Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1885-06-16. · 2017. 12. 20. · a'ate.1tbatIMp





SS TbeMnrouisof **+*"**+*?*L ultaofhwlnterrlcwwiihthe Quaen. ond hoped ».»

£^£5 n*,.aneeof ^-fr.^-. favor of tb, MMfUMM of olTlee by tb.,«JJJJJ££

I, k reported that Rarou Worraa hM WM ^°80U

roat of Uu Jer sccrotary M r«Mtf« AMM.

Northoote luto MMjM. It la ,e"°,u::,n-

flolph ChnnhiUN actlou and HWt - ...g."aueatlon appear llkaly lo up*et tbo OaWMMM «

t is cuorunl tbat 1,-rd I' Churchill t«».

JfrSSU r*,.r-MU.,»..on of tbo Con-vaU,p: rtv.aandlng iJrSwtwMJ Xorthroto M tlM¦ I.« » *

L-Uh MMH Mf Micb.u-1 BMM-BaMt lea.lfr li tlie

Jor of tbo adoption of E,rl ****** '«>''»'»>»' f

aorc,on Tbc E** 1 W**"* ~mHS.*,vno« aluf.b, a.t M tho a»d«ataalTa« tbat U Wlll M

MMMMlaWlj MaaMfMMTThelobbleaofth. BMM of MM.rrcacut.-l I n

nowil <.f IM viifouudi-d MWMM tbat tMOMMn.u

£ a u,,:. it n mdentood tbat i.nrd Raado ,1bi.rchiil and ibe Man.nU .f ^Llmry d.ner in MMrito

L Mv'.aml. Mr. GUWtone WM in hl. umal ptaM U. tbo

:.. Lrt b, WM RIMtafl Wttk .WMH WkM be MM£SS tb,.MMMX tbat tbo M.raulsof^albbar,iiii wi.iii tt *-**" ¦«.¦.*

Mr UbMirftliriMtTl Mr. Gl-M.m, Iftiun-v.

lury ba 1 W-enUd to for.. . CnWV.t va MlnU.ry onl>

vbnMnradal mUfw »T«»« i,'csont IA«rtO«T.

"jteOtodUOM NflM tbnt hc was Ipiownt of tbo cx-

,,'..(-.. Of Ml arranKci..ent wb.rei.y tb<- PTCMBf <

ZZ wmUmAbt any pnuuHo to fiulst tbe 0MMtf*>

tive Qaidtl.t# .i »

Tbo Ba M tlH'i. cn.pb't.-.l HM rcmalnlnp btafM «t tbe

WaPMtlM M aiiuuiiyto MMM Ikatricoon tl.e oc-

ru>ii»aof tier niaina^o.Mr Ollllllllll-' H"'ionof tbo an.cnl-

¦MM of the IIou,eof tbc lUdistributloa of

Sir Ileurv l>nimm<md Wo'.ft, CoT.Mrvattvo. DOTad t M

_fj of tbe lloiwe. aud Mr. Ooret, OMMTTMIt*,gupiorted tbis nioti n.

SirCUarles Dilke aZfWMd tbat It WM tbe IM1 of

HM | mpja afteMbarr that tba fiifW aboajld ne

, |1u" Hl ^ir IfcatWl Xurtbcota connrmoU tbc-

"'"^r.Ti'aM.laipb Charabin, bo^ever, affartal tbo mo-

Uon ol -ir Uewy DntanboMliWam.«Tbe moti.'u vaa r, leeted t > ¦ vote ol JwStK** to .iD

»tm Mr MIoIhS! HJoto-Baacb aud BoUtar Lootb, lun-wrraUvas. rottna wltb tba mmorttr.

'I'wk of tba iiiik lu'.liieliti* weir icieetea.(,ni,".tl..nor Mr. GUdatona tbe liouao tbeu adjourncdD TbeFiu.w of Lori, thia afternooii adjonmod tintilrridav.NvbVn tka fiarqaJa ol BaUabury v.v.l aunouuca bi,

pracraioma aua probaMy bls Vuuatrf.Uanm. twm ig.-ia« standard. ta an adttarlal, .-<

lerrtiiK to the diffcrence of opiniou on tbo Baata Ml|MMM HM CMUMiallm ln tbe Hoiue of (ou.n...:- I »

terday. aayai Tbls Ineldeiit at tbe BMMM BaVMBl M

nu unfortnuato eiblbltlon of lodlwlpllne. Wa bara M

Eut it ir.o- prove » aaafnl mUbap lf lt oamwi tbeCoa-Mrviitlve baders to adopt a tbthter bold M tta Mata

IriwUoM umtrr of tbe teaai. U*4 NUabajif ri. .-t ka

tbe pretldlbK aad eorauiandlug *plrii and a»«ert bls p»»l

UtaV yiw«. in a MaOtac artaU, ava it k aj "iv M i.<

umlenftooil that tbe hjiU-bory M.niMrv Baal be a banal-SaTCabCt Tberata norooa. lori|^2ASS!?2Xrollev Itlaonlypoaalba to enffcgo ln leglalation look-C» reniwal ..t i tawj for IwUnd. It al«rtdlculea Mr. Chamberlain'i oompartaon ol Lnt?land andAm«riea on tbe rimla qoeattoa ol tlie tarift.

..r.-ini-.ii!*. Jiidp 15.-Mr. oDonuHl, of I arlla-

fii.-ti« for Daturanraa. in a ro'iinniiiieation to /«' rw-»/o£SJ h.v.' that tb, Mamatao «f^»S~?secur- a nifilonty of 450 ln Parllainenl for hl» J oa« lon

E££rea foV Ire.and. Mr. O^mm.-u .tataaUu aooa^tion ik forininK at.d «ays tbat lt beboove* Iriab otluloii to

luake itself beard.


Tientmv, June 15.-Thc Emperor of Chinnlia» ratitbd tbe I'ekin treaty, or troaty of fafMI wlth

|MMAt a dtnLer glven ln tho Frcneb Con»ulate. Ll Ilutis

Chani(. the OMMM MinUter for Panin Affalm, on batog¦Millaill to M. Watarbrn. tbe BMMM OmmO, a«ki-1ti,,n aru«aaty wbetber BMaia aad »i'i,u,'j''" .," ;mlMlou niw i tbe daliuilUtiou of tbe MancboorUnfToutier. Eaatern Ania. M. Watacbea cepltod, aouiewbateurily, " 1 don't kuow."


|H FRENCH BWJDQRParis, June 15..At a ¦llHwg of tlM Padgl-t

Committee to^lar, M. Badl-Can.ot. Miuister of Finance.

.tated that tbe floatin* debt of France wm iiow

1 400 000,000 franes, and tbat next year tbe dcnrlt in

tbe rtyenue k llkoly to be 300,000.000 franrs. lt Bl«Multimntely Ue netcasary. *ald M Sadl-Caruot, and be ad-

Tocatod It a« a temporary exi.edbnt. to vote a,cr l dU al

faaaa of j^ franos in twtutytwo year Ctaaaar]

ThocoiamUtoo adopted tbe proposal, tbe bond» to raa-

ture lu tblrty yeara.DECLEVIXO lOHUAII BH PBBKWBBS.

Domgola, June 15..The Mah<li hns writtcn»letUTdeclluiugtorelea^e the ChriatUn prlnoners WMbave embracetl tbe I»lani falth. He MMM) they are

unwlliliig to Uave hlin. Tbe Mahdl exhorts BagMlMlMItoturu Mohammedans, aa olberwlso be wlll destroythetn. A letter ban al»o reacbed Dou«ala aJajMal hfninety-Hlx of th« Mahdfii gtaiawa. lneludlng (Meeki,Coi.m and Pyrinn*. htaUrnt tbat ili-r are uiiwllllnK toleave tbe Mkhdl aud aro aO IMH Chri«tUi.». UiptonBn aud SUtiiiw *. aaaang tue atgMWi of tbU letior.



Halifax, N. S., June 15.-The Bchooner l«laPetera. Captaln Elllfl, of Yarinauth. WM MbMj ou Hat-

urday on Bown% Bank uear Yarnvmth, aud ail tbe crcw

.xcept tbo aaak wero out lu dorlea, when tho tcbscI be-

fau to dr;*g hcr auchora. Two of tbe meu ln ¦ dory ob-

aerveil thU and got back ou board. Then a tbick fo»eamaupand no Msrn of the otbor in« n aawMMaaa*.Tbe sehooiicr reuiain-d nuttl tbe lOff ltftad and Uaa, BOj¦«.lnif anytbltiKof the uiIuhIiik oiie*. HM HIWN boafdt<«.k tbe vaaael luto Yarmouth. Tho captalu ls auKiiigtbc ujiasinK meu.


Dublin, June 15..A punel in the JesuitCburcb lu tbU clty. recordinR tbc lact tbat Earl Si»«uoer.Lord-Lieutcnant of Ireiauil, had BfMMaM a meiuorialwmdowtothcchurebliitokeiiof MJ Mflk appreclatlouot ibecbaracterand worth of Fnder tawMy Ubouia-iifiiiv Barke. wbo, wlth Lord Proderlcli CaTendlib. nu

nmrdrred ln PboMJlx I'ark «u May 0. 1882. baabeeuatwlau. There is uo aMW to tLe Ideutity of tbe Ihief.



