Page 1: No one can do everything, but everyone can do something...Germany Environment week on RTL II Record donations for Spendenmarathon France The chef fights back on M6 Spain Antena 3 celebrates


Environment week on RTL II

Record donations for Spendenmarathon


The chef fights back on M6


Antena 3 celebrates 30 years of the constitution

No one can do everything, but everyone can do somethingA perfect headline for the first Green Day at RTL Group

week 48

27 November 2008

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No one can do everythbut everyone can do


COVER:Oliver Herrgesell (Head of the RTL Group “environMIND” team), Gerhard Zeiler (CEO, RTL Group) and Elmar Heggen (CFO, Head of Corporate Centre & Luxembourg Activities, RTL Group) at the “environMINDday”.

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“Be part of the solution”At RTL Group, we care about environmental protection.Germany - 20 November 2008

Thursday 25 November marked the launch ofthe environmental awareness day organised byRTL Group in Luxembourg. The theme for theday was ‘Be Part of the Solution’ and the aimwas to raise employees’ awareness about envi-ronmental challenges and encourage them totake action in the workplace and at home.

At 11:00, in front of more than 120 employees,RTL Group CEO Gerhard Zeiler took the floor inRTL Télé Lëtzebuerg’s main studio to welcomeemployees to the first “environMINDday” at theKirchberg site. He started with a sober remin-der of just how serious the situation is: “Ourplanet’s current situation is worrying.” In thesetimes of financial and economic crisis, somemight claim this is not the burning issue of theday. But Gerhard Zeiler clearly begs to differ.

Gerhard Zeiler then introduced the attendees tothe day’s agenda, a “perfect fit with our corpo-rate culture and our corporate ‘temperament’as an entertainment company”: film scree-nings, interactive workshops, exhibitions, a freebike check, the opportunity to test drive moreenvironmentally-friendly vehicles and an eco-friendly menu in the company restaurant.Furthermore Gerhard Zeiler also announced thelaunch of “environMIND”, a new green websiteon Backstage “to explore, learn and exchangeideas, experiences and best practices”.

Since RTL Group operates on the principles ofdecentralisation and delegation, it will not cen-trally issue orders on what must be done.Gerhard Zeiler made clear that each profit cen-

tre and each employee has to take responsibi-lity for managing its own environmental protec-tion efforts. “While we, as a company, certainlycan’t save the world or claim perfection, wecan make a firm commitment to the environ-ment at work and home: No one can do every-thing, but everyone can do something.Sustainable management is part of our way ofgiving back to society”, according to GerhardZeiler.

Next up was Oliver Herrgesell, Head of the RTLGroup “environMIND” team who gave a livelypresentation on “the power of consumers tochange the world”. There is no longer anydoubt whatsoever that what we are witnessingis climate destabilisation and that human acti-vities contribute to it. A large body of scientificresearch has proven it. Just one example:“Since 1990, we have had nine of the ten war-mest years in recorded history,” Herrgesellsaid. “It is also largely undisputed that our lifes-tyle is a key contributor to climate change.People are responsible for the rise of CO2 inthe atmosphere, first by burning fossil fuels,and secondly by cutting down forests.” Theonly thing we don’t know is how fast climatechange is moving and how far it will go.

Now that the problem has been raised, we haveto come up with possible solutions to regainour balance. Something needs to be done.“Can we really make a difference?” askedOliver Herrgesell, who promptly answered:“Yes, we can make a difference. We are theweather makers. We need to make up our

Gerhard Zeiler (CEO, RTL Group) introducing the “environMINDday”

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minds to solve the problem. And minds aremade up by individuals.” Herrgesell explainedthat it is all about personal commitment: “If wetruly believe in something, we will find anendless strength and the right arguments tospread the word and make things change asthe industry and politics always adopt toconsumer demand. Who would know that bet-ter than a broadcaster which adopts everyday?”

