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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Degree of Master of Technology in Information Technology Discipline

Submitted To


Submitted By:

Shikha SinghEnrollment No –

Under The Supervision Of:

Guide Name Co-Guide Name


Page 2: Mutation Tesingmutation


Software testing allows programmers to determine the quality of the software.

Mutation testing is a branch of software testing which does more than this. It helps

determine whether the test cases that have been created, effectively detect all the

possible faults in the software. This allows the development of better test sets,

thus, ensuring that maximum software quality is achieved. This may seem very

inviting to software testers, but there is a major issue being faced which has

hindered the widespread use of mutation testing.

Mutation testing works by seeding faults in the software program. Various

mutation operators are used to create these faulty programs. These programs are

called mutants. The mutants depict software faults that may be caused by

programmers while writing the software. Test cases are then executed on these

mutants to determine if they have been killed or not. Test sets that kill all the

mutants are considered to be good as they successfully detect all the possible

program faults.

Sometimes, it is difficult to kill all the mutants. The reason is that some of the

mutants, although syntactically different than the original program, are still

semantically the same. Any test case will not be able to differentiate between the

original program and the mutant. Such mutants are called equivalent mutants.

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This thesis targets this issue by determining which mutation operators create

mutants, which are more probable to create equivalent mutants. A tool called

MuJava, Jody is used for this purpose. An empirical analysis has been carried out

for this purpose, which helps determine which mutation operators develop more

equivalent mutants.

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Computer software can have two kinds of problems: faults or failures. A failure

does not permit a program to perform its intended function. A fault is an error in

the correctness of a program’s semantics. Testing is a process of determining

faults. Software testing is performed to ensure that the algorithms used in a

program are correct, the program can execute correctly in all possible scenarios

and it conforms to all the requirements specified. Correctness, completeness and

quality are some of the characteristics that all software programs must meet.

Software testing can be performed in a number of ways. There is no fixed process;

it is a simple method of trial and error and investigating various problems

encountered whilst execution.

Software testing is performed using test cases. These make use of some variables

and determine the actual output of the program against the expected output. Good

test cases help determine faults that occur rarely.

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1.1 Mutation Testing

Mutation testing is one of the many types of methodologies used for testing a

program. While other software testing techniques focus on the correct

functionality of the program, mutation testing focuses on the test cases used to test

the programs. The main idea is to create good sets of test cases rather than trying

to find all the faults in a particular program. Good test cases are those which are

able to discover all the easy and hard-to-find faults in the program. An ideal test

case will detect all the possible faults in a software program.

Mutation testing is a white-box testing technique i.e. it examines the internal

structure of a program to detect faults. It is used to determine the effectiveness of

test cases i.e. how good they are in detecting faults. Mutation testing has been

developed using two basic ideas:

1. Competent Programmer Hypothesis: Software programs usually differ from the

correct version of the program in minute ways. Most of the programs written are

nearly correct.

2. Coupling Effect Hypothesis: Larger programming faults are coupled with

smaller faults of the same nature.

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These hypotheses form the platform for mutation testing. Since incorrect

programs differ from the correct versions in minute ways, mutation testing works

by making the correct programs incorrect by using the concept of fault seeding.

This is done by the use of mutation operators.

These operators are simple rules which create different versions of the same

program with minor changes. These versions are called mutants. Typically,

mutation operators replace operands with other similar operands or delete entire

statements, etc. The process used in mutation testing can be explained simply in

the following steps:

1. Suppose we have a program P

2. Apply mutation operators to P to produce mutant P’

3. Apply test case t to P and P’

4. Analyze outputs of P and P’

5. If the outputs are different, then test case is effective i.e. it can detect the fault

and has killed the mutant.

6. If the outputs are same, there could be two reasons:

i. The mutant is difficult to kill. Write another test case to detect this fault.

ii. The mutant has the same semantic meaning as the original program i.e. it is


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We need to achieve a high mutation score for any given set of test cases. This

mutation score indicates how well a particular test set has detected faults in a

program. Mutation score can be defined as:

Mutation score = # of mutants killed / total # of non-equivalent mutants

Where 0 <= M.S. <= 1 or 0% <= M.S. <= 100%

A low score means that the majority of faults cannot be detected accurately by the

test set. A higher score indicates that most of the faults have been identified with

this particular test set. A good test set will have a mutation score close to 100% or

ideally 100%.

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A simple example of mutation testing has been illustrated below:

Program P

Apply mutation operation

Mutant P’

Apply test case t to P and P’

Result R Result R’

If R != R’, then t has killed mutant P’



c = a + b;



c = a + b;

d = c / a;



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If R == R’, then mutant P’ is still alive

Figure 1: Process of Mutation testing

Mutation testing faces a huge challenge. Since every program may have a fault in

many possible ways, one problem is that a large number of mutants are created for

very small programs.

Another problem is that sometimes most of these programs are equivalent to the

original program.

The latter problem is the topic of discussion for this thesis.

This project focuses on the use of mutation operators to eliminate the problem of

equivalent mutants. The technique adopted suggests that some mutation operators

may contribute more towards the creation of equivalent mutants. Hence, a detailed

analysis is carried out for all the mutation operators used in MuJava (mutation

testing tool). Scenarios are sketched which indicate situations always creating

equivalent mutants for certain operators. For the extension of this thesis, it is

suggested that the scenarios sketched out be transformed into algorithms and

incorporated into the respective mutation operators.


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The aim of mutation testing is to generate a good set of test cases that successfully

help find all possible faults in a software program. We need to achieve a high

mutation score i.e. a score close to 100%. To get the maximum mutation score, we

need a test set which successfully kills all the mutants. But some of the mutants

created are equivalent. Therefore, to get the highest possible score, all the non-

equivalent mutants need to be detected.

An equivalent mutant is one, which is syntactically different from the original

program, but semantically the same. Such mutants only contribute in increasing

the computational cost. They do not help in establishing whether a particular test

case is effective in discovering faults in a program or not. The problem of

determining whether a mutant is equivalent to the original mutant is theoretically


Sample Program P



if(x == 2 && y == 2)

z = x + y;

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Mutant P’



if(x == 2 && y == 2)

z = x * y;


The value of Z will be equal to 4; any test set will be unable to determine any

faults with this program because the value will always be equal to 4.

Example of Equivalent Mutants

Mutation testing is not popular in the industry. Reason being, that a large number

of mutants are generated for very small programs. This incurs a high

computational cost, as each test case needs to be executed on each mutant. The

number of mutants generated for a software unit is proportional to the product of

the number of data references and the number of data objects. To reduce the

computational cost, some approaches have been proposed which are explained


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2.1 ‘Do Smarter’ approaches

These approaches work by dividing computational cost amongst several machines

or by preserving some information, such as compiled code, so that the same code

need not be generated repetitively. They may also avoid complete execution of the

entire program. E.g. suppose there is a program that has 10,000 lines of code.

Assuming the 5th line is changed to create 3 different mutants. It will take a long

time to compile the mutated program again and again.

To avoid this, the compiled form of the original program is saved. This compiled

form of the original program is changed for the single line modified in the

mutants. Thus, computation cost is saved.

2.1.1 Weak Mutation

Weak mutation is an approximation technique. It compares the internal states of

the mutated program and the original program immediately after executing the

mutated portion of the program. If the state of the mutated program is different

from that of the original program, the test case has killed the mutant. Otherwise

the mutant is still alive. The first tool developed for mutation testing called

Mothra used this strategy.

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Original program Mutant

result = obj.add(a,b)




result = obj.multiply(a,b)

/* inspect value of result */



2.1.2 Distributed Architectures

This approach works by dividing computational cost over multiple machines.

Some work has been carried out on vector processors, SIMD machines,

Hypercube (MIMD) machines, and Network (MIMD) computers to adapt them

for mutation analysis. This is easy to perform as each mutant is independent of

the other mutants and can be executed individually.

2.2 ‘Do Faster’ approaches

These approaches work by generating and running each mutant program as

quickly as possible.

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2.2.1 Schema-based Mutation Analysis

Many mutation systems compile their programs using interpretive methods. This

makes the task of compilation low and more tedious to build. Untch has built a

Mutant Schema Generation system for this purpose. This system encodes all the

mutants into one source-level program to create a ‘metamutant’ . This metamutant

is compiled once and executed in the same programming environment. Since only

a fraction of code is different for each schema, repetitive runs of large programs

can be avoided on the compiler, thus saving computational cost.

Original program Metamutant

result = obj.add(a,b) Switch(n)

Case 1:

result = obj.add(a,b)

Case 2:

result = obj.subtract(a,b)

Case 3:

result = obj.multiply(a,b)

Case 4:

result = obj.divide(a,b)

Case 5:

result = obj.modulus(a,b)

Case 6:

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Figure 4: Example of Schema-based mutation analysis

2.2.2 Separate Compilation Approach

This method avoids the interpretative style of execution. It creates, compiles,

executes and runs each mutant individually. When mutant run times greatly

exceed individual compilation/link times, a system based on such a strategy will

execute 15 to 20 times faster than an interpretative system. One example of such a

system is Proteum.

2.3 ‘Do Fewer’ approaches

These approaches run lesser number of mutants. A subset of mutants is selected

from all the mutants created in such a way that it is sufficient to determine a good

set of test cases.

2.3.1 Selective Mutation

The aim of selective mutation is to achieve maximum coverage by using the least

number of mutation operators. Operators are selected in such a way that most of

the mutants are generated from them. E.g. multiple mutation operators, which

produce the same mutant, are discarded when generating mutants. This idea was

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developed by Offutt and was called ‘selective mutation’. Since lesser operators

are used, the number of mutants produced also decreases significantly.

2.3.2 Mutation Sampling

This technique randomly selects a subset of mutants produced. This subset is then

tested with the specified test set to determine its sufficiency. If not satisfied,

another subset of mutants is selected randomly. Such subsets are continuously

selected till we find one which helps determine the effectiveness of the particular

test set.

Another method of sampling does not use a priori fixed size of mutants; it uses a

Bayesian sequential probability ratio test to determine whether a statistically

appropriate sample size of mutants has been reached.

2.4 Techniques

Some techniques have been proposed which deal with the problem of equivalent


Some of these have been implemented using some algorithms. Tools have also

been created for mutation testing. It was imperative to study these tools as this

thesis involves the use of one of these tools.

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2.4.1 Overcoming the Equivalent Mutant Problem and Achieve Tailored

Selective Mutation Using Co-evolution

This technique makes use of genetic algorithms. It is suggested that the use of

genetic algorithms may help reduce the problem of generating a large number of

mutants as well as the problem of equivalent mutants. It is argued that this

strategy helps attain selective mutation without the need of decreasing the

mutation operators applied to the programs. This technique performs three main


1. Evolution of subsets of mutants against a fixed set of test cases:

In this step, mutants are created and validated against a fixed set of test cases. The

score generated indicates the performance level for the mutant against a particular

set of test cases. A low score indicates that the mutant is difficult to kill. Subsets

of these mutants are then created. Each subset corresponds to an individual of the

genetic algorithm. A subset of non-equivalent mutants is then selected with a

higher adequacy score. Genetic algorithms are then used to evolve this set. The

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fitness function used ensures that the mutants selected are such that they are

definitely killed by some test case. Uniform crossover is used to enable the

selection of highly fit individuals in the population.

2. Evolution of subsets of test cases against a fixed set of test mutants:

The same strategy is used to create a subset of test cases. Test sets are generated

randomly. Mutation scores are then assigned to each set of test cases by executing

them against a fixed set of mutants. This mutation score corresponds to the

performance of the test set against a given set of mutants. Again, each test set is

evolved using a fitness function; it results in another set of test cases which when

executed against a set of mutants give a higher adequacy score.

3. Combine the above two sets using co-evolution:

The two populations generated above are then combined using a fitness function.

The score of each mutant is re-evaluated with respect to the present population of

test cases.

Similarly, the score of each test case is re-evaluated with respect to the present

population of the mutants.

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This is due to the design of the fitness functions. The fitness function created

assigns an adequacy score of 0 to all the mutants which are difficult to kill since

they are more likely to create equivalent mutants. And as explained, only mutants

and test cases with higher adequacy scores are selected.

Summarizing the study presented in this paper, selective mutation has been

achieved by the use of genetic algorithms without reducing the mutation operators

used thus reducing the computational cost. Also, equivalent mutants are not

considered to determine the effectiveness of a particular test set due to the

ingenious design of the fitness function.

2.4.2 Using Program Slicing to Assist in the Detection of Equivalent Mutants

It is often argued that it is difficult to apply mutation testing to large programs.

This is because the detection of equivalent mutants becomes more tedious and

almost impossible since it is done manually. It is debated in this paper that the

creation of program slices makes detection of equivalence easier.

A formal notation is used. Let the program be p and mutant p’. An input σ is

applied to both p and p’. p and p’ can be compared by either considering their

internal states or final output. To determine whether a mutant has been killed or

not, three different choices are considered:

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1. Strong mutation:

Under strong mutation, either the final output of the two programs is considered

(strong output mutation) or the final state of p and p’ is considered (strong state

mutation). For strong output mutation, an equivalent mutant will produce the same

value of variable x as the original program. Similarly, for strong state mutation, an

equivalent mutant will produce the same state of variable x as the original

program at the end of execution.

2. Weak mutation:

In weak mutation, if the value of some variable x is different immediately after the

execution of some point in the program, say n, for both programs p and p’ when

some input σ is applied, then the mutant is killed. Hence, a mutant will be

equivalent only when the value of x is identical in p and p’ at any point n.

