Page 1: · No. 131 Week ending October 1, 1960 Every Thursday, price 6d, British -----tour --------------by JIMM y JONES Features on SIX Chris Barber I PAGES David Whitt

No. 131 Week ending Octobe r 1, 1960 Every Thursday, p rice 6d,

-------------------British tour by JIMM y JONES

Features on SIX Chris Barber

I PAGE S David Whitt ield Ol~ Dave Sampson R EVIE\\TS J


£30,000 Parnes package

gets off to a great

start, but ...

l p lhc rock lour which Larry P a m e• launched last Saturday t u.m s out • flop,~ in • p fte nf his

" never mind the rost ~ poliey, ii will he lhe death llmeU for thil type of po p &how. Bui if it 's a hit, 11 could brHk inlo th e WHI E n d. LARRY PARNES

Ille show. wbk.b has a cast o( ~ ---­over so. lncludlna 16 singtn. The A..t prc:viousl) mentioned in OtSC, Ve m ons Glrl.1 and • JS.pltce lhc show features Joe Brown, Dilly o r cbCllltra-, hu co~ Parnts n t-arly b~fr; T,:~: D~~~~Jo~c,1_sez7j,u~~~:n~: '30.000 to launch. T hree Cop n,cn, Perrr Wynne. O:wc S:ampson, Jack Cood, Leslie Cooper and Syd Pride. Johnny Oen1lc. Ocor~c F,me, O • le prod.Peed • .od rebearse.d lbe Ollly Raymond. J ohnny Goock. ~fhc 9how for • Wf'tk befor t launc.hlna. Vcrnons Girh plus Red Price wilh o.•~vte'f:r~edth~o 0c;s;j~8~'U~~f' w,•i~ Jimmie Nicol nnd h l1 New Orlc.1not docs11·1 brina the a udiences back. l Rocker,. Oatc5 IQ far ~v, il~ble nrc d • ti ·ru: anythins will•• •~"!n",,o"om'bc~ c,'o"ldtrc J,,a_i~~. ,"h~d, ,•hhcc 0

~ is 1i~ the lint 1Jmc tb:u a major P .. , ... D SC •

variety tour h:u b«o produc-cd and J~~=.I •r-t:vc'::.°t:c~. into l.bc \Vctl Eod for r«nascrs. The p-3cti1c- ,, rhicwcd b) J ohn kilf;~ca:~:n,~h~~~I '!1;d~hts3~!u~!~:i~ \Vclh on tnac 8. t.1 apokc~mnn for the l"nrncs or4anisa­t lon ••• ., !lfl nucmp1 to rc~1n the ;audiences af1e1 lau s-ummer-'s tlump.

•• h is CQJ1in1 a lot of m oney. but thl• seems to be cite only -..--;iy lo do It." .

ii t,r:b :a~u~h~ ·~w:y 0t~~~"y'n':~ff~ "J'hc Ort t sh ow 01 Slouah wl\1 n com•

~:!1!i~t0~w0';ge 11.:;i:~ :U~,bi:~

on 10 the 11a.1e-·· it is 1wo ) 1ince

:~:rh~:cft:r:;~~,!P~~o;:r~:~scd so


Tab Hunter signs for TV series

F ILM star T::t.b Hunlcr, whoJc cJik' or " Youna Love," sold well over

a mi ll ion copies, hu1 been signed for tl new Amrric:rn A BC TV 5crics. IU c-ommcm-.c durin1 lhe next few weeks. H e *UI play 1hc nimc p2n in ... Bachelor At Larae.•'

Flint goes riding on

to number

100 ROBEftT HORTON 11art,d filminK

more tpl.Jodt-s ot the marathon .,. \VPJ:.On 'l'rtiln tt TV 1«.rin h1.1·1 'Tbund11,.. H«."s: ot:arioa t.llie bun• dredt.. c-plsode u lbe KC>at Ji'llnt ~ l cC..lfotta,;_h now, but he"& atill quhe h•PPJ' •bout h an. It d t ~nd.J on 1b.e IUll(trial.

.. Jf t.he serf pc l.s ,:ood, h '.!i Ukc nt•klna a nolher lnte.rt i,t in:a film, Ir h",r not ao aioocl, thinas un 1tt monoton­o,H.

... But • \\'• Jton Tr•in • u~ done me ~01blq but a::ooct.•• lilt said. spHk• ••c 10 the D JSC ofk~ from Ille CaUfornfan home-. ... • • ina • tut­tured Mu In a \\'fflttn -..;v suits h fine for Mn actor t hNe days "hen Ulevl.sfon l.1 domhuiltd by \Yt1tun1. Apan from that .. I att Ume to tfo olhtr 1hlno at "',n:·

Oot of lhOSC' "Othtr 1hlna..-• .. 'f'f'U flit ltad in ATV·, rtttnt drama, .. TIie P.b11.•• In "''hk b Bo b took the part or 110,.,ud \Villon. 11 nurntaUy skk younJ:, u 1•n "''b0 terrorl;.u a middlc­aa:rd "'ldOl'I' for a \'lhotr d.ay bdore m urdr-rfn.c h""r·

Hi.s a tdaa In t hd es..kd .. rolr, C'-Ont• plrufy ~ruon d f rom tltt: ,.;elf- oP,t"d

ROBERT H ORTON- -" J"d like to do some son1• from mm-.kalt.." spat('.! of •• \ V•son Train/" "''On hfm C'On.sldtr•ble praise.

•• The d#.J' that play WH IC'rttntd In

r:~~::::~r .. ~,;·a;.~~~n!:::.C .. J:i lk>b.

.. Pto p fc had ortc-a fold mt 111.11 my YOiC'e h a d pofflbUitll'S• •a aboul ti,:httt n montbJ a,:::o J did so1nt• 1bjna: 11bou1 It b y i t udy lna voice produc-lion,"

LU.1- fin:1 .-tarrina musk-•I role--ln .. Gu1s • od D olls" ltl la Joi,• tu, yta~u a compll'fe •~ r:-~~'~::! •:_,:"1!!~v.::a~~1:'! t'Ontmlfmtnt1.

The pitas-ant lforfon baritone • &TH -­ably •urpriJt:d many PfOple I• tbb

~.:!'"YA:'~~~::! 1;._l~=::.•z a.nd on 1he Ro,.._. Cofflm•a&I Pu•

formance, a11d now Pye r«.lr.arrd 1111 •otal n ,rsfon ot lb t .. \ Vaion Tr•ln •• 1hnne •nd a dramll.tic b alt•cl ... Sail H o."

.. My ,-okir sttnu to bt: lmpro•Jn1: all lhe 1im~" rontlnutd Bob ... and r m • rry plta.H•d • bou t thiJ.o ..

D id lb~ n,t:an th11t A.nalna wo•ld flaun more prominently In hi.­ru1u,e acllYlllc-1 ,

.. \!e:o~ ... :-.. •,t~r:·r.r.: ut~·,:, 1 .. -w •Ille>:,, m1kiaa rttonk or mltdc9.I 5"1ao w ao~ if the oppor­lunfr,- came a lon:a.:"

In tbe meantime, U'• bac.k to the \\'111:on "11'111111 with \Vard Bond~ 1-'raak ~rcCrath. Tc.ny \\'Heon and 1he otlttrs. The "rl" ~111 h• ...-~ furni.ns: ro Brlcl '-11 sa-Hnf latn t.111.t autumn.

A Great Hit Single from the Star of TV's "Wagon Train"


Page 2: · No. 131 Week ending October 1, 1960 Every Thursday, price 6d, British -----tour --------------by JIMM y JONES Features on SIX Chris Barber I PAGES David Whitt

2 DISC, October 1, 1960

lach week an LP Is awarded to th• writer af th• Pilse Letter .•. and once o manth there is a bo nus priJte o f a Ronsan lighter/ ashtray set.

The address: Post Bog, DISC, Charles Buchon's Publications Ltd., 161, Fleet Street, E.C.4 .

'Volare' is sheer -folly

I CANNOT understand tlle policy record buytr,, and remind older of Columbia in ltm.ln& Bobby collcc:tors oC her warm. relaxed style. If tb«c son1s are recorded in Ena•

Ryddl's vuslon of "Volatt,,. less R!~~b~,:-~.i.OJ, Flaxman ~~m:Y hlt~u~r!rti:~!~ ~~~ghor~~ thaa two jears after tbe ori&lnaJ oriainal American versions never

ADAM FAITH • • • ii• •~se.rvu credll for some good re-conls. (D ISC Pk) * tracl s dcsc:rvc to be released • singles. but why not rck atc hft iracks in,tc~d of one? - C. II,.: STEVENSON, 9. Tiu,c&;croy ...... Radford. Nottlnl!ham,


T H E record scene t oday is notab11 for one ~ fine thinc--dle

,,.,ondcr-rul ba.ckinl,I which pla y & very lar,1;.c part in the $ of • d isc.

Amona the more .!{omincnt ODel

~~1!Yao:~d 1c!"~aknairc~~d~~•'}~~ with tbc:. John Barry a ccompaniment. and the Everl y, .Bfothcrs, wit.b Iba fabulous Crickets.

There would be far more compcd­tio n in 1he hit p arade if more ~

row.s c8~\,~JS:.. EJ:ub~ait...: Ealln,:.. London. \V.S.

SORRY. ADAM } WOULD like 10 ma te .'I public:

hcu:~~oirs:~~::dr:1 .. F~~1 ~~o~ \Van t ?·· J cursed i t. :and drnouncc.d Adam as a •• Ii.Cler." -

Now 1 am truly sorry. Since 1hoK (fa)'S Adam has improved lrcmcnd• ously with every recording:.

wu a h lt. SONG SIFTING reached lbe charts. Michael Cox·s II .. ·ould make fine LP material, "Aoa<I• Jones" and •The luna TWO TRACKS

to my way of thlnklna. but to lAue N OWADAYS many sinJerS arc •B><raomtbp•lrse~_:_•.RMJ~ "ORu.Dj •? ,a1~c j ~ . • •w.!>, I AM becomioa more and more

Lei us give Adam more credit for his rea lly good records. whic~ I \:now will continue to sell widely. -ROLAND PEXTON, 15, Wlv ... Road. Bilton Crani:,t"., Hull,

The Bonus Prize Winner for tbia month is : ENA WATSON, 5, Teudiat Croft, Forlar, Angus.

It q • sinsle lff.nta folly. U find.ins it incrcasina:.ty d1fficuh to . ~ ~ ,,,, ILL..:..a. • irritated with record companie s lt ls bouaht In larce numbers. then find su it11:bfc matcrfal to record. But Little. Dea:ru: Ya,11. London. S.W •. L for rclc-asin.: track.I. or their LPs as it jua aoes lo prove the gullibllily :f.e'1:~re.':.u1:r ~~~ ~~.~::, l::.r;ric:i SILVER CLEF one , ;de of 3 n•w >in&le. They sc<nt of the ttcord fans In buyloc an,y- ,.~-,,. the.Y would o£ren ftnd some to,.,, . ... sp,•orecollilttcc'et atlhlo .. '!.~:_cfoor,dfs• o• •r thw~:o, T h Edi d ot «. rll

QIIC ---- "''L- . U.f'.; . ... ..... . ,-,• •• ,·,,,'0,'h, "'.,~ .. ·, ,,'.'..,,',',"'d. '! thln& tha t •• pushNI at them. vt.ry attractive sons\ which don't J N the film wot·ld we h ave v.M,.-.1rs: ( . -~ ... , ..- .,. ,,,

I hope tbJs pracdce of re,.r«ord- become hill bee:tusc the ct'mp.a.nies in (he record bu.s; Gold a nd .avountcs. , ro~, Baz. Ina r ecent h ilt ceases, or we shJa.11 ~•~an~•~t~•~ff~o:rd~tb~e~n~ecc~na~ry~e~x~p~lo~i~t•~ti~·o~n~. _S!i~h~·•-~r_:D:i=~-~ -~Wb~y'._'.n~o~t- •:__:u~ru~·v~•:'.'~"~1--~"~d~m~i~tt~ed~l~y:_· ~ m~•:n:y_:_o~f_:_t:he~sc~~L~P'.:__..::===========~ net>er have anyth.lnc new. - r D ENNIS SMITH. 18, Pembroke S treet, MamOeld, Nol l$.


NEGLECTED TT w:u nice co sec lbe ilory .I conccrnina Dlnall Shore In DISC (1 7·9·60). For much too Jona <he bu bun neglected by th• Br!tiSh public. and c\·cn tboua,h $he is sin&ina as well a , ever. We very r:ttc ly hear hct n-cordJ plated~

Rccc.ntly l bouJhl lWO o( bc.r Amc.rican LPs. ....Moments Like Tbuc .. v.itb Manny Zimmerm:in. aod "'Dinah Slnas Some Blues \Vitb Red." with the Rc.d Notvo Q uintet. Both are fil's-l •r.atc..

I hope the l)'Oposed ftlrm for D inah c:omc off. a.s 1hc:y wilJ introduce this Jo,cly ,tar 10 a new acnct'26on of

JI. CllUK ST .. sono. w.1. cea t11,

DANCING IE.tff)' ~ ... $tmcb)' ,,. ........ .


CA8.4Rt.T. TV LOUN0£ * P'ritff, c••1etu. ,rt.. •t<. 0••· ......... ~ t. di~,. •.


1/2. rr~'" _. ...

Rock isni dead in America h:id Presley or &<>me other rock -1ta.r on bit proar-ammc, then Sullivcm ·, rilling WC:Dl down •

... ~rhcrc wa.s just nob<,,d y 1h..··u Sum­ could present \\'ho would a1irac1 t he ,,icwcrs back. Nol -.:vcn some o f the 1op film stars.

I N Arntrka roclc. ••• the word ••. is dt':ad, but 0 0 1 the music. In a ll lhe tang;I~ and confusion of re-ports th-al romC' f rom America. M R ock

