Page 1: NEWUACKFELD & CO., Metalic Paint, Fire Clay, Marble Dust, Risdon Iron and Locomotive Works, San Fran cisco. news of the Ameer's ueain. ne naa them blown to pieces by cannon in the

i a ft VIIS fi M fl C!



ushtfss G-anl- 3tWrrtistnunis.;aE DAILY DusinesS Chants.

cial Advertiser ti,o Onopn of emnlovs as brTHE CLUB HOUSE dentist an American, Chamberlain byQ. P. CASTLE.J. B. ATHERTON.Walker & Redward, S. N. CASTLE.prjjUSUED name.

Jananese towns are buildingI)iiiiiig f3 ,,RoomsExeeP SuudayS--40W CASTLE & COOKE, water works, the Tokio Works having

proved so successful.The attempt to introduce chess among

the working classes of England continuesnr v"

.,,vTl3EB,"cf,"nth9 a 00 Contractors & Builders Shipping and Commission Merchants, more and more succcssiui.Is the Best Restaurant in Honolulu.mouth Wper 00one yearuiQ"?.. 'foreign; (In--

g "Ti.o nrnhlem will never be solvodBrick, Stone and "Wooden BuildingEstimates Given.

First-clas- s Coffee. Tea, Chocolate and Cocoaat all hours. until the negro voters are divided,"


--A. Full .MeaV.25c.ts, shouted an Arkansas orator, men nesharpened up his bowie and divided oneJobbing: Promptly Attended to.of thera.General Merchandise76 KING STREET.

Which includes a variety of food onlyto be had here.

Board by the Week, - - 84. SO.,.v GAZETTE CO., T'im fin sorrv vou spilt the ink," said

NAllA Honolulu. JI. I. the poet's wife. " Has it gone over yourP. O. Box 423.Bell Telephone No. 2. --ALSO, AGENTS FOR- -&W Civil and attentive waiters and first-cla- ss 211 tf poern?" iNo, coniouna it : remnit-- u

the poet sadly, " it went over my postagestamps."

cooks empioyea. uive us a iriai.'

123-3- m C. CHUN HEE. Prop. Kohala Sugar Co.,Haiku Sugar Co..

Paia Plantation,Papal kou Sugar Co.

Th fit. P.'tprshuri? Novosti publishesGrove Ranch Plantation,

B Halstead's Plant ;on.A. H. Smith & Co., Eoloa, Kauai,

G. F. Blake's Steam Pumps. i;nlnmfltio disoatches from Rome. Park Beach Hotel th nes?otiations between EngThe Liverpool and Lon

land and Italy for a maritime allianceERsTcOOKE,


wMerr in lumberagainst trance.Opposite Kapiolani Park, Waikiki. Clenrvmen on vacation ought to be

Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco.Etna Fire Insurance Co, of Hartford.

The New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston.D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines.

The New York and Honolulu Packet LineThe Merchants' Line. Honolulu and San Francisco.

don and Globe

nsrsTJUisrcE coESTABLISHED 1836.

Ml back in'their pulpits now. Satan left thefashionable watering-place- s some weeksago and will soon be working the citiesin the same old way.

Dr. Jayne & Sons Celebrated Medicines.

UinJi of Building Materials.

ST sTBEET. Honolulu- -


cessors to William McCandless.)Dealers in

mw Knirrlpr Where is the knife withFinest Bathing Place on the Islands.

Elegant Rooms, gas and water In each,

Assets 9 40,000,000Tsi T.ww.,.. 0.079.000 Wilcox & Gibbs, Eemington and Wheeler & Wilson this pie? Mrs. Hashcroft (loftily) We

never furnish a kn.fe with pie here Mr.Billings. New boarder (unabashed)Well, gimme the ax, then.

Claims raid'.' 112.569,000

Takes Risks against Loss or Damage by Fire. . . .- a i 1 1 IX llj

Extensive Grounds, well shaded;sl Beef. Vial, Mutton, Etc., SEAVHSTGr MCHLTSrES.

tfon .Buildings, iiacninery, sjugar aiiiis,LweiiiugsFish Market..Street,(,5 Queen The Table is supplied with the bestthe market affords.

A movement for the appointment otTTn,iiai wnrldnnTiien as Justices of thef

. i pnvpfnnvattendedd'WPP.X rrW vl at short

ana furniture, on me most hkomuw ioiuid.i

Bisliop & Co.1188-6- m l-6- m

Peace has resulted in the selection ofseveral with satisfactory results, and itCublU of all kinds supplied to

FOR SALE !Billiard Room and Bowling Alley is being pushed still lurtlier.Tha rnficrnifinent silver throne, a lubi- -

Attached.Ino nriff to thP Pone bv the neople of Barj, ALFRED MAG00N,

i 1 t B. LEVY & SOX, :

celona, which has been placed besido17nil Tifrwm !: rln tn tnnrlata no to the

:0niev " ai xicvw, Importers, "Wholesale Dealers and the Pope's chair, was to oe occupieu Dy

Kaiser William on his visit to Rome.A A. . v A ; - ... -

best routes of travel, for scenery and curiosities;also current rates for horse hire and guides on EX. BARK JAMES S. STONE,ltf ;

Blirthant Street, Honolulu. the other islands. V nunc Snftus (who is to escort the unCommission Merchantsattractive Miss Vinaigrette to dinner)But, mv dear bov, how am I to entertainPiianoa nnd rarriaffps will he furnished at SD6- -jfl YAILLANCOURT ASHFORD,

--And Just Lauded In Fine Order.- -

cial rates for excursions. Busses and baggageher? How can 1 natter ner wnen sue is

In Foreign and Domestic

FRUITS AND, PRODUCE.1fjr, SOMClIOr, so homely? How? Old Boy Don twagons will meet every steamer. opeuii rareafor permanent boarders. A wagonette will beprovided for the use of guests at special rates. do it. Speak only oi tne ugliness oi

Barrel Shooka and Heads,Ax Handles,

Pick Handles,Hoe Handles,

others. She'll idolize you !

Galvanized Barb "Wire,Galvanized Cut Nails,

, Galvanized Cut Spikes,. Galv. Clinch Boat Nails,

Iron Cut Nails (asst'd)' Horse Shoe Naila.

Thfi door farms of Manchuria are numC. N. ARNOLD, PROP.30-l- m

We are prepared to fill orders cf all kinds inour line, and make a-- specialty in packing allkinds of fruit for Ions distance markets. Canal Baarows,'

AckiioHletlifineii tt Building, adjoining General

PoBt Ullice. ; 27-3i- n


tojorter and Dealer in

Nests Trunks. bered by the thousand. From a dozento hundreds of dogs are raised on eachfarm annually, the great cold of winter,

Hawaiian Island tmtronatrfc will receive speciali. a jauemiou. . ,

623 and 530 sansome n irauusw.P.O. Box 1742,

V.' T. MARSHALL. Honolulu.dropping more than 60 aeg. r&iow zero,producing splendid coats, which are soldall over the world, including the UnitedStates.

FILTER PRESSES.118-6- m Agent lor Hawaiian IslandsSISAL MERC,Hf NPISE. Second-han- d Iron Safes.Oak Lumber, Aah Lumber, "White Pine Lumber,

Walnut Lumber, Cases Matches, Oakum,Pitch. Tar. , Cotton Waste, Italian Packing,

TTvder Khan, the Afoh.vJJ.&-3- Queen Street. Honolulu, ltf PIONEEE Commander-in-Chie- f, recently caugh..

two men in the act of spreading falsePaauhac Plantation, 1

Hawaii, March 9, 1888. J

Metalic Paint, Fire Clay, Marble Dust,UACKFELD & CO., Risdon Iron and Locomotive Works, San Francisco.

news of the Ameer's ueain. ne naathem blown to pieces by cannon in thepresence of his troops. It is seldom thatn.ntUtnen "Wo Viavp lisfid tWO Of YOUT 30- -s earnHal Commission Agents chambered Filter Presses this season. They

are convenient, easily handled and are working a baseless rumor lias Deen bo compieieivexploded.entirely to our satisfaction, i can recuuuueuu

no improvement on tnem.A mnmr roval writers are the (TownANDCvt.Fort k Queen 8ts., Honolulu, ltf "Electric" Kerosene Oil.

"Downer's" Oil, "Belmontine" Oil, Lard Oil,Gasoline, in Drums, (2-- 5 gallons in each).

Piaatr. Rnsendale Cement. Portland Cement,

very respecttuiiy yours.(signed) A. Moore,

Manager Paauhau Plantation. Prince of Austria, who is engaged upona history of the Austro-Hungaria- n mon-archy ; the King of Portugal, who is aB J K E H Y .

Dairy Salt, Bales Excelsior, Tubular Lanterns. translator oi Shaiceapeare , ine mugwSuwlpn. an historian: the Prince ofrarried in Stock Inmi r,n at-- n ct

BEAVER SALOON,Jimt, Opposite "Wilder A-- Co.'s,


Lunches Served with Tea, Coffee,Water, Ginger Ale or Milk,, i

From 3 a. m. till 10 p. m.

