
Natural Raw Dog Food Diet

Designed by NatureWritten by Thomas O’Neill

Natural Raw Dog Food Diet

Index Page

Introduction 1

Food Preparation 2

RecipesNo 1. Celery and Pears 3Nutritional Data Celery and Pears 6

No 2. Broccoli and Orange 7Nutritional Data Broccoli and Orange 10

No 3. Peas and Grapefruit 11Nutritional Data Peas and Grapefruit 14

No 4. Red Peppers and Apples 15Nutritional Data Red Peppers and Apples 18

Weekly Planner 19

Cost Analysis 20

Feeding Guide 21

Conclusion 22


Having read an article in a magazine about three yearsago I decided to feed my dogs on a BARF (bones andraw food diet). Trawling through the internet I could notfind any simple recipes to follow.

However after gathering a lot of information on the net Ihave put together the following booklet. The guidelines Igave myself to work to are;

The ingredients should be easily sourced and fresh, Simple preparation technique, Quick to prepare (have it down to 2 hours from start

to finish, including clean up). Cost effect

It is now almost two years since I started feeding a rawdiet and I would never consider switching back. It worksout cost wise close to a cheap brand of dog food and halfthe price of the top brand dog foods on the market.

It is important that if you decide to switch to a raw fooddiet to first consult with your vet, and if at any stage yourdog has a negative reaction to the new diet seekveterinary advice.

All the food is frozen in portion size containers andallowed to thaw out fully before being fed to the dogs.

I hope you enjoy this booklet and that it is of help if andwhen you switch to a natural way of feeding your dog.

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Food Preparation.

The following are guidelines when it comes to preparingthe food.

Meat.The meat supplied by your butcher will be the hearts,liver, kidneys and tripe along with some fat, all groundup together. The meat should be kept cool until required.

Fruit.All fruit should be clean and in the case of the citrusfruits the skins removed. All seeds and stacks should beremoved from the fruit before using.

Vegetables.All vegetables should be clean and fresh. In the case ofthe red peppers it will be important to remove the stacksand seeds from inside.

Tea.I empty the contents of the tea bags into the cup and useall of the tea in the recipes.

Bones.Never feed cooked bones or small bones which maysplinter. For this reason I always give large bones cut inhalf which makes it easier for the dogs to get the marrowout.

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Celery and Pear


9 Kg’s of butcher’s meat1 Kg carrots250g of spinach leaves1 sweet potato6 raw eggs575g celery2 pears2 cloves of garlic (crushed)1 cup of Echinacea tea

1. Empty contents of two teabags into a medium cup ofboiling water and allow toostand for 15 – 20 minutes.

2. Grate the carrots, sweetpotato, celery and pears usingthe smallest grating option onyour food processor. Placethe grated fruit andvegetables into a large basin.Mix the grated fruit andvegetables.

Grating Fruit and Vegetables

Fruit and Veg added to basin duringgrating

3. Replace the grating bladein the food processor with thecutting blades. Now processthe spinach leaves, raw eggsand crushed garlic cloves.Again add the mixture to thefruit and vegetables alreadyin the basin and mix alltogether along with the cupof Echinacea tea.

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4. Once all the ingredients arewell mixed, process the mixagain in the food processorusing the cutting blades, insmall amounts. This is toensure all the fruit andvegetables are well brokendown. Then place in a largebasin and mix well with awooden spoon.

Final mix

5. Now place the groundmeat into a large cleankitchen skin.

Now add the processed fruitand vegetables to the meat.

Mix the fruit and vegetableswith the meat. The easiestway to do this is by hand.

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6. Now place the mix intocontainers or plastic bags tobe frozen and used at a laterdate. If using containers it isbest to use one which willhold one feed and stackeasily in the freezer.

7. Once packed place thefood into a freezer and storetill required.



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Nutrional Data: Celery & PearMeat 80 % - Fruit & Veg 20%

calorie's From Carbohydrate cal 47932From fat cal 129421From Protein cal 249619

Carbohydrates Dietary Fibre g 3.66Starch g 2.40Sugars g 6.55

Fats & Fatty Acids Saturated Fat g 5.14Monounsaturated Fat g 4.71Polyunsaturated Fat g 1.84Total Omega-3 fatty acids mg 74.29Total Omega-6 fatty acids mg 1402.68

Protein & Amino Acids Protein g 61.04

Vitamins Vitamin A IU 22774.60Vitamin C mg 22.20Vitamin D IU 48.69Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol) mg 1.30Vitamin K mcg 81.02Thiamin mg 0.81Riboflavin mg 5.02Niacin mg 21.69Vitamin B6 mg 1.56Folate mcg 257.31Vitamin B12 mcg 42.14Pantothenic Acid mg 9.33Choline mg 382.61Betaine mg 78.09

