Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1846-10-13.€¦ · NEW-YORK TRIBUNE.."g**** Welean» from tiic Xcw-Orleaas papers ibtt a liueil wasfour-fit ¡ri th-t». Cuy on tht« 2nd inn

NEW-YORK TRIBUNE.."g**** We lean» from tiic Xcw-Orleaas papers

ibtt a liueil was four-fit ¡ri th-t». Cuy on tht« 2nd inn. t e*

tweon Dr. Thorn*» nod Mr. T. P. Le Beau, both old and

/r»pttct«*d citizens. I»r. T. »as ...rioa-ly hnl not dan-«iirously wounded.FiRK-.The fore., topatatíag machine, &c. of W.

II. Myers Si Co. at EUinore. Clinton Co. was entirelyeomrained tiy ftrc on the nimhi ofthe 3d in**- Loss about|i,OC* $ ,fX».\3T lu au atfrny in Tallapoosa «Co. Alabama, on

t ae 1-th u!t- _-cp«_d Poacher we.* killed by Bam. Kno._ ,

.-.tit*, ax the Stock Exchange.Mo*«oay.-..COON Ï 7», le-its ...l'.ri 10 Howard ini. Co... 3¿; .Out) Alabama «A b30 66 SO Ii_lem.(2 irtioJuilO Ohio il«, 60.... 93)100 Tri'x

JO«) Morris Canal. Fi 7}¡450 df».52.10 OiiioTrust. DI i IVJ do.b-0 584

150 HeedingRiJ. 041|2OC Long Island...-s60 .'t150 do. Mil

8KC0.ÍD EOAtD.i.'-O Ha/'/J 5'-l YJo do.s»0 *cl

-50 do.130 52 jaOO do. *-'-'


CLEARED.ship Adelaide, Adams, Havana, b'pu-uid. Tllestoa <v.

firi.'s Fleaoce, Lockhart, Windsor, Tbos W .run»-it»-..*r_b.Chisho'.m, Öt John«. NF, Thoa Wbudette; ,.. ta

belb, Thorn-.«, .*-t John* NF, G Sa T Laurie»: Au;-__t_,Sherwood, Savannah.Sehr Ellen, Fluart, Suiiolk, Va.

ARRIVED.rhip i'actolu*, Harding. Ill d» Im Havre, mdnC, to fox

¿i. Livingston. Vil »teeraçc passenger». 10th in»t. at 10A M in lat SO 'JO, lone 6_ VI, pa-sod »tcumship GreatWestern, hence for Liverpool. From the loti Us the!dßth Sept er.pcri'snced a very heavy gale from the West¬ward: lost jib-boom and had main-topsail blown away.Sailed in company with ship Harriet Si Jessie ¡or

Cbailestoa.Bremen bark Diana, Kullman,3. dsim Bremen, nidie

and 1WÎ pasaengcrs to order.Bark GaUilco. Blanoy. 3 di im Boston, in ballast. U>

order.Brig Angola, Ball, fin Mariianilla, Cuba, vu Boston,3

it. mdse. us Daniel Curtí». Jr.rlrij* litsaa*. Weeks, 1*. ds im Charleston, cotton and

rice to Ceo Buikley.Brig Stur, Hubbard, 15 ds Im St Kitt», rent. Sec. to A

liubbard Si Co. Left hr'm Ceo Henry, Makeley, hence,just arrived. The only American vessel in port.

Bchr Trumpet, Ames, 4 ds Cm Thomaston, lime, tomaster.Scbr Henry Clay, I'm an hlaatern ¡Kart, lumber.

KtJÑG->TcO(7GH CANDY«.Having l«een stronglyrecenimended by some kmd trien,!» lo iry C. II. Rinn'»

Cough Candy for a very severe fold. I «lid so. With, I iu«a«l

conte»», ffreat »cepllcl»iri a» lo il» virtue ; bat wh-n I f.miid,ir.-»flf »peixlllyi relieved and able iti attend lo liio»t* da-tie» from which 1 had soriou»ly feared to ba debarred, a

feeling of thaokfui_es», and u de».re lo benefit others,prompted me lo give -bo little Influence my name may jm,»-sasa in making ll:0 virtue* of thin remedy known to Hie ¡public, and impartiug a mile of liiit which ¡« proverbiallym im eel assistance lo the effect««!' medldne.namely, con-

),-..,.. SAMUEL I). HliKCH Alt-».l'a»!«,,- of Hou»!ou-»L Pre»byterliui Church, cor. Houston

and Thompson »t*.New-York, January M, lain. »19 im'Fot tale by C. EL lit NU, IIV Broadway, c«sr. John »L

17&7ÀÎE KAI.D'S I'ÎIKTA-fClT Kl' U It sow-»Mill..Mr. F.rMi,, Allow m« to »._'.»¦ t«» the pnblii

through your paper, that KilrseraW'*celebrated Mill is bowbeing exhibited at Hie Fuir in Cuslie Garden. It may be»»«n Inoperalloi, grinding wheat and com, every duv«nu il m 12 o'cuick in the morning aud from i tu o'clock

.ii Hi» afternoon. 1 am obliged 10 lmiii the work to Hi«: hoursspecified, hocau»»* il would require »ucli an enormous qimii-tlly of grain lo keep the milicoin-tanily running. Planler»,Farmer» and Mlllur», also Orocer« aud Urinrler» of driii-«-.c iffe«, »pice«, »all and loaf «ugar, are Invited loseelheope-r. tien ai the Fair. CHARLES ROSS, Mamiliciurer,ofi l»v* Elghth-sl near Sixth-avenue, N. V.

JX-3-B-T IÏÔGC« vi-t-uld re«p«-tfully Inform hi» friend«and the public generally, that he ta« laken the »tore No

:*,2 Broadway, (opposite the LycMUn Huililinp,) where bowill be receiving during the winter a supply or fresh Gar¬den and Karmin'1 Seed«, and lie will be thankful u> receive»uch order* for Seed». Korc»t and Fruil Tree«, &C ii« thepublic may be fijco»ed to favor lum with, lunuruig theminn every exertion will !>o male on his pwt logtv_ entire»ailsfacUon.He now ha» a very fine assortment ofHyacinth«, Tulip..

Narcissus, Jonquil», Crocussu», i.e. «vhlch »<e »»til O-lapoieof at Mich prices a* will do a«vay »vith the necessity ui at-'.. inilug aii,-i|,,n logetchcB), bulbs.

HiirjiieU of the very choicest flowers,« up in the vn-ion» »l vie» »iiuiii'ie foi i»i, ¡nl, Dinner util Evening Par-lie» an«! ihe Upi'in. " I IB

'I'illM It. TU CKIITIKY thai the undersignedI have, purauanl to the provUlonoflhoRevUedSlalute*

t«f ih«, Slat»-,it New-Voik, formed u limilod partnership,under the name or linn of l)»vigln Johnson.that Hit- /-. li¬

erai nature of Hie business lo bo trans-Cl«»l is i« General(¡oiiimlislon and Produce Rúame»«, an«l the principalplace of bualne»» of the siiitl jinr!iu-rr.liip i» »Uiiatt'd In thecliy of New-York, tu the btain of New-York.and ihmDwlght Johnson, »»hose Place of te»idence is Iho city «¦!Hiouaij-ii, m the Sun«« oi New.York, m tu ceneral pati¬ner, and vaebal Worth.iBton, whose place ot residence Is..::. cuy of Cincinnati, m the Slam of Ohio, la Iho specialpartner.and that ihn »aid Vnchel üVonhlngloo hascon-tiituiteil the mitn o[ Twenty Thousand Dollars a*capitaltowaidalha common Block, and u o the aald pannorablpis lo commença on ihe lonlhday of September, A. D,oaethousand eight hundred and lbrty-«lx, and Is i«« termínale«m lb,- iiiiuli day of September, A. D. uue lhuu»aud eight.milred and forly-ii.iu«.Dated tin» ninth day of Soplomtter. A. I), one thousand

eighi hundred and foily-»L_. DU'IOHT JUllNstiN,«lOhw _V. '.VtlltTlllNUTUN.

IlIIRAKD'-.i'APKHS-BLlRNAi'ABAKCOl'K.No. 115 K:ill«'ii-M. offer for »ale a full a»«orlinenl ol Pa¬

per* manufactured by the M«'»*r«. liubbard, couipri»liigLedger Papers, blue and white Imperial, ^Supor Royal,

Royal, Medium. Demy and Flal Cup.Hank Kollo Peal, Dank Quurto Pi«»!, Exchange Cap.Hxtia Super Cut Cup, ruled and plum.Letter Paper, rule 1 and plain,n t'a.: assortmeuLTacket Post, Super and _l.\lra Super.Tinted Plate Paper- Colored ImperialsColored Royal«, thick aud thin.

I>«>. Mcxlliiin, do. do.Do. Double Cap, tlir copy book».

Kine (iiii/i'd Colored Mediums, Royal«, Ac. Ac.H. A B. have al»o on hand a very e\tt»n»ive -»»iirliueiil of

Writing Paper«, Book and New« Printing P»|>er», PlaiePaper», llartlv. are ami Wrapping Papei-. They are also»t«l« agent* of Ihe genuine Patent Envelop« Paper.

Printing Paper of any lixe and quality mude lu m Jer at»taorlnotice. \y'2t oayeod

Ttot"KNÍilNKKKS, Maaofaciurer», Patentee«, \f-Messra. COOPER PARKER, 7n Na»»«u-«t. N. Y.

ex«H;ule drawing» and »pecilicallons for patenis. ilia« Ing«and estímale» for mills, factories, steam engine*, wateiTrhsols. »halting, Stc. at the »holtest ¡lulice. Mr. P. havinghad many y«mr* experience as a practical Kngloeer, In.eine of Ihe iai'goal eatabllshiueiit» in EBglaod, and p««s-.raslns a ilm« u;ti knowledge ol every de»cripil««n ol tua-

rhhiery used In the manufacture of cotton, flax and wool,ihey Invli« panic» Interested In the above to call, confi¬dent that they can give »atisfacllon.Agent* foi the dl»po»al of manufacturing premise«,

»tram and water power, machinery, kc. o9 lui-

PIUM-MJ 1>K Manufactory.-The »iib.cnliërha« recently iittrodiiiisl »team power and Improvedmachinery into hi» manufactory »vhlch enable* him t,« t.n

nl*h hi* customer» «vith a very superior article. Pnnler»and merchant* who may have orden for Printer's Ink »»illftnd ihem promptly executed at iiuMeiiile prices, and maynsly ontHilng *upplie»l with Ink oi eicelleiu quality, andof unchangeable color. The subscriber manufacture» Ink«»fvartou* colora, vin retl.tilue, given, Vc. Ortler» di-lecletl to hi* manufactory,:*)!) Kiuu.-«t. between Monigom-cty *uid Ctoverueur »u. ihi.*_gh the Di«p»ich Post, »t i.i bepunctually allended t.i» Tht« pa«, _r ha» been printed byink from ihi» manufactory for several »ears.o« SmDfcW OEOROK MAT11KR.

CIM'INNATI !..->-> aud Uen-j_rÂgl»ûcy Utiice,Clnclnuall, Ohio..M. USboldoo would inform the citi-

»en« of Now- York, Uial he «Bill attend lo Ihe purchaae und«ale of every de*crlpiion of Real Ksiai« and Persona. Prop¬erty in the City ofCuictunati and in iho Western Stan»», wfilal*o collect hole«, bond» and morlgage». and ever»- »psvle*of claim» in Cincinnati or Louisville. Ai.y Merchant«, oioilier business men, having land» or other properly in llu»Weateru country '.hev »vlA lo dispose of for cash, or it« ex-cli-nge for cltv properly in CicciutiaU, are ln»i!ed !»> »end adescription of Hie »ame to hi» ottu-e in Cincinr.aii, where allbu«!»-*« en__*te«l to hi»can» will bo prvmpUv and faidi-fii-ly aitonded to, Addre»* bl. L. SHELDON,

We*i Kit"*»!:-*»*- ClncianaaRsrEBBNC--,.Dwter Barber, 9 CorÜand-»t-i J. Jack*

-»oe. «.. Wall «v. Wm. Inga»«, -i WalUt »7 «mood

PREPARE FOR COLD WEATHER,i;* RASER'S PATENT DOOR PADS, f««r »--eluding windX and water from tue bottom« »«t door», t« imerusl into ihelowctr rail of ihe door, çoe* down to the «ill a» it close», andrise* within ihe rail a» tl open». They are health»-, becausethe under-cu-Teat »jfalr, which cannot be »varm._ hv aru-nclal mean«, I» excluded thev are comfortable, ¡«ècautethe leiiioeralun. I* equalUed and Hie teet are warm m any»»ai' of ihe i\..»n ; Ihey are economical, becau»e there i» nocold air admitted, and of cour»a le«» fuel required to k»-epwarm. Price $S »H« per devr, which in»-lud«.« putttoi in.-M_oufactuied by JOHN FRASERauiVtuu No. 1 Cha-h*_ni-KUB»f.Xe»v.Vou.

SMrrnn* uo.-.opatïuç r -.äemacy.«ssBroad»»»».corner«! Bri.»m*.«-»...J. T. S. S-MtTH hav-

tii), saved t r»»m the late fire much of hi» stock of I K.u.i,«pa¬ths«* m*jdiclne,tn anuniniuntlnaie. netiaMedto <*upp_oi der» and lurnlsh c»»c*. iic. \c a* heretofore.

lie has removed jo ihe above auuil.r »»heie ciav befound tanlly and other cases, atr.ica liucture. -mica plas¬ter, and a geucr*ta»»oil_icat of nie-liciue» at -»he I«.«! ma_a±_srM»VTT1-__»VSK. WITHCUJLVAJtt-ED Spring.The undersigned has tor »ale s-prmg M_ut-.*»ei, maa-ulactured in Ihe be»i manner, ana «jf üe moAiarprovedform*.TB« ni il le niuax oí ut«ce*»ity, evcitsx il» cvn»- e:i-.»«r-.Ce. fr««.«-

dcuB iront vermin. Us «ao»y veniilaiion, and unsurp«»>aS.ecotntori, »upei>«N.ic every thing else ot the kind.Order* received for HtJlel». Su»-_er». Packet Ship«, and

priva» rest-deuce*, at No« 62 Ye.-ev- n. S. K. HALSEY.O* The public, air»! Ihe medical facully in particular.