DtBMN. June 15..Tho trial hun, bcfore n

.peclaljury, of the will MMaf Mr. BaiMW, the tbreadliiauulacturer of Pateraon, X. J., re<ulted ln a WMlor the wldow and MMbtM on all tMtaaoaa. It l»a'ate.1 tbat IM p<ople lajartvoaly affectud by tbo secoud*U1 wlll uiovo lor a uew trlaL

Thotnas Barbonr dlod ln Irelaud lu January, laavliiKtwo wllla The tlrat wlll, whlch waa offered for pMMMlu Pateraon, gave uearly all bia MaMWaf to bla aou

VBMWL the WM>W to P-eelve $.'j.00t» a year .lo litu ofBWWM Tbe a*c»nd will, to wnnb the above <IUp:ttelirefera' alvea atonelderable portlon of hlsproixrty to blaaiatera ln Irelaud. lt waa waUo ln Irelaud iu lb»3.



La Libkktai>, Juue 15, vta (ialveaton..Deaultory flrinn waa heard near I.a Ubertad laat ul^rht,»ud lt la bellaved that the foreea of botb partloa are ap-

proachlng. Tbe oomlug Paclflc Mail ateauier la brlnnrluf100 BMVMMMM. There la no Uultad Statea war veaael

bore. It la aald tbat tbe war la belng carrlod on wlth tbeuaoai barbaritlea of clvll war. Brlooa waa butcheratl byJidiaua. Mouteroaa and Parrilb»are both prlaoutra.l^tona atilU holda Abuachupan notwithatandibK re-

pt^ied atUtka. It la cerialn that Rlvaa took (uluto-be<iu« on h»turday. II Monande* la l>eaUu tharo la al-tuoat aure lo be a clvll war iu Uuatemala.


Bkblin, June 15.-Tho Tagebialt aunouncca

that C.oethc's eomp'.eto auto>rrap!i ttaf* frmn 1777 tolsiii! hus bcen ditcovered aaaaaej hU giaudsou s papcia.



Madkio, June 15.-Thc cholora isspnadin^wt-UvardaloncthoModltorrancan. Tlicro aro acveralcaaesnowln Torn-I, Allc.tnto and Cartagena, Twelvc,

thmisaud persons left Madrld UaTl »«k in eonacqucncoof the scaro. TbecxoduaU incrcasliiR, tne naoate havlngbeeoiuo ercatly alurniod.AtCaatellon yesterday thero wet* 114 n.-w easea of

cholera and 3-1 dcatha, aud at Cartagena 211 ncw casea

nnd 00 deaths.PBLAOBUnA. Juno M.-At tho moetlns of UMBaaN

of llealth to-day a coniiiiunlcntfoii dated May -0 waa

recelvcd froin the Viiit.-d fftatea 0.*m\»* »t Mars-ittea,Franee, ln whleh it ls aatd that M May 2<! ft <-lean MH NhMttbWMtamedty tho Consulato to tho Italion b:irk

Orsoln, l.ound to 1'hiladelphia with a car>,-o of wool. Tho

Oraoln !....! baaa dnly laayaated aud bcr IdllI of bealthIH taencd in iiec, With hbj f,M ti! eato. ItWMd.seovervd later that Ofl M11vl'JaiHllsii,..Ivh;,1|i,MUtwodeatha of aged woaaea ffoen hporadieehoi. ia. thefaataoftbetweaaatbebad baaa aaapreaeed bj thei n

t»ry authertttoa. The Teeeel hai not bei't) rcportfd to

the health otlicer of rhlladolphla.Wv-HiMiToN, June 15. -Tho followlnir h an extraet

fromudiHimtrli reeetTed at tbe -iu.' Department tramUnltedMateaConaul Huiii:lia>vout at Naplea ln reh-antto tbe Importatloo of old raga " . ".>,"''" TV"',portatlona aro not free from danger, and eapectaiu ao

wben that merohaadtae cau ba traeed ootnlng rrom

Saplea, eron Indlreetly. In tbal eltj raga ».¦ .] >'.''

tnai in thoee qaarten wboie tho ehateti ni aaeet eo\«re

1a»t ycai."_


Moxtbbal, JmiR l"» [BftdaJ).-AaoCha Infla-eattal waellng e« ¦orebante.dUppeti ¦adcnta ¦

hcia tu-<i.iy au'i ¦ i>r»ti"<tm aada ¦<¦!¦¦< '-ho dacfslonuf the (fuvfiiiiiifi.t loivduce IM cmal Mla o\.r om--

half. A IMOlaOOl »M pHMd d«-clarin| tbitionvas bMflbetaaL Anotber rwolatloa wi Mdopt«d.ini.nii^' that iu \i' w.of lb« ki M eoapetltioii by mubUaMofnUwajraadtteanUi 4 ««Tft»tloB «f ib« EiHCba¦! n.uto, tboCMadUa OMwta ¦ ;'t '"¦ "'."1" ii:!"'

getborfrao. nwacalMdMldad to havc a ooafnwitli the Mayor .uid (.'ity OMM ILXV hftta >"/r.i i.y ObpUln Rom. Unlt<

ipeetot M Moatn U, wen ooaaifBod to Mr. Bon« rttelo,of .v.w-Yoik. aud wew tbippc i i>y a Moatroa] cnatonubiober. Tboywpiiof . .¦<<¦¦».¦< ¦.*> '" b»«ooaa m.m Belftom, tboa to h it .'.n ibipped I > IIob-IM..: bt tbc Ira wbloi ba4 f ¦'¦¦ l l »Jw.ty baob t<i Mow-Yorb wh.u tber wow tetaed ta fnod-ule;it valuatlon. Tn« T«ln»tlon a! wbieb,.llt,.,.,.,! |, gd *o ,,,.,- doioi^wblk Um lowort eotlni wfl toMicli bata »f7. ., . ,

At tbc moetlnfof tbe O^neral l*Mmui]r »f tne 11tutaii Cburcb ln Csnodo, HowlUoii wa« rboi>cii wlplaea of n eelliig n \t r< «r. tbe Awembly to me< <«:i ta-

teeond WodneHdar ol Jooo. It waa decMwl that nowpr«abyt«riea aoould be forroea »tb'ow-Wr»lmlni»t«r, Bnt-f»h ( oluuibia; at Keaina, Nortbwe*! 1 »n«l alOrangevil e, Unfc rfa C nn ItlUonraporud thatanrachem« of nnltlna-rr«i»>ytnnaii

waa liupractle ible. \ loii« d( il« n

iritlcb waa adjo rned « tUout auydecUlon kjIujc arrlvo.1at. Adrbatoalaotook placo on tbe moln ol e

moderatora, and U waa deolded to fo ImcI to the oldway nnd ita\c it tu ptaab] Mi I

AjrfAIBS IN BOOTD am;:ktca.

Faxama, Juiif 6..Fnsli ramon <>f revola-Uoa ba>Ta booa etnraal bi tba atnaia fot ¦> f<¦¦¦< .'¦ ¦.- '¦¦

[.,.t~ al i | ttefaof :. aderaof tbe RadloaJaml nf an ¦. of t>i<- ib»irn*rd UboraJa waraeoaanaat-cat.Mi t<> UM G )\<T!nii.'tit. a/bV 'i iBunailaaaly ordared in-

Braaaed rbjlliatw on Iba p irt of tho paUaa, 111awaaaaaaaamata aud otba prereaOTa ueaaaraabaTabaaa aaaartatoa. Tta' faet tbal arma for 1,000 a

half a ¦UHoa .: in ba baada of tba peopto or

tl»C Ambal, the i. volutloaary botbad of ti<<- I-ttnuil.-. Iaaeaaliarai aaarioaa ehwmafoa Laaa tbaa 800 aaaa

uo«r pjMlatafa tba aatborlty <>t tba ftatlon .1 Oorarnmeni..a t'. I itl uua. 'i;.e local mverniuent ta Intenaeljr un-

pop a- with all partlea exo pt the onaarvatlTi a. lntroul lea bore ¦¦¦ not at an end.Tboaaaitaxy ooadlUoa of tbi eity li ezeeedlnKiy bad.

,, prevalia. Iluab J. Boyd. traaaurer ol Th*Starand Urnud Publleblog ( oin] any, an Auieiiran, dledjreatcrdajf of tba dtaeaaa. ut »aa iwanvy-aeven ye 11 - ol.n, aad waa born ln tbe Cttr of Xea--York. II 1 father

foim-tiT"f 7A Mir '//o» JhralT. inl "f .1 «l U. thinbaeanrnl propnetoi aod <. Utoi aat

Tiie l'.a I0e M<ain-liii< NavltraUoa « utn|wny a ateamer,l.ia.a. whlefa retarnod aon»« Uuw a«o v-Uh a bcokaai »uutt,baa !«(¦. n repatTvd and baa aalh \ ioutb.Colun nflalra are aald to ba ln » bad waf. , , ,

TueflM-ahlp rennea*ee, bearliiK the \A\ nantotBaai Admlral Jouett. baa gone to -.¦

Aroaemena. who aalled on tbe Ienneaaee.ltrecelred inatru<-iiou* (rom Bognta t" traal witn tualeadera ol the revolatlonan party. The roUdeliUamuuullU are inen of bi her itan<llu«

:. ,i tho latlnulaii chi( f. aud th<-> tohl ¦¦

Keyeathal tbey preferred lo tlwhl .: out Tl» (tovcru-iu.-ut foi,-. - ba <¦ .inoeuii it..: iu tii nelgti.ii «"i >>r

( at mi N.i t the uu u .. .¦' 1. ¦"" "

portod to W In a luoat rtlatrea llon, wlthout¦boaa and iu rao, lt«iii ba .. montb oeforotbej e.m

Bjovaaa Oattara lom«,wbo are eampad al aaTaaal.iir.-a, m-ar BarranqullU.

