
Before you tweet, pin or like, create a plan

The Corn Party, March 2015

Colleen Newvine

Newvine Growing

Our agenda

What is social media success?

Setting business goals

Taking actions tied to those goals

Using online marketing to communicate


How you can assess whether it’s working

Your questions





Is this what success looks like?



Or is it this?



Or is it this?



Or is it this?



Or is it this?Manta, an online small business community,

surveyed more than 1,200 of its members, and

found 39 percent saw a return on their social

media investment:



“Excuse me sir,” Alice

enquires, “could you tell

me which road to take?”

Wisely the cat asks,

“Where are you going?”

Somewhat dismayed,

Alice responds, “Oh, I

don’t know where I’m

going sir.”

“Well,” replied the cat, “if

you don’t know where

you are going, it really

doesn’t matter which

road you take.”

Know where

you’re going



It’s not just about numbers

Reach the right people with the right message at the right time

What information do they need?

What information do they want?

What’s the specific next step you want them to take?

What will connect with them – entertain them, amuse them, inspire them?

What’s in it for them?



Five questions about strategy

When you’re crafting your online marketing

strategy, ask:

What are your goals?

What’s your status quo?

Who is your audience?

What is your competition doing with social


What resources do you have?



Getting specific about goals

What do you want and how can you

measure it:

Do you want to make more money

Do you want to make different money?

Do you want to save money?

Do you want to lower your stress?

Do you want to contribute more?



Goals drive your actions

Based on your business goals, do you want

to make any changes to:

What you are selling?

Where you are selling it?

How much you are selling it for?



Actions drive communications

Then let the world know about your actions:

What will you communicate?

Who will you communicate with?

Where will you communicate it?

When will you communicate it?







All things are connected



All things are connected



Assessing your results

How will you measure your results?

o Share a coupon

o Share a coupon code

o Use a custom URL and Google Analytics

o Use social media analytics

o Check your bank account



Assessing your results



Using metrics well

To track what works for you and what


Develop a system

Build in measurement from the beginning

Look for trends

Run comparison tests

Keep focused on the end goals



You can do this



Which do we care about?



Each platform offers tools



Or design your own



One big caveat



Think results with metrics

Some examples of what you might track:

Facebook likes, comments, shares

Twitter followers, retweets and @mentions

Clickthrus on links

Website traffic

Visits to your farm

Weekly and monthly revenue

Weekly and monthly profit



If you aren’t there yet ...



Take this talk home



Newvine GrowingMarketing strategy and tactics

for farmers, farmers markets

and farm-to-table restaurants

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