3. Firm mutation:

Firm mutation creates p’ by mutating some part of p, for example a loop, a control

structure, etc. It then examines p and p’ after applying some input σ to determine

if the mutant has been killed or not. If the value of variable x is the same after the

final node in the structure, the mutant is equivalent.

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The strategy discussed in this paper uses weak mutation. A new Boolean variable,

say z, is introduced in the program p. A slice is then created on this variable and

analyzed to determine if the mutant has been killed or not. The value of z is

initially set to true. Every time the node n is met, the value of z is changed. If the

mutant is killed it becomes false, otherwise it remains true.

Equivalence is indicated if the value of z remains true at the end of execution.

Program p

1 substring (int from, int to, char target[], char source[]){

2 from++;

3 start = from;

4 if(from < to){

5 while(from != to){

6 target[from-start] = source[from];

7 from++;

8 }

9 target[to-start] = ‘/0’;

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10 }

11 else

12 target[0] = ‘/0’;

13 }

Sample program to show strategy using program slicing to detect equivalent


Mutant p’

1 substring (int from, int to, char target[], char source[]){

2 from++;

3 start = from;

4 if(from < to){

5 while(from != to){

6 target[from-start] = source[from];

7 from++;

8 }

9 target[from-start] = ‘/0’;

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10 }

11 else

12 target[0] = ‘/0’;

13 }

Example of mutant created for use with program slicing

The Boolean variable z is introduced at this point on line 2. The statement on line

10 shows that the variable to has been modified to the variable from in p’. A slice

is then created with respect to z and the variable from. This slice is then tested to

determine if the mutant has been killed or is still alive at the end of test execution.

Mutant p’ to be sliced

1 substring (int from, int to, char target[], char source[]){

2 z = TRUE;

3 from++;

4 start = from;

5 if(from < to){

6 while(from != to){

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7 target[from-start] = source[from];

8 from++;

9 }

10 z = z && from == to;

11 target[from-start] = ‘/0’;

12 }

13 else

14 target[0] = ‘/0’;

15 }

Sliced mutant

1 substring (int from, int to, char target[], char source[]){

2 z = TRUE;

3 from++;

5 if(from < to)

6 while(from != to)

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8 from++;

10 z = z && from == to;

15 }

Introduction of Boolean variable z in p’ & the creation of a program slice

using z

The authors also discuss that creating amorphous slices may reduce the problem

of detecting equivalent mutants even more by applying further transformations to

the traditional slices.

Amorphous Slice of mutant p’

substring (int from, int to, char target[], char source[]){

z = TRUE;


if(from < to)

z = TRUE;


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Creation of an amorphous slice from a traditional program slice for the

detection of Equivalent mutants

An interesting observation stated in the paper states that “an ideal amorphous

slicing algorithm would yield this slice for all equivalent mutants, and the

equivalent mutant problem would disappear”.

In summary, the use of program slices can ease the process of detection of

equivalent mutants. it reduces the work carried out manually in identifying

equivalent mutants. Also, it has been suggested that equivalent mutants will

always create slices which are identical for all mutants.

2.4.3 Using Compiler Optimization Techniques to Detect Equivalent


The strategy presented in this paper makes use of compiler optimization

techniques. The authors of this paper suggest that “many equivalent mutants are

either optimizations or de-optimizations of the original program”. Equivalent

mutants can always be detected by their optimized code by the use of algorithms.

Following are the 6 techniques explained in this paper:

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1. Dead code detection

Mutants that change dead code, i.e. code that will never be executed or is

irrelevant, will not affect the output of the program and will thus be equivalent.

2. Constant propagation

It creates a constant table, which keeps entries of variables with constant


Mutants that are still alive at the end of the execution of a test case can be checked

for equivalence using this table. A mutant that has an entry in this table will be


3. Invariant propagation

This technique works by saving the relationship between 2 variables, also called

an invariant, in an invariant table. An equivalent mutant will have the same

definitions in the invariant table, thus not changing the value in the mutated

program form that in the original program.

4. Common sub-expressions

This technique does not identify equivalent mutants directly. It is used in

conjunction with other compiler optimization techniques. It keeps track of all the

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temporary variables created during compilation and determines the equality of

relationships between variables if any.

Normal Code Optimized Code

T1 = B + C

T2 = T1 - D

A = T2

T3 = B + C

T4 = T3 – D

X = T4

T1 = B + C

T2 = T1 – D

A = T2

X = T2

Figure 5: Common Sub-expression Detection Example

5. Loop invariant detection

Here, an equivalent mutant is one, which changes the boundary of a loop by

moving it inside or outside when the code is compiled.

6. Hoisting and sinking

This also uses the same technique as loop invariant detection. Equivalent mutants

will generate the same result regardless of hoisting or sinking the code.

2.4.4 Automatically Detecting Equivalent Mutants and Infeasible Paths

The authors of the paper presume that the problem of detecting equivalent mutants

is in-fact a type of a feasible path problem. The feasible path problem states that

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some test requirements are infeasible because of the nature of the program

semantics. These requirements cannot be satisfied by the program.

The strategy presented makes use of the constraint-based testing technique. This

technique specifies a number of mathematical properties, which need to be met by

any test case. Assuming that P is a program, M is a mutant of P on statement S,

and t is a test case for P. three mathematical conditions need to be met to kill a


1. Reachability:

The test case must execute the mutated statement. I.e. if t cannot reach S, then t

will never kill M.

2. Necessity:

To kill a mutant, the test case must cause the mutant to have an incorrect state if it

reaches the mutated statement. I.e. for t to kill M, it is necessary that if S is

reached, the state of M immediately following some execution of S must be

different from the state of P at the same point.

3. Sufficiency:

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The test case must cause the final state of the mutant to be different from the

original program. I.e. the final state of M differs from that of P.

These mathematical conditions are then used to apply constraints on the

programs. The constraints are used to determine which mutants are equivalent and

which are not.

2.5 Tools

As part of the literature survey, all the tools that have been created for mutation

testing were also studied. None of these tools detect equivalent mutants

automatically. The tester has to detect them by hand. Tools have been developed

for a number of languages:

2.5.1 Mothra

It is the oldest tool developed for mutation testing. It was developed as a project

at Georgia Institute of Technology’s Software Engineering Research Centre. This

project was initiated in 1986 and developed using C language. It was developed

for programs written in FORTRAN and made for the Linux platform.

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Mothra is a set of tools that can be called separately or called using one of

Mothra’s interfaces. Since it is based on a set of data structures, many researchers

have tried to expand Mothra by adding new tools. Mothra works by creating

intermediate code of the program. This requires more compilations and an

increase in performance costs.

2.5.2 Jester/Nester/Pester

The tool that was developed first was Jester. It applied mutation testing to Java


Jester works for Java code with JUnit tests. Jester does simple modifications to the

programs such as changing If statements to true or false, etc. After making these

modifications, it runs tests on the modified programs. It then generated web pages

displaying the results of the tests using a built-in script.

Pester is the same as Jester only that it was written for programs created in

Python. Test cases are written in PyUnit. Nester is also a variation of Jester

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written for C# programs. Unfortunately, no literature was available to study it in

more detail.

2.5.3 MuJava

MuJava is a tool written for java programs. It uses two sets of mutation operators;

method-level and class-level. MuJava creates mutants using the various method-

level and class-level operators.

It then runs test cases on them and evaluates the mutation coverage for them. Test

cases are written as separate classes that call methods in the classes that need to be


Figure 6: Structure of MuJava

Behavior mutant

Behavior mutant generator

Compile time reflection+ms

gStandard java


Behavioiural mutant executr

Mutant generator Mutant executor

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Different engines create the structural and behavioral mutants. For the behavioral

mutants, compile time reflection is used to analyze the original program. The

MSG engine then uses compile time reflection as well to create a meta-mutant

program. For the structural mutants, the original source code is compiled using the

Java compiler. BCEL API is then used to add or delete class members in the

resulting byte code translation.

3.2 Motivation

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Mutation testing has a high computational cost. A large number of mutants are

created for very small programs. This is because each program can have various

faulty versions. Each version could be a simple replacement of an addition

operator, for example, with all other arithmetic operators in a particular language.

All these mutants need to be compiled and executed against a specific set of test


In addition to this high cost, sometimes most of the mutants created are

equivalent. Equivalent mutants produce the same output for the original program

as well as the modified program or the mutant.

These issues have prevented mutation testing to gain wide-spread acceptance in

the software industry. The aim of this thesis is to help determine a technique by

the use of which the number of equivalent mutants produced is reduced.

Quite a few techniques have been proposed to date to deal with this issue as

discussed in chapter 2. Some algorithms have been proposed for them, but none of

them have been implemented so far. Most authors have resorted to combining

other software engineering strategies such as genetic algorithms and compiler

optimization techniques with mutation testing.

In view of this thesis, this has made the process of detecting equivalence more

arduous. The implementation of any of these strategies would require the creation

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of an entirely new tool for mutation testing rather than reusing any one of those

already developed.

The strategy discussed here makes use of MuJava, a mutation testing tool

developed in 2003.

None of the other mutation testing tools have been used due to lack of support for

the Windows platform. Also, some of the tools did not contain enough literature to

support their operation. The main idea is that some mutation operators may

develop a greater number of equivalent mutants as compared to other operators.

To support this argument, the mutation operators of MuJava are discussed in great

detail. An analysis is carried out to see which operators create a large number of

equivalent mutants.

3.3 The Strategy

For this project, the main aim is to help identify those mutation operators that

contribute more towards creating equivalent mutants. The procedure that was

followed is explained below:

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1. Test programs were created for method-level and class-level operators. These

test programs serve as original programs for which mutants will be generated


2. Two different approaches were adopted for method-level and class-level


a. For method-level operators, different programs were developed each for

arithmetic, shift, logical operators etc. Then all the method-level mutation

operators were applied to each type of program to create the mutants.

b. For the class-level operators, programs were written for the common data

structures of Linked list. A Stack class was then derived from it. Programs were

then written which used these classes. These programs differed for each of the

class-level mutation operators. All the class-level mutation operators were applied

to all the programs to create mutants.

3. Empirical data was gathered indicating which mutation operators created a

greater number of mutants as compared to other mutation operators.

4. Also, a manual inspection was conducted on all the mutants to discover the

equivalent versions.

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5. Java programs were then created containing the test cases for each of the

method-level and class-level operators original programs created in step 2. These

test cases perform branch coverage on the original program.

6. The test cases were executed against the original programs using MuJava.

7. The mutation scores were obtained.

8. Also, it was determined that how many mutants were left alive by each of the

operators at the end of test execution.

9. Of the mutants left alive, the equivalent mutants were determined.

10. An empirical analysis was conducted to determine which mutation operators

contribute more towards creating equivalent mutants.


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The tool used in this project is MuJava. Before explaining the strategy adopted for

this project, it is imperative to explain the working of MuJava in more detail.

3.1 MuJava

Mutation operators make syntactic changes to the program under test. These

syntactic changes depict usual syntactical mistakes made by programmers while

writing code. MuJava implements a ‘do faster’ approach to mutation testing to

save compilation time. This approach has been adopted primarily for object-

oriented programs.

The architecture of MuJava makes use of the Mutant Schemata Generation (MSG)


This approach works by creating one meta-mutant of all the mutant programs and

requires only two compilations: compilation of the original program and

compilation of the meta-mutant program.

MuJava uses two types of mutant operators:

Operators that change the structure of the program

Operators that change the behavior of the program

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The method-level operators implemented in MuJava. The operators considered for

MuJava modify the expressions by inserting, replacing or deleting the primitive

operators. MuJava contains six types of primitive operators.

1. Arithmetic operators

2. Relational operators

3. Conditional operators

4. Shift operators

5. Logical operators

6. Assignment operators

Some of these operators have short-cut versions as well. Because of this, some

operators are subdivided into binary, unary and short-cut versions. In all, there are

12 method-level operators in MuJava.

Since MuJava has been created for Java programs, only operators used in Java are

Considered for the creation of the tool

Page 40: Mutation Tesingmutation

Table 1: Method-level operators in MuJava

Page 41: Mutation Tesingmutation

3.2 Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators perform mathematical computations on all integers and

floating-point numbers. The arithmetic operators supported in Java are:

For binary: op + op (addition), op – op (subtraction), op * op

(multiplication), op / op (division) and op % op (modulus).

For unary: + (plus indicating positive value), - (minus indicating negative


For short-cut: op++ (post-increment), ++op (pre-increment), op-- (post-

decrement), --op (pre-decrement)

The arithmetic operators used in MuJava are explained below [9]:

AORB / AORB U / AORS: Arithmetic Operator Replacement

These operators replace binary, unary or short-cut arithmetic operators with other

binary, unary or short-cut operators, respectively.

AOIU / AOIS: Arithmetic Operator Insertion

These operators insert unary or short-cut arithmetic operators, respectively.

AODU / AODS: Arithmetic Operator Deletion

These operators delete unary or short-cut arithmetic operators, respectively.

Page 42: Mutation Tesingmutation

3.3 Relational Operators

Relational operators compare the values of two operands. The relational operators

supported in Java are:

op > op (greater than), op >= op (greater than or equal to), op < op (less

than), op <= op (less than or equal to), op == op (equal to) and op != op (not

equal to).

