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    vol. 20.4 December 2013)Newsletter of the Nordic Anthropological Film AssociationIncorporating the Commission of Visual Anthropology CVA) Circular

    Web version: http://www.nafa.uib.noISSN: 0805 - 1046

    Please send news, articles and announcements to:

    Berit Madsen, Anne Mette Jorgensen and Christian SuhrDepartment of Anthropology

    Moesgaard8270 Hoejbjerg

    DenmarkFax: +45 89424655

    E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected]


    Editorial . 2CVA Manifesto (Commission on Visual Anthropology) 3Call for Films: Gttingen Ethnographic Film Festival 5Call for films: EASA Annual Meeting 2014 5 Producers and Audiences, Conference Call, Lund, Sweden 6Call for Papers: Anthropology and Photography (RAI) .............. 7

    Ethno-photography of/in Iran: Past, Present, and Future .. 8The Ethnographic Film Review: Eyes and Lenses XI, Warsaw 8 2014 Futures of Visual Anthropology Conference Call . 9

    Workshop on Visuality and the Greek Crisi s . 9

    Eye & Mind, MA in Visual Anthropology, deadline 15/3 10

    Transcultual Montage, new edited volume 11NOTICE BOARD .. 12CALENDAR 14

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    NAFA Network vol. 20.4 December 2013) 2

    ditori lBy Anne Mette Jrgensen and Christian Suhr

    Dear readers,

    At the highly successfull NAFA Festival at Alhndiga,Bilbao in October this year plans for several futureNAFA Festivals and Conferences were made. Proposalsfor locations and partners were plenty and we can, inthe years to come, look forward to getting together notonly in Nordic countries but many other lovely placesin and perhaps even for the first time outside Europe. NAFA 2014 will truly be located in Nordiclandscapes, though, since the venue is set for safjrurin north-western Iceland in June. Film entries arewelcome now and until the deadline on 6 April.

    The NAFA 2014 film selection committee is up andrunning with the following members: Orsolya Veraart(Troms), Petia Mankova (Troms), Tanel Saimre(Bergen), Frode Storaas (Bergen), Knud Fischer-Mller(Copenhagen) and Peter Crawford (Aarhus).

    To submit your film, please use the online form on thenew NAFA testsite ( or the temporarysite ( In a not too distant future, we willexpect a dedicated website for next years festival to beup and running and you will have much more newsabout the 34th NAFA Film Festival in our next volume.

    For once, our three-person editorial board has had to dowithout Berit, who was busy presenting her film,Sepideh Reaching for the Stars in Amsterdam in themain competition at the IDFA festival. Today we areproud and happy to congratulate Berit again: Yesterdaythe Sundance Film Festival announced that Sepideh Reaching for the Stars has now also entered theSundance World Cinema Documentary Competition.See more on

    With these good news and with gratitude to you, ourreaders, for sharing with us the passion for ethnographicfilms and visual anthropology, we wish you a

    Wonderful Christmas and a prosperous New Year!

    Please observe that deadline for the next volume isFebruary 14, 2014.

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    nafa::news and announcements

    CV Manifesto Commission on Visual nthropologyuidelines for v lopingst n r s v lu tion rdiverse forms of medi tion in nthropology9 August 2 13

    Metje Postma1 ([email protected])

    In 2001 the AAA published a Report called: Statementon Ethnographic Visual Media in which they stated:Committees tasked with appraising the significance ofvisual media as academic contributions to the

    disciplineto teaching, scholarly research, and appliedanthropologycan benefit from evaluative criteria(American Anthropologist, Vol. 104, No. 1, pp. 305-6,March 2002). It is in this line of thinking that theCVA decided to organize a Forum to discuss how wecould advance the further acceptance of non-textualforms of representation in academia. For, althoughthose guidelines (developed under the advisement of theSociety for Visual Anthropology) helped toacknowledge that non-textual forms of representationshould be considered as academic outcomes ofethnographic research, visual anthropologists andstudents that work within academia all over the world,still lack institutionalised bodies and agreed upon

    1 The original text that was presented at the forum inManchester was composed with input from:P.I.Crawford, M. Postma, H. Prins, K. Oesther, F.Hughes Freeland, A. Grossmann, R. Ragazzi, B.Engelbrecht, A. Torresan, I.Kawase, B. Jiang,K.Hanson, A. Lawrence et all.

    academic standards that help to evaluate and accredittheir audio-visual publications.

    These shortcomings are encountered when applying foracademic funding, when trying to get audiovisualproductions acknowledged as academic publications,

    and when discussing evaluation criteria for non-textualproducts of anthropological research done by students,with colleague-anthropologists. It is precisely becausedifferent forms of representation are increasingly beingused and acknowledged within anthropology that theneed to find a common language and epistemologicalground to discuss the processes and products of suchpractices, within mainstream anthropology, becomesmore and more crucial.

