Page 1: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

Table 2 Neuroanatomical and stratified anatomical catalog of Shou Tai Yin Fei Jing (The Lung Channel of Hand Greater Yin).

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additional specification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path of theneedle [18e20]

Motor innervation[18]

Sensory innervation anddermatome* [18,19]

Langer’s line[18]

Somatotopicorganization in theprimary sensory andmotor cortex [21,22]


On the superior aspect of theclavicular head of pectoralis majormuscle near the intersection withthe anterior deltoid and cephalicvein (though angled away). Notdeep enough to reach pectoralisminor lying deep to the point.Muscle fibers run at a 45 degreeangle to the needle angle.

Deep insertion:Clavicular head ofpectoralis majormuscle

Somatomotor: C5,6 toclavicular head ofpectoralis major vialateral pectoral nerve

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:T1,2 via anterior andlateral cutaneous nervesof the ventral rami

Inferior andslightlylaterallytowards theaxilla

Motor: 1/6 the distanceof the precentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 thedistance of thepostcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


In the space between the anteriordeltoid muscle and clavicular headof pectoralis major muscle (thedeltopectoral triangle). Theindicated transverse-obliqueinsertion would either penetratethe deltoid or pectoralis majormuscle depending on direction ofthe needle.

Deep insertion:Clavicular head ofpectoralis majormuscle or anteriordeltoid

Somatomotor: C5,6 toclavicular head ofpectoralis major vialateral pectoral nerveand via axillary nervefor the anteriordeltoid

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:T1 via anterior andlateral cutaneous nervesof the ventral rami

Inferior-mediallyapproximatelyat a 45 degreeangle towardsthe sternum

Motor: 1/6 the distanceof the precentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 thedistance of thepostcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Lateral to the boarder of the longhead of biceps brachii muscle.Medial to the cephalic vein andsuperficial to themusculocutaneous nerve.

Deep insertion:Lateral boarder of thelong head of bicepsbrachii

Somatomotor: C5,6via themusculocutaneousnerve

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C5 via the superiorlateral cutaneous nerveof the arm and inferiorlateral cutaneous nervesof the arm

Vertical Motor: 1/6 the distanceof the precentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/5 thedistance of thepostcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Lateral to the boarder of the longhead of biceps brachii muscle.Just medial to the lateralantebrachial cutaneous nerve andmedial to the radial collateralartery.

Deep insertion:Lateral boarder of thelong head of bicepsbrachiiEpimysiumProximal end ofbrachialis muscle

Somatomotor: C5,6via themusculocutaneousnerve for bothmuscles

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C5 via the superiorbranches of the inferiorlateral cutaneous nervesof the arm

Vertical Motor: 1/6 the distanceof the precentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/5 thedistance of thepostcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Medial to the radial recurrentartery and medial to the lateralantebrachial cutaneous nerve.

Deep insertion:Medial aspect ofbrachioradialis muscleEpimysiumLateral aspect of the

Somatomotor: C5,6,7via the radial nervefor both muscles (onlyC5,7 for brachialis)

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C5 via the superiorbranches of the inferiorlateral cutaneous nerves

Vertical Motor: 1/5 the distanceof the precentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 thedistance of the

Page 2: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

distal end of brachialismuscle

of the arm postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Medial to the radial artery andsuperficial branch of the radialnerve.

Intermediate insertion:Brachioradialis muscleEpimysiumPronator teres muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumRadial head of flexordigitorum superficialismuscleEpimysiumFlexor pollicis longusmuscle

Somatomotor:C5,6,7 via the radialnerve for brachialismuscle. C6,7 via themedian nerve forpronator teres muscleC7,8 and T1 viamedian nerve forflexor digitorumsuperficialis muscleC8 and T1 via theinterosseous nervefrom the mediannerve for flexorpollicis longus muscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C5,6 via anterior branchof the lateral cutaneousnerve of the forearm

Vertical Motor: 1/5 the distanceof the precentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 thedistance of thepostcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Texts agree that the point is byabductor pollicis longus tendon.Some texts say the tendon ofbrachioradialis is the medialboarder of the point. The WHOsays the lateral boarder of thepoint is extensor pollicis brevistendon. A transverse insertionsuperiorly or inferiorly would notpenetrate beyond thesubcutaneous tissue. Owing to theinsertion depth of this point andthat the discrepancy between thetwo point locations is amelioratedby rotation between fullsupination and partial pronation,both locations can be useddepending on patient positioning.The pronator quadratus muscleattaches to the anterior ratherthan lateral aspect of the radiusand does not cross this point. Thispoint lies over the superficialbranch of the radial nervedsometechniques may call for contactwith this nerve.

Shallow insertion only Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C6 via the proximalportion of the superficialbranch of the radialnerve and the distalbraches of the anteriorand posterior lateralcutaneous nerve of theforearm

Vertical Sensory: 1/3 thedistance of thepostcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri

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Table 2 (continued )

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additional specification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path of theneedle [18e20]

Motor innervation[18]

Sensory innervation adermatome* [18,19]

Langer’s line[18]

Somatotopicorganization in theprimary sensory andmotor cortex [21,22]


It is important to note that thispoint is located medial andproximal to the base of theanterolateral aspect of the styloidprocess of the radius. This pointlies lateral to the superficialpalmar branch of the radial artery.

Deep perpendicularinsertion:Distal attachments ofpronator quadratusDeep proximal obliqueinsertion:Periosteum of thestyloid process of theradius

Somatomotor: C8,T1from the interosseousnerve of the mediannerve

To epidermis, dermisand subcutaneous tiss :C6 at the intersection fthe superficial branchthe radial nerve, thedistal braches of theanterior and posteriolateral cutaneous nerof the forearm and thproximal portion of tpalmar cutaneousbranches of the medinerve

Vertical Motor: 1/4 the distanceof the precentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/3 thedistance of thepostcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


This point lies lateral to thesuperficial palmar branch of theradial artery.

Deep insertion lateralto the radial artery:Radial collateralligament

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermisand subcutaneous tiss :C6 at the intersection fthe proximal portionthe superficial branchthe radial nerve andproximal portion of tpalmar cutaneousbranches of the medinerve

Vertical Sensory: 1/3 thedistance of thepostcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


This point lies over the lateralbranch of the superficial branch ofthe radial artery.

Deep insertion:Abductor pollicis brevismuscleEpimysiumOpponens pollicismuscle

Somatomotor:Recurrent branch ofthe median nerve C8,T1

To epidermis, dermisand subcutaneous tiss :C6 via the superficialbranch of the radialnerve

At a 45 degreeangle inferiorlytoward themidline

Motor: 1/4 the distanceof the precentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/3 thedistance of thepostcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


This point lies over the dorsaldigital branch of the superficialbranch of the radial nerve.

Shallow insertion Visceromotor To epidermis, dermisand subcutaneous tiss :C6 via the lateral braof the median nerve

At a 45 degreeanglemedioinferior

Sensory: 1/2 thedistance of thepostcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri

* Dermatomes share boarders with neighboring dermatomes and are not clean-cut and exclusive areas; rather, they represent the a with the highest concentration of sensory fibersassociated with a specific dorsal root ganglion and a specific area of the sensory cortex.












Page 4: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

Table 3 Neuroanatomical and stratified anatomical catalog of Shou Yang Ming Da Chang Jing (The Large Intestine Channel of Hand Yang Brightness).

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additional specification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path ofthe needle [18e20]

Motor innervation[18]

Sensory innervationand dermatome*


Langer’s line [18] Somatotopic organization inthe primary sensory andmotor cortex [21,22]


This point lies over thedorsal digital branch of thesuperficial branch of theradial nerve.

Shallow insertion Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C7 via thelateral branch of themedian nerve

Horizontal Sensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


This point is where the shaftof the 2nd proximal phalanxmeets the base. It lies overthe dorsal digital artery andnerve.

Deep insertiontowards the palm:Extensor hoodInsertion of 1stlumbrical muscleInsertion of 1st dorsalinterosseous muscle

Somatomotor:C8,T1 via mediannerve for thelumbrical muscle andthe deep branch ofulnar nerve for dorsalinterosseous muscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C7 viasuperficial branch ofthe radial nerve withsome overlap with thelateral branch of themedian nerve

Horizontal Motor: 1/2 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


This point lies just anteriorto the metacarpal bonewhere the shaft meets thehead. This location andhand positioning isimportant because itprovides access to thelumbrical muscles beyondthe 2nd digit and positionsthe needle palmar to thedorsal digital artery andnerve. It is deep to theflexor tendons and adductorpollicis muscle.

Intermediateinsertion:1st dorsal interosseousmuscleEpimysium1st lumbrical muscleDeep insertion:2nd lumbrical muscleEpimysium3rd lumbrical muscle

Somatomotor:C8,T1 via the deepbranch of the ulnarnerve for 3rd

lumbrical and mediannerve for lumbricals 1and 2

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C7 viasuperficial branch ofthe radial nerve

Running at a 45degree angle to theulnar side towardsthe 5th distal phalanx

Motor: 1/4 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Huai-Rui et al examines thispoint in relation to thebranches of the ulnar nerve[26]. It lies between thedorsal metacarpal arteriesof the 1st and 2nd digits.

Deep insertion:1st dorsal interosseimuscleEpimysiumAdductor pollicismuscle

Somatomotor:C8,T1 via mediannerve for thelumbrical muscle andvia the deep branchof the ulnar nerve foradductor pollicismuscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C6,7 viasuperficial branch ofthe radial nerve

Running at a 45degree angle to theulnar side towardsthe 5th distal phalanx

Motor: 1/4 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Note the radial arterypasses through theanatomical snuffbox. Thispoint is distal to the

Deep insertion:Fibrous capsule of themidcarpal jointbetween the scaphoid

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C6 via thesuperficial branch of

Vertical Sensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri

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Table 3 (continued )

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additional specification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path ofthe needle [18e20]

Motor innervation[18]

Sensory innervationand dermatome*


Langer’s line [18] Somatotopic organization inthe primary sensory andmotor cortex [21,22]

scaphoid bone at the mid-carpal joint between thescaphoid bone and thetrapezium.

and trapezium bones the radial nerve


The distal boundary of thispoint is where the muscle ofabductor pollicis longus(and extensor pollicisbrevis) crosses the musclesof extensor carpi radialisbrevis and longus. The pointis between extensor carpiradialis longus and brevis.This point lies lateral to theradial artery and superficialbranch of the radial nerve.

Deep insertion distal:Abductor pollicislongusEpimysiumExtensor pollicisbrevisDeep insertionproximal:Extensor carpi radialislongus or brevis

Somatomotor: C6,7via radial nerve forextensor carpiradialis longus muscleand C7,8 via the deepbranch of the radialnerve for extensorcarpi radialis brevismuscle. C7,8 viaposterior interosseousnerve via the deepbranch of the radialnerve for theextensor pollicisbrevis and abductorpollicis longusmuscles

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C6 via thelateral cutaneousnerve of the forearm

Vertical Motor: 1/5 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


This point is locatedbetween the extensor carpiradialis brevis and longusmuscles. This point lieslateral to the radial arteryand superficial branch ofthe radial nerve.

Deep insertion:Retinacula cutisInvesting fasciaEpimysiumExtensor carpi radialislongus or brevis

Somatomotor: C6,7via radial nerve forextensor carpiradialis longus, C7,8via the deep branchfor extensor carpiradialis brevis

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C6 via thelateral cutaneousnerve of the forearm

Vertical Motor: 1/5 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


This point is locatedbetween the extensor carpiradialis brevis and longusmuscles. This point lieslateral to the superficialbranch of the radial nerve.

Deep insertion:Extensor carpi radialislongus muscleEpimysiumExtensor carpi radialisbrevis muscleEpimysiumSupinator muscle

Somatomotor: C6,7via radial nerve forextensor carpiradialis longus muscleand C7,8 via the deepbranch of the radialnerve for extensorcarpi radialis brevisand supinator muscles

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C6 via theposterior cutaneousnerve of the forearmvia the radial nerve

Vertical Motor: 1/5 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri

Page 6: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints


This point is locatedbetween the extensor carpiradialis brevis and longusmuscles. This point lieslateral to the superficialbranch of the radial nerve.

Deep insertion:Extensor carpi radialislongus muscleEpimysiumExtensor carpi radialisbrevis muscleEpimysiumSupinator muscle

Somatomotor: C6,7via radial nerve forextensor carpiradialis longus muscleand C7,8 via the deepbranch of the radialnerve for extensorcarpi radialis brevisand supinator muscles

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C6 via theposterior cutaneousnerve of the forearmvia the radial nerve

Vertical Motor: 1/5 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


This point is locatedbetween the extensor carpiradialis brevis and longusmuscles. This point lieslateral to the superficialbranch of the radial nerve.

Deep insertion:Extensor carpi radialislongus muscleEpimysiumExtensor carpi radialisbrevis muscleEpimysiumSupinator muscle

Somatomotor: C6,7via radial nerve forextensor carpiradialis longus muscleand C7,8 via the deepbranch of the radialnerve for extensorcarpi radialis brevisand supinator muscles

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C6 via theposterior cutaneousnerve of the forearmvia the radial nerve

Vertical Motor: 1/5 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


This point is locatedbetween the extensor carpiradialis longus muscle andthe brachioradialis muscle.This point lies lateral to thesuperficial branch of theradial nerve.

Deep insertion:BrachioradialisEpimysiumExtensor carpi radialislongus muscle

Somatomotor: C6,7via radial nerve forextensor carpiradialis longusmuscle. C5,6,7 viathe radial nerve forbrachioradialismuscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C6 via theposterior cutaneousnerve of the forearmvia the radial nerve

Vertical Motor: 1/5 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


This point is locatedbetween the extensor carpiradialis longus muscle andthe brachioradialis musclejust distal to their proximalattachments.

Deep insertion:BrachioradialismuscleEpimysiumExtensor carpi radialislongus muscle

Somatomotor: C6,7via radial nerve forextensor carpiradialis longusmuscle. C5,6,7 viathe radial nerve forbrachioradialismuscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C6 via theposterior cutaneousnerve of the forearmvia the radial nerve

Vertical Motor: 1/5 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


This point is located at thejunction of the brachialismuscle and the attachmentof the brachioradialismuscle.

Deep insertion:Brachialis muscleEpimysiumBrachioradialisattachment

Somatomotor: C5,6,7via the radial nervefor both muscles (onlyC5,7 for brachialis)

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C6 via theinferior lateralcutaneous nerve ofthe arm via the radialnerve

Vertical Motor: 1/5 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri

(continued on next page )

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Table 3 (continued )

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additional specification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path ofthe needle [18e20]

Motor innervation[18]

Sensory innervationand dermatome*


Langer’s line [18] Somatotopic organization inthe primary sensory andmotor cortex [21,22]


In addition to finding thispoint in the depressionbetween the attachment ofthe deltoid and thebrachialis muscles, it canalso be found nested on thesuperior medial side of thedeltoid tuberosity. Theoblique insertion can eitherangle the needle towardsboth muscles or just thedeltoid muscle alone. Thispoint is lateral to thecephalic vein.

Deep insertion:Deltoid muscle (distalattaching fibers)EpimysiumBrachialis muscle(distal attachingfibers)

Somatomotor: C5,7via the radial nervefor brachialis muscle.C5,6 via the axillarynerve for the deltoidmuscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C6 from boththe superior fibers ofthe inferior lateralcutaneous nerve ofthe arm via the radialnerve and inferiorfibers from thesuperior lateralcutaneous nerve ofthe arm from theaxillary nerve

Vertical Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/5 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Located superficiallybetween the clavicular andacromial heads of thedeltoid muscle. Atintermediate depth thispoint slides just superiorand lateral to the shorthead of biceps brachii andcoracobrachialis muscles. Atits deepest point, theneedle makes contact withthe supraspinatus tendon.This point is between thedeltoid and acromial branchof the thoracoacromialartery.

Deep insertion:Deltoid muscleEpimysiumSupraspinatus tendonDeep transverseoblique insertionproximally:Deltoid muscle

Somatomotor:C5,6 via the axillarynerve for the deltoidmuscle. C4,5,6 viathe suprascapularnerve forsupraspinatus

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C5,6 via thesuperior lateralcutaneous nerve ofthe arm from theaxillary nerve

In an anterior-posterior direction

Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/5 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Posterior to the acromialbranch of thethoracoacromial artery.

Deep insertion:Supraspinatus muscle

Somatomotor:C4,5,6 via thesuprascapular nerve

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C4,5 viasupraclavicular nerveand the superiorlateral cutaneousnerve of the arm fromthe axillary nerve

In an anterior-posterior direction

Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/5 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri

Page 8: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints


1 cun below the emergenceof the major cutaneousnerves of the neck, over theanterior scalene muscle.

Deep insertion:Platysma muscleSuperficial investinglayer of deep cervicalfasciaAdipose tissuePrevertebral layer ofdeep cervical fasciaEpimysiumAnterior scalene

Somatomotor:C4-6 via ventralramus for anteriorscalene muscle.Cervical branch of thefacial nerve CN7 forthe platysma muscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C4 viasupraclavicular nerve

45 degree anglerior and medial

Motor: 1/2 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/8 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Superior to the emergenceof the major cutaneousnerves of the neck.

Deep insertion:Platysma muscleSuperficial investinglayer of deep cervicalfasciaEpimysiumSternocleidomastoidmuscle

Somatomotor:Spinal accessorynerve CN11. Cervicalbranch of the facialnerve CN7 for theplatysma muscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C4 viatransverse cervicalnerveSensory innervationof epimysium andmuscles followssomatomotorinnervation. C2,3 forsternocleidomastoidmuscle

45 degree anglerior and medial

Motor: 1/2 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/8 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Orbicularis orismuscle

Somatomotor: Buccalbranch of the facialnerve CN7

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: via the infra-orbital branch of themaxillary division ofthe trigeminal nerveCNV

izontal Motor: 3/4 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 2/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


The indicated angle ofneedling follows the levatorlabii superioris alaeque nasiimuscle over the branches ofthe infraorbital nerve andmedial to the facial vein andartery.

Shallow insertion Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: via the infra-orbital branch of themaxillary division ofthe trigeminal nerveCNV

egree angleral and inferior

Sensory: 2/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri

* Dermatomes share boarders with neighboring dermatomes and are not clean-cut and exclusive areas; rather they represent rea with the highest concentration of sensory fibersassociated with a specific dorsal root ganglion and a specific area of the sensory cortex.

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Page 9: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

Table 4 Neuroanatomical and stratified anatomical catalog of Zu Yang Ming Wei Jing (The Stomach Channel of Foot Yang Brightness).

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additionalspecification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path of theneedle [18e20]

Motor innervation [18] Sensory innervation anddermatome* [18,19]

Langer’s line[18]

Somatotopic organization inthe primary sensory and motorcortex [21,22]


Lateral to thefacial vein andartery.

Deep insertion:Inferior tarsusInferior palpebralconjunctivaAdipose tissueEpimysiumInferior oblique muscle

Somatomotor:Oculomotor nerve CN3

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:via the infraorbitalbranch of the maxillarydivision of the trigeminalnerve CN5

45 degreeinferior andlateral

Motor: 3/4 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 2/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


Lateral to thefacial vein andartery, over theinfraorbital artery.

Deep insertion:Infraorbital nerve

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:via the infraorbitalbranch of the maxillarydivision of the trigeminalnerve CN5

45 degreeinferior andlateral

Sensory: 2/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


Between levatorlabii superioralaeque nasimuscle andzygomaticus minormuscle justsuperior to theirinsertions. Justsuperior andlateral to thefacial artery andvein.

Deep insertion:Lateral side of levatorlabii superioris muscle

Somatomotor:Buccal branch of themandibular division ofthe facial nerve CN7

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:via the infraorbitalbranch of the maxillarydivision of the trigeminalnerve CN5

Vertical Motor: 3/4 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 2/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


None Shallow insertion only Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:at the intersection of theinfraorbital branch ofthe maxillary division ofthe trigeminal nerveCN5, and the mental andbuccal branches of themandibular division ofthe trigeminal nerve CN5

45 degreeinferior andmedial

Sensory: 2/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


Oblique insertionavoids the facialartery and veinand if directed

Deep insertion:Platysma muscle

Somatomotor:Cervical branch of thefacial nerve CN7

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:via the buccal branch ofthe mandibular division

45 degreeinferior andmedial

Motor: 3/4 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 2/3 the distance of

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posteriorly it couldcontact theinserting anteriorfibers of themasseter muscle.

of the trigeminal nerveCN5 and C2 via the greatauricular nerve

the postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


Just anterior tothe parotid glandand posterior tothe facial arteryand vein. Betweenthe buccal andmarginalmandibularbranches of CN5inferior to theparotid duct.

Deep insertion:Masseter muscle

Somatomotor:Anterior trunk of themandibular division ofthe trigeminal nerve CN5

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:via the buccal branch ofthe mandibular divisionof the trigeminal nerveCN5 and C2 via the greatauricular nerve

45 degreeinferior andmedial

Motor: 9/10 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 2/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


Over the parotidgland between thezygomatic andtemporal branchesof CN5 superior tothe parotid duct.

Intermediate insertion:Deep layer of themasseter muscleEpimysiumPosterior part of thedistal temporalis muscleDeep insertion slightlyinferiorly:EpimysiumLateral pterygoidmuscle [7]

Somatomotor:Anterior trunk of themandibular division ofthe trigeminal nerve CN5for all muscles

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:via the buccal branchedof the mandibulardivision of the trigeminalnerve CN5

45 degreeinferior andmedial

Motor: 9/10 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 2/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


On the inferiortemporal linewhere the frontaland parietal bonesmeet (the coronalsuture).

Shallow insertion:EpidermisDermisSubcutaneous tissueLoose areolar tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:at the junction of allthree branches of thetrigeminal nerve CNV

Vertical Sensory: 1/8 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


Medial to thecarotid artery andlateral to theanterior jugularvein.

Intermediate insertion:Platysma muscleSuperficial investinglayer of deep cervicalfasciaEpimysiumOmohyoid muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumThyrohyoid muscle

Somatomotor:C1-3 via a branch of theansa cervicalis foromohyoid muscle and C1via the hypoglossal nerveCN12 for thyrohyoidmuscle. Cervical branchof the facial nerve CN7for the platysma muscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C3 via the transversecervical nerve

45 degreeinferior andmedial

Motor: 19/20 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebriSensory: 1/8 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri

(continued on next page )

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Table 4 (continued )

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additionalspecification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path of theneedle [18e20]

Motor innervation [18] Sensory innervation anddermatome* [18,19]

Langer’s line[18]

Somatotopic organization inthe primary sensory and motorcortex [21,22]


Lateral to theanterior jugularvein.

Intermediate insertion:Platysma muscleSuperficial investinglayer of deep cervicalfasciaEpimysiumSternohyoid muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumSternothyroid muscle

Somatomotor:C1-3 via a branch of theansa cervicalis forsternohyoid muscle andC2,3 via a branch of ansacervicalis forsternothyroid muscle.Cervical branch of thefacial nerve CN7 for theplatysma muscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C3 via the transversecervical nerve

45 degreeinferior andmedial

Motor:19/20 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebriSensory: 1/8 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


Inferior to theanterior jugularvein.

Deep insertion:Platysma muscleSuperficial investinglayer of deep cervicalfasciaEpimysiumSternohyoid muscle

Somatomotor:C1-3 via a branch of theansa cervicalis. Cervicalbranch of the facialnerve CN7 for theplatysma muscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C3/4 via the transversecervical nerve

45 degreeinferior andmedial

Motor: 19/20 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebriSensory: 1/8 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


Anterior to thetrapezius muscleand over thebrachial plexus.

Deep insertion:Superficial investinglayer of deep cervicalfasciaEpimysiumDistal end of omohyoidmuscle

Somatomotor:C1-3 via a branch of theansa cervicalis

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C4 via thesupraclavicular nerve

45 degreeinferior andmedial

Motor: 19/20 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebriSensory: 1/8 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Pectoralis major muscle

Somatomotor:C7,8,T1 from the lateraland medial pectoralnerves for pectoralismajor

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:T1 via anteriorcutaneous nerve of theventral ramus

45 degreeinferior andmedial

Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Pectoralis major muscle

Somatomotor:C7,8,T1 from the lateraland medial pectoralnerves for pectoralismajor

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:T1 via the anteriorcutaneous nerve of theventral ramus

45 degreeinferior andmedial

Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Pectoralis major muscle

Somatomotor:C7,8,T1 from the lateraland medial pectoral

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:T2 via the anterior

45 degreeinferior andmedial

Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri

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nerves for pectoralismajor

cutaneous nerve of theventral ramus

Sensory: 1/10 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Pectoralis major muscle

Somatomotor:C7,8,T1 from the lateraland medial pectoralnerves for pectoralismajor

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:T3 via the anteriorcutaneous nerve of theventral ramus

45 degree angleinferior andlateral

Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


No needling ormoxibustion.

None None None None None


None Deep insertion:External intercostalmuscle

Somatomotor:Intercostal nerve fromT5 for the externalintercostal muscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:T5 via the anterior andlateral cutaneous nervesof the ventral ramus

45 degree angleinferior andlateral

Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Rectus sheathRectus abdominis muscle

Somatomotor:Ventral rami

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:T7 via the anterior andlateral cutaneous nervesof the ventral ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


Lateral to thesuperior epigastricvessels.

Deep insertion:Rectus sheathRectus abdominis muscle

Somatomotor:Ventral rami

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:T7 via anteriorcutaneous nerve of theventral ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


Lateral to thesuperior epigastricvessels.

Deep insertion:Rectus sheathRectus abdominis muscle

Somatomotor:Ventral rami

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:T7,8 via anteriorcutaneous nerve of theventral ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


Lateral to thesuperior epigastricvessels.

Deep insertion:Rectus sheathRectus abdominis muscle

Somatomotor:Ventral rami

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:T8 via anteriorcutaneous nerve of theventral ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


Lateral to thesuperior epigastricvessels.

Deep insertion:Rectus sheathRectus abdominis muscle

Somatomotor:Ventral rami

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:T78,9 via anterior

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri

(continued on next page )

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Table 4 (continued )

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additionalspecification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path of theneedle [18e20]

Motor innervation [18] Sensory innervation anddermatome* [18,19]

Langer’s line[18]

Somatotopic organization inthe primary sensory and motorcortex [21,22]

cutaneous nerve of theventral ramus

Sensory: 1/10 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


Lateral to thesuperior epigastricvessels.

Deep insertion:Retinacula cutisRectus sheathRectus abdominis muscle

Somatomotor:Ventral rami

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:T9 via anteriorcutaneous nerve of theventral ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


Lateral to theinferior epigastricvessels.

Deep insertion:Rectus sheathRectus abdominis muscle

Somatomotor:Ventral rami

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:T10 via anteriorcutaneous nerve of theventral ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


Lateral to theinferior epigastricvessels.

