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Number 069 *** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS *** Thursday 12-03-2009 News reports received from readers and Internet News articles taken from various news sites.

Above seen GR Maritime’s multi purpose vessel CAPT. JO, Crane barge MISSING LINK and the tug EUROSUND on the Napoli wreck location. At present 25% of the lifting chains are successfully installed

by means of underwater directional drilling. Your feedback is important to me so please drop me an email if you have any photos or

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The FAIRPLAYER seen leaving Halifax, Nova Scotia March 10th with a cargo of railway locomotives. Fifteen locomotives will go to Egypt and the rest are bound for Rotterdam.

Photo : Mac Mackay ©

'Schepen blijven langer voor Rotterdamse haven liggen'

“2008 is een goed, zonnig en bestendig nautisch jaar geweest met soms lichte sluierbewolking.” Met deze beschouwing karakteriseerde (rijks)havenmeester Jaap Lems het afgelopen jaar tijdens de bespreking van het nautische jaarverslag van de Rotterdamse haven op 10 maart in het World Port Center. Het aantal schepen daalde licht met 600 vaartuigen tot 36.415 zeeschepen, terwijl de overslag met 2,9 procent toenam tot 421 miljoen ton. Jaap Lems is uitermate tevreden over de uitslagen die de duizenden inspecties van zijn manschappen opleverden. De transportveiligheid steeg ondanks intensievere controles naar het rapportcijfer 7,7. De beveiliginginspecties resulteerden in een 7 – het streefgetal. “De beveiligingsnaleving is in zijn algemeenheid nog meer verbeterd, omdat het Havenbedrijf in 2008 de inspecties heeft verlegd naar bedrijven die in voorgaande jaren zwakker scoorden.”

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Het aantal ‘parkeerschades’ steeg van 103 naar 126. Een reden kon de havenmeester daarvoor niet aangeven. Erge ongelukken deden zich niet voor. De incidentbestrijdingsvaartuigen werden ingezet bij 296 incidenten. Opvallend hoog vond de heer Lems de 45 maal dat zijn collega’s op het water in actie moesten komen om drenkelingen te redden of gewonden cq zieken te vervoeren. De havenmeester wil de ankergebieden in het buitengaats aanloopgebied Rotterdam-Rijnmond uitbreiden. De drukte rond de ‘parkeerplaatsen’ circa 15 kilometer uit de kust is fors toegenomen. De gemiddelde hoeveelheid ankerliggers fluctueert van circa 30 ( de laatste jaren vrij normaal) tot circa 90 (zeer hoog aantal!). Schepen wachten daar bijvoorbeeld met hun lading op gunstiger marktprijzen. Het Havenbedrijf ontvangt veel verzoeken om schepen vele maanden in Rotterdam te mogen opleggen, maar gaat daar zo weinig mogelijk op in. De weinig ‘openbare’ ligplaatsen voor zeeschepen houden we achter de hand voor onvoorziene ‘kettingschepen’ (schepen waarop beslag is gelegd door schuldeisers). Jaap Lems: “De economische crisis betekent tevens dat we wantrouwender moeten inspecteren.” Bron : Port of Rotterdam

Shipping pollution more than a drop in the ocean

A US scientific study is pointing the finger at the global shipping industry as a major contributor to climate change. The study has found that the one hundred thousand commercial ships which travel the world's oceans emit almost half as much particle pollution as the world's 600 million cars. The findings have been published in the Journal of Geophysical Research. And the lead author is calling for an improvement in the quality of shipping fuels. In the past, ships running under flags of convenience have been exposed in reports like the Ships of Shame inquiry as being unsafe for crews and polluting the ocean. Now scientists have put a figure on exactly how much air pollution is emitted by the world's shipping fleet. US-based scientist Daniel Lack, who works for a US government agency called the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, has found every year commercial ships emit 1 million kilograms of particle pollution into the air. "These particles that are coming out are about equivalent to half the particles that are produced from all road traffic in the world," he said. "What's interesting with ships is that they're in international waters most of the time so the pollution doesn't really get noticed by people. "But these ships are actually burning really low-quality fuels. They're literally burning the bottom of the barrel. After oil refining, there's a black sludge left and that's what ships are burning, so they're burning a really dirty fuel." Professor Lack worked on his report with another scientist, James Corbett from the University of Delaware. It was Professor Corbett's job to find out what effect the pollution from the ships has on human health. "We're talking about organic carbon materials and we're talking about these very small black carbon particles," he said. "These particles are small enough to be breathed in to human lungs and they have been shown by epidemiological studies to be associated with increased incidences of breathing illnesses, heart illnesses and even premature death." The harmful particles released into the air, including sulphur, carbon dioxide and soot, are also damaging the environment. "If dark particles land on snow, they can accelerate the melting of snow in the north, perhaps the Arctic," he said. "They interact with water vapour in the atmosphere to help produce brighter or longer lived clouds and the dark particles can absorb energy and retain heat and contribute to global climate change." It is the first time a large scale study has found exactly how much and what kind of air pollution is released by ships.

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Professor Lack says his study exposes shipping as a major polluter and more regulation is needed to ensure the industry cleans up its act. But he acknowledges, as with the car industry, some shipping companies are seeing an upside in green innovation. "There's a company in Seattle which has just built the first hybrid tugboat," he said. "The port of Los Angeles, they're starting to make ships hook up to shore power, which is much cleaner than the power from burning fuel. Source: ABC

The SKANDI ACERGY seen arriving in Rio de Janeiro Photo : Capt Levien Bijl ©

Norwegian police let detained Russian cargo ship leave Bodo port

Norway's police have allowed a detained Russian dry cargo ship to leave the port of Bodo in the country's north, RIA Novosti reports. The Russian ship, the Mekhanik Tyulenev, is suspected of involvement in the collision with a Norwegian fishing boat, the Marina.

The Mekhanik Tyulenev was ordered on March 3 to dock at Bodo to investigate a possible collision with the missing fishing boat. The Marina and its 68-year-old owner went missing off northwest Norway, near the island of Anda on the Vesteralen Archipelago on March 2. Norwegian police have radar data confirming that the Russian and Norwegian vessels were "very close to each other" before the Marina disappeared from radar screens. Police said the crew of the Russian vessel, en route to the Netherlands, were "surprised but cooperative." The vessel remained in Bodo until divers examined the hull of the vessel to check for marks left by any possible collision. "An inspection of the ship indicates that no traces of a collision with the Mekhanik Tyulenev have been discovered yet," Norwegian police said, adding that the Russian vessel has not been fully cleared of suspicion but that the suspicion has grown "much weaker."

