage to kill

him too. In fact, everybody involved in The Muppet Show is here, which means you it did a very, very good job of de-braining

everyone. Yes, good. The experiment was a success. Great.


But you killed Bunsen. This may prove to be a net win.

No, wait. You killed Bunsen, but you also killed you. This means you are both still in the same place.


Okay. Maybe this plan can still be salvaged. You are now in theafterlife, or maybe the pre-afterlife, in a shadow-version

of the Muppet Theater. God and Satan have come to judge you all. You know this because they introduced themselves to you.

(After dressing up like Statler and Waldorf. The afterlife is far weirder than you could have ever expected.)

God and Satan told you all that you were going to get to performfor your precious little souls. Amuse them, and you go to

Heaven. Displease them, and you go to Hell. Except for the person or persons who killed everybody. They’re going straightto

hell. And the person who killed everybody is you.

So you need to pull one over on two omnipotent and omnisicent deities. Er, great. Well, they’re already a lot weirder than

you thought they were, so maybe they’re not actually omniscient either. They’ve said they’re going to interview people as they

send them to Heaven or Hell. So you’ve just got to figure out whoactually remembers having their brains scooped out, and

prevent them from being Judged for as long as possible. There’s got to be somebody else to blame.

Maybe you can frame Bunsen for all of this. I mean, it was technically his invention. You just made some modifications.

There have to be some people who remember seeing Bunsen around, right? Or whatever Bunsen’s latest project was? All right,

yes. This is completely doable. You’ve got to make sure Bunsen goes to Hell and you go to Heaven. Maybe even Bunsen going

to Heaven and you going to Hell wouldn’t be so bad. At least you’d be *away* from him, and after working at Muppet Labs,

what does Hell have to scare you with? But framing Bunsen would make you feel so good...

Man, they’d better not be omniscient.

Note: Beaker does not talk. He meeps. Bunsen asserts that he is perfectly capable of understanding what Beaker says, but

this is not particularly true.

1 Judgment

1.1 Damnation

You cannot let it get out that you were responsible for everybody’s death. If you are, then you will be sent straight to Hellwithout

the possibility of atonement or redemption. Luckily, nobody really knows what caused all the inhabitants of Muppet Theater to


Unfortunately, there seem to have been a lot of witnesses to your incident. None of them probably know that they were

witnesses but God and Satan will. If too many Muppets that witnessed your incident of death get Judged, God and Satan will be

able to figure out and blame you.

All of the horde characters can remember their last thought.You might be able to piece together which ones were witnesses

of your guilt. If you know who they are, you might be able to delay their Judgement until somebody else gets blamed.

Beaker 2 Not Transferable

Page 5: Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Animal / Character · You are the drummer for The Electric Mayhem, the Muppet Show’s

Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Beaker / Character Sheet

There are probably lots of ways to delay them getting Judged:getting Kermit to change the skit order, getting them eaten,

even disrupting a skit enough may stop them from getting Judged.

1.2 Salvation

If you can get out of being blamed, you will still need to proveyourself worthy of Heaven, lest you be damned anyway for your

personality sin. God and Satan will be setting Atonements for you that you will need to accomplish before you will be Saved.

Oddly, they will only tell you what the Atonements are as witnesses to your guilt are judged.

When you complete an Atonement, you should write a note with your character name and the completed Atonement and

drop it in the Atonement Box located backstage. God and Satanare omniscient so this is kludgite accurate ... you may not lie.

Tokens- There are multiple ways to get tokens. First and foremost, all of the horde characters have certain desires. If you discover

and fulfill these desires they may give you tokens. There are multiple other ways that you might acquire tokens.

- Kermit needs Tokens to manage the show. You will probably beable to get him to do things for you in exchange for Tokens.

Memory/Event Packets- none

Bluesheets- Main Character

Greensheets- none

Abilities- Clobber

- Assist

- Go Onstage

- Summon Monster

Items- none

Stats- Combat Rating: 2

Beaker 3 Not Transferable

Page 6: Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Animal / Character · You are the drummer for The Electric Mayhem, the Muppet Show’s
Page 7: Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Animal / Character · You are the drummer for The Electric Mayhem, the Muppet Show’s

Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Fozzie / Character Sheet


Your life can be summed up very simply. You were a bear. You weren’t funny. You’re dead. Wocka wocka.

You wanted to be a stand-up comedian your whole life. Your uncle was a comedian. Your uncle was the funniest guy you

ever met, and you wanted to be just like him when you grew up. Man, he knew how to make you laugh. (As you grew up,

you realized that he wasn’t actually the most famous comedian in the country like you thought when you were little. He wasn’t

making gazillions of dollars, but he had enough to pay the bills. But you still always thought he was hysterical.) And you were

going to be Just Like Him. You were gonna get all the laughs! Everybody was gonna love you! You were gonna be rich, and

famous, and rich!

And ... you got yourself up to being the resident comedian on The Muppet Show, which was something. You weren’t making

gazillions of dollars, but you had enough to pay the bills ...sometimes. (You only need one of gas or electricity at any given

time, right?) And you had friends there! You and Rowlf the Dogused to pal around a lot, play the piano together, go out for

drinks once in a while. And Kermit was both your best friend, and a real classy guy in general. One heck of a frog, y’know?

He’d always make time to listen to your jokes and plans for thefuture, even when they were a bit on the harebrained side. Kermit

believed in you, just like your uncle believed in you. Just like you believed in you! Someday, you were going to be a Big Star.

Your uncle died a few days ago. You didn’t take it well. Who takes death well, though? He was your favorite relative. Life

wasn’t going to be the same without him. He died peacefully inhis sleep, but still ... You were so sure he was going to see you

on stage in the big clubs someday. You were gonna make it. You were gonna get all the laughs.

And, well ... you were kind of distraught about your uncle, so... you decided, to celebrate his memory, you really were

going to get all the laughs. All of them, come hell, high water, exploding chickens, asteroids, or polka-dancing monsters. MINE


Laughing gas. That was the solution. Your audiences are never warmed up. You’d just ... get some tanks, place them around

the theater, turn them on a couple of minutes before you were supposed to go on stage. Instant cheerful audience. You’d getthe

laughter you deserved!

You were a bit worried about Statler and Waldorf, who never like anything you do, but you were in luck! They weren’t there!

No Statler! No Waldorf! Freedom! No heckling! Just pure, adulterated laughs!

. . . Did you know that laughing gas is N2O and not CO? No, you in fact did not know this. If you had known this, you

probably wouldn’t have bought all that carbon monoxide. (Sothat’s why the guy at Discount Al’s Perfectly Legal Gasses was

looking at you funny.)

Augh! The night was so promising. Nathan Lane was the guest star! Nathan Lane! A Real Live Funny Guy. You were all

set to ask him for advice and everything . . . And you were goingto go on stage, and you were going to get all the laughs, get

hired somewhere in rich-and-famous land, be rich . . .

And now, after a few extremely headachy minutes, you’re dead. And so, apparently, is everybody else involved in The

Muppet Show. Oh dear, there’s Nathan Lane. Great. You even killed the guest star. This is quite a predicament. No, actually,

predicament is an understatement. This is time for FULL ON PANIC. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

“This can’t possibly get any worse,” you think. And you immediately regret that thought, as a loud voice booms out,


Oh holy=@#$Statlerand Waldorf.

This can’t be happening. Statler and Waldorf?! Your nemeses?! Divine powers?! Wow. Should you be flattered or angry

that you were their target for all these years?

Fozzie 1 Not Transferable

Page 8: Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Animal / Character · You are the drummer for The Electric Mayhem, the Muppet Show’s

Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Fozzie / Character Sheet

Waldorf and God (or whichever is which; you can’t actually tell) tell you all that you get the fine privilege of performing

for your souls. If you do good, Heaven. If you do bad, Hell. Some of you, mostly the higher-billed characters, have a bit more

work to do. You’ve committed a Deadly Sin and you’ll have to a)figure out what it was, and b) repent appropriately. Kermit gets

to be extra special. He’s going to wherever more of his charges go. Better perform well, or the frog gets it. Oh, right - and the

person who killed everybody? They’re going straight to Helldo not pass Go do not collect 200 bananas, poker chips, or other

fake currency.

