
• ND .. • .. • T" S T E EL LT D

eSf Umlted Phlrcue}ee)eebhoy T owen. O~lal Street, Mumbal - 400 001

Sub.: 1. Int!millio!l of POllil 'illlo\' Calendar of Eyen\j .nsf Appoln!mgol of Sqyllnlw

Ref.: l.I!eru!. t!gn 30 (read with Schedule I I ! , , , ,

Dei" Sirs! M,di m,

OcIobe1 2S, 2018

Thl5 Is to Inform yow that Board of Olredors of Ihe Companv ilt II. muting held today I.e., October 25, 2018 h;os r60lved 10 5('('k the ohMcholde'" consent to the resolutions by Post,l 8,)1101 (Induding , emcte e-.... tlnS) as mentioned In the Nolke of po,tal B.llol. The detilil •• rc belna ,Iv.." In the NOlice of Postal Ballot.

The Soard of OIrectOts o f tile Company has ipflOinted Mr. Oillp llha.adiYI (hold ing Membenhlp No. fC5 79Sfi), PrOPflelor of MIs. OHip Bha'~lv. & Assocliltes. Company Seaew1es. 1$ the for conductlo8 lhe Po,,"1 llallo! Including e.votlng process In a fal. and Iran,!,"'en! manner.

In terms of ~ul'11on 30 read with Sd!edule III of tile ~rI!I'" and Exchange Beard of Ind ia (Ustl", O~laatlons and Disclosure Req"lr"""."t<) Re8"lat~n., 2015, we .re endosl"g herewith the Notice 01 Postal 6;lllot IIncl"dl"g remete e-V'O~"II, Cal~ndar 01 Ev~nu Inc! Cenlfled copy 01 Bo;Ird Reso]"tlon lor Postal Ballot Process,

Thanking 1'0", You .. falthfullv,

ItJJH¥Rt"lwil Ch<Ilrm.~


Registe red Office: 156,Maker Chambers VI, 220, Jam" alal Bajaj Marg, Na rlman Point, Mumbal- 400 021.

Tel.- 022· 22043211 Fajl- 22043215 E-m.I1: contact@lla Web Site: www.lla (INNO.:L27100MH1988PL( 194523

IN • • "T" 5TE E L LT 0


[PyayjlOl '9 Sectlgn 110 pi Ibe Companl" Act, 20u W d wllh IhI Comp.aln (MinPltmtnl l AdmlnlUtatlonl RVla. 20141

Dear Member(s).

Notia I. hereby giveo Ihal Board of OlrKl"" of the Companv 0,115 m..eting held on Octobef 25, 2018 llis 'O!$Olved to ..... k the !.ha.eholders' consenllO tile 8""" resolution. by PD".! Ballot (Indudlnll ,emote ~vo! lnB) In accordance with the provisions of Section 110 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with tile Comp.nlH (Managem~t 300 Administra tion) Rules, 2014 (Indudlng inV S\.iIIUlorv modiflallon Of , ... .,.,actment thereof 1M the lIme bel", In force). Rqu!al!on 44 of tile SEa. (Ustlng Obllgiltlons lad OIwosure Rl!'qulrements) ReeuIOlion., 2015 and oth~

ipplable laws and Re-guliltlons,1f any.

The propose<! ,...oIulions. aloog with the explanatory statement seu1na <>III the m31etlal facu and renon. Ih~to •• re appended below .nd jI Postal Ballo! ~orm Is endosed for you. considerat ion.

The Board of Dire(l.(>'1 of the Com~ny has awolntO<! Mr. Dilip 8hal'1ldlya (hold1na Membership No. FCS 795-6). Proprietor of Mis. Dillp Bharadiya & ASsocIate-s. CompanV Secretarle-s. a. the Serut lnl,,,, for conductlna the P""UI Ballot Indudlnll e·votlns process In a fair and transpar""t mann",_

Mem~rs do-slrlna to e~",dse Ihelr vote by P""lal Ballot are requeslO<! 10 reid carefully the In<!ructlons prlntPd In Ihe Poslal Ballot Form and return 1M same duly complelO<! and .18nO<! In all respects In the enclosed self addressO<! pre·pald posu'ge Bus.ine-s. Reply E ..... elope so as to re"'" the scrullnl'e!" on or before 05:00 p.m. (1ST) on Saturday. DeUmber 1. 20111. Vour ASSENT/DISSE NT r~"Pd al the address m""llonO<! on Ihe en'ffiol"' beyond Oi:OO p.m . lIST) on s..tutdaV. o..:.mb., t . 101& would be strictly l'eO! .... o.!f no '~pIy h,.. be...o r~......t frnm ,... Membel"s de-sI,lng to opt for ,emote ...... 01ln8 is per the f.dlll ies a"anBed by Ihe Com~nv are ,eque-stPd 10 ,ead the Instruction. 1n the Notes under the section ..... otlng lhiough ele(l.ronic meanl' In point no. 13 to this No tice.

The Sautlnl,e, will submit hll report 10 tM Ch"lrman of tM Company .ft'" completion of the ""utinv of Ihe Postal Ballots (Indudl"i ,emote .,..volln8). The .esult of postal Ballot (Indudlng remote ...... 0Iln8) shall be <ledared by 1M Chairman of tM Companv OIl 04.00 p.m. on Mond~. O«ember 3. 101' at lhe registered office of tM Company iocatPd at 156 Maker Chambers VI. 220 13mnalal Bajaj Mars. Narlm"n Point. Mumb;ol400 02L The result will be communicated to the BSE UmItPd. Stodc E>lch1nae. wllere the sh.res of the ComP<'fl"I .,e listed. The same will _Iso be displayed on Ihe website of Ihe ComP<'ny 31 www.harlyjlnurouo.ccmandsubsequ""tlypubli,hO<!ln lhe r.ewsp;lpel$.


To consider and. If thought fit, to pass 1M loIlowins .HOIutlon as Ordinary RHOluliofl thrwgh Poslal ballol:

- RESOLVED THAT putsuant to the prOYIsloos of section 188 of the Comp,mles Act. 2013 (-A<;t") & Rules made thereunder •• ead w;th The Comp~nles (Meetln8S of Board ~nd its Pow",.) Rules. 201 4. Regulal iofl 23 of SEBI

Re,fne,O<! Offlu: lS6.Mak .... Chambers VI. 220. Jamn .. I .. 1 Baj .. j M .. ra. Narlm.n point, Mumbal-400021.