    The discussion that took place during the IUAES Con-gress 2013 in Manchester on the 9th of August, onestablishing guidelines that may help to develop stand-ards of evaluation for audio- visual media productionsin Anthropology was lively and the aims of the forumwere widely acknowledged. The need to integrate othermedia in the anthropological endeavour is seen as anirreversible process. Therefore the establishment of anew on-line Visual Anthropology journal by Vaneasa:

    Anthrovision (http://anthrovi thatallows the publication of multimedia articles can beseen as a first allowance for the realisation of those aims.

    The manifesto that was the result of the discussionintends to offer academic institutions guidelines theycan make use of, when starting a discussion ondeveloping their own standards for evaluating non-textual forms of representation within theiranthropology departments. It is not our intention to

    strictly define these standards here as we are convincedthat a discussion in the field benefits from diverse pointsof view that can and will be exchanged and developed aspart of academic discourse worldwide.

    In 2009, Peter Crawford performed a survey into ifand how centres of Visual Anthropology inside univer-sities world-wide dealt with allowing non textual pro-ductions as academic output and what experiences theyhad with developing criteria or guidelines for the eva-luation of such different forms of mediation in anthro-pology. His findings were published previously in theNAFA/CVA Newsletter Volume 17-5 of October 2010( and can be summarised by theobservation that full acceptance has been reached andstandards have been developed in some countries,noteworthy the UK, Australia, Switzerland and theUSA and recently also in the Netherlands, where insome universities standards were developed that enablethe evaluation of non-textual products of anthropologystudents, but still many visual anthropologists and stu-

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    NAFA Network vol. 20.4 December 2013): News and nnouncements 5

    Call for Films: 2 Gttingen International thnographic Film Festival erm ny28 May 1 June 2014

    The festival promotes documentary cinema with aspecial emphasis on new films, videos or interactivemedia (published after 1.1.2011) dealing with socio-cultural processes in a wide sense of the term.

    The festival is open to all filmmakers, but especiallythose coming from anthropology, sociology, folkloreand neighbouring disciplines. It provides a great

    opportunity for international co-operation in VisualAnthropology and documentary filmmaking.

    The festival encourages young filmmakers to submittheir films, as the festival especially supportsSTUDENT FILMS and awards the best film with theStudent Film Award 2014 .

    The festival addresses film authors, producers,distributors, and viewers.It aims for discussions at the screenings and afterwardsbetween the various groups present to promote theintercultural dialogue on the different aspects of filmwork.

    The Festival is a meeting point of young students ofanthropology, sociology and media studies, who are

    interested in the use of film as research method, modeof publishing and communicating research results.

    Submission deadline: 15 December 2013

    For further information please visit our

    Beate EngelbrechtGttingen International Ethnographic Film Festivale.V.Postfach 1711, 37007 Gttingen, Germany

    [email protected]

    all for films EASA Annual Meeting 2 14:Collaboration, Intimacy & Revolution: innovation and continuity in an interconnected world

    The European Association of Social Anthropology

    invites documentary film submissions to be screenedduring its 13th Biennial Conference in Tallinn, Estoniafrom the 31st July to the 3rd of August 2014.

    The theme of the Conference is "Collaboration,Intimacy & Revolution: innovation and continuity inan interconnected world and we encouragesubmissions that address topics connected to

    collaborations and the new kinds connections they


    We are particularly interested in narratives andcinematic forms that explore how collaborations relateto conflicts and collusions, which frequently go hand inhand with declarations of cooperation and partnership.

    For more information on submissions


    Carlo A. Cubero, PhDDepartment of Social & Cultural AnthropologyEstonian Institute of Humanities5 Uus Sadama #305Tallinn, Estonia 10120

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    NAFA Network vol. 20.4 December 2013): News and nnouncements 6

    Call for Papers Producers and Audiencesnt rnational Conference Media and Communication Research Lund University Sweden

    March 20, 2014

    Professor Annette Hill, Dr Tina Askanius, Joanna Doonaand Carolina Martinez.

    Media production and culture are intricately connected.Producers create, produce, distribute and sell content,formats and brands for international audiences. Weengage and disengage with creative content, formats andbrands, as publics, viewers, listeners, fans, consumers

    and participants. And media producers and audiencescan switch roles, leading a double life as creators andconsumers, producers and users. Yet despite theseconnections, production and audience studies tradition-ally remain separate spheres. Recent developments inthe business of media and cultural industries highlightshifts in production, distribution, economics andcultural experiences across a range of content fromtelevision, film, radio, music, print, digital and mobilemedia. How can production and audience researchallow space for broader questions about culture and ourengagement with it? This conference explores challenges

    for production and audience research, theory andpractice. The aim is to examine the complex interplay

    between production and culture in global, political,industrial and social contexts.