ls finhbc:clt" M R oc:k ls thrlvlna," one f,ur en, er,:e~odc •~ played on A.mC'ric• o radlo almost u mucb as it In IL.• h C'yday . 2nd t he stan. w t10 made tbtlr names with rode are !itill as popular. Bur NOT on TV.


~~~e •~:1f!!~ :~r:~3r:rniihw:~~ once and for alt_, there bu bc'c.n Jiuk:: or no c.hanse al all.

Who say, $0? Sidnet Gron, the only DJ who, until a rcw da)1

r:~c~3to~k r::d1:h:~"u ~~t~r:~:

.. Ou1 1oda7. J•resley and COU1P11.n,J 11re out., D it-k Cli31tk l, about lhe only pC"QIO n in Nc-w Vork wh<t prtS<-ai. thtff ljln,:rrs o n a pu,k hour show. The rest ar~ mainly aHtrnoon pro­a;ranuuc, wh ere the ortbU just to tht:ir blt':St bit.'•

Apu l from his work on TV a nd r:idfo O ross became one of the lend ..

- ing men or AmcriC!ln j!l7.Z. He taught at 1he flrst.c~vcr course in )~7. a t Columbia Unl versjtY :i.nd amona many 01hcr promotion• prc.scn1cd the

/jut they tall it beat now

ina, In the city tor rhe: eleven yurs

He's co~ baek to Ens:land ahe.r a .succeuful ctirccr tn American radio a.nd TV. For the Ame:ric:1,01 hc'J pre:• se.nlcd and promoted jazz fcstrnb and worked as the c-hic( A and R. m11n

~~rs'h i;~~!~e:i!':1• H:C::r~:.• j~

Teap.rdeo, Oscar Pcui£ord. He's prc.scntcd .. The Voioc In

The Niaht.'' 1wo tWOo-ho ur r~cord p ro.. srammcs for nigh1 U1.tcnin& which went out in Nc-w York on Saturday and Sunday nigb1.s. He also produced ja:u. •how• £or the /\BC n,twork and c~e.ry evenioa: compc.rcd a proAr.1mmc lh•1 l.ast<d from midnight to 6. a.m,

•• At one time;-· s:1,id Sidney shortly after bit return to this country, .. l was on 1bc air (or- 6!1y boun :a ...

Wa, rock r r a I I y thrivinJt in America? ·• Odlni1c1y;• said Gross. .. M ind )'OU they don"t all it rock:

anx .T!':• l~u~ •~a:.·;~:_.~ itnit-.~. Evu •ince 1be Pa,,1ola b usineu, en:n to mention tbe .. -ord brinp .-tun repri• maaiU fro-nt procramme dlr~con. Tbt7 prdtr to call h be-al •• • but U't s till rock a.Del rolL"

ra!~10:f11ti~ i:,-~o~:, V:kda~i1y!~ P.r_!}i~~al~e n;~~.f !a.~~ G~~n~~!~ cut h OUI.,

•· Th!'it lu1cd for a bo·ut rwo or three wcd;s;• went on Gross. ..Tbc DJs bcame holy men with ha los 11.nd played record$ by people like Pca.ay Lee: Douty, e.urlr Sinatra, Mantovani :..nd


Mcliich rino. The avcrtiJC aac of

the New York DJs i, :ibou1 J.S 10 ,o .11 nd 1hcy _pl0,ycd the music they Hkcd. But it djdn"c fut for Jona. We soon had ihe beat •.• or rock back.

ab:~:~ ~~ch'i!11 tc!.~s t';focr:._jus'l Sidney OtoH Vi."4.S not invoh·cd in

the Piyob scandal. •• I wns told 10 play o. certain amount o f rock o n m y proar3mmc. by mY programme dircc• tor. but 1 never cooecntr:Ltcd on it . . • I didn't like ir.

.. Many or 1hc New York DJs arc only h ired 10 play records ,cl«:ted by the proar:amme directors. I wu em• ' ployed as a pe.rJonality DJ an.d there• [ore I b ad more say in tho rype of music I played."

•• But on TV;· continued Grou, '* rock is out and so arc the people who sing i~

•· arc t-wo 1hows in A..mC"rica. both on a Sunday night time, whk.h h:wc compctilion for viewers. They the Stc:vc Allen Show and the Ed Sulti-nn Show.

•• These shows will do pn,c:tic.aHy 11ny1bana_ to incrc.asc their vicwc.t• r:,tina. T wo .1ao Ir Sieve A1Jcn

S'IONEY C ROSS • . . the oaly Brldsb OJ In

A.mufca. *

firs t Connc.c1icut Jau. Fe:,1ival. a

!:~::d:rai~~aJr dr~:s~ ;1;~ ~tciN'c°:. port Fcstfval •

Unknowns It wu jazz. thnt h3.d

tikcn bim to the Statu . .. E\·cr s.ince the mid 30s American and British musicjnns unions bad prevented a n

~!~~~~--~~c :ti~~ tt~-- bands and I

In 1945 Oross h•d present<d .. T he Swina Show,. at the Ade lphi Thnrre, ·• I was. 4sin,& unknown j:-izz musidans

~°a_~~o:,:r~!ft 1~o!~h~~tc~3a~~v.:~•i~~ ,.. few more. o f Ted J-lc:uh01 bo)'s.'•

He wo.s successful in America4 Now he"s back, ·• for pc-nonal reason, and bttause 1 have a numMr of Jd c-o-.t for radio which 1 lhlnlc could be ddne bctlt.r over here."

What ttiose idc:llS at'c Gross woulJn"1 or eouldn°1 d.ivulgc. b~t he~, hoving r•lks with lhe BBC obou1 a uric-s Qf udio procrftmmc.s. But l "d h:izard a tht.11 they won~, be. nbout roc;k shows!

Rie laurd A «la11•s




O• IOLI ca 1559


Page 3: · No. 131 Week ending October 1, 1960 Every Thursday, price 6d, British -----tour --------------by JIMM y JONES Features on SIX Chris Barber I PAGES David Whitt



DISC, Octobe, 1. 1960

I TOP TENS I These were th, t,n n~mbcn topped tho hies u,




Ld Thb Amcru:a tut week (week tndiaa w cc:1: Y.«1: Scpttmbtr 24) 2 1 Tht T,.lR • • • • • Chubby Checker :I 2 My H •IUt Ila, A · Mind

I 4 6 $ 8 9 1.

Of Its o .. n • • • • Connie Francis 3 11'1 Now Or Nn u • • Elvis Presley 4 Mr. Castor • • • • • Larry Vtmo 5 Cllaln G .. 1 • • • • Sam Cooke 6 \Valk. Doa't Rua • - The Ventures

•7 Klddlo • • Brook Benton

Yoel • • • • • • • The Ivy Tbrco t V olart • • • • • • Bobby R ydcll

1! A Millioa To 0... • J immy Ch1rlq

ONF.S TO WATCH Sa•• The La,c Daa<e

B.uod on the recorded number of .. plays .. i?I Juk:t B,"llea lhrou1,bout (for the 1'«1 cn<Jms Scplcmbcr !.&) ._ n•

Wtc:i Weotll

1 J Apu.he • • • • • The Shadow,

67 2 Ttll Laun I Lo•e Utt, Ricky Valance

3 Oal1 Tbe Lontly • • • Roy Orbison 3 4 A M,_ Of Blacs • • , Elvi., Pr«lty 2 5 Bta nase Tllty're Yoaa, Duaae Eddy 8 6 Everybody', Somtbody'1

Fool • • • • • • Connie Francis S 1 "'- Doa'1 T .... • • cwr Richard

I As Loo1 ,~ lit Nttds Me • • • • • , Sbirlty Buiey

<I , Wb•n Will I Be Lovtd: Everly Brother$


I For JIit • • • • • The Drifters

Throe Nlpt, A Weck • Fats Domino ,._ -. - ., - n.. ,. ... ,..., ,.,.. • - -------1-- ------- - - ....:......----, DISC DEBUT-Nick Bennett r

10 Ho" Abou1 Thal! • • Adam Faith 4>WB 19 ~ rpm

• J TS no 1ood hnln1 a bU rttorcl and IMD n ot btinl able lo back II up with • good ••••• acl,?' .. Id 20-ytar-old Nick Btnncll, who hu

IOI laad a hll rccord~y,t-bol who HAS bod pl<DI)' of ~•&• up,rltnce. In fact. Nick lknndt Mt btt11 -on

* F.. for I loog time now. mainly • a d:tll«r, And the rteord7 Thal'• iue out tomorrow (Ffiday) on Columbia and il's his ftnt. Titles :1rc ' M r. 1.<>ncly" and "I Understand You;• two b>lbd, with I cha-cha kal .

.. , rnUw .. " he ronlxkd. "that show business is very precarious. That's •hy mY putnlJ ob.)Cctcd to ,., my aofo1 on the ,rage until I was <iaJ,leffl. Ho•.....-. at 16, I dditd Ckm. ;a.nd ame up to London for 1.n. audition as an a«0<-..hkh I didn"t .,..,. .

.. As Iona 111 I can 1 h1,•c always wanLCd to be on the, .. a id Nkt. .. , stlrwd olf by ,mpng it am:ucw COOC'f'rb,. ct~ aft(f durin.l achool. I studied dnm:uic,, 1omc­t1mcJ mistina 11cvcr.1I other lcuons ln Older to ilttcnd drUla cl:usu.

• Wbm I ld1 school >I fiflffll, I 90ftcd in a fumiwrc store durin1 dt,e; day a.nd continved with my sta~ ltud1cJ a t nia,ht. Fin:ally. I bndcd 11n

Needs a hit­he has


- -! Compiled from dea lors' roturns from a ll over Britain ~ : WHk •ndlng S•ptember 24, 1960 :

§ Cliff h@a1ls A1la111. ... ; : T/1,e Ve11,tures co111,e = : : : bacl. ,vitl, • JV all. : . D . : 011, •t Ru11, • : - -: ::::, ~!, Tltle Artist Lobel : : 3 1 Tell Laura I Love : : lier • • • ••• Ricky Valance Columbia • : S Z Onl1 TM Lonel7 • Roy Orbison London .: • I 3 Apache • • • • . f'he Shadows Columbia

actina p:irt ln 'l..ovc's Labours Lost' It Porumou1h."

N ick rc31i.ted thJt he would ncwr bit happy worlinJ in a furniture store, bd so he rl•1U<d all lhc London ,, enl.5 with letters. until be w:is llvitcd up f or an audition.

" J dJJlinctly recall failina my fitsl ladi1ion:• he uJd. "1,ut I couJdn·, ao '->me to my p&rtlUS •ilbout I job. 10 Juc;kHy t went for a. second one :and PIU<d.

the experience : 9 4 Nine Tunn Out : • Of Ttn • • • Cliff Richard Columbia :

5 : : ~~,~~'or'e'l!::: :,'!tmp:l~ kc~phone : : 2 7 Bttaue 1-y'r~ : :

8 Young · • • • Dunne Eddy London •

• 1. At Loq /\1 Ue :

JVith H11rrg " My fi!tt Job _.,., With Harry

Secom be 1n II vanct-y 1ou.r. I was booked •• • danc.r and I •PP<lred ti;1h Harry in aevcril skctcht.s.

.. We toured for five montht. and 6itn af&cr tbt, I • ·u inYitcd to appear la ·We're IIA,in1 a 0.U' •• lhe London Pa lladium. 1 wa.s in Lbe show for tJ1c last four weeks."

So uYin& <tudiNI dram1lkt aad ....... Nid: .Ur1td of 1,1, ,.,_ u 1 ~~ a,nlin~d dJ-ncin1 for some •bile. Afl<r biJ Sll<ets.s with Sccombc, ~ wH sclt clcd for the dance team IIIIJch appeared lo .. Gerry•, Inn" on ATV He app<>ltd in RX edJOom cl lo pro--. which was r,ltvhtd flrc ry other ~ct/ • "Mttr thal, wu In 'My, Fair 1.1dy.' as a sfnaer 11nd dancer. r tfa:ntd a t w o-}'t:11 contract. but ancr

eiaJ,l«u moallls, oo doclor's ot~ wa1 adrilitd to quit from O\

Then Nick a:ot hit bis singina brc.ak. With a V\lico which he duc:ribcs u a .. liaht buiton,,;· he was Jnvikd to IJ)pe&r Oft "'Wh1ml ..

m:!.1:.t J':{a ~~~~ u':f. .. Yo, wub bt.fon the ••ow, I •­rthnnlo1 whh Jack Goocl-t1Dd he told ..,. my •pproada wu too pro. ,-.1 •- 1 .. lb!, .. , linl blJ bnu, aad I h d lo r.,..1 aU tllat I •..i lc:anotd I• orcltr to bt nalanl!

"I 1an1 a bc1t-up vtrsion or 'Callfomi• titre I Ca:rt<,' ond in spite of 1bc fad th11 my ncirYtl were com• pl<t<ly shot, I W>J v>led lalo eia)>lh l)O'ition In lho 'Wltam!' po_eolatitr poll. All on one 1ppe1r11nce.

Shortly ollcr this, Nick lltnnctl lbc actor. w,,1 W:klctcd as 1«<>nd lead to J t1J Cannd In the film "Coop," which is due to bare a Christmas rcltase.

.. from then it wu p:art sinsfn1 pan actina:· he "Havln• com: plclcd lbc film, I tesl<d for Nomun

N ... -.11. •nd before l knew ..-b,rc I WIJi._J bad cut my Rrst di,c, wuh a ~cltin1 by Tony Osborne and a 2S piece orchtstra, and a vocal support or anothtr baJJ a dozen:•

Tb, disc was cut thrt< month, 110, bu~ relta1e was held op bp Norman wbHe Niet we.nt on a lbrce,.monthJ Wdsb 1our in th ree Asa l.ha Oubtic pla)'1 . . He rclurncd 10 London only l:ut wttk, whtn ii w11 decided 10 bunch the disc and Ni<k •ith iL

Goo,l'g "No., I am rc>lly ~<>ias ta con,

ccatnto 0a l&DP,1•· ~id Nict "'for with a ruordia• contn.c1~ tbt- Qppor. 1unity iJ ripe, I am 1imlof for the telev1slon and film 11nalcs in which cue. ·ru ~ able co uie all my lrainin1, At it is. wba1 I ha,·c already lc.amed will bdp me ao end Ul pc-r­SOGll app<>ranca.

"I waae to prol<ct na7 pcnoaallty 111wt.U a, da1t.''



: Needs Me · • · Shirley B>SSCy Columbi2 : IS 9 l'IHK H d p Mo, •

: I'm Falluia · . Hank Locklin RCA : : 10 So Sad • • • • • • E verly Brothers Warner Oros : • 13 II Walk, Doa'I Ran John Barry Sc,'Cn Columbia • : 10 ll W~• Wall I Be : :

8 13 Lond ? • • • • E\'erly Drothert London :

• Pteaw Don1 : : Tease • • • • , CHIT Richard Columbia • : 14 Walk, Don' I R11n • The Veolures Top Rank : : 12 IS En,ybody'1 • • So-bodr'• : :

11 16 Fool • • •• • Connie Francis MGM :

: 20 17 ~':::!~R~~•.: :: ~i~/~%~11 i~\l~:bfo : : I I Ld'1 Tlllak Abood : ii LI•inc Bob Luman Warner Bros • • 19 Caribbean : : Honeymoon • • Frank Weir Oriole • • %0 Paalng Brttu • • Russ Conway Columbia : : ONE TO WATCH : : Chain Gue • • • Sam Cooke : i,11111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111116"





b/w b/w

- --•-•Q_u_e_s_ti_o_n_" _ ___,· "'•~



"Blue, Blue , Blue " ~ "Fool That I Am"



"Early in the Morning'' Stu Phllllps

and his Orchestra

and his Orchestra


Page 4: · No. 131 Week ending October 1, 1960 Every Thursday, price 6d, British -----tour --------------by JIMM y JONES Features on SIX Chris Barber I PAGES David Whitt

4 DISC, October I, 1960


chance b,is voice. bis style, bis baddna. Why? MBttausc, evcry-y

. an I'm 1.00 much like Cllll Richard."

He sings tbc same (yPc ol songs as Cliff. their style is the ' 11od S:tmJ?SOn•s group, The- Hu.r'ltet:s. h:lvc the &me r.ouod "5 Cliff's Sb:ulows. They ba-vc •the man:.tAer. T'tto B1.1nu. lhe Affl-t Columbia A aod R man .. Norrie. Paramor. Doth arc fans or Ricl:v Nelson. Bobby .Darin, Bobby Rydel) and. o( course Elvis P. Both ltk~ casu:tl clothes • n<I ho.-.~ rj<liog.

And to ca.p it all • •. L~y cw:o lool: alike.

You would b:~vc thouaht O ;a;ve would ,have given up by now. but oo:t a o.i& of it. He fS g:ctunii away Crccn

th4;. ~Jo~ °!..:~, bf n:,t::-.o~~r::; rm going to chong~ 10. but I co11 altrr m:, voit:e and sing /11 nnoth~r style ensi/J' ~nough and • ·e C.O!\._fhon1e rhe Flunu:ry' sound. The d;lfic11(1 t hing Lt knowing wl,n, 1$ a 1t00<l thing to cluu,g~ to:·

h wu Cliff 'Who disoovertd Dave and introduced him co Bllml and Pa..ramor ... Oifr thought 1 W"as ,aood wh<n be lint heard m<," ••id 0 :1\'C " ADd I'll "-'->" be an,tdul for lb~ he}p he b;1s a.ivcn me ever sioce.

And bccall.<c be has helped 111<: I nc:cr w:rnt 10 c::orru,cte with him.

A lo, of: people have told me my

Dave Sampson is going to cha~g~ his style vo:ce a. .. bl!ltcr ,~n ClifT",5; they 31so say 1bat my ~u,p is beltcr lruln The Sh-adows, but suppose I did manage 1·0 late o,cr Crom -him. Aflor a ll he 00.s dooo for me. J could Mvcr forJth'C my,el[."

A JCS$cr. pc(Son tMn Cliff wou1d ncvc.r -have- helped Dave; artlJts d'on~ USU31Jf invil,e d i:rcc1 C:OOlJ)1:lition. ... Bu.t.•• s:aid Dave. '' Clitrs not l it e lh:tt •• . l don"t think rt ever cnlc-red .his bead chat I m ight do bUll some httm1."

Daye l$ quiet. one of the :1hyc1,t sin'"" l have Jnel. He ii eurrcntJy touring in l....arry Parnes' "'-Rock. ·n· Trad Spccucular,n appca.r-ioe with SO other artkt&. ... J don't like ha vina to rehearse.. in front of a11 the o chers. it mak.C$ me -ocrvow:. Out producer lad:: Good was m:,rvcllous. He hos helped me by mn.kina me pro..c:ti5c aU my

moves iii a priv:\1e room, J think I'm all Ol:ht now"

fn lhe show 0-:ivc onJy does a couple of numbers _ •. sod they not plua..s for bis records. ... rm not even s:flc:iog, s<>nss th:at l ~vc writtco myself."

It wns Dave who wrote bis first record. •• Sweet- D reams,"" and also •· See You A round.'" chc b'.tcking 10

hi.s &.CCODd and current rclca~ . ·• JC You Need M e.'"

h was this ftair for soncwriling 1hat helped him ro brc:a.t. into rccordjn.e~ H e. b:ad made a. demoostr.1tJon d i-,c o( htii own compo5rlion1 "'Sweet Dreams.'• 2nd Cliff liked it $0 much that ho toOk. i, to Paramor. •· Jf you don't like th• tinier at least let me record the song/·• be told P:ir-amor •

But fortunately (Of" Dove, Pa..ra.rnor did like his singing.

0 :ivc is still writing. At his home in W althamstow. in Ea.n London, be is workina o n a nother four sones.. but he docs-n'•t tftow whether he will com­plete rhe bat-trick and b:1vc a third record issued with one o( com­positions.


•• Uond Bart, come do w 11 10 Bournemoutlt to sec Marty during the .ru,nn,t r s~ason," Da,·e rxplalm~d. "A.11d he also saw me a.r well. Re told me tho, tu s<>on 01 I got baclc 10 Londot, I ,1/tould go and 3ee him l,eca1•.te he wo11ud to write a song /tJr mt!..

·• r th.ink_ it is ;rc.oc, Lionel is :a faboofou~ songwrr1et a.nd if be did a number for me 1"01 sure J would make 1hc 1:radc." • --: ----: --=

Formula for

-H J.t name iJ: Cto• ~ l orri.1 and • t be numb~n an Burton l\f u1Jc'.1 : ""BUit Boy, BJJly Boy'• r C!<'-ordNI by -the Dale Sistn-s fo r H .\IV. 1he • d.ffle. company's lntue-sllna Bobby :

What son ol &ong M L iuoc:-1

f Janning to write? " I don't know ycL -"OUld Wee somcthinct on the ltoe..,

of • Living Doll.' but that would atill be followina Clilf.

.. I'll talk it over with UonaJ ••• pcrh:tpS he cao tbln.k of somcchin.a different for me.••

John IVells

: success -: J N th6C bHt . ..eofde'ious day• • ll&IU muwc I, • hry di&oll • commodity to pfu,t. A s f,w a.1 : R-"Ord are c.oo«ntfd, altere f.1 • t;rfrttlldi lfllle KOpe for pub,.. • I.biters ...... tidal teems- wll.k• do-n"t : n le u starwt•nh:. • One Pf.rlOnallJ)' l{ho Ila. never - ktn dtttrnd br t llf'Se probltDd = h rondU('tOr Sid-•

Dari• co• pli.ns ol " Beac-h C"omb~.r~ • aM .. Autun,.n Blutt" o n Londoq -wit.It dt:ct from 1.1111• Friday. ror : wllldt Bobb)' plays piano whh 1n • ac~mpsnl.ffl«"nt dlttr ted by S hort,y • Roaers. anti two Tollie ~1usit- :


Cron• ti•~~ screet ol : MUSIC ;

Britisl, talent is wasted, says top U.S. ~ongwriter

• My 11.-lpt. brollt,r of C,raldo. • Sicf.lH'y Ind.ti • mu~ical dooble Ute. UNO..t. '~ oo're Looklnc G<MHI~ by : : Sl>'-lldiot Iii art o f tJmt u a busy Dee Clark o.• Top Raak artd • • memlter of dtc BBC Lia.ltt ~1..-C U'flu.l!s \Vllt-n I Cried.,. by limn,y : • Uat~aocl tlte rat a, a.. propantor J oaa o• .l\1C!\f. • : ol &OOd <IWllily IJa-1 ""'-""' ,.Jib • * * • • .. r ac-ttat on • rltkb maft.rfal. T • • IN Paa /\llty A1..,:ie, ted by = : n , Good l\'s Fred 'Mtso"' has a1T11nat.d -• Halat mldlc: ntaloau• tor 11t,m, •"41 widl Amcrk:aa publ~r Cwrae • • k now tap,ed on Ote Pffle •or.k Pfac.• to a.a.nc1te. t'ertala of the CJt. : : 11itb the AIN-rbadt uoup o-t C'Om• Pfants NtN"rtolre ••mbttl i• • • paniH. 11,1,-t• • Eire and 8-lt Afriu. • = Ear-tickler So.ap lnYOh..S are -•-our u,u. = • Httli'• rtto,dt-d by the blldni boy • - ·A aood •••• "1JII. U&t-u ... Bria• H yfnd. --Wlaue'• T Ille -: ttC':tk-r," I~ •t.J formula for • AC- Cht7" • H .. Whn-e•• TIiie lloy?., : • C'fllf• I Uthl hrm ~ "'It II 1taa lboM rtt.onlrd by Jaae. ='1oraan, ..-Wu • • •..U.Na. J1 Ill•-' • dt••• of 1Ni-c 'T'hae Oen." ttconletl by Clt:arUt • : ~drd, altllooc• 1t•1 atiH d• ::•«~ :::!n';!!::ttodt" rttorded :

: n s. roasilerat,le IC'o... nu la not udu• • • llo•e-vrr, fo, tht aid.. of Haiti •'"'• ••d o tlllc-r PiGn1t nwnMrs will : : mtnlc I• • BC proaram--. r.:::'!ub':1.i.l~~=- ..,';_1~~,u~~<r : = SW-,,i"• tvrtt~t acUdtln •• Muo• ~t-'c. TI• Paa Aney = • coattatrated o• --Taa.111,"' • lh• {\f udc'• awodau~, 1$ rid1lla la.Jalll • • IDOH l't1•k: numbt.r rffOrdt.d by 111111 To• _y Od>or• e•• .. Windows Of • • ~l• llloH• I ror De«o. OIIMT ic-. •-" acaln. TIie BBC Ll1d11 : : M"HIIOII• disc ('0Ytrap so far ue PrOCT"ammc'• " ROIIIMl.alboac" Rfles • • .. 8o• dtul Girts Ot VN:ao.a,"' Is ...,.1. _,_. d ie emnlkr • .t Its • • e,.,., Pondttlli~s -«>wt o. Tht sl•uat11re, ••-«• ••• dl'4C nftilio• s : : P ro~I" lad C, P•yne·• .. S prlna h fft a ftd on tllt Contlnt ftt now • • Twhc.." • u mber 22. • : * • * To• y • • Mt E•allolo 1,,,101 l o : • ANOTflER ma.tber of tlte tlae: IJ1d c.,,.,11,a V11:ltnl e llat • • A.btrbatlll ltd hu provWe:d r~dtd • •ot•I nl'$lo•• So far • : me widl • Yaricd Rft-dlon of ,op ao YOUI di:k f.- • nllable over : • di,n o• " hlcll he I$ Ii.Ina ap lluc. • • p1-. N. R. • :-. ............................................... ~

FROM London Airporf last week-end flow Syd Shaw-­

American soaa,wr iter who wrote the lydca of lbc Johnny Malbis hit, " Mlsly.•• Re ltft btbliltl oonss for lop Brillsh neeonlinc artists lndudlnc Tony Ncwley and Clil( Richard, And look ,.llb blm the oplaioo 1ha1 much or Britain's talc.nt Is beJns wasced.

Shiaw w,as on bis way back to New Yort after a European tour wbicb had ei1c:cn him to Ita ly. Fran«. Spafo aod fitudJy His "tr-

dier on Briti~h iina.c-rs: -~ They need beucr Jong~••

And the ,oni• <My wont<d were NOT ~: ¥o'; T\1;7;n;;~u hJ put t.hcm into

.. In your couotry. as in America. the kid.s arc bcJlioninc to ,realise 1hat when lhcy '"buy an LP 1hcy ict tw~lvc 40oas inJtcnd of two.

•• And LPs: arc now scJUna. for lon,icr periods nt :l much hla.hcr price. So a sona for :an LP which has t1 longer life it not onl~ more important lh3n 3 hit s:inaJt-. 11·, d ifTcrc.nL

•· H Qff )'our trouble i.! th:tt you copy us too muc~ Your :ircjs1s and ~nawritcrs should 1r·y tQ lind 1.hcir own feet. When they do they will reolly be :able to inOucnce the Amc-rica.n markeL'·

Artists Chai Sh:tw would put his dollars on aoina arcat in Amcrie3 were: Tony Newlcy, "He's alnady

:Ots!:;!11~~ 1r:eucKi~tt l~~g1.b~1:[b~{ don't k'now why I'd back- them. I have n fcclini :tbou t it.

... One thlnJ a.bout 1hc majority of yo&Jr is th.1t they a ll w~ndctfut energy, but no one rc.11ly develops them to have a iound o( their own

·• In An\crie:1 1hc arlisl h:a, more

~t;:.ce i:c dr~~~1~/ c~rr:;;,.';iC:f o!i~ Che .studio• aod mach.irlt.l-, bui i i iJ 1hc artiit who b.11.s 1hc ta tent to sell record~ a,nd so no one wou1d ever d 3rc to tell Llo>d Priec. 5.'lm Cooke


~,::••,~• •hebrll~~:.: *

or Brook Ben.ton. ro_r example, how they should s1na their numbers.

•• Another advnnt:ig:e \\C ha\'c o l course. is that there are so fnnny writers and a that we act nia.ny :v~'; h~ir~~-~cnt sounds than You do

A.notlu!r Amufaa eye vl4'1" of "• British rttord scene was th_., ...

"ti':Ckna.:~.~w_:;~ "sb'::.e!!ih:11icidt

ar:c C'\'cn more record con.sciou• be<:lusc or a ll th e r,cord hops that we h"'vc. And at lhcse they always doncl".

•~ But ) 'OU don't seem Lo dnncc over here so much. We don·, Jwv,e 1..he son ot oc:.r riot )'Ou had at your recent Pop- Prom bec.:1Usc our k ids £Cl rid of their cneray by daocin,.

Mash Potato •• And we; h.:ivc svc-b a vnricty of

d>ncu. the Slop. rhc M nm Po tato ~~e n~·tl:;: the T wisL You don•C

" When som<ebody like Dasie play,

~v:!f :n<?f ~c ~~Ul~n.!0 yo~~

0~hi, t:.z Ba.ct home. ~Id Sbo.w. lhc bis: hcroq

~(p~~;;ic;_?3 ,Po1~c'o8~t.h~~:, s~~ when :an utist gc1s up to sin, onr kids don•t lake too much notice. u

,is.n't the tb:it counts. but t be

fg;*k~d;s ~ngi':fan~~~ '~t::c'~1'~k! their own enjoyment:•

This bia swin~ to dnncinf. thousbt Shaw. ¥.ould come to 1hu country. " It's !' pi1y;• s.aid •• bul you norm:tll,V seem to follow ~• ..

R. A.

Page 5: · No. 131 Week ending October 1, 1960 Every Thursday, price 6d, British -----tour --------------by JIMM y JONES Features on SIX Chris Barber I PAGES David Whitt


DISC, October 1, 1960 5

This .Neu, Sou,ad i s s i •••P!Y

CHAOTIC FOR th-e las t few months I h.:n ·e