Tel .· 022 • 22043211 f .. - 22043215 f-m~lf: [email protected] Web Site: ONNO.: l27100MHI988PLC194S23



Ind Disclo •• "e Requl. ement.j Rqul~llom, 2015 t "LI!;llnB Rqul'llons") and o~ appllQble ;~~~~~:~:I and UsUrra RqullllHms, W Inv (Indudlna any lIalUlO/V modillutloni or r~nKtmen\ llle<eot it time beIrc III force) .u'd the CotnPJony'1 Policy on /IeI;I1~ Party TransKtlom and ... bjKt 10 wdI ollie< .~Is. consents., permissions IoI>d »fICtions of .ny .ulhorit~ as may be ~s;ory, IpproYal of tile shiorehoIde<S be MId Is lle<eby iKCOfdKI to lhe ao.d to enter Into rNl~ PMtY I,,~sl as def'oned under the A(t, UsI"" RftU\Hlon$ and well ot~ .. ~bIe hws. from 1M ~ yHI' 201',19 one! onwMdo, on $UdI

I ...... and condillon$ as ~ be mu l~Jv .. ftd upon WI_ the I"I/ties. subjed howeve< I~I the ,",,,.11 of the transactlon/t'omactlons 10 be et1u:red Into individually or taken together willi prt\'lous transactions during I Hnandal yel<, ""all 1101 exc~ •• um of lis. 800 Cror~ (Ru~ {llIhl Hundred (,orn only) ""'"' and .bove Ihe limit (I) H pr-.lbeod und .... Section le.8 of the Companies "'to 2013 and (II) l~ of the annuil consolidated IlIn"oCI'ftf 01 1M Com~ny, a. per tM Ia.t audited finandfll Malemenl5 01 the ComIW'Y ("INteNt ,eIlIled po.rty uaMKtion") H pn!SCI'ibed under ~ull!lon 2J of 5(81 (Usti", ObIJcaUons tnd OIsdoI.ure RequlrernetllS) ~Ll1ions, lOIS.

RESOlvtO FUR1l4UI THAT the ~ber, of the Company do hefq conform, ~llfy and ~pptove aIIlhe flll$ll"'l , elaled Pl'rtv 1I~lISlIctioolll entered Into, If any.

AESOlvtD fUR1l4(R THAT the Bo;ord of Directors of the ComPl'ny be and ire hefeby illltllorlzed 10 toke such 11ep<

n they deem fli and In the _ Inleresl of the Company and n ~ be nete'lHry lor ob ........ iPll<CMb. ,LiIIUlory, conlrKllNI1 or olhefwlse, to decide and fINIlze lhe leo .... one! conditions and to setOe II .... 1Ier5..w,.,. OUt of and Inddental the<eto and to neaollilf, 5i&n and e.oecute In deeds. ipplOtIons, documents and writlrop I~t may be .It'Iulf..,, on behall of lhe ~ and ,"""illy 10 do III such iKIS, deedJ, .... 1Ier5 inc! Ihinp n II mi'(,1n its absolute d iscret ion, deem neces5ify and with POWef 10 mile question', di'lkult5es or doubtSlkat mi'( .rlse In thl' resard.

RESOlvtD fURTH ER THAT the Bo;o.d be and Is hefeby authoflted to cleleiile aU or InV 01 the j)OWtfS confefred on It by or utIder this Resolution 10 Iny CommIttH of Directors of lhe CornPl"'Y or 10 any one or mote Oifectors of 110" Cun~ or ...,. _ offioeo1.) or c~.1 of tI>c ~ .. It ~ -",1M< a~'.1n or ..... , ....... effect to this ResoIuIIon."

2, Increase In I'" "mlts .ppUab!. for ..... kInJ I""eolmenu / _ .... Un. Io;ons and IlvInllUaf3nlees or _kll ... _urille, In connection with loanSlo hnon,/ BodI8 Corpon ..

TO consIdef Ind, K lhoui/ll fit, to pus the followlo& ,esoIulion as S9«IaI Resolution IlvouJlt PoSI" balIIOI!

"R£SOlV(D THAT In wPllf"'S'lon of lhe ,es%JtIon ptiS4!d on Octobef 9, lO1S ... poStal bioIIo! and pu ....... 1 to !he prO'O'blons of SecIlon 116 of lhe Corn~ ACt, 2011 C"lhe Act") .Nd with lhe CofnpinIes CMeetin&S of IIoIrd and III Powers) Rules. 201., Rf8ulatlon 13 ofSE8Illistm& Obfiptions Ind DIsdosu .. Requirements) Reaulallon$, 2015 ("Usllne Resulilion,", and other applicable provisions of the Act and lisll", R"IIIlations (lI'otlud .... any modilluUon or ,e-eniccmenl lhereof for lhe l ime beln, In lo",e) aflll ~bJKI 10 $11th approval$, consenll, Hnctlons ....:I perml.,1om as m"l' be ne.:eoH'Y, con_I ol lhe Members of the ComPl'ny be and Is hefeby KCOfded 10 lhe Bo;ord of Directors of the ComPl'ny (hefell'\i/tef refl!ffed to n "the ikNtrd"', wftlch lefm $I\aII be deemed to Ir'Idudt, \If\less the conl",,1 otllftwlse ~ulres. any gwnmlUH of lhe BOard or ...., offIcerIs) ..,lhorIztd by the 8o¥d 10 _doe the powen tonIefred on the BOard under this resolution), 10 (I) live ...., kwI to ..., person or othe< body CDqICIfale; (W) aM...., ",.riifltH or provide...., sealfity In connection with a Icwt 10...., oll>ef body corpoUie or PefSDn Ind (m) kCjulre by ~ of SUbscription, pufdlase Of othefwlse, the IKUrttJts of any Ol hl'f body <:orpoUle, lIS they mil' In their absolute discretion deem beMfldal and In the IntefKI of the ComPl'ny, wbjKI however lhill lhe _weple 01 the lolrns Ind I""Klm~t. so II' made In Inc! Ihe "mount for wftlch aUi'an!ees or 1KU.ItIK have SO lar been provided 10 all PefWM or bod~1 corporate 1k>n8 wtth lhe

Recblefed Off\cr. 1S6,Mal<er Chambtfs VI,2lO, Mml'\ilal 6ajII Mar&. NarImiin Pdnt.. Muml»>- 40D 021.

T.t.· 022 . 220013211 fu- 220013215 (-moll : contacl"hariy''''''' Web Site: WW' (IN NO.: L27 1CiOMHl98&PL(1901523


~;::}.;:;; loans, i uaranlees Of securities proposed to be m<HIe or alwn or provided by Ike ComjHnv, I~ shill nol exceed _ sum of R.s.. a.oo Clores (lIuPHS ( ISht tlunclted Crores onlyl_ .nd

olllle p;old·up share "'pita!, f'" ,~ and 5e(Ij,ltla premium a«QUnl of the Com~ 01' IDOl' 01 free ,......w. lind securitlo;! premium II;CIKHII of the ~ny, ~ Is more, ., ",esa1beci under Section 186 of the ~ ~ 2(113 lind [Rll~ of the innuill consolidated rurllOWf of the Com_ ..... per tile USI audited ~I lI,"ements ollhe CompIny (· ..... teriIIl , !!'I'l td P¥tV tr~·1 as pteSOibed IInder l\eiIIutlon 23 of SEBlIUstlntl ObIlplions and OkcIowre llequlremenul "' .... 1111""' .. lOIS.