Since these operators require two operands, only replacement is allowed for these

operators. The relational operator used in MuJava is explained below:

ROR: Relational Operator Replacement

This operator replaces relational operators with other relational operators.

Page 43: Mutation Tesingmutation

3.4 Conditional Operators

Conditional operators or bitwise operators perform computations on the binary

values of its operands. These operators exhibit short-circuit behavior. The

conditional operators supported in Java are:

For binary: op && op (conditional AND), op || op (conditional OR), op &

op (bitwise AND), op | op (bitwise OR) and ^ (bitwise XOR).

For unary: !op (bitwise logical complement) The arithmetic operators in

MuJava are explained below :

COR: Conditional Operator Replacement This operator replaces binary

conditional operators with other binary conditional operators.

COI: Conditional Operator Insertion

This operator inserts unary conditional operators.

COD: Conditional Operator Deletion

This operator deletes unary conditional operators.

Page 44: Mutation Tesingmutation

3.5 Shift Operators

Shift operators require two operands. They manipulate the bits of the first operand

in the expression by either shifting them to the right or the left. The shift operators

supported in Java are:

op >> op (signed right shift), op << op (signed left shift) and op >>> op

(unsigned right shift).

The arithmetic operators in MuJava are explained below:

SOR: Shift Operator Replacement

This operator replaces binary shift operators with other binary shift operator.

Page 45: Mutation Tesingmutation

3.6 Logical Operators

Logical operators perform logical comparisons to produce a Boolean result for

comparison statements. The logical operators supported in Java are:

For binary: op & op (AND), op | op (OR) and op ôp (XOR).

For unary: ~op (bitwise complement)

The arithmetic operators in MuJava are explained below:

LOR: Logical Operator Replacement

This operator replaces binary logical operators with other binary logical operators.

LOI: Logical Operator Insertion

This operator inserts unary logical operators.

LOD: Logical Operator Deletion

This operator deletes unary logical operators.

Page 46: Mutation Tesingmutation

3.7 Assignment Operators

Assignment operators set the values of an operand. The short-cut assignment

operators perform a computation on the right hand operand and then assign its

value to the left hand operand. The assignment operators supported in Java are:

For short-cut: op += op (addition assignment), op -= op (subtraction

assignment), op *= op (multiplication assignment), op /= op (division

assignment), op %= op (modulus assignment), op &= op (bitwise AND

assignment), op |= op (bitwise OR assignment), op ^= op (bitwise XOR

assignment), op <<= op (right shift assignment), op >>= op (left shift

assignment), op >>>= op (unsigned right shift assignment).

The arithmetic operators in MuJava are explained below:

ASRS: Assignment Operator Replacement Short-cut

This operator replaces short-cut assignment operators with other short-cut

assignment operators.

Page 47: Mutation Tesingmutation

3.8 Class Level Mutation Operator

The operators considered for MuJava have been divided in four categories

according to their usage in Object Oriented programming. The first 3 groups

target features common to all OO languages. The last group includes features that

are specific to Java. These groups are:

1. Encapsulation

2. Inheritance

3. Polymorphism

4. Java-specific Features

Like method-level operators, the class-level operators make changes to the

program syntax by inserting, deleting or modifying the expressions under test.

Operators have been defined for each category. In all, there are 29 class-level

operators in MuJava. These operators are explained in detail below. All code

examples have been taken from.

Page 48: Mutation Tesingmutation

3.8.1 Encapsulation

Encapsulation in OOP deals with data hiding. It is the ability of an object to create

a boundary around its data and methods. Encapsulation allows a programmer to

define the access levels for various objects. For this purpose many access

modifiers are used. Specifying the wrong access modifier can lead to incorrect


There is only one mutation operator in MuJava, which deals with encapsulation.

AMC: Access Modifier Change

This operator replaces the access modifiers for various instance variables and

methods in a program. This allows a tester to ensure that the correct level of

accessibility is used in a program.

Original Code Mutants

public Stack s; private Stack s;

protected Stack s;

Page 49: Mutation Tesingmutation

3.8.2 Inheritance

Inheritance allows the data and methods of one class (parent class) to be used by

another class (child class). Inheritance promotes code reusability.

Eight mutation operators have been developed for MuJava that deal with


Variable shadowing allows a child class to hide or shadow the variables in the

parent class.

This may cause incorrect variable to be accessed. Mutation operators IHD and IHI

test this issue in OOP.

IHD: Hiding variable deletion

This operator deletes a hiding variable in a child class. In this way, the variable in

the parent class can be accessed.

Original Code Mutants

class List { class List {

int size; int size;

Page 50: Mutation Tesingmutation

… …..

} }

class Stack extends List { class Stack extends List {

// int size; int size;

… …..

} }

IHI: Hiding variable insertion

This operator inserts a hiding variable in a child class. It is reverse of IHD. Newly

Defined and overriding methods in a subclass reference the hiding variable

whereas inherited methods reference the hidden variable as before.

Original Code Mutants

class List { class List {

int size; int size;

… ….

} }

class Stack extends List { class Stack extends List {

Page 51: Mutation Tesingmutation

… int size;

… } }

A child class can modify the behavior of its parent class by creating a method with

the same name and arguments as the parent class. This is called method

overriding. Mutation operators IOD, IOP and IOR are used to test issues related to

method overriding in MuJava.

IOD: Overriding method deletion

This operator deletes the entire declaration of the overriding method in the child


All references to this function then access the method in the parent class.

Original Code Mutants

class Stack extends List { class Stack extends List {

… ….

void push(int a){ // void push(int a){

… ….

} }

Page 52: Mutation Tesingmutation

} }

IOP: Overridden method calling position change

Sometimes the overriding method in the child class may need to call the method it

overrides in the parent class. It is necessary to test that the method in the parent

class is called at the right point in the program otherwise it would cause the

program to be in an incorrect state.

IOR: Overridden method rename

This operator is used to check if an overriding method adversely affects other

methods. It renames the method being overridden in the parent class so that the

overriding method in the child class doesn’t affect the method in the parent class.

The super keyword allows a programmer to access the member variables and

functions of the parent class when using variable shadowing or method overriding.

Mutation operators ISI and ISD are used to test issues regarding use of the super

keyword in MuJava.

ISI: super keyword insertion

This operator inserts the super keyword so that any references to the variable or

Page 53: Mutation Tesingmutation

Method go to the overridden method or variable.

ISD: super keyword deletion

This operator deletes the super keyword so that any references to the variable or

Method go to the overriding method or variable.

The constructors of the parent class are not inherited like other methods.

Whenever an object of a child class is created, it automatically invokes the default

constructor of the parent’s class before invoking its own constructor. The child

class can also use the super keyword to invoke a specific parent class constructor.

Mutation operator IPC is used to test this in MuJava.

IPC: explicit call of a parent’s constructor deletion

This operator deletes calls to the parent class’s constructor. This causes the default

Constructor of the parent class to be called.

Page 54: Mutation Tesingmutation

3.8.3 Polymorphism

Polymorphism allows objects to react differently to the same method. It is

implemented by having many methods with the same name.

Ten mutation operators have been developed for MuJava that deal with


PNC: new method call with child class type

This operator changes the constructor used to instantiate an object i.e. it changes

the type with which the object is instantiated. It makes the object reference refer to

an object of a different type than that with which it is declared

Original Code Mutants

Parent a; Parent a;

a = new Parent(); //a = new Child();

PMD: member variable declaration with parent class type

This operator changes the declared type of an object reference to the parent of the

Page 55: Mutation Tesingmutation

Original declared type.

Original Code Mutants

Child b; // Parents b;

b = new Child(); b = new Child();

Page 56: Mutation Tesingmutation

3.9 Method-level Mutation Operators

There are 12 method-level operators in MuJava. To develop mutants for these

operators the following strategy was used:

1. One type of mutation operator was chosen, e.g. Arithmetic mutation operators

i.e. AOR, AOI, AOD.

2. A simple Java program (say ‘’) was developed, which used this

type of mutation operator, in this case, arithmetic operators.

3. MuJava was started and all the method-level operators were selected.

4. Using MuJava, mutants were created for ‘’.

5. Another java program was created (say ‘’) which contained

the test cases for ‘’. These test cases must exercise branch coverage

for ‘’.

6. ‘’ was run against ‘’ to determine how many

mutants were killed and the mutation score was calculated.

Page 57: Mutation Tesingmutation

7. Of the mutants still alive at the end of the execution, the equivalent mutants

were determined manually.

8. The entire process from steps 1 to 7 was repeated to develop java programs for

each type of method-level mutation operator i.e. relational, conditional, shift,

logical and assignment.

Using the above process, the data collected in the first instance indicates the

number of mutants created for each method-level operator.

Page 58: Mutation Tesingmutation


This thesis targets this issue by determining which mutation operators create

mutants, which are more probable to create equivalent mutants. A tool called

MuJava, Jody is used for this purpose. An empirical analysis has been carried out

for this purpose, which helps determine which mutation operators develop more

equivalent mutants.

Page 59: Mutation Tesingmutation


The muJava system requires that the Java CLASSPATH be modified to include

the muJava jar and the Java tools.jar files. Also, the general PATH variable must

include the java bin directory; this is usually set automatically when java was

installed, but not always. Then one GUI (Java applet) is used to generate mutants,

the tester must create tests, and another GUI is used to run mutants.

1. Environment Settings for the muJava System

There are three steps to setting up the environment for muJava, (1) CLASSPATH,

(2) setting the config file, and (3) creating subdirectories.

i. The Java CLASSPATH must include two µJava jar files and one standard

Java jar file. tools.jar is standard with Java compilers and is probably

located in the "lib/" directory. The two µJava files are mujava.jar and

openjava2005.jar, which are downloaded from this site. One slightly

awkward requirement is that the CLASSPATH must include the location of

the classes under test when generating mutants, but NOT when running

Page 60: Mutation Tesingmutation

mutants. (If it does, no mutants can be killed.) This location is the "classes/"

directory under where the mujava.config is stored.

In a DOS window, use the following command (assuming that classes is

under C:\mujava):

set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;C:\mujava\mujava.jar;C:\mujava\openjava2005.jar;C:\j2sdk1.4.0_01\lib\tools.jar;C:\mujava\classes

In a Cygwin window, use the following command:

CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH;C:\mujava\mujava.jar;C:\mujava\openjava2005.jar;C:\j2sdk1.4.0_01\lib\tools.jar;C:\mujava\classes" ; export CLASSPATH

To change your CLASSPATH permanently in Win2000 and WinXP, go to

Start-settings-Control Panel. Double-click System, go to the Advanced tab,

and choose Environment Variables. Edit the CLASSPATH variable or

create a new variable if there is none. Add the full path to mujava.jar and

openjava2005.jar to the CLASSPATH.

In Unix, set the CLASSPATH environment variable. Assuming the jar files

are stored in the home directory of user gpd:


005.jar:/java1.4/j2sdk1.4.0_01/lib/tools.jar ; export CLASSPATH

Page 61: Mutation Tesingmutation

Note that the syntax will vary under different shells, and it will be more

convenient to put the command in your setup file such as .login, or .bashrc.

ii. Next, modify the mujava.config file to point to a directory where you wish

to store source Java files and muJava temporary files. The directory must

be the complete path (either Windows or Unix). For example, the config

file may contain the line: MuJava_HOME=C:\home\gpd\exp.

IMPORTANT: It is necessary to copy the config file to the directory you

run the muJava system in.

iii. Finally, create a directory structure for the muJava system in the

$MuJava_HOME directory. Assuming your MuJava_HOME directory is

called MuJava, the subdirectories should look like:

There should be four subdirectories, used in the following ways.


srcdirectory for Java files to be tested

Page 62: Mutation Tesingmutation

MuJava_HOME\classesdirectory for compiled classes of Java files from


MuJava_HOME\testset directory for test sets

MuJava_HOME\result directory for generated mutants

You can create these subdirectories by hand or by using the muJava class


java mujava.makeMuJavaStructure

We have identified several potential problems with installing µJava.

µJava does not work with Java 1.5.

It is important that the MuJava_HOME variable NOT have a trailing slash.

This will confuse µJava.

If you have a different version of the java compiler and the JVM, µJava

may get confused. This happens sometimes when a new application on your

computer updates the JVM. If you have problems compiling or killing

mutants, we suggest deleting all Java components and reinstalling the latest


Page 63: Mutation Tesingmutation

If your tools.jar file is out of date (pre Java 1.4, we think), parts of µJava

may not work.

2. Generating Mutants with muJava

Important note: You should run all commands in a directory that contains


i. Put the source files to test to MuJava_HOME\src directory. muJava does

not check for compilation errors, so all Java files should compile correctly.

If the Java file to test needs other Java files or class files, they should also

be placed in MuJava_HOME\src. For example, suppose you want to test B,

which is a child class of A. Then, you should put both and

into MuJava_HOME\src. If the file has a package structure, you should

store the entire package underneath MuJava_HOME\src.

ii. Compile all the Java files in MuJava_HOME\src and copy the .class files

into the MuJava_HOME\classes\ directory.

iii. Start the GUI from the command line. Use it to generate mutants:

Page 64: Mutation Tesingmutation

java mujava.gui.GenMutantsMain

iv. This command should bring a up a screen similar to the following:

Page 65: Mutation Tesingmutation
Page 66: Mutation Tesingmutation

i. Select the files you want to mutate by clicking in the boxes on the left.