Breiaeiied to çnli and «»xamine iliem. aui.'- it

TBEI__EVI_-¿S~WHITE 1*EAI>.HE subscribe.-* are re«7cmng from ihe factory of Rei!<*-vlllet, N. J. their regular »upp-e* of ihi* aapnior Lead,

dry and tn oil, pm up yj ca*ks and keij*. Which ihev war¬rant equal la quality u> My heport-si .raad. K<jr»*-einlota «It one ton aati upwartl». '..».

r. . .RV ;VTT-CAMPBELL X CO. l*à Frval-sLA.«».--r»tvl l.«_-a»l. Llihwxe. iLrtd Oraajce Miustral »II Sm*

G. A. -a H. WITTE.Iie.p»»-.rr»_f beeche«. SS J t»hn-*I.

MSDOK-A .-.IIMNt; CO.-P.VNX-TTC-.. Sur .n-or..Not!». 1* hereby si»en lo ihe Shareiioidei»

Cempacy. th»l an assessment ot one dollar a ..*r« i« re-eatred, pavable at the oSce ol Ihe understg-Betl, Uurtydav» after dale. Bv onler of Iba Trj»tee*. **

WM. li. MORÖAN, .-.«x.-y. l»> W-te«^New«York. Sep*. 23. l»-iti._»IMSuw'im

«NKWa-KaBä-BY COPPKK ORE.-i-or «ale. *1^ ton« ofCoppe.- Ore it.ray suiphurM) from Üie Kleminj.jonM-ie» Apply lo E. B. HART,

Jy4 tfcNo. 4\ Han»»» er»*t-

lUnV.VKUST-tis-Tt--.-, American Consul at Ge» in», requests all hi« irieni* aod correspondsn»» to

fhrwikid theirï'.i»*!!» to tiui itrousU Harcdi-sa tCo.'* Expie.«», Wi:i-»t-pr«t-p-«d ortliev *ru* _a»t be for»vded. Ot» tl«

o v i r t: t a L.

L1ST0E LETTERS.» ¡'/.O lit Thr. tiiar-r. .y ________ ¿: îoi.m __..-T.

11. And _r -t farther <*.___,.* *

And oll -.dverli_._i_i.ts mude ander Ihe ..rdri»of ü» Posi», in a newspaper or ..ewjpaper», of le_u*rsuiiCaij-d for in ar.y Post Office, »hail be inserted ta tie papeeor pipers, of ___*; town or piact where the o£Ece odvert.s-._i_;may b& simóle, haxtugthe largest circulatum-

(.Vea. Pott fjfiu __-_. paatd. _-___-«_- 3. 1-_c_

Li-t of Letter» Remainioçin the.*.. Ï. Post Office.Satnrday, Octob-r 10 :

_[__»?. Pítate attrition the Darn of (Ai Lui in uhich theyate. tzUertised LADIES' LIST:

Krioff- Mra BeoieLittle, _Ui«e Ann

... in M:7_:Lai met,H .

AH. HI** Jnlie., Mr- Mary

i _-__J use

A».i_-»» i. M*«'Bleecker-stArine«. Mi» " CA .- -.. Mi* r

Miss M AM.-» A ''._r

a- kettle, Misa,'. -.:.-.'-..¦. M -- r ci ¦¦

Hrtidly, ..list« Ann'.. M r» _r._rk.-_sBreedon, Mis» SallvBarry, :.!.-» Biillr__>-. ( .;

Kerry, Widow MaryY, i ._¦-.-. Un 'Sa-»_u-»D

.Mr. PhoebeBanuan, Eliza .«-'liBrennen, .*.'.- E.-/.-)i. -. .Mrs l.ttrii.-!

Mrs ElizabethBlake Mis» Laura A¡1 .'.!-. .-»»»ri

Mrs Margaretfc.-.-'-r. Mr» Marjrorct¡,-...-, Mis«Eli»abeth;. .--. M-s ABnckingbaan, Mis» EllenB eh, Marybim», AnneBiustle, Mrs FrancosBrown. S'isa.'iK..-..:.-..',!,.. Lydia WBrown, Ek-uor

H r« Abby VVBoyle, Mrs Alexandrine

-. BridgetBoanean, Miss E. /aBrown. VxXtt Jane MariaBrown, Mrs A WBurch, Mi-» r.}'.' '¦-'.-. Mr» ;... Georgia

.:-. Mr*JoannesL_r..n. Mi»* Mary

... Mis« Anër.ta*:.¦'-.'¦' th V- -2

ii» Ann¦l Hanab

Lyon«. Margaret' I .'.! aria

Mra MaryM.-» Isabel!

Lo-"-!'-. A¡-i -.. ".-1. idl >..». li'.r-. Mary>liin¡»¡i. CatharineMercnanl. Mr« iTnt-ty-pliMaslers«-..'.la- Un, Miss MariaMiii'.in-y. MaryMrs Mary AnaH_j«ba_l, .*.!.-» MaryMarr.n. »Mr« Harnol AMerr.arri. Mi*i C.aruaMayhew, Miss .Sarah EMares, Miss MariaMattl ass ». Elisa Jon.Merroy, Mr* Ju.ia AnnMerrill, Misa OHv«Mari-.». Mrs AnnMason, Mis« HenriettaMadden. Misa Csiharut.Mann. Mr» Mary AnnMaloy, Mra SarahMarauall. Mi»» MMaiming, Mr» Msrin DMarshall,Mrs C MiMarsden, Miss Susi*i

M_nd«_l,M -- !':.--...- A.¦.!"¦.,:¦.¡i.ery. Mist Mar_-retl-Muriey, IsabellaMoore,Miss Mary '» me

Cra*.rford_.-t-j- Martha M-_k_er,MaryMr- Emilia

rasa ford, Miss MaryCarow, MrsMary.SCorhart, Ja_eC rniiane, Johanagii

Mrs IraCorley, M.»t FannyCelly.Mri CatharineCavonagh, BridgetCarroll, M.S» Elizabc!..Cartwnght, Mr»Carpenter, Catharine

M rs Mary WMr- MartinMr» Fanny

Claridge. M rsCroa -r, Mr« pb.beCrow, AnnCox, Mrs AdelineCrowtoy, Hannah

.lei Mrs MCor «.»«. Mr* SarahCook, Mrs MaryCrummelL Mrs C M

Mrs Catharinet .won, Mr« MaryC!o_tcr..Mi»_ II'fChristian, Mrs Eli.abetb

MrsC » -.y. AnnCoates, M i «« MarthaDavis, .Ira Clnrii IIDawkon, Mlos Mary Ja:ieDakm, Mr« SarahDraper, !fenri"liaDavcnpor'. Ml«* Aiiñ'JsiaDaniels, Mit» M EDalley, Mrs Margaret..Dunn, AnnDwyer, MaryDoyle, MaryDu.ernav, Madama FanieDnffey, JuneDuffy, MaryDoran, AnnDonahue, Widow fluteDonnoara, Miss EllenIn::, .«.-.i. M..«* MogoretDonne, Mr» HiramDodge, Mr» Eliza.''¡.i', Anna MailaDodge, Mi* Margaret Ei.»-;«. .'Inry AnnEll in«;» i....I, Mrs (White-.»ill .num. SarahKin'ii-b. MiM HEdwards, Mrs JaneElliott, Mrs France«i iron Misa Emmaill..-t. .Mi»l-'iiiiclt» .sir». AliceI.mix-, CatherinePorrino, Mi»» Mary AnnFarrell, ElizaFiulcber, Mi*« Kii.-nFrtd_ll,Mi«a CatharineKlxiin. MissFoi I, Mi» i GFlnehout, Mi»» CathariniFord, Miss Hüllen

Mr»Forraeder, MaryFoolo, Miss KalhrineFlizpalrlck, Mi»s EllenPegan, Ma. v

(»urrir, MaryGalloaao, Mr» Eli/al.etliGraham Ml»« EstherGreen, Mis» Elisabeth Mis» (Teiitli-si)

Moo ..nan, Ai.nMitchel, Mary AnnMulbem, MaryMooney. MaryMurry, CaiiiorineMoore, Mary or HonorsMurray, Bart,araMoloney, ElizabethMoore, CarolineMoore, M rs DelightMurphy. M¡»« EB__obetb.2Montgomery, Elizabeth Ann¡Nelll*, aintCNoten. Mrs EUzaANicholson, Mr» Mary...NUant, Misa MargaretNongle.Miss t'.aiaNelson, Mr» ».unieO'Neill t'atlinrliieCFBryne, Miss Mary AnnI'nll", >li*.H Eva'Perham, E!i_o¡'.-rrv. Mr-Ciisrl'-tleAPratt, Mrs Marx-

id, Mrs (DresiLnelier)Penfiel.Peck, Mrs J FPerslvle Margaret[Price, M:-s AngelinaPrindle. Mary MP....*, MissSà.lvPowers, MlMMaryWPower«. Miss Eli/aiProthroe, Mia« ElizabethIPyan, Mi« MaryU-icAsile _,-U_«si .llsirtliaMcCaddotn. Miss AnnMcColuli. ElleniMcCoflery, MorgotetMcDennolt, Miss JaneMcDonald, Mi»s Helena¡McFaden. Miss L'uily[McRoy, i! .-.-

McOrah. Sara!.iMcLaughlin, AnniMcGlnnis, M:s» MaryMi Glnnl«, Miss SutanMcLal Mra ElizaMcKlnaey.MUa Murj .«r«*t

McEvoy, Noncvk Bridget¡McMulleii. Luke[Meliean, Mr« Catharine. «

McKenna, Iln.lgel1/1. ill. Hll.lH.I

iJiintif.-ies, Mrs MargaretGray, Mrs EmmaGrant, Mr» SarahGray, M las ElizaGorman, M_ryOilman, Mr» JHi nia-», Miss NancyCorner, SusanUilmuie, Miss Mary«.run. Mrs Elizabethlutterson. Mis Air» .SluryIli'lliU'lsi'Il. _lllt*UuHart, Catharine11.i. in. Mi*s Matildallarii-ll. Mrs MaryUunigon, EatbreuHarvey, huaanll.-ii.v". M.*» AHand, MUsBrldfiolHaines. Mi»» Joua ItHart, Miss Julia AnnHunbridge, Mrs Mary CHaver, Mi«Hall. Misa Am. MI!..Han I. .Mxrx Juin»Hunt, Mrs T (Pearl-st)Hill, Miss Mary .)Iloxt, Mis» VaiohneHowloy, MissMaryHitchcock, Mra HenrySli.pi-, MlM Small HHumphries, Mr« Mayll.ibar, M ». Caillai luHusbands. Mr« Adale Annllulcliliii'K. Mr»Ri.t«TiJohn .in. ¡Minn II ItJohnson. Miss Lucy wJ».i«!aii. Miss LucyJacques, Mr» John.lain,'-. Mi»* H ManaJone», Mi» M S ix EJackson. Mrs MaryJones, Mts OeO Andón, '*.

Misa BetseyJackson, Miss L«nance EJohnson, Mi»s HetyJohnson, Mrs CaihatineJone», MariliaKenn, .MiirvKellj Hint.-,-;Kennedy, MargoretKre!.», Mis« ElizabethKelly,Sarah A..:Eeanon, Mit» ResmarCeotíi g,Mr«. Hai_a._iMKirk MaryJana


Kaynor, .Hr». A _k- All..k.-»:i,,»x, M..I -ui'-tRetan, Ann MarioRedcy, SellnalUcl.a'rds, Mi.CRies, Mrs JacobRobertson, Misa '__¡e»i!na ARoll, Ml» Pli.'ileRoxvo. Mr» Jain.'*Roiindv. Mi» lli'n)i"tiaRoper. Mr» iR.-i.l-*!)Rose, Misa CatharineU..»<\ Mi» JoliiiRussell, Mis« Cordelia...Russell, Miss H ¡«tiny .1Sidziiinii. Him¦iuik. Mi Carol ne MorrisStakem, Mi-» Il se

ir.Mrs Ih-nrySprague.MraA MSoul, Mi- Virginia Dtrawbridge, Anntawart, Mr» iloxaiinalèvent, Mr» E W...'tcvens Mi« G w

Stevenson, Miss RebeccaSnarls, Mrs Jane Bhepnrd, Mrs Almiia

Sinclair, Mis» E«uSlmiiion*. Mrs Ann«luck, Misa Einilv.»inner. Mi» M À

ncbcuinb. S.n.iiiSmith, Misa Mary RSmith, Mi»sliarol:ne CSmith, Mlas Margaret

Misa ElizabethiSpoonei. Miss L AugustaStrong, JaneStorm Mr- Eleantha¡Scully; Catharine ConroySiuarl, Mis Small'I'liiiuyiiiu-, t ¡itlmline,Talmadge.Mlsa AbbyTaylor,MisaSarah JTaylor, Mi» c 1!Ti Mr» Robert WTeirny, Mi».» Marx-r-1, Eyck, Mr» Petei GTi .:..-». Miss JessieToiles. Mis« Julia A'1 bomps.Mi»» Mary AnnThon!)'..Misa Elizabeth ETompkins, Misa Jane

jTo «xusen.!. Mis» S T.-'iTiill'.i-, M »» JoannaTurner.Misa Marx- B

itiit-luui, .Hi».»; (nth» an N.'»», Mis« ('alhar)iieVollmer, M;«» MargrethaAVtil _i, NancyWard,Mrs HarrietWarren, Mra I) n OSWal»»'ii, Mi» EviWeek«. Mr« Maria LVVctmore. Miss Mary 1,H ercan, Mrs Elizabethw tng, M.» JuiiaAWilson, RachaelWlghu,M_asaWri-.-h'. Mary AnnV. ilUams, Mrs DavidSWilson, Miss MaithoWilson, Ann'.» ¡. MissSaiohWhlulesey, Mis« SutwiWiiktna.tii, Mus MaryWilt _i. Mr»White, Mis» Krancis \Wightmon, CorijellaVVood, Rosalinda S\ .-mi. t !:n lim [,-


AdriS-BCe.»W Borllell, Wni ¡Rrown.JohnAdain», Rosiolphus Bortleti. Edword Bostxvick. Chas JAl.rain«. Samuel Barnev. Geo H Brown. _" ,irAcker.Jacob Barr, E D B»>»», FrancisAckrell, John Batker, John Brown,WmJAbbott.I'npiLol... Bauou. TUos 'Brottn. Jasue» PAbeU, Henry K B__i»h, John A B_.»_._u. J AAddaiu». Charles Bate«, Alfred A Buckley, JamesAtieiit for AUebasi Baxter¡Samuel Buck, GeoCMedicines Bates, Tito.« Jr ¡Buckley. Dr A L

i Richard C Behrend, Charles Buckley.'Capt..». Do Bechi_d_MoirisonjB__am,C_-sYgnada Ben, ¡i Bullock, James

Ant.«-::. JsmesK Bearaslv, Samuel Bush,GeoAldea. Henry A Beers. Èaward Bu!_uen. JamosAienande.'. Gcs.»r_;e Beacli. J PAir-Sander, John Beach, Geo

B»!.-, Geo wBc.*l!ioll.Ja_ HBerhaurd, DrBeiu. Hear.Beiger. Mr

Ambrwe. iiiv.«.An - i'.i»«-tAllen .» TaylorAm,.. George BA mold. S .- A BAnder») ii.t_i.ii aü BlUsln, HughAndrew. A Beliuotic. La. »»-.v. AlbertA Beany. GeoAi.iii.iJ«'. l.e«x is

Askew,M SAii.irvx» ». Ti-.i'iAnders, n, Wm

Burgen, WmKantien. Geo W

JBu___r,M M

__W'____OoBurk,»Burr. E ..Burton, EdwardBurgman. J__i_._¡

i. CoB___U_CaM J A;. Janiea GBenders, Ed G.._ B_r_.e. TjosBenedict, tiow» K_i'....v'_..laiue*bridge Bullan!, Gardner......-, ._ ,...«Kv- uu.aiu. '.»IL'lia..