b een playi.n c it cool. The time has come to sttand back and survey the scene at a dishmce. P rod ucina: n. pop mus ic s h ow week aftc::r week, you be i;:in not to sec the ,,..·ood for the trtts. S o I rc ti~d and la id i n stocks for a long,. h:ard w intrr.

T he hiberootion "ls much shor1c, th-:1n J expected. Suddenly it \to"3S all hal?pcning ag.3in. und 1 'WUS oo the tr:ul. A new slylc, 3 new sound. a nd ::ibovc ti.II n w hole new app rooc b to my qucs,L t o find a nd cr~atc excite­ment tbrou&h pop music appeared ond, at l'be same time. a trcmcndou:S opportunity co cxp,10it lhese idea,: prC"Sentcd it.sci( '\\ilea Lan)' !J.l'arocs asked me to produce his m:urunoth st:ige show.

it could mus ic by which But be the

1960 will be remembered

vers:.Lilc S?ifll s.ingor this side o ( t.he A tlantic.

Here. bcHin2 o ut the first Rock •n· TRd number. ·· S""''3in Kell~•; · MCSs Come.U iS still of Lee- but lhis Brend=-. nQ.t Peggy.

Tliis is a tough. W t-srern salc,on•bar

f:,~!,~J:":,7~~rr .. ;t,~,,:~1::;.R!~u·:Sf /;~y T f,~

tt3d of h.:r s-uccc:-ss in AUSti-ll':t, and told bcr a.bout tt. N:,; turally she '43J delighted- she h ad ~lway$ dug the D iggors a nd it W3J nice to know the fccl ina wu mt.r1ual.


Just a-wearyin' for you T his v.-as to be the cu,tcr·s Las t

Sl.3nd of Rock 'n' Ro ll. Instead it turned into the Orst exposure of something d iffc-r cn l.

l t"s impossible to describe in words what Wis New Look. New Listen is. You b.3,•c lo .sec a nd bc:tr j t to recog• nlsc it.

bac./.:in,: is a roar-up from begimu'ng lo end. A nd if you think I e:ragg~rnre L y ,i's ,·ersat/U1y. J,-,: tl,e oilier • i de -a 10101/y di.ierent ftlin C. si11xin1t a

T H E tee.naac public h cettin:a • tittle wa,y o r t ile appnr• _nct$ of

llf'Cub: whose cbi.m co top • b ill is • co uple of d..lKs ridin& hlah in dt•

@ COLUMBIA 45-08'514

..::::.:: ..

JERRY LORDAN Ring, write or call ® PARLOPHONE C!>-R4HS

• ...= ....

ANDY STEWART A Scottish soldier




Georgia on my mind liid H.M.V. CS-POPffl

l don't go much for labels. They restrict you too much. La.rry Puncs h :u decided to c::i.11 it Rock •n• Trad. Ccr.~oJy trod jazz. has had a n influence on the approach. And the rook part accounts for the b<at ­which .is a m ust for me in 3ny sort of pop nwsjc., Still it is no.t just n stt'3ight mixt u·rc of the 1wo-it docs not give on .;mprC:$Sion of the siz:c­• Od <¼><: ob3os of 4 rut. . Y es, lb:lt's i l-ch30:S. A jtJOrious Jumble. A tiotous and exube.rant An escape Crom rccimenta­t1on.


A LREADY n form of Rock ' n' Trad is o n, ;a disc by-of

all people-Lyn Clomell. This will be a big s ur,prisc c:o the people who think of th!s cool, silvN•bloD<fc Ver• nons Girl as o ~• of Peay Lee-type, but not to t~ w ho know her better and recognise in Ly n Co,-ncll the most


Only once C9 C A PITOL u..cL1s1st


Ja~k ,:~,?.'~fr! 1{J,~:·• ~~";;:;~r 1~~,;,,u;,~~f:,.; by masud srri11a-s. mandolln.s. harps, and swee,-,;nzinz choirz.

M ist:ikc me DOI. a ll will be h:lppcn­ ere l uua f ur M i~css Qn1M:U. Strangely cnou,s:h. r~tion h:ts w far come •to her from Austn.00 rattier th:an her homd3nd. H er lalcst disc. •· T QJor." sca-rcclv hc.1.rd of ovu here. ms. until quite rccenu,·. figurt"d in the oh.vt< D<>""' Uodor. n,;, 6h< discovered by oo a recent visit to Eun:,pe.

V isitin.:: L uxcmbo.urt. she c:aUcd o n Dari')' Alldis >nd the oon who hod

Good cbut_...,_ Too o(tu tbe-7 b.ave. bet'• d.l.uppofntcd.

When rt happens. it .is the result of sheer good tuck---ch:lt he: has iobt=-rited thcso q u ite ~ 111lcnU in equ-al me:uur-c_ Such :.rtists,-Cliff 11n d Lonnie t~ to mlod here-ore worth thctr wClght in l?Old 10 promo1cn­aod ob~r&c accordingly.

Out f~na one of these rare b ird1. l woukl Mvc aid th::it the promocen should now think more in lbc terms of .IIIUSt.s with lhc appear.met and 1hovm\2n1hi p 10 cntert::Lin.

Jcny Lee Lewis for :t s:tan would be a k: noc.k-ouL So woukl na.vin1 Ronnie H a.wk.Jo.t. \"\41oSc TV app,c:2..r 3nccs, a.b.1. pve no clue oC the d)'D3mi tc force oC. Lhis bov on tho s&a.a:o. Ot the British a.rtins. J ess Coontd is .in obvious cx:unple. Ott a c:r:~ 1 J~mDI«. oo pop ~rtis.t ooutd

Then t.hcre"s the great \Vee W illio Ha.nis. \Vee W illie d t.bc pop n.ic:htm:u~ H e stc.:als shows from b.ill­toppcn With monotonous rcplarrty. H e hJ.S C\.~O done i t ro CUtT-2nd th.:lt takes some doins, believe me.

Of ooursc. aJ fa.r ai Jess is ron• no one n:llly k~s the d raw. in& power ol his oomc, 41oc.e he h3.S nevct appe.l.rcd on Sl3.fC in Films, pbys and tc-levi$1'()0 have kep t him aoina """"CIII cnouah,. w ithout lryint: hi:t tuck OD the boordJ.

So it w ilJ be iotcrcsknR to see wh-at h:ippcm when hr c:ompercs and sioc;s in three Ted He.atb shows this romina monch.

Elvis copies I N the old dayz ~pl~ u.srd ro say

that ~forty Wilde copird Eh•i.J Pusl~y. Now they are .. tt·onderi"g i/ t lrt! boo t is not on tht! other foot. /,fatty htu had n ~I poodle ~1•er .tine• his ,rwrrlagc~ Now Efrls Is buying om~. Nn SJ'g11s of a marrln,1~ t o follow. tlu;mgl,.


Twlstin' U.S.A. .. TOP RANK JAR510

Page 6: · No. 131 Week ending October 1, 1960 Every Thursday, price 6d, British -----tour --------------by JIMM y JONES Features on SIX Chris Barber I PAGES David Whitt

6 DISC, Oclober 1, 1960

Those critics will eat their words

"EVEN If It takes me ten yean, r u make those chuaders eel their words ! " Mllklna this p ledge " 'IIS D:o,•ld Whllfie.ld, and the

"cha.radus " ln q uestion t h e uttJc:s w ho a:howere d more brickbats than bouq·ud s on his re.ttnt musical play debut in " Rose Marie."

" !l's not SC> moth be<ause of myself lbat I objed lo the.Ir attitude," he w ent on .. "' J t'a beause thty we:re so unfair to the rm of the cast u ,. ... , ...

says The critical coodcmn:stion b3s b:id

no advtrsc dl~t on the- fortunes of .. Rose Marie."" however. OrlJinally planned for six weeks at the V1c:toria P alace. it will have scored a four­month run when ii JC3vcs there to atart a provindit tour.

DAVID WHIT.FIELD ... B!!smeu b-:H ~c"n aoing up ~t the­

time. sta red Dav1d. .., n fai:t. if ~·e could h~ve go t another l .. ,nndon thc.atrc. 1·m sure we would have be-en act ror a tong &cuon:•

Public rcartioo quickly res:torcd the &how•• morale artcr the criticol ctining. H undreds or letters have poured in to David and the res& ot the c:ist from wcll•satis6Cd eustorncr1· pralsina their performances..

,c1:~r-:.1 t'r~f~~~Y. :?Jhb1:;~ 0!'1~ juJt said ·1anorc the critict-lhc ihow was ma.r\·cllous." It was ai~cd ·OJd A ac Pension«: He or s.tJc, h3d _probably s.-een the oria:inal producuoo. and had aonc 10 the trouble and ex~ o f seodina me a tclcaram to Jct me know what they thousht of our .effort. ThineJ like tbi1 mean more 1o me &han all the critics put togcthct. ••

Had he met any of 1hesc crlrics?

Wl1,o b ric libats

u,he n Jae naade l ai s •••u s i c al

play d e but in •.11ose Marie•

"'Ob. aurc. They come: round say• ina nice thinJs and ah:a.kin& you by cbe hand. O bviously trying to 6nd tbc ao(tesr pince to stick: the knife!'•

David said in the world of records as \\~II tOQ m:any people in authority were riaht out of touch wil.b the public. .. People who spend mo1t o f their lives. ,iltina: ot a desk. in an office m~kc arbitrary dcdsions witb­ou.t knowin,c all 1he f:acl.l or bothe:r• ing to find them ouL

:Take the case of a single. An arusr lravcl_s aU over lhe place. and is in direct contact with the public all the time. He or $.he knows dam wcU which out of two son&, is best suited l? be tbt: top s~c of the d isc. Yet hmc after time someone silting in an offic:e tu.rnJ it o ver jU$l b~usc they b:l_ppc.n to tbi.nt differently.'*

David's current d i,sc schedule foT ~ oca,; r~carsinp. ond record-1na 21 soop w1~n the nc~t rwo· montbJ. lnclu<kd' in arc a n EP or ··Rose .M'arie."• another LP to follow up his suc:ccssfot nlbu.m "My H earl A nd 1:• and a •Ingle.

''Things arc D bit hectic rc21ly, l like to rehtarsc my sOn-a,s thoroughly beCore ~oing into the recordin« studio. To add to the problem. the \Jl•ce

;!1j«=~~': t~"l~~~' fo°'m;'MO'; t flat."

Unlike many of bjs contemporaries. Ott.Yid ha., ne,•er mAde n mm. He', h:id,r-a1 Offers in 1he pail. incJud• ina one Crom Hollywood:. Amonast the offcrt was the 11art1ng role in "'Cry F.tom The Strccu::• but ~ wn, unoble to accept any of them oWina. to prior commitmc.nt.s.

British first v1~~~: !~; !~ri~'f !a~~uf~t1~afor'':; and. of COUt":JC. providin1t I hnd 1uffi­cicnt tJme to do .ft i,roperly. I'd t-ven h:ivc a s hot au a d ram:irk., non-sln,tint: pout. olthouab,.l'm no t puttin1t myse-1r 1n the Sinatra clan by any mcaM. l"d certainly do :i Bri1i,s.h film first to $CC. how ch1n&.1 went before t:akina u trip to Hollywood."~

M'c.:anwhit~ David i" fullv ()(!cur,icJ with "' Rose Marie:• which wlll prcveo1 him from undcrt11ldn3 nthc.r ~n,=:tJe• mcnta on TV" and r:adio for some 1imt-. At Chri.rtmu the show will bC' pl.ayina,. in Edinburgh.

He•, quitc content with tbi!i sUltc of '3fTairs •• be prdcn pc-rformina 10 a live audience.

'•People arc the 5o-ame all over tbc world. If• the personal touch th31

;~~n~y ~fr ~~~•,,~e~al~ninsc.:"fr~i,, you·re nor. thcy•re with you all rhc time. :md per-formina for thc:m is a real plc:uurr ."

Nig e l lluntnr 0 A V I D WHITFIELD ••• ,.,,. 10 .. IT S1opll-

:,~o~.!'; :~ b1: * "R- .Marie~ ••• Ille .. _ Ill• crldcs paan«d.

--IOllN BARRY (ri&hl) aoa t.b:rouc:h a numb er witb Adam Fahh In one : of bit fint rttord1n& senions undu hil new contract.. (DISC Pie) • : -------:

: : ---

'Gold Rusi,' for Greek number

--------= -------• THE "' Cold Disc .. b on • • • • thtre are ovu SO : pro~dors for the ftnl million • s:ellu of the tJOe dleme from the • Greek fUm .. Nevtr On Su nday." : Tbis l0$trum.t.n11t theme bu • captured the coad.nuat- ·vtralom • of tune an pourina out, : G rtt14 Fr«ncb, C umaa. Amttk:an, • I t.a.Ila.a • • • and now Eas.Usb . • On~ or oar cntn.ots (hb version = :aa~.-~i)cd ~n ~IK mf;!:,:usi:; • n.affltd Manutl and b.k .Music of

-nd.Jo and film performlaa r oyal• • dts o.a the df9erent vff'Aou. : Th:•t Lt n,oney. • . . . -

PYB R~cords, had arcat faith in : sttrco. 11111 young company •

set the cou.ntry 1:<ba1tcrina when • they inuc:d their first disc in tbi5 :


TEDDY. JOHNSON = thco::u~r·•.•:: 50 o r SO HCOrd•

• fop • rownd 1he wo1·ld., 13 are : t o be KlcaHd In Brila11t. ~1aauel • roncentrated on lush strln.p, third dimentional sound. But it • • and plut,tlq th e n:tcby plJrue. looked aJ i( they had backed lhc • • • Ue k:110,n thal h e wlU laa~e bia wrong horse. : : con1.pe11tJoa from the Amc·rlNn buibc 1~~b1i::C!id ~~~)~:~~ ~~l. l~ : : ~ ; n 0~~~ b".!.!; 1:f,~"6:::; •~:! seemed 1h01 stereo wa.s on ly a fad • : t ouc-.b. 1 ~:~_._the &immick-eonsciooa audio .. = =- Mone y Spinner Bui I 1b>1 will hearten •

the pionec.n. America l had lhc : = -~at11:.~ke - :o f_b:,: lb•a':°'!~,~~= s:u~~~c~t~0a!a~~}~J;;c~. :

• On .Su.aday • arrived at a mM1 Wilb only three p:aru o f lhc : : fo rtcuaste: time-. The 1t,ublk. ue.11-- sales yc:t( cone 1,432.179 slerco • • aa,c-q or tbe ohln n:c..ord tam. pla)' trS have s:old • •.• a 100 per • = •re ···~•NI ~ hlitrume,ua_1,. ee~~:i~~edrdv~t~n:.;~d;;d mono = : ~::•:"~on:" run ~t s:::»bv;: ::: pluycrs fare by comparison? Just • - ... and lbl• . . .. lb•m• b.. 438.Qll or Jess 1h30 • third or !be : : ~::~or:'~t A,!!!!t":o s:::~~ ~~n:! 1tcrco o:rput. • • : : ~~:.~!!~"1 Ume Them,•,•• aaJd 11. 6V ltt.uret o f the week goes 10 = : l\fanutl re:counttd tha t the ;:i h1~hnun::t~·n e~~1~,i~:c~'!!~~ • • orld,111 •tory o f "Ntl'tt Oa ltd.Cl a.s mus:ical director .•• this : • Sund-, ·• wu "TiUe_n by Joles meant thar his cooductina sessions • : D usln a n.d addc-d, _. bt " -,-,1e lite for Pye and Decca \\'trc no more. • : ~H-:..f~a~,.~lr:c,:a c~~~a~!:''1a:: h wu n lucrative dc11I for this = : ottbHtra On , ... sound••track • • • ~il:~~~~tI;J~~:~':~~"1:!m 'oia

8ck~ : : ~;::~:r hi~h:~: e ·u!.;b:;:.~~m:-: f~!'mc;ti~Z ~~dc~1~f c 't~l J~~ = • b in• 1«1 l\-1aoos H.adJldakll to brQ.ce o_r c-0mmiuions unde-r 1he: • : <-omoose 1h•" new rca1me. • • Tbb numbu 1.- aolnc lo ae.t tile He made two r~cord.1 th;u : : ~~:-1!!:•~u:~~!!,>'N'IJ:~~ Sunday. One as an artist. ,•other : • to • tortuoe.. !tJhb1~~\"!,;~d1.~s~a"rt~.rr11oa.ina : i 11:;~ dfK•tt ;~•i.{

1 •:frJ~:• ~! Both or his initial disc, h:tvc :

• can um •• mu<'b •• Ll.000 to ~rw!ikd i1,n;:., tl:un,:_op (hi'Ne:!lr; = • ! 11.000 •• • ••d .Mr. lladjidaJd1 7 tn,trumentoJ otTcrins) nnd •• Ho w : : I work,d It oul-111 oul<tan<e of About Th•I" (Adam Fnllh'• di,c) • • Pearr1 Goaft"lilo-t.la1t • • t!'ao make J\'1 a tian Cot the f u1ure • • : • : an,ua<I 150,0GO (rom Ille dilc, w•lch B:ury for hits, : .. ............................................... 91





• J-PSP 71CM 4S•PSP 7116 • S-.PSP 7109 Rckuc-Ocl. 17

Page 7: · No. 131 Week ending October 1, 1960 Every Thursday, price 6d, British -----tour --------------by JIMM y JONES Features on SIX Chris Barber I PAGES David Whitt

DISC, Oclober 1, 1960 7

t--~!;~!!!eoa~vr1·s0 ,..wedAdM1·ng~!\!!;~=E::::i~~~ I Unit looU as if it will tum out to ~.ntc rs, rhe Rcmineto!'•RCA cont<"~! l b e one of the bJ~,::cst even H olly- 1:'?'-' T o 8-: A H1t At School.

WO~ 1tas: yet ~en. Sammy L'i ~~1~r~d 1~~c{,51i!1.: ~lft: 3~/::::inh.i;i CLARK l n vitmg lus friends from a ll . ovtr successfu l ihc comp:i,ny :iirc thin{;ng -the S ta.tu, and those wh o can·t get of in1roducins; ii to England .1s v.--cll.

there und er thel! own steam " ·UJ b• t t? New a;:irl .sin~r o n Co lumbia wi1h h ave a plnne ticket laJd on at gg the unromonuc n;imc o f Leslie S:ammy's cxptnse. He I.I h o.pint I es ye U1t1tan .. hu m>dc wh3t might c>Sily that a ll t h e o ther m of be a smash hit disc of "Love ls Like u The Clan," D ean Ma.rttn, F rank A V ~olin," Everybody. has tried to set Sinatra and Pder Lawford wlll N • ~cs11c to cha.n ~c her . name, b ut she there to ad as attenda.n ts. ' . L:~d':~ui:'lx1 ~~'~:i~~ tiliee\3~

0 ~~~ Laurie Records have jus t _ sjgoed relea sed by your Ktn Oodd So may

New York: O i:ints· football star. by disc s1.ars under con1ract to other 1\fANTOVANl must be a very the best man-or n:imc-win:

~;:~;.~• b~::e~i~o ~{~~?i'?\1~~~= ~!!~:y:n:~~di'<!ar~!.bd~y s!!.~n, 01!~~ r:.~PI_r:!~•dr;-!:sft:r•::~ u~11 sr::':; Ji81J.I in Vermont," you wouJd ntvcr and Andre Jrcnn. J ohnny c're:en is ont•nlgbt stands all o.-tr the Statts CHARTING 1hiak: Roosevelt wciahcd 20 stoa·e responsible for a.It the buk.ings. :ind haH bun sold 111' tll in advance. His aOd w:i,1 o-.:cr 6 f t, 6 in·s. tall. He b3.s all these: stars play cameo roles in the new te.:ord. MSong \VUhouc End,•• •• a Very Sinatrn-isb voice. and I've no film. Rtttina a turific amouat of radio and do iibt will make the gals swoon.. Good novchy album just out by TV play. ao _much so. he wUJ Just

D on Costa called .. We Play - You have lo add lhl.t to hb proaramme.

SIGNING A NEW move 10 cash in on the

current popularity of comed)• a lb·ums has been made by Unjtcd Artis~ Records. They have .signc.d up

Sing-The Million Hits'' LP ft.atures An tmu.sual RCA Victor 3Jbum similat backing, 10 bit rccordinp. !-ere seems to be on Jts way to bccom-

~~u:crc ~~i~~;aJ!:gml:i~~)':o1~~ !;:,C:.~: }!~ !tt~Sl ~l~e~•i,~~•ersn ,1~~~ed i~js r~: complete wi th so n; shc.cts. of a ll EP features cxcJwivc aidc-s by The titles included. Browns. D dla R «u. Sam Cooke

G rC.3test- record o( the week is the and Nell Sedaka. It iJ being offered

I T'S nine yea rs since any artist bl 1 h .ad three tide s all o n d ifferen t

records in the nation's h it ~rade at one time. l..a\t w:as b>· Perr)' Como in 1951. Now it's been accomplished by lhnk Ba..11:a.rd on the King l.3bc l. Titles arc 'The Twist/' .. Fine<:r·

~ ~~pin~J~~:~·b ni~'~ ;~~!~~-l t'f:c~~ d3)'! 10 hi1 vc a double-Sided b1t, this is still qui1c :l f~L

a:i~~~2~i~h~f c:~~~ 'L:'ui;t::.~ ios~~

:::~~,,:;,~~ j{)tti~~~/Ar:.11: H e ,n.1 so imprHMd he told hi.t manacer, DEE ANTHON\ '. to 11,:n h im a t 01ttt. J o h.nay lh~n rut a de.. monstratioa record ,-:hicli b.u now woo Iii.In a Colun1bUI rttOr-dlns: ton• tr.act. llMf,:inc from •~ .ound of bit On• db:<" ... Gina .... Columbia and ·rony lta"e made no mistake..

T lrl' strong uac,ion 10 sin,r:n Rld .. y Scofl and his drbt11 r ecn rd, " D arling D,,rlin'," rrcrntly rrlt!asrd on a nl' •tt label. X ·Clusfrr R r co r d s. promplrd MG.\·f lo bid /or the uuuur. T l,e drat has n ow hrrn (uraliSl'd, so Jiu disc Is r:ow on M G /\1 . T ht! /um,>' 11,in.g is. h'""" Ricky audilionrd for 1/rir company a Jew 'M' l'rks b<Jorr, tlrry t umrd J,;n, down I

E~~ca~uilinnaS:d '~1~~fn ~o~e-~ write -'~cia.l material for a series ot LPs for previo usly unavailable taleot. ·nic ttlbum malcria.t bcoomes the property of lhe comic, who, in turn. }i:ivc.J the United Artists an option for :ll least two mo re albums .

new Sarah Vau&h11a on Roulette. , - - - --- -----------------•-•-•-•-•~-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-.. ------------ -t:!n si~~~ca~r. A:rhJ;;ics we~~

R.ouleuc R ecords release on Oct. l • &pecial two LP packa_ae ca.I.Jed "1'he Count Basie Story'' 10 honour or the areat B:.sie's twcoty•-6fth year a s :, blndle::idcr. Thi' terrine album i ncludc'I sc·vcr.1I new versions of o ld a asle s t:inda.rds. also biographical iuforin~tio n k.nd m.any new piclurc.J. It i,bo ulJ rean y prove :i winntt.

Co lpi~ Records will rclta~ tl1c sound-l'r11ck: album or Columbia. Pic­tures bi~ budact m ovie "Pepe." which · s:t.:ars C:anllnfla.s, a nd rcaturcs vocals

* SAMMV DA VIS willl bl1 wife• co - be, ?\fat Dr1n ..... Tbelr m•rru e look., like bcin11 Che bla . a ~ t H ollywoOd bu ever


r.·1itcht.ll ~ldt.7) ParriJh. Disc jockeys b:ive gone really mad over it, it's

bc~:e pla{.~~l~osuh~t~.~- ju~t been placcc.l in the .. Pla1jnum'• record

:~~~Y1~l R~~r!~;':~~:::·1~t~1~0 sell more 2S miUfon records s inc,c lhcy joined the comp:iny.


moment is toudng AuSLr-alia., h ad a nice cable Crom ~pitol Re­cords in Ho ll ywOOd saying that his

~b:'ui~~a~-~,;~~g;ei;r,u;:!':-u~osc," ts Buddy J\lorrls, OJ for KDAN radio

in California.. must be 1be fin t method DJ an;.iund-- hc al(Jio, a1I--Bd1ish ,·c­cords wearina. :1 Sborloek H.o1mcs ~ P. His most requested si at the moment i1 T o ny Newley.

p.m. PM

Smokes real smooth ...

Philip Morris

Known the w-orld over as


Page 8: · No. 131 Week ending October 1, 1960 Every Thursday, price 6d, British -----tour --------------by JIMM y JONES Features on SIX Chris Barber I PAGES David Whitt

• 8 DISC:, Oc1ober l, 1960

TRAD 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

JAZZ u1m1111111un11111111111um111111uuumu

NEWS 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111)

IT loob u • if J a-zuhows• Pft;HntaOon or AmuK"•n blun slna:ers and

ba.rrelllollR planisb wUI h••e • roug h p.asaae, durln,c 1.he nex.1 few m ondu. Sonny Tury a ad Brownie McChte Wt':re due io November. b at lllt ir re.e, double l~st yea.r's. ca.a.not be md,

~ t•~a!' ::h:el:Z:e::1:':. don't " The _p.lan was to replace the p:tir with Lightning Hopkins. Althou'b nca,otia•

:is~~:.!':. :m } :~·~!si~ bility at lbc moment StttnJ 10 be

!!fci~t E::~ani, a,o~~g~:f;r•j~~~ .-b ort of scns.a.tional.

One thioa is DEFfNITE : Roo.scvch Sykes will be b~re in J:inu.ary.

• • • T HERE have bcc.n cba.n,cl and

additions to p ublished 1tinenry of the Kenny Ball and SimJ/Wheeler concut lour. Walford and South::all arc ouL Kings Lynn b :u 1hc show on November s. Buxton on November J2. and Malvern on Novcrnbe.r 13. . . . SA.NOV 8110\VN'S Rltytl,m and

Blues Crou·p wUI aot now a ppn:r at Alex K« a er's R aftld B Club In Pu.lney oa Ot:tobu 30. l mtod, Benny Crna wUI take la an AU Star r,oup.

• • • W ini the loss o·r Jobnny Pickard

and Jimmy Slddmorc, Humphrey

~ft':~lo !',.~$, 1co~e of ~~bif~~Ot 1f!!: lie now has him.self doubling clarinet and trumpet, Tony Coe doublioa: alco aod cbrinct a.nd Joe Tcmperley trcblina­baritonc, tenor and eta.rind.

Humph u.ndert-a.kes a 7-day Scoltish tour on October 3. ii an LP on iu way. probably appcarin& in Dccem• bu.

Lawrence hououred T HE U.S. Army hA.s awarded the Commendation Medal tor meri tor ious service to vocalis t Steve La wrcnce. The ceremoo y took pl3cc recently in Wa,hin,:ton D.C.

The citation aaid: '"'By particlpatina in the wrilin&t direction aod ptodoc-tion of sevc..rrit wee.k.Jy radio proa:nammes. which were broadcast over a national network and beamed ovcrse11s. he maurially lnc-rellstd the morale or our ae.rvice personnel both here :ind abroad."' ______ _







T H E KEV TO LOVE , ~ . 1 r •. ,•/'••· 1" ,




SMI II ECO AO& L TO .. G.M I Hot.1 .. • 20 Menoh•e1•r Squ.,.6 • LOndon W1

Parnes beat package 1s

worth every .___-penny T HE VERN ONS GIRLS, 1' rock

Aln•e.n and • JS.piece Rock •a• Tn<I band. This I, tbe liDe•UP of 11,e .,.IUtfSt. ll)f),,,,..t. healitsl dlow H 'U fo tour t~is ~ •Ir>'• A n4 lut l\-ton4ay •• lite MetropoUta• , Loodon, im pre,,, sarfo Larry Pamu ftUtd the tlaeatn wit .. auntt, r.actory wrorken, fast, bUAaeu pcnonaUdQ' and the PJ'ta a:nd coofldtetly la•lfed fbtm to PHI Juda,nedl on " 'hie New N oise of

'"°·" the~:~ v:::i~~? p3~:~:1ha~ i:i:~r :: 1he show is w-11tcd. writes J OHN WELLS. Prod•cer h ck Good and his a.llOClnte. Ltslic Cooper, make the show fairly s.iv..le. alona.

With few exceptions Good ha$ manaacd to tum 1.he record s:r-an into srna:c ilttlns. But only the best-Joe Drown, Peter Wynne and Billy Fury-

~" ~!ch i~n~~~ly Ji~1!~n!:::l b:~~ improved even on their •· Wha.m f " d~ys.

Dates booked 03.IM so rar fbed for the show