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Ships lie idle on Subic Bay It’s 11 a.m. on a weekday but huge, bulky cargo ships scattered at the major Philippine port are quiet and nearly deserted, save for a handful of workers repainting chipped handrails on some vessels. About 22 ships—mostly empty cargo vessels—have anchored in this former US naval base, some as long as three months running. It’s cheaper than most other ports in the region to park a ship and most crews are dominated by Filipinos so it’s a popular choice. Before August last year, when the global economic crisis started to stymie trade, cargo ships rarely stayed in Subic for more than a week. At any one time there were no more than 10 ships at the port. “We don’t usually get ships docked for a prolonged period,” said Armand Arreza, administrator of the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA). “We would usually get a few ships which would be on lay-up, but never to the extent that we have about 22 ships and for a prolonged period of time.” Lay-ups refer to the temporary shutdown of cargo ships during periods of surplus and depressed freight rates. Since September, the SBMA has been swamped with e-mail and calls from owners seeking to dock their cargo ships at the port to cut costs following the collapse in shipping charges as global trade fell to multiyear lows. About 12 other ships have left Subic Bay since the end of 2008 to pick up cargo around Asia, waiting two weeks to three months to get a client. But for the remaining 22 ships, the wait continues. “There is no cargo,” said the captain of a European-owned container vessel docked at the bay since December who asked not to be named as he was not authorized to talk to the media. “This ship is a feeder vessel. And it depends mostly on mother vessels. Since there are no mother ships bringing cargo from US and Europe, smaller container vessels like this are affected,” said the 54-year-old Filipino captain. Average shipping rates slumped beginning August 2008 and hit a six-year low of $15,000 per day in November. That represented a 67-percent to 70-percent drop from highs of $45,000-$50,000 per day in June 2008, based on an internal publication of a European container ship firm in January. Freight rates for dry bulk ships have plummeted from the highs hit during the commodities bull run last year. Rates for capesize vessels—the largest that can ferry iron ore, coal and grains—on the key route between Brazil and China have fallen to $21 a ton, down from above $100 a ton in June last year, according to Reuters data. The International Monetary Fund, predicting the world economy will stagnate this year overall with the deepening global financial crisis, forecasts world export volumes will contract 2.8 percent. In Asia, most export-driven countries like Japan, Korea and Taiwan have suffered steep double-digit declines in shipments, paralyzing their economies and resulting in region-wide ship lay-ups. Some shipping experts say they don’t expect any big improvement in demand in the next six months to a year. “Nowadays, ships sail just half full or with very little cargo, just so they could recoup their overhead and also protect their customer base,” said the European ship captain who has sailed international waters for nearly three decades. He added the severe downturn in the shipping industry is made worse because banks, which used to extend credit lines and bank guarantees to shippers, have stopped lending, resulting in prolonged lay-ups. His European ship, which can hold 1,440 20-foot containers, has had few voyages since its delivery in mid-2008 by its German shipbuilder when cargo shipping rates fell, forcing its owners to anchor the vessel in Subic and send most of its crew home because revenues cannot even cover overhead expenses.

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“The shipping industry is one of the sectors most affected by the present economic situation,” retired Navy Capt. Perfecto Pascual, seaport manager at Subic Bay, told Reuters. “Shipowners are finding ways to save costs from their operations,” Pascual said, adding Subic is a favored destination in the region for lay-ups because of congestion in more developed seaports in Hong Kong and Singapore. Costs and security are also factors, with Subic Bay management charging discounted all-in fees—including bay patrols—of about $10,000 a month for long-staying ships. To stay competitive, other ports in the region have also introduced discounted fees. The Singapore Maritime and Port Authority has deferred an annual increase in port dues for bunker tankers 16 years and older and has given port dues concessions to various cargo vessels. The European shipping firm now has four container vessels docked in Subic, with the crew in one ship down to eight from 18 previously. The firm’s three other ships sit side by side near the southern end of the bay, hidden in a cove near pristine beaches, with a total of eight crew from about 48 before their lay-up began in December. More of its ships were likely to come to Subic from around Asia with shipping contracts ending and no new orders coming. But Subic authorities want to prevent overcrowding in the bay and will only take up to 30 ships at a time, half of its original capacity when it was used at one point as the biggest US naval base outside US territory. The Americans operated a naval base in Subic for about nine decades. As of March 2, six more ships were expected to arrive in Subic for lay-ups, according to the SBMA. The authorities also sent some of the vessels, mostly the Japanese car carriers, more than 2 kilometers away from the shore to appease the 33 hotel operators in Subic Bay who have complained that the ships were becoming eyesores to guests. In the meantime, the ships’ crew, comprised mostly of Filipinos, catch up with relatives in the Philippines by phone from their ship, or spend weekends with their family in and out of Subic. Others spend their lay-up swimming in the beaches of Subic and hitting the bars and restaurants come nightfall. “I’m loving it. We’re in paradise,” said Geoffrey Wells, chief engineer of UK-based Global Marine, a submarine cable firm, whose Wave Venture ship has been docked in Subic for repairs since early January while waiting for a cable contract. Source : Philippine Daily Inquirer

German navy hands Somali pirates to Kenya The German navy handed over nine Somali pirates to Kenya on Tuesday after capturing them as they tried to seize a freighter in the Gulf of Aden last week, police said. Kenya's maritime police chief Stanley Lemai said the Somalis will be charged with piracy before a court in the Kenyan port town of Mombasa. Pirates wielding bazookas and machine-guns attacked the Antigua and Barbuda-flagged cargo ship MV Courier last Tuesday. The German frigate Rheinland-Pfalz received a distress call and came to the rescue, seizing the pirates and bringing them on board. Last week, the US Navy also handed over to Kenya seven other suspects who have been charged

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with piracy. The east African country and the European Union last week signed an agreement to transfer to Kenya suspected Somali pirates who are detained as part of the EU's Atalanta anti-piracy naval mission off the Somali coast. More than 100 ships were attacked last year by pirates in the Gulf of Aden, a vital shipping route off northern Somalia leading to the Suez Canal, through which an estimated 30 percent of the world's oil transits. Warships from the United States, EU and other countries including China now patrol the gulf to protect vessels there from heavily armed pirates who use high-powered speedboats. In November, pirates captured the world's attention when they hijacked the Saudi-owned super-tanker Sirius Star, carrying two million barrels of crude oil, and demanded a 25-million-dollar ransom for the ship and its crew.