Minerals Calcium mg 173.88Iron mg 13.03Magnesium mg 89.69Phosphorus mg 775.06Potassium mg 1172.72Sodium mg 547.58Zinc mg 6.97Copper mg 3.55Manganese mg 0.73Selenium mcg 207.46Fluoride mcg 2.22

Sterols Cholesterol mg 896.29Phytosterols mg 7.52

Other Water mg 422.97Ash mg 4.87

Note: The above table is based on 550g of foodthis being between 2 - 2.5% the average dailyfood requirements of a 25kg adult dog.

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Broccoli and Orange


9 Kg’s of butcher’s meat1 Kg carrots417g tin salmon250g blueberries orstrawberries6 raw eggs600g broccoli2 oranges (peeled)2 cloves of garlic (crushed)1 cup of Nettle tea

1. Empty contents of two teabags into a medium cup ofboiling water and allow toostand for 15 – 20 minutes.

2. Grate the carrots andbroccoli using the smallestgrating option on your foodprocessor. Place the gratedvegetables into a large basin.

Mix the grated fruit andvegetables.

Grating Fruit and Vegetables

Fruit and Veg added to basin duringgrating

3. Replace the grating bladein the food processor with thecutting blades. Now processthe salmon, berries, raw eggs,oranges and crushed garliccloves. Again add themixture to the vegetablesalready in the basin and mixall together along with thecup of nettle tea.

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4. Once all the ingredients arewell mixed, process the mixagain in the food processorusing the cutting blades, insmall amounts. This is toensure all the fruit andvegetables are well brokendown. Then place in a largebasin and mix well with awooden spoon.

Final mix

5. Now place the groundmeat into a large cleankitchen skin.

Now add the processed fruitand vegetables to the meat.

Mix the fruit and vegetableswith the meat. The easiestway to do this is by hand.

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6. Now place the mix intocontainers or plastic bags tobe frozen and used at a laterdate. If using containers it isbest to use one which willhold one feed and stackeasily in the freezer.

7. Once packed place thefood into a freezer and storetill required.



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Nutrional Data: Broccoli & OrangeMeat 80 % - Fruit & Veg 20%

calorie's From Carbohydrate cal 44504From fat cal 140707From Protein cal 267082

Carbohydrates Dietary Fibre g 5.75Starch g 0.46Sugars g 5.90

Fats & Fatty Acids Saturated Fat g 5.74Monounsaturated Fat g 5.48Polyunsaturated Fat g 2.69Total Omega-3 fatty acids mg 807.15Total Omega-6 fatty acids mg 1415.16

Protein & Amino Acids Protein g 69.60

Vitamins Vitamin A IU 18983.75Vitamin C mg 63.07Vitamin D IU 308.51Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol) mg 1.53Vitamin K mcg 42.79Thiamin mg 0.88Riboflavin mg 5.07Niacin mg 24.45Vitamin B6 mg 1.67Folate mcg 253.78Vitamin B12 mcg 43.97Pantothenic Acid mg 9.59Choline mg 420.95Betaine mg 4.77

Minerals Calcium mg 256.90Iron mg 13.14Magnesium mg 94.16Phosphorus mg 914.12Potassium mg 1227.51Sodium mg 741.95Zinc mg 7.38Copper mg 3.58Manganese mg 0.65Selenium mcg 221.95Fluoride mcg 0.33

Sterols Cholesterol mg 919.22Phytosterols mg 0.00

Other Water mg 443.08Ash mg 5.70

Note: The above table is based on 550g of foodthis being between 2 - 2.5% the average dailyfood requirements of a 25kg adult dog.

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Pea and Grapefruit


9 Kg’s of butcher’s meat1 Kg carrots250g of spinach leaves1 sweet potato6 raw eggs500g marrowfat peas (soakedin water overnight)2 grapefruit (peeled)2 cloves of garlic (crushed)1 cup of Echinacea tea

1. Empty contents of two teabags into a medium cup ofboiling water and allow toostand for 15 – 20 minutes.

2. Grate the carrots, sweetpotato, using the smallestgrating option on your foodprocessor. Place the gratedfruit and vegetables into alarge basin.

Mix the grated fruit andvegetables.

Grating Fruit and Vegetables

Fruit and Veg added to basin duringgrating

3. Replace the grating bladein the food processor with thecutting blades. Now processthe spinach leaves, raw eggs,peas, grapefruit and crushedgarlic cloves. Again add themixture to the fruit andvegetables already in thebasin and mix all togetheralong with the cup ofEchinacea tea.