< aiiao ia aUll anflerlng from yellow forer. n<fabal eaaea eonataj>Ujr apnearlng. aod at tbe aanw

tbe phyalclana raporl tba ».* unnupoa ot a

rlru eul cbaraetor.BeporU li'i.a l.inia atata tbal tba newapapen

noanee the aetloa of Ibe Uulted HUtaa al Pa a

arbltrary, uatawful, aad a awal aaagarooa pr» nt.

mnra irora pbom lovdox.Lontoa« J«a< 1"

\iiAiaaWP> i:-ia. laharaa itata tbattbe».ou of tbeBbab of Perala baa t«rte«l a mllltary tralulng

for tbe eduratlon of young roen tntended rarmy. Tbeat*ff of colleuo profeaaora li r.,..|...Entopaan ofboera. a Mtml-ofltclal Frencb paper baabaaa eturted atTebaru. it Ia eailed L'Smt >ic rtrm.Jt M uuder the patrouatfo of the Shah.

Tiik Oagftmnu i:u:iii.i vm-. i (.''.''!eonttanathroufhouttberala vt Caabmare. Tbeta aio

floni elKht to l. li hhotks daily.Dattoaaaja 11 pt R ".i W Boi Ujw pobtle dlatnrbaaeoa

t,a\ uakee plaee In tbe Klngdom ol Bootoa. Jio' aaaaaaof the outlileak aro liot UlioWU.

MAltnYINO AV Ami Itl. *v W.uMV.-Thomrji FoworCConuoT, lloii.e Rule Member <.f Parllament forlbniioroiiKh of Ualway, Ireland, araa marrlad k. dajWrlgbt, au Amerljaa autbor, who ha» lise.i m Laaoaafor aouie t::...

-?'llli: BI MIAKfi a OOBEA.

SlIAN«;iIAI, JuiH- 1"..It || Htiito.l llnt UmBaaalaaabsTa eraaiafl Iba Ootaaa troatiT. prebablj t<>

ottupy Port Laiaa fCa

AJfUUmHO THAT BIO BEAB H HEB OOU8W.QuxbbCj June 16..Mib. Dnboia, liTing i»

Ht. faaaroar, aa ¦ IJalalag awaletpallty '" Qnabaa, aajnthat Bba ia n cou-iii of ISig IJ. ir and lliat hl^ pfopat I MMlaKdouard I-aiubert aud that lio It a aou of tiOMta Laaaa-bt rt, a fariuer. aiol Mary 1'ie. Urtte, of ^l. Nieholas, L'oUiilyof Larla, aud tbarefara ia i« a eoaata <>f tba i>o :t aaraata,L. II. Frechettr. Slie -tatci tii i! \vhn IMonarl TM

laaaljr jaaaaafaga babaTtftt (tleaolaa for tho Uattad¦aaaaa vttb two fraaoda. Botbiagwaa baard of blm hyhla fainiiv for tweati jraara, wben a lattor araa raoelvedbtutini: that bt bad uecataken prtaoner by Crea [adianiaud that they geardad Idni aorlooely that ba *»» nnabltaeaeape, AftertiiU byactaof braTarrbawoatbead-mir.iiioii of tba Indlaaa aad waa obllgad to areept tbadauchter of tba ahlef aa hli aqnaw. i i. Uo-ihatii <>ftba ehicf ba waa eheaaa lo aooeead hla i>.v tba triiie.Oaa "/ Bdaoard'a brotben luhaequentli rtalted ili<-Kortbweal aad raeogalaed Blg Bearaahla brotber. TbaIdentiflcatlon wa» unmlatakable from rertain llfe aiarkawhuii, d< iplte tho indian paint. wara dlaeeralbte


fka<;mi:nts ot CABLI nTBWB,Vii.vsa, June l.V-The AaattiM .¦">.>rrDBMOl liaa re-

faaedtaglra Ma aaaotloa to tbe organltatlon oi pnraUerematlon aoclettee. 'ii.e OoTernment taken tba grouadthat hiu ii hotiotica aro aaloulatad to tend to tho laataaagof erltuo.

FoKT Kaiii, June l.r>.A tmw eh.innel haa baaa niadeitrouml the dreduer whieh v .»h a< i Idaotall)¦ auuk Iu tln-Hnez Canal. It ta pr.ib.thlt the traltie ol the taualwill lK) leKiiined hy 'I'hurielay.

Cu»rtMisuiLi-( fOBt l.">.Anarehy ptaraOa ln Cii t<-.

BaaoATi Juno ir...Tba Meaaoea iiai bagan,

I1IE WB&PIXQ-POH1 IS MAMTLAWO,lUi.TiMnni:, .lu'ii' 1") S^reial)..For 0M fn*r

time ln flfty raan a white inau haa he.-n aaaiaaaj I hi ..

t»be publiciy ¦blapai. Tnit awtalag /adga Btawardt-led Henry HoTafa,wba hoal hla wtfa aad hla andarenta to obtain money, aad aentaaoed blm to reeeira

tweuty laaheaaud .ufler a year'a nupti oument.?-

OLD SOLDIF.KS A\l> TMM VXftL UBHOM.BtiSTOV, Juiie 1S (Sj><rial)).~'VUr Wll to ex-

empt from the operatlotn of the Clvll BarrbM laW l.onora-

blydlbcharjfedaoldleraandaalloiHoflho.latewar.faladtidayof enaetment ln the benate by a vote of KJto It,with three palrn. Wben the tle wna e 1 th-Frealdent annomicMl that bad It beennccea<ary to defealthe blll, ho would havo vote.l.


TO AXSWER FOH A\ OfMMUtVM Of fTOCXFiiiLADF.LrniA, Jiiiif 10 [BfmUk Jcnoph F.

Cottrlnger, the foruier a.cretary and treaanrer of the

Ceutral Trau«i>ortatlon (Juinpany, who Ia char^'wl with

the overlaaue of tlm eonit>auv'a atock, waa hfoajghl toUua ciiy to-day by Deiecllve Charica V. Muller, and heldto auawcr.

A T0US0 MAM BUUOtlHQA W0XAN.PiHLADELi'HiA, June 15 (Spcciah.- Anoiula

Croaa, wbo Ia cloaely rtiaud to Jorcc^ Kaue, uuw uudur

¦i-ntencr- of deatb for kllllng hia brnthrr|M l*jj ggaiKrnoon by a ymitb of nlneteen. JoM >\ hito. M»c waa

takcu to tbe ho-pilal and bo to priaoii.-?-.

1UE IlllAL UF MAXWMLL.ix romamo* ot abticum wbtjcb beloxged to


Sax FBAKOUOO, June 15,-The ntcnnior(ityof Sydney.from Auatralla, arrhcd thla MaVWttfwlth Bydney datoa to May iU.and Auckland, Jfew-

Zealaud. dates M May IV.. The Aurklai.d panera con-

taln an aeeount af tbo arreat on May 5, of Waltor II.

Lennox Maxwcll. aliaa TheodoreCVell Danguicr, cbargedwlth MTtog niiir.ler.Ml Charlea A. 1'roiler In M. Uwk on

Ajgfl:.. Tbe arreat waa MaK fcf tho Uuited -Statca

C.nvil. Mr. (..iti.blo. Two dctectlvos boar.le.l tbo

MMMM at Tlntlri.aiid tbo pnr.tor, ln reply to the

lantliiB. atotofl tbat Umm wm a mm mmm Bmilaaaaja phmmm aaaaartM the deaeription of Mm>Wl 11. IM inan waa annnuuii.'d on deck, and tbe tl.-tt

qiioatlon BtMi bla wm whethor ho waa a phyahlan.ii, proni|,tiv raptkd in IM aagMIra, aajrtag that be waa

jtatulia af FiMoa aad aa iHiit in ttw PIMife Anay.Tliodct.rtlwslnfonn.dliiiuthat tti.y .bad a warratit

furblaarreatnti 1 W*«M BWI to MM him Into outtniy.Maiwell appearel to bolaMMj I. fcM MMfMWl hl*

co;itpo9itre\\hib)thoonicera wcro handculliiiK uliii, and

aoailj laaiaitail tbat tbi wMla aanata waa igMHwateawoalaM ejakaly aaplalaai Oa May 5 bo waa

aiMgbl lalo IM l*alMa TTnarl and dM eMrgM BcatartbImwaralaad. IMGMwaMMttM aapMMd f»r tho

pfaaiwtl.aud Baaara, H ip;.:r and BartM f"> Um Jwfcuce. TMbUtoralataaadtaMtMaaawt Mtf no juria-dlcUon. and all r bmm Brgaojent, tbe caao waa re-

Bandnd. On May 11 tbecaM WMbtoegtal np. 1(l"",'."1Gamhle waa tbe ftret wltn< u.L HelMtiflfldln.k>b.iir ot tbe nroaecutlon aa lo Ibe rarioua artlrloa roooflln Maxwafi'i tnmk, wblch aniong ulhor thlnga., con-

Ulnedtwo rml-roldered bamlkrreblefa marked."( Jp. ... utd ¦ abtrt on whieb were two large »poM '. ''"""i.

ln reply lottaeq leatlon aa I bow irttelea not bmrtngbla Inltlala< . laxwell aald thatthey bad been gtvon t«> hlrn la Snn Kraneleco byamaflnamed R i' imiIw TMh,oi.f the twoofflcera wbo arreated hira oni.i.r. teetlflejt to

nndlng ' P0***,""'l" j.,, , rblefa. all marked

.., \' p |um nook ii

poekei medlcal dlcilonary ln wblch waa wrUien »w.II L( : ,M. !>.. r. A. I'.. c. -" audadreaalng

l"W. II. u ' ".

nrtlolM Maxwrll aald be . !'"»".,n. -.., Fl tu< .- ¦. o luael foi tbo di

.I Uila polnl ...... * tba co'irl bad uo:. tlun in Ibi lor a dlamu

'.l,.- uitb, wbobenni tbe ..- atateil tbat be would p-

maud tbe c-r el daya a UmattaUIlfrom -t. Loui

CABTMB HABBISOS TUIS AND WBABY.Dav i taixG i ii a r Bl wti L <; i 001 OP POtlTIC.