China says US naval ship broke the law China said on Tuesday that a US Navy ship involved in a confrontation with its fleet off the southern island of Hainan had violated international and Chinese laws. Washington had urged China to observe international maritime rules after the Pentagon said five Chinese ships, including a naval vessel, harassed the USNS Impeccable in international waters on Sunday. "The US claims are gravely in contravention of the facts and confuse black and white and they are totally unacceptable to China," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Ma Zhaoxu told a regular news briefing. But the confrontation was unlikely to do lasting damage to ties between two countries as they combat the global economic slump, a Chinese analyst in Beijing said. Global oil prices rose 3% on Monday and held above $47 a barrel on Tuesday, partly on jitters about tension between

the world's top oil consumers. Denny Roy, a US-based expert on Asia-Pacific security, said the confrontation did not appear accidental, and was rather China's way of sending a message to Washington that it wanted respect for its growing military reach in the region. "I don't think this happened spontaneously," said Roy, of the East-West Center in Honolulu, Hawaii, "No doubt it had the endorsement of central leaders in Beijing." The latest row suggests Beijing will take a tougher stance as its naval ambitions grow, said analyst Shi Yinhong.

"The United States is present everywhere on the world's seas, but these kinds of incidents may grow as China's naval activities expand," Shi, an expert on regional security at Renmin University in Beijing, said. Source : TOS Rotterdam (+31)10 – 436 62 93 E-Mail [email protected]

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ConocoPhillips to abandon Ekofisk Tank ConocoPhillips plans to abandon the Ekofisk Tank in the North Sea. The Tank and its protective wall will remain on the field. As part of the conditions set by the Petroleum Safety Authority of Norway, ConocoPhillips will be required to clean the tank's cells, store all equipment on the 30-meter (98-ft) deck, remove all equipment except for a crane on the protective wall, install solar cells to operate navigational equipment and mark and paint a helicopter landing pad. The work is scheduled to be completed by the end of April. The Ekofisk Tank is in 75 meters (246 ft) of water at the center of the Ekofisk complex in the Norwegian North Sea. The 90-meter (295-ft) tall, 89-meter (291-ft) wide tank was originally used for crude oil storage, then used for separating hydrocarbons from produced water

Ship loses 31 chemical containers off Australia A ship carrying 60 containers of ammonium nitrate, used for making fertiliser and explosives, lost an estimated 31 containers overboard on Wednesday and is leaking fuel in rough seas off Australia's northeast coast. Marine experts fear if the missing containers leak, the spill could create algae blooms which would choke marine life in Moreton Bay near the city of Brisbane. The Pacific Adventurer was buffeted by rough seas, whipped up by a tropical cyclone, when the containers broke loose on Wednesday morning, said maritime authorities. One container pierced the hull, causing a fuel leak. "The ship had about 60 containers onboard that contained ammonium nitrate, they were all on deck. Reports are that we have lost about 31 of them," said Captain John Watkinson, general manager of Maritime Safety Queensland. "We've spoken to the ship's captain and he was a bit anxious with his condition out there, with the sea, which has been whipped up by Cyclone Hamish. It's a pretty nasty situation." Aircraft are searching for the missing containers. "The ship's master indicated that he thought the containers had sunk. The other (possibility) is that they're still floating around out there," said Watkinson. Three tonnes of ammonium nitrate spilt on the ship's deck when the containers broke loose. If the missing containers leak, the spill could create algae blooms, which would choke life on the Moreton Bay marine bed, said James Smith, a water quality expert at the Queensland University of Technology. "The risk of the impact (of the ammonium nitrate) is nitrification, which is algae blooms," Smith told local media. "Ammonium nitrate is very soluble, so once it gets wet, it will dissolve fairly quickly."


Freighter with 16 crew missing off Japan coast A freighter vanished and its 16 crew are missing after a collision in the Pacific Ocean east of Tokyo on Tuesday, a Japanese Coast Guard spokesman said. The 16, seven South Koreans and nine Indonesians, were aboard the South

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Korean-registered Orchid Pia, which rescuers had been unable to find, the spokesman said. The 4,255-tonne ship was carrying iron coils from Ibaraki in eastern Japan to South Korea. The other ship, the Panamanian-registered Cygnus Ace carrying cars from Aichi, central Japan, reached Yokohama port near Tokyo. None of its crew of 14 Thais, three Myanmarese and two Indonesians were hurt. The spokesman could not confirm the names of the companies operating the freighters.

NKorean cargo ship collides with SKorean boat

A Coast Guard official says a North Korean cargo ship has collided with a South Korean fishing boat in South Korean waters. Coast Guard official Lee Myung-geun says the collision occurred in waters off Yeosu, some 286 miles (460 kilometers) south of Seoul on Monday night. Lee says a South Korean fisherman was taken to a nearby hospital. There were no reports of any serious damage to either vessel. Lee says the 1,790-ton North Korean ship was sailing toward the South Korean southern port of Pohang. The collision comes amid tensions on the Korean peninsula, including a suspected planned launch by Pyongyang of a long-range missile and a threat against the South's passenger planes.

Russian dry cargo carrier ran aground in Mediterranean

On Monday, Russian dry cargo carrier Pavel loaded with grain ran aground in the Mediterranean Sea on the way to Turkey. None of the crew (10 Russians and 2 Ukrainians) was hurt. The communication is available with both the vessel and the ship owner. No oilspill detected. Rescue tug boat from Greece is to reach the site by 14.00 Monday, RIA Novosti reports. The vessel is said to have breaches in the hull and ballast tanks. Dry cargo carrier Pavel flying the flag of Moldavia and being operated by Eisk Shipping Company was built in 1979.