Deep insertion:Rectus sheathRectus abdominis muscle

Somatomotor:Ventral rami

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:T10 via anteriorcutaneous nerve of theventral ramus

45 degreeinferior andmedial

Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


Lateral to theinferior epigastricvessels.

Deep insertion:Rectus sheathRectus abdominis muscle

Somatomotor:Ventral rami

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:T11 via anteriorcutaneous nerve of theventral ramus

45 degreeinferior andmedial

Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


Lateral to theinferior epigastricvessels.

Deep insertion:Rectus sheathRectus abdominis muscle

Somatomotor:Ventral rami

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:T11 via anteriorcutaneous nerve of theventral ramus

45 degreeinferior andmedial

Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


Lateral to theinferior epigastricvessels.

Deep insertion:Rectus sheathRectus abdominis muscle

Somatomotor:Ventral rami

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:T12 via anteriorcutaneous nerve of theventral ramus

45 degreeinferior andmedial

Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri

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Medial andsuperior to thesuperficial ring,which is superiorand slightly lateralto the pubictubercle.

Deep insertion:Rectus sheath andexternal obliqueaponeurosis and themedial crusConjoint tendon

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:T12 via anteriorcutaneous nerve of theventral ramus

45 degreeinferior andmedial

Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


Lateral to thefemoral vesselsand nerve.

Deep insertion:Proximal rectus femorismuscleEpimysiumVastus intermediusmuscle

Somatomotor:L2,3,4 via the femoralnerve

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L2 via the lateral andanterior cutaneousbranches of the femoralnerve

45 degreeinferior andmedial

Motor: 1/20 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: at the most superiorand medial aspect of thepostcentral gyrus adjacent tothe falx cerebri


At the junction ofvastus lateralisand rectus femorismuscles.

Deep insertion:Rectus femorisEpimysiumVastus lateralis muscleEpimysiumVastus intermediusmuscle

Somatomotor:L2,3,4 via the femoralnerve

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L3,4 via the lateral andanterior cutaneousbranches of the femoralnerve

45 degreeinferior andmedial

Motor: at the most superior andmedial aspect of the precentralgyrus, adjacent to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of the postcentralgyrus adjacent to the falxcerebri


Where the vastuslateralis musclemeets the rectusfemoris tendon.

Deep insertion:Vastus lateralis muscleEpimysiumVastus intermediusmuscle

Somatomotor:L2,3,4 via the femoralnerve

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L4 via the lateral andanterior cutaneousbranches of the femoralnerve

Vertical Motor: at the most superior andmedial aspect of the precentralgyrus, adjacent to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of the postcentralgyrus adjacent to the falxcerebri


Where the vastuslateralis musclemeets the rectusfemoris tendon.

Deep insertion:Vastus lateralis muscle

Somatomotor:L2,3,4 via the femoralnerve

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L4 via the lateral andanterior cutaneousbranches of the femoralnerve

Vertical Motor: at the most superior andmedial aspect of the precentralgyrus, adjacent to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of the postcentralgyrus adjacent to the falxcerebri


Between theiliotibial tract justproximal to its

Intermediate insertion:Fibrous layerAdipose tissue of the

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L4 via the infrapatellar

Horizontal Motor: at the most superior andmedial aspect of the precentralgyrus, adjacent to the falx

(continued on next page )

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Table 4 (continued )

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additionalspecification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path of theneedle [18e20]

Motor innervation [18] Sensory innervation anddermatome* [18,19]

Langer’s line[18]

Somatotopic organization inthe primary sensory and motorcortex [21,22]

distal attachment,and the patellarligament.

lateral alar foldDeep insertion:Synovial membraneJoint space

branch of the saphenousnerve

cerebriSensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of the postcentralgyrus adjacent to the falxcerebri


Medial to the deepfibular nerve andanterior tibialartery.

Intermediate insertion:Tibialis anterior muscleDeep insertion:Interosseous membraneEpimysiumTibialis posterior muscle

Somatomotor:L4,5 via the fibular nervefor tibialis anterior andvia the tibial nerve fortibialis posterior muscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L4,5 via the lateral suralcutaneous nerve andsaphenous nerve

Vertical Motor: 1/2 the distance of thevertical section of thehomunculus of the precentralgyrus adjacent to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of the postcentralgyrus adjacent to the falxcerebri


Medial to the deepfibular nerve andanterior tibialartery.

Intermediate insertion:Tibialis anterior muscleDeep insertion:Interosseous membraneEpimysiumTibialis posterior muscle

Somatomotor:L4,5 via the fibular nervefor tibialis anterior andvia the tibial nerve fortibialis posterior muscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L5 via the lateral suralcutaneous nerve and thesuperficial fibular nerve

Vertical Motor: 1/2 the distance of thevertical section of thehomunculus of the precentralgyrus adjacent to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of the postcentralgyrus adjacent to the falxcerebri


Medial to the deepfibular nerve andanterior tibialartery.

Intermediate insertion:Tibialis anterior muscleDeep insertion:Interosseous membraneEpimysiumTibialis posterior muscle

Somatomotor:L4,5 via the fibular nervefor tibialis anterior andvia the tibial nerve fortibialis posterior muscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L5 via the superficialfibular nerve

Vertical Motor: 1/2 the distance of thevertical section of thehomunculus of the precentralgyrus adjacent to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of the postcentralgyrus adjacent to the falxcerebri


Medial to the deepfibular nerve andanterior tibialartery.

Intermediate insertion:Tibialis anterior muscleDeep insertion:Interosseous membrane

Somatomotor:L4,5 via the fibular nervefor tibialis anterior andvia the tibial nerve for

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L5 via the superficialfibular nerve

Vertical Motor: 1/2 the distance of thevertical section of thehomunculus of the precentralgyrus adjacent to the falx

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EpimysiumTibialis posterior muscle

tibialis posterior muscle cerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of the postcentralgyrus adjacent to the falxcerebri


Between thetibialis anteriorand extensordigitorum longusmuscles, lateral tothe anterior tibialartery and deepfibular nerve.

Intermediate insertion:Tibialis anterior muscleEpimysiumExtensor digitorumlongus muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumExtensor hallucis longusmuscleInterosseous membraneEpimysiumTibialis posterior muscle

Somatomotor:L4,5 via the fibular nervefor tibialis anterior,extensor digitorumlongus, and extensorhallucis longus and viathe tibial nerve fortibialis posterior muscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L5 via the superficialfibular nerve

Vertical Motor: 1/2 the distance of thevertical section of thehomunculus of the precentralgyrus adjacent to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of the postcentralgyrus adjacent to the falxcerebri


Superficial to theanterior tibialartery and deepfibular nerve.

Deep insertion:Extensor retinaculumFibrous layer of thetalocrural jointJoint space

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L5 via the superficialfibular nerve

Vertical Motor: 3/4 the distance of thevertical section of thehomunculus of the precentralgyrus adjacent to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of the postcentralgyrus adjacent to the falxcerebri


Over the arcuateartery.

Deep insertion:Lateral part of extensorhallucis brevis muscleDorsal tarsometatarsalligaments

Somatomotor:L5,S1 via the deep fibularnerve

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L5 via the superficialfibular nerve

45 degree angleinferior andmedial

Motor: 3/4 the distance of thevertical section of thehomunculus of the precentralgyrus adjacent to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of the postcentralgyrus adjacent to the falxcerebri


Over the dorsalmetatarsal artery.

Deep insertion:2nd dorsal interosseousmuscleEpimysium

Somatomotor:S2,3 via the lateralplantar nerve

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L5 via the superficialfibular nerve

45 degree angleinferior andmedial

Motor: 3/4 the distance of thevertical section of thehomunculus of the precentralgyrus adjacent to the falx

(continued on next page )

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Table 4 (continued )

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additionalspecification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path of theneedle [18e20]

Motor innervation [18] Sensory innervation anddermatome* [18,19]

Langer’s line[18]

Somatotopic organization inthe primary sensory and motorcortex [21,22]

1st plantar interosseousmuscle

cerebriSensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of the postcentralgyrus adjacent to the falxcerebri


Between wherethe shafts of the2nd and 3rd

proximalphalanges meetthe bases. Onlydeep insertionoblique proximalpasses through thedeep transversemetatarsalligament. Over thedorsal metatarsalartery.

Deep insertion:Adipose tissueDeep transversemetatarsal ligament

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L5 via the superficialfibular nerve

45 degree angleinferior andmedial

Motor: 3/4 the distance of thevertical section of thehomunculus of the precentralgyrus adjacent to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of the postcentralgyrus adjacent to the falxcerebri


Over branches ofthe proper plantardigital arteries andnerves.

Shallow insertion Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L5 via the superficialfibular nerve

Horizontal Sensory: 3/4 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of the postcentralgyrus adjacent to the falxcerebri

* Dermatomes share boarders with neighboring dermatomes and are not clean-cut and exclusive areas; rather they represent the area with the highest concentration of sensory fibersassociated with a specific dorsal root ganglion and a specific area of the sensory cortex.

Page 18: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

Table 5 Neuroanatomical and stratified anatomical catalog of Zu Tai Yin Pi Jing (The Spleen Channel of Foot Greater Yin).

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additional specificationon location [18e20]

Anatomical path of theneedle [18e20]

Motor innervation[18]

Sensory innervationand dermatome*


Langer’s line[18]

Somatotopic organization in theprimary sensory and motor cortex[21,22]


Over branches of theproper plantar digitalarteries and nerves.

Shallow insertion Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: L4 via thesuperficial fibularnerve

Horizontal Sensory: 3/4 the distance of thevertical section of the homunculusof the postcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


Over branches of theproper plantar digitalartery and nerve.

Deep insertion obliqueinferior:Medial end of extensorexpansionTendon of abductorhallucis muscleCollateral ligament

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: L4 via thesuperficial fibularnerve

At a 45 degreeangle inferiorand medial

Sensory: 3/4 the distance of thevertical section of the homunculusof the postcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


Between the tendon ofabductor hallucis muscleand the first metatarsalwhere the shaft meetsthe head. Over themedial plantar arteryand nerve.

Intermediate insertion:Medial head of flexorhallucis brevis muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumLateral head of flexorhallucis brevis muscle

Somatomotor:S2,3 via the medialplantar nerve

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: L4 via thesuperficial fibularnerve

At a 45 degreeangle inferiorand medial

Motor: 3/4 the distance of thevertical section of the homunculusof the precentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/2 the distance of thevertical section of the homunculusof the postcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


Between abductorhallucis muscle and thefirst metatarsal wherethe shaft meets thebase. Over the medialplantar artery and nerve.

Intermediate insertion:Dorsal aspect of themuscular portion ofabductor hallucis muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumBelly of flexor hallucisbrevis muscle

Somatomotor:S2,3 via the medialplantar nerve for bothmuscles

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: L4 viasaphenous nerve andsuperficial tibialnerve

At a 45 degreeangle inferiorand medial

Motor: 3/4 the distance of thevertical section of the homunculusof the precentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/2 the distance of thevertical section of the homunculusof the postcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


Nestled between thetibialis posterior tendonposteriorly, the medialmalleolus superiorly, andthe tuberosity of thenavicular bone inferiorly.Between the posteriortibial vessels and thegreat saphenous vein.

Shallow insertion only Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: L4 via themedial cruralcutaneous nerve ofthe saphenous nerve

At a 45 degreeangle inferiorand medial

Motor: 3/4 the distance of thevertical section of the homunculusof the precentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/2 the distance of thevertical section of the homunculusof the postcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


Anterior to the posteriortibial vessels and

Deep insertion:Distal end of flexor

Somatomotor:S2,3 via tibial nerve

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous

Vertical Motor: 1/2 the distanceof the vertical section of the

(continued on next page )

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Table 5 (continued )

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additional specificationon location [18e20]

Anatomical path of theneedle [18e20]

Motor innervation[18]

Sensory innervationand dermatome*


Langer’s line[18]

Somatotopic organization in theprimary sensory and motor cortex[21,22]

posterior to the greatsaphenous vein.

digitorum longus muscle for flexor digitorumlongus muscle

tissue: L4 via themedial cruralcutaneous nerve ofthe saphenous nerve

homunculus of the precentralgyrus adjacent to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance of thevertical section of the homunculusof the postcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


Between the soleusmuscle and the tibia. Adeep insertion tooposteriorly will piercethe posterior tibialneurovascular bundle.

Intermediate insertion:Transverse intermuscularseptumEpimysiumFlexor digitorum longusDeep insertion anteriorto the posterior tibialneurovascular bundle:EpimysiumTibialis posterior muscle

Somatomotor:L4,5 via the tibialnerve for tibialisposterior muscle.S2,3 via tibial nervefor flexor digitorumlongus muscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: L4 via themedial cruralcutaneous nerve ofthe saphenous nerve

Vertical Motor: 1/2 the distance of thevertical section of the homunculusof the precentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance of thevertical section of the homunculusof the postcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


A deep insertion tooposteriorly will piercethe posterior tibialneurovascular bundle.

Intermediate insertion:Soleus muscleDeep insertion anteriorto the posterior tibialneurovascular bundle:Transverse intermuscularseptumEpimysiumTibialis posterior muscle

Somatomotor:L4,5 via the tibialnerve for tibialisposterior muscle.S2,3 via tibial nervefor soleus muscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: L4 via themedial cruralcutaneous nerve ofthe saphenous nerve

Vertical Motor: 1/2 the distance of thevertical section of the homunculusof the precentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance of thevertical section of the homunculusof the postcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


Anterior to the posteriortibial vessels and tibialnerve.

Intermediate insertion:Medial head ofgastrocnemius muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumDistal end of popliteusmuscle

Somatomotor:L4,5 and S1 via thetibial nerve forpopliteus muscle.S1,2 via tibial nervefor gastrocnemiusmuscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: L3 via themedial cruralcutaneous nerve ofthe saphenous nerveand the infrapatellarbranch of thesaphenous nerve

At a 45 degreeangle inferiorand lateral

Motor: at the most superior andmedial aspect of the precentralgyrus, adjacent to the falx cerebriSensory: ½ the distance of thevertical section of the homunculusof the postcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


Superior to thesaphenous branch of thefemoral artery.

Deep insertion:Vastus medialis muscle

Somatomotor:L2,3,4 via the femoralnerve for vastusmedialis muscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: L3 via anteriorcutaneous branch ofthe femoral nerve

At a 45 degreeangle inferiorand medial

Motor: At the most superior andmedial aspect of the precentralgyrus, adjacent to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/2 the distance of thevertical section of the homunculus

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of the postcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


The WHO locates thispoint 10 cun proximal toXuehai SP10 andproximal to Sartoriusmuscle over adductorlongus muscle whileother texts locate thispoint 6 cun proximal toXuehai SP10 and distal toSartorius musclebetween vastus medialis,rectus femoris, andSartorius muscles.

Deep insertion:Vastus medialis muscleor adductor longusmuscle

Somatomotor:L2,3,4 via the femoralnerve for vastusmedialis muscle andvia the obturatornerve for adductorlongus muscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: L3 via anteriorcutaneous branch ofthe femoral nerve

At a 45 degreeangle inferiorand medial

Motor: 1/20 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: at the most superior andmedial aspect of the postcentralgyrus adjacent to the falx cerebri


In the femoral triangle,medial to the femoralnerve and lateral to thefemoral artery.

Deep insertion:Psoas major fibers ofiliopsoas muscle

Somatomotor:L1,2,3 via anteriorrami

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: L1 via thefemoral branch of thegenitofemoral nerve

At a 45 degreeangle inferiorand medial

Motor: 1/20 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: at the most superior andmedial aspect of the postcentralgyrus adjacent to the falx cerebri


In the femoral triangle,lateral to the femoralnerve.

Deep insertion:Iliacus fibers of iliopsoasmuscle

Somatomotor:L2,3 via the femoralnerve

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: T12 via theanterior cutaneousnerve of the ventralramus

At a 45 degreeangle inferiorand medial

Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Aponeurosis of externaloblique muscleAponeurosis of internaloblique muscleLinea semilunaris

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: T10,11 via theanterior cutaneousnerve of the ventralramus

At a 45 degreeangle inferiorand medial

Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Aponeurosis of externaloblique muscleAponeurosis of internaloblique muscleLinea semilunaris

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: T9,10 via theanterior cutaneousnerve of the ventralramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Aponeurosis of externaloblique muscle

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: T8 via the

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebri

(continued on next page )

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Table 5 (continued )

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additional specificationon location [18e20]

Anatomical path of theneedle [18e20]

Motor innervation[18]

Sensory innervationand dermatome*


Langer’s line[18]

Somatotopic organization in theprimary sensory and motor cortex[21,22]

Aponeurosis of internaloblique muscleLinea semilunaris

anterior cutaneousnerve of the ventralramus

Sensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


Inferior to pectoralismajor muscle.

Deep insertion:External intercostalmuscle

Somatomotor:Intercostal nervefrom T5 for theexternal intercostalmuscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: T5 via theanterior cutaneousnerve of the ventralramus

45 degree angleinferior andlateral

Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Lateral aspect ofpectoralis major muscleEpimysiumExternal intercostalmuscle

Somatomotor:Intercostal nervefrom T4 for theexternal intercostalmuscle. C7,8,T1 fromthe lateral and medialpectoral nerves forpectoralis major

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: T4 via theanterior cutaneousnerve of the ventralramus

45 degree angleinferior andlateral

Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


Pectoralis major is toothink at this point toreach the reach theexternal intercostalmuscles.

Deep insertion:Pectoralis major muscle

Somatomotor:C7,8,T1 from thelateral and medialpectoral nerves forpectoralis major

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: T3 via theanterior cutaneousnerve of the ventralramus

45 degree angleinferior andlateral

Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


Pectoralis major is toothink at this point toreach the reach theexternal intercostalmuscles.

Deep insertion:Pectoralis major muscle

Somatomotor:C7,8,T1 from thelateral and medialpectoral nerves forpectoralis major

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: T2 via theanterior cutaneousnerve of the ventralramus

45 degree angleinferior andlateral

Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


Anterior to the latissimusdorsi muscle.

Deep insertion:Serratus anterior muscleEpimysiumExternal intercostalmuscle

Somatomotor:Intercostal nerve forthe externalintercostal muscle.C5,6,7 via the longthoracic nerve forserratus anteriormuscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: T7 via theanterior cutaneousnerve of the ventralramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri

* Dermatomes share boarders with neighboring dermatomes and are not clean-cut and exclusive areas; rather they represent the area with the highest concentration of sensory fibersassociated with a specific dorsal root ganglion and a specific area of the sensory cortex.

Page 22: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

Table 6 Neuroanatomical and stratified anatomical catalog of Shou Shao Yin Xin Jing (The Heart Channel of Hand Lesser Yin).

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additional specification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path of theneedle [18e20]

Motor innervation[18]

Sensory innervationand dermatome*


Langer’s line[18]

Somatotopic organization inthe primary sensory andmotor cortex [21,22]


The target is the subscapularismuscle, avoiding the axillaryartery.

Deep insertion:Adipose tissueEpimysiumSubscapularis muscle

Somatomotor:C5,6,7 via theupper and lowersubscapular nerves

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: T1,2 via theintercostobrachialnerve of the lateralcutaneous nerve ofthe intercostal nerve

Anterior-posterior line

Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Needling is contraindicated insome texts, though shallowneedling does not carry a riskof puncturing the brachialartery. Oblique distal needlinghas less of a risk than obliqueproximal needling.

Deep insertion:Medial boarder of bicepsbrachii muscleEpimysiumMedial boarder ofbrachialis muscle

Somatomotor:C5,6,7 viamusculocutaneousnerve for bothmuscles (5,6 forbrachialis)

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C8,T1 viamedial cutaneousnerves of the arm andforearm

Vertical Motor: 1/5 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri

ShaohaiHT 3

At the junction of pronatorteres muscle and the medialboarder of brachialis muscle. Aproximal oblique insertion willnot include the pronator teresmuscle. An insertion towardsquiche (LI11) will transversethe brachialis muscleperpendicular to the directionof its fibers. Medial to thebrachial artery and mediannerve.

Deep insertion:Lateral boarder of theproximal end of pronatorteres muscle.EpimysiumMedial boarder ofbrachialis muscle

Somatomotor:C5,6, viamusculocutaneousnerve forbrachialis muscle.C6,7 via themedian nerve forpronator teres

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C8,T1 via ulnarbranch of the medialcutaneous nerve ofthe forearm

Vertical Motor: 1/5 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Since this point is at the levelof the base of the head of theulna, it is distal to theattachment of pronatorquadratus muscle, which is onthe shaft of the ulna up to thebase of the head of the ulna.The lateral part of flexordigitorum profundus muscle isdeep to this point. Over theulnar nerve and artery.

Deep insertion:Palmar carpal ligamentLoose connective tissueand adipose tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C8 via thepalmar cutaneousbranch of the ulnarnerve

At a 45 degreeangle inferior-medially

Sensory: 1/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri

(continued on next page )

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Table 6 (continued )

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additional specification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path of theneedle [18e20]

Motor innervation[18]

Sensory innervationand dermatome*


Langer’s line[18]

Somatotopic organization inthe primary sensory andmotor cortex [21,22]


Over the ulnar nerve andartery.

Deep insertion:Palmar carpal ligamentLoose connective tissueand adipose tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C8 via thepalmar cutaneousbranch of the ulnarnerve

At a 45 degreeangle inferior-medially

Sensory: 1/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Over the ulnar nerve andartery.

Deep insertion:Palmar carpal ligamentLoose connective tissueand adipose tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C8 via thepalmar cutaneousbranch of the ulnarnerve

At a 45 degreeangle inferior-medially

Sensory: 1/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Over the ulnar nerve andartery.

Deep insertion:Palmar carpal ligamentLoose connective tissueand adipose tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C8 via thepalmar cutaneousbranch of the ulnarnerve

At a 45 degreeangle inferior-medially

Sensory: 1/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Located between the 4th and5th metacarpal bones wherethe shaft meets the head of thebones, just proximal to thetransverse fasciculi. Over thecommon palmar digital nerveand artery.

Shallow insertion:Thick epidermisDermisSubcutaneous tissueDeep insertion:Palmar aponeurosisEpimysium4th lumbrical muscle

Somatomotor:C8,T1 of the deepbranch of theulnar nerve

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C8 via thepalmar cutaneousnerve of the ulnarnerve

Vertical Motor: 1/3 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Over the dorsal branch of thepalmar digital branch of theulnar nerve.

Shallow insertion Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C8 via thesuperficial branch ofthe ulnar nerve

Horizontal Sensory: 1/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri

* Dermatomes share boarders with neighboring dermatomes and are not clean-cut and exclusive areas; rather they represent the area with the highest concentration of sensory fibersassociated with a specific dorsal root ganglion and a specific area of the sensory cortex.

Page 24: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

Table 7 Neuroanatomical and stratified anatomical catalog of Shou Tai Yang Xiao Chang Jing (The Small Intestine Channel of Hand Greater Yang).

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additional specification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path ofthe needle [18e20]

Motor innervation[18]

Sensory innervationand dermatome*


Langer’s line[18]

Somatotopic organization inthe primary sensory andmotor cortex [21,22]


Over the dorsal branch ofthe palmar digital branch ofthe ulnar nerve.

Shallow insertion Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C8 via thesuperficial branch ofthe ulnar nerve

Horizontal Sensory: 1/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


This point is where the shaftof the 5th proximal phalanxmeets the base. Over thedorsal digital artery andnerve.

Deep insertiontowards the palm:Extensor hoodInsertion of abductordigiti minimi muscle

Somatomotor:C8,T1 via the deepbranch of the ulnarnerve

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C8 via dorsalbranch of the ulnarnerve

Horizontal Motor: 1/4 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


This point lies just anteriorto the metacarpal bonewhere the shaft meets thehead. This location andhand positioning isimportant because itprovides access to thelumbrical muscles beyondthe 5th digit. It is deep tothe abductor digiti minimimuscle, flexor digiti minimibrevis muscle, and flexortendons. Deep to thepalmar digital nerve andartery.

Intermediateinsertion:Distal end ofopponens digitiminimi muscleDeep insertion:Epimysium4th lumbrical muscleEpimysium3rd lumbrical muscle

Somatomotor:C8,T1 via the deepbranch of the ulnarnerve for all muscles

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C8 via dorsalbranch of the ulnarnerve

Vertical Motor: 1/4 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Posterior part of theproximal abductordigiti minimi

Somatomotor:C8,T1 via the deepbranch of the ulnarnerve for all muscles

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C8 via dorsalbranch of the ulnarnerve

Vertical Motor: 1/5 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


This point contacts theulnar collateral ligamentunless the arm is pronated.In the pronated position theneedle contacts theulnocarpal ligaments.

Deep insertion:Extensor retinaculumUlnar collateralligament orulnocarpal ligaments

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C8 via dorsalbranch of the ulnarnerve

Vertical Sensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri

(continued on next page )

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Table 7 (continued )

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additional specification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path ofthe needle [18e20]

Motor innervation[18]

Sensory innervationand dermatome*


Langer’s line[18]

Somatotopic organization inthe primary sensory andmotor cortex [21,22]


Between the groove on theradial side of the head ofthe ulna and the tendon ofextensor digiti minimi. Onlyfor the deep insertion in theoblique directionproximally, in anatomicalposition, will the needlepass through the distal-posterior-medial part of thepronator quadratus.

Deep insertion:Extensor retinaculumDeep obliqueproximal insertion:Extensor retinaculumLoose connectivetissueInterosseousmembraneEpimysiumPronator quadratusmuscle

Somatomotor: C8,T1via the anteriorinterosseous nervefrom the mediannerve

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C7,8 viaproximal fibers of thedorsal cutaneousbranch of the ulnarnerve, and distalfibers of the medialcutaneous nerve ofthe forearm

45 degree anglelateral andinferior

Motor: 1/5 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Flexor carpi ulnarismuscleEpimysiumMedial part of flexordigitorum profundusmuscle

Somatomotor: C7,8via the ulnar nervefor both muscles (C8,T1 for the medial partof flexor digitorumprofundus muscle)

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C8 via medialcutaneous nerve ofthe forearm

Vertical Motor: 1/5 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Only the oblique insertionsproximal and distal makecontact with the ulnarcollateral ligament. Overthe ulnar nerve and superiorulnar collateral artery.

Deep insertion:Ulnar collateralligament

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C8 via medialcutaneous nerve ofthe forearm

Vertical Sensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Located at the meetingpoint of the musclesposterior deltoid, teresmajor, teres minor, and thelong head of triceps brachii.The posterior deltoid andteres minor muscles formthe superior boarder, thelong head of triceps brachiimuscle forms the lateralboarder, and teres majormuscle forms the inferiorboarder.

