  • 1. By: Karen and Carl The Nitrogen Cycle

2. The nutrient cycles are similar to any other process because, all nutrient cycles bring about the same result, which is returning the nutrients to the earth. A process is a series of actions, changes, or functions bringing about one result. What is a PROCESS??? 3. This is the nitrogen cycle, Nitrogen is the most abundant element in the atmosphere and is essential to all life. Earth's atmosphere is approximately 70-71% nitrogen!!! 4. The main way that nitrogen enters the body is by way of eating, another way that it enters the body is by drinking water.The way that it enters the body more frequently is by breathing the air.The air that we breathe is about 70-71%% nitrogen. How does Nitrogen enter the body? 5. The nitrogen cycle ties into the water cycle when the nitrogen comes out of the atmosphere in the rain.It absorbs into the ground and is taken in by the nitrogen fixing bacteria in the roots of the legumes. Which in turn is eaten by either humans, or animals. Related to the water cycle? 6. 7. 8. Nitrogen cycle is very important to the earth because, it returns the nitrogen to the earth and all of the creatures around us, which in turn returns the nitrogen to our body's. 9. 10. Compound of DNA, RNA, and Proteins, which are building blocks of life. All organisms require nitrogen to live and grow. Air is a compound; most of what we breathe in is nitrogen. Nitrogen has to be converted to ammonium or nitrate or urea, which is organic nitrogen. Nitrogen fixation- process where n2 is converted to ammonium nitrogen cycle.Essential constituent of chlorophyll. Fixation methods: high energy fixation; little but of nitrogen fixed by lightning. Energy is high; combines N and H2O to form ammonia and nitrates (NO3 and NH3)Carried to earth in precipitation. Biological fixation;responsible for 90% of nitrogen fixation. N2 is split and combined with H to form NH3 (ammonia) performs fixation: symbiotic bacteria with plants in the pea family and root plants. Also free living anaerobic bacteria and blue green algae. Once NH3 is in soil it combines with positive hydrogen ions to form NH4, without it to form NO3. NH4+ and NO3 are absorbed by plants. Resource for this info: More facts about nitrogen!!!! 11.

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