Oliver Herrgesell finished his speech by invitingall employees to adopt and embrace this initia-tive and by explaining the new “green” websi-te: “The new ‘environMIND’ section has beendesigned as a platform to facilitate informationsharing on environmental issues. Each indivi-dual decides what path is right for them – andhow they will follow it. This section containsuseful suggestions on how businesses andindividuals can contribute to a larger project. Atthe same time, people are invited to commenton each suggestion, thereby further improvingthem through ongoing discussion.”

Gerhard Zeiler also invited to visit and view thenew Backstage section: “We make no claim toperfection, as there is no one and only truthwhen it comes to environmental protection. Sowe are relying on dialogue as we invite allemployees to get actively involved.”

Employee testimonials

Frédérique LambertAssistant Treasury & Corporate Finance,CLT-UFA.“We have long been concerned about the envi-ronment in our department. We have adopteddaily habits, such as recycling used paper andplastic bottles, even back before pro-environ-ment campaigns were all the rage. In fact, theAssociation des Trésoriers (ATEL), chaired byour department head, François Masquelier, last

year acquired CO2 neutral status – evidence ofits efforts to keep its CO2 output to a minimum.So ‘environMINDday’ has a particular impacton us and gives us hope that other initiativeswill be implemented to limit the consumption ofelectricity, improve public transport and makegreater use of biodegradable materials in allareas. Long live ‘environMINDday!’.”

Pierre ReylandJournalist, RTL Radio Lëtzebuerg.“For me, environmental protection is a generalattitude and a philosophy of life. At its very coreis the following question: ‘How does my way oflife impact the environment?’ Of particularimportance to me is my own consumer beha-viour, i.e. what products do I consume and howdo I consume them, as well as a respectful atti-tude towards nature. The recent RTL Group ini-tiative to make employees aware of the issueby promoting specific behaviours, such asrecycling paper and cans, switching off lightsand computers, and consuming less energy onthe job are all measures I appreciate.”

Anne ZacharyAssistant Chief Information Officer, RTL Group.“I think RTL Group’s approach is very realistic.Devoting an entire day to the environmentsends a very strong signal. Now this initiativeneeds to be implemented through combinedaction at home and work. In the Corporate ITdepartment, we have been interested in GreenIT for some time now, but you have to go fur-ther than that and find green solutions, move


Frédérique Lambert

Pierre Reyland

Anne Zachary

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The new “environMINDday” team

The “environMIND” team is led by Oliver Herrgesell. It meets regularly and is passionateabout promoting environmental issues through concrete initiatives. The team is also buildinga network of eco-concerned people within RTL Group’s profit centres.

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towards virtualisation, change users’ habitsand review energy costs. A common line ofaction needs to be defined. It's about time!”

RTL Group’s Green Mission StatementSustainable management is part of our desireto pay back to society: At RTL Group, we care. RTL Group is committed to effectively combi-ning business success with responsible action

on environmental protection. We strive for theprudent use of natural resources in all our ope-rations and continual efforts to minimise ouradverse environmental impact, over and abovemere compliance with regulations. As a decen-tralised organisation, RTL Group also expectseach profit centre to take responsibility in thisarea.


From left to right:Tun van Rijswijck (COO, BCE), Marie-Magali Sarry (Issues Manager, RTL Group),

Caroline Chartier (HR Communications Officer, RTL Group), Oliver Herrgesell (Communications & Marketing, RTL Group),

François Masquelier (Senior VP Head of Treasury & Corporate Finance, RTL Group)

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Highlights of “environMINDday”

EARTHFive years in production. Forty cameramen filming in 200locations. Shot entirely in high definition. This is the ulti-mate portrait of our planet. A breathtaking story filmed instunning high-definition to create an unforgettable journeythrough the changing seasons and daily struggle for lifeacross our planet.

Think you’re a smart driver? Participants who took theeco-driving competition soon found out whether theywere an ‘eco hero’ or an ‘eco zero’. In the eco-drivingsimulator they saw how far they could get on just a ¼ litreof fuel. Winner is Samuel Dickes.