RESOLVED FURTHER THAT Ihe ~fd of Dl' l!Cton of Ihe Companv be and . re hereby luthorlzed 10 lake S4Jch t Ies» IS they d""" fi t and In the best Interest of Ihe Comi>iny .1Id Ii may be necessary lor obtaining IPPfoYlls. lUlulO/V, f;OIlU~ual 01' o~, \0 d«Ide and fi ... lize the Iei'm. and condiliofu Ind to s.etl le an ffliuen i,lslne 0..1 of Ind Inciden~ ~~O MId to Miotla! .. , sI&n ;and e. ecute II dHdI, ~tIons, doculTlO'llu and writl,.. !Nt !My be required, on INehaIf of the QOmPlIIl'lInd ~11Iy 10 cIo an ..uch acu, deed., maUleR and "''"-' .... It ~,In Its ab$olule d~~ dHm I'I«HSlry lind wIIh powe< 10 !.eI11e questions., d iff\C\J1t1es 01' doublilM mIy

arts. In this reprd.

RESOLVED fUIITti EII TtiAr the 80lIrd be.tId Is h<!reby luthorllN to de\eg.Jte 111 or Iny of the powers confe(tN on It by or utlder this !IeSOIutlon to ilnV CommittH of OlrectOl'S of the tompilny or to iI"'f one or more OIrectOl'S of the ~"" or In'! other ~J) or empIovee(J) of the Cotn~nv " II may comIder ilP9fOPI'liIle In order to a\Ye rifect 10 IIIiJ IIHoIutior •• •

o.te: October 25. 2018 J'\ace: Mumbll

Rq\Jtend omc.: 1S6, M" ker ChlmbefJ VI, 220 '1",.".,111 SiljII/ M .... &. Nilriman PoInt Mu~.tOO021

Rql$tefed omc., 156.Miker Chlomben VI, 220. g~ SiljIIj MIf" NlOriMiIn Point, MlOm~.tOO 021.

T ... ·022 · 22043211 Fp;- 22043215 (-m.n, contiCtf!l~""",,,

Web SIte: o NNO.:L27100t11 rtI988 PLC I9.S23


1. The ~tOtV SUlem~1 ~,nl te. ~ 102 of the ~ Act. 2013 .ettlnl oul .... tnt fKts Is lP9t'iMd hereto.

2. The PosU,1 SaIlO\ Notice 1$ btlng ""'\ 10 all member$, whose n,,,," 'PPN' In the Rql$11tO' of mtrn~ln of benelld.1 owneu " recelV<!'d f,om Nitlon.t Securltles DepMIlOl'y Umlted !NSOL)/Cenlrll Dep<aiIOry Sertlce. (Indl.) Umlted (COSl) IS on Friday, October 19, 1011 (Cut .... f1 date) .

3. bd'l equity iMte QlrIfi one _e and voUnc .!gh15 ~n be .P.oned on the paId' IIP ...aIue of slIMes <.eo-ed Inthenameoflhe rMtnbets Hon Claobef 19. 2018.

• • In terml of Sedlon lC11 .nd other I.Ppliabie prlMlJons 01 the ComiWIles Act, 2013 ~~ with Rules 11 iI<ld 22 of the Companies (Manage""",t and Administration) Rules. 201., tile PosUI 113110\ Notice Is belo& sent by tlNiliO those membeu who h .... regi>te<ed tMl. email .dd._ wllh Ihtlr Deposlto<v PatUdpa,,1S (In clISe of IharH MId In demol IOtm) Of wllh tile Company's ResiStri. and T,,".I« ~ent (In case of shires held In ph)'Sltlll fa<m). For IIII'mben: wtIOW! e.NIIIOs Jtt not '@IIstered, P1IysIc.iI copies of the Pos~ BaIlOI No\ke.~ beIt\I """ by J1ftmined mode (teo 1hr0UCh rfl\l.l:e<ed Of I9ftd POSI Of t;O<Iritf)."1ore with • pr...,ald pos1ace oeIf~eued Buslneufteply r ... tl'~.

5. In compllanee wltll provisions of Sealotl 108 of t~ Comp;1lnles Ac:t. lOU . ead wllh R~u"llotI ... of the SEll! ILlstina ObIIpIIotlS.nd Dildo ... ,!! Re-qul.lMIents) R~ul~IH)nS, 2015 and Rule 20 of I~ ComPl'nles IM~n~&lMIent III(! Admln/su.IH)n) RuIH, lO 14, Ihe Companv Is ple~sed 10 pro'll<le Its membe<s the fildlilv 10 exer~lse lheIr 'lehl 10 _e by elect.onlc meilnS lOS .n .1t_\IYe m«hal'llsm, For this pu~, Ike ComJIIfIV " ;WoIIII,.. e_1rc JUII""" of Hillonill SKu.ItI,... Depo$lIOf'f UmltftllHSOI.J In Dreier 10 enable Ike memben 10 ust llIeIr IIDles cie<""""", InJlcad of dlopo.chit'$ Postal 8>1101 Fomo. PIe_ nol. lNoI _I. _ina I< opIioNoI.

6. Mem~ an opt for ontv one mode of \lOtI"" I.e. tithe< by 1'os"1 ~lIot Of ~II ... In aSf! members USllheif IIDtel; tlllOIlgll both lhe modes, vottn& clone by ~OSllI ~not shill p~lI ilnd votes ~'lllh'OIlgll"VOIInf: will be lfe,lftI ~S InYlOlld.

1. All the dowments refenftl lo In Ihis post,l Ballot Notice and ~nalOfy Stitement sellln& out ""leNl fiCIS and other statutory r@&lsl ffS Ife open lor Inspedlon by the Members it the R@&Isle<ftI 0ffI0e of tile Company bet_ 10.00 a.m. and 12 noon on all ~drtS except Soturd~, So.onr;li!y and National HoIkby, from thedate hermfup 10 Saturday, Oe<ernkf 1, lOll •

•. ~ IIDU"IIllndudi"ll .emole .. VOlllla) ptfiod commences" 09:00 •. m.llST) on N_bef 2, lOl' ilnd ends ~t 05:00 p.m. lIST) on Oecember 1, 201 • .

9. In CI'f of JoInI.ftoldIn&. tho! POst" ,,\lot fOmI ...... 1 be completed ,nd !lsnecI ( .. per Spedmen "Iu.e .tciSle<ftI with the ~J by the ""t """" member and In his/IIer .~, by the nut narM<! Joint holder onty. TIle \lOCI In this PcKlalllallo!. cannot be exercb.ftl Uv""lh 1"0..,.

10. Shateholders, who haw received Post" &ollot Notice by "mII~ and wish 10 vote throu&h physiQll'ostil BaIiOl Form, can download tile Pollal Billiot Fo.m from t ile Home P4'Bt of tile Company website ~.IIa.lyana8rOllp,com Of seek duplicate Post ill &.JIIOI Form from Ihe ComP4'ny.

