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Volume XXI, Number 224 9thWaning of Tazaungmon 1375 ME Tuesday, 26 November, 2013


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Nay Pyi Taw, 25 Nov—Mrs. Ann Ollestad, the newly-accredited Ambassador of Norway to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar presented her Credentials to U Thein Sein, President of the the Republic of the Union of Myanmar at Presidential Palace, Nay Pyi Taw at 11:30 am today.

Present on the occasion were Union Minister for Foreign Affairs U Wunna Maung Lwin, Union Minister at President Office U Thein Nyunt and Director-General U Thurain Thant Zin of the Protocol Department.—MNA

Nay Pyi Taw, 25 Nov—Mr. Miodrag Nikolin, the newly-ac-credited Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar pre-sented his Credentials to U Thein Sein, President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar at the Presidential Palace, Nay

President accepts Credentials of

Serbian AmbassadorPyi Taw at 11:00 am to-day.

Present on the occa-sion were Union Minis-ter for Foreign Affairs U Wunna Maung Lwin, Union Minister at Presi-dent Office U Thein Nyunt and Director-Gen-eral U Thurain Thant Zin of the Protocol Depart-ment.—MNA

President accepts Credentials of Ambassador of Norway

President U Thein Sein holds talks with Mrs. Ann Ollestad, the newly-accredited

Ambassador of Norway to Myanmar.—mna

President U Thein Sein poses for documentary photo with Mr. Miodrag

Nikolin, the newly-accredited Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to Myanmar, at the

Presidential Palace.—mna

Israel says Iran nuclear deal a historic mistake

IAEA says P5+1 agreement with Iran “another

important step forward”

China fights back against US accusations of blocking

WTO technology deal

Climate talks conclude, urging nations to put

forward “contributions”

20,000 evacuated to shelters as volcano

threat rises to highest in Indonesia

Page 3

yaNgoN, 25 Nov—The first Israeli Film Festival 2013 was held at Nay Pyi Taw movie theatre in Yangon yesterday evening. It was attended by Yangon Region Chief Minister U Myint Swe and wife Daw Khin Thet Htay, the region ministers and their wives, Israeli Ambassador to Myanmar Mr. Ha-gay Moshe Behar, officials of the

First Israeli Film Festival 2013 launched

foreign embassy and guests.At the ceremony, the Israeli

ambassador to Myanmar extended greetings and the chief minister and party enjoyed "AVIVA MY LOVE" movie.

During the festival, six Israeli movies will be shown at Nay Pyi Taw movie theatre from 24 to 27 November.—MNA

Nay Pyi Taw, 25 Nov—According to the ob-servations at (17:30) hrs MST today, the severe cyclonic storm “LEHAR” over Southeast Bay of Bengal centered at about (125) miles Northwest of Port Blair (Andaman Island), India and about (180) miles Southwest of Cocogyun and about (350) miles Southwest of Pathein, Myanmar. It is forecast to move West-Northwest wards.

Under the influence of the severe cyclonic storm, rain or thundershowers will be scattered to fairly widespread in Bago, Yangon, Ayeyawady

Cyclonic storm “LEHAR” not moving towards Myanmarand Taninthayi Regions, Rakhine, Kayin and Mon States with likelihood of isolated heavy falls in Yangon and Ayeyawady Regions.

Occasional squalls with rough seas will be ex-perienced off and along Myanmar Coasts. Surface wind speed in squalls may reach (40) m.p.h.

The present stage of the severe cyclonic storm is coded yellow stage and it is not moving towards Myanmar coasts.

Trawlers, vessels and ships are advised to ad-vert possible danger by the cyclone.—NLM


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Tuesday, 26 November, 20132 New Light of MyanmarLocaL News

Flag hailing the XXVII SEA Games are being hoisted along the roads and in front of City Hall and Maha Bandoola Park on 21 November.

SEA Games flags in a row around City HallYangon, 25 Nov—

As XXVII SEA Games is getting nearer, preparations of departments to host the games have been completed cent per cent.

Meanwhile, archways and signboards have been

erected in commemoration of the games in Yangon where some sports events will be hosted.

S E A G a m e s commemorative flags have been hoisted in cooperation with companies.

The flags were hoisted in front of the Yangon City Hall near Sule Pagoda and at front row and both left and right sides of Maha Bandoola Park.

MMAL-Tin Win Lay (Kyimyindine)

The poster bearing “Welcome

Participants” erected in Ngwehsaung

Beach with pictures of President U Thein

Sein and Vice-Presidents.

MMAL-KAyAn Soe Myint

Arrival of pilgrims, holiday-makers on increase in Kayah State

Loikaw , 25 Nov—Peace brings fruitful results to Kayah State with better transport and security. Thus, a large number of cargo and passenger buses enter the state day by day. As

of November, vehicles of pilgrimage tour arrive there.

Due to better transport facilities, many holiday-makers visit Kayah State. Growing number of flocks of tourists at home and

abroad beneft development of domestic goods shops, restaurants, lodgings and hotels.

While visiting Kayah State, the visitors at home and abroad understand

nature of the state, lifestyles of the people and businesses. As such, peace plays a crucial role for the regional development, said a local.

The p i lg r ims can visit and pay homage to pagodas and stupas in Loikaw and Dimawhso and enjoy panoramic views of natural beauties at Bilu Creek, Nawngya Lake, Htayhngahla Lake, seven lakes, Htipwint Lake, Ngwetaung Dam, Kyat Cave and lifestyles and traditions of ethnics of Kayah State.

In the past, Kayah had lass number of tourists. At present, the state can attract larger number of tourists at home and abroad thanks to prevailing peace and tranquillity.

MMAl-Kyee Myint Naing (Loikaw)

naY PYi Taw, 25 Nov—Myanmar chess players have set hopes for securing gold medals in the SEA Games, said Head of Office U Myo Zaw Min of Myanmar Chess Federation.

“We will take part in three events of Chess sports in the SEA Games. These events will be international

chess, ASEAN chess and traditional chess events. Eighteen gold medals will be awarded to the winners in the six events of international chess, five of ASEAN chess and seven of traditional chess events,” said U Myo Zaw Min.

“We have chosen 15 male chess players and

eight female players for the Myanmar chess team. They are now under training of Myanmar coaches. Myanmar chess team had won the medals, but not gold. Now, we have vowed to sweep gold medals in the games. So, they are now trying their best in the training,” he explained.

The chess event will be held at Zabuthiri Hotel from 11 to 21 December. Myanmar chess players will have the opportunities to win the medals as well as to have experiences.

Taking experience from the SEA Games, they will have to compete in the Asian and World level tournaments. That is why it is necessary to develop chess events in the nation to meet international standards.

MMAL-Maung Shwe YoeChess players concentrate on their events in

Pre-SEA Games Chess Test Match.

Myanmar chess masters hope gold in SEA Games

National Sports

Research papers on ancient Mottama city read

Paung, 25 Nov—With the assistance of Mon State government and Thanlwin Aye Co, a paper-reading session on ancient Mottama city of Paung Township was held at the hall of Mottama Basic Education High School on 10 November.

Cha i rman o f t he organizing committee Dr Than Oo extended greetings. Mon State Minister for Planning and Economic Dr Min Nwe Soe made a

speech.Resource persons Prof

Dr Khin Saw Aung, Prof Daw Kyin Swam, Daw Mya Mya Cho, Nan Kyi Kyi Khaing and U San Win of Myanmar Historical Commission read their papers and replied to queries. The Mon State minister gave concluding remarks. Managing Director U Aung Kyaw Moe of Thanlwin Aye Co presented gifts to resource persons.


93rd Anniversary National Day

10th Waning of Tazaungmon, 1375 ME


Objectives of 93rd Anniversary National Day

(1) Uplift of national prestige and integrity and dynamism of Union spirit

(2) Promotion of national educational stand-ard

(3) Perpetuation of independence and sov-ereignty

(4) Building of a new modern, developed nation

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Tuesday, 26 November, 2013 3New Light of MyanmarWORLD

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (C) attends the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem

on 24 Nov, 2013.—ReuteRs

Israel says Iran nuclear deal a historic mistake

Jerusalem, 25 Nov — Israeli Prime Minis-ter Benjamin Netanyahu denounced a nuclear deal with Iran as a historic mis-take on Sunday that leaves the production of atomic weapons within Teheran’s reach and said Israel would not be bound by it.

Having lost its battle against easing sanctions, Israel appeared to be chart-ing a new strategy: intense scrutiny by its intelligence services of Iran’s com-pliance with the interim agreement and lobbying for stronger terms in a final accord that world powers

and the Islamic Republic are still pursuing.

The terms of the deal and re-engagement of the West with Iran, after a pro-tracted, volatile standoff, are a setback for Netanya-hu, who had demanded Iran be stripped of its nuclear enrichment capabilities al-together.

His military options in confronting Teheran now seem more limited and like-ly to risk Israel’s isolation. A grim-faced Netanyahu said in a statement in Eng-lish after meeting his cabi-net that Israel would not be bound by the accord.

“What was concluded in Geneva last night is not a historic agreement, it is a historic mistake,” he said.

“Today the world has become a much more dan-gerous place because the most dangerous regime in the world took a significant step towards obtaining the world’s most dangerous weapon.”

The United States said the agreement would ar-rest Iran’s most sensitive nuclear work, including the construction of the Arak research reactor, which is of special concern for the West as it could produce

plutonium for bombs.“Israel is threatened

by what has been going on in Iran,” US Secretary of State John Kerry told CNN.

“But I believe that from this day — for the

next six months —Israel is in fact safer than it was yesterday because we now have a mechanism by which we are going to ex-pand the amount of time in which they (the Iranians) can break out (toward mak-

ing a nuclear bomb,” Kerry said.

The deal provides for intrusive UN nuclear in-spections and compels Iran to cease the stockpiling of uranium refined to a fissile concentration of 20 per-cent — a close step away from the level needed for weapons.

Iran, which says it is pursuing its nuclear pro-gramme for peaceful pur-poses only, also promised to stop uranium enrich-ment above a low fissile purity of 5 percent.

Netanyahu said those terms left Israel’s arch-enemy with little incentive down the line to disman-tle its uranium-enriching centrifuges and plutonium reactor.—Reuters

German parties edge warily towards ‘grand coalition’ deal

Berlin, 25 Nov — An-gela Merkel’s conservatives and the Social Democrats (SPD) head into a decisive week of German coalition talks on track to form a gov-ernment but under fire from their own members for a se-ries of policy compromises.

The chancellor’s Christian Democratic Un-ion (CDU) beat the SPD in an election two months ago, but failed to secure a parlia-mentary majority, forcing her into talks with her arch-rivals.

Negotiations have dragged on, leaving Mer-

kel’s outgoing center-right coalition in charge but un-able to move on urgent Eu-ropean policy decisions.

The parties are ex-pected to overcome their remaining differences and divide up cabinets posts this week.

But complaints with-in the CDU about policy compromises have grown louder in recent weeks as the SPD has demanded and won concessions from Mer-kel on a minimum wage and other measures con-servatives fear could hurt the economy.

“The news from the coalition talks is setting off alarm bells in industry,” Kurt Lauck, president of a business lobby within the CDU, wrote to Merkel in a letter published in German newspapers at the weekend.

Meanwhile, SPD lead-er Sigmar Gabriel faces a major challenge in convinc-ing the grassroots of his party to back a coalition deal that may not contain the big public spending boost they had called for in the German election cam-paign.


Representatives of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) and representatives of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and of the Christian Social Union (CSU) attend

coalition talks at the CDU headquarters in Berlin, on 21 Nov, 2013.—ReuteRs

Japan welcomes deal on Iranian nuclear programme

Fuchu, (Japan), 25 Nov — Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida welcomed on Sunday the interim deal reached by Iran and six major nations including the United States on curb-ing Iran’s nuclear activities in return for the easing of sanctions imposed by West-ern countries.

“We’d like to welcome

it as a major first step,” Kishida told reporters in Fuchu, western Tokyo, adding Tokyo will closely monitor whether the agree-ment will be carried out.

Under the deal struck in Geneva earlier in the day, Iran will stop uranium en-richment above a fissile pu-rity of 5 percent while halt-ing construction of the Arak

research reactor, which is feared capable of yielding potential bomb material.

In return, the six par-ties, also including Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia, will remove the embargo on trade with Iran in precious metals while re-fraining from imposing new sanctions for six months.

Kyodo News

IAEA says P5+1 agreement with Iran “another important step forward”Vienna, 25 Nov —

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Sunday welcomed the agreement reached between P5+1 and Iran, calling it “another important step for-ward”.