~~~C::.•c1a K:i~= a':°tfr~O,t!.t;;:118f? M• n<lkld (Oct. I ): Ruaby (l) • A>l<Sbw-y <•j; D~rtrord (~) : Harrow (6): Toodnc (8 : W:i.hhamslow (9): Klnpi:on ti J) . S<xilh:sea Odcon 02); Edmonton Jt.e~1

8!~~:1<1i~h Pr'l:a°t:' ci1ui~AlT{ r:;.oo

No d.\tn haff bec-n accepted (or the •~Bina October 17. ~rt>, . (26) ~~fil~~,JO:~ 2AJ1 ... ~:,'1,-~== cl<ro (27): Ooumot11, C.rdilt (28): G••· monr. Cheltenham (29): Brb lol Colston r::~~~i~unt;:~::n":nt~~ ~:mo~1: Bounanoutb (4): Oaumoat, Ipswich (l):

~~~f 4~ttt. The Em ·re-. Uvcr .. POOi. Nowmbt:r f4 week, 1lf'ppooromc. M 1nchb t<.r. -------Saturday dates for Mark MARK WVITTER. who iJ toldna

dancina lessons from ··West Side Story'" kod d:inccr Rla,1, O' M:ua. bro.adcasti in the BBCs "'Saturday Club"' on October 8. appears in Angli11 TVs "'Come 10·• chow the same arrcr­noon, ind in the cvenin.a he t:ikct parl in lhc JHnmy J ones opcnina show a t the Oranad~. ea,, Ham.

·romorrow (Friday) M:ark ~rtorm.1 the Or,tning ec-remony (or a record shop 41 Sutton in A1hficld, 'NolUi.

A 1c.k-ct'°'1 of ma.tct ial from Prtu Sdlar._ 1v.o Pa<Sophone L.Ps bu been rdc.&$td by An~ i.n A.mcricl. Jn an album crtt1Lk'd .. , Tbc Bal Of Sctbn."•

More disc

It w2s a bia .,·t-tk at EM r s rttol'dina studios last wttk: for many or the _1op pop atan \l\' t re thttc to cut new dl..u. Arnone lhffll were (ltft) CLIFF RICHARD And The SH ADOWS, The A VONS (aoove). and The BEVERLEY SISTERS, -h l'J't .,;,h Norman Ne..,.·en and Croff Lo"e (DISC Pia). No tHlr-s are availule yet for C li:fl"s number, but The,: Avom rtt0J'ded w Four LiUI~ H eels•• and 6& nil Wu Me:ant To Be,. for Nlea1t nn O ctobe:r 7, w hile the Bev,;• 1onc, J'tcorded afltr midn.ia,bt by 1hc wa_y. wu ' 4 AU The Yur Round.'' a waltz. Also ai the staM la.ti \l\' ft-k wue Btrl \Vndon ("' Sony Robbie" and ,.. Easy Beat ,. for J'tlease oa O c:tobtr 14)t Toni Edc-n ( ... Will I E ver " and '" T he \Vaitinj: Came," a lso for nleue

on October 14) and Adam Faith and Jo hn Bany.


SINGER -Joni J am<'$ Is fo head a .,,,....iay t'hllrily campal&n n u t wttk In America call~, " Operation R, lndnr." This Is In aid of th• Pu,ple

Heart JJetM6t, which I• a scheme to enable American war vclt rana In boopl­lak all o .. r the world lo l!RDd Cbristm .. with their ramUlff.

J nni will llar in concerts entitled ·•100 Stdnas And Joni .. a1 the C&rncJie H all nen Friday and the following M~dio lb~~ati!":: ~~:013c'!.~ ~t~~~"•,1:0rdhcd caa~~=~ t b~~~~ bu, ines, cc.lcbritiCJ urging 10 s.ivc their svppOrt 10 .. Operation Reio• dcc:r ...

Stars lc.ndins: 1hcir assi.st3ncc ro the scheme inc-hide Sieve Allen, Mifl.l Gaynor. hnct Lci,h. D:inny Thomas. Cesar R omero. Tcnneuee Etnlc Ford and Mel Tormc.

Joni 3nd her hu$band, MD Tony Acquaviva, :ir~ planning :.no1her con­ttrt ac the Madison Squ1lrc Oardit:rl on Dec.ember 7 in aid of ttw: same charity.

Danny Williams is here SOlffH African iin&cr Danny wu ..

lfaQ\S it in Briluln aaain to rKOrd more ur1es for Norman Ne""~c)I at E Ml. There arc plans alJo for TV and 1t.1ae apprurnnc_es. _______ _

TIM 1\1"4.larb arc ..chcdulcd to appear a, 1he Nct..on lbUroom on OctobN' l I



PRESIDENT EISENHOWER bu 1l1.ned the Bill whh_..

sna1'es quiz•daaJoa aDd Pa101a­p• y rnt.11.1 f o DJs ro r ptuaai._ r~ rd.-. FC'4l'.ral o«u ,~e · la America.

tt:::~':.n -=~0.T:b1:1f!•~"f 1.:: a daJ' · ~

* ~


4 8 /l'tCA.•1 204 ... ,,.c.,.

NEVER ON SUNDAY ROSEMAR~ MARTY GOLD and his orchestra MANYA WONDl RAY MARTIN and his orchestra 4 5/RCA·

4 5 /RCA .. "12015




Page 9: · No. 131 Week ending October 1, 1960 Every Thursday, price 6d, British -----tour --------------by JIMM y JONES Features on SIX Chris Barber I PAGES David Whitt

'.ts o,a the

j Shadows' debut is Cole as bn this

dear LP! a success

:l\.TAT .. K ING" COLE'S ln~t nlbum 1 l for Qipltol cntilkd .. \Vild Is Love" iia "°ported to have cost SI00.000 to jJl:Oduce I t tcaturts music nnd l yrics IJ>ldallY wrillen by Ray Ruch and ~ Wayne. ond the arran1cmcn1.1

T HE S H ADO\VS, who5e recordin.g of •'Apnch ~•, h as o nly t h is wee k d rop~ from top position i n the char1.s, made their first varie ty

a ppn.nm c:e "'1thout CU.ff Ric.h.nrd when they opened at the Colston Hall,

N E Brisiol, on Sonday. NEW VALENTI E SINGL The bou,c wa. patktd and the aroup·s acr. which included a slap,lict corned~ rou1inc. won a grt-at reception. 6:f:nrn&Jd~kl arc in 1hc hands

tfat sing.t a dozen nt'W baJlad and 1 ~ numbers in c.he album. and lint.s I~ roacthcr wilh a romantic a1orY• 1 Ge.:: Thu• is a 24-paae booklet with ~ LP conu1inhtJ 1wc.lvc colour phoro ..

1 bftu c:aeh dcp1c.tin$t a different rnQod 1Q csicd by the son,:ts in lhe nlbum.

A NEW Ojck.ic V alentine sin.ale is bc:ioJt rdc:ucd by Pye tomorrow.

Titles arc .. Once Only Once .. and ~'A Fool Th11t I Am,•• and the, sc., .don was the first by Tony Hatch since he joined the Pye A and R staff a(1cr

:~:;~~• o~o&,!~· 1 J ?~~k!c fi~c~~~•~~b tour o( South Africa.




BSON ,AWAY -1100



4 8 r p m reoorda


S:l}~Jc a:~~s• v~rr~m~~du~"bc~o~h~~ went on. We'd worlccd out a. complete act, aiid there were so m:any cues. bcg.innina, . endings aod other thina.s 10 r<"mt"mbcc and ae1 r-iahL Fortunately C\'crythjng went fine, except for one or two minor poin1.s which_ we can brush up for future appcaraocc-s."

Sh!do!:di~i:;~ li~d~7ecJ slafos~:_k. v~i num~rs With Bruce Wckb takina l.bc 1 .. <1 •

.. h wns a lot different Crom wh:1 t we do be.nine! ClilI." said Tony.

On Sunday next they appc:.r at the De Montfort Hall, Lc-1«stc.r, on October 8 lhcy have a solo spot or thci.r own as we.II as accomp,aoyina Cliff a t Bex.hill., aod on October 23 they

ib~ \~~:~Yi.n ;~~crii::~e0~rd , how at

Singing comperes A NEW v~ricty .sc.rics., •• The Friday

Show." begins on BBC TV on Oc.tobcr 14. ·and each editi0n will be ~g~w;~~ by a dHfcrcnt ain&ioa per•

lntroducin• the first is Dennis .Loth, o.nd on the ball arc- 111c Kina Brothen. the Mike Snmmcs Sin&crs, and dancer& Sheila o·Ncill and Lionel Blair. Abo ~n,~0 to:~ !,nf0 r:::dba~~dfc.rac:~t Pttcr Ha i& 4 nd Derek Bond.

Future, include Lita Roz.a. The Beverley Sisrcrs, Roonic Hilton, Anne Shelton a nd Eve Boswc-U.

Ford venture E MI LE FORD bas l>unchcd oul iolo

the A ttnd R f.cld. He supervised n. rc-ccnt se.u ion for Triumph Ce.11.turina .his prol~&~·, Jimmy Justice. whose a.roup WC're one of the many entrant& for tbi1

~,;: h~~S::to ~~rt!.rth~~0i~~o ~:~~

of the buline:ss and supervise some of hi.s own sessions for Pye.

In the meantime., he it .seckina, a pianist for hi1 own a:roup. the Check.• males. .

u I w-a.nt someone ug to rbc aac or :~d wt~ ;!~ rt1~c:;'st~r~f. ~mi·r! -~~: DISC. •• Fte must h11~ a aood memory for pl:ino p.aru, too."

Faijh gets ·panto part A DAM FAITH is to app,ar in hi•

Rrst p:mtomlmc: this Christ.mas.

~e: ,h!ll ~:bi!J~n•· {?~~~~hit~~•~~~ time neither hi.s put nor his cue had been ,fixed. The show opens on Dttcmbc.r 24.

i>ISC, October 1, 1960 9

C L IFF R ICH ARO a nd m a ny .other p op sears hon• b('t'n book ed 10 t,uff't . on a n ew Sa1urday c ~'tming Rad io Luxembourg sh ow called. •• Pa t

2 11 k Raymond"s Pa rty;• durins: October.

S Pa C age F•shion •nd beauty commcnwtor Pat Raymond 1s the bostt-H and thl.'.' pro• · w J;rammc givc-s show bu.sintss news and to tour est •~terview,, >nd fashion hints ;,nd bnuty hr,S.

V INCE TAYLOR. l•ncc Fortune. Kei th Kelly n.nd a newcomer callc-d

Scrcamjng Lord Sutch siar in a. new

Ji~t:,r:.~~two~~•:t~~~~ ln ~?cs~~: Co untry nc-}'t \Vcdn~day.

D:itcs and venues arc as follows: T he Flamingo. Rcdruth (October S). Town f--J all. T iver1on (6). Town l-btl. TorqQ3.y (7). Queens H all. Barns,apk (8). C.pi· to l. St Austell (9). Town Hall. Exeter (10).

o~dcas~~f,_!i~r1ro~u't;healta~o~~ and v.•as in1roduced to Tom Littlewood ar the 2 rs by Vince T aylor. His ,1aac cos.tumc.s include lcop2.l"dskin clothca. a bearskin jacket and buff::i lo horns worn foiidc a h:u.

Ncjlotiadons nre proceeding for dates: for the pac.kage n1 &soJdo cinema..s later in Oc_t_ob_,_,_. _ __ _

Mulligan on 'Jazz Club' T HB noc·s •~Jazz Club'' on the Lii:h1

Progr~mme st~rs the Mick MuU i• gan B;,,nd with Gcora-c Melly ~nd the Oic;k Katz Qu3r1cl. on October 13, and lhc Dill Jones Quintet. Dc-lmar and the Pat Smythe T rio oo Oc-1obcr 20.