Deep insertion:Posterior deltoidmuscleEpimysiumTeres minor muscleEpimysiumLong head of thetriceps brachii muscleEpimysiumTeres major muscle

Somatomotor:C5,6 via the axillarynerve for the deltoidand teres minormuscles, and via thelower subscapularnerve for teres majormuscle. C6,7,8, viathe radial nerve fortriceps brachii muscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C7,8 via theposterior cutaneousnerve of the arm

Vertical Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/5 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri

Page 26: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints


None Deep insertion:Posterior deltoidmuscleEpimysiumSuperior part ofinfraspinatus muscle

Somatomotor:C5,6 via the axillarynerve for the deltoidmuscle and via thesuprascapular nervefor infraspinatusmuscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C6,7 via theposterior cutaneousnerve of the arm andsuperior lateralcutaneous nerve ofthe arm

Vertical Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/5 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Medial to the subtrapezialplexus.

Deep insertion:Infraspinatus muscle

Somatomotor:C5,6 via thesuprascapular nervefor infraspinatusmuscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: T3 via theposterior cutaneousbranch of the dorsalrami

45 degree angleinferior andlateral

Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/8 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


More specific for middletrapezius fibers fromexternal occipitalprotuberance and T1-2.Medial to the subtrapezialplexus.

Deep insertion:Middle and uppertrapezius muscleEpimysiumSupraspinatus muscle

Somatomotor:Spinal accessorynerve CN11 fortrapezius muscle, andC4,5,6 via thesuprascapular nervefor supraspinatusmuscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C7 viaposterior cutaneousnerves of the dorsalramiSensory innervationof epimysium andmuscles followssomatomotorinnervation forsupraspinatus andC2,3 for trapeziusmuscle

Vertical Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/8 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


More specific for middletrapezius fibers from T2-6.Medial to the subtrapezialplexus.

Deep insertion:Middle trapeziusmuscleEpimysiumSupraspinatus muscle

Somatomotor:Spinal accessorynerve CN11 fortrapezius muscle, andC4,5,6 via thesuprascapular nervefor supraspinatusmuscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C8, T1 viaposterior cutaneousnerves of the dorsalramiSensory innervationof epimysium andmuscles followssomatomotorinnervation forsupraspinatus andC2,3 for trapeziusmuscle

Vertical Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/8 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri

(continued on next page )

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Table 7 (continued )

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additional specification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path ofthe needle [18e20]

Motor innervation[18]

Sensory innervationand dermatome*


Langer’s line[18]

Somatotopic organization inthe primary sensory andmotor cortex [21,22]


Located over levatorscapula, near its insertionon the scapula.

Deep insertion:Upper trapeziusmuscleEpimysiumLevator scapulaemuscle

Somatomotor:Spinal accessorynerve CN11 fortrapezius muscle, andC3,4,5 via the dorsalscapular (C5) andcervical nerves ofC3,4

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C7 viaposterior cutaneousnerve of the dorsalrami andsupraclavicular nerveSensory innervationof epimysium andmuscles followssomatomotorinnervation and C2,3for trapezius muscle

Vertical Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri

JianzhongshuSI 15

Located over levatorscapula.

Deep insertion:Upper trapeziusmuscleEpimysiumLevator scapulaemuscle

Somatomotor:Spinal accessorynerve CN11 fortrapezius muscle, andC3,4,5 via the dorsalscapular (C5) andcervical nerves ofC3,4

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C6 viaposterior cutaneousnerve of the dorsalrami andsupraclavicular nerveSensory innervationof epimysium andmuscles followssomatomotorinnervation and C2,3for trapezius muscle

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Superior to the emergenceof the major cutaneousnerves of the neck, over theanterior scalene muscle.

Deep insertion:Platysma muscleSuperficial investinglayer of deep cervicalfasciaAdipose tissuePrevertebral layer ofdeep cervical fasciaEpimysiumMiddle scalene

Somatomotor:Ventral ramus formiddle scalenemuscle. Cervicalbranch of the facialnerve CN7 forplatysma muscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C3,4 at theconvergence of thesupraclavicular,transverse cervical,great auricular, andlesser occipitalnerves

At a 45 degreeangle inferiorand medial

Motor: 1/2 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/8 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Needle must be angledtowards the root of thetongue to pass through all

Deep insertion:Posterior belly of thedigastric muscle

Somatomotor:Facial nerve CN7 forposterior belly of the

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: C2,3 via the

At a 45 degreeangle inferiorand medial

Motor: 19/20 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri

Page 28: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

three muscles. It liesposterior to the externalcarotid artery and inferiorto the facial nerve CN7.

EpimysiumStylohyoid muscleEpimysiumStyloglossus muscle

digastric andstylohyoid musclesand hypoglossal nerveCN12 for styloglossusmuscle

great auricular nerve Sensory: 1/8 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Transverse needling for thispoint does not go beyondthe subcutaneous tissue.

Shallow insertion Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: infraorbitalbranch of themaxillary division ofthe trigeminal nerveCN5

At a junction ofhorizontal,vertical anddiagonal

Sensory: 2/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


This point enters thetemperomandibular jointand mandibular fossa of thetemporal bone. Superior tothe maxillary artery andposterior to the massetericnerve.

Deep insertion:Auricularis anteriorFibrous joint capsuleof thetemperomandibularjointJoint space

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue:Auriculotemporalbranch of themandibular division ofthe trigeminal nerveCN5

At a 45 degreeangle inferiorand medial

Sensory: 2/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri

* Dermatomes share boarders with neighboring dermatomes and are not clean-cut and exclusive areas; rather they represent the area with the highest concentration of sensory fibersassociated with a specific dorsal root ganglion and a specific area of the sensory cortex.

Page 29: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

Table 8 Neuroanatomical and stratified anatomical catalog of Zu Tai Yang Pang Guang Jing (The Bladder Channel of Foot Greater Yang).

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additionalspecification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path of theneedle [18e20]

Motor innervation [18] Sensory innervation anddermatome* [18,19]

Langer’s line[18]

Somatotopic organization inthe primary sensory andmotor cortex [21,22]


Enters betweenthe lacrimalcanaliculi, andlateral to thelacrimal caruncleand medial to theplica semilunaris,posterior to theangular vein.

Deep insertion:Orbicularis oculi muscleMedial palpebralligamentAdipose tissueEpimysiumMedial rectus muscle

Somatomotor:Oculomotor nerve CN3 formedial rectus muscle andvia the temporal andzygomatic branches of thefacial nerve CN7 fororbicularis oculi muscle

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:Infratrochlear nerve via theophthalmic division of thetrigeminal nerve CN5

Vertical Motor: 3/4 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 2/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Medial to theinfratrochlearnerve.

Shallow insertion Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:Supratrochlear nerve via theophthalmic division of thetrigeminal nerve CN5

Horizontal Sensory: 2/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


None Shallow insertion:Galea aponeuroticaLoose areolar tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:Supraorbital nerve via theophthalmic division of thetrigeminal nerve CN5

Antero-posterior alongthe hair line

Sensory: 1/8 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


None Shallow insertion:Galea aponeuroticaLoose areolar tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:Supraorbital nerve via theophthalmic division of thetrigeminal nerve CN5

Antero-posterior alongthe hair line

Sensory: 1/8 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


None Shallow insertion:Galea aponeuroticaLoose areolar tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:Supraorbital nerve via theophthalmic division of thetrigeminal nerve CN5

Antero-posterior alongthe hair line

Sensory: 1/8 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


None Shallow insertion:Galea aponeuroticaLoose areolar tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:Supraorbital nerve via theophthalmic division of thetrigeminal nerve CN5

Antero-posterior alongthe hair line

Sensory: 1/8 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


None Shallow insertion:Galea aponeuroticaLoose areolar tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:Supraorbital nerve via theophthalmic division of thetrigeminal nerve CN5

Antero-posterior alongthe hair line

Sensory: 1/8 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri

Page 30: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints


None Shallow insertion:Galea aponeuroticaLoose areolar tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: C2 viathe greater occipital nerve

Antero-posterior alongthe hair line

Sensory: 1/8 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


None Shallow insertion:Galea aponeuroticaLoose areolar tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: C2 viathe greater occipital nerve

Antero-posterior alongthe hair line

Sensory: 1/8 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


At the junction oftrapezius, spleniuscapitis, andsemispinaliscapitis muscles,between the 3rd

occipital nerveand the greateroccipital nerve.

Intermediate insertion:Lateral aspect oftrapezius muscleEpimysiumMedial aspect of spleniuscapitis muscleEpimysiumSemispinalis capitismuscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumObliquus capitis inferiormuscle [7]

Somatomotor:Spinal accessory nerveCN11 for trapezius muscle.And dorsal rami forsemispinalis capitis andsplenius capitis muscles.C1 via the suboccipitalnerve for obliquus capitisinferior muscle

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: C2 viathe 3rd occipital nerve.Sensory innervation ofepimysium and musclesfollows somatomotorinnervation and C2,3 fortrapezius muscle

Antero-posterior alongthe hair line

Motor: 1/2 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/8 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Lateral to theposteriorcutaneous branchof the dorsal rami.

Intermediate insertion:Trapezius muscleEpimysiumRhomboid minor muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumSerratus posteriorsuperior muscleEpimysiumLongissimus muscle

Somatomotor:Spinal accessory nerveCN11 for trapezius muscle,and C4,5 via the dorsalscapular for rhomboidminor muscle. Intercostalnerves 2-5 for serratusposterior superior muscle.Dorsal ramus forlongissimus muscle

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: T1 viathe posterior cutaneousnerve of the dorsal ramus.Sensory innervation ofepimysium and musclesfollows somatomotorinnervation and C2,3 fortrapezius muscle

Vertical Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Lateral to theposteriorcutaneous branchof the dorsal rami.

Intermediate insertion:Trapezius muscleEpimysiumRhomboid major muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumSerratus posteriorsuperior muscleEpimysiumLongissimus muscle

Somatomotor:Spinal accessory nerveCN11 for trapezius muscle,and C4,5 via the dorsalscapular for rhomboidmajor muscle. Intercostalnerves 2-5 for serratusposterior superior muscle.Dorsal ramus forlongissimus muscle

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: T2 viathe posterior cutaneousnerve of the dorsal ramus.Sensory innervation ofepimysium and musclesfollows somatomotorinnervation and C2,3 fortrapezius muscle

Vertical Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Lateral to theposteriorcutaneous branchof the dorsal rami.

Intermediate insertion:Trapezius muscleEpimysiumRhomboid majormuscle

Somatomotor:Spinal accessory nerveCN11 for trapezius muscle,and C4,5 via the dorsalscapular for rhomboid

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: T3 viathe posterior cutaneousnerve of the dorsal ramus.Sensory innervation of

20 degree angleinferior andlateral

Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyrus

(continued on next page )

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Table 8 (continued )

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additionalspecification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path of theneedle [18e20]

Motor innervation [18] Sensory innervation anddermatome* [18,19]

Langer’s line[18]

Somatotopic organization inthe primary sensory andmotor cortex [21,22]

Deep insertion:EpimysiumSerratus posteriorsuperior muscleEpimysiumLongissimus muscle

major muscle. Intercostalnerves 2-5 for serratusposterior superior muscle.Dorsal ramus forlongissimus muscle

epimysium and musclesfollows somatomotorinnervation and C2,3 fortrapezius muscle

lateral to the falx cerebri


Lateral to theposteriorcutaneous branchof the dorsal rami.

Intermediate insertion:Trapezius muscleEpimysiumRhomboid major muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumLongissimus muscle

Somatomotor:Spinal accessory nerveCN11 for trapezius muscle,and C4,5 via the dorsalscapular for rhomboidmajor muscle. Dorsalramus for longissimusmuscle

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: T4 viathe posterior cutaneousnerve of the dorsal ramus.Sensory innervation ofepimysium and musclesfollows somatomotorinnervation and C2,3 fortrapezius muscle

45 degree angleposterior andlateral

Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Lateral to theposteriorcutaneous branchof the dorsal rami.

Intermediate insertion:Trapezius muscleEpimysiumRhomboid major muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumLongissimus muscle

Somatomotor:Spinal accessory nerveCN11 for trapezius muscle,and C4,5 via the dorsalscapular for rhomboidmajor muscle. Dorsalramus for longissimusmuscle

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: T5 viathe posterior cutaneousnerve of the dorsal ramus.Sensory innervation ofepimysium and musclesfollows somatomotorinnervation and C2,3 fortrapezius muscle

45 degree angleposterior andlateral

Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Lateral to theposteriorcutaneous branchof the dorsal rami.

Intermediate insertion:Trapezius muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumLongissimus muscle

Somatomotor:Spinal accessory nerveCN11 for trapezius muscle.Dorsal ramus forlongissimus muscle

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: T6 viathe posterior cutaneousnerve of the dorsal ramus.Sensory innervation ofepimysium and musclesfollows somatomotorinnervation and C2,3 fortrapezius muscle

45 degree angleposterior andlateral

Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Medial to theposteriorcutaneous branchof the dorsal rami.

Intermediate insertion:Trapezius muscleEpimysiumLatissimus dorsi muscleDeep insertion:Epimysium

Somatomotor:Spinal accessory nerveCN11 for trapezius muscle.Thoracodorsal nerve C6-C8for latissimus dorsimuscle. Dorsal ramus for

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: T7 viathe posterior cutaneousnerve of the dorsal ramus.Sensory innervation ofepimysium and muscles

45 degree angleposterior andlateral

Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri

Page 32: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

Longissimus muscle longissimus muscle follows somatomotorinnervation and C2,3 fortrapezius muscle


Medial to theposteriorcutaneous branchof the dorsal rami.

Intermediate insertion:Latissimus dorsi muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumLongissimus muscle

Somatomotor:Thoracodorsal nerve C6-C8for latissimus dorsimuscle. Dorsal ramus forlongissimus muscle

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: T9 viathe posterior cutaneousnerve of the dorsal ramus.

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Medial to theposteriorcutaneous branchof the dorsal rami.

Intermediate insertion:Latissimus dorsi muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumLongissimus muscle

Somatomotor:Thoracodorsal nerve C6-C8for latissimus dorsimuscle. Dorsal ramus forlongissimus muscle

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: T10 viathe posterior cutaneousnerve of the dorsal ramus.

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Medial to theposteriorcutaneous branchof the dorsal rami.

Intermediate insertion:Latissimus dorsi muscleEpimysiumSerratus posteriorinferior muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumLongissimus muscle

Somatomotor:Thoracodorsal nerve C6-C8for latissimus dorsimuscle. Anterior rami T9-12 for serratus posteriorinferior muscle. Dorsalramus for longissimusmuscle

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: T11 viathe posterior cutaneousnerve of the dorsal ramus.

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Medial to theposteriorcutaneous branchof the dorsal rami.

Intermediate insertion:Latissimus dorsi muscleEpimysiumSerratus posteriorinferior muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumLongissimus muscle

Somatomotor:Thoracodorsal nerve C6-C8for latissimus dorsimuscle. Anterior rami T9-12 for serratus posteriorinferior muscle. Dorsalramus for longissimusmuscle

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: T12 viathe posterior cutaneousnerve of the dorsal ramus.

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe Horizontal precentralgyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Medial to theposteriorcutaneous branchof the dorsal rami.

Intermediate insertion:Aponeurotic part oflatissimus dorsi muscleEpimysiumSerratus posteriorinferior muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumLongissimus muscle

Somatomotor:Thoracodorsal nerve C6-C8for latissimus dorsimuscle. Anterior rami T9-12 for serratus posteriorinferior muscle. Dorsalramus for longissimusmuscle

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: L1 viathe superior cluneal nerves.

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Medial to thesuperior clunealnerves.

Intermediate insertion:Aponeurotic part oflatissimus dorsi muscle

Somatomotor:Thoracodorsal nerve C6-C8for latissimus dorsi

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: L2 viathe superior cluneal nerves

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri

(continued on next page )

Page 33: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

Table 8 (continued )

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additionalspecification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path of theneedle [18e20]

Motor innervation [18] Sensory innervation anddermatome* [18,19]

Langer’s line[18]

Somatotopic organization inthe primary sensory andmotor cortex [21,22]

Deep insertion:EpimysiumLongissimus muscle

muscle. Dorsal ramus forlongissimus muscle

Sensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Medial to thesuperior clunealnerves.

Intermediate insertion:Aponeurotic part oflatissimus dorsi muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumLongissimus muscle

Somatomotor:Thoracodorsal nerve C6-C8for latissimus dorsimuscle. Dorsal ramus forlongissimus muscle

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: L3 viathe superior cluneal nerves

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Medial to thesuperior clunealnerves.

Intermediate insertion:Aponeurotic part oflatissimus dorsi muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumLongissimus muscle

Somatomotor:Thoracodorsal nerve C6-C8for latissimus dorsimuscle. Dorsal ramus forlongissimus muscle

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: L4 viathe dorsal ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Medial to thesuperior clunealnerves.

Intermediate insertion:Aponeurotic part oflatissimus dorsi muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumLongissimus muscle

Somatomotor:Thoracodorsal nerve C6-C8for latissimus dorsimuscle. Dorsal ramus forlongissimus muscle

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: L5 viathe dorsal ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Thoracolumbar fasciaBroad tendon of erectorspinae muscles

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: S1 viathe middle cluneal nerves

45 degree anglemedial andinferior

Sensory: at the mostsuperior and medial aspectof the postcentral gyrusadjacent to the falx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Thoracolumbar fasciaBroad tendon of erectorspinae muscles

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: S1,2via the middle clunealnerves

45 degree anglemedial andinferior

Sensory: at the mostsuperior and medial aspectof the postcentral gyrusadjacent to the falx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Thoracolumbar fasciaBroad tendon of erectorspinae muscles

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: S2 viathe middle cluneal nerves

45 degree anglemedial andinferior

Sensory: at the mostsuperior and medial aspectof the postcentral gyrusadjacent to the falx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Gluteus maximus muscle

Somatomotor:L5,S1, S2 via the inferiorgluteal nerve for gluteusmaximus muscle

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: S3 viathe middle cluneal nerves

45 degree anglemedial andinferior

Motor: 1/20 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: at the mostsuperior and medial aspectof the postcentral gyrusadjacent to the falx cerebri

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At the sacralforamen and S1dorsal nerve.

Deep insertion:Thoracolumbar fasciaBroad tendon of erectorspinae musclesSacral foramen

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: S1 viathe middle cluneal nerves

45 degree anglemedial andinferior

Sensory: at the mostsuperior and medial aspectof the postcentral gyrusadjacent to the falx cerebri


At the sacralforamen and S2dorsal nerve.

Deep insertion:Thoracolumbar fasciaBroad tendon of erectorspinae musclesSacral foramen

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: S1,2via the middle clunealnerves

45 degree anglemedial andinferior

Sensory: at the mostsuperior and medial aspectof the postcentral gyrusadjacent to the falx cerebri


At the sacralforamen and S3dorsal nerve.

Deep insertion:Thoracolumbar fasciaBroad tendon of erectorspinae musclesSacral foramen

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: S3 viathe middle cluneal nerves

45 degree anglemedial andinferior

Sensory: at the mostsuperior and medial aspectof the postcentral gyrusadjacent to the falx cerebri


At the sacralforamen and S4dorsal nerve.

Deep insertion:Thoracolumbar fasciaBroad tendon of erectorspinae musclesSacral foramen

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: S4 viathe middle cluneal nerves

45 degree anglemedial andinferior

Sensory: at the mostsuperior and medial aspectof the postcentral gyrusadjacent to the falx cerebri


Perpendicularinsertion is inferiorand medial to thesacrotuberousligament anddepends onpatientpositioning.

Intermediate insertion:Medial border of gluteusmaximus muscleDeep insertion:Inferior fascia of thepelvic diaphragmEpimysiumIliococcygeus muscle

Somatomotor:L5,S1, S2 via the inferiorgluteal nerve for gluteusmaximus muscle. S4 viathe inferior rectal nerveand coccygeal plexus foriliococcygeus muscle

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: S4 viathe inferior rectal nerve

45 degree anglemedial andinferior

Motor: 1/20 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: at the mostsuperior and medial aspectof the postcentral gyrusadjacent to the falx cerebri


None Intermediate insertion:Biceps femoris long headEpimysiumSemitendinosus muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumSemimembranosusmuscleEpimysiumAdductor magnus muscle

Somatomotor:L2,3,4 via the obturatornerve and branches of thetibial part of the sciaticnerve for adductormagnus. L5,S1,2 via thetibial division of the sciaticnerve forsemimembranosus andsemitendinosus and longhead of biceps femorismuscle

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: S1,2via the posterior femoralcutaneous nerve

Vertical Motor: 1/20 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: at the mostsuperior and medial aspectof the postcentral gyrusadjacent to the falx cerebri


None Intermediate insertion:Biceps femoris long headEpimysiumSemitendinosus muscle

Somatomotor:L2,3,4 via the obturatornerve and branches of thetibial part of the sciatic

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: S1,2via the posterior femoralcutaneous nerve

Vertical Motor: 1/20 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: at the most

(continued on next page )

Page 35: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

Table 8 (continued )

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additionalspecification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path of theneedle [18e20]

Motor innervation [18] Sensory innervation anddermatome* [18,19]

Langer’s line[18]

Somatotopic organization inthe primary sensory andmotor cortex [21,22]

Deep insertion:EpimysiumSemimembranosusmuscleEpimysiumAdductor magnus muscle

nerve for adductormagnus. L5,S1,2 via thetibial division of the sciaticnerve forsemimembranosus andsemitendinosus and longhead of biceps femorismuscle

superior and medial aspectof the postcentral gyrusadjacent to the falx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Proximal end of theplantaris muscle

Somatomotor:S1,2 via the tibial nerve

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: S1 viathe posterior femoralcutaneous nerve and thelateral sural cutaneousnerve from the commonfibular nerve

45 degree anglemedial andinferior

Motor: at the most superiorand medial aspect of theprecentral gyrus, adjacentto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


Between the tibialand commonfibular nerve.

Deep insertion:Proximal end of thelateral head ofgastrocnemius muscle

Somatomotor:S1,2 via the tibial nerve

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: S1 viathe posterior femoralcutaneous nerve and thelateral sural cutaneousnerve from the commonfibular nerve

45 degree anglemedial andinferior

Motor: at the most superiorand medial aspect of theprecentral gyrus, adjacentto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


Over the tibialnerve, lateral tothe poplitealvessels.

Deep insertion:Adipose tissueTibial nerve

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: S1,2via the posterior femoralcutaneous nerve

45 degree anglemedial andinferior

Sensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


Lateral to theposteriorcutaneous branchof the dorsal rami.

Deep insertion:Trapezius muscleEpimysiumRhomboid minor muscle

Somatomotor:Spinal accessory nerveCN11 for trapezius muscle,and C4,5 via the dorsalscapular for rhomboidminor muscle

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: T2 viathe posterior cutaneousnerve of the dorsal ramusSensory innervation ofepimysium and musclesfollows somatomotorinnervation and C2,3 fortrapezius muscle

Vertical Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri

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Lateral to theposteriorcutaneous branchof the dorsal rami.

Deep insertion:Trapezius muscleEpimysiumRhomboid major muscle

Somatomotor:Spinal accessory nerveCN11 for trapezius muscle,and C4,5 via the dorsalscapular for rhomboidmajor muscle

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: T3 viathe posterior cutaneousnerve of the dorsal ramusSensory innervation ofepimysium and musclesfollows somatomotorinnervation and C2,3 fortrapezius muscle

Vertical Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Lateral to theposteriorcutaneous branchof the dorsal rami.

Deep insertion:Trapezius muscleEpimysiumRhomboid major muscle

Somatomotor:Spinal accessory nerveCN11 for trapezius muscle,and C4,5 via the dorsalscapular for rhomboidmajor muscle

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: T4 viathe posterior cutaneousnerve of the dorsal ramusSensory innervation ofepimysium and musclesfollows somatomotorinnervation and C2,3 fortrapezius muscle

20 degree anglelateral andinferior

Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Lateral to theposteriorcutaneous branchof the dorsal rami.

Deep insertion:Trapezius muscleEpimysiumRhomboid major muscle

Somatomotor:Spinal accessory nerveCN11 for trapezius muscle,and C4,5 via the dorsalscapular for rhomboidmajor muscle

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: T5 viathe posterior cutaneousnerve of the dorsal ramusSensory innervation ofepimysium and musclesfollows somatomotorinnervation and C2,3 fortrapezius muscle

45 degree anglelateral andinferior

Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Lateral to theposteriorcutaneous branchof the dorsal rami.

Deep insertion:Trapezius muscleEpimysiumRhomboid major muscle

Somatomotor:Spinal accessory nerveCN11 for trapezius muscle,and C4,5 via the dorsalscapular for rhomboidmajor muscle

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: T6 viathe posterior cutaneousnerve of the dorsal ramusSensory innervation ofepimysium and musclesfollows somatomotorinnervation and C2,3 fortrapezius muscle

45 degree anglelateral andinferior

Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Lateral to theposteriorcutaneous branchof the dorsal rami.

Intermediate insertion:Trapezius muscleEpimysiumLatissimus dorsi muscle

Somatomotor:Spinal accessory nerveCN11 for trapezius muscle.Thoracodorsal nerve C6-C8for latissimus dorsi muscle

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: T7 viathe posterior cutaneousnerve of the dorsal ramusSensory innervation ofepimysium and musclesfollows somatomotor

45 degree anglelateral andinferior

Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri

(continued on next page )

Page 37: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

Table 8 (continued )

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additionalspecification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path of theneedle [18e20]

Motor innervation [18] Sensory innervation anddermatome* [18,19]

Langer’s line[18]

Somatotopic organization inthe primary sensory andmotor cortex [21,22]

innervation and C2,3 fortrapezius muscle


Lateral to theposteriorcutaneous branchof the dorsal rami.

Deep insertion:Latissimus dorsi muscleEpimysiumSerratus posteriorinferior muscle

Somatomotor:Thoracodorsal nerve C6-C8for latissimus dorsimuscle. Anterior rami T9-12 for serratus posteriorinferior muscle

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: T9 viathe posterior cutaneousnerve of the dorsal ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Lateral to theposteriorcutaneous branchof the dorsal rami.

Deep insertion:Latissimus dorsi muscleEpimysiumSerratus posteriorinferior muscle

Somatomotor:Thoracodorsal nerve C6-C8for latissimus dorsimuscle. Anterior rami T9-12 for serratus posteriorinferior muscle

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: T10 viathe posterior cutaneousnerve of the dorsal ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Lateral to theposteriorcutaneous branchof the dorsal rami.

Deep insertion:Latissimus dorsi muscleEpimysiumSerratus posteriorinferior muscle

Somatomotor:Thoracodorsal nerve C6-C8for latissimus dorsimuscle. Anterior rami T9-12 for serratus posteriorinferior muscle

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: T11 viathe posterior cutaneousnerve of the dorsal ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Over the posteriorcutaneous branchof the dorsal rami.