The agreement be-tween the P5+1 group, the five UN Security Council permanent members Brit-ain, China, France, Russia and the United States plus Germany, and Iran on a joint action plan to be im-plemented over the next six months is another important

step forward following the agreement reached between the Agency and Iran on 11 November in Teheran, said IAEA Director General Yu-kiya Amano in a statement.

“The Agency will be ready to fulfil its role in verifying the implemen-tation of nuclear related measures,” said Amano.

After days of inten-sive negotiations, the P5+1 group and Iran reached a first-step agreement on Iran’s nuclear programme on Sunday morning.

According to the White

House, in the agreement Iran has been committed to halting enrichment above 5 percent and neutralizing its stockpile of near-20 percent uranium by means of dilu-tion or converting.

Furthermore, Iran has been committed not to in-stalling more centrifuges, halting work at its pluto-nium reactor at Arak, and allowing IAEA inspectors’ daily access to its enrich-ment facilities at Natanz and Fordow, the White House said.


Syria faces serious medicine shortage due to conflicts

Smoke rises due to clashes between Free Syrian Army fighters and forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad within Band 17 in Raqqa on 23 Nov, 2013.—ReuteRs

Damascus, 25 Nov — The Syrian market suffers a remarkable shortage in some kinds of drugs as most pharmaceutical laboratories in northern Syria are out of service. The Minister of Health Saad Naif told lo-cal media that 72 kinds of medicines are missing from the market given the economic sanctions on the country, the difficulty of ac-cess to certain hotspots, and the shutdown of many phar-maceutical laboratories.

He however stressed that the ministry is working to secure drugs through lo-cal plants and through the imports from some friendly countries and international organizations.

Despite the govern-ment’s assurances that the health sector is still bod-ing well and that the output covers the people’s needs, drugs output fell worse than expected and several types of medicine are no longer present at pharmacies.

Slumping manufactur-ing darkens the outlook and sends grim signals that the country is facing a serious medicine shortage.

The minister indicated that the ministry, in order to offset the shortfall, has con-tracted to buy some medical equipment worth up to 900 million Syrian pounds and signed a contract to buy 100 ambulances from Iran.

In this regard, a medi-cal aid cargo arrived in Da-

mascus on Sunday as a gift from Russia to the Syrian people. Syria’s official me-dia said that the aid aims at alleviating the suffering of the Syrians due to the re-bels’ attacks against health establishments and medi-cine factories and the eco-nomic sanctions imposed on Syria. Last week, Russia sent an aid to Syria com-bining 44 tons of medical materials.


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4 Tuesday, 26 November, 2013

Science & TechnologyNew Light of Myanmar

A staff of Japan Airlines’ (JAL) walks past one of the company’s Boeing Co’s 787 Dreamliner plane at Narita international airport in Narita, east of Tokyo, on 11 Nov,


Boeing warns of engine icing risk on 747-8s, Dreamliners

Seattle / tokyo , 25 Nov— Boeing (BA.N) ad-vised airlines on Friday about a risk of engine icing problems on its new 747-8 and 787 Dreamliner planes with engines made by Gen-eral Electric (GE.N), urging 15 carriers to avoid flying them near high-level thun-derstorms.

The warning led Japan Airlines (9101.T) to pull 787 Dreamliners from two international routes. Other affected airlines include Lufthansa (LHAG.DE), United Airlines, an arm of United Continental Hold-ings (UAL.N) and Cathay

Pacific Airlines (0293.HK). “Boeing and JAL share

a commitment to the safety of passengers and crews on board our airplanes. We re-spect JAL’s decision to sus-pend some 787 service on specific routes,” a Boeing spokesman said. The move followed six incidents from April to November involv-ing five 747-8s and one 787 when aircraft powered by GE’s GEnx engines suf-fered temporary loss of thrust while flying at high altitude. The problem was caused by a build-up of ice crystals, initially just be-hind the front fan, which

ran through the engine, said a GE spokesman, adding that all of the aircraft land-ed at their planned destina-tions safely.

Boeing on Friday is-sued a notice prohibiting the affected aircraft from flying at high attitude with-in 50 nautical miles of thun-derstorms that may contain ice crystals. Japan Airlines said on Saturday it will re-place Dreamliners on its Tokyo-Delhi and Tokyo-Singapore flights with other types of aircraft while also dropping a plan to use 787s for its Tokyo-Sydney route from December.—Reuters

Commercial 4G to start on 18 December

Beijing, 25 Nov — China will start commer-cial 4G mobile commu-nications services on 18 December, bringing the most advanced telecom-munications technology to the country’s more than 1 billion mobile users. China Mobile, the country’s No 1 mobile operator with over 700 million users, will start 4G services on that date with a new brand He, meaning harmonious in the Chinese language. China is expected to issue licences for 4G before the telco’s new services start.

“It will be a national event and users are al-lowed to apply for 4G

services without changing numbers,” said a Shang-hai Mobile official. Users in Beijing, Guangzhou and Chongqing will be the first to enjoy commercial 4G, or fourth generation, services. Shanghai, which is still building a citywide 4G network, will launch the services later.

Though China is the world’s biggest mobile phone market with more than 1 billion users on its mainland, it lacks the 4G technology that is used in some other countries and regions including the Unit-ed States, South Korea, Ja-pan, Singapore and Hong Kong. —Xinhua

`HP may have yet another problem: China

San FranciSco, 25 Nov — Signs of rapidly wors-ening Chinese demand for IT giants IBM and Cisco Systems Inc are starting to spook Hewlett-Packard investors. HP’s year-long stock rally sputtered last week amid fears a faster-than-anticipated slowdown

People walk past a Hewlett-Packard (HP) stand during the Gulf Information and Technology Exhibition

(GITEX) at the Dubai World Trade Centre in Dubai on 14 Oct, 2012.


2014 or beyond. Cisco has warned about crumbling Chinese demand. IBM last month reported a sales drop of over 20 percent in the world’s No 2 economy.Both also reported weak-ness in other emerging mar-kets as well, but it was Chi-na and concerns about sales

slowing US federal spend-ing, a fundamental erosion of PC demand and unre-lenting competition from Lenovo and Dell. So it can ill afford a steeper-than-expected dropoff in China, which is estimated to ac-count for a fifth of HP’s rev-enue and is one of its most crucial growth markets.Investors are looking to the computing giant, which re-ports quarterly results on Tuesday, to shed more light on goings-on in the world’s largest PC market. “All the giant tech companies are somewhat at risk now. You have to worry if the other companies are going to report the same kind of thing in their fourth quar-ter,” said Peter Tuz, Presi-dent of Chase Investment Counsel Corp in Virgina.Shares in HP, up 77 per-cent so far this year, have lost almost 5 percent in the week since Cisco blamed a dismal business outlook on deepening fallout from the Snowden revelations.


Denmark targets iPhone generation to keep edge in hearing aids

copenhagen, 25 Nov —Tiny Denmark, with fewer than 6 million people, supplies half the world’s hearing aids, and local makers aim to advance that commanding position as baby boomers and the iP-hone generation age. GN Store Nord, headquartered in Ballerup, near Copenha-gen, has a product it hopes will reach that demographic — famously averse to ac-cepting the depredations of age — by taking the stigma out of wearing an aid.

An employee of GN, the world’s fourth largest maker of hearing aids, demonstrates the use of

ReSound LiNX in Vienna on 22 Nov, 2013.


Taxing times for Singapore as corporate strategy faces scrutiny

Singapore, 25 Nov — Tiny Singapore does not look at first sight like one of Apple Inc’s priority markets: it has no official Apple Store and doesn’t even rate a mention in the company’s latest annual re-port. Apple South Asia Pte Ltd, however, its Singapore entity, booked $14.9 bil-lion in revenue for the 12 months to September 2012 — more than it would have received had the country’s

People line up to purchase the third generation iPad during its launch in Singapore in this 16 March, 2012

file photo.—ReuteRs

entire 5.3 million popula-tion each bought an iPhone 5S, an iPad Air and a Mac-Book Pro. There is nothing illegal about the accounting practices employed by the computer giant, which, like many multinational compa-nies ranging from Google Inc and Microsoft Corp to BHP Billiton and Huawei Technology Co, uses the city-state as a key hub for its Asia business.

Singapore has so far

largely stayed out of the de-bate raging in Europe and the United States about the ways multinationals try to lower their tax bills. But revenue-hungry govern-ments are looking to impose tougher rules on so-called transfer pricing that could make it harder for firms to trade goods, services or as-sets between their Singapore and overseas entities. As a result, accountants warn that the city-state will need

to review the level of trans-parency in its tax incentive schemes and get stronger justifications from compa-

nies on their transfer pric-ing arrangements to fend off challenges from other juris-dictions.—Reuters

The world’s fourth-larg-est maker has collaborated with Apple Inc to develop a device packed with blue-tooth-like technology that installed in the ear allows us-ers to stream voice and music from their iPhones without the need for an intermediary device. Denmark’s expertise in sound technology can be traced back to 1904, when William Demant Holding Group was founded by Hans Demant, whose wife had a hearing disability.


in emerging markets, above all China, may dash the computing giant’s hopes for a return to growth in

declines in that market that has grabbed headlines.

HP is already grap-pling with expectations of

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Tuesday, 26 November, 2013 5

BUSINESS & HEALTHNew Light of Myanmar

Indian units of Pfizer and Wyeth to merge

MuMbai, 25 Nov — Pfizer Ltd (PFIZ.NS), the Indian unit of US drug maker Pfizer Inc (PFE.N), is to take over local affiliate Wyeth Ltd (WLED.NS), they said on Saturday after their boards approved the deal. Shareholders of Wy-eth will get seven Pfizer Ltd shares for every 10 shares held, requiring the issue of approximately 15.9 million new Wyeth shares, it said.

Wyeth Ltd has a mar-ket capitalization of about $294 million and is already owned 51.12 percent by Pfizer Inc, which in turn owns 63.57 percent of Pfiz-

Pedestrians walk past the world headquarters of Pfizer in New York on 5 Nov, 2013. — ReuteRs

er Ltd, which has a mar-ket capitalization of $681 million. Pfizer and Wyeth also announced on Satur-day they would pay interim dividends of 360 rupees and 145 rupees per share respectively.

Apart from the Indian business Pfizer Inc bought rival Wyeth in 2009, leav-ing their Indian units with separate stock market list-ings. Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BAC.N) and Citigroup (C.N) were advisors to Pfizer and Wy-eth respectively, the state-ment added.


Chinese Commerce Minister Gao Hucheng attends a news conference with European Union Trade

Commissioner Karel de Gucht (not pictured) at the Chi-nese Ministry of Commerce in Beijing,

on 21 June, 2013. — ReuteRs

China fights back against US accusations of blocking

WTO technology dealbeijing, 25 Nov —

Commerce Minister Gao Hucheng denounced the United States as “irrespon-sible” on Sunday after Washington accused China of jeopardizing a deal that aims to cut tariffs on tech-nology products, saying Washington had disap-pointed participants in the talks.

US Trade Representa-tive Michael Froman said on Thursday that China’s demands to exempt more than 100 products from a technology trade deal risked leading to a break-down in the negotiations.

“It is irresponsible for

the US to discard the con-sensus that has been agreed by most of the countries only because the deal can-not meet its own require-ment for several products,” Gao said in a statement emailed to Reuters. China, he said, had pushed forward negotiations to expand the Information Technology Agreement (ITA) and prov-en its willingness to im-prove its offer several times during the talks.Gao said US demands far exceeded what was acceptable to Chi-nese companies.”

The US is unwilling to make any necessary con-cessions and has turned a

blind eye to the big differ-ences between Chinese and US firms, ignoring the ap-peals by the Chinese side,” he said.

He said due account should be taken of the dif-ferent levels of develop-

ment of the countries in-volved in the negotiations. European Trade Commis-sioner Karel de Gucht last week said China’s demands were the main outstanding issue in the talks.


After the low-cost airline, the poor man’s private jet

A guest descends from a Nextant Aerospace 400XT air-craft at the Shanghai International Business Aviation

Show at the Hongqiao International Airport in Shanghai on 16 April, 2013 file photo. — ReuteRs

Dubai, 25 Nov — The Dubai Airshow produced a harvest of deals for the world’s biggest and flashi-est jets this week, but for those unable to afford a $400-million A380 super-jumbo there is always an al-ternative — the poor man’s private jet.

Making its debut on the tarmac at the Middle

East’s largest aerospace event was what its supplier calls the world’s first “re-manufactured” business jet, designed for VIPs on a budget. Ohio-based Nex-tant Aerospace takes small business jets that may be 10-20 years old and near retirement, rips them apart

and re-sells them with new avionics, engines and inte-riors.”

We’re solving the problem of the industry,” Nextant’s president Sean McGeough said in front of a rebuilt Beechjet 400, gut-ted and offered for sale “as new” at some $5 million.