NealRe<ftI Off\u: 1S6,MiI<er ~ VI, 220, Jamna~ ~jaJ M .... HMIman PoInt. Mumbir- 400 021.

TeL- 022 - 22043211 Fa.- 22043215 (-Mall: contKl.h.r1'( Web SIte: www.haffyi<li8J'oup.tom CINNO,:1l7l00MHI988PlCI!MS23


11. The dale of PlIuinC above .....,Iioned IlHOIuIIDns WI! be lak~ as Salurday. DecemINf I , lOll, beIn&!he 1 .. 1 dille of reujpl of duly completed poml ~1Iot formt,!,emote e-volil\a from Shioehol<le<s.

12. The.bove resollliions pa$~ by the ....... ~, lhtOUlh PosI~ Ballot WI! be deemed 10 M'tI been PM* as II the M .... ~ .. been pas.m at a GeMral Meetl". of tile membHs 01 tho! Com~ny subject 10 (I) req..,lslte IN/Ority In favout of the re .... ution.. In Q5e of Ihe ordlo.fY resolution and (ii) 'IOtn 011\ In favour of the resolulkKI Is thr" tlrtIH thiln tile votes. If iny, ;optn!1 the •• <OIulion, In o se of Ihe ~I resolution.

$1., 1: Loc-ln 10 HSOl .. VoUrc system

L VI5it the e-VOI'" wdlsile of HSOL Open wl!'b bot typin& the followlrlC URl:


2. Ontt the home ~ of e-VoUnc S't'ltl!m Is "uno;hed, didI on 1M Icon ~. whIdI Is aonn.bIe uncle<

J. A new >CrHft will open. You wiD "" .. to enl'" you. U_ID, you< PHSwotd and. Vedfltltlon Code • • >hown

on tht SC,t!I!n . AJlefn31iYe!y, II you .f. reaIS\!<ed for NSOl ~cei I. •. IDOO, you un 1os4n al

hllpi;/jcwvkcl nwl rom! w\lh your elistl", IDEAS Io8ln. Once you kIg-ln to NSOL es.e<vIcfl l ft« usllll your

101411 Qed •• ulal>, did< on .. VOU",.nd you un proceed \0 Step 2 I.e. am your vote eleclronlully.

4. vu.". u- ID det.u.. will be II I><"" cIc • .!b IJIven below :

II For Members who hold ohara In ...... al_nl wllll NSDl: a ~Kler 01"0 followed by' OWl Oitnl

.D (for eumpIe if \'OU' DP 10 " .N300··· and Oie<ll 10 Is 12······ then \'OU, lOSe< '0 "

.N300··· 12······).

~ 10 Is 12·········· .... then yOU' ~Je< 10 Is 12 .. •••••••••• .. ).

c) for M .......... hold; ... $I"I~." In Pllyslcal fo.m , EVEN Number followed by FolIo Number 'esbte<ed with

, he company (For ex<lmple 1/ folio number Is 001 ... and EVEN Is 101456 th.e<l use. ID Is 101'56001" ' J.

S. ....... d details are given below :

, . If you . , •• w-eady .e&llIered for e-VOtln&. then you can ule 'fOUr e>dstlna password to Io8ln ,lid cast 'fOU'


b. If you are uslnf: NSDI. e-VOIlnc tyIIem for the fi'st II.,...., \'OU "";I need,o . etrieYe the 'lnItW pauword'

whIdI wI< communlca,ed '0 yOU. Onat.,.,.. ,.mew. yow ~onl,1aI paSSWOfd', you need enter !he'lnilial

password' and the system wi" Ioroe yOU to ~ yOU' passwor<!.

IItIh'e<e<! otr"., 156,MP;er CNrnbers VI. 220. Jam~1 BaJaJ M.fJ, Harlm,n PoInt. Mumbat-400021.

Tet~ 022 • 22043211 fu- 22043215 (_mail; Web SIIe: ......... hariyanll8.GUp.o;om "N NO. : 1271DOMH1988~L' 194S23


: ''''w.~, "''' " "",~ ~~wo ... t?

l If 'fO<I' email 10 Is rea;stered I" your account Of with Itle com~ny. rour 1nitl~ password'

Is communicated to you on yOll' ...... 1I 10. Tr~c. the ~m.11 ..... 1 10 1'011 from NSDt from '(Our

mailbo'<. Open the em.~ and open tI>e fttKhmenl I.e. •. pdf file. Open 1M .pdf me. Tht

~word 10 ~ the .pdf file Is yOOJ" dl&ll d~ 10 for ttSOI. ac;wunl, 11$1 a dl&Its of dent 10

'00' CDSI. _nl 01' folio .... mber fOf sl\a<es I>dd In phyIJaIlorm. The .pdf r ... contains 'fOU'

'User 10' and YOU' ~ pauword'.

II. If ....... ' email 10 Is not"tered,YOU' 1nlllil ~ssword' Is COI'I\I'I\unltllled to you 01'1 'fOUl postil


6. II 'fOU are unable to retrieve or hive nol recei~ Itle "Inlll,,1 poossword" or hive foriotte-n your ~ssword:

I. Click on "fogO! IMe Dl:IIIlVPlsswOfdr(lf VOIla •• hoIdl", sllilJes In your dem.t .teoun\ with NSOL or

COSU option ~ on www.C.Y!!li!ll!.M!

b. o"'nIw' Ihtr Butt P'»wordr (If you 1ft hoIdIttC sm.e5 In phy$k:al moo:kl 09tlon ~bIe on

www.tY9{· ... ·

c. If you "" sliM unable to let 1M ~WOfd Dr .fD<HlkI IWO options. you an Hnd • ffqUti\ .t

CYQljngf!loJ.!!!'[9 In mt'Iltlonl", 1''''''' ~at _OIln\ number/foUo number, your PAN, your name .nd

your registered .ddtflS.

7. .ld\er etllenrc V"'" pl$lWOtci, lick on ""e<!! to "le<ml and CondIIIonS" by !electl". on the check box.

• . NOW. you _ IIave 10 dIdc on · t.ocIn" bullon.

t . Afte< you dIdc on lhe "I.I:9n" bullon. _ ~ of .. VOl"" _ open.

St., 2: eau 'f'O"t _. elKuonlcally on NSOl e-Vollnt!lysl .....

1, AfW WCUi,fullo$ln II Slejl 1,)lOU wlll be ible to Ie<!! the Home page of e-Votln .. Old! on e-Vollng, Then.

did; on AcI~ Votl", Cycle!.

2. Aher did on Active VOIIne CydeI. voo will be able to see III the companies "EV£N" In wtoIth )lOU :tre hoIdl",

1IIareI..-.d whose ..ot ... cyde II In iCllve IUtUI.

l . ~ ·EVEN" of the Company.