    The conference follows three areas of enquiry in media,communication and cultural studies: relations betweenproducers and audiences; theories, methods andpractices; and creative content for contemporarymediascapes.

    Areas of research enquiry include:

    Political, social, economic and cultural relationsbetween producers and audiences.

    Production and audience theories, methods andpractices.

    Empirical research in production and/or cultureacross diverse genres and content, includingtelevision, film, radio, music, print, digital andmobile media.

    Fans and anti-fans. International formats for global audiences.

    The schedule includes a combination of keynoteaddresses, pre-constituted panels, and open panels.Confirmed speakers include Professor John Corner(Leeds University, UK), Professor Peter Dahlgren(Lund University, Sweden), Julie Donovan(International Formats Consultant), Professor AnnetteHill (Lund University, Sweden) Professor Vicki Mayer(Tulane University, USA), Jane Roscoe (Head ofInternational Content for SBS Australia), Professor

    Jeanette Steemers (Universi ty of Westminster, UK),

    Douglas Wood (Head of Research, Shine Group).

    Please submit abstracts of 300 words in English byDecember 9th 2013 to [email protected]. For furtherinformation please consult our website:

    There is a registration fee of 650 SEK (70 Euros) thatcovers food and drink for the day and an eveningbuffet.

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    NAFA Network vol. 20.4 December 2013): News and nnouncements 7

    all for Papers nthropology and PhotographyConference at the British Museum - ay 2 4Dear colleagues,

    The Royal Anthropological Institute is pleased toannounce that the Anthropology and PhotographyConference will take place at the British Museum,Clore Centre, London, 29 - 31 May 2014, inconjunction with the Museums Anthropology Libraryand Research Centre.

    The call for papers is now open until 8 January 2014

    The aim of the conference is to stimulate aninternational discussion on the place, role and future ofphotography. We welcome contributions fromresearchers and practitioners working in museums,academia, media, the arts and anyone who is engagedwith historical or contemporary production and useof images.

    Please see further details and the online-form forsubmitting a paper on our website:

    You can see a full list of the panels:

    Papers must be submitted to a specific panel and a linkto the form is available on each panel page. Proposalsshould consist of a paper title, a (very) short abstract of

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    NAFA Network vol. 20.4 December 2013): News and nnouncements 9

    2 14 Futures of Visual Anthropology onference allThis year's FVA conference theme is "Beyond the Lens"

    The conference will be held on April 3-4, 2014 atTemple University, Philadelphia, PA.

    The Visual Anthropology Society at Temple (VAST) ispleased to announce the 2014 Futures of Visual

    Anthropology Conference theme: Beyond the Lens.This interdisciplinary conference will bring togetherresearch that moves beyond academic and institutionalenvironments and enhances public scholarship throughparticipatory methods, engaged ethnography, and

    interdisciplinary collaboration. We encourage

    innovative approaches to new media research anddigital and experimental methods. Submissions mayalso involve explorations beyond the visual medium,such as sensory ethnography, embodiment studies,spatial analyses, and soundscapes. We welcomesubmissions from established scholars, graduatestudents, and undergraduates, as well as communityorganizers and professionals in a broad range of fields.

    The 2014 FVA conference will also feature a Student

    Film Festival with awards presented to the best super-short, short, and feature-length films.Project formats may include (but are not limited to):Film, Photography, Visual and Performance Art,Posters, and Paper Presentations.

    The deadline for submissions is February 3, 2014.

    Workshop on Visuality and the Greek Crisisecember - 2 3

    Dear All,

    I would like to let you know about a workshop that Iam organising at the British School at Athens (Soudias52, Athens, Greece) on visual culture and the Greek

    crisis. It is going to take place on December 16-17,2013 (Monday and Tuesday). Anyone interested and/orin Greece at that time, you are very welcome to theworkshop.

    The workshop features talks by visual practitioners andanthropologists. The keynote lecture is given byChristopher Pinney (UCL, Anthropology). Free

    admission. Talks are in English.

    Thanks,All best

    Konstantinos Kalantzis

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    NAFA Network vol. 20.4 December 2013): News and nnouncements 10

    EYE MINDMaster s Degree Programme in Visual Anthropology t arhus UniversityDeadline for pplications March 5 201Deadline for applications is 15 March.