That’s a fraction of the $25 million that super-rich customers can spend sim-ply on the interior of some of the luxury converted jet-liners displayed this week.”

There’s about a year-and-a-half inventory back-log (of older jets) on the market. Until that inven-tory starts selling off, new aircraft sale will not re-bound,” McGeough told Reuters in an interview. Five years on from a credit crunch that badly hurt the industry, manufacturers of small business jets are only now speaking of shoots of recovery, lagging well be-hind a rebound in the global equity and US housing mar-kets. Plentiful second-hand jets are crimping demand for new light- and medium-sized aircraft, in stark con-trast to top-end products on display in Dubai, according to experts.—Reuters

Chester County Food Bank agricultural director Bill Shick examines young lettuce plants growing in a hydroponic bed in a greenhouse, where the

programme grows seedlings, in suburban Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on 21 Nov, 2013.—ReuteRs

Amid holiday canned-food drives, US food banks take up farming

glenMoore, (Penn-sylvania), 25 Nov — Sur-rounded by rows of kale and collard greens, Bill Shick ticks off statistics about yields and the man-hours it takes to harvest the leafy green vegetables. What he can’t tell you is what he would sell it for — because it will all be given away by the Chester County Food Bank in its efforts to grow food for the needy.

The fresh produce pro-gramme gives low-sodium, low-sugar foods to the poorest Americans year-round, including during the holiday season often as-sociated with canned-food drives.

“We picked a thousand pounds this weekend and we’ll do another thousand next week,” Shick, the food bank’s agricultural direc-tor said, while standing in a greenhouse where the pro-gramme grows seedlings in a suburban Philadelphia park. Chester County is among about 20 food banks across the country that have started their own farms to boost healthier eating by

the needy, said Domenic Vitiello, a University of Pennsylvania professor who has studied food pan-try agricultural operations.

Low-income Ameri-cans are a demographic of-ten plagued by diet-related ailments such as diabetes and heart disease. Chester County Food Bank opened about five years ago, spring-ing from the ashes of a sim-ilar programme that relied on nearby Amish farmers. It was started explicitly with the goal of distributing

food straight from the field.Canned food that is of-

ten donated to food banks because of its long shelf life is typically higher in sodium, which the Ameri-can Heart Association says may increase risk for heart failure. People with diabe-tes also are encouraged to limit the sodium in their daily diet to 1,500 mg to help prevent or control high blood pressure, according to Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.”


Hong Kong records over 137,000 organ donation registers

Hong Kong, 25 Nov — Hong Kong has recorded over 137,000 organ dona-tion registers, and the gov-ernment will continue its promotion and education work to encourage more people to join the league, Hong Kong’s Director of Health Constance Chan said here on Saturday. The Centralized Organ Donation Register (CODR), which aims to encourage the public to register their wish to do-nate organs after death, cele-brated its fifth anniversary in the city Saturday. Address-ing the ceremony, Chan said over 137,000 CODR regis-

trations were recorded as of November 2013, in contrast to about 88,000 when cele-brating the third anniversary of the CODR in 2011.

Meanwhile, the total number of fans recorded in the traditional Chinese version of the “Organ Do-nation@HK” Facebook fanpage had surged to over 10,000, Chan said, adding both achievements were “impressive.”According to recent surveys conduct-ed by the Department of Health, over 95 percent of respondents aged from 18 to 64 reported that they would not object to their family

members donating organs after death if they had pre-viously expressed their willingness. In addition, over 60 percent of respond-ents expressed a willingness to donate their organs after death. The CODR enables the Hospital Authority’s transplant coordinators to affirm organ donors’ wish and approach their family members at the critical mo-ment, so that the transplant coordinators can arrange to carry out relevant examina-tions and operations in order to benefit more patients in urgent need of organ dona-tion. — Xinhua

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Tuesday, 26 November, 2013 6

W O R L DNew Light of Myanmar

Photo shows the 19th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate

Change, held on 23 Nov, 2013, in Warsaw, Poland. The UN climate change conference ended the same day.

Kyodo News

Climate talks conclude, urging nations to put

forward “contributions”WarsaW, 25 Nov —

The UN climate change conference in Warsaw ended on Saturday after participating nations agreed to present voluntary reduc-tion targets for greenhouse gas emissions and how they will prepare for them hope-fully by the end of March 2015. Nations able to do so are being called on to put forward their “contribu-tions” by the first quarter of 2015 to give time for a review before a meeting at the end of the year, at which a new framework for fight-ing global warming is ex-

pected to be adopted. It will take effect in 2020.

During the 19th ses-sion of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, Japan an-nounced its new target of slashing greenhouse gas emissions by 3.8 percent in fiscal 2020 from fiscal 2005 levels. The revised goal has drawn international criti-cism as it represents an in-crease of about 3 percent in emissions from fiscal 1990, compared with the previous target of cutting emissions by 25 percent by fiscal 2020

from fiscal 1990 levels.Japan has cited in de-

fence of the new target the challenge caused by the 2011 nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, which left most of the

country’s atomic power plants offline. Under the new deal reached in the Pol-ish capital, Japan needs to compile a new reduction tar-get for after 2020 in roughly one year.—Kyodo News

Workers set up oil fences to control leaked oil after Friday’s explosion at a Sinopec Corp oil pipeline in

Huangdao, Qingdao, Shandong Province on 24 Nov, 2013.—ReuteRs

China launches sweeping probe as

Sinopec blast toll risesshanghai, 25 Nov —

China has launched a broad investigation into safety at oil and gas pipelines, state media reported on Monday, as the death toll from an ex-plosion at a Sinopec pipe-line last week rose to 52.

The blast at the eastern oil hub of Qingdao on Fri-day was China Petroleum & Chemical Corp’s (Sin-opec) deadliest known acci-dent and is one of the worst publicly reported industrial

disasters in China this year.State media reported

the toll rose from 35 to 52 on Sunday after President Xi Jinping visited the city to examine rescue efforts and meet victims.

In an announcement to the Shanghai stock ex-change on Monday, Sin-opec said it was cooper-ating with a government investigation into the ac-cident. It said operations were normal and oil supply was stable.

The official Xinhua News Service reported that Xi had ordered sweeping safety checks on the oil and gas pipeline network.

“A large-scale work

safety check should be launched ... with inspectors going deep into the produc-tion sites anonymously and unannounced,” the report quoted Xi as saying.


A woman carries a baby on her back as she casts her vote during a legislative vote at a polling station in

Lafiabougou, Bamako on 24 Nov, 2013.ReuteRs

Mali election marred by low turnout and voting abuses

Bamako, 25 Nov —Low turnout and vote abuses marred on Sunday elections meant to complete democratic transition in Mali, after a coup last year led to an Islamist takeo-

ver of the north that was crushed by French military intervention.

Officials said armed men carried off ballot boxes from some bureaux in the Timbuktu region of

northern Mali, preventing some people from casting their votes in the legislative poll. It was not immediately clear who was responsible.

The West African country has suffered a surge in Islamist violence since President Ibrahim Boubac-ar Keita was elected in Au-gust in a vote that marked a return to democracy after the March 2012 coup.

The military putsch plunged Mali into chaos and allowed al-Qaeda-linked fighters to seize the northern two-thirds of the country. France launched a massive military opera-tion in January that drove the Islamists from northern towns, but isolated cells have remained active.

Vote counting began after some 25,000 bureaux

across the country closed at 1800 GMT. Only a fraction of the 6.7 million people registered to vote appeared to have cast their ballot and there was no sign of the long queues of voters that marked the presiden-tial vote. “Compared to the presidential elections the turnout was very weak. In my bureau, we didn’t even get a third of the voters,” said Oumar Samake, presi-dent of a voting bureau in Bamako. “Political parties have to do more to inform their voters.”—Reuters

A soldier sits on guard atop an armoured personnel carrier (APC) at the main gate of the Cairo University

around Al Nahda in Cairo, on 24 Nov, 2013.ReuteRs

Egypt’s government bans protests without police approval

Cairo, 25 Nov —Egypt’s president passed a law on Sunday making it illegal to hold demonstra-tions without the approval of the police and banning protests in places of wor-ship, a move rights groups condemned as a blow to political freedom.

As the law was being announced by state media,

thousands of anti-govern-ment protesters were on streets in Cairo and other cities, as they have been regularly in the nearly three years since a popular upris-ing ousted autocrat Hosni Mubarak.

The number of pro-tests and the scale of po-litical violence have grown since July when the army

removed elected Islamist President Mohamed Mursi following mass protests against his rule.

The bill signed into law by interim President Adli Mansour requires people to secure police permission for protests at least three days in ad-vance, said presidential spokesman Ehab Badawi. It allows security forces to disperse illegal protests with water cannon, tear gas and birdshot.

It imposes jail sen-tences of up to seven years and fines of up to 300,000 Egyptian pounds ($43,600) upon protesters who carry weapons, explosives, am-munition or fireworks, wear masks or block roads, Badawi said.

People who organize protests without permis-sion will be fined between 10,000 and 30,000 Egyp-tian pounds.—Reuters

Region will lose sleep over Iran dealriyadh, 25 Nov —

People in the Middle East will lose sleep over a nu-clear deal between global powers and Iran, a Saudi foreign policy adviser said on Sunday, signaling the deep unease Sunni Muslim Gulf states have over West-ern rapprochement with their Shi’ite foe.

At the time the adviser spoke, Saudi Arabia had not officially responded to news of the deal under which Western countries will ease sanctions in return for curbs on Iran’s nuclear programme. Riyadh has frequently called for Wash-ington to maintain a tough line with Teheran.

Abdullah al-Askar, chairman of the foreign af-

fairs committee in Saudi Arabia’s appointed Shoura Council, a quasi-parliament that advises the government on policy, stressed that he had no knowledge of his government’s official re-sponse but was personally worried.

“I am afraid Iran will give up something on to get something else from the big powers in terms of regional politics. And I’m worry-ing about giving Iran more space or a freer hand in the region,” he said.

“The government of Iran, month after month, has proven that it has an ugly agenda in the region, and in this regard no one in the region will sleep and assume things are going

smoothly,” Askar said.In the hours before

Sunday’s deal was sealed, Gulf Arab leaders, includ-ing Saudi King Abdullah and the rulers of Qatar and Kuwait, met late on Satur-day night to discuss “issues of interest to the three na-tions”.

The Gulf Arab rulers, all Sunni Muslims, are en-emies of Shi’ite Iran, which backs Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad in a civil war in which they back the rebels.

They have accused Teheran of fomenting un-rest in a range of countries including Yemen, Bahrain, Lebanon and Iraq. Iran de-nies such meddling.


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7Tuesday, 26 November, 2013New Light of MyanmarL O C A L N E W S

Workshop on collecting regional statistics for urban development in Sagaing held

Sagaing, 25 Nov—Workshop on collecting regional statistics for urban development in Sagaing was held at the meeting hall of Township General Ad-ministration Department in Sagaing on 20 Novermber.

At the ceremony, Re-gion Development Affairs Minister U Tin Hlaing Myint made a speech and Chairman of Sagaing Townselder Committee U Zaw Win discussed matters related to regional statistics for urban development.

Then, German Re-

searcher Dr. Jor Mdryam Harg explained his research works with the use of pro-jector and gave clarifica-tions on discussion of those present.

The Department of Human Settlement and Housing Development un-der the Ministry of Con-struction and Cologne University from Germany jointly made a field trip to collect regional statistics for urban development in Sagaing.

It was attended by the researchers from Germany,

officials of the department, chairman and members of Sagaing Townselder Com-mittee, members of Town-ship Supportive Commit-tee, departmental staff and faculty members.

The groups will make field trips in the towns above 0.1 million people such as Taunggyi, Maw-lamyine, Sagaing and Pyay to carry out regional devel-opment tasks. The work-shop runs from 18 to 22 November.—Kyemon-Ht-we Myint Naing-Sagaing

Taninthayi Region Hluttaw Speaker on inspection tour

of Palauk TspPalauk, 25 Nov—Tanin-

thayi Region Hluttaw Speaker U Htin Aung Kyaw accom-panied by Taninthayi Region Development Minister U Aung Kyaw Kyaw Oo and of-ficials made an inspection tour of Kyauklongyi Village-tract of Palauk Sub-township on 20 November.

During his tour, the Region Hluttaw Speaker met with the local people of Kyauksaung Village at Yamanya Nikaya Monestary and explained the regional development tasks to them. Then, he viewed the work on construction of embankment in Kyauklongyi Village-tract

Palaw, 25 Nov— Under the leadership of Commander of Coast-al Region Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Htay, officers and other ranks from No.5 Mili-tary Hospital (100-bed) provided free medical treatment to the people of Palaw Township at No. 2 Laewaing Mone-stary, here, on 20 No-vember.