Anderson, (..en AJ- Betbone, Norman B.siee.i. Richordex..: B,-t«»dy, Brvan

A__er»üii. Capí _-eI__i_. WùiAutlla, \Y R 8uu. R.chaniAtwoicr. J Btgeiow, Kair-AademocDewuiC Birch, JohnAndrews k Smith Birge.CC.«ikley, Ja« M 6.s¡.o.\Jbfstí. Judge Jno B__..._!_*iiaeB»ac_.wc__. Jo_n Birch, Sbabe«..,.. Caarles Brisloll.WmBbroumer. JohnB.ancnaid, JohnBaker, John HBland. BeverlyBanr-a. Jame»K:__i.U

Buiss. Waii.r».vni. A ».

Brvan, HardvOiillut.O«-¦»._. C-as

; Cane. Pa;Cantwc-l. PatrickCannon. JobaCa. ¿x» el_T_»-x-_or9Carrera. LuisD

BUänger, i..\-E C Cally.JohaB_i__.Ki__ic_» C Cad«»«-.....B;__iop. N C C_awfj_, WmB.-o-k. Re« ti...» i_bamplaltt, E GSrockxvay. Elipha- C-.

__w_a.orv.__-D gg«t Jam« t __ds-*__¿__ bb.Pr.indt. t A _>mCk_Aun__|_________» ». ... . . .

Bla-lcvGexoA .^. .^.a Gganta..\ m hodu.. T S___b__V,MLBailey. Key» A Boardman, A W Chase, Hearvl'-r_:»ied. Jacob Jr Br«*x*. r.Sin.-.x>iiL«_ Ca____»r,2toin BBalds, EdwardBtoke, Aaroc.Baker, E".o_Bland. Jocv-bBaUs. l.ot-ei i MBa_l. FêterBalle v. J noW beat

Bamuiîi. DsiiielBarber.Wm CBarren. Jota LBartwr, Nelson JBordwç_ RNRBarclay, Ja_-.esBarrett. Ge»»Banset, c hBariow, Dav H

Brooks, N k__-_as (_______, d' mBrociíis. Henry iC__-*_cter.'Da_i_t!l_?o»'l__». James Ca__f, Jame.«BoU X Fraser Cary, i.e\« ¡» _iBonn_n_cas_le. Li C__Sf_B____ _V_qJohn Ct_app-Q._l-kDli

Brook». Chas V_ Clari. CharlesBolmer.Manuel Í _______¦¦¦_.Boi«b_»_ie, Edisr Clark. G«fo ABonne. G«*«» L C»>e. Capt W PBcurbm, James Clark. J__iie_Bovie» Peiter CorTOll. JotaSoitwick, L A Clark. Dr J oha EBrows, Jno L Clark. JoiiaBoyce, J oîmW Ca______er, John SB.-ownel,JohnR !C_s_tev.ChasCSr-wri, A B Caraey, Henry

Kr^-ctU^« s gi_ï__*W_O.S{Car_ai-W.WfcH5-,. j. susosj &te,yr^ fuy^t j cooptjau,. >¦»- E

Rer Cha*Gai .-.-.-. IVmHGard'¡5MC,«i i'Gcaai, lames


.''jzi. Joseph.jray. Car*. W*r."«ray, O»car B«3re*n, PatGregory. John E

«r.ari«**'- .-

GTesrry, T CGreene.Goo>-'.-.. Edward II

A ill W

«":.!_ S

.'. rn B'.'

R z. Y(

¦. rig '¦ L A


-. I a »A."

I .-

.. -.. .'aine*Gocdrich. Jar«n E

rer John: ..

Gordon, P»Goldrafor.WID-dn'>im«-r. J «- r. 11Gould, r.'.'Aah AGlover, T JamesGow, ¡;


SFJBall,jumenfl-mnan. y.-rt.-.ri

J i"«'.-.n

er. Chasí; I

Hall uiiverHall, RichardMa... E I»Bandley. JamesHandy, ManriceBalipeniBam.Abn«Han !...-.-. Sie -

Halste-, BHHager, -.Charle* H

Hailock, Rev .1er!«Hall. Cin

1 Cara--. R^iert( *r_. H«"_.-( v. GW --CoCiar*. E r.-"-

: Cas-*v. M*

CL**»"-<-¦'.'- -»'ose*Qu-raicta-el, Dr.James A '

- J RCanses T-Clara. Jeremía.-.C-_.e. Josiah DCarv B 3Cvr.Tt.os S

tiara. !VaChape;*-. D WC.s.r-«--. r '¦¦ -


Castens (Alex

Case P BJ- haJJ

i PCremer.

¦.-. j Jl: c acy.M

-. ;.t«

-, îno* S


,- Jotra(

lia". -¦¦

IS, »Vrn A.-.-.Jame»

.. ..'mnable, John

Mylea| Conine. J'jIi.i< ..«. F. W il

Henry ST

Coehrane, Tir LCollin». Daniel( ¦-.r-..aa, lohnColborne, AlpheusCoe. PerryHenry(.os, Jordan JrConine. James CCombines. G

r «-...-.' 't«. la JrIoni«-.. islames

.-. Ca;:li nul« », Francis


Cool-y. J MÍ Copian«!, A.-xCastell», Charles

i Cook, Mrforrero, Dr Rafae

-..-.. NathanCortón, P« i:

on, John-. J Mper, Samuel 6

Mr. .2<"."o¡<. HiCope, John*

-as R! Corcoran, Henry

III DN<¦,-.».. :. w. 2Com :--r. Co!Curir.i-i.-iia'-J nijWCer.aca. Fill

ingnsm.WmJCitnnineham, GeoCuriis, L SCurry, .1<'.¦'¦ », JohnChurchill.Cap; UyCuahman, AlexCum«, Chu. .--i MCuiler, DavidIlrnko. Win IIDa Le*.A G JH«..'.m. I*Davit. Cap! ADavi*. John FDart, HenryDavis, JohnDavis. HenryDavies, John SDayton, LymaoDarcanlel, Charle»; Ha'lhawáy, KDankel. Cornelius! Haven, J^rohF ..'

l*\ Silva, JosDiin¡«»I». FrancsDavis, TDavis, Kit-hardI) i-.-i-.GeoUnibv, JoiinDehue, F FDe Forrest, John JDeboice, SamuelDelobin, AdolphDegruff, SimonDelandei. StephenDi'Hi.. .¡«.ImDemoore, JohnDe »aux, F

¦'.: benDowoy, Alex

Jame» IDa Quemada, DR ....¦;

DeMelleJotoMariaDemon, RichardDe Soto, CorloD niel, B IVD« w ..»-. Willi*Di MichaelDewitt, Ephraim11. Dslor, ."tin IDemon, S CDlckurson, .la-ouDickson, Jame*Dwlgbl, lleurv CDivine, Joseph MDolond.Wm PDoffin, James JrDormedy,Jamoslioughertyjameí..'Doncervií, HenryDow, Win FruncísDowney, JiunusDoughty. Q EDoocy. JolmDonnell, Rufas 11Doremos RoDoocey, JohnDunn. John., tU,nui. Heu FDunn, CharlesDike. JohnDuiilop. John LDugas,LF Kl)rummond,ChasilH .\:l. WillH inlop, J SDumondWorlhlng*ion C

Drummond, Johnliver Capí Scott«EiUell, Jn.u» .tuts, Edwardr ..:-, .»:. Thoa.E. :. Ctias \VKuhn. PatrickEaton, F. DEa»!»v_rdHo_T.osB

Ely,JosephEarie, S

F-C- J

Laree, M Bla-aver.*Leach, ComLr*..«. Hem AbnerL*__erafc.G-*orç»;Lemon, J.-r.nLeochs-J WLeoCBrd, W-Z jLeroy, i. »

Leowoh LLeos. Joss paLevy. Re_.._L.z-ri. CharlesLi .'ivisgsioaSre-i-Lockw«y_L«<¿e. AtxT. >,,

.:-. Dew - 2.- r. A

-. '.'.-

.alonaV. J 1Î:¦'.. I'.' - lift E D...



Ma Sis Lai* ea.-- ,Wii .tuu

May, Jac'jt.

Edwardwe JamesW

Matbesoa. AlesMee l.*BWelea - epbenMey« -. MariiriMead, Samuel LMerritt,James M


Mi --. Benjamin*.! lar, Austin¦¦

,.- -¦-

*.'. ¦-¦.... L--.t ..- »V.--. ChasH

.'.;.-' -... CriasMichell. JH:a«*r. Henry J¡Miller, John GMi 1er, Jon D.*.* II*. il'jiieriM'XKiy. AndrewMoore, J W': re,J DMould, H.-amMonel SMoule ..-i.ery. Bca-

Morris,JMoss, H SMorgan. BsnisonMoore. Thorns*

*.rew JMorion. HiramMood; i. DakmMor.»on, John CMoss, D NMontgonierv. MsjC P

M rriiM E

Balmiion^enry N Mogo .líi-.-vOco 1-Harvey.« Moore,J D

Bardymnn, Thos M ss»wleo I ¦'] J';i''5

.:¦ ..-. c m- ¦:¦ '¦'¦¦',.Morgais. NalhanjMurre»-. Francis

rodoreMurray Lew

!¦ indI t>bn

Harivi:/. M »rillHarvey, JohnHar»-ev J«,'«n nuinj ,.-.«.

Barris, tv.n '.' -*-1 Tre}r,»TIittB-*Bardlng.J I. Mnlr.VV RBardlojLl L Mann, Jesse BBarwooaj» J " :- «- «P-,u.:li

Freeman M trphy, D k .-on

Harris.Thomas G l>|ui-gee, MiHon CHa" W C ¦'' f-hristianBanrey.WU L,0otÍ__. t

Barry. Otho Marphy.JohnBarerave. Wm WlMuntro**, DrRen-Han W ''euHarihan. H Muuroe DrThoma.Havdock(lr"nv.;;,- >eill. llobcrt

.-,-:.-. K'-v ..*(¦:->..-'; ",'.j»a .-. v. loi .> ni E

Haworth, Wade, H¡-N¿-v ïorltWesteniHays. Gen A L ,JranPortaücn Co

IE |N-i.. WUlianiNelson, neo ESeeit. William

Uayncir wTirr»c P -N"'v "*«!-« J ,'". L

lU'liiitvav,Charle» . ,lmito.

Hawkins, David C g CP0Í*> '- P~Heddenberg.CJ ä'ch« .¦"U-J T

Sand S ¦';...--."...«Il. .¦ .-. MT v"-rth,C C.i .a .. »rlei

11 «re,ReubenHenry, JohnHenry,Mr(of Ches¬

ter. SC)..aHenderson leo RHerlehey, Frank

IV i. CoBewlet, PB. :u res a CoHill, l.II...!.¦«. ¡I Si"Biggins, II' onBiggins, Michaelllillin-ti

Noyes, Tlmmas J¡fol ii Th .ma».aNugent, TI.lasOrchard,TbosOgle, Wil.iuiii< Neil, Jhiii«.»O'Brion, D«snlsii Brien, i'-.'i«.«Hai-, Jame*llmsted.Geo TO'DounaOliver, I, .-» i*.Iwons, Tboma*laman, Joiepb

Oxford,Bickev.CuptJosh* }''.¦."*..:., >".".«nu W

llll.llllllll l«all :Hlnchman, W Aii ndn an, U inlloeun. lohnH,i!.:,.«t,v.Jos -'Boltou, Kuiiicis CHoylo, CharlesHolmes DanielHolly, O I»II..1I..Mm WHolt, John Wllofiimtin. Ti.rli NBoSstetiei JacbHopkins, AI.ramBopkin, wHoist, JohannH..»», AdolphHooker. ThosII.I, H JHurst, i.i EugeneBorn, W SB«nivi'i, Wm |*Bo-igBbereer,Ds.lHorn.-. J \VII.«[«kins. J««lin II

bum, John SHoward xSimili ;¿Co

How«.. i;.'.« wI!«.!, bk -i. SamuelBougbton, Rt.'vd.