Select the mutation operators you want to use by slecting their boxes. Then

push RUN.

ii. Note: The class mutation operators produce far fewer mutants. Also

note that a number of status messages go to the command window, but

not the GUI.

iii. After mutants are generated, you can view the mutants in the "Class

Mutants Viewer" and "Traditional Mutants Viewer" tabs, as shown in the

following two figures.

Page 67: Mutation Tesingmutation


Page 68: Mutation Tesingmutation


vii. You may be interested in knowing where the mutant versions of the classes

are stored. They are underneath the MuJava_HOME\result\ directory. The

following example shows the directory Stack underneath result, with

object-oriented mutants in class_mutants and traditional mutants in a

separate directory.

Page 69: Mutation Tesingmutation

3. Making a test set

A testset in muJava is a Java file that contains executable test scripts. Each test is

a method that contains a sequence of calls to methods in the class under test. Each

test method returns a string result that is used to compare outputs of mutants with

outputs of the original class. Each test method should start with the string "test".

The test methods and the test class should have public access.

Below is an example of a testset class for the class Stack. Its name is StackTest.

StackTest contains two test case: test1() and test2(). The testset .class file should

be in the directory MuJava_HOME\testset\. (By the way, although these test

scripts are reminiscient of JUnit tests, µJava does not accept JUnit tests. The first

version of µJava predated JUnit so we implemented a general test driver facility.)

public class StackTest{

    public String test1()    {        String result = "";        Stack obj = new Stack();        obj.push(2);        obj.push(4);        result = result + obj.isFull();        result = result + obj.pop();        return result;    }

    public String test2()

Page 70: Mutation Tesingmutation

    {        String result = "";        Stack obj = new Stack();        obj.push(5);        obj.push(3);        result = result + obj.pop();         result = result + obj.pop();        return result;    }


4. Running mutants.

Run the mutants from another GUI. Start it with the following command:

java mujava.gui.RunTestMain

Note: Your CLASSPATH must not include MuJava_HOME\classes\. If it

does, no mutants can be killed.

You should see the following GUI. You can select which collection of mutants to

run, and which testset to use. The "Class Mutants Viewer" and "Traditional

Mutants Viewer" tabs will show the source view of the mutants. You can design

tests to kill mutants by finding a live mutant, then analyzing the program to decide

what input will kill it. Remember that between 5% to 20% of the mutants are

typically equivalent.

Page 71: Mutation Tesingmutation
Page 72: Mutation Tesingmutation


Detailed work has been carried out to determine which mutation operators

contribute more towards creating equivalent mutants. The following results were


Method-level operators:

The majority of mutants were created for AOIS, ROR and LOI.

Almost half of the mutants created for AOIS were found to be equivalent.

However, majority of the mutants created for ROR and LOI were killed


All the mutants created for COI failed the software.

Class-level operators:

Majority of mutants were created for PRV, JSI, IHI and IOD.

Almost 50% of the mutants created for PRV, failed the software. Of the remaining

mutants, almost 80% were killed and the remaining was found to be equivalent.

Nearly 95% of the mutants created for PMD caused MuJava to fail.

All the mutants created for JDC were found to be equivalent.

Page 73: Mutation Tesingmutation

Many class-mutation operators such as IOR, ISI, etc, which created a very low

number of mutants, were found to be equivalent.

Various scenarios have been sketched out for method-level operator AOIS and

class-level operators IHD, IHI, IOR, PRV, JID and JDC. These scenarios indicate

situations which always create equivalent mutants.

Looking at these results, different conclusions can be made for method-level

mutation operators and class-level mutation operators. For method-level operators,

AOIS is more probable to create equivalent mutants. For class-level operators,

PRV usually creates the greatest number of mutants. But most of these mutants

are simply program failures. Also, operators that create a very low number of

mutants as compared to other class-level operators are also most likely to create

equivalent mutants.

For the future work of this project, the operators that create a larger number of

equivalent mutants can be tweaked such that they do not create equivalent

mutants. This can be done by using the scenarios sketched out in chapter 7. These

scenarios can be incorporated in the algorithms implemented for the concerned

operators. Thus, the creation of equivalent mutants can be avoided.

Page 74: Mutation Tesingmutation


MuJava requires 2 jar files and one config file. These files can be found at:

These 2 files, (mujava.jar & adaptedOJ.jar) should be placed in the same

directory. Let’s assume the directory is C:\MuJava\.

Before executing the software, the following steps should be taken:

1. Your computer must have a JRE installed and the Java path set. To learn how to

do this refer to the website for details.

2. After this, firsts et the classpath using the following command:

set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;C:\mujava\mujava.jar;C:\mujava\


This command allows you to run MuJava to create mutants. To run test cases a

different path must be set which is explained later.

3. After this open the mujava.config file. You should see ‘MuJava_HOME=C:\


Page 75: Mutation Tesingmutation

Change this to point to ‘MuJava_HOME=C:\MuJava_Home’. This command tells

MuJava where to find the source files and the test programs when executing


4. Now we need to make a directory structure for MuJava. All the source

programs and test programs will be contained in this directory structure. This

structure can be made either manually or by using the command:

java mujava.makeMuJavaStructure

The directory structure will now look like:





Now, you will have 2 different directories; one will be ‘C:\MuJava’ and the other

will have ‘C:\MuJava_Home\’. The config file should be in the directory of


Page 76: Mutation Tesingmutation

Creating Mutants

1. Create your source file (say ‘’) that you want to test in


2. Compile this file using the DOS prompt and the command ‘javac’. This

command will create a class file in the folder C:\MuJava_Home\src\.

3. Remove this file from the

C:\MuJava_Home\src\ and copy it to the folder


4. Now change the path in the dos prompt to point to C:\MuJava\ instead of


5. Now set the classpath using:

set classpath=%classpath%;c:\MuJava\mujava.jar;c:\MuJava\adaptedOj.jar;c:\


6. Then use the following command to start MuJava:

java mujava.gui.GenMutantsMain

Page 77: Mutation Tesingmutation

7. Now select the programs from the list shown for which you want to create the

mutants. Also select the mutation operators for which you want to create mutants.

Then press ‘Generate’.

Whilst mutants are being generated, many messages will be sent to the command

prompt in the background. The ‘Generate’ button will be disabled. When all the

mutants have been generated, this button will turn yellow again and the different

mutants that have been generated can then be viewed.


Page 78: Mutation Tesingmutation

Method-level Mutation Operators The programs written in this section were

developed to create mutants for method-level operators in MuJava. They were

written arbitrarly. Test cases written for all the programs are also included.

/* @author: Maryam Umar */

public class ArithOper {

public String oper(int i){

int val = 1 + 2 + 3*i + (4 + 8)/3;

String result = "";

result = Integer.toString(val);

return result;



/* @author: Maryam Umar */

public class ArithOperTest{

Page 79: Mutation Tesingmutation

public String test1(){

String result = "";

ArithOper obj = new ArithOper();

result = result + obj.oper(0);

return result;


public String test2(){

String result = "";

ArithOper obj = new ArithOper();

result = result + obj.oper(1);

return result;


public String test3(){

String result = "";

ArithOper obj = new ArithOper();

Page 80: Mutation Tesingmutation

result = result + obj.oper(2);

return result;


public String test4(){

String result = "";

ArithOper obj = new ArithOper();

result = result + obj.oper(3);

return result;



/* @author: Maryam Umar */

public class AssignOper {

public String operation(int i){

String result = "";

Page 81: Mutation Tesingmutation

i += 10;

result = Integer.toString(i);

return result;



/* @author: Maryam Umar */

public class AssignOperTest{

public String test1(){

String result = "";

AssignOper obj = new AssignOper();

result = result + obj.operation(0);

return result;


public String test2(){

Page 82: Mutation Tesingmutation

String result = "";

AssignOper obj = new AssignOper();

result = result + obj.operation(1);

//All Mutants Generator Code

package mujava;

import openjava.mop.*;

import openjava.ptree.*;


Page 83: Mutation Tesingmutation

import mujava.op.*;

import mujava.op.basic.*;

import mujava.op.util.*;

import mujava.util.Debug;


* <p>Generate all mutants</p>

* <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2005 by Yu-Seung Ma, ALL RIGHTS


* @author Yu-Seung Ma

* @version 1.0


public class AllMutantsGenerator extends MutantsGenerator


boolean existIHD = false;

Page 84: Mutation Tesingmutation

String[] classOp;

String[] traditionalOp;

public AllMutantsGenerator(File f)



classOp = MutationSystem.cm_operators;

traditionalOp = MutationSystem.tm_operators;


public AllMutantsGenerator(File f, boolean debug)


super(f, debug);

classOp = MutationSystem.cm_operators;

Page 85: Mutation Tesingmutation

traditionalOp = MutationSystem.tm_operators;


public AllMutantsGenerator(File f, String[] cOP, String[] tOP)



classOp = cOP;

traditionalOp = tOP;


void genMutants()


if (comp_unit == null)


System.err.println(original_file + " is skipped.");

Page 86: Mutation Tesingmutation


ClassDeclarationList cdecls = comp_unit.getClassDeclarations();

if (cdecls == null || cdecls.size() == 0)


if (traditionalOp != null && traditionalOp.length > 0)


Debug.println("* Generating traditional mutants");


MutationSystem.MUTANT_PATH =






Page 87: Mutation Tesingmutation

if (classOp != null && classOp.length > 0)


Debug.println("* Generating class mutants");


MutationSystem.MUTANT_PATH =







void genClassMutants(ClassDeclarationList cdecls)



Page 88: Mutation Tesingmutation



void genClassMutants2(ClassDeclarationList cdecls)


for (int j=0; j<cdecls.size(); ++j)


ClassDeclaration cdecl = cdecls.get(j);

if (cdecl.getName().equals(MutationSystem.CLASS_NAME))


DeclAnalyzer mutant_op;

if (hasOperator(classOp, "IHD"))


Page 89: Mutation Tesingmutation

Debug.println(" Applying IHD ... ... ");

mutant_op = new IHD(file_env, null, cdecl);


if (((IHD)mutant_op).getTotal() > 0)

existIHD = true;


if (hasOperator(classOp, "IHI"))


Debug.println(" Applying IHI ... ... ");

mutant_op = new IHI(file_env, null, cdecl);



Page 90: Mutation Tesingmutation

if (hasOperator(classOp, "IOD"))


Debug.println(" Applying IOD ... ... ");

mutant_op = new IOD(file_env, null, cdecl);



if (hasOperator(classOp, "OMR"))


Debug.println(" Applying OMR ... ... ");

mutant_op = new OMR(file_env, null, cdecl);



if (hasOperator(classOp, "OMD"))

Page 91: Mutation Tesingmutation


Debug.println(" Applying OMD ... ... ");

mutant_op = new OMD(file_env, null, cdecl);



if (hasOperator(classOp, "JDC"))


Debug.println(" Applying JDC ... ... ");

mutant_op = new JDC(file_env, null, cdecl);






Page 92: Mutation Tesingmutation

void genClassMutants1(ClassDeclarationList cdecls)


for (int j=0; j<cdecls.size(); ++j)


ClassDeclaration cdecl = cdecls.get(j);

if (cdecl.getName().equals(MutationSystem.CLASS_NAME))


String qname = file_env.toQualifiedName(cdecl.getName());



mujava.op.util.Mutator mutant_op;

if (hasOperator(classOp,"AMC"))

Page 93: Mutation Tesingmutation


Debug.println(" Applying AMC ... ... ");

mutant_op = new AMC(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);



if (hasOperator(classOp, "IOR"))


Debug.println(" Applying IOR ... ... ");



Class parent_class = Class.forName(qname).getSuperclass();

if (!(parent_class.getName().equals("java.lang.Object")))


String temp_str = parent_class.getName();

Page 94: Mutation Tesingmutation

String result_str = "";

for (int k=0; k<temp_str.length(); k++)


char c = temp_str.charAt(k);

if (c == '.')


result_str = result_str + "/";




result_str = result_str + c;



File f = new File(MutationSystem.SRC_PATH, result_str +


Page 95: Mutation Tesingmutation

if (f.exists())


CompilationUnit[] parent_comp_unit = new CompilationUnit[1];

FileEnvironment[] parent_file_env = new FileEnvironment[1];

this.generateParseTree(f, parent_comp_unit, parent_file_env);

this.initParseTree(parent_comp_unit, parent_file_env);

mutant_op = new IOR(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);






} catch (ClassNotFoundException e)


System.out.println(" Exception at generating IOR mutant. File : ");

Page 96: Mutation Tesingmutation

} catch (NullPointerException e1)


System.out.print(" IOP ^^; ");



if (hasOperator(classOp, "ISD"))


Debug.println(" Applying ISD ... ... ");

mutant_op = new ISD( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );



if (hasOperator(classOp, "IOP"))


Page 97: Mutation Tesingmutation

Debug.println(" Applying IOP ... ... ");

mutant_op = new IOP(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);



if (hasOperator(classOp, "IPC"))


Debug.println(" Applying IPC ... ... ");

mutant_op = new IPC( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );



if (hasOperator(classOp, "PNC"))


Debug.println(" Applying PNC ... ... ");

Page 98: Mutation Tesingmutation

mutant_op = new PNC( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );



if (hasOperator(classOp, "PMD"))


Debug.println(" Applying PMD ... ... ");

// if(existIHD){

mutant_op = new PMD( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );




if (hasOperator(classOp, "PPD"))


