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Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455 1

New HorizonsThe Official Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay Inc.

From the PresidentFind out what is happening around the club. Page 1

ShelterBox ProjectGet an update on this important project. Page 1

Nigeria Making Impressive Progress Against PolioRead Bill Gates personal observations regarding the fight against Polio.Page 3

Club Assembly / ForumDetails of the upcoming club assembly. Page 2

PR at Claremont QuarterPromoting the club at our local shopping centre.Page 3

Matching Jack the MovieThe club’s tickets have arrived. Make sure you collect yours!Page 1

Volume 3, Issue 7 16th - 22nd August 2010

PO Box 168, Nedlands, Western Australia, 6909 ! District 9455! ABN: 99 602 195 617

From the President Dear Fellow Rotarians,

August is Membership and Extension month in the Rotary calendar. Membership is a very important thing for us to focus on, because without members, our club wouldn't exist. The more active members we have, the more the load is spread amongst us, and the more we can achieve.

The issue of membership is

twofold: first, we want you, our existing members, to be happy! It is important that you feel like you are a welcome, integral part of the club, and that you feel you are achieving something by being a part of Rotary. That is why we had a club assembly this weekend – to give you an opportunity to discuss any aspect of our club's operations in a relaxed setting. We'll report on the assembly in more detail next bulletin.

The second part is attracting quality new members to the club. It is vital to continue

attracting new people with new ideas, new skills and new networks. But for that to happen, we need to ask them.

At our meeting last week we looked at how to propose a new member, and ran an exercise to get you thinking about people you know – not necessarily “friends” but business acquaintances – who might qualify for Rotary membership wi thout prejudging whether they would be interested in joining Rotary or not. Our Assistant Governor, Angus Buchanan, was a guest at our meeting, and offered his

experience of inviting new members along, commenting that he wished he had started inviting people sooner!

Please don't feel embarrassed or otherwise negative about extending an invitation to someone to join Rotary. An invitation to join Rotary is in fact an honour – it indicates that the invitee is considered to be someone of high ethical character. There are many fine people who have never been asked to join Rotary who secretly would love the opportunity to do good in the world with an organization with such a wonderful

reputation. Even if someone says “no”, it may mean “not right now”. And every “no” is a step closer to finding someone who says “yes”.

I urge you to please consider identifying at least one person to propose for Rotary membership this year. Whether you approach them yourself, or you would prefer our Membership Director to do so, please do set a goal to sponsor one new Rotarian this year.

Yours in Rotary Service,

Simone Carot CollinsClub President

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This Week's SpeakerPDG Paul Gianatti from the Rotary Club of Mt Lawley will be speaking to us about Interact. Interact is a Rotary program for high school-aged children which introduces them to service clubs and service projects – like a non-religious youth group where they can make friends with others their age, organise social events and learn about community service.

Paul has been involved with starting school based Interact Clubs. Marcos has also been involved with starting Interact clubs in Argentina. Interact clubs meet at least twice a month and require a Rotarian to attend their meetings.

Our club is looking at forming the very first community-based Interact club here in WA. It offers you a great opportunity for hands-on help with mentoring future community leaders, so please do come along and learn more about this great youth program.

If you know of young people aged 14-17 years who might be interested in becoming involved with Interact, please bring them and their parents along to our meeting on Wednesday as well.

Finding Future RotariansNot sure how to broach the topic of Rotary with others? Try these tips:

• Wear your Rotary pin at all times. Being asked “What is that pin?”is a great way to initiate a conversation about what you do in Rotary.

• Share stories of projects you find exciting with colleagues, friends and acquaintances. President

Simone finds Facebook is particularly good for this.

• Invite friends, co-workers and colleagues to join you as a guest at our weekly Rotary meeting.

• Ask President Simone for copies of the brochure “People like you and me” to give out to people you think may be interested.

• I n v i t e p o t e n t i a l members to help with one of our projects or to attend a social event.

Ambassadorial Scholar ApplicantJustin Hewett is a final year Law student at UWA who speaks Mandarin and hopes to do a Masters degree in Chinese law at Tsinghua University in Beijing with the goal of working to assist the Chinese with their human rights issues.