Hey, what did the bear say to the omnipotent deity?=@#$\parAll right, well, God’s a sadistic=@meansan eternity of getting

heckled by those fossils, but you’re used to that.) But you can’t let them damn Kermit. Friends don’t let friends go to Hell, you

know? God and Satan are going to figure out that you killed everyone eventually, but you’ve got to keep it from happening for

as long as possible. As long as you’re around, you can help keep things together, and you can try and help the other Muppets put

on good skits. If Statler and Satan are only asking Muppets what they remember as they’re being Judged, then you’ll have totry

to figure out who remembers seeing you, the tanks, or anythingelse that would connect back to you. You’ll have to try to keep

those Muppets from being Judged for as long as possible. If necessary, you will throw yourself on stage until they get a do-over.

Stay alive - er, dead - as long as possible. You owe it to Kermit. And the memory of your uncle.

Also, you are going to go out there and you are going to be funny. You are going to make those two geezers laugh if it’s the

last thing you ever do. Which, really, it might be. But you’ve been pushed around and made fun of for too long. Be funny. Go

out with a bang.

You’re a star, kid.

1 Judgment

1.1 Damnation

You cannot let it get out that you were responsible for everybody’s death. If you are, then you will be sent straight to Hellwithout

the possibility of atonement or redemption. Luckily, nobody really knows what caused all the inhabitants of Muppet Theater to


Unfortunately, there seem to have been a lot of witnesses to your incident. None of them probably know that they were

witnesses but God and Satan will. If too many Muppets that witnessed your incident of death get Judged, God and Satan will be

able to figure out and blame you.

All of the horde characters can remember their last thought.You might be able to piece together which ones were witnesses

of your guilt. If you know who they are, you might be able to delay their Judgement until somebody else gets blamed.

There are probably lots of ways to delay them getting Judged:getting Kermit to change the skit order, getting them eaten,

even disrupting a skit enough may stop them from getting Judged.

1.2 Salvation

If you can get out of being blamed, you will still need to proveyourself worthy of Heaven, lest you be damned anyway for your

personality sin. God and Satan will be setting Atonements for you that you will need to accomplish before you will be Saved.

Oddly, they will only tell you what the Atonements are as witnesses to your guilt are judged.

When you complete an Atonement, you should write a note with your character name and the completed Atonement and

drop it in the Atonement Box located backstage. God and Satanare omniscient so this is kludgite accurate ... you may not lie.

Fozzie 2 Not Transferable

Page 9: Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Animal / Character · You are the drummer for The Electric Mayhem, the Muppet Show’s

Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Fozzie / Character Sheet

Tokens- There are multiple ways to get tokens. First and foremost, all of the horde characters have certain desires. If you discover

and fulfill these desires they may give you tokens. There are multiple other ways that you might acquire tokens.

- Kermit needs Tokens to manage the show. You will probably beable to get him to do things for you in exchange for Tokens.

Memory/Event Packets- none

Bluesheets- Main Character

Greensheets- none

Abilities- Clobber

- Assist

- Go Onstage

- Summon Monster

Items- none

Stats- Combat Rating: 2

Fozzie 3 Not Transferable

Page 10: Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Animal / Character · You are the drummer for The Electric Mayhem, the Muppet Show’s
Page 11: Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Animal / Character · You are the drummer for The Electric Mayhem, the Muppet Show’s

Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Gonzo / Character Sheet


You are The Great Gonzo. You are an artiste and a performer of death-defying stunts. Your performance art is a bit avant-

garde, and your stunts ... sometimes there is more death thandefying. But that’s all part of the fun! Your motto: “Every bad idea

is a great idea!”

You’ve invented some really out-there stunts. Eating an eighteen foot tall birthday cake. Swimming the English Channel

while tied to a Buick Skylark. Tapdancing over hot coals while humming the 1812 Overture while knitting a pair of socks while

escaping a rampaging lion. (Okay, the rampaging lion was notoriginally meant to be part of the stunt, but it made it a lot more

exciting!) The stunts don’t always go well - more often than not you end up on fire or flat as a pancake, but you gotta get up and

keep on trying! (There’s still four feet of cake left!)

Yeah. You love your art. It’s the second best thing in your life. The best thing is, of course: women! The ladies. The

feminine persuasion. Gals. Dolls. Chicks. Hens. You love them all.+<3¡3 ¡3 ¡3+. And ... occasionally they love you back. You

have a girlfriend! The lovely Camilla, epitome of chicken kind, your one true love. Er, well. One of your one true loves. Camilla

is wonderful. Really. Great vegetarian cook. Fabulous voice. wouldn’t give her up for anything. You love her with all your heart

... except for all of the bits that still love Miss Piggy.

Piggy never really seemed to understand just how much you loved her. Or, well ... maybe she did understand, but she never

appreciated it. You’ve baked for her. You’ve bought her flowers. You’ve cleaned her room. You’ve done her laundry. You’ve

written her poetry. You’ve serenaded her. The list goes on and on. And what do you get in return? Nothing! If you’re lucky, you

get a karate chop. Why doesn’t she understand? How can so much love not be repaid with love? Oh, the pain.

You love Camilla. But you have a hole in your heart. And ... and, if only you could make Piggy understand how much you

love her, it’s not like you would give up Camilla! Couldn’t some kind of arrangement be made? (You’re not really a one-woman

... whatever you are, anyway. You’ll settle down, really, assoon as you find the six or seven ladies of your dreams.)

You’ve been agonizing about this lately. You want to treat Camilla right, but you also can’t give up on Piggy. You’ve been

trying to think of something really special to do for ages. And then you thought of something spectacular.

And now you’re dead, so it musn’t have worked so well.

Wait, what? Whoa, back up a step. How did you get from “spectacular” to “dead”? Let’s think here. The theater collapsed

from the support beams catching on fire and going down. Er, andbefore that there was the whole theater engulfed in flames ...

and ... candles. There were candles. Right, right. You put candles around Piggy’s door and around Camilla’s coop ... but the

candles alone wouldn’t have burned down the theater. There must have been something else ... Right! Roses! You were going

to lay a path of rose petals from each of their rooms to your room, and you would be waiting there, dressed in - er, that’s not

important. But rose petals. And you couldn’t get enough rosepetals because it’s winter, so you went to the craft store andbought

dried petals. And you blanketed the floor with them. But you put the candles down first, and when you went to dump out the rest

of the bags in front of Piggy’s door, the petals kind of went everywhere, and some of them caught in the candles, and there were

all of these very dry papery rose petals everywhere ... Yeah.You remember now. Wow, that really didn’t work out the way you


And now you find yourself, well, dead, with all of the other Muppets. (All of them?) And you face God and Satan, who look

surprisingly like ... Oh no! Not Statler and Waldorf! What didyou deserve to get these two? Didn’t you suffer enough? Now

they’ve come to mock you in the afterlife! (You are suddenly questioning the assertion that God is “good”.)

Statler and Satan, or God and Waldorf, or ... Er, they tell youall that the real Muppet theater has been destroyed and everyone

inside has been killed. You are all in Purgatory, awaiting Judgement. Those of you who have only committed minor sins must

perform for your souls. Those of you who have performed majorsins must perform, and must repent appropriately. Whoever

Gonzo 1 Not Transferable

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Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Gonzo / Character Sheet

destroyed the theater ... is going straight to Hell. That is not acceptable! You should not be - the - why - It was an accident! What

about repentance?! What kind of an operation is this?! Something is rotten in the state of Denma -

Oh, wait. They’re still talking. They’re going to ... they’re going to determine who did it by interviewing Muppets as they

judge them. (You are suddenly questioning the assertion that God is “omniscient.”) Oh, so ... they don’t know that you didit. (It

was an accident!) And they’re judging Muppets as they go on stage ... so ... All right. Not everybody in the theater could have

seen the roses. And even the people who did might not connect it to you, per se. You will just have to talk to all of the other

Muppets and figure out who knows what ... and you’ll have to make sure that the ones who would make you look suspicious

don’t go on stage for as long as possible. Kermit’s a good buddy of yours, right? You’ll just have to convince him that it’s vitally

important that, um, various skits would go better ... later in the evening. Yes, yes, you can do that. That’s got to buy you some

time to think of something to do.

There probably aren’t any women in Hell. Or if there are, they’re all on fire. You guess that might be kind of exciting. But

Heaven is probably all women, so really, you’d rather go there.

Statler and Waldorf! Of all the people ... Oh well. Back to working on the trapeze act with the ostrich and the scuba diver.