Bikes are great! They’re good for getting fit and good for the environment. Our very own DrBike was on hand to check brakes, pump tyres up to their recommended pressure, lube drychains and more.

Employees were invited to the environMIND booth, wherethey could take part in a quiz to win an electric PRIMApower bike worth €1,599. Winner is Joanna Wieczorek.

Employees could attend a 30-minute workshop to get answers to their questions about eco-homes and the relevant environmental building standards, the environmental impact of foodproduction and consumption, greener shopping choices, and greenhouse gas emissions. Thesessions were available in several languages.

Oliver Herrgesell and Samuel Dickes

Josée Klein, Joanna Wieczorek and Marie-Magaly Sarry from left to right

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Many exhibitors found their way to the Corporate Centre, presented their products and whatthese can do to help protecting the environment. Propoze (Prospective pollution zero), aLuxembourg based environmental engineering and consulting company, presented its elec-tric cars and bikes. BMW was also present with its most economical cars, like the MINI andthe BMW 1 Series, while Smart demonstrated what the Smart Fortwo is capable of. In addi-tion to that, public transport information services like “Mobilitéitszentral” and Véloh present-ed their alternatives to the car.

Furthermore, employees could get information concerning their garbage at the recyclinginformation services like the “Superdreckskëscht” and Valorlux. For home use, Elco wasoffering different air conditioning, heating and new ventilation systems as well as solarpanels – all eco friendly.

Naturata, which is an initiative of the Luxembourg organisation for biological farming,presented its fair-trade and biological products. Fairtrade-Minka was also there to informpeople what Fairtrade stands for: Products that have been produced without child labor – byadult farmers who are paid a living wage for their work.

Impressions from the “environMINDday”

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More than 70 million euros for a good causeAfter just 18 hours, the RTL Spendenmarathon had already exceeded last year’sdonations total of EUR 5.48 million. By the end of the telethon at 18:00 on 21 November, the Spendenmarathon had set a new all-time record.Germany - 24 November 2008

Overall, donations came to a record of EUR7,147,220 for the Spendenmarathon in 2008. In13 years of Spendenmarathon more than 70million euros were donated. “I am unbelievablyexcited about the sum total of donations.Thank you to all our viewers. Now we can pro-vide urgently needed help in Germany and allover the world,” said Anke Schäferkordt, CEOof RTL Television und Chair of “Stiftung RTL –Wir helfen Kindern e.V.”,(RTL Foundation – WeHelp Children), thanking all donors. “We reallydidn’t expect this,” said Wolfram Kons,Spendenmarathon presenter and RTL CharityDirector.

After the Spendenmarathon began at 18:00 on20 November, presenter Wolfram Kons not onlydidn’t sleep for 24 hours, he also welcomedmany celebrity guests to the telethon studio.This year’s event kicked off with patrons AnnieLennox, Franziska van Almsick, Inka Bause andBirgit Schrowange coming on the show andreporting on their children’s relief projects.

This large sum of donations will go to benefitvarious projects without deductions, andmakes this year’s RTL Spendenmarathon aresounding success.

Up to 10.3 million viewers watched onThursday evening, as for the second time acelebrity cracked the one-million-euro questionon the Wer wird Millionär? –Prominentenspecial (Who Wants to be aMillionaire? Celebrity Special). An average 8.8viewers watched the show, representing 31.0

percent of the market. In the 14 to 49 agegroup, 27.7 per cent of the viewers tuned in.Thomas Gottschalk was the last candidate totake his place in the chair. He first stalled onquestion 12 and played his first wild card toanswer it. The one-million-euro question wasabout a great writer: “Who was Franz Kafka'slast companion, whom he met in 1923, a yearbefore his death?” Previously, Franziska vanAlmsick, Inca Bause and the Jacob Sistersaccompanied by their poodles had played forgood causes. Together, the celebrities raisedEUR 1,314,000 for charity.