4. NOW you are re~ fOt .. Votl". as lhe vOlirc ~e_

S. ca.1 your YOle by !electl", approp<!ale oplionll • . anent Ot clls<enl. _lfy/m<>d;1y lhe number of share! fOt

which you wlsh 10 tall 'fOur WIle Ind clIct on "Submit" .nd also "Connrm" when prompted.

6. Upon o;onn,matlon, the rntI~. "Vote ca<l W«fIlfully" will be dlsplive<l.

7 , You can f/so late the printout 01 the YOte'! calt by you by ~ on the print option on the CO<1fUmitJon .... ' 11.1 .. .., OffIce: 156.Make< Ownbefl VI, 220, J;lIl1nabf BaJaJ Ma'lo

N;orlman PoInI, Mumb*- 400 021. TeI._ (122 · n00211 F ...... 22043215 (...,all: o;onliCI.harlyan .... oup,o;om Web SI~: ~.ha'Iy;"'~8'OUP.o;om ON NO. : 127100MH1988~LC194S23

IN ....... STEEL LT D

I. InstlMjon~ Wf~ (I.e. other Ulittl IndMclUills. HUF, HRI etc.) iI, e requlfed to send seaMed 00f1V

(PDF/JPG format) of Ihe ~levilnl ~,d AeiOIullon/ Authority letter etc. with Inested lJ)edmlffi slcNture

of the duly lutho.lzed slgniltory(!es) ""~ ." luthotlud 10 vete, to the Sautlnlle. by "Mall

(dIUpbQ.Ct"".ll.aom) to wllh I copy mlrked to CYO!!MPoWl.cO.i!!.

2. 11 1$ "'''''ily .eoommended nOllo .to". \'Ou. pa.sword ",,;(II 3ny other pe<SOn Ind like IItnwnl tI •• to

kH'P voY' p;,..sword con~t1a1. LogIn 10 u.. _lln11 website win ~ dlNbied upon live unlUcu,uful

lIIempts to key In the COtrfCl pawNOfd. In well In ewnt, you w\U Me<! 10 ao t/voo.Iah 0.. "fmo! \I5fr

Drt.!b/PI$$Wonir 0< ""Mk1' \Jwr 8M huwordr option ava~bIe on wwwcyolinl,nsdl,cpm 10

reset the ~word.

3. In Ql,e 01 any queries, you IMY ~t!f 10 the frequently Asked Que!,1lom \FACbJ for memben and -urc user ..... null for members avallilble .t the DownIoa<k sections of hnps;llWWW,ryotlQl.Did!.mm or

conlKt ,..SOl by email It cyRIlo •• oW' SO,!" or till on,; 1800 222 990.

RqI.tete<! OffIce: l.S6.Miker Chlmbeu VI, 220, JomNlaI BlW MJra. N.rlmln Point, Mum~1- 0100 021.

Ttl.- 022·220.02 11 fax- 220.0215 (-<Nil: contoctO"arlyinll' w eb SIt., www.haffy'NlBroup.~om (IN NO.: L21100MHl938Pl(19-4523


bpliiNtory SliI\Cmtfll 0YCWiDI IR S«t!om IQt pf lilt tornU"I" 6cJ. 2013 ntM NO, 1

Your ~ Is InIO the business 01 ship bfHkin&. ~ and IftvoHImenl KlM\ln. The ComPOO"Y ~ulrn hup and ft1On'I\OUS funds for the p."f;h;I~ of ships ;0"" other ' ...... ~ler\;I" and 10 "'"'- Olhfor worklnt aplul f"'lul.Itmet'IIS. AI the SlIme tl_. for .... rIous bu$l~1 purPOSes and 10 meel III!!I. $llilt . bu .... ess I~I .. the Company ""Sill" In ~a,loullfan"'ctlonl with related pointe< 10 .."Ible their bu$lne .. _allons. Thus, tM Bo»rd proposes to enter Into ,Plat lN:l Plrty Irlln.actlons IS defined under the Compln~ Act. 2013 and UsUnl ReaulloUons.

Pwsul/l! to ~ 111 011"" ~nles Act. 2O11 ('tIM!~) , .. ;ad with the ComlN'nies (MeetinCS 01 ao.rd "'" Its Poweo) Ru,,", 2014 I'llules'), the torn~ Is require'll to obtM c.onsenl of lhe 8/Hrd of Di,fClOU and prior ipp<OWl of the membeors by ~ of Ofdlnary resolution, In as. ce<tiln nMKliom wllh rNtPd Pi'nles bCHds weII.urn as Is speclnltd In the Rules. The aforesaid prO'illlonl a, .. "", appllable In respect of !,ansKI"'" wtlldl a" In Ihe Ofdlnary course of buslnen and on arm'. length bilili.

_. pursuinl to fletuliltion 2J of lhe SEBl (Usli,. ObIItIUo", M>d OiscIowre Requirements) RflUlilllons. 2015 I'UstinI RflUliUonS-). apptO'Bl of the 0Mmben llIrouP. ordiMfy resolution Is required ' 01' .. MJ\erlIol f\N\ed P¥ty T.-uon'l, noon If \My are entt<ed Into In the e«t .... ry of ~ and on arm'l"",,"h ~ fOl' thll purpose. J ~nsxtion Is ~ed INtel'lll. If the transKtlon/tr~ to be entered Into IndMdualty 01' laten together with previous trlnS3Ctiom du.ln& I finind;ll ~U. ~ tall. 0' the Innull consolidated tu._ 01 the Compoony. IS per the list ludlted nnanclJI Slal~merlll 0' Ihe Company.

lUI lhe ltelaled Pltty T ....... ctlonl enteted 1n10 by lhe Company Ire II "m', le<rith biosli and In the OI'dl~ry tQUOV 01 busintiS a.r.d apptOVlOI o f the A<>dlt Committee and 8000td Is obtal~ wIIe<_ tequlred.

~. the eol lmated Ir~ion ¥flue with the Related Pattift o f the Company " ~1IMd under the Act. Llillrc lIesulatloni Ind such olllet ~ Ia_ In .~ 01 n~nd;l1 )Ie" 2011·19 and onwaflls may IIkety exceed 1~ 0' t"- AnnUli Turnover o f the Company as per t l\e last lllidited flnandll Itatl!fl'lenl'l of the ComPinV.

Thu'. In I'Iew 0' the compliance wlth IIltutory requl'l!fI'Ienll., per Section las 01 the Companies Act. 2013 and 1I"",1a1ion 23 o f the SEat (UsIIllg ObIlptlons and Dlodo!.u •• lIequlremerllS) Rejulat ions, 2015. approvil o f the members lot enter\ll& Into M;nerllol Related party Tramaaions II beInt sou",t by way 01 Ordltmy ~ion \oQ f'osUoi 8*t lNJ/0I' .emote ~I ...

