Page 1: New Horizons Volume 1 Issue 17

Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9450! 1

New HorizonsThe Official Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay


Resignations, New Members & Member News. Page 2

Presidential Visit

Details of the the visit by RI President D.K.Lee to Perth this month. Page 1

Rotary Foundation

Thought of the Week

This week’s thought is about Matching Grants.Page 4

Letter from the Club


Update on club activities from the Club President.Page 2

Rotary Image Shaken,

not Stirred

Story on RC Freshwater Bay in Rotary Down Under. Page 3

Social Activities

Suggested social activities - details to come!Page 2

Volume 1, Issue 17" 11th - 17th May 2009

PO Box 168, Nedlands, Western Australia, 6909 ! District 9450! ABN: 99 602 195 617

Roger Marston with Bev Lowe from Manna Industries

Donation to



Roger and Celine Marston generously donated 70 cartons (36 dozen place settings of dinnerware. Serving bowls, salt and pepper shakers, tea pots etc) to Manna Industries last Tuesday evening."

This was the first official project of the Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay as Roger kindly offered these items at one of our first meetings and Manna Industries have been waiting for a place to house these items."

The Examiner photographer was present at the presentation so it is hoped that Rotary will receive some community newspaper coverage.

The Education Department have given approval for a disused canteen at the Maddington Primary School to be turned into a kitchen to feed children breakfasts and to teach them how to prepare food for themselves." Manna have a wish list for $46,000 to equip this facility, which the club is looking at trying to assist them to source funds.

Shelter BoxesTwo of our members have very generously personal ly supported the Shelter Box project by purchasing boxes." Our sincere thanks is extended to Mary Ann Wright and Bryant Stokes for their personal support of this

fantastic project. " Any members wishing to donate a Shelter Box, forms are available from Ken Collins." Cost is $1,200 per box and the amount is tax deductible.

RI President

Visiting Perth

RI President DK Lee and his wife Young Ja will be in Perth on Friday, 22nd May, for a function at Burswood on Swan (5:30 for 6:00pm)."

The Presidential Citations will be presented to clubs at this event. The cost will be $38.00 per person with a cash bar available.

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2! Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9450

Letter from the

Club PresidentDear Rotarians,

Ken Wyatt from the Health Department addressed our meeting this week on Aboriginal Health issues. He alerted the members to the challenges faced with our indigenous population and a possible solution which has come from discussions between himself, Bryant Stokes and Harvey Coates which is designed around Rotary acting as the catalyst to organise doctors, dentists and nurses to ‘Work under the sun and sleep beneath the stars’ in aboriginal communities carrying out health checks. It would certainly be an exciting project to become involved with and with the expertise of Bryant and other medicos already in the club it is definitely something that could progress to the next stage. Inbuilt into this would appear to be government funding and the opportunity to act as a catalyst to undertake a significant role in the improvement of the health care of the Aboriginal population in the country areas.

Alan Stewart and Ken have also been in communication as to how the Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay may become involved with the indigenous community in Wiluna and once again there are many tangible ways that Rotary can pitch in and become involved in a positive way with these people.

DG Sue Rowell visited the Club to congratulate us on achieving a Presidential Citation, which will be presented to Presidents of Rotary Clubs in WA by the RI President, DK Lee at a special reception at Burswood on Swan on Friday, 22nd May. Sue invited members to attend this reception.

It was a pleasure to have DGSR Ken induct new member Elizabeth Bain into the club. Elizabeth’s

husband Graeme, a member of the RC of Cambridge was in attendance to see Elizabeth become a Rotarian in her own right and to officially become a ‘spouse’ himself. Welcome Elizabeth and we look forward to your valued contribution to the local and international community through your Rotary membership.