Palaw people receive free medical treatment

During the treatment, Major Thi Han Oo, doc-tors and specialists and nurses from the Hospital gave medical check-ups and distributed medicines to 150 local people.

Pulaw Township Ad-ministrator U Thura Tun Lin and departmental of-ficials, town’s elders and social organization partic-ipated in these treatment.

Kyemon-Palaw IPRD

MongPhyat, 25 Nov— In order to raise reading habits of students and local people and widen gener-al knowledge, the reading skills contest and educative talks were held in conjunc-tion with the display of wall magazine organized by Mongphyat District Infor-mation and Public Relations Department at Basic Educa-tion Primary School of Hak-yahong Village in Aikngo Village-tract in Mongphyat Township on 24 November.

On the occasion, Head

Raising reading habits, educative talks held in Mongphyat Tsp

of Mongphyat Township IPRD U Solomon shared knowledge on advantages of reading and taking census and population.

Then, Aikngo Vil-lage-tract Administrator U John Paul spoke words of thanks. Staff Daw Bu Nawng interpreted the edu-cative talks in Myanmar to Arkha and Lahu languages.Later, the officials organized the wall magazine about taking census for the local people.—Kyemon-Wai Yan Linn (Mongphyat)

ROAD UPGRADED: The XXVII SEA Games will be hosted by Myanmar in December 2013. To give better transport services to athletes, Pyinma-na-Taungnyo Road is being upgraded near Water Fountain Garden in Zabuthiri Township of Nay

Pyi Taw Council Area on 25 November.Ko Myo (ShwepauKKan)

A flock of tourists enjoying panoramic sunset view from Mandalay Hill.Mandalay, 25 Nov—

There were many streams of tourists who enjoyed the sunset from Manda-lay Hill, some 776-foot high above the sea level. It takes its so name “Man-dalay Hill” as it is sur-rounded by the nine satel-lite hills called the Shwe Taung (The Golden Hill), the Ngwe Taung (the Sil-ver Hill), the Paddamya

Tourists enjoy Mandalay Hill sunset

Taung (the Ruby Hill), the Hse-dan Taung (the Hill of Arsenious trisulphide), the Myin Thila Taung (the Hill of Arsenic trisulphide), the Dokhta Hill (the Hill of Blue vitriol), the Ye-hle Taung (the Hill of Whirl-ing Water), the Kye-ni Hill (the Copper Hill) and the Baluma Taung (the Hill of the Ogress).

“The tourists came here to enjoy the natural beauty of the Mandalay

therefore the summit of the hill was always full of them,” said a member of Mandalay Hill Pagoda Board of Trustees.

The fame of the hill began to spread far and near when U Khanti, a great hermit, started build-ing religious structures in-cluding covered stairways all over the hill in 1269 ME.

Kyemon-Than Zaw Min (Mandalay)

nay Pyi taw, 25 Nov—As XXVII SEA Games in nearing, Public Pay Phone System organ-ized by Myanmar Posts and Telecommunications and Ministry of Communica-tions and Information Tech-nology has been installed at the entrance of archway to Wunna Theikdhi Stadium of

Pay Phone installed for public convenience in SEA Games

Zabuthiri Township, sports village and near health and emergency unit on Yan-gon-Mandalay Expressway for public convenience. GSM Mobile Public Pay Phone System with the use of Solar Power has been put in the places where the ser-vices are not provided or line phones cannot be installed.

So far 150 phones have been put into servic-es. Those phones will be available at the airports and hotel zones with K 5,000 in coming few days. The phones without Pin Code and Password can dial local and internation-al calls.

Kyemon-Than Naing (Zabuthiri)

and gave necessary instruc-tions to officials.

After that, he looked the land for construction of Ba-sic Education High School (Branch) in Ashaykon Vil-lage and inspected the collect-ed construction tools for Basic Education Primary School in KhubokVillage.

Kyemon-Palauk IPRD

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Tuesday, 26 November, 20138 New Light of Myanmarn a t i o n a l

Tuesday, 26 November, 2013

Chart collective path towards an open and inclusive society

As it is known to all, Myanmar is undertak-ing a series of reforms aimed at political liber-alization, peace building and economic develop-ment with national reconciliation high on the agenda. What seemed impossible before is now possible, but we must turn what is possible now into something enduring. To this end, we need to chart a collective path towards a society that is open, inclusive, tolerant and respectful of in-dividual dignity.

At such a time, we firmly believe that those among prisoners who were in various prisons for contravening existing laws, who do not pose a threat to national security, public peace and tran-quility and national interest, should be given am-nesty to enable them to take part in whatever way they can in nation-building tasks.

In the interest of ensuring peace and national unity, to enable an inclusive political process and on grounds of humanitarian consideration, the President granted an amnesty for 69 prisoners who were in the list of the committee for scruti-nizing the remaining political prisoners in accord-ance with Section 204 (a) of the Constitution and Subsection (i), Section 401 of Code of Criminal Procedure on 15 November.

We welcome the release of prisoners and greatly appreciate the magnanimity shown by the President, and we also feel that the release of those prisoners fulfills the expectations by the Secretary- General of the United Nations and some western countries. Meanwhile, in view of the President’s magnanimity, we would like to strongly urge those who have been released to peacefully take part in whatever way they can in building national unity and a democratic State.

The way in which a person may view the pace of the political progress and the reforms depends on his or her political view, perspective and norms. Whatever it is, the analysis of the recent political discussions and debates on the Constitution sug-gests that democratic practices have begun to take shape in our society, and it is our national duty to do everything we can to make sure that these democratic practices are consolidated and become deeply rooted in our society.

Nay Pyi Taw, 25 Nov — Parliamentary process is progressing without focus-ing on party attachment, dogmatism, regionalism, racism and religion, said Speaker of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw and Pyithu Hlut-taw Thura U Shwe Mann in

Promulgation of laws that are fair and acceptable imperative

meeting with parliamentar-ians, responsible persons of political parties, township development supportive committees and social or-ganizations, departmental officials and local people at Thiri Khittaya Yadana Hall in Pyay yesterday. He

also called on local people to express their desires for regional development in a free and open manner.

After hearing reports on undertakings for regional development presented by Bago Region Chief Minis-ter U Nyan Win, officials

and local people, the Py-idaungsu Hluttaw Speaker said the joint committee for reviewing the Constitution is undertaking necessary measures for constitutional amendment without ham-pering peace and stability, national unity and momen-tum of democratization. He continued that every task is to be implemented in accord with the law. He called for enactment of laws that the people can accept and fol-low in a fair and just manner while carrying out amending, abolishing and making new laws. He said that works are in progress to pass National Races Protection Law after the parliament passed the law to protect the farmer’s rights and to improve their interest.

After the meeting, the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speak-er cordially greeted those present. — MNA

1. Myanma Posts and Telecommunications under the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology has been distributing and selling low-priced mobile phones to the people monthly under the arrangement of the State/Region governments.

2. MPT has been constantly carrying out installation of new equipment, extension and upgrading by adopting the projects for convenience of mobile phone users.

3. Out of the projects, installation of new equipment, ad-justment of machines and trial running for 50 radio stations installed in Nay Pyi Taw according to GSM/UMTS Extension Project, will be conducted at the following radio stations between 5:30 am to 9:30 am from 27 November to 6 December. The public are in-

Public announcement for extension of GSM/UMTS radio stations in Nay Pyi Taw Area

formed in advance that temporary shortage of contact and call difficulties would be occurred during that pe-riod.

27.11.2013 Ottarathiri Township30.11.2013 Ottarathiri and Dekkhinathiri Townships3.12.2013 Ottarathiri, Pobbathiri and Pyinmana Townships4.12.2013 Ottarathiri, Pobbathiri and Tatkon Townships5.12.2013 Zeyathiri, Pyinmana and Pobbathiri Townships6.12.2013 Zeyathiri and Tatkon Townships

Myanma Posts and Telecommunications

(from page 16)will host Indonesian, Malay-sian, Filipino, Singaporean and Thai yachting teams to-gether with Myanmar team from 11 to 20 December. Myanmar yachting team has a goal for three gold med-als at least in the event in which 13 gold medals will be awarded in 13 games.

In the afternoon, the Vice-President and party looked into preparations for athlete reception, arrival visa and ID card issuance and transport at Yangon In-ternational Airport. Union

Vice-President …Minister U Nyan Tun Aung and Yangon Region Chief Minister U Myint Swe conducted them round the preparations.

Next, the Vice-President left instructions on transport and security matters.

On his arrival at Man-dalay International Air-port, the Vice-President inspected preparations for reception at the airport and progress of Mandalar Thiri Stadium that will host Women's football matches.

In his address at a co-ordination meeting for suc-

cessful holding of the SEA Games, the Vice-President stressed the need of col-laborative efforts for hold-ing the Women's football tournament in Mandalay and necessary measures for enabling spectators to enjoy the matches joyfully. He also called for participation of the entire people in the historic sporting event.

Next, Union Minister U Tint Hsan and Yangon Region Social Affairs Min-ister Dr Win Hlaing ex-plained preparations for ac-commodation, training and health care.

After hearing reports, the Vice-President fulfilled the requirements and cordially greeted women footballers.

Women's Football Tournament of the 27th

SEA Games in which In-donesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam will be com-peting together with the host country will be held at Mandalar Thiri Stadium in Mandalay from 10 to 20 December.

The Vice-President and party arrived back in Nay Pyi Taw in the even-ing. —MNA

Speaker of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw and Pyithu Hluttaw Thura U Shwe Mann cordially greets those attendees.—mna

Suspect Phyo Yadana Ko (a) Yanmihoke,

12, daughter of U Yan Kwan Hoke.—mna

Suspect Yan Shaung Pha (a) Yan Lauk San,

38, son of U Yan Kwan Yu.—mna

Nay Pyi Taw, 25 Nov— Acting on a tip-off, an anti-drug squad yes-terday arrested Ma Phyo Yadana Ko (a) Yanmihoke, 12, daughter of U Yan Kwan Hoke, along with 1.5 kilos of raw opium and 600 stimulant tablets, worth K 2,420,000 after a search at the house of U Yan Kwan Hoke in Monlaung Village in Namhkam Township in

Two suspects arrested with narcotic drugs

Shan State. The squad also arrested

Yan Shaung Pha (a) Yan Lauk San, 38, son of U Yan Kwan Yu, as they found 392,040 stimulant tablets kept in a box in his house and 5.94 kilos of heroin powder kept in a polyeth-ylene bag, worth K 89.6,94 million. Action is being taken against the suspects under the law.—Myawady

(from page 16)guests, judges, juries, ath-letes and sports fans who are going to participate in the 27th SEA Games.

Participants can pur-chase souvenirs and a variety of traditional foods of inter-

Social Zone… national countries at the zone equipped with Automated Teller Machines (ATM) that accept Master Card, Maestro, Cirrus, Union Pay, VISA and PLUS for cash withdrawal, donating, pay-ing bills and taking out mini statements.—MNA

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9Tuesday, 26 November, 2013New Light of Myanmara r t i c l e

Ven. Buddhaghosa was the greatest commentator of Pali texts. His magnum opus “Visuddhimagga” (The Path to Purity) and other com-mentaries on the canonical texts are regarded as authori-tative in the Buddhist liter-ary circle. He is also said to have brought over the Pali texts and their commentar-ies, together with a copy of Kaccayana, from Sri Lanka to Thaton and thence intro-duced Myanmar code of Manu into Myanmar. Most of Myanmar and Mon chron-icles firmly maintain that he was of Mon origin and a native of Thaton. But some local and foreign scholars come heatedly into conflict over the native land of the Thera. So it calls for scrutiny over the treatises describing the accounts of the Thera.