. II!ln>!. MilBoye, PelerHunier. J WHugho*, John

bai I, Mi '.v.-rnev Ht Law

Hubt.anl. I. GeoCBuffo, WiUiamHuntei JohnHill"». PatrickHumboldt, DiHughes, Jin»H.iiii; r.rev. Cat

[, Capt ü MiHatcblnsoo, usaKill», Geo VVElliott. AbrelEldred, Geo IIE-s'.land.T BEastwood, Wm SEilet, Charle»Ellis, Wm MEwing, J ohnEvan», David

-. JesseEverett, Sammi 11English, Dr (' «.'.Enos, AlonxoEoot, W C Jrtitmi». Re»- Bonj'mEverett, FranklinDBverson, A CEmmon*3ylve(ierEvarts, Samuel ilEmersvB, S HEvans, Pa» :JFruiik««, JohnFlannagan, Jaane«!Fairlee, MichaelFrancis. Win JiKay, Micîiae!Farrell. JohnFa»atdo. Nichola»Fanning. BarclayFabre, wmFanninj. I) !iI lanagan CFa,'an. WinFianklin, H LFreeman, AlpbeoFreeman ( CKretierick. AlbeitFreeman. James EFearther,A_gustoFrademboi_. MFerns, Fe.ixFencolent. JohnFertroton, DavidKit-;, Cre,. U inFerrer.Dr E igenia

.- G AFields,!- EFischer, MarcFish.Wm 11K.ii^. D.lie!Filch x CoFitch, Ac» -v

Fisher. S FFisher, J Kfa:::.-:

randsF -, e». J MK .."Vlr.FUh, PhilaiaocFinn. BernardFlock-.on. H«^:.-yFoot«, Mr.Folger. Thos JFroslRFro»:. R»«l..."..._Fo*ier. Ttio» FForbes, E B

..'-.. SamurFowler. Joèepi TFrost, S OFlo»»er, Geo \VF.-nr.laine, ^*, WF.,.-d. EFoster. W;.; LFtoote.Chas Br.«iti.!..'v Al&ed iiFox. S WF ar_á Otle

Le»»-,i- Gen A¿-aslFlyi;_. John

Izo CFy;e.. Ja.-iie»

**"»"*_Fuaivsi, Samueltlladnin.WBOia-i-iin». Geo HGUítellí Ccmel;.!Ga-aaway. Nicic--

_-. AGardner. N SG.-_at,Soto._o_ WGiiOrailh, JohnGaiiius», Racl^irdNeale

Ga:e,G«Mc?-_-.-. j _-.->«;

Hnxhlett. Garrettll'iiLeii. I» «!Hunt, lliarles Bllvne, Charles SBubbard, D BButcbinga, John

Huiiiies. T .-

Hughes, « -tilI llil ll It III. .Ill III!liuiii.;, Jonalsham,C ipt Fleurv

.,- CDie.CoIvison. llenrvves. EJin-obi. *. MJackaoïi. GeorgeJackson. Thos JI alisen. Eçl «.«:

Jamison, J FWm C

Jen:.», tl H-..: is, h t

.1.1 wJohu*cE. Jno Ed-lMcEward ¡McNJohn»oii, Aniei N lMcS«Vi¿eyTerance

Johnsion. Re»- J TIMcGlaty, AnthonyJohnson. Robert McGregor,Jotai

McElioy, \V-UamMcKenaa, TUoma»|McGlangb_tB, Wm


Palmer, Henryr i*r, Elliot I'Parker, Thos H¡'. .-. Pi kmPatten, \iberl TPalon, \\Pratt, Cap: Wml'util. Ji.tin Butler!.¦¦:..-... .i».-.-Pelrce, T S \ «',>Peau, ALford II1'earl. Jaunt VVPhelps. Prof 7. MPeabody,S WPeach, ¿aptBenj.JPetti», Simonr.'1-i. Prr«-,.-. LadviePenis, Joseph I!Peppasly, John DI'etlv, DPerry, RoberlPenaleton, John sPUte, ShihiicI JrPardee, J SPari it, i baríes IIi'lirki-r, ll.-,.i_e WPiloue, StiPriest, JustaliTill..Mrl'ut». Satniie! KPiepno, CharlPomero»Pi '¦." v. il in. Ui'ons.Kedcrii oPolbeams,J D I.Pollak, JoscpbPowell, «in H JiPool, !!. nry CPotter, J DPctter, John SPryor,G WPucband *». Col'ar»oll». Win IIPurves, Andre»»- JPurser,Haï le ;.

Purdy, II-Purple, NalllanielI'liliiam. A!b»«rtl«Clnr«-,\V J

McDouou^h, Mithew L

McDonald, Jam- »

McBride, PatrickMi Con :k. JohnMcCassen. JohnMcCord, w ...i.tinMcCarren, PatrickMfCaltiiiion.JamesM.-l'». WmMi C»U, ii-M W JMcConncll Mr(Wa

1er It)-IcCormaek, Jonsa ii George

McAllv. JamesMcDowaU,!Met tusky, Patricky. Ruiu»McXamara, James


Johnson, EllJohnson. Jame.Johnson,MJone» CoJoyce, MJi'iies, James ¡àJoues, WKay lor. AlferdKasbOW, Nair;Kasse'.mann, "tiKt'ilv, ARehoe, ThomasKeeler.Capl rKeiler. TKeenan, Ha.-:..-»e.:_.-. Mid »t-ir-.-..-. ft ....i.:i¦« Junes H¦».-.ting, _l CKenned. :.

Kenny, Pal..2Kenny. L*»»reaceKeys.'John

T VKey» ici. PatrickKrnnev. ftl.iamKenuW.: :_::!¡».»¦a.-.. .».:-(» a»Brother

Knight. -t-i .« GKiep!. W CKJBlght, Pre_-_<s D

MrK.r.í, L'ivid CKirfy, John"»'.'S. J.-..".K_rk.JohnKtechen, GeoKirnead, JamesKing, MrrfisBBm, ii--«jKj_-.:V.-nicht, F(ofNorth

Ca.-"li -_.

K~'.»-.-y. HK.i:u ¿ce.taiai-Küo»vie-, f¡.an-ie.-.A H-siÄ.NLark. JnoLay, T-OS ll.r.ryLa..«.e. Jo__iDlVm-.i-.-i--1»'-honùe

Lackev, Abrsiuuap y{

Lawless. DichariiALziz.x-.a. 3Laznben»Fi-.»'iRLalha_. EdwardLaiy, Lo-.-.»Lazuhen. EdwrsrdLaw-ver. J, GLsnica.r. tlrruzLi_i,:'^'n. DavideUw-cce A

M«_.inney, C::»s JMcGhas B «.-yMc.MahonHano'verMclnersey, JamesMcNoe, Jo.-i-iMcTaf.^i D

- BnghMcIatyre,CaptJaaMcGnuh, O» eay. Gregor, G BMcLauchlîn, Stew-

ariMcKlney, irles

ri J» MMcVev, PatrickMcNally, Johnliadway. li GRan la CyrusRamsey, C:s.-:->Rantbo", lieobRal a:-» JamesReed, i_ FReed MRea.T_oa-»sRewcsstle. WRe;»!. John HKc.-. LReynolds, Capujor«.ri-e.. StephenRichardson, J andBrother*

_::.-. CoR.c-u-i». A 3ili.ey, Fejc er la»

.zasalley. Jts_n

J CRietet». «.'¿r-^Ja_»e» H

Rights BR ei rr-:.:

.-. A-AZZSe ia

gets, A BRoi ert, C

C G»akM

Koc-ecB, Georn üz. Bjzv

DavidR.'r.ii.irr ll

c j..:u..e. Mr

lil_-'._. Wi"i»-*s.Ra-hi^soc. EdwisRoke-souzh. SsailH

Sobii-ii.Ceiis(ierRobinson, C CRcber_co D A-. :¦:..-.

______», Lit M



Isaac A

r_-____l.J_.v_hu-»-.i. F C______ Ge ce..y«-...jachafer.Ilpnrj;-x .-:--¦

Semr-> StXB_.-. C

-J CJ p.F N

>_!."'n. George¦*7_i_-,E.:>«--'¿J>_oi__. Ja»_'*» M

______ He-ry

Van Horn. C,r_..-

¡Von Gäulen. J L

J otan

rogner. David-r,n W_ll__,TD

-__:__. sv.,___ B warr-n.E i

.- - TP iWotytelder, r.

-.;:.:" R*ertA ¡Waieíuld. O WSa.u Cast C

¦_>»od'»'e WagnerJ.HenxyStaü, S C- arfes WaSm, Oüw LScr-hle.AW ;V\ orne-. IsodoreSsow.Jo«:»h l^."*'";«1;' __BlleI ri

WUBam tVan_,J bn... j »ari.-VkB.

,-, w '¦ -- as, Lewi_«_.Simon S. ¦'¦¦ «3 ^^"ó , ,., »

Chris .-. Se reLC P £.*"U**1,*Bî:w ¡sco;-.J.-*n-- ,', -':':-J,/_.

¦1.1 F S__-i. Be_i F

- .-:¦>.. Win 1C F

.'.uses F:: A

'.'-'Si*.-*. :


'.'. DavidWfe ..:' -7' -i»...

unes PGeo Ei..'

-"- B_W :r. :.

J eue»


. V.Sulivan, Jrunes

T ¦____ ¡' Saj der, a '»Sha«*-. ;-i -- 1er. WilliamSneR, Walker a

¦»_».. Si ir_e-». J'¦:..':S ¡y. rl-i'-s S

w c.. É

invar GTiioma«

iteeta, W.

'.'. .'::

Sherry, PsinckIsaac

S'.'-rn. Edward:. Cha»«

.-er er, F Ai. Co_*_»ta_. James í.Scbenck. Rev W.\-

-. 1-1I. A r,1, CharleeDr Fred*


Stev art, NaihaaStevens, Jam- «

- ¦¦¦ ensG

Stewart, JamesSeverin, MonsiiSherwoo 1. George


DJ, J Cir. Chas

Stetson, v» :.. ¡'-

Sill H CSinclair, S

_-...'-S: ._-.--. Capí Jas

j WEdwin N

Simpson, Keaedv(

Moriz.»» -EbenezerHazard

Sückney, LorenzoM

Sur.*. Orr., I!...'S... :.. M

I.'»--..el F

lev, J PWe) .'ri. H:Wc>___. FnuKisMWest, ilWet !'.»\ :. r.V. -. Petery. ..-in. D.r!n».-iLWilliams, S JW .« r¦-. Carter i.

'¦- ¦'»

T--...or.Ca* ¡ C sa »'.

Taylor, Eldard1. Y '!

Travers, PTalbot. Ixi àTa.or. WTmi-ert. ATaylor, >'. ---

7- rry, .».-iLnr_mes

Tefr. SETem-le. J.ii.r. ATiman,Wm

.- -ii_i'is J W

nsou.JVVi iaht.», ThosWiles, Thomas..'. leu J _oh SWilson, Ales

iliinson Jere-¡niiah

HiramW ». Geo

leo \v'¦'. James

¿1White. Jol:nWing,.!

Tnpp. J-- r. y liten. Edward7 :. et, Peter l VI - '¦'-

... ; u W bhnej U:. '¦'.

... '.\ ...- ,- a

.¡Whitlock, Abi>A A

7 irp Wm '¦'¦ odoreF-- VV hitney, James H

W ittlesey, H PAlfred Wim,-. Peter

... -... fr»-1 Wordungton, An-F J

«.GooWood, B Jr

N Woodward, E F_d,Jethew

... Wood. ATrull,Robert 'A .irufT. Ja-* WTrv.m.G K W Iman, dpiTurner. Jume-1. Billings..-!

S Alex... W EzraTx«nn. Rnmond ¡Woodward,JamesI flnri! H I, [Wood .-- AVi'ttoy. .Slnther Wood, i'

i.'r Wm Wyatt, Joshua G> oidor, aenh Wyeh ". L wsr

Vandyke.John jVñiinir.J It.(.John AlVonng, D v. Co

t 1- er, John Yates, Itlarkar, Leon'dl _Ts_es,W S

(Van Beuren, Jsa S rotes, RevWm B...n Brunt. N R IVo-ry, PeterRflRKRT R. MORRlfi. P. >I.


THE KMl'KEItnOI'KEI- F:ro Insurance C ñi¬

pan; (late the Mutua.i of New-York.Capital ____0,000.0?ir" _»o. 6-1 Wall-st..The Legislature of lin» State at itslaie session passed an acl cliar.i*insr the corporate home ofthe old " Mutual Insurance Coinranv "f the Cily of Now-York." to Die Knickerbocker Fir«» Insurance Company ofNew-York. All future business of ihat Corporo'.ion willtherefore be tron«acied under it» new name.

It may be »v»'.! :o odd, by way of explanation, that the old" Mutual," notwithstanding íw wie. wo« in foct o M.x-kComponv. bavin* capita! ail paid in and securely Investedoi.d tost the change of tion-.a was obtained to pru.-ent mis-smirehensiun on that point.This Company contmnea to insure oçalnst loss or damageby :.._ ou o» fovoraale term« a» similar injiuuiioc« tn th.»rirv. DIRECTORS.George Ireland, John Gray, . L. C. llaiu.-rsley,J ..i.i. is.''.:....... Bolus Moore, Cha_.P. Levei. \- ilarius, R.'i.'i C. We'.niore.H.'iij. De Fore»!,Robert Benson, Edw-ard Cook, Wm Tncker,John Campbell, AnthonyLamb, Asber Riley,Ge(>r.c Conklin, Adam Sorrle, Alex'r Loxvrpr.ce,Joshua Brush, Robert Kenn.;. W_m.E.Deaa,RobertI_Stuart, Antiiotiv Chardon, William Browning.

GEORGE 1HELA.ND, PresidentA. !'.. McDonald.Secretary.New-York,Moy I : ¡& _ell) ..-odtf

I TNITED STATES Fire Ir.-.iranco Company, urhreI :».- 69 Wall-«-.This Company continue to insurea_mii»i !..»« ai.! damage by ñre on merchandise, »inps in

dlding«, househo d furnii ire.... sa i othei persouaiproperty, oi the usual ra'.1» of ¡-¡.-ni; un.

DIRECTORS.lohnL Bowne, Morris Ketchum. D. A. Cushmsn.Silos Hicks. J.- ia__UnderfailI, Charles Hillshurgf

.»-i. iiinii: Corl es, Chas. T. Cromwell, William H. Titus,Lindley Murray, Charles Kneeland, Robert 1. Murray,llv. II. Lavs i,-;,r-, Robert R. Minium, S..:..mon Gurten,Mi-|i ¡i. Van W rck.Thos. \s Pearsall. Orlando ALBogart,It.'bsTt D Wi¦'._., GeorgeD Post, fêter R. Rouneit,i. n VV.i. Al '-"it Woodbull, J .sepli N. Lord,Benjamin Strong, Samuel C Poison, Robert 1_ Cs .-.

Hussey, Caleb Barstow. Henry S. Terbell,l'i ..«!i K.i'ni ¡"-ni'-.. Samuel L.Mitclicll, George J. Cornell,Eb'n'r. Couldweii, Jaiiie« Marîh.

J.L. BUW.NE, PresidentJsMts WitKiK, Secretary. jylOSmeodDTDAL RES>:FITT____~ insurance C«mrp__iy.(OfficeNa 11 Wall-sL) issued duiina the nioiiili oí

.luiv i su nexv Policies, viz ¡

To Slercli_-il»aiid Trad«'rs_'»liT«. Professor».Planters ond Farmerslerks. '.'

Clergymen. ¦>

phystciaus. iI,a»» yets.1*Mechanics.18MhJiiifa, tur.'ia."

Nex»- Policies i««'N»-»v Policies Issued iu tin*

hr-l quarter of the year145, viz:

May.»¦ MJuly.TJ


Ladle«. SMember of Congress..Scc*ry of Ins.Co. I<_H.-h.-r. IA.ents.7Studenls.3Other occupation.».H

-.! m .Inly. IS46.II'INexv Policies issued in the

lir»l quarter of .;o yearl.'l', viz.May. 207li:ii".181July. I Hi

Toial.r^il'.- ofPolicies Issued during 1 year..IT"!Total Poli, les .u months..___¿

tv* Issued ¡n Ai .- -i 139 «a» policies[T7- Itoucd in Sei lembés IS6 ss »x Pollcle»

ROBT. I- PATTERSON, PrealdentB..NJ. C. Mit.i i R. S-'crvlary.