When we gathered together the Charter members for the new Rotary Club, all but a very few had had previous Rotary experience. All embraced the new style concept which Ken and I promoted to them, most immediately understood the structure of the organisation, being a fine tuned power for good in around 200 countries and geographical regions, however, there were a few who were unable to accept the tried and true Rotary structure. They perceived Rotary on a more local scale, without any committee structure and with all members of the club making all of the decisions.

Unfortunately, Rotary is not for everyone, and these members have decided to move on. We value the contribution they made to the club in its formation and regret that we will not benefit from their participation in the future. Also, a couple of our Charter members have found that since agreeing to join, circumstances in their businesses have prevented their attendance and caused them to withdraw from the club. I know all members join Ken and I in thanking all concerned for their contributions in the few months they were involved and wish each one well in their future endeavours.

As together we move forward to gradually learn about this m i g h t y i n t e r n a t i o n a l organisation to which we all belong, through the projects and programmes of Rotary International we will help to Make Dreams Real for the disadvantaged in our world.

Yours in Rotary Service,

Di Collins

Charter Club President

Bryant Stokes with guest speaker Ken Wyatt

Elizabeth & Graeme Bain with DG Sue Rowell

ResignationsIt is with regret that we have received resignations from Mara Basanovic and Marija Jelavic." They are thanked for their valued contribution to the club and if circumstances allow them to rejoin " in the future we’d be delighted to have them return." Graham Lovelock has only managed to attend a couple of meetings since committing to join the club and as his commitments prevent him from attending he has decided not to continue membership.

Member NewsJesper Rasmussen underwent a hip replacement on Wednesday, 6th May." We were pleased to hear from Vicki that his surgery went extremely well." All in the RC of

Freshwater Bay wish you a speedy and full recovery Jesper."

New MemberThe club is delighted to have Elizabeth Bain join us." Elizabeth and Graeme have Embroidme on Stirling Highway. " The Club looks forward to a long and happy association with Elizabeth and Graeme.

Social ActivitiesMembers favourably received the kind invitation from Bill and Sue Hassell to host a brunch one Sunday morning."

Also, the suggestion was put forward for a Christmas in July dinner at Bethesda Cafe on Thursday, 16th July." This too was considered a good idea and will double as a small fundraiser.

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Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9450! 3

Rotary Down Under | May 2009 55


By Tim DaweRotary Club of West Perth, WAWestern Australia’s newest Rotary club, and arguably its most innovative, was chartered on March 5 under Vice-Regal patronage.

The Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay (D9450) received its charter at a special function hosted by the Governor of Western Australia, His Excellency Dr Ken Michael, AC – himself a Rotarian and member of the Rotary Club of Perth.

This interesting, fresh new club had its origins in two 30-year-old former Rotaractors, Simone and Marcos Carot Collins, who wanted to join Rotary but not any of the “archaic” clubs they had seen. They wanted to join “their club” – as if Rotary had started in the 21st century. And having a former RI Board Director in the family didn’t hurt in that venture!

S i m o n e’s f a t h e r , P a s t R o t a r y International Director Dr Ken Collins, a staunch advocate of change in club procedures, jumped at the opportunity to develop his dream club.

“What I am looking for is a club with hands-on projects that involve all members,” he said.

“For Rotary to be successful clubs need to be relevant and visible in their community. They need satisfied customers who tell others about Rotary.”

Freshwater Bay is a cocktail club! It’s informal, it’s casual and it’s a drop-in place for an after-work drink with Rotarian friends. And if you think that’s only for trendy thirty-somethings, think again. The club’s age range is from 30 to 70; it even boasts seven couples and a family.

Bill Hassell, a club member and former State Liberal Leader, has long been a supporter of Rotar y but resisted every offer to join. As with other members the selling point for him was the short casual meeting without a meal and no “flim-flam”.