Anke Schäferkordt, CEO RTL Television and Wolfram Kons,Spendenmarathon presenter – RTL Chartity Director

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Farmers suitable asadvertising figureheadsHeinrich, Georg & Co. from the RTL show Bauer sucht Frau (The Farmer Wants a Wife) are suitable candidates for making celebrityendorsements.Germany - 21 November 2008

That’s what Media experts said in an articlepublished in the weekly magazine Werben &Verkaufen (Advertising & Selling – W & V).

“A new brand which wants to quickly put itsname on the map could harness the hypeabout these guys for its own purposes,” belie-ves Marc Sasserath, brand consultant andpartner at the Musiol Munzinger Sasserathagency. “But a prerequisite would be that thebrand would have to match the show’s self-irony and off-beat image.” He said a beveragebrand might be a possibility.

“The farmers – or at least some of them – havethe potential for advertising a lot of products,”agrees Gerhard Graf, media researcher andGGMedia CEO, in W & V, “most likely for hou-sehold goods articles.” But he added that adsfor anything having to do with building and DIYare also possible, such as for DIY markets.

Heinrich, 41, a shepherd featured in the series,released his first single on 21 November. TheSchäferlied passed down from his father is “anhomage to the simple life as shepherd,” writesthe EMI Music label. “I’m sure others can singbetter than I do. But apparently the peoplewant me and my shepherd’s song,” Heinrichtold the ddp newswire.

With an average 8.59 million viewers and a 27.4per cent share of the total audience market, the17 November episode of Bauer sucht Frauachieved the highest ratings since the start ofthe documentary soap in autumn 2005. Amongthe 14 to 49 age group, the sixth episode of theseason four achieved a market share of 28.5per cent.


Bauer sucht Frau

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Teamworx celebratespremiere of MogadischuThe UFA subsidiary has shot a movie about thehijacking of the Lufthansa aircraft “Landshut” in1977.Germany - 21 November 2008

When the curtain went down, the audience inthe movie auditorium of the CinestarFilmtheater on Potsdamer Platz in Berlin had tocollect itself for a few seconds before breakinginto applause. For 90 minutes, the premiereguests had watched spellbound, sufferingalong with the actors of fully knowing that whatthey were seeing on screen in Mogadischuactually happened some 30 years ago. OnWednesday evening, the UFA subsidiaryTeamworx presented its latest production atthe Sony Center: Mogadischu is the retelling ofthe hostage drama that unfolded in thehijacked Lufthansa aircraft “Landshut” in 1977.

Before entering the movie theatre, the stars,film crew and guests passed through the obli-gatory flurry of flashbulbs outside – though thistime the carpet was not the traditional deepred, but blue, the color of public broadcasterARD, which co-produced the movie. The eve-ning’s guests included celebrities such asactors Katja Flint and Til Schweiger, as well ascontemporary witnesses: surviving hostagessuch as co-pilot Jürgen Vietor, the commanderof the GSG 9 special unit Ulrich Wegener,and Monika Schumann, the wife of thekilled pilot.

Mogadischu begins like a documentary,with a historical briefing: in the mid-1970s, the second generation of theGerman terror group RAF joined forceswith the Popular Front for the Liberationof Palestine (PLFLP), a Palestinian terrorunit. On September 5, 1977, the RAFterrorists kidnapped the president of theConfederation of German EmployersHanns Martin Schleyer and demandedthe release of their leaders Baader,Meinhof, Ensslin and Raspe, who had

been imprisoned since 1972. But the Germangovernment under Chancellor Helmut Schmidtrefused to budge. The leftist radicals then tur-ned to the leader of the PLFLP, Wadi Haddad,whose followers – led by Captain Mahmud –hijack the Lufthansa aircraft “Landshut” toforce the release of the imprisoned RAF terro-rists. For 105 hours, the hostages on board theairplane feared for their lives as the plane pro-ceeded to make stops in Rome, Cyprus,Bahrain, Dubai and Aden, before they werefinally released by the German Border Guardunit GSG 9 under Commander Ulrich Wegeneron Oct 18, 1977 in Mogadishu, Somalia.