1 Judgment

1.1 Damnation

You cannot let it get out that you were responsible for everybody’s death. If you are, then you will be sent straight to Hellwithout

the possibility of atonement or redemption. Luckily, nobody really knows what caused all the inhabitants of Muppet Theater to


Unfortunately, there seem to have been a lot of witnesses to your incident. None of them probably know that they were

witnesses but God and Satan will. If too many Muppets that witnessed your incident of death get Judged, God and Satan will be

able to figure out and blame you.

All of the horde characters can remember their last thought.You might be able to piece together which ones were witnesses

of your guilt. If you know who they are, you might be able to delay their Judgement until somebody else gets blamed.

There are probably lots of ways to delay them getting Judged:getting Kermit to change the skit order, getting them eaten,

even disrupting a skit enough may stop them from getting Judged.

1.2 Salvation

If you can get out of being blamed, you will still need to proveyourself worthy of Heaven, lest you be damned anyway for your

personality sin. God and Satan will be setting Atonements for you that you will need to accomplish before you will be Saved.

Oddly, they will only tell you what the Atonements are as witnesses to your guilt are judged.

When you complete an Atonement, you should write a note with your character name and the completed Atonement and

drop it in the Atonement Box located backstage. God and Satanare omniscient so this is kludgite accurate ... you may not lie.

Tokens- There are multiple ways to get tokens. First and foremost, all of the horde characters have certain desires. If you discover

and fulfill these desires they may give you tokens. There are multiple other ways that you might acquire tokens.

- Kermit needs Tokens to manage the show. You will probably beable to get him to do things for you in exchange for Tokens.

Gonzo 2 Not Transferable

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Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Gonzo / Character Sheet

Memory/Event Packets- none

Bluesheets- Main Character

Greensheets- none

Abilities- Clobber

- Assist

- Go Onstage

- Summon Monster

Items- none

Stats- Combat Rating: 2

Gonzo 3 Not Transferable

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Page 15: Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Animal / Character · You are the drummer for The Electric Mayhem, the Muppet Show’s

Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Bunsen Honeydew / Character Sheet

Bunsen Honeydew

Hm... Do you want a 25 ohm resistor here or a 250 ohm resistor? Maybe ... Hm. You could do both. No ... Let’s go with

25 ohms. You place the resistor and close the case, looking atthe glorious display of lights and wires. And the all-important

concave metal surface.

And there it is! The Ultrasonic Self-Cleaning Spoon! First of its kind! Weighing in at a trivial ten pounds, it’s easily portable

to wherever you might eat.

Beaker, your trustworthy (and trusting) assistant, takes the spoon and holds it with vague trepidation over a bowl of vegetable

soup. He dips the spoon into the bowl, and comes up with a steaming mouthful of broth and potatoes ...

Which is promptly cleaned off by the spoon. Success! Fewer than .4 seconds from dirty spoon, to clean spoon! Beaker tries

to take another spoonful, which is also cleaned off immediately. Brilliant! Beaker gives it another few attempts, but the spoon

continues to work with alacrity! Eventually, Beaker throwsthe spoon behind him and drinks straight from the bowl.

“Beaky! We’ve done it! Look at how fast the spoon cleans itself! We must extend this to plates next! Hm. Maybe we could

re-name it the Ultrasonic Self-Cleaning Dieter’s Spoon...”

“Meep,” Beaker sighs.

. . .

Life was so good. Every day was a chance for a new invention. Inventing - ah, now there’s a profession, the kind of job that

should have its name up in neon lights. (And it did, after you invented the Automatic Neon Job-Display Deviciminator. At least

until it exploded. But it exploded so successfully.)

There was nothing like the thrill of creating something no one had ever seen before. Edible paper clips? That was your

brilliant idea. Everybody likes a snack while note-taking.Sharpened bananas? Handily stored on any vertical surface!Automated

rabbit-dispensers! (Nobody can ever find a rabbit when they need them.) The ideas, they roll off of you like water off of a moose’s


Making things was your passion! And you always had Beaker by your side. Good old Beaky. Your best friend, as far as you

have friends. (The Virtual-Reality Friend Box also exploded.) He’s terribly silly, though. Always getting exploded ortrampled

by your inventions. You think he’s rather a bit of a masochist, really. But a good, solid assistant. Never complains, justmeeps a

little. You always meant to invent a really good retirement package for him. Never get around to it now, though, you suppose.

You had it so good. The Muppet Show even provided funding. (And an audience! They could watch your greatest successes,

and your, er, very very occasional failures.) Kermit was a great guy too. Stayed out of your way. Let you do your own thing.

Said thank you for the Electric Frog Warmer even when it caught fire ... Kermit was a good little frog.

Fozzie! Fozzie was a good little bear. Didn’t have the spiritfor inventing, but he tried so hard with those jokes. Never

invented a good one, but oh, how he tried. Fozzie would sometimes come into your lab and you’d fix him up an Ultra-Tonic

Energy Drink (in orange-meringue, his favorite flavor) and you’d chat about your work. He really liked your Hands-Free Joke

Creator-izer, until Beaker turned it on and it exploded.

Good times. Good, invention-full times.

And now you’re, er, dead. Before the Auto-Resurrector was done, too. A real pity. And ... you’re not quite sure, but there’s

an eentsy little chance it, er, was your fault. Just a tad.

That last time that Fozzie came to see you, he was pretty depressed. Not-even-Super-Orange-Meringueotan-would-cheer-

him-up depressed. The jokes weren’t doing too well, Statlerand Waldorf were being extra heckly, and his uncle had just died.

Bunsen Honeydew 1 Not Transferable

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Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Bunsen Honeydew / Character Sheet

And, even though your melon-head doesn’t really understandthe vagaries of the human, or bear, brain, you felt bad for him. So

you set out to make an invention to cheer him up! You quickly settled on the obvious thing: Interdimensional Electronic Pants.

These were completely tubular pants. And you wanted to keep it a secret, so you didn’t even tell Beaker about it. You’d

forgotten how hard it was to work without an assistant, but itwas rewarding, too. And you definitely created an ostentatious set

of trousers. The pants would cycle through the dimensions, displaying a different color from each one. How could you not laugh

at banana-alien-octarine-plaid colored pants?

You put on these spectacular slacks and strode out into the main parts of the theater. Dazzling lights! Flashing colors!

Dimensions and hues raced across your stunningly-attired hues!

And then things went horribly horribly wrong. You heard screams instead of laughs. The last thing you remember is looking

down at the display and seeing “Dimenson: Suck. Color: Ultra-Violent.” And then everything went, well, black.

So that invention was just a little bit off. And now apparently you’re dead, according to God or Satan. (You’re not sure which

was which.) And everybody in the theater died, apparently, because they’re all here. Even Beaky! At least you have Beakerwith

you. That doesn’t really stop the being dead, though.

Anyway, God and Satan are ... Statler and Waldorf? No, they’re just dressed up like Statler and Waldorf. They’ve told you

all that you have to perform for your souls - well, perhaps you’ll have to invent for your soul - except for the person or persons

responsible for killing everyone, who will be going straight to Hell.

Hm. Maybe those pants weren’t such a success after all. Well,God and Satan would surely be understanding that it was an

accident and that these things are normal in the pursuit of Science, but perhaps there’s no point in troubling them with finding out

about the pants, hm? Statler and God had said that they were going to be interviewing Muppets as they were judged, and they’ll

be judged as they perform, so, er, you’ll just have to figure out who has the clearest memories of being, er, ultra-violented, and

you’ll have to keep them from going on stage as long as possible. Yes, and, well, there’s always so much going around the theater

- maybe you didn’t really kill everyone. (You inventions don’t always work perfectly, but killing everyone is a bit of a stretch.)

Maybe if you ask around you’ll discover that someone else really is responsible.

Hm. Pity about that Auto-Resurrector. At least good old Beaker is here with you.

Note: You don’t have any real mechanics governing your inventing. Feel free to put things together out of stuff and assert

that they’re Automatic Robotic Whateverthingamiwhatsits.Your inventions never really work the way you expect, anyway.

1 Judgment

1.1 Damnation

You cannot let it get out that you were responsible for everybody’s death. If you are, then you will be sent straight to Hellwithout

the possibility of atonement or redemption. Luckily, nobody really knows what caused all the inhabitants of Muppet Theater to


Unfortunately, there seem to have been a lot of witnesses to your incident. None of them probably know that they were

witnesses but God and Satan will. If too many Muppets that witnessed your incident of death get Judged, God and Satan will be

able to figure out and blame you.

All of the horde characters can remember their last thought.You might be able to piece together which ones were witnesses

of your guilt. If you know who they are, you might be able to delay their Judgement until somebody else gets blamed.