F. HOUIST, Honolulu and are sold at the very low priceof S05O.OO in Honolulu to meet the demand, Montenegro, a writer of lyrics and son-

nets, and the Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Goth- a,

who. has composed music, andA consignment Is now on tne way. -

Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. Cumberland Coal.Itisdon Iron & Loco. Works,12342m San Francisco. some memoirs."'iters' RnniaHa a nrift.1 tV- - ltf

82 Tramn (in a bar-roo- m) " There was aS. W. FRAZER, funny discussion going on in Pittsburg

when I left. It was on a point of gram

Rich and Delicious Ice uream maae uy

71 Hotel Street.Both Telephones 74.


Straw Wrapping Paper, 20x30in., Grindstones,Hair Mattresses, 10x25 lbs., Lamp Black,

Three-quart- er Rubber Hose, 3-p- ly, Ox Bows,

Franklin Stove Coal in bulk and in oasks),Drain Pipe 3, 4, 6 and 8 inches.

E1C.HANT TAILOB, mar, and the question was : Which iscorrect let's you and I take a drink, rlet vou and I take a drink? " Philadel-phia- n

" Humph! Easy enough. 'Let'syou and I take a drink.'" "Thanks;don't care if I do." Philadelphia

'tug nd Alakea Sts., Honolulu.

PER BARK.f. charge, good workmanship and aLz'r'Piriiteed. ltf , . .,rT, mm r Tfl1 A AT Hand Carta, Baby Ca.riages. Bashes, .jhuuu. ioors, auu

Ulli 1 All consigned to us--and a F,r.t-eias- s uarriage.VI hiTHUl Camages-t-he best everLondonGERMANIA MARKET. H. Hackfeld, from



Street, Honolulu.S MUTTON AND, VEAL.

Saasago, Pork, Etc., !wma wo r.TTAW k Co.. TOTJANU ST.Fence Wire,

Galvanized Buckets, Meat Company, have just receivedJonhand. Shipping served on short

AlltEx " J. C. PFLUGER,"

400 TonsWest Hartley Coal


Best Coir MattingUJ IRON WORKS CO., ODS !GrONEW,C3-F-

or Sale at Lowest Trices by

ATnro Vooi'V Pl'PSPTltS 1


eam Engines,'"'ar Mills, Coolers, Brass

Lead Castings,) i ,

of eTery description made tofat "Mtention raid to Bhins' blaci- -

HmtaDie ior unriauuas tmu . v- -1 jobsalebya.W. Macfarlane & Co.

EE. Hackfeld & Co.EX BARK VELOCITY, FROM CHINA,X 'iork executed on the !shOTtest

138-l- w-- ltf

SUN lmiE.OFFICE,Ia ROYAL SALOON. aller. EEED CflMKS AND ROCKERS7: ? . ...... . s .



S. FOSTEE & CO.,, ; u iracrciiRiit Kireeisraler tt Management ott I i" ' Establisned 1710.

Something new in nonoiuiu ,

Extension "Veranda Cliairs, WHOLESALE GROCERSMANAGES.

Insuranc. effected upon f",crlI,tl0D f

property at current ratesIW Cold bers oa draught at AKD

Purchasing Agents.Ebony and Marble Diningroom Sets,-

Matting in all variety and colors,Silks, Satins and Pongee,

Silk Crepe, in all shades;Mantel and Hearth V ases,

Total Sum Insured iift$tf ...327,S33,700,8 ti.j ltf

A; H. RASEMAN, Claim. arraBed .JfJfnV JSri.

BINDEE, Best Oolong Tea, CMce Manila Cigars.G. W. Macfarlane & Co. ;

, wholesale and Illanfe Booklannfa. n I? t mm

nh for Hawaiian Islands.

,TJP stair.) ltf

Bole Agents for

Simpson's Top-o-Ca- n Brand

Dia mond Creamery. BUTTER.

CELEBRATED BUTTER ISTHIS finest quality made upon theDaniBh and American systems combined.Packed in hermetically sealed tins, andwarranted to keep in hot climates.


Has BemoVed His Manufacturing BUTCH. E. Melntyre & Bro.,


G-rocerie- s, Froviions and Feed:;


Jewe ry EsF & GRAINANPStreet toFrom Nanann

Sib- -

30 and 28 California St,

SAN FRANCISCO, : : CAL.168 120C-l- y

NewThomas Block, King Street, SATsnSrd solicited S.-ran- d. FoMce ox 416Sy free ofactorsSavy Oontr Telephone no, Wi

particular attention paidlo repairing.cctx


Page 2: NEWUACKFELD & CO., Metalic Paint, Fire Clay, Marble Dust, Risdon Iron and Locomotive Works, San Fran cisco. news of the Ameer's ueain. ne naa them blown to pieces by cannon in the


A HORRID FICTION.33ij 3uil)arit!i- -

The Fiendish Author tonrouuns vurRegular Drudge with the 15 os wellof Bumps and Jinks.

The .Advertiser "special" reporter mmJ LR0YAL?25'cN.O

came near oeing turned oui on me cuu

chips in and helps on the "butcher,"" jackals" missionary articles.

" Anyone else? "" Yes, that hungry looking little Can-

adian chap in Spreckels' bank."" Which one?"" The one that wanted to be auditor-general- ."

"Any one else?"" Only one more that Russian Nihil-

ist feller they say he was the son of aCoant and got swopped when he was ababy."

" Who do you mean? "" One of his names is John F. SmHere the exhausted reporter swooned

away and was only revived by beingtaken down to Queen street in a wheel-barrow and treated to one of Charlie Phil-lips' strictly - temperance -

charities of the world the other day.The situation was so bad that in the extremity of his despair he was revolvingin his mind w hether he would better getone of lawyer Thompson's two-for-a-qu-ar-

Supreme Court At Chambers.Tuesday, Nov. 6.

Law Division. Before Mr. JusticeDole. In re Raposa & Co., from yester-day, petition for adjudication in bank-ruptcy. Counsel stipulating for a dis-

continuance, it is allowed.Probate Division. Before same as

above. In re guardianship of EmeliaKahauleiio. W. O. Smith for petitioner,and petitioner and minor present. Peti-tion of D. L. Naone to be appointedguardian of the minor. Ordered thatfetters of guardianship be issued to peti-tioner, of the property only, the custodyof the minor to remain with the grand-mother until the further order of theCourt, petitioner to act under $200 bond.

Subscribers to the Daily Advertiser orWeekly Gazette, who do not receive theirpapers promptly by the carriers, are re-

quested to give immediate notice by tele-

phone or otherwise to the Gazette office,telephone number S3.


ter-three-for-- y-ce- nt - patent-applied-f- or

legal opinions on the feasibility of bring

TTAVIXG RECESS ,and strenzttenea -

" ..Mm,. M :

ism for same with 'very .

are now prepare t0 ;machinery at short 00tic


hand for 40xee:n '

and steel g...,type of engin,, er- w ,.

engine in uie on Mi' b

the same. thefcy econoffii .

under eqcal coPAMED any " 'otheb con


1261243-t- f

ing a suit for damages against V. . forblocking up the sidewalk with his mustache, or whether it would be more enec- -

Sealed Tenders.Office of thr Board of IIkalth.i

Honolulu, Nov. 6, liss. )

Sealed Tenders will be received at theoffice of the Board of Health until WED-

NESDAY, Norember 14, im. at 12 o'clocknoon, for the erection of a Residence forthe Superintendent at the Leper Settle-

ment on Molokai.

Plans and 5pecifications may be seen atthe office of the Board.

The Board doe not bind itself to acceptthe lowest or any bid.

W. O. ASHLEY,14l-7- t . Secretary.

tive to ise as a widow and orphan andGREAT CONSUMMATION.

hire Liming to carry around a subscription list on halved.

The occasion of this disastrous state of

affairs wa?f that the editor haa a gumboil on the end of his tongue, and as theeditor cannot write a first class editorial TEE

Carriage Road to the Volcano FirstTrip on October 28th The PioneerPassenger on "Wheels.

Mr. H. S. Tregloan, who went to Ha-

waii by the steamer W. G. Hall on the16th ult., returned by the same vesselyesterday. He brings the importantinformation that the Kau carriage roadto the Volcano is completed. Mr. Treg-

loan himself has the honor of being the

without chewing on his tongue, andramming it half-wa- v through his cheekat the end of each sentence, the inability



MURRAY t ua4.ito avail himself of the usual brain stim tbe Hawaiian Hotel Stables, oneBay Filly. 1 years old. one foot white,rope on neck, brand under inane.

ulator, bid fair to wreck the fair literarycareer of the paper. On paying expenses and rroTing property the

owner can have same by calling at the HawaiianThe editor's brain was so full of ideas Hotel stables. 133

Sealed TendersWill received at the Interior Office untilTuesday, November 13, 1833, at 12 o'clocknoon, for the construction of an intersect-ion Ditch on the slope of Punchbowl Hill.

JMAi and specifications can be seen andall required information obtained upon ap-

plication to the office of the Superintendentof Public Works.