The cocktail club meets at a stylish café perched high on the banks of the Swan River with stunning 180 degree views of .!.!. Freshwater Bay, of course. Even the meeting place is innovative: Bethesda private hospital, where a member is hotel services manager and caters for the club. Meetings begin at 5.45pm with cocktails and nibbles and are completed at 6.45pm. Meeting procedure is notable for what is left out: sergeant’s session, toasts, singing, flags, national anthems and other ritual “embarrassments”. And the cost is only $5! Each month the club invites three guest speakers – two solely on Rotary matters – and a club committee meeting.

Charter President, Di Collins, wife of the indefatigable Ken, said, “We don’t concentrate on attendance but on participation. It is so pleasing to see our members drawn from Rotaract, Rotary Youth Exchange, Group Study Exchange and Ambassadorial Scholars.”

It took only two weeks to organise viable numbers from an interest meeting and in two months the club grew from a handful to 31 members.

“We have no trouble in attracting many quality members,” Di said.

“This is the way of the future.” We can only hope. Watch this space. !

Rotary image shaken, not stirred

Club member Roh Siriwardena is also hotel services manager at Bethesda hospital, where the new club


Charter President Di Collins and her husband, Past RI Director Ken watch District Governor Sue Rowell sign the Club’s Charter.

From Rotary Down Under, Issue 506

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4! Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9450


Rotary Year 2008-09

Di Collins — President

[email protected]

Ken Collins — Vice President /

Membership Director

[email protected]

[email protected]

Rajah Senitharajah — Treasurer

[email protected]

Daniel Forsdyke — Secretary

[email protected]

Bryant Stokes — Projects Director

[email protected]

Claire Forsdyke — International Director

[email protected]

Toni James — PR & Marketing

Committee Director

[email protected]

Peter Symons — Club Administration


[email protected]

Club Details

Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay

PO Box 168,


Western Australia, 6909


Thursday 5:45pm to 6:45pm

Cafe, Bethesda Hospital

Queenslea Drive


Email [email protected]

Phone!08 9385 0471

Fax 08 9385 0472



Chartered 19 December 2008

Bulletin Contributions

Contributions for the weekly bulletin are sought from members of the club.

Why not use the bulletin to update the club on the projects your committee is working on or promote the clubs next fundraising event.

Please forward articles and photos to [email protected]

Date Name

14th May Sue Hassell

21st May Peter Symons

28th May Andrea Hayward

4th June Marija Jelavic

Welcoming Roster

Program for April / May

Date Details

13th May Board Meeting

14th May Rohallah Haidari - Peace Fellow Applicant

21st May Committee Meetings

23rd May Club Assembly (0900 - 1100)

28th May Michael Reeves - Shelter Box

4th June Steve Weychan - Climb for a Smile

The Rotary FoundationWeek 45: This week’s Rotary Foundation Thought is about Matching Grants. Rotary clubs in Honduras and Pennsylvania, USA partnered together to receive a Matching Grant to provide eye and vision care to needy people in Honduras.

During a 10-day long mission, Rotarians from both clubs worked to provide a wide variety of vision services through clinics held at local schools and neighborhoods.

Over 1,200 individuals were evaluated and 600 received prescription eyeglasses. A local non-governmental organization will continue to provide eyeglasses and medications to those in need.

Improved eyesight can translate into improved educational or occupational opportunities, contributing greatly to improved quality of life. To be a Rotarian means to give of our time, talent and financial resources.

Will you make that sacrifice so others may have a better life.

Guest Speaker Support

14th May - Bill Hassell to introduce Rohallah Haidari and Alistair Tulloch to give vote of thanks.

Music of the SpheresRichard Symons, Peter’s son, is a member of the choir cast for all the Giovanni Concert series, the next one being on May 22 at Govt House Ballroom.

Peter has suggested to Tom Friberg, one of the other singers

who organises publicity, that $8 per ticket is donated to Polio Plus for every Rotarian attending, He thinks it is a great idea and will seek approval from the Treasurer"

Peter will also be looking to get our name/logo and that of Polio Plus in the programme

This is not restricted to our Club

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