The propowl outlined above II In the Int tftil of the Company a.r.d lhe 8000rd tKOmmendS the resolution HI out In Item No. 1 to Ihe ICcomPi nylna; No t ice as an ordinary ,Mution .

Mr. ltajeey 1Ien1w11, IfId Mrs. 5weety AenlwJllre Inttftiled In the .tsOIut ion H t 0111 It Item NO.1 01 the Natke. The other telalNa 01 Mr. Rajee-v lIenlw-', IfId Mrs. 5_V ~ m.rr be deemed to be Interested In the ~ resolution of the Notl«!, 10 the extent of their shateholdlnc Inttfflt. If any, In the~. 5ro'e and P",,! the lbove. none of the olllet DirKion I Key Ma...,w Personnel 01 the campoony I their rN~ .... e. In any way • .:orarned 01' Inttftiled, IINnd;llty Of otherwlH. In the .esoIUlion.

fle&/ltered otnt.: lS6,MHer o..mbers III, 220, ~mNlal h)l) Mlr&. NJrImin PQ;nt. 02L

Tel· 022 . 220<13211 h.- 220<13215 1 .... -'1: contKt .... Wt'b Sile: WWW.l\ CINNO.:l27100MHI988PlC19-(S23


In order to m;lke gpllmum ".., oI lundi avall.bit! with tI>e ComPiOny and ;01 ... to ath~ Io<\g term S1r~le&Ic and business objecl'-'es, the ComPi'''V hn been 1nlIi<lns InvestmenIJ. IIMIIII ~s iIftd IU¥MtHS 10 iJ\d prO¥ldill8 M!CUrities In connection witl'Ilo»ns to various penot>S and bodltos _pente nom time to lime, In complilnoe with the .pPicabIe PloOllslo"" of the '-Ct. The ComPl'nv Ms obt.iMd 'P\lf0'al of the ~ In IlIIs r~d "'de postal ballot on OctoMr 9, 2015 10 the tune of Its. 600 Cro<e.

The Pfomlcnl o f SKHon 186 of the read wllh the Companies (M..."!",,, o f Board Ind In I'l>¥m"s) Rule .. 2014, as .mended to date, proYl<!~ IMI no comj>ll"Y " permitted 10. dir«t1V Of 1n(llretCly, (I) live iOnylolln 10 Iny person Of ot~ bOdy corporate; (b) II'" .ny ,,,,,,,.ntH or po'ovIde 5KU.ity In connec:tlon with. IcY" 10 .ny o~ body corpOfate or penon; ,,1'1(1 tc) iotquke by WlIy of subscription, purcn- or otlle<wise. the se<w<ities of any other body _poUle, ~ sUcty perqnI of It< paid-up ...... capital, If"'~.....t -=uritlH KtOIIIlI or one hundrl!d per cent of lIS f,ee rl!SerWS and l«Ufilies Pfemlum KCOUnl, whItI\ewr Is more. f1Irme.. tile wid ~ ""oYkift th.1 where tile eM ... of any ~ or ,u".antH or pro';':UI'III any security or the iKqul<itlon IS p<O¥Ided under Seclion 186(2) o f the ,f,ct. • .ceflll tile limits spedned therein. prior Ipprov;ol of M"",1>e<s by means of I Sped;ollllt'SOlutiOfll"eq~l/ed 10 be passed JI J genetJI me<ltlne.

You. lIolI.d lorMHS 111<01 sud! l/iOnlKlklN ~e liOlllnllrllhe QII'&OC'/ of male<lll lelloled Pl'rtv trJmKtiort. H dtfiMd under ~liOtion 23 of lhe USt .... ReauliOtiofII ~ pu<SUJtlt to ReaulJtIon 23 01 !hi:' S(81 ILlsUnc ObIIptiofll and DiIdos.ure Requlr_uj ~Iionl. 2015 ('tbIlf1ll ReguliOllon(l. iwowl of the rnembto II required for itII MlierliOl RNted PJ' iY T'insllCllons. For this purpow, ,uaflYof;t!on Is f;OfIIIdered fMtetbl, If !hi:' triJll~lon/tran~ionI 10 be e<ltered InlO IndMduil1y or IJkl!'fl 1000ethet with previou. tram.actlorl, durl", i nnancilll yea. eoGeed 10% o f tile ,nnu,l consotldated lumover of the ComPl'ny, H per the !ill audited nnanclJI ilatements of the tomPJny.

In >'lew of the ....... and conoiderirl/l lIIe Iof1II letm busines. pIaM o f the Comj)llny, .... Ich .equlrr.; IIIe Company 10 mike si.eable ~ /IrrYe$IMI!'fIU and Iuue Ilu,ratI\ee$/1«IIf1t!es to penon! Of bodies _POlite, from time 10 ~, prior opprowI of tM MemDen Is beIf1II: ....... 1 by w.-, of Spec\l1 Rr.;duliofl via I'OSlillIaIIol andlO!( .emote e-vot/ni for enh"ndf\IJ 1M IImlts Irom lis. 600 (rores (R~pees Sb: HUfldred trores 0fIIy) to lis. 800 Clore (Rupees £lBh1 Hundled trores only), DYer and "bove the lImit of (I) 60" of tM po.Id .... p ohare upllal. tree resetVft IfId securities JIIem lum "ccount of 1M tomj)llny or I~ of f'" .eserves iOnd SIlC\<.ItIH preml~m ilCCounl 01 Ille ~ny, whichever Is more, as prewlbed ~ndet S«\lon 186 of Ihe Comp;onlH -"1, 2013 and (II) 10% of tM ...... uil COfIIOIkIloled lu'f><I'Iet o f 1M Compiny, ill per the Inl .ud;ted nnindal Slat_IS of the Comj)llny ("materlll related PlOY "innctlon") ti prll!SO'lbed unGer RflJUliOtlon 2.3 of S(81 (Ultll'lll Ol>lIplion •• nd OIIdowre

~uir_\$) Recula11on1. 2015.

Reclsleted Of/D, 1S6,MKer 0\amber:I VI, 220, jamn;ol.ll Balil Mira. N~ PoInt. Mum~1- otOO 021.

T~._ 022 - 2204)211 FIJI- 22043215 f·rNll: conliCICi'h"rlyJft.lIS'OUp.COIn Web Site: www.lI< tIN NO.: L21100MH I9aBPLtI94$2..1


Mf, RI)eev lI""iw.t and Mrs, SwHt~ Ilef\Iwal i'e Inl t<ested In the Iesolutlon ~I 0\11 01 t1em No. 2 of the No~.

The DIM< ,""alives of Mr. R'Jeev Reniw.l, ind Mrs. Sweety 1Ien"".1 MilV be deemed 10 be Inlt<ested In the ~H;I .e$Olullon of the Notlu, 10 the extent of IlIelr sha,e!>oldlnllnlt<fst, If any. In the Comp.nv. ~e .. n(! e>(~P\ Ihe .~. none of tile Ollie< OIredOO I Keo; Manage< ~JO/l~ of the Companv / Ihel. ,tllll_ .re, In anv WIV, «M'ICefneci Ot interested, nn.ndalfy 0< OIMwlse, In the r~ullon.