Margaret Stuart has agreed to act as Justin’s counsellor should his Ambassadorial Scholarship application be successful.

Justin will be coming along to the Club on 25th August to introduce himself and give a very brief overview of his hopes and plans for the future.

Ambassadorial Scholarships is another outstanding program of the Rotary Foundation. We have an excellent applicant in Justin and wish him every success with his application.

News from Aaron ChinyimbaAaron Chinyimba, the inbound Ambassadorial

Scholar who spoke to our club in June, has recently returned from a 2 week visit to Zambia to visit his family. He attended 2 meetings of his sponsor club, the Rotary Club of Luanshya, while he was back home.

On his return to Perth, he was accepted into the School of Law, and is now studying a double degree in Law & Arts. It appears that his dream of becoming a fully fledged lawyer will be realised.

Aaron's laptop is no longer operational, and he is seeking a replacement. If anyone has a laptop they no longer need, please consider passing it on to him.

Electronic MeetingsAugust is the month that the club will trial on line Committee meetings. Directors will be in touch will Committees for this to take place in the coming week as Wednesday would normally be our Committee Meetings.

This month's board meeting will also be online, at 7:00 pm on Monday night.

Support for the Rotary FoundationThe Humanitarian and Educational programs of the R o t a r y F o u n d a t i o n contribute greatly to creating peace in our world and can only be carried out with money to fund the programs.

Daniel and Claire Forsdyke have recently made subs tant ia l persona l contributions to the Rotary Foundation and are now both the club’s newest Paul Harris Fellows.

Thank you most sincerely Daniel and Claire - you know

from your own personal experiences with Group Study Exchange how valuable your donations are to the Rotary Foundation.

Shelter BoxesMargaret Stuart arranged for Michael Reeves to go along to Phoenix College last Wednesday, where some 200 people heard his presentation on Shelter Boxes.

Margaret organised a fundraising day on Friday 13th with the funds going to purchase a Shelter Box. Margaret’s company will match the funds she raises and it is hoped at least two boxes will be funded at a cost of $1,000 each. Great work Margaret!

Project in NepalAt our last meeting, Brother James showed a 3 minute video and gave a brief overview of a possible project we could take on in Nepal. Debbie also provided a little more information about it at our club assembly.

Their suggestion is that a few Rotarians go to Nepal from 28th September to 1st October, whilst they are there on their next Pilgrimage of Hope, to carry out a ‘fact finding mission’ on the project as well as perhaps assisting with cleaning up the house.

Through Rotary Australia World Community Service the project has a number for tax purposes, so the cost of the trip can be funded tax deductibly by the Rotarians involved.

Cottesloe Primary SchoolSue Nash from the Cottesloe Primary School contacted President Simone to see if our club would consider

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Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455 3

helping the school with its Fair on 20th November. They do not have any specific areas they would like us to help with – they are open to anything we would like to suggest.

Both Sue and her husband Rob are former Rotarians from Broome and we hope to see them along at our club in the near future.

Government Volunteer Grant$4,990 has been deposited into the Club’s Operating Account to purchase items such as a PA system, screen, laptop and other items deemed a priority for the professional running of the club.

Thanks once again to Clive Boddy for the successful application.

InterplastEnid Wall phoned Di last week to say that when her daughter Barbara visited our club last year she heard about our ‘Climb for a Smile’ and went back to her club in NSW and raised $5,000 for Interplast. She followed up this year by running a Golf Day and raised a further $25,000 for Interplast.

It costs a little more than $40,000 to fund an Interplast Team so Barbara’s efforts have gone a long way to making an entire team a reality. Very well done Barbara!

Patients on the MendPleased to report that Daniel and Ken have recovered well after their respective medical procedures last week.

Enid Wall reported that she is still up and down. She will come along to the club and visit us when she is feeling up to it. Look forward to seeing you Enid.

Pride of Workmanship AwardPride of Workmanship is an award within the Rotary Vo c a t i o n a l S e r v i c e programme.

The Pride of Workmanship Program enables managers in our society to help employees achieve the goal of job satisfaction, and publicly recognize them for their efforts.