There are probably lots of ways to delay them getting Judged:getting Kermit to change the skit order, getting them eaten,

Bunsen Honeydew 2 Not Transferable

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Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Bunsen Honeydew / Character Sheet

even disrupting a skit enough may stop them from getting Judged.

1.2 Salvation

If you can get out of being blamed, you will still need to proveyourself worthy of Heaven, lest you be damned anyway for your

personality sin. God and Satan will be setting Atonements for you that you will need to accomplish before you will be Saved.

Oddly, they will only tell you what the Atonements are as witnesses to your guilt are judged.

When you complete an Atonement, you should write a note with your character name and the completed Atonement and

drop it in the Atonement Box located backstage. God and Satanare omniscient so this is kludgite accurate ... you may not lie.

Tokens- There are multiple ways to get tokens. First and foremost, all of the horde characters have certain desires. If you discover

and fulfill these desires they may give you tokens. There are multiple other ways that you might acquire tokens.

- Kermit needs Tokens to manage the show. You will probably beable to get him to do things for you in exchange for Tokens.

Memory/Event Packets- none

Bluesheets- Main Character

Greensheets- none

Abilities- Clobber

- Assist

- Go Onstage

- Summon Monster

Items- none

Stats- Combat Rating: 2

Bunsen Honeydew 3 Not Transferable

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Page 19: Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Animal / Character · You are the drummer for The Electric Mayhem, the Muppet Show’s

Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Kermit / Character Sheet


Hi ho, Kermit the Frog here ...

You are Kermit the Frog, actor, singer, dancer, banjo player, theater manager, news reporter, author, and general frog-of-all-


You got into showbiz because of a chance encounter. There youwere, in the swamp, happily playing your banjo, singing,

looking out for flies, without a care in the world. And then an extremely lost man rowed by, and in passing, told you that you had

great talent, and should go to Hollywood and become a Big Star.

So you ... did. It wasn’t that simple, of course. You had a widevariety of what the biz calls “wacky escapades” on your

way to Hollywood. You assume most actors don’t have to dodge crazed frog-eating restaurant owners for three thousand miles.

Actually, most actors probably just take a plane.

But it brought you here! Rich and famous, sort of. You’ve had quite the career. Friendly news-reporter on Sesame Street.

Oscar-nominated singer. (For “The Rainbow Connection” in The Muppet Movie - which remains the only Oscar-nominated song

sung by a frog, thank you very much.) And now you’re the manager of The Muppet Show ... a decidedly ... busy job.

If you could go back in time, would you do it all differently? You’re managing a bunch of crazies, trying to keep them all in

line, to get them on stage when they should be, doing what theyshould be. You’ve got to juggle frogs, pigs, bears, Koozbanians,

chickens, and ... whatever Gonzo is. You’ve got to keep them from exploding or eating themselves or others on a nightly basis,

for a sparse audience and some well-trained hecklers. And you’ve got to get everybody paid. This has been the best, and worst,

job of your life.

Well, actually, if you kept yourself from going to Hollywood, you wouldn’t be dead now. Something happened last night

that killed everyone inside the theater. You’re not actually sure *what* happened. One minute you were looking over the payroll,

and the next ... you were here, in Purgatory, in a shadow version of the theater. And God and Satan, in the guise of Statler and

Waldorf, of all people, have told your actors to perform for their very souls (For some light entertainment while they figure out

who killed everybody?)

And they’ve said that *you* go to Heaven or Hell based on what everybody *else* does! You can’t even catch a break when

you’re dead! So you’ve got to make sure at least half of the Muppets go to Heaven, or you’re damned yourself. Of course, you’d

*like* to save everybody ... which you can’t actually do, because the Powers that Be are going to damn whoever killed everybody.

Man, if you go to Hell, you’re probably just going to end up managing this show for all eternity. Of course, if you go to

Heaven, you might end up managing this show for all eternity.

The swamp sounds very relaxing right about now.

1 Goals

Since you are the leader of the Muppets, your Judgment rests solely on the overall disposition of the souls of the rest of the

Muppets. When all of the others have been Judged, God and Satanwill see which way things have fallen. If the majority of your

theater have gone to Heaven then so shall you. If the majorityhave been sent to Hell...

There are alot of Muppets to be Judged and any not Judged by thetime that the Big Men think things are wrapped up will be

sent down below. This means that you need to get as many on stage as you can by getting larger skits on stage and making sure

that you can get as little empty-stage time as possible.

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Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Kermit / Character Sheet

Of course, if you make the skits themselves too short or too long then the skits will probably be end up being bad for one

reason or another ... which means more damned. You’ll need a good balance. Make sure that the characters are planning things

that will actually be entertaining.

It is important that you keep things happening on stage. Deadtime (time not filled by something on stage, preferably a skit)

or by interactions with Waldorf and Statler will be counted against you when it comes time for Judgment.

It may be in your best interest to help people plan skits. You are the show’s manager, after all, and you should make sure that

people have ideas before they head out onto stage.

Memory/Event Packets- none

Bluesheets- Main Character

Greensheets- Managing the Show

Abilities- none

Items- none

Stats- Combat Rating: 2

Kermit 2 Not Transferable

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Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Miss Piggy / Character Sheet

Miss Piggy

Kissie kissie! You are, of course, the delightful, beautiful, and stunning Miss Piggy, star attraction of The Muppet Show. Or

at least you were, until some idiot destroyed the theater. Itwas probably that purple twerp, Gonzo. He is always making eyes at

you, even though he “has a girlfriend.” (What kind of weirdo dates a chicken, anyway?)

And now you’re ... you’re ... dead! ¡¡sob¿¿ That horrible Mister Lane probably isn’t dead. Why does everything happen to

YOU?! It’s not fa - Oh, hm, Nathan Lane is over there. He’s deadtoo? Well, that’s something.

Sigh. How did you even get here? One minute, star of the MuppetShow. Famous actress, singer, dancer, and black belt. You

were working side by side with Kermit, your true love. Kermie’s such a doll. But he works so hard. He doesn’t always have time

for you. And, oh, he pretends not to like your attention, but you know the truth. You and Kermie would probably be married by

now if only he weren’t so busy all the time -

. . .

All right. You’re not an idiot. You know the score. Kermit doesn’t love you, and you’re not the star of the Muppet Show.

But you have no interest in letting anyone know you know this.Confidence is key. Someday you’re going to make your dreams a

reality, and you’re not going to let anyone get in your way. Someday Kermit is going to wake up and say, “I want to settle down,”

and you’re darn well going to be there when it happens. And someday all your hard work singing and dancing and taking karate

lessons is going to pay off and you’re going to have your name up in lights. (Actually, you do have your name up in lights in

your dressing room, but you know what I mean. You’re going to have your name up in lights you didn’t pay for yourself.) You’ve

worked hard! You deserve happiness. ...Right?

But you don’t have your fame yet. Instead, you get to do an endless set of second-string roles. One of Dr. Bob’s assistants

on Veterinarian’s Hospital. (Not even the assistant. An assistant.) The obligatory helpless female character on Pigs In Space.

(Second to Link Hogthrob, who cannot think his way out of a paper bag.) You’ve had guest stars ask you to make them coffee

(although no one ever asks twice, except for that one guy who apparently liked being karate-chopped. He did not like being


Bah. At least the current guest star treated you like you werea real person, but that almost made it worse. You’re jealous of

Nathan Lane, really. There’s someone who actually made it. Real Grade A fame. And he isn’t even a jerk about it, even though

you know he could be. How dare he be ... be ... Well how dare he be! Why does he get the lucky breaks, huh? Why does

everybody but you get something? Kermit gets to be in charge,even though he doesn’t get to act very often. But you’d better

believe everybody knows he’s the heart and soul of the MuppetShow. (And he has a beautiful and youthful pig caring VERY

DEEPLY ABOUT HIM EVEN IF HE DOESN’T APPRECIATE IT - and who wouldn’t want that?) Animal gets to ... okay,

you’re not actually jealous of Animal. You are very gratefulyou’re not Animal. But look at Dr. Teeth. He has a whole band.

Rowlf gets to be in charge of Veterinarian’s Hospital, and hegets to play piano with everybody on stage watching nobody but

him! Even Gonzo kind of has it better than you. He’s too stupidto know the audience is laughing at him, rather than with him.

He’s content in a way you’re ... just ... not.

Why is it so hard? Really. It’s not like you want world peace or something complicated. You just want everyone to appreciate

your talents! You want everyone’s eyes on you!