The Sasanavamsa, the Sasanalankara Sardan and the Buddhaghosuppatti and the Sasanabahusutappa-kasani Kyan describe that Buddhaghosa was a native of Ghosa village near the Maha Bodhi tree in Buddha Gaya in Majjhimadesa. They men-tion his parents a Brahman named “Kesi” and a Brah-manic lady named “Kesiya”. The Sasanavamsa states that he was known by the name of Buddhaghosa after the fact that his birth took place at the time when the Brahmins were muttering to one an-other “Please eat and please drink”. The Talaing tradition asserts that he was a Brah-man born in Thaton and was an inmate of Kelasa Monas-tery. The Dhammapada Ma-hatika by Ven. Varasambo-dhi describes Buddhaghosa as a son of Brahmanic wom-an named “Kesi” of Ghosa Village, not far from Sud-hammapura (Thaton). An Indian professor Kosambi regards Buddhaghosa as one of Telegus who migrated to Myanmar in those days and that he was a native neither of Southern nor Northern In-dia. However, some contend that as he was a Brahman, he might have been a native of Majjhimadesa. As to this assumption, Forchhammer is of opinion that although he was a native of Thaton, he was not a Talaing. James Gray continues that he was a Brahman from Golamat-tikanagara which was then a flourishing Brahman colony, having maritime contacts with Daccan and the Great Kelasa monastery, about ten

A Study on the Nativity of Venerable Buddhaghosaor twelve miles, south-east of the port, was the home of a large number of Buddhist rahans (monks) of the Brah-manic race. Forchhammer adds that The Gola or Gau-das migrated to Golamat-tikanagara over 2000 years ago. U Lu Pe Win states that there are two Buddhaghosas, namely, Maha Buddhaghosa and Cula Buddhaghosa. Cula Buddhaghosa was the native of Thaton and he brought to-gether with him Maha Bud-dhaghosa, the compiler of the Visuddhimagga, on his re-turn to Thaton. The Sasana-vamsa and the Sasanalanka-ra Sardan say that he was a young Brahman well-versed in the Three Vedas at the age of seven years and was de-feated by a Maha Thera in discussing the Three Vedas and made himself a Buddhist monk to study Buddha’s mantra. The Glass Palace Chronicle mentions that the Maha Thera was Ven. Re-vata, who ordained him as a Buddhist monk. The Bud-dhaghosuppatti describes that his father was a spiritual teacher to the king. When he came to the age of seven years, he completed the Three Vedas. Therefore, he was self-conceited. Howev-er, he one day was subdued by an Arahat endowed with six higher knowledges, who regularly came to his house for alms-food. Then he en-tered the Buddhist Order at his parents’ permission. Soon, he tried to convert his father to Buddhism. After he had completed the Tipitaka, he, at his teacher’s advice, proceeded to Sri Lanka to bring commentaries on the Pali texts.

Relating to the date of Buddhaghosa’s departure for Sri Lanka, the Great Chronicle (Maharajavamsa) places it in the 930th year of the religion (387 A.D). Reger and Bigandet in the “Buddhaghosa Parables” date his departure to the 943rd

year of religion (400 A.D).The Vamsadipani assigns his departure to 372 A.D. James Gray ascribes his voyage to Sri Lanka to 387 A.D. Ven. Samvarabhivamsa states that he departed for Sri Lanka in the 957th or 930th year of re-ligion. The Thaton Chroni-cle mentions that he brought back Pitakas and their com-mentaries to Thaton during the reign of king Dhamma-pala, who is contemporary with king Mahanama of Sri

Lanka and Kyaungdurit of Bagan. He is said to have reached Sri Lanka eleven years earlier than Fa-Hian.

In connection with the sea-route taken by Buddhag-hosa, James Gray describes that the travellers from Tha-ton had to go over to Sri Lanka via ports on the east-ern coast of India. He con-tinues that Nagatapattani and Komalapattam had a regular services of vessels with Bas-sein. Buddhaghosa proceed-ed from Golamattikanagara en route to Bassein and went, touching at the principal ports of Arakan and east Bengal. The Glass Palace Chronicle narrates that he crossed over to Sri Lanka from the port of Bassein through the ports on the eastern coast of India and Magadha. The Sasanavamsa and the Buddhaghosuppatti expresses that he first went from Gaya to the harbour of Bhangari in Daccan and thenceforth proceeded to Sri Lanka. The First Rajavam-sa writes that he embarked at Pathein, crossed over to Tamralipti port on the east-ern coast of India and went on to Majjhimadesa by the Gangetic route and on his arrival there, he had draw-ings taken of seven sites near Bodhi Tree-the Neran-cara River, the Pupparama Monastery,..etc. Then he retraced the same route and went over to Sri Lanka. It is supposed that Buddhaghosa, while staying at Gaya, learnt Magadha language.

There are also some controversies over return journey of the Thera. The Buddhaghosuppatti says that he went back to Jambudipa. The Sasanalankara Sardan states that he went back to Jambudipa after rendering all commentaries into Magadha. The Maharajavamsa de-scribes that he first decided to go back to India but later changed his mind and carried the religion to Sudhammava-ti (Thaton). The Commentary on The Anguttara Nikaya depicts the oceanic Journey from Sri Lanka to Suvan-nabhumi (Thaton). The Tha-ton Chronicle states that when Buddhaghoasa arrived back at Thaton from Sri Lan-ka, king Dhammapala wel-comed him with great pomp and ceremony. It is said that a stupa was built at the place where the barge which took Buddhaghoasa landed. It is today called “Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda”. It is described

that Pitakas brought by the Thera was kept in a cave, which is now known as Pita-ka Taik Ceti. The monastery where Buddhaghosa stayed together with descendants of Ven. Sona and Ven. Uttara was known as Rahandarama Monastery. The large ordina-tion hall (sima) constructed near this monastery was called Buddhaghosa Sima.

Buddhaghosa compiled 16 commentaries at the plea of other monks, which later contribute a lot to propaga-tion and perpetuation of Bud-dhism. These commentaries are:(1) S a m a n t a p a s a d i k a

(Commentary on the Five Vinaya Texts)

(2) Atthasalini (Commen-tary on the Dhamma-sangani)

(3) S a m m o h a v i n o d a n i (Commentary on the Vibhanga)

(4) Pancakarana (Com-mentary on Other Five Abhidhamma Texts)

(5) Sumangalav i las in i (Commentary on the Dighanikaya)

(6) Papancasudani (Com-mentary on the Majjhi-manikaya)

(7) Saratthapakasani (Com-mentary on the Samyut-tanikaya)

(8) Manora t t hapuran i (Commentary on the Anguttaranikaya)

(9) P a r a m a t t h a j o t i k a (Commentary on the Suttanipata)

(10) Saddhammapajjotika (Commentary on the Niddesa)

(11) Visuddhajanavilasina (Commentary on the Apadana)

(12) Commentary on the Cariyapitaka

(13) Commentary on the Dhammapada

(14) Commentary on the Ja-taka

(15) Kankhavitarani (Com-mentary on Patimok-kha)

(16) Jatattakinidana (Intro-duction to the Jataka) The above extracts sug-

gest that Buddhaghosa went over to Sri Lanka at the end of the 4th century A.D or at the advent of the 5th century A.D and that his native land may be either Myanmar or India. But, anyway, the fol-lowing extracts will help to decide which country may be his nativity.

Generally, it is known that Theravada Buddhism declined gradually in In-

dia after the death of King Sridhammasoka. His suc-cessors were not Buddhists. King Sunga, who occupied the throne in the 301 year of religion after assassinating “Vihadattha”, the last king of the Mauryan Dynasty, was a staunch follower of Brahmanism. So since the 1st century A.D., Theravada Buddhism had gradually dis-appeared in India. In about the 5th century A.D., Thera-vada Buddhism might have been exterminated but only Mahayana Buddhism would have flourished in India. It is, therefore, impossible that Buddhaghosa, an erudite monk of the 5th century well-versed in Tipitaka, came from India.

Buddhaghosa, in his Anguttaranikaya Atthakatha, also portrays the oceanic journey on the way from Sri Lanka to Suvannabhumi. If the Thera was a native of In-dia, he would have no reason to proceed to Suvannabhumi. Instead, he would return to India and make all-out ef-forts to revitalize Theravada Buddhism there. With regard to this point, Eliot mentions in his work thus: “...If the Buddhaghosa’s

object was to invigor-ate Hinayanism (Thera-vada) in India, the result of his really stupendous labours was singularly small, for in India, his name is connected with no religious move-ments. If we suppose that he went to Sri Lan-ka by way of the holy places in Majjhimadesa (now Bihar) and return from Coromandel coast of Madras to Burma (Myanmar) where Hi-nayanism (Theravada) afterwards flourished, we have at least a coher-ent narrative...” This excerpt implies that

if Buddhaghosa was a native of India, he would make re-lentless efforts to rejuvenate Theravada Buddhism and his contributions to Buddhism would have been recorded in the history of India. Howev-er, now, any of his contribu-tions is not found recorded in the religious history of India. So he can hardly be a native of India. It would be more logical to assume that he re-turned to Thaton by way of Majjhimadesa and Southern India.

This assumption is fur-ther proved by the discovery

of Buddhist scriptures written in Kamdaba scripts dated to the 5th century A.D of South-ern India in Srikhestra near Pyi and Kun Zeik village on the Gulf of Muttama and 5th or 7th century Jatakas from the Thagya Phaya in Thaton.

Dr. Kosambi also re-marks that as the commen-taries compiled by Bud-dhaghosa are found more common in Myanmar, he may be a native of Myanmar.

Chinese monk Fahian, a contemporary of Bud-dhaghosa, who visited India between 399 and 413 A.D recorded the Mahayana Bud-dhist Treatises only but did not make any mention of Buddhaghosa.

The Culavamsa de-scribes that his native was near the Mahabodhi in Ma-jjhimadesa. But it continues that he, after having done what had to be done, he pro-ceeded to Majjhimadesa to pay homage to the Maha-bodhi. This extract leads to think that if he was the native of Majjhimadesa, the writer of the Culavamsa would not mention that he went to Ma-jjhimadesa to pay homage to the Mahabodhi but that he should have mentioned that he returned to his native land.

All in all, conclusive evidences proving the nativ-ity of Buddhaghosa have not been discovered so far. But the above extracts constitute prima facie evidence convinc-ing us that he was the native of Thaton and brought Tipitakas and their commentaries there, which gave much impetus to flourishing of Theravada Bud-dhism in Myanmar. References

Niharranjan Ray, Dr., Theravada Buddhism in Burma, Calcutta Univer-sity, 1946Pannasami, Ven., Sasana-vamsa, London, 1952Dhammasankran, Maha, Sasanalankara Sardan, Hamsavati Pitaka Press, Yangon, 1956Gray, James, Buddhagho-suppatti, London, 1892Samvarabhivamsa, Ven., Buddha Naing Ngan Taw, Vol.II, Yangon, 1990Mamaka (Researcher), Ramanna, Native Land of the Mons, Yangon, 2007Luce and Pe Maung Tin, Glass Palace Chronicle of Kings of Burma, Oxford University’s Press, 1960U Panna, Thaton Chroni-cle, Sudhammavati Press, 1927

Dr.Saw Mra Aung

Page 10: N L M - Burma Library

WorldNew Light of MyanmarTuesday, 26 November, 201310

A man walks inside a newly opened dry spent fuel storage facility at Kozloduy nuclear power plant, some

200 km (124 miles) north of Sofia on 12 May, 2011.ReuteRs

Bulgaria to decide on third nuclear reactor by

end of yearSofia, 25 Nov — The

Bulgarian government will take a decision on the con-struction of a third reactor at its sole nuclear power plant Kozloduy, using US techno-logy, by the end of the year, its energy minister said on Saturday.

The Balkan country has hired Westinghouse to prepare a proposal for the new reactor, having shelved plans to build a new 2,000 -MW plant at Belene on the Danube after failing to attract foreign investors to the 10 billion-euro project.

“Bulgarian and Ameri-can officials have discussed the construction of a new nuclear power plant reactor at Kozloduy,” Energy Min-ister Dragomir Stoynev told reporters after returning from a visit to the United States.

“The size of the

investment needs to be estab-lished. We expect that a fi-nancial model will be drawn up within six months.”

Stoynev said he was preparing a report on the sub-ject to be submitted to Prime Minister Plamen Oresharski for approval, adding that construction could begin in 2016 and would last at least four years.

He said the US Ex-imbank had expressed readi-ness to finance up to 70 percent of the project and Bulgaria planned to keep nu-clear energy as one of the key sources in its mix of power sources. Bulgaria is one of the few European Union counties pursuing new reac-tor projects in the wake of the Fukushima disaster in Ja-pan in 2011 and Germany’s move to phase out nuclear power.—Reuters

Italy president says Berlusconi must obey law, can’t pardon him

Rome, 25 Nov — It-aly’s president on Sunday rejected Silvio Berlusconi’s call for a pardon over his conviction for tax fraud and told the centre-right leader he must stay within the law in his protests if he is expelled from parliament this week. A statement from President Giorgio Napoli-tano’s office said the four times prime minister had not only failed to behave in a way that might have made a pardon possible, but had “expressed judgments and intentions of extreme gra-vity.”

On Wednesday the Senate will vote on whether the 77-year-old Berlusconi should lose his seat, after he was found guilty in Au-gust of masterminding a complex and illegal system to reduce the tax bill of his media company Mediaset.