Page 99: Mutation Tesingmutation

Debug.println(" Applying PPD ... ... ");

// if(existIHD){

mutant_op = new PPD( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );


// }


if (hasOperator (classOp, "PRV"))


Debug.println(" Applying PRV ... ... ");

mutant_op = new PRV( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );



if (hasOperator(classOp, "PCI"))

Page 100: Mutation Tesingmutation


Debug.println(" Applying PCI ... ... ");

mutant_op = new PCI( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );



if (hasOperator(classOp, "PCC"))


Debug.println(" Applying PCC ... ... ");

mutant_op = new PCC( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );



if (hasOperator(classOp, "PCD"))


Page 101: Mutation Tesingmutation

Debug.println(" Applying PCD ... ... ");

mutant_op = new PCD( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );



if (hasOperator(classOp, "JSD"))


Debug.println(" Applying JSC ... ... ");

mutant_op = new JSD( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );



if (hasOperator(classOp, "JSI"))


Debug.println(" Applying JSI ... ... ");

Page 102: Mutation Tesingmutation

mutant_op = new JSI( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );



if (hasOperator(classOp, "JTD"))


Debug.println(" Applying JTD ... ... ");

mutant_op = new JTD( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );



if (hasOperator(classOp, "JTI"))


Debug.println(" Applying JTI ... ... ");

mutant_op = new JTI( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );

Page 103: Mutation Tesingmutation



if (hasOperator(classOp, "JID"))


Debug.println(" Applying JID ... ... ");

mutant_op = new JID( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );



if (hasOperator(classOp, "OAN"))


Debug.println(" Applying OAN ... ... ");

mutant_op = new OAN( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );


Page 104: Mutation Tesingmutation


if (hasOperator(classOp, "EOA"))


Debug.println(" Applying EOA ... ... ");

mutant_op = new EOA( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );



if (hasOperator(classOp, "EOC"))


Debug.println(" Applying EOC ... ... ");

mutant_op = new EOC( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );



Page 105: Mutation Tesingmutation

if (hasOperator(classOp, "EAM"))


Debug.println(" Applying EAM ... ... ");

mutant_op = new EAM( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );



if (hasOperator(classOp, "EMM"))


Debug.println(" Applying EMM ... ... ");

mutant_op = new EMM( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );



Page 106: Mutation Tesingmutation

} catch (ParseTreeException e )


System.err.println( "Encountered errors during generating mutants." );







* Compile mutants into bytecode


public void compileMutants()


if (traditionalOp != null && traditionalOp.length > 0)

Page 107: Mutation Tesingmutation


Debug.println("* Compiling traditional mutants into bytecode");

MutationSystem.MUTANT_PATH =




if (classOp != null && classOp.length > 0)


Debug.println("* Compiling class mutants into bytecode");

MutationSystem.MUTANT_PATH =





Page 108: Mutation Tesingmutation

void genTraditionalMutants(ClassDeclarationList cdecls)


for(int j=0; j<cdecls.size(); ++j)


ClassDeclaration cdecl = cdecls.get(j);

if (cdecl.getName().equals(MutationSystem.CLASS_NAME))




mujava.op.util.Mutator mutant_op;

boolean AOR_FLAG = false;

if (hasOperator(traditionalOp, "AORB"))


Page 109: Mutation Tesingmutation

Debug.println(" Applying AOR-Binary ... ... ");

AOR_FLAG = true;

mutant_op = new AORB(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);



if (hasOperator(traditionalOp, "AORS"))


Debug.println(" Applying AOR-Short-Cut ... ... ");

AOR_FLAG = true;

mutant_op = new AORS(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);



if (hasOperator(traditionalOp, "AODU"))


Page 110: Mutation Tesingmutation

Debug.println(" Applying AOD-Normal-Unary ... ... ");

mutant_op = new AODU(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);




if (hasOperator(traditionalOp, "AODS"))


Debug.println(" Applying AOD-Short-Cut ... ... ");

mutant_op = new AODS(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);



if (hasOperator(traditionalOp, "AOIU"))


Debug.println(" Applying AOI-Normal-Unary ... ... ");

Page 111: Mutation Tesingmutation

mutant_op = new AOIU(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);




if (hasOperator(traditionalOp, "AOIS"))


Debug.println(" Applying AOI-Short-Cut ... ... ");

mutant_op = new AOIS(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);



if (hasOperator(traditionalOp, "ROR"))


Debug.println(" Applying ROR ... ... ");

mutant_op = new ROR(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);

Page 112: Mutation Tesingmutation



if (hasOperator(traditionalOp, "COR"))


Debug.println(" Applying COR ... ... ");

mutant_op = new COR(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);



if (hasOperator(traditionalOp, "COD"))


Debug.println(" Applying COD ... ... ");

mutant_op = new COD(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);


Page 113: Mutation Tesingmutation


if (hasOperator(traditionalOp, "COI"))


Debug.println(" Applying COI ... ... ");

mutant_op = new COI(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);



if (hasOperator(traditionalOp, "SOR"))


Debug.println(" Applying SOR ... ... ");

mutant_op = new SOR(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);



Page 114: Mutation Tesingmutation

if (hasOperator(traditionalOp, "LOR"))


Debug.println(" Applying LOR ... ... ");

mutant_op = new LOR(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);



if (hasOperator(traditionalOp, "LOI"))


Debug.println(" Applying LOI ... ... ");

mutant_op = new LOI(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);



Page 115: Mutation Tesingmutation

if (hasOperator(traditionalOp, "LOD"))


Debug.println(" Applying LOD ... ... ");

mutant_op = new LOD(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);



if (hasOperator(traditionalOp, "ASRS"))


Debug.println(" Applying ASR-Short-Cut ... ... ");

mutant_op = new ASRS(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);



} catch (ParseTreeException e)


Page 116: Mutation Tesingmutation

System.err.println( "Exception, during generating traditional mutants for

the class "

+ MutationSystem.CLASS_NAME);







Class Mutant Generator

Page 117: Mutation Tesingmutation

package mujava;

import openjava.mop.*;

import openjava.ptree.*;


import mujava.op.*;

import mujava.op.util.*;

import mujava.util.Debug;


* <p>Generate class mutants according to selected

* class mutation operator(s) from gui.GenMutantsMain.

* The original version is loaded, mutated, and compiled.

* Outputs (mutated source and class files) are in the

* class-mutants folder. </p>

Page 118: Mutation Tesingmutation


* <p> Currently available class mutation operators:

* (1) AMC: Access modifier change,

* (2) IHD: Hiding variable deletion,

* (3) IHI: Hiding variable insertion,

* (4) IOD: Overriding method deletion,

* (5) IOP: Overriding method calling position change,

* (6) IOR: Overriding method rename,

* (7) ISI: Super keyword insertion,

* (8) ISD: Super keyword deletion,

* (9) IPC: Explicit call to parent's constructor deletion,

* (10) PNC: New method call with child class type,

* (11) PMD: Member variable declaration with parent class type,

* (12) PPD: Parameter variable declaration with child class type,

* (13) PCI: Type cast operator insertion,

Page 119: Mutation Tesingmutation

* (14) PCC: Cast type change,

* (15) PCD: Type cast operator deletion,

* (16) PRV: Reference assignment with other compatible variable,

* (17) OMR: Overloading method contents replace,

* (18) OMD: Overloading method deletion,

* (19) OAN: Arguments of overloading method call change,

* (20) JTI: Java-specific this keyword insertion,

* (21) JTD: Java-specific this keyword deletion,

* (22) JSI: Java-specific static modifier insertion,

* (23) JSD: Java-specific static modifier deletion,

* (24) JID: Java-specific member variable initialization deletion,

* (25) JDC: Java-supported default constructor creation,

* (26) EOA: Java-specific reference assignment and content assignment


* (27) EOC: Java-specific reference comparison and content assignment


Page 120: Mutation Tesingmutation

* (28) EAM: Java-specific accessor method change,

* (29) EMM: Java-specific modifier method change

* </p>

* <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2005 by Yu-Seung Ma, ALL RIGHTS


* @author Yu-Seung Ma

* @version 1.0


public class ClassMutantsGenerator extends MutantsGenerator


boolean existIHD = false;

String[] classOp;

public ClassMutantsGenerator (File f)

Page 121: Mutation Tesingmutation



classOp = MutationSystem.cm_operators;


public ClassMutantsGenerator (File f, boolean debug)


super(f, debug);

classOp = MutationSystem.cm_operators;


public ClassMutantsGenerator (File f, String[] cOP)



classOp = cOP;

Page 122: Mutation Tesingmutation



* Verify if the target Java source and class files exist,

* generate class mutants


void genMutants()


if (comp_unit == null)


System.err.println(original_file + " is skipped.");


ClassDeclarationList cdecls = comp_unit.getClassDeclarations();

if (cdecls == null || cdecls.size() == 0)


Page 123: Mutation Tesingmutation

if (classOp != null && classOp.length > 0)


Debug.println("* Generating class mutants");


MutationSystem.MUTANT_PATH =








* Apply selected class mutation operators

* @param cdecls

Page 124: Mutation Tesingmutation


void genClassMutants (ClassDeclarationList cdecls)






* Apply selected class mutation operators: IHD, IHI, IOD, OMR, OMD, JDC

* @param cdecls


void genClassMutants2 (ClassDeclarationList cdecls)


for (int j=0; j<cdecls.size(); ++j)


Page 125: Mutation Tesingmutation

ClassDeclaration cdecl = cdecls.get(j);

if (cdecl.getName().equals(MutationSystem.CLASS_NAME))


DeclAnalyzer mutant_op;

if (hasOperator(classOp, "IHD"))


Debug.println(" Applying IHD ... ... ");

mutant_op = new IHD(file_env, null, cdecl);


if ( ( (IHD)mutant_op).getTotal() > 0 )

existIHD = true;


Page 126: Mutation Tesingmutation

if (hasOperator(classOp, "IHI"))


Debug.println(" Applying IHI ... ... ");

mutant_op = new IHI(file_env, null, cdecl);



if (hasOperator(classOp, "IOD"))


Debug.println(" Applying IOD ... ... ");

mutant_op = new IOD(file_env, null, cdecl);



if (hasOperator(classOp, "OMR"))

Page 127: Mutation Tesingmutation


Debug.println(" Applying OMR ... ... ");

mutant_op = new OMR(file_env, null, cdecl);



if (hasOperator(classOp, "OMD"))


Debug.println(" Applying OMD ... ... ");

mutant_op = new OMD(file_env, null, cdecl);



if (hasOperator(classOp, "JDC"))


Page 128: Mutation Tesingmutation

Debug.println(" Applying JDC ... ... ");

mutant_op = new JDC(file_env, null, cdecl);







* Apply selected class mutation operators:




* @param cdecls


Page 129: Mutation Tesingmutation

void genClassMutants1(ClassDeclarationList cdecls)


for (int j=0; j<cdecls.size(); ++j)


ClassDeclaration cdecl = cdecls.get(j);

if (cdecl.getName().equals(MutationSystem.CLASS_NAME))


String qname = file_env.toQualifiedName(cdecl.getName());



mujava.op.util.Mutator mutant_op;

if (hasOperator(classOp, "AMC"))


Page 130: Mutation Tesingmutation

Debug.println(" Applying AMC ... ... ");

mutant_op = new AMC(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);



if (hasOperator(classOp, "IOR"))


Debug.println(" Applying IOR ... ... ");



Class parent_class = Class.forName(qname).getSuperclass();

if ( !(parent_class.getName().equals("java.lang.Object")) )


String temp_str = parent_class.getName();

String result_str = "";

Page 131: Mutation Tesingmutation

for (int k=0; k<temp_str.length(); k++)


char c = temp_str.charAt(k);

if (c == '.')


result_str = result_str + "/";




result_str = result_str + c;



File f = new File(MutationSystem.SRC_PATH, result_str +


Page 132: Mutation Tesingmutation

if (f.exists())


CompilationUnit[] parent_comp_unit = new CompilationUnit[1];

FileEnvironment[] parent_file_env = new FileEnvironment[1];

this.generateParseTree(f, parent_comp_unit, parent_file_env);

this.initParseTree(parent_comp_unit, parent_file_env);

mutant_op = new IOR(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);







catch (ClassNotFoundException e)


Page 133: Mutation Tesingmutation

System.out.println(" Exception at generating IOR mutant. file : ");


catch (NullPointerException e1)


System.out.print(" IOP ^^; ");



if (hasOperator(classOp, "ISD"))


Debug.println(" Applying ISD ... ... ");

mutant_op = new ISD( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );



Page 134: Mutation Tesingmutation

if (hasOperator(classOp, "IOP"))


Debug.println(" Applying IOP ... ... ");

mutant_op = new IOP(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);



if (hasOperator(classOp, "IPC"))


Debug.println(" Applying IPC ... ... ");

mutant_op = new IPC( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );



if (hasOperator(classOp, "PNC"))

Page 135: Mutation Tesingmutation


Debug.println(" Applying PNC ... ... ");

mutant_op = new PNC( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );



if (hasOperator(classOp, "PMD"))


Debug.println(" Applying PMD ... ... ");


mutant_op = new PMD( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );




Page 136: Mutation Tesingmutation

if (hasOperator(classOp, "PPD"))


Debug.println(" Applying PPD ... ... ");

// if(existIHD){

mutant_op = new PPD( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );




if (hasOperator(classOp, "PRV"))


Debug.println(" Applying PRV ... ... ");

mutant_op = new PRV( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );



