  • 1. NEXUS NEWS 6 A round-up of the news you probably did not see. ARI BEN-MENASHE INTERVIEW 11 Glenn Krawczyk interviews the author of the explosive book liThe Profits of Warl/ and uncovers a web of international conspiracy and intrigue. MICROWAVES AND YOUR HEAHH 17 By Prof. Ron Laura and John F. Ashton. They are constantly bombarding us from the sun, and they sit in many of our kitchens, but how safe are we in their pres cence? GOLD IN THE SAN ANDREAS - Pt 3 21 By Ted Smith. Finishing our story of the Spanish conquest of parts of South America, and the links to the mountain of gold ingots found in New Mexico. UFOs. OVER MEXICO 26 On 11 th July 1991, thousands of people in the world's largest city witnessed the beginning of a UFO flap that continues to this day. Edited by Ruth Parnell. ENERGY & POWER IN THE NEW WORLD ORDER. 31 By Stan Deyo. A look at the monopolisa tion of energYt free energy research, and thermionic conversion. NEXUS FOLLOW-UPS 36 A follow-up section of information that readers of previous issues will want to know. This issue follows up Ed McCabe, Oxygen Therapies, and Essiac - the herbal cancer cure. FEBRUARY-MARCH '93 MIND CONTROL & THE NEW WORLD ORDER.~ ....41 The second and final part ofan article writ ten by Glenn Krawczyk which explores the many uncomfortable aspects of Mind Control in the New World Order. NEW SCIENCE NEWS 47 A round-up of interesting news and titbits, from the underground science network. THE TWILIGHT lONE 52 A collection of strange and bizarre stories from around (and of{) the world. REVI EWS - Books .................................................57"Profits of War" by Ari Ben-Menashe."Big Brother" by Simon Davies."It's A Conspiracy" by The National Insecurity Council."Prophecies ofthe Presidents" by Beckley & Crockett."AIDS, Cancer & The Medical Establishmentll byRaymond Keith Brown~ MD."How to Screw 'Your' Bankl ' by Laurence F. Hoins.IIVaccinationr by Isaac Golden.REVIEWS - Vilfeo &Audio Tapes 60 "Bankers & Bastards" - Paul Mctean. "New World Order; Seduction orSolution?" -Jeremy Lee. '''Missing Time" " Budd Hopkins. l'Oxygen Therapies 1992 Update" - Ed McCabe. "Messengers ofDestiny" - UFOs over Mexico. "Earth Changes Australial ' by Gordon-Michael Scallion. NEXUS PRODUCT ORDER FORMS 69DE-CLASSIFIED ADS 71II SUBSCRIPTIONS &BACK ISSUES 72NEXUS-'

2. Editorial Welcome again to the latest and greatest edition of Nexus! LotsJ to tell you this issue. First up !,bough, yO" all owe me (and Catherine) a round of congratulations on the arrival of our new daughter, Jacinta. To save all those phone calls, she weighed eight pounds and a bit, and emerged via a successful waterbirth at home. Second up, we have a full-time assistant editor/secretary/proof-reacter/editorial assistant/photocopier/sandwich IJlaker/receptionist/researcher and sooth sayer. Her name is Ruth, and she is worth her weight in gold. (We were 'Ruthless' before her arrival). Some exciting events are also on the immediate horiz.on, such as the visit to Australia by James Clark. He is the inventor of the Life Information System Ten (LISTEN), and will be speaking and conducting workshops. See inside cover ad. Maverick archaeologist David Hatcher Childress will also be visiting down-under over the next few weeks. He is a speaker we highly recommend you see. Refer to the back cover for more details. On the exciting news front - there has been the biggest UFO 'flap' you have (n)ever heard of. Tens of thousands of people watching UFOs hovering over the world's largest city, in broad daylight, and being captured on hundreds of home movies. The details are in the article on pages 26-29. There is a hot-off-the-dubbing studio video documentary now available through Nexus, with some incredible footage of the 'UFOs mentioned above. See page 30 for details of the video. Bruce Cathie has teamed up with an American computer whit, and produced a computer programme for calculating the world's grid points. It is a highly accurate programme with many abilities, and will open up a Pandora's Box of research to come. For further infotmation, please refer to page 51. On a completely different front, Nexus Magazine has been cooking up a project which is essentially the establishment of a high-tech, self-sufficient 'community', This is the 'community' many have dreamed of, with facilities for publishing, food growing, storage and sales, state of the art natural health facilities, a 'mad scientist' .research and development complex, chalet and bungalow style accomodation, con ference faci'lities all set on a couple of hundred