Deep insertion:Latissimus dorsi muscleEpimysiumSerratus posteriorinferior muscle

Somatomotor:Thoracodorsal nerve C6-C8for latissimus dorsimuscle. Anterior rami T9-12 for serratus posteriorinferior muscle

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: T12 viathe posterior cutaneousnerve of the dorsal ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri

Huangmen BL51 Medial to thesuperior clunealnerve.

Deep insertion:Latissimus dorsi muscleEpimysiumIliocostalis lumborummuscle

Somatomotor:Thoracodorsal nerve C6-C8for latissimus dorsimuscle. Posterior rami ofthe spinal nerves foriliocostalis lumborum

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: L1 viathe superior cluneal nerves

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Medial to thesuperior clunealnerve.

Deep insertion:Latissimus dorsi muscleEpimysiumIliocostalis lumborummuscle:

Somatomotor:Thoracodorsal nerve C6-C8for latissimus dorsimuscle. Posterior rami ofthe spinal nerves foriliocostalis lumborum

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: L2 viathe superior cluneal nerves

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri

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None Deep insertion:Gluteus maximus muscleEpimysiumGluteus medius muscle

Somatomotor:L5,S1, S2 via the inferiorgluteal nerve for gluteusmaximus muscle. L5, S1via the superior glutealnerve for gluteus medius

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: S2 viathe middle cluneal nerves

45 degree anglemedial andinferior

Motor: 1/20 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: at the mostsuperior and medial aspectof the postcentral gyrusadjacent to the falx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Gluteus maximus muscleEpimysiumGluteus medius muscle

Somatomotor:L5,S1, S2 via the inferiorgluteal nerve for gluteusmaximus muscle. L5, S1via the superior glutealnerve for gluteus medius

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: S2 viathe middle cluneal nerves

45 degree anglemedial andinferior

Motor: 1/20 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: at the mostsuperior and medial aspectof the postcentral gyrusadjacent to the falx cerebri


None Intermediate insertion:Gastrocnemius muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumPlantaris muscleEpimysiumPopliteus muscle

Somatomotor:S1,2 via the tibial nerve(L4,5,S1 for popliteusmuscle)

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: S1,2via the posterior femoralcutaneous nerve

45 degree anglemedial andinferior

Motor: at the most superiorand medial aspect of theprecentral gyrus, adjacentto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


Over the smallsaphenous vein.

Intermediate insertion:Gastrocnemius muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumSoleus muscle

Somatomotor:S1,2 via the tibial nervefor both muscles

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: S1,2via the medial suralcutaneous nerve and medialcrural cutaneous nerve

45 degree anglemedial andinferior

Motor: Sensory: 1/2 thedistance of the verticalsection of the homunculusof the precentral gyrusadjacent to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


Over the smallsaphenous vein.

Intermediate insertion:Gastrocnemius muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumSoleus muscle

Somatomotor:S1,2 via the tibial nervefor both muscles

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: S1,2via the medial suralcutaneous nerve and medialcrural cutaneous nerve

45 degree anglemedial andinferior

Motor: Sensory: 1/2 thedistance of the verticalsection of the homunculusof the precentral gyrusadjacent to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri

(continued on next page )

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Table 8 (continued )

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additionalspecification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path of theneedle [18e20]

Motor innervation [18] Sensory innervation anddermatome* [18,19]

Langer’s line[18]

Somatotopic organization inthe primary sensory andmotor cortex [21,22]


None Intermediate insertion:Tendinous part ofgastrocnemius muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumSoleus muscle

Somatomotor:S1,2 via the tibial nervefor both muscles

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: S1 viathe medial sural cutaneousnerve

45 degree anglemedial andinferior

Motor: Sensory: 1/2 thedistance of the verticalsection of the homunculusof the precentral gyrusadjacent to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


None Intermediate insertion:Soleus muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumFlexor hallucis longusmuscle

Somatomotor:S1,2 via the tibial nerve(S2,3 for flexor hallucislongus muscle)

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: S1 viathe sural nerve

Vertical Motor: Sensory: 1/2 thedistance of the verticalsection of the homunculusof the precentral gyrusadjacent to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


Superior to thetendocalcaneusbursa andposterior to thefibular artery.

Deep insertion:Loose connective tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: S1 viathe sural nerve

Vertical Sensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


None Shallow insertion only Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: S1 viathe sural nerve

Vertical Sensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Calcaneofibular ligament

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: S1 viathe sural nerve

Vertical Sensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Abductor digiti minimimuscle

Somatomotor:S2,3 via the lateral plantarnerve

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: S1 viathe sural nerve

Vertical Motor: Sensory: 3/4 thedistance of the verticalsection of the homunculusof the precentral gyrus

Page 40: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

adjacent to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Abductor digiti minimimuscle

Somatomotor:S2,3 via the lateral plantarnerve

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: S1 viathe sural nerve

Vertical Motor: Sensory: 3/4 thedistance of the verticalsection of the homunculusof the precentral gyrusadjacent to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Abductor digiti minimimuscle

Somatomotor:S2,3 via the lateral plantarnerve

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: S1 viathe sural nerve

Vertical Motor: Sensory: 3/4 thedistance of the verticalsection of the homunculusof the precentral gyrusadjacent to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


Over the dorsaldigital artery andnerve.

Deep insertion obliqueinferior:Lateral end of extensorexpansionTendon of abductor digitiminimi muscle

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: S1 viathe superficial fibular nerve

Vertical Sensory: 3/4 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


Over the dorsaldigital artery andnerve.

Shallow insertion Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: S1 viathe superficial fibular nerve

Vertical Sensory: 3/4 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri

* Dermatomes share boarders with neighboring dermatomes and are not clean-cut and exclusive areas; rather they represent the area with the highest concentration of sensory fibersassociated with a specific dorsal root ganglion and a specific area of the sensory cortex.

Page 41: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

Table 9 Neuroanatomical and stratified anatomical catalog of Zu Shao Yin Shen Jing (The Kidney Channel of Foot Lesser Yin).

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additionalspecification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path of theneedle [18e20]

Motor innervation[18]

Sensory innervationand dermatome*


Langer’s line[18]

Somatotopic organization inthe primary sensory andmotor cortex [21,22]


Over the plantarmetatarsal artery.

Shallow insertion:Thick epidermisDermisSubcutaneous tissueIntermediate insertion:Retinacula cutisTransverse fasciculiEpimysium2nd lumbrical muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumOblique head ofadductor hallucis muscleEpimysium1st plantar interosseousmuscle

Somatomotor:S2,3 via the lateralplantar nerve (via thedeep branch of thelateral plantar nervefor adductor hallucismuscle)

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue:L5 via the medialplantar nerve of thetibial nerve

At a 45 degreeangle inferiorand lateral.

Motor: Sensory: 3/4 thedistance of the verticalsection of the homunculusof the precentral gyrusadjacent to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


Between flexordigitorum longustendon and junctionof the navicular andmedial cuneiformbones. The bonyprominences of thetuberosity of the 1st

metatarsal and thesustentaculum talican be confused withthe naviculartuberosity, which isbetween the two.Superior to themedial plantar nerveand artery.

Deep insertion:Medial plantar fasciaEpimysiumAbductor hallucis muscle

Somatomotor:S2,3 via the medialplantar nerve

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue:L4,S2 via thesaphenous nerve

45 degree angleinferior andmedial

Motor: Sensory: 3/4 thedistance of the verticalsection of the homunculusof the precentral gyrusadjacent to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


Posterior to tibialisposterior tendon,flexor digitorumlongus tendon,posterior tibial arteryand nerve, and flexor

Deep insertion:Loose connective tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue:L4,S2 via thesaphenous nerve

Vertical Sensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri

Page 42: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

hallucis longustendon. Superior tothe tendocalcaneusbursa.


Posterior to Tibialisposterior tendon,flexor digitorumlongus tendon,posterior tibial arteryand nerve, and flexorhallucis longustendon. Superior tothe tendocalcaneusbursa.

Deep insertion:Loose connective tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue:L4,S2 via thesaphenous nerve

Vertical Sensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


Posterior to tibialisposterior tendon,flexor digitorumlongus tendon,posterior tibial arteryand nerve, and flexorhallucis longustendon.

Deep insertion:Attachment of flexorretinaculum

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue:L4,S2 via thesaphenous nerve

Vertical Sensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


Anterior to theposterior tibial arteryand nerve.

Deep insertion:Flexor retinaculumTendon sheath of tibialisposterior and flexordigitorum longusTibiocalcaneal part ofthe deltoid ligament ofthe ankle

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue:L4,S2 via thesaphenous nerve

Vertical Sensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


Posterior to theposterior tibial arteryand nerve.

Deep insertion:Distal end of soleusmuscle

Somatomotor:S1,2 via the tibialnerve for soleusmuscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue:L4,S2 via thesaphenous nerve

Vertical Motor: Sensory: 1/2 thedistance of the verticalsection of the homunculusof the precentral gyrusadjacent to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


Posterior to theposterior tibial arteryand nerve.

Deep insertion:Distal end of flexordigitorum longus muscle

Somatomotor:S2,3 via tibial nervefor flexor digitorum

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue:

Vertical Motor: Sensory: 1/2 thedistance of the verticalsection of the homunculus

(continued on next page )

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Table 9 (continued )

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additionalspecification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path of theneedle [18e20]

Motor innervation[18]

Sensory innervationand dermatome*


Langer’s line[18]

Somatotopic organization inthe primary sensory andmotor cortex [21,22]

longus muscle L4 via the saphenousnerve

of the precentral gyrusadjacent to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


Posterior to theposterior tibial arteryand nerve.

Deep insertion:Gastrocnemius muscleEpimysiumSoleus muscle

Somatomotor:S1,2 via the tibialnerve for bothmuscles

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue:L3,4 via the medialcrural cutaneousnerve of thesaphenous nerve

Vertical Motor: Sensory: 1/2 thedistance of the verticalsection of the homunculusof the precentral gyrusadjacent to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


Posterior to thesaphenous nerve andmedial to thepopliteal vessels.

Deep insertion:Proximal medial head ofthe gastrocnemiusmuscle

Somatomotor:S1,2 via the tibialnerve

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue:L3 via theinfrapatellar nerve ofthe saphenous nerveand the posteriorfemoral cutaneousnerve

Horizontal Motor: at the most superiorand medial aspect of theprecentral gyrus, adjacentto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


Pyramidalis muscle isabsent in 20% ofpeople.

Deep insertion:Rectus sheathEpimysiumPyramidalis muscleTendon of rectusabdominis muscle

Somatomotor:Ventral rami

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue:T12 via anteriorcutaneous nerve ofthe ventral ramus

At a 45 degreeangle inferiorand medial

Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Medial to the inferiorepigastric vessels.

Deep insertion:Rectus sheathRectus abdominis muscle

Somatomotor:Ventral rami forrectus abdominis

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue:T12 via anteriorcutaneous nerve ofthe ventral ramus

At a 45 degreeangle inferiorand medial

Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri

Page 44: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints


Medial to the inferiorepigastric vessels.

Deep insertion:Rectus sheathRectus abdominis muscle

Somatomotor:Ventral rami forrectus abdominis

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue:T11 via anteriorcutaneous nerve ofthe ventral ramus

At a 45 degreeangle inferiorand medial

Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Medial to the inferiorepigastric vessels.

Deep insertion:Rectus sheathRectus abdominis muscle

Somatomotor:Ventral rami forrectus abdominis

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue:T11 via anteriorcutaneous nerve ofthe ventral ramus

At a 45 degreeangle inferiorand medial

Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Medial to the inferiorepigastric vessels.

Deep insertion:Retinacula cutisRectus sheathRectus abdominis muscle

Somatomotor:Ventral rami forrectus abdominis

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue:T10 via anteriorcutaneous nerve ofthe ventral ramus

At a 45 degreeangle inferiorand medial

Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Medial to the superiorepigastric vessels.

Deep insertion:Rectus sheathRectus abdominis muscle

Somatomotor:Ventral rami forrectus abdominis

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue:T10 via anteriorcutaneous nerve ofthe ventral ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Medial to the superiorepigastric vessels.

Deep insertion:Rectus sheathRectus abdominis muscle

Somatomotor:Ventral rami forrectus abdominis

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue:T9 via anteriorcutaneous nerve ofthe ventral ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Medial to the superiorepigastric vessels.

Deep insertion:Rectus sheathRectus abdominis muscle

Somatomotor:Ventral rami forrectus abdominis

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue:T9 via anteriorcutaneous nerve ofthe ventral ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Medial to the superiorepigastric vessels.

Deep insertion:Rectus sheathRectus abdominis muscle

Somatomotor:Ventral rami forrectus abdominis

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue:T7,8 via anteriorcutaneous nerve ofthe ventral ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri

(continued on next page )

Page 45: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

Table 9 (continued )

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additionalspecification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path of theneedle [18e20]

Motor innervation[18]

Sensory innervationand dermatome*


Langer’s line[18]

Somatotopic organization inthe primary sensory andmotor cortex [21,22]


Medial to the superiorepigastric vessels.

Deep insertion:Rectus sheathRectus abdominis muscle

Somatomotor:Ventral rami forrectus abdominis

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue:T7 via anteriorcutaneous nerve ofthe ventral ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Medial to the superiorepigastric vessels.

Deep insertion:Rectus sheathRectus abdominis muscle

Somatomotor:Ventral rami forrectus abdominis

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue:T6,7 via anteriorcutaneous nerve ofthe ventral ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Aponeurotic part ofexternal oblique muscleand rectus sheathEpimysiumRectus abdominisEpimysiumExternal intercostalmuscle

Somatomotor:Intercostal nervefrom T5 for theexternal intercostalmuscle and ventralramus of T5 forexternal obliquemuscle and rectusabdominis

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: T5 via theanterior cutaneousbranch of the ventralramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Investing fasciaEpimysiumPectoralis major muscle

Somatomotor:C7,8 T1 via the lateraland medial pectoralnerves

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: T4 via theanterior cutaneousbranch of the ventralramus

20 degreesinferior andlateral

Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Contact with theexternal intercostalmuscles is variableand depends on thedevelopment of thepectoralis majormuscle.

Deep insertion:Pectoralis major muscleEpimysiumExternal intercostalmuscle

Somatomotor:C7,8 T1 via the lateraland medial pectoralnerves. Intercostalnerve from T3 for theexternal intercostalmuscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: T3 via theanterior cutaneousbranch of the ventralramus

45 degreesinferior andmedial

Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Contact with theexternal intercostalmuscles is variableand depends on thedevelopment of thepectoralis majormuscle.

Deep insertion:Pectoralis major muscleEpimysiumExternal intercostalmuscle

Somatomotor:C7,8 T1 via the lateraland medial pectoralnerves. Intercostalnerve from T2 for theexternal intercostalmuscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: T2 via theanterior cutaneousbranch of the ventralramus

45 degreesinferior andmedial

Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri

Page 46: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

Table 10 Neuroanatomical and stratified anatomica atalog of Shou Jue Yin Xin Bao Jing (The Pericardium Channel of Hand Absolute Yin).

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additional specificationon location [18e20]

Anatomica ath of theneedle [18 0]

Motor innervation[18]

Sensory innervation anddermatome* [18,19]

Langer’s line[18]

Somatotopic organization inthe primary sensory andmotor cortex [21,22]


While this point lies overpectoralis minor muscle,the needle angle goesposterior to the muscle.It is likely the needlepath will not go beyondbreast tissue in femalepatients.

Deep inser n:Pectoralis jor muscle orbreast tissEpimysiumExternal in rcostal muscle

Somatomotor:Intercostal nervefrom T4 for theexternal intercostalmuscle. C7,8,T1 fromthe lateral and medialpectoral nerves forpectoralis major

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:T4 via the lateralcutaneous nerves of theventral rami

At a 45 degreeangle inferiorand lateral

Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Deep proximal insertionenters thecoracobrachialis muscleand deep distal insertioncontacts themusculocutaneous nerveoverlying the

Intermedia insertion:Biceps bra ii muscleDeep inser n:EpimysiumCoracobra ialis ormusculocu neous nerve

Somatomotor:C5,6,7, via themusculocutaneousnerve for bothmuscles

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:T1,2 via the medialcutaneous nerve of thearm and theintercostobrachial nerve

At the junctionof vertical anda 45 degreeangle inferiorand lateral

Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/5 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri

(continued on next page )


Contact with theexternal intercostalmuscles is variableand depends on thedevelopment of thepectoralis majormuscle.

Deep inser n:Pectoralis ajor muscleEpimysiumExternal in rcostalmuscle

Somatomotor:C7,8 T1 via the lateraland medial pectoralnerves. Intercostalnerve from T1 for theexternal intercostalmuscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: T1 via theanterior cutaneousbranch of the ventralramus

45 degreesinferior andmedial

Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Contact with thesubclavius muscle isvariable and dependson the developmentof the pectoralismajor muscle.

Deep inser n:Pectoralis ajor muscleEpimysiumSubclavius uscle

Somatomotor:C7,8 T1 via the lateraland medial pectoralnerves. C5,6 via thenerve to subclavius

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneoustissue: T1 via theanterior cutaneousnerves of the ventralvamus

45 degreesinferior andmedial

Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri

* Dermatomes share boarders with neighboring dermato es and are not clean-cut and exclusive areas; rather they represent the area with the highest concentration of sensory fibersassociated with a specific dorsal root ganglion and a spec c area of the sensory cortex.

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Page 47: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

Table 10 (continued )

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additional specificationon location [18e20]

Anatomical path of theneedle [18e20]

Motor innervation[18]

Sensory innervation anddermatome* [18,19]

Langer’s line[18]

Somatotopic organization inthe primary sensory andmotor cortex [21,22]

coracobrachialis muscle.QuzePC3

In the space between thepronator teres andbiceps brachii insertions.This point passes throughthe lateral aspect ofpronator teres whenneedled in supination.Avoid the brachialartery.

Deep insertion:Lateral part of pronatorteres muscleAdipose tissueMedian nerve

Somatomotor:C6,7 via the mediannerve for pronatorteres

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:T1 via the medialcutaneous nerve of thearm and forearm

Vertical Motor: 1/5 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


None Intermediate insertion:Flexor carpi radialis muscleEpimysiumPalmaris longus muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumFlexor digitorumsuperficialis muscleMedian nerve or angled tothe medial part of flexordigitorum profundus muscle

Somatomotor:All via the mediannerve. C6,7 for flexorcarpi radialis, C7,8for palmaris longus,C8,T1 for flexordigitorum profundus,and C7,8,T1 for flexordigitorumsuperficialis muscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C6,T1 via the anteriorbranch of the medialcutaneous nerve of theforearm and the lateralcutaneous nerve of theforearm

Vertical Motor: 1/5 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


The median nerve ismore superficial at thispoint than Ximen (PC4).

Deep insertion:Distal end of flexordigitorum superficialismuscleMedian nerve or angled totendinous part of flexordigitorum profundus muscle

Somatomotor:Via the median nerve.C7,8,T1 for flexordigitorumsuperficialis

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C6,T1 via the medialcutaneous nerve of theforearm and the lateralcutaneous nerve of theforearm

Vertical Motor: 1/5 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


The median nerve ismore superficial at thispoint than Jianshi andXimen (PC4,5). SeeWaiguan SJ 5 forneedling that connectsto Waiguan SJ5.

Deep insertion:Distal end of flexordigitorum superficialismuscle [7]Adipose tissueMedian nerve or angled totendinous parts of flexordigitorum profundusmuscles

Somatomotor:Via the median nerve.C7,8,T1 for flexordigitorumsuperficialis

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C6,T1 via the anteriorbranch of the medialcutaneous nerve of theforearm and the lateralcutaneous nerve of theforearm

Vertical Motor: 1/5 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri

Page 48: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints


Over the median nerve. Deep insertion:Palmar carpal ligamentAdipose tissueFlexor retinaculumAdipose tissueCarpal tunnel (for obliquedistal insertions)

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:At the union of C5-T1 viathe palmar cutaneousbranch of the medianand ulnar nerves, andthe distal fibers of theanterior branch of themedial cutaneous nerveof the forearm

Vertical Sensory: 1/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Located between the 2nd

and 3th metacarpalbones where the shaftmeets the head of thebones, just proximal tothe transverse fasciculi.Over the common palmardigital nerve and artery.

Shallow insertion:Thick epidermisDermisSubcutaneous tissueDeep insertion:Retinacula cutisPalmar aponeurosisEpimysiumDistal part of adductorpollicis muscleEpimysiumLateral part of 2nd lumbricalmuscle

Somatomotor:C8,T1 via the mediannerve for thelumbrical muscle andvia the deep branchof the ulnar nerve foradductor pollicis

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C7 via the palmarcutaneous branch of themedian nerve

Vertical Motor: 1/3 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Over the palmar digitalbranch of the mediannerve and palmar digitalartery.

Shallow insertion Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C7 via the medial branchof the median nerve

Horizontal Sensory: 4/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri

* Dermatomes share boarders with neighboring dermatomes and are not clean-cut and exclusive areas; rather they represent the area with the highest concentration of sensory fibersassociated with a specific dorsal root ganglion and a specific area of the sensory cortex.

Page 49: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

Table 11 Neuroanatomical and stratified anatomical catalog of Shou Shao Yang San Jiao Jing (The Triple Burner Channel of Hand Lesser Yang).

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additional specification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path of theneedle [18e20]

Motor innervation [18] Sensory innervation anddermatome* [18,19]

Langer’s line[18]

Somatotopicorganization in theprimary sensory andmotor cortex [21,22]


Over the palmar digitalbranch of the ulnar nerveand palmar digital artery.

Shallow insertion Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C8 via the superficialbranch of the ulnar nerve

Horizontal Sensory: 4/10 thedistance of thepostcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Over the dorsal digitalartery and nerve.

Deep insertion:Distal end of 4th dorsalinterosseous muscleEpimysiumDistal end of 3rd palmarinterosseous muscle

Somatomotor:Deep branch of the ulnarnerve C8,T1

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C8 via the dorsal branchof the ulnar nerve

At a 45 degreeangle lateraland medial

Motor: 1/3 the distanceof the precentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/3 thedistance of thepostcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Over the dorsal metacarpalartery and nerve.

Intermediate insertion:4th dorsal interosseousmuscleEpimysium3rd palmar interosseousmuscleDeep insertion:Epimysium4th lumbrical muscle

Somatomotor:Deep branch of the ulnarnerve C8,T1

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C8 via the dorsal branchof the ulnar nerve

At a 45 degreeangle lateraland medial

Motor: 1/3 the distanceof the precentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/3 thedistance of thepostcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


In the space between lunatebone, the triquetrum bone,the most medial and distalpart of the radius and thehead of the ulna.

Deep insertion:Extensor retinaculumRadial carpal ligamentDorsal ulnocarpalligamentArticular disc of the wristjoint

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C7,8 via the dorsalbranch of the ulnar nerve

Horizontal Sensory: 1/4 thedistance of thepostcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


The path of the needlepasses superficially betweenthe extensor digitorumtendons and extensorpollicis brevis muscle. Theoblique ulnar angle followsthe path of extensor pollicisbrevis muscle to its junctionwith extensor pollicis longusmuscle before piercing theinterosseous membranemedial to the interosseous

Intermediate insertion:Extensor pollicis brevismuscleEpimysiumExtensor pollicis longusmuscleDeep insertion:Interosseous membraneEpimysiumPronator quadratusmuscle

Somatomotor:C7,8 via the posteriorinterosseous nerve,a continuation of thedeep branch of the radialnerve for extensorpollicis longus and brevismuscles. C8,T1 viaanterior interosseousnerve from the mediannerve for pronatorquadratus

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C7 via posteriorcutaneous nerve of theforearm

At a 45 degreeangle inferiorand lateral

Motor: 1/5 the distanceof the precentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 thedistance of thepostcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri

Page 50: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

neurovascular bundle.Oblique proximal and distalinsertions would contact thesame muscle at differentangles and areas.


Located at the junction ofabductor pollicis longus andextensor pollicis brevismuscles with the extensordigitorum muscle.

Intermediate insertion:Abductor pollicis longusmuscleEpimysiumExtensor pollicis brevismuscleDeep insertion:Interosseous membraneEpimysiumProximal end of pronatorquadratus muscle

Somatomotor:C7,8 via the posteriorinterosseous nerve,a continuation of thedeep branch of the radialnerve for extensorpollicis brevis andabductor pollicis longusmuscles. C8,T1 viaanterior interosseousnerve from the mediannerve for pronatorquadratus

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C7 via posteriorcutaneous nerve of theforearm

At a 45 degreeangle inferiorand lateral

Motor: 1/5 the distanceof the precentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 thedistance of thepostcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Between extensor digitiminimi muscle and extensorcarpi ulnaris muscle.

Intermediate insertion:Extensor carpi ulnarismuscleEpimysiumExtensor digiti minimimuscleEpimysiumExtensor indicis muscleDeep insertion:Interosseous membraneEpimysiumProximal end of pronatorquadratus muscle

Somatomotor:C7,8 via the deep branchof the radial nerve forextensor digiti minimiand extensor carpiulnaris muscles and viaposterior interosseousnerve of the deep branchof the radial artery forextensor indicis muscle.C8,T1 via anteriorinterosseous nerve fromthe median nerve forpronator quadratus

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C7,8 via mediancutaneous nerve of theforearm

At a 20 degreeangle inferiorand medial

Motor: 1/5 the distanceof the precentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 thedistance of thepostcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Located at the junction ofextensor digitorum,abductor pollicis longus,and extensor carpi radialisbrevis muscles.

Intermediate insertion:Extensor digitorummuscleEpimysiumAbductor pollicis longusmuscleDeep insertion:Interosseous membraneEpimysiumFlexor pollicis longusmuscle

Somatomotor:C7,8 via the posteriorinterosseous nerve,a continuation of thedeep branch of the radialnerve for abductorpollicis longus muscleand via the deep branchof the radial nerve forextensor digitorum andextensor carpi ulnarismuscles. C8,T1 viaanterior interosseous

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C7 via posteriorcutaneous nerve of theforearm

At a 20 degreeangle inferiorand medial

Motor: 1/5 the distanceof the precentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 thedistance of thepostcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri

(continued on next page )

Page 51: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

Table 11 (continued )

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additional specification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path of theneedle [18e20]

Motor innervation [18] Sensory innervation anddermatome* [18,19]

Langer’s line[18]

Somatotopicorganization in theprimary sensory andmotor cortex [21,22]

nerve from the mediannerve for flexor pollicislongus muscle


None Intermediate insertion:Extensor digitorummuscleEpimysiumExtensor carpi ulnarismuscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumAbductor pollicis longusmuscleInterosseous membraneEpimysiumFlexor pollicis longusmuscle

Somatomotor:C7,8 via the posteriorinterosseous nerve,a continuation of thedeep branch of the radialnerve for abductorpollicis longus muscleand via the deep branchof the radial nerve forextensor digitorummuscle. C8,T1 viaanterior interosseousnerve from the mediannerve for flexor pollicislongus muscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C7 via posteriorcutaneous nerve of theforearm

Vertical Motor: 1/5 the distanceof the precentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 thedistance of thepostcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Needle slides into theolecranon fossa at the pointwhere the medial tricepsmuscle and tendon from thelong and lateral head of thetriceps brachii meet.Lateral to the ulnar nerve.