~~~ ~ ll16117iAIE . *· ~ .. , r •• .. ~ .*·.

\ /c/1,i "····~···:'''~\·······•·.: .,,. .

\~ \ \ .• ~ ..-~

\ .. •:·~'(t.

rwisfMrJ ! WflD I i ........... . ........ : ~ .. ~ . . '-:_, • .

r~\00~---~\'t~~ \~ ' -, .. _ l i c.,y:c~•.bas l l . r'"'r• -. ; · ·· · · · •••··: ac""~. :.......... 11;.,Z'.i't,• -- ,........,..,..,

Guests 1:1\:ing p3rt in the S,("riet durin~ October includt Ronnie Carroll. Dkk Jordan~ Gary Marsh.all. Stc,•c Perry. K enn)' Lync:b. Edmund 14ockrid ge . JC'lan Regan. Bubara Lyon. Annelle. Ktnny Ba.11. M ar1inas .• Carmen Dragon. Shani W~JJis and Stcph1njc Voss..

'Ginger' debuts on HMV A CTOR•SINGE R John l.<yton -"' in 1he Biggie's: TV s.crit.s -will shortly make his dcbul on HM V \lo'lth "'Tht- Girl On The- Floor Above·• and .. In Love With M ary 0.''

He covered lhe con1rovcrsinl "Tell Launa I Love H er .. for Top Rant. but the of that b.bc:1 as nn indtocn­dent concern c:omplicated lhc and prospcch o f 1hc- disc.

TV season for Macbeth PYE sing:e:r 03vid ~tacbct.ti begins a

33•wc:ck season a.s the rc,1dcnl singing compc rc in Tyne Tcc, Tv·, .. Request Time" show tod3y (.Thursd3Y).

T omorrow Pye arc D~wid"s latcs1 rtt.ordinJ:. '"Pia1ail1 In P:t.ris/' wbkh was composed for him by ace son,twritcr Johnny \Vorth.

L • ,.,,,c., ... "II" • ·.:>-* ,..,,.,.,,,a,. ., ~--=- """"'"'"" ... C~AR1'fs1ijmn. ~lifiWAR~~ . rnM WMDM1Til~AN~ WM~MAH fAH~iN iiM


_...... _____ __, BRITISH MOVIETOHE ..._. •• 1. 11. ,.,., ,.u. HEWS ~!Cn~:~sa.!·~ .::-,-;,:-;.,.;;.-------' •, 1t~ C...U. I.M:, S. ... , .S .... 7.U.


Page 10: · No. 131 Week ending October 1, 1960 Every Thursday, price 6d, British -----tour --------------by JIMM y JONES Features on SIX Chris Barber I PAGES David Whitt

10 DISC, I. 1960

pages of POP, JAU, EP, LP and

EDDU; COCHRAN Lodd)'; Swu.tie Pie (L<>ndon HLG91%)

O NE or two Uat:t la

I "" L o n el y" slrJke

I sl ..... dy 1.o th• .,.,_..,. ll~u l• r ly ,.,. ta the l• te EclcNe Coch,..• sl•p tlla1 lte­wlaa llt cou ld die. t Bul Ibis i5 • baile.r \ll'bldt hd lhe. nutrlr of a bi& st:lte.r an Eddie put U O¥tr Ja

.JHp tones wit.b •OC-al croup • • d rhythm Mlttncl h im. Ca• noi ,e.e- it mlsa:ina the paHde.

•~ S,nrct"; Pie " h a q• icke:r. happlt.r r ocker wbk h • • d Codlra• in ao.od

!r.;:s rt~':;dc.r.:,•~snr:-.,~:= 1-::=c t h•~ oa~.

ED TOWl';SF.NO Stay Wldo Mei I Lou £ vtr')IIIIJl1

Abo111 You (Warocc Bros. WB21)

~~ .. ~=- unor~s::;

I Wltll M e" b Ml S l.rlap. Tow_...d • na alrt c.llohd llrike with fuJt powt r aH maiatala die I • t e r e I t -dtoul the rock·•·

• k U.4. TowaMtld. llavhoa s:wlldoe4

(roa C.pltol lo Wame:n. ollould liad 11'-lf with a - oe h lf ha- •llll llllr bo• for loll -tiolnL .:. tlo.ts n ot .,...,.. • &l"tld ..._,


·A-fan'tastic w·eek of hits

Seven could make charts

here but nobo_dy s lHp,s whiJe be ls si.a&in&. t.luit~• for- suttr

R me Uall"s on:hcstnl nrp plies l.he badr.Lna on coupJioc a nd the noise ror the: IJo is jtm ri&.hl. too. A s lower. tbumplnc ballad. •• I Love Everytbifta Aboul You;· .may flncl ltwlf with •, ..,,.ny fa.u as ltle upptt half.

DEL LA REESE At1J No·w; Thc.rc~., Nothinc Llke

A 'Boy CRCAJ204)

D£LLA-S . IHlhr-r l a ftg,1

I 11 .. air 1 0 aootbu very

po•mul but ballad. " AJMI Now.~ D • II• .dlould b)' ritr:ht.1 be • bi& seller On thu .Md e. of die waltt. And Dfh¥ ••• 1he: a aay h it tile Usu..

r m tJpp&o. t o act tbore wllh thll dilc anyway bttallQe die s 6:q b.u: mo·r• lli•• a. aood m dodr and 1)--ric .••

If bu • anancemeat whb i• olzzllaa >trlna 1-i<laa;. dlrtded by C lc:• a 0.1tt.

TIM SIP, " Thne'a Nothlna LIit• A Boy.- Iii much more aent&e:. Ht apln Della &Ives t.b•t fHHa:a of •~on.we

whkh IY so wtlcome to t.he ean. A ple~nt, re-laired. romanti<" ballad to complete a first-rate t"oupUaa

JOHNNY MATIJJS l\ly Lou For You: Ob Tbat FeeUna

(Footona H 267)

F ONTANA puttina

I thlt r,lea•• out io a

•ptd al colouttd caovtt w'hkb curies • .,ortralt of 1\1.atbU. Sb.o,ulcl h ~lp the dbe to n u . A11d that ls •ood bffause thls b ano4hu t\1•tbd ~ mu.11 " In m y book.

J ohnny takes the &lo.v, roman11c ballad . ., .. l\ty Lo,ve

For }tou,tt a nd rtmowe, fr om ft any suspldon of con~~no -pbonhtcH tha t mlahl --ao easl:, haYe o•t·t -supttd ttae. •idt. A rich .• a p9t:11line: -pfflonnan«, backt d by Glt nn Oner (aod wha.t • succe:ssful W«-k I Is (9.r chis musical d i.r t"dor). ,: •

u Ob That FetUna:," lf m ore of a .-wln&f'r. J ohna_)' tllides tbl& r om:a:nc-er

:,:._bl~!:~! •::.,e:,r;: :=:r~:i it' - M )' Love For You"' ; but••-•

J ORNNY KJDD R HII ... : Matk Of_ Lon

, (HMV l"OP 790)

L OOKS ,... If J ohnny

I Kidd and The Plratu

:are dertlntd fo r the Top T,, enl)' opln. Thi• llm~ tlltY-•e come up WI.Lil • •uy pot·uit 0 douh~1Jdcr.

" R .. llcu" Is "beinc tr•••ed u I.lie top h.atf of tbe coup­ling;. A b n te..r ffrlf tu by

J ohnny and pita r • player Tedily Wadmo..-e. U a com,akl•t thfthm wlrh a a;i:mple b'ric Id~. Dute: auU:ar sound 1.t 8nt•tate aJkl J ollnn, , should &nd hhl\R.lf scodna lo the Julcts..

" Maaic Of Lov• •• I• a Kidd• R o bleso& l) a le <'(H'IIS>Otriaio• and I t hink le ,.-lU pa.U pl~aty of t111tom, tuo . . Job.any•• close- ro mttna here l>YI t he beat lo lleny. Wal'llll up wllb • • b afllc rhyflu• • s J o'hnn:r aiWfl • • tr,.>' uaiallibllH. ,ptrfonna nct,.

001'1 COSTA Nenr On S YD<l&yJ Tbt Sound or

Lon. , (London HI., T 919Sl

D ON COSTA loaa b tta

I ciO!lt to loit-mald na on :::. ski:.:: _-_11:,_;·atbe n,~:

a:trvc.k 1old la Ame:rfl. Now I think he'U duplicate • a Americt1:• $ Uc«. by rucltlns tit• Brlllrlo 11,o, roo,...wld• 11'5- orclt~tral • er•

Alon of D a aew Dins ant:lody. " NeYtt On Sund-,·.'' •

k ~x'r:~'~::ii'f.1a.:'!"t:1!:r,.•::: chOIW .....,,,k 10 .... , h old .... :IIUt-e tloa. IEacllaatl,.. n oiw on • ,retty ·tvK.

Tliiere't • dtal or compt0rloa on tbk J«-m ._. Co,:t :a ·• aot tlt.e pu. tormanc-e edce In m}' oplnloa..


Tht: lyrk.s sound ~lr:&nge no"'• but EOO rE COCH RAN had a winnt,r with ~Lon<IY" (DISC Pk).

" '(ht: Sound Of Lo•e" ha-, a bua ­lna 11trla1 noise " 'fth t.ome chorus wor-k h• rasblon, t oo. A s1ead1 pa« a nea&. melody.

TO:\fMY STEE.LE R a ppy-Go-Luct y-Blues; (The Girl

W lrh "l"tu:) Luna; Black flair (Dc<:ca FI 1275)

I T HIS one • hould be even ht e.r than H \ Vhat A

Mouth •~or l\1r. Steele.. An4 0 01 an o ldfe thb rime ••• " lbppy-Go- Lucky- Blu• s " was wrlUr-n by Doc P omu:t, Wa lly Gold and Darid JIIII • M Ill lllle SUJJUls Ibis is • h•JtPY n.umbt:r • • • a dclia.h tfu l llnte b ouncer

• 'hkh T oinmy ch.a na. ln his m05t a· l:aihloo. I don•• set yo• k..eplna ii out of your 4 bt-a.d e·n a If you wanted to.

Tonimy•• ao1 • happy•eo-·lucky bucking or orch estra ch oru1 a nd " 'his Uina diistt:ltd by Barry R obln• son.

1•,11 &dtin,t more tha:n a UUle

:::Tl :.:,e••i.1!.':t"1:ubf:C~~•h::,n~~ 1111.,. Just now. Mo• llf. tbey'n, uue:rl,J' neeifleu a, In b (The Ci.rt Wllh Tbe) 'Lona Bio<!, Dair" I For ,:oodncu sake le:1'-1 _..,., a ltabil or Wlin1 son.1,1 by one 0dt- M anol.htt Inst.cad o( lbi:1 hl•bell' bt:ttai•l•

1"hb pardcuh,r brac:kettd numbtt ,~ • au r qukk.-monr 1ha 1 rompld t-.r the rovpli.-;1 mtlocllouty.


U:SLfE UCCAMS l.nhttit The \ 'Vin.di Lon b L I.kt A

VloUa (Philip< PB1 06l)****

E RNEST GOLD ond Al Stillman·,

Kn,!;~c 6~~~~ f~ •~1~a~c? very ronuntic b311.~d whlC'h Leslie Uspms sJngY \\hh h<"r uswl polish •nd •1>lomb.

G i:tJ chow, and the ~G J'°n.n Ossc.r orcbestr11 gl ... e the atir a anandiosc aCCompinlmcnt. N ot 3 son& which wtll cesi'1et "!It cmc,e. hue one lh'-1 could grow on vou.

Miu U1.Pm~· venion or Lon b Like A Vlolla i, loo l>lc lo do h<r •

s-rc::at deal of ~ comm-ctc.iaJJy

:::~h!u~bf~~e f'd~li~h~riG~n d!c~~~ pli,shcd perform:i.oce Crom a fine s in.gcr. Aod. ag<1in, :1 btdlh•catohina bocldoa by Osscr.

1,;UAQU ITO Nevff On Suaid.ay; Sona .Of Orpbtu.a

(Fo_nl:tOa J-1265)* * *

T H E Ch:aqUi:il:o orobest("Q wh,lP$ ioto thr: new film mC"[ody. Nenr 011

Sund•)', to oompcte with the m.;:ny strong versions we will be acttina~ And <his Brillsh·bom 1UT11ngemc,r,1>ly ca pturCS the triipp i-na tune. Opcos wkh ~ndel:ippina aod then

JANE MORGAN \Ve rearcl lhe pklu re o f J aae t\1or&•n us f(I ou ••~1 wee.k's " Da le."' W U k'ron. ly cape do·nffl •• bdq J aye P. :;\1oraan .

now$ alona with cboru., oh-abint behind the str:.,_1 and rhythm.

Sona or Orpb•u.•. from 1llc p;cturc •• Dl~c;:k- Or,,hc.u1 •• i1 a L11tin tl<"n1 which ,u:ts• 1his outJlt p.!t(cell)'. Well­controlled In ix:rrom1;ince u..od pro­duc{ion.

TH£ ~1'ATU£S lllue•V<Jnt: !(Hp Tlie H all LIJthl

B•ntl• 11 (Loodon l'-!1.,G91 92)***

A slow Jove baHad, Blue• Vel vtt is su,na to a d ~flfoa. elin-g.-cltol;

a«omp;rn,mcnt by 1 he S t:i.tuc.s. A male v~c.-il team Lhis with :a w:.rm, ca,y no;se.

N04hinJt terribly dls LinctJvc,,--,but worth a spin or two,

Scoond <kd. KHp T h e Hall Liatu Bumina. is 4 loud. forceful rocker with heavy mylhm bocking, This holf i~, di.stiocovc'ras girl chonu is brought in beNnd he Sblucs. Personally. I'd be ioc:Jiocd to concentrate on Lhia as the more con1:mc:rc1al h:alf.

J OH NNI E SPENCE Advcnt.urf'..S l o Panadln; Tht Balcony

(Porlophono R4696)****

J OH NNIE SPENCE d;rccts th< hla orcru:str.l throu&h a V't"ry

colou rful 1idc-Ad,\'tnturH In Para. dist. One of those bah•ts which- soun d cJc;act(y t1$ you cJ:PCCi tfley should ,ourl(I fr.,m tcod:na rh< Ll11<s.

A i;ood. dr.un:itic: noise from q;UilL\r and >trinas...(•-"-'"jutfna up rcmoto ~iJt:t ,. \<otfl l'bnt to. hear this one much more tMn one-., •

.A Sprnocc ofhtin:11 for 1Jtc rnrnovc-r. Tllo Balcony. Thi• i• • lush ,hutlkr wilh the 1trina Sttilion maain S0Uina

Page 11: · No. 131 Week ending October 1, 1960 Every Thursday, price 6d, British -----tour --------------by JIMM y JONES Features on SIX Chris Barber I PAGES David Whitt

DISC, October 1, 1960 11

EDDIE COCHRAN • JOHNNY KIDD • DON COSTA 111 the ,vork-and working well. Drc:uny melody lh~t could b:Lvc a Iona Hf<.

,ANICE HARPER Oaly Once; Love :\'1c Now, Love Me

Nev~r (Capitol CL ISIS9J****

J ANICE or th< crysr,1 clear ballad


1ne-lody :ire caught happily by the' girl llbo gel$ a comfortaby huge accome ~nj~~t~:~~:. a Glenn Osscr orches-

Love l\1e Now. Lo•e l\fe Ne.-er bu

'::~t:t~~~0 fo/~\~ Hrri!~:. Thi; ta p unchy ballad that may wr11 'have •ore cu.trent attraction than the upper lid1: of the coupling.

ANDY STEWART A Scottish Soldier; Tbe t\1vckin• o•

G<Onllt's Byre (Top Rank JARS12J***

't"OL.KSY material from North o' .I' Lbo Bord«. A ndy Sltcwaf:l will pleuc faos of this cype of number 11itJ1 ib is well-rounded voc3J on A !eoctlllli Soldlu (OrC'Cn H,lb of l'yrol). Th~ MioMcl Sammcs Sini«S 14d colour co the oroduetion.

The tr.idit.ion:il tune oo the flip 1li'itb word, ad:ipc:cd by W iUie K cm,p ii a q l);ck NortbwnbriQ.n d3nccr. Ths

=Y~:~~~ i 6.~s~~~u~ufnl't~~ Uppi ly anywhere in the north.

Tl:IE DEMENSIONS O.a The RJ>iobo,,-: N urscsv RhYDM

R « k ('l"op Ronk JAR SOSJ****

A MODERN :u:r.'lngcmen< of the /~mous TIie R.alr1bowt

aans by a mixed vocal ttam W!tth con!tdcrob-lo feeling: a.nd D<ll A little This come, out as a slow. liltt.og ·production .. well suna, to a 901id ba.~ground by nn orchc,ln, dircc<cd

I lrtJ;,':, ~:-probnblv never heard the bllod like tm.< before-bu, even lf rou. :1re ~cjud!'ced in favour of the

I ::-::t ·-· , _ .... _

Slick song could put Frankie back

the Parade • IR

FRANKffi LAINE s~vra. \Vomen; And Dorsn•t She R oll

(Philips P81064)****

BRIGHT •nd e:lur S'fl'in,:ina: accompaniment from the Les Bro" ·n 0ttllts1H. a, Frankie s:n:aps i.nto "S«vr-n W o~n." A t liek SOQC that oogbt t o rue

la1o hef\y ._. 1.,._ Lainr0s Jost nothfna: o( his ability if this track is • fair nmple of hb cuJTfflt

-vocalis ing. Sone:•s novtl and mo,,es compulsi'n.ty. l\'lale c borus chant dtle behind Frankie. .

Hot,e t his n ib: (o r the one--llme paradc-r. Give h s p ins. Frankie 15 pa rt•a utbor of thr ftip sona ... And Doun•t Sh e Roll." H e a:ets

a wide-open alud.Jo noise for Ibis b and a b-addna by Frank D e Vol. ne - Sbc " wb o .. Ron, 0 Is Ullc whttl you pu~ your abou.lder to.

Nu.nery Rhy n1r R.oc.k Jacks the origina.Uty of the big side. A routine ioct.~ W.C-b an idea lh3J: h:i.-s been worked over scvcm1 time, bc!Of'C now. Competent pcrfonnance.

JORNNV HORTON N orth To Ala,ka: Tbo M aD&loa You

Stoic (Philips P81062)**** ,

N ORTH TO ALASKA is the ,;.Jc sona from a new Twentieth

Ccntu-ry•Fox fitm. A dramatic story son• of rhe Oold Rush. it is oi.1,b1 up Johnny liort"on's oree.k.

Johnny b3 Ddlcs 14 vttv stnanlv aod it could de:vclo-p irtto a heary ,eJJcr for him. Male group behind him underlini:ng the casyily...c;nugbt melody.

TIie l\1• na:ion You Sl ole is one of

Horton•s own 00fflP0'$.ition.s.. Stt3dy little numbet' but lacking: lhc tffcctivc bi,c of lbc "'No,,r.h T o Alasb" pec­form-ance and production,

TIIE CALAXIES ne Bia TrlanaJ~; Ua1n Tbe Next

Timc (C.pi""1 Ct.151S8)***

T HE GALAXI ES-boy•_1tiTI group . ~ave a li$.hlly tripping melody

to $IOI as t~ bounce t:hroua'h The B•R Trian.a;le. Clever arran.ciOG l=ifts it out of I.he normal rut. S imple tune with n cootaa,ious quali1y. Has the feeling of revue material. but could become oom.merctaJ.