Participating businesses promote the Pride of Workmanship theme of "Do it once- do it well" throughout their organization and nominate employees worthy of recognition, not only within the organization, but the wider community. Nominees of the Pride of Workmanship Program are presented with a trophy in recognition of their achievements.

Our Club wishes make such an award to be presented by our DG in his October (Vocational Service month).

I am seeking nominations from all members of someone in a business near you that has provided exceptional service or shown exceptional pride in their workmanship. I am asking nominations to be with me by 15 September.

With thanksRob Rohrlach

Pakistan’s Persistence Paying Off Against PolioBy Dan Nixon  Rotary International News12 August 2010 

Momentum toward polio eradication continues to build in Pakistan, including efforts to take advantage of improved security in parts of the country.

On 8 July, the Pakistan PolioPlus Committee led a polio awareness seminar in Mingora, located in the Swat Valley in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. M o r e t h a n 1 2 0 representatives from Rotary International, the World Health Organization, and UNICEF, along with national and local health officials, tribal and religious leaders, and others, took part.

"[It] was the first major event after the opening of the Swat Valley," says committee chair Aziz Memon. "Full security was extended by the police department and army to ensure the safety of people."

At the seminar, it was reported that after reestablishing security in the Swat Valley earlier this year, Pakistan’s army began immunizing children against polio at 15 checkpoints. By July, only six were needed. The Ministry of Health now stockpiles oral polio vaccine at the checkpoints for use during National Immunization Days (NIDs).

In addition, the governor of the province inaugurated s u p p l e m e n t a r y immunization activities in May and has committed to ensuring health workers’ access to children in s e c u r i t y - c o m p r o m i s e d areas.

After presentations by the representatives at the seminar, participants took part in a question-and-answer session and offered suggestions for improving the region’s efforts to end polio.

The event "was a grand success," Memon says. "The news of Rotary having a polio workshop was all over Swat. We feel we have sent a message to eradicate polio, and have requested the local community leaders to lend a hand. We will hold more such workshops so that no new

Photo: A polio awareness seminar in Pakistan’s Swat Valley has helped open the door for more children in the security-compromised area to be immunized against the disease. Photo courtesy of Aziz Memon

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4 Nullam arcu leo, facilisis ut

polio cases arise from this region."

The seminar is characteristic of Pakistan’s persistence toward eradicating the disease, as well as the family of Rotary’s. NIDs held 12-14 July in the country reached almost 34 million children under age five. Rotarians, Rotaractors, and Interactors in Karachi braved temperatures as high as 120 degrees to vaccinate children in their homes, in alleys, in marketplaces, and elsewhere. They also handed out caps, stickers, pencils, and other gifts to the children.

"Every single worker counts in the fight against polio," Shoukat Ali, UNICEF polio officer for Sind Province, told Abdul Mohee Kazi, Rotaract District 3271 PolioPlus Chair, after the NIDs. "The [immunization] team in Korangi Town [Karachi] was really happy to see your workforce with them, and it was very well highlighted in the results, as this area got 100 percent coverage by independent monitoring. It is really a success story."

Learn more about Rotary's effort to eradicate polio:

1 Read more about polio and what you can do to help.

2 Watch a video  about what it takes to eradicate polio.

Protecting The World’s ‘Most Vulnerable Persons’By Dan Nixon  Rotary International News13 August 2010 

Francis Kabosha says that growing up in the southern African nation of Zambia has given him a heart for helping refugees.

“Zambia is poor, just like many other third world countries, but quite peaceful, with a long history of looking

after those displaced by violent conflict,” he says.

A 2008-10 Rotary Peace Fellow, Kabosha recently began serving as an officer in the returns, reintegration, and recovery section of the United Nations Mission in Sudan, working in support of refugees and the internally displaced. Previously, he was a refugee officer with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Zambia.

“I have been a resource person on refugee protection and have conducted several workshops for government officials, NGOs [nongovernmental organizations], and UNHCR field staff,” Kabosha says. “I have done human rights and disaster management training, among other areas of humanitarian work.”