Deep insertion:Triceps brachii muscle/tendonJoint capsuleAdipose tissue

Somatomotor:C6,7,8 via the radialnerve

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C7 via posteriorcutaneous nerve of theforearm

Vertical Motor: 1/5 the distanceof the precentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 thedistance of thepostcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Into the distal belly of thetendon of the long andlateral heads and deep intothe medial head of tricepsbrachii muscle.

Deep insertion:Triceps brachii muscle/tendon

Somatomotor:C6,7,8 via the radialnerve

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C7 via inferior lateralcutaneous nerve of thearm

Vertical Motor: 1/5 the distanceof the precentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 thedistance of thepostcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Between the bellies of thelong and lateral heads oftriceps brachii, then deepthrough the proximal medialhead.

Deep insertion:Triceps brachii muscle

Somatomotor:C6,7,8 via the radialnerve

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C7 via the posteriorcutaneous nerve of thearm

Vertical Motor: 1/6 the distanceof the precentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/5 thedistance of thepostcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri

Page 52: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints


At the junction of thedeltoid muscle and the longand lateral heads of tricepsbrachii.

Deep insertion:Posterior deltoid muscleEpimysiumTriceps brachii muscle

Somatomotor:C6,7,8 via the radialnerve for the tricepsbrachii. C5,6 via theaxillary nerve for thedeltoid muscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C7 via the posteriorcutaneous nerve of thearm

45 degree anglemedial andinferior

Motor: 1/6 the distanceof the precentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/5 thedistance of thepostcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


At the junction of theacromial and scapular headsof the deltoid muscle

Intermediate insertion:Deltoid muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumInfraspinatus tendon

Somatomotor:C5,6 via the axillarynerve for the deltoidmuscle, and via thesuprascapular nerve forthe infraspinatus tendon

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C6,7 via the posteriorcutaneous nerve of thearm and superior lateralcutaneous nerve of thearm

45 degree anglemedial andinferior

Motor: 1/6 the distanceof the precentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/5 thedistance of thepostcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Over the insertion of levatorscapula. Due to the largearea of insertion, obliqueinsertion at any angle willcontact the muscle.

Deep insertion:Upper trapezius muscleEpimysiumLevator scapulae muscleinsertion

Somatomotor:Spinal accessory nerveCN11 for trapeziusmuscle, and C3,4,5 viathe dorsal scapular (C5)and cervical nerves ofC3,4 for levator scapulaemuscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C7 via posteriorcutaneous nerve of thedorsal rami andsupraclavicular nerveSensory innervation ofepimysium and musclesfollows somatomotorinnervation and C2,3 fortrapezius muscle

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distanceof the precentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 thedistance of thepostcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Just inferior to thetransverse process of C1, atthe insertion of levatorscapulae muscle on C1.

Deep insertion:Superficial investinglayer of deep cervicalfasciaEpimysiumInsertion of levatorscapulae muscle

Somatomotor:C3,4,5 via the dorsalscapular (C5) andcervical nerves of C3,4for levator scapulaemuscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C2,3 via the greatauricular and lesseroccipital nerve

45 degree anglemedial andinferior

Motor: 1/2 the distanceof the precentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/8 thedistance of thepostcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


Angle of insertion runsanterior and superior to thefacial nerve CN7.

Deep insertionSuperior boarder of thedigastric muscleEpimysiumAttachments ofstylohyoid andstylopharyngeus muscles

Somatomotor:Facial nerve CN7 forposterior belly of thedigastric and stylohyoidmuscles andglossopharyngeal nerveCN9 for stylopharyngeusmuscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C2 via the great auricularnerve and the lesseroccipital nerve

Vertical Motor: 19/20 thedistance of theprecentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/8 thedistance of thepostcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


None Shallow insertion Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C2 via the lesseroccipital nerve

Along the pathof the ear

Sensory: 1/8 thedistance of thepostcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri

(continued on next page )

Page 53: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

Table 11 (continued )

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additional specification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path of theneedle [18e20]

Motor innervation [18] Sensory innervation anddermatome* [18,19]

Langer’s line[18]

Somatotopicorganization in theprimary sensory andmotor cortex [21,22]


At the junction of themastoid process with thepetrous part of thetemporal bone.

Shallow insertion Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C2 via the lesseroccipital nerve

Along the pathof the ear

Sensory: 1/8 thedistance of thepostcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


None Shallow insertion:Attachment oftemporalis muscle

Somatomotor:Deep temporal branchesof the mandibulardivision of the trigeminalnerve CN5

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C2 via the lesseroccipital nerve, greatauricular nerve and theauriculotemporal branchof the mandibulardivision of the trigeminalnerve CN5

Along the pathof the ear

Motor: 9/10 the distanceof the precentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebriSensory: the distance ofthe postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


This point enters thetemperomandibular jointand mandibular fossa of thetemporal bone. Superior tothe facial nerve CN7.

Deep insertion:Auricularis anteriormuscleFibrous joint capsule ofthe temperomandibularjoint

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:the auriculotemporalbranch of the mandibulardivision of the trigeminalnerve CN5

At a 45 degreeangle inferiorand medial

Sensory: 2/3 thedistance of thepostcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


In the depression betweenwhere the squamous portionof the temporal bone meetsthe petrous portion andwhere the zygomaticprocess meets the temporalbone.

Shallow insertion:Attachment oftemporalis muscle

Somatomotor:Deep temporal branchesof the mandibulardivision of the trigeminalnerve CN5

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:the auriculotemporalbranch of the mandibulardivision of the trigeminalnerve CN5

At a 45 degreeangle inferiorand medial

Motor: 9/10 the distanceof the precentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebriSensory: 2/3 thedistance of thepostcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri


At the junction of thefrontal and zygomatic bone.Just superior to thezygomaticofacial artery andvein.

Shallow insertion Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:the lacrimal branch ofthe ophthalmic divisionand thezygomaticotemporalbranch of the maxillarydivision of the trigeminalnerve CN5

At a 45 degreeangle inferiorand lateral

Sensory: 2/3 thedistance of thepostcentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebri

* Dermatomes share boarders with neighboring dermatomes and are not clean-cut and exclusive areas; rather they represent the area with the highest concentration of sensory fibersassociated with a specific dorsal root ganglion and a specific area of the sensory cortex.

Page 54: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

Table 12 Neuroanatomical and stratified anatomical catalog of Zu Shao Yang Dan Jing (The Gall Bladder Channel of Foot Lesser Yang).


point [16,17]

Additional specification on

location [18e20]

Anatomical path of the

needle [18e20]

Motor innervation [18] Sensory innervation and

dermatome* [18,19]


line [18]

Somatotopic organization in the

primary sensory and motor cortex




On the frontal process

of the zygomatic bone,

superior to the

zygomaticofacial foramen.

Shallow insertion only Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: via the

zygomaticofacial nerve of the

maxillary division of the trigeminal

nerve CN5

Vertical Sensory: 2/3 the distance of the

postcentral gyrus lateral to the falx




This point enters the


joint and mandibular fossa

of the temporal bone.

Deep insertion:

Fibrous joint capsule of the

temperomandibular joint

Joint space

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue:

C2 via the great auricular nerve

45 degree angle

medial and


Sensory: 2/3 the distance of the

postcentral gyrus lateral to the falx




None Deep insertion:

Temporalis muscle


Anterior trunk of the

mandibular division of the

trigeminal nerve CN5

To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: via the

auriculotemporal nerve of the

mandibular division of CN5

Horizontal Motor: 9/10 the distance of the

precentral gyrus lateral to the falx


Sensory: 2/3 the distance of the

postcentral gyrus lateral to the falx




None Shallow insertion:

Temporal fascia

Temporalis muscle


Anterior trunk of the

mandibular division of the

trigeminal nerve CN5

To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: via the

auriculotemporal nerve of the

mandibular division of CN5


along the hair


Motor: 9/10 the distance of the

precentral gyrus lateral to the falx


Sensory: 1/8 the distance of the

postcentral gyrus lateral to the falx




None Shallow insertion:

Temporal fascia

Temporalis muscle


Anterior trunk of the

mandibular division of the

trigeminal nerve CN5

To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: via the

auriculotemporal nerve of the

mandibular division of CN5


along the hair


Motor: 9/10 the distance of the

precentral gyrus lateral to the falx


Sensory: 1/8 the distance of the

postcentral gyrus lateral to the falx




None Shallow insertion:

Temporal fascia

Temporalis muscle


Anterior trunk of the

mandibular division of the

trigeminal nerve CN5

To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: via the

auriculotemporal nerve of the

mandibular division of CN5


along the hair


Motor: 9/10 the distance of the

precentral gyrus lateral to the falx


Sensory: 1/8 the distance of the

postcentral gyrus lateral to the falx




None Shallow insertion:

Temporal fascia

Temporalis muscle


Anterior trunk of the

mandibular division of the

trigeminal nerve CN5

To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: via the

auriculotemporal nerve of the

mandibular division of CN5


along the hair


Motor: 9/10 the distance of the

precentral gyrus lateral to the falx


Sensory: 1/8 the distance of the

postcentral gyrus lateral to the falx




None Shallow insertion:

Temporal fascia

Temporalis muscle


Anterior trunk of the

mandibular division of the

trigeminal nerve CN5

To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue:

C2 via the lesser occipital nerve


along the hair


Motor: 9/10 the distance of the

precentral gyrus lateral to the falx


Sensory: 1/8 the distance of the

(continued on next page )

Page 55: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

Table 12 (continued )


point [16,17]

Additional specification on

location [18e20]

Anatomical path of the

needle [18e20]

Motor innervation [18] Sensory innervation and

dermatome* [18,19]


line [18]

Somatotopic organization in the

primary sensory and motor cortex


postcentral gyrus lateral to the falx




None Shallow insertion:

Temporal fascia

Temporalis muscle


Anterior trunk of the

mandibular division of the

trigeminal nerve CN5

To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue:

C2 via the lesser occipital nerve


along the hair


Motor: 9/10 the distance of the

precentral gyrus lateral to the falx


Sensory: 1/8 the distance of the

postcentral gyrus lateral to the falx




None Shallow insertion:

Loose areolar tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue:

C2 via the lesser occipital nerve


along the hair


Sensory: 1/8 the distance of the

postcentral gyrus lateral to the falx




None Shallow insertion:

Loose areolar tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue:

C2 via the lesser occipital nerve


along the hair


Sensory: 1/8 the distance of the

postcentral gyrus lateral to the falx




Posterior to the facial


Intermediate insertion:

Sternocleidomastoid muscle

Deep insertion


Splenius capitis


Longissimus capitis


Spinal accessory nerve CN11

for sternocleidomastoid

muscle. Posterior rami of

the spinal nerves for

longissimus capitis and

splenius capitis muscles

To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue:

C2 via the lesser occipital nerve

Sensory innervation of epimysium

and muscles follows somatomotor

innervation and C2,3 for

sternocleidomastoid muscle


along the hair


Motor: 1/2 the distance of the

precentral gyrus lateral to the falx


Sensory: 1/8 the distance of the

postcentral gyrus lateral to the falx




None Shallow insertion:

Galea aponeurotica

Loose areolar tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: via the

supraorbital nerve of the

ophthalmic division of the

trigeminal nerve CN5


along the hair


Sensory: 1/8 the distance of the

postcentral gyrus lateral to the falx




Over the frontalis muscle

but needle insertion is


Shallow insertion only Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: via the

supratrochlear and supraorbital

nerve of the ophthalmic division of

the trigeminal nerve CN5

Horizontal Sensory: 1/8 the distance of the

postcentral gyrus lateral to the falx




None Shallow insertion:

Galea aponeurotica

Loose areolar tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: via the

supraorbital nerve of the

ophthalmic division of the

trigeminal nerve CN5


along the hair


Sensory: 1/8 the distance of the

postcentral gyrus lateral to the falx




None Shallow insertion:

Galea aponeurotica

Loose areolar tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: via the

supraorbital nerve of the

ophthalmic division of the

trigeminal nerve CN5


along the hair


Sensory: 1/8 the distance of the

postcentral gyrus lateral to the falx




None Shallow insertion:

Galea aponeurotica

Loose areolar tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: via the

supraorbital nerve of the


along the hair


Sensory: 1/8 the distance of the

postcentral gyrus lateral to the falx


Page 56: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

ophthalmic division of the

trigeminal nerve CN5



None Shallow insertion:

Galea aponeurotica

Loose areolar tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue:

C2 via the greater occipital nerve

and the supraorbital nerve of the

ophthalmic division of the

trigeminal nerve CN5


along the hair


Sensory: 1/8 the distance of the

postcentral gyrus lateral to the falx




Over the great occipital

nerve and occipital artery.

Shallow insertion:

Galea aponeurotica

Loose areolar tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue:

C2 via the greater occipital nerve


along the hair


Sensory: 1/8 the distance of the

postcentral gyrus lateral to the falx




In the superior part of the

suboccipital triangle.

Inferior to the occipital

artery and lateral to the

great occipital nerve.

Intermediate insertion

towards the opposite eye:

Semispinalis capitis muscle

Deep insertion towards the

opposite eye:


Rectus capitis posterior

major muscle

Insertion connecting to

opposite fengchi (GB20):

Horizontally through the

trapezius muscle, both sides


C1 via suboccipital nerve for

rectus capitis posterior

major muscle. Spinal

accessory nerve CN11 for

trapezius. And dorsal rami

for semispinalis capitis

To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue:

C3 via the 3rd occipital nerve

Sensory innervation of epimysium

and muscles follows somatomotor

innervation and C2,3 for trapezius



along the hair


Motor: 1/2 the distance of the

precentral gyrus lateral to the falx


Sensory: 1/8 the distance of the

postcentral gyrus lateral to the falx




None Deep insertion:

Upper trapezius muscle


Spinal accessory nerve CN11

for trapezius muscle

To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: C5,6 via

posterior cutaneous nerve of the

dorsal rami

Sensory innervation of epimysium

and muscles is C2,3 for trapezius


Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance of the

precentral gyrus lateral to the falx


Sensory: 1/10 the distance of the

postcentral gyrus lateral to the falx




None Deep insertion:

Serratus anterior muscle


External intercostal muscle


Intercostal nerve from T4

for the external intercostal

muscle. C5,6,7 via the long

thoracic nerve for serratus

anterior muscle

To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: T5 via lateral

cutaneous nerve of the ventral rami

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance of the

precentral gyrus lateral to the falx


Sensory: 1/10 the distance of the

postcentral gyrus lateral to the falx




None Deep insertion:

Serratus anterior muscle


External intercostal muscle


Intercostal nerve from T4

for the external intercostal

muscle. C5,6,7 via the long

thoracic nerve for serratus

anterior muscle

To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: T5 via lateral

cutaneous nerve of the ventral rami

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance of the

precentral gyrus lateral to the falx


Sensory: 1/10 the distance of the

postcentral gyrus lateral to the falx




None Deep insertion:

Aponeurotic part of external

oblique muscle


External intercostal muscle


Intercostal nerve from T7

for the external intercostal

muscle and ventral ramus

for external oblique muscle

To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: T7 via

anterior cutaneous nerve of the

ventral rami

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance of the

precentral gyrus lateral to the falx


Sensory: 1/10 the distance of the

postcentral gyrus lateral to the falx


(continued on next page )

Page 57: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

Table 12 (continued )


point [16,17]

Additional specification on

location [18e20]

Anatomical path of the

needle [18e20]

Motor innervation [18] Sensory innervation and

dermatome* [18,19]


line [18]

Somatotopic organization in the

primary sensory and motor cortex




None Intermediate insertion:

External oblique muscle

Deep insertion:


Internal oblique muscle


Ventral rami for both


To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: T12 via lateral

cutaneous nerve of the ventral rami

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance of the

precentral gyrus lateral to the falx


Sensory: 1/10 the distance of the

postcentral gyrus lateral to the falx




None Intermediate insertion:

External oblique muscle

Deep insertion:


Internal oblique muscle


Ventral rami for both


To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: T12 via lateral

cutaneous nerve of the ventral rami

45 degree angle

medial and


Motor: 1/6 the distance of the

precentral gyrus lateral to the falx


Sensory: 1/10 the distance of the

postcentral gyrus lateral to the falx




None Intermediate insertion:

External oblique muscle

Deep insertion:


Internal oblique muscle


Ventral rami for both


To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: T12 via

anterior cutaneous nerve of the

ventral rami

45 degree angle

medial and


Motor: 1/6 the distance of the

precentral gyrus lateral to the falx


Sensory: 1/10 the distance of the

postcentral gyrus lateral to the falx




None Intermediate insertion:

Aponeurotic part of external

oblique muscle

Deep insertion:


Internal oblique muscle


Ventral rami for both


To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: T12 via

anterior cutaneous nerve of the

ventral rami

45 degree angle

medial and


Motor: 1/6 the distance of the

precentral gyrus lateral to the falx


Sensory: 1/10 the distance of the

postcentral gyrus lateral to the falx




None Intermediate insertion:

Posterior part of tensor

fascia lata muscle

Deep insertion:


Anterior part of gluteus

minimus muscle


L5,S1 via the superior

gluteal nerve

To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: L2,3 via the

lateral femoral cutaneous nerve

Vertical Motor: 1/20 the distance of the

precentral gyrus lateral to the falx


Sensory: at the most superior and

medial aspect of the postcentral

gyrus adjacent to the falx cerebri



Deep insertion to contact

the sciatic nerve is noted 1

cun inferior to Huantiao

GB30. A slightly medial

location for this technique

may be required as well.

Intermediate insertion:

Gluteus maximus muscle

Deep insertion:


Piriformis muscle


L5,S1, S2 via the inferior

gluteal nerve for gluteus

maximus muscle. S1,2 via

branches of the anterior


To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: S1 via inferior

cluneal nerves from the posterior

femoral cutaneous nerve

45 degree angle

medial and


Motor: 1/20 the distance of the

precentral gyrus lateral to the falx


Sensory: at the most superior and

medial aspect of the postcentral

gyrus adjacent to the falx cerebri



None Intermediate insertion:

Posterior part of vastus

lateralis muscle

Deep insertion:


Short head of biceps femoris


L2,3,4 via the femoral nerve

for vastus lateralis muscle

and L5,S1,2 via the common

fibular division of the sciatic

nerve for short head of

biceps femoris muscle

To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: L4,5 via the

lateral femoral cutaneous nerve

Vertical Motor: 1/20 the distance of the

precentral gyrus lateral to the falx


Sensory: at the most superior and

medial aspect of the postcentral

gyrus adjacent to the falx cerebri

Page 58: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints



None Intermediate insertion:

Posterior part of vastus

lateralis muscle

Deep insertion:


Short head of biceps femoris


L2,3,4 via the femoral nerve

for vastus lateralis muscle

and L5,S1,2 via the common

fibular division of the sciatic

nerve for short head of

biceps femoris muscle

To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: L4,5 via the

lateral femoral cutaneous nerve

Vertical Motor: 1/20 the distance of the

precentral gyrus lateral to the falx


Sensory: at the most superior and

medial aspect of the postcentral

gyrus adjacent to the falx cerebri



None Deep insertion:

Distal part of the short head

of biceps femoris

Adipose tissue


L5,S1,2 via the common

fibular division of the sciatic

nerve for short head of

biceps femoris muscle

To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: L5,S1 via

posterior cutaneous nerve of the


Horizontal Motor: at the most superior and

medial aspect of the precentral

gyrus, adjacent to the falx cerebri

Sensory: 1/2 the distance of the

vertical section of the homunculus

of the postcentral gyrus adjacent to

the falx cerebri



Between the superficial and

deep fibular nerves.

Intermediate insertion:

Fibularis longus muscle

Deep insertion:


Extensor digitorum longus



L4,5 via the deep fibular

nerve for extensor digitorum

longus. L5,S1,2 via the

superficial fibular nerve for

fibularis longus

To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: L5,S1 via the

lateral sural cutaneous nerve from

the common fibular nerve

45 degree angle

medial and


Motor: at the most superior and

medial aspect of the precentral

gyrus, adjacent to the falx cerebri

Sensory: 1/2 the distance of the

vertical section of the homunculus

of the postcentral gyrus adjacent to

the falx cerebri



Just posterior to the

superficial fibular nerve.

Anterior to the fibular


Intermediate insertion:

Fibularis longus muscle

Deep insertion:


Fibularis brevis muscle


Flexor hallucis longus



L5,S1,2 via the superficial

fibular nerve for fibularis

longus and brevis. S2,3 via

the tibial nerve for flexor

hallucis longus muscle

To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: L5 via the

superficial fibular nerve

Vertical Motor: Sensory: 1/2 the distance of

the vertical section of the

homunculus of the precentral gyrus

adjacent to the falx cerebri

Sensory: 1/4 the distance of the

vertical section of the homunculus

of the postcentral gyrus adjacent to

the falx cerebri



Just posterior to the

superficial fibular nerve.

Anterior to the fibular


Intermediate insertion:

Fibularis longus muscle

Deep insertion:


Fibularis brevis


Extensor digitorum longus



L4,5 via the deep fibular

nerve for extensor digitorum

longus. L5,S1,2 via the

superficial fibular nerve for

fibularis longus and brevis


To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: L5 via the

superficial fibular nerve

Vertical Motor: Sensory: 1/2 the distance of

the vertical section of the

homunculus of the precentral gyrus

adjacent to the falx cerebri

Sensory: 1/4 the distance of the

vertical section of the homunculus

of the postcentral gyrus adjacent to

the falx cerebri



Just posterior to the

superficial fibular nerve.

Anterior to the fibular


Intermediate insertion:

Fibularis brevis muscle


Extensor digitorum brevis

Deep insertion:


Extensor hallucis longus

Interosseous membrane


Tibialis posterior


L4,5 via the deepþ fibular

nerve for extensor digitorum

longus and extensor hallucis

longus, via tibial nerve for

tibialis posterior. L5,S1,2 via

the superficial fibular nerve

for fibularis brevis muscle

To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: S1 via the

superficial fibular nerve

Vertical Motor: Sensory: 1/2 the distance of

the vertical section of the

homunculus of the precentral gyrus

adjacent to the falx cerebri

Sensory: 1/4 the distance of the

vertical section of the homunculus

of the postcentral gyrus adjacent to

the falx cerebri

(continued on next page )

Page 59: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

Table 12 (continued )


point [16,17]

Additional specification on

location [18e20]

Anatomical path of the

needle [18e20]

Motor innervation [18] Sensory innervation and

dermatome* [18,19]


line [18]

Somatotopic organization in the

primary sensory and motor cortex




Posterior to the superficial

fibular nerve. Anterior to

the fibular artery.

Intermediate insertion:

Fibularis tertius muscle


Extensor digitorum brevis

Deep insertion:


Extensor hallucis longus

Interosseous membrane


Tibialis posterior


L4,5 via the deep fibular

nerve for extensor digitorum

longus, fibularis tertius and

extensor hallucis longus, via

tibial nerve for tibialis


To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: S1 via the

superficial fibular nerve

Vertical Motor: Sensory: 1/2 the distance of

the vertical section of the

homunculus of the precentral gyrus

adjacent to the falx cerebri

Sensory: 1/4 the distance of the

vertical section of the homunculus

of the postcentral gyrus adjacent to

the falx cerebri



The WHO locates this point

anterior to the fibula and

other sources locate this

point posterior to the fibula.

This location posterior to

the fibula is presented here.

Anterior to the fibular


Intermediate insertion:

Fibularis brevis muscle

Deep insertion:


Flexor hallucis longus



L5,S1,2 via the superficial

fibular nerve for fibularis

brevis muscle. S2,3 via the

tibial nerve for flexor

hallucis longus muscle

To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: S1 via the

superficial fibular nerve

Vertical Motor: Sensory: 1/2 the distance of

the vertical section of the

homunculus of the precentral gyrus

adjacent to the falx cerebri

Sensory: 1/4 the distance of the

vertical section of the homunculus

of the postcentral gyrus adjacent to

the falx cerebri



Between the

calcaneofibular ligament

and anterior talofibular

ligament, superior to the

extensor digitorum brevis

muscle, into the tarsal

sinus. Just posterior to the

anterior lateral malleolar


Deep insertion:

Lateral part of the extensor


Attachment of extensor

digitorum brevis

Interosseous talocalcaneal


Tarsal sinus


L5,S1 deep fibular nerve

To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: S1 via the

superficial fibular nerve

Vertical Sensory: 1/2 the distance of the

vertical section of the homunculus

of the postcentral gyrus adjacent to

the falx cerebri



Over the dorsal metatarsal

artery and nerve.

Intermediate insertion:

Extensor digitorum brevis



Dorsal interosseous muscle

Deep insertion:


Plantar interosseous muscle


L5,S1 deep fibular nerve for

extensor digitorum brevis.

S2,3 via the lateral plantar

nerve for the dorsal and

plantar interossei muscles

To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: S1 via the

superficial fibular nerve

Vertical Motor: Sensory: 3/4 the distance of

the vertical section of the

homunculus of the precentral gyrus

adjacent to the falx cerebri

Sensory: 1/2 the distance of the

vertical section of the homunculus

of the postcentral gyrus adjacent to

the falx cerebri



Between where the shaft of

the 4th and 5th metatarsals

meets the head. Over the

dorsal metatarsal artery and


Deep insertion:

Dorsal interosseous muscle


Plantar interosseous muscle


S2,3 via the lateral plantar

nerve for the dorsal and

plantar interossei muscles

To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: S1 via the

superficial fibular nerve

Vertical Motor: Sensory: 3/4 the distance of

the vertical section of the

homunculus of the precentral gyrus

adjacent to the falx cerebri

Sensory: 1/2 the distance of the

vertical section of the homunculus

of the postcentral gyrus adjacent to

the falx cerebri

Page 60: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

Table 13 Neuroanatomical and stratified anatomical catalog of Zu Jue Yin Gan Jing (The Liver Channel of Foot Absolute Yin).

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additional specification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path ofthe needle [18e20]

Motor innervation [18] Sensory innervation anddermatome* [18,19]

Langer’s line[18]

Somatotopic organization inthe primary sensory andmotor cortex [21,22]


Over the dorsal digitalartery and nerves.

