
New Salem Lutheran Church 7491 Island View Dr. NE Turtle River, MN 56601

Pastor Terry Hagensen E-Mail Address: [email protected]

Web Site; Church Phone: 218-586-2262

Upcoming Events

April 1st

Easter Sunday Services @ 7:30 &


April 1st & 8th Sunday School

April 7th


April 22

Earth Day

April 29

Turtle River Day pot-luck

Dear my New Salem Family, Christ Has Risen He Has Risen Indeed, Alleluia This is the traditional way Christians greet each other on Easter, proclaiming to each other the grandeur of the day, the life changing event they come to celebrate. During our Lenten journey we reflected on our relationship with God and if where there needed to be adjustments as well as those we have with one another. As we each took time for self-examination hopefully we realized the needed adjustments could only be made with the help of the risen Christ. Easter is the greatest of season in the church year, (and my favorite) we need Christ-mas for Easter to happen. Christmas is the beginning of the greatest story every told and Easter is the grand finale. It is Easter where we are freed from sin, from the power of Satan and are truly granted the great gift of eternal life. Easter is a season of victory, all we fear has been conquered, we no longer need to fear but can walk in confidence my brothers and sisters of the Risen Christ. Easter is more than a new outfit and hat, (do they still wear hats) and the Easter bun-ny bringing us candy and gifts, though these things are just as important as Santa Claus is at Christmas. Yet it is the joy in our hearts, as we come together and sing hymns of the great power and majesty. Hear one of the greatest stories in history, once again the scriptures come to life, a great image of love, grace and forgiveness painted before us. At the same time, we look for Spring to once again return bring new and renewing life to the world. We look for signs of the trees budding, birds singing, having to mow the grass instead of pushing the snow. As I sit in my office writing this, the sun is shining in with its warmth and light, reminding me of the light and energy of God shining upon us all. Easter is the light of God shining on us through the resurrection of the Son, warming our hearts, filling us with hope and vision for greater days to come. This my family will only happen if we open our hearts and receive the greatest gift, invite in the cleansing power of our sins, welcome in the peace that passes all understanding. Celebrate that we need not fear death any more than our beds.

Christ Has Risen, He Has Risen Indeed Alleluia

APRIL 2018

Easter Sunrise service @ 7:30 AM Breakfast between services Easter Resurrection service @ 9:30 AM




APRIL 1 Easter Sunrise

Jason & Owen Seitz

Mike Finkenbinder

Mike Finkenbinder

Kaia Edland Easter Break-fast—Youth

Joy Johnson

APRIL 1 Resurrection

Glen Lindseth Myrtle Smetak

Carol Grimes Grimes, Spargo, Sovde, Lundorffs Johnsons

Lisa Lussier Easter Break-fast—Youth

Joy Johnson

APRIL 8 Harlen & Vicky Korynta

Dora Lee Souder

Dora Lee Souder

Lisa Lussier Hogquists Joy Johnson

APRIL 15 Stu & Sue Rosselet

Darlene Schultz

Darlene Schultz

Kaia Edland Youth Joy Johnson

APRIL 22 Deb Sovde Deb Sovde Benji, & Lisa Hofstad & kids

Volunteers Needed

Joy Johnson

APRIL 29 Bonnie Lundorff

Bonnie Lundorff

Kaia Edland Turtle River Day’s potluck

Joy Johnson

Readings for the Sundays in APRIL APR 1: EASTER Acts 10:34-43; Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Mark 16:1-8 APR 8: Acts 4:32-35; Psalm 133; 1 John 1:1—2:2; John 20:19-31 APR 15:: Acts 3:12-19; Psalm 4; 1 John 3:1-7; Luke 24:36b-48 APR 22: Acts 4:5-12; Psalm 23; 1 John 3:16-24; John 10:11-18 APR 29: Acts 8:26-40; Psalm 22:25-31; 1 John 4:7-21;John 15:1-8

Sunday APRIL 1 & 8 After service

Don’t forget the Noisy Offering!

Confirmation Wednesday Evenings Schedule for Sundays::

1st Sunday of the month – Sunday school

2nd Sunday of the month – Shorter Sunday school les-son followed by a large motor activity (sledding, kick ball, etc.)

3rd Sunday of the month – Youth serve coffee fellowship time with the congregation

The Campaign for the ELCA

enters final year with $144 million

73 percent of goal – raised Entering its fifth scheduled year, the Evangeli-cal Lutheran Church in America's (ELCA) first comprehensive campaign, Always Being Made New: The Campaign for the ELCA, is celebrating $144 million in cash gifts and gift commit-ments, representing 73 percent of the five-year, $198 million goal by Jan. 31, 2019. In ad-dition, $30.5 million in planned gifts is com-mitted to the ministries of the campaign.