1IM- i-i: h \>-\ ¦¦ >'. viv-l HIM....i rai laai -i nra nuawaai]

Cbicago, .iiinc l -.-M.ivoi Harrison returnedlo the ell -1 '.*¦'"' '' '"''

deak ratbet i«al bo ¦" lt laarida'itlon bM alteead

irraatl] HUrotoaia eu ido ¦!. Blareasl m of e wnl w ibm weary and

ll!, eia ¦. Ba MM a la Ma>,,r bti Mm .. v l'°*

porter In^olred:.. W::i yofl'.. i" ' layr-Why, "t <> -. I' n Um lan d

tak.-lt."10 tak<-

it I""wiiy. [.)'¦' »th bafon i Ba

¦;..d. Tbat'aall."..Ar» >."i golag to lollow up tbo aaaaatl

n i".. i eaal t.iik toyo"Arayongo ./ U i*om.. i bai a notb to aa.. Ai

ii n¦ 11 Utt M I I "


.houldorberwlae .!. ote to ibe ellr'a.... . p^BJPfJ.I .".¦ '¦¦. ..:.... ..,:¦. .¦' v.,- r ..¦....i « .¦;

,,. ... n ih< ni ii. .¦ i. -i ii" tbelr bn .».!i.. m.- .it ataka It wtU dlrert Iboli iiii>iiti,.u mmi wh»m

'... t.. thla ault, and IM pablla wltl? un. r by lt He«l !¦-. tin t.ra tle .1 .¦¦-'

tbi- r .. t*«t, for tbey aa I ooal me from ..iii'-.'. r <

ln there two yeara, what good wlll II

n.iirt I : .. lore iny t.un tnai ¦'' do it "

IMr..r .... .'ii wl!l bcjln iu


Ni m-Oblkams, E'.. .1 utii-15..A diapatcfa tofrow Maeoa, Miaa., «ay»: " v

,. enn dban o'clw k ti.i< bm*i M .. Taai ..: .ii, ot. Dolterg, con-

,',,<i i:. M. M..U,

f. un ii atora, !¦.-- - .,.: < MrlealUrdin, lluiior atore, i»m pl.-VM), bo Inaaraaaei JolmBrotcaii, lo. . ."¦ !> * Baah, gea*. i.,l »t«re, at ;r.,l J. J.(..;,,«.. ..ii. :.-., .!¦¦:¦. mm P2,ooo, fuli) ln»aT»d:J.W Brldgra. iiquor at. lo«a »v*o, fulh Inaared. Tli<-Iom and inanran p on bull.llnf. are aa follow* Hi i-

A I-. .i.-ni ii,. .. _..'.".>. M. It. I..lwar I-.,. i. .1.. -c - i. ..hi; (!. Hanlln and J. Frawr,

i,,.,.-........ -. ,M, j.i.i.v i ,..ii-, loaa;. d.


I'.- II is PABIOUa PLACtS,IIobii i:. Jpjmi 15..A ditpfttehto //<<. l>'tgi*tfr

frmn M.i. on. lhatlratala BMratafaMtroyadreaofR.M. Bara, 1. Holbarg, CMftoa BaNlla

Jobn Bmgan and l Praaer. Poorotber bulldlnga were., laaorad tor MU tbat

u:iioimt.wti ki -itAititi-. r.-tm.. Jma i.">.-The flre ln Um l'or-

kaftofUM Uahlgh Vail.-y «'',.il OoMBaay ...n-

tlnoed to bnra to-day. la tbe aaala gaagway ii"- waMrIi b v. ral feel d< \> Tat < nal baa takcu Bri ai d ll.,,, taa toextlng b It wlll bo to Bo »i taa Hatoa

.- ii i:rv\ ii r, nliio. .lutif 18 -Ta* Plra Briafe nndTarraCotta P/oraaaCW. lt rraetBan'aSoaa. ai IvroaMt¦u BUlea iii.nh of thto oltjr. araabornad reaterday. Tta;,,,, j. »jii..i.rfi . iimurauee<I3,000. «.i- aiartoily ,i apauk fiom aeblauH y la an adjotnlag bullding.UaniLToa, Oat« JoaalS. Hm ManMwa m I'far-

inan'a potfe-paaklag MtabllahaMnt, wblch w.ia baraod\,.t. ni.iv. tmooni to 1108,000 Tba loaa, it k .¦xti-niatad, wlll be Iruui $50,000 to $100,000 MBM IM1 tbcInauradce.

- -*--H-//.17 lO HO WJIJ1 \A\A1, OriMXATKSl

AaTBAFOUfi JniM 15.. l'oity-llnri' of' >tk,tboaawMgradnatad taraii.-i.aiid MreIn tbeBkeaatloaaaeaa aaaaarrtoa, ir,? now

Baderezaaalaatloii al IM Baval Ac Moa y, and Baperta-teadent Raaiaay ta a( a loaa to kaow wb-tt t« <u> wttkIbcbi IMaetolCoagreaaapprorad AagaM .r>. i*^~.

pnrt idea th tl IM h a ead k af IM ala>yaat aawtMi wMn'miil bik'bi-nl a' :.i"'-nd nf thalterm. aliikll M raUlaadla tb«- Navy and tM otbr. IM1I aaea M gl«M Pl.OOOnii.i an boaorabla dkebarga. L'n i»r Baoaal iry < IMadlar'aeeaetrat Um or IM ael abo it «. aty i.avr iieen rataloMaaah ai .1 m caad Iotbc laakala IM taraa braaoMaeftMVar] ttae,aagtaaarlng,aa4bm laav PHMtatMaat, aagtaaaring otBoara Md Meu eapoelaUy laatrucledandmarln. ofoe raappolnted froo elrll iit.-. WMtMfBoeretary Wbltney \mii lollow bla pcaaleoeaaor*a <,..n-

¦tnetUin of taa law ka not kaowa, MpartaMBdanlBMMaykof Um oplnlon tbal IMaaadlBg af all therradnataa to bm lo IwoyMM and taen bringlng IMmback bere for exaulnaUoti la a uaaleaa axpaaM M Uki. ... iuiiu-n! Mato pay aacb eadet'a expooaaa M Aa»liapulla troin tbe atatlona al Wblch be may bam» B M Bo.r-.iii... idea >>r ii '.-¦. exj enaea may ba formed froui kno r-Ing tbat of tbi.i five cama fraai tM Ooagp ltiv.-i,

is froin t'iiina. ti\. fi-iini Monlovldao, tlM-fioiii Ai-

pluwall, Cunaiautlnoule, four from Olbraltar,t.,ar from Bnrupe, oae Irora Villa rani ii". ind &w tromIMPaetfleCooat ( iptalo Ramaay tim.k^ tbat ¦oaoa

b ¦boubt be aaada Ib tM law aa it bow ataala andwlll couault HeereUry M'nltney on tbe aubjeet, M aadortbeMt iiicn!|.,li,d. pr.BloaatnUM Navy ba\e P*a*"licailj ¦'¦'¦- '¦.' tl.r rrducttona uiade ln UMnuutber of ofBoei i In aaah


Butwoaa, P/ia., -inii- l.v.Hog aba .. bMbroken out ln tbla \ Iclulty. B. l>. Cbambara, on tbe Aliyua'.ut k fanu, b.ix lo-l a b.-nl of BUjBty.

AKKK-ll I) POR BIOABT.GPJKAOOiJom 15, < traj JoMa, aga twMty-twa, aa>

t;].i>i.,, lu a oomnils don bouae bl r... aald lo M tbe aou ofwealtby parenta wbo Ihe ln New-Ywrk Btate, WM Uh

,: ,-t nltiht Oll a I. w .-. of blK'.itny Tl.ocoiii|.!ainaatI- Addii- Jom-, .U..I...H. -I-. \fbo anya that I"* eoiopolledber to aupport him for a titne aftor tbelr BMrrlage, aodaubaeniieutlr deaerted brr. TMeaeend Mia. Jouea waa

MJea BaymuW, of UUaa,BURT Bl l i.yixi; stoxi.3.

PlTiaacao, Jubo 1 .">. ontractor Jobn Bbkula, en-

gagod in axaaTaUng for tb.- louaaatloa ->f a balldlag laBniicr-aU. tlred a bUat witbont a warulag at uoou to-

<i ij. an - raral !¦. raona paeeing al tiio time were lut byfl)Ing atoaea. .I«>!iu L'.iunon, Maiy Ij»akcy aud Mr*. Dle-tiicii weru aarlooaly injured.

IIt BT liV AN Il.^uril.T WAI.UIMTl-ili .'-. Uaaa.,jBM 16.- Ihcw.-at wallofthebrlrk

block Wbleb Ai.r i.'iani Borbaak, Ii biilidina- Bl Nottli iml

In-pot ata.. leU down, tbrM.a tallrag wfit tbi- niina.

Oae or tbean, Antboay Bttipby, waa ao badiy hurt thatbe oauAot reeover. Tao otaor two ara BM Bartoaaaf lu-

ji.ii.-d. 1 hu uliirt a.alia are ciacki d.