Shallow insertion Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L5 via the deep fibularnerve

Horizontal Sensory: 3/4 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


Between where the shaftsof the 1st and 2nd proximalphalanges meet the bases.Only deep insertion obliqueproximal passes through thedeep transverse metatarsalligament. Over the dorsaldigital artery and nerves.

Deep insertion:Adipose tissueDeep transversemetatarsal ligament

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L5 via the deep fibularnerve

45 degree angleinferior andmedial

Sensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


Over the medial branch ofthe deep fibular nerve and


Somatomotor:S2,3 via the medial

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:

45 degree angleinferior and

Motor: Sensory: 3/4 thedistance of the vertical

(continued on next page )



Between where the shafts of

the 4th and 5th proximal

phalanges meet the bases.

Only deep insertion oblique

proximal passes through the

deep transverse metatarsal

ligament. Over the dorsal

digital artery and nerves.

Deep insertion:

Adipose tissue

Deep transverse metatarsal


Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: S1 via the

superficial fibular nerve

Vertical Sensory: 1/2 the distance of the

vertical section of the homunculus

of the postcentral gyrus adjacent to

the falx cerebri



Over the dorsal digital

artery and nerves.

Shallow insertion Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, and

subcutaneous tissue: S1 via the

superficial fibular nerve

Vertical Sensory: 3/4 the distance of the

vertical section of the homunculus

of the postcentral gyrus adjacent to

the falx cerebri

* Dermatomes share boarders with neighboring dermatomes and are not clean-cut and exclusive areas; rather they represent the area with the highest concentration of sensory fibers associated

with a specific dorsal root ganglion and a specific area of the sensory cortex.

Page 61: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

Table 13 (continued )

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additional specification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path ofthe needle [18e20]

Motor innervation [18] Sensory innervation anddermatome* [18,19]

Langer’s line[18]

Somatotopic organization inthe primary sensory andmotor cortex [21,22]

the dorsal metatarsalartery.

1st dorsal interosseimuscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumMedial part of theoblique head ofadductor hallucismuscleEpimysiumLateral part of flexorhallucis brevis muscle

plantar nerve for flexorhallucis brevis muscle,via the deep branch ofthe lateral plantar nervefor adductor hallucismuscle and via thelateral plantar nerve forthe dorsal interosseousmuscle

L5 via the deep fibularand superficial fibularnerves

medial section of the homunculusof the precentral gyrusadjacent to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


In the neck of the talus,over the anterior tibiotalarpart of the medial (deltoid)ligament of the ankle.Medial and lateral insertionsputs the needle throughsimilar structures though atdifferent angles and places.Over the great saphenousvein and medial to theanterior tibial artery anddeep fibular nerve.

Deep insertion:Anterior tibiotalarpart of the medial(deltoid) ligament ofthe ankle

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L4/5 via the saphenousand superficial fibularnerves

45 degree angleinferior andmedial

Sensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


Texts describe this point aseither over the medialsurface of the tibia, orbetween the tibia andgastrocnemius muscle(actually the soleusmuscle). Both are used inpractice. Only the muscularinsertion is described here;it is between the soleusmuscle and the tibia.Anterior to the posteriortibial artery and tibialnerve.

Intermediateinsertion:Transverseintermuscular septumEpimysiumFlexor digitorumlongusDeep insertionanterior to theposterior tibialneurovascularbundle:EpimysiumTibialis posteriormuscle

Somatomotor:L4,5 via the tibial nervefor tibialis posteriormuscle. S2,3 via tibialnerve for flexordigitorum longus muscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L4 via the medial cruralcutaneous nerve of thesaphenous nerve

Vertical Motor: Sensory: 1/2 thedistance of the verticalsection of the homunculusof the precentral gyrusadjacent to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri

Page 62: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints


Texts describe this point aseither over the medialsurface of the tibia, orbetween the tibia andgastrocnemius muscle(actually the soleusmuscle). Both are used inpractice. Only the muscularinsertion is described here;it is between the soleusmuscle and the tibia.Anterior to the posteriortibial artery and tibialnerve.

Intermediateinsertion:Transverseintermuscular septumEpimysiumFlexor digitorumlongusDeep insertionanterior to theposterior tibialneurovascularbundle:EpimysiumTibialis posteriormuscle

Somatomotor:L4,5 via the tibial nervefor tibialis posteriormuscle. S2,3 via tibialnerve for flexordigitorum longus muscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L3,4 via the medialcrural cutaneous nerveof the saphenous nerve

Vertical Motor: Sensory: 1/2 thedistance of the verticalsection of the homunculusof the precentral gyrusadjacent to the falx cerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


Just superior to theattachment ofsemitendinosus tendon onthe tibia.

Intermediateinsertion:Medial head ofgastrocnemius muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumDistal end ofpopliteus muscle

Somatomotor:L4,5 and S1 via the tibialnerve for popliteusmuscle. S1,2 via tibialnerve for gastrocnemiusmuscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L3 via the medial cruralcutaneous nerve of thesaphenous nerve andposterior femoralcutaneous nerve

45 degree angleinferior andlateral

Motor: at the most superiorand medial aspect of theprecentral gyrus, adjacentto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


Located between theattachment ofsemimembranosus tendonand the tibial collateralligament at the meetingpoint of the medial condylesof the tibia and femur.Medial to the poplitealartery and tibial nerve.

Intermediateinsertion:Sartorius muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumMedial head ofgastrocnemius

Somatomotor:L2,3 via the femoralnerve for sartorius. S1,2via tibial nerve forgastrocnemius muscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L3 via the infrapatellarbranch of the saphenousnerve and posteriorfemoral cutaneous nerve

Horizontal Motor: at the most superiorand medial aspect of theprecentral gyrus, adjacentto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri


The WHO locates this pointproximal to Sartorius muscle4 cun proximal to thesuperior boarder of thepatella (into adductormagnus muscle). Othertexts note the location 2cun proximal to the superiorboarder of the patella distalto sartorius muscle (intovastus medialis).

Deep insertion:Vastus medialis oradductor magnusmuscles

Somatomotor:L2,3,4 via obturatornerve and tibial part ofthe sciatic nerve foradductor magnus muscleand via the femoralnerve for vastus medialismuscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L3 via the anteriorcutaneous branch of thefemoral nerve and thecutaneous branch of theobturator nerve

45 degree angleinferior andmedial

Motor: at the most superiorand medial aspect of theprecentral gyrus, adjacentto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of thepostcentral gyrus adjacentto the falx cerebri

(continued on next page )

Page 63: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

Table 13 (continued )

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additional specification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path ofthe needle [18e20]

Motor innervation [18] Sensory innervation anddermatome* [18,19]

Langer’s line[18]

Somatotopic organization inthe primary sensory andmotor cortex [21,22]


Between the greatsaphenous vein and thefemoral vessels.

Deep insertion:Adductor longus

Somatomotor:L2,3,4 via obturatornerve

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L1,2 via the femoralbranch of thegenitofemoral nerve andthe anterior cutaneousbranch of the femoralnerve

45 degree angleinferior andmedial

Motor: 1/20 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: at the mostsuperior and medial aspectof the postcentral gyrusadjacent to the falx cerebri


Medial to the femoralvessels.

Deep insertion:Pectineus muscle

Somatomotor:L2,3, via obturator nerveand femoral nerve

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L1 via the femoralbranch of thegenitofemoral nerve

45 degree angleinferior andmedial

Motor: 1/20 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: at the mostsuperior and medial aspectof the postcentral gyrusadjacent to the falx cerebri


Just inferior to the inguinalligament. Medial to thefemoral vessels.

Deep insertion:Pectineus muscle

Somatomotor:L2,3, via obturator nerveand femoral nerve

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L1,T12 via the femoralbranch of thegenitofemoral nerve andanterior cutaneous nerveof the ventral ramus

45 degree angleinferior andmedial

Motor: 1/20 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: at the mostsuperior and medial aspectof the postcentral gyrusadjacent to the falx cerebri


None Deep insertion:External obliquemuscleEpimysiumInternal oblique

Somatomotor:Ventral rami of T11 forboth muscles

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:T11 via the lateralcutaneous branch of theventral ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri


Just lateral to rectusabdominis muscle.

Deep insertion:Aponeurotic part ofexternal obliquemuscleEpimysiumExternal intercostalmuscle

Somatomotor:Intercostal nerve fromT6 for the externalintercostal muscle andventral ramus of T6

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:T6 via the anteriorcutaneous branch of theventral ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance ofthe precentral gyrus lateralto the falx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distanceof the postcentral gyruslateral to the falx cerebri

* Dermatomes share boarders with neighboring dermatomes and are not clean-cut and exclusive areas; rather they represent the area with the highest concentration of sensory fibersassociated with a specific dorsal root ganglion and a specific area of the sensory cortex.

Page 64: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

Table 14 Neuroanatomical and stratified anatomical catalog of Ren Mai (The Conception Vessel).

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additionalspecification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path ofthe needle [18e20]

Motor innervation [18] Sensory innervation anddermatome* [18,19]

Langer’s line [18] Somatotopic organization in theprimary sensory and motor cortex[21,22]


On the perinealraphe, entering theperineal bodyd thetendinous attachmentfor superficialperineal muscles(external analsphincter, superficialtransverse perineal,and bulbospongiosusmuscles).

Deep insertion:Superficial perinealfasciaPerineal body

Somatomotor:S2-4 via the inferior analnerve of the pudendalnerve for the externalanal sphincter, via themuscular (deep) branchof the perineal nerve ofthe pudendal nerve forbulbospongiosus andsuperficial transverseperineal muscles.

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: S4 atthe meeting point of theposterior labial nerve fromthe superficial perinealnerve, the inferior rectalnerve and the perinealbranch of the posteriorcutaneous nerve of thethigh

Anteroposterior Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: at the most medial andinferior part of the homunculus ofthe postcentral gyrus


Medial to the inferiorepigastric vessels.

Deep insertion:Linea alba

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue: T12 viaanterior cutaneous nerve ofthe ventral ramus

Vertical Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


Medial to the inferiorepigastric vessels.

Deep insertion:Linea alba

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:T12 via anterior cutaneousnerve of the ventral ramus

Vertical Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


Medial to the inferiorepigastric vessels.

Deep insertion:Linea alba

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:T11 via anterior cutaneousnerve of the ventral ramus

Vertical Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


Medial to the inferiorepigastric vessels.

Deep insertion:Linea alba

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:T11 via anterior cutaneousnerve of the ventral ramus

Vertical Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


Medial to the inferiorepigastric vessels.

Deep insertion:Linea alba

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:T10 via anterior cutaneousnerve of the ventral ramus

Vertical Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of the

(continued on next page )

Page 65: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

Table 14 (continued )

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additionalspecification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path ofthe needle [18e20]

Motor innervation [18] Sensory innervation anddermatome* [18,19]

Langer’s line [18] Somatotopic organization in theprimary sensory and motor cortex[21,22]

postcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


Medial to the inferiorepigastric vessels.

Deep insertion:Linea alba

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:T10 via anterior cutaneousnerve of the ventral ramus

Vertical Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


Moxibustion only. EpidermisDermisSubcutaneous tissueRetinacula cutisMedian umbilicalfoldsMedian umbilicalligaments

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:T10 via anterior cutaneousnerve of the ventral ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


Medial to the superiorepigastric vessels.

Deep insertion:Linea alba

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:T9,10 via anteriorcutaneous nerve of theventral ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


Medial to the superiorepigastric vessels.

Deep insertion:Linea alba

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:T9 via anterior cutaneousnerve of the ventral ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


Medial to the superiorepigastric vessels.

Deep insertion:Linea alba

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:T9 via anterior cutaneousnerve of the ventral ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


Medial to the superiorepigastric vessels.

Deep insertion:Linea alba

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:T7,8 via anterior cutaneousnerve of the ventral ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of the

Page 66: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

postcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


Medial to the superiorepigastric vessels.

Deep insertion:Linea alba

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:T7 via anterior cutaneousnerve of the ventral ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


Medial to the superiorepigastric vessels.

Deep insertion:Linea alba

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:T6,7 via anterior cutaneousnerve of the ventral ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


Medial to the superiorepigastric vessels.

Deep insertion:Linea alba

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:T6 via anterior cutaneousnerve of the ventral ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


None Shallow insertion only Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:T5 via anterior cutaneousnerve of the ventral ramus

Vertical Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


None Shallow insertion only Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:T4 via anterior cutaneousnerve of the ventral ramus

Vertical Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


None Shallow insertion only Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:T3 via anterior cutaneousnerve of the ventral ramus

Vertical Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


None Shallow insertion only Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:T2 via anterior cutaneousnerve of the ventral ramus

Vertical Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri

(continued on next page )

Page 67: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

Table 14 (continued )

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additionalspecification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path ofthe needle [18e20]

Motor innervation [18] Sensory innervation anddermatome* [18,19]

Langer’s line [18] Somatotopic organization in theprimary sensory and motor cortex[21,22]

Huagai REN20 None Shallow insertion only Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:T1 via anterior cutaneousnerve of the ventral ramus

Vertical Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


None Shallow insertion only Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:C5,T1 via anteriorcutaneous nerve of theventral ramus

Vertical Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


Only deep insertionunder the manubriumcontacts the thymus.Medial to the commoncarotid arteries.

Deep insertion:Loose connectivetissueThymus

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:C4,5 via the transversecervical nerve

Vertical Motor: 1/2 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/8 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


Located between theanterior jugularveins.

Intermediateinsertion:Mylohyoid muscleEpimysiumGeniohyoid muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumGenioglossus muscle

Somatomotor:Hypoglossal nerve CN12for the genioglossus.Mandibular nerve fromthe trigeminal nerve CN5for mylohyoid. C1,2 viathe nerve to geniohyoidfor the geniohyoidmuscle.

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:C2 via the transversecervical nerve

Vertical Motor: at the most lateral andinferior part of the homunculus ofthe precentral gyrusSensory: 1/8 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


The depressionformed at thejunction of mentalisand orbicularis orismuscles.

Transverse-obliquesuperior insertion:Orbicularis orismuscle

Somatomotor:Via the buccal branch ofthe facial nerve CN7

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:Via the mental nerve of themandibular division of thetrigeminal nerve CN5

Vertical Motor: 3/4 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 2/3 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri

* Dermatomes share boarders with neighboring dermatomes and are not clean-cut and exclusive areas; rather they represent the area with the highest concentration of sensory fibersassociated with a specific dorsal root ganglion and a specific area of the sensory cortex.

Page 68: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

Table 15 Neuroanatomical and stratified anatomical catalog of Du Mai (The Governing Vessel).

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additionalspecification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path of theneedle [18e20]

Motor innervation[18]

Sensory innervation anddermatome* [18,19]

Langer’sline [18]

Somatotopic organization in theprimary sensory and motor cortex[21,22]


None Deep insertion:Anococcygeal ligament

Somatomotor:S2-4 via theinferior anal nerveof the pudendalnerve for theexternal analsphincter

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:S4 via the inferior rectal nerve

Vertical Motor: 1/20 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: at the most superior andmedial aspect of the postcentralgyrus adjacent to the falx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Posterior sacrococcygealligament

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:S3 via the middle cluneal nervefrom the dorsal ramus

Vertical Motor: 1/20 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: at the most superior andmedial aspect of the postcentralgyrus adjacent to the falx cerebri


The spinal cord liesdeep to this point.

Deep insertion:Supraspinous ligamentInterspinous ligament

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:L4 via the dorsal ramus

Vertical Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


The spinal cord liesdeep to this point.

Deep insertion:Supraspinous ligamentInterspinous ligament

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:L2 via the superior clunealnerve from the dorsal ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


The spinal cord liesdeep to this point.

Deep insertion:Supraspinous ligamentInterspinous ligament

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:L1 via the superior clunealnerve from the dorsal ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


The spinal cord liesdeep to this point.

Deep insertion:Supraspinous ligamentInterspinous ligament

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:T11 via the posterior cutaneousbranches from the dorsal ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri

(continued on next page )

Page 69: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

Table 15 (continued )

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additionalspecification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path of theneedle [18e20]

Motor innervation[18]

Sensory innervation anddermatome* [18,19]

Langer’sline [18]

Somatotopic organization in theprimary sensory and motor cortex[21,22]


The spinal cord liesdeep to this point.

Deep insertion:Supraspinous ligamentInterspinous ligament

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:T10 via the posterior cutaneousbranches from the dorsal ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


The spinal cord liesdeep to this point.

Deep insertion:Supraspinous ligamentInterspinous ligament

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:T9 via the posterior cutaneousbranches from the dorsal ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


The spinal cord liesdeep to this point.

Deep insertion:Supraspinous ligamentInterspinous ligament

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:T7 via the posterior cutaneousbranches from the dorsal ramus

Vertical Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


The spinal cord liesdeep to this point.

Deep insertion:Supraspinous ligamentInterspinous ligament

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:T6 via the posterior cutaneousbranches from the dorsal ramus

Vertical Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


The spinal cord liesdeep to this point.

Deep insertion:Supraspinous ligamentInterspinous ligament

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:T5 via the posterior cutaneousbranches from the dorsal ramus

Vertical Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


The spinal cord liesdeep to this point.

Deep insertion:Supraspinous ligamentInterspinous ligament

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:T3 via the posterior cutaneousbranches from the dorsal ramus

Vertical Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


The spinal cord liesdeep to this point.

Deep insertion:Supraspinous ligamentInterspinous ligament

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:T1 via the posterior cutaneous

Vertical Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebri

Page 70: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints

branches from the dorsal ramus Sensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


The spinal cord liesdeep to this point.

Deep insertion:Supraspinous ligamentInterspinous ligament

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:C8 via the posterior cutaneousbranches from the dorsal ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


The spinal cord liesdeep to this point.

Supraspinous ligamentNuchal ligamentInterspinous ligament

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:C3 via the 3rd occipital nerve

Horizontal Motor: 1/2 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/8 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


The spinal cord liesdeep to this point.

Deep insertion:Supraspinous ligamentNuchal ligamentPosterior portion of theposterior atlanto-occipital membrane

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:C3 via the 3rd occipital nerve

Vertical Motor: 1/2 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/8 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Occipitalis muscle

Somatomotor:Temporal branchof the facial nerveCN7

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:C2 via the greater occipitalnerve

Vertical Sensory: 1/8 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


None Shallow insertion:Galea aponeuroticaLoose areolar tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:C2 via the greater occipitalnerve

Vertical Sensory: 1/8 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


None Shallow insertion:Galea aponeuroticaLoose areolar tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:C2 via the greater occipitalnerve

Vertical Sensory: 1/8 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


None Shallow insertion:Galea aponeuroticaLoose areolar tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:C2 via the greater occipitalnerve and the supraorbitalnerve of the ophthalmicdivision of the trigeminal nerveCN5

Anteroposterior Sensory: 1/8 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


None Shallow insertion:Galea aponeuroticaLoose areolar tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:Via the supraorbital nerve ofthe ophthalmic division of thetrigeminal nerve CN5

Anteroposterior Sensory: 1/8 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri

(continued on next page )

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Table 15 (continued )

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additionalspecification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path of theneedle [18e20]

Motor innervation[18]

Sensory innervation anddermatome* [18,19]

Lange sline [ ]

Somatotopic organization in theprimary sensory and motor cortex[21,22]


None Shallow insertion:Galea aponeuroticaLoose areolar tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:Via the supraorbital nerve ofthe ophthalmic division of thetrigeminal nerve CN5

Anter osterior Sensory: 1/8 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


None Shallow insertion:Galea aponeuroticaLoose areolar tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:Via the supraorbital nerve ofthe ophthalmic division of thetrigeminal nerve CN5

Anter osterior Sensory: 1/8 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


None Shallow insertion:Galea aponeuroticaLoose areolar tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:Via the supraorbital nerve ofthe ophthalmic division of thetrigeminal nerve CN5

Anter osterior Sensory: 1/8 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


Between the majoralar cartilages.

Deep insertion:Loose connective tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:Via the external nasal branchof the anterior ethmoidal nerveof the ophthalmic division ofthe trigeminal nerve CN5

Vertic l Sensory: 2/3 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Orbicularis oris muscleEpimysiumDepressor septi nasimuscle

Somatomotor:Via the buccalbranch of thefacial nerve CN7

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:Via the infraorbital nerve ofthe maxillary division of thetrigeminal nerve CN5

Horiz tal Sensory: 2/3 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Orbicularis oris muscle

Somatomotor:Via the buccalbranch of thefacial nerve CN7

To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:Via the infraorbital nerve ofthe maxillary division of thetrigeminal nerve CN5

Horiz tal Sensory: 3/4 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri


At the junction ofthe superior labialgingiva and thealveolar mucosa.

Superior labial gingivaand alveolar mucosa

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis, andsubcutaneous tissue:Via the infraorbital nerve ofthe maxillary division of thetrigeminal nerve CN5

None Sensory: 3/4 the distance of thepostcentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri

* Dermatomes share boarders with neighboring dermatomes and are not clean-cut and exclusive areas; rather they represent the a with the highest concentration of sensory fibersassociated with a specific dorsal root ganglion and a specific area of the sensory cortex.









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Table 16 Neuroanatomical and stratified anatomical catalog of 34 extra points.

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additionalspecification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path of theneedle [18e20]

Motor innervation[18]

Sensory innervation anddermatome* [18,19]

Langer’s line [18] Somatotopic organization inthe primary sensory and motorcortex [21,22]


None Shallow insertion:Galea aponeuroticaLoose areolar tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C2 via the greateroccipital nerve and viathe supraorbital nerve ofthe ophthalmic divisionof the trigeminal nerveCN5

Anteroposterior Sensory: 1/8 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


Over branches ofthe supratrochlearvessels.

Shallow insertion Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:supratrochlear nerve viathe ophthalmic divisionof the trigeminal nerveCN5

Horizontal Sensory: 2/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


Over thesupratrochlearnerve and vessels.

Shallow insertion Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:supratrochlear nerve viathe ophthalmic divisionof the trigeminal nerveCN5

Horizontal Sensory: 2/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Inferior tarsusInferior palpebralconjunctivaAdipose tissueEpimysiumInferior oblique muscle

Somatomotor:Oculomotor nerveCN3

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:via the infra-orbitalbranch of the maxillarydivision of the trigeminalnerve CN5

Horizontal Motor: 3/4 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 2/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


Between thezygomatico-orbitalartery and thefrontal branch ofthe superficialtemporal vessels.

Deep insertion:Temporalis muscle

Somatomotor:Anterior trunk of themandibular division ofthe trigeminal nerveCN5

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:the auriculotemporalnerve of the mandibulardivision and thezygomaticotemporalbranch of the maxillarydivision of the trigeminalnerve CN5

Vertical Motor: 9/10 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 2/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri

(continued on next page )

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Table 16 (continued )

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additionalspecification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path of theneedle [18e20]

Motor innervation[18]

Sensory innervation anddermatome* [18,19]

Langer’s line [18] Somatotopic organization inthe primary sensory and motorcortex [21,22]


None Shallow insertion Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:The auriculotemporalnerve of the mandibulardivision of the trigeminalnerve CN5 and C2 via thegreat auricular nerve

None Sensory: 2/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


None Shallow insertion Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:via the infraorbitalbranch of the maxillarydivision of the trigeminalnerve CN5

45 degree angleinferior and lateral

Sensory: 2/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


Level with C4. Deep insertion:Trapezius muscleEpimysiumSplenius capitis muscleEpimysiumSemispinalis capitismuscle

Somatomotor:Spinal accessorynerve CN11 fortrapezius muscle.Dorsal rami forsemispinalis capitisand splenius capitismuscles

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C4 via the posteriorcutaneous branch of thedorsal ramusSensory innervation ofepimysium and musclesfollows somatomotorinnervation and C2,3 fortrapezius muscle

Horizontal Motor: 1/2 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 1/8 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


Posterior to thefacial nerve CN7.

Intermediate insertion:SternocleidomastoidmuscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumSplenius capitisEpimysiumLongissimus capitis

Somatomotor:Spinal accessorynerve CN11 forsternocleidomastoidmuscle. Posteriorrami of the spinalnerves for longissimuscapitis and spleniuscapitis muscles

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C2 via the lesseroccipital nerve and greatauricular nerveSensory innervation ofepimysium and musclesfollows somatomotorinnervation and C2,3 forsternocleidomastoidmuscle

Anteroposterioralong the hair line

Motor: 1/2 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 1/8 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


In the mentalforamen, over thedepressor labii

Deep insertion:Depressor labii inferiormuscle

Somatomotor:Via the marginalmandibular branch of

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:Via the mental nerve of

Vertical Motor: 3/4 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebri

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inferioris musclejust medial to thedepressor angulioris muscle.

Mental foramen the facial nerve CN7 the mandibular divisionof the trigeminal nerveCN5

Sensory: 2/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri

Jinjin YuyeEX-HN20

None Prick to bleed:MucosaDeep lingual veins

Visceromotor To mucosa: via thelingual nerve of themandibular division ofthe trigeminal nerve CN5

None Sensory: 9/10 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Trapezius muscleEpimysiumSplenius capitis muscleEpimysiumLongissimus capitismuscle

Somatomotor:Spinal accessorynerve CN11 fortrapezius muscle. Anddorsal rami forsplenius capitismuscle andlongissimus muscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C8 via the posteriorcutaneous branches fromthe posterior ramusSensory innervation ofepimysium and musclesfollows somatomotorinnervation and C2,3 fortrapezius muscle

Vertical Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


None Intermediate insertion:Latissimus dorsi muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumLongissimus muscle

Somatomotor:Thoracodorsal nerveC6-C8 for latissimusdorsi muscle. Dorsalramus for longissimusmuscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:T8 via the posteriorcutaneous branches fromthe posterior ramus

Horizontal Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Thoracolumbar fasciaEpimysiumIliocostalis lumborummuscle:

Somatomotor:Dorsal rami of thespinal nerves foriliocostalis lumborum

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L4 via the dorsal ramus

20 degree angleinferior andmedial

Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Supraspinous ligamentInterspinous ligament

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L5 via the dorsal ramus

45 degree angleinferior andmedial

Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


Medial to theposteriorcutaneousbranches of thedorsal rami.

Intermediate insertion:Spinalis muscleEpimysiumSemispinalis capitismuscle (thoracic points)Deep insertion:

Somatomotor:Via the dorsal rami

See back shu points ofthe bladder channel thatare level with each ofthe Huatuojiaji points

See back shupoints of thebladder channelthat are level witheach of theHuatuojiaji points.

Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri

(continued on next page )

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Table 16 (continued )

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additionalspecification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path of theneedle [18e20]

Motor innervation[18]

Sensory innervation anddermatome* [18,19]

Langer’s line [18] Somatotopic organization inthe primary sensory and motorcortex [21,22]

EpimysiumMultifidus muscleEpimysiumRotator brevis muscleSpinal nerve


Moxibustion only. See Shenque (REN8) andWailing (ST26)

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:T10,11 via anteriorcutaneous nerve of theventral ramus

45 degree angleinferior andmedial

Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


Lateral to theinferior epigastricvessels.