acres of good soil, abundant fresh clean water, bigh in altitude, with about one hundred like-minded people living there on their own couple of acres. Sound familiar? If this is your dream also, contact me at the office and I will share details of progress to date. Starting with the nex.t issue of Nexus, we will have a regular column. This will be written by Gordon-Michael Scallion, and will focus on prophecy and earthchanges. We feel that his track record of predictions has been high enough so far, as to merit more serious attention. We agreed to publish this column in the interests of inform ing the hundreds of people who ring him in the US, wanting details of his predic tions for Australia and New Zealand. Stay tuned. In the meantime though, get his tape on Earth Changes in Australia. Details are on page 57, If what he predicts eventuates with the accuracy level he is achieving at present" then all you conspiracy theorists may be able to breathe a sigh of relfef. In a nut shell, it would appear that the 'Orwellian' New World Order that so many people fear happening, will be 'beaten to the post' by sudden, dramatic and severe earth changes. According ItO what he and others are predicting, massive earthquakes, tidal waves and freak weather patterns will foil the plans of any world-conquering conspirators. It would appear that we will need to band togetller locally to survive what's ahead. Nevertheless, Nexus wijl publish on, until the last newsagent goes underwater. Meanwhiile, we hope you all have many years ahead in which 10 read, and re-read, our humble publication. Thank you all for your continuing and growing support. Duncan Roads WARRANTY AND INDEMNITY Advertisers upon and 'by lodgmg material with the Publisher fex publication or authorising or approving of the publication of any material INQEMNIFY the Publisher and its se.rvants hypertension. A detailed medical examination five months, later could reveal no secondary cause of the hypertension. In a second case, a twenty-one-year-old healthy man sustained inteIff1ittent exposure for a mere 75 seconds at a similar intensity. He reported very similar initial symptoms.. Four months after his exposure hypertension was again detected.IS A decade earlier M.M. Zaret had suggested a possible connection between radar exposure and hypertension.' NEXUS17 14. Commenting on a mOIe recent radar exposure case, M.M. Zaret "My analysis of, newly acquired epidemiologic data points out, "What is not fully appreciated by our profession is that implies tha't the mutagenic potential of non-ion.ising radia repeated irradiation at subclinical levels can produce pathology that tion should now be considered a factor for increased prevalence of Down's syndrome in Vernon Township,appears only after del!I.Y"Y malignancies in Bourne, Falmouth and Sandwich-towns The higher-than-expected incidence of cataracts in servicemen that surround the PAVE JPAWS radar on Cape Cod in exposed to radar" and in radio-linesmen19 is another example. Massachusettsuand the otherwise unexplained increaSe in In the meantime studies with, animals have revealed a who:le breast canter-related mortality in white women younger range of microwave-induced effects including disturbance of bio than age SO years, the group most linvo1lved with rhythms, increased protein synthesis of the liver, thymus and microwave ovens and video display terminals, both usual spleen, and the ability to recognise the presence of pursed ly operated at breast height. microwave radiation as a clicking sound heard in the head.'" Low ...we must become better ac~ainted with alii forms of non-ionising radiation sickness."levels of microwave radiation have also been reported to induce cancer in test animals." MICROWAVE LEVELS IN THE ENVIRONMENIf This brings us to the issues of what are the levels of electronic GENETIC EFFECTS smog in our environment, and' how many of us aFe being M:fected. The potentially devastating health effects of electronic smog are In 1972 Bowers and Frey drew attention to the already congested the genetic effects produced by radio fre- microwave channels in the New Yorkmetro qu~cy radiation. '~&i.~,%i~i:#~f.'~~1:~~i~:';ijfL~i..?W';,;~t;}1;.~%ii~ poli~ area with a coloured ~ap in, the report MIcrowaves were fust ~ported to cause ,fW'0!o~~W:}~~~~:~~I";'t.:~::~i~~~:~ff:'f~ s.ho~mg the approach to IDl.crowave sarura chromosomal dam~ge ~n 19.59 by J.H. :'i~~~ttli'e~tJSSRestablislie:a~itS0ll tlOn. . Heller and A.A. Teiscelra-Pmto.'" The "':llj;.: ::"':;:':.;" 't,.:

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