Omaha, Jiuio 15..Tho srcond sevcrc windaml raluatorni withfu half a week vlaltcd tltia tagtoa>.«t.rday. One housc ln Omaha waa struck by llght-ntne, bm the aeeaaaata aaeeyai injury. A baakaaaaanaincd .Sullivan waa klllcd hy IiK'.itning netir Colutubus.fireat datnape was done lu tho oouutry to wludinllla,aheda and ti.-irn.ahy tho wind. The storni along tho Uulonpaciiic Baad waaaaatteaJarty sororo. AtMiiiard.twentyinib-a wcatof herc, twoluinh-r yards were entlrely blowngway. aM Dktea two hoti.aeaand abarn were blown down.I'or a dlatanee of alx nillcs weat of Grand Ialand tcle-praph poles nre all latd llat. Tho »ame atorm utrnck thoNorth I'latte i(,.j,.t and wa<tblowln« It to plecea whcnhaaVajnpateeoanaaalaataaa waa cut otr". Tno dcpot atI'lieljiVi St.itlon. on the Ilurllngton and Mlaaourl Hall-road, waa aartly wracked. A RToat tloat of datna^e wasdone for a dlatanoe. of tlfty mtlea alons the NebraskaBaBroad in tba aaatb part of the Btata, a gr.;at nianybiilhlluc* hefag wrccked.Stutx Citv, June 1.1..A aevero wind storm hero at

10:10 o".¦;..( k laat nlghl tanwtfH tho post oiHce, cnualugadanaageel B1.B00, Tho whoicsaio 4ry-gooda etota ofTeotto, Llrti geteai 6 c<>. was aaroofad and tho aad waiiawera btowa ta. TttaaaaaaM ba ibabalaitag le 10,8001to the st.. 1.-, 11,000. 0. Sbaakbara/a ahaliaale giecary!i.-t a p.irin.ii of tbe aldo wall and was daiuajrod to theritent of 19,000, «toek B100, MeDavla's large hata anddwetttng haaaa van ahattared, the laei botag 10,000. j.I». | (o'h butter and agga waroliouse waa un-

reafad, Tba leaa 01,000. Tba ttaadard OUOaaiaaay'aoaee loot Ite roef and apattJaaaf tbawaD. The

baBan aadeeglaa >>r * pOa bargeef IbeSt I'aul nndOaaabaBaflreadwen btowa orerboard. Theferryboet

leha aad pttot haaaa, Alatatvder M ili had hla dweUlng denoUabed, Btoagb .tCo.'s h aaroofad and tba Metho-dbd i r t ebarebea wata btowa dowain .i ,, Dorey .v Barry'i aterc araa btowa

dowa. At i:ik Pomt, i»air., aaambaref bufldlnga werabtowa dowa aad tba raUroad eoii haaaa and wlndmill

Ko one waa lnrt. .\f Uotoridge,Neb., alxteen balldlnga were rolned, \. Budaoa'a gan>

u htown t > ptoeee. Tw>i eblldreakllledaa threepaepla eertoaelylajarad In tbe aoaa*t-v-. \: it irttogtea, \.'i\. tbe ikatlng rlak aad a

aaaaber of »rn tii bulldlnga were deetroyed. AtWake*gald.*foh_. Andoraon a Oo.'aatore waa nnroofed, laall

attbln a radloa af tweaty-gre mil lofBtoaaCltyn -,. tr.-'s, faaaae, wlndmlUa

-. Anamberoff.utoaa ¦ we*

Oalya rked te»algbtoal of tbetowa. T. K.

Paek, "f tbJa elty,bad his dw.-iiing partlydaaaellahan.101,000. .i B BI far*a hoaat waada a igi I

to tbe e\- :,: of * ." lan i BJran had thrx-o rlha bikllbot.f 1 PbU " Jeaalaga waa btowa tnto tbe

ataagotool AU orar tbe elty tbe aa. I wtadaallbi ara iewa aad nameroaa

dw. Illngl aro linroofe1.f/ord raa taealred from beoun tba 84. Jataaa

eb was tora dowa aad tbe iteeple of

¦aroofad aad tba inMke itaeb btowa away. Thetrorka wei d,tl .¦ Opera Ho .¦ ¦ u nnroofa I, theBt. I*au and Omaha depot wrecked, tbe newecl.!.

ral dwi lag booaaa btowadown.

\t Ponea, Keh., ln-!-'« afore waa demollahed, and tbefloai mlll ui :. d - u Brat itralghtfroiaaatb. and tbe from tbe at ntbweat

< t.orth af Btoas Cltytba haaeeaf B. B.Baaaefard wai btowa t-> ptaaea aad Iteeenteata acat-totad, Kr. Bnnaeford tag ligbtly ln L Tbalhadtol karafagata Iba "eyeloaa eaUar." J. B. v... t-

loeta tabaabaa hata aad |alxty aeree of corn.

in. i, btowa »ft ifa fooadatloa aad I dlrtwlati-d. Tba »eiie.d l.aa near there waa wreeked.

Uarrey'a bara waa wracked an1 WUllam litlira, .. Jamea Itorat, WUll im

I .. ing, r.t.-r Petoww n. Jake(ind WUllam N.-t>itt. a'.l

-. tbelr barna, eropa, maohlaery, ete.Ureh'a nataral aro r ..t j.i...» M->ium. tiv..

,s alti imI nilned. larue treeaof/»ud torn np bj th< r.n.t-. No one waa kllled

¦i tar iw kawwafcathe ouuntrj nortb,ae the peoi.lo hadarnlna aad itcl t<> eoUara.

ln .affbraaka tba nain retl ta terreata aaad tae gale waaaltnrly terrlde A" Hartlagton therel thmue

..« notbearaome Ira.f tba atorm. Twonilleanrii boaaa

and ti irt ha4 i--. ti r.¦>¦¦ I, loel Iwo i r.¦iiiaintii.- eiitM an- nul expeoted t.. reeorer

I Al Polnt,t. In a.lditi.ui to iiii'p. leebelngnnroofed,

the Epl ad from Ita foun latlon,Iderahie d una r. flre il .! im kge ¦ ladaae

11 rrut.. m tbe \ieiiiin of lllghmore, l»ak >t*.It i- .,¦ ruon than .<. hnll llnza aufrr redinjury, d tbat tbe total loae la tbi* atty

b r-,M,,",»".Iimu>, ln, june l.i. Tble le.-i-u' waa tlalted la«t

by tbe moel daatrucllTa atorm erarkBowalnii,is part ..r the eanatry. lae raln fall iu

om|Minlod h> a terrlde wind and ele< Irleatonu. J ii,- gaa bouae '¦.* u ompletaly deiaoli»ne«l.

euf 81. Jo* '¦¦ feel blgh,,» .- btowa dowa, aud tba bolkllng danattedai.uuu. Bt. Jauea'a CatboUe Cburch w.m vreckedat ¦ leaa nf f 10,010 i:.' Plymouth

MHIa and Eleratorwore nnroofed, tbe nimiw.taek demollahcd, orlba blowa down aad all damaxedliO.Mil i lO.OOU hOUeM and bai Ua lu the tOWn and

couutry wera nnroofed Ia a great variety of waya.loaa Ia tba cityla aattmatcd at ri'»"..wltn nearly,-m ennal amonnl :n tba aurroondlng country. Ko ureawrreloai Intown.bul twomenaad twot blldren were kllledln tbe country, wblla tbe wooaded nnniber «lx orelMht,i reral .>f tbeaa batag dangeroaaly bajofad,

-1. l'»|-| Mnn. June 10. Thr lut/i'iteh'i BtBlwatatr,<t atateial aayai MAfartoaarataaad aiadatarai Iatbti elti ia! algbl laated Iwo l.". Pnblle and prlTateproperf) waaoamaaad totheextenl ot fSU.OOO. Myrtle-at. waa torn tato ruta tweat) fat deep.and tbe watooaaala araa torn oat fur m. r.ii r...i*.

A i.ivi.i.Y riirM)i:i>Toi:M.'Ihc flniiMlirntoTBi wliicli dronched thingi in

the elty yeaterday waa a parely toeal affatr. aaleaa IIeaaat by thraajdi axpreea traaa Beeaeatar wbera tberawas a Bjaaitoi atoiui at I iu tbe aiteraoos.Miil it vaj a itorai or whleh aay elty tui^-htbe proad. Two-tentba of aa laeb of ralntellhetween 8:35 and »:SO p. m.. tbe greater part of Ittalllng In tbe Uval few mlnutea. be llghtalng waa * li Id,but the of the tluiii.b-r ahowrd tbe dUcbariteaof eleotrlcty to be at a low tonalnn. Aa tbera was nttiowind the tempetatun was uut lowt red pan aptibly.