    With the Masters Degree programme in VisualAnthropology, Moesgaard Museum and AarhusUniversity aim to establish a research environmentwhere students, scholars, artists, film- and exhibition-makers can experiment and develop forms of inquiryand representation that allow a close engagement withcross-cultural experience and imagination. The new

    museum site of Moesgaard provides a window throughwhich students, film- and exhibition-makers can enterdirectly into dialogue with the broad public. Further-more, the museum provides a unique public laboratoryfor experimenting with diverse methodologies andtechnologies of representation. This is of value not onlyto students and researchers, but also to the museum,whose ambition it is to allow visitors to share in the verycreation of anthropological knowledge.

    In the autumn of 2013 the new museum buildingopened to students and staff and in the autumn of 2014Denmarks first new-built cultural historical museum

    will be inaugurated. The building adds 16,000 squaremeters to the museum and thus sets the stage for avariety of new exhibition opportunities includingspecial editing facilities, lecture halls and exhibitionspace for students in the programme in visualanthropology.

    Anthropologists are increasingly recognizing the need tobroaden the scope of their methodology and analytical

    expression. Traditional academic representations in theform of written articles or monographs excel in theirability to provide insights into the cultural practices,norms, rules and institutions by which people live. Butto engage fully with the complexities of social life,anthropology needs alternative academic languages thatallow researchers to explore the role of perception,imagination and emotion in human interaction. Newsocial media and audiovisual technologies of

    communication offer unique possibilities for engagingand bringing into dialogue the whole of the humansensorium and imaginative capacities. Publicinstitutions, private organizations and academia areincreasingly demanding audiovisual methods that canfacilitate cross-cultural analysis, dialogue andimagination. The overall aim of this programme is toqualify students of anthropology and related disciplinesto take on the task of audiovisual research, consultancyand communication in the contemporary world.

    The programme is not only designed for students whowish to become ethnographic film directors or museum

    curators. The emphasis is on educating full-scaleanthropologists with special capabilities in audiovisualanalysis and communication. In addition to specificthemes in visual anthropology, students attend coursesin general anthropological debates and methodologies.This grounding in broad theoretical debates allowsstudents to engage in audiovisual communication ofrelevance beyond the specialized field of visualanthropology.

    Throughout the programme students produce anumber of visual anthropological presentationsculminating in the production of a thesis comprised of avisual anthropological product (film, photography,museum installation, multimedia) and a written partwith further methodological, analytical andrepresentational reflections. Through intensive andongoing engagement in audiovisual communication,students receive skills in operating video and photo

    cameras, sound recording, composition, video editing aswell as practical experience in designing and managingaudiovisual projects. Lecturers with a variety ofprofessional backgrounds within the audiovisualproduction industry provide insight into aspects such asdevelopment, production, broadcasting andfundraising.

    Further info about the visual anthropology programme

    Study Centre Arts, tel: +45 87161026email: [email protected]

    Specific questions about the programme

    Christian Suhr, tel: +45 31600031,email: [email protected]://[email protected]

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    NAFA Network vol. 20.4 December 2013): News and nnouncements 11

    Dear friends and colleagues,

    We are very happy to announce the publication of ournew book "Transcultural Montage" including 18 essaysby anthropologists, filmmakers, photographers, and

    curators who explore the use of montage as a tool forcomparative analysis in anthropological writing, film,and exhibition making.

    Best wishes,Rane and Christian $49.95 / 32.00

    TR NSCULTUR L MONT GESummaryThe disruptive power of montage has often been

    regarded as a threat to scholarly representations of thesocial world. This volume asserts the opposite: that thedestabilization of commonsense perception is the veryprecondition for transcending social and culturalcategories. The contributorsanthropologists, film-makers, photographers, and curatorsexplore the useof montage as a heuristic tool for comparative analysisin anthropological writing, film, and exhibition making.Exploring phenomena such as human perception,memory, visuality, ritual, time, and globalization, theyapply montage to restructure our basic understanding ofsocial reality. Furthermore, as George E. Marcus sug-

    gests in the afterword, the power of montage that thisvolume exposes lies in its ability to open the very"combustion chamber" of social theory by juxtaposingone's claims to knowledge with the path undertaken toarrive at those claims.