Kabosha is the first peace fellow to complete both the professional development certificate program and the master’s degree program offered by the Rotary Peace Centers. After earning his certificate at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand, in 2007, he worked for UNHCR with government a n d n o n g o v e r n m e n t representatives to repatriate refugees living in the Mwange

camp along the Zambian border to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He was responsible for administration of refugee affairs in the camp and enforcing

national, regional, and i n t e r n a t i o n a l conventions, statutes, and protocols for protecting refugees.

He also trained refugee leaders in building and maintaining peace in their communities.

Kabosha says his experiences with UNHCR and the certificate program “triggered the desire for advanced training in conflict resolution and management,” leading him to study as a Paul and Jean Elder Endowed Rotary Peace Fellow at the University of Bradford in E n g l a n d , sponsored by the Rotary Club of Nkwazi, Zambia. D u r i n g h i s applied field experience, he worked in joint peace-building efforts with the West African Youth Network in Sierra Leone and its partners, including the Ministry of Defense, Office of N a t i o n a l Security, Special Court for Sierra Leone , and N a t i o n a l Commission for Social Action.

His “desire to serve the needy has grown from

one level to another,” Kabosha says, instilling in him a commitment “to protect the world’s most vulnerable persons: refugees, who as a result of violent conflicts, find themselves as ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances.”

Rotary MinuteReal Rotarians. Real answers. Real quick. Watch the latest Rotary Minute to hear everyday Rotarians talk about how they have served their communities. Check back each month for a new video.

See the latest Rotary Minute

Photo: Former Rotary Peace Fellow Francis Kabosha works with the United Nations Mission in Sudan. Photo courtesy of Francis Kabosha

Change of MeetingWhen: Thursday, 7st October, 2010.  Venue: Usual venue.  Time: Usual time.

Guest Speaker: Phil Sherwood from RC Arden Arcade, California

Note: this meeting is in place of our usual Wednesday meeting on Wed 6th Oct.

13th Annual Dr Ken Collins Address

Promoting The Rotary Foundation

When: Monday, 29th November, 2010.  Venue: Golden Nugget Room, Gloucester Park.  Time: 7:00pm for 7:30pm

Guest Speaker: RI President Ray KlinginsmithAlumni Speaker: Maryanne Tokome-Amu

Cost: $45pp with cash bar available.

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Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455 5

BoardRotary Year 2010-11Simone Carot Collins — [email protected]

Di Collins — Secretary / Vice [email protected]

Bill Hassell — President Elect / Club Administration [email protected]

Toni James — [email protected]

Rob Rohrlach — Projects [email protected]

Claire Forsdyke — International [email protected]

Ken Collins — Membership [email protected]

Club DetailsRotary Club of Freshwater Bay Inc.PO Box 168, Nedlands, Western Australia, 6909

MeetingsWednesday 5:45pm to 6:45pmCafe, Bethesda HospitalQueenslea DriveClaremont

Email [email protected] 08 9385 0471Fax 08 9385 0472



Chartered 19 December 2008

Bulletin ContributionsContributions for the weekly bulletin are sought from members of the club.

Why not use the bulletin to update the club on the projects your committee is working on or promote the clubs next fundraising event.

Please forward articles and photos to [email protected]

Date Name

18th August Judy Edwards

25th August Wilma McBain

Welcoming Roster

Program for AugustDate Details

18th August PDG Paul Gianatti - Interact: Rotary’s club for 14-17 year olds

20th August (Friday) PR Day at Claremont Quarter

25th August Lisa Guppy - Outbound Ambassadorial Scholar

28th August (Saturday) Bunnings Sausage Sizzle

Date Name

18th August Ken Collins

Host - Introduction & Thank You

Date Name

18th August TBA

Back-up Host

New Horizons: Winner of the District 9450 Bulletin Award for 2009/10

Date Speaker Topic

25th August Lisa Guppy - Outbound Ambassadorial Scholar My Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship: Water Poverty in Cambodia and Viet Nam

1st September Tony Baker What’s happening with fine arts?

8th September PDG Ron Geary Handicamp

22nd September Hon Nick Hasluck, AM Reflections of a newly retired judge

Upcoming Guest Speakers

Top Related