A VEMOCBATIC FAM1LI garraaaoariAM cnAaaiaa bi «atob

M'l' \»iiii DUHOMitaTr.Tbxrtow. JniM 15..Tho eonteat botween

tbe Btate Boaaa baatoa af the DeaMeraey and Benatofj.iiiu k. blePaaraoa aaw preaalaea to aaaaa aartonaUaaala ii« irur .i«< ofthtsetty, the otgaa oftaeBtataBaaaa faettoa, aa Batarday and to-i.iy eoe>

tataed ebaigaa affaettag tba piraaaal haaoraad tataayntv of Iba Panatrrr aad laalaaatai that ¦ aaal hai takaa,,!.i,e iMitaaaa btr IbPberaoa aad a ffaeblagtoa tobby>MiagartlagabWaafata Oaagraaa asraral yaara ago,ti... tdii in qaeettoa had refeteaee ta aatUa aud »tuek

yards, ahaataaaata whleh hU. htoPbereoahae baaa for

leeiaaaaatadaadla whlebbe haa amaiatl a tattaaaTbeBeaator'a Meade ara tberaagbly tadlgaaal and d.- BtofON taken to atop tho libolloua atato-

llielit.Ti.-- st ne Baaej faettoa, l-d by Boefatary af Btata

K.l ey. aeeaaj deteru.lned to wr-ck the Deinoeraey of

tae Btate U Itaaa. tba lifawenalan Daaaaetatte Aaao-

elatn.nofthlaclty laeontiolled hy Kalaey. It numl.era

Mvetal baaiaad pteailainat Dimaerata af M.f.i-

Ooaaty. Taatoaaaaetaltoa haajaat paaaad, withoutmuchi,|.ji..sition, the foftowtag

Bfaalaeal That »c eeJl on aU Dcnwcratt Jfli^toto toorranlze themaelvea and patltlon Praaldent ( lovelaml to

liraorea»caUeTleadera ol the -taie and ajipoiut ineu

eomlng raeommeuded from tbelr dtotrtoMi QtoyJbefagrol ra are aaeapablo ofJudgtngmenln their dUtriei aa,,..- comeam tt iixaaa4waaaba waabi aa

"^aawfWal That thM ork-itu/atl-n. havltu- for Ita aliu,.,': wel ,; .,f tae i-tno.-,*tie rarty and tho porglaa ofIt of ao-allad Demoerata aad bypoerltea, aeem it oor

duty taInreaUgate.aofaraalnoorpower. tbe pharteeaguinat .-enato. J..(.n a MePheraon ol 4UJoralty andinirlKiio with the lt.-pul.ll. ..n .-.i.ators; a ... to luojUreIntotbetrnthothlo tacomendlnj BepabUeaaa to ik>b1-tlona whlle he 1» < u|<>yliig ouf aullraxe.

A cou.uiltteo of llve waa a«a*alatad to ol.taln ctldenco.Ifany. of dlaloyalty and Impure Into tho reaaou of tho

retcutlou of Kepuhlli-ann lu oltlre.II ia H.eietaryof State Kelaey drew

the rraoluliouB th.-y no et tho aapfOTalufiien.yrt. i.itti-. pwaldaal *&J£^fitlLE££luad. nf CWigreeamaii....¦. ..f tho tho llld ldatrlvt,and BJL Ctlllginaaiaa Mlka Koaa.

fffn i. tatmrnwjmm omvMUFiTTsni u.i, June 15 (.Sjjm'a/).-Tlii!cuiisi)iia-

cycaaeairaiuat Klddle, tlio presl.lent, and lte;i.»i-. tln-

caahler. of the ivnn nank.camo up 1b tho Crliulnal Couit

toUay. Mr. Ithldlo tnanaxed to ajagbj the Mewart

brothera, hU former partn.-ra, who have »t< urrd a Inavy

ju.lnnient agalnat hlm. aml elttcred the coiirt-room. Ho

|a uow uuder Ue yrotectioa ot the law uutil Uua caae ia

en.l.-d, wblch wlll probably be In two weeka' tlme. Tliedi'fcndants have nlne attomcya, lucltidltig CongreaatuanBoyle aud Jud*o Curtla, ot Xew-York City. Tbe Coin-moii weulth ta ropreeentcd by four lawyera. A Jury waaImpaMllad to-day, and tlie teatlinony ofthe dlrectora audac\eral i-n.ploy. a of tbe defuuct iiai.k waa reccivcd.


NOTOKIOLS SWINJII.KR AT LARGE.[nr TELB<;ftiru to rita rmsaxa, J

BOatoVi June 15..There WM arrestcd at theW'oat End to-day a man WMM name, thougb uot recog-nlz.d iu pollto aoelety, H a fauilllarone ln mauy otherclrcles. ¦ Plin " Whlte la at leaat alxty yeara old, andhas Bagepl a good part of bla llfe lu plannlng and carry-tngout eeheraeato defraud people. Gold brlcka andvarloits otbordovlcea known and employed by abarperahave hrougbt him <¦,.;i-i< 1. i-aI, e money from tlme to tliue,imd Tirmv a mau hM lauiented an acqualntance wlththe fellow, whoae ruanner ls auch M to luaplrc unllmltedconfldcuoe. Tho 'partlcnlar cbargo now broughtagalnst ¦ Plin " la the obtainlng of .f1,000 from Albert H.Dolllrcr, ot Xew-York, ln Decemlier, bj falae rcpro-aentatloiia. Wblto claimed to have a largo lntercatdn a

nilne reiiiilrliiK'oiily ?l,oooto develop lt atilllclently totirltig a haudsome prufll, aud Dullivcr advanced thoruon<y.Whlte la reganled by the police of tbls country and

Europe aa ono of the clcvereat of adveuturere. He waa

born lu Wcather-dleld, Vt., and left there at an earlyngo, golng to Montpeller, whero he leurned thoprlntlngtr.-nl.v BaWMlto Xew-York nhoiit 1S50 and eutoredInto tin> maaafaetcua of Vcnetian biinda. Tbeu be waaglnto tho brokerage boataeea, b>>in.'iit patoate, eaaaWMMalorlargegtaeoankoafiealaantatei deaU in dry gjodaaad aiada a apaotalty ol kwelry. He fminded the tinnOf Winn. Hawkina k Wblto and givo up bualnc*H afteruci'iimnl.ktiug a good daal of inoiny. He llve<l lu h.iud-aiitnr Mtyle ln Iifth-a\i\ Aftcrw.u.l bu bogan to buygoiii dtut from r.-! ni n. .1 Callfornlaoe, aad waa BRMteaBeeaaaa of qneer iraniaotltma. but o^caped aud rcturuedto bla Vi-rmont li.iin...

ln that Btata M talked of hk graal waattfe nnd boughtr.-ai aataM aaall heada paylag (or lt in ootoa Bamortcagad the property, borrowed money, and tluallyturniuc ererythlng Into caah rotaraad to new-Yetfc, n«aoofl after pald tbla elty a ihorl vi.-it. and lu twu weahabomade840,000. BawMMil heatdof in UMlataaa,« bara ta wm baay ta \ ottUea Ba waa aMaM a eaper-rlaoroltwo parianaa. aui lor maolpnlaUna taa ranraawblch aecuredtbe eleotlonof Gorernor Paokard wmmaoe Btate Prlnter. He eetabllahed a chleken farat Mnu lalandnfl the Texaa coa»t nnd bad raked aboot10,000fowU, wbaaa ftbod .-" ept Umm away, aad WhlMhlinaclf narroaly aeoaped duwnlng. Ile tiirti went toKnnaoa Clty and opened a large dry gooda *i«r.>. buylugg.latetbe amoont <>f p27S,000 from Bew-Eaglandand Xew-York ktbbere. BeaaJpnad Um etoak ln bmbOtota :,. rariooa eltlea ¦ bera be -..;d tbem at auctionWhlte baa alnee thaa awladk l leraoaa lu BoatoOi Xew-

York, Ranaaa Llty anl otber ptaoaa. oot <>r largeamouota. BU iir-t wife M manied at Baratoga lu 1-..1,anl borrowed BoO.OOOfrom bet brotberaod atater. Wbenthe money waa gone tlie brother oomnutted aaMMa.a/blle llrlag ln Xew-York wlth ek tirat wire. UMktaPpnuco Fi-itis tbe furgrr, waa a freqaaat gu.*t af hk.Fettlaatolea raloabk eet of dlamonda oi-louglug toWblte'a wife, bnl berhnaband adrtaaf tarnet to sayanytblng atmni !t and be booght hei a uow set.


AOBBT.I'...-T..X, Juiif l.'.-.V inan Jumpetl from the

. irrn of UM atcainer I'lljfriifi, of tbo Fall River Llne,ahortlyafMraM bad paaaad Uuwaga BaU Gate. Thoitoaaaar waa atapprg aad a Irrai kwacad, aad the man

WMiaaeaad and pUoad la tbe ateamer'a boat wlth tbcaM of a boafa ereW fZOM thr- ahore. He ls cvldenUy a

Bwada. Be katx faat tall aad Ma ligtit hairandaiongbeard. Ile atat.-.l be waa unmarrled and had no

frienda or relatlrea. Bhortly alter bia roacuo ho uiadoaaattempttojampfroa IM frelght gaugway, but waa

caugbt iu tioje to pn-v.-nt bis maklng iii" kap, and waatii.n d under guard until thi« moruiug, wbcu bowaa toraed otoi lo the Fall EUrerpoUoa.

r>r. r. f. Byera, of x.>. L.293 Dioadaay, aald to n

raratraareporterlaatalghti "OariMi B. PryaiMapa*of tnl'io. II.- Ma ta ¦ piitr^ring for aomc tlme

from Btalarla bm erarworlt Ba hM m empioynieutageaey han toi Bwadkh wrraata, and waa to go to Xow-

port next week MaM aboal aunplylng aoaaaof Um hol dathere wlth aen mta. I talah that bu muat have becoino

ily Ught-headed and aUrtad lor Bewpoft Bkhuaineaa Umm i»m m,n.«wh»t <tuil Utelv, ba* ku» ujm nut

I hare rwelvid word from tbe CltyMik-;. ..; i Klvei that ta wlll ta »>a< kMre on rhora*.Ijv Be baa beOO m tlil-* rountry for about alx yeara.Heapeaka aevaral lenraagM Uiuniiy aud baa bc.uaprofeaaor of languagea.