U ntil Tbe Next is a slow. au-rn.ctivc ba.ll:ad put across and with warmth.

* ro~:0!'.1!, t~·~: .~~~ AUSTIN T AYLOR

Pu:ffl Push; A H u rt Tha t•1 True (T<>o Ronk JAR5 11)***

BEA~nNG novelty from i\u.stin Toi ylor could ca1ch on. Tho

$1n,a« fronts a t ym.p and ~ome stict chorus as he sinas the son1;. The stde moves com.fonably aod should have a pince in the juke box~.

Nicely produced and simm~ ky coough to atrract aurotion.

A H r:a:rt Tlta1·, T -rue hns Taylor

suiidfng out smoothly in front o( tho girl chorus. Tu.nciuJ and infcct.ious.

HAL PA ICE Going B.ack To t\t )' H ome To~n;

Aftn H oun: Ulut:8 ( Mclodisc ISS3)***

P ttu~:e~ ~~t ~~a~~halb~ :ra1 Paige. Coin& Back To ~ ly H orne Tot•fn is a bt;uy walker that should do itself some ,ood in juke circks.

The muzzy in.strumcotwl noise will htlp sales cons.idc;-abl y, with its sax hooting s~smodic-ally. •

Aftr:r I-lours Blues is a lnzl• l oUop---

~"n1nt~O;ib;;:~ichT:;~;in;31 ~c~3~~~ p:mimcn1 from Tb~ Wb:.1ers

nu INNOCENTS H on est 1 Do: .M v Baby H uU) Gullys

(Top Rank J ARSOSl**

T HE INNOCENTS h.wc • very s low nwnb« i.n H onea I D o :iod

they $oft·voic:e it to a s imple rhythm bad.iog. Frankly l couldn"t be-come interested io the side. Coctlpcten< but without the 5park which kcC'p'S mo

Jis-~1~'1iaby l lulJy GulJys is rather mo re lively-a beater could coUect pla)'$ io the juk.cs The vocal group chant in uniso n.

RAY MARTIN - :\IARTY GOLD . ~·~ g05~.o:-. T \\'O more occbutral trc31mtnlt of

the Nevc-r On Sunday theme ... this time for the price of one. On ona deck: Ray Martin dir«t.s an orchestra through a pleasant arr:Ln&cmcnt or lhc numbc-r. m:i.kin,:: use of a whooping violin idea~ Uric :.\Od 1unc(ul

The treatment by Marty Gold and his orc.he.s:rra which comes up on the revcrk i" cut more to the pattern 1,l)'kd by O oa Costa. chorus and all

DAVID MACBETH P ictail-s I n P ari.s : Blue Blut Blut:

/ Pye N1529 1)****

A VERY good song Crom Johnny \ Vorth which Da vid ~focbc-th

sing:s JO warmly il°s evidtnt bc"t (Continu~d on nut PD$d

Me and my Shadows

16 dynamic newlitles by

Cliff Richard

Page 12: · No. 131 Week ending October 1, 1960 Every Thursday, price 6d, British -----tour --------------by JIMM y JONES Features on SIX Chris Barber I PAGES David Whitt

12 DISC, Od ob.r 1, 1960

Disc »~te These

Co ntinue d from p re v io us p age

Vogue NIW aaus•s


I.Alt IWI IOIL"C:-f'Y UU11I 0UA.rr'la'

FELIX 51.A TKCN C.OaduCU F• nlasdc P tte.Ublon

I C~t A Kick Out Of You: A Strln.Jt 0/ Pr11rl.t: Tit~ llopl'>' 1/obo; I Lo~~ Port•: Aut,,nut I,, N~w York: Blliu In Th~ Nt1ht: A prlJ Ir• Parl, ; On A Slo w lkx,t To Chlna: Opu~ I : Blue Tonio :

c.ra,·Cll't ; N l1h1 TraJit. (London HA-0 lli9) ****

T HE only Lh1na I ttgnt about th11 l.P is the fact that I didn•,

rccch·e a ,tcreophonic vc.rsioo. fll waacr th-at h 1ound1 cvc-n more tur,erb in that form of r«ording,.

Mr. Sbtkin h~ recruited the cream

~ ":n~C:" r,~ui:n fol~:.; ~~ •::n•,;m::-~ t;mAn~~•t':! Philbannoruc.

But it is no pure journey lnlo ,:Jmmick•ridden 1ound that ~·c hur. Thi.a is a 1ti11:hly enlcrbinina record


~}Ls~~:~r sontt1 hllve bu:n ptbcrcd for the 1rn1rncn1. And I'll by odd• th~t youc ears ,.,II the trtll jwt a, much u mjnc..

PEARL BAILEY ~ fore Sonat For Ac1·u11:~ Only

W,stpo,I: Thn·,•1 A IJ11t, Bil 0/ /Jnd In £rMy Cood I.J11J, Cirli, Conf,11/0111:

[!~., c;:~t f:,~f~~, Si~,~,; ~":,,,:!:f,~.~ Papa; Nobody' , At,; T h•

&pt; S ltow ,.,., Lo, ~. (Columbia llSX l:M7l****

O N the ~C'r'"e it SUtCI tbal ) OU h3vm•, r~:aU'( Ken Pea.Tl Badey

unUJ you ha,c w1tnt:1k'd be:r in action in a ni.iht c.lub. Tiun ;, vu-y. ve.ry rruc, bu1 )'Ou can 11i1t a,c-1 :1 Jo:.d of cnJoymc-nt our or 1hi111 album as tolcnt such as thii ju.11 an·, hdp but ahinc: throuah even on a r«ord.

M it..t. Bailey anni tably COfflC'l acroH btttcr .,hen a.he h~t 1he risht lypc Ii:•$ audience h;> play tu. but ... ~ b also a JueblY accompJuhcd record

au; sonat have ;u11 the riahl ••~Y touch put over wub t winkle in the c)'c known 10 well to her admfrtrs throua.hout the world. 1t·1 4 buuty.

ED MUNDO R OS OR CIJESTRA o-ci.. .. 1c11,-.....

C,11,.,. Lin, Sott1: Tobi: llr•:JI:

!/:" o~:,o 8Y1f1~ /,;:,~~ gz•&.""C':. ~ " "" Pao Cha Cha CM: r- Q11luo DIJ/Sltt •• m .. ,,.,, M uir~; Co~ba,,": RIO llrtUII; La ltforrna h« M F Cop/a ; 2'" M , ,1-':tft:,.: 9-:!J':r':'"ciw, "~,::o c,!,. 11n

(Dccq LK •lHl* ***

A DELIGHTFUL sequence of pk­tuns dolled around the •ltt'\--e

1how the Ros (amily at home. but 1hc in,porunt thina b the mulic: and thar I• rlaht up 10 the usu,1 Ro• 1t.ndard .

two are made for stardom


* s. Pllu ·a~LE{:0m

l.A~isdi:~~fo~ coJ{:d•i~1 of;;!"~'ft be- bu)'ina ,, in tbc-ir hundttds-nay tbousandJ..

"Rumb~.., paio dobla. cha chat and~ or COUrft'. that Old Edmundo Rm (.avouritc. the umba., arc (orming a profo.tion ot mu.ticat colour u aup­pllc.d by the mA1tcr o f pop1,1lt1r Latin musi(:.


O..., More WIO. FttU..ll Ontt ,_,or, W ith Fulln1: Sttwm'1

~';:'"t:J;i,, f 0 /'"ff rtt:O:. s;1:Jp,:/,';::' ~';


W• C o t Us w,_. G ot U,: Sidr By !iid,: No 7 .,..u Propt~: Darn II Oaby Tho,.s Lo'r«: Flaurr,: Thfs Could Be Tit~ Starl 0/ Som,,lring: I RnnrmMr It U'f.'II: Baby

Ifs Cold Ouuldr: T••o Lost Soub: Harmony: Chn•J,,. To CJ,,e.k. (HMV CLP1371)*****

W H AT a b~p p y and ta l • nled h •·osorne we h••• here. Bo lh S te • • Lawr ence aud E)'d lt Conni ure d estined to b ecomt the tt:Dlly lot,

lntenwtlonal _..,, o f the fututt, J\l r•ady they hav• bOlh CarYtd a ltro .. and hulthy nkh• ror thtmsd•es In th• world of •nl•rlalnm•nt.

They are both In d emand for the top J\m•ric-an TV shows .... altho u&h thdr po pularity ilr only JU5t be&fnnlns to take hold In t i, .. cou.nt.ry. it won't be Iona bd'ott there Is a n eq ually stronc call from • ror ptrsonal a p11t• rantts..

There la no d nainnt lc Impact with Chis album , JI l• dn1ply an4 slncer• ly p•rfom•ed In a ,tylc certain to w in wide approval

A U 1 wlsb (or 1.$ t ha t we la.ave n,ore and mOf'e.1 •nd more, LP, fro• thk te•m or Cr om e.hht r or t hem lndl"ldually. They a re a.h111ys wtl C'OIIM on my tum.ta.bit.

T/wr, Gori Br : That OTd BltKk 1'1a,1c: ~,:::r:or:;.;,kr-'-r;,._.f 0::J,~,:~ltmE•·~i 6111,,/111 T o S,_, Th• Utht.

(Columbia 33SX 1249)***** A NOTKER flve•s~nc-r (or my

whik ':;:~:.: ~o~~d~~!=." WbJ The re·uon is simple. When t sp0nrd lhc a.Ame Billy Mllf on the I expctlcd it to be a b1~ cwinain,11 album and I caacrly played 11. Lnow-mj? h o w ~cu M r. ·•a'" on h:i.ndlc u.n ur,ten1Po sona.

tlo>AC\et. it wu a Matlitd sc:, I hard wi&h a (cw ,cen&le s•in&c.n in. cludC'd .. This set me bad a httlc. hv& one,, I sot !Ml 1llshlly d1-upl)Oinwl fe:ehnt o ut o( mf t) ue:m I 1ittcnrd 10 the ulbum aaain- 3nd apin. !\nd oaain.

h rcall)• conq~rtd me in the e-n41 and It wiU do the ,amc for You w'-r.ou hear that rich, creamy voiet- p o u.,. na Crom your

TleP C r e at.-11t J a zz Catalogue in the JJ'orld . NIW HLIASIS NIW aB.IASIS

VOCIJC co,-nM. OIIAllY LA& Ul.M LAC lllll CltCAT I.AD ffA...-OA1t05. TUC CIL - To.Mo••°" •• nut (>Ut'ffU)"f ..

SANDY NECSON TKC 1'E .. M"U.DC OF ON"'IIC'fflt ~-=~ .. ,_ ~~ ...... tv.A.NS oaCKUTIIA ~""ih tM ~ -: Tn,1.t IMldc-:

F..,. lirila: OW ~ UttJ,, OJd -...: ~~ . ._.w::~:Zt~ PlaytTtta 8-1

Tr,n Sr:,/; Jlr/,. Aroflnd (l'llrt~ I •1'1 :J~,. ! "D/4,,t~~,,.~,,, ,,,w'lf/: .• ,.::,;;~ M ind •M lfnM; C:O.,paubft.o o...,_·, .,-_ci, lllov4; ... I It .._._ ota_...,, Clwnl ol dM w-o..t; '1'11,e,-,.. Re)okln1: IUJI Loualo«.. T1,1r11 round: Endln.1.

LU tun .. TH& TRUTH n utS M•CANN TUO ~ fi.•~'Ns t!.IU THRO • • . - ~un MOU oaUNI ON nu. 90NN'Y

Y•ltUllhNi: l 'U NIIMft'lkr A pri:I• ,_.. • • aaOwN. s. MAl"f1'.C ..... -..k: A uw. f fo, God l eo., ~~ ,=:· .. ~ ;~~--!...,...: ~ YN&. -· 1141"11. - u,ttS, ~ ~,:,-U-.~ ~Uft'l be loff: M.-dc ... · ""·' -.~; , ... ~r!:.;'b=-~ra..-:..::. a. a ......_ ... o:-..'lC ~ T1- M,......,-W. aa O'I-«; I ""'

coon n ~tlR J A72. LAS nUJ c:cr.,rru,(PORARY

LAC 111.,M a fifl t:N[ O .SCA stlJ t lR.UIOUSt; f' I\ ~ PL U.S 'TI't' O


• - ZOOY .c:AMU ~ • ~Situ A rAa rv

Litt l hav• • pa,t11. Al I.Ml ftteffllft' • ball: tlONNV • Ou.t,"'i~ .. THC COSTEii • Auuon up ~ , o-cn:oat; .M.tnY lne:•-: ~ r .. eo1: l nYl&.atloll to .. POllA• Y Lf'AOl!U You •tw: ....,. ••IWl41M: Wlt«ft ..a.. .... inu ea

. 1 .. ·«now~: 1.,_., . .... ~ «:'!t :''~ QI"-~~-= ,..~re~•: ~~ -:t-:= 4ar.J = M ._.,J'(!Opl,taw~IMMIN!

- ,. ---r. a..., -::-::r--= ... ~ • -. v-; ,~.,. & • _. ~·&21-=· =.--,>,,.~:, ~ :' &f: ......, ....... .... ~~....!" .. ~.-- Ncit,o,ify"a A•......_,.. ,oa IR1LL DCTAIU o, AU. 1U'W &ltl..CAIU O:'11 LP. &P A....-0 aM:'LU &a T HC cu• aa-.T bSUI& OW IUCOU Plldl, A YA.II.Al.I.& P• OM YOVII D&AL&• ,NOW. PaJCIK IL MOSTIU.Y.

VOCUE IECOR8S LTD., 113-115 RIHAM ROAD, LONDON, S.W.3. : Telephone: Kni,titsbrfdge 4256-7-8

A /~J.·~,: Los/ Dreu1111: I'm W u/k/11•: IJoom Chit'.ka IJIHJm: Party TJmtt. •

(London H"· P 2260)* * * I THINK I gin u rdy n1imatc tbac

tvuyone \l;ho rnfJ.1 thi..t p:aae i..t an anutcur drummer-1.c. knUe and Corl: ,.i,lder on bo11k, a"' ala11n. r te.