11«. Loan, tirent.J.x>. Stkxx»_,M. D. Medical Eiaiiiiuer, N'.> t._l Br.iad-

woy- oui Jnieislo»

MIT! AI» BENEFIT Life Insurance Company,Office No. il W ....

The Company offers _l,e following advantages to thepill.iiCLives only insured st the !«xt t-st rates of premium.The prt-Siium .1 over _¦¦«. tuav !*.. paid J In rash ond Jib*

li iteat 12months,-eating6percentiuterestorit iiiKv be pa.d monthly or quarterly.

N.. person ¡-1 able beyond the amount of bis premium.A married woman may Insure i!¡.: Ufe oí her _»-.»*»__ii*i fiée

from any dernat: !» .: Us creditors.T::'-re will be annual division of protir«. payabl« in Snip

Certificate«, beat ng Interest ni S per cent, which Interest¡- ible annually In cash.

DIRECTORS.Low, Rol.'l. L. Patlersoc.

ii.ii..nuine Merle, Wm. 11. 1!Ott,W i". A. K. l''-:.'z. Edward Anthony,Lewis C. Graver, John L Onderwood,Henry McFnrlan. Chas. S. Mocknett,Wm."M, s__np-..n. Thos. B. Segur,

R03T. PATTERSON. Pr.-.LBt.Nj. c., Sec'y.Jos. 1_ Loan, AjjenLC. EL M- Ni-, s. St) (-Agent, SW llu Isotwt cor. SpringJt.ME» Sn n «ut. M. I). (_.____ ßr"id w ay. Medical Ex A: the .¦:' - :-..: ft :: 2 '.. tfcloA o! .dxvif

Coal.PEACTH ORfHAKD COAL-Thirieentb-st. Yord-

Pestch Orchard Cool..The __ib_c_ber has juit opened a

yard as above, and ho» now on hand o choice lot of RedAsh C«»is. selected from the most eelebtated .-....:_» o_d of

.«:i-.»'»_-s. viz. Broken E^i*. Stove and Nut. for»a.e at lowest market price«. Als»), Lehlph. While Ash,Liverpool and Cum_.r._.i.i Co'.l» n band. All of lie abovefor sole from vard or vessel. A;?lv toT. STOKEs DICKERSON, 6» llih-n. near 6th-avenue,

md 10. Anthony*«*, near Broadway.N. B. .Lefc:*h and .V_.:i_ Ash Lump Coal by me carco



(^ L.UHEK1.AN O COAI»-The Echar. Coai-Wn; m»./charge ¡n o ton day » a cargo of the above coa!, fresh

from the cotnoonv mines, in ¿rood order, oil lumps, ot thefoot of I-__rt-__l___. N. R. For sale loxv forcajm applySo T. STOEES DICKERSON. No. Taineenih »LxZit near ri'.h-tver.ue. and IT Anlh»"!»-«*- near Broadway.A DCTIOM NOTICE..The 5-_-«<_iber re»r*__'_..y__L i. lie« (be onep.iion u! cash r^rcha-ers of Boon andSb.-__ :.' h.- pul le Sides, x» ..icü xx ;.. tase place a_ follows:

Tbursdav, Ocl 15, at _; o t'osck. A. M.-Csj coses Boot«, ¿hoes and Br. ¦

I -.'-day. Ot'- .. at ..; o'clock. A M..uvs Boots,¿hoe» and Sr_>__üS.

Tbursdav. Oc- IS. a: o'clock. A. M.¦.I'ca_e» Bo «s, Shoes and Bro.-sn«.

Tha.-»ddv.No7. 5, at__ «»'clock. A. M.eT* cases Bool*, si:.>.?_ and Br-J_;_-i»-

Ttn_T_rt»y. ^o-.-.i xz *_ t'ci«x_k, A.6D0 case« SoOia.'Shoei sad Bro_ca*_s.Each of th_ anox-» ¿ale» x _11 cotnrnse o large ___on-

mem cf fresh and fastuonable gooi»- Cash p-rcl-__»eriwill £¡_d it for their ¿ater_»t to otiend. a» no «¿dit will be?:..-¦_. iS-lN'.w.l A. CLAPUN. £->J Pear.-»_. _p stair».

TO BAKERsT-F-r sal- the Bakery new baking Î1t__r_s per wec¡_ There ire o httl raie boise. wo_*on

s__d hsmias a>'¿l'.fln via.-»' lei-e. and ever-.- *______._ co__-,-.ei_. l_.;.;rr o_ :__ rr_!____<-». corner of TSTh «t, «¦-.*. 9_h-

or _7 _«_________. of Mr. McADA.- Crotón water

..PACI.E _______________ M-.-.¿Company -N_-_ce isAjtc-rs-hy giren thai an sees -oCaroaeoehla » Corn-

z-ze 2nd payaui.e in "he Ü. day my oôce. By order .Í '.-.-¦ trusts»«ypï-N"DÔTÏjSecyandTreas -..

DR. GREGORY __rva__a Us ___.n O-Bom -rxc'.n-airely _o__e_r_a______t and curs f P -1 -narv coc-

samprioiir ase so __>_£ ler.l i» be of fazcen ill tu* :. i__; :.-..» w¡_ag to waia*all _._;____ fat

.-r=-ie__. _3.c-r: _K xAzAczzes periurtned. H_sres__e___ _,: ___, 3 s.oo_ev-lu o_r door irx-ci C__:ha~i-_l

-on In\VRIT1NG I>'K of auperii r c,__:¡'.y."vi:*Ta_i_ed to re-* * -*-- .-..:.¦¦ -i;-' c-_.._- Francis'» C:0-

ised by ill xvh¿ _r.i.-e a ¿_«_! anideili Sow freely frozi'lie pen. 5-.-Í wholesale ici ré-tau by uie m ¦i'ir'_r"-_..*er_.

FR._NCIS k LOfTBEL,77 Ma____D____e_D-aler. s-pp_,_d a: a _il?e.--l discocat-_ ol_ la

FIR-MTLI-E WANTED m e____i__i;- for board,for p_.-.or eUnr new or seco-d-hacd..Tüe hoc»« i«¿oisss-y s-,-_.__»i ta * í-- -*\¿Y


".. S--t ;r_-. a boat¦ '¦ --» »>._.. <_ <_kM__ »rai ae arm, jlcZZl*zA2i COt c_.Jscica -j. AiiÀttt J. >. B. t_i_s ___». *r__ ose«. 01. & '

patent iHcöiriitcs.GREAT AMERICAN EEMED.'.

oa u.c. vjxous s j_cvEiir;is_ii.Nr roa '..-I'«.

Xii tirant .ne- --. tauft Kesnttmsle Lnht-ar jirrptsc Misture.


1 into Europe me East and West Icuie».S^ulh Amerita.

¦oda iii-r ears oi le.e g.o'nê. wheredisease exist* b_ n:yform. Tie (jailed States azd -.he Cacad*.» hav-> ¡or the rast

made ibem-el r» merry ov-w tlie "new htiwihog, Bmf, tart have posted a» a»

and mote oí observoe stamped this REMEDY --.-¦.

...I- - ITS... ». » .1


-_.-a«* the pre* wyes-

tiled, azd llialxt-b va- .- »- » Wl - --

;... lions of er» l ¦.¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦< they: the «rfSecl «.«.' »

--.,..-.-- i e on*. Ta-School" now open their eyes. T -' *-¦*"- --.*-.**

the mr»m- tg .:-'.. fiy before oftruth, ami c.«iri:i!-«n.. -a .t» a r'.-u.l to I:-« wax. Instead «.!

is eye* and bebaçled. The truth of me ¡-upon which this anide ... si state»!

.;..«_-. most-.nphaiicaIterated .-.- tatdacint wiZl *rèt«e from, the ted» eat

t Vil -1 ".ill-..-...*. «Ii«.»»CO-»l.-i.-.'-i « :

mhteh con exist. If bone and muscle amain. _i,j meriunne it'lliptrfi .<¦ :' - II t.'.ii:-'.. Meeding

...... The proof daily pree« it g.-. THi'-RY. :.» a prop ont of

structure,w -a imblet, ipele**c«.» oi mceand docenäon.

l».» «¡¡.«. reeort at once to this medicine. It Is»«-- :iljVacrrxB-C Kbmkov, 'oar own soil.acorn-Ip..iind «.: tweniy-tw litferenltagTe<_e_t_ EachroolbaaUs peculiar pan of the system !,« act upon, and this acüon

is a.-.»av.« product*«' effect apon the v-holc syste*.meà sidyapparent Tetimonyofthe highestcharacter Is

he ,-r iprietor. full of truth, arm ». ¦» illa!*»av» see names, piacès sad date*. Not a partide o< Usa

.... ;, ._..-.. ; g the pan of this Gbkai c«*»t-.»h..Tl ¦¦ ::. ist careful peruia: of ihe pampfa el is sired. :i

gives the character of ail the secondary complaints whichprevaiLaad whichhave been cared by ihisartida» Evtdence of cures in tome of the most dreadful cases ofline*

»ringe il ha» been Hie fortin-.- of any ii.--.ii-dne to cope »vuh. i» found.cases which have been left todie. H__M_red» In every large «-.:». .-: our union and theCanada» have ink this irtlde for their lives, and fo

.i thi ;. Bs .v.:. r» _*. the possession oí the proprietor will»how.7 « G BEAT Ml .:¦¦» ink wülenre DROPSY, mr*«rr*/-iajr:

GRA» r".L. ar¦'. a .ut«-y ofeaa*-tnts of the Kjp.tEYS. Treaknessofthe back : ífc".M..LE

i.V. El ".! L.VRIT1 ES immediate.¡i cheered, xr.d x bealthy lone»teat. Leteveo Femaleai once n to

this taje medicine and ase DO Other. IH«<ua.l . tztr, bads-gestion. Rûtrrus Complaints, ¡ly-pepo- QJtantly relieved;K»*-umrtíLt-Ti. Gout, tic. produce 1 y ir.acilon of the blood,will always find relief; I.Luned íioagt, C.«u»'h. even Con-

.-'unless the patiem» and their medica] advisersweredecdved, :.»- «¦¦ n ,-ar«-i !.>. this medidne; SCROF¬ULA, -nanti Eruptive Diseases, Pile*, Erjsripeiat, bxjUtttmst*lion of the EyO, Palptttttian oftne llea't. Sick Heailae'ne., Freer and Ague.the whole catalogue might be ihi» Remedy fmy n» »tier.

Put up ¡c 30 oz. bottles, ai S.I 12 o_. bottles, Si each.Re carerui tvtt : ,'t art rit ttniHsseú upon, t'.verv bollle

has the words .....:¦ sYep '.¦w .-.ass.tlie »vriuen signature .,!' «'.. ('.

'» - .-. i1-.- directions, end G. C. Vaughn, Buffalo.t ed on the cork. Non* other are genuine.Prepared by Dr. Q. c. VM.-r.rtN. an«', sold at the princlpd

A.'-r-ry. 183 Usln-Sl. Bot-llO, Ill wholesale R7-1 reiail. towhom all commnnicBl H e me post-paid.

<¦fices de.toted ei-lii.'-.e'.-j :¦. tie tale »f :\u .Vsiiiinr, atwfaoleaale and retail N M.V.YORK CITY, lli'J N IS-SAÜ-ST., H. M. LAKH. Salem.Mass. 293Esses st Thos.P. Chase: Cincinnati, Ohio. J. H. Birce. on J-!-sl 11 doorfrom Walnut: St Loóla, Mo. J. Walker. At wholesaleand rei-.:i by Mrs. E, Eidder, 100 C«»urt-»'.. Boston, andr«»lail by respectable D.i.-a':-.i», a» advertised tn Ihepaper». Cha». II. Ring, 192 Broadway; E. M. Galon. 1.7B rery; VVyaiA.Ketchum, i_i Kulton-sLi J. :» S C '-

Bndsoo-S-t Mrs.Have», ¡35 Fultou-»L. Bre««k-lyn; L. Willlani*. l,iô Grand-su VvUuamsbiirs, au'J"« 3ra


VCURE FOR LlKià SECURED!.Dr. CPHAM'Si-ilrrnui Remedy tor ihe cure of Piles. T'ie \'t£ttablt

Put Electuary,Invented by Dr. A. I.'phain, a disiin¿uish-ed physician of New-Yoracny, l» ihe only real.y «tic-cessftil remedy for that dancerou« and distressing complaintthe Piles, ever olfered to the Aiu-rican public.The E.«.*«-Iiiarv ctii'.am« no .*»imr-r«ii .*i/*-riirirw. no Aloes.

Coloeynta. Hamho-e.or other pinverfu! and irrilalinc purga¬tive. No fear of lakinc cold »vh-.le under it» influence* nochange in diet necessary. If lakeu according 10 d'.recliOESa cure for life «J guarantied.

.tnnthei CcrtifttmU added 10 the hundreds that have al¬ready been received, of the efficscy of Dr. Dpham's Elec¬

tuary. Ncw-Yobk, August 2b. is*».Messrs. IPyatt ft hs^chUnt.Gents : K.«r several y«-urs past

I have ¡wen troubled with Pile», a very costive stale ofthe bowel*. ladigeMlon and weakne*» of the »yttem. Hutmy complaint not belnc s«» »overeas to dlaable me frombusiness, am! a«lrea«i I had ««( phyaidaa* and pai«*nt med¬icines, mai ontli this Spring never u»e.| any medidne or

:.« a physician í« relief. The Piles then being »..severe ihm I allowed »«'»-eral operations to l-.- performed,«vitliout any benefit. Determined" efter this to try othermeans, I remt an advertisement of acure guarantied bylbe u»e of Dr. L'pliam's Electuary. I purcba*ed iiir»«*ebox-» ai your »tore, and from the use ot which foundmyself entirely cured of the Pues am! my health much

ed. 1 remain, Sir«, your much Indebted friend.TI ai writer ofth* above, from motive» of delicacy, de

clines having hi* name u«« _i but authorise* u» to refer t«.him or show the «ir¡»;ii¡ttl Certificate to those »*!io maydoubl ii » authenticity.

iherfact lu relaüun i.« ihoefficacy o< Dr. (Jpbam'af. .iry I'llti tini.nii t S«'i".. ', I-..