Italy’s former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi appears as a guest on the RAI television show Porta a Porta

(Door to Door) in Rome on 9 Jan, 2013.ReuteRs

Napolitano was re-sponding to a demand by Berlusconi on Saturday that the head of state should grant him a pardon without him even formally having to ask for one.

Napolitano appealed to Berlusconi “not to conduct protests which go outside

the limits of respect for the institutions and for normal, necessary legality,” the statement said.

On Saturday Berlusco-ni told an assembly of sup-porters of his Forza Italia (Go Italy!) party that his expulsion from parliament would be a “coup d’etat”.

The party plans street protests on the day of the vote, which is expected to go against the billionaire media tycoon who has al-ways protested his inno-cence. Prime Minister Enri-co Letta’s Democratic Party and the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement are both in favour of his expulsion, and together they have a clear Senate majority.

In early August a Milan court sentenced Berlusconi to four years in prison, com-muted to a year under house arrest or in community ser-vice. Berlusconi is expected to withdraw his party from the ruling coalition if he is expelled from parliament, but Letta is virtually sure to maintain a majority thanks to a breakaway centre-right group which has defected from Berlusconi’s ranks.


15 killed, 21 wounded in violent attacks in IraqBaghdad, 25 Nov — At

least 15 people were killed and 21 others wounded in violent attacks in Iraq on Sunday, police said.

Two Iraqi soldiers were killed in an attack by uni-dentified gunmen at an army checkpoint in the Banook neighbourhood of north-ern Mosul, 400 km north of Baghdad, a police source told Xinhua on condition of anonymity.

Unidentified gunmen assassinated Mohammed

al-Hamdani, a traffic police officer, in front of his home in southern Mosul, while an-other policeman was killed in an armed attack at a police checkpoint in western Mo-sul, the source said. An Iraqi soldier was shot dead by uni-dentified gunmen in eastern Mosul, while a driver was killed when a roadside bomb hit his truck in Shura area, 40 km south of Mosul, the po-lice source said.

An Iraqi man and his wife were injured when a

roadside bomb exploded near their house in western Mosul, he added.

Also on Sunday, one civilian was killed and four others were wounded when a roadside bomb exploded in a popular market in the Shaab area of northeastern Baghdad, while three people were injured when a road-side bomb went off in the Ghazaliya district of western Baghdad, the source said.

Earlier in the day, four people were killed and six

others wounded in separate bombings and shootings in Iraq, police said. In Iraq’s Salahudin Province, an en-gineer who works for a local electricity department was killed and three of the de-partment’s employees were wounded when gunmen attacked their car near the city of Balad, some 80 km north of the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, a provincial police source told Xinhua on condi-tion of anonymity.


A performer (1st L) of the art troupe of Shanghai International Studies University interacts with the audience at the University of Lisbon in Lisbon, Portugal, on 24

Nov, 2013. The art troupe staged a performance here on Sunday at the invitation of the Confucius Institute of the University of Lisbon.—Xinhua

Honduras ruling party

candidate leads

presidential electionTegucigalpa, 25 Nov

—Honduras’ ruling party candidate Juan Orlando Hernandez is leading on Sunday’s presidential elec-tion, according to the coun-try’s electoral authority.

Hernandez garnered 34.97 percent of the count-ed vote, while his main ri-val Xiomara Castro gained 28.36 percent, the electoral board reported.

As there were only 24 percent of ballots tallied, no winner had been declared yet, the electoral authority said.—Xinhua

Third body recovered, one missing after floods in Rhodes

aThenS, 25 Nov—Res-cue workers on Rhodes re-covered on Sunday the body of a man, the third victim of the major flooding which hit the southeastern Aegean island on Friday, as search continues for another miss-ing person.

The 67-year-old man was the husband of one of the two women who died during the torrential heavy rainfall, authorities said.

Local officials believe that the couple was swept away by water near an overflown river.

The missing person is a teacher who was stranded in a car with two of his col-leagues. One of them was

saved and a 27-year old woman drowned.

According to early esti-mates, the strong downpour which caused major floods in several parts of Rhodes has left behind material damages to houses, stores and infrastructure reaching up to 5 million euros (6.8 million US dollars.)

Weather conditions im-proved during the weekend, but as Greek meteorologists forecast new intense storms from Monday, authorities are examining precaution-ary measures. Parts of the island have already been placed in a state of emer-gency.


Four dead, one injured in Oklahoma home shootinghouSTon, 25 Nov— A

gunman shot five people at a home in Tulsa, Oklahoma late Saturday, killing four of them and injuring the fifth, police said.

Police sources were

quoted by the Tulsa World as saying on Sunday that the five people were found at the garage area, two of them already dead at the time. Among the rest, two died later in hospital while

the third, a man in his 50s, was still in serious condi-tion.

The killer hasn’t been identified and was still at large.


Page 11: N L M - Burma Library

Tuesday, 26 November, 2013 11New Light of MyanmarRegional

Indian National Congress Party president Sonia Gandhi (1st L) and Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit (C, Front) wave to supporters at a public rally ahead of the

Delhi state elections slated for 4 December at Shastri Park in New Delhi, India, on 24 Nov, 2013. —Xinhua

20,000 evacuated to shelters as volcano threat rises to highest in Indonesia

Japan to launch taskforce to boost Mekong-bound medical exports

Tokyo, 25 Nov — The Japanese government is planning to set up a task-force later this week to promote exports of medical technologies and services to five Mekong basin countries in Southeast Asia, govern-ment sources said on Mon-day. The entity involving both public and private sec-tors will be tasked with ac-celerating exports of Japan’s advanced medical facilities and insurance system to Cambodia, Thailand, Viet-nam, Myanmar and Laos as part of Prime Minister Shin-zo Abe’s economic growth strategy, they said.

Tokyo aims to sign a memorandum of under-standing on expanding co-operation in the medical sector with the five Mekong countries when it hosts a special summit between Ja-pan and the 10 Association of Southeast Asian Nations in Tokyo on 13-15 Decem-ber, marking the 40th anni-versary of their diplomatic

ties, the sources said. ASE-AN groups the five Mekong nations plus Brunei, Indo-nesia, Malaysia, the Philip-pines and Singapore.

The taskforce will con-sist of officials from Japan’s foreign and economy, trade and industry ministries, as well as hospital managers and representatives from insurance companies and medical equipment manu-facturers, according to the sources.

Medical standards are not high in some of the five Mekong nations and a Foreign Ministry source pointed out that there is room for Japanese firms to meet increasing medical needs there. The policy of expanding medical service exports to those South-east Asian countries is also aimed at countering China’s influence in the nations, the sources said.

China’s medical aid to the Mekong nations is fo-cused on financing and the

construction of facilities and does not cover services such as insurance, an aide to Abe said. When Abe vis-ited Phnom Penh earlier this month, he told Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen that Japan will launch a hospital providing emergency care in Cambodia in March 2015. The Japanese government will also supply medicines and medical equipment to the Mekong nation. Japan is also set to support training of doctors and other medical workers and provide know-how on hospital manage-ment in Laos and help estab-lish hospitals in Myanmar.

Kyodo News

A wounded man receives medical examination on China’s navy hospital ship Peace Ark at Leyte Gulf in Philippines, on Nov. 24, 2013. China’s navy hospital ship Peace Ark,

the first 10,000-ton- class hospital ship in the world, arrived here on Sunday and began treating patients who

were injured by the Typhoon Haiyan. Xinhua

Villagers carry their belongings as they walk to an evacuation centre, as Mount Sinabung spews ash to

the skies above, at Aman Teran village in Karo district, Indonesia’s North Sumatra Province,

on 24 Nov, 2013.—ReuteRs

JakarTa, 25 Nov — About 12,000 people from villages on the mountain-side of Mount Sinabung volcano in North Sumatra have fled homes since Sun-day, bringing the total inter-nally displaced persons to nearly 20,000 as the volca-no erupted again, officials said on Monday.

Bowo Asa, senior offi-cial at the disaster manage-ment and mitigation agency at North Sumatra, told Xin-hua over phone that about 12,000 people living in more than 10 villages had been evacuated since Sun-day to government camps, while more than 6,000 oth-ers fled to the shelters pre-viously.

The 2,475-metre high Mount Sinabung belched a column of dark ash 1,500 meters high on Sunday, leading the authorities to

step up the alert status to the highest, Surono, head of na-tional volcanology agency, said.

“Hot ash spreads 1,000 metres toward southeast of the crater,” he told Xin-hua via phone. That led the agency extend the evacu-ation zone to 5 kilometres from the fiery crater, from 3 kilometers earlier, said Surono.

Indonesia has issued a warning to international and domestic flights to re-route pathway near Mount Sinabung since the volcano erupted on 18 November, the biggest eruption since the volcano first rumbled back to life in September af-ter being dormant for three years. Mount Sinabung has erupted intermittently since then.

Transport Minis-try Spokesman Bambang

Ervan had earlier said the volcanic ash of the volcano was found by up to 25,000

meters high into the air, en-dangering flights.


Candidates look at a map of the exam sites in Nanjing, capital of east China’s Jiangsu Province,

on 24 Nov, 2013.China’s annual national civil servant recruitment exam kicked off nationwide on Sunday. National-level government agencies, their affiliated public institutions and local branches will

recruit 19,000 civil servants in 2014. —Xinhua

Nearly 1 mln sit national civil servant exam

BeiJing, 25 Nov — As many as 990,000 candidates took the National Public Servant Exam on Sunday, a decrease of 130,000 from last year, according to the State Administration of Civil Service.

China’s central author-ity, their affiliated public in-stitutions and local branch-es will recruit over 19,000 civil servants in 2014, a slight drop from 2013, ac-cording to a statement from the administration.

One out of 51 exam takers will succeed in gain-ing a post this year, accord-ing to the statement.

The annual exam in-cludes an aptitude test and a written policy essay, and those who pass the written exam will make it to the in-terview round.

The popularity of the exam has been attributed to mounting pressures in finding employment, fair-ness of the test, and the at-tractiveness of civil servant jobs, which are stable and respected.

Statistics from the ad-ministration showed that there were 7.089 million civil servants in China by the end of 2012.


Philippine helicopter carrying relief goods

crashes in Manila bayManila, 25 Nov —A

private Philippine helicop-ter carrying relief goods crashed into the Manila Bay on Sunday afternoon, local media reported.

The chopper crashed about 18 nautical miles northwest of North Harbor in Manila bay, near Bu-

lacan, radio dzBB quoted Philippine Coast Guard as saying.

The pilot and a passen-ger of the aircraft have been rescued by US Marines and were uninjured.

The chopper was said to ship relief goods for ty-phoon victims.—Xinhua

Five girls drown in irrigation tank in India

new Delhi, 25 Nov — Five schoolgirls drowned on Sunday in an irrigation tank near Aruppukottai in Virudhunagar district of the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu, around 2,700 km away from here.

The girls, all aged between 10 and 12 years, ventured into the deep end of the tank and were sucked under as they did not know swimming, po-lice said.


Page 12: N L M - Burma Library

Tuesday, 26 November, 201312

advertisement & GeneraLNew Light of Myanmar

the republic of the union of myanmarministry of energy

myanma oil and gas enterpriseinvitation for open tender

(14/2013) Open tenders are invited for supply of the following respective items in United States Dollars.

Sr.No Tender No Description Qty Remark

(1) IFB-112(2013-2014) Transmission for Komatsu Dozer (1) Unit US$ (2) IFB-113(2013-2014) Torque Convertor for Komatsu Dozer (1) Unit US$ (3) IFB-114(2013-2014) National Torque Convertor (3) Nos US$ CAT D 3508 Rig Engine (4) IFB-115(2013-2014) GM 6 V 71 Engine (2) Sets US$ (5) IFB-116(2013-2014) GM 6 V 53 Engine (4) Sets US$ (6) IFB-117(2013-2014) Mud Agitator Unit (With Motor (3) Lots US$ Driven) (7.5 KW) (7) IFB-118(2013-2014) Shore Water Pump (1000gpm, (1) Lot US$ 200 ft head) Centrifugal Water Pump With 80 HP Motor Driven (8) IFB-119(2013-2014) Skid Mounted Crude Transfer (1) Lot US$ Pump (400gpm, 400 ft Head With Engine Driven) -Tender Closing Date & Time - 23-12-2013, 16:30 Hrs.TenderDocumentshallbeavailableduringofficehourscommencingfrom25th November, 2013 at the Finance Department, Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise, No(44) Complex, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar.

Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise Ph: +95 67-411097/411206

claims day noticemv kota rakan voy no (09a)

Consignees of cargo carried on MV kota ra-kan VOY NO (09A) are hereby notified that the vessel will be arriving on 25.11.2013 and cargo will be discharged into the premises of a.w.p.t where it will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws and conditions of the port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day now declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo from the Vessel.

no claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day.

shipping agency department myanma port authority

agent for: m/s advance container lines

phone no: 256908/378316/376797

claims day noticemv kota rajin voy no (825)

Consignees of cargo carried on MV kota rajin VOY NO (825) are hereby notified that the vessel will be arriving on 26.11.2013 and cargo will be discharged into the premises of h.p.t where it will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws and conditions of the port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day now declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo from the Vessel.

no claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day.

shipping agency department myanma port authority

agent for: m/s advance container lines

phone no: 256908/378316/376797

claims day noticemv noble breeze voy no (028)

Consignees of cargo carried on MV noble breeze VOY NO (028) are hereby notified that the vessel will be arriving on 25.11.2013 and cargo will be discharged into the premises of a.w.p.t where it will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws and conditions of the port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day now declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo from the Vessel.

no claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day.

shipping agency department myanma port authority

agent for: m/s interasia lines phone no: 256908/378316/376797

claims day noticemv montreal voy no (2)

Consignees of cargo carried on MV Montreal VOY NO (2) are hereby notified that the vessel will be arriving on 26.11.2013 and cargo will be discharged into the premises of M.i.t.t where it will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byel-aws and conditions of the port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day now declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo from the Vessel.

no claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day.

shipping agency department myanma port authority

agent for: m/s ecl (s’pore) pte ltd phone no: 256924/256914

claims day noticemv tay son 2 voy no (-)

Consignees of cargo carried on MV taY son 2 VOY NO (-) are hereby notified that the vessel will be arriving on 26.11.2013 and cargo will be discharged into the premises of s.p.w-3 where it will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byel-aws and conditions of the port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day now declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo from the Vessel.

no claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day.

shipping agency department myanma port authority

agent for: m/s g link express pte ltd phone no: 256924/256914

claims day noticemv royal 88 voy no ( )

Consignees of cargo carried on MV roYal 88 VOY NO ( ) are hereby notified that the vessel will be arriving on 26.11.2013 and cargo will be discharged into the premises of a.w.p.t where it will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byel-aws and conditions of the port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day now declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo from the Vessel.

no claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day.

shipping agency department myanma port authority

agent for: m/s rk shipping & trading pte ltd

phone no: 256924/256914

philippines watchful on climate change after typhoon devastation

Manila, 25 nov — the philippines, a coun-try ravaged by a variety of natural disasters each year, voiced its full support for the campaign against cli-mate change on sunday.

presidential Communi-cations operation secretary herminio Coloma jr said in an interview at a weekend radio programme that the country had started imple-menting its comprehensive long-term plan and strategy for climate change adapta-tion and mitigation.

Coloma said one spe-cific campaign under the climate change adaptation and mitigation programme is the reduction of the gas emission in the country that adds to pollution.

the recent storm surge

that accompanied typhoon Yolanda and devastated several provinces in the philippines is being blamed on climate change.

philippine president benigno aquino iii in-structed environment sec-retary ramon paje to devise a comprehensive environ-ment protection program to minimize the impact of storm surges, flooding and calamities following the devastation of Yolanda.

aquino also ordered paje to impose a rule prohib-iting building commercial and residential structures along the seashore, and to ensure the immediate plant-ing of mangrove, which serves as a natural protec-tion against big waves, Coloma said.—Xinhua

roma have no special

insight with chinese investors

RoMe 25 nov — roma president james pallotta stated on Friday that he has “no special insight” in talks with potential Chinese in-vestors.

Chinese businessmen were reported to be inter-

ested in buying out some of italian bank UniCredit’s stake in roma and thus be-coming shareholders in the club.

pallotta neither con-firmed nor denied these re-ports in his statement.

“we are fortunate to be the stewards of a great organization that people are interested in and want to become a part of,” he said.

“our goal as always is to pursue what is best for

roma. we have no special insight into UniCredit’s de-sire to sell its stake in roma or its rather transparent mo-tive for a public dialogue, so we like you will await the next news cycle to learn more,” he said.

according to pallot-ta’s statement, he and the american investors can be understood to have no part in the negotiations between UniCredit and Chinese in-vestors.


Page 13: N L M - Burma Library

Tuesday, 26 November, 2013

Advertisement & entertAinment13New Light of Myanmar

Saif Ali Khan: No objection if daughter wants to join Bollywood

MuMbai, 25 Nov — Ac-tor Saif Ali Khan says he has no objection if his daughter Sara joins the film industry provided she completes her education. Saif married ac-tress Amrita Singh in 1991 and they have two children — daughter Sara and a son.

After thirteen years of marriage the couple di-vorced in 2004. Sara was no-ticed when she posed on the cover of a magazine along-side mother Amrita and also when she made her ramp debut for designers Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla. There were reports that the teen-ager has been flooded with film offers since then.

“She is in America in college in Colombia Uni-versity. She will have a de-gree and then she is free to choose whatever she wants to do. She can live and work anywhere in the world, she can come back here and join films, or become lawyer. It

is upto her,” Saif told PTI. The actor-producer father will support his daughter if she wants to become an ac-tress but she might need to lose some weight, he feels. “If she chooses to be here (in film industry) then she will

What if you are not success-ful as an actor? Then you will be stuck with no job also. Though you get lot of Things as an actor, there is a lot of pressure. It is not a normal life as you don’t have time for the little things

Saif reveals his daughter Sara is his weakness.—PTI

Robbie Williams tops British album chart, makes music history

London, 25 Nov —British singer Robbie Wil-liams grabbed the top spot in the UK album charts on Sunday with his new release “Swings Both Ways”, the Official Charts Company said, saying he had made music history by doing so.

The release was the UK’s 1000th number one album, it said, saying

Williams, who has sold 55 million albums globally, was now tied with Elvis Presley as the male solo artist with the most official number one UK albums — 11. Eminem hung on to second place in the album chart with “The Marshall Mathers LP 2”, holding off a new entry from 19-year-old singer/songwriter Jake Bugg

British singer Robbie Williams performs during

the Bambi 2013 media awards ceremony in Berlin

on 14 Nov, 2013.ReuTeRs whose new album “Shangri

La” entered at number three.In the singles chart,

British singer Lily Al-len took the top spot with her version of the Keane song “Somewhere only we Know”, which is featured in a department store Christ-mas advertising campaign.It was her third number one UK single.—Reuters

Shruti is the daughter of noted actor Kamal


Actor Shruti Haasan’s

alleged stalker arrested in

MumbaiMuMbai, 25 Nov — A

spot boy was on Satur-day arrested from central Mumbai in connection with stalking and trespassing at actress Shruti Haasan’s house in suburban Bandra, police said. The accused, identified as Ashok Shankar Trimukhe (45), was to-day arrested from Dharavi area today, Assistant Po-lice Commissioner Shivaji Kolekar told PTI. “He is a spot boy in Film City,” Mr Kolekar said.

The accused claimed that he had gone to Haasan’s residence to seek job for his brother, but before he could say anything, the actor got scared and banged the door, police said.

The accused also claimed that he had no in-tention to scare her.


have to lose weight.“I think it is better to

concentrate on education and have some backing.

in life. I am fine with it but I think college degree is im-portant,” he added.


Page 14: N L M - Burma Library

Tuesday, 26 November, 2013

SPORTS 14 New Light of Myanmar

Members of the Brazilian team celebrate their victory in the FIVB World Grand Champions Cup 2013 during the commendation ceremony at Tokyo Metlopolitan Gymnasium in Tokyo, Japan, on 24 Nov, 2013. Brazil defeated Italy 3-2 in Tokyo

Sunday, clinching their gold medal in FIVB Men’s Grand Champions Cup. Russia and Italy settled for silver and bronze separately.


McIlroy settles dispute with former sponsor Oakley

Dublin, 25 Nov — Rory McIlroy has settled a legal dispute with his former sponsor, American sportswear company Oak-ley, the Irish golfer said on Sunday without disclosing the terms of the deal.

A sponsorship switch to Nike in January by the former world No 1 prompt-ed Oakley to launch legal action to try to retain its sponsorship deal, saying it had the right to match any improved agreement with

another company.”The le-gal claims brought by Oak-ley against Rory McIlroy in California have been amicably settled to the sat-isfaction of both parties,” a statement released on be-half of McIlroy said.

“I am delighted the case is now behind me,” McIlroy was quoted as say-ing.McIlroy said earlier this month that his legal worries had weighed on him during a disappointing season. In September he terminated his contract with Dublin-based Horizon Sports Man-agement to form his own management company and the acrimonious split has also reached the courts.


Man City hit six past hapless Spurs, United heldlonDon, 25 Nov —

Rampant Manchester City shredded the Premier League’s meanest defence with a 6-0 thrashing of Tot-tenham Hotspur on Sunday while Manchester United’s surge up the table stalled after a 2-2 draw at Cardiff City. Sergio Aguero and Je-sus Navas both struck twice as City, who have scored 13 goals in their last two home games, roared into the top four. Hapless Tottenham conceded as many in one match as they had in their previous 11 league outings.

A sixth home win in six gave Manuel Pel-legrini’s team 22 points from 12 games. United were poised to move above them when they led Cardiff in south Wales with goals from Wayne Rooney and Patrice Evra. The visitors were then denied a fourth consecutive league victory when Kim bo-Kyung’s late header earned Cardiff a de-

served share of the spoils and left United in sixth spot with 21 points, seven be-hind leaders Arsenal.

England striker Roon-ey was at the center of con-troversy when he escaped with a yellow card for a wild kick at Jordan Mutch but the performance of a goal-laden weekend came from Manchester City. Oddly enough Tottenham enjoyed territorial superior-ity but having fallen behind after 15 seconds they were ripped apart by a home side bursting with goalscoring potential.

City have scored 34 league goals already this season and manager Pel-legrini was glowing in his praise.

“It’s not normal to win by six goals against a strong team like Tottenham. I think today we played re-ally well, not just attacking but defending,” he told Sky Sports television. “Spurs

Manchester City’s Sergio Aguero (L) shoots and scores his goal during their English Premier League

soccer match against Tottenham Hotspur at the Etihad Stadium in Manchester, northern England on 24 Nov,

2013. — ReuteRs

have very important players in attack so to not concede is very good.”

City were gifted the lead straight from the kick-off when Tottenham played the ball back to Hugo Llo-ris and the France keeper hit his clearance straight to Aguero. Lloris, playing for Spurs for the time since suf-fering concussion against

Everton at the start of the month, parried the Argen-tine striker’s effort but the ball rolled to Navas whose chip curled over the out-of-position keeper. It was the second fastest goal of the season after the wind-as-sisted one scored by Stoke City goalkeeper Asmir Be-govic against Southampton in 13 seconds.—Reuters

Tevez helps Juve go top, late agony for

Mihajlovicberne, 25 Nov — Ju-

ventus went top of Serie A with a 2-0 victory at Livor-no on Sunday while Sinisa Mihajlovic was denied a winning start as Sampdo-ria coach when his 10-man team conceded a goal from the last kick of the game to draw 1-1 with Lazio. Fer-nando Llorente and Carlos Tevez were on target as champions Juve jumped into first place ahead of un-beaten AS Roma’s home game with Cagliari on Monday.

Juve have 34 points from 13 games, two more than Roma, after record-ing their fifth successive league win without conced-ing a goal. Napoli, beaten 1-0 by Parma on Saturday, are third on 28 while Inter Milan are fourth, a further two points behind, after drawing 1-1 at Bologna.

Llorente fired Juve in front with a superb volley in the 63rd minute and then laid the ball off for former Man-chester City and Manches-ter United forward Tevez to rifle home 12 minutes later.

The volatile Mihajlovic took charge of his first Sampdoria match five days after quitting following 18 months in charge of Serbia.He returned to coaching in Italy almost exactly two years after leaving Fioren-tina amid protests by the club’s supporters that in-cluded ethnic taunts.

On a soggy pitch, third from bottom Sampdoria had Nenad Krsticic sent off 18 seconds into the sec-ond half for a nasty lunge on Cristian Ledesma but eighth-placed Lazio, with-out an away win all season, failed to take advantage.


Nadal beats Djokovic in exhibition matchbuenos Aires, 25 Nov

— Spain’s Rafael Nadal, ranked first in the ATP, showed why he held the top spot on Sunday, beat-ing second-seeded Novac Djokovic at an exhibition match in Argentina’s capi-tal Buenos Aires. Nadal defeated his Serbian rival in two sets, 6-4 and 7-5, as part of a relaxed joke-and humor-filled match watched by more than 12,000 spectators.