NAVY NEWS Hand-Over and Commissioning of the

Fourth Indonesian Corvette The Indonesian navy’s fourth and final Sigma-class corvette.

After finishing of outfitting details and performing successful sea trials, the fourth SIGMA-class corvette, "KRI Frans Kaisiepo", built by Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding (DSNS) was handed-over and commissioned to the Navy of the Republic of Indonesia. The Minister of Defence of the Republic of Indonesia, H.E. Prof. Dr. Juwono Sudarsono, signed the hand-over documents on behalf of the Republic of Indonesia. The commissioning into the Indonesian Navy of the Corvette was done by the Chief of Navy of the Republic of Indonesia, Admiral Tedjo Edhy Purdijanto.

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The delivery of the last of four corvettes took place within three years after the effective date of the contract. The crew of the "KRI Frans Kaisiepo" will sail back home to Surabaya on April the 11th, after thorough crew training by the Royal Netherlands Navy. Source : defpro

ACA gives green light for build strategy to deliver UK’s Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carriers and

announces more UK contracts The Alliance Management Board of the Aircraft Carrier Alliance (ACA) has approved a revision to the build strategy that will deliver the UK’s two Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carriers. The ACA has adjusted its plans for the manufacture of the two 65,000 tonne ships in order to meet the MOD’s budget requirements, reduce risk and protect core capability in the main UK shipyards. This adjustment is in keeping with the outcome of the MOD’s Equipment Examination of late 2008 and the decision to re-schedule delivery of the two carriers. The ACA has approved the following decisions under the developing build strategy: - Lower Block 1 (the bow section) will be built by Babcock’s yards at Appledore and Rosyth; - Lower Block 2 will be built by BVT Surface Fleet in Portsmouth; - Lower Blocks 3 and 4 (the stern section) will be built by BVT on the Clyde; - The sponsons (the overhanging upper hull structure) will be manufactured by Babcock Marine; - and the two superstructure Islands will be built by BVT in Portsmouth. Final assembly and integration of the two warships will be undertaken by the Aircraft Carrier Alliance partners at Rosyth. The previous build strategy had planned for Lower Block 3 to be constructed at BAE Systems Submarine Solutions in Barrow, but existing and future workloads on submarine programmes have led to a lack of capacity to take on the additional carrier work. The team in Barrow will continue to provide engineering support to the build of Lower Block 3. The ACA has also announced further shipbuilding orders worth up to £150M to UK shipyards. A&P Tyne on Tyneside and Cammell Laird on Merseyside have both been named as preferred bidders for the build of the large central Upper Blocks. This will secure further UK manufacturing jobs in addition to the £570M in equipment sub-contracts already placed with UK companies for the Queen Elizabeth class carriers. Commenting on the revised build strategy, Geoff Searle, Programme Director for the Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carriers, said:

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“The Aircraft Carrier Alliance has developed a cost effective and low risk build strategy that I am confident will deliver the two carriers in line with the MOD’s requirements. It will also ensure that we retain the essential core skills in the UK maritime industry to deliver sovereign naval capability long into the future. “I am delighted that we have also been able to announce that both the north-east and north-west regions, with their traditional shipbuilding heritage, will contribute to the build of these great ships”. Tony Graham, MOD’s Head of Capital Ships, responsible for client oversight of the project, said: “Alongside the developing build strategy, we are very pleased to announce additional shipbuilding work for the Queen Elizabeth Class carriers which further extends involvement across the UK. This provides greater certainty for our supplier base and keeps the project on a sure footing as we enter full scale manufacture.” The contract to build the two new Aircraft Carriers for the Royal Navy - HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales, was signed on 3rd July 2008. The in-service dates announced at the time of the Main Gate, 2014 and 2016, have been deferred by 1 to 2 years following MOD’s Equipment Examination. The carriers will be the biggest and most powerful surface warships ever constructed for the UK and represent a step change in Joint Capability. They will enable the delivery of increased strategic effect and influence around the world, at a time and place of the UK’s choosing, and will be a key component of the improved expeditionary capabilities needed to confront the diverse range of threats in today’s security environment. The carriers will each provide 4 acres of sovereign territory with global access. The Flight deck will support an air wing capable of delivering significant offensive air power to support the battle ashore for prolonged periods of time. They will be capable of carrying the widest possible range of aircraft in support of operations. The carriers are being specifically developed to provide a well found base for the UK version of the future 5th generation of the US Joint Strike Fighter. A versatile and adaptable design will provide for a range of roles and configurations, through life. The carriers will each weigh 65,000 tonnes, be 280m long and 70m wide. A ship of this size is necessary to deliver the quantity of air power required. The ships will be capable of 25 knots. They will have a total complement (with air group) of approximately 1500 Source : defpro

SHIPYARD NEWS PGS' newbuild vessel contract canceled

Spanish shipbuilder Factorias Vulcano has informed Petroleum Geo-Services (PGS) and its subsidiaries Arrow Seismic Invest II and Arrow Seismic Invest III that newbuild hull number 532 will be delivered under the shipbuilding contract for hull number 533. As a result, PGS will not take delivery of 532 and the newbuild contract is canceled. Factorias Vulcano took this step in order to deliver a vessel under the shipbuilding contract for hull number 533 prior to the cancellation date of July 29. Both newbuilds were to be chartered to Schlumberger subsidiary WesternGeco, who has been informed of the situation. Arrow has made all contractual payments to the yard for newbuilds 532 and 533, except the final installments due on delivery, EUR 36 million (US$45.5 million) per vessel, which would be matched by a similar amount by WesternGeco at the time of delivery. If a shipbuilding contract is canceled due to late anticipated delivery by the yard, Arrow will be entitled to repayment from the yard of all installments made on the vessel, which amounts to EUR 39 million (US$49.2 million), of which EUR 32 million (US$40.42 million) is secured by on-demand refund guarantees.

