
National Disability Coordination Officer ProgramIMVC 2014

Tips and Tools for Tertiary

Study With Your Health Not Against It

National Disability Coordination Officer ProgramIMVC 2014

NDCO Program aims to:improve linkages between schools, tertiary education providers, employment service providers and providers of disability programs and assistance at all government levels;

improve transitions for people with disability between school / community and tertiary education, and then to subsequent employment; and

improve participation by people with disability in tertiary education and subsequent employment.

The NDCO Program targets people with a disability aged 15 – 64 years and is funded by the Department of Education

National Disability Coordination Officer ProgramIMVC 2014

National Disability Coordination Officer ProgramIMVC 2014

Top Ten Tips for Getting Ready for Study or Work

1.Get Ready Early

2.Get the Big Picture

3.Get Connected

4.Get to Know Your Options

5.Get the Skills

6.Get Organised

7.Get Support

8.Get Involved

9.Get to Know Your Rights and Responsibilities

10.Get Confident.

National Disability Coordination Officer ProgramIMVC 2014

Tips for Tertiary DVD

•Choose courses that match interests skills and abilities

•Staying connected with friends, educators and student services

•Technology and useful study tools

•Study strategies

•Disclosure – how and why

•What supports are available

Hosted by Rebel Wilson

National Disability Coordination Officer ProgramIMVC 2014

Under the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA), if you have a vision or hearing impairment, physical or learning disability, neurological condition, mental health illness or chronic medical condition then you are entitled to support services by Universities and TAFE Institutes. .

Disability Liaison Officers (DLOs) are employed at each University and TAFE Institute in Victoria and may be able to provide the services to assist you with your studies:

Disability Liaison Units at Universities and TAFE

National Disability Coordination Officer ProgramIMVC 2014

• EduApps consists of eight useful software collections that are free for you to download and use.

• The EduApps Family covers a range of user requirements to support teaching and learning, so just choose the one that’s right for you

National Disability Coordination Officer ProgramIMVC 2014

My Study Bar puts a whole range of individual and essential tools at your fingertips. Together, these

have been designed to support the complete study cycle from research, planning and structuring to

getting across a written or spoken message.

National Disability Coordination Officer ProgramIMVC 2014

It’s a voice-recognition app that instantly writes down whatever you say; it’s 5x faster than typing,

and is 99% accurate. Not only does the voice-recognition work for taking down notes, but you

can write emails with it.


If you’re ever in a hurry and need to get a quick thought written down, or don’t want to miss that last tidbit of information your professor just told you but you’ve already packed away your notebook, then Dragon Dictation will be a lifesaver. It’s a voice-recognition app that instantly writes down whatever you say; it’s 5x faster than typing, and is 99% accurate. Not only does the voice-recognition work for taking down notes, but you can write emails with it, and even update your status on various social networking platforms. You’ll never have to walk and type again

National Disability Coordination Officer ProgramIMVC 2014

National Disability Coordination Officer ProgramIMVC 2014

Useful Websites and Resources:

a. Broaden Your Horizons

b. Choosing Your Path. Disclosure: It’s a Personal Decision

c. NDCO Victorian Website

d. Get Ready for Study and Work – Top ten tips for young people

who have a disability or chronic medical condition

e. Preparing for TAFE – A Guide for Students with a Disability in


f. Preparing for University – A Guide for Students with a Disability

g. JobAccess Website

h. Imbedded Use of Inclusive Technologies Website

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