The Minister of the Interior does notbind himself to accept the lowest or anybid. i L. A. THURSTON,

Minister of Interior.Interior Office, Nov. 5, 1S3. 140 1244-l- t

FLORIDA fflfiithat you could hear his hair rustle withthe effort to hold them down, but even' NOTICE.


Absolutely Pure.For quick raising, the Royal Baking Powder is

superior to all ether leavening aeents. It is ab-

solutely pure and wholesome and of the highestleavening power. It is always uniform instrength and quality and never faUs to makelight, sweet, most palatable and nutritive food.Bread, biscuits, muffins, cake, etc., raised withRoyal Baking Powder may be eaten hot withoutdistressing results to the most delicate digestiveorgans. It will keep In any climate withoutdeterioration.

Prof. H. A. Mott. U. S. Government Chemist,after examining officially tbe principal bakingpowders of the contry, reported:

"The Royal Baking Powder is absolutely pure,for I have so found it in many tests made bothfor that company and the United States Govern-ment.

"Becaune of the facilities that company havefor obtaining perfectly pure cream of tartar, andfor other reasons dependent upon the properproportions of the same, and the method of itspreparation, the Royal Baking Powder is un-doubtedly the purest and most reliable bakingpowder offered to the public.

"Db. HENRY A. MOTT, Ph. D..m5 1221-l- y D. S. Government Chemist.

UNIVERSALTHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE WAI-kap- uAT Sugar Co., the following officers were

elected:W. H. Cornwell PresidentH. R. Macfarlane Vice-Preside- nt

F. W. Macfarlane AuditorWin M. Graham Secretary

WM. M. GRAHAM.140 Secretary.

first visitor wrho ever went the wholeway on wheels from the seaboard to thegreat Hawaiian active volcano. On theinvitation of Mr. Peter Lee, keeper ofthe Punaluu Hotel and builder of theroad, he took carriage at Pahala on Sat-

urday evening, October 27th, and, rest-ing over night on the way, reached theVolcano House at S o'clock in the morn-ing of the L'Sth.

Mr. Tregloan describes the road as afine one, over which the carriage rolledwith the greatest ease. The going wasgood, the grade low, and the landscapesgrand. Failing to get an even grade bythe zigzag course always thought neces-sary for that route, Mr. Lee had struck aline directly across the five miles of rug-ged lava. To effect this bold plan he


Sealed TendersWill be received at the Interior Office untilFRIDAY, November 9, 1868, at 12 o'clocknom, for the construction of an additionto the Reservoirs at the Half-wa- y House,Nuuanu Valley.

Plans and specifications can be seen and

Annual jVXeetingWaihee Sugar Co. Handkerchief, Toil



all required information obtained upon aphad to do a good deal of rock cutting, A WAJSTTED.plication to the Office of the Superintendent

ANNUAL MEETING OF THE "WAIHEETHE Co. will be held on MONDAY, Novem-ber 12, 1883, at the office of C. Brewer 4 Co.,Queen street, Honolulu, at 10 o'clock a. m.

13o-t- d J. O. CARTER, Secretary.of Public Works.

Iht Minister of the Interior does notbind himself to accept the lowest or any URNT3HED COTTAGE OF THREE OR FOURF Apply at this of- -rooms centrally located.

138-l- wflee.Notice to LORRIN A. THURSTON,Minister of Interior,

Interior Office, Nov. 1, 1863. 137-t- d TO LET.HAVING BEEN DULY

TN TROPICAL COUNTRIES IT HA3 ACHIIX a greater popularity thiu any ottor !Preparation, and is looked upon by thouhave once experienced the pleasure of lua necessity of elegant and comfortable ut

filling in the frequent depressions withfine pumice stone from ancient erup-tions. The result is an even thorough-fare of about twenty-fiv- e feet in width,as safe and easy for a carriage as theroad through Kapiolani Park.

Too much credit cannot be given Mr.Lee for his resolute carrying out of thisenterprise, single-hande- d and withoutpromise of direct public compensation.His carriage road to-th- e Volcano hasanticipated the projected Governmentroad by the Hilo route. It should givea great impetus to travel by way of Pu-naluu, from which the builder wouldreap a well-earne- d reward through his

Notice of Appointment of Fire Marshal.AT NO 7 CHAPLAIN STREET, ONE LARGE

furnished front room; also, a small suite ofrooms suitable for a small family. 132-l- m

Ik accordance with the power vested inme by law I have this day appointedJOHN CORBET WHITE to be Fire Mar For Sale

I appointed and qualified as Aominiatratoniwith the Will annexed of the estate of SamuelGardner Wilder, late of Honolulu, deceased,hereby notify all persons having claims againstsaid deceased to present the same, duly authen-ticated, with the proper vouchers if any exist,even if secured by mortgage, to Wm. F. Allen,Esq., at the bank of Bishop & Co., Honolulu,within six months from this date or they will beforever barred. A. F. JUDD,

W. F. ALLEN,Administrators with the Will annexed of tbe

Estate.of S. G. Wilder, deceased.Honolulu, Oct. 1U1S88. 1240-5- t 120-l- ni

BY ALL DBUtittKwell-conduct- ed hotel, iliat is the verv

shal of the Fire Department of HonoluluCHAS. B. WILSON,

Chief Engineer Honolulu Fire Dept.Approved :

JL. A. Thl'u.ston,Minister of Interior.

least, at all events, which he mav bewished, although less by long odds than

A. K. WEIR,TOULD RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY HISt friends and the public generally that he

has purchased the Blacksmith and Carriage Shopformerly conducted by A. Morgan at Nos. 79 and81 King street, where he is now prepared to doall kinds of Carriage Painting and Trimming,Carriage and Heavy Wagon "Work and GeneralBlacksmithing with promptness and dispatch.Satisfaction guaranteed. 131-t- f

Tax Collector's Notice!

And Dealers in Fancy Goothe is entitled to. ills successful enterprise makes nun. in a ingn degree, aHonolulu, Nov. 1, 138$. 1291 w 1243-2- t 119 1240-l- yHouse To Let !public benefactor. .

time he composed himself to turn off achoice morsel, be would forget himself,and that unlucky sore tongue wouldwander off into his cheek and his teethw ould come down astride of that devotedgum boil, and then there would be demor-alizing declamation from the editor, con-

sisting of various scriptural quotationsand epithets concerning a young ladycalled Helen Damnation. The reporterwas not acquainted with the lady, butfrom the context judged she must be ofbad character.

The reporter had finished his work forthe night, having wrung his brains outdry in the manufacture of several sensa-tional runaways, including an extra fineone about a hor?e running three mileswith a brake with only one wheel and ababy without injury to either, and conse-quently was in a light, careless, happyframe of mind, and disposed to enjoy theeditorial literary circus. He facetiouslyoffered to get a pair ot tongs and sit bythe editor's side while he wrote, andhold his tongue in place for him; andwhen the editor pcowied at this offer,the reporter sympathetically suggestedthat h-- 3 take a half hitch around histongue with a rubber band and hang apaper weight on the other end, so thatwhen the literary spasm struck him andhis jaws began to work the gum boilwould hang out so far that it would beout of the way of danger.

The editor glared at the reporter witha clammy eye and fairly paralyzed himby saying in cold and measured tones,"Young man, Daniel Webster was aspring chicken in comparison with you.You deserve to be made literary critic tothat strictly scientific association, theBall of Twine Society. Such genius asyours deserves recognition.

- hour-o- r - consider - yourself-dicharged- ."

These last words weremeasured off one at a time, and left thereporter in an utterly demoralized con-dition, lie knew by the cold-bloode- d

gleam of the bald spot on the editor'shead, and the sinister and vicious man-ner in which he cleared his throat andadjusted his shirt collar that he meantbusiness. It was at this juncture thatthe alternative methods of gaining alivelihood above mentioned flitted likenightmare visions across tv-- wearied re-porto- rial

brain ; but he had formerly-worke-

on the Bulletin statf ; instinct-ively his mind reverted to its old chan-nels and lie began mechanically to write"What are all these pains that are com-ing upon us a mysterious case in Wales

three bottles (price os. tkl. each) willcure corns, bunions, liver complaint,dizziness, toothaehe, itch, gumboils"

! !! Theeditor had been impolitely looking overthe reporter's shoulder, and these starsand exclamation points are for polite-ness sake substituted for the remarkswhich he interjected at this point. Hewound up by saying: "None of thatnow! You needn't think you are stillwriting for the Bulletin, that you can fillup two or three columns a day with bogus

Mr. Tregloan had the good fortune tohave a drv trip to the great wonder. Yet Ex Bark H. HackfTHE DAILY there has been abundance of rain in

THE HOUSE AND PREMISES LATELYKau, the cane looking fine throughout the occupied by W. S. Luce, Esq., situate ondistrict. The volcano was active. Hale fRGM LIVERPOOL,Union street and Adams Lane, Tbehouse contains parlor, three bedrooms.Pacific Commercial Advertiser. maumau is filling up, but emits mostly

steam. Dana lake, behind the former wo dressingrooms, hallway, dinlngroom, pantryand kitchen. There Is also a Cottage in the nrf mnnnnifocus of activity, however, gives magni grounds with three rooms; stable, carriage Nhouse and servants room. The place is in perficent eruptive displays. riL MrttKfi

PAYERS OF THE DISTRICT OFTAX Island of Maui, will please take noticethat their annual taxes for the current year arenow due and payable to tbe undersigned, at hisoffice, corner of Main and High streets, town ofWailuku, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 4 p.m., except as hereinbelow stated, when he wiilreceive taxes at tbe following placeB, viz:Spreckelsville, Nov. ; Kahului, Nov, 12; "Wa-ihee, Nov. 19; Waikapu, Nov. 22; Honuanla, Nov.26. W. A. McKAY,

Tax Collector District of Walluku., J3y-l- w 1243-- 2t

fect order, rossession given at once.Appl to J. M. MON3ARRAT.137-- tf No. 27 Merchant street.

lie Just and fear all tbe ends thou alui'at at be

Thy Country'a, thy God's, and Truth's.UXCLE SAM'S EXPENSES.