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4. Once all the ingredients arewell mixed, process the mixagain in the food processorusing the cutting blades, insmall amounts. This is toensure all the fruit andvegetables are well brokendown. Then place in a largebasin and mix well with awooden spoon.

Final mix

5. Now place the groundmeat into a large cleankitchen skin.

Now add the processed fruitand vegetables to the meat.

Mix the fruit and vegetableswith the meat. The easiestway to do this is by hand.

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6. Now place the mix intocontainers or plastic bags tobe frozen and used at a laterdate. If using containers it isbest to use one which willhold one feed and stackeasily in the freezer.

7. Once packed place thefood into a freezer and storetill required.



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Nutrional Data: Pea & GrapefruitMeat 80 % - Fruit & Veg 20%

calorie's From Carbohydrate cal 55579From fat cal 129858From Protein cal 253508

Carbohydrates Dietary Fibre g 7.13Starch g 4.18Sugars g 4.91

Fats & Fatty Acids Saturated Fat g 5.13Monounsaturated Fat g 4.71Polyunsaturated Fat g 1.87Total Omega-3 fatty acids mg 86.85Total Omega-6 fatty acids mg 1421.61

Protein & Amino Acids Protein g 62.53

Vitamins Vitamin A IU 23617.35Vitamin C mg 35.69Vitamin D IU 48.69Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol) mg 1.22Vitamin K mcg 78.73Thiamin mg 0.89Riboflavin mg 5.03Niacin mg 22.13Vitamin B6 mg 1.56Folate mcg 263.97Vitamin B12 mcg 42.14Pantothenic Acid mg 9.47Choline mg 389.96Betaine mg 78.03

Minerals Calcium mg 172.31Iron mg 13.42Magnesium mg 95.04Phosphorus mg 795.00Potassium mg 1147.16Sodium mg 553.91Zinc mg 7.23Copper mg 3.59Manganese mg 0.81Selenium mcg 207.92Fluoride mcg 0.33

Sterols Cholesterol mg 896.29Phytosterols mg 3.49

Other Water mg 422.83Ash mg 4.89

Note: The above table is based on 550g of foodthis being between 2 - 2.5% the average dailyfood requirements of a 25kg adult dog.

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Red Pepper and Apple


9 Kg’s of butcher’s meat1 Kg carrots417g tin salmon250g blueberries orstrawberries6 raw eggs2 red peppers2 apples2 cloves of garlic (crushed)1 cup of camomile tea

1. Empty contents of two teabags into a medium cup ofboiling water and allow toostand for 15 – 20 minutes.

2. Grate the carrots, redpeppers and apples using thesmallest grating option onyour food processor. Placethe grated fruit andvegetables into a large basin.

Mix the grated fruit andvegetables.

Grating Fruit and Vegetables

Fruit and Veg added to basin duringgrating

3. Replace the grating bladein the food processor with thecutting blades. Now processthe salmon, berries, raw eggsand crushed garlic cloves.Again add the mixture to thefruit and vegetables alreadyin the basin and mix alltogether along with the cupof camomile tea.

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4. Once all the ingredients arewell mixed, process the mixagain in the food processorusing the cutting blades, insmall amounts. This is toensure all the fruit andvegetables are well brokendown. Then place in a largebasin and mix well with awooden spoon.

Final mix

5. Now place the groundmeat into a large cleankitchen skin.

Now add the processed fruitand vegetables to the meat.

Mix the fruit and vegetableswith the meat. The easiestway to do this is by hand.

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6. Now place the mix intocontainers or plastic bags tobe frozen and used at a laterdate. If using containers it isbest to use one which willhold one feed and stackeasily in the freezer.

7. Once packed place thefood into a freezer and storetill required.



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Nutrional Data: Red Pepper & AppleMeat 80 % - Fruit & Veg 20%

calorie's From Carbohydrate cal 55579From fat cal 129858From Protein cal 253508

Carbohydrates Dietary Fibre g 7.13Starch g 4.18Sugars g 4.91

Fats & Fatty Acids Saturated Fat g 5.13Monounsaturated Fat g 4.71Polyunsaturated Fat g 1.87Total Omega-3 fatty acids mg 86.85Total Omega-6 fatty acids mg 1421.61

Protein & Amino Acids Protein g 62.53

Vitamins Vitamin A IU 23617.35Vitamin C mg 35.69Vitamin D IU 48.69Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol) mg 1.22Vitamin K mcg 78.73Thiamin mg 0.89Riboflavin mg 5.03Niacin mg 22.13Vitamin B6 mg 1.56Folate mcg 263.97Vitamin B12 mcg 42.14Pantothenic Acid mg 9.47Choline mg 389.96Betaine mg 78.03