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The NOR AUSTRALIS seen fitting out at the Jaya yard at Batam (Indonesia) Photo : Piet Sinke ©

This above photo can also be seen in high resolution in the photo album at my website or via the direct link

STX Shipbuilding (S.Korea) launches 51,000-dwt Prisco Elizaveta built for PRISCO

STX Shipbuilding (S.Korea) has launched a 51,000-dwt tanker built for Primorsk Shipping Corporation (PRISCO). PRISCO press center states this tanker, which is one of the series of 7 ships, will be named Prisco Elizaveta.According to the schedule, the tanker will be able to commence operation under long-term time-charter agreement as early as in early April of the current year. It is designed to transport crude, oil products, chemical and food products. This double-hull bulb-bowed vessel will be able to break through 10-cm thick ice without icebreaker assistance. The vessel’s average speed in open water is 15 knots. JSC Primorsk Shipping Corporation specializes in marine transportation of bulk liquid cargoes. The Corporation operates 19 tankers with their aggregate deadweight of 1 352,777 tons. Ice class vessels including large-capacity ones equipped for operation in freezing seas conditions make up the core of the сompany’s fleet. The Primorsk Shipping Corporation’s activities include commercial and technical management, agency services and training qualified specialists in sea transport and gas-and-oil producing industry.

Clyde yard secures navy contract Two Glasgow shipyards have won a share of a £150m order to build three patrol boats for the Trinidad and Tobago navy. BVT's yard at Scotstoun will build one vessel and carry out work on another, with the help of the Govan yard. The firm's Portsmouth facility had been due to build all three ships but fell behind on the work. The contract will help the Clyde yards maintain staff levels while they bridge work between Royal Navy Type 45 destroyers and two aircraft carriers.

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The patrol vessels have been ordered by the Trinidad and Tobago government to tackle Caribbean smugglers. The contract includes training and long-term maintenance support. Each 90-metre vessels will accommodate 50 fully-equipped troops and have the ability to conduct boardings at sea and carry out helicopter operations.

The contract will help to secure jobs at the Glasgow shipyards, BVT said switching construction of the second ship to the Clyde, where work has already begun on the vessel, helped balance workloads across its sites. Scott Jamieson, BVT's Trinidad and Tobago programme director, said: "This move shows BVT's ability and commitment to use its scale and scope to ensure delivery of future naval capability to its customers and to ensure the long-term sustainability of the maritime industry in the UK."

Work on the first ship is already "well progressed" in Portsmouth, and the second ship will be launched at Scotstoun later this year for delivery in 2010. BVT said the delivery strategy for the third and final ship was under review. Scottish Deputy First Minister and Govan MSP, Nicola Sturgeon, said yards in Scotland were winning orders on the basis of the workers' "formidable skills". "Shipbuilding plays an important role within Scotland's manufacturing base and it is clear, in all circumstances, the industry can have a bright future," she added. Source : BBC

The ARK LIZZIE seen fitting out at the PT BATAMEC shipyard at Batam (Indonesia) Photo : Piet Sinke ©

This above photo can also be seen in high resolution in the photo album at my website or via the direct link


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Wärtsilä Receives Order for FSV Design Wärtsilä, ship power system integrator for the marine industry, has received a ship design order from the Norwegian shipping company Sartor Shipping AS. The order is for two Vik-Sandvik 465 FSV design vessels that will be built at the Wison Heavy Industry shipyard in China. Wärtsilä scope of supply also includes two main engines, gear boxes and propellers. Sartor Shipping has options for further newbuildings at the yard. The vessels are due for delivery in 2010 and 2011. The design incorporates a hybrid system that offers considerable fuel savings compared to a purely diesel mechanical solution. This is because the available power can be adjusted to meet the various demands of the different operations that this type of vessel will be used for. The savings will be particularly notable when operating at lower power loads. Multi-functionality is an extremely important feature of this design as the vessels are intended for use in a multitude of different tasks. These are likely to include offshore standby service, emergency towing, oil spill recovery, ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) operations, fire fighting, tanker assistance and surface surveillance. The vessels will have redundant Dynamical Position system, DP II. The speed of the vessels will be approximately 51 ft. The vessels' length is 216 ft and the beam 59 ft. They will comply with the Bureau Veritas (BV) 'Clean Ship' notation for pollution prevention. Wärtsilä acquired the global ship design group Vik-Sandvik in July 2008. Source : MarineLink

Dubai van parel tot drijfzand voor baggeraars

Dubai is als gevolg van de wereldwijde financiële crisis niet langer de parel op de kroon voor de Nederlandse baggeraars. Door het massaal stilvallen van projecten, vanwege problemen met het verkrijgen van financiering, dreigt het emiraat te veranderen in drijfzand voor baggerconcerns. Dat blijkt onder meer uit de dinsdag gepubliceerde cijfers van baggeraar Van Oord. Het Rotterdamse bedrijf verwacht dit jaar een lagere winst en omzet dan in 2008. De snel verslechterde economische omstandigheden in Dubai, vorig jaar nog goed voor een kwart van de omzet, zijn daar grotendeels debet aan. Van Oord haalde vorig jaar een omzet van 1,9 miljard euro in vergelijking met 1,65 miljard euro in 2007. De nettowinst steeg met 16 procent tot 190 miljoen euro. Het bedrijf heeft nog een werkvoorraad van 3,6 miljard euro, die voor de helft bestaat uit uitgestelde opdrachten in Dubai.

