Page 1: Nekre House Rules v2.4

Combat Basics Use weapon without Talent: -20 BS/WS; without Bracing: -30 if weapon requires Bracing ; 2-handed in 1

hand: -20 BS / WS. Pistols may be used in Close Combat, but has no bonuses or penalties for range or targeting.

Actions You can take 1 Full Action or 2 Half Actions, and 1 Reaction per Round. Half Actions must be different.

Attack Actionso Standard Attack: Half─ Make one melee (WS +10) or ranged attack. All Out Attack: Full─ +20 to WS, cannot Dodge or Parry. Charge: Full─ Must move 4 metres, +10 to WS. Defensive Stance: Full─ Enemies -20 WS, one extra reaction. Feint: Half─ Opposed WS Test, if you win, next attack cannot be Dodged/Parried. Grapple: Full─ Make a Grapple attack (p. 197). Guarded Attack: Full─ -10 WS attack, +10 Parry and Dodges. Knock-Down: Half─ Try and knock an opponent to the ground (p. 190). Multiple Attacks: Full─ Use Swift Attack, Lightning Attack, others. Stun: Full─ Try and Stun an opponent. Full Auto Burst: Full─ Linear AoE, additional hit for every 2 degrees of enemy failure. Semi-Auto Burst: Full ─ Additional hit for every degree of success. Overwatch: Varies─ Shoot targets coming into a set kill zone, targets suffer -20 to Pinning Test (p. 190). Suppressing Fire: Full─ Force opponents to take cover, -20 to BS (p. 191)

Move Actionso Disengage: Full─ Break off from melee and make Half move.o Manoeuvre: Half─ Opposed WS Test, if you win, move enemy 1 metre; you may advance too.o Move: Half/Full─ Move up to your movement as a Half Action / twice your Movement as a Full Action.o Run: Full─ Triple movement, enemies -20 BS and +20 WS.o Stand/Mount: Half─ Stand up or mount a riding animal.o Tactical Advance: Full─ Move from cover to cover, gaining benefit of cover throughout.

Miscellaneous Actionso Aim: Half/Full─ +10/+20 bonus to hit on your next attack. Only applies to first shot on Bursts.o Delay: Half─ Before your next turn take any Half Action.o Dodge: Reaction─ Test Dodge to negate a hit. o Focus Power: Varies─ Use a Psychic Power.o Jump/Leap: Half/Full─ Leap or Jump (see page 214). Parry: Reaction─ Test WS to negate a melee hit.o Ready: Half─ Ready a weapon or item. Reload: Varies─ Reload a ranged weapon.o Use Skill: Varies─ You may use a Skill.

Attack Modifiers Called Shots: -30 BS / WS Head; -20 Arms/Legs; +0 Body. Melee attack: +10 WS. Acting while Prone: -10 WS / -20 Dodge. Target is Prone: +10 WS / -10 BS or +0 BS at point-blank range (normal range mods applies)

Shooting into Melee: -20 BS, 2+ degrees of failure = hit random other Combatant.

Range modifiers Point Blank: 3m* or closer, + 30 BS (*2m or closer with weapons with a Short Range of less than 3m) Short Range: point blank up to ½ Standard Range, +10 BS. Medium Range: short range up to long range including Standard Range, +0 BS. Long Range: short range up to 2X Standard Range, -10 BS. Extreme Range: long range up to 3X Standard Range, -30 BS. Telescopic Sight: ignores penalties for Extreme and Long Range if a Full Aim action is taken.

Wielding Two Weapons No Talents: -20 BS on main hand / -40 BS on off-hand. Ambidextrous / Gunslinger (only pistols): +10 on MH & OH.

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TWW: +20 on OH.

Cover Acts as extra Armor in covered locations.

Primitive Weapons/ArmorNormal Armor x1 vs Primitive Weapons // Primitive Armor ½ vs Normal Weapons

Critical Hits 1) If you roll a “10” on Damage, roll to hit again.2) If successful, roll an extra 1d10 for Damage.3) Any further “10”? Repeat steps 1 and 2.