Minerals Calcium mg 172.31Iron mg 13.42Magnesium mg 95.04Phosphorus mg 795.00Potassium mg 1147.16Sodium mg 553.91Zinc mg 7.23Copper mg 3.59Manganese mg 0.81Selenium mcg 207.92Fluoride mcg 0.33

Sterols Cholesterol mg 896.29Phytosterols mg 3.49

Other Water mg 422.83Ash mg 4.89

Note: The above table is based on 550g of foodthis being between 2 - 2.5% the average dailyfood requirements of a 25kg adult dog.

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Weekly Planner

Food Qty Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Dog Meat 9.0Kgs

Carrots 1.0 KgsSpinach (250g) 1 BagTin of Salmon 0.417 KgsSweet Potato 1 MedStrawberries or Blueberries 250g

Eggs (Raw) 6 No.

Celery (575g) 1 PackBroccoli (600g) 1 PackFrozen Peas (500g) Thawed 1 bagRed Peppers 2 No.

Apples 2 No.Grapefruit 2 No.Orange 2 No.Pears 2 No.

HerbsGarlic 2 clove

Echinacea Tea 2 bagNettle Tea 2 bagCamomile Tea 2 bag

TreatFull Chicken (boned and diced) Given one random day in every month

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Cost Analysis

Food Cost Measure Qty / wk Cost / Mth Sourced

Dog Meat €1.00 per Kg 9 €36.00 Butcher with Abattoir

Carrots €1.00 per Kg 1 €4.00 Lidl or similarSpinach (250g) €1.80 per Bag 1 €3.60 Lidl or similarTin of Salmon €2.00 per Tin 1 €4.00 Lidl or similarSweet Potato €1.00 ea 1 €2.00 Lidl or similarStrawberries or Blueberries €2.00 per pack 2 €8.00 Lidl or similar

Eggs €0.35 ea 6 €8.40 Lidl or similar

Celery (575g) €1.00 per Bag 1 €1.00 Lidl or similarBroccoli (600g) €1.50 per pack 1 €1.50 Lidl or similarMarrowfat Peas (500g) €1.50 per Box 1 €1.50 Lidl or similarRed Peppers €1.00 ea 2 €2.00 Lidl or similar

Apples €0.25 ea 2 €0.50 Lidl or similarGrapefruit €0.75 ea 2 €1.50 Lidl or similarOrange €0.25 ea 2 €0.50 Lidl or similarPears €0.25 ea 2 €0.50 Lidl or similar

HerbsGarlic €0.05 per Clove 2 €0.40 Lidl or similar

Echinacea Tea €0.10 per Bag 2 €0.40 Holland & BarrettNettle Tea €0.10 per Bag 2 €0.20 Holland & BarrettCamomile Tea €0.10 per Bag 2 €0.20 Holland & Barrett

TreatFull Chicken (boned and diced) €3.00 ea 1 €3.00 Lidl or similar

Feeding Guide Grand Total €79.20Dog feed 2 - 2.5% ofbody weight per day. Cost per day €1.26 for 1 Dog

Ex. 25Kg Dog =500g to 620g

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Feeding Guide.

Weight of Dog Amount of foodKg g

1 to 5 23 to 1135 to 10 113 to 225

10 to 15 225 to 33815 to 20 338 to 45020 to 25 450 to 56325 to 30 563 to 67530 to 35 675 to 78835 to 40 788 to 90040 to 45 900 to 101345 to 50 1013 to 112550 to 55 1125 to 123855 to 60 1238 to 135060 to 65 1350 to 146365 to 70 1463 to 157570 to 75 1575 to 168875 to 80 1688 to 1800

Each dog is different and feeding requirements willvary depending on size, age, activity and enviroment.Monitor your dogs weight and adjust portions as requiredAlso ensure your dog as fresh clean water.

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Having had dogs for over ten years, I can say with fullconfidence that these diets are the most nutritious andhealthy which I have ever used.

The dogs are healthy, full of live with excellent coats andteeth. One of the dogs will have a full health check andhip score later in the year and I will post the results onthe web site.

When I was preparing the cost analysis of the diets I usedthe more expensive prices which I could find. But I havebeen able to keep the price around €0.85 - €0.90 perdaily portion. As if you keep an eye on the special offersyou will find bargains such as 1Kg of carrots for €0.29 orsix eggs for a €1.00.

Again I hope this booklet has been of help and a steptowards switching to a raw diet.

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