And ... one day, as you were looking into your mirror and telling yourself that you love you, and that you are wonderful, and

that even though it’s not fair that stupid other people keep getting fame and fortune instead of you, you love you, and - er,um,

anyway. As you were doing this, you realized that while you might not be able to change the fact that people keep insisting on

liking the guest stars more than you, you could make sure the whole audience had its eyes on you and you alone.

So you bought a lot of mirrors. (You bought enough that you arenow a life member of the Reflective Surfaces Fanciers Club,

Miss Piggy 1 Not Transferable

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Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Miss Piggy / Character Sheet

which does you absolutely no good because you are dead.) Big mirrors, little mirrors, fun house mirrors, flat mirrors, youname

it, you bought it. And you put them all over the theater, so that no matter where you looked, you could always see one particular

part of the stage - the part you’d be standing on during the Pigs In Space sketch. Maybe the audience wouldn’t love you, but

they’d darn well pay attention to you for five minutes.

You were so happy looking forward to Pigs In Space you forgot to insult Gonzo when he talked to you. You barely even

noticed the thunderous applause when Kermit announced tonight’s guest star would be Nathan Lane. You were only dimly aware

that this Pigs In Space had a Star Wars theme. You turned on your lightsaber–

And, then, no matter where anyone looked, they could see the laser-brightness of the lightsaber ... shining right into their

eyes. And some of those mirrors were pretty funky, and the light got amplified in weirdly implausible ways ...

You, in the center of things, apparently exploded rather spectacularly. (Just trust me on this one. You were extra crispy

bacon, my dear.) Everybody else? Well, you’ve been wandering around this creepy theater (Oh, great, Purgatory is a copy of the

Muppet Theater. How original. Full points, bozos.) for fifteen minutes, and you see basically every Muppet you know, and a

large variety of Muppets you didn’t know. So, um, guess you did a good job covering the theater.

And hey, you killed Nathan Lane! That’ll show him. And Gonzo.Killing him probably won’t make him stop hitting on you.

Rather tragic, really. Although ... poor Kermie really is poor Kermie now, isn’t he? Look at him over in the corner, worrying

about how to put the show on with no living cast members. As if it wasn’t bad enough that you killed you, you’ve killed Kermit?

Your love, dead?

Oh, this didn’t go well at all. How are you going to get marriednow? How are you going to be famous now? What ... are

you supposed to be doing in the afterlife, anyway? You were not particularly expecting the answer to come from Statler and

Waldorf, who appeared in a puff of smoke and announced that they were God and Satan. (God and Satan?! God and Satan are ...

those two?! Truly, the world is both cruel and ... completelyinsane.)

Those two horrible old men are going to judge you all! Everyone goes to Heaven or Hell based on how well they perform?

People who have committed grave sins will have to repent. Kermie ... Kermie will only go to Heaven if most of his performersgo

to Heaven. And the person (or persons, they say) who destroyed the theater is going straight to Hell with no chance at repentance!

Well, that is a distinctly unbeautiful development! You cannot let poor Kermie get sent to Hell! An afterlife without him

would be Hell, even if you were sent to Heaven! (Which is of course, guaranteed, given how stunning and wonderful you are.

Unless Satan decides that he must have you! Oh no! That is a very real risk! You must prevent this at all costs! Oh dear. What if

that is why Statler wants to send “the person who destroyed the theater” to Hell? It is a front! Of course it was an accident that

everyone died. You were just trying to point out how wonderful you are! Hm. Maybe Hell isn’t so bad if you’re Satan’s Mistress.


You’ll have to keep them from figuring out that everybody diedfrom the lasers, and that you were the one who put the

mirrors up. If they’re really interviewing Muppets only as they’re Judged (which is what they said), you’ll just have to do some

interviewing of your own. Kermie will listen to you, right? You’ll get him to put on all the good skits, which coincidentally won’t

have anybody who knows you did it. Yes, that is a very good idea.

Well, time to put on your big girl panties and deal with things. You’ll just have to save Kermit, show Mister Lane who’s the

big star around here, keep certain sketchy old men from framing you for killing everybody, and finish that Pigs In Space skit.

And you can do it all.

Because you’re fabulous. And the most important person in the world loves you! Kissie Kissie!

Miss Piggy 2 Not Transferable

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Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Miss Piggy / Character Sheet

1 Judgment

1.1 Damnation

You cannot let it get out that you were responsible for everybody’s death. If you are, then you will be sent straight to Hellwithout

the possibility of atonement or redemption. Luckily, nobody really knows what caused all the inhabitants of Muppet Theater to


Unfortunately, there seem to have been a lot of witnesses to your incident. None of them probably know that they were

witnesses but God and Satan will. If too many Muppets that witnessed your incident of death get Judged, God and Satan will be

able to figure out and blame you.

All of the horde characters can remember their last thought.You might be able to piece together which ones were witnesses

of your guilt. If you know who they are, you might be able to delay their Judgement until somebody else gets blamed.

There are probably lots of ways to delay them getting Judged:getting Kermit to change the skit order, getting them eaten,

even disrupting a skit enough may stop them from getting Judged.

1.2 Salvation

If you can get out of being blamed, you will still need to proveyourself worthy of Heaven, lest you be damned anyway for your

personality sin. God and Satan will be setting Atonements for you that you will need to accomplish before you will be Saved.

Oddly, they will only tell you what the Atonements are as witnesses to your guilt are judged.

When you complete an Atonement, you should write a note with your character name and the completed Atonement and

drop it in the Atonement Box located backstage. God and Satanare omniscient so this is kludgite accurate ... you may not lie.

Tokens- There are multiple ways to get tokens. First and foremost, all of the horde characters have certain desires. If you discover

and fulfill these desires they may give you tokens. There are multiple other ways that you might acquire tokens.

- Kermit needs Tokens to manage the show. You will probably beable to get him to do things for you in exchange for Tokens.

Memory/Event Packets- none

Bluesheets- Main Character

Greensheets- none

Abilities- Clobber

- Assist

- Go Onstage

- Summon Monster

Items- none

Stats- Combat Rating: 3

Miss Piggy 3 Not Transferable

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Page 25: Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Animal / Character · You are the drummer for The Electric Mayhem, the Muppet Show’s

Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Rowlf / Character Sheet


You are Rowlf the dog, professional pianist and generally mellow guy. You like the same things any dog likes - a nice biscuit,

good blues music, a walk every evening, maybe some poetry. You’re a pretty chill guy. You get along with everybody. You don’t

give Kermit trouble. You rarely get karate-chopped by Miss Piggy. (Who else would be her accompanist?)

You’re just a normal, everyday piano-playing dog. Well, ex-dog. The Muppet Show theater was destroyed last night, killing

everyone inside. And now you’ve all found yourself in a creepy Purgatory-copy of the theater, playing for God and Satan, who’ve

dressed up like Statler and Waldorf. And you’ve got to perform for your souls, and whether you go to Heaven or Hell is going to

be based solely on this performance! Except for the person who killed everybody. As soon as Satan and Waldorf figure out who

did it, that Muppet’s going straight to hell. It’s a great mystery. Nobody knows who did it, or how.

But you know who did it. You did it.

See, there are three pianos in the theater. There’s the one inthe pit, which gets used for the opening and closing numbers,

and various other times when you want music but not onstage musicians. There’s a smaller, upright piano which gets wheeled

onstage whenever you need to play out there. Then there’s theRehearsal Piano, which was probably made sometime during the

Stone Age. It squats in the basement like a horrible banana slug, only not as pretty. It’s giant. It’s ugly. It never reallysounds ...

right, no matter how much you try to tune it. You hate it. So youhave a tendency to avoid it. So it gets out of tune. So you avoid

it. For the past six months, you’ve just been doing rehearsals with your stage piano. And that’s been all well and good, except that

yesterday the stage piano snapped a string, and you Absolutely Had To go play for the 28 Barrels of Monkeys rehearsal *right

then* so you couldn’t repair it, and the stage was in use so youcouldn’t use the pit piano.

So you had to play the Rehearsal Piano. And it was pretty ghastly sounding. Then it was really ghastly sounding. Then ...

the building started shaking. But the show’s gotta go on, right? So you kept playing. And it kept shaking. And as you reached

the big, loud, final notes ... the roof came down.