/'. i';',.un I'ea. Sir: About five v.irs m^o 1 »»Ha af-filcted wilh whal was called Chronic Dysentery. 1 hav«suffered with il ever since, and physicians have told ut"iliti my liver was affected, and lhal my bowel* were ulcer¬ated, lor blood,and pas, attended wiln a peculiarly putrid¦melt, «««- froquonl dlacbitrcea. A »hurt lime »mee Iiiitt'io a visu to Ma»*BchnseiiB, n, hopes ««i benefit from u

chance of air, '",t suBered more severely than ever before,.V I. le there a phj «i.-ian offered to cute me for $40,hi ihre«months. Happily, In the midst ,,f Intense pain, occasion¬ally relieved by Ittutlati'im, I »a»v m a wrapper oi yourElectuary a perfect descnpnon of my compla at, together»vitb many certificates of cares. This gave tat great eon.fidenco In ihe medidne, ant I purchased a box, and nina,!,is*-s of which ha< apparently cureit mo. ami am prepar¬ed to say every thing in It* favor, ot renderany service 1can !«« humaiiily by subscribmi; to tu met II ».

Respectfully yours, BENJAMIN PERC1VAL,So. South Slxth-sL

Pfipnetor'» office IDtl Rmvery. Sold, wholesale ant! i^

tall !,y WYATT k KETCHAM. 121 Fu!tO_-»L N. Y. an«lC Stoane. 184 Fnlton-sL Brixiklvn. Priceâl _g fim*



1.IIS MEDICINE, a pmr-, vegeta.réparation,as its name imports, is reality a delightful cordial,

a n most sootbini; Influence over ihefti.tllons «1 .¦

.t .¦ »ysiem,diminishing i-»i-it«.-in«.-nt when exceaslalia] ag i, .i.tiiHi. «..i.-«i«--» »«il l'uni, mi'! gently but «

talul) producing a bealthy natural action In the stomach,liver, kidneys, lung* and skin, regulating the secretion«-' I excretions, thus restoring Ü.luillbriuni ,.t thecir-culatl«.i,and speedily Imparuog renewed vigorand elaa-ticity !«« tlie fraiiie. That tin» is Ihe most i->.'rt._n and ,-t!,-,--iu-1 remedy »..-. uif.-r« ,1 :.« the pub ic for air. disease of theluugs, ii.'.oi. ».T. »mu. .«..-. the following lesllmonlals, -.¦.

lecied from a vail numbei of »like kind whteb bave sent lu the proprietor* of thl* medicine, willfully snow. This is nonew or untried remedy; u wasfirstprepared by Dr. Shecut, an eminent physician of SouthCarolina, who, himself a vicüm toa dlsc_*e ol the lu gsinherited from lus purent», waa enabled by it* use ... savehimself tr««m the very margin «,i the iii-ve, and hundredswho bave bean proooonced incurable have likewise beenrestored to » new life and l,«-t_th by iu use. All tii«: sab-joined extracts fiota certificates are geimiae, and the per-!««M» who have "given them have -.¡¡.*-iru-.i t¡>--ir do-lire to te.tit'v. on personal application, much more fullv'.,, the efficacy of this great remedy. The Rev. S. c..¦.¦..pastor o! the t*ourth-*L hapt.s'. Church, »vas cuicd by usu»e of

Brcmoliiû.L. F. Green, 176 Pront-sL Brooklyn, has «iven a certirt

rme. sworn to before Rafu* C,a.-a*'-n. Conunlssioner o

Deeds, of bis «>»»'i cure of a xñaltai ctugh of ten yean'ttastdiste,»» wdl a« the core of bis wife of Enduenza.Mr. T-J.Cro*» .i ami stationer, car. 1

way and Blcecker-st. »v_i cured by it» us».- ol i--. mi .: ob¬stinate

F.riipti-.e Disease of the Sksn.The wife of Arthur B-Bauptman, painter, cor. Broad¬

way and Houston-**, »vn.» ,-iir.-,! by it* u»e ofDisease of the Lungt.

after having triedevery suggestion oi eminent physician»,and all Ihe popular rt.-uit.-dle» of tli" id g Tay¬lor"» Balsam of Livern or:. \c.; she raised alarge quantity of

m-! »»_s given up by her husbandads.

VV, ii. Smith, <*or.Sixth_venae and _*o_.h-st wn- curedby .is ose of re..

" Blttdir. g of the Lungs"ol long sundiaj. S. Robert, of Troy, N. Y. was cured byta use of

/. I e of the Liier.arising from reiterated aiiacao of Fever and Airue. Su-saaiiac Grice. 1 Varickittreet, »»as cured by us u*u of

General Dropsy.John M. llo»ve, dentist, 3n5 Gran'1-.L bears testimony inhis own case. Benny Gamo, cor. li«.;__t-st- and Third-areo-ue, was cured ol"

.y-rfion of the Lnngi.These certificates, with rery i.-._:.y odien of like chai-

acier, are proprietors, and tore_t ot L'ie -jfiicled. they have been published in a pa:f.jrm, and may be obtained of any persons gra:uilou*lywho sell ::...> meiicin«-.Also, the ceiebraied and much-praised

..Southcr-n Halm Rids.''The«.- ?... : r many y-aars in «.-veryfomj of disease, a.-isin» from an impure »ut:_ of ti.e bloo-i

and other ..uids, and bx-e proved «» s 'nie and eS«::--- ISer, removing morbid matter £r tn the stomach and bo-»»

¦¦-¦---'--- ¦- md apanissvigor to the system.For farther pamcnlars tat to ^¡e:r beneficial effects, seepamphlets. Pre- 1-- «-en_! per box, ccnlu.5o,r_.em Bairn, il per bottle.rorsale a: ilae whoirsa.e depc'i Allcick 2». C-... 609 Broad-

a -ner cf Housion-st. and by moi-t of l^e r«-s::ectahlea. stain the dtyand coantry. ., ¡me -.


Dc-tor KoiX . I'lOphjiic-.ic Sijrup or Prtrusreafor all G&romc

^HE GRE..T POWER oTtHIS VALUABLE SYRL'PA being now fully est*£>._.hed by the many cures :i haseffected of Co-Suedí-oc, Br'anchiiis, ScrofiU-, Glaaand Liver Disease. riip-Join: aiecuon, Rteu-uatic. SyphU-ilic. acd a_ I'tllBllflifs of a.<i o.ijod, has »uiücienlly provento ihe public, in » Panaceal power above txll not-U_n_» now in _«.

Dr. Rcse's Coc _h Svac? for Diseases of the L«m;rs,Catarrh, ¿ru_c_a:is. Ajthui_. Crjus. Hooping Ceogh, 4.0

Dr. Rosl'i To.Mt: Ja.TL.-a.ri-c Vir,iTü:__ p», «

Dr. Rcse's Patent totri-tTVtc Ban.iTHi>¿ Tvfcí.Dr. Host's VKuezxtzi '. _r**ifl<;x..Ttisccmpou-_ it**

been us-.«-i in practice ior 36 vears.Dr. R¿>__ U a ceieoraied physician is Philadelphia, and

h__ fr-cuceü In that City Íbr3fl reara. Hi. Medicine jiberafiBea no -foackery, oa; ihe i-es». M«.-«_.tiiie ever -_--ed ¡aca?es ol CozszzzTtii--.

¦¦ .:_,.. be understood that Panacea, the P.-o--;,-r_-, n confined lo '.be L'iztZi alisze: cumeious

C-._.-.c_:e» «J! cj&r*, 0f D.sea«.«; Z-.z-.. S ..-«ai'-a.a. o! iilp-Joint -ie-r-ion, of Carosac Eryaipelas, ofChrome Cfnlcers,uf Chrcnic^ Sore Eyes, of Liver Diseases, c: Spin. Dis-eates, oi Seucttigm, cs_ be p.";nl_ced :r«)-2 lue ha/ieitaa-.a-or.;;.- :_ pruv- :_« great -' is a-a ot ihetss.

Dr. Eost's Laboeozerr No. IS S..-_-_-E!a*±'..*i-«*- PLiladel-7...-. Aa. of Dr. aose-'s _e_c_s car. be had at IV. H.G5.U-.tMS. Tr.i.-.:.e E... :..-.-. Sew-Toric »17 tfieod

R-r*. CARROLL-'- Medicaied Vapor and SaiphurB-ih», 131 Fixdou-et. opposite CBurcb-su A cer'_i.ac_re for Cäds, Coughs, BiBiirnatism, Sore Thro-a, aix aliIr.-1-rnstory diseases incident to the chan^eabie rtvjj ofize WKUlher. The Sulphur Vapor Baih is particuiajW re-»i-iiiieiaied by our ¿r»t physician* a* a care for ail «rrap-'Auzs tzzi si*e«»e* of the »kin. Ones frent 6 o'clock i,-: theg-or-n» till 1. o-dock at high'._ ol»* tw-

FIG 1ÛOX-1* ua _-_,'* Sndïe, Na i, tot s___.Uli J0i^o_.TCCl£_-l-UA!SW.s«î./

Seal (Estait.MVOR SALE.TS¡* boose and lot _»__o___t_ to use

subscriber, «>n W-__,-v-avenue. This property u

walk of lb» Pi:S;i.- Green. Tbe house -

l%«.. .-.,-.......: |jg ... .... . .... ...... ... ,.¡:«.¿e.being44 ft. by 47. with hall UmMgfe the tiMidl«. slidingd.»»»r«, marble mar.els. ¡.-rales, kc Atoa a «rim r.'ula»tuii^kitcl-wn. Pan'.n«**.x»oier from x«ell ard c «ter*i. «imabove. The lot measures IS3 ___¦ -, by u» d.-ep, -

WMm_f a**frrrrmio HtTftwnw srrnne The groundsare ornanienit'»!'»;'..i ., ,_ ¦»_-.« valua-

.ery o! Ta.-..xus kind«. The itardei .» .-; 4 1 i»hsmm of cultiva »--..»... .

descriptions, on i s ..__:_ le assortment of grape*, a goodbarn oiid nihrr out-bouses are attached :.. toe pre« «

I «¦. .-UUI- I» «>ue

ibecitvf For tern» apply toJOHN NORTHorHENUYEED.New-Uav« ... !«. HENRY M NI .. :.

New-1 rk._»1 am', _*

ÂT_irIÎIVA"Tl'ir«<iÂI.E.Tue :;.'".-. it.'u-\ and I

.» .! E.-*iit_i ¡ni-' Ninth «... ... ..* mer,

e number >*i .. ¦.-

iralors apply s«

AM'UOTilY J- BLEECKER, And oneer,So. «

MTO GKOCEK5». x:;' rate Sale.The i-V .

East corner of Rlvtaçton igasrery le»irablelocsuioo, 1fitted up expressly for UseGracerv bus esa s\ :..¦ -..,

low ifapplied for sotta Ooe-haliof"use pu)in retain on boud and morltitgts, F.-r pa.-

licularsapp y lo ROYAL ORMSBY,itJ ; » S3 Tompki) s »u

MTO LET..The new »t,.:e o dwi nie NS ¡¡ne.betweenE *-¦¦.¦. ) ;N ictcethsta." i stone is ..; ,- .- ;- .-... . - on a.« _»»«<d

» cation for a dry good« irockery. bootand sboe dealer,or anv s: business, a.« cat befonnd in this rti

The dwelling part of lb. -.. . ¡-..¦ .. *.» I) rx.iih.» modern bnprovema is ; Crotón Water, kc.

leíate to a .*.»«»1 tenant App ri¦: WASHINGTON SMITH.".M We«fl-'i!i-»L

i KOR "»..I.E.- I''¦'¦.' -hice sl.irv bit«*'«, bull.!::!.* anda loi m the S -""

"-U.. . '. dltl-.-- -. i ...... to

¦- n ,. Ill U per .-.'ill on theiii«-.'_ Apply:.» S S HiNMaN.t Kassa

f.s'.'tsi to fnati cm Mortgage on improved cityin v u :¦.-..- s. Apply as ia" . -

MTO BE LET mol «rears, a gente«te situai ¦.! In the

\\ u T tere - i »« .-. .' ST IRC11FACTORYoi - whichareexli

-.,».-- , -, . ia dis .- ..xiil- MIC \!.and manyother k --¦ P.»ion given Imme-dialely. Impure of GEOROE W. MILES, No. 183 Brx»*.'..way. corner ofJohn-st._o I «*«»'¦ ti

FOR «¡ALE.-The Machinery (watch is new andof the most approved kind) In a small Cotton Fa. toi v.

to^ei'.-r x» ¦:!:'..:¦" !.-:i»>'. xx'¡¡.-.i 1, a xt'.-y favorableone-, iltnaled «boat ó hours' sail from the City of New.'. rk. For particulars apply to Messrs.

DOREMUS .V NIXONai i^¡'.f C.'m.'rof Nassa'i and Lil-erty >1«. N. York.

l. LOT KO It SALE-A valuablu Lot fronting pn,..- \ \\ «i corner of ÜOth-st..dimeu*...v feet by 60 For particulars, inquire of J.

i¦. i' and D ¡> r A SergeantJ» Son, 1 vv all-si «.i1 i

~.\T VIt 1 V.\TE SAW »

South side, a one hundred mi»! liny feeteTI rd ivenne. For particular» apply

ANTHONY J. BLEECKER, Auctioneer,\2 l«vNo 7 Brou.I -'

AT IMUVATK _*ALE-Th<* LofÑÜTJt Charles»t. with the buildings tbei Size f Lot 25x100 (t

-...,.:.. ....,- partie ilars apply toANTHONY .1. BLEECKER, Auctl.

u'l IxvNV 7 Broad-«!.