Weapon Jams Any roll of 96-100 jams a Weapon. Reliable Weapon roll a D10, only Jams on a “10”. Unreliable Weapons Jam on 91-100. Full Round action and test BS to clear a Jam. You lose one ammo unit.

AoE Attacks (Grenades, Full-Auto attacks, etc.) Succesful dodge test moves PC to the edge of the area of effect (max Agi Bonus in metres; if it isn’t possible,

you can’t Dodge).

Flame Weapons (adds to AoE attack rules)1. No To hit roll -> Target test AGI roll to not be hit (+30 if attacker is unskilled). This attack may be Dodged,

as any other attack.2. If hit , ignore cover and receive damage, and Second AGI roll to avoid catching on fire.3. “On fire” deals 1d10 Damage straight to wounds and 1 Level of Fatigue.4. Full Round action -20 AGI test to put out the fire.

Ranged Weapon Attachments/Special Rounds Dum Dum Bullets: +2 Damage, Armor Points counts x2. Hot Shot Charge +1 Dam, +4 PEN, roll 2 dice and pick Higher, clip is reduced to only 1 shot. Inferno Shells: If hit, target must test AGI or catch fire. Laser Sight: +10 BS (only on single shots). Man Stopper Rounds: +3 PEN. Overcharge Pack: +1 Damage, ½ Clip Size.

Melee Weapon Special Qualities Balanced: +10 to Parry. Unbalanced: -10 to Parry. Defensive: -10 to Attack +15 to Parry. Flexible: Cannot be parried nor used to parry. Mono-Edge: +2 PEN, not primitive any more. Shock: Toughness test (at +10/point of armor); failure = stunned for ½ damage rounds. Tearing: Roll 2 Dice for Damage, pick highest. Power Weapons: 75% to destroy any non-power weapon.

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SKILL INCLUYE SKILL INCLUYEAcrobatics* ContortionistAwareness -Blather -Charm GamblingChem-use -Climb -Command -Commerce Barter, EvaluateDeceive -Demolitions* -Disguise -Dodge -Inquiry InterrogationIntimidate InterrogationInvocation -Linguistics†*’ Literacy & Speak LanguageLogic Gambling

Lore ─ Common†*’ (see list)Lore ─ Scholastic†* (see list)Medicae -Navigation* -Operate*’ Drive, Pilot (see list)Psyniscience* -Scrutiny -Search FriskSecurity* -Sleight of Hand -Stealth/Concealment Concealment, Silent MoveSurvival* -Trade† (see list)Swim -Tame* Wrangling & other usesTech-Use* -Toughness^ Carouse

* Advanced // ‘ Se puede pagar como basic (½ XP) // ^ El atributo, no un skill // † Grupos de skills.

Tame: Domar y montar animales, sirve para darles órdenes también.

Grupos de Skills

Lingüistics- High Gothic- Hive Dialect- Low Gothic- Ship Dialect- Tribal Dialect

Lore - Common- Adeptus Arbites- Adeptus Mechanicus- Administratum- Ecclesiarchy- Imperial Creed- Imperial Guard- Imperium- Tech- Underworld- War

Lore - Scholastic- Archaic- Astromancy- Beasts

- Bureaucracy- Chemistry- Cryptology- Heraldry- Imperial Creed- Judgement- Legend- Numerology- Occult- Philosophy

Operate- Ground Vehicle- Hover Vehicle- Walker- Civilian Craft- Military Craft- Spacecraft

Navigate- Surface- Stellar


Agri (S)- Apothecary (Int)- Armourer (S)- Artist (Ag)- Cartographer (Ag)- Cook (Int)- Copyist (Int)- Dancer (Agi)- Embalmer (Int)- Mason (Ag)- Merchant (Fel)- Miner (S)- Musician (Fel)- Prospector (S)- Scrimshawer (Ag)- Singer (Fel)- Smith (S)- Soothsayer (Fel)- Storyteller (Fel)- Tanner (S)- Technomat (Int)- Valet (Fel)- Wright (Int)

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TALENTOSAlgunos skills ya no existen y otros ahora son usos de skills que se ganan pagando talentos y tienen prerrequisitos. Éstos se pagan al precio de antes pero salen 50XP más barato. Así, si querés tener Ciphers (Underworld) necesitás Lore – Common (Underworld) de requisito, y el precio es de 50 XP para un Arbitrator y de 150 XP para un Assassin.