Page 137: Mutation Tesingmutation

if (hasOperator(classOp, "PCI"))


Debug.println(" Applying PCI ... ... ");

mutant_op = new PCI( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );



if (hasOperator(classOp, "PCC"))


Debug.println(" Applying PCC ... ... ");

mutant_op = new PCC( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );



Page 138: Mutation Tesingmutation

if (hasOperator(classOp, "PCD"))


Debug.println(" Applying PCD ... ... ");

mutant_op = new PCD( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );



if (hasOperator(classOp, "JSD"))


Debug.println(" Applying JSC ... ... ");

mutant_op = new JSD( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );



if (hasOperator(classOp, "JSI"))

Page 139: Mutation Tesingmutation


Debug.println(" Applying JSI ... ... ");

mutant_op = new JSI( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );



if (hasOperator(classOp, "JTD"))


Debug.println(" Applying JTD ... ... ");

mutant_op = new JTD( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );



if (hasOperator(classOp, "JTI"))


Page 140: Mutation Tesingmutation

Debug.println(" Applying JTI ... ... ");

mutant_op = new JTI( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );



if (hasOperator(classOp, "JID"))


Debug.println(" Applying JID ... ... ");

mutant_op = new JID( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );



if (hasOperator(classOp, "OAN"))


Debug.println(" Applying OAN ... ... ");

Page 141: Mutation Tesingmutation

mutant_op = new OAN( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );



if (hasOperator(classOp, "EOA"))


Debug.println(" Applying EOA ... ... ");

mutant_op = new EOA( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );



if (hasOperator(classOp, "EOC"))


Debug.println(" Applying EOC ... ... ");

mutant_op = new EOC( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );

Page 142: Mutation Tesingmutation



if (hasOperator(classOp, "EAM"))


Debug.println(" Applying EAM ... ... ");

mutant_op = new EAM( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );



if (hasOperator(classOp, "EMM"))


Debug.println(" Applying EMM ... ... ");

mutant_op = new EMM( file_env, cdecl, comp_unit );


Page 143: Mutation Tesingmutation



catch (ParseTreeException e )


System.err.println( "Encountered errors during generating mutants." );







* Compile class mutants into bytecode


Page 144: Mutation Tesingmutation

public void compileMutants()


if (classOp != null && classOp.length > 0)


Debug.println("* Compiling class mutants into bytecode");

MutationSystem.MUTANT_PATH =






Compile Test Case

package mujava;

Page 145: Mutation Tesingmutation

import mujava.MutationSystem;

import mujava.util.Debug;

import mujava.util.ExtensionFilter;




* <p>Description: </p>

* <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2005 by Yu-Seung Ma, ALL RIGHTS


* @author Yu-Seung Ma

* @version 1.0


public class compileTestcase


Page 146: Mutation Tesingmutation

public static void main(String[] args)



File f = new File(MutationSystem.TESTSET_PATH);

String[] s = f.list(new ExtensionFilter("java"));

String[] pars = new String[2+s.length];

pars[0] = "-classpath";

pars[1] = MutationSystem.CLASS_PATH;

for (int i=0; i<s.length; i++)


pars[i+2] = MutationSystem.TESTSET_PATH + "/" + s[i];




Page 147: Mutation Tesingmutation

// result = 0 : SUCCESS, result = 1 : FALSE

int result = Main.compile(pars,new PrintWriter(System.out));

if (result == 0)


Debug.println("Compile Finished");


} catch (Exception e)






Exception Mutant Generator

Page 148: Mutation Tesingmutation

package mujava;

import openjava.ptree.*;


import mujava.op.exception.*;

import mujava.op.util.*;

import mujava.util.Debug;


* <p>Generate exception-related mutants

* </p>

* <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2005 by Yu-Seung Ma, ALL RIGHTS


* @author Yu-Seung Ma

* @version 1.0


Page 149: Mutation Tesingmutation

public class ExceptionMutantsGenerator extends MutantsGenerator


String[] exceptionOp;

public ExceptionMutantsGenerator(File f)



exceptionOp = MutationSystem.em_operators;


public ExceptionMutantsGenerator(File f, boolean debug)


super(f, debug);

exceptionOp = MutationSystem.em_operators;

Page 150: Mutation Tesingmutation


public ExceptionMutantsGenerator(File f, String[] eOP)



exceptionOp = eOP;


void genMutants()


if (comp_unit == null)


System.err.println(original_file + " is skipped.");


Page 151: Mutation Tesingmutation

ClassDeclarationList cdecls = comp_unit.getClassDeclarations();

if (cdecls == null || cdecls.size() == 0)


if (exceptionOp != null && exceptionOp.length > 0)



MutationSystem.MUTANT_PATH =








Page 152: Mutation Tesingmutation

* Compile exception-related mutants into bytecode


public void compileMutants()


if (exceptionOp != null && exceptionOp.length > 0)


Debug.println("* Compiling exception-related mutants into bytecode");

MutationSystem.MUTANT_PATH =





void genExceptionMutants(ClassDeclarationList cdecls)


for (int j=0; j<cdecls.size(); ++j)

Page 153: Mutation Tesingmutation


ClassDeclaration cdecl = cdecls.get(j);

if (cdecl.getName().equals(MutationSystem.CLASS_NAME))




mujava.op.util.Mutator mutant_op;

if (hasOperator(exceptionOp, "EFD"))


Debug.println(" Applying EFD ... ... ");

mutant_op = new EFD(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);



Page 154: Mutation Tesingmutation

if (hasOperator(exceptionOp, "EHC"))


Debug.println(" Applying EHC ... ... ");

mutant_op = new EHC(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);



if (hasOperator(exceptionOp, "EHD"))


Debug.println(" Applying EHD ... ... ");

mutant_op = new EHD(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);



if (hasOperator(exceptionOp, "EHI"))

Page 155: Mutation Tesingmutation


Debug.println(" Applying EHI ... ... ");

mutant_op = new EHI(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);



if (hasOperator(exceptionOp, "ETC"))


Debug.println(" Applying ETC ... ... ");

mutant_op = new ETC(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);



if (hasOperator(exceptionOp, "ETD"))


Page 156: Mutation Tesingmutation

Debug.println(" Applying ETD ... ... ");

mutant_op = new ETD(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);



} catch (ParseTreeException e)


System.err.println( "Exception, during generating traditional mutants for

the class "

+ MutationSystem.CLASS_NAME);







Make MUJAVA Structure

Page 157: Mutation Tesingmutation

package mujava;



* <p>Description: </p>

* <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2005 by Yu-Seung Ma, ALL RIGHTS


* @author Yu-Seung Ma

* @version 1.0


public class makeMuJavaStructure {

Page 158: Mutation Tesingmutation

public static void main(String[] args) {


makeDir(new File(MutationSystem.SYSTEM_HOME));

makeDir(new File(MutationSystem.SRC_PATH));

makeDir(new File(MutationSystem.CLASS_PATH));

makeDir(new File(MutationSystem.MUTANT_HOME));

makeDir(new File(MutationSystem.TESTSET_PATH));


static void makeDir(File dir){

System.out.println("\nMake " + dir.getAbsolutePath() + " directory...");

boolean newly_made = dir.mkdir();


System.out.println(dir.getAbsolutePath() + " directory exists already.");


Page 159: Mutation Tesingmutation

System.out.println("Making " + dir.getAbsolutePath() + " directory " +

" ...done.");




Mutants Generator

package mujava;

Page 160: Mutation Tesingmutation

import openjava.mop.*;

import openjava.ptree.*;


import openjava.ptree.util.*;


import java.util.*;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;

import mujava.op.util.*;

import mujava.util.*;



* <p>Generate mutants according to selected mutation

* operator(s) from gui.GenMutantsMain.

* The original version is loaded, mutated, and compiled.

Page 161: Mutation Tesingmutation

* Outputs (mutated source and class files) are in the

* -mutants folder. </p>

* <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2005 by Yu-Seung Ma, ALL RIGHTS


* @author Yu-Seung Ma

* @version 1.0


public abstract class MutantsGenerator


//private boolean debug = false;

/** Java source file where mutation operators are applied to */

File original_file; // mutationÀ» Àû¿ëÇÒ file

/** mutation operators to apply */

Page 162: Mutation Tesingmutation

String[] operators = null;

FileEnvironment file_env = null;

CompilationUnit comp_unit = null;

public MutantsGenerator(File f)


this.original_file = f;



public MutantsGenerator(File f, boolean debug_flag)



//debug = debug_flag;

Page 163: Mutation Tesingmutation


public MutantsGenerator(File f, String[] operator_list)



operators = operator_list;


public MutantsGenerator(File f, String[] operator_list, boolean debug_flag)


this(f, operator_list);

//debug = debug_flag;



Page 164: Mutation Tesingmutation

* Generate and initialize parse tree from the original Java source file.

* Generate mutants. Arrange and compile the original Java source file.

* @return

* @throws OpenJavaException


public boolean makeMutants() throws OpenJavaException



Debug.print("* Generating parse tree. \n" );


Debug.print("..done. \n" );


Debug.print("* Initializing parse tree. \n" );


Page 165: Mutation Tesingmutation

Debug.print("..done. \n" );


Debug.print("* Generating Mutants \n" );


Debug.print("..done.\n" );


Debug.print("* Arranging original soure code. \n" );




Debug.print("..done. \n" );


return true;


Page 166: Mutation Tesingmutation

abstract void genMutants();

/*void generateMutant(OJClass mutant_op){

try {


}catch (Exception ex){

System.err.println("fail to translate " +mutant_op.getName()+" : " + ex);





* Generate mutants from Java bytecode


void generateMutant(DeclAnalyzer mutant_op)

Page 167: Mutation Tesingmutation






catch (Exception ex)


System.err.println("fail to translate " + mutant_op.getName() + " : " + ex);





* Arrange the original source file into an appropriate directory


Page 168: Mutation Tesingmutation

private void arrangeOriginal()


if (comp_unit == null)


System.err.println(original_file + " is skipped.");


ClassDeclarationList cdecls = comp_unit.getClassDeclarations();

for (int j=0; j<cdecls.size(); ++j)


ClassDeclaration cdecl = cdecls.get(j);

File outfile = null;



outfile = new File(MutationSystem.ORIGINAL_PATH,

MutationSystem.CLASS_NAME + ".java");

Page 169: Mutation Tesingmutation

FileWriter fout = new FileWriter( outfile );

PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter( fout );

MutantCodeWriter writer = new MutantCodeWriter( out );


comp_unit.accept( writer );




catch ( IOException e )


System.err.println( "fails to create " + outfile );


catch ( ParseTreeException e )


System.err.println( "errors during printing " + outfile );

Page 170: Mutation Tesingmutation






* Initialize parse tree

* @throws OpenJavaException


private void initParseTree() throws OpenJavaException




//System.out.println("OJSystem.env0 :" + OJSystem.env );

comp_unit.accept(new TypeNameQualifier (file_env));

Page 171: Mutation Tesingmutation

//System.out.println("OJSystem.env1 :" + OJSystem.env );

MemberAccessCorrector corrector = new


// System.out.println("OJSystem.env2 :" + OJSystem.env );


//System.out.println("OJSystem.env3 :" + OJSystem.env );


catch (ParseTreeException e)


throw new OpenJavaException("can't initialize parse tree");




* Initialize parse tree

* @param parent_comp_unit

Page 172: Mutation Tesingmutation

* @param parent_file_env


void initParseTree(CompilationUnit[] parent_comp_unit,FileEnvironment[]





parent_comp_unit[0].accept(new TypeNameQualifier(parent_file_env[0]));

MemberAccessCorrector corrector = new




catch (ParseTreeException e)


System.err.println("Encountered errors during analysis.");


Page 173: Mutation Tesingmutation




* Generate parse tree

* @throws OpenJavaException


private void generateParseTree() throws OpenJavaException




comp_unit = parse(original_file);

String pubcls_name = getMainClassName(file_env, comp_unit);

Page 174: Mutation Tesingmutation

if (pubcls_name == null)


int len = original_file.getName().length();

pubcls_name = original_file.getName().substring(0, len-6);


file_env = new FileEnvironment(OJSystem.env, comp_unit, pubcls_name);

ClassDeclarationList typedecls = comp_unit.getClassDeclarations();

for (int j = 0; j < typedecls.size(); ++j)


ClassDeclaration class_decl = typedecls.get(j);

OJClass c = makeOJClass(file_env, class_decl);

OJSystem.env.record(c.getName(), c);



Page 175: Mutation Tesingmutation


catch (OpenJavaException e1)


throw e1;


catch (Exception e)


System.err.println("errors during parsing. " + e);






Page 176: Mutation Tesingmutation

* Evaluate whether a parse tree is successfully generated

* @param f

* @param comp_unit

* @param file_env

* @return


boolean generateParseTree(File f, CompilationUnit[] comp_unit,

FileEnvironment[] file_env)




comp_unit[0] = parse(f);

String pubcls_name = getMainClassName(file_env[0], comp_unit[0]);

if (pubcls_name == null)


int len = f.getName().length();

Page 177: Mutation Tesingmutation

pubcls_name = f.getName().substring(0, len-6);


file_env[0] = new FileEnvironment(OJSystem.env, comp_unit[0],


ClassDeclarationList typedecls = comp_unit[0].getClassDeclarations();

for (int j=0; j<typedecls.size(); ++j)


