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Fast acting and gives relief regardless of whether your hypertension is associated with the


• Heredity

• Renal ailment

• Heart Disease

• High Cholesterol

• Anxiety & Tension

• Insomnia

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• Natural High Blood Pressure herbal tablets are for all types of hypertension irregardless of the cause.

The question I get all the time is, if this works how comes I have not heard about it before. The answer to that question is this, we have been doing this in our natural health practice for almost 30 years bringing benefit to our local patients and recently started marketing our most effective products on the internet. If our products didn't work as expected we would have been out of business a long time ago. Business seems to get better every year. This is a testimony to the effectiveness of what we bring to the market in natural remedies.

Give our product a try then send me your testimonial just like the hundreds of satisfied patients.

If you need to speak with a natural health practitioner, please call us at 410-466-2558.

Page 4: Naturally End High Blood Pressure within 2 Weeks

High Blood PressureHypertension is a devastating condition, often generating a sense of being out of control. Unfortunately, most prescribed medications for combating high blood pressure have many side effects. The health

benefits of using the high blood pressure herbal tablets will transform your quality of life with no side effects

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Product Description

• 60 All Natural Herbal Tablets

• Ingredients:Sedge Leaf, Thyme leaf, Aloe Weed, Winter Cherry Root, Climbing staff tree seed

Step 1 Nutritious Supplementation

Step 2 Exercise

Step 3 Healthy Eating

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Once your order is received begin by tracking your blood pressure levels. For reading between 120 to 140 for systolic

and between 80 to 90 diastolic begin by taking two tablets per day while taking your prescription medication. For reading

above 140 systolic and 90 diastolic begin by taking two tablets in the morning and two in the evening.

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When the blood pressure has normalized at approximately 120/80 or below take a maintenance dose of two tablets each day. One in the morning and one in the evening. It is important to watch your salt intake, exercise two or three times each week and consume

the daily recommended allowance of fruits and vegetables.

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For those taking prescription medication. Phase off the prescription after the blood pressure consistently reads below 120/80.

Following the above procedures you will be able to maintain a normal blood pressure reading on just the herbal tablets without any adverse

side effects.

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I've been on prescription medication for over 10 years and decided to try your herbal tablets even though I was skeptical. I took two in the morning and two in

the evening. After two weeks my pressure was 115/75 while taking both medication and herbal tablets. On just the prescription it was 155/89. I then took only

the herbal tablets and the pressure jumped up as high as 132/85 for about a week. I called your office and

was told to continue with just the herbal tablet unless the pressure went up above 140/90.

I followed your advice and today 6 weeks later my reading on just the herbal tablets is consistently below 130 for the top number and below 80 for the bottom


I thank you so much as I was beginning to deal with side effects from the prescription medication. I will tell

my friends about your website. Thanks again.

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• I am 65 and was in serious problem because my blood pressure was out of control. The doctor kept changing my prescription but nothing seemed to work. I was dizzy all the time, my pulse rate was high and erratic, I couldn't focus or concentrate, I had sleepless night and gained weight as a side effect of the medication I was taking.

Upon researching on Google for natural treatment for high blood pressure, I came across your site. To make a long story short, I was able to bring my hypertension under control and stop taking the medication in approximately 4 weeks. Today I take only one tablet in the morning and one tablet in the evening. This has maintained a normal reading for me, which is a miracle. Thank God for you.

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My blood pressure is now 115/75 while taking the herbal tablet (2 twice per day) along with my prescription. What should I do?


Reduce the prescription in half. The blood pressure reading will jump up about 10 points. Continue taking the herbal tablets.The pressure will gradually drop to a reading of below 120/80. Once the reading become consistent for a few days then come

the prescription.


Are there any side effects?


The herbal tablet is all natural with any form of side effect.


Are the ingredients all natural.


The ingredients are all natural plants, grounded and made into tablet form. No fillers or preservatives added.

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