In retrospect, you probably should have put two and two together. The louder you were playing, the more things were

shaking. But hindsight is 20-20, especially when you’re dead. You think one of the E-flat strings corrupted into the mythical

“Eeee! Flatten!” note, which matched the resonant frequency of the building and, er, brought the house down.

You didn’t do it on purpose. But it *is* your fault. You’ve known for months that you had to look at the thing. And, well,

it’s easy to say “I’ll do it tomorrow.” And then tomorrow becomes today and it’s easy to say the same thing. You’re not always

great about doing the stuff you mean to. You never finished that epic poem. You forgot to mail that check to the ASPCA. You,

er, didn’t update your life insurance.

But, hey, you’re dead now, so none of that matters. What matters *right now* is *not getting caught*. You’ve got to figure

out which Muppets know about what you did, and then you’ve gotto keep them from telling anyone, or from getting Judged. As

soon as God and Satan judge somebody, they’ll know everything that Muppet knows. There’s got to be *some* way of blaming

... somebody else. You’re a nice guy, but if you go to Hell, you’ll probably spend the rest of eternity with that Rehearsal Piano!

So yes, you’re just a normal, everyday piano-playing dog. Not, you know, wracked with guilt or anything. Perfectly normal.

Rowlf 1 Not Transferable

Page 26: Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Animal / Character · You are the drummer for The Electric Mayhem, the Muppet Show’s

Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Rowlf / Character Sheet

1 Judgment

1.1 Damnation

You cannot let it get out that you were responsible for everybody’s death. If you are, then you will be sent straight to Hellwithout

the possibility of atonement or redemption. Luckily, nobody really knows what caused all the inhabitants of Muppet Theater to


Unfortunately, there seem to have been a lot of witnesses to your incident. None of them probably know that they were

witnesses but God and Satan will. If too many Muppets that witnessed your incident of death get Judged, God and Satan will be

able to figure out and blame you.

All of the horde characters can remember their last thought.You might be able to piece together which ones were witnesses

of your guilt. If you know who they are, you might be able to delay their Judgement until somebody else gets blamed.

There are probably lots of ways to delay them getting Judged:getting Kermit to change the skit order, getting them eaten,

even disrupting a skit enough may stop them from getting Judged.

1.2 Salvation

If you can get out of being blamed, you will still need to proveyourself worthy of Heaven, lest you be damned anyway for your

personality sin. God and Satan will be setting Atonements for you that you will need to accomplish before you will be Saved.

Oddly, they will only tell you what the Atonements are as witnesses to your guilt are judged.

When you complete an Atonement, you should write a note with your character name and the completed Atonement and

drop it in the Atonement Box located backstage. God and Satanare omniscient so this is kludgite accurate ... you may not lie.

Tokens- There are multiple ways to get tokens. First and foremost, all of the horde characters have certain desires. If you discover

and fulfill these desires they may give you tokens. There are multiple other ways that you might acquire tokens.

- Kermit needs Tokens to manage the show. You will probably beable to get him to do things for you in exchange for Tokens.

Memory/Event Packets- none

Bluesheets- Main Character

Greensheets- none

Abilities- Clobber

- Assist

- Go Onstage

- Summon Monster

Items- none

Stats- Combat Rating: 2

Rowlf 2 Not Transferable

Page 27: Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Animal / Character · You are the drummer for The Electric Mayhem, the Muppet Show’s

Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Unknown Guest Star / Character Sheet

Unknown Guest Star

I wish I could tell you something about yourself that you don’t already know, but what could I say? You are Nathan Lane.

You are awesome. Famous, talented, good looking. A great singer! Not so bad of a dancer! An award-winning performer! Rich!

Did I mention famous? But sadly, not famous enough.

Cash, fame, adoring fans - you want it all. Because you deserve it all. Because you are made of 100% purified awesome.

And you’re ... probably one of the best known names in America. But you’re not the best. You’ve just got to push yourself for

that last little bit. working hard, eyes on the prize. Rar.

And your last plan was terribly clever. (You’ve had some damnbrilliant plans, too. That Matthew Broderick android? Cost

you a pretty penny but you more than made the money back in collaborations with it.) Anyway, you have an adoring club of

Lion King fans who think Timon was absolutely wonderful (which he was, because he’s you.) And the Lion King is a children’s

movie and of course children are so adorable and impressionable at that age and they all wanted to help poor Timon the Meerkat

so badly when he needed those little black boxes...

So you ended up with four thousand Nielsen boxes. Heh heh heh.Then you needed to finagle an appearance on television. It

wouldn’t be enough to hook them all up to a showing of The Producers for example. How would the Nielsen folks know whether

it was you or The Broderick-O-Tron that would bring in the bigadvertising dollars? No, no, it had to be all about you. Maybean

appearance on “The Today Show” or something.

Your agent managed to get you on “The Muppet Show.” Sigh. You supposed that was better than nothing. And you were

polite. It wouldn’t do to be one of those nasty, diva-ish celebrities. (Just because everyone should treat you like a god doesn’t

mean it’s good press to act like you know it.) You want everyone to think you’re reasonable, even though you were stuck witha

bunch of frogs and chickens and whatevers. (And that’s not really fair to Kermit, who’s a delightful fellow, really. And the time

you appeared on Sesame Street singing with those pigs wasn’tthat bad. So perhaps you’re being a little uncharitable, except that

you’re never uncharitable, you lovable rascal you.)

At any rate, The Muppet Show wasn’t really a bad idea after all. As the only human on the show, you’d stand out. And

backstage is so crazy, it’s not like anyone noticed you carting in four thousand televisions and hooking them up. (And nowyou

know what three miles worth of extension cords looks like.) “Now we’ll see who’s famous!” you thought as you pushed the big

ON switch ...

And, er, things get a bit hazy after that, but you think the televisions exploded. Maybe the building wasn’t rated for thatkind

of kind of power draw. Maybe you shouldn’t have daisy-chained the extension cords like that. Maybe you shouldn’t have bought

discount tvs. But there were loud, popping, exploding noises, and there were some definite exploding sights, and that sort of

explody burnt-wires smell, and a definite 24” Panasonic coming at your head ...

Yes, yes. The tvs probably did explode. You wonder if any of the ratings got through before you died. Exploding on national

television ... at least it’s an exciting way to go.

Hm. The afterlife is probably a less-than-stellar place to pick up a new audience. You’re not sure your sense of humor will

appeal to the angels. And God and Satan seem to be rather big jerks, really. They’ve dressed up like Statler and Waldorf to mock

you all. And they’ve insisted that you ... perform for your souls?! Don’t they know who you are? Don’t they care? (See, you’re

not famous enough. If you were famous enough then they’d be asking you to perform, not demanding.)

God and Waldorf further let you all know that one of you MuppetShow people was responsible for killing everyone, and as

soon as they determined who it was, that person was going straight to Hell, do not pass Go do not collect $200.

Hm. Wonder how big the tv explosion was. Could it have been bigenough to destroy the whole theater? There are a ... lot

Unknown Guest Star 1 Not Transferable

Page 28: Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Animal / Character · You are the drummer for The Electric Mayhem, the Muppet Show’s

Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Unknown Guest Star / Character Sheet

of Muppets here in Purgatory. Statler and Waldorf will probably blame you for killing everyone if they find out about the tvs.

(Although what else would have killed everyone? Things are crazy backstage ...) Well, wonderful and fabulous as you are (and

you are wonderful and fabulous) ... Statler and Waldorf don’t seem particularly lenient. Well, you’re brilliant and handsome.

You’ll just have to figure out which Muppets got killed by the tvs, and keep them from going on stage and getting Judged. Maybe

you can put together a convincing story that will blame one ofthese fuzzy wackos.

And, of course, smile. If you can impress God, well, that’ll be a story.

Note: Seriously, everything I know about Nathan Lane I got off of Wikipedia. Be a flamboyant actor. I know you have it in


1 Judgment

1.1 Damnation

You cannot let it get out that you were responsible for everybody’s death. If you are, then you will be sent straight to Hellwithout

the possibility of atonement or redemption. Luckily, nobody really knows what caused all the inhabitants of Muppet Theater to


Unfortunately, there seem to have been a lot of witnesses to your incident. None of them probably know that they were

witnesses but God and Satan will. If too many Muppets that witnessed your incident of death get Judged, God and Satan will be

able to figure out and blame you.

All of the horde characters can remember their last thought.You might be able to piece together which ones were witnesses

of your guilt. If you know who they are, you might be able to delay their Judgement until somebody else gets blamed.