    Introduction Rane Willerslev and Christian SuhrMontage as an Amplifier of Invisibility

    Part I : Montage as an Analytic 1. Bruce Kapferer.Montage and Time: Deleuze,

    Cinema and a Buddhist Sorcery Rite2. Morten Nielsen.Temporal Aesthetics: On

    Deleuzian Montage in Anthropology3. Stuart McLean.All the Difference in the World:

    Liminality, Montage and the Re-Invention ofComparative Anthropology

    4. Andrew Irving.Into the Gloaming: A Montage ofthe Senses

    Part II : Montage in Writing 5. Anne Line Dalsgaard.Being a Montage6. Paul Antick.Smith's Tour Favela7. Nina Vohnsen.Labour days: a non-linear narrative

    of development

    8. Karen Lisa Salamon.Mind the Gap

    Part III : Montage in Film 9. Catherine Russell.Women in Cities: Comparative

    Modernities and Cinematic Space in the 1930s10.Julia T. S. Binter.Radioglaz and the Global City:

    Possibilities and Constraints of ExperimentalMontage

    11.Alyssa Grossman.Filming in the Light of Memory12.Jakob Kirstein Hgel.Montage as analysis in

    ethnographic and documentary filmmaking:

    From hunting for plots towards weaving basketsof data13.Anna Grimshaw.In Defense of Observational

    Cinema: The Significance of the Bazinian Turnfor Ethnographic Filmmaking

    Part IV: Montage in Museum Exhibit ions 14. Peter Bjerregaard.Assembling Potentials,

    Mounting Effects: Ethnographic ExhibitionsBeyond Correspondence

    15. Rebecca Empson.Assembling Bodies: Cuts,Clusters and Juxtapositions

    16.Alexandra Schssler and Willem Mes.Project VillaSovietica: Clashing Images, Expectations, andReceptions

    Afterword George E. MarcusThe Traffic in Montage, Then and Now

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    nafa::notice boardAnthrovision: NEW ONLINE JOURNAL

    Anthrovision is an electronic online journal dealingwith visual anthropology and the anthropology of thevisual in an emerging post-digital world characterised adiverse and constant influence of audio-visual forms ofrepresentation embedded in an increasingly complexnetwork of media and visual communication practices.

    A group of interested scholars linked through the VisualAnthropology Network of the European Association ofSocial Anthropologists (VANEASA) decided to createthis platform to give an opportunity to colleagues frominterdisciplinary background to publish articles

    including audiovisual material and to promoteinnovative ways of writing within an academicframework.

    NEW BOOK: Design Anthropology:Theory and PracticeWendy Gunn, Ton Otto , Rachel Charlotte Smith

    Design Anthropology. Theory and PracticeBloomsbury Publishing 2013

    Design is a key site of cultural production and changein contemporary society. Anthropologists have beeninvolved in design projects for several decades but onlyrecently a new field of inquiry has emerged which aimsto integrate the strengths of design thinking andanthropological research.

    This book is written by anthropologists who activelyparticipate in the development of design anthropology.Comprising both cutting-edge explorations andtheoretical reflections, it provides a much-neededintroduction to the concepts, methods, practices andchallenges of the new field. Design Anthropology movesfrom observation and interpretation to collaboration,intervention and co-creation. Its practitionersparticipate in multidisciplinary design teams workingtowards concrete solutions for problems that aresometimes ill-defined. The authors address the criticalpotential of design anthropology in a wide range ofdesign activities across the globe and query the impactof design on the discipline of anthropology.

    This volume will appeal to new and experiencedpractitioners in the field as well as to students ofanthropology, innovation, science and technologystudies, and a wide range of design studies focusing onuser participation, innovation, and collaborativeresearch.

    NEW BOOK: Participatory Visual andDigital Methods

    Aline Gubrium and Krista Harper2013, Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press

    Gubrium and Harper describe how visual and digitalmethodologies can contribute to a participatory, public-engaged ethnography. These methods can change thetraditional relationship between academic researchers

    and the community, building one that is moreaccessible, inclusive, and visually appealing, and onethat encourages community members to reflect andengage in issues in their own communities. The authorsdescribe how to use photovoice, film and video, digitalstorytelling, GIS, digital archives and exhibits inparticipatory contexts, and include numerous casestudies demonstrating their utility around the world.

    NEW VOLUMEVisual Anthropology, Vol. 26, n. 4Rebecca M. BrownColonial Polyrhythm: Imaging in the Early 19thCentury

    Emily Rose StevensonHome, Sweet Home: Women and the Other Space ofDomesticity in Colonial Indian Postcards, ca 110-1920

    Lorena RizzoStudies of Empire: Police Photography in German

    South-West Africa

    Thomas HendricksErotics of Sin: Promiscuity, Polygamy andHomo.Erotics in Missionary Photogra from theCongolese Rainforest

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    NAFA Network vol. 20.4 December 2013): Notice Board 13NEW RELEASE OF FILMS

    We are proud to announce the release of filmsby Argentinian cinematic icon, Jorge Prelorn. Prelornwas a pioneer in the field of ethnographic documentary

    film; his films are not only beautiful to watch, but alsooffer insights to compliment and enhance courses inLatin American Studies, Anthropology, and Film.