Wrll, there: nrc quire :a few PC:opt,, who have tuffled 1hJ1 inlo a very

~~~!°nb~! o~~o~e/!~~"i,u;s~uo"f th~~dy This bd hllS built a aroup aro...,.

hi, drum t_ir v. tuch apecialiscs in play. Ina the kind o ( music th.II ltt­rttOrd bu)"t:tl love and that a lot of odultt IC'CrdJy admire. bu1 ""ouldo"l dare admit it.

Grca1 for your jive i,;arty thb. and ir I 'm p3.nint your house when you happen 10 be pl"yina h d on·c be •--­r,tiW:d if you find wilh • • r'Ura •ucst hclpina ) ' OU rotl &be ar~L

Page 13: · No. 131 Week ending October 1, 1960 Every Thursday, price 6d, British -----tour --------------by JIMM y JONES Features on SIX Chris Barber I PAGES David Whitt

YOU MUST HEAR DISC, October I, 1960 13

SOPHIE She's a true artist 1n

every sense of the word EP OF THE MONTH

SOPHIE TUCKER Vllamlns, H o nno n ts nnd PIiis

Ifs N ~w•r Tnn '°'': v;,umins. Hormon,s A 11d Pi lb. ln/Jibltfou Pupo:

Tlwl Crrt,m, Du.U,r~ss. (Mercury ZEPIOOSI)* * * **

FIVE , tars to the t\'trgree.11, aa:•l<SS. - La.. Of T h, R•d

Kot M ommas." Mbs Sophie l'llcker. I ltre she charms h er '4"AY .,_ah four i:ood material n wn­.... ID htr bes! tnodlllon and wiM .,. appro,al • ~ hadn,: p ro,idNI .. £P or the M onth.

J have heard 1ha t M iss Tucker • ·UI s:oon b e wilh us apln for some -.,cannee:s ln Loodoo, and lf t h.UI ~ I ura:c )OU lo 1r,• to raccb her ~rfonnan«. You will - a tnrc a rtist In every .,...., of .._ word.

With th e !M,ltable ~ . S loaplro ac dae piano. a id~ by an ore-, Mi. Tu4'ker romps Mr ..-ay 11,rouah th~ rou ,-,1100 In ,.•ondu­fal oQ'k-

TONY BRENT 0 11 S••a•

I l'o,,r,d /lrart J,110 A S m 111: l'ou'll ,\rra .Xno.,,,,: Lrt's Foll In Lo,,: B ut

Sor For ,.,,. (Columbia SEO 8019)****

A N c:<ccllcnt co llcc1it1n from T ony Brtnt. Ahho u&h h l.i phrasin• and

-h.niquc may no, be in ,be Sioaua

* TON \' BR ENT puts hi• 'M hole bH:rt lDtO kle

b1nc KL

clan by quilt :t way, he puts hi1 Whole h eart into 1hls set. as tbc first title P)'1, t.od comu up with a highly cntuta1nanx perform.a~.

Nice b ackm&S, 100, from the E ric: J upp Orchc-stn.

JOE R EIS MAN ORCH ESTRA WaltzJna Thro• Amnk a

T ,n,r,uu Walt.;.; Do111m In The Volt,y : /Jroim/ul Ohio: T~ M iuourl W alt:,.

(Columbia SEG 8020)***

A VE R V soothina 1tcord this and h 1houtd p rove to hove Jo ts o f'

ulr-s Gppul a s it always a ltrona <kma.nd for ""--al1u"-

Tbc~ four in ~ rticular h a ,·c bC'cn huQ.c: btst•s.cllcrs in their t ime nnd ilill rc-maJn popul.3r favo urites around the v. orld.

The J oe touch dou no1hin; but impro,•c 1hc ,ong.s. \\'hat else is thtrc 10 say'/

SA1''TO A."-0 J OHN,, -Y S~ltool Day; Btu, M oon: T,ndul, :

Sim, c;,.1. CPart ophonc GEP 8806)* * *

I ENJOYED 1hi, ,-. osomc wh<n I uw them on an A mcricain TV

show. bu1 lhis record sec-m.1 10 be nuhcr ordin:.1,ry \luff to me. Ac-cotding to lhc skc\·c note the boys hQ,c proved big c.b::an , ucceues both here :t.nd in America. but l un·1 bonHlly reeall 1hcm cvcr achic~1n« an) lh1n,c outirandmg in o u.r Toi, T"'cn1v.

Their m u$iC is plca,pn1 enough ~t rc hue as I said. not very cxcitin2 :rn.cJ if they arc ca1e.nnc for 1odJ)'s rccord­~u)i na public 1hcy .-.-ill ha,c to 'Plft a httlc more ··guts·· into their diK1.


A n'-stry 1~·uC!~,,~'?'Jo1!:,.':!,~n Scandal · • E!.a,1"r &m-,~ : Paintnl R hythm. • (M<rcury ZEP 10084)****

P BTB Rl1OULO brina• • mod<rn • more delica te touch 10 four o f

rho~ vital S tan Kenton themes l'l.e a U Jo"~cd io much hut a bout ten or w )'e~c :a~Cmcs teem 10 m3turcd somcwh.u owr t he years but they arc slill the ones 1hc older folk came 10 r:vo:cd1fi\~J E~~:·s lccnaccr fan, br ing, more woodwind to play. replacing to a cu1ain exten t the powc:rfuJ and joyous. bra.s.s of 1hc Kenton en:. l-lo•evcr. R uauto·s mudc is p:u1 of lhe Kenton 11ory due lo 1beir r,3r·1ncrship in tho'e carlicr d:JiY!l and this s1i11 $h10c5 1brouah i,1cg,c new arr11ns.emcn1s.

Ch.arm from ••The La"-"1

: i,: ~--~~cSOR;~.:-1-rL~~ R USS CONWAY


tt!:~' M~~;;;-Af;!,":.i«~"ft~;:1m;'&t:~ 1, It I"'~ ':,':'',,~1:t-/r,:1..i,~d":"' DUI~;

(Columbia SEG 8022)**** '1~1 ~~yi~ag?;~; &'.f!c~~ .. ~~ictfi~~ b rouch1 him to our anf'nlio n i1 here ~~ rd ai:~in ,n an its atory. lbcl cd

~r. ~.:~ti a!J?;\r.r~i~~c!!~ e~~r~!~~! (or pub (avourilc1).

I shouldn't think th3 1 this one could mi-cs dc~p1h~ M r. Conw-:iy·s r.:ccnt dep.1r1urc from ha"int,t :at lea,, one d1'C' in lhc mp few rC'Cords.

Cxcdkn1 ,r )Our IJUCS 1al.":c }OU :along lhc p;uhs cu, out b) Run Con'A:iy and his happy piano.

D A vm ROS£ ORCHESTR \ rta, 11 O :n ld Rose

S,,,,,~nr,atw": TJ,, So..l. Sad RocUn1 l fori,; OM IA\•~: llollJay F or Sulngs.

( MGM•EP 729)*** *

L ONDON-BORN D avid Ro\C "cnt to Amc-nca. at an c:ad) a,c .lnd

became one o f that c-ountrt, lo p papul3r music H oUday For Strin~ h pc-rh:ip1 f'!nc or 1hc best."n liJthl orcht"nral pit"CC'\ t",t"r w n ncn and it is ine,,1ably included in 1hi, a_l bum.

ll o" -.evu. the rc.mllinJn.a: three- trar:l.t arc rquaJly cntc-rrainina altbou1,th n ot 10 •cH l..nown.


It i\llgll:'1!:~"N',.1;"t ~n~"!' t,, 1 /le G o<XI Old S11mnu-rt1m, ,• Srpf~mbrr /,a Th, R t:u~,: Lrt I, $,u, ._,; l..<t h .)110• ••

Ut It S#OW. 0 1GM-EP 7.X))• **

N OT the best R:.iy Ch:ulcs S inser~• d isc I 've ever h eard. bu1 11i1l

aood by any st:t.ndardt. The chonu ~na 1hroucb the sc:.uon, and as l ,... ,,tc 1his "'C' :a~ com1na to t he- t"nd or :1 ··•ood old summertime ... o r r,rac-1lc.illy n on-,tofl r::1in 10 1ha 1 partkuh\r titk d idn·1 really appeal to met

"'fbc other 1hrtt sane• we-re moto chc-c.rful. hov.t"\·cr. and I know \ou·u share my Ar,prov:tl o f them.

Nice. h:tippy..soundi na Huff from thl1 cxccllc:n1 aroup.

MODELHF-ll AMPUFIED'-SPEEDU:CORDPLAYDt LIGHT IN WEIGHT- LOW IN PRJCE. Wri.shin1 only 71b.-:--1altes 7', I0• or 12' record- (oi1hful rcprod!Ktion. -


10 gns. l•<I. P. To<

Ind. P. Ta--'

MODEL RC..U AM/VHF RADIOGRAM. POLISHED ELEGANCE IN POLYESTER The latest technique: in cabinet construction-Prc:Kn1cd in superb arain walnut vcncc:n-Fin.ished in,no,y, Mat ruistlna. scratch rni,1ina POL VESTER- Si.- va.1..-c three: wa,-cband AM,VHF radio-Four speed ,utomatic r«Qrd pla)V-8' hiah ftux loudspu~cr-Output 4 Wan,- £.. 1c:ns,o,n soc:kds (or lo.Hl.speaku and tape rccordc:r.

i.acvLL T\\1N-TRAO: TAPE RECORDER. AYR TABLE RADIO. Presented in Sapclc wen«rS with • heat and scnldi rc,i,ain1 POLYESr£a fini,.h-For u,c anywhere U\ your home­Spot on precili-0n 1unin1 for Iona and medium w1vcbandS:­Buit1 In fc.rrilc rod acrial- EA.tra ba.n response-Cat auuJ ,ocb1- S' hish l ux to..dspeala-Dinwmiom 91" • 61. • Ji', Wcighl indudins bautty Jib .. 6 ozs.

Tape Specd-.J!' ins. 'scc,-Reel Siz, SI ins.­Frcquc~y rc,ponse-60 < •- 10 Kc'1.-Wow and ftuuer-1otal 0.4' pe.r cen.1 R. M.S.-Amplilia ou1put~ Watu. - Loudtpeakcr- 7' • •· Hi1h fl titx - M iJtin,1 - Supc:rimposilKM'I - Moni1.or -Au1omatic Lod:in1 Device 10 prc:W"nl a«idenul cruina. Dirh<nsion-17' • 13' x 71 ·, with micTOphon(. mk-rophonc stand. utcn.Aon jack lead and one ISO fl. tttl or tape and cmpcy spool ALL BRmSR CONSTRIJCTION J


22 gn&. 16i g-ns.

/,rC'I, P. To.x

FIDELITY RADIO LIMITED 11-13 Blcchyndcn Street, London, W.ll .

Page 14: · No. 131 Week ending October 1, 1960 Every Thursday, price 6d, British -----tour --------------by JIMM y JONES Features on SIX Chris Barber I PAGES David Whitt

14 DISC, Odober 1, 1960

Tr~d 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

J~~~ lllll lllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllh


* Spotlight on


* Reviews on





uwe pl•T .. ,.._ pl ..... " &aY• CHRIS BARBER (DISC Pie)

But Chris still made it

I COULDN'T resist asldni: Chris Barber, If he ever thought back to tbe time he plJlyed In the band Jolnlly led by Rei: Rlgden and

m yself and <ailed the Original D lxlelanders, an off• hool from the Webb Dixlelanders and an attempt to bring bade Into jau the bru.,.y music of Uritain•s nrly tel'hal days'!, sh ine. "We had several rehearsals. but

.. [ often do·• he replied without it didn't q u.itc come -0ff. shame or rc·grct and then proceeded ··Afte r the Dixicl:mdcrs we formed to flabbergas t mo with names and .-. b :md wl lh two u-umpel~ nnd kept dates which 1 myself bad tong since the line-up for three years. The band forgotton ~(u.Jiclan.s. places and often recorded for Esquire and 'T'cmpo. In the actu3t date on \\-'b.ic.b cv, hnuar-y, 19B. I formed tt new group

ha~pencd. . R~~-~0o!i~.-o,~~c~:y/j~ &'!'d:~ M y first band w:is _the Doug :u the Monty SunJhine ScxtcL ..

Whitton_ J azz Band _ wb1ch Dou~ Then they heard that Ken Colyer formed 10 January. 194_9. We had Le wa.s c.omins back f.rom hi1 New Douabty on lru!"pel with D oua,,_;Tbi' Orlc:ln! prison Kolcnce And they on to Cy Laune. Then Alex " eve I thought •.. tbis'd be ill! The baod joined me for about three monlbs. went to Denmark and bana.!! the nt$l From October. 1949, _unttl Oec

O~rf!bcr thing they sec is a poster. advcrtisin&

Alex and I J?.laYed with the ngma ••Chris Ba rber•• Onnc River Ja.u;' Band:' . ..That re--opcoed old sore,

In 1949 Chris a:ot himklf mb:cd up and Ken left art« two weeks notice." with the Crane River Band, K en .. There was a lo / of argum~nt,"" Coly« Sonny M orri.s Monty Sun- said Chris. "but you can print this,

' • JVe were very happy ,,dth K~11•s New

In spite of tl,e faults, you MOSE ALU SON TRI O /, j~ M

Orleans trumpet lead .. • the bnt in the cow,try. It finally got to tha point when Ke11 ,aid he couldn't c-arry 011. lie wonted a diflertmJ

~iri.'':he :s:~1:0:~c a1::d. w5ow1,~e ,:j:_T?,PY · Not so long a(tcr Chris .suddenly

made it . • • with no ~immicks ••• wfth no bit records ••. wuh no (un.nv h~IJ or uniforms ••• w;ch no club o f bis own. It is n ~m:ukablc ment and one ,olcly due. l.o tho musica l values or the b:i.nd.

Som~body £ / 1 Taking My Plau ; aua 6'11 r• e 01re D on't f~ir;te'f..~?!)~~/~ Mor,. ., I, & ., .J ~' I N •Jhtc, of hb (:nl1r1.p, hi.a mon•

ncri.sms, his sameness. ooc can·, help Mose Allison. He awin~s Some jazz. h:as to e,i:cite immedi3.:cly~ =~:1~1:;a ut)~;:lt~h~:u~!~• .~u~: aome just male es aood back.around docs on Some1aocly t'!be •• TaldN rt 1, :~!~,y~f~ ~e~~2' ~~ .~t;e u~!tt~! Place he never 2cts or loses imaainc it a.i a hla,bly serio·1,q subject. the bcaL wfl.s:n"t rca.Uy rncaot to be sat and

New Orleans H is policV? .. Without maldnjt any

ru.u about it we pl.a)' a..s wc, rt is basically New Orleans. l har­monise and pl!ly every number =-.s Ii should $Ound to me. burf;~,b~~ua "::,,:~:n ~;e:o~P~~ tis·tcncd to.

----- --------- ---------------, .. "!1!~.J"pl~n~/~t ti.'ettp~:,i:\' ~

l know every b:a.r or nlt these records. I could bave reviewed th~c without beu-ioa them. (Somebody Will probably iniiit I have •.. but no matter.)· Tb:at w:is the imp.act Red Ernest Lorin• Niebob ha.d on us. Now there is 10 much beinJ issued that you couldn't bopc t o bear it all

GENE KRUPA "'l"m food of bcirta dramatic ....

Ute E llinaton was ... and 01iver. And those blues ... we play triplet blue:1 ... learnt a lot from Muddy Waters ••• and real &Jow tempos ••• they can be ph1ycd even in thi.s country ••• over in the Suucs we met ••• Oraham thou9,ht he'd t ry • •. "



~~:~t i~•i!fir:~~~ dOLivC:• ;r.:~~ ~~ the Lincoln Gardens in Chkaao. It dOd at Condon•• CJub in New York. and :it the Embers. aod the l\.f ctroPolc, and t"ve no d oubt it doc:, when Mose

&~•r doin11:':'ce;n~~ :;a:~~0da~e~ I thint that this would make e xcel•

lent'grourid music to :I.fl io1~m~te niaJ,1 club atmo, phcrc and I'd llke lo be ;.1round a t the time. For tho-ugh l thouaJ,t I wot fed up with Mose there •~ a fo l of tIDna.s about this intriauc me.

At that night club l think t"d stop most of what r wu d olna t o bear tblt..


llonolul"s:/:~f~WJ;';:"r!1/:::,: My Cal (Fontana TFE 17266\***

VOLUME TWO Ft.,, Purnl11: A/t~r You·v, Gon,; Som•

f;;;~,a~:" hfe''i7~fn.;:· O NE liket to feel that suaae$lion.s

put into print a t le:ast been by someone in authori1y. So ii it is with p]¢Uo.rc lha.1 l note that my commc.nts oq the lMt Nichols record 10 h.avc: been heeded by tho

:~r~n,t fhi~ict~r~ 1:C'!-~~ J,~c:fe:;: -_ocs to the 1ro·ublc or tcllin1 us which 1ldu arc by lhc Molen a nd wbieb by tbe Charleston Chasers.

Which I• only rlabt when you think the•c are t,eina issued ror tbe •ate of c,

Nearly all 1he' tncks brio• back memories of aomc. sort or the other. but truth to tell th ey haven"t worn •I.I that well It it'• Jatt you're aft<r. The Individual blab 1p0ts •r• •!I mu1lca I onc.1 and not necnsarily JU% onu. Lik~ the. lead itito Rc.d'a ehoru.1 on Boaolala; tbc amuina alto br,at by J immy D oney on Afttt Yo•'•• Co .. 1 the ob-u,~n~at jumpin,r up ind down by Miff Mole.'1 l rombonc on So•e

:;::d~tt[~~h:nv;q.• B~~J1!i2:f :: on. and so on.

Drum Boogie Dru't>,u!':f~! •~10.1:J'~so:~J!Blu~:~mp;

(HMV 7EG 859Sl**

N O up-a..od-c;oming drumme.r will want to be: withou1 this one, but

apart from that (all into this catceory t.he rcco·rd will not., I thlnk.

:;i~~.m~ ~f:,la~r!PP;_~lil Fg~o~:: known through prcviou.s • • • and I haste:a to add • •. bcucr rccord.t.

Even Anita O'Oay and R oy Eld• ridJtc wouldn"t persuade me to buy this. For all they do they mish1 just u wdl have stayed at h ome. EtdridJtc plan nothin.J that a doun or more a1udio mUl:ic11uu couldn*t bmve rumt:d

oul ~~al8',0:~~i~~~[· ofmost amll• teurilh comp;1rcd to her wonderful r;;rrormaoce in ''Jau. On A Summc.:r·,

it1~ now hAvinJl \\ipcd everybody cbe off', perhaps h's a.s well to mention the drum wort of the master.

It aoes withouc saying ib:u he per• formt brilli;mtly. One c.\n only listen in ;a.rn11zc.rocnt to the case whb whkh he does the incredible. thin.u. Unfortunitely he doesn'c always swina. And be too of1c.o soundJ heavy handed. Bue he c111:, cert:Llnly do them. And tor th:u a lone the rttord t o be in most drummers· c.olftctionL

c'b~,;ot:nthaeo~utJ:~!t So hard lo k eep Cbri.s•s father was a, statiJtician a nd

ChriJ studied m:nhs. He wa.s educated it :i Goldcrs G reen prtvatc school where hiJ mo1hcr was lhc h ead• misucss. Tben he went to Sl P:1urs. c t fbmmcl"5mitb. H e only (l'id ono rne:!'r:.~h~c

0~~:. left to work in ari

Whc'n he had raiitd bit exam, ror the second lime his parents aot hjn, intc, the Ouildb:ill Sc.boot or Music Tb1s was in ! 951. 21 After h.ii birth i_n Welwyn O:irdcn City on April 17.

[n Otte-mber, 19.59, he married 011Hie P!lltcrson. his sttond muriaae ''We don't intend to h ave children: Both OUiUc tnd I arc Ideally happy ptayln&, J:ln.lina and tourina. Dcside-1 world condltioni are not ;ood foe h:ivin4 children."

Cbns• ambitions aro lo stay in the r.:1~1v~~ hhc~: ~;;;dib~~l~~!4~o~~~~

dons 10 which he may tom £houtd ho cvt:r have lo Pvc up playin;:. Dul it•u be a Iona time yd.

SINGERS! Can you sing or would you like lo ? We are searching for genuine talent-no matter how raw-in order to promote 111 new Siar capable of acting 111s a showcase for our amazing new singing method. Full details including FREI! BOOK "Singing Secrets" for 6d. postage to Musical Methods and Productions, Oepl.8, 97 Charing Cross Rd., W.C.2

Page 15: · No. 131 Week ending October 1, 1960 Every Thursday, price 6d, British -----tour --------------by JIMM y JONES Features on SIX Chris Barber I PAGES David Whitt

Ora~da CinC'ma:

Pavilion :

Forum Cinema :

North Pitr

Opc:ra H ousc :

Pala~ Th~iUle : Qurrcns Thta trc :

G t:t nadn :

Grccn·s PJ.a)'howc :

WdJingtOD Pic:r :

G a ic1y a.iUroom:

0c Monlforl 11.tll :

C3\<etn: Empire Thc:ure:

E .. n .1 H .tm G:a.nada :

fiMbUI')' Park 1 M:.jciric &llroom: t H n m.mcrsndt.h

G o.u.mont: .H 11rrow

G ro n:td:.a Cintm.1 : K-llbuni G a umont

s1.-1c BalJroom: Lcwl~am Ottumont: Lc-wi.,ham lown ll11U: Pall'tu:Uum:

raft118c The T own: tr:~~~ 1>~1a~:;·:

O r1.1 nad~ Cinema :

WiJlltr Gardto.s:

Free T rade t bJI ·: J-'rcc T ndc Uall:

Town HaJI :

Ottt t12da Citt(ma :

Clvi.C f1111J:

"'C'C'k ff&lnnlnc Sunday, O<tolN-r 1

AYLESBUR Y J oe Brown. Billy F ury. Tommy llru(e, Yin« East-r, Duffy Po•u ~r. Nfl.soa K ttnt>. D K'k.Je Pridt>, Pttu Wy n.ll~ J ohn.ny ~nUe. Tbe Vlsc:0001-_s.. Ctora:ie FamC'. Da~ Joaew:, R rd P'riC'e, Dalt Shttrs. ~r ~~,;Tidrrtes.)~Y CoodC", Jimmy Nicol a .Gd

AYR Cl1de VaUC""T Ston1pus ( Moo .).

BAnr Cnla O ou1las. C ary MJII~ TIie Mudhtrk.~ The A,·o ns, A.Ian Frttma.n (Sun,).


~~!~t."v~a;:~ ~:~•:: • .:!,thK~:(\\I~~~~• Jau. Fht

BLACKl'OOL Bl"OC't: Forsyth. TN!dy 1obamn and P ~arl Can, Tl:uee Monarch,._ Plak,. aad P «irky (Sea.son). Tonvn.y S1ttl~9 Abml eos.n,, Eddie C•lnrl, Sid MUlward"!i N it,., Ii. (SU$On ). Harr, Stt<m1be, R uby M (Season). Ctor&e Formby. Toal Ualll. V•- (Sn.son),

C ARDIFF ~tu Bypa,·a (\ Vic.).

DARTFORD I J~ Bro .-·a pad.age (Wed.). Se-t ;\ylubury.

GLASGOW llumphrt")' Ly ltdro n B and (Fri. & Sat.).

CREAT ' 'AR,101m -1 Charlie O r.tkr, ~ Mudlarl.c9 Muio Ca.lpt (Sc-ason).

CRJMSBV Ad.C'r IJUk Band (Thurs.).


P;:nt~~:,d~ ~t::a:: e~!~!11P~-::f ~:::, •~:=~~~~

flf'::. I_., (~in .) .