Selwig & Lange's Patent

Appropriations, Revenue and Surplus DBESSMAK1NG.for the Current Fiscal Year. 18 to 30 Chambers,WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1888. A Washington dispatch of October 9th

For Rent or For Sale.R9. M. B. CAMPBELL HAS COMMENCEDsays: MWhich have proved a great success at I

Hanamaulu, Kekaba, Wime, Eoloa, Lai

Laupaboehoe, etc., and which are prs

with the latest improveuieiiti; alio,


the business of Dressmaking, Cutting andWith the agreement of the Conference Fitting, at her residence, No. 73 Beretania street.Committee on the General Deficiency opposite the Hotel. The patronage of the ladiesis respectfully solicited. Satisfaction guaranbill to-da- y the last remaining appropria fandtion of the session is practically disposed

FILTER CLOTH FOR THE SAME ftee 8S-t-f 123-l- y

1STOTICE.of. Some idea of the magnitude of ap-propriations for the support of the Gov- -

PLEASANT COTTAGEMA In Perfect Order.A few minutes' walk from the Post Office.


eminent lor tne current nscai year canbe obtained from the following table pre tURIKQ THE TEMPORARY ABSENCE OF

our Mr. Wm. G. Irwiu from the Kingdom.pared by the House Appropriations Com

Tuk protest of the Bulletin againstbeinc regarded as favoring bosses andbossiam in Hawaiian politics is good asfar as it goes. That journal cannot justlycomplain, however, if it does not go agreat way with those who have watchedits course for some time past, and whounderstand the individuals and influ-ences by which it seems to be controlled.It may be entirely ignorant of the plan 9

and purposes of the faction to which ithas so conspicuously lent itself. It maybe absolutely unable to see what is as

Mr. W. M. Giffard will act for our firm undermittee:Agricultural Appropriation

bill $ 1.71G.010 00 DAVIS & WILDER,power of attorney.

WM. Q. IRWIN b CO.Honolulu. Oct. 23, 188. 128-3- w

2STOTICE.Army 24,471,300 00Diplomatic and Consular. .

. 1.428,465 00

Sugar Cooled(round corners) j

Iron Tanks, 3 sizes; I

Baxter Engines, f

Deanc's Steam Pu

Steel Bails &KxtoPortable Track, Sleepers & Switchej

Corrugated Iron, all lengths; f

Fire Bricks, Slates, I

Fire Clay, Asbestos, J

52 FORT STREET.District of Columbia f .040,410 32Fortification 3,972,000 00

THE TEMPORARY ABSENCE OFD1Indian 8,2ti0,129 13Legislative, etc 20,753,178 07 our Mr. W. G. Irwin from this Kingdom. IMPOETEESMr. Frank P. Hastings will act for our Bank inplain as' Punchbowl to other people. Military Academy 315,043 81

all matters of business.Navy 19,943,389 95JSuch guileless and childlike innocence isexceedingly sweet and lovely to look Pension 81,758,700 00 CLAUS SPRECKELS &l CO.

Honolulu, Oct. 23, 1888. 128-3- w Grocers fc Provision Dealers.Postoffice 6.080,023 74River and Harbor. 22,397,616 90upon, but it seems a little out of place inSundry Ciyil. 26,245,454 82 ISTOTICE. White Bros Portland Cein;this present wicked world. Supposing X2TFRESH GOODS BY EVERY STEAMER ."Elthe Bulletin to be sincere in its latest Total...- - J277.2(j3,051 74 183 yDeficiency, 1887. and' prior rpms IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE LARGE

patent medicine ads. Jfeople will standthat kind of thing in the Bulletin be-cause they are used to it,and it' as freshas anything else in the paper, but I'dhave you to understand that this is anewspaper!! The editor wound up hisremarks by thumping the table with hisfist with such force that a iet of ink shot

declaration, which we hope it is, it willdo well to bring forth works meet for re

JL and commodious Dmins Rooms of thayears 3,127,579 45Deficiency, agricultural sta

tions 585,000 00 COSMOPOLITAN RESTAURANTpentance, and to bring them forth pretty

Germania P. Cement,Keg SUooks, Kivets,Sugar and Coal Bag,Coal Baskets, Twine,Stockholm and Coal TarytW.

For Sale at Lowest Bt

Deficiency, urgent, 1883 6,878,511 31abundantly. It has a long, a black, and Deficiency, customs, pen- - ' ' win be shortly extensively altered, wherebygreater convenience and comfort will he af


Importers, Wholesale and RetailDealers in

sions, etc., 1888 4,097.158 44a very crooked record, which will require out of the ink bottIe and hit the reportero ,f deal , full in the eye. He felt discouraged. As forded to patrons, while tbe tables will he nnn.Deficiency, general, 1883,J,.K llldll tilt VUUilalOIlUl plied with every luxury obtainable at the market.and prior years 4.933,223 57 wun xne very oest or Teas and Coffee.brief disclaimer to effectually cancel.

H. HACKFELD & C;. Total, $29,884,524 51

i.Miscellaneous. 9,091,715 4083" Term. 85 per week.138-2- JUN HEE, Propriety.

136.1m. Police Court.Tuesday, Nov. G. Groceries and Provisions,Total regular annual appro

he wept inky tears the drops struck thepaper in front of him, and to his inkyvision seemed to form themselves intothe word " jackal." This struck a famil-iar cord in his soul, and once more takingup his pen he began: "The presentgovernment is hopeiessly corrupt. .LastSaturday night it rained," and on Sundaymorning there was a mud puddle onKing street. Can any reasonable mana.--k for better proof than that? Great

priations $305,970,239 91On drunk in a saJoon, ill: twelve Permanent annual appropri- - 'ordiaary drunks, $G each. Boat For Sale.ations...... 115,640,793 90The native man and woman charged 2TIce House UooIm a Specialty."

181-t- fV. V.witn larceny of ibtf are released. Urand total regular andpermanent annual ap THE BOAT SAVED FROMAshford for defendants- - the wreck of the "Dunnotarpropriations $421,617,033 81 4Joso Peter, assault and .battery on Joe e0t9Tand hes ! Charlie McCarthy

F. to the But shortcastle," and sold at auctionTo this is added $500,000 miscellanerescue. one For Hongkong & Yokohamai.uau, epidemics, fitlff' coppered and decked over by Mr. Holland,t v. "IV. : i i - r

Just Arrived.

Ex Bark "C. E. Bisbo

Two of those ell-kno- w J

Wdermajer Pi;ta For Sale


ous for the suppression ofFourth of July claims, etc.ami .in iuuncr. conspiracy in o ivii kucap ivr van u uy

M-- t K. R. RYAN. Boat Builder.rni a r .ifabricating a charge of selling liquor juie esuraaieu revenues ior tne year

year, and the foul deceivers masquer-ading as reformers have reduced us tothis ! The jackals of missionary politics"

ii iffHere the editor glanced at the editorial.He drew one long deep breath, and then

are leaving a surplus oithe second degree to the next term of $17,882,619 19.

To Planters!the Sapreme Court.

Tatience for Saturday Nlglit.Installation of Chief Jiutice Puller.brought his big" right hand down on to

the reporter's head with such force that Chief Justice Fuller took the oath offour teeth and three joints of reportorial wuld ux iraauuigiuu ai luga noon, Ofl Just Received ex "J. C. PFLUGER "A company of ladies and gentlemen

will produce selections from Gilbert itVet. 8, The bupreme Court Chamber KiD?"uri-- -back bone were instantly telescoped.