    Imaginero (Hermgenes Cayo)This film is an ethnobiography of Hermgenes Cayo, aself-taught woodcarver and painter who lives on thehigh Andean plateau of Argentina with his wife andchildren. The film weaves a portrait of Cayo, the craftof image making, an indigenous Catholicism, as well asportraying the lifestyle of a solitary Andean familybraving the harsh conditions of their surroundings. The

    relationship between individual and culture, as well ascultural change, is artfully expressed by Prelorn.

    Cochengo MirandaCochengo Miranda has lived in the Pampas region ofCentral Argentina for over 30 years, and has raised hisfamily there. He is a descendant from early Spanishsettlers in the region, where many of its traditions arestill kept alive even though transculturation is rapidlytaking its toll. This film is a warm, intimate portrait oflife in a little-known region of the world, as told to usby the settlers themselves.

    Zulay, Facing the 21st CenturyFilmed over a span of 8 years, this film is based ondialogue between Zulay Saravino, an indigenousOtavalea of Equador living in LA, and MabelPrelorn, an Argentine anthropologist. The filmexplores transculturation and its implications for

    identity, education, economic advancement andemotional ties.

    And as a companion to these films, don't miss Tracesand Memory of Jorge Prelorn, an excellent portrait ofthe filmmaker.

    You can order through our website, or by calling theoffice at 617-926-0491 or toll-free at 800-569-662. Ifyou would like to review any of these films, please emailme.

    All the best & happy viewing,Alijah CaseSales & Outreach Associate

    Documentary Educational Resources101 Morse Street

    Watertown, MA, 02472

    P: 617-926-0491

    NEW ARTICLEI'm happy to announce that my article, "Collaborationagainst ethnography: How colonial history shaped themaking of an ethnographic film" is now availableonline.

    I think the paper will be of interest to anyone interestedin issues of visual ethics or the intersection of history

    and ethnography.

    The paper discusses the making of the film, "PleaseDon't Beat Me, Sir!" which is available for streaming onVimeo (although we ask that anyone interested in usingit for teaching purchase an institutional copy of theDVD for their school library).

    http://dontbeatmesir.comThere is also a "preprint" version of the article availableon my account as a downloadable PDF(for those who don't have access to Sage journals):

    Cheers,P. Kerim Friedman

    Associate ProfessorDepartment of Indigenous CulturesCollege of Indigenous StudiesNational DongHwa University, TAIWAN

    NEW SHORT COURSEInternational Development UEA is building on its wellestablished relationship with Postcode Films and islaunching a new short course Film-making in theField: Visual media production for developmentprofessionals. Here is the link to the page on ourwebsite

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    nafa::calendarEvents marked with bold are those still open for entries.

    December 11-15, 201311thKathmandu International Mountain Film Festival(KIMFF) 2013, Kathmandu, Nepal.Deadline for entries: September 20, 2013Contact:Ramyata Limbu (Festival Director)Kathmandu International Mountain Film FestivalHimal AssociationLazimpat, Kathmandu, NepalMailing address;P.O.Box 166Patan Dhoka, LalitpurKathmandu, NepalTel: +977-1-4440635E-mail: [email protected]


    December 16-17 2013Workshop on Visuality and the Greek CrisisBritish School at Athens, Soudias 52, Athens, GreeceMore info above

    December 17-19, 20133dr Anthropological Film Festival, The Jerusalemcinematheque in cooperation with the Dept. ofSociology and Anthropology, the Hebrew University of

    Jerusalem, Israel.Deadline for entries: May 5, 2013Contact:

    Jerusalem Cinematheque - Israel Film Archivec\o Films and AnthropologyP.O.B 8561

    Jerusalem 91083


    December 18-22, 201324th edition of the Beeld vor Beeld Documentary FilmFestival,

    Amsterdam, NetherlandsSpecial theme: Images from the West - Representationsof the Dutch Caribbean and Dutch Guiana.Submission deadline: August 30, 2013Contact: [email protected]


    January 16-26, 2014Sundance Film Festival, Park City, Utah, USADeadline for entries:Early submission August 9, 2013; Official submission

    August 30, 2013; Late submission September 23, 2013Web:

    January 22-February 2, 201443 edition of the International Film FestivalRotterdam, the Netherlands.Deadlines for entries:Features: 1 November 2012

    Shorts (up to 60') completed before 1 July 2013: 1September 2013Shorts (up to 60') completed after 1 July 2013: 1October 2013Feature-length films (60+min): 1 November 2013