Mogadischu tells the story from the victims’perspective and is dedicated to the one hosta-ge who didn’t survive the drama: the plane’spilot, Jürgen Schumann. Maurice Philip Remywrote the screenplay for him, after long years ofresearch: “I wanted to do something for JürgenSchumann’s reputation,” he explained to thepremiere guests after the screening. For a longtime it was unclear why the pilot left the aircraftin Aden – was he planning to flee and abandon


Scene from the movie

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his passengers and crew? The movieMogadischu makes it clear that Schumann wastrying to prevent the airplane from lifting offagain, risking a crash because of the damagesustained during the last rough landing.

Mogadischu also imparts other new insights:the hijackers were a purely Arab terrorist group,whose mastermind Haddad was an agent inthe services of the Soviet secret service, theKGB. The film makes it clear that at the time,fear and helplessness reigned on all sides: thehostages feared for their lives, the Germangovernment was grappling with difficult deci-sions – and the terrorists themselves didn’twant to die either, and were loath to deliver ontheir threat to blow up the airplane.

After the screening, the people involved inmaking the film took to the stage to talk toemcee Ulrich Deppendorf. Director RolandSuso Richter emphasized that the shoot was avery intense, exhausting experience for everyo-ne involved. The actors struggled with condi-

tions of extreme heat and spatial constrictionfor ten long days. “Since the Boeing could onlybe entered or exited via the rear hatch, the castand the team were repeatedly stuck on boardthe plane for several hours at over 40°C(105°F),” the director recalled. The intenseanxiety on board the airplane spread to the pre-miere guests, who appeared both moved andexhausted after watching the 90-minute film.“You can only approximate the psychologicalstrain and enormous helplessness felt by eve-ryone involved at the time – from the crew andthe hostages to the German government andthe GSG 9 unit – and attempt to do justice tothe reality and the fates of the individual peo-ple,” explained Nico Hofmann, Producer andManaging Director of Teamworx. “We thereforeapproached the material with the greatest sen-sitivity and the necessary respect and tell theevents with a degree of authenticity never seenon TV in this form before.”

ARD will broadcast Mogadischu on30 November at 20:15.


Scene from the movie

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The chef fights back In M6’s new docu-reality programme Le chefcontre-attaque, celebrity cook Cyril Lignac goeson a crusade against unhealthy eating. France - 24 November 2008

On 17 November he visited workers at an aero-nautics company to instil the basics of a balan-ced noonday meal. In this second episode,aired on 24 November at 20:50, he knocked onthe door in a housing development to see howFrench families are eating. 3 million viewerswatched carefully.

In 10 years, the number of obese children hasdoubled. More than 30 per cent of the French,or 20 million people, are overweight. The maincause is unhealthy eating. Faced with this fact,Cyrll Lignac is angry. In the land of gastronomy,the French no longer know how to cook.Convinced that it is possible, and indeed vital,to eat well, for our health and also for our plea-sure, the chef is fighting back. To eat well is tolive well.

Accompanied by Brigitte Danchin, a doctorwith a diploma in nutrition, Cyril Lignac decidedto travel throughout France. One day at a fac-tory in Picardy, the rest in a housing develop-ment, he is teaching French people of all agesand living conditions how to cook again – heal-thy, balanced and delicious. It has become hispublic health campaign.

Cyril Lignac’s battle is no trivial pursuit: a dra-matic increase in obesity over the last 20 yearshas prompted the World Health Organization toclassify obesity in the epidemic category, and itis estimated that 150 million adults in Europewill become obese between now and 2010.Today, the fight against this scourge is a world-wide priority in Western countries.