The two tennis stars were in the South Ameri-can country to support Ar-gentina’s David Nalbandi-an, who will retire from pro

tennis. Nalbandian, once ranked No. 3 and winner

of the 2005 Shanghai Mas-ters Cup, defeated Nadal in

the first of the two matches Thursday, winning 6-4 and 7-6 (6). Nadal won the sec-ond match Saturday, 6-3 and 6-4. During a doubles match, as part of the exhi-bition series, Djokovic en-tertained fans by doing his impersonation of Russian tennis player Maria Shara-pova and later dressing up as a nurse to attend to Nal-bandian.

Nadal and Djokovic also played a game against the imposing backdrop of southern Argentina’s Perito Moreno glacier. During Sunday’s event, US actor Will Smith, who is in Ar-

Spain’s Rafael Nadal

gentina to film his latest movie, “Focus,” got on the court to horse around with the Serbian player. Smith, Nadal and Djokovic were expected to show up later in the day at the capital’s storied La Bombonera Sta-

dium in support of another sport, as football teams Boca Juniors and All Boys were scheduled to play each other on Day 17 of the country’s Opening Tournament.

ReutersNovac Djokovic

Rory McIlroy

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R/489 Printed and published by the New Light of Myanmar press in Nay Pyi Taw, the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information.

Tuesday, 26 November, 2013 15

GENERALNew Light of Myanmar

26-11-13 07:00 am ~27-11-13 07:00 am) MST


* Local News* Monastery: Summer

School* World News* Talented Musicians* Local News* Sittway, Evergreen

Seaside Town* World News* The Pride of

Myanmar “Traditional Handicraft”

* Local News* Myanmar Puppet Show* World News* Variety Puppet Dances

(Horse, Monkey, Ogre, Alchemist, Garuna)

* Local News* Lawka Nandar Wildlife

Sanctuary And Its Rare Star Tortoises

* World News* Distinguished

Myanmar Ladies “Tin Moe Lwin”

* Local News*Graffiti:CharacterArt* World News*CreationsofaDesigner* Local News* Shan- Flat- Rice-

Noodle Soup* Yatana Theinga CityandShweBoYatanamingalar Palace

* Local News* For Our Great, Great,

Great, Grandchildren AndBeyond-EnforceThe Green

* ScentedBuddhaImages

*WasoCharityFeast* A Worth Studying Site

For Ancient Myanmar Heritages

(26-11-2013, Tuesday)6:00 am1. ParittaByVenerable

Mingun Sayadaw6:25 am2. Physical Exercises6:50 am3. Documentary7:00 am4. News/Weather Report7:25 am5. People Talks7:35 am6. Teleplay (Health)8:00 am7. News/ International

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News9:30 am10. Musical Programme9:40 am11.BusinessNews10:00 am12. News10:15 am13. Documentary11:10 am14. Myanmar Traditional


11:30 am15. Tamyethnar Takwetsar12:00 pm16. News/International

News/Weather Report12:30 pm17. Teleplay2:20 pm18.TraditionalBoxing

3:00 pm19. News3:15 pm20. India Drama Series4:00 pm21. News/Weather Report4:40 pm22. University of Distance

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-First Year (Myanmar)4:50 pm23. Songs Of Yester Years5:00 pm24. News5:20 pm25. SEA Games Go for

Gold (Wrestling)5:40 pm26.BusinessNews6:00 pm27. News/ Weather Report6:20 pm28. Documentary (SEA Games)6:45 pm29. Documentary (ASEAN)7:00 pm30. News7:25 pm31. Documentary (SEA Games)7:40 pm32. Pyi Thu Ni Ti 8:00 pm33. News/International

News/Weather Report8:40 pm34. Hit Songs of Stars9:00 pm35. News36. Sing A Song37. India Drama Series


Vettel wins Brazilian GP, equals Schumacher record

Rio de JaneiRo, 25 Nov — Red Bull’s Se-bastian Vettel equalledMichael Schumacher’s re-cord of thirteen victories in a year at the season-ending Brazilian Formula1 Grand Prix on Sunday. The 26-year-old, who clinched his fourth straight world championship title last month, also matched Alberto Ascari’s 60-yearrecord of nine consecutive wins at the Interlagos cir-cuit.

After being overtakenby Mercedes’ Nico Ros-berg on the first lap, Vet-tel regained the lead in the second and held it until the end to secure his 39th career win. His Red Bull

teammate Mark Webber,competing for the last time inFormula1,finishedsec-ond, 10.4 seconds behind.Ferrari’s Fernando Alonsowas third. “At the end of the day,asIseeitnow,it’sjusta number,” Vettel said ofhisrecord-equallingperfor-mance.“Buthopefullyoneday,whenI’vegotlesshairandchubby,thenit’sprob-ablysomethingnicetolookbackon.”

Jenson Button gaveMcLaren their best finishof the season by finishingfourth while Rosberg fin-ishedfifth.McLaren’sSer-gio Perez was sixth afterstarting 19th on the grid. Webber, who won here in2010 and 2012, was given

Yokozuna Harumafuji

(C) poses with his

family and support-ers after

winning his sixth career title at the Kyushu

Grand Sumo Tournament at Fukuoka

Kokusai Center in Fukuoka

Prefecture on 24 Nov,

2013.Kyodo News

Fierce weather-related accidents kill four in Texas,

New MexicoHouston, 25 Nov —

Fierce weather has swept through the United States’southwest states of Texas and New Mexico, causing at least four deaths in acci-dents, local media reported on Saturday. Freezing rainand cold temperature have influencedTexasresidents’travelandshouldbeblamedforcausingthetrafficacci-dents since late Friday, ac-cording to the website ofthe local Engish daily “The Houston Chronicile.”

In Vega, some 48 km

Egypt recalls ambassador to TurkeyCaiRo, 25 Nov —

Egypt has decided to recall its ambassador to Turkeyand summon the Turkish envoy here, the Foreign Ministry spokesman was quotedby state-runAhramonline on Saturday.

“We decided to with-drawour ambassador fromTurkey and summon the Turkish ambassador inCairo to inform him he isno longer persona non grata andaskhimtoleave,”BadrAbdelAatysaid.—Xinhua

aheartyovationbytheRedBullpitcrew,whoheldupa sign saying: “Awesome. Thank you Mark.” as he cross the line.”It was a good finish to my career,” said

Red Bull’s Sebastian Vettel equalled Michael Schu-macher’s record of thirteen victories in a year at the season-ending Brazilian Formula 1 Grand Prix on


Nike kick off World Cup shirt war with new Brazil kit

Rio de JaneiRo, 25 Nov —Nikelaunchedakeybat-tle in its war for shirt su-premacy on Sunday when theyunveiledthekitBrazilwill wear to host the 2014 WorldCup.VfLWolfsburgmidfielder Luiz Gustavoappeared in Copacabanawearing the famous yellow shirtandcoachLuizFelipeScolari warned Brazil’s ri-valsthefive-timeschampi-ons aim to make an impor-tant alteration by winningthe competition for a record sixth time.

“The shirt looks great, the only thing missing is a sixth star,” Scolari said. “We aim to have that on thereaftertheWorldCup.”The Brazil shirt is Nike’stopsellinginternationaljer-sey and the company will doonebilliondollarsworthof business in the SouthAmerican country this year, said their vice president of communications CharlieBrooks.NikeexpectsBrazilto be its third largestmar-ket in the world by 2017,

behind only the UnitedStatesandChina.

Sportswear rivals Nike and Adidas are bat-tling over supremacy in the 5 billion-euros soccer kitmarket. The twofirmsarevirtually neck and neck in a market which the American company entered around 20 years ago.

The German company recently announced that it had extended its sponsor-ship agreement with FIFA to2030,buildingonapart-nership that dates back to1970. The deal allows Adi-das to supply match balls,

kit for officials and vol-unteers and to advertise at WorldCupvenues.

Nike has a long-term deal with the BrazilianFootball Confederationthat has run since 1997. It also sponsors Neymar, the young Barcelona strikerwho will shoulder much of Brazil’s expectation nextyear.—Reuters

west of northern Texas city Amarillo, a fatal traf-fic accident involving ninetractor-trailer rigs and two passenger vehicles killed three people and injuredseveral others when it oc-curred shortly before mid-night Friday.

In New Mexico, some partsofthestatehavebeenblanketed with snow andfreezingrain,whichcausedthe death of a 4-year-old girl in a rollover accident Saturday in the eastern part of the state.—Xinhua

the 37-year-old, who fin-ished third in the drivers’standings. “It was a great journey. I’ll enjoy watch-ing F1 next year.”


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9th Waning of Tazaungmon 1375 ME Tuesday, 26 November, 2013 New Light of Myanmar

Nay Pyi Taw, 25 Nov —On his inspection tour

Vice-President U Nyan Tun inspects preparations for reception, accommodation and transportation for athletes of 27th SEA Games

of sporting avenues where sports events of the 27th

SEA Games will be held and International Airports

at which athletes will ar-rive, Parton of the leading committee for holding the 27th SEA Games Vice-Pres-ident U Nyan Tun inspected preparations for reception, accommodation and trans-portation for athletes of Southeast Asian countries.

First, the Vice-President oversaw preparations to re-ceive athletes of Southeast Asian countries at Nay Pyi Taw International Airport.

On his arrival at Ngw-ehsaung Yachting Club in Pathein Township, Ay-eyawady Region, together

with Union ministers Lt-Gen Ko Ko, U Tint Hsan and U Htay Aung, deputy ministers and departmental heads, the Vice-President heard reports on prepara-tions for successful holding of the 27th SEA Games and efforts being made for suc-cess in the yachting event presented by U Moe My-int, President of Myanmar Yachting Federation, and officials. Then the Union Ministers made supplemen-tary reports.

After fulfilling the requirements, the Vice-President spoke words of praise and called for mass participation in carry-ing out beautifying works along the road to the club. He then observed prepara-tions for yachting event and visited accommoda-tion facilities for athletes. He also cordially greeted Myanmar athletes who will be competing in the yachting event and posed a documentary photo to-gether with them.

The yachting event of the SEA Games will be held at Ngwehsaung beach that (See page 8)



U Nyan

Tun poses

for docu-





at Ngw-


Beach in



Nay Pyi Taw, 25 Nov—A ceremony to do-nate 100 motorbikes to Myanmar Police Force un-der the Ministry of Home Affairs to more effectively carry out security measures of SEA Games and ASE-AN Summit and related meetings by Suzuki Com-pany was held at Myanmar International Convention Centre (MICC), here, this afternoon.

Suzuki donates motorbikes to MPF

It was attended by Union Ministers U Wunna Maung Lwin, U Soe Thane and Dr Kan Zaw, deputy ministers, Vice President of Suzuki Company Mr Toshihiro Suzuki and in-vited guests.

The Vice President of Suzuki Company present-ed keys to Deputy Minis-ter U Chan Maung before explaining the purpose of donation. Next the deputy

minister spoke words of thanks. After the ceremo-ny, they viewed Suzuki motorbikes displayed at the booths in MICC and enjoyed motorbike dem-onstration skills.

Those motorbikes are intended for traffic polices who will serve their duty in the XXVII SEA Games and 2014 ASEAN Summit and related meetings.—Ko Myo (Shwe Paukkan)

Ceremony to donate police bikes to MPF by Suzuki in progress.Ko myo (Shwe PauKKan)

Myanmar to introduce universal health coverage

Department U Htay Win, Director (Planning) Dr Daw San San Aye, Health Policy Adviser Dr. Sundararajan-Gopalan of WHO, Human Resources expert Dr Hnin Hnin Paing of World Bank presented financial ways to introduce the universal health coverage. —MNA

Social Zone of Wunna Theikdhi

sports zone launched

Nay Pyi Taw, 25 Nov—Social zone of Wun-na Theikdhi sports zone was opened, here, this morning.

Chairman of Leading Committee for holding the 27th SEA Games Union Minister for Sports U Tint Hsan, Deputy Ministers U Thaung Htaik and U Zaw Win, Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Kyaw Kyaw Tun, Director-General U Myo Hlaing cut the ribbon to open the so-cial zone.

The social zone is meant to provide all the comfort and convenience of the Heads of countries, (See page 8)

A nation-

al race

bele in





before a

full dress


for open-

ing and



nies of

the 27th




Nay Pyi Taw, 25 Nov—Union Minister for Health Dr PeThet Khin delivered an ad-dress at the launching of the Universal Health Coverage in Myanmar Consultation Meeting on Formulation of Road Map and Implementa-tion Plan, held at the Ministry of Health, here, this morning.

The Union minister con-

tinued saying that the coop-eration between the Ministry of Health, relevant ministries and private sectors is a main core for implementing the universal health coverage. Among Myanmar’s current reform processes, reform of health sector needs to be added. Acting Director-Gen-eral of the Health Planning

15 days to XXVII SEA Gamesm

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