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February 2013,

Issue 8

وانا الیہ راجعون انا للہ

Mrs Akhtar Jabeen Aziz, daugh-

ter of Maulana Abdul Haq Vid-

yarthi, died in England on 11th

January 2013 at the age of more

than 86 years. She was the Mau-

lana’s eldest child from his sec-

ond wife, Badr-un-Nisa, whom

the Maulana married after his

first wife died in the 1918/19

world-wide influenza epidemic.

Mrs Aziz was a retired secon-

dary school teacher of English

to immigrant children in Eng-

land, first in the city of South-

ampton, 1966–1971, and then

in the town of Slough, 1971–

1991. She had also acted as in-

Ahamdiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam Lahore 15 Stanley Avenue, Wembley, UK, HAO 4JQ

[email protected]

The Muslim News

Join us to celebrate 100 years

of Propagation of Islam in the


Friday May 3, starting 1300

Dar us Salaam Wembley Sat

May 4, starting 09:30 H G

Wells Halls, Woking

Next Meeting

Sunday, 3rd February 2013

At 15:00 exactly

I give you this one thought to


I am with you still - I do not


I am a thousand winds that


I am the diamond glints on


I am sunlight on ripened


I am the gentle autumn rain

When you awake in the morn-

ing's hush,

I am the swift, uplifting rush

Of quiet birds in circled flight.

I am the soft stars that shine

at night.

I share your joy,

And your pain.

So, do not think of me as gone

I am with you still - in each

new dawn.



Every Friday khutba at 12:30

Dars at 13:15

Sunday Meetings at 15:00

(L to R) Samina Ahmad, Hazrat Maulana Abdul Haque, Mrs Aziz

An early Sunday meeting of UK jamaat

Jamaat meeting Octo-ber 2007 Even when disabled, she insisted on

attending jamaat’s functions

terpreter for the Police,

Courts, Social Services and the

Probation Services, in cases

involving people from Paki-

stan and India, from the mid-

1960s till she reached 80

years of age.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Assalamu Alaikum.

Br Erwan Hamdani from Ja-

kata, Indonesia has sent the

very sad news about the death

of our learned and senior

member of the Yogyakarta

Ahmadiyya School, Br Mardi-

Page 2: Muslim News

yono Djojosemardjo, retired

Headmaster of the Ahmadiyya

High School, Yogyakarta.

Br Mardiyono Djojosemardjo was

born in Sidoarjo on 5 December

1924, and retired from serving

the School in 2000 CE. He died on

25 January 2013.(The HOPE Bul-


Assalaamu ‘Alaikum.We have

just received the sad news of the

passing away of Mrs Zohra Wa-

hid, mother of Mr Abdul Zahid.

She was also the maternal aunt of

Mr Mehboob Raza, President of

AAII(L) of Fiji. Inna li-llahi wa

inna ilai-hi rajiun.Mrs Zohra

Wahid was sick over the last few

years and expired at her home in

Nadi, Fiji, at the age of 70+. She is

survived by her son Abdul Zahid

and her husband (master) Abdul


Centenary Celebrations

(see first page) of Hazrat Kha-

waja Kamal ud Din’s arrival in the

UK and start of propagation of

Islam in the West.

In 1912 Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din

came to England in connection

with pleading a court case before

the Privy Council (the highest

court of appeal for India at the

time). After the conclusion of the

case, he stayed on to establish a

Muslim mission in England with

the object of presenting the true

picture of Islam and refuting the

highly distorted image of Islam

that was widely-prevalent in the

West at the time. He thus aban-

doned his lucrative legal practice

in India to serve Islam as a mis-


A few years earlier, in 1889, a

mosque along with a spacious

residential house adjacent to it

had been built in the town of

pose, he had to go to court to get

the status of this entire property

established. The court set up a

Trust, consisting of certain

prominent Indian Muslims, to

manage the mosque and its prop-

erty. Without the initiative taken

by Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din, the

mosque and the residential house

would have become the private

property of the Leitner family

who were intending to sell the

entire premises for use as a fac-

tory. Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din then

established the Woking Muslim

Mission and Literary Trust at the


Work of the Woking Mission

The Woking mosque and mission

were the centre of Islam in Eng-

land from 1913 to the mid-1960s.

Although the mission was run by

people connected with the La-

hore Ahmadiyya Movement, it

was supported by all other sec-

tions of the Muslims. Khwaja Ka-

mal-ud-Din regarded it as his

main work to remove the deeply-

entrentched misconceptions

about Islam prevailing in the

West and to refute the doctrines

of the Christian church. To do

such work in England, which was

a staunchly Christian country at

that time, and which ruled over

Muslim lands including the coun-

try that the Khwaja came from,

required the greatest courage

and conviction. But the Khwaja

had been inspired by Hazrat

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad with the

firm belief that the truth of Islam,

presented in its original purity,

shall win over the hearts of the

people of the West, despite all the

deep prejudice and hatred

against this noble faith.

(From )

Woking, about 30 miles south-

west of London, in the county of

Surrey, by one Dr. G. W. Leitner.

The costs were largely met by

financial help that Dr. Leitner

received from Muslims in India,

particularly the lady Muslim ruler

of the state of Bhopal and the

leaders of the state of Hyderabad

Deccan. Dr. Leitner had been Reg-

istrar at the University of Punjab

in Lahore, and was intending to

establish an Institute in Woking

to be a centre in Europe for the

study of Oriental languages, cul-

ture and history. He had built the

mosque for the benefit of Muslim

students who would come to

study at his proposed Institute,

and he also planned to build

places of worship for other relig-

ions. However, Dr. Leitner died in

1899, and none of his plans came

to fruition except that the

mosque and the residential house

were left behind.

When Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din was

starting his Muslim mission in

1913 he learnt of the existence of

this mosque. The mosque had

only been used on a few occa-

sions and was usually deserted

and neglected. Khwaja Kamal-ud-

Din, after visiting the mosque,

succeeded in getting it opened for

use as a mosque. For this pur-

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