M TO LET.A »mull Wooden House, J" Vandewaier»»L Apply SO Chalbam-st. otii_if

A KAR..1 KOlt SA LE.-A splendid fur in ior »alein the townof Huntington, three mues from iteamboMlanding at Northport, miles from railroad at D«'«r-

park, consisting of ISO acres.*' of which «recovered withwood. The form Is beautifully situated and In a high «tat«of cultivation, producing grain of allkinds. The Fwcll ashouse and out'bti ¡dlngsau good Prultofall kinds and 100grape vines In tall beartng,and the besi of water. For par¬ticular». Inquire ofTHOMAS McELRATH, Tribuno-Office.

iei_ 2aw_m

g»TO LET OR KOK MALE, and possession gtxanmtm Immediately, the Farm au-.l premises lately occupied

!»«. John Gray, Esq. on Stuten (»land, about two milesW«-»r i Port Richmond, and nearly »¡ipn»ii.« E''ort. Ti-..^r" .i..».it eighty seres of land, Including wood'itiid am! » .'¡! meadow. There is a nexv. !ari'e and commo¬dious mansion lions.'«iid a Bood barn, and new and con¬venient ouilio¡i»es on the premise*. Apply to

CHARLES KÖHLER,near ill" premises, toolOtf QEQ, BOWMAN, No. I Hanover-at N. York.£ I'd It SALE.A beautiful C.iunlry-S.'a!, with iibotit

m nc re« of land, near Next-Wind »or. I miles soul h ofNewburgb, on which are excellent buildings ».¡.I ¡m-

proveinenis; also,(hilt and ornamental trees, fish-pond, lieA ... a valuable Farm of 11«> acres, superior for main

»r grazing. Good buildings and conveniences for Milkbnsincs«. Tue of seres with either of tb» ali.voplaces »X ill be Increased or diminished mil purchasers.Inquire of LEONARD. HONE l-ICOLL, 10 Phi« iL

_or of E L. F.VNCHER, :. Jolin-st._»-I Im*

ffj>.\ _______ i'tiK -*\l.r. Sluuue on the Rond fru. x R ¦¦ ..." VVbHePlslns.aboutequUlislantfn

"."each, containing 150 ACRES OF LAND, all of wUIu !','¦.» Land, excepting Ten Acres, which Is Woi Loadri .' place I- divided by a lane, and is laid oui Into COHvenient lots for cultivation. AU the fences a... of stone,_.'o.l order, nn.t the ground in a high stale of cultivation.Tlte buildings -.11 .>!' good character and In order. ForTERMS apply to S.S. KENYON, on the premisos, or of

r-.r ADRi IV.:. .. John »i. New York.

SA FAKitl MUt > VI.M m '¡.'- town of Harrison,Wesi bester county, on the 11 »--¦.- *_ road from Rye toWhite Plain..1> miles Sroin Rye. I* from VVblte

Plains, 2] from steamboat landing, and _1 from Mamar*oneck.containing about 60 acres, Builslinga and fencesin good order. Situation very fine ami land ina high state"I i-iilllx'Olion. For l.'rins kc apply to E. I>. BIlOlVN, 310Grniid-I. "i JOHN PAI.MF.K. on ¡he preiiii.«»'». 06 If

SFOR HiVJLE.A Porto of 34 acres, In i!..- bighemstalm of <:..¡Mvallon Inül tre,-M of all kind«.one milelioin ICinderhook, and the same distance from Ex-

Prealslent Van Buren's. Buildings and fences new, with-.-dar posts. Each lot «veil watered. Inqjilra of A. IS.Vanderpool, No. m Furals's Bmidini!, W«ii-«l or oi JohnS. I'mlmr-rli, )ij So'iili-sl. or |.«'.'l»t»t._»I..-'in'

S1 « 1.. 01 iNt.xv Y"!»!», s. Ki.i,«,'» Orrsce, IA1.11AS.V. July .1. 1846. I

r|iu.rsii.-riri uftltii s ,iv .ni County "i K'>'-> ....k si.I .Noll. .' :» I..-'.-'.-, ¡.'i '.'II. thill Hi 111'' lll'M ller'.'i-.'». M,e.-

11 in, i" !". held on Ihe Tuesday «ucceetline the Brsl Mon¬day of November next, the following officers are to beelected, to wil A Governor and Lieutenant Governor ofthis State T.«" Canal Couiinisslonera, tu supply Ihsplaces of Jonas Earll, Junior, and Stephen Clark, whoseterms of service will expire on the last .l.«v "i Decembernext. A Senator for the Kir .1 Senatorial Ulstricl, to sup.c the vacancy xx bli h »x 111 accrue by il»' expiration of theterm ol serviced John \. LtHton the last day of Decem¬ber next. A Representative In the :;»ili Congress nf theUnited State«, !..« the Third Congressional DUlrict, consist'Ing of the 1st, 3d, Id, Ith ami '-!i Wards ol .;,.- cuy _rNew v.-rk. Also, a Representative In Ihe said Congressfor ihe F.-urlli l.'..n.'r.-»»i..ria! Dis'ii. 1. .-oii-i-'nitr of !!:.*. th7th, IntliHiul litli Wan!» ..! -uni City. A If" 1« ReprésentativeIn the sold Congress for tho Fifth Congressional Districtconsisting of the Bill, 9th and lith Vvards »f said City.And ai-o a R.-pie_»*iiliilne tn the so)d Congress for dieSixth Cirogresslonal District, consisting of toe llih, Itih.I.'itli, Iiith, 17th ond l«th Wards of ««id City.Also it.« following oilii-er» for the »aid County, to wii.

16 Members of Assembly, a .- herIffIn the piar.* .i WilliamJune», whose term of service will expire -m the last day ofDecember next A County Clerk In the place "f Jamo»Conner, whose r.'iiti ol service x» ill .-j«p:r" oil the .»l uayof December Be «t, and a Coroner in the place of EdmundG. Rawson whose term of service will expire onlhelaslday of D'.'ceuilM.*rne.\t. Your», respeeuully,

N. S. BEI-TON, Secretary of Statis,Sheriff'» Office,New-York,August Id, ¡in.

The above i» published pursuant to tb« noticeofthe Secre¬tary '.f S:a:.; and the requirements of the statut« in »_cbcisne made Ipi ivided for. WM. JONES.

Sheriff ol tli« City and County of -t'.w-York.Ct'* All the public newspapers In Ihe County xviii publish

llie a!-..-.-« mice in each week until election, and llieti hand:.. Ihelr !'il.» for advertising Uun »lira«, «o tliai th«*y moy be.a.-: before the Board of Supervisor«, and po**ed for poy.ui'iil.Se« ilevl«ed Statutes, vol. 1, chap. vL liile -U«i. article M

.port ! «t. pair« 140. a:, l lawtaDWSWIi V

«^IlilHIFK 19ALE..By virtu« of several wriu of* i fadas tome directed and deltsrered,! wiUexposeirsale at the vestibule of the City Hall, In the City of New.

York, on the 17th day of November next, ¡it l- o'clock.Ma.l the rieht, title ami tntsreatof Sarnu-l S. Wandel!,xvhich he ha.! on the ¿\*t day of April. 18-ki. or ai any time¡l/lerward, in wliose band« ooever th.; »ame may be, Of, Inand to all that certain lea«« of four lota of land, »ltuaied,¡ringand being on Thirty-lhird-«iret(l. on the Souther.yside eotnmenctng one hundred feel West of the We»t_r-ly side of ihu' itntaci: alonz tbe.southerly line ofThlrty-thlrd-streetone hundredfe<

.i« hundred feet aquare,be the aamemoreor ..-

with all and aingulrtbe appurtenances and hereditament«l!.ereuf¡' n i any xvi»e.'ipper'.a_ln'.ni;, aaid .-.-.

0 years from the dato thereoL.>' ;-.v-1 .'.-.-., October '.. ; a..

WM. JONES, .Sh.-nrf.W. W. Lvus. Ds.'p'ity Shcriif.__-i laxt.xvILtil-JFK'ÜS .-»»\"LE.-Bv v¡rtue ol ...-/era! writ» ofSerlfaetas tome directed and delivered,1 -nil expo»«:

to »aie on Y riday, tbe o'.h day ol Nox-fcml>er nem. at 10 o'¬clock, A. M- at :;ie Vestibule of the City Hall of the City of

and ir.iereet of Henry AvisatbeKKLrthday of January,A^D. litó, orerward, of. in and to a.l inat ce**-._.

- .¦- T n .i WaiNew-York, fronting on tne f-rst-avenue. on the

Weaterly »Id« thereof, and being tbe «-cond lot fron theN'-.-r'_ixve__erly comer of «aid Firsi-avenu<; and H0UStC_(formerly North street, a» laid down on a certain mopmade by L". Freemar., City ourveyor, bounded Easterly Infront by the Flrsl l N ¦' -¦ :¦' and Southerly by landnow cr formerly oTCorneUus Dubois, and Westerly, inK_r. iiy ItiKi now or formerly oTSatmtel M»..-»in. eontain-ia< m oreadth. In from ana rear, twenty _t_i Ceet, and in

depth on the Southerly forty-eignt fe*rr. «ever, triches, andon the Nortberiy s:d r.:_y-.jc»j ie-:i ei^h! :.ici.e», he the

:.¦'. i.tnenaions more or le«, being tiie sonic lot which.»-l- conveyed to Iheaadd HenryAv_ by derdofcoveyocc«made and «.tecnted bv Corn .im» Dubois and wife, bearingdale the Uli, doy cf January. A D. 13_5, and reeorded in

Register of C.ty and County of New-York.ter lî4 of conveyance», paire 42*1, on the Dr.'n day of

Jor-uary, A. D. U25, U/getner trtih the herestitarnea _s ond_...ices thereunto beionjring or »pperiaicin/. Dsted

New-York, Sept. 22.13-ï*.. WILLIAM JONE-. IberfalFkanEaiCK L. VuLTSt, D«pu:y Sheriff. Kid !»x_.w

BY OKOER or' Robert W. ¡_i'*_n^«ton, E«t- siptenzeCourt '. v..:¡..--. i.«.-. r.'jLee .a hereóy .'l'en thai an at-

ie»l a^aintl ¡ie ev'Ato at A.ex.'__'l..-rY. -..- a debtor, on due proof made lo iho»-.-r Supreme Ca__rt Cl-mmissioacr pizt-zez.: to the:.u_j >,r .:.¦; zAAi.z .¦.¦^ " Aitachmenis against ab-scundin,;, concealed and lent debtor«,'' aad that

e sold for the puyiu.ii'. i ..» debts, unies«it»« ii-.i A.exaader Yoiazí xype*t end auchar^e such al-:nr'ntreat accordi.__r to law wiüiia nice months from the¿r»i publicaiion of ihi» notice, and that the payment uf nay

¡: sy re*A*m* of thji Sla-e an-i"-:¡»_- ''...-.. --'yto him or for his use of any property within ten Staus be*longing to »aid debtor, ar.i the transfer by him of »ny«"-'-fcproper-.-, »re ¡'.'.'hi.iden by lv _. and or»? void. Doled Aw-gust Yh: O. KEIXOGO, Ally, foraiil- l.-ijis Ali_cii:nj Cr._li'.i,r. E,iza.'-e'.i.:o«»a. N. Y

S BARKER, *2ä1 Grand-»!, has jast opened an -c. :_'e newitock ofDryGocds.adapie. to IhoFalltrs-le,

eotztU'dng of Silks, Shawls, Me.-inoe«, Cas-ni-ire», Sf. D .-

hmes, kc to which he would invite ihe an_*aiicu cf p-:..--c-asera._s!4 if

GJ.klNDr»TONE.*-i-N-''a *«)__» sr,d .!ew___,_!._. of ills feed la Sly (juantiiy. tc »uilpurciiaser«. bysi. \'AVcv ¡f. i..*Jí..0i_. » Weiv-st. up ¿-.v.---

Pnbtic Cont-cnauccs, *&c.*. jjjjr^ a. l'KMl-I.H*- LINK -STÏ-À-îaOîrî

1 M. Ir«-ot ihe -i«-«

rea «Cm iy »t*. Suratioai.-. K-ICKERBO, S.» R.Capt, .It'--«.) H«-»i_i_i-.

win kaveoaMonda* Wednesday and Kiiday «mK_Tai 6 o'clock. .«.¦

Steamboat ISAAC newton, capt WB-ûa H p.-..Will :-!«.( ou rnosdsy, T-msday and Saturday «-a»^;-il S o «-.«.«ck. ¦'.'

* v SI all dmes ari.veat AlbanyiaHSa um ior tlie *tiornin¡: Traaa ofCars lor the E«_t o, \y~¿

Freight tabeo ai c-denue laie-», m-1 bou. :it,*e a_>T_:* M "**-

lit pers-j'isare .'««riil.t ui.«¿ *..t »>f tùe BoaUatii,¦» '« ii,_i IM CapOj.* or VoJTTLn>-. .» i.ti.t-l a»» nom !l¡e Capí«.ru or Ae-**_*

_¦ .- :.*,'.»'-. .«r freight, Bpply oo N«an! ihe BowsJaíí:P. t.. SCUI .'/¦»...- «-«.-i

CNIT!- »STATES HAIL LINKAt K:.-« <-'t.,« «, i*. M. -1. i.-i.. .. ai li.-tcft_-*»ii*ie f_-«-

'. .t."^

.:.".. »Mr RI< '« i A. H Fiiiry,*»«-«leave on M..«-*.». \V«a..»u-,. ,..». an« Suada» *__L.ut-....


Slt._.i:.',l mst\ < \- - Capl B «*.«

¡*aye »»nTues.Baal Salardar aftaoM««_?* » .-. »

^T"*^tU_«lTUiK -«, xli, LINE -...

£¿S5U*'"" ¦*-. New-York, by IM ixu »ai

lx, \V,' »HODS

T: 'N .¦ ¦i-i*.iiande.tbeC»pl.S";ht* and BilUDL IbLAND. conunanded by Copt M»¿»-*-¿.ter, will run throughout u'ie »,-a..-n ttota the fii»idaT<iiAl*:.l. -II««"-. ». BadPlOTiJoMand B,*-i.'ii ni.1 Pnjvideoce Raihroads, lee» *,...» ¡ t

.. :: i'., r No. | y ,-_ . , ,

.' *. « i' M - - ' ¦¦»...*. 1* M _rup¿aUn* arriva .'«: « «. «aTbc*« »:.- «.,:. t» are an*mrpa*aed la speed, splendor tosd

coi i.'it. Ms .¦. '.¦>. b oi'lhem .« :.*¦:- cotuniodiiou» i .i»»t«state-room*, and berths for 9*-!» penóos, beaides tars« art«vale -,-»»<ii* for t'u.iulie« an«! p*i tie*,Tne »teamen «. o;i.-,-,i i » the raoetexp-K-tasced mea,

».".i v..i. ihorten the passage between Ne»»-\ork »nd tt»»».lonfhHne :« to . o ira, ill« i> :«» arri» ag In ampU dma faall the ¡in«'» from Boston, North aa«i Cast,The OREGON will leave New-York.Tuesday.Tba»

Ja» and Siiiurd.-»»-.LenveSioalncton.M «day, »\ «dne*«lav Bad PitdatT'ie RHODE ISLAND »». ,» S.-nV.'.-i-W

j .». IVednesd «v r-.i Krtday,Leave Ston ;' 7 **l_y and Saturday,N. B..Passenger», .-i the arrival «1 ."!,«» »teas»-* M

Sloaingtoa, pi .¦¦¦¦' in -«i:- »..-.:.¦¦»¦ Inlhetplend 1RS.oadetiv in Providence and Boston, without any deb» and»Ba*¿a*e Master accompaa es each train u« Bc-»:.«n i0 tak»cbitrge ofthe baggage.