Grasping the unfortunate reporter by the was totally inadequate to accommodate

The Nippon Yusen Kapha's Al '


"Takasago Maru"BROWN, COMMANEIB,

spalp lock he jerked him out of his chairi4u" Hti 1 , consign-

ment of

- KROOG'SSullivan's opera 'Tatience" at the Ha-

waiian Opera House on Saturday evethe crowd in attendance.. The assemblagewas a notable one arui included theand shouted: "So I've caught, you at

lat, have I! So you'ie the drivelingidiotning next. I'roceeds will be for the memoers oi the Cabinet, practically thewho manufactures the Bulletin s corre enure eenate, many members ot thebenefit of bt. Andrew's Cathedral build- -

i mi. a? mi . Patent Filterpressesing iuiiu. xne eeieciions win oe pre spondence, are you! " and he encircledthe reporter's windpipe with his left

nouse ana a numrjer Q resident ForeignMinisters. The ceremonies were simrTle1 z : mi i tceded by tno operetta, "ine lN.ine Beg

Will be due here from Yokohama on or aboutgars," rendered by two officers of H. B. with- -thumb and forefinger with such unneces-sary force that the reporter's eyes rolled

uui impressive. marsnai nrst an-nounced tbe approach of the Justices, allM. b. Cormorant. Ihero was a success tbe 13th of November, and will leave for

above ports, positively, onwith agom' and his tongue hung out Appliances for extracting the Sugar fromful rehearsal last night. Particulars of vi vkiiuui, ea-uep- t jysnce rieia, iollowedabout a foot, annarentlv lookiner for mm cioseiy into the court room. Thethe entertainment will be given later. breath.

From tlTei-P00-'' j

A Fresh Supply rfJ


Bottled by MB. Foer , Jhby W. , Johnson k to


new umet Justice, Melville W. Fuller NOVEMBER 17, 1888." T Ain't" T m'n't " nrnarvcul tlio rorutrfor men enterea. taking a seat npnr fia

uie urycase Dy means of water.SIZES OF PRESSES;

30 Chambers and 42 Chambers.

---' - -. . . . . - .Alarming Statement about Thurman. " t ttTVlQ ' infill tj iU' elerk'g qesfc. Alter the reading of hisA Washington dispatch of Oct. 8 savs: rprnrtr. Snit it ti,an ,vi th commission the clerk of the court held;up wtc wain, which mr. x uner reaq in 3,

Ex-Jud- ge rhurman did not come in from editor, as he relaxed the w indpipe andOak View till 11 o clock to-da- y, when he tightened up on the scalp, " Who writes Chinese passengers for Hongkong will be

These Presses have been in ns nt th transferred at Yokohama by first steamer leav--was driven to nis notei. oiiuruyauer leniT" nrormaprl nnf tn toll" i m a . . . . -he went to the Capitol to see Mr. Fuller lng that port.jveaiia .rianiaiion during the pastmoaned the reporter. " but I suppose I Of BenJ. and Eng. Yrn Cbio

Of Joseph Perrier Fil t

Of VeuTe Auiiot. Cbalons,season, during which all the diffusionmust. Well, its its its old Hill him-self? " " I thought as much." muttered juice was run through them with tht i

Sale by . W

; clear, musical voice. Judge Thurman'was among the - speetutors, and wasgreeted with applause.


At the inquest on the trunk of a womanfound in a cellar at Whitechapel, London,tbe surgeons, who. examined the remainstestified that they were those of an un-usually fine woman who had probablyoccupied a good social position.

most satisfactory results.the editor. " Does he write them alb? " t3T . Vox Freight or Passage, having super

made Chiei Justice. When he enteredthe Supreme Court room it was neces-ear- y

for his eon and colored attendant toassist him in taking his seat. Everyonewho has seen him expresses the opinionth&t "tbe old Roman" will not hold outtill the election is over.

The editor looked vicious, and the re ior accommodations, apply toporter hastened to say. "Oh.Pll tell. EXT'F or sale at lowest prices by

J. N. S. WILLIAMS.13? 1243rlia

Uoirt squeeze anv more! He writes Wm, G. Irwiu & Co.,most of 'em. but once in a wlule V. V.1S7- - tf AGEKTS.

Page 3: NEWUACKFELD & CO., Metalic Paint, Fire Clay, Marble Dust, Risdon Iron and Locomotive Works, San Fran cisco. news of the Ameer's ueain. ne naa them blown to pieces by cannon in the


The Swiftsure has swift and- - wV6i4Hl

As Goesov. 0.Admiral Goes theHawaii so

Union.Kear This CELEBRATED BEERANNOUNCEMENT.llao.S,cy. (rum --Maui and

Republican Ticket Ahead in th A,.1, from Waianae

The Swiftsure's band is hoped to belaid under tribute ashore.

Purser Simerson of the W. G. Hall isour creditor for news along the route.

Mechanic Engine Company No. 2 has7?Qnmnth y meetinS thi3 evening at

er"oOCJU1 can Vote-Interes- ting Incidents

and Friendly Feeling.

Comes all the war on ICK fromSt. Louis.


The voting for Presidsnt in the three.Tl'K'- -

6.1 OV. Honolulu Engine Company No. 1 willhold its monthly meeting at 7 :30 o'clockthis evening.-- Awarded Wherever ExHiBiTEb.

American and the one InternationalDistricts of Honolulu on the eventfulsixth, caused any amount of diversion.Balloting was soon over on board theAmerican warships, with results earlymade known in town. They showed the

.n for Maui and

JIamakua and, rk for

. . Wilson. r Koolau,..ajui"13-- -

. ' ir T i 1 1 o

nnilE PUBLISHER OF THE HAWAIIAN ALMANAC AND ANNUALA- - respectfully announces the forthcoming issue, for 1889, as in course of publi-

cation, and will be obliged for all notifications of needed corrections to its Tablesor Keqi8Tr and Directoby for the coming vear, as early as possible. Articlesin preparation for its pages should bo sent in by Nov. 20th.The steady demand for this handy reference book is shown in the receipt of

orders to place supplies in San Francisco, Chicago, New York and London, hencethe edition for 1889 will be the largest yet issued., f. u8 es"n2 to make changes in their advertisements will please notify

the publisher as early as may be convenient, the prices for which will rule withinthe rates similar space in the forthcoming Hawaiian Directory, unless for coloredinset pages.

RATES: Full page, $20; page. $12.50; J Pge, $7.50; page, $4.colored inset and inside cover pages as per agreement.

Parties desiring copies, local, or mailed abroad, can order through thebookstores, the Press Publishing Co., or of the undersigned. Prices as usualisland, 50c; mailed abroad, 60c.

THUS. ii. THRUM, Publisher.

The coffee harvest is proceeding inSouth Kona. The crop looks well.young trees,i nereis no Diight on the

but there is on the, ioi ft'uo,i v Kepublican ticket victorious on the Alert.bell, for Kilauea("amp while the sister ship Brooklyn went

stronger, on the other hand, for theDemocrats.

ruget11 " Sewkall, forThe English school just opened at Na-poopo- o,

under tuition of Mr. NormanLogan, is filled to its capacity withnearly all native children. There was a throng about the town

polls all day, excellent feeling and muchReaving To-da- y.

w. lav for Kn.- -.uaiau'i i fun prevailing. Challenging was freely

indulged in, sometimes in earnest andagain bv wav of banter. Onn "of th

140-1- 0t 1244-a- tfor Waianae at

Tenders are asked for a superintend-ent's residence at the Molokai leper set-tlement. Mr. C. B. Reynolds will bethe resident superintendent.

A fuller decision in respect' to the AkiVneforllaniakua. former class was in the case of a Japan

ese, who was twice turned awav becauseforhis citizenship was doubted, but th" . uuiiui ttus meu on luesday. It is not

characterized by that "judicial lonevitv" llird time returned with Consul-Gener- all.,ta Of i ruul'" CHOICE MILLINERY GOODSNEW RIBBONS, NEW TRIMMINGS;

Putnam coming himself to vote, andsffUi,' Wrice. Mis.pkgs. presageu lor it by the Bulletin. On the being vouched for by that high authoritvgot in his ballot. A native Hawaiianemployed in the Iron Works knocked off,dressed in his holiday attire, and de


contrary, it is remarkably brief.

The well-know- n Eagle House, onNuu-an- u

street, has recently changed hands,and is now under the management ofMr. Thomas Kruse, the well-know- n

caterer, who will no doubt make it alirst class family hotel.

posited the ballot of an American citizenas he is. Another resident native Ha Popular Millinery House, 104 Fort Street,waiian, who owns American citizenship,had mislaid or lost his papers.

1 he polls closed at 6 o'clock, and an

i stmr W GK

nnedv! H H Wilcox1 tit !teai. 1' Lee and wife, E

TBriita, HSTregloan Ca.9lei'er.sf2l'risoneM and 82


hour later the result was declared. AtilVin vn, n ZJ: I'u V large crowd gatheredat Mr. Graenhalgh'sY M C 2illPVenm-th- 6 8toto learn the totals of the ballots,T)r V i TiPfni evening. which were iven out b Mr w w,)f.rAKTl'KKS.