ClassDeclaration class_decl = typedecls.get(j);

if ( class_decl.getName().equals(MutationSystem.CLASS_NAME) )


if ( class_decl.isInterface() ||

class_decl.getModifiers().contains(ModifierList.ABSTRACT) )

Page 178: Mutation Tesingmutation


return false;



OJClass c = makeOJClass(file_env[0], class_decl);

OJSystem.env.record(c.getName(), c);




catch (Exception e)


System.err.println("errors during parsing. " + e);


return false;

Page 179: Mutation Tesingmutation


return true;



* Record inner-classes

* @param c


private static void recordInnerClasses( OJClass c )


OJClass[] inners = c.getDeclaredClasses();

for (int i = 0; i < inners.length; ++i)


OJSystem.env.record( inners[i].getName(), inners[i] );

recordInnerClasses( inners[i] );

Page 180: Mutation Tesingmutation



/** -> to move to OJClass.forParseTree() **/

private OJClass makeOJClass( Environment env, ClassDeclaration cdecl )


OJClass result;

String qname = env.toQualifiedName( cdecl.getName() );

Class meta = OJSystem.getMetabind( qname );



Constructor constr = meta.getConstructor( new Class[]{

Environment . class,OJClass . class, ClassDeclaration . class } );

Object[] args = new Object[]{env, null, cdecl};

result = (OJClass) constr.newInstance(args);

Page 181: Mutation Tesingmutation


catch (Exception ex)


System.err.println("errors during gererating a metaobject for " + qname);


result = new OJClass( env, null, cdecl );


return result;



* Prepare a compilation unit

* @param file

* @return

* @throws OpenJavaException

Page 182: Mutation Tesingmutation


private static CompilationUnit parse( File file ) throws OpenJavaException


Parser parser;



parser = new Parser(new file ) );


catch ( e )


System.err.println( "File " + file + " not found." );

return null;


CompilationUnit result;

Page 183: Mutation Tesingmutation



System.out.println( "File " + file );

result = parser.CompilationUnit( OJSystem.env );


catch (ParseException e)


throw new OpenJavaException(" can't generate parse tree");


catch (Exception e)



result = null;


return result;

Page 184: Mutation Tesingmutation




* @param env

* @param comp_unit

* @return

* @throws ParseTreeException


private static String getMainClassName(FileEnvironment env,

CompilationUnit comp_unit) throws ParseTreeException


ClassDeclaration cd = comp_unit.getPublicClass();

if (cd != null)

Page 185: Mutation Tesingmutation


return cd.getName();



return null;



* Compile mutants


public void compileMutants()


File f = new File(MutationSystem.MUTANT_PATH);

String[] s = f.list(new MutantDirFilter());

Page 186: Mutation Tesingmutation

for (int i=0; i<s.length; i++)


File target_dir = new File(MutationSystem.MUTANT_PATH + "/" + s[i]);

String[] target_file = target_dir.list(new ExtensionFilter("java"));

Vector v = new Vector();

for (int j=0; j<target_file.length; j++)


v.add(MutationSystem.MUTANT_PATH + "/" + s[i] + "/" +



String[] pars = new String[v.size()+2];

pars[0] = "-classpath";

Page 187: Mutation Tesingmutation

pars[1] = MutationSystem.CLASS_PATH;

for (int j=0; j<v.size(); j++)


pars[2+j] = v.get(j).toString();




// result = 0 : SUCCESS, result = 1 : FALSE

//int result = Main.compile(pars,new PrintWriter(new


int result = Main.compile(pars);

if (result == 0)


Debug.print("+" + s[i] + " ");



Page 188: Mutation Tesingmutation


Debug.print("-" + s[i] + " ");

// delete directory

File dir_name = new File(MutationSystem.MUTANT_PATH + "/" +


File[] mutants = dir_name.listFiles();

boolean tr = false;

for (int j=0; j<mutants.length; j++)


// [tricky solution] It can produce loop -_-;;

while (!tr)


tr = mutants[j].delete();


tr = false;

Page 189: Mutation Tesingmutation


while (!tr)


tr = dir_name.delete();




catch (Exception e)







Page 190: Mutation Tesingmutation


* Compile original java source file


private void compileOriginal()


String[] pars= { "-classpath",


MutationSystem.ORIGINAL_PATH + "/" +

MutationSystem.CLASS_NAME + ".java"};



// result = 0 : SUCCESS, result = 1 : FALSE

//int result = Main.compile(pars,new PrintWriter(new



Page 191: Mutation Tesingmutation


catch (Exception e)





private static void initPrimitiveTypes()





* Determine whether a string contain a certain operator

Page 192: Mutation Tesingmutation

* @param list

* @param item

* @return true if a string contain the operator, false otherwise


protected boolean hasOperator (String[] list, String item)


for (int i=0; i<list.length; i++)


if (list[i].equals(item))

return true;


return false;



Test Executer

Page 193: Mutation Tesingmutation

package mujava;


import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;

import java.lang.reflect.*;



import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.HashMap;

import java.util.List;

import java.util.Map;

import java.util.Properties;

import java.util.Vector;

Page 194: Mutation Tesingmutation

import mujava.test.*;

import mujava.util.*;

import org.junit.*;

import org.junit.internal.RealSystem;

import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore;

import org.junit.runner.Result;

import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure;

import org.junit.runners.*;


* <p>Description: </p>

* <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2005 by Yu-Seung Ma, ALL RIGHTS


* @author Yu-Seung Ma

* @update by Nan Li May 2012 integration with JUnit

Page 195: Mutation Tesingmutation

* @version 1.0


public class TestExecuter {

Object lockObject = new Object();

//int TIMEOUT = 3000;


final int MAX_TRY = 100;

Class original_executer;

Object original_obj; // instancitation of the test set class

volatile Object mutant_result;

Page 196: Mutation Tesingmutation

Class mutant_executer; // test set class for a mutant

volatile Object mutant_obj; // test set object for a mutant

Method[] testCases;

volatile Method testcase;

String whole_class_name;

String testSet;

boolean mutantRunning = true;

//original test results

Map<String, String> originalResults = new HashMap<String, String>();

//results for mutants

Map<String, String> mutantResults = null;

//JUnit test cases

Page 197: Mutation Tesingmutation

List<String> junitTests = new ArrayList<String>();

//result of a test case

Result result = null;

//results as to how many mutants are killed by each test

Map<String, String> finalTestResults = new HashMap<String, String>();

//results as to how many tests can kill each single mutant

Map<String, String> finalMutantResults = new HashMap<String, String>();

public TestExecuter(String targetClassName) {

int index = targetClassName.lastIndexOf(".");


MutationSystem.CLASS_NAME = targetClassName;


Page 198: Mutation Tesingmutation

MutationSystem.CLASS_NAME =



MutationSystem.DIR_NAME = targetClassName;

MutationSystem.CLASS_MUTANT_PATH =









whole_class_name = targetClassName;

Page 199: Mutation Tesingmutation


public void setTimeOut(int msecs){

TIMEOUT = msecs;


public boolean readTestSet(String testSetName){


testSet = testSetName;

// Class loader for the original class

OriginalLoader myLoader = new OriginalLoader();


original_executer = myLoader.loadTestClass(testSet);

original_obj = original_executer.newInstance(); // initialization of the test

set class

Page 200: Mutation Tesingmutation

if(original_obj == null){

System.out.println("Can't instantiace original object");

return false;


// read testcases from the test set class

testCases = original_executer.getDeclaredMethods();


System.out.println(" No test case exist ");

return false;


}catch(Exception e){


return false;


Page 201: Mutation Tesingmutation

return true;


boolean sameResult(Object result1,Object result2){

if( !(result1.toString().equals(result2.toString())) ) return false;

return true;


public TestResult runClassMutants() throws


MutationSystem.MUTANT_PATH =


TestResult test_result = new TestResult();

runMutants(test_result, "");

return test_result;

Page 202: Mutation Tesingmutation


public TestResult runExceptionMutants() throws


MutationSystem.MUTANT_PATH =


TestResult test_result = new TestResult();

runMutants(test_result, "");

return test_result;


public TestResult runTraditionalMutants(String methodSignature) throws


MutationSystem.MUTANT_PATH =


Page 203: Mutation Tesingmutation

String original_mutant_path = MutationSystem.MUTANT_PATH;

TestResult test_result = new TestResult();

if(methodSignature.equals("All method")){




File f = new File(MutationSystem.TRADITIONAL_MUTANT_PATH,


FileReader r = new FileReader(f);

BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(r);

String readSignature = reader.readLine();

while(readSignature != null){

Page 204: Mutation Tesingmutation

MutationSystem.MUTANT_PATH = original_mutant_path + "/" +



runMutants(test_result, readSignature);

}catch(NoMutantException e){


readSignature = reader.readLine();



}catch(Exception e){

System.err.println("Error in update() in");



MutationSystem.MUTANT_PATH = original_mutant_path + "/" +


Page 205: Mutation Tesingmutation

runMutants(test_result, methodSignature);


return test_result;



* get the result of the test under the mutanted program

* @deprecated

* @param mutant

* @param testcase

* @throws InterruptedException


void runMutants(Object mutant,Method testcase) throws InterruptedException{

mutantRunning = true;


Page 206: Mutation Tesingmutation

// testcase execution

mutant_result = testcase.invoke(mutant_obj,null);

}catch(Exception e){

// execption occurred -> abnormal execution

mutant_result = e.getCause().getClass().getName()+" : "



mutantRunning = false;




//throw new InterruptedException();


synchronized void waitUntilAtLeast(long timeOut) throws


Page 207: Mutation Tesingmutation




* get the mutants for one method based on the method signature

* @param methodSignature

* @return

* @throws NoMutantDirException

* @throws NoMutantException


private String[] getMutants (String methodSignature) throws

NoMutantDirException, NoMutantException{

// Read mutants

//System.out.println("mutant_path: " +


Page 208: Mutation Tesingmutation

File f = new File(MutationSystem.MUTANT_PATH);


System.err.println(" There is no directory for the mutants of " +


System.err.println(" Please generate mutants for " +


throw new NoMutantDirException();


// mutantDirectories match the names of mutants

String[] mutantDirectories = f.list(new MutantDirFilter());

if(mutantDirectories == null || mutantDirectories.length == 0){


Page 209: Mutation Tesingmutation

System.err.println(" No mutants have been generated for the

method " + methodSignature + " of the class" +



System.err.println(" No mutants have been generated for the

class " + MutationSystem.CLASS_NAME);

// System.err.println(" Please check if zero mutant is correct.");

// throw new NoMutantException();


return mutantDirectories;



* compute the result of a test under the original program

Page 210: Mutation Tesingmutation


public void computeOriginalTestResults(){


n======================================== Generating Original

Test Results ========================================");


//initialize the original results to "pass"

//later the results of the failed test cases will be updated

for(int k = 0;k < testCases.length;k++){

Annotation[] annotations = testCases[k].getDeclaredAnnotations();

for(Annotation annotation : annotations)


//System.out.println("name: " + testCases[k].getName() +

annotation.toString() + annotation.toString().indexOf("@org.junit.Test"));

if(annotation.toString().indexOf("@org.junit.Test") != -1){

Page 211: Mutation Tesingmutation

//killed_mutants[k]= ""; // At first, no mutants are killed by

each test case

originalResults.put(testCases[k].getName(), "pass");


finalTestResults.put(testCases[k].getName(), "");





JUnitCore jCore = new JUnitCore();

//result = jCore.runMain(new RealSystem(), "VMTEST1");

result =;

//get the failure report and update the original result of the test with the


Page 212: Mutation Tesingmutation

List<Failure> listOfFailure = result.getFailures();

for(Failure failure: listOfFailure){

String nameOfTest = failure.getTestHeader().substring(0,


String testSourceName = testSet + "." + nameOfTest;

//System.out.println("failure message: " + failure.getMessage()

+ failure.getMessage().equals(""));

String[] sb = failure.getTrace().split("\\n");

String lineNumber = "";

for(int i = 0; i < sb.length;i++){

if(sb[i].indexOf(testSourceName) != -1){

lineNumber = sb[i].substring(sb[i].indexOf(":") +

1, sb[i].indexOf(")"));



Page 213: Mutation Tesingmutation

//put the failure messages into the test results

if(failure.getMessage() == null)

originalResults.put(nameOfTest, nameOfTest + ": " +

lineNumber + "; " + "fail");



originalResults.put(nameOfTest, nameOfTest + ":

" + lineNumber + "; " + "fail");


originalResults.put(nameOfTest, nameOfTest + ":

" + lineNumber + "; " + failure.getMessage());




Page 214: Mutation Tesingmutation

// System.out.println(System.getProperty("user.dir"));

// System.out.println(System.getProperty("java.class.path"));

// System.out.println(System.getProperty("java.library.path"));


catch(Exception e){



// original_results[k] = e.getCause().getClass().getName()+" : "


// Debug.println("Result for " + testName + " : " +original_results[k] );

// Debug.println(" [warining] " + testName + " generate exception as a result "


Page 215: Mutation Tesingmutation

// ----------------------------------





private TestResult runMutants(TestResult tr, String methodSignature) throws



String[] mutantDirectories = getMutants(methodSignature);

int mutant_num = mutantDirectories.length;


Page 216: Mutation Tesingmutation

for(int i = 0;i < mutant_num;i++){

// set live mutnats



// result againg original class for each test case

// Object[] original_results = new Object[testCases.length];