New Salem Lutheran Church Council March 19, 2018

Present: Dan Sherman, Pr. Terry Hagensen, Marge Danielson, Lisa Hofstad, Mike Finkenbinder, Owen Seitz, Lisa Lussier, Linda Wolden, and Jim Bronczyk.

Absent: Daphne Urban The meeting was called to order by President Lisa Lussier at 7 PM. Pastor Terry lead the devotions centered around Psalm 121. “The Lord my Keeper” The Minutes of the February meeting were reviewed. Moved to approve and seconded by Marge and Jim. One change was made to state that the audit has not been done but is scheduled to be finished on March 20, 2018. Motion passed. The Treasurers report was received from Mike. Moved by Owen and seconded by Lisa H. to approve. Mike wanted to have someone begin training to take over the treasurer’s job next year when he is no longer on the council. Names will be updated on the bank accounts. One of two savings accounts will be closed. A payment kiosk is being considered for “cashless” Sunday donors. Motion was approved. The Pastor’s report was given: The results of the Living Lutheran surveys are: 20 names being removed, 7 subscriptions continued, and 2 added. Attendance has been up on Sundays and Wednesdays. The Pastor’s credit card will be updated to Pr. Terry’s name. There is excess money in the Pathways Camp Funds. Extra money will go to Vacation Bible School and other children’s activities on a motion by Mike, seconded by Marge, and approved by the council. The issue of children’s posters being taken down for a funeral and not being replaced in a timely manner has been resolved. Committee updates; Dan reported on the constitution committee which is off to a good start. People who would like to provide input should do so quickly. Some issues were discussed with the council. The Christian Education classrooms were cleaned up. Stewardship is faith in action and is more than about money. Old Business: The stewardship committee is planning an annual retreat for this Fall. Dan expressed his feelings about last month’s council officer elections. Jim reported on progress replacing fluorescent lights with LEDs. New Business Members of the Church council have accepted the resignations of Melanie Hanson-Music Director, and Mike Hanson- Choir Director, as of Sunday, March 18, 2018. The council wishes to thank the Hansons for sharing their musical talents. They’ve been instrumental in leading our choir, orchestrating the cantatas, Christmas programs, holding music camps at our church, providing music at funerals, weddings and other events at New Salem Lutheran Church. It is our hope that the Hanson family—Mike, Melanie, Anna, Matthew and Jacob, will continue to be involved in the life of New Salem as God calls them. Motion by Mike, second by Owen, passed. Church standing committees will write their own descriptions for a continuing resolution for the constitution. (1) Congregational Life, and (2) Finance and Administration will be dropped from the list of standing commit-tees as neither has ever been staffed. Dan reported on a timeline for Tree Planting/Outdoor Development. The Men’s group is leading this effort. They are seeking input during March and April. They hope to be finished in June. Marge reported on the Synod Council meeting. The meeting was adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer at 8:45 Respectfully submitted, Daniel Sherman in place of Daphne Urban, Secretary

A Constitution review committee has been formed by the council which plans to submit a proposal for an updated constitution at next year's annual meeting. If you have concerns or interest in the constitution the committee would like your input. Copies of our constitution and the Synod's model constitution are available in the church office.

The chairman of the committee is Dan Sherman and he can be contacted if you need more infor-mation ([email protected]). Input will be better received early in the process so the new ideas can be incorporated.

The Men's group is leading an effort for tree planting and other outdoor improvements on the church grounds. Planning is just getting underway and we would like your input. Please contact the Men's Group or Dan Sherman ([email protected]) if you have ideas or would like to participate in the planning process. The Men's Group expects to have a whole church workday in June to car-ry out the projects which will probably include some tree planting, gar-dening, playground improvements, installation of a fire pit, trail and pray-er walk development and a pond appreciation point. Stay tuned for more details on the date and time.

The New Salem Women’s Group Rummage and

Bake Sale

Saturday, April 7 8:00 AM—2:00 PM

We need your donations of gently used, clean, and in good repair items that you no longer use. Also donations for the Bake Sale are needed. Fire up your ovens and bake up some of those delicious delicacies. The sign up sheets are on the Fellowship Table. Thank you in advance for your service. The proceeds of the sale go back to the community at large as well as New Salem. Contact B Olson if you have any questions 586-2883.