A 'I..IIVHI per stmr Kinau,

NT. S. SACHS, - Prop.A Fine Assortment of

ORIENTAL LACE FLOUNCINGS, in white, cream and ecru ;


WHITE and COLORED EMBROIDERY FLOUNCES,With materials and edgings to match ;

NEW SHAWLS and SCARF SHAWLS, cream light blue and pink;

young men are cordially invited.Go,Klale and family, Chuni- helmi.C Wert, V Neumann,

TlUueas, V VAsbford. ..' i-

- k' Still man and wife, J The Inraan steamship City of Newf'K AlVi.'leiiber, Norman Hulbert, xurKieit Liverpool on tne morning ot

passengers vctuuer Aim, wiui neany ouu passenV'.t r stmr Mikahala, Nov. gers lor new York. Previous to her de

parture the agents remarked that thoship ou this trip would show what she is

HQC .B5s :292 S sr 2 s ts 2 - T

p 3 2 ? 12 E??? rrr ' ?

Dist. No. 1. City 134 223 32 7Dist. No. 2, U. S.

S. Brooklyn. ... 173 90 0 0Dist. No. 3, U. S. .

. Alert 1 20 40 0 0

, . 336 359 32 7

osiexy, Corsets & Underwear"m ioi, V Knudsen, J A Ma-abo- ut

l--'O deck passengers m-,"- )!

Germans.worth. .

Among the items of news by the lastmail it is stated that England has given

All Sizes and Qualities;

Ladies' Jersey Vests, Silk and Merino, at Special Low Prices !SHIITINO NOTES.

notice Ql the adhesion of Canada, New-foundland, Cape Colony, Natal, AusKauikeao- -

jchooner Kawailani andtralia and New Zealand to a submarine For Sale on Draught, atPlurality of Kepublican ticket. . . , 23 LACES AND EMBROIDERIEStoJport last evening.

..Mi'.pr Kaala arrived last evening cable convention. It is supposed that Minority of Republicans in total vote. . . 1Gthis insures the laving of the cable via

The vote in the International poll inancouver to ?he Australian Colonies.fiiiweand Waialua, Oabu.svamer Mikahala took severalmachinery to Kauai on Tuesday.

Lillian has been moved to. i:.... ,i wlm lrrL-n--

Mr. Hewett's store was 129 for Cleve-land, 104 for Harrison, 25 majority for

3STEW MILLINERY,ljatest Style Hats and Bonnets,the Democratic ticket. Adding theseANOTHER MURDER.

figures to the all American vote wouldgive Cleveland 465 to 463 for Harrison,but cannot fairly be given as a grand TRIMMED and UNTRIMMED.

60-2- W

a:kV. B. Godfrey has finished un-- m.

!?he will be moved to the A Chinaman Butchered on Hawaii Illstotal, because many Americans votedRelative Suspected of the Crime with all nations as well as their own.

Attempted Cremation of the Victim. Sharp challenging took place on boardthe Alert. Mr. Hyland, one of the in- -Accounts of a shocking tracredv. to bo

THE "PANTHEON."30-- tf

The HisdonIron and Locomotive Works,

Corner of Beal and Howard Streets,

San Francisco California

W. H. TAYLOR PresidentR. 8. MOORE Superintendent

Builders of Steam MachineryIn all Its branches.

8teamboat, Steamship. Land Engines & Boilers,High Pressure or Compound.

STEAM VESSELS of all kinds built complete,with hulls ot wood, iron or composite.

Ijrket wharf to-da- y.

schooners Liholiho and Mary the steamer Pele will take out

iJwiscual to II. B. M.'s Swiftsure

iancan barkentine Amelia, Cap-f- a

Kewhall, sailed out of the har- -rerar rtth, in ballast for PortdXT.

added to the lengthening list of horrible epectors challenged an officer on the, . , ... ground that he hailed from Missouri, A Good Chance to go into Business

crimes on tne lsiana oi nawaii, navo ,1Tw i . , Whih nn momhor ofVIVA V 1 W rf -

been brought by the steamer W. G. l the armv or navy can vote for President.iTT;ill This onft occurred at or close to 1 Residents of the District of Columbia

I'.diierKinau took besides general were .challenged under a similar enact- -Napoopoo, Kealekekua bay, on Saturday,:'.wj large juice pans from the llo-- i

Iron Works for the Niulii Sugar UltUVlnight last, when a Chinaman named Ah Shortlv before the polls closed in Dis:o,Kohala, Hawaii. iSang was muruerea. it is supposed oy a trict No. 1 the premises, together with a ON ACCOUNT OF FAILING HEALTH MR. G. WEST WILL DISPOSEsol Germ an laborers that came by the large number of citizens and naval men,fellow-countrym- an and relative.J I. rfluger from Bremen were were photographed by Williams. Sev

The two Chinamen lived together in a ot his entire interest in the business known as G. WEST & 00., 105 Fort.ri'ythe steamer Mikahala on Tues-y- e

Lihue Sujr,ar Plantation, Kauai. If P P A eral wore party tickets on their hatswhen taken.grass house oetween tne iorKs oi ti:e

wamer W.U. Hall arrived on Tues- -The Honolulu Library and Beadingroad from Kaawaloa landing to NapooCxm from Maui and Hawaii with

Room Association received a cash voteI:ys sugar. 141 bacrs cotfee, 165 bags noo and the mauka road. It is on lardof $42.20 at No. 1 poll.Kead cattle 7 PiK9 and 102 owned or leased by Iwikau, father-in-la- w

Street, Honolulu. Liberal Terms will be givon to a responsible party. The

firm has been doing a good paying business during the last six months, not-

withstanding the dull times. For the next Sixty Days we will sell Goods at

A telephone message announces anof the survivor oi the trageay. mis election at Halstead's mill, Vaialua,mnn'a wifo had mn n.wav from lier hus Cleveland receiving 7 out of 12 voteg

cast.UfAL OF THE SWIFTSURE. band shortly after marriage.Michado, a Portuguese on tlon. A. & After the votes were declared in Mr.

Cleghorn's land, lives m a house near

ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad-

visable.STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs con-

structed with reference to the trade in whichthey are to be emj loyed. Speed, tonnage anddraft of water guaranteed.

SUGAR MILLS and Sugar Making Machinerymade after the most approved plans. Also, allBoiler Iron Work connected therewith.

WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, cf anysize, made in suitable lengths for connectingtogether, or Sheets rolled, punched and packedfor shipment, ready to be riveted cn theground.

HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and WaterPipes made by this establishment, riveted byhydraulic riveting machinery, that quality ofwork being far superior to hand work.

SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, SteamWinches, Air and Circulating Pumps, madeafter the most approved plans.

SOLE Agents and manufacturers for the PaeiflcCoast of the Home Safety Boiler.

PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps for irrigation orcity works' purposes, built with the celebratedDavy Valve Motion, superior to any other

just enough to cover cost. X7" For Bargains in FURNITURE, TOYS,of Graenhalgh's corner store, there wTas atumultuous call for speeches. Mr.

V!o Dajg from Callao ListOfllcers.

that of the Chinamen. On Saturdayniffht Michado's son and a native heard Eutrene E. Lee mounted the counter but FANCY GOODS, Etc., Etc., see us before purchasing.B il.S. Swiftsure. flafshin of the quarrelling, loud and violent, between retired after enduring a storm of ironical

J... .... I t.rrt PVii nnoo NpTt tbpv SAW thfw:ion, bearing the flag of Kear- -

it4, kV r-- live ii a lamnff TA T ul applause and cries of "Rats!" "bit

down!" "Go on!" etc. Nobody elseventured to face the music, and theA.t.t. lleneage, arrived on tU iey foUnd the hut blazing furiously.

& CO.Mi .November Gth, and anchored One Chinaman was washing clothes in a ijgut8 were extinguished. Gr. WEST12SDUC-t- et OI waier, aoout ten yaiua uibwiji,?K sear the entrance to tho harbori bv the light of the fire. The other ChinaFi too much water to allow her SrECIAI. BUSINESS lay partly in the fire, dead and

roasting away. They pulled the body: m. The Swiftsure was 42. daysa Call ao coming under steam and back out of the fire, by that time being

FOR 30 DAYS !FOE 30 DAYS !joined by a number of nativesm injure was here betore inThe surviving Chinaman was seized,under Rear-Admir- al Lvons. forbound, and sent off in charge of a native

Drink Moxie at the ' Elite."Horns genuine Butter Scotch.

Genuine Butter Scotch (Horn's)coughs.

Magazines at Graenhalgh's, 106street.

!,aa iron-cla- d of the second Hookena, eight or nine miles distant, MAKE BOOM FOR NEW GOODS.


J. N. S. Williams Honolulu.Boom No. 3, upstairs, Spreckc'.' Block.

41-S- m A pent for the Hawn. Islands.

CHU ON & CO.,Importers and Dealers In

1J tag disnlaeempnt. 4 010 hnrs- - . ni nr J a.

Fortthft JJeoutV onenn ana nearesi- -

Pcoml Z .r.r.r.' .f policeman live. On Sunday morning :o:--Wki


Y""V. . Michado and others returned to Shoes atglace trim Cotton-i.- -jo. luuuwing is a list oi vi- - r ? . . .i i v Ladies'Fishers,thft tuaoe. wnen iuey mauo wuoci

amination of the body. It was fearfullyHorn's Butter Scotch, the best lubricator

nhiirred. The Portuguese says he foundAlmiral Algernon C. F. Heneage.Lieutenant-Tho- mas U. Thynne. for the throat.