Carouse +10/+20: req T 30 [mismo precio] Funciona igual al Carouse original, pero se tira con Thoughness.

Ciphers / Secret Tongue: req Lore relacionado [(precio orig) ─ 50 XP] Acolyte -Administratum Lore – Common (Administratum)Ecclesiarchy Lore – Common (Ecclesiarchy)Gutter Lore – Common (Underworld)Occult Lore – Scholastic (Occult)Secret Society Lore – Common (Underworld)Tech Lore – Common (Machine Cult)Underworld Lore – Common (Underworld)War Cant Lore – Common (War)Otros -

Forbidden Lore: req Lore relacionado [(precio orig) ─ 50 XP] Adeptus Mechanicus Lore – Common (Machine Cult)Archeotech Lore – Common (Archaic / Legend) Cults Lore – Common (Occult)Daemonology Lore – Common (Imperial Creed)Heresy Lore – Scholastic (Imperial Creed)Inquisition Lore – Common (Ecclesiarchy)Mutants Lore – Scholastic (Imperial Creed)Ordos Lore – Common (Ecclesiarchy)Psykers Lore – Scholastic (Occult / Underworld)The Black Library Lore – Scholastic (Astromancy)Warp Lore – Scholastic (Occult)Xenos Lore – Scholastic (Astromancy / Imperium) Otros -

Lip Reading: req Awareness [(precio orig) ─ 50 XP]

Parry: req Avances de WS de 100 XP [50 XP; si tu carrera tiene el primer avance de WS de 250 XP, entonces parry te sale 100 XP. Si tenés de 500, no pertenece a tu carrera]Te permite usar WS para hacer parry (normalmente no se puede).

Shadowing: req Concealment [(precio orig) ─ 50 XP]

Track: req Search [(precio orig) ─ 50 XP](Especial: Los Feral pueden chequear como si tuvieran Search Básico.)

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Si no tenés adonde correr (o no te da el movimiento), como alternativa a salir del AoE de un ataque para safar daño podés elegir Esquivar tirándote al suelo. Si lo hacés, recibís ½ daño del arma que impacta en lugar de todo el daño.

Ataque anunciadoCuando se recibe daño crítico tras un ataque anunciado, el daño se va sumando en un TOTAL y en un DAÑO

LOCALIZADO. Así, si estando en 0 recibís 3 de daño en una pierna y después 4 en una mano, recibís el efecto de 3 en la pierna y el de 4 en la mano (en vez de el de 7), y estás efectivamente en -7. El personaje muere cuando recibe un efecto que lo mata o cuando llega a -9 de TOTAL acumulado.

Curación por Fate Points No pueden usarse más de 1 vez por evento (combate, desafío, etc.) para curarse. Pueden usarse para curar heridas críticas TOTALES pero NO remueven efectos críticos.

Acciones de Ataque de Rango> Single shot (Standard attack)

Half Action. Permite ataques anunciados, el uso de miras, y otros elementos que aumenten la precisión Permite apuntar puntos específicos de un objetivo.

> Semi-Auto Burst Full action (podés elegir moverte ½ tu movimiento como parte de la acción pero recibís -20 BS). Máximo alcance de tiro 1/2 rango normal del arma. No permite ataques anunciados ni apuntar. Cada grado de éxito suma 1 tiro.

> Full Auto Burst Full Action. AoE en una línea hasta un máximo de 1/2 rango normal del arma. Todos en la línea de fuego tienen que chequear Agi para safar como si de un flamer se tratase. El orden de chequeos se da por cercanía a la fuente de los disparos; bonos por distancia se aplican como

penalizadores a quienes tiran Agi (-10 en rango corto, -30 en quemarropa). Cada 2 grados de fallo se recibe 1 impacto extra. Máximo de impactos = cadencia de fuego del arma (ej: con

autogun, si un personaje recibe 3 tiros, los que vienen atrás pueden recibir hasta un máximo de 7 impactos más).

Aim no aplica a la acción; no tener pericia en el arma le da +20 al chequeo de Agi de las víctimas.

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