There are probably lots of ways to delay them getting Judged:getting Kermit to change the skit order, getting them eaten,

even disrupting a skit enough may stop them from getting Judged.

1.2 Salvation

If you can get out of being blamed, you will still need to proveyourself worthy of Heaven, lest you be damned anyway for your

personality sin. God and Satan will be setting Atonements for you that you will need to accomplish before you will be Saved.

Oddly, they will only tell you what the Atonements are as witnesses to your guilt are judged.

When you complete an Atonement, you should write a note with your character name and the completed Atonement and

drop it in the Atonement Box located backstage. God and Satanare omniscient so this is kludgite accurate ... you may not lie.

Tokens- There are multiple ways to get tokens. First and foremost, all of the horde characters have certain desires. If you discover

and fulfill these desires they may give you tokens. There are multiple other ways that you might acquire tokens.

- Kermit needs Tokens to manage the show. You will probably beable to get him to do things for you in exchange for Tokens.

Memory/Event Packets- none

Bluesheets- Main Character

Unknown Guest Star 2 Not Transferable

Page 29: Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Animal / Character · You are the drummer for The Electric Mayhem, the Muppet Show’s

Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Unknown Guest Star / Character Sheet

Greensheets- none

Abilities- Clobber

- Assist

- Go Onstage

- Summon Monster

Items- none

Stats- Combat Rating: 4

Unknown Guest Star 3 Not Transferable

Page 30: Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Animal / Character · You are the drummer for The Electric Mayhem, the Muppet Show’s
Page 31: Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Animal / Character · You are the drummer for The Electric Mayhem, the Muppet Show’s

Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Statler / Character Sheet


We are God and Satan,And we both are huge assholes.And now that you’re all dead,

Perform now for you souls.

You two are the old guys who always heckle the show from the balcony. Every single show and every single sketch you

mock and deride the performers.

Well, actually, you are not the real Statler and Waldorf. Theold geezers actually survived. The tragedy that befell the theater

occurred at the first and only show that they ever missed.

No, you are actually God and Satan (it really doesn’t matter which is which; you are both equally derisive to the people in

Purgatory; the other players should not know which of you is God and which is Satan; in fact, you can switch off if you want).

You have taken the form of the old geezers to heckle the show that St. Paul has had the Muppets put on for you.

Furthermore, due to the UnFairness in the Afterlife Act, this show will be the determining factor for the disposition of the

souls of most of these recently departed. Their fates rest inyour decisions of their performance.

1 Judgment

We consider you PCs, but really, you have power on par with omnipotent NPCs. We trust you to use this power to make the game

fun for other players.

Besides you two, there are nine other normal characters. Everybody else is a horde character.

There are 4 situations that will determine the disposition of souls.

2 Horde Characters

All horde characters will be on stage for one performance. Immediately following their performance, you must cast Judgment on

their soul based on how good of a show they put on. If they do badly, they go to hell; if they do well, they go to heaven. Good

and Bad are subjective here, be entertaining. If you can’t agree with each other, decide randomly. Feel free to act on whims.

Some thoughts for criteria:

- (+) How funny they were

- (+) How entertaining or styleful they were.

- (-) Boredom

- (-) Dead time in a skit is a negative

- (o) An interrupted skit can go either way. In fact, disruptions may be entertaining in their own right. Some of the main

characters may attempt to disrupt skits to avoid Guilt (see below).

These are not strict criteria. The object here is constant entertainment (even bad entertainment). If you, or people in the

audience, are not being entertained by what is happening on stage that should be considered a negative.

Pass judgment on them (be entertaining) and collect the character cards and put them in the appropriate box. Also tally the

last digit of the character number from the card onto your Guilt List (more on this below).

Waldorf 1 Not Transferable

Page 32: Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Animal / Character · You are the drummer for The Electric Mayhem, the Muppet Show’s

Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Statler / Character Sheet

Every 3 for a particular person on the Guilt List, you should have the player that played that Horde character go out as a

Doozer and tell the appropriate Main character the next activity needed for their atonement.

There are alot of characters to go through, and Kermit is going to be stretching to get them all done in time. Try not to hose

him by dragging out Judgement too long. You should be trying to foster a constant stream of skits with occasional short breaks

for your humor and mechanics [edit] Kermit

Since Kermit is the leader of this group, he will be Judged solely on the sum disposition of all of the other characters. If more

go to Hell, so does he; if more go to Heaven, so does he. If by some odd circumstance the disposition is exactly even, Kermit

gets sent back down to Earth. Anybody who has not been Judged by the end of game automatically goes to Hell.

3 Kermit Bomb

If Kermit appears in a skit (except for the introduction) andperforms halfway decently then every Horde character in theskit

should be Saved. This is a (costly) special power of Kermit’s.

4 Guilt

Who killed the Muppets? The real answer is that there were 8 accidents that occurred exactly simultaneously. Therefore, all 8 of

the remaining main characters were all simultaneously responsible for the deaths by different means.

Well, the Afterlife is not a no-fault state; therefore even though it was an accident, somebody will be getting damned for

it (and really, gross negligence is a damnable offense). It was incredibly odd that every single Muppet (and the guest star) all

simultaneously died of all 8 causes.

However, due to a small print subclause in the Heaven/Hell contract, there can only be one cause of death and therefore only

one perpetrator to blame. You have decided to not decide who should be culpable and have agreed that the first cause of deathto

be brought to your attention will be the Official Cause and theguilty party will be sent straight to Hell.

Each Horde character has a character number on their card. The last digit will be 1-8 and will correspond to one party on

the Guilt List. Simply tally up the number of Horde characters as you judge them onto your Guilt List. When a color reaches

10, open the corresponding color envelope which will describe the guilty party and the method of death they caused. That person

should be condemned to hell and the cause should be announced. You should continue to tally characters as this is also usedfor

Sin (see below).

There is a 45 minute fail-safe for damnation. You should not damn the guilty party until at least 45 minutes has passed in

game. If somebody reaches the damning threshold earlier, wait until the time has passed before damning them.

One exception to the tallying: if a skit is disrupted by one ofthe main characters so much that barely any of the skit is done

but it remains hilarious you may fail to tally up some of the guilt for that skit. If main characters are attempting to stimey things,

or battling each other during the performance, but the performance (more-or-less) occurs, you should still tally the characters.

This is a judgment call on your part and how you do this is up to you. The main characters may be able to figure out which horde

characters are going to count against them and the point of this is to help reward well executed disruptions of the skit. Ofcourse,

if this is constantly occurring then you should be annoyed and decrease its effectiveness. “Disruptions are a sometimesfood”

If all of the horde characters have been Judged and no color has reached 10, you should pick the one that is highest. If there

are multiple “highest” then you should shuffle those colors’envelopes and pick one randomly. (This is unlikely to happen) [edit]


Waldorf 2 Not Transferable

Page 33: Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Animal / Character · You are the drummer for The Electric Mayhem, the Muppet Show’s

Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Statler / Character Sheet

The remaining main characters will be Judged based on completion of atonement for their particular sin.

Each of the characters was guilty of one of the Eight Sins (check your list). They do not know which one and you should not

tell them outright.

They will be trying to figure out what sin they committed and doing the Atonement you set out to them. For every 3 characters

that get added to their Guilt List, you should send out a Doozer to tell the character the next Atonement action required.

They must perform all of their Atonement to be sent to Heaven ... If they fail to Atone by the time game ends (which should

be not too long after the last of the horde characters are Judged), then they are condemned to hell.

There is a box backstage for players to drop notes when they complete Atonements. Doosers should be checking this

occasionally and bringing you the contents.

5 Stats

5.1 Omnipotence

You are immune to all combat. Declare “No Effect”

You may make Clobber, Eat, or Explode attacks with CRs of an arbitrary value. (note that no character will have higher than

a CR of 5). You can do this at range, but probably should refrain from this unless it is really needed; the dead should be sorting

out their own problems.

5.2 Omniscience

You may “Compel Truth” but you should only do so for the sake ofconfirming completion of Atonement.

5.3 Omnipresence

You don’t have to leave your balcony seats, and in fact, really don’t want to. Your job is to watch the show, be entertained,and

Judge everybody. But you can always ask the GMs questions about what is going on.

6 Summary of Judgment


- Judged at end by balance of Saved/Damned.

- If shows up in skit, all horde characters in skit saved “Kermit Bomb”

Fozzie, Piggy, Gonzo, Animal, Rowlf, Bunsen, Beaker, Nathan Lane

- First one to 10 Guilt List gets Damned, but there is a 45 minute fail-safe.