0<11" Octot- 25, 2011 PIKe: Mum~

Resillt<M Otfke: 1S6, Mike< (h;omb<ers VI, 220 UmNl~ 8;lj.) M ..... Narlman POInt Mumbif-"110 021

l\ethttred OffIce: l S6.Milet (h;ombet$ VI. 220. Um...,1;o1 a.~J M .... Nar\nwl Point, Mumbfl- 400 02L

T ... • 022 . 2204]211 fu-22Oo1321S ( ...... 1: [email protected] Web 51'" www.l\i< N NO.: 127100MH19S8PlCl94SU


POSTAL BALLOT roRM Serial No:· _ ... • . ____ .

,. Name JM Ree;lswed AddreS$ of the sole/first named Memb<!t/Benend~1 Owner (In block \etters)

, Hame(s) olllle Joint Member(s), If any II" block !etten)

,. Registered FoIklllumbe</OI' 10 No./OlenIIO No . •

•• Number of sh~rH held

• , ; ( Applluble 10 '"vesta $ hold fill shares In dematerialized form)

I/We tlerfily e.erci~ lTl'//ou. vote(s) In r~t of the Resolutions to be PiS~ through PoSI .. 1 baliot for the bu~r.ess stated In the Notice of the Comp;lnv by conveying my lau. u-enllQ the said ResoluUoo by pladlli the Ilc;k mart (~ ) al the appropriate box ~ow:


1. To oW'""" the Related Pany Tram.xtlon(sj· Ordinary Resolution

mak1n& Investmef1ls! extendl". loans and glvlng guarantees or prDYld I"l SKU,llIe. In connecUon with loan. to Persons! Bodies


Place: Date:

(Signature of Sh"'eOOlderj

1) Plea", fead the Instruction. printed ~rleaf ta,efull'/ t>efOie exerdsing your >'Ol e. 2) The lut date for rl1U1pl of PO$I3111<11101 FOfm by Ihe Scsulinlzer Is Deull'lber 1, 2018 up 10 05:00

p.m. (1ST).

3) If yOlj 01)110 C3SI yOljf votei.) Ihroush ,,,,,,,,Ie e-wtmg. lhe<e Is no need 10 fill up & sign litis form.

Rqlster..! OffIce: 156,Maker Ch.mber'S VI, 220, J.mnalal 8'J'! Marg. NarJman Pelnt, Mumbal- 400 021.

Tel._ 022 · 22043211 Fa.- 22043215 ( ·mall; contKlOhar.,an"group.ccm Web Slle : www.hartv .. C1N NO.: l271ooM IH9WlC1945n



1. A member desl,o."to e.ercl ... hl5/her \IOle by Postal Ballot may comple'll! thl. Po.tal Ballot Form In lOll respedS and send Ii to the Scrutinizer In the aUached pte.pald post:ilge sell·addreSJ.ed 84Jsiness Reply [n~ope. Postage will be bo<ne a....:l paid by the Companv. Howeve<, envelopes COt1l;olnlog Postal Salklt Fe"" d"POl'lted In peoon or sent by couoo or Iny othe< mode al the eXpetl$f1 of the member will also be iKUPted.

2. This form should be completed and .Igned by the .harel>older. In u-se of jolnl hold in&. thl. form should be completed and si8ned bv Itle filSl named Joinl./lolder and In his/her absence, by the ned -named jolnl holder only.

3. '"'" COI\S~I mu" be accorded by p1adnlitld< I .... ) In the c~umn of your choice.

4. Duty completed & signlMI Po.tal Ballot Form $hQ\jld . eKh the Saulinlze. 11<>1 toter than lhe IlISt date of receipt of Postal Rallot form. I.e. up 10 05:00 p.m. (1ST) "" Salu.d. y, DKembe. 1, ZOll. Postailla llot Form fec~ beyond the said time & dale will be treated as the reply from such Member(s) hi S nol been realved and ~h,,11 not be counted fot the PIIrJ)OSe of passina of Resolution,.

5. The remote e-IIOUna period wlll <Ommen« at 09:00 a.m. (' ST) On f riday, N""ember 2, 2018 and ends at 05:00 p.m. (1ST) on Saturday, December I , 2018.

6. In case of shares held by Companies. Trust>, SocIet~, the duly completed Postal BaIlOI Fotm should be Iccompanled by " te<tifled Irue copy of thoe Board ~esolutlon/Authority letter/attested specimen signature (,) et~. In C1I5e of e-\IOUng, such da<:ume<lt~ should be maHed to the Scrutinl.e< II dlllpbgli!Rmlll.cpm with a copy markPd to rtOl!ngl!nJdI,~p,!D or deposited ot the realm.'fed offi<;e of the Company.

7. A Member miy 'equesl for. duplicale Postal Ballot form, If so required and thoe:lO_ duly completed and sl8ned Form should reach thoe ScruUnl'e' nol later Ihan lhoe dlle & time spedf.ed In polnl 4 abcwe.

8. IfI((IfI1plete, Unslaned, sIJoature mlsmalch, bolh option selected, tarNdefKed/mutila ted (such thll It Is difficull for Ihe to ldentJfy thoe 'Ao;~tJdis5enl') and Incorrect Postal &aliot Form recehred from any _mber shall be comId",ed Invalid.

9. Members are requested NOT to send anv olh", """'" aloo& with Ihe Postal Ballot Form In the endosed prepaid postage sejf· addressed Busi<>ess Reply Envelope as all .uch envelopeS will reach 10 thoe Scrutinizer and any extraneous paper found In such e<Welope would be destroyed by Iht Scrutlnl'er and the Compiny would oot be able to 3" on thoe same.

10. The Scrulini:.te-r·s decision on the validity of the Postal 8allot fotm shall be final and blndi"8.

II. The ril!Sull of Ihe 1101108 by PoSlal Ballot (lndudlna remote ,""""ling) wlll be annou~ by the o.alrman of thoe Compaoy il 04:00 p.m. (1ST) on Monday. ~mbe<), 2018 OIl the regislered oillee of thoe Company & thoe same aionS wlth the ScruUnller's reporl will be communk3ted 10 ME Umited, Siock bchinse, wl>efe the shares of lhoe Company are IISled.nd will also be posted on the CompanV" website i.e., . The . esult wlll abo be published s..bsequenlly In tile newspapers lot Information to the memben.

lte8llleftd Offke: 156,Maker Chimbefs VI. 220, limnalal hJiJ MiI'lL NiI,lman I'olnl, Mumbal-400021.