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Het verdwijnen van Dubai als voorname opdrachtgever komt op een ongelukkig moment voor de sector die al kampt met overcapaciteit. In de komende jaren zal er een flink aantal schepen in de vaart worden genomen, die samen met de in Dubai vrijgekomen vloot, moeten gaan strijden om een geringere hoeveelheid werk. Dubai heeft, in tegenstelling tot de omringende landen, nauwelijks olie. Daardoor is het land voor zijn inkomsten grotendeels afhankelijk van toerisme en handel, segmenten die in de afgelopen maanden zwaar getroffen zijn door de mondiale recessie. Economisch staat Dubai er zo slecht voor dat het voor steun aan moest kloppen bij rijke buur Abu Dhabi, dat twee weken geleden 10 miljard dollar in Dubai stak. De Amerikaanse vastgoedadviseur Jones Lang LaSalle verwacht dat de vastgoedmarkt in Dubai de komende twee jaar in het slop zit. Het bedrijf becijferde dat ruim de helft van de projecten die zouden worden opgeleverd tussen 2009 en 2012 is stilgelegd. Van Oord werkte de afgelopen jaren aan een aantal prestigeprojecten voor de kust van Dubai, waaronder de eilanden Palm Deira, Palm Jumeirah en The World. Vorig jaar had Van Oord 1900 man aan het werk in Dubai. Het bedrijf heeft nu de lokaal ingehuurde werknemers ontslagen. De overplaatsing van de resterende mensen en materieel wordt een ,,uitdaging''. Het opspuiten van nog meer land, 'rainbowing' in jargon, lijkt voorlopig niet aan de orde. Op de tot nu toe aangelegde eilanden staan veel panden leeg, waardoor er geen behoefte zal zijn aan extra land. De pot met goud aan het einde van de regenboog gaat daarmee aan de neus van baggeraars voorbij. De omzet van Van Oord in Dubai is in de afgelopen maanden dramatisch teruggelopen, van 500 miljoen euro in 2008 naar een niveau van rond de 50 miljoen euro. ,,We zullen er flink aan moeten trekken om dat verlies elders in de wereld te compenseren'', aldus een woordvoerder. De Nederlandse branchegenoot Boskalis en het Belgische Deme hebben ook last van de situatie in Dubai. Zij werken aan de herontwikkeling van de haven Port Rashid ter waarde van 400 miljoen euro. Volgens de Belgische zakenbank KBC heeft Deme gezegd dat ook deze werkzaamheden, al voor een kwart voltooid, zijn stilgelegd. Volgende week woensdag zal duidelijk worden hoe Boskalis ervoor staat. Dan presenteert dit bedrijf uit Papendrecht de resultaten over 2008.

Tsavliris Salvage Group has a busy start to the year…

2009 kicked off with a busy start for Tsavliris Salvage Group with two LOF’s being signed within January. The first LOF recorded at Lloyds for 2009, “MINOAN HOPE” was signed by Tsavliris on 6th January. Tsavliris Salvage dispatched salvage tug “AETOS Z”, from her Red Sea Salvage station to the assistance of the BC “MINOAN HOPE” (GT 35,148, DWT 64,871), disabled about 50 nautical miles NNE of Port Sudan. The vessel was drifting towards the shore and was in imminent danger of grounding before she was promptly towed stern first to clear the reefs. The vessel was then connected up for towage to Ras Sadat anchorage (Suez) where she arrived safely on the 17th January 2009. The second LOF “OCEAN VICTORY” was signed on the 20th January. Salvage tug “MASSAI” was dispatched from her Caribbean salvage station, to the assistance of the M/V “OCEAN VICTORY” (GRT 4259, DWT 6000), disabled about 520 nautical miles SW of Mindelo C.V.I. Islands, laden with 5600 M/T of pitch in bulk. The casualty was safely towed to Vila de Conde (Brazil). After a period of standing by (while the vessel discharged her cargo) she was towed to Trinidad by the tug “MASSAI”.

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Tsavliris own salvage tugs were also active with cases. On the 15th January 2009 salvage tug “TSAVLIRIS UNITY” was dispatched from her Galle, Sri Lanka salvage station, to the assistance of M/V“ANNEMIEKE” (GRT 8388 MT, DWT 9544 MT), disabled about 200 miles West of Sri Lanka. The casualty was towed safely to Colombo. Following this, on Saturday 7th February 2009, Tsavliris Salvage deployed salvage tug “MEGAS ALEXANDROS” from her Piraeus salvage station, for the towage of the seriously damaged (following a collision) M/V E/R “HAMBURG” (GRT 26,125, DWT 30,705), from Skaramagas Shipyard. The casualty was safely towed to Constanza Shipyard – arrived on 18th February 2009. On Saturday 14th February

2009, Tsavliris dispatched salvage tug ITC “MISTRAL” from Gibraltar, to the assistance of the M/V “MARIA” (GRT 3973, DWT 4330) laden with 3700 M/T steel rebars, disabled at Tenes roads (Algeria). After the initial mobilization was aborted due to adverse weather, the casualty was safely towed to Cartagena, Spain, where she arrived on 18th February 2009. Finally, on Wednesday 18th February 2009, Tsavliris deployed salvage tug “TSAVLIRIS HELLAS”from her Ponta Delgada (Azores Island) salvage station, to the assistance of the M/T “NORDANVIND” (GRT 24,252, DWT 38,650) disabled about 650 n.miles South of the Azores. The casualty was safely towed to Las Palmas - arrived on 27th February 2009. Source : Tsavliris Salvage

APL to increase freight rates Europe-to-Asia from March 15

APL, the container shipping arm of Singapore's NOL, is initiating a rate increase in the Asia-Europe trade, reports the Taiwan News. Eastbound Europe-to-Asia, effective March 15, the quantum of the increase will be up to US$175 per container for paper and scrap commodities and $100 per container for all other commodities. The quantum of the freight rate increase sought on container shipped from Asia to Europe on the westbound leg is $250 per TEU, with implementation effective April 1. "Freight rates in this trade have been falling drastically for more than a year. We are meanwhile facing a situation where in many cases not even variable transportation costs are covered by current freight rates. Our intention is to restore freight rates in the Asia-Europe trade to a sustainable level," said APL vice president Detlev Kerber. Meanwhile, APL and Port of Salalah have announced the creation of a 50:50 joint venture to operate a new two-berth container terminal. The JV will start operations in 2011, after completion of the planned expansion of the container terminal at the Port of Salalah, which is both the facility owner/operator and port authority. Source:

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Sale of "MÆRSK TERRIER" Mærsk A/S have 3 March 2009 in Singapore delivered "MÆRSK TERRIER" to new owners Omega Offshore Logistics. The vessel has been renamed "SEA TERRIER". Source : Maersk Supply

Newsclippings reader FRANS VERBRUGGE seen in Port Rachid with in the background the QUEEN ELIZABETH 2

Shipping line to move HQ to Liverpool Maersk, one of the world’s biggest companies, is moving its UK shipping line headquarters from London to Liverpool. Regional leaders hope the move will spark a trend among businesses to invest in Britain’s lower-cost provincial cities. Maersk Line UK and Ireland – a shipping subsidiary of the Danish AP Moller-Maersk Group, which employs more than 117,000 people worldwide – said cheaper office space and the quality of the local workforce helped influence its decision. Ben Platt, a senior executive with the group, said the move would also bring the company closer to its customers and staff in operational offices, including one in Liverpool. “We want to reduce the communications gap between head