Cyril Lignac

Cyril Lignac giving cooking hints

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30th anniversary of Spain’s constitutionThe Antena 3 Noticias website at has been running a special to mark the 30th anniversary of the Spanishconstitution since 24 November.Spain - 25 November 2008

Besides many other special features related tothe topic, Antena 3 Noticias has also postedpictures and videos from the time, interviewswith the “Padres de la Constitución” (fathers ofthe constitution), and other protagonists fromthe historic time of upheaval. The idea is tocapture the mood and feeling of the 1970s bypicking up on topics from the worlds of busi-ness, culture and sports.

These special reports, in whichcontemporary witnesses frompolitics, the cultural communityand the media talk about theevents of the period and descri-be one of their most dramaticexperiences from that time, will beonline from 29 November to6 December.






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All about climate changeThe consequences of global warming are already being felt around the world. In earlyDecember, climate experts gathered at the 14thUN Climate Conference in Poland (COP 14).RTL II News marks the occasion by kicking offits ‘environment’ theme week on 24 November.Germany - 24 November 2008

From 24 to 28 November, RTL II News runs adaily report on a specific aspect of climatechange and its impact on the environment. Forinstance, the renowned climate researcherStefan Rahmstorf of the Potsdam-Institut fürKlimafolgenforschung (Potsdam Institute forClimate Impact Research) will report on the risein sea levels as a result of climate change.Another program will portrait Greta, an A-levelstudent from Dorsten, who works as a climateambassador for the environmental organisationWWF. Another report focuses on the dangers ofplastic, which not only contains highly toxicchemicals and is practically non-biodegrada-ble, but also ends up as tons of rubbish in thesea. Later, RTL II News reports from the desert.In 2016, ‘Masdar City’, a EUR 22-billion eco-city in the middle of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi,will be ready for move-in. Last but not least,there is a report on our drinking water. Hardlyanyone realises that 140 litres of water is nee-ded to make one cup of coffee – a whole bath-tub full. The experts call this “virtual water” –i.e. the total amount of clean water consumed,evaporated or polluted during a product’smanufacture. The enormous consumption ofindustrialised nations is a particular problem inview of the worldwide shortage of water.

Parallel to the environmental theme week, thereis a big special on The site listsmany tips, e.g. for reducing personal energyconsumption, along with detailed backgroundinformation and links to environmental groupsand leading internet sites – and visitors canalso calculate their own personal carbon foot-print.

The RTL II News airs daily at 20:00.


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More awards victoryThis week, Talkback Thames received no fewerthan three awards for their productions.

United Kingdom - 27 November 2008

At the evening of 22 November, The Bill tookhome the Writer’s Guild Award for BestContinuing Drama. Tim Key, series producer onThe Bill said “It’s fantastic to win any award, butwe’re particularly proud of this one… it’s a hugecredit to our writers – and to our wonderfulteam of script editors – that the Writer’s Guildrecognised the hard work that goes into produ-cing a show of such consistently high quality.”

The I.T Crowd won the International EmmyAward for Comedy at a ceremony in New Yorkon 24 November. The series beat off stiff com-petition from around the world including RTLTelevision’s Geile Zeit (Germany), Mi Problemacon las Mujeres (Peru) and Neo-OfficeChuckles (Japan).

On 24 November, Britain’s Got Talent won theRoyal Television Society Craft and DesignAward for Production Design: Entertainmentand Non-Drama Productions. Royal TelevisionSociety said of the show: “The ground-brea-king use of LED technology and superb setdesign created a brilliantly versatile space toshowcase a huge variety of performers”.


The Bill

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Common file format The Technical Committee of all TechnicalDirectors of RTL Group has announced theirdecision on a file format for High-Definition programme exchange within the Group and with external distributors.Luxembourg - 21 November 2008

The format chosen was: XDCAM – HD 422 – 50 MBps, MPEG-2, LongGoP, 1080i.