Intermediate insertion:External obliqueaponeurosisDeep insertion:EpimysiumInternal oblique muscle

Somatomotor:Ventral rami

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:T12 via anteriorcutaneous nerve of theventral ramus

45 degree angleinferior andmedial

Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


Lateral to theinferior epigastricvessels.

Intermediate insertion:External obliqueaponeurosisDeep insertion:EpimysiumInternal oblique muscle

Somatomotor:Ventral rami

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:T11,12 via anteriorcutaneous nerve of theventral ramus

45 degree angleinferior andmedial

Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 1/10 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


From branches ofthe digital artery.

Prick to bleed:EpidermisDermisSubcutaneous tissue

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C8 via the superficialbranch of the ulnarnerve, C7 via the medialbranch of the mediannerve C6 via the lateralbranch of the mediannerve

Horizontal Sensory: 4/10 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


From branches ofthe palmar digitalarteries.

Prick to bleed:EpidermisDermisSubcutaneous tissueFibrous digital sheath

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C6,7,8 via the palmardigital branches of themedian and ulnar nerves

Horizontal Sensory: 4/10 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri

Page 76: Neuro Anatomical Study of All Acupoints


For the baxie pointbetween the 1st

and 2nd

metacarpal bones,see hegu LI4.Located over thecommon palmardigital vessels andnerves.

Deep insertion:Dorsal interosseousmuscleEpimysiumPalmar interosseousmuscle

Somatomotor:Deep branch of theulnar nerve C8,T1

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C6,7,8 via the dorsaldigital branches of theradial and ulnar nerve

Vertical Motor: 1/3 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 1/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Proximal attachment of2nd and 4th dorsalinterossei musclesEpimysiumProximal attachment of1st and 3rd palmarinterossei muscles

Somatomotor:Deep branch of theulnar nerve C8,T1

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C7,8 via the dorsalbranch of the ulnar nerveand the superficialbranch of the radialnerve

45 degree angleinferior towardsthe middle finger

Motor: 1/3 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 1/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Distal attachment of 2nd

dorsal interosseousmuscleEpimysiumDistal attachment of 1st

palmar interosseousmuscle

Somatomotor:Deep branch of theulnar nerve C8,T1

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C7 via the superficialbranch of the radialnerve

45 degree angleinferior towardsthe middle finger

Motor: 1/3 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 1/3 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


None Deep insertion:Distal end of themuscular part of flexordigitorum superficialismuscle

Somatomotor:Via the median nerve.C7,8,T1 for flexordigitorumsuperficialis

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C6, T1 via the anteriorbranch of the medial andlateral cutaneous nervesof the forearm

Vertical Motor: 1/5 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


Moxibustion only EpidermisDermisSubcutaneous tissuePeriosteum of theolecranon of the ulna

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C7 via posteriorcutaneous nerve of theforearm

Vertical Motor: 1/5 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 1/4 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri


On the anteriorboarder of theanterior deltoidmuscle where itmeets the superiorboarder of the

Intermediate insertion:Anterior deltoid muscleEpimysiumPectoralis major muscleDeep insertion:Epimysium

Somatomotor: C5,6 toclavicular head ofpectoralis major vialateral pectoral nerveand via axillary nervefor the anterior

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:C5 via the superiorlateral cutaneous nerveof the arm

45 degree angleinferior andmedial

Motor: 1/6 the distance of theprecentral gyrus lateral to thefalx cerebriSensory: 1/5 the distance ofthe postcentral gyrus lateral tothe falx cerebri

(continued on next page )

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Table 16 (continued )

Acupuncturepoint [16,17]

Additionalspecification onlocation [18e20]

Anatomical path of theneedle [18e20]

Motor innervation[18]

Sensory innervation anddermatome* [18,19]

Langer’s line [18] Somatotopic organization inthe primary sensory and motorcortex [21,22]

pectoralis majormuscle. Superiorto the bicepstendons andcoracobrachialismuscle.

Subscapularis tendon deltoid. C5,6,7 viathe upper and lowersubscapular nerves


None Deep insertion:Vastus medialis muscle

Somatomotor:L2,3,4 via the femoralnerve for vastusmedialis muscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L3 via anterior cutaneousbranch of the femoralnerve

45 degree angleinferior andmedial

Motor: at the most superior andmedial aspect of the precentralgyrus, adjacent to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of the postcentralgyrus adjacent to the falxcerebri


None Deep insertion:Quadriceps femoristendon

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L4 via the anteriorcutaneous branches ofthe femoral nerve

Horizontal Motor: at the most superior andmedial aspect of the precentralgyrus, adjacent to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of the postcentralgyrus adjacent to the falxcerebri


Only the medialxiyan noted here.For the lateralxiyan see dubi(ST35).

Intermediate insertion:Fibrous layerDeep insertion:Adipose tissue of themedial alar foldSynovial membraneJoint space

Visceromotor To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L3,4 via the anteriorcutaneous branches ofthe femoral nerve andinfrapatellar branch ofthe saphenous nerve

Horizontal Motor: at the most superior andmedial aspect of the precentralgyrus, adjacent to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of the postcentralgyrus adjacent to the falxcerebri


Medial to the deepfibular nerve andanterior tibialartery.

Intermediate insertion:Tibialis anterior muscleDeep insertion:Interosseous membraneEpimysiumTibialis posterior muscle

Somatomotor:L4,5 via the fibularnerve for tibialisanterior muscle andvia the tibial nervefor tibialis posteriormuscle

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L4,5 via the lateral suralcutaneous nerve andsaphenous nerve

Vertical Motor: at the most superior andmedial aspect of the precentralgyrus, adjacent to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of the postcentral

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gyrus adjacent to the falxcerebri


Between thesuperficial anddeep fibularnerves.

Intermediate insertion:Fibularis longus muscleDeep insertion:EpimysiumExtensor digitorumlongus muscle

Somatomotor:L4,5 via the deepfibular nerve forextensor digitorumlongus. L5,S1,2 viathe superficial fibularnerve for fibularislongus

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L5, S1 via the lateralsural cutaneous nervefrom the common fibularnerve

45 degree angleinferior andmedial

Motor: at the most superior andmedial aspect of the precentralgyrus, adjacent to the falxcerebriSensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of the postcentralgyrus adjacent to the falxcerebri


See taichong (LV3)for the bafengpoint between the1st and 2nd digits.

Deep insertion:Dorsal interosseousmuscleEpimysiumPlantar interosseousmuscle

Somatomotor:S2,3 via the lateralplantar nerve for thedorsal and plantarinterossei muscles

To epidermis, dermis,and subcutaneous tissue:L5 via the deep fibularnerve, via the superficialfibular nerve and S1 viathe superficial fibularnerve

Vertical Motor: Sensory: 3/4 thedistance of the vertical sectionof the homunculus of theprecentral gyrus adjacent tothe falx cerebriSensory: 1/2 the distance ofthe vertical section of thehomunculus of the postcentralgyrus adjacent to the falxcerebri

* Dermatomes share boarders with neighboring dermatomes and are not clean-cut and exclusive areas; rather they represent the area with the highest concentration of sensory fibersassociated with a specific dorsal root ganglion and a specific area of the sensory cortex.

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Table 17 Acupuncture points of muscles and ligaments.*

Structures Acupuncture points

HeadDepressor labii inferioris muscle Jiachengjiang EX-HN18Depressor septi nasi muscle Renzhong DU26Galea aponeurotica Meichong BL3; Quchai BL4; Wuchu BL5; Chengguang BL6; Tongtian BL7; Luoque

BL8; Yuzhen BL9; Benshen GB13; Toulinqi GB15; Muchuang GB16; Zhengying GB17;Chengling GB18; Naokong GB19; Qiangjian Du18; Houding Du19; Baihui DU20;Qiangding DU21; Xinhui DU22; Shangxing DU23; Shenting DU24; Sishencong EX-HN1

Genioglossus muscle Lianquan REN23Geniohyoid muscle Lianquan REN23Lateral pterygoid muscle Xiaguan ST7Levator labii superioris muscle Juliao ST3Masseter muscle Jiache ST6; Xiaguan ST7Mylohyoid muscle Lianquan REN23Occipitalis muscle Naohu DU17Posterior belly of the digastric muscle Tianrong SI17; Yifeng SJ17Orbicularis oculi muscle Jingming BL1Orbicularis oris muscle Kouheliao LI19; Chengqiang REN24; Renzhong DU26; Duiduan DU27Superior labial gingiva and alveolar mucosa Yinjiao DU28Temperomandibular joint Tinggong SI19; Ermen SJ21; Tinghui GB2Temporalis muscle Xiaguan ST7; Jiaosun SJ20; Erheliao SJ22; Shangguan GB3; Handan GB4; Xuanlu

GB5; Xuanli GB6; Qubin GB7; Shuaigu GB8; Tianchong GB9; Taiyang EX-HN9

EyeInferior oblique muscle Chengqi ST1; Qiuhou EX-HN8Medial rectus muscle Jingming BL1

NeckAnterior scalene muscle Tianding LI17Middle scalene muscle Tianchuang SI16Omohyoid muscle Renying ST9; Quepen ST12Platysma muscle Tianding LI17; Futu LI18; Daying ST5; Renying ST9; Shuitu ST10; Qishe ST11;

Tianchuang SI16Rectus capitis posterior major muscle Fengchi GB20;Sternocleidomastoid muscle Futu LI18; Wangu GB12; Anmian EX-HN54Sternohyoid muscle Shuitu ST10; Qishe ST11Sternothyroid muscle Shuitu ST10Styloglossus muscle Tianrong SI17Stylohyoid muscle Tianrong SI17; Yifeng SJ17Stylopharyngeus muscle Yifeng SJ17Thyrohyoid muscle Renying ST9

Posterior trunkBroad tendon of erector spinae muscles Xiaochangshu BL27; Pangguangshu BL28; Zhonglushu BL29; Shangliao BL31; Ciliao

BL32; Zhongliao BL33; Xialiao BL34Iliocostalis lumborum muscle Huangmen BL51; Zhishi BL52; Yaoyan EX-B24Latissimus dorsi muscle Geshu BL17; Ganshu BL18; Danshu BL19; Pishu BL20; Weishu BL21; Sanjiaoshu

BL22; Shenshu BL23; Qihaishu BL24; Dachangshu BL25; Guanyuanshu BL26; GeguanBL46; Hunmen BL47; Yanggang BL48; Yishe BL49; Weicang BL50; Huangmen BL51;Zhishi BL52; Weiguanxiashu EX-B12

Levator scapulae muscle Jianwaishu SI14; Jianzhongshu SI 15; Tianliao SJ15; Tianyou SJ16Longissimus muscle Dazhu BL11; Fengmen BL12; Feishu BL13; Jueyinshu BL14; Xinshu BL15; Dushu

BL16; Geshu BL17; Ganshu BL18; Danshu BL19; Pishu BL20; Weishu BL21;Sanjiaoshu BL22; Shenshu BL23; Qihaishu BL24; Dachangshu BL25; GuanyuanshuBL26; Weiguanxiashu EX-B12

Longissimus capitis muscle Wangu GB12; Anmian EX-HN54; Dingchuan EX-B1Multifidus muscle Huatuojiaji EX-B35Obliquus capitis inferior muscle Tianzhu BL10Rhomboid major muscle Fengmen BL12; Feishu BL13; Jueyinshu BL14; Xinshu BL15; Pohu BL42;

Gaohuangshu BL43; Shentang BL44; Yixi BL45

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Table 17 (continued )

Structures Acupuncture points

Rhomboid minor muscle Dazhu BL11; Fufen BL41Rotator brevis muscle Huatuojiaji EX-B35Semispinalis capitis Tianzhu BL10; Fengchi GB20; Bailao EX-HN30; Huatuojiaji EX-B35Serratus anterior muscle: Dabao SP21; Yuanye GB22; Zhejin GB23Serratus posterior inferior muscle Pishu BL20; Weishu BL21; Sanjiaoshu BL22; Hunmen BL47; Yanggang BL48; Yishe

BL49; Weicang BL50Serratus posterior superior muscle Dazhu BL11; Fengmen BL12Spinalis muscle Huatuojiaji EX-B35Splenius capitis muscle Tianzhu BL10; Wangu GB12; Bailao EX-HN30; Anmian EX-HN54; Dingchuan EX-B1Trapezius muscle Bingfeng SI12; Quyuan SI13; Jianwaishu SI14; Jianzhongshu SI 15; Tianzhu BL10;

Dazhu BL11; Fengmen BL12; Feishu BL13; Jueyinshu BL14; Xinshu BL15; DushuBL16; Geshu BL17; Fufen BL41; Pohu BL42; Gaohuangshu BL43; Shentang BL44; YixiBL45;Geguan BL46; Tianliao SJ15; Fengchi GB20; Jianjing GB21; Bailao EX-HN30;Dingchuan EX-B1

Anterior trunkExternal intercostal muscle Rugen ST18; Shidou SP17; Tianxi SP18; Dabao SP21; Bulang KI22; Lingxu KI24;

Shencang KI25; Yuzhong KI26; Tianchi PC1; Yuanye GB22; Zhejin GB23; RiyueGB24; Qimen LR14

External oblique muscle Riyue GB24; Jingmen GB25; Daimai GB26; Wushu GB27; Zhangmen LR13; QimenLR14

Internal oblique muscle Jingmen GB25; Daimai GB26; Wushu GB27; Weidai GB28; Zhangmen LR13; ZigongEX-CA18; Tituo EX-CA4

Linea alba Qugu REN2; Zhongji REN3; Guanyuan REN4; Shimen REN5; Qihai REN6; YinjiaoREN7; Shuifen REN9; Xiawan REN10; Jianli REN11; Zhongwan REN12; ShangwanREN13; Juque REN14; Jiuwei REN15

Linea semilunaris Fujie SP14; Daheng SP15; Fuai SP16Pyramidalis muscle Henggu KI11Rectus abdominis muscle Burong ST19; Chengman ST20; Liangmen ST21; Guanmen ST22; Taiyi ST23;

Huaroumen ST24; Tianshu ST25; Wailing ST26; Daju ST27; Shuidao ST28; GuilaiST29; Henggu KI11; Dahe KI12; Qixue KI13; Siman KI14; Zhongzhu KI15; HuangshuKI16; Shangqu KI17; Shiguan KI18; Yindu KI19; Futonggu KI20; Youmen KI21; BulangKI22

ShoulderAnterior deltoid muscle Yunmen LU2; Binao LI14; Jianyu LI15; Jianqian EX-UE48Infraspinatus Naoshu SI10; Tianzong SI11; Jianliao SJ14Middle deltoid muscle Jianliao SJ14Pectoralis major muscle Zhongfu LU1; Yunmen LU2; Qihu ST13; Kufang ST14; Wuyi ST15; Yingchuang ST16;

Tianxi SP18; Xiongxiang SP19; Zhourong SP20; Shenfeng KI23; Lingxu KI24;Shencang KI25; Yuzhong KI26; Shufu KI27; Tianchi PC1; Jianqian EX-UE48

Posterior deltoid muscle Jianzhen SI9; Naoshu SI10; Naohui SJ13; Jianliao SJ14Subclavius muscle Shufu KI27Subscapularis muscle Jiquan HT1Subscapularis tendon Jianqian EX-UE48Supraspinatus muscle Jugu LI16; Bingfeng SI12; Quyuan SI13Supraspinatus tendon Jianyu LI15Teres major muscle Jianzhen SI9Teres minor muscle Jianzhen SI9

ArmBiceps brachii muscle Tianfu LU3; Xiabai LU4; Qingling HT2; Tianquan PC2Brachialis muscle Xiabai LU4; Chize LU5; Shouwuli LI13; Binao LI14; Qingling HT2; Shaohai HT 3Coracobrachialis Tianquan PC2Triceps brachii muscle Jianzhen SI9; Tianjing SJ10; Qinglengyuan SJ11; Xiaoluo SJ12; Naohui SJ13

ForearmAbductor pollicis longus muscle Pianli LI6; Zhigou SJ6; Sanyangluo SJ8; Sidu SJ9Brachioradialis muscle Chize LU5; Kongzui LU6; Quchi LI11; Zhouliao LI12; Shouwuli LI13

(continued on next page)

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Table 17 (continued)

Structures Acupuncture points

Extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle Pianli LI6; Wenliu LI7; Xialian LI8; Shanglian LI9; Shousanli LI10Extensor carpi radialis longus muscle Pianli LI6; Wenliu LI7; Xialian LI8; Shanglian LI9; Shousanli LI10; Quchi LI11;

Zhouliao LI12;Extensor carpi ulnaris muscle Huizong SJ7; Sidu SJ9Extensor digiti minimi muscle Huizong SJ7Extensor digitorum muscle Sanyangluo SJ8; Sidu SJ9Extensor indicis muscle Huizong SJ7Extensor pollicis brevis muscle Pianli LI6; Waiguan SJ5; Zhigou SJ6Extensor pollicis longus muscle Waiguan SJ5Flexor carpi radialis muscle Ximen PC4Flexor carpi ulnaris muscle Zhizheng SI7Flexor digitorum profundus muscle Zhizheng SI7; Ximen PC4Flexor digitorum superficialis muscle Kongzui LU6; Ximen PC4; Jianshi PC5; Neiguan PC6; Erbai EX-UE29Flexor pollicis longus muscle Kongzui LU6; Sanyangluo SJ8; Sidu SJ9Median nerve Quze PC3; Ximen PC4; Jianshi PC5; Neiguan PC6Palmaris longus muscle Ximen PC4Pronator quadratus muscle Kongzui LU6; Jingqu LU8; Yanglao SI6; Waiguan SJ5; Zhigou SJ6; Huizong SJ7Pronator teres muscle Shaohai HT 3; Quze PC3Supinator muscle Xialian LI8; Shanglian LI9; Shousanli LI10

HandAbductor digiti minimi muscle Qiangu SI2; Wangu SI4Abductor pollicis brevis muscle Yuji LU10Adductor pollicis muscle Hegu LI4; Laogong PC8; Baxie EX-UE22Carpal tunnel Daling PC7Dorsal interossei muscles Erjian LI2; Sanjian LI3; Hegu LI4; Yemen SJ2; Zhongzhu SJ3; Baxie EX-UE22;

Yaotongxue EX-UE19; Luozhen EX-UE24Lumbrical muscle Erjian LI2; Sanjian LI3; Shaofu HT8; Houxi SI3; Laogong PC8; ; Zhongzhu SJ3Opponens digiti minimi muscle Houxi SI3Opponens pollicis muscle Yuji LU10Palmar interossei muscles Yemen SJ2; Zhongzhu SJ3; Baxie EX-UE22; Yaotongxue EX-UE19; Luozhen EX-UE24

PelvisIliococcygeus muscle Huiyang BL35Muscles of attachment to the anococcygealligamentExternal anal sphincter

Changqiang DU1

Muscles of attachment to the perineal body:external anal sphincter, superficialtransverse perineal, and bulbospongiosusmuscles

Huiyin REN1

Upper legAdductor longus muscle Jimen SP11; Zuwuli LR10;Adductor magnus muscle Chengfu BL36; Yinmen BL37; Yinbao LR9Biceps femoris long head Chengfu BL36; Yinmen BL37Biceps femoris muscle: short head Fengshi GB31; Zhongdu GB32; Xiyangguan GB33Gluteus maximus muscle Baihuanshu BL30; Huiyang BL35; Baohuang BL53; Zhibian BL54; Huantiao GB30Gluteus medius muscle Baohuang BL53; Zhibian BL54Gluteus minimus muscle Juliao GB29Iliacus muscle Fushe SP13Pectineus muscle Yinlian LR11; Jimai LR12Piriformis muscle Huantiao GB30Psoas major muscle Chongmen Sp12Quadriceps femoris tendon Heding EX-LE27Rectus femoris muscle Biguan ST31; Futu ST32Sartorius muscle Ququan LR8Semimembranosus muscle Chengfu BL36; Yinmen BL37Semitendinosus muscle Chengfu BL36; Yinmen BL37

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Table 17 (continued )

Structures Acupuncture points

Tensor fascia lata muscle Juliao GB29Vastus intermedius muscle Biguan ST31; Futu ST32; Yinshi ST33Vastus lateralis muscle Futu ST32; Yinshi ST33; Liangqiu ST34; Fengshi GB31; Zhongdu GB32Vastus medialis muscle Xuehai SP10; Jimen SP11; Yinbao LR9; Baichongwo EX-LE34

Lower legExtensor digitorum longus muscle Fenglong ST40; Yanglingquan GB34; Waiqiu GB36; Guangming GB37; Yangfu GB38;

Dannangxue EX-LE23Extensor hallucis longus muscle Fenglong ST40; Guangming GB37; Yangfu GB38Fibularis brevis muscle Yangjiao GB35; Waiqiu GB36; Guangming GB37; Xuanzhong GB39Fibularis longus muscle Yanglingquan GB34; Yangjiao GB35; Waiqiu GB36; Dannangxue EX-LE23Fibularis tertius muscle Yangfu GB38Flexor digitorum longus muscle Sanyinjiao SP6; Lougu SP7; Jiaoxin KI8; Ligou LR5; Zhongdu LR6Flexor hallucis longus muscle Fuyang BL59; Yangjiao GB35; Xuanzhong GB39Gastrocnemius muscle Yinlingquan SP9; Weiyang BL39; Heyang BL55; Chengjin BL56; Chengshan BL57;

Feiyang BL58; Zhubin KI9; Yingu KI10; Ququan LR8Knee joint Dubi ST35; Xiyan EX-LE16Plantaris muscle Fuxi BL38; Heyang BL55;Popliteus muscle Yinlingquan SP9; Heyang BL55; Xiguan LR7Soleus muscle Diji SP8; Chengjin BL56; Chengshan BL57; Feiyang BL58; Fuyang BL59; Fuliu KI7;

Zhubin KI9;Tibialis anterior muscle Zusanli ST36; Shangjuxu ST37; Tiaokou ST38; Xiajuxu ST39; Fenglong ST40;

Lanweixue EX-LE13Tibialis posterior muscle Zusanli ST36; Shangjuxu ST37; Tiaokou ST38; Xiajuxu ST39; Fenglong ST40; Lougu

SP7; Diji SP8; Guangming GB37; Yangfu GB38; Ligou LR5; Zhongdu LR6; LanweixueEX-LE13

FootAbductor digiti minimi muscle Jinmen BL63; Jinggu BL64; Shugu BL65Abductor hallucis muscle Gongsun SP4; Rangu KI2Adductor hallucis muscle Yongquan KI1; Taichong LR3Dorsal interosseous muscle Xiangu ST43; Zulinqi GB41; Diwuhui GB42; Taichong LR3; Bafeng EX-LE8Plantar interosseous muscle Xiangu ST43; Yongquan KI1; Zulinqi GB41; Diwuhui GB42; Bafeng EX-LE8Extensor digitorum brevis muscle Qiuxu GB40; Zulinqi GB41Extensor hallucis brevis muscle Chongyang ST42Flexor hallucis brevis muscle Taibai SP3; Gongsun SP4; Taichong LR3Lumbrical muscle Yongquan KI1Talocrural joint Jiexi ST41


Anococcygeal ligament Changqiang DU1Calcaneofibular ligament Shenmai BL62Conjoint tendon Qichong ST30Deep transverse metatarsal ligament Neiting ST44; Xiaxi GB43; Xingjian LR2Dorsal tarsometatarsal ligaments Chongyang ST42Dorsal ulnocarpal ligament Yangchi SJ4Interosseous talocalcaneal ligament Qiuxu GB40Interspinous ligament Yaoyangguan DU3; Mingmen DU4; Xuanshu DU5; Jizhong DU6; Zhongshu DU7;

Jinsuo DU8; Zhiyang DU9; Lingtai DU10; Shendao DU11; Shenzhu DU12; TaodaoDU13; Dazhui DU14; Yamen DU15; Fengfu DU16; Shiqizhuixia EX-B25

Medial (deltoid) ligament of the ankle Zhaohai KI6; Zhongfeng LR4Median umbilical ligaments Shenque REN8; Sanjiaojiu EX-CA23Midcarpal joint between the scaphoid andtrapezium bones

Yangxi LI5

Nuchal ligament Yamen DU15; Fengfu DU16Palmar carpal ligament Lingdao HT4; Tongli HT5; Yinxi HT6; Shenmen HT7; Daling PC7Posterior sacrococcygeal ligament Yaoshu DU2Radial carpal ligament Yangchi SJ4Radial collateral ligament of the wrist Taiyuan LU9

(continued on next page)

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Table 17 (continued)

Structures Acupuncture points

Supraspinous ligament Yaoyangguan DU3; Mingmen DU4; Xuanshu DU5; Jizhong DU6; Zhongshu DU7;Jinsuo DU8; Zhiyang DU9; Lingtai DU10; Shendao DU11; Shenzhu DU12; TaodaoDU13; Dazhui DU14; Yamen DU15; Fengfu DU16; Shiqizhuixia EX-B25

Ulnar collateral ligament of the elbow Xiaohai SI8Ulnar collateral ligament of the wrist Yanggu SI5Ulnocarpal ligaments Yanggu SI5

* Derived from Tables 1e15.