- Every 3 on Guilt List, send out Dooser with next Atonement requirement.

- Saved by meeting all Atonement. Damned by not Atoning by end.

Horde Characters

- Judged by their performance in the one skit they appear in.

Waldorf 3 Not Transferable

Page 34: Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Animal / Character · You are the drummer for The Electric Mayhem, the Muppet Show’s

Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Statler / Character Sheet

Memory/Event Packets- none

Bluesheets- none

Greensheets- none

Abilities- Clobber

- Assist

- Consume

- Explode

Items- Atonement List (in-game document) - Guilt List (in-game document)

Stats- Combat Rating: infinite

Waldorf 4 Not Transferable

Page 35: Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Animal / Character · You are the drummer for The Electric Mayhem, the Muppet Show’s

Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Waldorf / Character Sheet


We are God and Satan,And we both are huge assholes.And now that you’re all dead,

Perform now for you souls.

You two are the old guys who always heckle the show from the balcony. Every single show and every single sketch you

mock and deride the performers.

Well, actually, you are not the real Statler and Waldorf. Theold geezers actually survived. The tragedy that befell the theater

occurred at the first and only show that they ever missed.

No, you are actually God and Satan (it really doesn’t matter which is which; you are both equally derisive to the people in

Purgatory; the other players should not know which of you is God and which is Satan; in fact, you can switch off if you want).

You have taken the form of the old geezers to heckle the show that St. Paul has had the Muppets put on for you.

Furthermore, due to the UnFairness in the Afterlife Act, this show will be the determining factor for the disposition of the

souls of most of these recently departed. Their fates rest inyour decisions of their performance.

1 Judgment

We consider you PCs, but really, you have power on par with omnipotent NPCs. We trust you to use this power to make the game

fun for other players.

Besides you two, there are nine other normal characters. Everybody else is a horde character.

There are 4 situations that will determine the disposition of souls.

2 Horde Characters

All horde characters will be on stage for one performance. Immediately following their performance, you must cast Judgment on

their soul based on how good of a show they put on. If they do badly, they go to hell; if they do well, they go to heaven. Good

and Bad are subjective here, be entertaining. If you can’t agree with each other, decide randomly. Feel free to act on whims.

Some thoughts for criteria:

- (+) How funny they were

- (+) How entertaining or styleful they were.

- (-) Boredom

- (-) Dead time in a skit is a negative

- (o) An interrupted skit can go either way. In fact, disruptions may be entertaining in their own right. Some of the main

characters may attempt to disrupt skits to avoid Guilt (see below).

These are not strict criteria. The object here is constant entertainment (even bad entertainment). If you, or people in the

audience, are not being entertained by what is happening on stage that should be considered a negative.

Pass judgment on them (be entertaining) and collect the character cards and put them in the appropriate box. Also tally the

last digit of the character number from the card onto your Guilt List (more on this below).

Waldorf 1 Not Transferable

Page 36: Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Animal / Character · You are the drummer for The Electric Mayhem, the Muppet Show’s

Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Waldorf / Character Sheet

Every 3 for a particular person on the Guilt List, you should have the player that played that Horde character go out as a

Doozer and tell the appropriate Main character the next activity needed for their atonement.

There are alot of characters to go through, and Kermit is going to be stretching to get them all done in time. Try not to hose

him by dragging out Judgement too long. You should be trying to foster a constant stream of skits with occasional short breaks

for your humor and mechanics [edit] Kermit

Since Kermit is the leader of this group, he will be Judged solely on the sum disposition of all of the other characters. If more

go to Hell, so does he; if more go to Heaven, so does he. If by some odd circumstance the disposition is exactly even, Kermit

gets sent back down to Earth. Anybody who has not been Judged by the end of game automatically goes to Hell.

3 Kermit Bomb

If Kermit appears in a skit (except for the introduction) andperforms halfway decently then every Horde character in theskit

should be Saved. This is a (costly) special power of Kermit’s.

4 Guilt

Who killed the Muppets? The real answer is that there were 8 accidents that occurred exactly simultaneously. Therefore, all 8 of

the remaining main characters were all simultaneously responsible for the deaths by different means.

Well, the Afterlife is not a no-fault state; therefore even though it was an accident, somebody will be getting damned for

it (and really, gross negligence is a damnable offense). It was incredibly odd that every single Muppet (and the guest star) all

simultaneously died of all 8 causes.

However, due to a small print subclause in the Heaven/Hell contract, there can only be one cause of death and therefore only

one perpetrator to blame. You have decided to not decide who should be culpable and have agreed that the first cause of deathto

be brought to your attention will be the Official Cause and theguilty party will be sent straight to Hell.

Each Horde character has a character number on their card. The last digit will be 1-8 and will correspond to one party on

the Guilt List. Simply tally up the number of Horde characters as you judge them onto your Guilt List. When a color reaches

10, open the corresponding color envelope which will describe the guilty party and the method of death they caused. That person

should be condemned to hell and the cause should be announced. You should continue to tally characters as this is also usedfor

Sin (see below).

There is a 45 minute fail-safe for damnation. You should not damn the guilty party until at least 45 minutes has passed in

game. If somebody reaches the damning threshold earlier, wait until the time has passed before damning them.

One exception to the tallying: if a skit is disrupted by one ofthe main characters so much that barely any of the skit is done

but it remains hilarious you may fail to tally up some of the guilt for that skit. If main characters are attempting to stimey things,

or battling each other during the performance, but the performance (more-or-less) occurs, you should still tally the characters.

This is a judgment call on your part and how you do this is up to you. The main characters may be able to figure out which horde

characters are going to count against them and the point of this is to help reward well executed disruptions of the skit. Ofcourse,

if this is constantly occurring then you should be annoyed and decrease its effectiveness. “Disruptions are a sometimesfood”

If all of the horde characters have been Judged and no color has reached 10, you should pick the one that is highest. If there

are multiple “highest” then you should shuffle those colors’envelopes and pick one randomly. (This is unlikely to happen) [edit]


Waldorf 2 Not Transferable

Page 37: Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Animal / Character · You are the drummer for The Electric Mayhem, the Muppet Show’s

Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Waldorf / Character Sheet

The remaining main characters will be Judged based on completion of atonement for their particular sin.

Each of the characters was guilty of one of the Eight Sins (check your list). They do not know which one and you should not

tell them outright.

They will be trying to figure out what sin they committed and doing the Atonement you set out to them. For every 3 characters

that get added to their Guilt List, you should send out a Doozer to tell the character the next Atonement action required.

They must perform all of their Atonement to be sent to Heaven ... If they fail to Atone by the time game ends (which should

be not too long after the last of the horde characters are Judged), then they are condemned to hell.

There is a box backstage for players to drop notes when they complete Atonements. Doosers should be checking this

occasionally and bringing you the contents.

5 Stats

5.1 Omnipotence

You are immune to all combat. Declare “No Effect”

You may make Clobber, Eat, or Explode attacks with CRs of an arbitrary value. (note that no character will have higher than

a CR of 5). You can do this at range, but probably should refrain from this unless it is really needed; the dead should be sorting

out their own problems.

5.2 Omniscience

You may “Compel Truth” but you should only do so for the sake ofconfirming completion of Atonement.

5.3 Omnipresence

You don’t have to leave your balcony seats, and in fact, really don’t want to. Your job is to watch the show, be entertained,and

Judge everybody. But you can always ask the GMs questions about what is going on.

6 Summary of Judgment


- Judged at end by balance of Saved/Damned.

- If shows up in skit, all horde characters in skit saved “Kermit Bomb”

Fozzie, Piggy, Gonzo, Animal, Rowlf, Bunsen, Beaker, Nathan Lane

- First one to 10 Guilt List gets Damned, but there is a 45 minute fail-safe.

- Every 3 on Guilt List, send out Dooser with next Atonement requirement.

- Saved by meeting all Atonement. Damned by not Atoning by end.

Horde Characters

- Judged by their performance in the one skit they appear in.

Waldorf 3 Not Transferable

Page 38: Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Animal / Character · You are the drummer for The Electric Mayhem, the Muppet Show’s

Muppet Purgatory / Intercon I Waldorf / Character Sheet

Memory/Event Packets- none

Bluesheets- none

Greensheets- none

Abilities- Clobber

- Assist

- Consume

- Explode

Items- Atonement List (in-game document) - Guilt List (in-game document)

Stats- Combat Rating: infinite

Waldorf 4 Not Transferable

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