Tel.- 022 - 220011211 fa<- 220013215 E-mail: co .. !act~I1a.IYilOall. .... Well Slle; NO., L27100MHI9SSPlCI94Sn


Cal,ndar 01 enn" IPosh! Ballotl

BallO! form and pr ... pald IIO"t3SiI! sell addres~ bus.hleSS

Dale' October 25, 20111 Pl;lce: Mumbal

of the Resolut ion


" ,,,.

"T" LT D

Registered Office: l S6,Maker Chambers VI , 220, Jamnalal Baja) Mars, Nariman Point , Ml,lmbaf- 400 021.

Tel.- 022 - 22043211 Fax- 22043215 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.hariyanagroup.comCIN NO.: l 27100MH1988PLC194523


"T" LT D






"RESOLVED THAT pursuant 10 the provisions of 5eakln 110 & other applicable provisions, If any, of

the Companl~ A.ct, 2013 & rules therein, approval of Soard De & ~ hereby accorded to conduct the

Postal Ballot to ~k the ilpP'O\'ill of members of Comp;lnyto:

(I) enter In\o related party tran.actlonl.) as defined ~nder the A<;t, Ustlne Reg~lallonl and ""til other

app1lcable laws, from the financial yeilr 2018·19 and onward.; and

(ii) Increase the limits appllCJble for making Investments I extending loons and gMng gua'anlffS Of

p<ovid1na securltles In connection with loans 1(1 Persons I Sodles C(II"porate.

RESO Lveo FURTHER THAT tile 1(llIo ..... n8 calendar of events 1(11" Implement ins the p!"opos.;ll, be and Is llereby approved and Mr.RaJeev ReniW3I, Chairman (II" Ms.AtpltaOoshl. Company Secrelary, be

and are llereby 3uih(ll"i.ed to alter!modifv/e>rtend the a lendar (II events, If thousht ab...tute

necessary 1(11" Implementation (II the Re~lutlon.


' 0. ,

,. ,.

•• , ,. ,. •• ,.

Events Date

Date 01 Board resolutions 1(11" the entire postill Banat 25{10/2018 Ptoces~ and Appointment of Scrutinizer

Cut-off date f(ll" sending notices to members 19{10/2018

DOle of completion of dispatch of Hath:e of posul 30/10/2018 Ballol, Ballot form and Pte-paid poslaBe self addressed busln.ess reply envelope Date af pUblitatlon 01 notice In N.-w.papers 1(11" Postal 31{10{2018 Ballol Ptocess (Indudlng e·votl"$) Remote .... lIOtln8 start date 02{11{2018

Remote e-lIOtlns end dOle 01{12{2018

last date af receiving the duly completed Postal Bollot 0 1/12/2018 lorm by o;c,utinlzer Date ohubmisslon af report by tile Scrutinizer 03/12{2018

Date of dedaratlon 01 the Result by the Chairman 03/12/2018

R"ilstered Ofli COl . 156,Maker Chambers VI, 220, Jamnalal Baja) Mara.. Hariman Point, Mumbal- 400 021.

Tel.· 022 · 22043211 fax- 22043215 [ ·mali, [email protected] Web Site' (lNNO .• 127100MH1988PlC194523

• N 1:1' "e: 'T STEEL LT D

to be communicated to BSf Umlted 03/12/2018

, resu lts of Postal 8allot (r"duding e- ded" ration date


required to be malnt .. lned by Ihe wutlnlzer under pro«!edlngli of "osl~1 B"lIot ruleS (e) of the Companies (P.sslnl 01 the Reoolutlofl by Postal 8allot) I 2001 arid other related papers

L---.l.<~ , RESOlVEO fURTHER THAT Mr. OWl' 8haradiya (holding Membership No. FCS 7956), P'OIlrlelo, of

MIs. 01111' Ohantdlya & As.oclat .... Company Serretarie. whose consellt to act a. Scrutinizer 15

receive.:! by the Board, be ind Is he<eby appointed is SUUtlnl:er to conduct the postal ballot process

(InclU<llng ,,-voting) 3t sud! remuneration and 001 of pocket e~penses. is may be determined by

Mr.RIIje-evRenlwal, Chill,m"n of lhe Company. excluding (oddeo,.1 e.openses,wt.lcII will be

reimbursed by the company.

RESOLVED f URTHER THAT Mr. DillpBhar<tdlya, Practldns Company Seae1.ry. be and Is hereby

authorised todo all 5U(:h acts, deeds and Ihlngs as may be neussary to condvct Ihe procl!'SS!n a fa!.

and I ... nsparenl man""r and 10 .ubmit thelr final repOrtS, ~lIot papers and otller relat,"" papers

and ~lsten to Ihe Chairman or Company Secretary of the Company wllhln the specified lime


RESOLVED FURTliER THAT the Notice be given to every member of the Company and voting rights of such members be reckoned as on October 19,2018.

RESOLvtD fURTHER TliAT lasl date of dispatch of oollce shall be October 30.2018 and the last date

for recelpl of duly completed postal ballot forms shall be December 1,2018 and the dale of ded .... Uon of results of pO"al ballot (Indudl"ll e .... otlng) s!>all be 04: 00 p.rn.on December 3,2018 al

1M r"llISlered office of the Company.

RESOLV£D fURTH ER THAT Mr.RajeevRenlwal. Chairman or Ms.Arpllaeoshl, Company ~emV, be and ;s hereby authorized 10 retain cuslody of po$lai ~lIot form, and OIlier records recelved from

the scrutlnlz" after Ihe Krullnlzer ha, ,ubmlfted his report on comp~llon of Postal BaIIOl process

(Indoolng e-- vOllng).

Regl.tered Office: 156,Maker Chambers VI, 220,Jamnalal Bajal Mara, Narlman Point, Mumbal- 400021.

Tel.- 022 - 2204321 1 Fax- 22043215 E-mail: [email protected] Web SlIe : www.!> CIN NO.: l27100M Hl988 PLC194523

STEEL LT 0 RESOLvtD FURTHER THAT Mr.hje!!llllenlwal, Chairman of the Company. be and Is hereDy authori,ed 10 ded",e the rewlts of the postal Ballot process (Induding ... voting) and Hot it

P\lbll:;h~ In Newspapers.

R£SOlV[D FURTHER THAT MdlaJuv flenlwal, Chair",,,,,, be made responsible f .... thoo enllre po5lal

ballot proce .. and that they are hereby authoti,ed to do all things and 10 take allinddental and

1leC5","ry steps Including se!\dlng of NOIke to all members and fillna of this Resolution wIttl

Reglstm of Companies to corn:Iuct t he said Postal 8allot Process fOf "ncI behalf of tho- Company and

to deal all questions Of difflcultles that may arls., In Ihe course of Implementlog thTs Resolution."


Reillster"d Olflce: lS6,Maker Chambers VI, 220, Jamnalal BaJal Mars. Narlman PoInl, Mumt>al- 400 021.

Tel.- 022 • 2204321 1 Fax- 22043215 [-mlil: [email protected] Web Site: www.harf'/ CIN NO. ' L27100MH 1988PLC194523

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