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office and the others and build a tighter team,” he said. “We have been in Liverpool for a few years and had a great experience. The region is developing fast and it’s an exciting time to be there.” It is understood that 70 posts will be moved, while other AP Moller-Maersk Group entities will keep their headquarters in London. The Mersey Partnership, the inward investment agency, said it believed the move by such a blue-chip company would convince others to follow suit. “In the prevailing economic conditions, operating costs are critical to every firm, and as Maersk has seen there is a distinct business advantage to be gained by locating in Liverpool,” said Lorraine Rogers, chief executive. She said other potential investors were in advanced talks about moving staff to the city. That would be reward indeed for Merseyside’s turnround in the past 10 years – £4bn ($5.7bn) has been invested in a new commercial district, shopping centre and arts facilities. However, investment agencies have often found it hard to convince senior executives to take the risk of moving to provincial cities because it is considered a “one-way street”. Companies fear that it would be hard to return to London, while their staff assume there would be a lack of well-paid jobs if they want to change companies. That may alter as London suffers in the recession and other cities build their own clusters of industries. Manchester has a huge BBC investment in Salford, while Liverpool still has busy docks and a historic roll call of shipping names. Mr Platt said there was a “romantic” element to being in such a historic port, with its waterfront marked by the “Three Graces”. “The office is top quality and has fantastic views,” he said. Source: Financial Times

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Container lines to cut more jobs, lay-up up to 25 ships in '09

All container shipping companies are likely to lose money this year and some will go out of business if freight rates do not recover, Maersk Line's chief executive told Reuters on Monday. Eivind Kolding said in an interview that Maersk, the world's largest container shipper, would survive the downturn although he believed the container business will take longer than other sectors to recover after the recession due to a surplus of ships. The container shipping industry faces a perfect storm of collapsing freight rates and volumes and rising ship capacity. "More likely than not we will see all liner companies in red territory in 2009," Kolding said. "Most likely, some liner companies will have to cease business if freight rates do not come up. I have no idea who that will be, because we are all different, but it will not be Maersk." Maersk Line, a unit of Danish shipping and oil group A.P. Moller-Maersk, is determined to defend its market share, which is currently 15 percent worldwide and 17 percent on the Asia-Europe route.

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"We would not like to see our market share go down," Kolding said. "When we had huge growth in the market, of 10 percent or more, it was not necessary that we kept our market share each and every year if we had other priorities. But in this environment we will keep our market position." "Asia-Europe is the most competitive (market) because most of the new tonnage is fairly large and best suited for that trade (route). But it's also where we are relatively strong and it's definitely where we want to keep our position whatever it takes," he said. Kolding said Maersk was ready to grow should any competitors falter. "Our plans assume all our competitors will be there tomorrow, but if something happens we need to be ready to move in, take a bigger share of the business if the opportunity is there," he said. According to some industry estimates, freight rates for cargo for the key Asia-Europe route have plunged as much as 80 percent since May last year just as ship capacity ballooned. In January, global freight volumes fell 20 percent. To cope with the crisis, Maersk will remove from service up to 25 mid-size container ships in 2009, in addition to eight mid-size vessels it took out in December. Rivals Mediterranean Shipping Co and CMA CGM, the No.2 and No.3 container shippers, have also cut several routes. But an there is still an over-supply of ships. Kolding expects global tonnage to grow by 15 percent each year between 2009 and 2011 due to new ship orders that cannot be cancelled. "The economy will rebound; it's just a matter of when," Kolding said. "But because of the ship capacity overhang, even after the rebound it might take some time longer for the container business to get in top shape again, because we need to get the surplus out working."

The MSC AUSTRIA seen under tow of the ARABIAN SEA FOS arriving at Gadani (Pakistan) Photo : Five Ocean Salvage ©

Kolding said 10 percent of the sector's fleet was now idle. "That number will probably go up. Until that surplus has been dealt with, I don't think anyone will be thinking about ordering new ships," he said, adding he expected Maersk to eliminate its own surplus in 2010 when some of its time charter contracts expire. Maersk's container shipping operations posted a net profit of $205 million in 2008 helped by aggressive cost cutting, which included laying off 4,500 people. Kolding said Maersk Line would continue to reduce positions in this year to achieve roughly the same savings as last year. However, it will not be enough to compensate for the drop in freight rates, so the company is trying to increase prices. "We are incrementally trying to increase rates when we believe we can get them through," Kolding said. "If it works, we'll of course keep them and consider when we can take the next step. If it doesn't work we'll have to give it up." Source: Reuters

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Suez terminal rises 34% in 2008 Suez Canal Container Terminal has recorded growth of over a third for the second year running. The terminal saw container traffic of nearly 2.4m teu, and handled around 20% of the whole east Mediterranean and Black Sea transhipment market. However, the terminal's business is mainly transhipment for the international market, and so, as would be expected, the global slowdown has had an impact with container trade between Asia and Europe contracting in the last two quarters of 2008. This follows a three-year period of growth of between 10% and 15%. Source:

The FAIRMOUNT GLACIER seen in action during the installation of the FPDSO Azurite, offshore Pointe Noire Photo : Master Fairmount Glacier ©

Wartsila receives order from Sartor Shipping

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Wärtsilä, the leading ship power system integrator for the marine industry, has received a ship design order from the Norwegian shipping company Sartor Shipping AS. The order is for two Vik-Sandvik 465 FSV design vessels that will be built at the Wison Heavy Industry shipyard in China. Wärtsilä scope of supply also includes two main engines, gear boxes and propellers. Sartor Shipping has options for further newbuildings at the yard. The vessels are due for delivery in 2010 and 2011. The design incorporates a hybrid system that offers considerable fuel savings compared to a purely diesel mechanical solution. This is because the available power can be adjusted to meet the various demands of the different operations that this type of vessel will be used for. The savings will be particularly notable when operating at lower power loads. Multi-functionality is an extremely important feature of this design as the vessels are intended for use in a multitude of different tasks. These are likely to include offshore standby service, emergency towing, oil spill recovery, ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) operations, fire fighting, tanker assistance and surface surveillance. The vessels will have redundant Dynamical Position system, DP II. The speed of the vessels will be approximately 15.5 knots. The vessels' length is 65.9 metres and the beam 18 metres. They will comply with the Bureau Veritas (BV) 'Clean Ship' notation for pollution prevention. Wärtsilä acquired the global ship design group Vik-Sandvik in July 2008. This acquisition was a major step in Wärtsilä's strategy to strengthen its position as a total solutions provider and to be the most valued partner for its customers. By combining ship design capability with its existing offering in propulsion systems and automation, Wärtsilä is able to provide more added value to its customers, with further growth potential in new lifecycle services. Wärtsilä's goal is to become the leading provider of ship design services in various segments.