    January 24 Feb 3, 2014Gteborg International Film Festival

    Deadline for entries: Passed

    Web: http://www.giff.seJanuary 28-February 2, 201413 DocPoint - Helsinki Documentary Film FestivalDeadline for entries: PassedContact adress: DocPoint, Fredrikinkatu 23, 00120Helsinki,Tel. +358 9 672 472, Fax +3589673998Mail: [email protected]


    February 6-16, 2014The 64th Berlin International Film Festival, Berlin,Germany.Deadline for entries: October 31/ November 15


    February 14-28, 2014New York, MoMA Documentary Fortnight Festival2014,New York, USA.Deadline for entries: PassedContact:

    February 23-March 2, 2014ZagrebDox 2014, International Documentary FilmFestival, Zagreb, CroatiaDeadline for entries: PassedContact:

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    NAFA Network vol. 20.4 December 2013): Calendar 15February 27-March 2, 2014Columbia, True/False Film Festival 2014, Colombia,MissouriDeadline for entries: PassedContact:

    March 1, 2014London Human Rights Watch Film Festiva l2014Deadl ine for entr ies : Dec 10, 2013Contact: http://ff 3-12, 2014The 16th edition of the One World InternationalHuman Rights Documentary Film Festival inPrague, Czech Republic.Deadline for entries: 15th November 2013Contact:

    One World/People in NeedSafarikova 635/24120 00 Prague 2, Czech republictel. +420 226 200 400E-mail: [email protected]


    March 4-14, 2014Tempo Dokumentrfi lmfestiva l 2014, SwedenFor submission, contact:mel issa . l indgren@tempofestiva l . se.E-mail : mel issa . l indgren@tempofestiva l . seWeb: http://www.tempofestiva l . se/engl ish/March 5-9, 2014The 44th International Tampere Short Film Festival,Tampere, Finland.Deadline for entries: 1st Dec 2013


    March 7-16, 2014Austin, SXSW Film Festiva l 2014, Austin, TXDeadline for submission: December 13, 2013Contact: 10-14, 20147thedition of Days of Ethnographic Film,Ljubljana, SloveniaSubmission deadline: December 1, 2013Contact: [email protected]


    March 14-23, 2014Thessaloniki Documentary Festival 2014, GreeceDeadline for entries: Nov 15, 2013Contact:

    March 15-22, 201411


    World Film FestivalTartu, EstoniaSubmission deadline: October 20, 2013Contact: [email protected]


    March 20-30, 201436rd Festival Cinma du reel, Paris, FranceDeadline for entries: Passed.


    April 1, 2014Sao Paulo It s Al l True InternationalDocumentary Film Festiva l , BrazilDeadl ine for entr ies : December 16, 2013Web:http://www.itsa l l

    April 2-13, 2014Buenos Aires Festiva l de Cine Independiente2014, ArgentinaDeadl ine for entr ies : December 20, 2013Web:http://fest iva les .buenosaires 3-4, 2014Futures of Visual Anthropology Conference"Beyond the Lens"Temple University, Philadelphia , PA.Project formats may include (but are notl imited to) : Film, Photography,Visual and Performance Art, Posters , andPaper Presentations.Deadl ine for submissions: February 3, 2014.http://vastmosphere.wordpress .com/April 16-27, 2014Tribecca Film Festival, New York, USADeadline for entries: Nov 11, 2013


    April 17-20, 2014Etnografi lm Festiva lPar is , FranceSubmission deadl ines: August 1, October 1,December 1, December 31Web: http://ethnografi 24-May 4, 2014Hot Docs Canadian internationalDocumentary Festiva l , Canada.Deadl ine for entr ies : Ear ly-bird deadl ine isNovember 22, deadl ine December 13 and latedeadl ine January 3, 2014Web:

  • 8/13/2019 NAFA Network 20.4- dec 2013


    NAFA Network vol. 20.4 December 2013): Calendar 16April 25-May 3, 2014Visions de Rel , International Film Festiva l ,NyonDeadl ine for entr ies :Oct. 11, 2013 for f i lms f inished before Sept.2013January10, 2014 for f i lms f inished afterSeptember 2013Contact:Visions du Ren,Place du March 2, CH 1260 NyonTel : +41 22 365 44 55Fax: +41 22 365 44 50E-mail : contact@visionsdureel .chWeb: http://www.vis ionsdureel .chApril 30-May 11, 2014Documenta Madrid, X International FilmFestiva l Madrid, SpainDeadl ine for entr ies : January 31, 2014Contact: 25-27, 2014The Ethnographic Film Review Eyes andLenses XIWarsaw, Poland.The deadl ine for submissions: 12 January2014.Contact:E- mail : ca l l for fi [email protected] .plWeb: .plMay 6-12, 201424 th Afr ican, Asian and Latin America FilmFestiva l , Milano, Ita ly.Deadl ine for entr ies : January 18, 2014Contact:E-mail : fest iva [email protected]: http://www.festiva lcinemaafr