YOUTH please consider helping wherever you can for The Women's Group only fund-raiser of the year.

LIBRARY NOTES for April 2018

As Earth Day is April 22, this month we’ve highlighted books about the Earth and environment and paying attention to this planet which God has entrusted to us.

Teaching Kids to Love the Earth : 186 Outdoor Activities for Parents and Other Teachers by Paul Treuer et. al. This book is written by professional naturalists from Minnesota and Wisconsin. It is designed for use with children of all ages to help them experience and appreciate the earth. Each chapter contains a story, instructions for a main activity, suggestions for related activities and a list of additional resources. It can help both parents and teachers to develop in children a “sense of wonder” about the world we live in. Saving God's Green Earth : Rediscovering the Church's

Responsibility to Environmental Stewardship by Tri Robinson We in the church, for hundreds of years, have championed the beauty and goodness of God's creation. In the last century, however, the same church has let the value of caring for that creation slip away. Through sharing his own personal story and the story of his church's response to environmental concerns, Robinson highlights the importance of this value and how effective it is in showing others the Creator we espouse. Hot, Flat, and Crowded : Why We Need a Green Revolution - and How It Can Renew

America by Thomas L Friedman The author maintains America needs a "course correction" to take the lead in saving a planet that is becoming dangerously unstable. He cites rapid population growth, global warming, and bad habits unable to keep our communities growing in a sustainable way. He is fearless, incisive, and forward-looking in his challenge -- America needs to take the lead in the healing of the earth - and we need to change things around here -- fast. Meet My Psychiatrist : by Les Blacklock Written in 1977, this is a book for all times and all ages. The author, a leading

wildlife photographer and naturalist shares real life stories of his adventures in the wild – adventures we can share through his words and fifty-four full-color photographs, capturing the warmth, beauty, and charm of the wilderness and all nature. Sigurd Olson, in his introduction, calls it “an adventure for the spirit and a delight to the eye.” Every Part of the Earth is Sacred : Native American Voices in Praise of Nature by Jana Stone, ed. With poignant words and arresting photographs, this book honors the Native American

tradition of living in grace and harmony with nature. From the quick beauty of the pictures to voices raised in songs of praise and celebration; from prophecies of coming disasters to cries of sorrow; from speeches of resistance to prayers of thanksgiving, these pages recognize the spirit that binds humans to the natural world and speaks for a responsible way to live on the earth.

Shining the Cross of Christ as a Mission Partner

Churches United

Churches United is a collaboration of Bemidji area churches led by the Spirit of Christ, organized to serve and meet the needs of homeless, persistently poor, and impoverished individuals and families in the Bemidji area by providing individuals and families financial assistance and referrals in an empowering manner. One of more than 20 Bemidji area churches led by the Spirit of Christ to work together to meet the emergency needs of homeless and low-income people in a prayerful way, New Salem Lutheran Church has supported the work of Churches United for many years.

Through the various services it provides, Churches United assists impoverished people and people experiencing homelessness. There are three specific areas in which you can help Churches United transform the lives of those Churches United serves.

1. Financial Support: Churches United relies upon financial contributions from its participant churches to provide these diverse services but contributions from individuals are also quite important. Churches United accepts donations year round (cash or check). Note: All donations are tax deductible

2. Volunteering: Churches United is currently looking for individuals who are willing to donate 1-4 hours of their time per month to help in the office. We ask for just four (4) hours of your time per month. We have a job for you, no matter what your skill set is. If you like helping people, greeting people, paperwork, data entry, or just organizing the office; we have a job for you.

3. Donations: Churches United currently in need of the following items to help serve its clients:

• Snack items to go into sack lunches • Larger clear plastic bins • Travel-size deodorant • Size 5 diapers • Full sized shampoo, conditioner, bar soap

During the month of April, New Salem is collecting money to help support the ongoing work of Churches United. Should you wish to contribute to Churches United you can simply place your gift in the collection plate (checks should be made out to New Salem Lutheran Church), but be certain to include a note or memo line that clearly identifies that your gift is to this specific benevolence.

Did you know . . .

that during the month of January 2018 Churches United distributed more than $2,500 for

food vouchers, gas vouchers, laundry vouchers, clothing vouchers

rental assistance, utility assistance, and bus tokens

that helped 142 adults and 114 children, 46 of whom were experiencing homelessness?

Churches United also distributed diapers, lunchables/bottled water, quilts/blankets, and toiletries.

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