.1 DAWIML OOMM TO jrnuMFVT.PaiLADELPBIA, June 15 (Sptciii!]..John¦¦; i.. ibargad aith ambeaaloaaaM wbiio MMaaiw «.f

Um rtccatnr Boihtlag AaaoelaUoa, pieiidcd guiity tblanioiiii!..-. Bohiiabaea irMMiatfat IfMaa yeara, aud,aak naoal ln aaah eaaaathk rapotaHea wia axaaUaatIn Bve yeara M waa 147,000 ahort, ile aurrendered allhk ucoperty t» hk aaapkyaca, Mt «'.a atui ind.-btcd Mtbem ijiJT.iai'i. OonBMl a-'i.-.l tint aaafeMM bo poat-poMd iiniiiCeopermight aattk ap hl* fhgaflf aiiui*.

Baddk okjaatad. CobbmI plaadad for Mataw, aay-lag that tbe dafaodaal had aof Moka baa momk/i aadloat Ii ln ipennkUoB TM Jadga gavo Coojier Hve yearain Um i- Mtan Paalkam iry." Tbero la," Ue n..ld lu luipoalug tho

auit.tice. " wliat I r.-,'ird aa a uiost un-

fortiinate Imprcaion abrnad tbat. bciviuae H. man hMbad a good r.-putatiuii aud baa b ¦. n aurrooadod by arary.dranta (e tbatedui atio.i and aaaoelatloa gire, wbea h"<,«iimit-" a .i-iin.¦ all th«v ,-. amal mcea abonld ta takeuln uiitix ition of punUbment I admlt ao aooh doetrlBa,Wln-n a t'oo- iL' man who li i> ih-vit bad tb.MM id-raatagea commlU crloM l tara graal aympatby for hlavi bare greal aympatby f«>r a m ib wM ateala a haM Maapply tli" weott of bla famUy or eteolataeeetopainpon bla cblldren'a faat. Wby abonld aympatby be

bla wM ttndee apoa akgood ropatattM him to defraud UM peafk t"


tVtOlDM 9MOAVMMUFA TMMDIOT.PrrrsBUBo, Jum 15 {8p«elml)..Thtto is now

only ono aurvlvor of tho ouce blgblyreaiHH-ted and¦aalUi faaUly, Um BaOaary*a, af AUagMaf UBp. TMfatlur dkd V< ara BgO In a mad houae. Hls wldow aoou

(oUowad iiiui. kaalag i large aataaa M aaah of four sona

llarry, Marah. Abhottaad Fraak. AbMM dkd fromdclirlum trciiaii.-, tMTlag i¦oiMidcrablo ptopcrty lu tbe

d iiany,maxeoator\ Awaaaaa»wM atatadUMlUm araa AbMMfa aik and h id MM iMaanaMi as auch

l.y mauy partlea li-r and lu other citlea, proditceda wtil by arakh all of hia ptopcrtywaal to BM. llarry Mctioary protiounccd tM pipor» forgi-ry aud conti-i'id it in coutt. TM trial euded on

Batarday artlh a rerdM for tbo araaaaa. Barry waa

oonaldorably woi rled orer IM i ordi.-t and dld uot alaapUmI Dtgbl not- on Batarday alght Abaot J a. uj. to-day.ii, porauaded hk wlfa to Waro IM roaM M?a bottle of.Itdne a« aoon aa th,> .i.w.r eloeed, McOearr «-eut to¦ 1.1:t<-..ii. itrew ...H ¦ i.-v.ilv.r and .but bim».'lf lu tboMad, dylnglaalew inlnutea. lt la aald tbat be ba.1¦qnandered Um major portlon ,.f bl* bfolber*a Mtato,bimI waa unable to aatlaf) tno verdkl <>f Baturday. Htalawyeradeny tbU. Marah McGearyahot huuatlj dcadInatlnclnnaU hotol iu Xuvember. Frauk la the aolo¦un i\or of tbc fatuily.


Cnri innati, June 15 [9peeiat)..AMMmgbbubjro:iL-iatttlatory lctt<-ra received by Judgo Foraker waa

Baa to-lay (MM laMM <l lllalne who wroto : " I haveno loabl but tbat you will iMjebct.d by ¦ Maah lur^ermajonty tbau waa your oppoueut tw.. \ aan aM" BolhBlalneandLogaa wUltaoatta itomp for Foraker lntbecampalgn, wbleb promkMto M M Urcly aud tiu-portaat"»that of two yeara ag.».


PBILABBLPBIAi Juue 15 {Sprcia!..The suitof tbe Wblto t>uall Minlng and Mneltlng (MgfMaTi ofCo'.oiado, agalaal tbo WaMara Uaka Teaajraph cotn-pany. hrougbt to rocover MMIM BM loaaea aaid ii.-i a oaiiaod by Um allagad U. lay in tbedeliTery ofBtetooam, waa put npoa trlil la tMUnltodStatoa t'ir-i-utt Coait tonlay. l.\-Atturucy-Ucueral DrewatM lacounacl for tlie Wtatern L'niou.

MOMVMMKt lo JuILX C. CXLIIOFS.(':: UkXEfTOWj 9. t'., Juno 15..The Calhoun

Monutuetit AateeaMad to-day deoided u erect tbo inoiiu-

un -ni to Jobn C. Calhoun ln M.irion lf i.iro, lu Callioiiu-at.,ln tbla clty. Tbe f.ninlatlou wlll be laid aa aoou aa

Ua ontraetcau bo utado. Tho luonumeut la uow belugaiaciitad by \. B. Bgrakah. tne aaaMMr.hi Kome, andwlU oc aboal alxty feel hlgb with ba»e and curb. Elgbtythouaaad doilara <.r tbe fiind for tbe ujonuincnt waa co.-Um Md bafore tbo War, aud tbla amouut baa becu lu-crcaaod byjudlcioua lnviitin.nt.


WAIF.RISO TUE1U KOMABM Wllit LMMOMADB. PJI'iiiladi i.piiia, June 15 (SpccUd)..Five

y,. in-,- mon tuouutcd on apii-tu-d boraea drove pa-l KcboPark yaatorday and atopped to wator thelr brutea at tholemonade fountalu in frout of a frult ataoil. The policea.i. itad two of ibe meu. ln.-y wero beld lu baiL

VEATIl FROM AS OTMMD0MM OF LAVDIWM.Lottie K. Dixon, ajre thirty-hve, wife of

WUllam II. Dlion, died on Bunday at her bome, Xo.xn; n\>-i EigUty fourth-at., from an overdoae ol lauda-liiim. Ilar hunband aald laat ulgbt that abe waa aMMof exireunly ii.rroua oigiui/atlon and had of late auf-tered asTerely from luaWUti io airep. BaaapaeaadtMtaba took a do«- of ibo drag ta IMaoa eleep, aud took tooii.ii. b Tbe laadaaBm waa laangbt hk UM wlnter forex-tcrtml uao and had gatbercd airauglb by tlie erapora-tlou of tbe altuliuL



Ohief Ageut Drummond was somewhat re-aerved ln hla dleoloaures whon ho told on Saturday evea-Ing of the arreat of Edward Hall. the forger, on thoeharge of atternpting to cauao tho printlng of falee $100nofea of tbe luternatlonal Bank of Guatomala.,Ho waa tnore eotunineativo laat ereuing, aud waa eraa)Jovlal, for ho had optured the reinalulng)membcra, aa he bellered, of a gang of forgera who bad]uiade ayaleiuatlc preparatlons for a great acheme offratid. Hall was arreated as hc waa enterlng tke offloaof -ehut/e ii Benodum, cngravera, whom he bad aakedto print Impresslons from platea of Guatemalau bank*notca. Tbe platea, tho prcparcd paper and a genulnanoto and aorne .partly.prlntcd notea were ainong tbamntotial.a left by Hall with tho engravera. The mannerln whleh the platea had bcen prepared rcmalnca to beluvestlgatod.A inan, who waa aftcrward found to bo WUllam F.

Hollywell, callod at tho otllce of tho LcaUe EngravlngCotnpany, No. 22 Church-at, aeveral weeks ago, andask.-.l to have adrawing madeof an cnlargedphotographof a Guatemalan bank uote. Mr. Leallo waa somewhatauaplcloua and aald that hc could uot have tho workdoue. Hollywell then aaked lf a workraan could not benamed who would do tho work out of bdsiueaa houra.Cnrl Hanaen, one of Mr. Leallo'a workruen, agreod tomake the drawlng, and he workod at lt att.ii tlrno and after bitalncaa houra. Mr, Leja-llo advlaed Uanacn to mako Imjulrlea abouttho work, and the workman aaked Hollywellwhether lt waa all rlgbf and waa aaaured that thero waanothlng Irregular ln the bualucaa. Hanaen reinalned atwork aud reeelved .$10 from Hollywell iu part payuicutfor the work.While the drawlng waa belng made Mr. I/-sli<> waa

vlslted. ho aaya, by Edward Hall and a tnan named" Gua " Ijiwreneo, who apoko about the drawlug anlwho aald that thoy proposel eatahliahlug a bualncaowhleh would competo with tho largo bank-noto cngrav-tng cotnpanlea. Thcy were to make a apet-Ulty ofmtagtta platea. Tliey propose.l that Mr. Lcslio shouhlaeii out hte heataaai to them. Hc did not aeeept tba oifcrand illd not havo tho drawlug made hy hla eotupariy.Hanaen flulshed thejoband took the drawlng to Elov-euth-ave. and ."dxty-clghth-st, whore ho rec-ived $.]?,the halauee of the nioney duo hlin for tho work. Thlauionoy, ho aaya, waa hand.-d to hlm by Hall.The lyslie Eu.'ravin | OaOBf iny haa a f i.-tory at Pr ie-

