  • Michael Siscar

    Masthead- The masthead of Rolling Stones has a pure white coloured text partly covered behind the artist featured on the cover. It blends really well with the bright grey background to make sure that the cover doesnt look empty.

    Cover lines- unlike any other music magazines, the cover lines are not scattered on the cover, they are only on the left hand side to show that the magazine is easier to read if its in an organised layout.

    Font- the titles in the cover lines are written big in bold to highlight the singers names such as Kevin Hart, Jimmy Page, James Taylor and Tame Impala to represent their importance in the magazine. The sub headings are written in a straight font and put in a neat order like an ordinary newspaper to make the cover look news worthy and serious.

    Main Image- the image features comedian Kevin Hart as the main image. He poses casually holding a mic and it almost looks like he is smiling at you. This is to emphasise his comical side. From his choice of outfit, this suggests that the genre of his comedy is fresh and classy.

    Lighting- they only used a hint of lighting on Kevin Hart as the page is already is bright enough though the light shines on Harts face to make him look stunning for this cover.

    Colour- there are not much exciting colours to make it look pretty as white mostly dominates the background and black used as another formal colour.

    Rolling Stones magazine is best known for providing their target audience coverage of music, liberal politics and pop culture.

    Target audience- the most appealing target audience for this magazine would be aimed at adults 18 or over because it contains news of their all-time favourite singers from their childhood.

  • Michael Siscar

    House Style- the style of this magazine looks serious older. It contains serious colours like black and red. It hasnt got any fun, vibrant colours to establish a pop/rock theme.

    Target Audience- the target audience for this double page spread is aimed at an older demographic mainly men and for those who love reading headlines.

    Language- the text is very basic and formal as they use powerful vocabulary such as the word irreparable which means impossible to repair and mootthis emphasises that Rolling Stones magazine is trying to converge closely to their audience.

    Main image- the main image is very much targeted to the male audience as this is used to promote a product called Copenhagen Long Cut which is a brand of smokeless tobacco and theyre chewable. The word cigarettes is obviously aimed at those who smoke which is mostly to the adult audience.

  • Michael Siscar

    Layout- the magazines contents page is grouped together into three different sections to make it easier to read and to follow.

    Page numbers- the page numbers are made into the same size with the sub text and headings which shows simplicity.

    Main photo- the artist in this photo is James Taylor and it dominates most of the page. He is shown in black and white to show how unique this singer is. The lighting is very detailed as the darkness in his clothing blends in with the light tone.

    Slogan- the slogan All the News That Fits is used in every issue of Rolling Stones. This suggests that all the important news are inside the magazines contents.

  • Michael Siscar

    Sub images- there is a range of images of different artists so that the audiences can find out easily about whom the story is about and what the singers impressions and appearance looks like.

    Main Image- the artist featured in the contents page is the musician Mark Ronson. He poses in a standing position and he gives a direct address just by staring at you to gain some attention .

    Text- large text is used to highlight the singers names clearly and the page number has been made a little bigger so that the audience can easily get to that page without having to flip through the pages one by one. The contents page only includes little information to only give a summary of a particular story.

    Font- most of the information is written in a neat font to give the magazine a tidy feel.

  • Michael Siscar

    House style- the house style for this magazine looks very professional looking for an ideal audience. It has a

  • Michael Siscar

    Masthead- the masthead is positioned on the left hand corner which takes third of the page. It is bold and it really stands on the cover as the colour is red which is very contrasting to their target audience.

    Cover lines- the cover line Whats in Noels head now? Helps engage the audience as if the magazine is asking you what this singer is thinking. It is in arch position over his head to make it look a thought bubble.

    Font- there is a range of font featured on this magazine such as The Who with their signature band logo. Also, there are some texts that have been made smaller to make sure that the magazine is not too crowded with the other texts.

    Main Image- the singer chose to be in a midshot close-up thinking to make the magazine seem simple. The lighting is very natural with the background as it has a bright glow coming from behind the main image.

    Cover mount- Q magazine offers their readers 29 pages of reviews to get the audience a curiosity of whats inside.

    Barcode/ Issue/Date/Price- the barcode, date, issue no. and price has been put there to be easily located and to check when this magazine was published as well as keeping their audience updated and informed.

    Colour- the magazine is filled with clashing colours such as red, black, blue and white to make the cover more exciting and interesting to read.

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