LI VERPOOL c1, de: v.uc-,- S lo rn~n cSu.n.), 1':milt F ord i,nd Tbt Ch~dmi.:aln. Jimm,• l.lo , d. 8 nbby OnC'·oo And Tht Crui~~n, Norm:tn \ 1oucha.n tWk.J.

LO'.""OO N J immy Jo·n~s. M.ark \ V.> nt•r. O t:an Rftt•~• l\ Co.-. J o hnn.)' WJJtshlrt' ut1t.l The Trtbl-tfonH .. J utl R.l<ho1ood. tC.cany Ly Mh, Brook Br0:t. (Sa1.).

Mlchr.t•I C,o;,s (WcdJ.

MifH D:nh Qulnrt-t (Sat.). Su Birmingham.

J o-t' Dro,.•n pa d taae (Thurs.). Sec Aylt,bury.

M k b~•el Cox (Tues.). Mllit:t, D avl~ OuJatH (Sun.), Ste Birmrn~:lnl. ~~:,n,.!':!~~n:.!!Q)':!'.a~~~,;'.~;uR!';.n:,J J.S!?!;~ lludc., id:•, D N O"Conaor (Season),

i!~~!· KT:.w(S:!::!f.n). J nt Rro.-n patka&t tSnt.). S(e Aylcshury.

~b;':n. 'X::~!!t'~o .. ~~·~!:'!.i: St~:=~ ~~~~~- fltz• MAIDSTONE

Tt'-"'J' DNle (Fri.).

1\1.ALVER.N J ohnny D:u ,1..l'lor1h Ordu:stra (Sal.).

MANCflESTDl A t'k,u llilk Band (Su.n.). Joe 11,0"'·n p;acb1e (Fr{.) . Src: A)klbwy.

NEWCASTLE MUH ll1n l\ ()utnt~t (Fr-I.). S<c l\irmin&f,.tm .

READING Johnny O a1:11i:"' or1h Orcl1n'tra (f'ri.).

R UG BY Jot' Bro.-n pat:k:aae (Sun.). Ste Ayl-t.sbury.

WOLVERHA~ IPTON At·kf,, Rllk .band (Wed..).

Top I#/ . i Mp hi Jltitahz


H LT 9} 9 5 ..(01 _.;()(},Y 4.' 'I'" ' m o,d

DISC, October 1, 1960 15

... M!~~~ LP is just f;,~;;\"'¥/J;:;:;~!~/";:!1.,o·s;:;:: magn ,·, ,·cent (Jlin. Fon,una ~J FL S H>O)*****

P atso-.:SEI.: ~ l ilf'_C l>.ht.. w•ttt O rc.M3«ro1. arranged ::and conducted by Cil E,-aas - -

T H IS record contains some of Jhe most broodinJ?.1Y beam,fuJ. maJI­

nificcnt music I have ever beard. J t represents the most outstanding, achfcvement thus fnr by a ja,n musician and 3. jazz arra ngcr.<0mposcr in a hilltcrto basically forci.&n field.

The mulic h~s splendour. dignily and maje.sty-aod rc0ccl.$ ' a unique kind o f mebnchoJy which ,mac.ks of tbe ine,,itablc. True chu:1ctcristics o( the Spanish, authentica lly captured by Amcrican.s.

As on the earlier ••Milct Ahead ... and ··r orgy and Bess .. O:Lvis-Ev:ins America n Columbia coflabor:uions. the ori~inal a nd highly pcrsonnl Evans wall ot sound pc:rYadc:s the album. The writing is more colourful than e ver.

Take the way in which he has scored the opening work. J oaq uin R od ­rigo?5 Con<'terfo de Ar,.njuu (which insptrcd the cwo ro p roduce lh is

~:~l-ne~~d fl~:~k~~d ~he~,~~~~ it begins to build., \Varm1y~ mellowly

:inJ sadly. The climax is rc~chc-d and thc-n the wa,c of beauty slowly J c--sccnd:1.

· M iks ha$ never s.oundcd more mature or meaningful. Particubrly on CoOC.icrlo and. even more so. on Satllit .. probably bis most magnificent performance ever.

Generali)' as:socia tcd with a rcli­e.ious. ceremony, S:atla has M iles n1kin,: 1hc r0le of the $0l0 s:ingcr in a H oly \ Veck procession~ 1ne starl ncss or h is ani;u1~hc-d ecy here~ wi1h i1s



1: : t!Fi!~~1

This is true .. soul music"' in a world where tha t word is so very over• and often wrongly ustd.

Ev:rns composed the three works on aide 1'-'0. Pan Pi~r (v.ilh its eom pcl-

~~J-M)c~d'~ic br:~~I ~~.m~f ~"~s ( ~f~i~n~ o{ flamenco music very closcly alliC'd 10 the blue\) arc the only 1wo pieces with :an)' strik ingly obvious connc1.."tion

CLASSICS ~ Not for Alan Elliott=r reviewed by

purists, but ...

LISZT Mu.sic rr,om ... Son,: \\rh hou:e End "

(The. fi l n, t:,11~'1 vu 1he life or Fr;:inz Lint)

Playtd by Pia no and O rehes-tr.,;i of lla rry Sukn1a n

(London HA·G2262)****

I L IKED lhii record - a lo t of purist would no1. on principJe­

b ut if thc\C romant.k, scn1jmcnta l adapt:.tions of Liqr•• famous melodics

;~!tc~e:~tnt~ :t~pal~ .. r~ t~::l. areat

co ~~;~~s ~u~~/~0 ;:C:;r;~J~t ifa~fs'~ -a nd could. no doubt. be a fine soloisl in a more serious vein.

The orchestra fits in \'t>ry well and rcfr:dos from over-playing the "sugar .. in lhe score-:. good poinc i n ii$ favour.

•• ~n~0

~fil!o~tc~~~;! ~~ ri!t 1~:(s~1~

No1 only is it a first-r:tte" story. bu t t.hc nnmc and pcrfocmanc-es arc fine.

S METANA VllaYa ( from ""l\1• V")

Ne-w York Philb•rmo.alc Orc.hts.1ra Coadnd~d by Bruoo \ V•lttt.

( Ph ;Bp, A.BEJOJ,J)***

SM ETANA'S S)·mpbonic- poem. M a Vla.$t (My CouDU)'), ranks

hiab in any on;hcstral library. with Vlfava the particular f'nvourite.

This &S a aood. a.vcr.i.gc pcdormaocc --noc-bing rea lly spccjaJ, but rhcn :ig3in nothing re-ally poor. lt is a ~rcat sh:lmc. however, chat Pb iliP:S decided to put Lhjs out on t'A---O ,stde& o( scvcn-inoh E.P, bcc-:msc tt means that i.ncviUJble brc-nk while you change sides.

Bruno Walter aivcs a rather so~r iotcrprcu.tioo, but he, docs maoaac to confer 1om-c rea.l ma£:ic in the quiet p3$$:1JCS,

LEONARD PENNA RIO (piono) p laying

Prel ude in C Sh~rp !\1inor (Rach-

~~i~~f]~)~V~~;!l~ue~~ E"/t.!cu~:!}f R llu•I Fire U•nc• (de F•ll:I).

(Clpilol f-AP•Hl439)**

I SUPPOSS, 1cclmically, Peonarlo'1 pl-.ayina on chi, reco rd i.s pr:icd­

cally fauJtlcss. bul as Car a s t..bc po,e:Jry of mu.i.ic i.s c-onccrncd bis playing~ [1 meaningless. He i,s not helped by • poor rc41roduct ion ol the pl3no, bu t e,•co 'O he appears to ha..,c no fcclina. for the Cho pin and lilcrnlly thumps out the Ritual Fire Dance.

no~:ta!~!J t: :;~~~:l~d~~: ~fi~~ Mg»$ on the score-but piano-playing call, for somcthiog more. The mus.ic mu..'"t come from tbc soul ns well :-is from the fin~rs.

Pc~n;~j~•.si~1!yi~~~ee;~";tl~k 0~e ~

: ~~~;',h:SC>;:n~, •~t~h~,~;eb~rJ~•s


~ with "'h:it is generally as.sociatcd \\ ilb jua.,.

W hich brings ui to the ine,'11:ablc qucs11on: is it or isn't it jatt1 \Vcll, no. J gu ii i,n .. t . Though obviously. bccau~ of tbc presence of Miff, and Gi1 and the men con«mcd. 1hcrc is tb:11 essential ""(cc-ling;· whkh it would Jack i( interpreted by solely st.rai,1h1 q uire honest with yo\J. f don·, 1hink I could really care IC'u whether it is o r it·t. Because I find this r«ord :rn cnthralUng. completely s:uisf1tina emotiona l experience. There is so much love, it's frightcnini,.

But '-''helhcr you. the aver:1£,.c Mile& fan who only a.ssoci:ue, The Muter­mrnd with eonv-tntional rhy lhmic iazz. will 10 into simH3r ccst:a.cies. I wouldn't like to say. 11 depends upon

!I':n~~:=~p~ ir~~u~~i\~•,:rc:~:; and the heigh r of )'0Ur ideal in music.

If l'\'c- sounded a.t all Pompous in this review, pardon me. please. M a.ybc I ,:ot c:i.rflcd :i.wo.y in my cn1husiasm. but I ju~t liked it-a lot!

TONY H ALL rcvic,.·s th~ first~ver Britb:b oon• cut by M il-,s Davis on

the back page.

Go Lambtt.t:tll and be the SU:Y all~ catt di.& the m<l5L ••• it's l.hc coolt:R way to•~ aloaa to crazy jan clubs, cool cofftt ban or way--out Cf«'P1 divca.

Man t This is the world's s.rutnr tcOOt«, Like I m~

" ·hh t.hlt you rully ca,,cnh<p. Dig­

ttary, na.,- coJoun men and thoK rca1 coo1 llnr1~ G<-1 with It man for coo.I a.t Id. a m.ik.

Page 16: · No. 131 Week ending October 1, 1960 Every Thursday, price 6d, British -----tour --------------by JIMM y JONES Features on SIX Chris Barber I PAGES David Whitt

16 DISC, October I, 1960

Jl~MY JONES, who. arrives in Britain next week, is interviewed in New York by Frank Johnston

I'm determined to


be -a sUccess "THIS British t.our,," •id Jimmy J ones, "is probably lh,e m ost im ...

portant thin& tlull tuos luopP4'necl--10 m e. When It was first suggested that J should do it 1 was nry ni,rvous, but "1nrc then I've h eard of the success o f • Handy l\1an ' a nd t.he DISC.award for ' Good Timin' .' (the number was awanlt>d a SUver Disc for 150,000 British sales a (ew weeks ago) a nd the trip doesn't seem so fri&hleniog now.

"Miod you. I stilt shake a. lilll4j--wheDl. ,...-'----thty1p·'!,k oo(f afoucrd·,!'cinccan_ cnBtulr,el,:mdiffd°.r,e•nr~ m y li/e•lottg ambition.:·

.. l'1 ... J immy Jone.,• .siogtc, "'Ee-I, Ee• mined to go over really -,,wll ;ind 1 Oht:.' a.l)d .. llcbin•:· which bas just f~ goin,:r: to put :iU I've AOt Into been rele:..sed jn America, follow.s this show. • .., the $lYle set by "Handy Man., and

••A.tier all, I've had two $UCCCSSfu1 •4 Good Timin • .. _jus t a. rhythm

t~:· ~ ~l~~~d ~~v~-l~~i~~A~ aection b;u:king with a choral M I t E. S 0·1v I S m•dc for my<cl[ over there. Per• lnl\(Jl~gin'," Jimmy is itching for love. , ~ ; aonal appearances .should ertbancc He sings or o girl he secJ on the;, -a aOOd recordina. not detract from s~t and hopes that she won't pass

~i,Jt!:'c~'t :::~ ai:~·~;e !oe re;.~di~ him by.

, person.'' Party favourite R EAl •i1mmy Jon .... who I, due to arrive ln "Robe.rt Mer,~y did~ •rr•nacments WAS' G· ,•. ,•, ' Britain ne·xt week :a.nd opens nt tb.c for both side.s for me," nmmy pid, East Ham. on October 8, .. and l had a time makJng the iJ 3t prese,nt toudng California. rccordinp.''

Really Something The other side, ·• Ec-l-Ecc•I Ohl " is a ~J porody of that old school and !

-:rhis i, tcall.Y aoina to bc.somcthfn~/• Ch:ristmtu party favourite. ..Old ,. ~ be ,aiil be.fore .be tefc. ... J'Jl _ bq 1--facDonald Had A Farm.'' .. You 1111/T'a.r • •'46W ~ • lfllllT'a trave1lina. an o,•cr the Stlitc. S:in should recognise the tune,"' sajd ..., ...,✓....,<, ~ Francisco. Los An«etcs, and m .Any Jimmy, .... but tbe lyrics Some• r of the •m•ll~r to)"ns d

1oi!'!- Thon~• pJ'-:'oh•••rA<_!ilI,,uttlu'r·• •• far •• Jtm' m" D ISC critic TONY HA LL and ,ric,nd d o not aee eye to eye

ni.aht show, an rua,bt c uus. 1.s ... ..u ....,. ••-v M'I D i Q · let bl b t ~ • -G.-;]J b od for, for my l o~s is concerned arc definite and on the t es av s ~n w , c - opeoeo 1111 ,.._ .. .,._ :'u, o1 l':., .. !.r~P•e~/ o( eourse, "Mw_ .y•1.,1dero.rm1,·· cdJ iln' mY sa1'd,·' woo. Id be to - Btitlsb tour at Hammersmith on Saturday. ni&ht club entrrm.i.oir\S is ll much. · Tony i1a11: Fnnkly, I was quite ~---,-- · toucher auignmcnL" ....... go on singing and rec.ording. To prcporcd to be disappoiotcd. Ou.t it ihcar. Wei~ Jo mo h~ &0uoded u aoolll

Travelling. for Jimmy Jones. i.s an keen ~ lhc type of work r m doing was better (b.ln 1 bid ever ,hoped. J as on record. At ume.s, cttn belt«. =~~bt'n~r ~ r~~u;r e~i;~ t ~ ~;;· $t;le b~d~: -;;od"c~::d!d ~ lhou&bl M +les- was M Ak.VELLOU.'5~ ec;.;~:i· -:i°'do!?~~u);C! ':,, all. I

•1, means tb3t more• person.s 1tc1 to cause of t.h4i-sty1e. ~ i To me.. l~ra mallu of tast'· find /,fm m11t1, " tt'tlnner and more .ee me, and t hope. to Ukc- me. lt's .. . w.i.nt records like "Good Timin' ' I found it trrribly cold. How can he m efodlc 011 recorcfs-. In thi, flqh M • necesJ3r)' p:.trt ot an artist'• Ute and the: nome of Jimmy Jooes t'o c,xp«t to arous« any emotlon If he waJ oftni di#rordant. • l

t'~dr~."n! mPwotr•mo ::,h1e,_rev,.'!. mh,orles b~me synonymous does-u·, fry to make COfflOCI w(th _l,is To••• ... ,- ..... ~. you ca.o'tlud:g,., M !'I-

IU . . ...._ ft ,.,.. ~ •"Riaht now rm fairly ~ew in this field. di ? S I I ts t Gl'VE - ~ , · .li • ~•

wr do••• •••• my l>tt­~ • • I appq.ra.llCQ 10 be a dlap~amwa1.- ••-ys

l tnv~I the more f lik.e it, But t•m boP.ina th:u chances l.ike the ::m::;~~k 0//iJJ,,,~:1/;_tn °· . ~ co~citiiooo~ •~n<tarcltj e ia • ,. A .t soot1 a.t rm able to toke a ooo in C:1hfomia and England will h•'!"rdonyM: 9

11re,"°"'on&e ... ~~ drd-. y· Y

0uou L~~V.~ Ju~.~~ °o~ tho v~e!!c- i n~vi--

, ,aearlon. 1 sl,all be oQ on o trip show my fans everywherC tll:iit I'm - · • ........., ....... - Frie;,.: Perl,ops. Bui ,,;n J!:: aroimd rhe M•orld. ThtJt hos been capa.blc of ~chkvin,: auccc.u.- roughly the sort or music vou \\ould pletrl)' (gnore.d the aud(~nce.. H« JIMMY JONES.



Pry •t fo•- boldo-and tho, H I well. Co•~- • r-e die d• y1 ot sle11.,.­cail!I &ad qu.kk 5topt to k aul fl* ........ , .. •-d.

1',fe• le o• tile roacJ ate aow • t cosy re1Uunanta wldl aoup, eatrtt and all that Jan. latt tbe nme, Ufe •do tcdlo.. w'ltll d ally ......... ,ys ,...i,,a from 5f mllu l o JOO,

Tito _ ... ..-ord to d-'b• OM• • Jaltt lift I, Pf;llFORM,'NCE,


YOUR ditc ido l h.a.t c ome. to your tow•• ff.•'• 0 11 a ooe-alttltt

o&aod. Yo• alt aad -do, You .. ...._ "" • crazy llfe 1M mwt Ind!"

Cra:&:,r )'OU c:•11 It? Vota allo•W k .. w ,.hat 80H o• back ot dull s lap. happy m•klaa wtdrl $e bot .. WIie• )'OIi tlo, J'O. 811d lllft'e •H mart wJr.)'11 10 dnnibe llb life tlla11 bl& beaL Like dlllld INat.

You ,.._,.. aoc b ow Jt. but t"e r.t:al ra•eron-1UJlleNl• a lllt lul rHff•et o« •tlfflJ to ~ ,.., ........ •• ,.o_. Mat. D••• ........ lyl-trllfflled_mlt._ t,_ hll lldl ilate. Mtl11>e ~ or -.. Tl,af _. for lllo -.... .

n:: r.: ~-=..:r.:-... :t TRAVULING lo - ol ...,._

Ttwe. llto., do It la ev1t1 _,,..,.

riQy - .-.. ---- "' o .... -.--•­,i11e•1-..-.nn1 ......... _ .. •lcli - y- a • -• If >'" •- lo ldp. Aho, tloo7 11.,.

1-1< at II like .... A o•••nlaltl<r It Ille artiM'• daaace I<> •l•ll bll la- dloc. II ts aloA Illa cltan<e to ..-o-v• .. .._.., u a .. UYe~ .«.r"' formu.

He doq ••U to nm.t:mffl tlalJ. Dhce:rs of iof ttOH "Ito on ataae ..,,-o•e co p •Ofil m • y Rad the , • ., do• "t want t o kaoW about ~ record.I ••1 mon.

But ... 11 ... ppc-. tlll11 u,e perform-•- I .... I•_. t118lc:• U tocloy I.baa It •• a year •10. llue"s­"''-f . • • .,._otert la.ave. NallNd la die .... 1Z •°:'le,:' o .. blc _to.....,.oo• i....,.ry ....... ,fer tllt ra•. Y- -d a ~ G'allllllld Wi&k -'aame." ..., __

Wldl 10 -- •• Iii• ltlll. a• artist all...,, .. • 1' to ' •ow l,ow _ .... _, ........... _.lyal• -- JS _... lo do IO. AJ. ~ ................ .... --- ... .,._ Pffl- ... -t-....... -~ .,.- ........ It dnws fam; alh for dd< staa•

~.•th ~ didn't ,welt bo1/,e-,, to am,ou11ce tM 1a

11..,..._.__ till~s Q/ the 1u11u.

~ ._ ...._ ...._ • T on,-: So? I 1hink tiJmott cvc.ryou there b:id hc:trd Miles' records nt som•

DICK }~,; t:1 ofv~i11:!.:n:n~~lt~~~ waa ~

Friend : I still ihln.k it's takilfg a lol Jar grnntt!d. o estde1. he was playinl for h im.self. So much so~ that o/trtt

TATH M the ba11d dldu't know wl,a, wa., A ~~f,f~:;~v"'i;,.f oi~.z;f:,;c:~e11 Sonny

P~~~•b~•'k t'ro~• ~!~~- l:;~~• r.::; prodlK11on t o fit i• all U1e •~ts; and kttPs I.he: artisls on tb~ir IOU,

ThJrd o-....alaht wordt You•-.6. sot It: FANS ! Tlliey probably cau.te mon UdH any1hlna else In tbe blllineu. Bui t.lH)' •re also It.a blu.., bln,1.,.1

-Ya.. wlU do an)'thln& lo try ••d eo•tad thti, particular klo~ort of landln1 0 11 tbe lhealN roof by paradauto. Tlotlr •-oullt wlU ranae from • task force pt.utn:a C!OIN aN ro b~ witll d•e --•• door ... kee:pe, t o • t«n-.laa. .crean,. Ina mob th• e would out-.stam pede a •...i ol buffalo.

If you•·.-e be.a amid fan h,-s. t e.ria. be!it\'e me--lt edso! l 'f'e Sff• lta. e«r:cu ofte..--vla sud•

1::::.:• :-'.:'.i\ ~r-.!'1:1. b't.=~; Steel•; lea•lna a cln<ma ,..J_th Clllf Rldumt with th< h elp of o stro•• arm 1e1uad ot alt.ta wnstl•n; and ~ time 111 • drt.alaa room

priton" wit.II the Evuly Brolbus ADd; tilt.Ir road mau•er Lutc.r

F•!~IH 111t! lealon • • . Rkky Vataace. rm told. wa, oA • o• ~ n1.i.1..- rK<Dtl>' aod ••91 to ....... -1, AStnl, Tt waa ~-•lo­,-.oa. so lie aave 11111 ume. At CW., die a.lrt o_.,, w-Hf o• • =f. otrllre dll lle'd suq "T•II

TM• "tr• was die. time dt.rt.e kee.11

foU0tit't:d hid In the b oot uf the : artiSW" coadt-11u1d wenn•1 d i§. ccn•trff ,m tlae nut ,coa,, 110 miles OD.

Tb:1:u:.;:•1!!!' .. w:~ ::•,: :a•~~ Re rl Bioa'.I old aa.yln,t:, ""llle time t o wort)' U whtn


e:.':;0 •:~w,•--~ on tour

tllomandJr of ah1.-awa)' p oste:21frd pltotos. Tht:y aUo -.n-anae for the tour manaau t o c0Utt1. au.loitrapb boolca al en.ry ,ta1e door. and brln1 'em In f or ,;;lplna.

Some sf·an ao furtbtr and uu the doorke.t.p.t:r·• box to ob liae eaC;h "•ia:n." fan fa<"t•to.fac:• .

T o • u.m h 111 up: by lhc tbne you:, one..n11Jht ,or hu done hou:r:c on the ro~ r11ved Uke m• d oa 1ta.a:e and mff t•e oulavah«. or hl• a llfflft;t raas. be .. ••II>' ha• Ju.U m oq:h eaerat fefe to make. h bKk t0 the bo lt.I and Bop lnt.o Md.

Aad " • Ukta: to make. su re he affl '-'.t slc,tp,-for. you se.e, h~'• aot Jt 1U to ao thron.atl aaaln tbt nert dai,.

$ure we:'ll 'hC3r bim in more ooniis.tcn& rorm lo.ter in the t.our.

. Too loud? Frien4: To me. Jimmy Cob!, wtu

tO(I loud. nortic11Ja,.Jy at 1l,c beRill• 11ing, <mtl t:_ott could hardly l,,:ar th« piano "' all • • •

4J"on_y: Maybe1 Out Miles Hk:cs hia drummers loud •t tim... I thouchl ) immy w:u a linle ,,ar. even t~nso. What I hea rd of Wynton Kelly

!:,'J::i~~- exc5~~t~1b.~ ~:;~ul.Pa:i j! f:::h~} piatu1~i1~~Fb~= behind the solots1s w:u so varied and im~alniltivc. And b•winc wa5 Jun faou1stic.t

FrieJMI : Well, I'm lflll not con• vine¢.

ASi~J!~c'.!{,{fu a~l Titcj~!;'r!!! put up .\ trtmendous &how.

1:-rtencl : Without a doubt. So olun Brit/sit bonds can be a droll on thts~ 1our1. 8111, this time. I tl,Juk •••~ry• one 1horo1Jg/,/y enJo)•ed It.

cvr;;r:,;Jr.a-n;'ta:~;c~"!.~it~nnn.rm~ 1hcm in DISC. It'• by riu the mo.t s:itisfyina band we b11vo had IUl« The Jan CourieN:. "J'1ney hnvc suc.h a good Ccelfna. The rhythm •-ion it excellent and l llkc the \WY, they pllll their o,wg tunes and nos Just tbidS' La.kco o!f rcoorc:b.

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