.-, freight, Inquire .-n i-.»«r ! ,«r is« boat ualei No. 3 N- It or ofOEU v.. KVIIU'HlLt). No» 1}iV-ii.-, or ofJOHN H. RICHMOND. ProvMenca. i-.

P «-« t.-0 '.'.¦ I'wTlie ne»» and fast saiim.* »teaintvat MKp.

=s£AA10R-_, Cant P. II. Siii.'.h.»»;.. leave ta*"""""¦"i':«'« .',,. t of warren »t- Monday, We-ine«.

day end Friday at 6j o'dodl A M. Returning, leave ....

;' ..¦..',.»..' rhucsdayand Satnrday.Passent, r» taking this bosi arrive in Albany in time for

ilie inun «.: can going North and West. l>r«-ak:'ai.t».'ijdinner «hi board.For freight or passât board, or of Andliw

Clark. c«,r. West niitl Warren Its.Kare to Van C.<rii..ti,u» Dock :.»--.«. Pokeepsla J«)ca.

II :-.:'. 7.« cts.» 7:1»» liu

- tITB,B"*a*>i'^»'K'>***KNT «H'lMlMTlUV¿{3BgÇTbt. ... wit t la .1.1.11 --Net»-York and*a_»B-___-__iv^ .., M (> r **,, _.TlK. tlmjlmBELLE, Ca lain Samuel Schuyler. »»ill leave New«Yoik!.«.- l.'a.-i» et,«,»- Mou.lay, \X «»and ritlav. landin-ut llaiii'iii'iul »u ti em the foot of Roblnson-st. The Bell»is fitted up »»iih splendid itato-rooms, and f,«r speed,«Ma«forta t sal itj is aot sarpas*«}d by any boat on tiieHuilsotriver. Passengen laainj; the Beue will ani»-.« :u AlbanyIn ample time for the moraine cars East orWset,s_3packet boat» North. Kor freight or pa»«ai*o larjulre cmb»»n«d.


- JCm*m S.-I .tl.HKU AKKA>«EU_.Nf. RJ______.._-_ Tlie N .¦ »v V oi k and Krte RailruadiO|attrnltratrr-^tzsaa^ _. ..... A, .-.ui-.ttliarlheriloltt-f."*.-t» run dally (Su tdaysexcopted) between the city ofMsw.\'..i it an«l Middlelown, ij.islien, and iu'.ei iiiediat» plactf*,ufo'.lit».

F««r Passengers.Leave New Y>-tk at 7 A. M. an.t iP.M.-,eav»MlddletowBat6)A.M.aod-ifJ|

Kun« rednced to 41 S9 to Middletown-.way tn pr«.>por,lion. Breakfkst, dinner, »upper and berih» can b» bid oblb«» .»leattiU-i;.Kor I'ri-lchl. Lea»'«« New-York alb P. M.

.Leave Middlelown al 12 M.The tiHiti«'» ,«f i'ie consignee, and of 1*10 slalloa »vher«? 'a

i«- left,uiuslbedistinctly iiisike.l ipon each asílele »htppíiFrelghtnoi r«-,-.'!v.».i irter . P. M. In New-York.Apply .¦.> .1. K. CLARKSON, «Agent, si iMOOce,cor, ot

D.i.«:-«« and West »i«. H. C. SEYMOl.'R. SupetintentlenuMarch-'Htli. ,f..

fi?" Stages run «tally (rum Miil.ll»ti,«vn. «>u the arrival oíilie afternoon Iraln, to Milfonl, Carboodale,HooMdalf,Uonlrusa, Tow anda, Dt» o««» «u.l U'««»l Also, to Monitcel-lo. Winds« 1, Blngbainlon, Ulis«*a, i.«*. A^eal ou board.


»ioumm; BOAT FOR ALBANY\M) I'lttlY Passage $1.--BreakfsslandDinner ««-i board iM Boat. Pastees*«*

taking this Boat will arrive 111 lime i«> lake ihn Kveran^Trit.n ut Can from Troy »»e»t to Dutfulo, and tiorih in sir-atoe««, muí Lake Oe .r .««.

Th.-» NIAGARA, Capt W'm. Kllsworth, w«llleave Monday, Wednesday and Vmlay. ai 7 o'ctock, A. M.fToui the Pier t""i of Barclay.*!..returning on ,ip|Huit*!,.- ¡*7"K..i PassagOOl Krolcbl apply ou board, or toK ll'llill at lb« Ofl¡(.11 Hi" Wharf. aiiliif

-rr*««' w>Ti:A.MItOATUlUSON. Tliestes-B-¦ il_*l__ "TT-T'""" '" "S|)V* *'."" w"i. H.Mel!.bav.'Bw^MmK3t^.¡t (..,.. oTcrhauled, is now in dial rale m-der.will In fu ire run on her ok! route to Hudson direct,without Stopping at 111'' IM'.-ime.ll «le ¡..n.l.i:.-«. le«vlBi;from thofool ..t Cedai -i. Ne»v-Y'ork,at5o'clock,e»»»yMonduv Wednesday anil Friday evening*, muí HikIkmi

ry Tuesday, Thursday ami Sunday evenings at 6 u'clock,i. the Kinvni of ike Can from ihe Ku»t.Km passage apply on board. Tickets ihrongh 10 Pitis-

h«-l«l-rJ Si: Wi IStockbridge $l 75; ami Clmthani |1 SO.Tin« Boat his » larga number ofState-Rooin*. h-íü

OR »TATET. ISLANn.-OiTsadfierTuesday iba l«9th day ol Septembn¦'»itiie 1..1.H »»ill run as follows! Les**

Slitii'ii Islitml «it 8,8, in, it A. M. ami .'. 1,6 I'. M- l.e»»«Now-York hi 7, .>. 11 A. M. and I, 3, b.i P. M.

All i;«it»ls at tin, ri»k .«I ilui owner* Iberio:. »M

FALL ARRANGEMENT.. -IT'^ik PIONËEB ASM EX--BB-Bbbbbbbbb-BB v ¡_ ,. _.-, tnd CMttiKi'iui Philadelphia '.« Plltsburgb. The «1««,»« line 1» nuw

m lull operation. Passenger» leave Philadelphia everymorning at 7j o'clock, in Ibebesl nn«l most cnifortahledf-script!.I car» for Uarrlsburg, where iln-y embaik 00

the l't. kel 11.Tin» Isoneol the most agreeah.Um thai is i" be found

m ttie country. The scenery on the Su»«ioehfl_BB »n<IJ«alula river» Is uosurpaased foi beauty and »aiiely.lir '-.." .,« Philadelphia, tin. .'71 Mmltl ,t.rir Passengers ihould .arefol not to pay their ht*

m New*York farther than I'lulailolphia, a» Ihere is nop«t-.««.ii in that city authorized t«« »«.11 tickets foi ibis line.

A II. 1 TMMl.NiiS. Anent|.',l«.(). «. I I« oil tf

Xi, Uli 11. KATION TO t Al.l KO KM A aadiÍT-\rji.n. The .«il«», iiber will «lispau-h «1 vessel (in «f*_i,.11 the 16th ol October next for ih<« BayofSsfl

Francisco and Astoria. Applications for freight or bss-s,i.',«, sad ali u«'««-ssury Information, by letter, post-paid,!*ibe subscriber at New-York, will be promptly alten<led la-


win:öi.1[HEJUFF'iS atALE. ."¦« ¡Tn.Tñ »»ni of fie»..fa, |a* to Die directed and delivered, I will expose tciale

on T«i«-_ iv. !,«. ßlieenlh «luv ofSeptember ne»i,*t ilievfvit 1,h..-..i ii;.'- «'i;y Hail oftheCltynl N«*w.York,atlS'/<t<-xk

forenoon, «ill ilie right, llile and interest of HenryWilke», »» hldi l«e l«*l ««,i t!,«« bfthilay ni December, Iritb.mttany inn« afterv/ard,of,in ami 1,1 tin-folio«* liigdi'scnbedpf*-p»'rty, r,i v»ii all those fit.en certain lot», pieces or p»rcw»of iiiu-L lituale, l-, m.- and hiring m the Twelfth Warrl oftlwCity ofNew York, and known and distinguished untetr-..«.-i map entitled Map «if thoTblrd-avenue Tract, foraw-ly i!««- |.ri,'«,-ny .fit. I'. Benson and Dr. Van Art-la!*, «so*by J K. lindi-es, I'tlv ,ut.«,l Sept,tiib«-r, IWS.'and now 1», lilolntbe oiti<-.o ofReglstei .¦: the C.ivttA

of New-York, by tbo number» J«, 27, 32.34, eLt*,II. 16, 1". 17, 10-, 1.2,1 Sai«! |.,UHf.!.iiiialed_Bdl*ilBgbetween the Kirst and Second avenues and beiweea lawsan.l lir-ith street». Also, all thoieSI lots and r»"'""f'ou>f land sitúala in Manhananville In the i.'th Ward of ib*city of Ne»v-Y«irl«, dUlingulahed «m the map «f Mas-liatLan-.Ule, sors.¦'.¦! and laid «"it by Ailoléhus I/"*"»City Surveyor, on the lilli Sept. I80d, by l«.t» NOS. I!»- *tAll7onManhattsj.Mreet; Nos, liu, 112, ill, 132, 134. I>»», l."'. 141. 148. », li2, 154, 156, l/»7, 158 l.V>, l»,<l, nil, 1<«A

I..I, ¡«,l. I«.., :.¦ 161 .«, I-.), 17u, 171, I7J.I7.1,171. 175,1,*.177 and 178 on Scble_el-.*treel, Nos. 12. 34, W, W, 4«, *¦¦.1, 16, W, 50,52, -.1 and !M on Byrd-stra»>l, logetber »»- u¡appurten-nces lla-reunin belonging or appi-riaitilnf. Dated,New-York, Angus! 1, Ihw. WfLLIAJ. JUNKS, Si***-.

I» Kiiiimu.K L., Deputy Sheritf. aiil lawiwlul*The sale ofthe above described properly 1» hereby post¬

poned until Xue»»lay, iho 27th «lay of Oeioher next, al 4S.ame time and WILLIAM JO.N-lS.Sber-tFar-bnntoK !.. VtTLTE, !)«'puly Siieiilf.Dated, New V .. Sept .'. mw._s_i6 l*wsrls_BV OHI-K1- of ll.ii. Edward Qninn,SkspsV-SCjCsatn

1 tiriten ibatan*íWB'ment n«_> issued against the eslale ol áaiiiuei B-ardt'ee uti

¦¦¦ or late of Hornby. Sf-uben CwrttT,absei lebton, ondoe proofatstewaa

said Supreme C«,ur'. ConualasioMr. p'irsuant to tie «Jar*''Huri» «it I!.«: statute cow ¦.mini* .. Au_chrr.enl» against .*»conilin»; cnncea.e<l an«: niin-r-aulenl deblors," and IBH

li.e s-une t» ;.. be »old tot Ihe pavin«-iii of Iheir deOU. s>

-.-, the said .Samuel BeariUle« and Ells* Bear1«l«r«.- i.K.l.iner.i accordin,: w ww

three m«,mi- !'r«.tii the i..-»t publication of «-bisB«**«>>>and that the payment of any debt», and the delivery of Uyproperty belonging to the »aid «lebwr», to item or for tnsir

use. and Ihe transfer «-»f any property by lh«m iur.ulTi^lpose wti&lever are forbidder by .aw, and are void. Dsaa

Sepi-imber 1st, 1846. L. N. B. VAN DEHLIP.»3 !aw3ia _a*i_?_-l:_ '"' '¦----.¦¦''.'.g Cf ._..-

BY~OÏiDËtt of Morris fotdtck,,. a Suprece CoatiCommlsBioaer.Nodcels«bereby taten, thai an u/Star

M issued -,'air.»l the causis: of Tbocias John'-ori, atauon-r»-».d»-rjt tl..-ói«ar, and lb-it Ibe «axne will be sed for ine

!,._ ri.Ai-o, iir.l.-». be -pjwar nnd äischarge »neíBtiacfamenl accordia^ to law, within nine moi'bt tvra be

first publication of this noilce i and that the payment ot*v>debts due to him by r.«idents of this State, and IbeMveryt«j h.iu, or for hi» use, of any properly wiibin thlt b'tazt be-

longing 10 him. and the transfer of any euch ptoperij'rfhim are forbidden oj law. and are void. Doted April .««.»

l¡-»_ WELLS B-.OOKS, Any. for AU*iblnK Cr«-di!«r,a-1 lawOtn_SpringvUie, Eric fAnit&l^IN PUJCHDAMCl of an order of the Surrogate of d*I C .«.-ly of Nevs-York-Nouce u hereby gfr-*OjosB{g»or.» havi-i* claims ae*m»i Patnck Nolan, Ule of the C»Jof Ne-A-YoVa,/rucer, deceased, to pressmt the »sine, wva

the 7«»uc!.er» ther-of to the »ubscr.ber at his residence, .¦»£221 Mad-SOO-sC m ib« City of Ne»v-York, on oe helot» tta

ei¡rhüi.iayof January next^-Daied New-York, the tÜJ¦1 v of July. ¡MB. THOMAS DOLAN,Jy7 lawim Admlnistrai-ir with the will acnes»'-"-tVEW-YOKK AND ERIE KAILKOAD CoatII pany..NOi'lCl-.TLe Siuc*lit-,ier» of Ibe New-»«'*and Erie BaiirtM-i C«uapaay are hereby notified, .b** *??annual elecuon for Directors of the «Comp*ny. wilt be t**-<*ai th« once. No. to Wall-,!, m the clly of New-York, jj5Tue»«lay ibe lath day ofOctober next!, from 10 o'clock A.»to S o'clock P. ¿1. , . ... , «_-,The Trsntfer Books wiU be closed from the ¿id of -*P*

until _M day a. .er ihe eiecuoa.By order of the Beard of Director».

NATHANIEL MARSH, S-eittsrj.New-York. 5--H- 12. ¡ä-fe_sU tO»_

P'~JUM_I-}60B.T MO_n_ of «70 and -¡¿reit, for ">.drawn by Egber. Hedge, printer, laie of .i-**0*__5S_*

Joarr^l, tad now in the etnp-oy of Mr. Minor's FoKVtaawC'._ii.3cy. This note was two» fide siven for rent pa.« "J

tne *. citrity w the landlord of hoa*e No. 22J WooswrHji--( Apr y :>. Sraací* ñst'^óo W:i:«a-_-»_ up stair*, oe !.*_.! ÍVÍ£At'FiÑ_r_UPKU-¿-'»>ir*r^*íor *k*ff,t T .3» 2w CïAUS W. FÎÏLD, 9 Bwiiani*

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