// list of the names of killed mutants with each test case

//String[] killed_mutants = new String[testCases.length];


Executing Mutants ========================================");

for(int i = 0; i < tr.mutants.size(); i++){

// read the information for the "i"th live mutant

String mutant_name = tr.mutants.get(i).toString();

finalMutantResults.put(mutant_name, "");

Page 217: Mutation Tesingmutation

JMutationLoader mutantLoader = new JMutationLoader(mutant_name);


mutant_executer = mutantLoader.loadTestClass(testSet);

mutant_obj = mutant_executer.newInstance();

Debug.print(" " + mutant_name);


// Mutants are runned using Thread to detect infinite loop caused by mutation

Runnable r = new Runnable(){

public void run(){


mutantRunning = true;

//original test results

mutantResults = new HashMap<String, String>();

Page 218: Mutation Tesingmutation

for(int k = 0;k < testCases.length;k++){

Annotation[] annotations = testCases[k].getDeclaredAnnotations();

for(Annotation annotation : annotations)


//System.out.println("name: " + testCases[k].getName()

+ annotation.toString() + annotation.toString().indexOf("@org.junit.Test"));

if(annotation.toString().indexOf("@org.junit.Test") != -


//killed_mutants[k]= ""; // At first, no mutants are

killed by each test case







Page 219: Mutation Tesingmutation

JUnitCore jCore = new JUnitCore();

result =;

List<Failure> listOfFailure = result.getFailures();

for(Failure failure: listOfFailure){

String nameOfTest =

failure.getTestHeader().substring(0, failure.getTestHeader().indexOf("("));

String testSourceName = testSet + "." + nameOfTest;


String[] sb = failure.getTrace().split("\\n");

String lineNumber = "";

for(int i = 0; i < sb.length;i++){

//System.out.println("sb-trace: " + sb[i]);

if(sb[i].indexOf(testSourceName) != -1){

Page 220: Mutation Tesingmutation

lineNumber =

sb[i].substring(sb[i].indexOf(":") + 1, sb[i].indexOf(")"));



//get the line where the error happens


String tempLineNumber = "";

if(failure.getTrace().indexOf(testSourceName) != -1){

tempLineNumber =

failure.getTrace().substring(failure.getTrace().indexOf(testSourceName) +

testSourceName.length() + 1, failure.getTrace().indexOf(testSourceName) +

testSourceName.length() + 5);

System.out.println("tempLineNumber: " +


lineNumber = tempLineNumber.substring(0,


Page 221: Mutation Tesingmutation

//System.out.print("LineNumber: " +


} */

//get the test name that has the error and save the failure

info to the results for mutants

if(failure.getMessage() == null)

mutantResults.put(nameOfTest, nameOfTest + ":

" + lineNumber + "; " + "fail");

else if(failure.getMessage().equals(""))

mutantResults.put(nameOfTest, nameOfTest + ":

" + lineNumber + "; " + "fail");


mutantResults.put(nameOfTest, nameOfTest + ":

" + lineNumber + "; " + failure.getMessage());



Page 222: Mutation Tesingmutation

mutantRunning = false;




}catch(Exception e){







Thread t = new Thread(r);


Page 223: Mutation Tesingmutation


lockObject.wait(TIMEOUT); // Check out if a mutant is in infinite loop



//System.out.println("check point4");


mutant_result = "time_out: more than " + TIMEOUT + " seconds";

//mutantResults.put(nameOfTest, nameOfTest + ": " + lineNumber + "; " +



}catch(Exception e){

mutant_result = e.getCause().getClass().getName()+" : "



Page 224: Mutation Tesingmutation

//determine whether a mutant is killed or not

//update the test report

boolean sign = false;

for(int k = 0;k < junitTests.size();k++){

String name = junitTests.get(k);


sign = true;

//update the final results by tests


finalTestResults.put(name, mutant_name);


finalTestResults.put(name, finalTestResults.get(name) + ", "

+ mutant_name);

//update the final results by mutants


finalMutantResults.put(mutant_name, name);

Page 225: Mutation Tesingmutation



finalMutantResults.get(mutant_name) + ", " + name);



if(sign == true)




mutantLoader = null;

mutant_executer = null;



Page 226: Mutation Tesingmutation

for(int i = 0;i < tr.killed_mutants.size();i++){




System.out.println(" Analysis of testcases ");

for(int i = 0;i < killed_mutants.length;i++){

System.out.println(" test " + (i+1) + " kill ==> " + killed_mutants[i]);



}catch(NoMutantException e1){

throw e1;

}catch(NoMutantDirException e2){

throw e2;


/*catch(ClassNotFoundException e3){

Page 227: Mutation Tesingmutation

System.err.println("[Execution 1] " + e3);

return null;


*/catch(Exception e){

System.err.println("[Exception 2]" + e);

return null;


System.out.println("test report: " + finalTestResults);

System.out.println("mutant report: " + finalMutantResults);

return tr;


void erase_killed_mutants(Vector v){

System.out.println("Deleting directories of killed mutants");

for(int i=0;i<v.size();i++){

Page 228: Mutation Tesingmutation

System.out.print(v.get(i).toString()+" ");




void erase_directory(String mutant_name){

File mutant_dir = new


File[] f = mutant_dir.listFiles();

boolean flag = false;

for(int i=0;i<f.length;i++){


flag = f[i].delete();


flag = false;


Page 229: Mutation Tesingmutation


flag = mutant_dir.delete();




Traditional Mutants Generator

package mujava;

import openjava.ptree.*;


import mujava.op.basic.*;

import mujava.op.util.*;

Page 230: Mutation Tesingmutation

import mujava.util.Debug;


* <p>Generate traditional mutants according to selected

* operator(s) from gui.GenMutantsMain.

* The original version is loaded, mutated, and compiled.

* Outputs (mutated source and class files) are in

* the traditional-mutants folder. </p>


* <p>Currently available traditional mutation operators:

* (1) AORB: Arithmetic Operator Replacement (Binary),

* (2) AORU: Arithmetic Operator Replacement (Unary),

* (3) AORS: Arithmetic Operator Replacement (Short-cut),

* (4) AODU: Arithmetic Operator Deletion (Unary),

* (5) AODS: Arithmetic Operator Deletion (Short-cut),

Page 231: Mutation Tesingmutation

* (6) AOIU: Arithmetic Operator Insertion (Unary),

* (7) AOIS: Arithmetic Operator Insertion (Short-cut),

* (8) ROR: Rational Operator Replacement,

* (9) COR: Conditional Operator Replacement,

* (10) COD: Conditional Operator Deletion,

* (11) COI: Conditional Operator Insertion,

* (12) SOR: Shift Operator Replacement,

* (13) LOR: Logical Operator Replacement,

* (14) LOI: Logical Operator Insertion,

* (15) LOD: Logical Operator Deletion,

* (16) ASRS: Assignment Operator Replacement (short-cut)

* </p>

* <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2005 by Yu-Seung Ma, ALL RIGHTS


* @author Yu-Seung Ma

* @version 1.0

Page 232: Mutation Tesingmutation


/* upsorn: 11/08/2009 - need to work on nesting

* (17) SID: If-Statement Deletion,

* (18) SFD: For-Statement Deletion,

* (19) SSD: Switch-Statement Deletion,

* (20) SWD: While-Statement Deletion


public class TraditionalMutantsGenerator extends MutantsGenerator


String[] traditionalOp;

public TraditionalMutantsGenerator(File f)


Page 233: Mutation Tesingmutation


traditionalOp = MutationSystem.tm_operators;


public TraditionalMutantsGenerator(File f, boolean debug)


super (f, debug);

traditionalOp = MutationSystem.tm_operators;


public TraditionalMutantsGenerator(File f, String[] tOP)



traditionalOp = tOP;


Page 234: Mutation Tesingmutation


* Verify if the target Java source and class files exist,

* generate traditional mutants


void genMutants()


if (comp_unit == null)


System.err.println (original_file + " is skipped.");


ClassDeclarationList cdecls = comp_unit.getClassDeclarations();

if (cdecls == null || cdecls.size() == 0)


Page 235: Mutation Tesingmutation

if (traditionalOp != null && traditionalOp.length > 0)


Debug.println("* Generating traditional mutants");


MutationSystem.MUTANT_PATH =







Page 236: Mutation Tesingmutation


* Compile traditional mutants into bytecode


public void compileMutants()


if (traditionalOp != null && traditionalOp.length > 0)




Debug.println("* Compiling traditional mutants into bytecode");

String original_tm_path =


File f = new File(original_tm_path, "method_list");

FileReader r = new FileReader(f);

BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(r);

Page 237: Mutation Tesingmutation

String str = reader.readLine();

while (str != null)


MutationSystem.MUTANT_PATH = original_tm_path + "/" + str;


str = reader.readLine();



MutationSystem.MUTANT_PATH = original_tm_path;

} catch (Exception e)



System.err.println("Error at compileMutants() in");


Page 238: Mutation Tesingmutation




* Apply selected traditional mutation operators:



* @param cdecls


void genTraditionalMutants(ClassDeclarationList cdecls)


for (int j=0; j<cdecls.size(); ++j)


ClassDeclaration cdecl = cdecls.get(j);

Page 239: Mutation Tesingmutation

//take care of the case for generics

String tempName = cdecl.getName();

if(tempName.indexOf("<") != -1 && tempName.indexOf(">")!= -1)

tempName = tempName.substring(0, tempName.indexOf("<")) +

tempName.substring(tempName.lastIndexOf(">") + 1, tempName.length());

if (tempName.equals(MutationSystem.CLASS_NAME))




mujava.op.util.Mutator mutant_op;

boolean AOR_FLAG = false;



//generate a list of methods from the original java class

Page 240: Mutation Tesingmutation

//System.out.println("MutationSystem.MUTANT_PATH: " +


File f = new File(MutationSystem.MUTANT_PATH, "method_list");

FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(f);

PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(fout);

mutant_op = new CreateDirForEachMethod(file_env, cdecl,

comp_unit, out);




} catch (Exception e)


System.err.println("Error in writing method list");


Page 241: Mutation Tesingmutation


if (hasOperator (traditionalOp, "AORB") )


Debug.println(" Applying AOR-Binary ... ... ");

AOR_FLAG = true;

mutant_op = new AORB(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);



if (hasOperator (traditionalOp, "AORS") )


Debug.println(" Applying AOR-Short-Cut ... ... ");

AOR_FLAG = true;

mutant_op = new AORS(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);

Page 242: Mutation Tesingmutation



if (hasOperator (traditionalOp, "AODU") )


Debug.println(" Applying AOD-Normal-Unary ... ... ");

mutant_op = new AODU(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);




if (hasOperator (traditionalOp, "AODS") )


Debug.println(" Applying AOD-Short-Cut ... ... ");

mutant_op = new AODS(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);

Page 243: Mutation Tesingmutation



if (hasOperator (traditionalOp, "AOIU") )


Debug.println(" Applying AOI-Normal-Unary ... ... ");

mutant_op = new AOIU(file_env,cdecl,comp_unit);




if (hasOperator (traditionalOp, "AOIS") )


Debug.println(" Applying AOI-Short-Cut ... ... ");

mutant_op = new AOIS(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);


Page 244: Mutation Tesingmutation


if (hasOperator (traditionalOp, "ROR") )


Debug.println(" Applying ROR ... ... ");

mutant_op = new ROR(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);



if (hasOperator (traditionalOp, "COR") )


Debug.println(" Applying COR ... ... ");

mutant_op = new COR(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);



Page 245: Mutation Tesingmutation

if (hasOperator (traditionalOp, "COD") )


Debug.println(" Applying COD ... ... ");

mutant_op = new COD(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);



if (hasOperator (traditionalOp, "COI") )


Debug.println(" Applying COI ... ... ");

mutant_op = new COI(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);



Page 246: Mutation Tesingmutation

if (hasOperator (traditionalOp, "SOR") )


Debug.println(" Applying SOR ... ... ");

mutant_op = new SOR(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);



if (hasOperator (traditionalOp, "LOR") )


Debug.println(" Applying LOR ... ... ");

mutant_op = new LOR(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);



if (hasOperator (traditionalOp, "LOI") )

Page 247: Mutation Tesingmutation


Debug.println(" Applying LOI ... ... ");

mutant_op = new LOI(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);



if (hasOperator (traditionalOp, "LOD") )


Debug.println(" Applying LOD ... ... ");

mutant_op = new LOD(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);



if (hasOperator (traditionalOp, "ASRS") )


Page 248: Mutation Tesingmutation

Debug.println(" Applying ASR-Short-Cut ... ... ");

mutant_op = new ASRS(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);



// upsorn: First attempt: statement deletion operator

// if (hasOperator (traditionalOp, "SDL") )

// {

// Debug.println(" Applying SDL ... ... ");

// mutant_op = new SDL(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);

// comp_unit.accept(mutant_op);

// }


if (hasOperator (traditionalOp, "SID") )


Page 249: Mutation Tesingmutation

Debug.println(" Applying SID ... ... ");

mutant_op = new SID(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);



if (hasOperator (traditionalOp, "SWD") )


Debug.println(" Applying SWD ... ... ");

mutant_op = new SWD(file_env, cdecl, comp_unit);




} catch (ParseTreeException e)


System.err.println( "Exception, during generating traditional mutants for

the class "

Page 250: Mutation Tesingmutation

+ MutationSystem.CLASS_NAME);








Page 251: Mutation Tesingmutation

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