    May 7-14, 201429 th International Film Festiva l MnchenDOK.FEST, GermanyDeadl ine for entr ies : December 18, 2013Contact:Web: http://www.dokfest-muenchen.deMay 8-14, 2014Docaviv International Documentary FilmFestiva l , Tel Aviv, IsraelDeadl ine for entr ies : December 16, 2013Contact:Wb: i l /en/homeMay 15-June 8, 2014SIFF 2014 40 th Seatt le International FilmFestiva l , Seatt le.Deadl ine for entr ies : January 6, 2014Contact:Web: http://www.siff .net/fest iva l-2014May 28-June 1, 201412 th Gttingen International EthnographicFilm Festiva lSubmission deadl ine: 15th December 2013Web: http://www.gieff .de/June 201434 th Nordic Anthropologica l Film AssociationFilm Festiva lsa fjrur, IcelandDeadl ine for f i lm entr ies : 6 April 2014To submit your f i lm, please use the onl ineform on the new NAFA tests ite( or the temporary s ite(nafa In a not too distant future,we wil l expect a dedicated website for nextyear s fest iva l to be up and running.

    June 4-15, 2014Sydney Film Festiva l , Sydney, Austra l iaDeadl ine for entr ies : February 27, 2014Web: http://sff 7-12, 2014Sheffield International Documentary Festiva l(SIDF), UKDeadline for entr ies : January 24, 2014Contact:Web: http://sheffdocfest .comJune 14-22, 2014Zanzibar International Film Festiva l , ZanzibarDeadl ine for entr ies : April 1, 2014Web:http://www.ziff .or .tz/2013/09/04/ziff2014-fi lm-entry-now-open/June 18-29, 2014The 68 th Edinburgh International FilmFestiva l (EIFF), Edinburgh, Scotland.Deadl ine for entr ies : Ear ly bird Dec. 17,2013; Regular Feb. 4, 2014; Late Feb. 18,2014Contact:Web: http://www.edfilmfest 2014EASA biennial Conference in Tallin, EstoniaDeadline: December 9, 2013


    July 1-7, 2014Festiva l International de Documentaire deMarseil les FIDMARSEILLE, FranceDeadl ine for entr ies : March 10, 2014Contact:Web:http://www.fidmarseil le .org/index.php/en/

  • 8/13/2019 NAFA Network 20.4- dec 2013


    NAFA Network vol. 20.4 December 2013): Calendar 17July 13-19, 2014The Visual Sociology meeting in Yokohama VisualChallenges in an Unequal World with a subset ofsessions focusing on Environmental Visibilities, underISAs XVIII World Congress of Sociology, in

    Yokohama, Japan.

    Deadline for papers: September 30, 2013Contact:Program coordinator for WG03, Regev NathansohnUniversity of Michigan (USA)E-mail: [email protected]


    July 31-Aug.3, 2014EASA Annual Meeting 2014: "Collaboration,Intimacy & Revolution: innovation andcontinuity in an interconnected worldDeadl ine for submission: January 13, 2014Contact:Car lo A. Cubero, PhDDepartment of Socia l & Cultura lAnthropologyEstonian Institute of Humanities5 Uus Sadama #305

    Tal l inn, Estonia 10120Web:http://www.easaonl i lm.shtmlAugust 25-31, 2014Odense International Film Festiva l , Odense,Denmark.Deadl ine for entr ies : April 1, 2014Contact:E-mail : f i lmfestiva [email protected]: lmfestiva l .dkSeptember 19-24, 201425 th Nordic Panorama 5 Cities FilmFestiva l , Malm, Sweden.Deadl ine for entr ies : Not set yetContact:E-mail : [email protected]: http://www.nordiskpanorama.comOctober 13-19, 2014Astra Film Festiva l - the Sibiu InternationalFestiva l for Documentary FilmSibiu, Romania

    Deadl ine: Not set yetWeb: http://www.astrafi 23-28, 2014The 17th International Documentary Festiva lJihlava , Czech RepublicDeadl ine for entr ies : Not set yetWeb: www.dokument-fest iva l .czOctober 20-26, 201433rd Uppsala Kortfi lmfestiva lUppsala , SwedenDeadl ine for entr ies : Not set yetWeb: www.shortfi lmfestiva l .com/November 6-16, 2014CPH:DOX 2014 Copenhagen InternationalFilm Festiva l ,Copenhagen, DenmarkDeadl ine for entr ies : Not set yetWeb:

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