The committee is a consortium of all technicaldirectors of the different RTL Group channels toexchange knowledge about new technologiesand propose technology recommendations.Under the lead of Jean Lampach ofBroadcasting Center Europe, its membersdecided on this format after intensive tests,mainly carried out at the Cologne Broadcasting

Center over the last weeks.This decision is part of RTL Group’s strategy tocreate an HD workflow in a completely file-based environment, which lowers delivery andpost-production costs, along with reducing thecarbon footprint. It will not overrule any agree-ment between an RTL company and a distribu-tor for another file-based or tape-based format,or any other “acquisition (camera)” formats inuse at any RTL Group company.


Broadcasting Center Europe was founded in January 2000 as a result of the merge of differ-ent technical entities of RTL Group. Located in Luxembourg, it is a major European player,providing technical services in the fields of TV, Radio, Telecommunications and IT.

Since its establishment in 1994, Cologne Broadcasting Center has become one of the lead-ing broadcasting and production companies in Germany. With locations in Cologne,Munich/Gruenwald and Hanover, the company offers its know-how and state-of-the-art tech-nology to numerous renowned TV stations and producers, who value its wide array of indi-vidualised services.

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Belle toute nue M6’s new docu-reality series proposes to radically change the concept of beauty and modify the critical and dissatisfied way women view themselves. It’s just a matter of accepting that women can be beautiful and proud of their image without being supermodels.France - 21 November 2008

Consequently leadingAt the end of last week, RTL Radio France published its audience figures for the monthsSeptember and October. For the eleventh time in a row, RTL Radio France was numberone in all categories.France - 24 November 2008

Kudos for 12 heißt: Ich liebe dich On 22 November, the Baden-Baden TV Film Festival ended with the presentation of the ‘TV Film Award of the German Academy of Performing Arts’.Germany - 25 November 2008

Masters of ‘show’ biz in German televisionRTL Television successfully covers all TV show genres – this is the key result of a qualitati-ve-psychological study carried out by the Rheingold Institute on behalf of IP Deutschland.Germany - 21 November 2008

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A perfect score for Claire BarsacqLast Sunday at 20:50, Claire Barsacq took up the reins at Zone Interdite, one of the flags-hip information programmes on M6. With grace and professionalism, Claire Barsacq is sit-ting in for Mélissa Theuriau, who is away on maternity leave.France - 25 November 2008

Special investigations with equally special audience sharesLast Friday, and for the ninth consecutive week, M6’s American series NCIS: EnquêtesSpéciales found itself solidly in the number one position: 45.2 percent of the housewivesunder 50 were watching.France - 25 November 2008

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Distribution and marketing of future productionsGermany - 24 November 2008

After presenting the first cinema season indevelopment and the ongoing preparations forthe start of production in the spring of 2009,UFA Cinema is now organising the distributionand marketing of its future productions.

As of her appointment on 1 November 2008,Bettina Bartl has taken over responsibility forthe areas of distribution, marketing and publici-ty for UFA Cinema productions as head ofSales and Marketing. Bartl works out of UFACinema’s Munich office.

Bartl joined UFA Cinema from Constantin FilmAG, where she spent the last eight years run-ning the PR & promotions on a variety ofGerman and international films with great suc-cess, including all the major Bernd Eichingerproductions (Downfall, Perfume, TheElementary Particles, The Baader MeinhofComplex).

Thomas Peter Friedl, CEO of UFA Cinema,said: “I am delighted to be able to work closelywith Bettina Bartl in future and to know that theoperational responsibility for the distributionand marketing of our ambitious productionportfolios is in her hands. Bettina Bartl, with herknow-how, experience and above all her ener-gy, greatly enriches our young company.”


Bettina Bartl

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PublisherRTL Group

45, Bd Pierre Frieden

L-1543 Luxembourg

Editor, Design, Production

RTL Group

Corporate Communications and Marketing

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