Fancy and Staple Dry Ghoods,Fancy Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Caps. Millinery,

Get vour newspapers at Graenhalgh's,a gash on the dead man's neck, and ahole between the ribs under the leftarm na if stahhed with a knife. He also

Lawar'l 11. Banks.Secretary-Geo- rge C. 106 Fort street. Chinese & Japanese Goodsinches,

nil onAS that the bucket in which the Milk Shakes at Tahiti Lemonade Depot,-J-UinJer-Percy Hookin.

23 Merchant Street.Chinaman had been washing was thicklyhlood-staine- d, while clothes similarly Good goods, at low prices, can always be"..rn'jntfi it i . . . .

n rua-"U- L'n k. Kvans. Edward .Hafifrnrnd were lving about.5 H. S. Stokes, Henry C. About noon on Sunday Deputy Sheriff found at Sachs' store, 104 Fort street.

New novels, by the most popular authors. at Graenhalgh's, 106 Fort streetT.oiroio hsiving come from riooKena,hh cl r l4- - ll' Armstrong,

C in ntnn Hoi.i o nnmTiRr's inauest. me uisirici--

"Rvfra Vina Cream Cakes and Eclairsevery Tuesday and Friday at the Elite.R re '.P Ramsay- - physician was called to view the remains.

anA-- L; 1Iomer" He reported tho legs burned off, theVH ai aval Instructor Rev. r;Ui. orm nP,irlv off. part of the left arm Tnaf nnpnpd. a fine line of French Kid

Sf V- - w- j children, atandcamft wav. and the remains all Shoes for ladies, missesFishers.I r6eon-Gar- land W. L. Harri charred, so that he said it was impossible

Will be sold at Greatly Reduced Prices in order to make room for New Goods.We will offer the biggest Bargains in Dry and Fancy Goods in this country.

Our $5 Hats will be sold for $2.75 ; our $6 Hats, $3.75 ; our $3 Hats, $ 1 .75 ;

our $10 Hats, $6; .$15 Hats, $8.75.


Boy '8 Fine Straw Hats only 25 Cents each ;Our Linen Lawns Take the Cakel Price our Ribbons:

Our Stock of Ribbons is Complete and you may expect Bargains.

SCT'We MUST and we WILL sell in order to make room for New Goods.

et m dn well bv calling at Fishel's.inarm no whP hr tne victim waaLU UC LCI v .

vl- ---Alexander W. Brett. and see his new stock oi French Kid ShoesAA Kpfnrft his bodv was roasted or not.

ivhnf tho vprdict was is not learned.erJohn G. Sampson.t. tenant w., t t and Slippers. .

hnripd Sundav evemng. w- - Pn,Dno .rwi TTnrfpr "Wear go to


Have constantly on band Silk, Satin,Crape. Grass Cloth, Embroidered andHemstitched Silk and Grass ClothHandkerchiefs, Silk and Crape Shawlsand Scarfs.

A great variety of Chinese and Japa-nese Tea Sets, Vases, Bronze and Lac-quered Wares.

Ivory, Sandalwood and Tortoise ShellCard Cases, Paper Cutters, Fans andJewelry Cases.

Gold and Silver Jewelry, setting withTiger Claws, Cats' Eyes and Amber,such as Scarf Pins, Earrings, Bracelets,Necklaces, Etc

An assortment of Chinese and Japa-nese Nick-Nack- s and Curiosities too nu-merous to specify.

Chinese Matting a specialty.Ebony and Marble Furniture in sets

Tables, Chairs and Settees.A full assortment of Floyer Pots, Arti-

ficial Flower Baskets, lacquered andBamboo Goods, Etc.

ilV UVWJ ivmi J

Sachs' store. There's where you will findToro wpto r ooi marKsau ne k"uuwhat you want.between the Chinese. ht and where the

man was washing. A hankering of the'vlrr-Charl- es D. M.For stylish millinery go to Sachs' store.

offAr thft alleged murderers deC a!ter Brown. There you will alwaysand latest styles.

'bv. K0..lglPe?rs-Ja- mes T. Wil- -serting spouse is supposed to have beenthe origin oi the fatal quarrel. The twomen had been working the land on which ot tt nrapnhale-- has all the papers ana

,mb li A- - ?W a.Hd AUred E. for sale at'ersT,i. w .

lUiXfZilt-llA- a v

San Francisco prices.they lived in common, lhey were rerevafl,i7' u AlaPoney, Mark J.


CHAS. J". FISHEL.It has been proved by unanimous verdictputedly cousins.

ACCIDENT.;,rendi oiepuens, ueorge that the San Jose imager ieer ouat the Royal Saloon is the best.

61-- tf

T..fotofi thrnats and annoving coughs-S-amuel G. Sanders. Campbell Sustain. i Fall.Jlr. A. J. are quickly relieved by the genuinePioneerButter. . ,1 tLii"rTJ Boyle, Johnf Vdfu E. Sharp. John D. to be tound at tneAbout 3 o'clock yesteraay aueruwu ScotcU, only Plenty

Mr. A. J. Campbell fell through a hatch- - steam Candy Factory of F. Horn:er. rlV Luxmoore, Godfrev G.

New Goods received by every steamer.The public are respectfully invited to

inspect our goods. ll-3- m

The Bk H. Hacltfeld. i, 11o of Messrs. i--J. U. oi lesuiuuuioi--. MShip "J. a PHoser"way into ue v;o

a nmlDtr Qrr1r ni DieSS CjOOOS,


A Change of Dinneb Every Day!And also,

Broiled Steaks and Chops

H:ill Son's store. He was picseu upi Ko riwr.iavrt than that now ex

Iti i:: nA Tr Afplvihhin iJtPd at Sachs' store. 104 Fort a stunnea conuiiiuii v

tfr.tfi kAllv"! rTT 1 III' IJ1 - . . - all the new shade , p

fancy striped goods.vvaa taucu jj w "ETasJrist ArrivedCSKKeginald P. Walker For Breakfast and Supper. Try 'em !treatment immediately nj 124-- tfThe IMoneer Steam .Candy - -- tor, w--j

and Ice Cream Parlor is te v;r.,wKoii wa spnt to his residence,Has Just Arrived with a

Cargo ofvyuiFvV , AA Vv WITH ANOTHER CARGO OPtoHonolulu thatwhere he was lurtner aiLeiJu and JAMES OARTYsell the best Ice Cream at 2p' r

others I"f. Horn, NEW GOODS! NEW GOODScarrying bette'ctLth6;ru8he real Pres- -

--roR-for. the: benefit

Brodie, the family physician, xv

found on examination that his collarbone was broken. Last night he wasreported as being quite comfortable,with no serious result apprehended. Mr.Campbell is seventy years of age, bo thathis recovery will necessarily, be slowerthan that of a younger man similarly in-

jured. Being near-sighte- d he inadver-tently stepped through the unguardedopening while in the store on business

istotic:Can b found next door to tk T. O. A.

0""ce, UerehAni Stxt.icks Nos. 18, 37, 66, 75, 180


wiirr;taA- - vvhether the H. IIACKFELD & CO.J. or .A " floor of thp H. HACKFELD & CO.

129-l- w

xr xrr ATTTER OCTOBER 1,1'ic l?hr), ia th? bulate the 1 .w na'i Honolulu, 'oy. 2, It-it- .

Page 4: NEWUACKFELD & CO., Metalic Paint, Fire Clay, Marble Dust, Risdon Iron and Locomotive Works, San Fran cisco. news of the Ameer's ueain. ne naa them blown to pieces by cannon in the


Hxtrtlsmtnts.(General 2Hucrtiscmcnts.

LEWIS & CO. Australian Rail Service. TO THE PUBLIC. B.F.EHLERJust Received a rnn T.. i.ine of I

iOn account of the extreme dull times, which hasnow lasted for several months, LADIES',


Have Just Received ex S. S.


N. Z. Smoked HaddockAND

New Zealand Potatoes3f-t- f


riio new and fine Al steel steamship


lr iiuo onTniatPfi ro that it 13 too lanre ior iue otuioALSO- -that I keep: I have therefore come to the conclusion

"""" to sell all myLadies' Black Diamond DvOf th Oceanic Steamship Company, will be due

Hoat Honolulu from Sydney aud Auckianaon or about se.

3"In future Mrs. E. G. Small will be prepared todrfj NTEEPEIS H f'Dl-- tf ;

Nov. 18th, 1888,Sydney Stock and Kellegore Saddles


READY-MAD- E HARNESSAt Reduced Prices for 60 days only.