Maersk to rise bunker charges Maersk Line plans to raise bunker surcharges imposed earlier on cargo moving on its services from the West Coast of South America to the Middle East and the Indian Subcontinent. Effective April 1, the surcharges will be $270 per TEU and $540 per FEU, up from $250 and $500 levied at present, the carrier said in an advisory to the trade. In a separate notice, the Danish carrier said it plans to implement a similar increase for the trade from Central America and the Caribbean to the Middle East and South Asia, also effective April 1. The revised surcharges will be $500 per TEU and $1,000 per FEU compared to $470 and $940 imposed earlier. Source:

China urged to use floating storage The president of China’s state-owned China Shipping (Group) Company says the country’s oil inventories have been filled to capacity. Li Shaode told Reuters on Monday that he proposed to the government it use some of its foreign

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exchange reserves to acquire floating oil storage. "The four onshore reserve bases have been fully filled, so we need to invest urgently in floating storage," Li said on the sidelines of the country's annual parliament. Crude oil prices have fallen by around $100 per barrel since their peak last year. Lin Boqiang, director of China Centre for Energy Economics Research at Xiamen University, was quoted by Reuters as saying floating storage was a “good idea”. "China should do everything to take advantage of this short-term price opportunity; $40 oil is not going to last too long," he said. China is usually secretive about its crude oil and oil products reserves, but figures show China’s crude oil imports rose 9.6% last year to 179 million metric tonnes (mt). "We expect China's oil stockpiling to reach a peak in 2009, and continue into the next year," said Yan Kefeng, Beijing-based senior oil analyst with Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA). He also said he expected China’s fuel oil demand to shrink in 2009. Latest reports suggest at least 80 million barrels of crude oil are being stored aboard very large crude carries (VLCCs) worldwide. The use of VLCCs for floating storage is estimated to keeping some 45 tankers employed, helping support freight rates for tanker operators. Source: Tankerworld

SWETSODV LANCEERT NIEUWE WEBSITE SwetsODV, toonaangevend in de flexibele arbeidsmarkt voor nautisch personeel, heeft onlangs een nieuwe website gelanceerd: De nieuwe website is ontwikkeld in aansluiting op SwetsODV’s global marketing programma, waarbij communicatie één van de speerpunten is, om klantvriendelijk in te springen op de groeiende vraag naar flexibel nautisch personeel. De website is geheel opnieuw ontworpen, zowel qua uitstraling als informatiebehoefte, waarbij service, gemak en overzichtelijkheid voorop stonden. Met de nieuwe website kan SwetsODV snel en vakkundig inspringen op de behoefte van zowel werkzoekenden als werkgevers. Zo kunnen werkzoekenden online hun profiel invullen en CV uploaden en precies aangeven voor welke functies en werktijden zij benaderd willen worden. Tevens zullen werknemers in de toekomst met een eigen inlogcode toegang kunnen krijgen tot interne zaken, zoals salaris overzichten, het bestellen van werkkleding, mededelingen OR of andere interne berichten.

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Werkgevers kunnen op de nieuwe website direct hun vacatures doorgeven door middel van een online aanvraagformulier, waarna een dedicated account manager direct met het actuele aanbod in de gezochte functieprofiel contact opneemt. SwetsODV beschikt over een uitgebreide database van beschikbare, flexibele professionals, zowel nationaal als internationaal, waarmee voor korte of langere tijd snel vacatures kunnen worden ingevuld. In aansluiting op de ambitieuze internationale groeiplannen zal de website binnenkort ook in het Engels, Pools en Tjechisch beschikbaar zijn. Op dit moment is de website van SwetsODV alleen in het Nederlands. ‘’De eerste reacties op onze nieuwe website zijn enorm positief’’ , zegt Leendert van Halst, directeur SwetsODV. ‘’Onze klanten zijn blij met een snelle terugkoppeling van actueel beschikbaar personeel. Mede dankzij de mogelijkheid voor werkzoekenden om online te registreren, hebben wij in korte tijd kunnen voorzien in de groeiende vraag naar gekwalificeerd personeel van onze opdrachtgevers en deze naar tevredenheid kunnen invullen’’. Van Halst voegt toe: ‘’ Daarnaast volgen we ook nieuwe trends op de voet; door een succesvolle en actieve deelname op Hyves - - hebben wij al een aantal gekwalificeerde professionals in dienst kunnen nemen’’. SwetsODV is in de komende maanden aanwezig op grote nautische evenementen, zoals de HISWA, Dordt Vaart en de Wereldhavendagen. Om op originele en inspirerende wijze invulling te geven aan de nieuwe communicatie strategie zal SwetsODV luchtreclame laten uitvoeren tijdens deze evenementen


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Above seen the Queen Victoria arriving at Lyttelton 14.02.09 and swinging from the channel into her berth. Photo : Alan Calvert ©

It almost looks like the steam tug Lyttelton is pushing her stern around. The tug was built for The Lyttelton Harbour Board by Fergusson Brothers on the Clyde as Canterbury. Launched during May 1907 the tug completed fitting out before setting sail for Lyttelton on 2 July of that year. At 1000 on September 10 1907 the tug arrived at Lyttelton.

During 1911 the Canterbury was renamed Lyttelton. Lyttelton remained in service with The Harbour Board until 1973 when it was leased for the next 15 years to The Tug Lyttelton Preservation Society. After a meeting of The

Harbour Board in 1989 the Board members gifted the tug to the society.

Today the tug can be seen steaming around the harbour operating trips to greet visiting cruise ships and running Sunday cruises for the public. It is a credit to the members of The Tug Preservation Society that she is still

operating past her one hundredth anniversary.

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