Table 18 Acupuncture points by dermatome.*

Dermatomesy Acupuncture points

C2 Daying ST5; Jiache ST6; Tianrong SI17; Luoque BL8; Yuzhen BL9; Tianzhu BL10; Tianyou SJ16;Yifeng SJ17; Qimai SJ18; Luxi SJ19; Jiaosun SJ20; Tinghui GB2; Shuaigu GB8; Tianchong GB9; FubaiGB10; Touqiaoyin GB11; Wangu GB12; Chengling GB18; Naokong GB19; Lianquan REN23; NaohuDU17; Qiangjian Du18; Houding Du19; Baihui DU20; Sishencong EX-HN1; Erjian EX-HN10; AnmianEX-HN54

C3 Renying ST9; Shuitu ST10; Qishe ST11; Tianchuang SI16; Tianrong SI17; Tianyou SJ16; FengchiGB20; Yamen DU15; Fengfu DU16

C4 Jugu LI16; Tianding LI17; Futu LI18; Qishe ST11; Quepen ST12; Tianchuang SI16; Tiantu REN22;Bailao EX-HN30

C5 Tianfu LU3; Xiabai LU4; Chize LU5; Kongzui LU6; Jianyu LI15; Jugu LI16; Daling PC7; Jianjing GB21;Xuanji REN21; Tiantu REN22; Jianqian EX-UE48

C6 Kongzui LU6; Lieque LU7; Jingqu LU8; Taiyuan LU9; Yuji LU10; Shaoshang LU11; Hegu LI4; YangxiLI5; Pianli LI6; Wenliu LI7; Xialian LI8; Shanglian LI9; Shousanli LI10; Quchi LI11; Zhouliao LI12;Shouwuli LI13; Binao LI14; Jianyu LI15; Naoshu SI10; Jianzhongshu SI 15; Ximen PC4; Jianshi PC5;Neiguan PC6; Daling PC7; Jianliao SJ14; Jianjing GB21; Shixuan EX-UE1; Sifeng EX-UE9; Baxie EX-UE22; Erbai EX-UE29

C7 Shangyang LI1; Erjian LI2; Sanjian LI3; Hegu LI4; Yanglao SI6; Jianzhen SI9; Naoshu SI10; BingfengSI12; Jianwaishu SI14; Daling PC7; Laogong PC8; Zhongchong PC9; Yangchi SJ4; Waiguan SJ5;Zhigou SJ6; Huizong SJ7; Sanyangluo SJ8; Sidu SJ9; Tianjing SJ10; Qinglengyuan SJ11; XiaoluoSJ12; Naohui SJ13; Jianliao SJ14; Tianliao SJ15; Shixuan EX-UE1; Sifeng EX-UE9Baxie EX-UE22;Yaotongxue EX-UE19; Luozhen EX-UE24; Zhoujian EX-UE46

C8 Qingling HT2; Shaohai HT 3; Lingdao HT4; Tongli HT5; Yinxi HT6; Shenmen HT7; Shaofu HT8;Shaochong HT9; Shaoze SI1; Qiangu SI2; Houxi SI3; Wangu SI4; Yanggu SI5; Yanglao SI6; ZhizhengSI7; Xiaohai SI8; Jianzhen SI9; Quyuan SI13; Daling PC7; Yemen SJ2; Zhongzhu SJ3; Yangchi SJ4;Huizong SJ7; Dazhui DU14; Dingchuan EX-B1; Shixuan EX-UE1; Sifeng EX-UE9Baxie EX-UE22;Yaotongxue EX-UE19

T1 Zhongfu LU1; Yunmen LU2; Qihu ST13; Kufang ST14; Jiquan HT1; Qingling HT2; Shaohai HT 3;Quyuan SI13; Dazhu BL11; Yuzhong KI26; Shufu KI27; Tianquan PC2; Quze PC3; Ximen PC4; JianshiPC5; Neiguan PC6; Daling PC7; Huagai REN20; Xuanji REN21; Taodao DU13; Huatuojiaji EX-B35;Erbai EX-UE29

T2 Zhongfu LU1; Wuyi ST15; Zhourong SP20; Jiquan HT1; Fengmen BL12; Fufen BL41; Shencang KI25;Tianquan PC2; Zigong REN19; Huatuojiaji EX-B35

T3 Yingchuang ST16; Xiongxiang SP19; Tianzong SI11; Feishu BL13; Pohu BL42; Lingxu KI24; YutangREN18; Shenzhu DU12; Huatuojiaji EX-B35

T4 Tianxi SP18; Jueyinshu BL14; Gaohuangshu BL43; Shenfeng KI23; Tianchi PC1; Shanzhong REN17;Huatuojiaji EX-B35

T5 Rugen ST18; Shidou SP17; Xinshu BL15; Shentang BL44; Bulang KI22; Yuanye GB22; Zhejin GB23;Zhongting REN16; Shendao DU11; Huatuojiaji EX-B35

T6 Dushu BL16; Yixi BL45;Youmen KI21; Qimen LR14; Juque REN14; Jiuwei REN15; Lingtai DU10;Huatuojiaji EX-B35

T7 Burong ST19; Chengman ST20; Liangmen ST21; Dabao SP21; Geshu BL17; Geguan BL46; Yindu KI19;Futonggu KI20; Youmen KI21; Riyue GB24; Zhongwan REN12; Shangwan REN13; Juque REN14;Zhiyang DU9; Huatuojiaji EX-B35

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Table 18 (continued )

Dermatomesy Acupuncture points

T8 Liangmen ST21; Guanmen ST22; Taiyi ST23; Fujie SP14; Fuai SP16; Yindu KI19; Guangchong SJ1;Zhongwan REN12; Weiguanxiashu EX-B12; Huatuojiaji EX-B35

T9 Taiyi ST23; Huaroumen ST24; Daheng SP15; Ganshu BL18; Hunmen BL47; Shangqu KI17; ShiguanKI18; Shuifen REN9; Xiawan REN10; Jianli REN11; Jinsuo DU8; Huatuojiaji EX-B35

T10 Tianshu ST25; Wailing ST26; Fujie SP14; Daheng SP15; Danshu BL19; Yanggang BL48; ZhongzhuKI15; Huangshu KI16; Qihai REN6; Yinjiao REN7; Shenque REN8; Shuifen REN9; Zhongshu DU7;Huatuojiaji EX-B35; Sanjiaojiu EX-CA23

T11 Daju ST27; Shuidao ST28; Fujie SP14; Pishu BL20; Yishe BL49; Qixue KI13; Siman KI14; ZhangmenLR13; Guanyuan REN4; Shimen REN5; Jizhong DU6; Huatuojiaji EX-B35; Sanjiaojiu EX-CA23; TituoEX-CA4

T12 Guilai ST29; Qichong ST30; Fushe SP13; Weishu BL21; Weicang BL50; Henggu KI11; Dahe KI12;Jingmen GB25; Daimai GB26; Wushu GB27; Weidai GB28; Jimai LR12; Qugu REN2; Zhongji REN3;Huatuojiaji EX-B35; Zigong EX-CA18; Tituo EX-CA4

L1 Chongmen Sp12; Sanjiaoshu BL22; Huangmen BL51; Zuwuli LR10; Yinlian LR11; Jimai LR12;Xuanshu DU5; Huatuojiaji EX-B35

L2 Biguan ST31; Dachangshu BL25; Zhishi BL52; Juliao GB29; Zuwuli LR10; Mingmen DU4; HuatuojiajiEX-B35

L3 Futu ST32; Yinlingquan SP9; Xuehai SP10; Jimen SP11; Qihaishu BL24; Zhubin KI9; Yingu KI10;Juliao GB29; Zhongdu LR6; Xiguan LR7; Ququan LR8; Yinbao LR9; Huatuojiaji EX-B35; BaichongwoEX-LE34

L4 Futu ST32; Yinshi ST33; Liangqiu ST34; Dubi ST35; Zusanli ST36; Yinbai SP1; Dadu SP2; Taibai SP3;Gongsun SP4; Shangqiu SP5; Sanyinjiao SP6; Lougu SP7; Diji SP8; Rangu KI2; Taixi KI3; Dazhong KI4;Shuiquan KI5; Zhaohai KI6; Fuliu KI7; Jiaoxin KI8; Zhubin KI9; Fengshi GB31; Zhongdu GB32;Zhongfeng LR4; Ligou LR5; Zhongdu LR6; Yaoyangguan DU3; Yaoyan EX-B24; Huatuojiaji EX-B35;Heding EX-LE27; Xiyan EX-LE16; Lanweixue EX-LE13

L5 Shangjuxu ST37; Tiaokou ST38; Xiajuxu ST39; Fenglong ST40; Jiexi ST41; Chongyang ST42; XianguST43; Neiting ST44; Lidui ST45; Shenshu BL23; Guanyuanshu BL26; Yongquan KI1; Fengshi GB31;Zhongdu GB32; Xiyangguan GB33; Yanglingquan GB34; Yangjiao GB35; Waiqiu GB36; Dadun LR1;Xingjian LR2; Taichong LR3; Zhongfeng LR4; Shiqizhuixia EX-B25; Huatuojiaji EX-B35; Xiyan EX-LE16; Lanweixue EX-LE13; Dannangxue EX-LE23; Bafeng EX-LE8

S1 Xiaochangshu BL27; Pangguangshu BL28; Shangliao BL31; Ciliao BL32; Chengfu BL36; Yinmen BL37;Fuxi BL38; Weiyang BL39; Weizhong BL40; Heyang BL55; Chengjin BL56; Chengshan BL57; FeiyangBL58; Fuyang BL59; Kunlun BL60; Pucan BL61; Shenmai BL62; Jinmen BL63; Jinggu BL64; ShuguBL65; Zutonggu BL66; Zhiyin BL67; Huantiao GB30; Xiyangguan GB33; Yanglingquan GB34;Guangming GB37; Yangfu GB38; Xuanzhong GB39; Qiuxu GB40; Zulinqi GB41; Diwuhui GB42; XiaxiGB43; Zuqiaoyin GB44; Dannangxue EX-LE23; Bafeng EX-LE8

S2 Pangguangshu BL28; Zhonglushu BL29; Ciliao BL32; Zhongliao BL33; Chengfu BL36; Yinmen BL37;Weizhong BL40; Baohuang BL53; Zhibian BL54; Heyang BL55; Rangu KI2; Taixi KI3; Dazhong KI4;Shuiquan KI5; Zhaohai KI6; Fuliu KI7;

S3 Baihuanshu BL30; ; Xialiao BL34; Yaoshu DU2S4 Huiyang BL35; Huiyin REN1; Changqiang DU1

Cranial nervesMaxillary division of thetrigeminal nerve CN5

Kouheliao LI19; Yangxiang LI20; Chengqi ST1; Sibai ST2; Juliao ST3; Dicang ST4; Touwei ST8;Quanliao SI18; Sizhukong SJ23; Tongziliao GB1; Renzhong DU26; Duiduan DU27; Yinjiao DU28;Qiuhou EX-HN8; Taiyang EX-HN9; Bitong EX-HN14

Mandibular division ofthe trigeminal nerveCN5

Dicang ST4; Daying ST5; Jiache ST6; Xiaguan ST7; Touwei ST8; Tinggong SI19; Jiaosun SJ20; ErmenSJ21; Erheliao SJ22; Shangguan GB3; Handan GB4; Xuanlu GB5; Xuanli GB6; Qubin GB7;Chengqiang REN24; Taiyang EX-HN9; Erjian EX-HN10; Jiachengjiang EX-HN18; Jinjin Yuye EX-HN20

Opthalmic division of thetrigeminal nerve CN5

Touwei ST8; Jingming BL1; Zanzhu BL2; Meichong BL3; Quchai BL4; Wuchu BL5; Chengguang BL6;Tongtian BL7; Sizhukong SJ23; Benshen GB13; Yangbai GB14; Toulinqi GB15; Muchuang GB16;Zhengying GB17; Chengling GB18; Baihui DU20; Qiangding DU21; Xinhui DU22; Shangxing DU23;Shenting DU24; Suliao DU25; Sishencong EX-HN1; Yintang EX-HN3; Yuyao EX-HN6

* Derived from Tables 1e15.y Dermatomes share boarders with neighboring dermatomes and are not clean-cut and exclusive areas; rather they represent the area

with the highest concentration of sensory fibers associated with a specific dorsal root ganglion and a specific area of the sensory cortex.

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Table 19 Acupuncture points by myotome.*

Myotome Acupuncture points

C1 Renying ST9; Shuitu ST10; Qishe ST11; Quepen ST12; Tianzhu BL10; Fengchi GB20; LianquanREN23

C2 Renying ST9; Shuitu ST10; Qishe ST11; Quepen ST12; Wangu GB12; Lianquan REN23, Anmian EX-HN54

C3 Renying ST9; Shuitu ST10; Qishe ST11; Quepen ST12; Jianwaishu SI14; Jianzhongshu SI 15;Tianchuang SI16; Tianliao SJ15; Tianyou SJ16

C4 Jianyu LI15; Jugu LI16; Tianding LI17; Bingfeng SI12; Quyuan SI13; Jianwaishu SI14;Jianzhongshu SI 15; Tianchuang SI16; Dazhu BL11; Fengmen BL12; Feishu BL13; Jueyinshu BL14;Xinshu BL15; Fufen BL41; Pohu BL42; Gaohuangshu BL43; Shentang BL44; Yixi BL45;TianliaoSJ15; Tianyou SJ16; Bailao EX-HN30

C5 Zhongfu LU1; Yunmen LU2; Tianfu LU3; Xiabai LU4; Chize LU5; Kongzui LU6; Quchi LI11;Zhouliao LI12; Shouwuli LI13; Binao LI14; Jianyu LI15; Jugu LI16; Tianding LI17; Dabao SP21;Jiquan HT1; Qingling HT2; Shaohai HT 3; Jianzhen SI9; Naoshu SI10; Tianzong SI11; BingfengSI12; Quyuan SI13; Jianwaishu SI14; Jianzhongshu SI 15; Dazhu BL11; Fengmen BL12; FeishuBL13; Jueyinshu BL14; Xinshu BL15; Fufen BL41; Pohu BL42; Gaohuangshu BL43; ShentangBL44; Yixi BL45;Shufu KI27; Tianquan PC2; Naohui SJ13; Jianliao SJ14; Tianliao SJ15; TianyouSJ16; Jianqian EX-UE48

C6 Zhongfu LU1; Yunmen LU2; Tianfu LU3; Xiabai LU4; Chize LU5; Kongzui LU6; Pianli LI6; WenliuLI7; Xialian LI8; Shanglian LI9; Shousanli LI10; Quchi LI11; Zhouliao LI12; Shouwuli LI13; BinaoLI14; Jianyu LI15; Jugu LI16; Tianding LI17; Dabao SP21; Jiquan HT1; Qingling HT2; Shaohai HT3; Jianzhen SI9; Naoshu SI10; Tianzong SI11; Bingfeng SI12; Quyuan SI13; Geshu BL17; GanshuBL18; Danshu BL19; Pishu BL20; Weishu BL21; Sanjiaoshu BL22; Shenshu BL23; Qihaishu BL24;Dachangshu BL25; Guanyuanshu BL26; Geguan BL46; Hunmen BL47; Yanggang BL48; YisheBL49; Weicang BL50; Huangmen BL51; Zhishi BL52; Shufu KI27; Tianquan PC2; Quze PC3; XimenPC4; Tianjing SJ10; Qinglengyuan SJ11; Xiaoluo SJ12; Naohui SJ13; Jianliao SJ14;Weiguanxiashu EX-B12; Jianqian EX-UE48

C7 Chize LU5; Kongzui LU6; Pianli LI6; Wenliu LI7; Xialian LI8; Shanglian LI9; Shousanli LI10; QuchiLI11; Zhouliao LI12; Shouwuli LI13; Binao LI14; Qihu ST13; Kufang ST14; Wuyi ST15; YingchuangST16; Tianxi SP18; Xiongxiang SP19; Zhourong SP20; Dabao SP21; Jiquan HT1; Qingling HT2;Shaohai HT 3; Zhizheng SI7; Jianzhen SI9; Geshu BL17; Ganshu BL18; Danshu BL19; Pishu BL20;Weishu BL21; Sanjiaoshu BL22; Shenshu BL23; Qihaishu BL24; Dachangshu BL25; GuanyuanshuBL26; Geguan BL46; Hunmen BL47; Yanggang BL48; Yishe BL49; Weicang BL50; Huangmen BL51;Zhishi BL52; Shenfeng KI23; Lingxu KI24; Shencang KI25; Yuzhong KI26; Shufu KI27; Tianchi PC1;Tianquan PC2; Quze PC3; Ximen PC4; Jianshi PC5; Neiguan PC6; Waiguan SJ5; Zhigou SJ6;Huizong SJ7; Sanyangluo SJ8; Sidu SJ9; Tianjing SJ10; Qinglengyuan SJ11; Xiaoluo SJ12; NaohuiSJ13; Weiguanxiashu EX-B12; Erbai EX-UE29; Jianqian EX-UE48

C8 Kongzui LU6; Jingqu LU8; Yuji LU10; Erjian LI2; Sanjian LI3; Hegu LI4; Pianli LI6; Wenliu LI7;Xialian LI8; Shanglian LI9; Shousanli LI10; Qihu ST13; Kufang ST14; Wuyi ST15; Yingchuang ST16;Tianxi SP18; Xiongxiang SP19; Zhourong SP20; Shaofu HT8; Qiangu SI2; Houxi SI3; Wangu SI4;Yanglao SI6; Zhizheng SI7; Jianzhen SI9; Geshu BL17; Ganshu BL18; Danshu BL19; Pishu BL20;Weishu BL21; Sanjiaoshu BL22; Shenshu BL23; Qihaishu BL24; Dachangshu BL25; GuanyuanshuBL26; Geguan BL46; Hunmen BL47; Yanggang BL48; Yishe BL49; Weicang BL50; Huangmen BL51;Zhishi BL52; Shenfeng KI23; Lingxu KI24; Shencang KI25; Yuzhong KI26; Shufu KI27; Tianchi PC1;Ximen PC4; Jianshi PC5; Neiguan PC6; Yemen SJ2; Zhongzhu SJ3; Waiguan SJ5; Zhigou SJ6;Huizong SJ7; Sanyangluo SJ8; Sidu SJ9; Tianjing SJ10; Qinglengyuan SJ11; Xiaoluo SJ12; NaohuiSJ13; Dingchuan EX-B1; Weiguanxiashu EX-B12; Baxie EX-UE22; Yaotongxue EX-UE19; LuozhenEX-UE24; Erbai EX-UE29

T1 Kongzui LU6; Jingqu LU8; Yuji LU10; Erjian LI2; Sanjian LI3; Hegu LI4; Qihu ST13; Kufang ST14;Wuyi ST15; Yingchuang ST16; Tianxi SP18; Xiongxiang SP19; Zhourong SP20; Shaofu HT8; QianguSI2; Houxi SI3; Wangu SI4; Yanglao SI6; Zhizheng SI7; Dazhu BL11; Shenfeng KI23; Lingxu KI24;Shencang KI25; Yuzhong KI26; Shufu KI27; Tianchi PC1; Ximen PC4; Jianshi PC5; Neiguan PC6;Yemen SJ2; Zhongzhu SJ3; Waiguan SJ5; Zhigou SJ6; Huizong SJ7; Sanyangluo SJ8; Sidu SJ9;Huatuojiaji EX-B35; Baxie EX-UE22; Yaotongxue EX-UE19; Luozhen EX-UE24; Erbai EX-UE29

T2 Dazhu BL11; Fengmen BL12; Shencang KI25; Huatuojiaji EX-B35T3 Feishu BL13; Lingxu KI24; Huatuojiaji EX-B35T4 Tianxi SP18; Jueyinshu BL14; Tianchi PC1; Huatuojiaji EX-B35T5 Rugen ST18; Shidou SP17; Xinshu BL15; Bulang KI22; Yuanye GB22; Zhejin GB23; Huatuojiaji EX-


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Table 19 (continued )

Myotome Acupuncture points

T6 Dushu BL16; Youmen KI21; Qimen LR14; Huatuojiaji EX-B35T7 Burong ST19; Chengman ST20; Liangmen ST21; Dabao SP21; Geshu BL17; Yindu KI19; Futonggu

KI20; Youmen KI21; Riyue GB24; Huatuojiaji EX-B35T8 Liangmen ST21; Guanmen ST22; Taiyi ST23; Yindu KI19; Weiguanxiashu EX-B12; Huatuojiaji EX-

B35T9 Taiyi ST23; Huaroumen ST24; Ganshu BL18; Hunmen BL47; Shangqu KI17; Shiguan KI18;

Huatuojiaji EX-B35T10 Tianshu ST25; Wailing ST26; Danshu BL19; Pishu BL20; Yanggang BL48; Zhongzhu KI15;

Huangshu KI16; Huatuojiaji EX-B35T11 Daju ST27; Shuidao ST28; Pishu BL20; Weishu BL21;Yishe BL49; Qixue KI13; Siman KI14;

Zhangmen LR13; Huatuojiaji EX-B35; Tituo EX-CA4T12 Guilai ST29; Weishu BL21; Sanjiaoshu BL22; Weicang BL50; Henggu KI11; Dahe KI12; Jingmen

GB25; Daimai GB26; Wushu GB27; Weidai GB28; Huatuojiaji EX-B35; Zigong EX-CA18; Tituo EX-CA4

L1 Chongmen Sp12; Sanjiaoshu BL22; Huangmen BL51; Huatuojiaji EX-B35L2 Biguan ST31; Futu ST32; Yinshi ST33; Liangqiu ST34; Xuehai SP10; Jimen SP11; Chongmen Sp12;

Fushe SP13; Shenshu BL23; Chengfu BL36; Yinmen BL37; Zhishi BL52; Zhongdu GB32; QuquanLR8; Yinbao LR9; Zuwuli LR10; Yinlian LR11; Jimai LR12; Huatuojiaji EX-B35

L3 Biguan ST31; Futu ST32; Yinshi ST33; Liangqiu ST34; Xuehai SP10; Jimen SP11; Chongmen Sp12;Fushe SP13; Qihaishu BL24; Chengfu BL36; Yinmen BL37; Zhongdu GB32; Ququan LR8; YinbaoLR9; Zuwuli LR10; Yinlian LR11; Jimai LR12; Huatuojiaji EX-B35

L4 Biguan ST31; Futu ST32; Yinshi ST33; Liangqiu ST34; Zusanli ST36; Shangjuxu ST37; TiaokouST38; Xiajuxu ST39; Fenglong ST40; Lougu SP7; Diji SP8; Yinlingquan SP9; Xuehai SP10; JimenSP11; Dachangshu BL25; Chengfu BL36; Yinmen BL37; Heyang BL55; Fengshi GB31; ZhongduGB32; Yanglingquan GB34; Waiqiu GB36; Guangming GB37; Yangfu GB38; Ligou LR5; ZhongduLR6; Xiguan LR7; Yinbao LR9; Zuwuli LR10; Yaoyan EX-B24; Huatuojiaji EX-B35; Lanweixue EX-LE13; Dannangxue EX-LE23

L5 Zusanli ST36; Shangjuxu ST37; Tiaokou ST38; Xiajuxu ST39; Fenglong ST40; Chongyang ST42;Lougu SP7; Diji SP8; Yinlingquan SP9; Guanyuanshu BL26; Baihuanshu BL30; Huiyang BL35;Chengfu BL36; Yinmen BL37; Baohuang BL53; Zhibian BL54; Heyang BL55; Juliao GB29;Huantiao GB30; Fengshi GB31; Zhongdu GB32; Xiyangguan GB33; Yanglingquan GB34; YangjiaoGB35; Waiqiu GB36; Guangming GB37; Yangfu GB38; Xuanzhong GB39; Qiuxu GB40; ZulinqiGB41; Ligou LR5; Zhongdu LR6; Xiguan LR7; Huatuojiaji EX-B35; Lanweixue EX-LE13;Dannangxue EX-LE23

S1 Chongyang ST42; Yinlingquan SP9; Baihuanshu BL30; Huiyang BL35; Chengfu BL36; YinmenBL37; Fuxi BL38; Weiyang BL39; Baohuang BL53; Zhibian BL54; Heyang BL55; Chengjin BL56;Chengshan BL57; Feiyang BL58; Fuyang BL59; Fuliu KI7; Zhubin KI9; Yingu KI10; Juliao GB29;Huantiao GB30; Fengshi GB31; Zhongdu GB32; Xiyangguan GB33; Yanglingquan GB34; YangjiaoGB35; Waiqiu GB36; Zhubin KI9; Guangming GB37; Xuanzhong GB39; Qiuxu GB40; Zulinqi GB41;Xiguan LR7; Ququan LR8; Dannangxue EX-LE23

S2 Xiangu ST43; Taibai SP3; Gongsun SP4; Sanyinjiao SP6; Lougu SP7; Diji SP8; Yinlingquan SP9;Baihuanshu BL30; Huiyang BL35; Chengfu BL36; Yinmen BL37; Fuxi BL38; Weiyang BL39;Baohuang BL53; Zhibian BL54; Heyang BL55; Chengjin BL56; Chengshan BL57; Feiyang BL58;Fuyang BL59; Jinmen BL63; Jinggu BL64; Shugu BL65; Yongquan KI1; Rangu KI2; Fuliu KI7;Jiaoxin KI8; Yingu KI10; Huantiao GB30; Fengshi GB31; Zhongdu GB32; Xiyangguan GB33;Yanglingquan GB34; Yangjiao GB35; Waiqiu GB36; Guangming GB37; Xuanzhong GB39; ZulinqiGB41; Taichong LR3; Ligou LR5; Zhongdu LR6; Xiguan LR7; Ququan LR8; Huiyin REN1;Changqiang DU1; Dannangxue EX-LE23; Bafeng EX-LE8

S3 Xiangu ST43; Taibai SP3; Gongsun SP4; Sanyinjiao SP6; Lougu SP7; Diji SP8; Fuyang BL59;Jinmen BL63; Jinggu BL64; Shugu BL65; Yongquan KI1; Rangu KI2; Jiaoxin KI8; Yangjiao GB35;Xuanzhong GB39; Zulinqi GB41; Taichong LR3; Ligou LR5; Zhongdu LR6; Huiyin REN1;Changqiang DU1; Bafeng EX-LE8

S4 Huiyang BL35; Huiyin REN1; Changqiang DU1

Cranial nervesBuccal branch of the facialnerve CN7.

Kouheliao LI19; Juliao ST3; Chengqiang REN24; Renzhong DU26; Duiduan DU27

(continued on next page)

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Table 19 (continued)

Myotome Acupuncture points

Cervical branch of the facialnerve CN7.

Tianding LI17; Futu LI18; Daying ST5; Renying ST9; Shuitu ST10; Qishe ST11; Tianchuang SI16;Tianrong SI17; Yifeng SJ17

Glossopharyngeal nerve CN9 Yifeng SJ17Hypoglossal nerve CN12 Tianrong SI17; Lianquan REN23Mandibular division of thetrigeminal nerve CN5

Jiache ST6; Xiaguan ST7; Jiaosun SJ20; Erheliao SJ22; Shangguan GB3; Handan GB4; XuanluGB5; Xuanli GB6; Qubin GB7; Shuaigu GB8; Tianchong GB9; Lianquan REN23; Taiyang EX-HN9

Marginal mandibular branchof the facial nerve CN7.

Jiachengjiang EX-HN18

Oculomotor nerve CN3 Chengqi ST1; Jingming BL1; Qiuhou EX-HN8Spinal accessory nerve CN11 Futu LI18; Bingfeng SI12; Quyuan SI13; Jianwaishu SI14; Jianzhongshu SI 15; Tianzhu BL10;

Dazhu BL11; Fengmen BL12; Feishu BL13; Jueyinshu BL14; Xinshu BL15; Dushu BL16; GeshuBL17; Fufen BL41; Pohu BL42; Gaohuangshu BL43; Shentang BL44; Yixi BL45;Geguan BL46;Tianliao SJ15; Wangu GB12; Fengchi GB20; Jianjing GB21; Bailao EX-HN30; Anmian EX-HN54;Dingchuan EX-B1

Temporal branch of thefacial nerve CN7.

Naohu DU17

Zygomatic branch of thefacial nerve CN7.

Jingming BL1

* Derived from Tables 1e15.

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