M Vf QUEEN STREET. JUlii mill And will leave for the abve port with malls and174 Telephone 55.

passengers ou or about that date.For freight or passage, having SUPEKIOR

ACCOMMODATIONS. apply toPioneer Shirt Factory, of HonolulJ

No. 17 Emma Street. 1Sugar Plant Jfor Sale. Wra. G. Irwin & Co., Ar mv Harnesses havfi stood trial here for ten years, it is of no use to me tomake anv comments on mv class of work. Only. I will say, they are made out

AHENT8. The undersigned begs to Inform the public of these islands that 1

asurement. Directions for self-measureme- nt will be given on maMne sm

of the very best of material, and by the best workmen in the Kingdom, andsuperintended by myself.For Sydney and Auckland.

With WMte Shirts, Over Shirts and iahf nhis guarantee, I will give you a chance to buy Saddles, Saddle Bags,Riding Bridles and Martingals, and Riding Leggins of all kinds, andSchool Bairs.

Harnesses at reduced prices. All parties ordering from the islands will have the A fit guaranteed by making a sample Shirt to every order. Island orderssame benefit as those here. solicito

The new and tine Al steel steamship i7" With this assurance on my part, will you come and look for yourself.

CHAS. HAMMEE," Bell Telephone99 iAx.A.aoDA.

The Entire Plant of the

STAR MILL CO.Kohala, Is offered for sale. The machinery is

in perfect working order, and consists of

One 2Cx48 Mill with Engine, Trash-carrie- r,

etc., complete.Ono pair of boilers, 6x20.On Double Effect, C and 7 ft. Tans.One Vacuum Pan 6 with Blake Pump.Three Weston Centrifugals and Engine.

Together with the nsnal assortment of Clarifiei' '

Cleaning Pans, Coolers and other Machineznsually found lu a well appointed Mill.

Also, a number of

California and Island JIuIe.Cane Carts and General Plantation Implements.

i - Old Corner Harness Shop.HS-2- m

Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will bedue at Honolulu from Man Francisco

or or about

Nov. 22, 1888. E A. L T HIs Best JVlaiiitained bv N"And will have prompt di.ipatcn with malls an

avengers for the above ports.JUST RECEIVED --A.T

GOMES '& WICH MAN'S sDelivery will be given after next crop has COMMODATIONS, apply tobeen harvested, say about July 1. 1889


In this Climate something more than Food is required

WY E T USOf the Latest and Prettiest Designs.


For further particulars apply to

Jolin Hind,flnuaser Star 31111

tf Kohala, Hawaii.

JOS. TINKER,Family & Shipping Butcher



-. MALT . EXTEA113 Nuuanu Street, opposite Emma Hall



Waltlmm Watches, Elgin Watches, Etc., Etc.At Exceedingly Low Prices.


A Special Line of Alarm Clocks at $1.75 Each.

SXJI! JL1ES THIS "WANT.Chinese & Japanese Goods,

Contains ALL tbe Nutrient Properties of MALT with the Least PojAmount of Alcohol. f

Fire Crackers, New Designs In Cups andSaucees, Tea, Cigars, and all kinds of Fancy

:o:- -Goods

At Greatly Reduced Prices.

City Market, Nuuanu St.Prime Beef, Mutton, Veal, Lamb,

Dairy-fe- d Pork and Cambridge Sausage,fresh every day.

Corned Beef and Pickled Tongue alwayson hand and put up in quantities to suit.


BENSON, SMITH & CO., Agents,!These Goods have all been personally selected in the States,

thereby a choice selection of the Newest "and Latest Designs.Sample packages of Goods sent to any part of the Kingdom.Having every facility requisite for a first-clas- s Jewelry Manufacturing EstabRegular shipments by eyery steamer.

125-- St

lishment, we feel confident that we can manufacture anything that may berequired in the Jewelry and Silverware Line. " " " ' '

. ? j -'

' f"


Watch Repairing; and Engraving in our well-know- n manner.GOMES & WICHMAN, Fort Street.P. O. Box 342. 106BTJHACH !

tN. B. All meats delivered everymorning within a radius of three milesof the city.

My prices are as reasonable as any-where, and all orders attended to withpromptness and dispatch. 114-l- m




The Equitable Life Assurance SocietyOF THE UNITED STATES.Beware ol Imitations,

GENERAL MERCANTILE Stands First Aung the Leading Life Assurance Companies of tlie forlfl,Which are being put npon tbe market.

-- AJiI-

COMMISSION AGENTS.In Outstanding Assurance, in New Business, in Surplus, in Total Income,

in Premium Income, in the annual Increase in Surplus andAssets, in the Percentage of Assets to Liabilities,

and in all other Important Respects.THE GENUINE BUHACHI --f " i 84,478,904 85.LIST OF OFFICERS:

P. C. Jones. Jr President and ManagerJ. O. Carter Treasurer and SecretaryHon. W. . Allen Auditor

It having come to our notice, that an inferiorquality of Gin, purporting to be J. J. Melchers'"Elephant" Brand, is being offered for sale in

this market, we have to

Caution tlae 3?xoblicThat we are the Sole Agents in the Hawaiian Is-

lands, for the said Brand, and that every genuinebottle bears our " Sole Agency " label.

W. C. PEACOCK & Co.,

Sole Agents for J. J. Melchers'

Schiedam, W. Z.

Smith vBenson.

Outstanding Assurance ; 483,029,562New Business of 18d7 138,023,105Surplus (4 per cent. Standard) 18,104,255Increase in Surplus during the Year 1,748,3711Increase in Assets during: the Year 8,868,432Total Income 23,240,849Premium Income .... 19,115,775Percentage of Assets to Liabilities 127 1-- 2


lion. n. Waterhonselion. C. R. Bishop.

A Careful Study of the above Proves Conclusively that the Equitable Society. . is the most Prolitable and Secure Life Assurance


Sole Agents in the


Company for intending Assurers.



PACIFICHardware Company, II


E7" Have Just Opened

New Lines of GoodsWhich will repay inspection.

and Mfg. Co. ORGANIZED 1850.J

The Manhattan Life Insurance CompanySTOCKTON, CAL.78 aug!2tf

1VT r HP rpJOHNof ISTew York.Clans Spreckels Wm. G. Irwin.

In th Salesrooms on the second floor aremany arl a le entirely new to this market. 2T Assets over. Sll, OOO.OOO. t& Net Surplus over 82,000,000.CLAOS SPRECKELS & CO., v.

-- o-


Special Goods atjSpecial Prices! : .

Household! Goods in large variety fionoll-l- u yf a Policy in the Manhattan Life on the New Plan.HAWAIIAN ISLANDS

i a mi un nnnipn r vz- tj 'wtiT urAge, 30; amount of Policy, $10,000; term, 20 years.praw Rxchane on the principal parts o tbeworld.

The Annual Premium will be. !.8 301 89

Complete Lines

Hardware, AgriculturalImplements, Etc.

Plantation Supplies, Kerosene OH ofbest quality.

Will receive deposits oa open account, makeft aa.The 20 payments will amount to q 036 OOAt the end of that time the Company will return to the holder in cash". . . . 5700 OO

collections and conduct a general banking andexchange business.

Thus the 110,000 Insurance will have been secured at the net cost for 20years of only. 336 OOor $1.68 for S1.0C0 insurance per year,or if the Cash be not drawn the Policy will become paid up for 10,050 00

Deposits bearing interest received In their Savtnt's Department subject to published rules androtfulatlojs. 17oc3tf90 1 238 Pacific Hardware Co.. L'd.. Honolulu

Aiot iouno cjc uoi coimimcu, imt are iitu in a jrusiuve oniract. thp fnil fona Stoyes, Bariges and Housekeeping Goods,i ) V h7S K A K TTR V rmATT TTT TT Hr "JE ttie assured. Therev--" ,w xivl UJi U Ji U iiL2i.XtXV.J2iX I uwiujc ui niucuia un uisioniinuance or policy axier mree years, a

Cash or Paid up Talue beiug Guaranteed by the Terms ofxto. 73 Xunanu Street.

MRS. E0BT. LOVE, - Proprietress.WorlPlumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron

(Successor to Wm. McCandless.)

Xo. 6 Q,neeu Street, TIhU 2Iarket,Honolnln, II. I.

C7the New York Law.

'FoJlxamr1!s otber ages, and also on the 10 and 15 years1 plans, write or bddIvat the Office Of the Agent.

NOTE. The Manhnttnn i: tVio 1888GEO TV. LINCOLN.testable after 5 years, this feature having been originated and adopted by this ConZv 1 S7ftover 20 years ago. wmpujf

Every Description of Plain and Fancy

Bread and. Crackers,F EES h

Soda CrackersA 2? D

Saloon BreadAlfrays :ou Hand. .

; v

Choicest Beef, Mutton; Pork, Fish

vegetables etc.,Always Kept on Hank ;

JOHN Jrl. PATY, tt;.il!deb.Family and Shipping orders Carefully

Attended to. The Weekly;; Gazetip iiKl Daily P. C: Advertiser &olM.75 and 77 Kin., street, - - -Live Stock Furnished to Vesaela at short

notice. , ' v ' . ; : ; : -


IftiiU Orders PronipilJ Altenledto.173-S-m

Sin5,Are the, Finest Advertising: Mediums in the, Kingdom.Telephones N"o. 212 65Bell Telephone Ko. 275.

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