I«>et an.lUatnllton avea., Brooklyn. Ono of tho, who doea tho work of tranafcrrlng from photo-.-ra.hs to platea la Thomas Allahlro. Hewaa acqualntcd with Hollywell, who aakedhlm to tranafer a photograph of the Guatoinalaab.mkn->tc to platea whleh he left with Allahlro. The pho¬tograph waa not the aagM as that from whleh II irscnmade the drawlng, l>ut wa.aof the atoe of thi» genulnanote. It waa su.h a one aa would naturally have bcenuiade from Harsen's drawlng. It la necosaary In tneproceaa of duplleatlng the note to take an cnlarg.-d pbo-tograph, from whleh a wurkman can tn ike an ex.ictdrawmg ln certaln Inka. A photograph takeri from aucn,a drawlng can be washed ao that all of the ph.:on-apa. xe.-pt that of the lnk marks v.lll diaappear. From tlUaph'.tograph a tr.insfer can be made to platea ao that cachplate can bo engraved with tho parta t!i it aro to beprinted lu lnk of one color. The transfers wpre tii.wle hyAllshlro and tho platea were glven to Hollywell. Whllothe work was ln progress Lawiaaea calle.1 aeveral tlmeaon Allahire, exaruiied tho work and aake 1 aa to the>-x i.-t manner m whleh thetrapsfer waa douo.Hollywell ls au engraver and la aejatoyai by the

Frauklin Photo-Electrotype Corupwiy, of Xo. 303 PearVat. He had ln hla posscsalon chomlcalai- 1 othor iiiatcriala whleh hla employers aaywcro not uaed ln tho work ho did for Un tn. Hsaaya, however, tliat the platea ho received from Allshlroho gavo to Hall still uueugrav.-d. Wheu Hall took themto Betwltaa 0 Baaaadaai they wcro aagtared and readyfor prluting. Mr. Benedum mado ln<iui*Ua> lluat iod tathe detectlon of the forgery.Prealdeut Gondall, of the Amerlcan Bank Note Corn-

pany. whleh pnntcd tho genulna Guatemalau notes, waaono of the flrst peraoua to communlcato tho atory to< htef I>i unimoud, aud he haa ainco tuken the llvelleat in*tereat ln the cnae. Mr. Goodall and Chlef Driiiuuiondrtettei Mr. Lesiio yaatarday morniug. Uo told themthe atory Jtist related about hla knowledgoof Eawrenee, Hall and Hollywell, aud hadncarly flnlahed when he s.iid: "By tho aay, I reeelveda tel.-giam from Lawrenee, aaking tue to nieet him at thoreataurant at Fulton and C'hureh ats.. at noon to-day."It was then Juat after noon and Mr. Drummond aald:..i.o rlght around there now and meot Lnwrcnoe. Aakhlm whether hc la conneete.t with thla bualucaa that haaeause.l II ill'a arreat and get hlm to talk about it." Mr.I^alie wentout aaddoooeaded Ike atepe le than ataaataut, whleh la iu the haaement, while Mr. (loo.l.ill aud thoehlof ageut stood outaide. Iu a minute haeanaa up thoatnira in a hurrt.M maniier. Aa he told the olhterafterwar.i, he w.-nt u[> to Lewreaea aa aoaa aa lrt)euter.d the re«tanrau: aud aald: " Haa thla hiislueaaaiiything to do with tba ¦attar that eaaaag the arreat ofllnll. I have ii goo.l niliid to gire the wbeta tiiiiiK' ,(way.""No. yoii wont give lt away." aald lawioiioa. u.aklug

a inotlou towant the rear p.M-ket af hia tloii.aera.-* v.s. i «iu, tdt Mr. LeaUe, toralag abaat uad ruah-

iui; for the aaer, " and heio ls Mr. lnutuiuoud oat-ide toarreat yau."Mr. LeaUe went acroa.a the atreet and waa ImuiedUtely

foiiowed by Lawreaoa, aboereaaed thurch-at. aad wentaltbqoiek atepe towan the eievated rallroad slallou.Mr. Diummoiid, who waa watchlug hlin, rau up w-hui.thlm aud aeized hlm t.y the aruia lu the rtaaadhbagrip for whleh the oftleer la noted. Mr. Go.xlall rau upand -,.i.l to Lawreaee "How we have you, yoa viii.iin.''Lawiaaea arooanpanloil the otlieer to tbe Poderal

ISuildiug. He ta a auort man, of nii.l.llo age. with a intM-tii.he aud goatae. Be ia aawaroatly a tfabrew. ¦.a|x*aka Hpaniali aa weil as Etgllah. Ife give hla a>lilre«aaa No. l.'J Maeon-at., BrooKlyn. but the p.-ri>on fonad attnat boaaa aald Laat nbrbl taal ho dt.l not iive there. llo

.1 aeveral huu.lred dollara lu hls posaeasioii, aud anaecounl bookla akleb were entrtcs of inoiii-y p.iid to" iioiiy." aa lloilvwell waaealled. A receipt t i i.oaroiwaa algued hy "Mi»." Chlef Druiuuioii 1 w,-ut tothe piaee ..fbuaineas of tho Fratiklyu PUoto-Ele. tro-type Oompany. ln P.-ari-st., ln the afteraaoa and at>reatad Hollywell. He ia tweiity-ttve yeara old and Lathe nephew of I.awreni-0. Ba has baea marri.-.l aliout arear au.i liv.-a at No. BlBBaat glghtraaiMMtdat. Hlawife had the Uhle aet lu tbelr eomfortable Uoiue. awalt*lug her buabaarfe retum, waa. iba w .» mfonued of utaarreat. Holly well'e engravlng toola and cheiuio.ila werafouud at the piaee wiiere ho worked aud wc-r-j t.ikeu toMr. Inuiiunono'a otllce.ljiwr.iiee aud Hollywell were taken before Commfa-

aioner aud were tiehl for examiuation oaty>..(<Hihatlaacb. Theyw.iei.Mked up ln l.udiow street JatL,Hall had been arralgued earlier lu the day aud was re-maiided to thojall.

SVITS AGAISXT BASK $TOOKMOLDMMMIIlntixgdux, Feun., Jtino 15 {Sp<cLih.~Tho

Importaut Utigatioii growiug out of tho of thoBedford Couuly Bank at Everett, whleh lu vnrioojahapeshaa oeeiijued the attention oC the eourta ol Uod*ford, waa trausferrod to thla couuty to-day by the .nt r-

lugof twenty auits by depoaltors of tho bank tgatngjperaoua who were atockholders lu the at the timeof the fatlure. The numbcr of auits to bo ultiui.itelybrought la llmUedouly by Iho numoer of oielitora thebank may havo had. Tho amouut mvolved la large, audthe fa.taand legil ii'.ieatloiia are iutrteate. The defeud*aiila aro WiUlam P. Orblson, William Uorna, John Svoit,Georgo M. Gamtaou, Havld P. <iwyu, Horatlo O. i'ishor,John II. GbUter, aad II. G. Fiaher and John M. Bailey,cxeculors of Thotnai Flahcr, who are kuowu aa the II ::it*higdou Couuty stockholders; aad Saruue! L. Hii-aeU,Jaaab wlltbaaa, John M. Baruedollar, Klmou Nyeum,John Duboia and Joaeph Harris. known aa the UedforxtCouuty stoekhol.lera. Theae, with Jamea M.^i: II andjauies M. BaruadoUar. aoa dead,. ataoiiahctthe laaak la1*70. There were wlthdrawala of Hiintiugdou Couutyatockholdera at vartoua tlme», ainong tluj earlieat neingthat of W. P. Orblaou aud Johu .Seott. lu InSl tht raa]Wltiulrow. returnlng thelreapltal to the Flrat NaOooalBauk of Huntiiigdon, of whleh they were all atoekhoht-era. No uollee. lt ia allegesl by the plalntltTa ln the auita.waa glren of the wlthdrawal. and. although ti. <le|M>«luuow sought to be reeorered were alaee made. it laclamied tha> the wlthdrawingatoekholdera are Uablu forthem. Tho iatter ..ii-ge that tbelr Betton.waa aawaOknown to the publlc that no deiK.alt OOOld have beeamade afterward upon the eredlt of ttielr conneetion witb.the bauk No Ju.lgmeuta ean be obtalued h. ra agalaalthe Bedford O.uaty atockholdera. becau*.-. ..iiUough.necesaarily Joiued in the auits, no aerviee ot legal,..,..,,, bo uiiidoou them ou aocouut of thelr noii-

r.',idenee Their intereats aro really with tbe piaiuttrxa.aa tueyde'slre t|., Huntlngdou County atoekholeis to

Bbara the Llabtlltlea of the bank. and lt m IwiieveJ tuat IIU iit their luataijcc that the auits are brougiU.

AKS POLICEUL'X AFRAID OF TAKIXO COLDtFhm.auklphia, Juue 15 (6pteial)..Tb« h«:at

to-day and yeaienlay haa been lntenae and haa driver*haadrada of pemona out of towu to the near traoru uowo|m>u. The poliaemen. who are atlli iu Ihelr wiuu-r uuVforma, were plUablo obJeeU to behold.

-? -

PROOREHS OF 111L OLD LJBSRTT DILL.Richmon'd, Va., June 15..The gpccinl tt-nin

bearing the old Llberty Bell and guard aud eaooit aJ-rived here thla morniug from New-Orleana ou ita aa| UtPhlutdelplua. While tbera waa no formal rceapUaaalarge crowd* weut ta UaavUlo depot to aeeUuaaU.rtlla

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